Readers Note: All Congressmen may be addressed at "House Office Building," and all
Senators at "Senate Office Building," both at "Washington 25, D. C." Address all
Governors at: State Capitol, name of capital city, name of State.
Arthur S. Arkush
Ass't to the Publisher
pound and a half with full magazine (20 through an adjustable plug onto the face of
MERSHON CO. c1idsio/l of
shots, not just four) the F.N. is a solid but
not ponderous rifle for the sportsman. Con-
the gas piston. This piston, though separate
from the bolt carrier, as it lies along the
sidering it is all-steel with solid wood stock top of the barrel, 'is rather heavy, and im-
~ 12 3 OF~~l~r;t~~'~)~'~ ~;E NUE and fore arm, in the standard model, the parts its momentum to the bolt unlocking
weight is not too great, though it seems and retraction through a long distance.
Dept. Bl Los Angeles f 5, California heavier than it needs to be to warrant the This is much more secure in operation to
positioned as desired on the scope. Before
Another Look At "The Big 20" north of metropolitan New York. Starting
I have just finished the latest issue of last March with only seventeen members, the
GUNS and enjoyed every sentence of it. I
Club hacked a range out of what was origi-
particularly enjoyed the previous month's nally completely undeveloped wilderness.
issue (October) and the article entitled Membership more than doubled in a few
Here's an entirely new and different con- months (although there is still room for
cept in boot styling and character. It's a "Let's Look at the Big 20" by Francis E.
Norm Thompson exclusive available no- Sell. I hunt waterfowl no less than three more). The cost to the individual has been
where else. "Money back guarantee. days a week in season, both ducks and geese, reasonable because, Wherever possible, natu-
Imported tobacco brown boarhide water-" and seldom come home disappointed. My rally available or surplus materials have been
proofed by a special process keeps your feet pet cannon is a Winchester Model 12 in a used. For example, one member located a
dry in any weather .. yet it breathes for 20 gauge pump action, and it commands large builder's shack which could be had for
cool comfort. Specially processed leather the trucking. A few dollars worth of shin-
sole outwears others 2 to 1. Handsome respect out at ranges where the big 12
gauges would set up and take notice. It's a gles and plenty of elbow grease created a
lightweight and leather lined. Scuff-proof: club house. It won't win any architectural
Never needs polish!- You'll enjoy the un- full choke gun and rates pretty high in my
book. prizes, but with the pot-belly stove going it's
matched comfort. A, really new boot de-
signed for men of action. I would like to see more articles on var- mighty comfortable. Another member located
Give men's regular $25
00 plus SOc mints and waterfowl, and even a serious de- some outhouses ... which suddenly appeared
shoe size and width. for shipping parture into the field of hunting by "four- in convenient locations. Locust trees growing
wheel-drive" or "Jeep" for those of us who on the property furnished supports for the
go back into not too easily accessible spots. roof of the covered firing points, target
Enjoy the unusual in fine sportswear, boots Many including myself own Jeeps and simi- frames, bench rests, etc. Picnic tables, rifle
outdoor equipment available nowhere else:
56-page color catalog shows two hundred lar vehicles and deem it a necessary item of racks and cabinets were concocted in home
items for men and women. One of the most hunting equipment. workshops. There wasn't much time for shoot-
unusual catalogs ever printed. ing the first year, but now the club has rifle
Newton, Iowa facilities out to 300 yards, and a 50-yd. pistol
Imporler and Designer of the Finest for Sportsmen range ready for use. Next big project is to
Blaine Kloppenborg's own story, "Wood-
Norm Thompson ~ chucks on a Budget," appeared in our De- set up shotgun facilities on land that is al-
1805 N. W. THURMAN PORTLAND 9, OREGON cember 1960 issue.-Editors. ready cleared.
The success of this project indicates that
~ Build That Range
shooters should give thought to both types of
development. There is need for both the big,
The article by Robert K. Brown in your public community range and the intimate
It's EASY I With January issue entitled "Build That Range private club development.
Cunberth * Plans & Kits This 'Easy Way'" is an extremely interesting Si Costa
Finished cabinets in 82 and sound approach to the problem of get-
different styles and fin- Mt. Vernon, N. Y.
ishes also available. ting a place to shoot. Organizing community
support to build a "shoot for pay" range is Timely
an excellent way to get a range built.
William B. Edwards' recent article on
However, there are localities where it is
American guns 1960-2060 is an outstanding
difficult to secure overall community coopera-
one. He should be highly complimented for
tion and in such areas there is often a history
of attempts to build ranges that were talked his dynamic vision relative the development
All details on Ready-Cut Kits, . and weapon marlUfacture of future guns. It
Plans and Hardware are listed to death. This shouldn't close the door to
in big, fully illustrated . is rather fitting his timely article llppeared
local range development. There is another
way to do it which has some special advan- in the January 1961 issue, the New Year,
Only $1.00 ppd. , Leonard L. Stairrett
Your Sl.OO is refundable in tages of its own. That is to get a few enthu-
credit with your first order I Jetmore, Kansas
siasts together, organize a club as a non-
aet Your Copy NOW! profit corporation, and by artful "scroung-
COLADONATO BROS. ing" of materials parlay relatively few dollars Whitney Not Dead
Dept G4H, Hazleton, Po.
into an impressive spread. Since the club In the January 1961 Edition your article
CALIBER NEW CASE LENGTH GAUGE operates as a private body, the control re-
mains closely in the hands of the shooters
entitled American Guns 1960 to 2060 was
certainly square to the jaw.
$4.25 EACH themselves. Remember, when you accept aid
from government - at any level- there is
Your remarks concerning our Whitney
pistols were much appreciated, however I
.45 Auto Colt .30 Remington
.45 ACP .243 Winchester bound to be a measure of political control. hasten to inquire whether you have confused
.38 Special .32 Win. Special the arms industry with the drug industry
.44 Special .220 Swifl As long as individuals with a favorable atti-
.22 Hornet .244 Remington tude toward shooting remain in office, this is when you formulate manufacturing cost as
.22 K Hornet .257 Roberts
.222 Remington 8mm Mauser no great problem. But there's no telling what one-fifth of the retail price. If this were true
.300 Savage .30'06 Springfield
.250 Savage .270 Winchester a few years will bring. You could find your- I am sure many more dollars would be avail-
.22-250 Var. .257 lap
.308 Winchester .348 Winchester self up against ;m anti-shooting crowd, or a able for research and studies of buying hab-
.358 Winchester .300-.375 Magnum group eyeing the range as an industrial site its in order to divert the consumer from his
.3030 Winchester
or development house project. lethargy.
It not at Dealer's. order direct.
A good example of the private club opera- Also, you remarked that the Whitney pistol
McKILLEN &HEYER, Inc. tion is the Outers Club that, in 1960, con- is no longer on the market. We still believe
the Whitney pistol to be the finest .22 auto-
3871 N. Kirtland Road, Willoughby, Ohio structed a range on 8.7 acres about two hours
Shotgun Ranges
Solingen Steel Swords - made in Ger-
Rare 1897 Model 30 Jap Rifles Officers Sword With Scabbard $11.25
Your article entitled, "Dead Ducks at 50 A collectors' gem; never previously offered Non-Com Cutlass With Scabbard _$ 7.25
Yards," in the issue of GUNS QUARTERLY for sale. All are in ufair" condition. Chrys-
anthemum still untouched. Now only $9.95
Both for just $18.00
M-agazine that -has just landed in our plant
Add $3.00 for select grade. (6.5 Jap Ammo $7.50 per C.)
is a dandy, and it should help set a lot of WEBLEY FLARE
shooters straight as far as ranges and shoot-
ing are concerned.
11 )
FLARES-Only $6.95
Cal. 25mm. Short bar-
Most shooters overestimate ranges at which rel with 3 flares. Ad-
they kill game, and are generally surprised ~~~i~:ne~{a~~S'9~~~I!!ill'~~~~~~~tdac~~~ig~:.s
7h1:M. : ~ ~~274.~~ ditional flares 50c ea.
~~~:-:~~~I~M1t~aeus~e~. ~~::::::::::::::::::::::: :~~~:~g Ideal as a boat flare
or for celebrations.
at the actual shorter distances that they Assortment of '98 Barreled Actions. all complete. good condi
make their kills if they actually and accu- VZ~i~("9~)C~~~hce8~I~Aciions'iQod: 'ba'r;els' iai.~ 'U; ioOd: ... $24.95
Complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525.25
rately measure those distances. Win. Model 95. cal. 7.62, barrel fair ............ 527.95
Years ago, when the writer's Dad was do- f4 J~ba~~Iw~i~g, t}~~' 4Vb~E.G~die carbhie. ia~ bitr~ei: :$~;:;~
Good barrel $34.95
ing all the road work for the Ithaca Gun PARTS: We specialize 5PECIAL AMMO OFFER With Carrying
spare parts. (Mini- 45~JrO l~bssue" lead ball $9.50 Case. Used by
Company, covering the entire United States in
Germans in
mum order $3.50). Send .38 special handload wad WWI. Light-
of America, he got interested in this fact and postal for quotation on cutter $5.50 per 100 weight. Ideal Cor
began to pace off not only all of the shots your needs. .4~a1Ic~ ~~~~l.o~~,.~~~~o per 100 outdoor usc. Only
$6.95 postpaid.
that he made, but also those made by his Limited 5upply of . Select grade, add
hunting companions. While occasionally a ~~i~i-s~Ar:~~~;SUTNESR?~I~~~~r,v1~1~~1~b~::ifA~~:inJ'JTy nice con-
dition. Only $39.95. Select wade, $10.00 more.
real long shot would be made successfully, Thompson MI-Al: CaL .45 ACP with one mag-azine. Very nice condi-
tion, $139.95. Both can be fIeldstripped for instruction purposes. -<-
he found that the average first shot at the ALL ITEMS SHIPPED EXPRESS CHARGES COL-
average upland game throughout the coun- LECT. Send $5.00 minimum Cor COD express collect
shipment. For free list. enclose large stamped addressed
try was taken at 25 yards or less, and the envelope.
average second shot was taken at 35 yards
or less. Unless the shooter really measures
P.O. Box 35-200 S. Strand St.
the distance of his kill, he is apt to think Alexandria 2, Virginiet Chauchat. Good __ $19.95
it is much farther away than it is, and, of (We buy & trade. All types of firearms.) * Accessory Kit IllREE with each Dewat.
caliber Swag-O-Matic unalloyed lead wire. and point the muzzle up. This is true with
Bahler dies fit standard presses. They are most factory or handloads. An extractor is not
beautifully finished and fine quality. really needed. If a case doesn't fall out, you
C-H Die Company will have .45 dies for can punch them out with a cigarette, a pen-
their new Swag-O-Matic unit by the time you cil, or the base pin from the gun.
read this. I haven't tried their .45 dies yet. My Lyman .451 round ball mould (which
Working up shot loads, I found the 3" I use also with the Centennial Arms New
tube gave beautiful patterns at 21 feet. They Model Army .44 cap & ball revolver) is just
are thick and even, without the large center right for the S.M. round ball loading. Weigh.
hole I get with my long barrel .45 Colt. I ing 140 grains, they work well in the .45
Quickly loosens rust and cor-
use 6 to seven grains of Bullseye, approxi- Colt case; with about 3 grains Bullseye for rosion on guns, rods, reels,
mately 135 grains No. 7% shot, and CCI a light "gallery" or plinking load. Cases outboards and equipment.
