Regular Paper Paper: Ajmia BELGACEM, Souhir TOUNSI Ajmia BELGACEM, Souhir TOUNSI

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Automation & Systems Engineering 8-4 (2014): 207-229

Regular paper

Optimal Control of Electric Vehicle Power Chain


Abstract-- In this paper, a methodology of scalar control of the electric cars power chain is
described. This methodology takes into account of system interactions. This type of control is
suitable for converter with electromagnetic switches. The choice of this converter
conve is in order to
push the multiple disadvantages of the IGBTs converters and especially to reduce the cost of
global power chain.The overall model of the power chain implanted under the Matlab-Simulink
simulation environment, leads to results of very good
g standard.

Keywords: Electric vehicle, Optimal control, Design, Systemic, Electric motor, Electromagnetic

1. Introduction

In this paper, we present a systemic scalar control and design method of electric vehicle
(EVs) power chain , taking into account several constraints such as the speed limit, the
energy saving, the cost of the power chain and the reliability of the whole system.
s This
method is based firstly on the analytical sizing of the power chain, and secondly on the
analytical modeling of the controll parameters of the electric actuator [1], [2], [3], [4], [5],
[6].. It takes into account the compatibility between the components
c of the power chain to
reach the critical level of performance of the global system. This approach is based on the
application of the general theorems relating to the design of electrotechnical devices [7],
[8], [9].. The global design model provides
provid results relating to the manufacturing of the
electric motor, converter and the mechanical transmission system [1], [2], [3]. These results
increases the compatibility of this approach with the optimization procedures of EVs
performance such as the speed limit, the autonomy, the production cost etc [1]. This study
ends with a validation study of the design approach. Indeed, the simulation of the electrical,
mechanical and magnetic behavior on a global control model of this chain fully validates
the design approach.

2. Power chain structure

Several configurations of power chain are shown in the literature. We cite as examples:
- The four-engine
engine wheels configuration to direct mechanical linkage or gears.
- The configuration with two motors front or rear to direct connection or with gear.
- The single-engine
engine configuration with mechanical differential transmission more gears
or gearless. This configuration is chosen for our application because it offers the advantage
of low cost, because the manufacture of a single
s motor is less expensive than many engines.

Corresponding author: S. Tounsi, Sciences and Technologies of image and
Telecommunications (SETIT) Research Unit, University of SFAX, Tunisia, E-mail:
E souhir.tounsi@isecs.rnu.tns

Copyright JASE 2014 on-line :

TOUNSI Optimal Control of Electric Vehicle Power Chain
Ajmia BELGACEM and Souhir TOUNSI:

This configuration also avoids the problem of slippage since it is impossible to control
several motors at the same speed.
The power chain structure is illustrated by the figure 1.


Energy storage

Figure 1: Power chain structure

Usually the static converter is with IGBTs. In our case we have replaced the transistor
IGBT by electromagnetic switch to push the multiple disadvantages of IGBTs.
During the phases of acceleration and constant speed operation, the motor is driven by
the power converter with electromagnetic switch according to the scalar control strategy
imposing the motor phase current in phase with the electromotive force, leading to a
minimization of energy consumptionn [1], [2].

2.1. Converter structure

The static converter is a two-level

level inverter voltage. This structure is the least expensive
compared to others and offers good quality of voltages and currents wave wave-forms, which
leads to a good dynamic characteristic of EVs. EVs Two inverter types are studied, the IGBT
converter structure and the electromagnetic switches converter structure. The latter
structure has the disadvantage of low switching frequency (Below 150 Hz), but it is less
expensive and does not pose the problem of floating potential, since each inverter arm is
controlled by a single electro-magnet.
magnet. Against, the IGBT structure offers the possibility to
achieve a switching frequency of 8000 Hz which leads to a good quality of the dynamic
characteristic of EVs, it present a lot of disadvantages which can be cited as examples :
- Energy losses leading to a reduced range for a stored energy also establishes the
temperature rise in the transistors and diodes leading to the incorporation of a cooling
system in most cases.
- The problem of potential-floating
floating leading to a complication of the electronic control
- The intervention of capacity Trigger
Trigger-emitter, Trigger-collector and Collector-emitter.
These capacities occur especially at high frequencies leading
leadi to a deterioration of the

J. Automation & Systems Engineering 8-4 (2014): 207-229

quality of control signals and subsequently to performance degradation of the overall drive
- The problem of static and dynamic Luch-up generally leading to the deterioration of the
converter. In this paper we only present the design process of the converter with
electromagnetic switches. Design methods of the IGBT inverter are highly processed and
presented in the literature [3].
The design parameters of the generator coil are shown in figure 2.

