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Issue 2 – Volume 12
May 2008

International Marconi Day 2

STOP PRESS ANZAC Day Remembrance

Tech Topics – Duplexers /

Diplexers / triplexers

D-STAR Presidents Report 5

Ross Hull Arthur C Clark – The Clark Belt 5

As we go to press the D-Star system has hit the Silent Key

Illawarra and Sydney. Thanks to a concerted Contest D-Star Team Report 6

effort by many members of the Illawarra Amateur Repeater Report 7
Radio Society the Icom D-Star System is running a Congratulation go to
Brian VK2AH and Ted
Technical Workshop Informa- 7
series of test transmissions. All we are waiting on tion
to go live is the licence from the A.C.M.A. VK2ARA for a sterling 8
The H.F. Scene
Initial reports from users right across the effort in this years Ross 9

Illawarra and Sydney show exceptional coverage Hull VHF/UHF contest. Project Spot – W2IK’s VHF
Emergency Deployable Antenna
even into the most fringe areas of the footprint. Both Brian and Ted en- 13
VI2AMW60 – Special callsign
The 2 metre, 70 centimetre and 23 centimetre sys- tered the VHF-UHF 6
tems are proving the benefits of the digital tech- metre to 23cm section
nology. All QSO’s are crystal clear and have to be for single operators. Acting Editor:
Ross Masterson
heard to be believed. Brian managed a 5th VK2VVV
Read on to hear what the D-Star Co-ordinator and place with a total of 853
club president have to say on the D-Star extrava- points and Ted not far
behind in 6th place with
771 points. Well done I.A.R.S. Club Repeater
Once the licence has arrived there will be an infor- from all of the members Frequencies
mation session with a D-Star radio setup for every- 2 Metres
here at I.A.R.S. 146.850 MHz }
one to have a look at.
146.975 MHz } Linked IRLP
146.675 MHz }
147.300 MHz EchoLink
146.7625 MHz D-Star Voice
I.A .R .s . Te ch ni ca l Wor k sh ops 70 cm
438.725 MHz 123.0 CTCSS
The Technical Workshops are finally here. You may have heard about 438.225 MHz 123.0 CTCSS
439.750 MHz D-Star Voice
this initiative on the Illawarra Amateur Radio Society’s weekly broad- 6 Metre
cast each Tuesday evening, or maybe from the WIA or Amateur Radio 53.650 MHz
10 Metres
NSW news broadcasts. In a nut shell what we’ve done, is assembled sev- 29.620 MHz
eral short amateur radio projects into a technical workshop for ama- 23 cm
teurs. Our workshop project manager is Paul VK2FE a very experi- 1273.950 MHz D-Star Voice
enced kit and project builder. 1298.500 MHz D-Star Data

The workshops will be held on a Sunday over the next month or two.

Continued Page 7

ANZAC DAY From the Editor’s Desk

25th April 2008
The Soldier stood and faced his
God, What a month it’s been for the club.
Which must always come to pass. It seems like only days ago we were is swelling. This I’m sure is attrib-
He hoped his shoes were shining, putting the last issue of the Propaga- uted to the many activities, ser-
Just as brightly as his brass. vices, and projects the club pro-
tor together.
'Step forward now, you Soldier, vides for it’s members.
It’s been a very rewarding month for
How shall I deal with you? Latter this month Paul VK2FE will
Have you always turned the other the club too. I’ve no doubt your all
well aware of the tremendous be starting his Technical Work-
cheek? shops, I ask you to come along and
To My Church have you been achievement this club has gained with
the new D-star system. be part of these workshops, with
This club, your club, bid for and was your support these workshops will
awarded one of the two D-Star digital continue. There are details of the
The Soldier squared his shoul-
ders and said, systems to be installed initially in projects for the workshops else-
'No, my Lord, I ain't. NSW. A lot of hard work went into where in this edition.
Because those of us who carry the bid which started around this time You will notice many new seg-
guns, last year. This is the sort of work ments in this month Propagator. I
Can't always be a saint. your executive undertake behind the hope one of the sections covers
I've had to work most Sundays, scenes every day to keep the club your aspect of interest in this di-
And at times my talk was tough. functioning. Each and every member verse hobby. In hunting out the
And sometimes I've been violent, of the Illawarra Amateur Radio Soci- best people to prepare the new sec-
Because the world is awfully ety can take pride in this project, it tions, I am honoured to say that not
rough. was a club initiative and a club one person asked had any hesitation
achievement. in offering their time to help. This
But, I never took a dollar, is what makes this organisation
Our president, Tony, mentioned in
That wasn't mine to keep... such a great amateur radio club.
his brief this month how our member-
Though I worked a lot of overtime, The friendliness, camaraderie, and
When the bills got just too steep. assistance offered by everyone in
And I never passed a cry for help, the IARS is commendable, thank
Though at times I shook with fear. you.
International Marconi Day
And sometimes, God, forgive me,
This will be my last edition as edi-
I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place,
tor of the Propagator, and I’ve en-
Among the people here. International Marconi Day (IMD) is a joyed my short time immensely. I
They never wanted me around, 24-hour amateur radio event held an- wish I had more time to devote to
Except to calm their fears. nually to celebrate the birth of Gug- the magazine.
If you've a place for me here, lielmo Marconi on the 25th April Your new editor will be Tracey
Lord, 1874. The IMD event is not a contest, Benko VK2FARM. I know the
It needn't be so grand. it is an opportunity for amateurs journal, in Tracey’s capable hands
I never expected or had too much, around the world to make point-to- will move along in leaps and
But if you don't, I'll understand. point contact with historic Marconi bounds. Please support Tracey and
sites using HF communications tech- the magazine, if you have any arti-
There was a silence all around the cles for inclusion send them to
niques similar to those used by Mar-
throne, propagator@iras.org.au If there is
Where the Saints had often trod. a particular topic you would like
As the Soldier waited quietly, IMD is usually held on the Saturday
closest to Marconi's birthday, when included, or any interesting ideas
For the judgment of his God. please drop us a line, this is your
‘Step forward now, you Soldier, amateur radio stations are established
and operated from original historic magazine. If you would like to
You've borne your burdens well. write an article , please let us know.
Walk peacefully on Heaven's sites, or nearby. Communications
techniques have changed significantly Cheers for now.
You've done your time in Hell.' since the days of Marconi's first ex-
periments, and today, the Internet has VK2VVV
~Author Unknown~ become the most widely used of all Ross Masterson
communications media. However, the
spirit of IMD remains basically that
of making point-to-point contact be-
tween two stations using only the HF

