Physics Syllabus Melito
Physics Syllabus Melito
Physics Syllabus Melito
Course Description
This course is intended to give a measure of intuition for physical processes without the use of
Instruction and assessment will include the appropriate use of manipulatives and technology.
Topics will be represented in multiple ways, such as concrete/pictorial, verbal/written,
numeric/data-based, graphical, and symbolic. Concepts will be introduced and used, where
appropriate, in the context of realistic phenomena.
Physics is scheduled for 18 weeks of study in which you will be exposed to the concepts below
(see Course at a Glance) in various ways. We will discuss these concepts in detail throughout
our class conversations. My goal for you is to not only be prepared for future science courses,
but to be better prepared for life. One way we will achieve this goal is by making you the center
of our learning environment.
Materials Required
o 1 or inch 3 ring binder
o Pencils
o Graph paper
o Graphing calculator (TI 83+ or TI 84) for home-use; a scientific calculator will also work
Course Evaluations
Each of you will be evaluated on the basis of performance in each of the following areas:
Note: You will be notified in advance if our grading percentages change. We will also be following the district grading scale.
Grade Scale:
100-90: A
89-80: B
79-70: C
69-60: D
59-0: F
Regular math tutoring will be available on Mondays and Thursdays from 2:15-3:30. Additional
tutoring is available by appointment. Let me know by the end of the class period if you intend to
stay for that day. You are responsible for after-school transportation, and you arent required to
stay for an entire block of supplemental support.
Retesting procedures: Students who score below a 79 have the option of retesting. To qualify for
a retest, you must turn in test corrections and stay for at least one tutoring session after school.
Test corrections are not the place to belittle yourself. We all make careless mistakes, even though
we try to avoid them. Even if the mistake was careless, you must include an explanation.
Because test corrections are meant to spot and deal with misunderstandings, corrections must
also be done on a separate sheet of paper and will not be accepted if any of these elements are
My primary method of contacting students outside of class is through Remind. You can
download the remind app on your phone, or go to on the computer. The class code
is @hawpy, which you can text to the number 81010. Parents, please sign up as a student.
In class, technology is to be used for educational/instructional purposes. For general use, students
are to use a Chromebook from the cart. Phones may be used only for a specific, momentary use
when I allow it (e.g. taking a picture of an example, filling out an online form) and then put
away. Otherwise, they will be confiscated.
Before Entering the classroom:
o Use the restroom and dispose of open food/drinks.
o Put away your personal electronics (including earbuds/headphones)
o Make sure you have all materials ready (including Homework).
During Class:
o Actively participate in class
o Follow all school/classroom rules and procedures.
o If you see me raise my hand: turn towards me, end your current conversation, and raise
your own hand.
Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________________
Contact email_______________________________________________
Contact phone______________________________________________
May I text you? Yes/no
What is the best way to contact you?____________________________
Does your student have internet access at home? Yes/no
Student signature____________________________________________
Contact email_______________________________________________
Please note: This document is your childs first recorded home assignment.