Terms and Conditions of Sale

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TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE For the full version of the Terms and Conditions of Sales with

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1. DEFINITIONS: Buyer means the entity to which Seller is selling Products or Services under a outside the U.S. Seller shall deliver the Products to Buyer EXW Sellers U.S. point of shipment (In-
Contract. Contract means the agreement between Buyer and Seller governing the sale of Products coterms 2010). The point of shipment shall be the shipping dock of Sellers factory, warehouse or
and/or Services by Seller to Buyer. These Terms and Conditions, the Quotation (if one is issued by other facility that Seller designates at its discretion as its point of shipment from time to time. Buyer
Seller), any purchase order acknowledgement (if one is issued by Seller), and Buyers purchase order is responsible for all transportation charges incurred after delivery of the Products to the carrier or
(except to the extent that it conflicts with these Terms and Conditions, the Quotation, and/or the order Buyer at the point of shipment and shall reimburse Seller for any transit insurance or freight pre-paid
acknowledgement) constitute the Contract. Products means the equipment, parts, materials, sup- for the Products by Seller. Buyer shall bear the risk of loss and/or damage in transportation. Buyer is
plies, and other goods that Seller has agreed to supply under the Contract. References in these Terms responsible for filing any export documents required for export from the U.S. (2) Delivery Non-U.S.
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and Conditions to the purchase and sale of Products may mean, where applicable, the licensing of Buyer; Routed Export Transactions. For sales in the U.S. to a non-U.S. Buyer, Seller shall deliver Prod-
Software loaded on or provided with the Products. Quotation means Sellers statement identifying ucts to Buyers freight forwarder EXW Sellers U.S. point of shipment (Incoterms 2010). The point of
the Products and Services, together with any quantity, price, delivery schedule, and/or other terms shipment shall be the shipping dock of Sellers factory, warehouse or other facility that Seller desig-
and conditions (in addition to or different from these Terms and Conditions), offered by Seller for sale nates at its discretion as its point of shipment from time to time. In a Routed Export Transaction, as
to Buyer. A Quotation that incorporates these Terms and Conditions by reference shall be deemed to defined in the U.S. Census regulations, 15 CFR Section 30.3, where Buyer is a non-U.S. entity, Buyer
include these Terms and Conditions, whether or not Seller provides a complete copy of these Terms shall authorize Buyers designated freight forwarder or Seller to facilitate the export of the Products
and Conditions to Buyer with the Quotation, with a purchase order acknowledgement, or with an from the U.S. and to prepare and file export documentation with respect to such export transaction
invoice. Where there is a conflict between these Terms and Conditions and other provisions of the (hereafter, to Facilitate the Export). If Buyer authorizes its designated freight forwarder to Facili-
Quotation, the latter shall control. Services means the services that Seller has agreed to provide tate the Export, Buyers freight forwarder shall provide Seller with a copy of the final export docu-
under the Contract. Software means software loaded on or provided with the Products. Seller mentation and proof of filing. If Buyer authorizes Seller to Facilitate the Export, Buyer shall cause
means the Regal entity -- whether Regal Beloit Corporation (RBC) or an RBC subsidiary supplying Buyers freight forwarder to provide Seller the information needed by Seller to Facilitate the Export.
Products and/or providing Services under the Contract. Terms and Conditions means these Terms Buyer shall give timely notice to Seller identifying whom it has designated to Facilitate the Export.
and Conditions of Sale. (c) Delivery Dates. Delivery dates are approximate, are not guaranteed and are based upon prompt
receipt by Seller from Buyer of all necessary shipping and other information. Seller may deliver in
2. CONTRACT FORMATION: No agreement or understanding, oral or written, purporting to modify

