Oasis: "The Voice of Conservation in Central Florida"

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“The voice of Conservation in Central Florida”

OASis Orange Audubon Society

A Chapter of National Audubon Society and Audubon of Florida

VOLUME 42 Februar
uaryy 2007
Februar NUMBER 6

In this Issue... This Month's Pr ogram: Febr

Program: uar
uaryy 15, 2007 - 7:00pm
Fish and Mollusks of our Florida Springs by Jim W illiams
This Month’s Program ...............................p1
Florida's springs are unique ecosystems with water of a constant temperature bub-
Field Trips .............................................p1, 2
bling from our aquifer. Fish and mollusks inhabiting our springs form part of an
Join us for a Special Event in March ..........p2 elaborate food web. Introduced species have an impact, as do changes in water qual-
Volunteers Needed for OWP Festival .........p2 ity and quantity. Conservation of endangered fishes and mollusks has been the life's
Past President’s Article ..............................p2 work of retired ichthyologist Jim Williams, this month's speaker. Dr. Williams, now a
Research Associate at the Florida Museum of Natural History in Gainesville, will share
Beginning Bird Watching Classes ...............p3 his knowledge of creatures we see while snorkeling in our springs and that are eaten
Fourth and Final Hawk ID Class ..............p3 by some of our favorite birds.
2007 Chertok Nature Photo Contest ..........p3 Bring all your questions and join us February 15 for an interesting and informa-
tive program.
Join the Great Backyard Bird Count! .........p4
Deborah Green, Vice President
Calendar of Events ....................................p4

Reminders... Febr uar

uaryy Field T
Februar rip - Orlando W
Trip etlands Park
... Hawk ID Class will be held Febr uar
uaryy 10th
Februar On Saturday, February 17th, OAS will visit Meet at 7:30am in the back parking lot
(not February 17th as previously reported). Orlando Wetlands Park near Christmas. We of Burger King on S.R. 50 (Colonial Drive)
See page 3 for details. will hike about three miles, mostly on dike just east of S.R. 434 (Alafaya Trail). Bring
... Volunteers needed to help at Orlando roads through this artificial wetland con- lunch, drink and birding gear. For more in-
Wetlands Park Festival February 24, 2007. structed to treat reclaimed water. The wet- formation about the trip, call us at 407-851-
See page 2 for details. lands attract wintering waterfowl as well as 5416.
... OAS Birdathon 2007 will be on March 31. long-legged waders. For more information Mary Keim and Randy Snyder
See page 3 for details. about this 1650 acre site please refer to Field Trip Committee
w w w. c i t y o f o r l a n d o . n e t / f p r / n e t /

Januaryy Field Trip Repor
Twenty-eight OAS birders attended the trip Tern, Eastern Screech-Owl, Blue-headed
Orange Audubon Society meetings are held to Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge on Vireo, Yellow-throated Warbler, Common
the 3rd Thursday of every month (Sept - January 20th. The group observed at least Yellowthroat and Savannah Sparrow.
June) at 7:00pm in the Camellia Room at
84 bird species including Green-winged Teal, The most abundant butterfly for the day
Harry P. Leu Gardens Northern Shoveler, Northern Pintail, Glossy was Great Southern White. Other animals
1920 North Forest Avenue Ibis, Roseate Spoonbill, Bald Eagle, North- seen include Florida Redbelly Turtle, Florida
Orlando, FL 32803-1537 ern Harrier, Clapper Rail, Sora, American Green Water Snake and a sunfish right be-
For directions, call 407-246-2620 Avocet, Great Black-backed Gull, Forster’s fore it was swallowed by an Anhinga.
The Swamp: The Everglades, Florida, and the Politics of Paradise
by Michael Gr unwald, The W
Grunwald, ashington Post
Join us on March 27th as author Michael Grunwald presents his recent book The Swamp: The Everglades, Florida, and the Politics of Paradise,
in an event sponsored by Orange Audubon Society, Central Florida Chapter of the Sierra Club, the Nature Conservancy, and the Florida
Humanities Council. The Everglades was once reviled as a liquid wasteland, and Americans dreamed of draining it. Now it is revered as a
national treasure, and Americans have launched the largest environmental project in history to try to save it. The Swamp is the stunning
story of the destruction and possible resurrection of the Everglades, the saga of man's abuse of nature in southern Florida and his unprec-
edented efforts to make amends. Michael Grunwald, a prize-winning national reporter for The Washington Post, takes readers on a
riveting journey from the Ice Ages to the present, illuminating the natural, social and political history of one of America's most beguiling
but least understood patches of land.
The talk will be on March 27 at 7pm at Leu Gardens in the Camellia Room. Books will be available for sale and signing. Leu Gardens
is located at 1920 N. Forest Ave, Orlando, phone: (407) 246-2620. The talk is free and open to the public. For further information, call
Michael Grunwald is a reporter on the national staff of The Washington Post. He has won the George Polk Award for national
reporting, the Worth Bingham Prize for investigative reporting, and the Society of Environmental Journalists award for in-depth reporting.
He has covered everything from AIDS in Africa to Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina; he wrote the
Post's lead news story about the September 11 attacks.
In March 2006, Simon & Schuster published his first book, the critically acclaimed The Swamp: The Everglades, Florida, and the
Politics of Paradise. Publishers Weekly called it "enthralling," the Palm Beach Post called it "magnificent," the Washington Post called it "a
brilliant work of research and reportage," and the New York Times called Grunwald "a terrific writer."
Mike lives in Miami with his wife, Cristina Dominguez, and their Boston terrier, Shamu.