Issue 2 – Volume 12
May 2008

Diplexers, Triplexer, Duplexers, What the………….

This month the Tech Topic is Diplexers, Triplexers, Duplexers, what they do, when to
use them and how they work.
Each month we will try and find a piece of Technology associated with the hobby and
have someone dissect it and write it up in a similar fashion to this. Got any ideas of
some topics? Feel like doing an article for the magazine. Is there a piece of the hobby
you just can’t get your head around. You’ll find the answers here to things like I.R.L.P. ,
echolink, A.P.R..S. T.V.I., beacons, packet, R.T.T.Y., filters or ever slow scan T.V.

Duplexers and their cousin This is called the split. Duplexers and Diplexers are
the Diplexer (note they are On two meters the split is 600 very similar in name and some-
not the same thing) are elec- kHz. On 70 cm the split is a what in function and therefore
trically simple filters. They much easier to do 5 MHz. On are often the subject of heated
allow us to transmit and re- the 6 meter band the split is 1 debate and incorrect terminol-
ceive on the same antenna at Mhz, and on the 23cm band ogy.
the same time, reject un- the split is 20 Mhz. They perform similar functions
wanted signals and in the but are not the same thing. Du-
case of the Diplexer feed two Diplexer plexers are used to separate two
different signals to the same Diplexers are often mistakenly frequencies on the same band
antenna. called duplexers. The common that are fairly close together,
application for a diplexer is to and Diplexers are used to sepa-
Duplexer connect a dual band mobile ra- rate two different bands for use
Electrically a duplexer is a dio's two antenna connections on a single feed line and an-
device using sharply tuned to a common feed line and a tenna system.
resonate circuits to isolate a dual band antenna. Diplexers
transmitter from a receiver. are completely different and Triplexer
This allows both of them to much simpler to build devices A triplexer separates 3 bands
operate on the same antenna then a repeater duplexer. (eg 2m, 70cm, 23cm or maybe
at the same time without the While duplexers use narrow 6m, 2m , and 70cm) by using
transmitter RF destroying the pass bands and notches to low pass, band pass, and high
receiver. Note that there must work their magic, a diplexer is pass filters together.
be a separation of the trans- a simple high and low pass fil-
mit and receive frequency. ter connected together.

Issue 2 – Volume 12
May 2008


Duplexers are more com- Conversely it may be configured They sometimes require con-
plex to build and tune and on the radio side of the circuit to trolled environments because of
are usually larger physically allow two transceivers operating this and the fact that their circuits
than Diplexers. Duplexers on different frequency bands to are very sensitive high-Q circuits
require more selective cir- share one transmission cable and which must be held to high toler-
cuits often utilising physi- antenna system. Simple pass fil- ances to operate efficiently.
cally large metal high-Q ters present less than 0.2 dB inser-
resonators to achieve the de- tion losses, are physically rela-
sired results. On the other tively small, and can typically
hand Diplexers are much separate the two bands of interest
smaller physically since by 60 to 70 dB or more.
they are usually made up of On the other hand duplexers are
simple low-pass and high- most often used at repeater sites to
pass filter circuits designed connect the transmitter and re-
to separate frequencies sev- ceiver of a repeater station to a
eral megacycles apart and in common feed line and antenna.
different frequency bands. When properly tuned, a duplexer
Highly selective circuits are will allow simultaneous operation
not required to separate fre- of transmitters and receivers shar-
quencies that are spread as
far apart as two separate Duplexers, depending on their
bands hence the smaller and function and design, can have up
simpler construction of Di- Diplexers are to several dB of insertion loss and
provide only 50 to 60 dB of sepa-
plexers. A Diplexer, for in-
ration between adjacent frequen-
stance, separates 2 meters
from 70 cm when used on
often mistakenly cies on their band of operation.
the same coaxial cable. Larger cavities may be required
called duplexers. for higher power operation and
more cavities may be added for
separation if necessary. So there
ing an antenna system as close as you have in a nutshell, the actual
a few hundred kilocycles apart on differences between Duplexers
the same frequency and Diplexers, and Triplexers
band.Duplexers are often con- Typical insertion loss of a di-
nected together to form combiners plexer or triplexer-
which allow different stations op- insertion loss : 0.2 db
erating on the same band at differ- - separation of bands: 70 db
ent frequencies to share a common
So, there you have it, a Duplexer,
feed line and antenna system. Du-
A Diplexer will enable you a Diplexer, and a Triplexer.
plexers can have very large cavity
to use two antennas over the filters which can be sensitive to
same coaxial cable and will temperature changes and become
allow you to receive on one “detuned” from expansion and
band while simultaneously contraction of the metals with
transmitting on the other which they are made.
band, if it is connected on
the antenna side of the cir-