advance of the delivery schedule. Seller reserves the right to make delivery in installments, with all
these Terms and Conditions shall be binding on Seller unless it is made in writing, specifically installments to be separately invoiced and paid for by Buyer when due per invoice, without regard to
stating that it is a modification of these Terms and Conditions and it is signed by Sellers authorized subsequent deliveries. Delivery of the Products to a commercial carrier at the shipping point shall
representative. No course of dealing, usage of trade, or course of performance shall be relevant to constitute delivery to Buyer. (d) Title Transfer. Title to Products shall pass to Buyer upon the earlier
explain or supplement any of these Terms and Conditions. If these Terms and Conditions are deemed of delivery of the Products to the carrier or Buyer at the point of shipment in accordance with subsec-
an offer, Buyers acceptance of Sellers offer is expressly limited to acceptance of these Terms and tion (a) above, except that, for Routed Export Transactions, title shall transfer to Buyer upon delivery
Conditions. Fulfillment of Buyers order does not constitute acceptance of any of Buyers terms and to Buyers designated freight forwarder. Subject to applicable law, Seller, upon notice to Buyer,
conditions and does not modify or amend these Terms and Conditions. Buyers purchase order for the may retain title to the Products until such time as Seller receives payment in full from Buyer. Title
purchase of Products and/or for the performance of Services shall constitute Buyers assent to these to Software shall not pass to Buyer and is subject to the applicable license. (e) Risk of Loss/Damage.
Terms and Conditions. Any terms and conditions contained in Buyers purchase order or other form of Risk of loss and/or damage shall pass to Buyer upon delivery in accordance with subsection (a) above,
communication from Buyer that are additional to or different from these Terms and Conditions, shall except that, for Routed Export Transactions, risk of loss and/or damage shall pass upon delivery of the
be deemed rejected by Seller, unless expressly accepted in writing by Sellers authorized representa- Products to Buyers designated freight forwarder. (f) Delivery by Sellers Carrier. Where the parties
tive. Alternatively, if these Terms and Conditions are deemed to be a response to, an acceptance of, agree that delivery shall be made at a location other than Sellers point of shipment, where Seller
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or a written confirmation of, Buyers offer, whether provided in the form of a purchase order or other- will deliver using its carrier or Sellers privately owned or leased trucks, unloading at the agreed
wise, Sellers acceptance is expressly conditioned upon Buyers assent to these Terms and Conditions. location shall constitute delivery to Buyer. Freight and handling charges by Seller may not reflect
Buyers acceptance of Products tendered to Buyer by Seller shall constitute Buyers express assent to actual freight charges prepaid to the carrier by Seller due to incentive discounts earned by Seller
all of the terms and conditions contained in these Terms and Conditions. All proposals, negotiations based upon Sellers aggregate volume of freight tendered to a carrier or when a carrier must be used
and representations, if any, made prior to or with reference hereto are hereby superseded by these which charges a rate which is different than the rate upon which Sellers freight and handling charges
Terms and Conditions. References in this Section to these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to were based. When shipments are delivered in Sellers privately owned or leased trucks, Buyer will be
mean these Terms and Conditions and Sellers Quotation, if Seller has issued a Quotation. charged an amount approximating the prevailing common carrier rate. (g) Storage. In the event that
Buyer is unable to accept delivery of the Products at time of shipment, Seller shall invoice Buyer for
3. ACCEPTANCE OF PURCHASE ORDERS: No Buyer purchase order shall be binding on Seller until the full purchase price as if shipment had been made and: (i) if Seller is able to store such Products
accepted in writing by Seller, and Seller shall have no liability to Buyer with respect to purchase in its own facilities, Buyer will pay Seller the reasonable handling and storage charges for the period
orders that are not accepted. Shipment against a purchase order shall be deemed to constitute of such storage, or (ii) if Seller is unable to store such goods at its own facility, Seller reserves the
Sellers acceptance thereof, subject to these Terms and Conditions. All purchase orders shall be sub- right to arrange handling and storage in a suitable bonded warehouse for Buyer at Buyers expense.
ject to these Terms and Conditions, whether or not the purchase orders so state. Purchase orders ac- In cases where handling and storage become necessary, it shall be Buyers responsibility to notify
cepted by Seller may not be cancelled or modified by Buyer without the prior written consent of Seller. Seller when shipment is to be made. Seller will make necessary arrangements for shipment at Buyers
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4. QUOTATIONS: Quotations shall expire and shall be void thirty (30) days from date of the Quota-
tion, unless otherwise specified in the Quotation. The Quotation may be modified or withdrawn by 9. EXCUSABLE DELAYS; FORCE MAJEURE: (a) Excuse of Performance. Seller shall not be liable for
Seller at any time before Sellers receipt of Buyers conforming acceptance. any ordinary, incidental, or consequential loss or damage as a result of Sellers delay in or failure of
delivery, or installation of Products or performance of Services due to (i) any cause beyond Sellers
5. PRICES; PRICE CHANGES: reasonable control, (ii) an act of God, act of Buyer, embargo or other government act, authority,
(a) Products. The price of the Products sold pursuant to the Contract shall be as set forth in regulation or request, fire, theft, accident, strike, slowdown or other labor disturbance, war, armed
the Quotation. If price is not specified in the Quotation, price shall be based upon Sellers prices in conflict, act or threat of terrorism, riot, epidemic, delay in transportation, or (iii) inability to obtain
effect at the time of shipment. Published prices are for Products of Sellers current standard design necessary labor, materials, components, or facilities. Should any of the aforementioned events occur,
and constructed of standard materials. Variation from the standard design and/or materials requires Seller, at its option, may cancel Buyers order with respect to any undelivered Products or incomplete
special pricing. Seller reserves the right at any time, and without incurring any obligation, to discon- Services or extend the delivery date for a period equal to the time lost because of delay. Notice of such
tinue the manufacture of any model, to withdraw products from sale, to make changes in design, and/ election shall be given promptly to Buyer. In the event Seller elects to so cancel the Contract, Seller
or to add improvements to products. Price also shall be based on freight rates in effect at the time of shall be released of and from all liability for failure to deliver the Products or to perform the Services,
shipment. Where applicable, in the event of an increase in the applicable freight rates before the ship- including, but not limited to, any and all claims on behalf of Buyer for lost profits, or any other claim
ment of Products, such changes will be for the account of Buyer. Price advances, discounts, extras and of any nature which Buyer might have. If shipping or progress of the work is delayed or interrupted
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other terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise provided in the by Buyer, directly or indirectly, Buyer shall pay Seller for all additional charges resulting therefrom.
Quotation, price is based on delivery in accordance with the Delivery section below. Prices include (b) Allocation. If Seller determines that its ability to meet the demand for products, including the
Sellers standard packing. (b) Services. Services prices are based on normal business hours (8 AM to Products, or to obtain labor, materials, components or facilities is hindered, limited or made imprac-

