October 3-6, 2017
October 3-6, 2017
October 3-6, 2017
Kimbrells Kindergarden
Where minds can GROW!
mlkimbrell@auburnschools.org Week of October 2-6, 2017
This Week:
Happy October!!!! October is such a fun month in our
kindergarten classroom! Weve been learning all about the
four seasons! We wrapped up sight words with one last
craft that you can hang on your fridge to keep practicing
Thank you so those 10 special words. We also talked about scarecrows
much for each and after reading The Scarecrow Boy we made a bulletin
of you that board with our very own scarecrows!
supported our This week Ive been busy assessing the kids for their first
fundraiser! kindergarten checklist (i.e. report card)! They are ROCKING
out those sight words! Keep practicing them at home so
they can become awesome readers!
are making it
Next Week
possible for our
playgrounds to
be updated! Shared Reading:
Mrs. Wishy Washy
Thank you for Beginning Sounds and Blending
all you do to Please read your
September Theme:
support Cary PUMPKINS
Woods! journal with your We are going to spend the rest of
October learning all about pumpkins
child this through fiction and non-fiction books!
You are loved weekend and We will conduct science experiments,
and return it on art projects and writing activities!
appreciated! Monday!
In todays Friday folder
you will find several
Kindergarten Art
IMPORTANT papers that
need to be signed and
On Monday, October 16th
returned on Monday! from 6-7 we will have our
Please be sure to look at PTO Meeting and
them carefully, sign and Kindergarten Art Night!
return. I hope to see you there!
Have a wonderful weekend!
With my best,
Mrs. Kimbrell