Large Pistol primers. Best patterns were with sized in a .45 ACP die hold balls friction AT ALL HARDWARE
the new premium priced, premium grade, tight. Seat balls flush, or nearly flush with AND AUTO STORES
Illinois Long Range Copper Plated Shot. An the case mouth, and crimp. Use about the RADIATOR SPECIALTY COMPANY
C;H .... LOTTI. N. C.
Osborne wad-cutter was used to cut :14" felt same sight picture at close range as for full
wads, and thin card wads for over powder charge loads at 100 yards. CCI primers give
and over shot. A waxed card, such as a milk good ignition, which is generally a problem ~FAMOUS GERMAN AIR PISTOL
carton, is good for over' shot. with real low loads, even if the gun muzzle
isn't tilted up before firing. .177 Cal. rifled BBL.
You size, expand and prime cases. Seat Adj. Sights and Trigger.
an over powder plain card wad with a wood- Balls are the cheapest shooting, and are Comes Attractively Boxed
en dowel, then a felt wad, using about 10 the fastest and easiest to load: no sizing, no w/200 Pellets. $19.95 ppd.
pounds pressure. Charge with shot to within lubricating, no alloy. Cast, load, and shoot. OUR FIRST LIST OF RARE, UNUSUAL
about %" of the case mouth. Insert a waxed Noise is less than a .22. Recoil is nil. Balls
card, then a Harvey Zinc Base, the same as (Continued on page 57) THE ARMS LOCKER Dept. W.
2027 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, Calif.
Now Available
We now have muzzle loader barrel blanks avail-
able for dellvery. These blanks w1ll be supplied 111
three sizes of octagon shaped steel-1~", 1". and 1 ~8"
across the flats. They w1ll finish up to 42" long. All
blanks have a htgh quallty coldfintshed outside sur-
face. Calibers available are 32, 36, 40, 45, and 50. We
at the Douglas Co. feel that our experience in pro-
ducing some of the world's finest rifle barrels will
enable us to make a muzzle loader second to none in
quality and performance. Price w1ll be $32.50, subject
to regular gunsmtths discount. Please write for com-
plete information on these barrels, sent free. *Those
barrels of larger caliber made in the smaller steel
w1ll be cut rlfled since it is impractical to use the
button process in this instance.
By Col. Charles Askins
I WOKE MY Old Man one night and said, "I just shot
Sandy Williamson about an hour ago." When my Old
Man opened his eyes he was always wide awake, and this
This day the Old Man and I were jogging down plumb
Street when out into the dust of that thoroughfare staggered.
Tom Cottar, about three sheets under. He grabbed my Old
time he looked at me just as calmly as if I'd told him the Man's bridle reins and hauled back on the bronc. "Git
horses had busted out of the corral. He said, "Better down, Askins," he shouted. "I've whupped ever' man in
clean your sixshooter. There may be some trouble." My this town, and t'day I'm gonna whup you." .
Old Man wasn't much to criticize. My Old Man reached over the horn and plucked the
He aidn't let things ruffle him much, either. One day we little 16 gauge Parker out of the scabbard, broke it one-
were riding out for a go at the bobwhites along the creek handed, and dropped a pair of cartridges into the chambers.
bottoms. We were living then in a mean little pueblo where He leveled it between Tom Cottar's eyes and said, "If you
the old Indian Territory used to be. In the town lived the don't turn loose of those reins in the next second, I'll blow
Cottar clan, made famous later by Charles "Bwana" Cottar, your dam' head off."
who migrated to East Africa and grew to legendary stature Cottar was packing his six gun, and he was drunk. But
as a big-game hunter. There were four Cottars: three boys, he wasn't drunk enough to ignore the sudden death in
and old Bill, the father. Charley was the oldest, and he and those twin muzzles. He loosened his grip on the reins and
my Old Man were staunch amigos. But Charley had a stepped back. My Old Man clucked to the horse, and
younger brother, Tom, who was a tough hombre, the town never looked back. The next day he saw Charley. This
bully. He was a two-fisted drinking man, and when he Cottar was not afraid of his brother nor any man. Charley
was in his cups he was as dangerous as a coiled rattler. said, "You ought to have blowed his fool head off and
14 GUNS APRIL 1961
kicked up a geyser of sand about 12 inches directly in front
of the distant blind. The response was immediate. The pair
jumped out, danced up and down, gesticulating wildly..
They evidently thought we did not know they were there-
a pretty stupid conclusion in view of the shooting they had
been doing.
"Maybe that will teach 'em," my Old Man grunted.
It wasn't a quarter-hour later when a hundred mallards
came into view, sights dead set on our great stool of blocks.
The fowl passed well out in front of the far blind, but
despite the obvious fact that the game was well out of
range, the two gunners reared up and emptied their auto-
matics. The mallards flared, towered, and winged over our
stand at least forty-rod high.
Without a word, my Old Man gathered up the .256 and
put two bullets into the sand right where the first one had
landed. That was enough for -those two Okies. They bailed
Renewing acquaintances at pistol match
in Texas, Major Askins kept up with shooting. out running, not bothering to gather up their decoys.
My Old Man always dealt fairly with people, but he
expected them to do the same by him.
I didn't know him until he was 46 years old. He lasted
for 40 years after that, and he was always more of a
pardner than a father. He was born a Yankee, but his
family came from Paris, Texas. I think his father probably
had some small difficulties with the Texas Rangers, and
migrated "between days." as the saying goes. He crossed
the Red River and kept right on northward until he put the
Mason-Dixon Line between himself and Texas. Of further
significance is the fact that the family name isn't Askins at
all, but Erskine. The time when the name was changed is a
little foggy, but it just might have been during this some-
what hasty northward pilgrimage.
My Old Man stood better than six feet tall and weighed
195 pounds. He wore his years well, and was given an
army commission during World War I on the claim that
he was 45 years old. Actually he was ten years better than
"Salud~ amigo!" that. He was a terrific walker, and when wars and _other
mundane affairs did not interfere, he went hunting every
Back in 1926. I sent a sixgun article to Major day, seven days a week. These hunts were generally horse-
Askins. then with "Outdoor Life." He bought and back-and-walking forays. He'd ride out with his dogs, tie
published it. That was the beginning of a friend- the bronc, and go it afoot. During the 40 years I knew
ship that lasted the rest of his life.
Major Askins taught me a lot about shotgunning.
him, he burned powder one way or another almost every
I still consider him one of the greatest shotgun twenty-four hours.
ballisticians of our time. He never guessed at He had no occupation, no profession, had not studied to
anything; he tested out each theory fully before become any thing in particular. The fact that he finally
writing about it, and his factual writings were became a writer and a firearms authority were by-products
among the best of his time. His book, "Modern
Shotgun Loads," is to my noti on still the best shot. of his insatiable enthusiasm for the chase. He never talked
gun book ever written. about what he did as a young man, and I never pJiessed
Major Askins was the father of most of our mod- him much. He lived in a day when market hunting was in
ern magnum shotgun loads. He was directly re- full flower, and while he always (Continued on page 41)
sponsible for the big magnum 10 gauge. Ithaca
made the first magnum 10 for Major Askins. and
Western loaded the ammunition. His test and his
write-ups of it are still an epic in shotgun devel-
opment. When he became too old to handle the
big magnum ten bore, I bought it from him. I've
shot that big gun now for over 25 years, and it
is still my favorite duck and goose gun.
Major Askins was one of the greatest shooting
men this country ever produced. He was the salt
of the earth, and I am richer and wiser for having
known him as a friend and mentor for so many
years. I doubt if any man ever again attains the
down-to-earth factual shotgun knowledge that Ma-
jor Charles Askins possessed. Such men as he should
never die.-Elmer Keith.
Judge Colt Club of Pomona, Cal., turned out in family Winners were Sims, Mt. View; Brian, San Jose, Cal.; Elenga
force for fun at Vegas. Laughing at Don Marvin's quips of N. Las Vegas; Williams, Los Altos and Yates, Torrance,
to Bill Penton about slicked-up pistol are Bob, Carole Cal.; kneeling, Helton, Jenkins of Phoenix; Guthrie, Tuc-
Hall; wives Julie and Betty; Chet and Marlene McElhaney. son; Christensen, Sacramento; Zufall of Tempe, Arizona.
20 GUNS APRIL 1961
Gene Barry received presentation Sheriff's Model .45 in
recognition of his recreation of noted historical figure
Bat Masterson on TV. Short gun is new special order Colt.
Galaxy of film and gun stars were at shoot put on annually by Hotel Sahara in cooperation with Colt's. Standing: Clu
Gulagher, Barry Sullivan, Bill Williams, Barbara Hale, Paul Brinegar, Jock Mahoney, Maggie Mahoney, Sheb Wooley, Mike
Connors, Sammy Tong, Wayne Rogers, Gerald Mohr, Gordon Scott, Ernest Borgnine, Tom Frye, Hugh Downs. Kneeling, Dan
Rowan, Wayde Preston, Clint Eastwood, Don Durant, Larry Knauer, Rodd Redwing, Ruda Lee, Louie Quinn and Gene Barry.