5 PM Monday through Friday). Overtime and Saturday hours will be billed at one and one half (1.5) ticable due to causes set forth in subsection (a) above, Seller may allocate its available supply of
times the normal business hour hourly rate. Sunday hours will be billed at two (2) times the normal products, including the Products, among itself and its purchasers on such basis as Seller determines
business hours hourly rate; holiday hours will be billed at three (3) times the normal business hours to be equitable without liability for any failure of performance which may result therefrom.
hourly rate.
6. TAXES, DUTIES AND FEES: Seller shall be responsible for taxes measured on Sellers net income (a) Scope and Period.
based upon performance of, or payment for, work under the Contract (Seller Taxes). Buyer shall be (1) Products. Seller warrants that the Products shall be delivered free from defects in mate-
responsible for all other taxes, duties, fees or other charges of any kind (including, but not limited to rial, workmanship and title and shall conform to Sellers specification agreed upon in a written and
any manufacturers tax, retailers occupation tax, use tax, sales tax, excise tax, duty, custom, inspec- signed agreement by Buyer and Seller, if applicable, for the Products. This warranty shall expire
tion or testing fee, value added tax, or any other tax, fee or charge of any nature whatsoever) imposed twelve (12) months from first use of the Product or eighteen (18) months from date of manufacture of
by any governmental authority against Buyer, Seller or Sellers suppliers and/or contractors, based the Product, whichever occurs first. (2) Repaired or Replaced Products or Parts of Products. Seller war-
upon the Contract between Seller and Buyer. In the event Seller is required to pay any such tax, fee or rants that the repaired or replaced Products or parts of Products shall be delivered free from defects
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charge, regardless whether such tax, fee or charge is imposed before or after Sellers delivery of the in material, workmanship and title. In the case of repaired or replaced Products or parts of Products
Products and/or Buyers payment under the Contract, Buyer shall reimburse Seller therefor. In lieu of comprising warranty remedies for Products, this warranty shall expire upon expiration of the war-
such reimbursement, Buyer shall provide Seller, at the time the order is submitted, with an exemption ranty period applicable to the Products originally supplied by Seller. In the case of other repaired or
certificate or other document acceptable to the authority imposing such tax, fee or charge. If Sellers replaced Products or parts of Products, this warranty shall expire twelve (12) months from the date
prices include any taxes, duties or fees (other than Seller Taxes), any change in such taxes, duties of repair or manufacture of the Product s or parts of the Products. (3) Services. Seller warrants that
and/or fees shall be the basis for a price adjustment. the Services shall be performed in a competent and diligent manner in accordance with any mutually
agreed specification. This warranty shall expire ninety (90) days from the date of completion of such
7. TERMS OF PAYMENT: Services. (4) Software. Seller warrants that the Software shall execute, at time of delivery, in accor-
(a) Terms. Terms of payment are cash in full, without set-off or discount, in U.S. dollars, and dance with the specification agreed upon in a written and signed agreement by Buyer (as licensee)
by wire transfer, no later than thirty (30) days from date of invoice. (b) Payment Default. If Buyer and Seller (as licensor) when properly installed in the Products. The warranty shall expire six (6)
defaults in any payment when due, or in the event that any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or months from date of manufacture of the first Product in which the Software is loaded. (5) Applica-
insolvency proceedings involving Buyer are initiated by or against Buyer, then the whole Contract bility. This warranty shall apply to any Products and/or Software bought, acquired, and/or used by an
price shall immediately become due and payable upon demand, or Seller, at its option and without entity that, or person who, acquires the Products and/or Software from Buyer (a Transferee), except
Tech Information

