Page 15c October 19 2017

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Sanders County Ledger - Thursday,October 19, 2017 - 15


FULL TIME CSCT FOR SALE: Hunting tent, FOR SALE: Excellent
Flat Iron Mini
SCHOOL based thera- 10x12 5 wall, Montana grass hay, fertilized & ir-
Storage, 3 sizes
canvas, aluminum inter- rigated, small square
pist positions available.
Western Montana Mental
nal frame, stove w/wa- bales, 847-2407. 5/16* Homes & Commercial
Health Center-Sanders ter heater. Like new w/ for sale: Good grass
County Office is looking extras.$1500. 827-3437. hay, big round bales, for
for three Clinical Outpa-
tient Therapists to fill po-
sitions in the Thompson
5/2* horses or cattle. $120/
ton, 5 bale minimum.
WHEEL tandem axle (406)242-0190 5/19
Falls Comprehensive flat bed trailer w/ fold-
School and Community Lewis and Clark
whitewater ing equipment loading
Treatment (CSCT) pro-
gram. 40 hrs/wk., great
hunting & backpack-
your camping, fishing, ramps. Good tires, lights
& brakes in working or-
LIVESTOCK #21710250 Reduced! #21711380 4 bd, 2 ba
benefit package and po- der. $5800 obo. Trolling
tential for student loan ing supplies. We also FOR SALE/TRADE Reg- Commercial 1/2, apartment log home on 25.95 acres
carry ammo, elk jerky, plate for larger size out- istered 15 year old sor-
repayment. Immediate
opening, open until filled. coins, gifts, toys & board motor, $65 obo. rel & white paint gelding. other 1/2 on .5 acre, Hwy with Prospect Creek
406-827-5237. 5/26
Send resume, cover let- much more! Our rafts, Gentle, broke, easy to 200, Trout Creek. $139K running through. $349K
ter and three professional kayaks, paddle boards 10 SEARS CRAFTSMAN shoe. I have 4 pictures of
& swimming supplies TABLE SAW 1 1/2 hp, him, $2450 obo. Consid-
references to: WMMHC,
are now 25% off the
#21710844 3 bd, 2 ba
P.O. Box 562, Thompson cast iron top w/exten- er trade for cattle, tandem
Falls, MT 59873, email to original low price. Call tions, good cond., $125 axle car haul trailer, big home on 1/2 acre in Heron. or or come by today. 406- obo. 10 Sears Crafts- bales alfalfa hay, tractor Covered entryway, deck,
fax (406)206-5133 See full 826-4590. 7671 E. man radial arm saw. 2 run or not. Call evenings
job description at Sanders Hwy. 200, Plains, MT 3/4 hp, electronic height 1-406-827-4226 6-9 pm large yard, gazebo and 2
County Job Service. 5/19 59859. 5/9 readout, $75 obo. 406- only. 5/26 storage sheds. Community
827-5237. 5/26
QHSR is seeking quali- HAUNTED PARK IN water & no CCRs $74K
fied applicants for Res-
taurant: Prep cooks,
day, Oct. 31, 6-9 pm.
FOR SALE: Queen size
oak bedroom set w/5 TO GIVE AWAY Please visit our website
line cooks and morning drawer dresser. Lighted,
Haunted house, cos-
servers. Events: Set up, tume contest, games,
mirrored headboard, wall TO GOOD HOMES: 1013 Main Street Thompson Falls, MT 406.827.9827
sales and serving. Wages unit w/outlets & 4 draw- Worlds cutest kittens. 4
treats, haunted maze.
DOE. Pick up/drop off ap-
plications at Quinns Hot
All FREE! 4/26
ers on ea. side. Includes
mattress & box springs,
calico females, 2 black
cuties. 826-6625 1/19* APARTMENTS HOUSE REAL ESTATE
Springs Resort.
