PaulScott PDF
PaulScott PDF
PaulScott PDF
Guldagergrd 2006
Day 1:
Monoprint with ceramic tissue.
3 5
The lighting table
The lighting table is made from
two tables, a box of carton and
a plate of glass. Paul Scott uses
a UV lamp but it is also possible
to use an 500W lamp. The lamphold-
er is a normal working lamp.The
frames are exposed to light for
four minutes.First we put the mo-
tif on the semitransparent pa-
per. Then we lay down the frame,
front down. On top of it we put a
dark piece of paper and a piece of
heavy glass and some heavy books.
The decals were printed using the
frame. The frame was taped to the
table. You could also use hing-
es if you have a permanent work-
ing area.The decal was loosely
glued to the table, but it can
also be done with a bit of masking
tape.You can use masking tape on
the frame to stop the colour from
running out.You can use different
types of colour mixes but the best
ons are the smelly ones.