prejudice to its other lawful remedies, may defer delivery or cancel the Contract. Where delivery is that any claim made against Seller pursuant to this warranty shall be made by Buyer only. Seller
deferred and Seller does not demand immediate payment of the full Contract price, pro-rata payments shall not be bound by this Section 10 to satisfy a claim under this Section made against Seller by a
shall become due as shipments are made. (c) Buyer Financial Condition. If, during the period of Transferee, whether such Transferee is a direct or indirect Transferee of Buyer, Buyer shall provide
performance of the Contract, the financial condition of Buyer is determined by Seller not to justify the any Transferee of a Product or Software written conspicuous notice of Sections 10 and 11 hereof. (6)
terms of payment specified, Seller may demand full or partial payment in advance before proceeding Exceptions. Supplement B to these Terms and Conditions lists Seller Products, parts, Services and
with the work, or satisfactory security or guarantees that invoices will be promptly paid when due, or, Software for which Sellers warranties vary from the warranties set forth in this subsection 10(a).
at its option, without prejudice to other lawful remedies, may defer delivery or cancel the Contract. (b) Remedies.
(d) Delay. If delivery is delayed by Buyer, which delay must be consented to by Seller, Seller may store (1) Products. If, prior to expiration of the warranty period set forth in subsection 10(a)(1),
the Products in accordance with subsection 8(e) Storage below and Seller may submit a new esti- above, any Products shall be proved to Sellers satisfaction to be defective or nonconforming with
mate of cost for completion based on prevailing conditions. Payments shall become due from the date the warranty set forth therein, Seller will repair or replace such defective Products or components
on which Seller is prepared to deliver the Products and storage shall be the Buyers risk and expense thereof, FCA Sellers factory, warehouse or other facility that Seller designates at its discretion as
as provided in subsection 8(e) Storage below. If manufacture is delayed by Buyer for any cause, a point of shipment from time to time (Incoterms 2010), or will refund or provide Buyer with a credit
partial payment based upon the proportion of the order completed shall become due from the date on in the amount of the purchase price paid therefor by Buyer, at Sellers sole option. Buyers exclusive
which Seller is notified of the delay.(e) Late Payment Charge. Buyer shall pay a late payment charge remedy and Sellers sole obligation under this warranty shall be limited to such repair or replace-
on all amounts not paid in full when due at the rate of one and one half percent (1.5%) per month or ment, FCA factory, warehouse or other facility that Seller designates at its discretion as point of
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at the maximum legally permissible rate, whichever is lower. (f) Exceptions. Supplement A to these shipment from time to time (Incoterms 2010), or refund or credit by Seller, and shall be conditioned
Terms and Conditions lists Seller business units for which payment terms vary from payment terms upon Sellers receiving written notice of any defect and/or nonconformance within a reasonable
set forth in this Section 7. period of time, but in no event more than thirty (30) days, after it was discovered or by reasonable
care should have been discovered. All claims not made in writing and received by Seller within such
8. DELIVERY; TITLE TRANSFER; RISK OF LOSS/DAMAGE: thirty (30) day period shall be deemed waived. In no event shall Sellers liability for such defective
(a) Delivery U.S. Buyer. For sales in the U.S. that do not involve export from the U.S., Seller or nonconforming Products exceed the purchase price paid by Buyer for such Products. With prior
shall deliver Products to Buyer EXW Sellers U.S. point of shipment (Incoterms 2010). The point approval from Seller, Buyer shall return the alleged defective Product or part, freight prepaid, for
of shipment shall be the shipping dock of Sellers factory, warehouse or other facility that Seller Sellers inspection, and no other Products shall be returned to any Seller office, factory, warehouse,
designates as its discretion as point of shipment from time to time. (b) Sales Involving Exports from authorized service center or other facility, without Sellers written consent. (2) Replacement Products
U.S. (1) Delivery -- U.S. Buyer; Subsequent Drop Shipment to Location Outside U.S. For sales in the U.S. and Parts of Products. If prior to the expiration of the applicable warranty period set forth in subsec-
to a U.S. Buyer, that involve drop shipment at Buyers request and/or on Buyers behalf, to a location tion 10(a)(2) above, any replacement Products and/or parts of Products shall be proved to Sellers

satisfaction to be defective or nonconforming with the warranty set forth therein, the remedy set forth any patents covering the use of the Delivered Item in combination with other goods or materials not
in subsection 10(b)(2) above shall apply to such replacement Products and/or parts of Products. (3) furnished by Seller.
Services. If, prior to expiration of the warranty period set forth in subsection 10(a)(3), above, any Ser-

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vices shall be proved to Sellers satisfaction to be nonconforming with the warranty set forth therein, The foregoing states the entire liability of Seller for intellectual property infringement, and IN NO
Seller will re-perform such nonconforming Services. If the Services cannot be re-performed, Seller, at EVENT SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ATTRIBUTABLE TO
its option, shall refund or credit monies paid by Buyer for such nonconforming Services. (4) Software. AN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INFRINGEMENT. Buyer, at its own expense, shall defend Seller against,
If, prior to expiration of the warranty period set forth in subsection 10(a)(4) above, , (i) Buyer provides, and/or settle, (a) any patent, trademark, copyright or other intellectual property infringement claim
in writing, a complete description of the claimed nonconformance in the Software, and (ii) the Software pertaining to a Delivered Item furnished by Seller to Buyer manufactured in accordance with designs,
is proven to Sellers satisfaction to be so nonconforming with the warranty set forth therein, Seller will drawings or other descriptions proposed or furnished by Buyer; and (b) any claim against Seller of
correct the nonconformance by, at its option: (i) modifying or making available to Buyer instructions for contributory infringement resulting from the use or resale by Buyer of a Delivered Item sold hereunder.
modifying the program causing such nonconformance, or (ii) making available a corrected or replace- Buyer shall indemnify Seller for any award against Seller or settlement by Seller regarding any such
ment program FCA Sellers factory, warehouse or other facility that Seller designates at its discretion as claims and attorneys fees and defense costs incurred in defense of such claims.
point of shipment from time to time (Incoterms 2010).
(c) Exclusions - The warranties set forth in this Section 10 do not cover: 14. SOFTWARE LICENSE:
(1) shipping expenses to and from Sellers office, factory, warehouse, authorized service center (a) License Grant: Seller grants Buyer a nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, limited license to use
or other destination designated by Seller for repair or replacement of defective Products or any tax, the Software in the U.S. and solely in conjunction with (a) the operation of the Products purchased and
duty, custom, inspection or testing fee, or any other charge of any nature related thereto; (2) costs of sold under the Contract and/or other product meeting Sellers specifications; and (b) any other purpose

