SF Analytics Empirix
SF Analytics Empirix
SF Analytics Empirix
2017 Senza Fili www.senzafiliconsulting.com Empirix: Real-time analytics to understand QoE and optimize end-to-end performance |2|
reporting, ad hoc reporting, or even sending One of the biggest advances has been to
Empirix information to third parties. intelligently collect and distribute the
appropriate information. As we know with
The key behind what we do is the fact that we VoLTE, voice and data are on the same network.
Real-time analytics have these multi-service probes that allow us to What has evolved is the ability to rapidly
collect every bit of information on them. Were understand all that data and be able to
to understand QoE able to take that data and not just pass on all transform that into information and knowledge
the data because therere huge volumes of that is meaningful to the service provider.
and optimize end-to- data that come off a service provider network
but also do what were really focused on: being If we want, for example, to take all the data
end performance able to provide the right data at the right time. thats traversing the network, and we want to
be able to correlate it to the actual end user, we
So were taking that data and correlating it to will also need to pull in information from CRM
A conversation with Robert the end-to-end call, for example, so customer and associate it with a user.
Laliberte, VP Marketing, Empirix support will know this customers having a
problem at this point. The key, for us, is working with the service
provider to understand what are the critical
How can mobile operators deal with all the data We are able to understand the traffic, so the KBOs and then building out the appropriate
they have and optimize their networks, rather service provider can pass along location-based KPIs, KQIs, so they get the information that they
than be overwhelmed? How can they get the services information, or can find a real-time want to see. Of course, they also need to be
data they need, at the right temporal resolution alert to a network problem thats causing a able to drill down to an individual subscriber
(milliseconds instead of days), and at the right problem with the quality of experience for an level, not just macro level data like this cell
depth (from the end-to-end network, down to individual subscriber. tower is out.
the individual subscriber)?
Thats what were trying to do: take vast In this day and age, we really need to be able to
Robert Laliberte, VP of Marketing at Empirix, amounts of data and roll that up into the instantly pinpoint which subscribers are
shared how Empirix correlates network data to information, knowledge and wisdom that impacted by a network challenge. Or if an
multiple use cases, both internal to the service providers need to operate their individual subscriber calls in to customer care,
operator and for third parties. environments more effectively and efficiently. we need to know whats going on with their
account immediately.
Monica Paolini: Robert, can you tell us what Monica: Operators have always had access to
you do in this area at Empirix? this data, but theyre only now learning to use The biggest shift weve seen from the operators
it. What has changed in the past few years? is much more focus on the customer, many of
Robert Laliberte: Empirix is a leading provider them refer to it as more customer centricity; its
of customer experience assurance solutions. Robert: In the past, there were separate voice whats driven a lot of this activity and the need
We provide all of the data collection probes and data systems. You had data coming in, but to be able to correlate all that data into a single,
that go out throughout a service providers it got stuck in silos, and there was a lot of easy-to-use interface.
network, collect all that voice and data traffic, swivel-chair management: How do we
bring that in, correlate it, enrich it, and pass correlate the information between the two Monica: Thats challenging, because you need
that on for either real-time dashboarding or disparate systems? granularity of the data about the individual
2017 Senza Fili www.senzafiliconsulting.com Empirix: Real-time analytics to understand QoE and optimize end-to-end performance |3|
subscriber, and at the
same time, about the
Robert: Its a really good question, because it is The ability to collect data from the edge, back team wants to see detailed call ladder
a very complex environment. One of the keys is through the core, and being able to correlate all diagrams, illustrating an end-to-end call, so they
to not be tied to any specific vendor when that call information end to end that is whats know exactly where a problem is. The
youre deploying a probe solution. Everything becoming more critical. marketing team wants to know what devices
we do can work across any single vendor, customers are using, and maybe even where
multiple vendors, heterogeneous environments, It is complex. There is a lot that has to be done, theyre using them. The sales team is going out
because what were doing is polling the and you have to map it out correctly in order to to municipalities to say, Wouldnt you like to
network traffic. Were going directly and getting collect the right data. Again, our approach is to understand the citys traffic patterns? We are
all the information off the network traffic. start by understanding what the business able to generate that information from the data
objectives are first, so we can go into the that is collected.
