Loan Management System SRS

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In finance, a loan is the lending of money from one individual, organization or entity to
another individual organization or entity. Loan could be provided by an organization or
individual to a person at an interest rate. In a loan, the borrower initially receives or
borrows an amount of money called Principal from the lender, and is obligated to repay
an equal amount of money to the lender at a later time. Acting as a provider of loans
is one of the principal tasks financial institutions such as banks and credit card

Hence LOAN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is a very efficient process to handle all loan
related transaction in a very accurate and convenient way. It is very helpful for those
banking staffs who are in the charge of loan management, it provides a very reliable
and convenient form for every loan and EMI related transaction and their related
details. It is also a very user friendly and understandable form of storing customers
details & transaction information.


Today the need of simplicity has driven application software programming to a new
level. This project is a transaction related information storing project which will be
used by the staffs of a bank for handling their customers who have loans or want to
have loan. Operator need to use the registration form to create account for the new
customers, and EMI details and the loan_ detail forms are present for dealing with
the old customers or those who are already registered .This application has a user
friendly interface so that the banking staffs can easily and efficiently use the software
and its features. It also incorporates steps for getting the transaction details on every
transaction and next EMI date and remaining amount details that helps the operators
to use the application efficiently.

Problems faced before this system:-

1. Separated and Isolated Data: To make a decision, a user might need data
from two separate files. First, the files were evaluated by analysts and programmers
to determine the specific data required from each file and the relationships between
the data and then applications could be written in a programming language to process
and extract the needed data. Imagine the work involved if data from several files was

2. Duplication of data: Often the same information is stored in more than one
file. Uncontrolled duplication of data is not required for several reasons, such as:

Duplication is wasteful. It costs time and money to enter the data more than once

It takes up additional storage space, again with associated costs.

Duplication can lead to loss of data integrity; in other words the data is no longer

For example

Customer and transaction details would not be consistent.

3. Data Dependence: In file processing systems, files and records were

described by specific physical formats that were coded into the application program
by programmers. If the format of a certain record was changed, the code in each file
containing that format must be updated. Furthermore, instructions for data storage and
access were written into the application's code. Therefore, .changes in storage
structure or access methods could greatly affect the processing or results of an

In other words, in file based approach application programs are data dependent. It
means that, with the change in the physical representation (how the data is physically
represented in disk) or access technique (how it is physically accessed) of data,
application programs are also affected and needs modification. In other words
application programs are dependent on the how the data is physically stored and

If for example, if the physical format of the master/transaction file is changed, by

making the modification in the delimiter of the field or record, it necessitates that the
application programs which depend on it must be modified.
4. Difficulty in representing data from the user's view:

To create useful applications for the user, often data from various files
must be combined. In file processing it was difficult to determine
relationships between isolated data in order to meet user requirements.

5. Data Inflexibility: Program-data interdependency and data

isolation, limited the flexibility of file processing systems in providing
users with ad-hoc information requests

6. Data Security. The security of data is low in file based system because, the
data is maintained in the flat file(s) is easily accessible.

For Example: Consider the Banking System. The Customer Transaction file has
details about the total available balance of all customers. A Customer wants
information about his account balance. In a file system it is difficult to give the
Customer access to only his data in the file. Thus enforcing security constraints for
the entire file or for certain data items are difficult.

7. Transactional Problems. The File based system approach does not satisfy
transaction properties like Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability properties
commonly known as ACID properties.

For example: Suppose, in a banking system, a transaction that transfers Rs. 1000 from
account A to account B with initial values' of A and B being Rs. 5000 and Rs. 10000
respectively. If a system crash occurred after the withdrawal of Rs. 1000 from account
A, but before depositing of amount in account B, it will result an inconsistent state of
the system. It means that the transactions should not execute partially but wholly. This
concept is known as Atomicity of a transaction (either 0% or 100% of transaction). It
is difficult to achieve this property in a file based system.

8. Concurrency problems. When multiple users access the same piece

of data at same interval of time then it is called as concurrency of the
system. When two or more users read the data simultaneously there is
problem, but when they like to update a file simultaneously, it may result
in a problem.
System analysis is the systematic analysis of a proposed system and the
identification of the requirements that it should meet. It is a process of
gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problem, defining the problem and
recognizing causes. System Analysis is the starting point for system design. The
term is most commonly used in the context of commercial programming,
where software developers are often classed as either system analyst or
programmers. The systems analysts are responsible for identifying
requirements (i.e. systems analysis) and producing a design. The programmers
are then responsible for implementing it. The System Analysis is performed in
three different steps-

Problem Analysis:
Loan Department maintains all loan related information and
transaction. Which comes from different branches. At present loan
department section use a paper-based system to store and analyse these
information. Some software like Ms. Word, Ms Excel, Ms Access etc. used in a
limited basis.

