Number System

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ISBN : 9789386146397

four, five, six, seven, eight and nine respectively.
The ten symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 are called digits, the A number is denoted by a group of digits, called numeral.
group of which can represent any number. For denoting a numeral, we use the place-value chart, given
1 NUMBERS: In Hindu- Arabic system, we have ten digits, below.
namely 0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8, 9 Called zero, one two, three,
1: Write each of the following numerals in words.

Ten- Crares Ten- Lacs Ten- Thousands Hundreds Ten Units

Crares Lacs Thousands
(i) 6 3 8 5 4 9
(ii) 2 3 8 0 9 1 7
(iiii) 8 5 4 1 6 0 0 8
(iv) 5 6 1 3 0 7 0 9 0

Solution: The given numerals in words are: There are infinite natural numbers and the smallest natural
(i) Six lac thirty-eight thousand five hundred forty-nine. number is one (1).
(ii) Twenty-three lac eighty thousand nine hundred Even numbers
seventeen. Natural numbers which are divisible by 2 are even numbers.
(iii) Eight crore fifty-four lac sixteen thousand eight. Thus 2, 4, 6, 8,... are all even numbers.
(iv) Fifty-six crore thirteen lac seven thousand ninety. Smallest even number is 2.
2. Face value and Place value (or Local Value) of a Digit In There is no largest even number.
a Numeral Odd numbers
(i) The face value of a digit in a numeral is its own value Natural numbers which are not divisible by 2 are odd numbers.
at whatever place it may be Thus 1, 3, 5, 7, ... are all odd numbers.
Ex. In the numeral 6872, the face value of 2 is 2, the face Smallest odd number is 1.
value of 7 is 7, the face value of 8 is 8 and the face value There is no largest odd number.
of 6 is 6. Based on divisibility, there could be two types of natural
(ii) In a given numeral: numbers :
Place value of unit digit = (unit digit) x 1,
(a) Prime numbers : Natural numbers which have exactly two
Place value of tens digit = (tens digit) x 10, factors, i.e., 1 and the number itself are called prime numbers.
Place value of hundred's digit = (hundred's digit) x The lowest prime number is 2.
100 and so on. 2 is also the only even prime number.
Ex. In the numeral 70984, we have (b) Composite numbers : Natural numbers which have atleast
Place value of 4 = (4 x 1) = 4 one divisor different from unity and itself are called
Place value of 8 = (8 10) = 80, composite numbers.
Place value of 9 = (9 100) = 900, Every composite number can be factorised into its prime
Place value of 7 = (7 10000) = 70000. factors.
NOTE: Place value of 0 in a given numral is 0, at whatever Ex. 24 = 2 2 2 3. Hence, 24 is a composite number.
place it may be. The smallest composite number is 4.


The natural numbers along with zero (0), form the system of whole
Natural Numbers numbers.
These are the numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) that are used for counting. Thus 0, 1, 2, 3, ... are whole numbers.
There is no largest whole number
The smallest whole number is 0.
3 5 8
1st rational number = 4
Integers 2 2
The number system consisting of natural numbers, their negative 2nd rational number (i.e., between 3 and 4)
and zero is called integers. 3 4 7
Thus, ...., 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ... are all integers. 2 2
The smallest and the largest integers cannot be determined. 3rd rational number (i.e., between 4 and 5)
4 5 9
2 2
1 is neither prime nor composite. (b) Irrational numbers
1 is an odd integer. The numbers which are not rational or which cannot be
0 is neither positive nor negative. p
0 is an even integer. expressed in the form , where p and q are integers and
2 is prime & even both.
All prime numbers (except 2) are odd. q 0, is called an irrational number..

Ex. 2, 3, 5, 2 3,3 5, 3 3 are irrational numbers.