The key is sitting down with the service network and understand that in order to get
providers, understanding their environment this key indicator for this business objective, we Thats where the power of our mediation and
completely, so that we can appropriately place need to place collectors here, here, and here, in correlation engine comes into play, as that is
the data collection points to ensure that we are order to provide that information to the where we transform data into valuable
collecting in all the right places, before the SBC, business. knowledge. We help service providers to map
after the SBC, things like that. network data to useful information and
Monica: The first step is to understand which knowledge.
Or maybe out at the base station, at the RAN data to collect. But then you also need to
tower, so we can collect that end-to-end understand what data is relevant in that huge Of all the data that were collecting, we can
visibility. Thats one of the things weve also amount that you collect. Most of it, its not refine that down, correlate it, and generate the
seen evolving. Its not enough to have needed. Only a small fraction of it is. information that these organizations want to
information only from the core network. Service have, by department. As I mentioned earlier,
providers also need to have end-to-end Robert: Thats a great point. And to put an even customer care, for example, wants to be able to
visibility. further refinement on that, its which team look from an individual subscriber, or maybe
wants access to what data. The troubleshooting groups of subscribers, such as roamers.
2017 Senza Fili www.senzafiliconsulting.com Empirix: Real-time analytics to understand QoE and optimize end-to-end performance |4|
Its about making sure that, once youve
ingested that information, youve got the
flexibility to appropriately segment it and to
provide the appropriate reports, dashboards,
etc., to the appropriate teams.
From the troubleshooting group, they want to able to sell data for location-based services or It comes in over the data network, but yet its
see more detailed analysis and to be alerted for real-time offer management. voice, so you need to do a lot of correlation to
more quickly when there is a problem. They make sure youve got the right KPIs and KQIs
want to see that in real time, and they want to Monica: In this context, how have the KPIs that youre monitoring to ensure youre
be able to drill down and do the diagnostics. changed? As you mentioned, voice is no longer delivering the greatest level of service.
They want the high-level alert, but then the a separate service: VoLTE is both data and voice
capability to drill down. at the same time. Does that change which KPIs It is also more than just QoS, which is about
operators are paying attention to? network performance. Service providers want
Its not about presenting all the information at to understand the quality of experience, or
once. If they get the high-level alert that there Robert: When you look at something like rather the subjective experience that the end
is a problem, they want to be able to drill down VoLTE, it adds an additional layer of complexity. user has.
and quickly find what theyre looking for. If you have a solution thats just looking at the
data network, and one thats just looking at Is our network performing great? is a
Additionally, service providers want information voice, youre missing the complete picture on question that doesnt matter. What matters is,
they can monetize. Theyve got this vast VoLTE. Is the end user getting an acceptable level of
amount of data, and they want to use it to performance? If theyre not, thats when
change or redefine their business model, and be theyre likely to leave and go to someone else.
2017 Senza Fili www.senzafiliconsulting.com Empirix: Real-time analytics to understand QoE and optimize end-to-end performance |5|
Monica: You also mentioned real time. If its revenue models, and deal with all the OTT to come inside and buy a couple of donuts from
customer care, the operator wants to act as vendors taking money riding over their me.
soon as possible. What temporal granularity do networks.
you need to have? That ones near and dear to my heart, anyway,
Service providers are still exploring how to making sure I get a few donuts as I go by. Things
Robert: It really depends on what information leverage their networks to drive additional like that are where service providers are trying
theyre looking for, and what levels of revenue streams. Youve got things like IoT to monetize the data thats flowing over their
correlation and information they want to have. coming out thats going to have billions of network.
In some cases, for real time, what youre sensors. A lot of those will be riding over their
looking at could be anywhere from a couple of networks. Theyre also looking into how to keep high-
minutes to maybe 100 ms of delay. value customers happy. Service providers want
There are a lot of opportunities for service to know their quality of experience to make
If you want to deliver real-time offer providers to be able to provide information sure they are taken care of so the providers
management or location-based services, we see back. Theyre going to have to fight with other dont lose them.
an increasing demand from the service ecosystem players for that, but IoT is an
providers saying, Its great that were pulling in opportunity for them. Monica: As networks evolve, they get
all this information, but I need it in real time. virtualized. Getting information out of a
Location-based services is another one. Service virtualized network is different from a
Any alerts for network issues have to be at the providers know where everyone is, and when traditional network, because the network keeps
sub-second, or millisecond resolution. Service they are there. If youre a shopkeeper, for changing and so does the data extracted from
providers are looking for that alert to come example, and you want to target people to get it. Its a dynamic network. It is a moving target.