To manage all these information a paper based-manual system is not

efficient. In BSB there are several departments and each department has their
own data to process. Therefore huge data collection is going all the day and
managing all these information in a paper based system is very difficult, time
consuming and enormous. So the challenge was to build software to overcome
these problems.

In the paper-based system other problems they face are:

Documents are very large.

Stake of files that is very difficult to maintain

Extra overhead works

Extra manpower, so more expenses is needed in every step to manage all

of these.
Documents are not secured.

Calculations are complicated and error can occur easily.

Requirement analysis:- In order to understand the existing

system and identify the current problems with the system, a requirement
analysis has to be implemented. This part plays a fundamental role in System
analysis phase.

Requirement Analysis relies on fact-finding techniques. Which includes

interview, questioners, record review and observation.

Purpose of Loan Management System activity:

To handle all loan related transaction in a very accurate and convenient way. It
is very helpful for those banking staffs who are in the charge of loan
management, it provides a very reliable and convenient form for every loan
and EMI related transaction and their related details. It is also a very user
friendly and understandable form of storing customers details & transaction


The system starts when client submits a project for a loan. This project is
verified in the Loan Department. The result of the verification is send to the
management. Then the management decides whether the project is accepted
or denied in a board meeting.

When the project is accepted the detail information of the

project is to collect. Like- project id, Name, Address etc. and send them to Not
Due section in the loan Department. This section is responsible for giving
money for the project and maintains the related information and transaction.
A new account number and loan number is to open for that project loan in the
Not Due section. Which contain sanction amount, instalment amount, interest
during construction period amount etc.
After that the loan sanction amount is given to the project by more than
one instalment. This process is called disbursement process. When the 1st
amount of taka is given to the project, it is called the first disbursement.
Disbursement balance report is prepared in this step. This information is also
kept in the not Due section.

When the disbursement process completed this is the time to start

taking return from client with interest. Thats why repayment schedule created
to receive the money. Repayment schedule contains instalment amount, date,
instalment cycle, total balance.

Over Due Section collect instalment amount from the client. This section
also collects other charge from the client. After collecting the taka from the
client this section update the current loan balance and also send the
information to Not Due section. Loan recovery balance report is prepared

If anybody fail to give the instalment for a long time than this section
takes necessary steps, like- Re-phase/Write-off etc. In case of re-phase the old
loan account is rearranged by the management and create a new loan account.
The entire balance is then transferred from the old loan to new loan.
Finally all the information is send to the CAD (Central Accounting


All the Loan Management works are performed in the Loan Department.
But the department is classified in two parts Not Due Section and Over Due
Not Due Section is responsible to give money to the project and
preparing the Repayment Schedule. Over Due Section receives money from the
client and takes necessary steps for loan defaulter.

1. The client or project applies for the loan.

2. The Inspector verifies the project.

3. The management accepts or denies the project.

4. General Manager, Manager, DGM and AGM perform rests of the


Bank gives loan for long-term as well as for short time interval also. It
mainly depends on the loan sanction amount. If the sanction amount is large
than it takes long time.


As these activities are performed for long term loan, so volume of

transaction is great. Each loan goes for year after year for a particular project.

Project submission, verification, loan sanction this steps are performed only
once for a particular loan.

Duration of Loan Disbursement, repayment activities are based on sanction


Re-phase is done once or twice for a particular loan.


The main problem they face is that for manual system, each process
becomes very time consuming. Then in the paper-based system other
problems they face are:
Huge documents, stake of files that is very difficult to maintain.
Extra overhead works,
Extra manpower so more cost, are needed in every step to manage all of

Important documents are unsecured.

The reason for these problem is that the Banks activities is expanding
day by day but they still use the paper base manual system to manage all the
transaction and information.


System development Life cycle consist of two major steps of System analysis
and design. It includes set of activities that analysts, designers and users carry
out to develop and implement an information system. So, here we followed
the different stages of system development lifecycle to develop Billing
Software efficiently. The systems development life cycle consists of the
following activities:

1. Preliminary Investigation

2. Determination Requirements
3. Design of System

4. Development of System

5. System Testing

6. Implementation
Preliminary Investigation:

For this, the need arises to understand the viewpoint of two important
entities Top management and users. In order to gather information, I
interviewed the Bank department and asked the following questions:


How the present system works?

What all drawbacks are in the present system?

What is their vision about the new system?