The number line
The number line is a straight line between negative infinity on the
left to positive infinity on the right. NOTE :
(i) Every positive irrational number has a negative
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 irrational number corresponding to it.
Real Numbers (ii) 2 3 5
All numbers that can be represented on the number line are called 5 3 2
real numbers.
Real numbers = Rational numbers + Irrational numbers. 3 2 3 2 6
(a) Rational numbers 6
6 2 3
p 2
A number that can be written in the form , where p and q
q (iii) Some times, product of two irrational numbers is a
rational number.
are integers and q 0 , is called a rational number..
Here, p is called the numerator and q is called the denominator. Ex : 2 2 2 2 2
Every integer is a rational number.
(2 3) (2 3) (2) 2 ( 3) 2 = 4 3 = 1
Zero (0) is also a rational number.
The smallest and largest rational numbers cannot be Both rational and irrational numbers can be represented on
number line.
Every fraction (and decimal fraction) is a rational number.
Every real number is either rational or irrational.
x y
If x and y are two rational numbers, then is also a
rational number and its value lies between the given two We know that a number other than 1 is called a prime number if it
rational numbers x and y.
is divisible by only 1 and itself.
An infinite number of rational numbers can be determined
So, all prime numbers less than 100 are:
between any two rational numbers.
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73,
79, 83, 89, 97.
2 : Find three rational numbers between 3 and 5.
Solution :
Note that 2 is the smallest prime number. 2 is the only even prime 2 1
and (2 3 ).
number. Here the powers of 2 can be one of 0, 1, 2 and the powers of 3 can
Smallest odd prime number is 3. be one of 0, 1. So number of combinations of a power of 2 and a
power of 3 is 3 2 = 6. All the combinations of power of 2 and a
Twin Primes
power of 3 are 0, 0; 0, 1; 1, 0; 1, 1; 2, 0; 2, 1. Each combination of the
A pair of prime numbers are said to be twin prime when they powers of 2 and 3 gives a distinctly different factor. Since there
differ by 2. are 6 different combinations of the powers of 2 and 3, hence there
For example: 3 and 5 are twin primes. are 6 distinctly different factors of 12.
Co-primes or Relative primes Let N be a composite number such that N = (x)a (y)b (z)c... where x,
y, z... are different prime numbers. Then the number of divisors (or
A pair of numbers are said to be co-primes or relative primes to
factors) of N = (a + 1) (b + 1) (c + 1)...
each other if they do not have any common factor other than 1.
Here factors and divisors means the same.
For example: 13 and 21 are co-primes.
6: Find the total number of factors of 576.
To Test Whether a Given Number is Prime Solution:
Number or Not The factorised form of 576 = 26 32
Let p be a given number and let n be the smallest counting So the total number of factors = (6 + 1) (2 + 1) = 21
7: Find the number of divisors of 21600.
number such that n 2 p . Then, test whether p is divisible by
any of the prime numbers less than or equal to n. It yes, then p is 21600 = 25 33 52
not prime. Otherwise, p is a prime number. Number of divisors = (5 + 1) (3 + 1) (2 + 1) = 72
3: Is 171 is a prime number ? TESTS OF DIVISIBILITY
Solution: Square root of 171 lies between 13 and 14, because I. Divisibility by 2:
132 = 169 and 142 = 196. Therefore, the integer just greater A number is divisible by 2 if its unit digit is any of 0, 2, 4,
than the square root of 171 is 14.
6, 8.
Now prime numbers less than 14 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13. Ex. 58694 is divisible by 2, while 86945 is not divisible by
Since 171 is divisible by 3, therefore 171 is not a prime 2.
II. Divisible by 3:
4: Is 167 is a prime number ? A number is divisible by 3 only when the sum of its digits
Solution: is divisible by 3.
Square root of 167 lies between 12 and 13, because 122 = 144 Ex. (i) Sum of digits of the number 695421 = 27, which is
and 132 = 169. Therefore the integer just greater than the divisible by 3.
square root of 167 is 13. 695421 is divisible by 3.
Now prime numbers less than 13 are 2, 3, 5, 7 and 11. (ii) Sum of digits of the number 948653 = 35, which is
Since 167 is not divisible by any of the prime numbers 2, 3, not divisible by 3.
5, 7 and 11; therefore 167 is a prime number. 948653 is not divisible by 3.
5: Find the number of positive integers n in the III. Divisible by 4:
range 12 < n < 40 such that the product (n 1) (n 2) (n 3)... A number is divisible by 4 if the number formed by its last
3.2.1 is not divisible by n. two digits i.e. tens and units digit of the given number is
Solution: divisible by 4.
The product (n 1) (n 2) (n 3)...3.2.1 will not be divisible Ex. (i) 6879376 is divisible by 4, since 76 is divisible by 4.
by n only when this product does not contain factors of n, (ii) 496138 is not divisible by 4, since 38 is not
i.e., n is a prime number. The prime numbers that satisfy the divisible by 4.