GUNS APRIL 1961 21
Can Learn, He's
Even before firing began, sons learned guns were always Graduation to real firearms is safer when young
loaded; not to point even Plainsman SS pistols carelessly. marksmen have been broken in on less lethal guns.
Choose Your
y FIRST RIFLED SLUG kicked up loose dirt fully
M a foot behind the big boar as he dashed across a
small opening in the wet laurel thicket. I fired twice more,
but the boar was already into the dense tangle and my
slugs never found him. It was all over in a flash of action.
I wasn't happy, but I wasn't too shame-faced either.
More than a hundred of us were hunting Prussian boars
and black bear on Barker and Slickrock Mountains above
the Cheoah River in Graham County, North Carolina,
aild I knew that misses would far outnumber hits for the
lot of us. In this country, in the season before the dense
undergrowth has shed its foliage, shots at bear or tuskers
are usually like the chance I'd just missed-startlingly
32 GUNS APRIL 1961
sudden, unprepared snap shooting at a close range but bagged by members of the managed party hunts on the
fast moving and briefly seen target. refuges. Dogs are used on the managed party hunts. The
This was in the SanteetIah Wildlife Management Area, other 50 per cent are bagged in open hunts and in the
where boar and bear hunters hit a thrilling jackpot every supervised no-dog hunts held in various areas.
fall. Snowbird Mountain, on which the original Prussian A party of more than 20 of us has hunted Snowbird,
boars of this area made their escape from a fenced private Hooper Bald, and other nearby mountains for three days,
estate some years ago, is only about 25 miles from where headquartering at Claude Hyde's camp near the top of
we were hunting. Today, there are between 3500 and 4000 Hooper Bald. Our guides were Boone Carver and Brad
boars and almost as many black bear within a six or seven -Wiggins, two of North Carolina's best, owners of one of
county area in western North Carolina and eastern Ten- the best packs of bear and boar hounds in the state. Each
nessee. Sportsmen take an average of from 250 to 300 day had given us thrilling chases, exciting chances, but
of each every year during various seasons running from no meat. As soon as we choused them, bear and boar alike
early October to early January. About half of these are would head straight for Slickrock (Continued on page 56)
GUNS APRIL 1961 33
JUST ARRIVED! The famed German made SS (Super Strength) Model 95 Mauser and in FOUR
different models for your ultimate, ULTIMATE choice! Yours only through the most fantastic arms
Ve Old Hunter is all heart! d~~1 of our age.-(Who ~Ise would have the gall to even THINK of such an outrageous impossi-
Y. Old Hutlter illustrate. all weapon.. bJl actual UfU"tt..
touched "lwtoorophs 80 IfOU can see how thell REALLY look! bility.) The most expensive Mauser ever made-the SPECIAL SS (Super Strength) M95 with a THIRD
Used military slinS{s .50. NEW Bayonets only $1.95 complete with scabbard.
" I I I I I ! , ! ! ! ! . ! . ! , I ! ! ' ! " " " ! ! ! ! I ! I I ! ' I , I . ! I ! i,., . I.',I ,.,.,',',!,I,' i,lllli'!II.I"""')II"",!,',','11 1,111.11111,1.1,,1,.,"" " . " " , I
little time
7MMavailable in quantity.
for all-around use. The
All pC!rfect
parts, of course, and turned down bolt handle. GOQd or
bettC!r condition. not too long, not too short, strictly a
Mauser paw sett(!r. Order before all are sold in advance.
$2295 '
~~fu i~~eUI~:i~~er:2~~~t"a';.r:i~rii~~fi
the rC!st, this is in perfC!ct shoottnR' shape
;-;~Y:t ~o~e~tt~ t'f;::~P~~I~u~rea~~~:rrOd~om.,~~wMw~eM~ereT:
so accurate and effective that it was never used at close range
$23 95!
Ask anyone wbo owns one! The finest
riOe. Without qualification. ever
onseen on a mJlitary
a Mauser to boot.
Very gOOd to excC!lIent-with a few choice ones only
$4.00 more. Make this your number one choice.
$19 95 '
-as witness the un-used bayonets-onJy $1.95. Used leather slings, only 50c ea.
'''''''''' i ' " ,'d, !,I i' III Ii'
d ii, 1,1 ,I, I, i II!. i " ' " ' ' Ii, I,., Ii j.). Ii, II iii dll, I," ia.
l'II!.),'I',I ,., ' , ' , ' , i ' ! I I . I " " " " , ' , " I , I.',111 , I,'I'il"II,.,., I,., I",,,,
\ .....
The perfect little Mauser Carbine com-
,~,~ g~~~~l ~A~h ~
AU the same desira
~odti~~ ~~j;t~~na~v~vt}~dh~~ring.
ly 1:~'o::~~~
es of the larger
fect short rifle with a 171/2 iqch leg'sl barrel. Good
condition-a few select ones only $4.00 additional.
Ye Old Western Hunter, 11033 Washington Blvd., Culver
City, California, for immediate shipment. This addition now
Order today EAST or West for the fastest service EVER!
" " ! I , I .. " " ! I " I I , I " " , I ! I I I " " " ! I " , I .. ! i " " " , I " ! i " " , I , I " ! I ! I ! I
Rare, original. The of them all to
m!lnv experts. V.G. to Ex. A few near mint only $10.00
additional. Now available-:bargain .30-06 non_corrosive ammo $6.00 per 100.
~ealest accordin~ $5995 ' ONLY
Any five rifles listed below .................................. ONLY
All six rifles listed below ONLY
Order ALL SIX of Ihese delightful specimens or less rhan whar orhers have charged
for any TWO models I
U. S. ARMY MODEL 1917! Cal. 6.5
Cal 30-06
These rifles you see advertised elAe-
$29 95 '
where at exorbitant prices under dif-
ONLY ferent names! Why pay a cent more? Take advnntaR'e
of this at least fair specimen at an "all heart" price!
All milled parts-fresh from J!'overnmenl cases.
All G., V.G. or better. A few Excellent only
$5.0C additional. New Leather Sling'S $1.95-used .50.
Genuin~ 1\1 1917 Bayonets only $1.75. Order yours today.
Cal. 6.5 Italian
rounds of 6.5 greateRt. complete
Italian looking with
(not to 50
lUckily) ammo. The rifle that stUI influences weapon
$995 '
$1295 '
design yours In at least fair condition at practically
tbe ammo price only. Built to last a lifetime!
l.. \.
The pride of the British Empire - in
",. use as
held 1alenow
until as Korea. A selected
to prevent lot
you bcln~
victimized by run-away inflation. In good condition at RUSSIAN MODEL 91 !
this low, low price. A few strictly very od only $4.00
more. Prong bayonets only $1.00 when or~red With rifle!
Cal 303
athlon Masterpiece-the rifle tllat
won f1Vp. out of the f1n;t six places during'
the Winter OlympiCS at Squaw VaHey. Fair
to good condition. A few select ones at only $:.:1.00 more.
S995 !
~ive-away price.
British for dol1ar
at anever.
Order now before these are KOne
forever. Fair to good condition. Bayonets only $1.75.
absolute $995 '
Cal 393
MODEL 88/90!
The trimmest, fastest-han-
military rifle
veloped. An "already" everriR'ht
down to the rUbber recoil pad. A
de- dlin~
$2495 ' ONLY
must in any league. Yours in fair to good condition. Back for the last time. One of the ori~~
inal, fast, straight pull designs that was
the "atomic" weapon of its day. A unique deSign that
will keep you incessantly engrOHsed! TotaHy fair shape.
before Ye Oldat
available Hunter
price outside
the covetous hands of FEW collectors! This prize, in
g~f~:Ctl~1\~i~ir to p~;~~rt ~n~t~~~troS:iri~~ lJ}AJr~~
1995 '
the shooter than changes in the gun. goer on post one, imagine that you are The Biltmore Country Club, Barrington,
For both trap and skeet shooters, there is a shooting the feet off the target. This target Illinois, is adding skeet to the club's family
go'od positioning exercise to make sure that is usually missed by shooting over it. For recreational facilities. Trapshooting is being
the head is going down on the stock where the incomer, shoot its nose off (to indicate added at the Waukegan (Illinois) Inter-
it belongs. For the exercise, toe an imag- necessity for lead). national Range, scene of the rifle and pistol
inary mark with the feet spread comfortllbly, For posts 2; 3, 4, and 5, point the muzzle games in the 1959 Pan-American Games.
not too far apart and not too close. Take at station 8 (in the middle) then coil your o 0 0
the gun and put it to the shoulder, making body so that you are picking up the target Nearly half a ton of turkeys and hams
sure that you have it in that pocket which at a point about ten feet from the house. were distributed by the Fall Creek Valley
is made to accept a gun butt. Don't hold Most shots from posts two through five are Conservation Club (Indiana) at their No-
the butt so high that the toe of the stock missed because the shooter swung too far vember turkey shoot.
digs you in the shoulder, and don't hold back to the house, or faced the house, and o 0 0
the stock down on your rib cage. Make sure had to shove the gun after the target, in- The Romeo Rod & Gun Club makes the
that the gun is in the pocket, which you stead of swinging it. This implies that the 16th club to affiliate with the Will County
can feel when you hit it, instead of out on shot is missed because the shooter was be- (Illinois) Sportsmen's League. Jousma Build-
the arm. hind the target, and failed to catch up. ing Material and Supply Co., South Holland,
If you shoot from the right shoulder Shoot the outgoer from station six in the Illinois, is building a private trap range on
(southpaws reverse all instructions at this tail, and the incomer in the nose, and you ground near their branch on ~
point), hold the gun with your right hand have two more broken birds. U.S. 6 in South Holland. ~
only, leaving the left hand at the side. Then At station eight, the beginner's bugaboo,
point the gun muzzle at the ceiling or sky, point the muzzle at the lower right hand
and look over the receiver, down the barrel, corner of the window from which the target ***
Most people think of the famed "Kentucky
so that you see only the sight or sights. emerges, then throw the muzzle up to meet Rifle" whenever talk of Dan'l Boone or.other
Now, take a short step forward, so that the target. It's easy, perhaps the easiest pioneer heroes comes up. Knowing gun
you are leaning into the gun, and can swing shot of all. cranks smile and patronizingly point out that
easily. Bring your left hand up and grasp Shoot the doubles one at a time, instead most "Kentuckies" were actually made in
the forearm. You are now ready to shoot of rushing the first shot in anticipation of Pennsylvania. Hence, the line goes, the first
where you are looking. After you have done the second, and you can shoot your optional rifles were Pennsylvanian, not Kentuckian.