Lti Ecu



Ldg Ldc Ldd

Figure 2: Design parameters of the generator coil

For the electromagnetic switches converter structure, the electromagnet is a modular

structure. Indeed, several modules can be stacked either in series or in parallel to increase
the attraction force, and thereafter the opening and closing frequency of the contacts of the
static converter.
The stack in parallel has the advantage that the frequency of closing and opening of the
switches is clearly higher in regard to the stack in series structure, because these actions are
performed by action of the attraction force of two generator coils.
The parallel stack of two modules is illustrated in figure 3 [3].


Coil 1 Coil 2

Figure 3: Stacking in parallel of two modules

Ajmia BELGACEM and Souhir TOUNSI: Optimal Control of Electric Vehicle Power Chain

The equation of movement of the stem is deducted from the fundamental relation of
the dynamics [3]:

nmp M = nmp  

v= (2)

Where v and Mt are respectively the velocity and the mass of the moving rod, nmp is the
number of modules, Nsb is the spires number of the generating coil, Ecs is the thickness of
the copper layer, Dco is the opening of the movable stem, xt displacement of the mobile
stem and r is the relative permeability of copper.
This structure presents the time of opening and the one of closing weakest, since closing
and opening of the power contacts take place joint-stock of two generating coils. The
increase of the number of module increases the frequency of closing and opening of
contacts, what brought us to choose only one module to push the problem of increase of the
cost of the structure, slightly.
For only one module, the time of closing and opening is estimated to:
Ton=Toff = 3.74 e-3 s

From where the frequency of closing and to the opening is estimated to:

1 1
F!" = = = 133.7 hz 3
T%& + T%(( 2 3.74e 3

In conclusion, the structure to parallel stacking with only one module is chosen for the
continuation of survey.
2.2. Sizing of the electric motor

The selected structure of the engine is with permanent magnet and axial flux. This
structure is built with the same radius for the stator and the rotor. The slots directed towards
the motors center. The magnets shape is the same than the main teeth. This structure is
with reduced production cost and high power to weight ratio.
A configuration to 5 pairs of poles and 6 main teeth is illustrated by the figure 4:

Figure 4: Configuration to 5 pairs of poles and 6 main teeth

J. Automation & Systems Engineering 8-4 (2014): 207-229

The magnetic induction in the air gap is calculated for a position of maximum overlap,
since this position is relative to the maximum induction in the different active parts of the
stator magnetic pole of the motor. The distribution of the field lines to this position is
illustrated by figure 5.

Figure 5: Distribution of the field lines to a position of maximum recovery

This figure shows that the flux is divided into useful flux for the traction of the rotor
and leakage flux between the magnets.
Applying Ampere's theorem at stator pole to a supply of the stator coil by the
maximum current of the motor, regardless of the magnetic flux due to the magnets, used to
calculate the magnetic induction caused by the current [1], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15].
uur uur N
H dl = s I max = 2 ( H ri H a + H ri e )
Lignes de champ
Filed lines (4)
Where Imax is the maximal current of the motor, H is the magnetic field, Hri is the
magnetic field in the air-gap, Ha is the height of a magnet, e is the thickness of the air-gap,
0 is the permeability of air, Ns is the number of spires by phase and Nd is the number of
main teeth [1], [2].
B ri =0 H ri
Where Bri is the magnetic induction due to the energize of the motor by the maximal
current (Imax) [1], [2]:
0 N I
B ri = s max
N Ha + e
2 d (6)
This induction is negligible compared to the induction created by the magnets, since
the flux generated by the coil through two times the thickness of the magnets and the air
gap having both a very low magnetic permeability. Accordingly, only the magnetic flux
generated by the magnets is used for sizing the motor.
This induction is derived from the application of Ampere law on a closed contour of
the field lines:

Ajmia BELGACEM and Souhir TOUNSI: Optimal Control of Electric Vehicle Power Chain

uur uur
H dl = 0 = 2 ( H m H a + H e e ) (7)

Where Hm and He are respectively the magnet magnetic filed and the air-gap magnetic
The magnetic induction in the air gap is linear in function of the magnetic field in the
Be = 0 H e
While applying the theorem of conservation of flux to the level of the air-gap, we
deducts the expression of the induction in the entrefer according to the induction in the
magnets and the coefficient of leakage flux:
Ba Sa K fu = Be Sd
Where Sa and Sd are respectively the magnet and the stator tooth sections.