OAS Needs YOU for Orlando Wetlands Park Festival

Saturday, February 24th 2007 (9–3 pm) tables, instructing children in making nature trips as well as school field trips at OWP
marks the official date and time for the 8th collages and other duties. when needed throughout the year.
Annual Orlando Wetlands Park Festival, co- OAS informally “adopted” Orlando You are guaranteed time off to enjoy the
sponsored by the City of Orlando and Or- Wetlands Park (OWP) several years ago and activities, so bring your binoculars and help
ange Audubon Society (OAS). Volunteers has proudly co-sponsored the festival ever OAS make this event a success. For more
are needed from 8am–3:30pm to assist with since by providing expert-guides for bird details and to reserve your volunteer time
a variety of activities that include: leading watching and nature photo treks through the slot, please contact Teresa: 407-644-0796 or
guided bus and walking tours, providing park as well as other nature activities. In mwilliams@cfl.rr.com because OAS needs
information at environmental education addition, OAS volunteers also conduct bird YOU to make this event a success! Thank
tables, selling t-shirts at our fundraising and butterfly ID classes and lead birding field you. Teresa Williams

Fortt DeSoto Trip on April 13-14
The Fort DeSoto Park Field Trip is scheduled for April 13-14, 2007. This park in St. Peters-
The Orange Audubon Society (OAS) promotes the under- burg offers a premier location for birding during spring migration, offering a large variety of
standing of and an interest in wildlife and the environment, species in their spring breeding plumage. For many of us, it gives opportunity to view
recognition of the intangible values in the remaining natu- northern breeding birds as well. Bird species counts have traditionally been impressive for
ral beauty of Florida and the World, and the responsibility
for the conservation of these remaining resources.
a one day excursion. The park itself is a beautiful location on the gulf coast, with lots of
Orange Audubon Society wonderful natural habitats to visit and explore.
P.O. Box 941142 Arrangements have been made for us to stay at the Continuing Education Center at
Maitland, FL 32794-1142 Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Friday night, April 13th. This will allow us to get an early
start for birding Saturday morning. You will need to provide your own transportation to St.
President.................Dick Smith (RLS-OAS@earthlink.net)
Petersburg. The cost is $80.00 per room, which can accommodate two persons.
Address Change........Mike Daley (miked531@bellsouth.net) Sign-up sheets will be available at the Audubon meetings on February 15th and March
386-668-5021 15th. However, the early response was greater than anticipated, so there are only a few
Editor.................................Claire Hilliker (hilliker@iag.net) rooms still available. If you want to reserve a room at the college we encourage you to
407-677-5374 contact us as soon as possible. A waiting list will be maintained after the rooms are all
The OASis is published monthly from September through
reserved. If cancellation is necessary you will get a full refund until April 10th.
June and is sent free to all members of Orange Audubon Anyone who has other accommodation in the area may join us at Ft. DeSoto on Satur-
Society. day morning at 8:00am for a registration fee of $10.00 per person.
For reservations or questions concerning the trip, please contact Ted or Gaye Smith at
http://www.orangeaudubonfl.org (407) 249-3969 or smith_ted_gaye@bellsouth.net.
Past Pr esident’
esident’ss Ar
President’ ticle JIM THOMAS
Article Beginner’s BirdW
Bird atching Class
I moved to Orlando in the early 1960’s after finishing graduate school, to teach biology at *Directions * Map * Parking Information *
Orlando Junior College. Having grown up in Tampa, I was happy to find such a quiet and Available at Meeting
beautiful town. Citrus was still a major industry and surrounding areas like Altamonte If you are registered for Orange Audubon
Springs, Sanford and Kissimmee were still small villages. Society’s (OAS) Spring 2007 Beginner’s Bird
I became president of Orange Audubon in the late 60’s, a time when we were just Watching Class that begins on March 3rd,
beginning to see a major growth spurt because of Disney and other major developments you may pick up your map, directions, park-
being proposed in Central Florida. Florida Audubon as well as our chapter were still fo- ing passes for class sessions at Rollins Col-
cused primarily on serious birding with little involvement in local environmental issues. It lege and payment confirmation on Febru-
became obvious we had to change our direction and we did so in both organizations. Working ary 15th, Harry P. Leu Gardens, when OAS
with other newly formed environmental groups, we soon became a strong force in dealing presents its next program (see page 1). In-
with issues that had impacts on our environment. formation packets for those unable to attend
We didn’t win all the battles but we had many victories and I feel strongly the area the program will be mailed February 16th.
would now be very different if we had not fought so hard. Where we have biological prob- Please contact Tom Williams (407-332-
lems with political solutions, it is essential that we maintain a force of passionate people, 5089) with questions about the class; or
educated about the issues, who are willing to contribute time and money to help in the Teresa Williams (407-644-0796 or
constant struggle. I feel we have done a good job at this. mwilliams@cfl.rr.com) with registration
I congratulate OAS for the years of work (and fun) and sincerely hope we will be able questions.
to continue these efforts for years to come!
Jim Thomas