Issue 2 – Volume 12
May 2008

Presidents report May 2008:

G’day to one and all, and isn’t the Do you realize we now have a
local scene hopping at the moment! total of Eleven (11) Repeaters
I was sitting here trying to get some from 6Metres thru to 23 Cm’s!
inspiration and got sidetracked us- That alone must be some sort
ing the 2metre D-Star repeater. of record.
I then realized that everyone would As well as a bonza anniversary
be happy to hear about the 2Metre, dinner and other club events
70Centimetre and 23Centimetre sys- we will also be activating a
tems which are currently up and on special event callsign for the
test from Maddens Plain. Coverage occasion.
is very very good as is the quality The special event callsign is
and reliability and I have heard VI2AMW60. Please see our
quite a few of the Sydney lads hav- website for information on
ing a ball. Apparently even 23cm’s how you can get involved with
So what else is happening with
is strong into the northern parts of this historic event.
the club? Next month is the 60th
Sydney! I want to say that the IARS Our membership continues to
Birthday of the club callsign
D-Star repeater committee has done grow so we must be doing the
VK2AMW and the forming of
extremely well and I am very proud right thing for our members.
our parent club (The Wollon-
of all concerned. The members in- Anyway that is enough from
gong Amateur radio Club) that
clude Rob VK2MT Club Vice Presi- me, see you at the next club
evolved into the Illawarra Ama-
dent, VK2VVV Ross Assistant Sec- meeting in May.
teur radio Society. We have
retary, Steve VK2TSB Secretary,
progressed faster than any other
John VK2AAL, Neil VK2VNJ and Cheers from Tony Stone
club in the country!
of course me Tony VK2TS. VK2TS IARS president.

Death of Arthur C Clark. could relay communications. Clarke's work, which led to the
This won him the Franklin Insti- global satellite systems in use
He was a scientist, a philosopher tute Stuart Ballantine Gold today, brought him numerous
and a prolific author, or co-author, Medal in 1963 and a nomina- honours including the 1982
but he will likely always be best tion in 1994 for a Nobel Prize Marconi International Fellow-
known for his novel 2001: A Space Clarke was knighted in 1998, ship, a gold medal of the
Odyssey . He penned more than Sir Arthur Charles Clarke, CBE Franklin Institute, the Vikram
80 books and 500 essays during Sarabhai Professorship of the
his lifetime, including fiction and In 1945, Wireless World, pub- Physical Research Labora-
non-fiction. lished (Clarke's) landmark tech- tory, Ahmedabad, the Lind-
nical paper 'Extraterrestrial Re- bergh Award and a Fellowship
Clarke was a futurist who seemed lays”, in which he first set out of King's College, London. To-
to live ahead of his time. Many of the principles of satellite com- day, the geostationary orbit at
his ideas and theories became real- munication with satellites in 36,000 kilometres above the
ity. His work was embraced by both geostationary orbits--a specula- equator is named The Clarke
the scientific and science fiction tion realised 25 years later. Orbit or the Clark Belt by the
communities. He viewed the future During the evolution of his dis- International Astronomical Un-
as something to behold, not fear. covery, he worked with scien- ion."
Clarke served in the Royal Air tists and engineers in the USA
Force as a radar instructor and in the development of space- Arthur C Clark 1917 – 2008
technician from 1941-1946. craft and launch systems."
He addressed the United Na- Vale: Sir Arthur C Clark.
In 1945 Clark proposed satellite tions during their deliberations
communication systems which in a on the Peaceful Uses of Outer
geostationary orbit around the earth

Issue 2 – Volume 12
May 2008

R e p o rt f ro m t h e D - S ta r
P ro j e c t T e a m
By Vice President & D-Star Co-Ordinator
Rob McKnight VK2MT

Hi All,

The VK2RDS D-Star installation took place at Maddens Plains last Saturday
the 3/5/08. In attendance were VK2AAL, VK2VVV, VK2VNJ, VK2TSB &
VK2MT. Unable to attend, but with us in spirit, was VK2TS (an urgent last
minute family situation arose preventing his attendance).