this ritual a few times, you will have the as your 25th shot, indicating a perfect round. As far as American rifles are concerned, it
correct sighting picture for every shot. Sounds simple, doesn't it? It is. Have fun, appears both are wrong, according to the
Now, for some trapshooting hints. For and a great 1961. Kimball Arms Company. Long interested in
every trap post, you will find it helpful to 000 antique firearms of all types, the Kimball
point the foot opposite your shooting shoul- Skeet and trap shooters from the Skokie people say a few rifles were made in New
der at the point where you would expect Valley Industrial Association bucked low England at least 50 years before they were
the bird to fly at the most difficult angle temperatures and high winds in their first made in Pennsylvania. Kimball has owned
from that post. For example, if you shoot annual Skokie Valley Industrial clay target a flintlock rifle made by James Phipps at
from the right shoulder, point your left foot, championships, at Northbrook Gun Club. Kennebec River, Massachusetts, in 1650. The
when you are on post one, at the point you Despite wind conditions which made even Smithsonian Institute in Washington now
would expect to break the most extreme left- high house targets seem like rabbit shots, owns the Phipps rifle. There is also record
angled target from that post. Point your the industrial gunners turned in creditable of a doglock flint .62 caliber rifle made by
gun at the spot, then swing the muzzle back scores in their first tournament. The Turnock Enoch Bolton in Boston about 1665, and of
to a point just off the left' corner of the Handicap system was used for both skeet a graceful small bore rifle dated 1656 made
traphouse. and trap. Don Perser of Avon Products won in New Sweden, Delaware. The earliest Ken-
Now, if you get a whizzer to the left, all the skeet event. George Koppelmeier of Cro- tucky type rifle on record is 1702. Does any-
you have to do is uncoil. The common error name, Inc., chairman of the Skokie Valley one know of any earlier entries?
the eonqui~taaore~
Teniente Coronel de Artilleria
Servieio Historieo Militar, Madrid
N THE AMERICAN WEST today one finds a few old ships; Cortes counted his forces to find he had 508 soldiers,
I flint lock arms of the "miquelet" system. The Kentucky
rifles, the ubiquitous "System Colt," are known the world
no men manning the ships, 16 mares and horses, 32 cross-
bow men, 12 men who carried "escopetas" (guns), 10
over. But the miquelet or "Spanish lock" arms used in the bronze cannons, four falconets or small boat guns mounted
New World are also a pa'rt of the heritage and the history on row-lock pintles, and a good amount of cannon balls
of this interdependent hemisphere. The saga of the arms and powder. No pistol-type firearms are mentioned, but
of New Spain, which reached as far north as California later on (p. 105) Herrera mentions "with some small can-
and Nevada, begins with the guns of the Conquistadores. nons which, as they were fired from the arm must have
In the many histories of the Conquest, attention is paid been 'esmeriles' or as it is said today (1730) 'postas'
to the heroic deeds, seldom to the muskets (posta, a kind of shot.) " The modern "escopeta"
regular equipment of the few men is what in English is called the "shotgun," and in Cortes'
who carved a golden empire from time was a smoothbore shoulder arm, probably matchlock,
the Western Indies. Antonio Her- fired offhand. The muskets were larger caliber than esco-
rera, in "Historia de las Indias petas, fired from a fork stick rest, but of specific informa-
Occidentales" (Royal Press, Ma- tion on individual weapons of the Conquest, there is not
drid, 1730), notes that after the much.
gathering together of his eleven How could these then-modern (Continued on page 63)
No expense has been spared to make Guns Quarterly a color-filled, richly printed
"limited edition" volume. We're fast running out of superlatives to describe the unique
and rewarding qualities of this impressive quarterly. You must see it for yourself. Once
you sense its variety and sparkle, once you are enriched by its timely and timeless
inf6lrmation, Guns Quarterly will take its place among your prize possessions.
8150 N. Central Park Ave.
Skokie, Illinois
Please enter my name as a subscriber to GUNS QUARTERLY and mail me the
current volume, $4.00 enclosed for my two-year subscription under your money-back
guarantee offer.
Name _
City Zone_ _State _
42 GUNS APRIL 1961
(Continued from page 41)
He served out WW I as a lieutenant, The Hide-a-Way
claiming to be 45 while actually he was 55. NEW IDEAS IN TOP QUALITY HOLSTERS Holster
He was a member of what was then referred Handcrafted for
to as a Rifle Demonstrator Corps, a select YOU; fits inside
trousers band;
little unit within the army which did noth- concealed but
ing except teach recruits how to shoot. It available; pro-
tects against
contained such later-to-be-recognized char- grease, rust. Wt.
acters as Ned Crossman, Paul Curtis, and 2% oz. top grain
soft cowhide, rtv-
A. B. Jenkins, to name but a few. After eted nickel clip.
the war was over, he continued in the $2.95 P.P.
Army Reserve and was ultimately promoted
to major. He lies buried in the military
Fast draw jype holster, with soft glove 1127-SPECIAL; SWORD-
cemetery at Ft. Bliss, Texas. leather white lining. Belt and holster in
The o-ld Fox Arms Co. asked my Old black cowhide only. $8.99 P.P. Send waist CANE, RIDING-CROP
size, caliber, model and barrel length of gun Beautifully made, hand plaited,
Man to come back to the plant and help when ordering. Double gun set available @
$13.95 P.P. genuine leather riding crop, with
them develop a 10 gauge magnum shotgun. 18" dagger hidden inside. Practical
He went, and between him and Bob Becker, collector's item. $5.00 P.P.
their master designer, they developed not BLEACHED
only the gun but, what was maybe even more COW SKULLS GENERAL FRANCISCO PANCHO
important, a super 10 gauge magnum load. VILLA MEDALLION
. . . perfect state of
This was a cartridge some 3% inches in preservation with Heavy silver medallion, 900 fine;
length, throwing a whopping 2 ounces of horns; from high des- obverse Pancho'Villa; reverse, Mex-
ert climate in Michoa- ican Eagle with outspread wings
shot. This was 35 years ago. Today, this can, Mexico. M a k e and snake in beak, "Division del
self-same load is announced as a brand new spectacular wallhang- Norte, 1960". $4.50 ea. P.P.
ellS and conversation
number by several of the companies. It is pie c e s , particularly
about as new as beards on Mohammedans.
The Fox Magnum 10 which my Old Man
and Bob Becker whumped up finally wound
with modern decor.
Horns to 8" $6.95 . . .
to 12" $9.95 . . . over
12" $14.95, F. O. B.
Brownsville, Te x as. P. O. DRAWER 1712
up in Elmer Keith's hands. According to Satisfaction guaran-
Elmer, it will regularly pla'ce 85% of its shot teed. BROWNSVILLE 18, TEXAS
pattern inside the 30-inch at 40 yards.
My Old Man was not a firearms designer, can swing it harder." If my Old Man liked guns he IIsed to carry, and told him goodbye.
nor yet a master ballistician, despite his you, he was for you, right or wrong. "It is all foolish, of course; he was only
contribution to the Super-X cartridge and He led, as I have said, a sad and lonely a horse. But he was a good horse, ever
the Fox Magnum 10 gauge. He was a wing- life. He had his dogs, his horses, and his faithful and wise, and loyal throughout his
shot, a master craftsman who probably knew guns. He was deeply attached to them. After life.
more about the mechanics of shotgun point- I left home at 19, he turned more and more "I suppose that, however lightly a horse
ing than anyone either then or now. He lived to his animals. His favorite saddlehorse, slept in life, he sleeps very soundly in
during that halcyon period when wild things Shorty, was kicked by another bronc and death. I suppose that he hears neither the
were plentiful and bag limits were unkno"ivn. developed lockjaw. It broke my Old Man soft patter of the rain nor the roar of the
He dev~loped a shooting style which per- up pretty badly. He wrote about his pony, blizzard; neither the gentle call of Bob
mitted him to fire without pressing cheek bosom companion on many a long and White nor the vengeful crack of the high-
to stock at all. Some presentday authorities happy day afield: "I buried my hunting horse powered rifle. I suppose that he will never
say that they have tried the Askins' style and the other day. He died of lockjaw, a slow hear, but I could fairly wish that it were
it won't work. The trouble lies in the fact death and painful. Shorty carried me on otherwise. I'd be glad to know that the
that most of the modern school do their every shooting trip that I have made the spirit of Shorty Horse could wander about
shooting with their trusty Smith-Coronas, past five years. I shot off .his back, on occa- over the earth. I know that, when the
whereas my Old Man shot for 70 years and sion, and when I dismounted, if no fences leaves were brown and the quail hidden in
did much of his gunning befor~ these boys intervened, he followed me at heel like a the depths of the jack-oak woods, he would
were out of tri-cornered pants. trained retriever. Even now, though I rarely come at the first crack of my gun, and, all
Despite a pretty extensive knowledge of forget that Shorty is under ground and unseen, follow me patiently about through
shotguns, my Old Man had his eccentricities. cannot come, when I have fired, my first the forest and field as in the days of old.
He clung to the 16 gauge as his favorite impulse is to look up to see if he isn't "Maybe sometimes I'll imagine that I hear
scatter gun. One time he wrote, "For my coming over yonder rise. A gunshot was his him, the soft padding of his feet, the swish
own use, if I had to own but one gun, that signal that I wanted him. A sharp pang of the saddle leather, and the slap as a
would be a 16 bore, 6%, Ibs. weight, 30-inch always hits me when I realize the old boy stirrup caught his side from scraping a
barrels, one barrel bored modified and the can never come to me again. I buried him tree. People might not like me or they
other full choke; and after that I'd be liable myself as the last thing I could do for him. might be busy with others, but if they could,
to say, 'Get thee behind me Satan for you It took me all day to dig the grave and all unseen, my dead horses and my dead
cannot tempt me any further!'" cover him over. When it was finished, I fired dogs would be with me--and ~
two shots above the grave from one of the I'd ask for nothing more." ~
I personally wouldn't swap one mail-
order 12 gauge for all the 16s this side of ~ith
Bridgeport. I'm opinionated too; came by OUR NEW CUSTOM SPORTER. orig.
it naturally.