above conditions are 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, and 37. IV. Divisible by 5:
Hence there are 7 required prime numbers. A number is divisible by 5 only when its unit digit is
Ex. Each of the numbers 76895 and 68790 is divisible by 5.
V. Divisible by 6:
It is possible to find the number of factors of a composite number A number is divisible by 6 if it is simultaneously divisible
without lising all those factors. by both 2 and 3.
Take 12 for instance, it can be expressed as 12 = 22 31. Ex. 90 is divisible by 6 because it is divisible by both 2
and 3 simultaneously.
The factors of 12 are (20 30), (20 31), (21 30), (21 31), (22 30)
V I . Divisible by 7: (iii) If m and n both are divisible by d then (m + n) and (m
A number is divisible by 7 if and only if the difference of n) are both divisible by d.
the number of its thousands and the remaining part of the (iv) Out of n consecutive whole numbers, one and only one
given number is divisible by 7 respectively. is divisible by n.
Ex. 473312 is divisible by 7, because the difference For example, out of the five consecutive whole numbers
between 473 and 312 is 161, which is divisible by 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 only one i.e., 10 is divisible by 5.
VII. Divisible by 8: (v) The square of an odd integer when divided by 8 will always
A number is divisible by 8 if the number formed by its last leave a remainder of 1.
three digits i.e. hundreds, tens and units digit of the (vi) The product of 3 consecutive natural numbers is divisible
given number is divisible by 8. by 6.
Ex. (i) In the number 16789352, the number formed by (vii) The product of 3 consecutive natural numbers, the first
last 3 digits, namely 352 is divisible by 8. of which is even, is divisible by 24.
16789352 is divisible by 8. (viii) Difference between any number and the number obtained
(ii) In the number 576484, the number formed by last by writing the digits in reverse order is divisible by 9.
3 digits, namely 484 is not divisible by 8. (ix) Any number written in the form (10n 1) is divisible by 3
576484 is not divisible by 8. and 9.
VIII. Divisible by 9: (x) Any six-digits, twelve-digits, eighteen-digits or any such
A number is divisible by 9 only when the sum of its digits number with number of digits equal to multiple of 6, is
is divisible by 9. divisible by each of 7, 11 and 13 if all of its digits are the
Ex. (i) Sum of digits of the number 246591 = 27, which is
For example 666666, 888888, 333333333333 are all
divisible by 9.
divisible by 7, 11 and 13.
246591 is divisible by 9. As 666666 can be written as 666 1000 + 666
(ii) Sum of digits of the number 734519 = 29, which is = 666 (1000 + 1) = 666 (1001) = 666 (7 11 13)
not divisible by 9. Hence, 666666 is divisible by all of 7, 11 and 13.
734519 is not divisible by 9.
8: Find the least value of * for which 7* 5462 is
IX. Divisible by 10:
A number is divisible by 10 only when its unit digit is 0. divisible by 9.
Ex. (i) 7849320 is divisible by 10, since its unit digit is 0. Solution:
(ii) 678405 is not divisible by 10, since its unit digit is Let the required value be x. Then,
not 0. (7 + x + 5 + 4 + 6 + 2) = (24 + x) should be divisible by 9.
X. Divisible by 11: x=3
A number is divisible by 11 if the difference between the
9: Find the least value of * for which 4832*18 is
sum of its digits at odd places from right and the sum of
its digits at even places also from right is either 0 or a divisible by 11.
number divisible by 11. Solution:
Ex. (i) Consider the number 29435417. Let the digit in place of * be x.
(Sum of digits at odd places from right)
(Sum of its digits at odd places from right)
(Sum of digits at even places from right)
(Sum of its digits at even places from right)
= (8 + x + 3 + 4) (1 + 2 + 8 = (4 + x),
(7 + 4 + 3 + 9) (1 + 5 + 4 + 2) = (23 12) = 11, which which should be divisible by 11.
is divisible by 11. x = 7.
29435417 is divisible by 11.
(ii) Consider the number 57463822. GENERAL OR EXPANDED FORM OF 2 AND
(Sum of its digits at odd places) 3 DIGITS NUMBERS
(Sum of its digits at even places) (i) In a two digits number AB, A is the digit of tenth place and
= (2 + 8 + 6 + 7) (2 + 3 + 4 + 5) = (23 14) B is the digit of unit place, therefore AB is written using
= 9, which is neither 0 nor divisible by 11. place value in expanded form as
57463822 is not divisible by 11. AB = 10A + B
XI. Divisible by 12: Ex. 35 = 10 3 + 5
A number is divisible by 12, if it is simultaneously (ii) In a three digits number ABC, A is the digit of hundred
divisible by both 3 and 4. place, B is the digit of tenth place and C is the digit of unit
place, therefore ABC is written using place value in
Properties of Divisibility expanded form as
ABC = 100A + 10B + C
(i) If a is divisible by b then ac is also divisible by b. Ex. 247 = 100 2 + 10 4 + 7
(ii) If a is divisible by b, and c is divisible by d then ac is These expanded forms are used in forming equations related
divisible by bd. to 2 and 3 digits numbers.