In dot point form………

♦ We met on-site at 0900Hrs & left just after 1700Hrs.
♦ All existing analogue equipment was first removed & then reinstalled more tightly gaining an
extra 2 units of rack space.
♦ The new power controller was then installed to allow remote control of the power to all rack
♦ The D-Star controller & all repeaters were then installed above.
♦ Above the D-Star repeaters, the rack mount computer server was installed.
♦ Space was left above this for the SDSL modem or link equipment.
♦ Right at the top of the rack we mounted the two Motorola 35A site chargers.
♦ The two VHF cavity filters were installed on rack struts above.
♦ The four rack mount UHF cavity filters were installed at the top of the next door rack.
♦ The five heliax cables were all dressed to the side of the rack with their tri-plexers & the cables
then routed thru slotted duct.
♦ All the power cables were dressed in slotted duct on the other side of rack.
♦ At 1600Hrs the 2m, 70cm & 23cm DV D-Star repeaters were all turned on & were in immediate
use from D-Star users waiting on the side.
♦ Signal strengths were very good to & from users all over Sydney & Wollongong.
♦ Signals are very comparable, if not better than the equivalent analogue repeaters.
♦ No desense is apparent on any of the three D-Star repeaters.
♦ 23cm DD (digital Data) transceiver is not on the air as there is presently no antenna & there isn’t
any internet connectivity at the moment anyway.
♦ Cross band contacts were initiated & proven to be seamless.

Rob – VK2MT

20/05/08 7.30 pm …. Club Broadcast with Jack VK2XGD on Coastlink repeaters

Important 27/05/08 7.30 pm
03/06/08 7.30 pm
Club Broadcast with Jack VK2XGD on Coastlink repeaters
Club Broadcast with Jack VK2XGD on Coastlink repeaters
Club 10/06/08 7.30 pm
10/06/08 – 30/06/08
June Meeting of the I.A.R.S. at Industry World Visitors Centre, Coniston.
Club use of special call sign VI2AMW60
17/06/08 7.30 pm …. Club Broadcast with Jack VK2XGD on Coastlink repeaters
Dates 24/06/08 7.30 pm …. Club Broadcast with Jack VK2XGD on Coastlink repeaters
28/06/08 7.30 pm …. Anniversary Dinner at the Illawarra Master Builders Club

I.A.R.s. Technical
Wo r k s h o p s The
The workshops are about to commence. They will
be held in Oak Flats industrial area. At Rivers So-
lar Pty Ltd workshops at 1 / 4 Mineral Road, Oak
Flats NSW 2529.
The workshops dates will be advised at the May
By John Bennett Report
club meeting then broadcast on the VK2AMW To say the repeater committee has been busy of late would be an un-
club news on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm. The derstatement. The major project undertaken has been the installation
information will also be re broadcast on the Sun- of the 4 d-star repeaters VK2RDS. That is the new 2 metre, the new
day Club news section of the VK2WI news ses- 70cm, and the new 23cm voice repeaters as well as the new 23cm
sions. data base station.
The workshops will start with a safety briefing, The three repeaters are on line periodically for test transmissions.
then a description of the project, a study of the cir- The 23cm data base station is not yet online, this is stage two of the
project and will be activated in the near future when the SDSL data
cuit, so we all understand what we are about to
stream has been linked to the Madden’s Plains site.
construct, a tutorial on correct soldering tech- We are waiting for the licence to be issued by the ACMA before we
niques, a tutorial on electronic component identifi- can go live 24 / 7 with the digital system. So far we are receiving
cation, and then the construction of the project. excellent reports on the foot print that is being achieved with the D-
At the end of the day you will be able to walk Star Digital Network. Signal reports have been received from Maru-
away from the session with a working project. The lan in the South West, the Blue Mountains in the West, South past
workshops will be tailored for both entry level Nowra, and way into the Northern suburbs of Sydney.
participants and seasoned constructors alike. The You can find details of the new frequencies on the club’s Internet
first workshop project will be a ‘tape measure an- site, as well as setup details of the D-Star radios available. Just on
tenna’. The Second project a ‘differential time of the radios, I’ve heard of computer dongles that are now available to
allow the D-Star to be decrypted on a P.C. and even home brew pro-
arrival radio direction finding unit’ and the third
jects on the way . So the D-Star should be available to the home
will be a CTCSS tone decoder to fit into an ama- brewers shortly.
teur rig to allow access to repeaters using sub There have been no issues at the Mt Boyne site VK2RBT.
tones. Further projects will be announced at the There have been no issues at the Saddleback mountain site VK2RIS.
conclusion of these workshops. Late last month we had an overnight outage when a power supply
The cost of attending the workshop is free. There failed at Knight’s Hill which effected VK2RUW 70cm repeater,
will be kits of parts to buy at the workshops so VK2RBZ 2 metre repeater and echolink node, and the linking of
you don’t have to bring any parts. The kit’s will VK2RBT, VK2RIS, and VK2RMP. A new power supply was fitted
be very economical with a discounted price for the following morning and services were restored.
IARS members. All tools will be provided, or you VK2RUW the 70cm repeater on 438.225MHz has been removed to
the workshop to have a CTCSS tone encoder installed. This has been
can bring your own. We will also have a sausage
necessary due to the continued interference from LIPD’s devices.
sizzle for lunch on the day, with the sausage The sub tone when fitted will be 123.0Hz. All our 70cm repeaters
sanga’s and cold drinks available for a ‘friend of now have a 123.0Hz tone installed. The repeater will be back online
the family price’. Support the club by buying your soon. If your radio can not transmit a sub audible tone or you do not
lunch here. have it set to 123.0 Hz you will not be able to key the repeater. Paul
You will have to register to attend the workshop. VK2FE has a project coming up soon in his weekend technical work-
You can do this by sending an e-mail to :- shop to manufacture a sub tone decoder to help overcome this prob-
technical_workshops@iars.org.au or attending the lem.
IARS club meeting on Tuesday May 13th. The On Saturday 3rd May, we had a planned 8 hour outage of the 2 metre,
workshops are open to all amateurs whether you 70cm, and 6 metre FM repeaters at Madden’s Plains VK2RMP. This
was to facilitate the installation of the D-Star system. All repeaters
are a member of the Illawarra Amateur Radio So-
were removed and replaced in the rack, all wiring was replaced and
ciety or not. re routed in cable tidy ducting. The services were back on the air by
Please direct all enquires to the e-mail address 5.00 pm. We presently have a minor problem with a commercial ser-
above. vice causing intermittent keying of the 2 Metre VK2RMP service.
We are aware of this issue and have a fix in the pipe line. This
should be effected very soon.
CONGRATULATIONS That’s it for this month, see you all at the club meeting.

