Effect of Knitted Structure On The Properties of Knitted Fabric

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438

Effect of Knitted Structure on the Properties of

Knitted Fabric
Ahmed Asif1, Moshiur Rahman2, Farial Islam Farha3
University of South Asia, Department of Textile Engineering, Banani, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh
Matin Spinning Mills Limited, Department of Spinning, Kawran Bazar, Dhaka 1215, Bangladesh
Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Department of Textile Engineering, Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka 1208, Bangladesh

Abstract: Fabric structure shows great impact on different properties of weft knitted fabric if processing parameters such as; yarn
count, stitch length, machine diameter, needle gauge, dyeing parameters and finishing parameters remain constant. This study
investigates the effect of three weft knitted structures; plain jersey, single lacoste and double lacoste on several properties such as
dimensional stability, fabric width, areal density, spirality, resistance to pilling, color fastness to washing, color fastness to light and
color fastness to rubbing at finished state. From the analysis it is seen that for single jersey fabrics areal density, fabric width, resistance
to pilling, width shrinkage increases with the increase of tuck stitch and spirality, length shrinkage decreases. From the investigation it
is also found that fabric structure has less influence on color fastness to washing, color fastness to light and color fastness to rubbing.

Keywords: Areal density, Dimensional stability, Fabric width, Fastness property, Pilling resistance and Spirality.
1. Introduction factors such as fiber characteristics, yarn parameters,
machine parameters influence the dimensional characteristics
Knitted structures are progressively built-up from row after of knitted fabrics [16]. Fabric shrinkage is a serious problem
row of intermeshed loops. The properties of a knitted originating from dimensional changes in the fabric. Yarn is
structure are largely determined by the interdependence of exposed to various tensions during knitting process and the
each stitch to its neighbors on either side and above and relaxation process changes the dimension of the knitted
below it [1]. As knit fabrics are produced on different fabric [17]. The effect of knit structures on fabric shrinkage
machines with various conditions to produce different types has not been investigated enough [11].
of fabric, they bear different qualities [2]. Knitted fabric
structures and finishing processes influence the physical Spirality is a major problem of knit fabrics which is produced
properties and connected with the wearing properties of in circular knitting machines. Relaxation of torsional stresses
knitted garment [3]. cause dimensional distortions and instability in the knitted
loop constructions. The effect of machine gauge, yarn and
Fabric pilling is one of the major problems in the knitting fabric properties on the spirality of single jersey knit fabrics
industry. Pills produced on the fabric surface results in an has been analyzed by some researchers [18], [19], [20].
unsightly appearance and cause abrasion of the garment [4]. There have been few researches regarding the effect of knit
Resistance to pilling of the knitted fabrics depends on its structures on the spirality of the fabric [15].
density; when the stitch length decreases and surface density
increases, the resistance to pilling increases [5], [6]. The Reactive dyes are widely used in the Bangladeshi wet
effects of knit structures to pilling have been analyzed by lot processing industries due to their good fastness property.
of researchers [7], [8], [9]. They form covalent ether linkages between the dye and the
substrate while subjecting to proper condition. Few
Areal density is the measure of mass per unit area of the fabric. researches have been investigated the effect of fabric
Usually knit fabrics with tuck stitches appear thicker than the structures on their fastness properties [21].
fabric having only knit stitches due to accumulation of yarns
at the tucking places [10]. The effect of knit structures on their The effects of various knit structures on the properties of
areal density has been analyzed by many researchers [11], knitted fabric have been analyzed by many researchers [3], [6],
[12]. [8], [9], [11], [13], [14], [15], [16]. To the best of our
knowledge, limited numbers of researches were carried out to
Knit fabric structure and machine parameter has profound investigate the effect of knit structure on the properties
influence on the fabric width. The structure with tuck stitches mentioned all together. The goal of this study was to find the
is wider than the normal knit structures. The loop shape at the effect of knit structures on the fabric property if processing
tuck stitch is distorted and has a wider base as the side wales parameters remain constant and in order to do so three single
are not pulled together [10]. The effect of fabric structure on jersey structures; plain jersey, single lacoste and double lacoste
the fabric width has been investigated by few researchers were produced.
[13], [14], [15].

Dimensional stability is very important to maintain the

aesthetics of knitted products in the user ends. Different

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

Paper ID: SUB15355 1231
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
2. Material and Method
Three single jersey fabrics; plain jersey, single lacoste and
double lacoste were produced from 100% cotton yarns of
count 30 Ne and 22 twist per inch. The fabrics were
produced in a Jiunn Long machine of the following details:
model JLS2, gauge 24 GG, diameter 30 inch, feeder 84,
number of needles 2258, stitch length 2.70 mm and speed 24

After having taken the samples off the machine, they were
laid on a smooth and flat surface in atmospheric condition (20
C 2 and 65% RH 2) for 24 hours to allow for relaxation
and conditioning. Then the grey diameter of the fabric samples
was measured with a measuring tape by laying them flat on a
smooth surface.