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removing defective Products from, and/or disassembling, equipment in which Products are assembled agreed upon in a written and signed agreement between Buyer and Seller. (b) Scope of License: Upon
or reinstalling Products and/or reassembling such equipment, or testing repaired or replaced Products Sellers prior written approval, Buyer may make a reasonable number of copies of Software as neces-
and/or the equipment; (3) field service travel and living costs and expenses; (4) Products subjected to sary for backup, configuration, installation, and restoration of the Products. Also upon Sellers prior
abuse, neglect, negligence, misuse, misapplication, accident, damages by circumstances beyond Sellers written approval, Buyer may authorize a third-party contractor or service provider to exercise these
control, improper installation (if by anyone other than Seller), improper operation (including, but not rights on Buyers behalf and for Buyers benefit. Buyer may transfer possession of Software and its
limited to, operation in excess of rated capacity or otherwise not in accordance with installation, main- media to another party only in conjunction with the transfer of the Products on which the Software is
tenance, or operating instructions or requirements) improper maintenance, improper storage, and/or loaded and only upon agreement of the other party to the terms and conditions of the Contract. Upon
any other than normal use or service; (5) Products maintained, serviced, repaired or altered by anyone such transfer, Buyer shall destroy all Buyers copies of Software and related documentation. All licenses
other than Seller or Sellers authorized service agencies; (6) Products and/or parts not manufactured and grants pursuant to the Contract shall immediately terminate once Buyer no longer rightfully owns
by Seller; for Products furnished by Seller, but manufactured by others, Seller will assign to Buyer the or possesses the Products. No other rights under this license are granted. Upon Sellers request, Buyer
written warranty, if any, of the manufacturer, if assignment is reasonably practicable; however, Seller shall provide Seller with written notice of any such transfer providing the name, address, and contact
does not adopt or guarantee or represent that the manufacturer will comply with any of the terms of information of the subsequent Buyer within 15 days of such transfer. (c) Use Restrictions: Buyer
the warranty of such manufacturer; but, in no event shall Sellers obligations be greater than those shall not (a) copy, display, transfer, adapt, modify, or distribute in any form the Software except as
provided under Sellers warranty set forth in this Section 10; and/or (7) failures of the Software to be in- set forth in the Contract or in Seller documentation provided by Seller to Buyer with the Software; (b)

terruption-free or error-free or to meet Buyers or any other partys requirements; and, problems caused reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, or otherwise translate the Softwares object code, unless
by use of the Software in conjunction with third-party software, hardware, or products. expressly permitted by applicable law without the possibility of contractual waiver; or (c) sublicense or
lease the Software or any copy thereof except with the transfer of the Products on which the Software is
(d) DISCLAIMER: THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESS AND loaded. Except as provided under the terms of Sellers standard escrow agreement between Seller and
IMPLIED WARRANTIES, ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMI- Buyer, if applicable, Buyer shall not to make available to any party, without prior written consent from
TATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- Seller or its authorized agent, source code for the Software. Buyer shall not, directly or indirectly, export
POSE, WHETHER OR NOT THE PURPOSE OR USE HAS BEEN DISCLOSED TO SELLER IN SPECIFICATIONS, or re-export, or knowingly permit the export or re-export of, the Products, or any technical information
DRAWINGS, OR OTHERWISE AND WHETHER OR NOT SELLERS PRODUCTS ARE SPECIFCIALLY DESIGNED about the Products, to any country for which the United States Export Administration Act, any regula-
AND/OR MANUFACTURED BY SELLER FOR BUYERS USE OR PURPOSE. NO EMPLOYEE, REPRESENTA- tion thereunder, or any similar United States law or regulation, requires an export license or other
TIVE, OR AGENT OF SELLER OTHER THAN AN OFFICER OF SELLER IS AUTHORIZED TO ALTER OR MODIFY United States Government approval, unless Buyer obtains the appropriate export license and obtains
ANY PROVISION OF THIS SECTION 10 OR TO MAKE ANY GUARANTEE, WARRANTY, OR REPRESENTA- written approval from Seller. (d) Maintenance and Support: Seller may offer to Buyer the option to pur-
TION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ORALLY OR IN WRITING, WHICH IS CONTRARY TO THE FOREGOING. Except chase from Seller annual Software maintenance and support services under the terms and conditions of
where Buyer and Seller agree in a written and signed agreement upon the specifications applicable to Sellers then-standard maintenance and support agreement. Buyer may renew this maintenance term

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the Products, Software, and/or Services, any description of the Products, Software, and/or Services, at Sellers then-current maintenance rates. In the event Buyer purchases additional Software licenses,
whether in writing or made orally by Seller or Sellers agents, specifications, samples, models, bul- maintenance fees for such licenses shall be prorated to be coterminous with Buyers existing mainte-
letins, drawings, diagrams, engineering sheets or similar materials used in connection with Buyers nance period. In no event shall Seller be responsible for providing maintenance services for a period
order are for the sole purpose of identifying the Products and shall not be construed as an express or during which maintenance coverage is lapsed.
implied warranty. Any suggestions by Seller or Sellers agents regarding use, application or suitability
of the Products shall not be construed as an express or implied warranty unless confirmed to be such in 15. SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENTS: As security for payment of the purchase
writing by Sellers authorized officer. price under the Contract, Buyer hereby irrevocably grants Seller a security interest in the Products
purchased by Buyer, together with all accessories, attachments and replacement parts and all substitu-
11. LIMITATIONS OF REMEDY AND LIABILITY: tions, replacements and proceeds thereof to secure payment of the purchase price and of all monies
(a) Breach of Warranty Claims. Buyers only remedy for breach of any warranty under the Contract, which may be due under the Contract. Buyer hereby authorizes Seller to file all financing statements,
other than the warranty provided under Section 13 Intellectual Property Indemnity, shall be the ap- any amendments and continuations thereof, or any other documents necessary or reasonably required,
plicable remedy set forth in Section 10 Limited Warranty above. Sellers total liability for any and for the perfection and protection of a security interest under applicable law, and to deliver notice to
all breach of warranty claims under the Contract shall not exceed the purchase price allocable to the prior holders of security interests, of Sellers security interest in the Products to protect its interest.
Product, Software or Service or part thereof which gives rise to the claim. (b) Other Claims. Sellers