What specific facilities they want from new system, those are currently not
in scope of existing system?

How will data flow in the system?

Who will be authenticated to access data and his/her access rights? To find
more about present systems working mechanism such as the ways of getting
inputs and providing outputs, I interviewed the current users of the system by
asking following question:

Are they comfortable with the present system?

What flaws exists in the current system?

Do they feel the necessity of new system?

What will be their requirements from new system?

Are they satisfied with their role in new system?

After carrying out these interviews, I drew conclusion about the Top
Managements requirements and whether users are in support of the new
system. This activity is consisting of three parts:-2.1.1. Request Clarification
As previously stated, the requests are made from employees and users in
the organization, which are not clearly stated, therefore a System
investigation is being considered. The project request must be examined to
determine precisely what the users wants.

So taking in to consideration of all these tasks; the corresponding

development came in to existence:-

Studies to determine the advantages or disadvantages, practicability, or
capability of accomplishing a projected plan, study, or project is known as
Feasibility Study. If the proposed system is not feasible then there is total
waste of both time and money. Thats why I had to study the feasibility of the
proposed system. The outcome of my studies are-

Technical Feasibility

Economic Feasibility

Operational Feasibility


Technical Feasibility concerned with the possibility of whether the

proposed solution can be implemented with the available hardware, software
and technical resources.

The system that I have designed is for network environment. So many

user can use this application but the data storage will in the server pc only.
Loan Management System is one of the modules of Bank Management System.
Some modules like- Project Information System, Payroll system, Employee
Management System had already exist there. So the necessary hardware,
software and technical resources for my proposed solution were available
So my System is technically feasible for this organization because it can be
easily installed in the present hardware and software environment.


Economic feasibility determines whether the benefits of a proposed

solution out-weight the cost.

Implementation of my proposed system will ensure the best possible

performance. This increase in performance will optimize the overall
productivity and throughput of the mentioned resources. The Loan
Management System is economically feasible in this concern.


Operation Feasibility determines whether the proposed solution is

desirable within the existing managerial and organizational framework.

The Loan Management System is easy to use. The user

does not need any costly training to operate this system.
However the new users must have computer operation
knowledge especially on Windows platform. As is common
for any new software at the beginning things may appear a
little unfamiliar. But the system is gradually used it will
be found to be quiet easy to operate. And the user will
become skilled in it automatically. It will take a few days
to learn the operation of this new system. The output of
this system will be useful for the relevant department and
for the management for taking decisions.
Request Approval Not all the requested projects are desirable or feasible.
However, those that are both feasible and desirable should be put into
scheduled. After the project is approved, its cost, priority, completion time and
personnel requirements are estimated and used to determine where to add it
to any project list.

The Top Management reviewed the above factors and gave their ascent. After
the consent to request approval, the design was taken up.
Means studying the adjacent system in order to collect the data

Determination of System Requirement Determination of system

requirement is regarding the way it captures data, processes the data,
produces the output. I used following techniques for identifying system

Reviewing organization documents

Onsite observations
Conducting interviews

Reviewing Organization Documents I first learnt about the organization

involved in, or affected by the project, I got to know how the department
works and the employees were directly involved/associated with the
application. Annual manuals and reports were of great help to me.

Onsite Observations It is a process of recognizing and observing people,

objects and their occurrence to obtain the information. The major objective of
the Onsite Observation is to get as close as possible to real system being
studied. Here, I observed the activities of the system directly. I saw the office
environment, workload on the system, and workload on the users. The
physical layout of the current system along with the location & movement of
staff was analyzed. In this way, the information about the present workflow,
objects and people was gathered. This helped me to understand various
procedures & processes, which were to be developed in the new system.
Conducting Interviews Written documents and onsite observation just tell that
how the system should operate. They do not include enough details to allow a
decision to be made about the merits of system proposal, nor do they present
user views about the current system. I conducted interviews of the staff, which
were directly involved with the application. Also the regular users of the
application were interviewed. Based on their viewpoints, crystal clear system
requirements were jolted down. These interviews were of great help.


After completing my requirement analysis I started to develop my proposed
system. The next step of software development is System Design. The system
design was divided into two phases:-

1. Logical design
2. Physical design

Logical Design:
A logical data flow diagram shows the flow of data through a
transaction processing system without regard to the time period when the
data flows or the processing procedures occur. Here I designed the software
logically, using process modeling by Data Flow Diagram (DFD) and Data
Modeling by ER-D technique.
Process Modeling:
A process modeling is a simplified representation of some aspect of real
world process, which is used to help us analyze the real world. A model is a real
time representation of the real world element, group of elements and the
relationship among them. As MIS is very complex it is very useful to develop
process model to understand complex problems.

Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

DFD is one of the most powerful and useful techniques available
to the system analyst. It graphically represents the information system. Which
means it shows all the incoming data, processing of data and finally output
destination of the information.

History of Data Flow Diagrams

Data flow diagrams became popular in the 1970s in software development. They
were first described in a classic text about Structured Design written by Larry
Constantine and Ed Yourdon. Yourdon & Coad's Object Oriented Analysis and
Design (OOA/OOD) was a way of visualizing software systems before UML

Data Flow Diagrams Notations

There are essentially two different types of notations for data flow diagrams
(Yourdon & Coad or Gane & Sarson) defining different visual representations for
processes, data stores, data flow and external entities.

Yourdon and Coad type data flow diagrams are usually used for system analysis and
design, while Gane and Sarson type DFDs are more common for visualizing
information systems.

Visually, the biggest difference between the two ways of drawing data flow diagrams
is how processes look. In the Yourdon and Coad way, processes are depicted as
circles, while in the Gane and Sarson diagram the processes are squares with
rounded corners.

Process Notations. A process transforms incoming data flow into outgoing data
Data store Notations. Data stores are repositories of data in the system. They are
sometimes also referred to as files.

Dataflow Notations. Dataflows are pipelines through which packets of information

flow. Label the arrows with the name of the data that moves through it.

External Entity Notations. External entities are objects outside the system, with
which the system communicates. External entities are sources and destinations of
the system's inputs and outputs.
Context Diagrams and DFD Layers and Levels

Context Diagram. A context diagram is a top level (also known as "Level 0") data
flow diagram. It only contains one process node ("Process 0") that generalizes the
function of the entire system in relationship to external entities.

DFD Layers. Draw data flow diagrams can be made in several nested layers. A
single process node on a high level diagram can be expanded to show a more
detailed data flow diagram. Draw the context diagram first, followed by various layers
of data flow diagrams.

DFD Levels. The first level DFD shows the main processes within the system. Each
of these processes can be broken into further processes until you reach pseudo
An entity relationship diagram model, also called entity-relationship diagram,
is a graphical representation of entities and their relationship to each other,
typically used in computing in regard to organization of data within databases
or information systems. An entity is a piece of data an object or concept about
which data is stored.

History of Entity Relationship Diagrams

Peter Chen developed ERDs in 1976. Since then Charles Bachman
and James Martin have added some slight refinements to the basic
ERD principles.

Structure of an Entity Relationship Diagram with

Common ERD Notations:-
An entity relationship diagram is a means of visualizing how the
information a system produces is related. There are five main
components of an ERD:

Entities, which are represented by rectangles. An entity is an

object or concept about which you want to store information.

A weak entity is an entity that must defined by a foreign key

relationship with another entity as it cannot be uniquely
identified by its own attributes alone.
Actions, which are represented by diamond shapes, show how
two entities share information in the database. In some cases,
entities can be self-linked. For example, employees can supervise
other employees.

Attributes, which are represented by ovals. A key attribute is the

unique, distinguishing characteristic of the entity. For example,
an employee's social security number might be the employee's
key attribute.

A multivalued attribute can have more than one value. For

example, an employee entity can have multiple skill values.

A derived attribute is based on another attribute. For example,

an employee's monthly salary is based on the employee's annual

Connecting lines, solid lines that connect attributes to show the

relationships of entities in the diagram.
Some risks which occur usually along with some options for managing them:

Logistics or product quality problems that block tests: These can be made
moderate by careful planning, good defect triage and management, and
robust test design.
Test items that wont install in the test environment: These can be
mitigated through smoke (or acceptance) testing prior to starting test
phases or as part of a nightly build or continuous integration. Having a
defined uninstall process is a good contingency plan.
Excessive change to the product that invalidates test results or requires
updates to test cases, expected results and environments: These can be
mitigated through good change-control processes, robust test design and
light weight test documentation. When severe incidents occur,
transference of the risk by escalation to management is often in order.
Insufficient or unrealistic test environments that yield misleading results:
One option is to transfer the risks to management by explaining the limits
on test results obtained in limited environments. Mitigation sometimes
complete alleviation can be achieved by outsourcing tests such as
performance tests that are particularly sensitive to proper test

Let us also go through some additional risks and perhaps ways to manage them:

Organizational issues such as shortages of people, skills or training,

problems with communicating and responding to test results, bad
expectations of what testing can achieve and complexity of the project
team or organization.
Supplier issues such as problems with underlying platforms or hardware,
failure to consider testing issues in the contract or failure to properly
respond to the issues when they arise.
Technical issues related to ambiguous, conflicting or unprioritized
requirements, an excessively large number of requirements given other
project constraints, high system complexity and quality problems with the
design, the code or the tests.
Decision tables provide a systematic way of stating complex business
rules, which is useful for developers as well as for testers.
Decision tables can be used in test design whether or not they are used
in specifications, as they help testers explore the effects of
combinations of different inputs and other software states that must
correctly implement business rules.
It helps the developers to do a better job can also lead to better
relationships with them. Testing combinations can be a challenge, as
the number of combinations can often be huge. Testing all
combinations may be impractical if not impossible. We have to be
satisfied with testing just a small subset of combinations but making
the choice of which combinations to test and which to leave out is also
important. If you do not have a systematic way of selecting
combinations, an arbitrary subset will be used and this may well result
in an ineffective test effort.

Decisions concerning credits granting are one of the most crucial issues in
an everyday banks policy. Well-allocated credits may become one of the
biggest sources of profits for any financial organizations. On the other
hand, this kind of banks activity is connected with high risk as big amount
of bad decisions may even cause bankruptcy. The key problem consists of
distinguishing good (that surely repay) and bad (that likely default) credit
applicants. Credit risk evaluation is an important and interesting
management science problem in financial analysis. The main idea in
credit risk evaluation investigations consists of building classification
rules that properly assess bank customers as good or bad

Lets take another example. If you are a new customer and

you want to open a credit card account then there are three
conditions first you will get a 15% discount on all your
purchases today, second if you are an existing customer and
you hold a loyalty card, you get a 10% discount and third
if you have a coupon, you can get 20% off today (but it cant
be used with the new customer discount). Discount amounts
are added, if applicable.

conditions Rule1 Rule2 Rule3 Rule4 Rule5 Rule6 Rule7 Rule8

New T T T T F F F F

Loyalty T T F F T T F F

Coupons T T F F T T F F

Actions T F T F T F T F

Discount - - 20 15 30 10 20 0

We are applying this technique thoroughly, we would have one test for
each column or rule of our decision table. The advantage of doing this is
that we may test a combination of things that otherwise we might not
have tested and that could find a defect. However, if we have a lot of
combinations, it may not be possible or sensible to test every
combination. If we are time-constrained, we may not have time to test all
combinations. Dont just assume that all combinations need to be tested.
It is always better to prioritize and test the most important
combinations. Having the full table helps us to decide which
combinations we should test and which not to test this time. In the
example above all the conditions are binary, i.e. they have only two
possible values: True or False (or we can say Yes or No).

Testing & Debugging

Testing is a process of executing the program with the intent of finding

errors and it establishes confidence that the program does what it is
supposed to do. Testing can be performed in two ways:-

Unit Testing:
It is testing of individual module. Before initiating unit testing, it must be
ensured that the code is peer previewed.

Integration Testing:
Integration testing is performed after all the software units are combined
together. The objective here is to test the software interfaces. Project team
conducts the integration testing. Before entering integration testing, it may
be ensured that code review and unit testing have been performed on the
individual software modules.

I conducted the unit testing for finding errors and the results of the unit
testing are recorded and action initiated for rectification of the

Almost every field in the database which is sensitive i.e. responsible for some
important changes are validated. Basically we validated the field as such is
numeric and the length in case of the primary keys and also used the Data base
to complete most of the details once entered at the data entry time,


1) Customer account is created and maintained with all the proper

customer details and loan related information.

2) All the equally monthly instalment related transaction information is

showed in the customer receive form.

3) The entire customer related information for those customers who have
missed their EMI are shown in the defaulter list.

4) Very easy to handle and operate.

5) As primary key is present so data duplication is blocked.


Today loan management system has become the necessity for the banking
staffs who handles the customers and their loan related transaction
details. It provides a very easy and timesaving process for the banking
staff to record the entire loan related customer details and to give proper
information regarding their payable amount and instalment paying date.
All the banks and loan management companies need this software for
convenient transaction and loan giving process.

DFD- Data Flow Diagram

ERD-Entity Relationship diagram

SRS- System Requirement Specifications


1. DFD-

It is the graphically representation of the information

system, which means it shows all the incoming data,
processing of data and finally output destination of the

2. Erd-
It is a graphical representation of entities and their
relationship to each other, typically used in computing in
regard to organization of data within databases or
information systems.

3. Srs-
Software Requirement specification establish the basis for
an agreement between customers and contractors on what
software product is to do as well as what is not expected to

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