The magnetic induction of the magnets takes the following relation:

Sd Be
Ba =
Sa K fu (10)
Where Kfu is the coefficient of flux leakages.

The induction in the magnets is approached by the following linear equation:

Ba =0 r H m + Br
Where r is the relative permeability of the magnets and Br is the residual magnetic
induction of magnets.
From the equations (7), (8), (9), (10) and (11), we deducts the height of the magnets
imposing an induction in the air-gap Be. This induction is chosen of a manner to have
magnetic inductions in the different active parts of the motor near of the bends saturation of
the characteristic B-H, leading to a minimal mass of the motor and a working in the linear
regime [1]:
Ha = r e (12)
Sd Be
Sa K fu
To avoid the demagnetization of the magnets, the current of phase must be lower than
demagnetization current Id [10]:
B Bc p
Id = r H a Bc K fu e (13)
r 2 0 Ns
Where Bc is the demagnetization induction, Br is the residual induction of magnets, 0
is the permeability of air and p is number of poles pairs.

J. Automation & Systems Engineering 8-4 (2014): 207-229

3. Modeling of the electrical Parameters of the power chain

3.1. Phase inductance of the motor

The inductance of this motor structure, for operation in linear mode is constant since the
magnets are planar. To calculate the phase inductance of the motor, the magnets are
replaced with air, since their relative permeability is very close to that of a vacuum, and the
motor is energized by maximal current. The figure 6 illustrates the distribution of the field
lines to the level of a stator pole.


Encoch Encoch
e e

Pole Sud

Figure 6: Distribution of the field lines for a powered coil

This figure shows the presence of a flux leakages passing through the slot opening in a
presence of leakage inductance in the slots copper, and of a main flux passing twice
through the air gap and the magnet giving presence to an inductance of gap.

We recall the equations to model an inductance for a linear system:

L i4 = N6 4 (14)

R 4 = N6 i4 (15)

L= (16)

Where L is the inductance, i1 is the current of energize, Ns is the number of spire and 1
is the flux giving birth to the L inductance and is the reluctance of the magnetic circuit.
The figure 7 illustrates the network of reluctance modeling the inductance of total phase
of the motor.

Ajmia BELGACEM and Souhir TOUNSI: Optimal Control of Electric Vehicle Power Chain



Figure 7: Network reluctance modeling inductance

According to this face, we can write:

N6 i4 = 2 R:&!:(:!  :&!:(:! R;<"!: :&;%;=: (17)

With the reluctance of the air gap and the copper are given by the following relationship:

4 :?@ 
R :&!:(:! = (18)

A@ /C

4 DEF 
R ;<"!:! = HE IHJ

G ?@ K


The leakage flux through the copper through about half of the copper surface from which the
occurrence of the coefficient 2 in calculating of the reluctance of the leakage flux in the copper. The
value of the total inductance is deduced from equations (17), (18) and (19):

L = L(<": + L:&!:(:! = + (20)


A@ /C G K?@
L=2 N + 
P N6C (21)

Where Sd is the section of the main tooth, Hd is the height of the slot, Ha is the height
of the magnet, Lenc is the width of the slot, e is the thickness of the air-gapr and is the

Mutual inductance of the motor

The principle of the calculation of the mutual inductance is based on the supply of a coil
for the calculation of the flux sensed by the adjacent coil. The flux path determines the total
reluctance of the magnetic circuit modeling this mutual inductance. Figure 8 shows the
trajectory of the flux:

J. Automation & Systems Engineering 8-4 (2014): 207-229

Figure 8: Distribution of the flux generated by the coil powered and captured by the
adjacent coils

From Figure 9 we deduce that the reluctance network modeling the mutual inductance.