Trout creek school
2/19 FOR SALE: Stowmas-
ter 5000 lb. folding tow
three sets of linens, pil-
lows, quilt & bed sheets. FOR RENT FOR RENT
is seeking temporary, part-
time custodial help, 2:30-
bar with mounts. Came
off of a Tacoma. $300
Seldom used. $2000
OBO. 827-3305. 3/19 LOST & FOUND FOR RENT: 2 BD., 2 BATH
apartment by TFHS. No
FALLS: 3 BD 2 BA, dish-
FOR SALE: Home in
Thompson Falls, 402
(406)242-0025 5/19* FOR SALE: Nice cabin, washer, W/D hookup, N Gallatin, borders
6:30 M-F. Applicant must pets, no smoking. W&D,
pass successful finger- We are doing child 12X20, 2 rooms, sleep- covered parking w/out- recent paint and carpet. forest service and hik-
print/background check daycare in our home, ing loft, 4 ft. porch, wired side storage. $475/mth. Clean. No pets, no smok- ing trails. 3 BD, 1.5 BA
and pass pre-employment Mon.-Fri. We have open- with lights, easy to move. 1st and last plus $300 ing. Rental references double attached car-
physical exam prior to ings for newborn to 702-232-7816. 5/26 security. Available 11/11. required. $750/mo. plus port, 3/4 finished base-
employment. Knowledge school age. Call Jodi, Call after 5 p.m. and $750 deposit. 425-444- ment, excellent views.
(406)827-4855 or cell weekend. 546-2557 8110 5/9 4 lots, $139,000 pos-
of all indoor and outdoor
general maintenance
helpful. Send 3 letters of
(406)241-4844. 5/9* FIREARMS 5/16 sible owner terms w/
good down payment.
reference, resume and
Moving sale: Saddles,
one heavy stock & one for sale: Pistol, Ruger anybody seen HOUSE 827-4825 or 370-3037.
application (found on web-
site) to: principal@trout-
pleasure, misc. tack.
Fencing, t-posts, barbed
SP101, 357 magnum,
4.2 barrel. Only fired 3 spanky? FOR RENT
GARAGE SALES or mail to wire, new & used. One times. Comes with cus- Lower Prospect-Dry- HOUSE FOR RENT: 3+
Debbie Phillips, 4 School radial arm saw, one table tom built leather holster. Cherry Cr. Went missing BD, 2BA, fridge & stove,
Lane, Trout Crekk, MT saw, misc. hand tools. 16 $600 cash. 827-5090 approx. Sept. 1. RE- W/D hook up, $750/mo.
59874. 1/19 boat with 95 h.p. motor. 5/16* WARD 827-4916 5/2* Noxon area. 937-441- YARD & BAKE SALE
Fri. & Sat., Oct. 20-21, 9-4
HELP WANTED: Wood- Call 827-9367 or 406- 0308. 5/26 1120 Preston Ave.,Gospel Mtn. Assembly of God,
creek academy Part-
time/full time support staff,
now renting: Enclosed
Thompson Falls. Proceeds to pay shipping on
Christmas shoe boxes.
days and nights. Wage
dependent on experience.
Will provide training. 827-
storage spaces for RVs,
boats, trailers, etc. Plains. 97 GMC YUKON Exc.
cond., $2800 obo. 406-
826-3605. 5/9
8272 5/2 Affordable Bennett Realty since 1977
STORAGE? Want to
Head, spouse
Great TF location!
