By Sean Patten: Encounter Blips Markers. Record Sheets

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A Tabletop Game of Fantastical Mischief

By Sean Patten
GobbledyGook! is a game where fantastical, whimsical, maniacal
creatures lurk in the dark corners of the world, waiting for a chance to
cause mischief and mayhem! These creatures prey on unsuspecting,
pompous humans while avoiding the predations of hunters and their
unsavory hounds. Will your creatures grow and prosper?

COMPONENTS To play gobbledyGook!, you will need:

6-sided dice. It's handy to have at least three per player.

Cards and Markers. Print 3 pages of Encounter Blips. Print one
page of Markers. Mount these on cardboard and cut them out!
Record Sheets. Print as many Record Sheets as you need. Use
these sheets to keep track of your Brood, Upgrades, and points
Sticks. Each player will need a 6" long MEASURING STICK. They
are used for measuring movement and attack ranges. Make sure
they are all the same size, 6 inches long.
A table. You'll need a round table to play on, decorated with
terrain. Fantasy, Harvest, Halloween, or Christmas Village terrain
works well, or you can print your own terrain from companies like
Models. Fantasy miniatures such as Goblins are ideal, but you can
also use dollhouse figurines, Christmas ornaments, charms and
pendants, or any other source of small, free-spirited critters!

Start Each player should create a starting brood. First, choose a Breed
from the table below. Then start with 5 CHARM points (used to buy
creatures), and 3 TIN (used to buy upgrades). Make sure you have
models to represent your creatures!

GETTING STARTED Start a game by setting up your village to

terrorize, or labyrinth for strangers to get lost in- whatever strikes your
fancy! Note that some scenarios have special rules for setup. Then
randomly put out the encounter blips, and have each player pick a
starting spot evenly around the board. If you can't find a round table
to play on, have everyone start in a corner, or all in the middle!

TAKING TURNS When you're ready to start, have each player roll two
dice- whoever has the highest roll goes first, and turns continue around
the table in a clockwise order. Each Brood may perform two actions
with each of their creatures, in any order. After the last Brood has
taken their turn, the HUMANS get a turn of their own! See the Ambush
and Hunter encounter blips for details of what they do on the Humans
turn. After the Humans turn is complete, it's back to the first brood's
turn, and so on.


GOBLINS Ridicule Noxious, horrible creatu
FAERIES Flighty Bittersweet, territorial s
DWARFS Armored Grumpy, sturdy, vengef
LEPRAUCHANS Greedy Quaint, tricky shysters.
VERMIN Sneaky Clever, relentless pests
REVELERS Noisy Japing, gaudy performe
GHOULS Voodoo Morbid, wicked trick-or
IMPS Tricky Gleeful, pesky devils.
BREEDS Creatures in the world of gobbledyGook! come in all shapes,
colors, and temperaments. These are called BREEDS, and each breed
has a unique TALENT. Each player should choose a BREED to play that
best matches their available models. A TALENT is an upgrade that
applies to ALL members of the band, for free! It does not count
towards your upgrade totals.


Type Dice Notes

Minion 1 Gang Up- if your attack fails, your next attack may reroll 1 die.
Beast 2 Limit 3 per brood. May not Loot, Shoot, or Scrabble.
Leader 2 Limit 1 per brood.
Heavy 3 Limit 1 per brood. May not Hide. (So no Looting or Mischief).
DICE: this is the number of dice you roll for everything, and the number
of hits you have. It is also the COST for the unit (in CHARM). It is also
the COST of any UPGRADE you buy for the unit (in TIN). So minions
pay 1 Tin per upgrade, Leaders pay 2 Tin, etc.


Upgrade Limit Special Abilities

Armored 3 You may roll +1 die when Defending (passive).
2 die ranged attack- high die hits anyone adjacent to the target.
Bomber 1
If you roll any sixes, you also blow yourself up in the process!
Choppy 3 +1 die when Meleeing.
Clever 3 +1 die when rolling for Escape or Rescue, or when defending from ambushes(p
Flighty 1 May move in any direction including up (must end move on a level surface).
Greedy 1 +1 die when Looting.
Grippy 3 You may move on any surface, such as walls (must end move on a level surface
Noisy 3 May reroll 1 die of any enemy attack within view, once per turn. This reveals y
Ridiculous 3 Earn 1 BRAG if you are KOed!
Shooty 3 You may make ranged attacks!
Shouty 3 May reroll one die for any friendly model within view, once per turn. This revea
Sneaky 3 You are always treated as in cover, even when in the open.
Scry 1 As an action, may examine 1 blip within 1 stick without revealing it.
Steed 3 Your move is doubled! You may not scrabble though.
Tricky 3 +1 die when rolling for Mischief.
Voodoo 1 +1 die when rolling for Revive.
LIMIT: Maximum number of times you can take that upgrade in your
Brood. WYSIWYG: Try to make your models display their Upgrades.
For example, models with Shooty should have a gun, or sling, or bow.
Models with Noisy should have some kind of musical instrument. Use
your imagination, and see what kind of crazy models you can come up