Figure 9: Reluctance network modeling the mutual inductance

Where 4 is the reluctance of the air-gap in front of the tooth where the coil 1 is
accommodated, C is the reluctance of a major tooth, R is the reluctance of the stator
yoke, is the reluctance of the tooth where coil 2 is housed, S is the reluctance of
the air-gap in front of tooth 2 and T is the reluctance of the rotor yoke. The expression of
the mutual inductance is given by:

M4C i4 = N6 4 (22)

M4C = (23)

Where 4 is the flux sensed by the coil 2 by supplying the coil 1 and is the total reluctance.
Different mutual inductances of the motor are equal since the engine is symmetrical.
1 2 e + H : 
R4 = 24
V sd
4 C?@
RC = (25)


1 D + D"
1 G2 A :&;[ + A:&[ + A:&"[ K G : K
RR = 2 4 26
V ! D D"
H;6 G : K
4 C?@
R = (27)


4 C:?E 
RS = 28


Ajmia BELGACEM and Souhir TOUNSI: Optimal Control of Electric Vehicle Power Chain

1 D + D"
1 2 G2 A :&;[ + A:&[ + A:&[ K :
RT = 2 4 29
V ! D: D "
H;! G K

A where is the average width of the slot, A is the average width of the main tooth,
encm dentm
A is the average width of the tooth interposed, H is the height of the rotor yoke, H is
dentim cr cs
the height of the stator yoke, is the absolute permeability, is the relative permeability
0 r
of the magnets. We deduce a general expression for the mutual inductance of the motor:
M4C = 30
2 R4 + R C +R R + R +RS + RT 
3.2. Electro-magnet sizing and modeling
The trajectory of the flux when supplying the coil is shown in figure 10.
Hence, we deduce the reluctance network modeling the coil (Figure 10).

b. ajectory of the flux

c. Reluctance network

Figure 10: Trajectory of the flux and reluctance network modeling the coil

The flux density in the copper when the ferro-magnetic core is closed, is deducted from
the application of the Ampere theorem:
N2 I
Bec = 0 r s (31)
2 E cu
Where 0 is the air permeability and r the copper relative permeability ( r is very close
to 1), Ns is the number of winding spire, I is the current in permanent regim and Ecu is the
thickness of the copper layer.
The thickness of the ferro-magnetic core is deducted from the application of the flux
conservation theorem:

J. Automation & Systems Engineering 8-4 (2014): 207-229

Bec L d
L ti = (32)
2 Bc
Where Ld is the width of the tooth and Bc is the maximal flux density in the ferro-
magnetic core.
The width of the left and right tooth is deducted with the same way
B Ld
L dg = ec (33)
2 Bd
Bec Ld
L dd = (34)
2 Bd
Where, Bd is the flux density in the teeth left and right.
The thickness of the yoke is expressed by the following relation:
B Ld
E cs = ec (35)
2 Bcs
Where, Bcs is the flux density in the yoke.
The section of a main tooth is given by the following relation:
Sd = L d E b (36)
Where, Eb is the length of the main tooth (or length of the ferro-magnetic core).
The section of the thread driver depends on the maximal current in permanent regim (I)
and on the admissible current density in the copper ():
Sc = (37)

The thread driver diameter is given by the following relation:
4 Sc
Df = (38)

We deduct the expression of the number of driver by layer:
H f
N cc = d rc (39)
Where frc is the copper filling factor and Hd is the height of the tooth.
We deduct the number of copper layer:
Nc = s (40)
N cc
The thickness of the winding is given by the following expression:
E lc = N c Df (41)
The middle length of a spire is expressed by the following relation:
Lsp = 2 ( Ld + E b +2 Elc )
The resistance of the winding is expressed like follows:
N s Lsp
R bob = (43)
Where, is the copper resistivity.
The winding protective resistance serves to limit the winding current to the maximal
value of the current supported by the winding (I):
U R bob I
Rp = b (44)

Ajmia BELGACEM and Souhir TOUNSI: Optimal Control of Electric Vehicle Power Chain

Where, Ub is the amplitude of the switched voltage feeding the winding.

From the reluctance network we deduct the expression of the winding inductance:
N s2 N s2
Lb = + (45)
2 a ed
The air-gap reluctance is expressed as follows:
1 E cu + D co x t
a = (46)
0 Sd
Where, Dco and xt are respectively the maximal opening and the displacement of the
ferro-magnetic core.
The reluctance of the space between teeth is expressed by the following expression:
1 E lc + Ldc
ed = (47)
0 H cu E b
Where Hcu is the height of the winding and Ldc is the distance separating the winding and
the right tooth. We deduct from relations (45), (46) and (47), the expression of the winding
2 H Eb
L b = 0 Ns2 + cu (48)
2 ( E cu + Dco x t ) E lc + Ldc

Wherea is the air-gap reluctance and ed the reluctance of the space between teeth.