Well done Bob Bunting John.

VK2FNRB who after a lot of
hard work is now VK2NRB

The H.F. Scene

By Brian Farrar

The following is from VK2AH and stations heard or worked from the
principality of BEAUTIFUL BULLI.
From the Log Book VK2AH
March worked TX5C, KH6ND, H44MS, all on 40 M. Also HI3C on
April Worked EA3BOX ON 40 AND 9A9A, on 20M. The bands have been POOR to say the least.


40M. DL1AXC 54: ZL1CKK 59:, IK6CWQ 55:, ZL1AMO 59:, EA4BQN.
ZL1CKJ 55. EA6BC 55 just too much noise to work.
Most mornings I’ve spoken to the following stations. VK3AJK, VK3RS, VK3TCT, VK3LM, VK3FSMT

If these conditions keep up I should have many stations logged for the special event call of VI2AMW60.
So come on members get behind this special event and get your name on the roster sheet and work the
world. If NOT on the roster, and just don’t say YES I will and NOT turn up!
Any member that has NOT got HF gear can contact me and come to my place and use the MIGHTY G5RV
aerial during the special event call sign.
BUT PLEASE DO NOT JUST ARRIVE, CONTACT ME. I will keep one radio on 146.850 for you to ar-
range a time. My MOB is 0415 430 676.


Most mornings good signals on 40.Afternoons some days good signal from Europe HEARD ZS4S on 20m
The last few days here has been nothing but noise. I did make contact with Mike VK2ZQ/8 Tuesday after-
noon but got caught up on the computer talking to ZS land so did not have much to say.
Wednesday 07/05/2008 heard but did not work the following. VK5KGP, VK5BC, VK5ZK, VK7KDR,
VK3KCA, VK3JGH, VK3HTP, VK4HEC all workable signals on 40 M.


UY5QJ 20m, HA3OD 30m, EA6NB 30m, KF8DD 3.5, G4RJG 40m.
Until next time good DX and look out for the SPECIAL EVENT CALL VI2AMW60 ON THE BANDS,

Brian VK2AH

Issue 2 – Volume 12
May 2008

This months project is from Bob Hejl (W2IK). It is called the "VHF QUICK-STIC" antenna. I
stumbled across Bob’s web pages on the www while looking for something a few months ago.
I was intrigued to read about what he’s accomplish in our hobby, and look at some of the great
projects he’s designed. Bob was one of the first responders to arrive at the World Trade Cen-
tre disaster and set up emergency communications. I urge you to have a look at his web site.
http://hometown.aol.com/alonestaryank/webpages.html . It’s a fascinating read. Bob has given
us permission to reproduce several of his articles in part or in full. Here is the first “The VHF
Quick-Stik Antenna”. There will be more in the months ahead. Thanks again Bob.

Design by Bob Hejl - W2IK

all rights reserved c2006
Design may NOT be copied or used in any form or part thereof without written permission
Feel free, however, to build your own. email: W2IK
This is an emergency deployable VHF and UHF antenna that is stored in a pvc sewer tube
(which also acts as it's lower base) is under 1220mm yet expands to a whopping 4.8 metres
plus. It is so effective that I've built 15 units but kept only 4 to loan out.


965 mm inch length of 12.5mm CPVC (cream colored, not the PVC white)
965 mm length of 19mm CPVC (cream colored, not the PVC white)
CPVC is used because the two different sizes nestle in each other better than the two different PVC sizes.
45mm CPVC "T"
45mm CPVC Coupler
45mm TV "Twin Lead"
1117mm 14 gauge, stranded/insulated, THHN type wire
100mm 22 ga stranded, insulated wire
1– 6mm-brass nut
1– 6mm- brass screw 38mm length
1– 6mm- brass screw 65mm in length
1– 6mm- brass wing nut
1– 6mm – washer
1- 3 section telescoping pool pole (915mm blue colored available at Bunnings)
75mm sewer pipe (PVC, white thin wall) 1092 mm long
1 - 75mm sewer pipe pvc end cap
1– 75mm sewer pipe-screw cap adaptor
1– 75mm sewer pipe screw cap
457 mm of RG-8X cable
1- female barrel connector (SO-259)
5 minute clear epoxy
2- small self tapping screws size #6 x 15mm pan head
5 small scraps of foam rubber
CPVC cement - (all purpose or CPVC, not PVC only)
2– 450mm bungie cords
electrical tape, sandpaper, soldering iron or light gun, solder, hand tools (wirestrippers, hacksaw and