My Old Man and I lived a great deal
U.S. Made sights
$24.95 with 4X scope
alone. He did the cooking, and I kept house.
He was a good shot but a rotten poor cook.
WINCHESTER mounted and bore ..
sighted complete.
tilt ~ '7~.
from the muzzle, if the receiver for some
reason could not be opened. Because the
flint cock and battery are placed almost in
the center 'of the receiver, the front and
rear sights are offset to the left. In front of
JOIN THE NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION the trigger guard is the spur-shaped opening
THE AMERICAN RIFLEMAN MAGAZINE lever, which is drawn to the rear and pushed
A year's subscription to the world's finest gun magazine:-devoted upward to open the receiver for loading.
exclusively to the fascinating subject of firearms. Read about rifles, This can be done quickly with the heel
pistols, shotguns, hunting, target shooting, gunsmithing, gun col- of the left hand, in one motion. The trigger
lecting, reloading and related subjects-every month.
guard is also extended to form a pistol grip,
ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP IN THE N.R.A. much in the style of the early Kentucky
You'll get prompt answers from our Firearms Information Serv- rifle. The caliber .52 barrel fires a .525"
ic~gun Jaw buUetins-low cost gun insurance--right to buy round ball. This is the same size ball that
government gun equipment-eligibility for a year-'round shooting
program-marksmanship instruction' - plus many other benefits. was used, with a thin patch of membrane
to take the rifling, in the .54 caliber ml.lzz1e-
GOLD-FILLED MEMBERSHIP BUTTON loading rifle and, without a patch, in the
This distinctive NRA lapel button sells regularly for $1.50. It's later 1836 and 1842 cavalry pistols. The
yours as an EXTRA BONUS for joining now; wear it proudly!
rifles made at Harper's Ferry from 1841
Please enter my subscription to $5 00 Enclosed
to 1844 were percussion rather than flint, and
differed slightly in details from the standard
I enroll me as an NRA MEMBER
and send my lapel button. * o Bill me please I To supplement the limited prod llction at
I Harper's Ferry, the Government in 1828 con-
I NAME"- --------
I tracted with Simeon North (over Hall's pro-
I I tests) to make rifles at Middletown, Con
necticut, that were completely interchange-
I CITYSTATE I able with those made at Harper's Ferry.
I NATlONAl RIFLE ASSOCIATION 603-04 I North's entry into the picture brings us to
1600 Rhode Island Avenue, Washington 6, D. C. I the year 1833 and a new chapter in the Hall
story. In that year Congress authorized the
'Confirming application & details will also be mailed.
Army to form a regiment of dragoons, our
. ..
... ,.."
It's here at last! The most sensational scope value in a lifetime in your choice of power - 2lhX, 4X or .6X.. Its got
sufficient for whitetails. The brush-cutting
abilities of this flat-point bullet are second
to none on the market.
Moving into open country with the .30-30
requires a good bolt action rifle coupled
all the deluxe features you've been looking for: precision glass optics throughout; color corrected; & With mternal with a good telescopic sight. I would use the
adjustments for perfect focus & alignment. Beautifully blued steel. Long eye relief. Ea.sY to install, fi~s over 35.0 U.S.
and foreign rifles including Enfields. Only $9.95 ppd. incl. mount. Send cash, check or M.O. C:O.O.'S r~qulre $5 125 grain spitzer as manufactured by Sierra,
deposit. Add $1 for Air Mail. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. SATISfACTION GUARANTEED. When ordermg speCify scope
power, make ana model of rifle. Dealers inquire. PAN TECHNICS, INC.,' 1230 Pan Technics Bldg., Encinitas 69, Calif. and 38 grains of DuPont 4320. This com-
ALL FO R$798
No hunter likes to tote a heavy musket AR-15 can be carried in the cruiser ver-
for the sheer fun of the exercise. No cop tically in a dashboard bracket, horizontally
likes to carry around a heavy pile of machine between bucket seats in a "plainclothes" con-
gun that he might never have to use. Weigh- 'vertible, or across the seat front. A Texas
$14.00 worth of reading and reference enjoy- ing less than 7 pounds loaded, sporting a 3X officer carries his .264 Winchester" -M70 in
ment for the hunter and shooter-yours for battle scope sight, bayonet, grenade launch- brackets lying along the inner edge of the
just $7.98 if you act today. And, as a special ing sights, and ounces-light detachable bipod,
bonus, we will include a beautiful II x 15 full roof above the doors: AR-15 would ride as
the new Armalite package is heavy on im- easy.
color lithograph of a famous hand gun-if
you act promptly, pact, light on the muscles. Third aspect, which suggests a novel target
Ripping out 20 shots at a rate of 750 practice, is the AR-15 grenade 'launching
Send in the coupon below, today, to earn this
special bonus. This offer is fully guaranteed; rounds per minute and changing 20-shot mag- ability. Many police today treasure their fine
if you feel that you're not satisfied, simply azines as quickly as pushing a button, AR-15 old Sedgeley tear gas guns and other bulky
tell us: we'll refund the unexpired value of answers a great many requirements in the non-lethal hardware. But AR-15 combines
your subscription to Guns and Guns Quarterly, police arsenal. the volley firepower of a machine gun with
You risk nothing! First, it's a shocker. The trail of broken the grenade-launching ability of a gas gun.
MAIL COUPON belore April 1 lor special bonus gilt down Hudson automobiles with which Murphy Conventional rosette-crimp grenade cartridges
in tests has littered the landscape across
r GUNiMAGAZINE GUNS QUARTERLY" are used, and the missiles can be launched
as rapidly as they can be slipped over the
I 8150 N. Central Park Skokie, I11. G-4 I THE LEWIS LEAD REMOVER special muzzle bearing (standard on every
I Include me among those who accept I gun). The bombs are of the modern Energa
or similar accurate finned type. Tear gas
your special offer. Enclosed find I $3.95 .........._ -
I $7.98 to be returned if I'm not I loadings are being developed. Dummy gre-
I satisfied. I POSTPAID Re\'ol"er Cleaning Kit. Removes
Leading trom Forcing Cone. Cy} nade launching competitions should become
I Name I hider, and Barrel. Available in 38-44-4.5 cal. Kit tor two
caliber, $7.10. Patche, (Pkg. 10) $.60. Dealer InQuirie,
a part of the "practical pistol course" soon!
Address . ~ Imlted. Check or Money Order-No COD's. The fourth special capability is the AR-15's
IL City Zone - State _ J ~ GUN SPECIALTIEScolle:;' 0p.~:~ l:org;. accuracy. Fitted with a 3-X night sight,
** **
considerable. And maybe this is in a way
serving the ends of justice. At least, the
families of murdered children, of outraged AMMO SPECIAL
.455 WEBLEY A:lllIIO $6.00 per 100 The famous PINEAPPLE
night nurses, of harmless store keepers slain of World Wars 1 and 2-
9111111 LUGER $4.00 per 100
by thugs in pursuit of small change, may be SPECIAL BULK PRICE $37.50 per M new but unloaded. Price
excused the feeling that if more crimes of
violence were dealt with swiftly and violently
by police, it would be a good example to oth-
* Hunting Ammunition
The Following Ammo in Soft Pt. Hunting Lds.
* -$3.00 ea. pp. The new
U.S. offensive type grenade
-smooth body (new un-
loaded)-$3.00 ea.
er would-be criminals. The village of Niles 6.5 x 55 Swedish
6.5 Italian
7.65 :Mauser ~
7.62 Russian
hopes so. That courteous cruiser officer you 7.35 Italian 8 l\LM: l\1auser
.303 British
see waving the kids across street at the school
is backed up, if the situation goes "Red," 43 Spanish - full metal jacket, hollow
point hunting load, Spanish Mfg. $4.50 - a rare accessory for your Garand
with the lethal firepower of Colt's ... Ideal for line throwing ... Firing
AR-15, newest gun against crime. per 20 rnds.
signal rockets, etc. Complete with 3
303 ENFIELD 5-SHOT CHARGER CLIPS grenade parachute flares and 20 blank
... 3 f9r $1.00 ppd. cartridges. . Price-$5.00 ea.
SPECIAL-KRAG rear sight and safety
-complete kit $1.75 ea. pp. ZF-41 SCOPES-long eye relief, light
NEW ENFIELD (Sante Fe) Jungle Car- weight, compact and rugged, German
JT .
bmes .
1 $9995
- .
craftsmanship . . . internal
adjustments 2"X . . .
"WORLD FAMOUS CUN" NEW ENFIELD (Sante Fe) Sporters complete with standard
collectors, Quick draw practice. .303 cal. $27.50 mounts $12.95.
Western TV fans. Looks and
Blue flntsh 54.00. Deluxe polished
56.00. Add-SOc shipping.
VALLEY GUN SHOP ~~T:n.~:"'J~m:
l1tTTtfts STOCKS
"the beauty of his plumage on the neck,
wings, and breast was indescrihable."
Bogardus had a remarkable appreciation
Box 741 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO of the beauty in nature, and a fine ~i.ft for
describing it. The "most beautiful sight"
NEW Gunstock he ever saw was on a prairie near Chats-
Distributed on West Coast by
20 Lama Linda Court, Orinda, Calif.
7 and an authoritative source of In-
formation on gunstocks. Send $1.00
Now for your copy, sent postpal .
No lover of guns and field today can help
but thrill at the great shooting and great
times of Captain Adam H. Bogardus. Our
standards of sportsmanship are dif- ~
REINHART FAJEN INC., Dept. 28, Box 338, Warsaw, Missouri ferent, but they were great gunners. ~
in 22", beautiful 4 groove rifting, used for re-
which. $3.75. SPECIAL! Pair for $6.50.
Z:l~~li~t~. \iJ~~~:;~er~i ::f~~i~}. $'i~~tn;r~s ~f~ng-
complete with slide &
screw ....... $3.75
~3us~Y.t~ ~~e~Nlou~Dd~tyNInA~~cC::R: ~~~
marines, clocks. etc.
~e.tt~b~:~WJ~s: prote~i~:sU ::~o~~rd,tono~gf~~
complicated. Deep blue permanent finish.