Then the samples were dyed on Unishake sample dyeing

machine (Origin: Korea) with a suitable recipe. After dyeing
all the samples were dried at Dilmenler tube drier (Origin:
Figure 1: Areal Density of samples of different structures
Turkey) having 8% overfeed, 140C temperature and
compacted at Tubetex tube compactor (Origin: USA) with
3.2 Effect on Dimensional Stability
90% overfeed, 8% compaction, 23 rpm and finished diameter
was set at 40 inch. The finished samples were conditioned in
Knitted structures have important influence on the dimensional
65% RH and at 20C before testing according to ASTM D
stability of the knitted fabrics. From Figure 2 it is observed
1776 [22].
that with the increase of tuck stitch width shrinkage increases
and length shrinkage decreases. Thus double lacoste has
The following properties of the fabrics were measured in
higher width shrinkage than single lacoste but less length
accordance with the relevant standards: pilling resistance,
shrinkage than single lacoste.
ISO 12945-1:2000 [23]; dimensional stability test, ISO
6330:2000 [24]; spirality test, ISO 16322-3:2005 [25]; areal
density, BS EN 12127:1998 [26]; color fastness to washing,
ISO 105-C10:2006 [27];color fastness to rubbing, ISO 105-
X12:2001 [28] and color fastness to light, ISO 105-B02:2014

3. Results and Discussions

3.1 Effect on Fabric Weight (Areal Density)

Knitted structures have pivotal influence on fabric areal

density even if the processing parameters remain same. From
Figure 1 it can be seen that with the increase of tuck loop in
the fabric structure areal density is decreased in both grey
and finished state.

Fabric with tuck loops are thicker than fabric having knit loops
due to accumulation of yarn at the tucking place and double
lacoste has higher number of tuck loops in the repeat than
single lacoste fabric. So double lacoste fabric shows higher
GSM than single lacoste fabric and single lacoste fabric Figure 2: Dimensional Stability of samples of different
shows higher GSM than plain jersey. structure

Table 1: Shrinkage properties of different knitted fabric

Fabric Original Dimension afte Dimensional
Structure Dimension (cm) Drying (cm) Change %
Length Width Length Width Length width
Plain Jersey 33.62 33.25 -3.94 -5
Single Lacoste 35 35 33.25 34.3 -5.1 -2
Double Lacoste 34.28 33.94 -2.03 -3.02

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

Paper ID: SUB15355 1232
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
3.3 Effect on Pilling Resistance 3.5 Effect on Fastness Properties

The extent of pilling is assessed visually comparison with Knitted structures do not have major influence on color
arbitrary standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, where 5 denotes no change in fastness to washing, color fastness to rubbing and color
fabric surface i.e. zero pilling and 1 denotes the maximum fastness to light of the knitted fabric if processing parameters
pilling. From Figure 3 it is seen that with the increase of tuck remains same. From Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4 it can be
loop and areal density resistance to pilling increases. So seen that knitted structures do not have major influence on
double lacoste shows higher resistance to pilling than single color fastness to rubbing, color fastness to light and color
lacoste and single lacoste shows higher resistance to pilling fastness to washing respectively.
than double lacoste.
Table 2: Color fastness to rubbing of different knitted fabrics
Fabric type Dry rubbing Wet rubbing
Plain jersey 4-5 3
Single lacoste 4-5 3
Double lacoste 4-5 2-3

Table 3: Color fastness to light of different knitted fabrics

Fabric type Fastness rating according to
Blue wool standard grading
Plain jersey 7
Single lacoste 7
Double lacoste 7

Table 4: Color fastness to wash of different knitted fabrics

Fabric Co Color staining
type lor Ac Cot Ny Poly Ac W
ch eta ton lo este ryli oo
an te n r c l
Figure 3: Pilling Resistance of samples of different structure Plain 4-5 3-4 3 3- 3-4 3-4 3-
jersey 4 4
3.4 Effect on Fabric Diameter Single 4-5 3 3 3 3 3 3
Knit fabric with tuck stitches appears wider than normal knit Double 4-5 3 3 3 3 3 3
structures. Though all the samples were finished at same lacoste
diameter, to see the effect of knit structure on the fabric
diameter grey diameter of the samples were taken. From
Figure 4 it is seen that with the increase of tuck loop fabric 3.6 Effect on Fabric Spirality
diameter increases. Therefore, double lacoste appears wider
than single lacoste and single lacoste appears wider than Spirality percentage of various knitted construction is
plain jersey. illustrated in Figure 5. From the figure it is seen that with the
increase of tuck loop in the knitted construction spirality
decreases. Since the increase of tuck loop increases the density
of the fabric as a result the stability of the fabric increases.
Therefore, it is difficult for any force applied on high dense
fabric to make it distorted. So double lacoste shows less
spirality than single lacoste and single lacoste shows less
spirality than plain jersey.

Figure 4: Diameter of samples of different structure

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

Paper ID: SUB15355 1233
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
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Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

Paper ID: SUB15355 1234
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
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Author Profile
Ahmed Asif received the B.Sc. degree in Textile
Technology from Ahsanullah University of Science
and Technology in 2014. He is currently working as a
Lecturer, Department of Textile Engineering at the
University of South Asia, Bangladesh.

Moshiur Rahman received the B.Sc. degree in Textile

Technology from Ahsanullah University of Science
and Technology in 2014. He is currently working as a
Production Officer, Department of Spinning at Matin
Spinning Mills Limited, Bangladesh.

Farial Islam Farha received the B.Sc. degree in Textile

Engineering from Bangladesh University of Textiles in
2012. She is currently pursuing her M.Sc in Textile
Engineering from Bangladesh University of Textiles
and working as a Lecturer, Department of
Textile Engineering at Ahsanullah University of Science and
Technology, Bangladesh.

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

Paper ID: SUB15355 1235
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

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