Issue 2 – Volume 12
May 2008

Take the 1092mm long x 75mm pvc sewer pipe and clean off both ends. Coat one end of the pipe with the all pur-
pose cpvc/pvc cement and quickly install the 75mm end cap by pressing it on to the end. You must do this quickly
as the solvent (cement) dries very quickly. Apply the same cement to the other end of the pipe and install the
threaded sewer cap adaptor in the same manner.
Take the blue, 3 section telescoping pool pole and remove the vinyl handle by slitting it and peeling the handle
away. With the pole completely collapsed (handle section will now descend into the rest of the pole, but leave it
about 25mm out), measure from the top (where the handle was) to the wider bottom exactly 1042mm and mark
that distance with a line on the wider section. Using a hacksaw, trim off the excess below the mark. You will be
cutting through all three telescoping sections at this point. When you have made the cut, extend the top two sec-
tions about 75 mm and lock in place. Roughen up the wider end by sanding away most of the
blue on the lowest 38mm as seen below. This end now needs to be pressed into the "inside"
of the 75mm screw cap as shown. Make sure it fits very snug and that the end of the pole will
now "square out" to conform to the square of the cap. Now remove the pole from the screw
and roughen up the inner squared section of the PVC screw cap by sanding it. This, plus the
rough pole end will allow epoxy to adhere.
Mix a goodly portion of epoxy and coat the inner square of the screw cap and
the end of the pole and press the pole back into the squared cap. Put the cap, with the pole, on a
flat surface and using a level adjust the pole so it seats vertical to the cap. Then pour the rest of
the epoxy around the pole-to-cap gap and allow ample time for the epoxy to set. See below.
When the epoxy has hardened, drill two small pilot holes in the screw cap and install the small
self tapping screws size #6 x 15mm pan head into the cap as shown below. This adds strength to
the bonded pole to cap joint. When you deploy the antenna, this pole/cap combo gets flipped
around (pole now outside the tubing) and screwed into the storage tube which now acts as a
base for the antenna!


Take the 6mm x20 hex nut and sand all sides (top and bottom and each hex side) so the sheen
is taken off just a bit. Now take the 1120mm insulated 14 ga THHN (Thermoplastic High Heat-
resistant Nylon-coated) wire and strip away 3mm and solder this carefully to one of the faces (top
or bottom) of the nut . Make sure the wire doesn't impede any of the threads or the outer side.

Snake the 1120mm of wire through a 965mm length of the 12.5mm

CPVC tubing. Roughen up the inner portion of the tubing near where the
nut will sit. Epoxy the nut so it's pressed into the tubing but flush with
the end of the tubing as shown. Do not get any epoxy on the nut

Let the epoxy set. With the wire dressed out of the other side of the tube, stuff several small pieces of foam rub-
ber into the tubing while holding the wire. Make sure that several pieces, at different depths are inserted. The last
piece of foam rubber should be about 200mm into the tubing. No piece should be shallower than that as you will
be trimming from the top during the antenna tuning process. The excess wire should not be trimmed at this time.
Put this piece aside.
Take the 432mm length of twin lead and at one end strip off 3mm exposing each wire. Bend
the wires together and solder. Refer to picture on the

Measuring exactly 38mm from this connection, re-

move 1.5mm of insulation from each wire in the
twinlead by melting to expose the wires. At this point,
solder one end of the coax with the centre conductor
going to one wire and the shield going to the other as
shown below. Make sure the coax shield doesn't touch the side where the centre wire is soldered.

Mark at the other end (top) of the twinlead which wire from it is soldered to
the centre of the coax. Dress the coax down the 38mm to the shorted end
and carefully tape this as shown. DO NOT twist the coax or twinlead. At the
other end of the twin lead, cut off one inch of the ONE wire that is connected
to the coax braid side leaving the centre web insulation and the other wire
intact. Expose 12.5mm of the wire you've marked that is attached to the cen-
tre of the coax cable by removing the insulation around it. Put this assembly

Issue 2 – Volume 12
May 2008

1.Take the 38mm brass 6mm x20 screw and slip a 6mm washer over it. Making sure that the screw seats exactly
in the centre, solder the washer in place.

2. After the solder has cooled, take the short piece of 22 ga wire, remove 6mm of insula-
tion off one end and solder it to the brass screw head leaving the wire in the screw head
slot as shown below

3. So, now you have a screw with a soldered washer and a wire soldered to the top. Now cut
a cardboard circle slightly wider than the inner diameter of the 19mm CPVC tubing and cut a
centre hole so the cardboard washer fits snugly on the screw .

Screw this assembly on to the nut/top CPVC section that you've made earlier. Refer to
the photo to the left. This will flatten out the cardboard washer.