DAN AWD, 94,000 miles,
SERVICES get organized? Own
your storage build- new tires, heat, air, CD
player, foldable seats, (62+)
or co-head of
family must be elderly
or physically
Prospect Creek
4 Sizes
ing, animal shelter or
PLAINS PHYSICAL THER- keyless entry, great 406-827-4695 2200 sf home
chicken coop with no disabled. Rent
APY: Emily Herndon, cond., $4950. 406-210- including a
credit check financing assistance for those FOR RENT: Peaceful,
DPT. Mon., Wed., Fri. by 3718. 5/26* finished daylight
& free delivery within who qualify. No Section quiet, country studio be- basement in
appointment. 12 Montana
35 miles. Call today. FOR SALE: 1990 Ford 8 voucher needed. tween Plains & Thomp- Thompson Falls
Hwy 28., Plains, MT. 826-
406-826-4590. Lewis F250 extra cab 4x4, 460, Electricity, water, sewer, son FAlls. $475/mth. 826- on 1.2 acres. 3
4383. tf
& Clark Whitewater auto with blue tooth ra- trash pickup included in 6625 2/26 bedrooms and 3
4 Kids Mini Storage. Montana Shed Cen- dio. Asking $3750, con- the rent. Air Conditioner bathrooms + a
Now open in T. Falls. ter 7671 E, Hwy. 200, sider some cash offers. in each apartment, IN THOMPSON FALLS bonus room. Easy financing. $219,500
Lighted units. Monthly Plains, MT 59859. 5/9 More 4x4s 7 1992 Ford cable TV and DISH Duplex, 4 BD, 2 BA,
rate 10x20, $50. F250 extra cab, clean network Satellite TV electric & wood heat, Call KAT 880-3347 or DAVE 544-4641
10x10, $35. 826- GLACIAL LAKE MIS- nice truck with fiberglas avail. or free antenna $700/mo. Duplex, 2 BD,
3656. 52/6.27.17* SOULA in Sanders topper. Pictures. Please connection. Beautiful 1.5 BA, central air/heat, 223 Main Street 406-827-4663
County BY AIR 2018 call evenings for appoint- location, across from $650. Pets ok. Water paid
LANAS BEAUTY SALON calendars now for sale ment. 1-406-827-4226 Power Park. Convenient at both. 210-3718. 5/9*
IS NOW OPEN By ap- (great gift idea) $20. Buy 6pm-9 pm. 5/2 location, next to medical
pointment only. 406-830- them in THOMPSON clinic and near post
0492, leave message,
will return call after 4 p.m.
FALLS at Dougs True
Value or Bennett Re- CAMPERS
office. Thompson Falls
Lions Manor, 406-
at Lakeside Gift Shop;
In PLAINS at Ripples
& RVs 827-3115. TTY 711
MONTANA RELAY Real EstateNorthwest
MotanaCompany owned.
Northwest Community
Health Center (NWCHC)
Is looking to add a team
Gibson, Fender, Martin
and Gretsch guitars. Fend-
er amplifiers also. Call toll
T. Falls Mini Storage 800-253-4091 email:
Ice Cream Parlor or the for sale: 8 ft Alaskan lionsmanor@blackfoot. Small and large acre par- oriented Registered Dental free! 1-800-995-1217.
& Levi Thrift Store. Printery. Or ONLINE at camper, stove, electric/ cels. Private. Trees and Hygienist (RDH) to its den- #251
Storage units avail., 10 net tf Call propane refrigerator, pro- meadows. National For- tal department. Applicant ANTIQUE FAIRS
diff. sizes to choose Dave with any questions. pane heater. $900. 827- est boundaries. Tungsten must have a current Mon- Little Bear Antique Fair &
from. Next to Harvest (406)544-4641. tf 3059 5/16* FOR RENT: Small Apt., (406)293- tana Licensure. Full Job Vintage Market is now 2
Foods. On-site security. 1 BD 1 BATH in town of 3714 #247 Description and to Apply Big Days Friday -October
827-4803. tf for sale: Sears Crafts- for sale: Arctic Fox all Thompson Falls. $375/
season pickup camper. 27th 3p-8p. Saturday-Oc-
man 27-ton horizontal/ mth. + $375 cleaning
11 ft.,generator, dry bath, HELP WANTED jobs/. #249 tober 28th 9a-5p Gallatin
STYGERS SMALL EN- vertical log splitter, 208 cc deposit. No smoking, no
very good condition. Call Auto transport company FOR SALE County Fairground #252
GINE REPAIR Lawn engine, Model 2477661. pets, tenant is responsi-
(406) 827-5237 5/2 seeking professional Class For Sale two 2012 16x80
mowers (no riders), chain Lennox striker gas 160 ble for electric. Ready to A, CDL drivers. Experience mobile homes in great Pulse of America Nation-
saws, tillers, snow blow- black/nickel wood stove. for sale: 2007 Road move in! 406-370-6826. preferred. Excellent Wag- condition $43,900 each al Shopping Survey:
ers. 827-7673. tf 826-3445 5/9 Runner 5th wheel travel 5/16 es, Benefits, and Sign on delivered and set up Oct 4 2017 to January 2
ALCOHOLICS Anony- CROWN MOULDING, 3 trailer. 28 ft. with one slide Bonuses. On the road 2-3 within 150 miles of Billings 2018. Enter to win $4,000.