3.3. Attraction force of the electromagnet

The attraction strength of ferro-magnetic core drifts from the energy stocked in the
Wb = L b I 2 (49)
This energy turns into mechanical energy of the side of the ferro-magnetic core:
= F V (50)
Where F is the attraction strength of the ferro-magnetic core and V is the displacement
speed of this core.
We deduct from (49) and (50) the following expression:
1 dL dx
F V = I2 b t (51)
2 dx t dt
From where the attraction strength is deduced from the following relation:
1 dL
F = I2 b (52)
2 dx t
While replacing Lb by its expression, the attraction strength becomes:
r I 2 N s2
F= 0 2
4 ( E cu + D co x t )
3.4. DC-bus voltage

J. Automation & Systems Engineering 8-4 (2014): 207-229

The DC bus voltage is calculated in such a way that the vehicle can reach a maximum
speed with a low torque undulation and without weakening. This voltage is calculated
assuming that the engine runs at a stabilized maximum speed. At this operating point the
electromagnetic torque to be developed by the motor is expressed by the following

cM g gOhi
Ta;b + T + Tf + Tf + T(!  + (54)
dOe !@

Where Pf are the iron losses, Td is the torque losses in the gear and max is the maximum
angular speed.
The different torques are expressed by the following equations:

Tf = S |k| (55)

Tf = V (56)

T(! = K V |V| (57)

T! = Rp f! M g (58)

tLO ue vM 
Ts = Rp VC (59)

T; = M g sin (60)

Where s is the dry friction coefficient, is the viscous friction coefficient, k is the fluid
friction coefficient, is the angle that the road makes with the horizontal, Mva is the
density of the air, Cx is the aerodynamic drag coefficient and Af is the vehicle frontal area.
At this operating point, the phase current of the motor is expressed by the following

Ix = 61

The converters continuous voltage for sinusoidal control is expressed as follow [4]:

U; = z{R Ix + Ex=" } + {L p [s + Ix }


Ephi is the maximal value of electromotive force.

Ex=" = K : [s 63

3.5. Gear ratio

The insertion of a gear speed reducer with rd ratio aims to enable the vehicle to reach
the maximum speed of 80 km / h in our application. This ratio also helps ensure proper

Ajmia BELGACEM and Souhir TOUNSI: Optimal Control of Electric Vehicle Power Chain

interpolation of reference voltages in order to have a good quality of electromagnetic


C9 J
r = (64)
&i kdOex&Ji

Where niTR is the reference voltages interpolation coefficient, Vmax is the vehicle
maximal velocity, nqTA is the coefficient of quality of the supplying voltage, Fri is the
switching frequency and Rw is the vehicle wheel radius.
4. Motor-converter model

The engine is powered by a voltage inverter at two levels. IGBT transistors are replaced
by ideal electromagnetic switches, to reduce losses and sink multiple disadvantages of
IGBTs, such as:
- Tail current.
- The problem of floating mass leading to a complication of the control circuit.
- Static and dynamic Luch-up phenomenon leading to a deterioration of the converter in
the majority of cases.
- Switching and conduction losses significant.
- Heat IGBT transistors, leading to the need for the integration of a cooling system in the
most cases.
Each phase of the motor is equivalent to a resistor in series with an inductance and a
back electromotive force. The model of the three phases is described by the following
equations [4], [5]:

" C
u4 = R i4 + L M + k : cos Gp t + K 65

 R C
" C C
uC = R i4 + L M + k : cos Gp t + K (66)
 R R C
R = R +   + cos G + K 67
Where R, L, M and Ke are respectively the resistance, inductance, mutual inductance and
the electric motor constant, ii is the current of the phase i and ui is the i phase voltage.
The electromagnetic torque is given by the following relationship:
T:& = e4 i4 + eC iC + eR iR  68

J. Automation & Systems Engineering 8-4 (2014): 207-229

Where ei is the electromotive force of the phase i. The model of the motor-converter is
implanted under the Matlab-Simulink environment according to the following block