FOOD. 1 action to eat. Beasts MUST eat if they are within 1 stick.
Whoever eats it may either recover 1 HIT, OR gets +1 die to
their next roll (keep the card with them until you roll).
POTS. Finding these REVEALS you! May pick up and carry. If you
drop it off any board edge (or are carrying when the game
ends), earn 1 TIN.
SHRINE. Rolls 2 dice in defense (passive). You may attempt to
DESTROY it with melee or ranged attacks (see MAYHEM below).
FURNITURE. Rolls 2 dice in defense (passive). You may attempt to
DESTROY it with melee or ranged attacks (see MAYHEM below),
OR you may pick up and carry it (but you are REVEALED while
carrying). If you drop it off any board edge (or are carrying when
the game ends), earn 1 TIN.
WANDERER. You have snuck up on a lost, unwary human. Get
him! Rolls 1 die. May Loot, Mischief, or Mayhem.
HOLE. Zwoop! Anyone who reveals or moves into a HOLE will be
transported to any board edge, or any other revealed hole, as
part of their move!
TRAP! AGH! You have been caught in a hunter's trap. This reveals
your model! You may do nothing else until you escape or are
rescued from the TRAP. You must make an ESCAPE roll, or be
RESCUED by an adjacent creature. Whoever succeeds earns 1
point of BRAG.
AMBUSH! You are immediately attacked by a HOUND! If you
were hidden, you may reroll one of your defense dice. Hounds
roll 2 dice. May Mischief or Mayhem. On the Humans turn,
Hounds will move towards and melee the nearest revealed
creature. If no revealed creature is in range, Hounds will move
towards the nearest HIDDEN creature as it tries to sniff them out.
HUNTER! You are immediately attacked by a hunter! If you were
hidden, you may reroll one of your defense dice. Hunters roll 3
dice. May Loot, Mischief or Mayhem. On the humans turn,
Hunters will move towards and melee or shoot the nearest
revealed creature. If no revealed creatures are in range, the
Hunter will move towards the nearest unrevealed blip.

Creatures do things by performing ACTIONS. A Creature can perform
TWO actions each turn. It may perform the same type of action TWICE
if they wish! For example, in one turn a creature could move two
times. Here are all the types of actions a creature can perform:
MOVE. Move 1 STICK in any direction. You may not move over
terrain that is taller than your model. You may make a free
MELEE attack on any model at the end of a move, as long as the
target was not hidden prior to your move.
SCRABBLE. You may climb up any surface up to 1 stick high, such
as a wall. Roll your dice- if you get any 1s, you slide back down-
LOOT, MISCHIEF, OR MAYHEM. See below for details as you
attempt any of these.
AIM. If you can make ranged attacks, you may increase your range
by 1 stick.
PICK UP. You may pick up an item by spending 1 action.
CARRY. Some items require you to CARRY them- you must spend 1
action per turn just to carry them. If you are stunned or take
damage while carrying, you must drop the carried item!
HIDE. You may remove any REVEAL markers on your model.
RESCUE. Roll your dice- if you get a 5 or a 6, you may rescue an
adjacent trapped creature! Earn 1 brag.
ESCAPE. Roll your dice- if you get a 6, you may escape a trap! Earn
1 brag.
REVIVE. Roll your dice- if you get a 6, you may remove 1 hit on an
adjacent creature (even a KOed one). Earn 1 brag if you revive
another brood's creature!
Hiding is an important survival skill for your creatures! Hidden
models may not be attacked until they are revealed in some way.
Your creatures are assumed to be hidden all the time, unless
something REVEALS them. If a creature is ever revealed, place a
REVEAL marker next to them. This makes them more noticeable to
enemies! They must spend an action to hide again.
You are REVEALED if:

You move adjacent to an ENEMY, or an ENEMY moves adjacent to you

or attacks you.
During the enemy turn, an enemy within 1 stick has a clear view of
you (you have no cover).
Attempting a noisy action such as a Ranged or Melee attack.
Revealing a noisy encounter such as POTS.
Using certain Upgrades, such as Noisy or Shouty.
Cover helps protect you from ranged attacks, and helps you stay
hidden. A model is in cover if any part of it cannot be seen by an
enemy- if you are partially behind a wall, for example.
A model in cover gets +1 die when defending against ranged
A model in cover cannot be spotted by an enemy and will remain


Your creatures earn BRAG or TIN by sneakily pulling pranks and tricks
on victims, or noisily attacking them outright!
QUIET activities mean you won't be revealed by attempting it. You
MUST be hidden to attempt a Quiet activity! NOISY activities
mean you WILL be revealed by attempting it.
CONTESTED ROLLS: All forms of mischief and mayhem are contested
rolls. This means the attacker and the defender both roll dice, and
compare the results. The type of combat determines how many dice
are rolled (see below for details).
COMPARE THE ROLLS: To see who won, compare the dice rolls.
Don't add your rolls together- instead, notice what number was rolled
on EACH of your dice. Whoever has a die with the HIGHEST number on
it wins. In the case of a tie, compare the NEXT HIGHEST dice, and so
on until the winner is determined (or it is a tie). For example, an
attacker that rolls 6 and 1 will beat a target that rolls 5 and 5, because
the 6 is the highest roll. An attacker with three dice that rolls 3, 2, 1
will beat a defender that rolls 3, 2 because the attacker's die that rolled
1 is still more than nothing (so having more dice is a big help).
Remember that Veterans get a reroll in all types of combat- this means
they may reroll one die when involved in that type of combat.

OVERKILL: If the winning roll consists of any dice that rolled HIGHER
than the loser's HIGHEST die, then OVERKILL occurs. You do one point
of OVERKILL for each die that rolled higher than the opponent's highest

LOOT- quiet. You may attempt to steal something valuable from a

WANDERER or a HUNTER. Roll your dice vs. the target's dice. If you
LOSE, you will be revealed and the target will immediately make a
melee attack on you! The target is then still eligible for looting,
mischief or mayhem. If you WIN with overkill, earn one point of TIN
(take the encounter blip). If you won but got no overkill, earn one
point of BRAG. Once any Tin or Brag has been earned, a WANDERER
will flee (remove them from the board), but a HUNTER will stay.
Hunters can only be looted once.

MISCHIEF- quiet. You're up to no good! Describe some kind of prank

your creature attempts against a WANDERER, HOUND or HUNTER
within 1 stick. Then, roll your dice vs. the target's dice. If you tie or
LOSE, your prank fails and you are revealed! If you WIN, place a
REVEAL marker on the victim, and earn 1 BRAG. All further LOOT or
MAYHEM attempts on the target will be at +1 DIE! MISCHIEF may not
be attempted on a target that already has a reveal marker on it.

MAYHEM- noisy!

Must be adjacent to the target.

Attacker may reroll 1 die if they were HIDDEN prior to
attacking a living target.
If the ATTACKER wins, the DEFENDER takes one hit per point of
overkill, or they take a STUN if there is no overkill.
If the DEFENDER wins with any OVERKILL and is not passive or
stunned, then the attacker is stunned!
Earn one point of BRAG for each hit you do.
-1 die for each stick of range over the first.
If the defender is in COVER, they may add +1 die to their
defense roll.
Attacker may reroll 1 die if they were HIDDEN prior to
attacking a living target.
If the ATTACKER wins, the DEFENDER takes one hit per point of
overkill, or they take a STUN if there is no overkill.
Earn one point of BRAG for each hit you do!
STUN: While stunned, a model is at -1 DIE when defending (minimum
1 die). A stunned model may do nothing until it recovers from being
stunned by spending 1 action. If stunned again while already stunned,
they are STILL just stunned. STUNS against Objects do 1 hit.
HIT: Models with multiple hits lose ONE DIE for each hit they have
taken. Place hit markers next to the model to keep track of hits on
KO: If a model has taken hits equal to or greater than their die value,
the model is KOed- place the model face down and remove any reveal
markers on the model. They may do nothing unless revived. All
models are automatically revived when the game ends. KOs against
objects destroy them.
ATTACKING OTHER BROODS. You may use MAYHEM to attack other
broods as described above, with the following restrictions:

The MAX damage you can do to any other brood model is a STUN.
Remember that STUNNED models must DROP anything they are
If the Brood you are attacking has more BRAG than your Brood, you
will earn 1 BRAG for stunning them.