Start Getting Ready for

Birdathon on Mar
Birdathon ch 31st!
Calling all Birders and Birding Teams!!! Re- 2007 PHOTO CONTEST FEATURES
member to mark your calendars for Satur-
day, March 31st!!! Whether you decide to
take off at the crack of dawn for a day of SCREENING
marathon birding or simply stroll your local Orange Audubon Society (OAS) has announced its 2007 (19th Annual) Kit &
birding sites before heading for a cappucino, Sidney Chertok Open Nature Photography Contest featuring two categories titled:
please get out and help us with our annual Florida's Bir ds! and No Bir
Birds! ds Allowed! In keeping with contest objectives, subject
Birdathon fundraiser. A pledge sheet will be matter in both categories must be native to Florida and cannot contain any significant
included in next month’s newsletter. Don’t trace of humans or human-made objects or artifacts.
forget to ask your neighbors, co-workers, Only digital images in *.jpg format (jpg, joint photographic experts group) and a
and friends to sponsor your efforts! Remind file size of 1MB or less are acceptable. Files should be supplied on a CD readable by
them of all the candy, wrapping paper, and PC-based applications with your name and address printed on it. Images may not be
cookies you’ve purchased over the years if excessively manipulated.
you must! It’ll be a grand time so join us in With two categories there are two prize packages worth $1,050 in combined
helping raise much needed funds. cash and other prizes! The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in each category receive
See you out in the field! cash prizes of $200, $100 and $50, respectively; plus in-store gift cards from Colonial
Claire Hilliker, Birdathon Chair Photo & Hobby, Orlando with values of $100, $50 and $25, respectively. All winning
entries receive ribbons and also vie for placement on the cover of OAS’ next annual
brochure and the opportunity to be featured in a store display at Colonial Photo &
Fourth and Final Hawk ID Hobby.
Class of 2006-2007 Deadline: May 17, 2007 (postmark date). Limit: 4 images per entrant at $3 each
The last Hawk ID Class will be taught by Bob age 17 or under; $5 each for Audubon members from any chapter, including contes-
Sanders at the Lake Apopka Restoration Area tants who join OAS when submitting entries; and $7 each for nonmembers.
on Saturday, February 10, 2007. This class Also new for 2007: as a courtesy and to enhance your knowledge of Florida’s
was listed in the OAS Brochure, and the native species, the screening committee will pre-screen all entries received by April
January OASis, as February 17, 2007. This 19, 2007. Entrants will be notified shortly thereafter of images not meeting contest
is incorrect. We apologize for the error and eligibility criteria and have the opportunity to replace those images at no additional
call your attention to the correct date - charge. Replacements must be made in accordance with contest deadline and all
Satur day
day,, Febr
Saturday uar
uaryy 10, 2007
Februar 2007. We will meet other rules.
at the Lust Road just off SR 437 between 8:00 Official entry forms containing complete contest rules and regulations are avail-
and 8:30. Bring binoculars, spotting scopes, able at all future OAS meetings; at Colonial Photo and Hobby, 634 N. Mills Avenue,
field guides, water, snacks and your enthu- Orlando, FL; or you may download and print the entry form (*.PDF file) from OAS’
siasm for hawks for an informative and en- official website: www.orangeaudubonfl.org. Thank you for participating!
joyable session. For more information, Teresa Williams, Contest Chair
please contact Bob Sanders at 407-898-9798.
Dick Smith
BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2006-2007 Calendar of Events
Dick Smith (08) ................................... 407-257-7361
uaryy 3, 2007 - Satur
Februar day
Saturday Febr uar
uaryy 24, 2007 - Satur
Februar day
LARA Bird Survey; 7:30am-Noon. Orlando Wetlands Park Festival, Christmas FL
VICE PRESIDENT Pam Bowen 386-329-4870/pbowen@sjrwmd.com