out. Sleeps four, queen
mous 888-607-2000. tf
prefinished natural pine.
Approx. 160 lft, mostly size bed, lots of storage
space. Hitch included.
COLOR COPIES weeks at a time. Call Gary
406-259-1528 or apply on-
406-259-4663 #250 $100 awarded weekly.
$3,000 grand prize. Enter
14 lengths, $130 for lot. at The Ledger line www.jands transport. GUITAR WANTED! to win now, go to pulsepoll.
Ad Deadline 406-827-5237. 5/26 $8000. (406)210-3852 As low as 29 each! com/drivers #248 Local musician will pay up com
10 am Tuesday 5/19* to $12,500 for pre-1975

Continued from page 14 Any comments on the application must be or who wishes to receive notice of the De- ance Division of the Montana Department
NOTICE submitted to the Department within 20 days partments determination, and the location of Environmental Quality (Department).
after publication of this notice or filing of the where a copy of the application and the De- Applicant(s) seeks approval of its/their ap-
Pursuant to Mont. Code Ann. 7-2-4311, application, whichever is later. The Depart- partments analysis of it can be reviewed, plication to open burn wood waste, brush,
et. sec., the City of Thompson Falls gives ments decision to approve or deny an appli- or to submit comments on the application, boards, stumps, untreated material at SW
Notice that on October 16, 2017, the City cation for a conditional open burning permit must contact the Department at 1520 East Sec.9 T20 N R26W Plains Solid Waste Roll-
Council passed Resolution No. 711 stating may be reviewed by the Board of Environ- Sixth Ave., P.O. Box 200901, Helena, Mon- off site.
an intent to extend the city limits of Thomp- mental Review (Board) according to the fol- tana 59620-0901, phone (406) 444-3490. Any member of the public with questions
son Falls by annexing real property at 708 lowing procedure: Any comments on the application must be or who wishes to receive notice of the De-
Haley Avenue, following prior notice to the When the Department approves or denies submitted to the Department within 20 days partments determination, and the location
property owners requiring their consent, and the application for a conditional open burn- after publication of this notice or filing of the where a copy of the application and the De-
written consent being received. For the next ing permit under this section, a person who application, whichever is later. The Depart- partments analysis of it can be reviewed,
20 days, the City Clerk shall accept written is jointly or severally adversely affected by ments decision to approve or deny an appli- or to submit comments on the application,
comments approving or disapproving the the Departments decision may request, cation for a conditional open burning permit must contact the Department at 1520 East
proposed extension from registered voters within 15 days after the Department ren- may be reviewed by the Board of Environ- Sixth Ave., P.O. Box 200901, Helena, Mon-
residing in the area. Since the area to be ders its decision, upon affidavit setting forth mental Review (Board) according to the fol- tana 59620-0901, phone (406) 444-3490.