10: A two-digit number pq is added to the 14 : Number of zeros at the end of 126!
number formed by reversing its original digits. If their sum Solution :
is divisible by 11, 9, and 2. Find the number pq.
126 126 126
Solution: Let the original number be pq. The value of the number
= 10p + q.
5 52 53
The number formed by reversing the digits = qp. Value of integral value will be
this number = 10q + p. = 25 + 5 + 1 = 31 zeros.
Sum of the two numbers = 11p + 11q = 11 (p + q)
Now, if the sum is divisible by 11, 9, 2, it means that (p + q) 15 : Number of zeros at the end of 90!
must be divisible by both 9 and 2. Hence, p + q = 18. So, it Solution :
means p = q = 9. The original number is 99. 90 90 90
= 18 + 3 = 21 zeros
11: In a two digit prime number, if 18 is added, we 5 5 53
get another prime number with reversed digits. How many such
numbers are possible ? POWER OF A NUMBER CONTAINED IN A
Solution: Let a two-digit number be pq. FACTORIAL
10p + q + 18 = 10q + p Highest power of a prime number P in N!
9p + 9q = 18 qp=2
Satisfying this condition and also the condition of being a = + 2 + 3 + - - - + r , where [x] denotes the
prime number (pq and qp both), there are 2 numbers 13 and P P P P
79. greatest integers less than or equal to x and is a natural
number such that Pr < n.
16 : Find highest power of 7n in 50!
Solution :
Sometimes we come across problems in which we have to count The highest power 7 in 50!
number of zeros at the end of factorial of any numbers.
50 50
Ex. Number of zeros at the end of 10! = 7 1 8
10! = 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 72
Here basically we have to count number of fives, because 17 : Find highest power 15 in 100!
multiplication of five by any even number will result in 0 at the
Solution :
end of final product. In 10! we have 2 fives thus total number
Here given number 15 is not a prime number so first
of zeros are 2.
convert 15 as product of Primes 15 = 3 5 therefore we
Shortcut :- will find the highest power of 3 and 5 in 100!
Counting number of zeros at the end of n! value will be Highest power of 3 in 100!
n n n n 100 100 100 100
5 5 2
5 54
3 3 32 33 34
The integral value of this number will be the total number of = 33 + 11 + 3 + 1 = 48
zeros. Highest power of 5 in 100!
12 : Number of zeros at the end of 10! 100 100
20 4 24
5 52
10 10
Solution : Integral value So 100! contains (3)48 (5)24. Hence it contains 24
5 52
pairs of 3 and 5. Therefore, required power of 15 is 24, which
=2+0 is actually the power of the largest prime factor 5 of 15,
So, number of zeros in 10! = 2. because power of largest prime factor is away equal to or
10 less than the other prime factor of any number.
Note:- Here 2 is less than 1 so will not count it.
13 : Number of zeros at the end of 100! UNITS PLACE OF an
100 100 100 (i) If the last digit or digit at the units place of a is 1, 5 or 6, whatever
Solution : be the value of n, it will have the same digit at units place, i.e.,
5 52 53
integral value will be (.....1)n (........1)
= 20 + 4 = 24 zeros. (.....5)n (........5)
(.....6) n (........6)
(ii) If the last digit or digit at the units place of a is 2, 3, 5, 7 or 8, Unit digit of 1313 = 3
then the last digit of an depends upon the value of n and Unit digit of 1414 = 6
follows a repeating pattern in terms of 4 as given below : Unit digit of 1515 = 5
So unit digit of given sum will be
n last digit last digit last digit last digit
1 + 6 + 3 + 6 + 5 = 21 i.e., 1
of (....2)n of (....3)n of (....7)n of (....8)n
4x+1 2 3 7 8 24 : Find unit digit of 2121 2222 2323 2424
4x+2 4 9 9 4 2525 .
4x+3 8 7 3 2 Solution :
2525 will give 5 in unit place, when multiplied by an even
4x 6 1 1 6
number i.e. 0, 2, 4, 6, 8. It will give zero at unit place. So, zero
(iii) If the last digit or digit at the units place of a is either 4 or 9, will be at the unit digit of given question.
then the last digit of an depends upon the value of n and
follows repeating pattern in terms of 2 as given below.
n last digit of (....4)n last digit of (....9)n
a b c
2x 6 1 Remainder of expression [i.e. a b c when divided by
2x + 1 4 9
ar br cr
n] is equal to the remainder of expression [i.e. ar br
18 : Find unit digit of 2323. n
Solution : Here, 2, 4, 8, 6 will repeat after every four interval till cr when divided by n] , where
ar is remainder when a is divided by n.
320 next digit will be 2, 4, 8 , so unit digit of 2323 will be 8. br is remainder when b is divided by n. and
cr is remainder when c is divided by n.
19 : Find unit digit of 133133.
25 : Find the remainder of 15 17 19 when divided
Solution : by 7.
Cycle of 3 is 3, 9, 7, 1 which repeats after every fourth inter- Solution :
val will 133132, so next unit digit will be 3.
15 17 19
20 : Find unit digit of 96363 7373. Remainder of Expression will be equal to
Solution : Unit digit of 96363 = 7 1 3 5 15 1
Unit digit of 7373 = 3 2 i.e. 1
7 7 7
So unit digit of 96363 7373 = 7 3 = 21. On dividing 15 by 7, we get 1 as remainder.
i.e. 1. On dividing 17 by 7, we get 3 as remainder.
On dividing 19 by 7, we get 5 as remainder.
21 : Find unit digit of 1717 2727 3737.
Solution : Unit digit of 1717 = 7 And combined remainder will be equal to remainder of i.e. 1.
Unit digit of 2727 = 3
Unit digit of 3737 = 7
So unit digit of 1717 2727 3737 = 7 3 7 = 147 26 : Find the remainder of expression 19 20 21
i.e., unit digit = 7 9
Solution :
22 : Find unit digit of 1818 2828 288288.
1 2 3 6
Solution : Remainder of given expression which is
9 9
Unit digit of 1818 is 4.
Unit digit of 2828 is 6. equal to 6.
Unit digit of 288288 is 6 POLYNOMIAL THEOREM
So unit digit of 1818 2828 288288 .
= 4 6 6 = 144 i.e., 4 This is very useful theorem to find the remainder.
According to polynomial theorem.
23 : Find unit digit of 11111 + 1212 + 1313 + 1414 + (x + a)n = xn + n c1 xn1 . a 1 + nc 2 x n2 a2 + n c3 xn3 a3
1515 . + n cn x1a n 1
a n (i)
Solution :
Unit digit of 1111 = 1 x a
Unit digit of 1212 = 6

