Stephen E. Kesler1
re-forming (hydrothermal) fluids, consisting largely of H2O, CO2, and and its salinity, and analyses of
inclusion contents provide infor-
NaCl, formed most of Earths ore deposits. The fluids exist as largely
mation on compositions of the
unconfined systems in meteoric, seawater, and basinal settings, or fluids. Isotopic analyses of hydro-
locally and intermittently confined systems in magmatic, metamorphic, and thermal minerals and inclusion
fluids serve as geothermometers
basinal settings, and they are driven largely by differences in temperature,
and tracers of the source of the
elevation or density. Temperatures are highest (~600C) in magmatic and fluid and its dissolved constituents
lowest in basinal and meteoric (~100C) systems. Salinities well above that (Farmer and DePaulo 1997; Taylor
of seawater are reached by boiling, evaporation, and evaporite dissolution, 1997; Ohmoto and Goldhaber
largely in magmatic and basinal systems. Today, research is focused on
Active hydrothermal systems near
establishing the concentrations of metals in these fluids, the volume and
the present surface operate at tem-
duration of hydrothermal flow, and the links between ore systems and peratures of less than about 350C;
larger, regional fluid systems. on the other hand, ancient sys-
tems exposed in ore deposits
KEYWORDS : ore deposit, reached at least 600C. This large
hydrothermal fluid, fluid, water difference reflects the deeper mag-
matic, basinal, and metamorphic
INTRODUCTION settings of some ore deposits, which produced higher tem-
Ore deposits are formed by geologic processes ranging from peratures and salinities. For instance, near the surface the
weathering to magmatic crystallization, but most form only widespread saline water is seawater with a salinity of
from hot, aqueous fluids. These hydrothermal fluids are the about 3 wt%, and evaporation is the only common process
main agents for the movement of thermal energy and mass that increases salinity. At depth, however, salinity can be
transfer in the crust. The wide variety of textures in increased by dissolution of evaporites, boiling, phase sepa-
hydrothermal ores (FIG. 1) provides evidence of the many ration, and hydration of wallrock (Bodnar et al. 1985;
settings in which hydrothermal fluids operate. Hanor 1987; Yardley and Graham 2002).
Inclusion fluids in ore deposits consist largely of H2O with
ORE-FORMING FLUIDS locally abundant CO2 and smaller amounts of H2S, CH4,
and N2. Dissolved cations include Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, and Si,
Temperature and Composition and the dominant anion is Cl, with smaller amounts of
The composition and physical state of ore-forming fluids HCO3- and SO42- (Roedder and Bodnar 1997). Less infor-
can be inferred from studies of active systems, such as the mation is available on concentrations of ore elements such
AuAs deposits of the Waiotapu geothermal system in New as Cu, Zn, Pb, and Au in inclusion fluids. Early efforts com-
Zealand and the CuZnPb black smokers along the mid- paring the volume of metal-bearing daughter minerals to
ocean ridges (Von Damm et al. 1997; Brown and Simmons that of their host fluid inclusions indicated concentrations
2003). Additional information can be obtained from of thousands of parts per million for Cu in inclusion fluids
extinct hydrothermal systems exposed in ore deposits, from porphyry Cu deposits, and more recent analyses of
where minerals that fill open spaces or that replaced and single fluid inclusions confirm these high concentrations
altered wallrocks reflect the composition of their parent (Sawkins and Scherkenbach 1981; Heinrich et al. 1999;
hydrothermal fluid (Barnes 1997). Fluid inclusions are espe- Vanko et al. 2001; Baker et al. 2004).
cially useful sources of information on extinct hydrother-
mal systems because they are microsamples of these Experimental studies show that ore metals are carried in
ancient fluids (Roedder and Bodnar 1997). Daughter min- hydrothermal fluids as complex ions (Wood and Samson
erals in some inclusions provide evidence of salinities and 1998). Most metals are cations, and the most common
compositions of the paleofluids, and inclusions consisting anions in these complexes are Cl- for base metals and HS-
largely of vapor demonstrate that they boiled (FIG. 2). for Au. The generally lower concentrations of organic
Heating and freezing measurements on fluid inclusions anions and lower stabilities of organic complexes limit
indicate the temperature at which the fluid was trapped them to special roles such as the transport of mercury by oil
(Fein and Williams-Jones 1997).
1 Department of Geological Sciences
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
MI 48109 U.S.A.
Geofluids 2: 249-256 .
origins of salinity in metamorphic fluids.