Sample Final Solutions
Sample Final Solutions
Sample Final Solutions
1. The model developed from sample data that has the form of is known as
a. regression equation
b. correlation equation
c. estimated regression equation
d. regression model
6. In regression, if SSE and SST are known, then with this information the
a. coefficient of determination can be computed
b. slope of the line can be computed
c. Y intercept can be computed
d. x intercept can be computed
= 60 - 8X
10. If the coefficient of determination is 0.9, the percentage of variation in the dependent
variable explained by the variation in the independent variable
a. is 0.90%
b. is 90%.
c. is 81%
d. 0.81%
Exhibit 14-5
The following information regarding a dependent variable (Y) and an independent variable
(X) is provided.
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
11. Refer to Exhibit 14-5. The least squares estimate of the Y intercept is
a. 1
b. 0
c. -1
d. 3
12. Refer to Exhibit 14-5. The least squares estimate of the slope is
a. 1
b. -1
c. 0
d. 3
13. Refer to Exhibit 14-5. The coefficient of correlation is
a. 0
b. -1
c. 0.5
d. 1
Exhibit 14-8
The following information regarding a dependent variable Y and an independent variable X
is provided
X = 90 Y - )(X - ) = -156
Y = 340 (X - )2 = 234
n=4 Y - )2 = 1974
SSR = 104
17. Refer to Exhibit 14-8. The sum of squares due to error (SSE) is
a. -156
b. 234
c. 1870
d. 1974
22. The mathematical equation that explains how the dependent variable y is related to several
independent variables x1, x2, , xp and the error term is
a. a simple nonlinear regression model
b. a multiple regression model
c. an estimated multiple regression equation
d. a multiple regression equation
24. The correct relationship between SST, SSR, and SSE is given by
a. SSR = SST + SSE
b. SSR = SST - SSE
c. SSE = SSR - SST
d. None of these alternatives is correct.
28. Refer to Exhibit 15-5. We want to test whether the parameter is significant. The test
statistic equals
a. 0.357
b. 2.8
c. 14
d. 1.96
29. Refer to Exhibit 15-5. The t value obtained from the table to test an individual parameter at
the 5% level is (Hint: df = n-4)
a. 2.06
b. 2.069
c. 2.074
d. 2.080
30. Refer to Exhibit 15-5. Carry out the test of significance for the parameter at the 5% level.
The null hypothesis should be (Hint: df = n-4)
a. rejected
b. not rejected
c. revised
d. None of these alternatives is correct.