annexed contains fewer than 300 recorded the grounds therefore, a hearing before the lowing procedure: Any comments on the application must be
parcel, the City Council may then in accor- Board. A hearing shall be held under the pro- When the Department approves or denies submitted to the Department within 20 days
dance with state law adopt a resolution ap- visions of the Montana Administrative Pro- the application for a conditional open burn- after publication of this notice or filing of the
proving the annexation without an election. cedures Act. ing permit under this section, a person who application, whichever is later. The Depart-
The Departments decision on the applica- is jointly or severally adversely affected by ments decision to approve or deny an appli-
Published in the Sanders County Ledger tion is not final unless 15 days have elapsed the Departments decision may request, cation for a conditional open burning permit
October 19 and 26, 2017 and there is no request for a hearing under within 15 days after the Department ren- may be reviewed by the Board of Environ-
this section. The filing of a request for a ders its decision, upon affidavit setting forth mental Review (Board) according to the fol-
PUBLIC NOTICE hearing postpones the effective date of the the grounds therefore, a hearing before the lowing procedure:
Departments decision until the conclusion Board. A hearing shall be held under the pro- When the Department approves or denies
Notice of Application for Air Quality Per- of the hearing and issuance of a final deci- visions of the Montana Administrative Pro- the application for a conditional open burn-
mit (pursuant to Section 75-2-211, MCA, sion by the Board. cedures Act. ing permit under this section, a person who
and ARM Title 17, Chapter 8, Subchapter The Departments decision on the applica- is jointly or severally adversely affected by
6, Open Burning), Sanders County Solid Published in the Sanders County Ledger tion is not final unless 15 days have elapsed the Departments decision may request,
Waste will file on or about 10-23-17 an appli- October 19 and 26, 2017 and there is no request for a hearing under within 15 days after the Department ren-
cation for a conditional air quality open burn- this section. The filing of a request for a ders its decision, upon affidavit setting forth
ing permit from the Permitting and Compli- PUBLIC NOTICE hearing postpones the effective date of the the grounds therefore, a hearing before the
ance Division of the Montana Department Departments decision until the conclusion Board. A hearing shall be held under the pro-
of Environmental Quality (Department). Notice of Application for Air Quality Per- of the hearing and issuance of a final deci- visions of the Montana Administrative Pro-
Applicant(s) seeks approval of its/their ap- mit (pursuant to Section 75-2-211, MCA, sion by the Board. cedures Act.
plication to open burn wood waste, brush, and ARM Title 17, Chapter 8, Subchapter The Departments decision on the applica-
boards, stumps, untreated material at SW 6, Open Burning), Sanders County Solid Published in the Sanders County Ledger tion is not final unless 15 days have elapsed
S5T 24N R31W Trout Creek Landfill. Waste will file on or about 10-23-17 an appli- October 19 and 26, 2017 and there is no request for a hearing under
Any member of the public with questions cation for a conditional air quality open burn- this section. The filing of a request for a
or who wishes to receive notice of the De- ing permit from the Permitting and Compli- PUBLIC NOTICE hearing postpones the effective date of the
partments determination, and the location ance Division of the Montana Department Departments decision until the conclusion
where a copy of the application and the De- of Environmental Quality (Department). Notice of Application for Air Quality Per- of the hearing and issuance of a final deci-
partments analysis of it can be reviewed, Applicant(s) seeks approval of its/their ap- mit (pursuant to Section 75-2-211, MCA, sion by the Board.
or to submit comments on the application, plication to open burn wood waste, brush, and ARM Title 17, Chapter 8, Subchapter
must contact the Department at 1520 East boards, stumps, untreated material at NES 6, Open Burning), Sanders County Solid Published in the Sanders County Ledger
Sixth Ave., P.O. Box 200901, Helena, Mon- ES 13T 21 NR W Thompson Falls Transfer Waste will file on or about 10-23-17 an appli- October 19 and 26, 2017
tana 59620-0901, phone (406) 444-3490. Station. cation for a conditional air quality open burn-
Any member of the public with questions ing permit from the Permitting and Compli- MNAXLP

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