Leesa Sward (08) ................................ 407-677-5374 Mark Sees 407-568-1706
uaryy 15, 2007 - Thursday
Februar Februar
uaryy 25, 2007 - Satur
Februar day
Deborah Green (08) ............................. 407-553-0028 General Meeting, 7:00pm, Leu Gardens. Rock Springs Run State Reserve Butterfly Survey.
SECRETARY OAS Board Meeting takes place prior to the Randy Snyder 407-851-5416
Mary Anne Freyer (08) ......................... 407-298-2642 General Meeting at 5:30pm. All welcome.
TREASURER Dick Smith 407-257-7361 March 3, 2007 - Satur
March day
Teresa Williams (08) ........................... 407-644-0796 LARA Bird Survey; 7:30am-Noon.
uaryy 17, 2007 - Satur
Februar day
Saturday Pam Bowen 386-329-4870/pbowen@sjrwmd.com
Susan Clary (08) .................................. 407-575-8036 OAS Field Trip - Orlando Wetlands Park
Peggy Cox (08) .................................... 352-429-1042 Mary Keim 407-851-5416 Mar ch 15, 2007 - Thursday
Milton Heiberg (07) .............................. 407-658-4869 General Meeting, 7:00pm, Leu Gardens.
Claire Hilliker (07) ................................ 407-677-5374
Febr uar
uaryy 10, 2007 - Satur
Februar day
Saturday OAS Board Meeting takes place prior to the
Mary Keim (09) .................................... 407-851-5416 Bird of Prey ID Class #4 - LARA General Meeting at 5:30pm. All welcome.
Susan Ledbetter (09) ........................... 407-740-0829 Bob Sanders 407-898-9798 Dick Smith 407-257-7361
Danielle Ponsolle (08) ......................... 407-658-5742
Ellen Rocco (07) .................................. 407-282-8547 Februar
uaryy 10, 2007 - Satur
Februar day
Saturday March 17, 2007 - Satur
March day
Tom Rodriguez (09) ............................. 407-405-3113 Wekiva River Buffer Conservation Area Bird Survey OAS Field Trip - Lyonia Preserve
Ayme Smith (07) .................................. 407-425-7504 Lorne Malo 407-349-2536/407-659-4853(w) Mary Keim 407-851-5416
Gaye Smith (09) .................................. 407-249-3969
Ted Smith (09) ..................................... 407-249-3969 Februar
uaryy 16-19, 2007 - Fri-Mon
Februar March 17, 2007 - Satur
March day
Randy Snyder (09) ............................... 407-851-5416 Great Backyard Bird Count Mead Gardens Bird Survey; 8:00am-10:00am.
Bob Stamps (08) .................................. 407-886-2925 www.birdsource.org/gbbc Dexter Richardson 407-760-8193
Pete Vogt (08) ...................................... 407-855-4122 dex@dexwine.com
uaryy 17, 2007 - Satur
Februar day
Mead Gardens Bird Survey; 8:00am-10:00am. Mar ch 30-April 1, 2007 - Fri-Sun
Dexter Richardson 407-760-8193 Big O Birding Festival, Moore Haven, FL
dex@dexwine.com www.bigobirdingfestival.com

Don’tt Forget to Join In on the 2007 Gr
Forget eat Backyar
Great d Bir
Backyard d Count!
As in years past, Audubon, in conjunction backyard feeder or the 75 species you see (www.birdsource.org/gbbc) and enter your
with the Cornell Lab or Ornithology (CLO), during a day's outing to a wildlife refuge. data. That's all there is to it!
wants to take a snapshot of North American All you need is basic knowledge of bird You can do it at your leisure so it can be
bird populations and YOU can help them identification and access to the Internet at a fun family activity that even the kids can
during the Great Backyard Bird Count home, a friend's house, local library, school, participate in. And the more people who
(GBBC) this coming February 16-19, 2007. or anywhere you can get access to the web. participate in this project, the more data will
Everyone's contribution is important. It Count the birds in your backyard, local park, be able to be collected to help researchers
doesn't matter whether you identify, count, or other natural area on one or all four count help our feathered friends, so join us won't
and report the 5 species coming to your days. Then simply go to the GBBC web site you?


Orlando, FL Maitland, FL 32794-1142
NON-PROFIT Orange Audubon Society

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