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liability for any claim other than a breach of warranty claim under Section 10 Limited Warranty, 16. INSURANCE: Until payment in full of the purchase price, Buyer shall maintain insurance covering
whether in contract, negligence, tort, strict liability, indemnity or otherwise for any loss or damage all Products sold by Seller to Buyer in such amounts and against such risks as is customary by com-
arising out of, connected with, or resulting from the Contract or the performance or breach thereof, or panies engaged in the same or similar business and similarly located, and shall, upon Sellers request,
from the design, manufacture, sale, delivery, resale, repair, replacement, installation, technical direc- furnish evidence of such insurance satisfactory to Seller.
tion of installation, inspection, operation or use of any Products covered by or furnished under the
Contract or from Services rendered under the Contract, shall in no case (except as provided in Section 17. DRAWINGS; OTHER DESIGN DATA: All specifications, drawings, designs, data, information, ideas,
13 Intellectual Property Indemnity) exceed five percent (5%) of the purchase price allocable to the methods, tools, gages, dies, fixtures, patterns and/or inventions made, conceived, developed or ac-
Products or part thereof or Services giving rise to the claim. (c) Consequential Damage Disclaimer. quired by Seller in connection with procuring and/or executing the Contract will vest in and inure to
SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR AND DISCLAIMS ALL CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONTINGENT, Sellers sole benefit notwithstanding any charges therefor which may have been or may be imposed by
SPECIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHATSOEVER. Seller shall not be liable for lost profits or revenues, Seller on Buyer. Buyer shall not give, loan, exhibit, sell or transfer to any person who is not a Buyer
loss of use of the Products, Software or any related equipment or systems, cost of capital, cost of sub- employee and authorized to receive such information, or to any organization or entity, any drawing,
stitute products, cost of facilities or services, business interruption, downtime, shutdown, or slowdown photograph or specification furnished by Seller or reproduction thereof which may enable such person,
costs, any other types of economic loss, penalties, special or punitive damages, and claims of Buyers organization or entity to furnish similar products or parts therefor.
customers for any such damages. (d) Expiration of Claims. All claims against Seller arising out of or
related to the Contract or the performance or breach thereof shall expire unless made and presented 18. RETURN OF PRODUCTS: No Product or part shall be returned to Seller without written authorization

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to Seller in writing by Buyer before expiration of the applicable warranty period. (e) Precedence. The and shipping instructions first having been obtained from Seller.
limitations of this Section shall apply regardless of whether a claim is based in contract, tort (including

negligence), warranty, strict liability, intellectual property, or otherwise, and shall take precedence 19 ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTING: None of Buyers rights under the Contract shall be as-
over any conflicting terms and conditions, except where the limitations of liability of such conflicting signed by Buyer to any other person, whether by operation of law or otherwise, without Sellers prior
terms limit Sellers liability further. written approval. Seller may, without the necessity of obtaining Buyers prior written consent, assign
the Contract or subcontract the production of all or any portion of the Products and/or performance of
12. INDEMNITY: the Services.
(a) Third party claims. Each of Buyer and Seller (each an Indemnified Party and an Indem-
nifying Party) shall indemnify the other party from and against claims brought by a third party, for 20. CANCELLATION: No purchase order submitted to Seller may be cancelled by Buyer without the prior
bodily injury or damage to the third partys tangible property, to the extent such injury and/or damage written consent of Seller, which consent will at all times be conditioned on Buyers agreement to pay
is caused by the negligence of the Indemnifying Party, provided that the Indemnified Party gives the Sellers cancellation charge. For a finished Product that, in Sellers judgment, is readily resalable to
Indemnifying Party prompt notice of any such claim and all necessary information and assistance so others, the cancellation charge shall be 15% of the invoice price of the Product. For all other cancella-
that the Indemnifying Party, at its option, may defend or settle such claim and the Indemnified Party tions, the cancellation charge shall amount to all cost and expenses incurred by Seller and arising out of
does not take any adverse position in connection with such claim. In the event that the injury or or in connection with Buyers purchase order plus reasonable profit. In no event shall the cancellation
damage is caused by joint or concurrent negligence of Buyer and Seller, the loss or expense shall be charge be less than 10% of the invoice price of the Product or more than the invoice price.

X-Ref / Index
borne by each party in proportion to its degree of negligence. For purposes of Sellers indemnity obli-
gations hereunder, Products shall not be considered third party property and the facility in which a 21. NUCLEAR USE DISCLAIMER: Products sold by Seller are not intended for use in connection with
Product or Software is used and/or the Services are performed shall not be considered third party prop- any nuclear facility or activity. If so used, Seller disclaims all liability for any nuclear damage, injury or
erty. (b) Indemnity by Buyer for Third Party Warranty Claims. If Buyer supplies Products or Services to a contamination, and Buyer shall indemnify and hold Seller, its officers, agents, employees, successors,
third party, uses Products or Services at a facility owned by a third party, and/or transfers Products and/ assigns and customers harmless from and against any and all losses, damages or expenses of whatever
or Software to a third party, Buyer shall indemnify and defend Seller from and against any and all claims form or nature (including attorneys fees and other costs of defending any action) which they or any
by, and liability to, any such third party in excess of the limitations set forth in Sections 10 Limited of them may sustain or incur, whether as a result of breach of contract, warranty, tort (including negli-
Warranty and 11 Limitations of Remedy and Liabilities. For purposes of this subsection (b), Seller gence) or otherwise, by reason of such use.
means Seller, its affiliates, suppliers, contractors, licensors and their employees.
22. GOVERNING LAW; VENUE: These Terms and Conditions and the Contract shall be governed by and
13. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDEMNITY: Seller warrants that, to the best of its knowledge, Products, construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Wisconsin. Seller and Buyer irrevocably submit to
Services and/or Software furnished hereunder, and any part thereof, (each a Delivered Item) shall be the exclusive jurisdiction of the state courts located in Rock County, State of Wisconsin and the federal
delivered free of any rightful claim of any third party not affiliated with Buyer for infringement of any courts located in the State of Wisconsin, and Seller and Buyer waive any objection to venue or forum
Tech Information