xn n
c1 x n 1 1
a n
c2 x n 2
a2 n
cn 1 x1 a n 1
an 25100
= 32: Find remainder of .
x 7
(ii) Solution :
n 50
remainder of expression (ii) will be equal to remainder of be- 25100 3 7 4 450
7 7 7
cause rest of the terms contain x and are completely divisible by x.
3 33
2100 2 2
999 =
7 1 1 2
27 : Find the remainder of . 2
8 7 7 7 7
Solution : Remainder is 2.
999 8 1
8 8 350
33 : Find remainder of .
According to polynomial theorem remainder will be equal 7
199 1 Solution :
to remainder of the expression = ,1
8 8 350 (32 )25 (7 2)25 225 (23 )8 2
899 7 7 7 7 7
28: Find the remainder of .
7 (7 1)8 2 1 2
Solution : =
7 7
899 7 1 199 Remainder is 2.
i.e. 1
7 7 7

11 13 17 3250
34 : Find remainder of
29 : Find remainder of . 7
Solution : Solution :
11 13 17 5 1 5 (32 )125 (7 2)125 2125 (23 )41 22 1 4
6 6 7 7 7 7 7
1 Remainder is 4
30 : Find remainder of .
7 Dividend = (Divisor Quotient) + Remainder
Solution : where, Dividend = The number which is being divided
100 Divisor = The number which performs the division process
9100 7 2
Quotient = Greatest possible integer as a result of division
7 7
Remainder = Rest part of dividend which cannot be further divided
3 33
2100 299 2 2 2 833 2 by the divisor
= =
7 7 7 7
Complete remainder
7 1 1 2 2 A complete remainder is the remainder obtained by a number by
= 2= . i.e. 2
7 7 7 the method of successive division.
Complete remainder = [I divisor II remainder] + I remainder
31 : Find remainder of . C.R. d1r2 r1
Solution : C.R. d1d 2 r3 d1r2 r1