+ v
To Workspace1
Constant 1

Ampermtre 9 11
Switch 2

s3 s5



S5 Controlled Voltage Source 3 ea 1
S1 S3 Diode 5
Diode 1 Diode 3
Rbatt i s 1


- + -
Ampermtre 1
R1 L1
Supper Controlled Voltage Source 4 ea 2
i s 2
+ - + -
Udc Ampermtre 2
R2 L2

8 10 Controlled Voltage Source 5 ea 3

s4 12
s2 i s 3
s6 +


g - +

S2 Diode 2 S4 Ampermtre 3
Diode 4 S6 Diode 6 R3 L3 2
ia 1

ia 2

Gain 5
ia 3

Udc To Workspace3

f(u) 1
0 Fcn3

Constant 8 Switch 1 4
Ea 1/w
Ea 2/w
Ea 3/w

1/(1000 *3600 ) Wrec
To Workspace7
Gain 6

Figure 11: Simulink model of the motor-converter

5. Speed regulator

The comparison of the reference speed and the response speed provides the amplitude of
the reference currents minimizing the error between the reference speed and the speed of
response. Indeed, the reference speed is compared to the response speed. The comparator
attacks a proportional-integral-type (PI regulator) to provide the amplitude of reference
currents minimizing the speed error. The Simulink model of speed regulator is illustrated
by the figure 12

Ajmia BELGACEM and Souhir TOUNSI: Optimal Control of Electric Vehicle Power Chain

1 s
Reference Speed
Transfer Fcn 4
2 1
Mesured Speed Iaref

Gain 1

Figure 12: Simulink model of the speed regulator

6. Currents regulators

Current regulators impose currents having the same shape and in phase with the
electromotive forces against. Indeed, the reference currents are compared to the phase
currents of the motor. The outputs of the three comparators attack three regulators
proportional integral-type / (PI) to provide three voltages necessary to impose ideal
reference current in phase with the electromotive forces against and to minimize the error
between the reference speed and response speed of the electric vehicle. The Simulink
model of currents regulators is shown in figure 13:
1 15 s
Iaref 3
Transfer Fcn 2
ke1 Uaref 1

Product 1
Gain 1
cos(4*u+pi /2)

Fcn 3
ia 1

cos(4*u-2*pi /3+pi /2) 15

Product 3 s
theta 2
Transfer Fcn 1 Ubref 2
Fcn3 4 50
ia 2
Gain 2

Transfer Fcn 3 Ucref 3

cos(4*u-4*pi /3+pi /2) 50

Product 5
Gain 3
ia 3

Figure 13: Simulink model of currents regulators

7. Model of the back electromotive forces

The three back electromotive forces are reconciled by the following three equations:

J. Automation & Systems Engineering 8-4 (2014): 207-229

e4 = k : cos Gp t + K 69

3 2
2 2
eC = k : cos p t + 70
3 3 2
2 4
eR = k : cos p t + 71
3 3 2
These equations are implemented under the Matlab-Simulink environment according to
the following block diagram:

Ea 1
1 Product 2
Constant 12 E1

cos(4* u+pi /2)

Product 1

Product 4


1 cos(4*u-2*pi /3+pi /2)

Product 3
Product 6

cos(4*u-4*pi /3+pi /2) 3

Product 5

Figure 14: Model Simulink of the back electromotive forces

8. Control signals generator

The control signal generator compares the three reference voltages to a triangular signal
with frequency significantly higher than the frequency of the voltages provided by the
currents regulators. The output of each comparator attack an hysteresis variant between 0
and 1 for outputting the signals for controlling the switches S1 , S3 and S5 . The speed
controller and current controller adjusts the pulse width of the control signals so as to
impose currents in phase with the electromotive forces against and minimize the error
between the reference speed and the speed of response. Signals for controlling the switches
S2, S4 and S6 are respectively complementary to the signals S1, S3 and S5. To prevent
short circuits, control pulses S2, S4 and S6 are shortened to avoid duplication between two
signals control arm. The Simulink model of the generator control signals is shown in figure

Ajmia BELGACEM and Souhir TOUNSI: Optimal Control of Electric Vehicle Power Chain