through as quickly as possible. them to come into your store, what better way
than to get information that says, The majority Robert: Its a very exciting time. Anytime
Some of the other information, for instance of the people that walk past your store live in theres a big catalyst for change and a big new
marketing data, may not be something service these zip codes? technology shift, it presents a lot of
providers need to get in real time, but they opportunity.
want to have it filtered and correlated. They Then you can target your advertising to those
dont want to waste time looking through zip codes to drive traffic. Hey, you may not live With virtualization, the issue is how to ensure
information they dont need. here, but you walk by my store every day. that we have the virtual probes in all the
Please come in and see me. Things like that locations we need them, especially as the
Monica: Lets talk about monetization. As is would provide a value-add to the business network changes. Thats going to be the key
often the case, operators want to know, How owners and also would create a monetization knowing when virtual network functions are
do you monetize all this? Analytics requires a stream for the service provider. spun up or spun down, or when new service is
lot of effort and cost. How can they get that turned up.
investment back? An extension of that is real-time offer
management based on a subscribers location. How do we ensure that were in synch with
Robert: The service providers are under Not only are they walking past your store, but those changes, and ensure that the probes are
pressure. There are a lot of saturated markets. an example of the real time would be, Hey, collecting the data that we need to collect?
Theres a lot of competition. Theyre trying to youre walking past my store. Heres a coupon especially when you may have two network
differentiate themselves and come up with new functions that are on the same physical server,
2017 Senza Fili www.senzafiliconsulting.com Empirix: Real-time analytics to understand QoE and optimize end-to-end performance |6|
and the data traversing them never leaves that NFV is now getting into what Gartner refers to environments. Its just a matter of time for the
physical server. as the trough of disillusionment in its hype service providers to be able to pull this
cycle. At the beginning everyone loves the idea, together, do the testing that they need to do,
Thats where a virtual probe that you can they love the concept. They start using it, and and then roll forward their solutions.
deploy in that virtual environment in between they find out theres maybe some limitations, or
the virtual switches enables service providers to there is something causing a problem. The smaller service providers will probably roll
collect and extract the meaningful data, and this out faster, because they have a less
send it on to the mediation layer without This is where it gets really fun. This is where we complex environment. Itll be simpler for them
missing anything as the environment shifts. get to go out and test these environments and to deploy and control. As you get to larger
push the limits, and understand what works, operators, its going to take a little bit longer,
Obviously, its still early in the virtual what doesnt, and what needs to be fixed or just because the environment is more complex.
environment. You see a lot of people piloting, changed.
testing, looking at rolling out solutions. Were Monica: In your pilots, what is it you hear from
actively working with a number of our clients as Were entering a phase of rapid development operators? They are used to doing manual,
they embark on piloting virtualization in their right now, as more organizations and more small changes, and having limited data. The
networks. But the key really is ensuring, when service providers start deploying these pilot more they open up the gate to use more data,
you move from that physical realm into the environments and finding out where the virtual the more automation they use, the less control
virtual, that youre still able to collect all the environments breaking points are. A lot of they have. How are mobile operators coping
data you need. these are still largely unknown. with it, not just from a technology point of view,
but also in terms of internal structure and
Again, it ties back to what does the business Its going to be an interesting time for us. What culture?
need, and based on that, where do we need to were trying to do is work with our clients who
put in the collection points. We have to ensure are doing these pilots, to deploy our solutions Robert: Its interesting that you bring that up,
that, regardless of whether its a physical or a and help them understand where the because Ive always seen, in any technology
virtual environment, were able to collect that complexities are and how to overcome them. transition, the technology tends to be the easy
data and to pass that on, filter it, correlate it, Ultimately, virtualization adds a layer of part. Sometimes its the cultural change that
enrich it, and send it up to the appropriate complexity, because now you have a new layer becomes much harder.
groups that need it within the service provider. of abstraction that youve inserted.