Cut off a 50mm length of the 19mm CPVC from the length you have yet to use and sand
the ends to remove any burrs. Also sand the inner 12.5mm of one end. Slide the smaller CPVC
with the screw assembly into this small piece by inserting the 12.5mm CPVC length in FIRST start-
ing on the side of the short CPVC you've sanded on the inside until a depth 12.5mm beyond the
screw head is reached. (refer to photo on right)

Insert a shim of cardstock around to fill the small gap between the smaller
CPVC and the sleeve as shown in BLACK on the photo to the left. This keeps
the entire assembly straight after the epoxy has set so you'll be able to easily
unscrew the top (thinner section) from the lower section.
With the assembly held in place as shown, mix and pour epoxy into the sleeve (covering the
screw head assembly). The cardboard washer keeps the epoxy from oozing to the other side.
After the epoxy has completely set, remove the shim card and carefully unscrew the assem-
bly. The cardboard washer can remain in the assembly.

You are now left with what's pictured to the right. You'll need this
assembly later.

From your unused stock of 19mm CPVC, measure and cut a section exactly 533mm
long. On one end, cement the coupler to the tubing as seen below.

Trim here —–>

Take the CPVC "T" connector and on the opening which is at right angles to the other two
holes, trim off 6mm as shown. This is where a connector will be installed.

Now cement this "T" (un-trimmed side) to the other end of that 533mm length of CPVC tubing
as outlined at the end of "Part 2", On the other side of the "T" (un-trimmed side), cement a
300mm length of 19mm CPVC.

After completing the above two steps,

snake the twinlead/coax assembly
through the remaining unused "T" hole
(the one you've just trimmed) and make it
travel up the longer section as shown.


Issue 2 – Volume 12
May 2008

The end of the twinlead should protrude beyond the coupler you installed earlier. Now,
carefully trim away some of that 22 ga wire from the screw/wire assembly leaving about
50mm of that stranded wire, strip off 6mm of the insulation and solder that end to the
exposed wire you have on the end of the twinlead. When this is done, tape the joint and
overlap so it makes a good cover. Slide several pieces of foam rubber down inside the
long length of tubing at varying depths with one just an inch above the top where
you've just made the connection. SLOWLY pull back on the coax until the twinlead and
it's connection start to ride down in the tubing. You can then cement the top screw as-
sembly to the tubing's barrel connector. When you have completed this it will look like
the picture to the right.
Cut a 1/2 piece of the 19mm CPVC tubing from your remaining stock
and sand both ends flat. Sand, to roughen, the inner section of this piece. Laying it flat on a piece
of card stock, place the barrel connector exactly in the middle of the tubing and pour epoxy into
the gap as shown. Be careful not to get epoxy on the exposed threads.
After the epoxy has set, peel off the card stock and clean away any epoxy to this underside. File
to expose some of the outer metal. This will be the inner side of the connector where you will at-
tach the short coax that you soldered to the twinlead.

To make the coax-to-barrel connection, gently pull the coax in the "T" to remove
any slack and trim it to leave about 50mm beyond the "T". Carefully strip away
19mm of the outer insulation of the coax to reveal the braid. Separate the braid
from the centre insulation and centre conductor and twist the . braid so it forms a
uniform "wire looking" section. Strip off 6mm from the centre conductor insula-
tion and VERY carefully insert and solder this to the inner section of the barrel us-
ing as little solder as possible so it doesn't flow through the barrel and out the other end. Then, solder the braid to
the outer metal of the barrel. (All of this is done on the FLUSH side of the barrel so you'll have the other end to
connect your regular coax to). When you are happy with the results, and are sure that the coax braid isn't touch-
ing the centre, put a small bit of tape around the braid. You can now cement this into the "T" as shown

Taking this finished assembly, insert it (short side down) into the telescoping mast so it fits in about
150mm. Drill a 6mm through both so you can fit in that last 6mm x 20 brass screw through them and at-
tach the wing nut on the end. This will hold your antenna to the masting during deployment.


Taking the top (thin CPVC with nut assembly) screw it into the lower section. Combined, this is the two
piece radiating part of your antenna. You still need to trim down the top section to tune to 146 mhz. Do
this by placing the antenna and it's attached pool pole to a space not near any objects. Connect a length
of coax jumper from the antenna's connector to an antenna analyser. Tune the analyser to measure the
lowest SWR. This will probably place it at somewhere around 136 mhz or so depending upon how accu-
rate you were when you attached the inner coax to the twinlead. (If the SWR doesn't change with fre-
quency it might mean your connections aren't properly made) By trial and check, slowly trim off from the top of the
antenna 12.5mm at a time, cutting both the CPVC and the THHN wire inside. You might end up trimming as much
as 200mm or so, until your meter reads an SWR of about 1:1.5 (or below) at 146 mhz. This process may take a
bit of time, but it needs to be done properly. Once you have the SWR down to a reasonable level, stuff a small bit
of foam rubber on the tip of the antenna and coat the top with epoxy. You will end up with an antenna that is
about 14mm from connector to top. Your antenna is completed and you are read to set it up.