Step 4 3

1 Switch 1
Constant 4

Constant 1 4

Step 1


Step 3 1
Relay 1 0
Switch 3
Constant 8

Sequence 1 Constant 5 5

Switch 2
Step 2

Relay 2
Step 5 2
Switch 5
Constant 12
Sequence 2

Constant 9 6

Switch 4
Step 6

Figure 15: Simulink model of control signals generator

9. Dynamic equation

The dynamic equation of the vehicle is derived from the fundamental relationship of
(M v R r ) dv = rd Tm (Fr + Fa + Fc ) R r (72)
Where Fr is the rolling resistance force, Fa is the aerodynamic force and Fc is the force of
gravity.Where :
F! = f! M g 73
Fs = Ms C S( V C 74
F; = M C[ g sin 75

The equation of motion of the vehicle is implemented under the environment of Matlab/
Simulink as shown in to the figure 16:

J. Automation & Systems Engineering 8-4 (2014): 207-229

1 r
Tem 1
Gain 1 -K- 3.6 1
0.03*Mv*9.8 Gain 2 Integrator Gain 3

r/Rroue 2
0.5*1.102 *1.4*u^2 Wm
Fcn1 Gain 4
0 Mv*9.8*sin(u)

Constant 1

Figure 16: Simulink model of the dynamic equation

10. Global model of the power chain

The coupling of different models of the electric vehicle power chain leads to overall
model implemented under the environment of Matlab/ Simulink as shown in to the figure
Clock 1 To W orkspace 12


Iaref Tm m
Vitess e de rfrence
Ucref 3 U1
Reference speed ea3
theta V(Km/h)
Vitess e de rpons e
Ea2/w ia1
ia1 Ubref 2
Speed regulator U2

1/3.6 * r/Rroue
s Uaref 1
s2 Wm
Integrator ia3 U3
Gain 4 Currents regulator
Generator of control s4
signals Dynamic equation
s5 ia3

Motor -conveter model
thetam es ur



wm Ea2


Back electromotive forces


Integrator 1

Figure 17: Global model of the power chain

11. Descriptions of the simulations results

Scalar control has the disadvantage of convergence at startup, but for the electric car
application, the acceleration during start-up is reduced to avoid the problem of abrupt

Ajmia BELGACEM and Souhir TOUNSI: Optimal Control of Electric Vehicle Power Chain

starting and to increase the reliability of the vehicle. This property makes it very robust the
scalar control for electric car application. This feature is illustrated in Figure 18. Also this
figure shows that the speed of response precisely follows the reference speed, which shows
the performance of the control technique chosen. This characteristic validates design
process of the power chain.
Reference Speed
Reponse Speed



S p e ed (K m / h )





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 18: Speed response

Figure 19 shows that the starting current is significantly reduced, which shows the good
choice of the parameters of speed and currents regulators.
Phase current (A)




C urent (A )





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 19: Phase current

J. Automation & Systems Engineering 8-4 (2014): 207-229

Figure 20 shows that the torque on the motor shaft is negative during deceleration, since
the inertia of the drive power is negative.

Torque on the motor shaft (N.m)



C o u p le su r l'arb re m o teu r (N .m )





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Temps (s)

Figure 20: Torque on the motor shaft

The electric car recovers energy hang deceleration phases. This property is illustrated by
figure 21.


E nergy rec ov ered(K w /h)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (s)

Figure 21: Energy recovered

The control law imposes a phase shift ideally zero to minimize consumption, but in
reality this phase shift is close to zero since the time constant of the motor is not zero. This
property is illustrated by figure 22:

Ajmia BELGACEM and Souhir TOUNSI: Optimal Control of Electric Vehicle Power Chain

Paces of current and back electromotive force (P.U)


Allures du courant de phase et de la force lectromotrice (Sans Unit)

Currentde phase
Force force




75 75.05 75.1 75.15 75.2 75.25 75.3 75.35 75.4 75.45 75.5
Temps (s)
Figure 22: Paces of current and back electromotive force

This figure shows that the shape of the current is very close to sinusodal shape, which
shows the effectiveness of the selected control law.

12. Conclusion

In this paper we present a systemic scalar control and design methodology of the traction
chain of electric vehicles. This methodology takes into account the interactions between the
control and the design of the motor-converter. The system modeling along with a sinusoidal
control law under the environment of Matlab / Simulink, validates this design approach
and leads to a scientific results to good level.


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