L-O- N -G i45t~i~' i~}!,toTi2iC) o~3~~~s~~an~~r
experimental work, Reising Model 60's etc., etc.
20" long, $9.75 plus 75 pp. (SAME ONLY 12"
long for pistol, etc. $5.95 vlus 50'.
Actually penetrates the steel. Used by gun Add $2.50 for chambering to .45 auto
factories and gunsmiths everyWhere. Guar-
anteed to be the best cold blue you ever
used-or your money back.
U. S. CARBINE 3 GUN SIZE $2.00 ppcl.
1 pint -------------- $7.50 ppd.
worth of sights
only $8.75
a$sortment of 12 unused Marble sights of various models
& ~izes. Popular numbers of the early 1920's such as
with sight.
sight with Rear
windage & elevation
{j; ~,~
bunt In. Both in A. found on Colt
stalled by simply
tightening Allen set Sporting Rifle.
IS $2.95
fold overs that some are selling $2.45 "Improved Tunnel, Vickers-Maxim Gold aperature. Gold screw. Front .560
15 shot. In original wrap, only $1.00 ea. or 2 for $1.75 Sheard. Standard Bead, etc. The last of these long dis- l.d .. rear .775 t.d.
30 shot. "banana" clips only 54.95 or 2 for $7.951 continued models-while they last, all 12 signts . . . Plenty of wall thIc]al'ess for reaming to all popu-
only $8.75 lar sizes. Blued, ready to install. ON LY $2.95
for complete setl
SUPER SPECIAL-$90.00 Iist-:!6 sights for only
$19.50 (while available)
New, .45 cal.. 10'.4" long, $10.95 ppd. Magazines.
adjustable for wIndage " 30 shot, $4.00, 20 shot, $3.00. All other parts and
elevation. fits all U. s. Car.. service available, writ~ for quote.
bines. slides into receIver
dovetail - 2 mInutes to In. NEW LOW PRICE
stall. as Issued, $1.85 "pd.
Firing pins. Our new improved design __$2.75 ppde
Handsome conversion unit allows year 'round use ~
your fnvol'He rifle. even afler biK game season is past.
Speed Lock-Safety Pin Inexpensive practice (or hunting' & plinking) now pas
sible with a real, man sized .22 whtch not only shoots
hetter hut feels better while shooting. (Just slide out
"As recommended in Guns and Guns & Ammo." unit to chnng'e hacl( to .3006). Full sized, hut short
actin~ bolt. with preclF;ion rifled barrel liner gives
~)J)JJ)})}))jmj}}J}l)&oth; ~~~;::es i
~21!le~ol~~c~.[r~~li~:~~ tr~~~;r ~~a::1sf/a!s~g~'m~~~~f~~~
Bolts have adjustable headspace feature guaranteeing
~~i~~~rs;l~~lIi~~bl~~~\~~gio~vLOW~'1~~ h$fl:~95uspe~:
Extra magazines $1.75 ppd.
~:1:t ~t:~~n3:r~~y t~~~fi, p~~, I:~~~i~~SPta~C:Cd al~i:t ~'}ttgrd GARAND ~.
~t;~f :~e ~i~l~~r ~;;;e
:?t'i: s~?fd ~i~:ryd Sh~UI~~l. r~:
nearly 500/0. Speed mainspring of
TOOL ~~-~
Austrianbysteel $3.75 WORTH ANYTHING WHEN NEEDED
In field or on range, this ordnance tool may be needed
ANOTHER NUMRICH SUPER SPECIAL at any time-for bolt disassembly, because of poor extrac-
tion with fouled chmnher or for rifle takedown "Similar
HEAVY-LONG SUPER TARGET to illus., only latest model with bronze brush end". Fits
ON[Y )
~. "Kindly Paul" our store manager. ...
more. Write us, Attn: Kindly Paul, giving 27" long x 15/16" dla. Used for .44 Special, Mag..
full description with your best price post- ~~ter41~~,O'18A7hM:~lYK ;'~~is. ad~p~~~ve ~if~r~~- 90 mInutes from New York City via N.Y.S..
Thruway; 6 mIles west of ExIt 19 at
ideal for custom pistol barrels etc. $8.50 plus 70'
paid to us. Kingston, N. Y.
,.. post. Store open daily, Tues. tbru Sat.-l P.M. tilt 9 P.M..
H UNTERS HAVE a lot to say about
bullet performance, most of it contro
versial. One man swears by one particular
No.3. This bullet {shot number three}
killed the bear instantly. It broke two ribs,
smashed the heart, and was found under the
WEAVER SCOPES R.taB ,r,~~~ bullet, another has exactly contrary convic- hide on the far side. While this bullet mush-
K 2.5 or K 3 eH or T.P...... $37.50 $23.95 tions, and neither hell nor high water will roomed perfectly, the first two left much to
K 4 CH or T.P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45.00 28.75
K 6 CH or T.P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48.50 30.95
change their minds. Bullets get the blame be desired.
K 8 or K 10 CH or T.P. . . . . . . . . . 59.50 37.95
w jmounts 79.50 52.95 for the misses, the misplaced hits, and the No.4. This is an example of the long, low
VAHI POWER V8 MultiRange Reti
cule w/mounts
TOP or SIDE MOUNTS (State make &
84.75 56.95 wounded game that has to be tracked down velocity bullet fired in the older rifles; a
model) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.70 and put out of its misery. In the words of .25-35 Winchester ll7 grain bullet that killed
SWI:y~ s~~~t~nf5~crg~o~/~.i~~~.~. ~ 84.00 53.95 the old song, "It ain't necessarily so." the world record Big Horn for 1951. Fired
REDDIk'G Powder & Bullet Scale . . . . 14.00 10.95
REDDING MasLer Powder Measure. ..
REDDING Standard Reloading Press..
For the past twenty years or so, I have at about 100 yards, it broke a rib going in,
PACIFIC Powder Scale
PACIFIC Super Press - Up or down-
10.90 8.75 made it a practice to dig out the bullets went through the ribs, and was found under
st.roke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PACIFIC 2 die Rifle Set . . . . . . . .
9.25 from game I have killed, and also from the hide on the far side. Instant kill.
PACIFIC 3 die Pistol Set. . . . . . . . .. 13.50 10.80
DEITEMEYER Shotshell Reloader game shot by others. It is my conclusion No.5. This is a 140 grain Speer bullet,
"Hunter's Special" 59.50 47.60
Lfi'lAN 310 TOOL - Complete with
dies 16.50 13.20
that there are no perfect bullets--and no taken from a two-year old bull elk. Smashed
extra) _ 19.75 15.80
bad ones. Some seem to be better than two ribs going in, made pulp of the lungs,
DIE SETS - Rifle or Pistol (Tru-Line
Jr.) ............... 8.50 6.80 others under one set of conditions, whereas and was found under the skin on the far side.
Specify Hunting, Fishing or Both
2 3 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
New, Exciting, Illustrated the "others" perform better than the "some" Range about 100 yards. Instant kill. Mauser
Catalog Every Six Weeks- when conditions are reversed. 7 mm rifle.
Now 72 Pages Each Issue! For example, you can't expect any bullet No.6. A .270 Winchester 130 grain Silver-
Thousands of antique Colt
revolvers, Kentucky rifles, to act the same at 50 yards as at 200 yards. tip, taken from a large bull elk. Bullet went
pistols, muskets, swords, This is demonstrated below in the case of in behind last rib and ranged up into neck.
daggers from allover the the .270 Remington Bronze Point--one of the Fatal shot. Range 200-yards.
world: uniforms, helmets,
gun books, etc. - all differ-
most accurate of long range bullets, but un No.7. A 6.5 mm 160 grain taken from a
ent each issue. Widest se- reliable (in my experience) at close ranges. bull elk at 100 yards. Bullet broke a rib go-
lection available anywhere! The photographs illustrate the varying per- ing in and lodged under skin on far side.
Subscription Just $ I .00
r-:fii:1...... --.l. per Year. Send now to:
fonnance of a number of popular big game
bullets under varying conditions.
Missed heart; animal ran about thirty yards,
when it was hit by another. This broke an-
NORM HAlDERMAN No. 1. A 130 grain Remington Bronze other rib, smashed the heart, and went right
44 W.Putnam, Dept. G-4
GREENWICH, CONN. Point fired from a Model 70 Winchester out the other side. Bullet dug out of the
TOP CASH PRICES PAID- rifle. This bullet hit a large grizzly in the snow on the side hill. Instant kill.
For your Antique Guns and left shoulder at about 50 yards. It blew up No.8. Peters 150 grain .270 Soft Point,
Military Equipment.
on the shoulder blade with no stopping dam- taken from an exceptionally large grizzly.
age to the bear. Fired at about 6O-yards. Bear standin~up.
No.2. A second shot {same a=o, same Bullet smashed heart and was found in the
rifle, same bear} at about 75 yards blew a back bone after going in between the paws.
large hole in the left flank but did not stop No.9. A 180 grain Remington Corelokt,
the bear. He departed over a knoll, came .30-06 calibre, taken from a large bull elk.
into view again at about 200 yards. Range llO-yards. Slug broke front shoulder
Pa. Res. Add
I .
gg~~~ ~~k~~Se ,~i~~~.~~~~ o~
handdriven chuck. Or can be
manually operated. Fine steel
every day for Conservation men - bunting
mtiOll Ufttr lacls - Ie, mountain lions, patrolling forests, arresting
q~ir~ellls. sal3fies. etc. . I gam/;Jaw violators. Some trained to para.-
$tIKI-aJob Chari ~ helps pick I chute from planes or land in helicopters.
ca~:~~:~~~~:i~:U_b~:~~s you' OPPORTUNITlES IN YOUR 'STATE? Opper-
13 ~ ~ldQ(lr interests & abilities. I tunities Slate & Federal Gov't, also privnt~
I 4Facts on vacation i~s for ,H.S_ I Game Farms - east, west, even Alaska &
1 & Conege students Nallona! I Hawaii. We can keep you informed oC open
Write for
fREE 16page brochure.
DE wire brush, with metal sleeve.
JO only $1.00 Ppd. Specify whether L ~'~ ~f~iH!)" _..J ings. show how to apply help in many wars. ACHMAYR GUN WORKS, INC.
for large or small primers.