50 16 Two different numbers x and y when divided by a certain

950 7 2 250 23 22 816 4
= divisor D leave remainder r1 and r2 respectively. When the
7 7 7 7 7 sum of them is divided by the same divisor, the remainder is
r3. Then,
7 1 4 1 4
i.e., 4 divisor D r1 r2 r3
7 7
35: A certain number when successively divided subtracting any term of the sequence from the next term.
by 3 and 5 leaves remainder 1 and 2. What is the remainder if The following sequences of numbers are arithmeticprogressions:
the same number be divided by 15? (i) 5, 8, 11, 14, ...
Solution : (ii) 6, 1, 4, 9, 14, ...
Let x be the dividend. (iii) 10, 7, 4, 1, 2, 5, ...
x = 3y + 1 ...(i) (iv) p, p + q, p + 2q, p + 3q, ...
now, y become dividend for 5.
In the arithmetic progression (i); 5, 8, 11 and 14 are first term,
y = 5z + 2 ...(ii) second term, third term and fourth term respectively. Common
putting y in (i) difference of this A.P. is found out either by subtracting 5 from 8,
x = 3(5z + 2) + 1 8 from 11 or 11 from 14. Thus common difference = 3. Similarly,
= 15z + 6 + 1 = 15z + 7 common difference of arithmetic progression (ii), (iii) and (iv) are
when x is divided by 15 gives remainder 7. 5, 3 and q respectively.
Alternate Method : First term and common difference of an A.P. are denoted by a
d1 = 3, d2 = 5, r = 1 and r 2 = 2 and d respectively. Hence
complete remainder = d1r2 + r1 = 3 2 + 1 = 7 d of (i) A.P.= 3, d of (ii) A.P.= 5,
36: A certain number when divided by 899 leaves d of (iii) A.P. = 3 and d of (iv) A.P. = q
the remainder 63. Find the remainder when the same number is nth TERM OF AN A.P.
divided by 29. To find an A.P. if first term and common difference are given, we
Solution : add the common difference to first term to get the second term
Number = 899Q + 63, where Q is quotient and add the common difference to second term to get the third
= 31 29Q + (58 + 5) = 29 (31Q + 2) + 5 term and so on.
Remainder = 5 The standard for m of an A.P. is
Theorem 1: (an + bn) is divisible by (a + b) when n is odd. a, a + d, a + 2d, a + 3d, ...
Theorem 2: (an bn) is divisible by (a + b) when n is even. Here a is the first term and d is the common difference. Also we
see that coefficient of d is always less by one than the position of
Theorem 3: (an bn) is always divisible by (a b) when n
that term in the A.P. Thus nth term of the A.P. is given by
is an integer.
Tn = a + (n 1) d ...(1)
Hence (an bn) is divisible by both (a + b) and (a b) when n is
even and (an bn) is divisible by only (a b) when n is odd. This equation (1) is used as a formula to find any term of the A.P.
If l be the last term of a sequence containing n terms, then
37: What is the remainder when 3444 + 4333 is divided l = Tn = a + (n 1) d
by 5 ? To find any particular term of any A.P., generally we put the value
Solution: The dividend is in the form ax + by. We need to change of a, n and d in the formula (i) and then calculate the required
it into the form an + bn. term.
3444 + 4333 = (34)111 + (43)111. Now (34)111 + (43)111 will be divisible For example to find the 25th term of the A.P. 6, 10, 14, 18, ... ; using
by 34 + 43 = 81 + 64 = 145. the formula (i), we put the value of a = 6, n = 25 and d = 4 in
Since the number is divisible by 145, it will certainly be formula and calculate as
divisible by 5. Hence, the remainder is 0. T25 = 6 + (25 1) 4 = 6 + 24 4 = 6 + 96 = 102
38: What is the remainder when (5555)2222 + 39: In an A.P. if a = 7.2, d = 3.6, an = 7.2, then find
(2222) is divided by 7? the value of n.
Solution: The remainder when 5555 and 2222 are divided by 7 are Solution: a n =a + (n 1) d
4 and 3 respectively. Hence, the problem reduces to finding 7.2 = 7.2 + (n 1) (3.6)
the remainder when (4)2222 + (3)5555 is divided by 7. 14.4 = (n 1) (3.6)
Now (4)2222 + (3)5555 = (42)1111 + (35)1111 = (16)1111 + (243)1111. n1 = 4 n = 5.
Now (16)1111 + (243)1111 is divisible by 16 + 243 or it is 40: Which term of the A.P. 21, 42, 63, ... is 420 ?
divisible by 259, which is a multiple of 7. Hence the remainder
Solution: 420 = an = a + (n 1) d
when (5555)2222 + (2222)5555 is divided by 7 is zero.
[Here a = 21, d = 42 21 = 21]
= 21 + (n 1) 21
= 21n
Arithmetic Progressions (A.P.) 420
n= = 20
A sequence of numbers which are either continuously increased 21
or continuously decreased by a common difference found by required term is 20th term.
2 3 4
41: Is 150 a term of the A.P. 11, 8, 5, 2, ... ? a, ar, ar , ar , ar , ...
nth term of a G.P.,
Solution : Here a = 11, d = 3 an = arn 1
150 = an = a + (n 1) d
= 11 + (n 1) ( 3) Sum of first n terms of a G.P.,
= 11 3n + 3
a (r n 1)
= 14 3n Sn = , if | r | > 1
3n = 14 + 150 r 1

164 2 a (1 r n )
n= 54 ,
3 3 and Sn = , if | r | < 1
1 r
which is not possible because n is +ve integer.
If | r | < 1, then sum of infinite terms of the G.P.,
150 is not a term of the given A.P.
Sum of First n Terms of an A.P. a
S = 1 r
Sum of first n terms means sum of terms from first term to nth term.
Consider an A.P. whose first term and common difference are a If | r | 1, then sum of infinite terms cannot exist.
and d respectively. Sum of first n terms Sn of this A.P. is given by
1 1 1
n 42: Which term of the G.P. 2, 1, , , ... is ?
Sn = [2a + (n 1) d] ...(1) 2 4 128
If last term of an A.P. containing n terms be l, then nth term 1
Solution: Let the nth term be . Then,
= l = a + (n 1) d. 128
n n 1
Sn = [2a + (n 1) d] = [a + {a + (n 1) d}] an =
2 2 128
n 1
Sn = (a + l) ...(2) arn1 =
2 128
Arithmetic Mean of n Numbers n 1 7 n 2 7
Arithmetic mean of n numbers a1, a2, a3, a4, ..., an 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
a1 a2 a3 a4 ... an
= n2 = 7
n = 9.
If A be the arithmetic mean between any two given numbers
a and b; then a, A, b will be in A.P. 43: The third term of a G.P. is 4. Find the product of
a b its first five terms.
bA=Aa A= Solution: Let a be the first term and r the common ratio. Then,
a3 = 4 ar2 = 4
Product of first five terms = a1a2a3a4a5 = a(ar)(ar2)(ar3)(ar4)
Geometric Progression (G.P.) = a5r10 = (ar2)5 = (4)5 = 1024.
A sequence of numbers whose each term (except first term) is 44: Find the sum of the series
found out by multiplying the just previous term by the same 2 + 6 + 18 + ... + 4374.
number. The number by which we multiply to any term to get its
next term is called common ratio of the G.P. a(r n 1) (ar n 1 ) r a
For example, 5, 10, 20, 40, ... is a G.P. whose first term is 5, second Solution: Required sum =
r 1 r 1
term is 10, third term is 20 and so on. Its common ratio is 2, because
to get any term (except first term) we multiply its just previous 4374 3 2
term by 2. = = 6560.
3 1
Common ratio is also found out by dividing any term (except first
term) by its just previous term, [Here a = 2, r = 3, arn 1 = 4374]
Thus Geometric Mean of n Numbers
10 20 40 Geometric mean of n positive numbers a1, a2, a3, a4, ..., an
common ratio = = = = ... = 2
5 10 20 = (a1 . a2 . a3 . a4 ... an)1/n.
First term of a G.P. is denoted by a and its common ratio is Let G be the geometric mean (G.M.) between any two given
denoted by r. numbers a and b; then a, G, b are in G.P.
a =5, r = 2
Standard form of a G.P. is
b G 2ab
= H= a b ...(3)
G a