U.S. patent, any trademark registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and/or any copyright non conveniens, for the resolution of any dispute relating to these Terms and Conditions or the Contract.
registered in the U.S. Copyright Office. Seller will, at its own expense, defend or settle any suits that The rights and obligations of Seller and Buyer shall not be governed by the provisions of the United
may be instituted against Buyer for alleged infringement by the Delivered Item of any U.S. patent, any Nations Convention on Contracts for the Internal Sale of Goods.
trademark registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and/or any copyright registered in the
U.S. Copyright Office provided that: (a) such alleged infringement consists of the use of the Delivered 23. EXPORT/IMPORT: Buyer shall comply, in the receipt and use of the Products and the Software, with
Item for (i) any of the purposes for which Buyer informed Seller such Delivered Items would be used, all applicable import and export control laws, regulations, orders and requirements of the jurisdictions
or (ii) if Buyer did not so inform Seller, any of the purposes for which Buyer reasonably believed such in which the Seller and Buyer are established or from which Products and Software are provided. Buyer
Delivered Items would be used; (b) Buyer shall have made all payments for such Delivered Items then shall not transfer, release, import, or export Products and/or or Software in violation of such applicable
due hereunder; (c) Buyer shall give Seller immediate notice in writing of any such suit and transmit to laws, regulations or other legal requirements. Buyer shall provide a completed end-user certification in
Seller immediately upon receipt of all processes and papers served upon Buyer; (d) Buyer does not take a form satisfactory to Seller upon Sellers request.
any position adverse to Seller in connection with such claim; and (e) Buyer shall permit Seller through
Sellers counsel, either in the name of Buyer or in the name of Seller, to defend such suit(s) and give all 24. ATTORNEYS FEES: Buyer agrees to pay all of Sellers costs and expenses of collection and related
needed information, assistance and authority to enable Seller to do so. litigation, including but not limited to attorneys fees and costs.
Terms / Warnings

In case of a final award of damages in any such suit, Seller will pay such award but will not be respon- 25. SALVATORY CLAUSE: The invalidity, in whole or in part, of any of the provisions of these Terms and
sible for any compromise or settlement made without its written consent. In case the Delivered Item Conditions, shall not affect the enforceability of any of the other provisions thereof.
itself is in such suit held to infringe any valid patent issued in the United States and/or a trademark
and/or copyright registered in the United States, and its use is enjoined, or in the event of a settlement 26. APPLICABILITY: These Terms and Conditions as stated herein are applicable as of the date of this
or compromise approved by Seller which shall preclude future use of the Delivered Item, Seller shall, printing and until such time as changed by Seller.
at its own expense and at its sole option, either: (a) procure rights to continue using such Delivered
Item; (b) modify the Delivered Item to render it non-infringing; (c) replace the Delivered Item with a
non-infringing Product and/or Software; or (d) refund the purchase price paid by Buyer for the De- For the full version of the Terms and Conditions of Sales with Supplements A and B -
livered Item after return of the Delivered Item to Seller (less reasonable depreciation for any period of
use). Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller shall not be held responsible for infringement of claims of Visit http://www.regalbeloit.com/what-we-do/products-brands/

Regal STCS Rev 8-13

IEC Motors Warnings and Cautions

This catalog is not intended to provide operational instructions. Appropriate LEESON Electric instructions provided with the motor and precautions
attached to the motor should be read carefully prior to installation, operation and/or maintenance of the equipment. Injury to personnel or motor
failure may be caused by improper installation, maintenance or operation.
DC Motors

The following and information is supplied to you for your protection and to provide you with many
years of trouble free and safe operation of your LEESON Electric product:

Disconnect power and lock out driven equipment before working on a motor.

Always keep hands and clothing away from moving parts.

The lifting support on the motor is not to be used to lift the entire machine. Only the motor attached directly to the support may be
safely lifted by the support.

Install and ground per local and national codes.

Discharge all capacitors before servicing a single phase motor.

Misapplication of a motor in hazardous environments can cause fire or an explosion and result in serious injury. Only the end user,
local authority having jurisdiction, and/or insurance underwriter are qualified to identify the appropriate class(es), group(s), division and
temperature code LEESON Electric personnel cannot evaluate or recommend what motors may be suitable for use in hazardous
AC / DC Controls

environments. If a motor is name plated for hazardous locations, do not operate the motor without all of the grease and drain
plugs installed.

Never attempt to measure the temperature rise of a motor by touch. Temperature rise must be measured by thermometer, resistance,
resistance, imbedded detector or thermocouple.