2425 W. 12th St., Erie. Penna. Dept. E-364 810 DODSWORTH, CQVINA, CAUf. 1220 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles 15, Calif.
and they all look the same. ~~~~~~ ~~i~lt3. ~aJt and ~~~titg~:~n~a~~~~~~ift~;fJ~~.reM~~~~~u~~. 9s8m~Wu~i~f!FMa~se~a'~~(ti~gr~~~:~~:
No. 14. Slug from a Snyder .577. Taken ~i~: ~~7 'ri.~?:'er~:' 2'1~~6
70 \~i~f:a~M~afial~s~~~~~tdR~~.,th3062S~~.~3~~OwSi'ri~~t3~~~ ~~22~41te~~mior~~~
722 Rem. only. Also now available Cal. 6.5x55.
from the carcass of a buffalo at Jumping ACE "BUTTON-RIFLED" BARRELS ACE BARRELS for .338 Win. & .264 Win.
Pound, Alberta, about 75-years ago. Present (White), Each $24.00
Your choice of 24" Sporter weight or
wt.. fitted to your action. (Win. 70. Enfield. High
26" med.
ered out completely, with large ears and
pt m '
heads. We assumed this was the result of crack Bersaglieri
to police and
outfits. 10.4mm
.42 Caliber. 33112" bbl.
Finest precision long ~ .303 and .22 Lee
Enfield I' i f I es in
poor hunting conditions, whereas the chick with deadly 4-groove detachable ~~"s~Ta r~fl~oc:.~d i~a~ir: .cfag~J1~~or~~ ma:hed sets. Here is your oppor-
tunity to own and shoot the world
bayonet. Recognized by the Italian item. Only $12.50 ea.; 3 for $30.00.
in captivity had fared well. Cavalry as being "indestructible". An
excellent decorator and conversation
Five for $45.00. fan:'0US Lee Enfield in two great
calibers . 22 for low cost plinking
piece. Good condition. While they last .303 LATEST ISSUE ENFIELD ~4 and tarqet practice (shoots all stand-
Our owl family varied from none (when only $9.95, 3 for $25, 5 for $35. ard .22 ammo) and easyto-obtain
.303 for hunting, protection, and
most needed), to four plus a red-tailed hawk IMPORTED PERCUSSION CAP GUNS
- shot, detach-
full bore target shooting. Improve
your marksmanship with the inex-
able magazine. Precision pensive .22 get your buck
during the winter-time when I couldn't use calibrated Enfield sights. with the hard-hitting .303! Only
World's fastest bolt action. Cur- $24.95 per set. .22 separately
them. (Eastern Washington crows migrate ~ PRIZED MUZZLE LOADERS rently in use. Used by hunters the $19.95, 2 for $35.00; .303 sepa
world over. (Good to V.G.). Free rately $9.50, 2 for $17.50. Select-
south.) They lived in apparent compatibility, 28-ga., 32" bbl., lightweight. Finely
finished. Checkered walnut stock,
"as issued" sling.
2 for $22.50.
ed Models $2.50 ea. additional.
Bayonets for both rifles $1.50, 2
patch box, ramrod. Excellent shoot
and this amazed me. I fed them all sorts of ers. Each $19.95; 2 for $35.00. Also
models $2.50 each additional. for $2.75. Micrometer Target Re-
ceiver sights for both rifles only
medium weight. 38" bbl., only FRONTIER DERRINGERS: New
varmints, including dead hawks-yet none of $33.50, 2 for $60.00. and Improved Model, unbreakable
$4.75, 2 for $8.00.
blind owl objects to handling, yet will come
forward to snatch food out of hand. None most effective in eastern Washington for
of the other grown owls ever became that this crow hunting system. Owls feast on
friendly. But so far, my hope to see young crows at night and are mortally hated by
30.06 $7 50MILITARY
PER 100
come out of our experiment is just a hope. crows. Detection of them near a nesting
Keeping four owls fed gave me an excuse thicket brings excited cawing and within .351 Winchpster Self-Loading Metal Patch
Per 100-V<lIIl~ 514.00 8.00
to slip out for a little extra ground squirrel minutes every crow within hearing is in 30 Remington Soft Point
Per 100 $12.50
and crow shooting. Tbey relish fresh crows. the battle. 2S35 Winchester Rifle Soft Point
Per 100 10.00
We now have the feeding problem well in Get to your location before daylight. Leave 6.5 Italian Rifle Cartridges
Military-per 100 . 10.00
8MM Mauser Military Cart.
hand. A crow or squirrel about twice a week your car about 500 yards out of sight; walk Per 100 . . . . . . 10.00
. 35 Remington Soft Point
keeps an owl. in fine shape. A coot, mud into your position and perch the owl, tethered Per 100 . . . . . . . . 17.5'0
45 Automatic Pistol Cartridges
on a dark string. Get into your blind quickly. Factory loads, per 100 10.00
hen, or rabbit a week is plenty. Winter-time 762 Russi,:,n Military Rifle
Cartrrdqes, per 100
gave some trouble, as there are no varmints You should be dressed in drab, wear gloves . 25-20 Repeating Rifle Cartridges
Per 100 .......
to shoot. We overcame this by putting crows and face net. If there is crow activity, the .303 Savage Rifle Cartridges
Per 100 . . . . . . 10.00
and squirrels in the deep freeze. At times, I owl will be spotted within minutes. If things 30-40 Krag Blank Cartridges
Per 100 . . . . . . 10.00
visited the local poultry dressing firm and continue quiet, imitate the low growling 32 Long R F Cartridges
Per 100 ... 4.00
32-40 Soft Point,
supplemented with chicken, duck, and goose caw of a crippled crow on an Olt's No. M-9 Pe-r 100 . . . . . . . . . 12.50
32 Winchester S.L. Soft Point,
heads. Unlike humans, an abundance of food crow call. If a crow swings in with excited Per 100 . . . . . . ;' 8.00
30-40 Krag Si Iver Tip.
doesn't cause them to gorge themselves. After response, stop calling. You might say the Per 100 . . . . . . . . 17.50
32 Remington Soft Point,
wrong thing. He'll do it for you, and far Per 100 . . . . . . . . . . 12.00
a good feed, your owl may not eat for nearly Ear Defenders MSA for the Shooter. Brand
New, Gov. Surplus Val. $3.00 postpaid.
a week. Don't worry; he'll eat again when better.
Bore Scopes, New Govt. Surplus: Postpaid. 75c
he is hungry. Gun nuts and many others dream of the
Technique of using your owl is simple. ultimate in things they work and play with. RUBBER
Transport him in a portable cage. In advance My dream with the Great Horned Owls is to RECOIL BOOTS
of your hunts, locate crow nesting spots and train one to fly through crow nesting areas at
flyways. Pick places to perch the owl in the random and, when the crows for miles around
open and within shotgun range, 35 to 45 are stirred to a point of frenzy, fly calmly
yards hom some natural cover around which back to his assigned position at our blind-a
you can build a blind. Perches and blinds sort of improved falconry; which if ~
set up in advance become weather-beaten, perfected, I could call "Owlry." ~
appear natural, and crows operating there
become accustomed to their presence_ They're You'll want Vol. IV GUNS QUARTERLY in your library.
GUNS APRIL 1961 55
CHOOSE YOUR TARGET: BEAR OR BOAR Tennessee than any other kind of gun. Guides
(Continued from page 33) have bagged the critters with .38 and .45
caliber pistols at close range, to keep the
animals from chewing up their hounds. The
-and Slickrock Mountain was, at this time, Reports of other bear and boar kills kept
12 gauge rifled slug is deadly on both bear
part of an area set aside for no-dog hunting. trickling down the mountain. The total kill and boar at ranges up to 50 yards. The .30-06
"They'll be back here later, when feeding for the day on the no-dog hunt in the Slick-
is a dandy boar and bear rifle for this south-
conditions are different," Boone Carver told rock-Barker's Mountain Area was at least
ern area. A lot of the boys use 8 mm Mauser
us "but riaht now we'll have to make the 5 black bear and 6 wild boar.
rifles that have been converted to sporters,
be~t of wh~t offers. There's a no-dog hunt The North Carolina-Tennessee wild boar as this story shows.
set for Saturday in the Slickrock-Barker and bear hunting area is like other hunting
If a trip is planned high up in the moun-
area; let's get in on it." areas. Many have met with thrilling success tains off the Forest Service roads, come in a
On these no-dog hunts, most of the hunters there, while others have gone away disap- jeep or pickup truck, or make arrangements
are placed on stands while the guides and pointed. The game is there to hunt; really
with someone in the area for transportation.
their helpers make the drives. Early in the good guides with crack packs of hounds are Most of the guides and camp and lodge op-
season, many of the hunters use shotguns available; roads and camping facilities vary erators will take care of such arrangements.
with rifled slugs, since the shooting is mostly from rugged to good; Conservation Officers If it is to be a tent or trailer camping deal,
at close range. My own gun on this hunt was and Refuge Managers are courteous and
make it known in plenty of time so all the
a 12 gauge Remington Automaster. eager to cooperate. But do not expect push-
details can be worked out in advance. Just
It was drizzling when we climbed out of button jackpot hunting. It is rugged coun- remember that the guide selected will have
the truck on Slickrock Saturday morning. try, and no shots are set up for you. to make his plans well ahead of time.
Knowing the country better than some of the The best bet for out-of-state sportsmen A bear and boar hunting trip into this
others, I figured I might have a better planning a trip into the area is to get in southern mountain area is not too expensive.
chance of jumping a bear or boar for a shot, touch with reliable guides like Boone Carver A North Carolina non-resident hunting li-
and maybe some pictures, if I did some trav and Brad Wiggins of Robbinsville, N. c., or cense will cost $15.75, and for the week-end
eling instead of sticking to a stand. It was a camp owner like Claude Hyde of the same
no dog hunts there's an extra $3.00 permit to
only a short ways out from the truck that address. Or contact the Tellico Lodge, Tel- buy ($1.50 each for boar and bear). Most of
I jumped the boar I missed in the laurel lico Plains, Tennessee; or guides Don Cole, the guides charge $5.00 per day per hunter,
thicket; and within the next few hours, guns Bill Thomas, Beecher Arp, or Earl "Little
and lodging in the rustic high mountain
were cracking all over the mountain. Bear" Harris of the same address. Of course, camps averages about another $5.00 per day
First, one group of drivers shoved a small additional information will have to be ob-
per hunter, which includes two hot meals a
] 25 pound bear ("best eatin' size") out past tained from the North Carolina Wildlife Re- day in camp and a trail lunch packed. If one
the stand of Jim McGraw of Flatrock, N. C. sources Commission at Raleigh, N. c., or the stays further down in the valleys at some of
Jim dropped him "with two shots from his Tennessee Game and Fish Commission at
the lodges or motels, expenses will run some-
8 mm Mauser sporter-conversion_ Nashville, Tennessee. what higher.