G= ab (a b) 2ab
Therefore, A H = = ab = G2. Hence G is the
2 (a b)
Harmonic Progression (H.P.)
geometric mean between A and H. From these results we see that
Harmonic progression is defined as a sequence, reciprocal of
whose terms in order are in A.P. a b a b 2 ab
AG = ab =
1 1 1 1 2 2
Thus, if a, b, c, d, ... are in H.P., then , , , , ... are in A.P..
a b c d 2
The standard form of a H.P. is a b
= , which is positive if a and b are
1 1 1
, , , ... positive. Therefore, the arithmetic mean of any two positive
a a d a 2d
numbers is greater than their geometric mean.
2 ac Also G2 = AH
Remember that a, b, c are in H.P. b= a c Hence G is the intermediate in value between A and H,
therefore A > G > H.
General Term of a H.P. 45: Find two numbers whose A.M. is 34 and G.M. is 16.
1 Solution: Let two numbers be a and b.
General term (nth term) of a H.P. is given by Tn = a (n 1) d a b
A.M. = 34 = a + b = 68 ... (1)
There is no formula and procedure for finding the sum of any 2
number of terms in H.P.
Questions based on H.P. are generally solved by inverting the G.M. = 16 = ab ab = 256
terms (i.e., converting H.P. into A.P.) and use of formula and
properties of the A.P. ab = (a b) 2 4ab 4624 4 256 = 3600
Harmonic Mean of n Numbers a b = 60 ... (2)
By (1) and (2)
Harmonic mean of n numbers (or quantities) a1, a2, a3, a4, ..., an
a = 64, b = 4
n Required numbers are 64 and 4.
= 1 1 1 1
a1 a2 a3 a4 an Some Important Formulae

To Find a Harmonic Mean Between Two Given Numbers (i) (a) Sum of first n natural numbers
Let H be the harmonic mean between two given numbers a and b;
n (n 1)
1 1 1 = 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n =
then a, H, b are in H.P. or , , are in A.P..
a H b (b) Sum of first n odd natural numbers
= 1 + 3 + 5 + ... + (2n 1) = n2
1 1 1 1 2 1 1 (c) Sum of first n even natural numbers
= =
H a b H H a b = 2 + 4 + 6 + ... + 2n = n (n + 1)
(d) Sum of odd numbers n
2 ab
H= . 2
a b n 1
, if n is odd
Relation Between Arithmetic Mean (A.M.), = 2
Geometric Mean (G.M.) and Harmonic Mean n
, if n is even
(H.M.) 2