What Ive seen and witnessed in a lot of the
Monica: As you said, this is a gradual process. We saw this with the early days on the technology changes is not really a jump from,
Many operators have only part of their network enterprise side, when they were deploying for instance, manual to fully automated
virtualized. Doesnt that present a special server virtualization. You got server processes. Instead, service providers working
challenge for you, because you basically need to virtualization sprawl. People would spin up with the vendors get into a semi-automatic
collect data from both worlds? more and more virtual servers, and that created mode where the software will provide the
all sorts of congestion in the network and recommended solutions, but to enact a change,
Robert: For us, what that would mean is that contention at the storage layer. they still need to physically press a button to
were going to be deploying a hybrid make that change happen.
environment of both physical probes and virtual All those bugs need to be worked out. Theres
probes. no doubt they will. The enterprise has already It takes time to convert from a manual to a fully
figured this out. Theyve built fully virtualized automatic mode, but it gives them the sense of
2017 Senza Fili www.senzafiliconsulting.com Empirix: Real-time analytics to understand QoE and optimize end-to-end performance |7|
control they need as theyre learning to trust Monica: If we look forward over the next few right orchestration tools, self-optimized
the automation software. years to 5G and more virtualization, how is that network tools, in order to make those decisions
going to change what youre doing and the kind to help drive efficiency in their environment
This is where, as I said, it gets exciting. Theres a of help you provide to mobile operators? and to help keep their customer satisfaction
lot of vendor development going on when high.
things work or maybe things dont work, and Robert: The way we view the future, we see
they need to change and modify their product. NFV and 5G becoming a reality. We see IoT Glossary
continuing to grow and expand. We see the
Again, its going to be a progression. Its going need for more self-optimized networks to CRM Customer relationship
to take time. People will test the waters. Theyll occur, because, again, its not going to be management
do it in pilots first before they roll it into feasible if there are going to be massive swings IM Instant messaging
production. Were still looking at years before in infrastructure required to support the IMS IP multimedia subsystem
all this gets fully adopted, but like I said, this is customer demand. Its not something thats IoT Internet of things
the exciting time now. This is where a lot of the going to be sustainable through a manual IP Internet Protocol
developments going to happen, a lot of the real process. KBO Key business objective
testing is going to take place, and finding out KPI Key performance indicator
what works well. We view our role in that environment as being KQI Key quality indicator
the ones who can collect all that information, LTE Long Term Evolution
Certainly, with virtualization at the edge, correlate it as needed, and then feed the MMTR Mean time to repair
organizations and service providers dont have appropriate tools to take the appropriate NFV Network Functions Virtualization
to roll trucks to deploy a set, fixed environment. action, whether thats a self-optimizing network OTT Over the top
Instead, they can rapidly turn up virtualized infrastructure, whether thats an orchestration QoA Quality of application
servers at the edge thats a great use case for engine.
QoE Quality of experience
QoS Quality of service
We view this as really critical to the
RAN Radio access network
As IoT develops, theres going to be a much development of fully virtualized environments,
SBC Session border controller
bigger strain and need for these service because there is this perfect storm brewing out
providers to be able to flexibly change their there with IoT, 5G, and SON that needs to be SMS Short message service
environments, grow that environment so they accommodated. We see our role as being the SOC Service operations center
can accommodate that load thats being put ones who can provide the information. SON Self-organizing network
onto their networks from all the IoT devices. VoIP Voice over IP
Again, we talk about taking vast amounts of VoLTE Voice over LTE
Just think of a time when maybe eight or nine data, moving it up to where it becomes that
million autonomous driving cars start up in the information, knowledge, and ultimately maybe
morning and go to work. Busy hours are no wisdom for an organization to take the
longer going to entail people calling on the appropriate action or monetize things.
phone. It could be cars self-driving and
looking for information. Its going to be an When we look at this phase moving forward,
interesting transition to this space. Its one that solutions like ours will be critical to providing
were looking forward to seeing develop. the right information at the right time to the
2017 Senza Fili www.senzafiliconsulting.com Empirix: Real-time analytics to understand QoE and optimize end-to-end performance |8|
About Empirix
Empirix is the recognized leader in end-to-end network performance visibility with the unique ability to analyze customer
behaviors by application in real time. We help service providers, mobile operators and enterprises optimize business processes
to reduce operational costs, maximize customer retention and grow top-line revenue. Through monitoring, analytics and
intelligence, Empirix helps companies around the world realize the full value of their technology investments. For further
information, please visit www.empirix.com.
2017 Senza Fili Consulting, LLC. All rights reserved. This paper was prepared on behalf of Empirix. The transcription of the conversation has been edited for consistency and readability. The document can be
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information in this document. Senza Fili Consulting assumes no liability for any damage or loss arising from reliance on this information. Trademarks mentioned in this document are property of their respective
owners. Cover photo by MIKHAIL GRACHIKOV/Shutterstock.