Motors with automatic reset thermal protectors will automatically restart when the protector temperature drops sufficiently. Do not use
motors with automatic reset thermal protectors in applications where automatic restart will be hazardous to personnel or
Accessories / Kits

Motors with manual reset thermal protectors may start unexpectedly after the protector trips when the surrounding air is at +20
Fahrenheit or lower. If the manual reset protector trips, disconnect motor from its power supply. After the protector cools (five minutes
or more), it can be reset and power may be applied to the motor.

Connect all protective device leads, marked P1, P2, etc., per instructions supplied with the motor.

Operation of a motor at other than its nameplate rating may result in fire, damage to equipment or serious injury to personnel.

For safety, Buyer or User should provide protective guards over all shaft extensions and any moving apparatus mounted thereon.
Mods / Factory

The User is responsible for checking all applicable safety codes in his area and providing suitable guards. Failure to do so may result

in bodily injury and/or damage to equipment.

Consult qualified personnel with questions and all electrical repairs must be performed by trained and qualified personnel

For motors nameplated as belted duty only, do not operate the motor without belts properly installed.

Motors and/or driven equipment should not be operated faster than their rated speed.
X-Ref / Index

For inverter applications, follow the inverter manufacturers installation guidelines.

Make sure the motor is properly secured and aligned before operation.

In the event of the resale of any of the goods, in whatever form, Resellers/Buyers will include the following language in a conspicuous place and in a
conspicuous manner in a written agreement covering such sale:
Tech Information

The manufacturer makes no warranty or representations, express or implied, by operation of law or otherwise, as to the
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the goods sold hereunder. Buyer acknowledges that
it alone has determined that the goods purchased hereunder will suitably meet the requirements of their
intended use. In no event will the manufacturer be liable for consequential, incidental or other damages.
Even if the repair or replacement remedy shall be deemed to have failed of its essential purpose under
Section 2-719 of the Uniform Commercial Code, the manufacturer shall have no liability to Buyer for
consequential damages.

Resellers/Buyers agree to also include this entire document including the warnings and cautions above in a conspicuous place and in a conspicuous
Terms / Warnings

manner in writing to instruct users on the safe usage of the product.

This information should be read together with all other printed information supplied by LEESON Electric.

For more information contact: LEESON Electric, 1051 Cheyenne Avenue, Grafton, Wisconsin 53024
Phone: 262-377-8810 or Fax: 262-377-3440

Continued On Next Page

Warnings and Cautions

IEC Motors

The following and information is supplied to you for your protection and to provide you with
many years of trouble free and safe operation of your LEESON Electric product:
Read ALL instructions prior to operating reducer. Injury to personnel or reducer failure may be caused by improper installation, maintenance

DC Motors
or operation.

Written authorization from LEESON Electric is required to operate or use reducers in man lift or people moving

Check to make certain application does not exceed the allowable load capacities published in the current catalog.

Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining the adequacy of the product for any and all uses to which Buyer shall apply
the product. The application by Buyer shall not be subject to any implied warranty of fitness for a particular pur-

 For safety, Buyer or User should provide protective guards over all shaft extensions and any moving apparatus mounted
thereon. The User is responsible for checking all applicable safety codes in his area and providing suitable guards. Failure to
do so may result in bodily injury and/or damage to equipment.

AC / DC Controls
Hot oil and reducers can cause severe burns. Use extreme care when removing lubrication plugs and vents.

Make certain that the power supply is disconnected before attempting to service or remove any components. Lock out the
power supply and tag it to prevent unexpected application of power.

Reducers are not to be considered fail safe or self-locking devices. If these features are required, a properly sized,
independent holding device should be utilized. Reducers should not be used as a brake.

Accessories / Kits
Any brakes that are used in conjunction with a reducer must be sized or positioned in such a way so as to not subject the
reducer to loads beyond the catalog rating.

Lifting supports including eyebolts are to be used for vertically lifting the gearbox only and no other associated attachments
or motors.

Use of an oil with an EP additive on units with backstops may prevent proper operation of the backstop. Injury to personnel,
damage to the reducer or other equipment may result.

Mods / Factory
Overhung loads subject shaft bearings and shafts to stress which may cause premature bearing failure and/or
shaft breakage from bending fatigue, if not sized properly.

Test run unit to verify operation. If the unit tested is a prototype, that unit must be of current production.

If the speed reducer cannot be located in a clear and dry area with access to adequate cooling air supply, then precautions
must be taken to avoid the ingestion of contaminants such as water and the reduction in cooling ability due to exterior

X-Ref / Index

Mounting bolts should be routinely checked to ensure that the unit is firmly anchored for proper operation.

In the event of the resale of any of the goods, in whatever form, Resellers/Buyers will include the following language in a conspicuous
place and in a conspicuous manner in a written agreement covering such sale:
Tech Information

The manufacturer makes no warranties or representations, express or implied, by operation of law or otherwise, as to the
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the goods sold hereunder. Buyer acknowledges that it alone has
determined that the goods purchased hereunder will suitably meet the requirements of their intended use. In no
event will the manufacturer be liable for consequential, incidental or other damages. Even if the repair or replace-
ment remedy shall be deemed to have failed of its essential purpose under Section 2-719 of the Uniform Commercial
Code, the manufacturer shall have no liability to Buyer for consequential damages.

Resellers/Buyers agree to also include this entire document including the warnings and cautions above in a conspicuous place and in a
Terms / Warnings

conspicuous manner in writing to instruct users on the safe usage of the product.

This information should be read together with all other printed information supplied by LEESON Electric.


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