If A, G, H are the arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic means (e) Sum of even numbers n
between a and b, then we have
n n
a b 1 , if n is odd
A= ...(1) 2 2
= n 1 n 1
G= ...(2) , if n is even
ab 2 2
(ii) Sum of squares of first n natural numbers In every 12 hours, the hands of clock coincide 11 times.
n ( n 1) (2 n 1) In every 12 hours, the hands of clock are in opposite
= 12 + 22 + 32 + ... + n2 = direction 11 times.
(iii) Sum of cubes of first n natural numbers In every 12 hours, the hands of clock are at right angles
22 times.
3 3 3 3
n (n 1) In every hour, the two hands are at right angles 2 times.
= 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n =
2 In every hour, the two hands are in opposite direction
CLOCK In a day, the two hands are at right angles 44 times.
If both the hands coincide, then they will again coincide
A clock has two hands : Hour hand and Minute hand. after 65 minutes. i.e. in correct clock, both hand
The minute hand (M.H.) is also called the long hand and the
hour hand (H.H.) is also called the short hand. 5
coincide at an interval of 65 minutes.
The clock has 12 hours numbered from 1 to 12. 11
Also, the clock is divided into 60 equal minute divisions.
Therefore, each hour number is separated by five minute 5
If the two hands coincide in time less than 65
divisions. Therefore, 11
360 minutes, then clock is too fast and if the two hands
One minute division = = 6 apart. ie. In one minute, the
60 coincides in time more than 65 minutes, then the
minute hand moves 6. 11
One hour division = 6 5 = 30 apart. ie., in one hour, the clock is too slow.
hour hand moves 30 apart. Another one shortcut formula for clocks
30 1 11
Also, in one minute, the hour hand moves = = apart. Angle = 30 H M;
60 2 2
Since, in one minute, minute hand moves 6 and hour hand H hour
1 M minutes.
moves , therefore, in one minute, the minute hand gains
2 46: At what time between 4 and 5 will the hands of a
1 watch
5 more than hour hand.
2 (i) coincide, and
1 (ii) point in opposite directions.
In one hour, the minute hand gains 5 60 330 over
2 Solution : (i) At 4 O clock, the hands are 20 minutes apart. Clearly
the hour hand. i.e., the minute hand gains 55 minutes the minute hand must gain 20 minutes before two
divisions over the hour hand. hands can be coincident.
But the minute-hand gains 55 minutes in 60 minutes.
Let minute hand will gain x minute in 20 minutes.
Relative Position of the Hands
55 60
The position of the M.H. relative to the H.H. is said to be the 20 x
same, whenever the M.H. is separated from the H.H. by the 20 60 240 9
same number of minute divisions and is on same side (clock- x 21 min.
55 11 11
wise or anticlockwise) of the H.H. 9
Any relative position of the hands of a clock is repeated 11 The hands will be together at 21 min past 4.
times in every 12 hours. (ii) Hands will be opposite to each other when there is a
(a) When both hands are 15 minute spaces apart, they are at space of 30 minutes between them. This will happen
right angle. when the minute hand gains (20 + 30) = 50 minutes.
(b) When they are 30 minute spaces apart, they point in
opposite directions. 50 60 6
Now, the minute hand gains 50 min in or 54
(c) The hands are in the same straight line when they are 55 11
coincident or opposite to each other. min.
In every hour, both the hands coincide once. 6
The hands are opposite to each other at 54 min past 4.
In a day, the hands are coinciding 22 times. 11
47: What is the angle between the hour hand and Solution : In a correct clock, the minute hand gains 55 min. spaces
over the hour hand in 60 minutes.
minute hand when it was 5 : 05 pm.
To be together again, the minute hand must gain 60
Solution : 5.05 pm means hour hand was on 5 and minute hand minutes over the hour hand.
was on 1, i.e., there will be 20 minutes gap.
Angle = 20 6 = 120 [ 1 minute = 6] 60 5
55 min. are gained in 60 min. 65 min.
55 11
Incorrect clock But, they are together after 65 min.
If a clock indicates 6 : 10, when the correct time is 6 : 00, it is said 5 5
to be 10 minute too fast and if it indicates 5 : 50 when the correct Gain in 65 min. 65 65 min .
11 11
time is 6 : 00, it is said to be 10 minute too slow.
Also, if both hands coincide at an interval x minutes and 5 60 24 10
Gain in 24 hours min . 10 min .
5 11 65 143
5 65 x
x 65 , then total time gained 11 minutes 10
11 x The clock gains 10 minutes in 24 hours.
and clock is said to be 'fast'. 50: A man who went out between 5 or 6 and returned
If both hands coincide at an interval x minutes and between 6 and 7 found that the hands of the watch had exactly
changed place. When did he go out ?
x 65
5 11 minutes and Solution : Between 5 and 6 to 6 and 7, hands will change place
x 65 , then total time lost
11 x after crossing each other one time. ie., they together will
make 1 + 1 = 2 complete revolutions.
clock is said to be 'slow'. 60 120
H.H. will move through 2 or minute divisions.
48: My watch, which gains uniformly, is 2 min slow 13 13
at noon on Sunday, and is 4 minutes 48 seconds fast at 2 pm on the 120
following Sunday. When was it correct. Between 5 and 6 minute divisions.
Solution : From Sunday noon to the following Sunday at 2 pm = 7 At 5, minute hand is 25 minute divisions behind the hour-
days 2 hours = 170 hours. hand.
The watch gains 2 4 48 = 6 minutes in 170 hours. Hence it will have to gain 25
minute divisions on the
60 5 13
2 445
The watch gains 2 minutes in 170 50 hours hour-hand minute divisions on the hour hand.
4 13
Now, 50 hours = 2 days 2 hours 445 445 12
The minute hand gains minute divisions in
13 13 11
2 days 2 hours from Sunday noon = 2 pm on Tuesday.
5340 49
minutes 37 minutes
143 143
49: The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour
hand at intervals of 65 minutes of the correct time. How much a 49
The required time of departure is 37 minutes past 5.
day does the clock gain or lose ? 143

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