Exhaust Valve Rotator
Exhaust Valve Rotator
Exhaust Valve Rotator
Your Engine. Our Ingenuity.
MWH ReliaValve with Sentry Rotator
MWH ReliaValve with Sentry Rotator
MWH ReliaValve with Sentry Rotator
Compound Temperature C
NaVV* (5:12) 570
NaVV (1:6) 625
NaVO3 630
V2 O5 650-680
MgV2O6 680-700
CaV2O6, BaV2O6 700-705
Figure 5: Valve spindle with extensive
NiV2O6 720 dentmarks and beginning of blow-byes (W-type
CaV2O6 778 geometrie of bottom piece).
CrVO4 810
FeVO4 816
Ca2V2O7 820 Conventional Valve Rotation Mechanisms
Ba2V2O7 863
Ni2V2O7 880 Rotation of the valve spindle within the exhaust
Ca2V2O7 1015 valve assembly is beneficial for several reasons,
*NaVV = sodium vanadyl vanadate 5:12 = 5Na2O.V2O4. and it generally reduces the wear rate of the
11V2O5 exhaust valve assembly. Today, most 2-stroke
1:6 = Na2O.V2O4.5V2O5 exhaust valves rely on aerodynamic vanes (wing
bushes) for passive spindle rotation (see Figure 1).
Exhaust gases flow over the vanes and rotate the
Seat Ring Geometry spindle as it opens, creating an axi-symmetric
temperature distribution, and reducing thermal
The three different designs of the seat of the gradients within the valve spindle. This decreases
bottom piece of 2-stroke exhaust valves were distortion and thermal stresses within the spindle,
described extensively in [6]. The standard-type and reduces low and high cycle fatigue. However,
design features flat valve spindle and seat ring in some types of engines, vanes fail to provide
surfaces, while the W-type and Chamber-type seat additional important benefits, namely the polishing
rings employ a more complex geometry with the and removal of residuals on the valve spindle
aim of addressing the dent mark wear mechanism. sealings surface and overcoming the stiction
These seat ring designs generate higher interfacial caused by deposits within the valve guide. As
contact loads, and provide a pocket where cool, discussed previously, these phenomena lead to
un-combusted gases can reside next to the seating wear of the exhaust spindle, guide and seat ring,
surface. If a passage for gas leakage is created by and ultimately force most operators to service their
dent marks, the cool gases can escape without exhaust valves after 6,000 to 8,000 hours of
eroding the metal surfaces of the valve spindle and service. The rotation rate of the spindles is not
seat ring. controlled with the use of aerodynamic vanes. As
Seat ring geometry modifications can be used to a result, inadequate rotation is achieved at low
alleviate the dent wear mechanism, but the engine speeds and loads, and insufficient
adhesion and abrasive mechanism (sticking of rotational torque is generated to overcome stiction
valve spindle stem) and blow-byes (glassy- within the valve guide once adhesion and abrasive
deposits) must be addressed by other means, see wear are initiated. Positive mechanical rotation
also Figure 4 (chamber-type) and Figure 5 (W- addresses the shortcomings of traditional valve
type). rotators.
MWH ReliaValve with Sentry Rotator
Figure 6: Exhaust valve assembly with Figure 8: Helical gear rotator and free-wheel
mechanical valve rotator. mechanism.
MWH ReliaValve with Sentry Rotator
MWH ReliaValve with Sentry Rotator
MWH ReliaValve with Sentry Rotator
Hydraulic oil drains and air spring chamber
Field tests on an MC90 engine have lead to
refinements of the Sentry Rotator design.
Specifically, improvements have been made to the
hydraulic oil drains and air-spring chamber. This
refinement was done in 2006 and reported also in
The need for increasing the capacity of the
hydraulic oil drains was necessitated by the large
oil flow requirement of large engine valve
actuators. The addition of longitudinal grooves on
the helical gear has increased the oil drain
capacity to handle flow rates in excess of 500 l/hr.
The air-spring chamber design has also been
Figure 15: Photograph of the rotator gear and modified. This was done in order to limit the
free-wheel after 31,882 hours. maximum air pressure within the system and
match the characteristic of the original air-spring,
as shown in Figure 18 and Figure 19.
MWH ReliaValve with Sentry Rotator