Depending on the scenario, most games end when all of the encounter
blips have been resolved. All creature models are automatically
revived when the game ends.
If you earned ANY Brag during the game, you get 1 CHARM.
If you earned MORE Brag than the number of creatures in your brood,
you get +1 CHARM.
The brood with the MOST Brag gets +1 charm!
TIN may be used to purchase upgrades for your Brood.
CHARM earned may be used to purchase additional creatures for
your brood!

NIGHT WATCH SETUP: Place 6 blips per player evenly around the
board. Broods can start at any corner. Each player rolls 2 dice- highest
roll goes first, then turns proceed clockwise around the table. NIGHT
WATCHMEN: If there are NO hunters or hounds on the board at the
start of the Humans turn, have each player roll one die for every 2
models they have active on the board. If anyone rolled Doubles, they
must place a HUNTER at their board edge (in the case of multiple
doubles, the highest roll must place)- otherwise, whoever rolled the
highest must place a HOUND at their board edge. Then run any
Hunters or Hounds according to their rules. GAME ENDS: When there
are no unresolved blips (that aren't Hunters or Hounds), or all the
broods have been KOed.

HIGHWAYMEN SETUP: Clear a road from one board end to the other.
Place a wagon or coach at one end of the road. Place 3 blips per
player evenly around the board, and keep the rest of the blips handy
for the wagon. Broods can start at any corner. THE WAGON: Broods
may attack the WAGON with ranged or melee. The wagon defends
with one die. Any HITS on the wagon will earn 1 brag, and cause the
wagon to drop a random BLIP, face UP, on the road behind it (this
reveals the blip). If it is a Hunter, place him on TOP of the wagon
instead- he'll immediately shoot at whatever model attacked the
wagon! HUMAN TURN: At the end of each Human turn, the Wagon
will move two sticks forward until it moves off the far board edge. If it
collides with any models, treat as a 3 die melee attack against the
model, and if it survives, push it to the nearest road edge. Any
HUNTERS on board will stay on board and will fire, once per turn, at the
nearest revealed target in line of sight. ADVANCED GAMES: For a
more challenging game, start the wagon with a HUNTER on board at
the beginning of the game! GAME ENDS: When the Wagon is off the
board and there are no unresolved blips.

THE HAUNTED FOREST SETUP: Place as many spooky trees on the

board as you can get together! Place one blip at the base of each
tree. All trees start out "asleep". Fill out the rest of the board with
scenery as you see fit, but don't place more than 6 blips per player.
When a blip is revealed, consult the chart below instead of using the
normal rules for blips.

HUNTER: The tree awakens and attacks you! The HUNTER blip is just
the loot from an unfortunate hunter who was killed- it may not be
collected unless the tree is KOed. Then anyone may pick it up for
1 tin.
AMBUSH: The tree awakens and attacks you!
WANDERER: You have found a wanderer that is trapped inside a
sleeping tree. You may make a MISCHIEF roll against the tree's
dice to free the Wanderer. If you succeed, the wanderer rewards
you- take their blip as 1 tin! But if you fail, the tree awakens and
attacks you!
HOLE: Follows the normal rules for holes. Also, this tree is weakened
by the hole, and rolls 1 less die than normal.
SHRINE, FURNITURE, POTS, FOOD, TRAP: Treat the blip as normal,
but remember that while adjacent to a tree there's a chance it
will awaken on the Tree Turn!
TREES: Sleeping trees may not be attacked. Awakened trees get
1 action and roll 2 dice in melee, or may make a 1 die ranged attack.
Trees ignore STUN. Earn 1 Brag for each hit you do to a tree.
AWAKEN: At the beginning of the TREE TURN, any sleeping trees that
have models adjacent, or revealed models within 1 stick, must roll to
see if they awaken. Roll their dice- if any dice roll a 6, the tree
awakens and attacks the nearest model! Place a reveal marker next to
the tree to show that it is awake. SLEEP: At the end of the TREE TURN,
any awakened trees that do NOT have models within 1 stick of them
must roll their remaining dice, and unless they roll any 6's, they will go
back to sleep (remove the reveal marker to show they are asleep).
ADVANCED GAMES: For a more challenging game, give the trees
THREE dice! GAME ENDS: When there are no unresolved blips, or all
the broods have been KOed.

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