Unscrew the top (thinner) CPVC tubing of the antenna from it's lower section. Slide this section into the pool pole
assembly and install the screw and wing nut to keep it stored in the pole. You can the drop the two bungie cords
into the PVC Sewer pipe and then add the lower antenna section and the pool pole (mast assembly) screwing the
cap to store the contents. This makes the entire package stored in a 1200mm section of PVC for storage and
transport. It may take a few attempts to learn how to store it all without having to force anything. You might also
wish to coat the threads of the PVC cap with candle wax so it screws easier. To deploy, unscrew the cap and
dump the contents. Reverse the cap/masting and screw it back into the PVC threaded area with the pole facing
out. Remove the top section which was stored in the masting. Screw the two antenna sections together. Add coax
to go to your radio. Slide and secure the antenna into the masting and hold in place with that screw and wig nut.
Stand the entire assembly near any vertical post and bungie it to secure. Raise the telescoping sections until it's
reached it's maximum height and tighten. (Do not over-extend the sections but leave about 150mm nestled in
each and mark those lengths with a marker as "stop points") You are now good to go.... deploy where you like in

Issue 2 – Volume 12
May 2008


This Special events call sign has been issued by ACMA to the IARS for use from 10th June 2008 until 30th June

This club call sign can be used by any qualified IARS Inc Club member who has been made part of the special event
roster. The only restriction is that all special event operators must use the licence conditions suitable to their own per-
sonal licence grade. In other words a Foundation Licensee or Standard Licensee must only use the modes, frequen-
cies and power levels that their amateur licence authorises.
This excerpt below was taken from the ACMA web page.

‘This Amateur station is a club station and must be operated in accordance with the Radio communications License
Conditions (Amateur License) Determination No. 1 of 1997 that equates to the qualifications held by the operator of
the station.'
'The licensee of a club station must keep a mandatory log book in which the following must be entered:
• Chronological record of all transmissions including and this must be in UTC. If you are unsure of how to
calculate UTC then ask for help. UTC is the time at Greenwich England and is Ten hours behind Australian
Eastern Standard time.
• Frequency and type of emission used;
• The Station(s) communicated with;
• The Name and Call sign of the qualified person operating the station. This will assist if an error occurs.

Of course we also need logs for QSLing. Logs can be kept electronically or on paper, as per attached, it’s up to the
operator to supply extra copies if needed.
If electronic then the program must be able to export the details in ADIF format.

Logs must be returned to TONY VK2TS before the JULY meeting. No later ---Please!

Postal address: IARS, PO Box 1838 Wollongong, New South Wales. Australia 2500.
Suggest on air for stations to look up details on qrz.com or www.iars.org.au.
A Stamped Self Addressed Envelope must be received for a card to be dispatched within Australia.
Overseas stations must provide a self addressed envelope along with One IRC or Two ($2) US for a card to be re-
NO QSL’S will be accepted via the Bureau.
Club members can work VI2AMW60 on air and exchange their QSL cards at a club meeting.

Please give QSL information, say, every 5 contacts or so. All QSL’S are to be received by 31/12/08.
To maintain the historical aspect of the celebration, contacts must only be on Simplex or via Satellite. No operation
of VI2AMW60 is to occur on Repeaters, IRLP or Echolink.

This roster MUST be adhered to so that the special event call is NOT heard on the same MODE at the SAME time,
on any band.
(IE. CW or Voice is ok but VOICE AND VOICE on the SAME band is a NO,NO).

I would suggest that 145. 425 , or 145.475 be a liaison frequency so that those operating the call can keep in touch
with one another just in case they would like to change bands for a while

Issue 2 – Volume 12
May 2008


Voice transmissions only.
CQ,CQ this is special event station VI2AMW60, celebrating 60 years of Amateur Radio in the Illawarra.
Or Celebrating 60 years of the call sign VK2AMW.

Tony VK2TS is the holder of the special event call at his QTH, and so is the Control station for the event.
If you cannot work, your rostered time, contact Tony on 0404 839 465. If he misses your call please leave a voicemail so he
can call back. Anyone needing additional roster allocations, contact Tony.

Thanks must go to Brian VK2AH for his major input writing up the rules for engagement so we produced this version…
Thanks Brian!


Club members using the special event call sign, not only have themselves on show to
the rest of the HAM world; they also have the reputation of the IARS at stake.
So please make us all proud.
And most importantly of all have fun with……..

Fold here so you can have the call sign in front of you to remind you what your call is for this event.

The Official Journal of the
Illawarra Amateur Radio
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 1838
Wollongong NSW 2500 President: Tony Stone VK2TS
Email: iars@iars.org.au Vice President: Rob McKnight VK2MT
Treasurer: John Lawer VK2KEJ
Secretary: Steve Benko VK2TSB
Assistant Secretary:Ross Masterson VK2VVV

Committee: Jack De Cesco VK2XGD

Borris Rewark VK2JJJ
‘The Illawarra Amateur Radio Society’ Peter Reid VK2NRL
The progressive amateur radio club. Repeater Committee: John Bennett VK2AAL
Rob McKnight VK2MT

Education Committee: Ted Thrift VK2ARA

Brian Farrer VK2AH
I.A.R.S. www site:- Librarian: Neil Justusson VK2VNJ
www.iars.com.au Web Master: Neil Justusson VK2VNJ

Propagator Editor: Tracey Benko VK2FARM

Fund Raising Committee:

Peter Reid VK2NRL
Jack De Cesco VK2XGD

Broadcast Officer: Jack De Cesco VK2XGD

Call Back Co-ord: Jeff Howell VK2NSW

D-Star Committee: Tony Stone VK2TS

The Illawarra Amateur Rob McKnight VK2MT
Radio Society Inc, is an Steve Benko VK2TSB
Ross Masterson VK2VVV
affiliate of the John Bennett VK2AAL
Wireless Institute of Neil Justusson VK2VNJ

Issue 2 – Volume 12
May 2008

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