Monday Mathematics: 1 One Isa 2 Two Dalawa 3 Three Tatlo
Monday Mathematics: 1 One Isa 2 Two Dalawa 3 Three Tatlo
Monday Mathematics: 1 One Isa 2 Two Dalawa 3 Three Tatlo
4 fourapat
5 fivelima
6 sixanim
Ask the pupils to count the
number of objects.
Write the symbol and its number
word on the board. Make the
pupils readthem after you.
Make sure that the numbers are
consecutively written with
number wordwritten beside its them and to write the number of
corresponding symbol so that the pencils in word and in symbol.
pupils see thesequence. Focus F. Applying to new and other
the pupils attention to the situations.
numbers on the board. Letthem Assign the Home Activity to the
read the number symbols and the pupils.
number names for 3, 4, 5, and 6.
B. Performing an activity
Distribute the counters and
number word cards to the pupils.
Ask them to lay out their number
word cards from 4 to 6. Ask them
to make sets of 4, 5, and 6objects
and place them next to their
number cards.
C. Processing the results of the
Put the number word card 4
four in the pocket chart. Ask:
How manycounters should we put
in the pocket chart to show 4?
(We should put 4 counters.) Put
four counters beside the
corresponding number word.
Showthe pupils how to write 4
and four. Let the pupils do
Worksheet 1-1.
Topic: Four, Five and Six
II. Objectives:
To recognize cardinal numbers 4,
D. Reinforcing concepts and skills 5 and 6
Flash a number word card. Let the To identify the number that is one
pupils show its corresponding more or one less than a given
number of counters. number
Show a set of counters. Ask the III. Prerequisite Concepts / Skills
pupils to raise its corresponding Concepts of 1, 2 and 3
numberword card. Concepts of one more and one
Worksheet 2: Write how many in less
words and in symbols. Intuitive concepts of 4, 5 and 6
E. Summarizing the lesson Intuitive concepts of more and
Show five objects, say five less
pencils. Ask the pupils to count Rote counting
IV. Materials:
Cut-outs of children If the pupils cannot express these
Number word cards for 4, 5 and 6 relationships themselves, then
Counters (e.g. popsicle sticks, you may guide them. Ask the
marbles, straws, etc.)Pocket chart following:
V. Instructional Procedures: What number is one less than
A. Presenting the lesson five?
Show a picture of three children What number is one less than six?
playing What number is one more than
Ask: How many children are four?
playing? (Three girls are playing.) What number is one more than
Have the pupils count the number five?
of children. D. Reinforcing concepts and skills
Write the symbol 3 and the Show a set of objects. Make the
word three on the board. Let pupils show a set of objects that
the pupils read the symbol and has one more or one less object
the number word. that the number of objects in the
Ask: How many children will there set shown.
be if another child joins them? Show a number word card. Make
(There will be four children.) the pupils raise a number word
Add a picture of one child to the card that is one more or one less
three children previously shown. than the given number.
Ask the pupils to count the E. Summarizing the lesson
number of children. There are Ask them to draw a set of pencils
four children now. showing one more than and
Write the symbol 4 and the another set showing one less than
word four on the board. Let the the five pencils. For each set, let
pupils read the symbol and the them write how manypencils
number word. there are in symbols and in
Add another child with the same words.
process until you reach six. F. Applying to new and other
B. Performing an activity situations.
Make the pupils observe the sets Assign the Home Activity to the
of counters on the board. Ask pupils.
them for their observations.
Here are possible answers:
The number of counters is
Five is more than four.
Five is one more than four.
Six is more than five.
Six is one more than five.
Four is less than five.
Four is one less than five.
Five is less than six.
Five is one less than six
What number comes after seven?
What number comes after eight?
B. Performing an activity and
processing its results
Let the pupils bring out their
counters. Ask each pupil to show
a set of 6counters. Then ask them
to add 1 more counter and
Mathematics identify the total numberof
Lesson 5 counters. Post on the board a
I. Topic: Seven, Eight, and Nine drawing of seven counters and
II. Objectives: write thesymbol 7 and seven
1. To count and tell the number of on the board. Let the pupils read
objects in a given set the symbol and theword.
2. To read and write numbers 7, 8,
and 9 in symbols and in words C. Processing the results of the
3. To recognize cardinal numbers activity
7, 8, and 9
III. Prerequisite Concepts and
Concepts of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
Concepts of one more and one
Intuitive concepts of 7, 8, and 9
Rote counting D. Reinforcing the Concepts and
IV. Materials: Skills
Counters (e.g. marbles, bottle Flash a number word card. Let the
caps, popsicle sticks, etc.) pupils show its corresponding
Number word cards number of counters.
V. Instructional Procedures: Show a set of counters. Ask the
A. Presenting the lesson pupils to raise its corresponding
numberword card
7 sevenpito E. Summarizing the lesson
Show eight objects, say eight
pencils. Ask the pupils to count
8 eightwalo them and towrite the number of
pencils in word and in symbol.
9 nine siyam Ask them to draw a set of pencils
showing one more than and
another set showing one less than
the eight pencils. For each set, let
Make the pupils count from one to them write thenumber of pencils
six. in symbols and in words.
Ask: What number comes after F. Applying to new and other
six? situations
Assign the Home Activity to the