Next, Harry Pittillo of Hendersonville, Out-of-staters should make their contacts A Tennessee non-resident hunting license
N. C., stepped out into a ranger trail just early. Let it be known to the guides and
costs $15.00, and there's an extra big game
as a "whooshing" big boar smashed out of camp and lodge owners that keeping posted
stamp to buy that sets the hunter back an-
the thicket and charged him. It took three on feeding conditions and possible game other 5.00. The managed party hunts in both
shots from his converted 8 mm Mauser population shifts is expected of them, and
Tennessee and North Carolina cost a little
sporter to put the beady-eyed tusker down that they are to arrange the hunting accord-
more accordingly than the open area and no-
for keeps, almost at Harry's feet. Two of ingly. Bear in mind that it is always harder
dog hunts, because there's a party permit fee
the 170 grain Remington soft-point bullets to get in on a refuge managed hunt than it
to pay. Divided among members of the party,
missed the spine, but the third one centered is an open area or no-dog hunt. The contacts
however, it all usually boils down to very
it. It is practically hopeless to try to shoot should be made by mid-summer at the latest.
little if any more than the other types of
a charging wild boar" effectively in the head. Hunters claim that there's no thrill like
hunts cost. In some cases, special deals are
Pittillo's boar weighed just about 220 pounds, facing a mad or excited wild boar at close
worked out with the guides in connection
field dressed. quarters. And listening to a pack of well wi th their fees.
A little later, Dick Adams of Hickory, trained hounds run and fight a boar or bear
N. c., heard something crashing through the is something that has to be heard to be The managed party refuge hunts are open
underbrush near his stand. It turned out appreciated. to sportsmen from anywhere in the country,
to be a 200 pound boar. When the animal One does not have to have high priced and are of two days' duration. Actually these
started across an opening, Dick's old Model gear to bag a wild boar or bear. Almost any hunts are of three days' duration, but only
94 Winchester .3030 carbine came to his gun that is good for deer is also all right for two days out of the three can hunting be
shoulder, and one 180 grain softpoint this game. The reliable old .30-30 saddle-type done by the party. The extra day is there in
Super-X bullet did the business. Dick is carbines have probably accounted for more case bad weather keeps the hunters in camp
a student at a college in Lenoir, North bear and wild boar in North Carolina and during one of the alloted three days. The
Carolina. usual managed hunt party in North Carolina
Occasionally a driver on these hunts will consists of somewhere between" 20 and 25
Fair Warning hunters, while in Tennessee the parties, may
get his score too. F. J. Jenkins of Tapoco,
N. C., was easing along, helping make a number up to 60 or more. The party appoints
drive for a group of standers, when a a leader, he applies for a hunt with the State
grizzled old 325 pound boar tried to sneak ST Ie KUP ME: N .1 Game Commission, and if there are more
applications than managed hunts alloted
back past the hunters. F. J. happened to
spy the beast, leveled his .30-06 Remington
auto-loader, and pumped two 180 grain soft-
BEWARE I (which is almost always the case), a public
drawing is held to determine the lucky par-
point bullets into the big "hawg." They did
the job, one taking effect in the spine.
we Haue SholGiji, ties. If a party fails to draw a managed
hunt, it can still arrange for an open area
Next, Marshall Campbell of Robbinsville,
N. C., saw a 225 pound bear leave the regu-
I\UlON S1"'Y OUT" hunt in North Carolina, or for some no-dog
hunting in North Carolina or Tennessee.
lar run and start across a small ridge. Just There's no guarantee that anyone coming
as the bruin topped the ridge, Campbell cut to North Carolina or Tennessee will bag a
loose on him with still another 8 mm con- wild boar or a bear. But there are hunters
verted Mauser. One of the 170 grain soft- not yet 21 years old in and around Robbins-
point bullets took effect just behind the Following a series of armed ville, N. C., and Tellico Plains, Tennessee,
foreleg, and that was the end of the bear. robberies in his area, this who already have more boar and bear notches
Campbell found a very dead bruin just over Cleveland, Ohio, restaurant carved on their carbine stocks than Wild Bill
the ridge top. This was probably the longest owner bought a 12 gauge gun Hickok had on his pistol butts. My advice
range effective shot of the day, the distance and posted this sign. There
is, come on down and ~
have been no takers, so far.
being a good ISO yards. try your luck. ~
(Continued from page 7)
Write for list of SILVER FINISH
close by, easily manipulated when the gun We are admittedly taking this rifle hunt- AUTHENTIC RAISED LETTERS
is held normally. ing as a novelty, but we do want to get the
To strip for cleaning, we were favorably feel of it. Accuracy is good enough to take
impressed by the ease with which the take- rapid fire and military rifle matches. The
down lever on frame rear left was pressed British feel right now it's principally for
back and the rifle breaks like a shotgun. the tyro, making him shoot better because
The pressed steel cover slides back and bolt
carrier and innards lift right out, allowing
the barrel to be scrubbed from the breech
he doesn't have to worry about running the
machine, and can let gas operation do it.
Canadian Nationals results recently didn't
HOW TO PUBLISH Join our successful authors in a
complete and reliable publishing
end. This cover of sheet steel can also be
had in Hyduminium and in a special model
taking a scope. The scope mount cover is
show their F.N.s up as any great competitors
to the Model 70 Bull Gun, but we found
groups of several inches diameter quite usual
YOUR program: publicity, advertising,
handsome books. Speedy, efficient
service. Send for FREE manuscript
report & copy of Publish Your Book.
about $20 extra, fitted at the factory for
best accuracy, but the mount complete with
at 100 yards shooting prone and want to get
the H.B. (heavy barrel) model and try it BOOK CARL TON PRESS' Dept. G2D
8"4" Fifth Ave., New York 11, N. Y.
Hensoldt short scope is over $150 extra!
Needless to say, we are taking our rifle out
with the iron sights. These are peep rear
with some National Match ammo on non-
recoiling single shooting for basic accuracy.
We used Norma brass loaded with salvage
and front winged battle blade, with rear split-neck '06 bullets, service loads. As tips
adjustments up to 600 yards elevation; also on tuning this novel addition to the Ameri- SHOOTERS-COLLECTORS here', a top QuaUty orl~.
windage. The front sight takes a jazzy can gun scene are learned, we'll report further G.!. SNIPER SCOPE for sptg. or ml11tary rifle. 2%X
coated optics. 5%" ese relief post & cross-haIrs. hydi.0.gen
"nipple wrench" tool to raise or lower it on the F.N. Browning Automatic Rifle. From fiUed, 'l!l" tUb~:'(iiiTA"-AiiiA--C-UjijROO-M ..----$22.50 pod.
for zero. Benet Arms Co., $175.00.-H. J. Erfurth. P. O. Box 1777 Santa Ana, Col if.
Other accessories include a clip loader
that helps strip rounds down from regular
5-shot clips and even grenade launchers and
a bayonet that has a special spring inside
so it doesn't interfere with shooting zero
(F.N. claims!) until the bullet has left
the barrel.
I don't know how well sportsmen will take
to carrying their can openers and camp NEW LOW PRICEI
knives on the ends of their rifles, but I do
remember being awed and impressed as a
very small child seeing the W. Stokes Kirk ONLY $39.95
catalog showing Krags complete with bayonet Famous Six Shooter, Single Action (40 oz. Gun)
"fine for sportsman charged by wounded Blue Finish. Mfg. by Sauer & Son, Germany
deer or elk." If the good old .308 Winchester
Silver Tip (proper commercial ammo for ORDER DIRECT SEND CHECK OR
the 7.62mm NATO caliber of this rifle) - DEALERS SEND FOR INFORMATION -
didn't lay him low first shot, I'd be tempted
to slam in a fresh clip of 20 rather than E & M FIREARMS CO. Inc., Dept. G, P.O. Box 1248, Studio City, California
fence with any old wounded deer or elk.
press, $269.50 FOB Denver. Unit develops MAGNUM GAME CALLS manufactured by
three tons ram pressure and will swage .30-06 Magnum Sports Products, P. O. Box 228,
cases down to .444" head diameter in one Pekin, m. Five calls are available for duck-
operation. No. 1 is heavier duty unit, devel- calling, others for geese, deer, predators
ops 5 tons ram pressure, and sells for $356.95, and crows. High quality,' fine looking call~
completely set up for reloading and bullet- said to bring in Ilocks normally out of reach
making (less the bullet dies). of the average call.
have toddlers to teen-agers making like realm of firearm fantasy as a reuslt of his boys, delights in being an expert.
Wyatt Earp with gleeful abandon-and I do weekly television fare. To him, a firearm As the weeks and months rolled by, Butch
mean abandon. How do you take kids per- was a tooloftrade of outlaws (Old West was lead into his own personal discovery
haps already more skilled than you are in or modern gangster) or of superman gun- of the importance of proper stance, of breath
the handling of these fancy toys, and teach fighters (Old West, cop, or private eye) on control, of trigger squeeze. Targets, made
them that guns, however similarly shaped, the side of the law. With his plastic and large at first to prevent discouraging him
are not toys at all and must be handled very metal toys, he had developed skills and with a dearth of visible hits, became smaller.
differently, with care and understanding re- mannerisms which were far from pleasing to Groups tightened. But the best thing was
spect? me, or to anyone truly concerned about fire- the growth in Butch of a real sense of re-
National organizations, represented by lo- arms in today's world. It seemed to me that sponsibility. I seldom had to remind him
cal clubs in almost every community, offer it was time this was changed, that the time now about opening the gun to see if it were
certain solutions to this problem. The Na- had -come to start Butch on the road to re- loaded, or about careless pointing. Now
tional Rifle Association, through its local club sponsibility in handling guns.- that he knew that being careful was the
and instructor, will teach your child to shoot But the way Butch handled his toy weap- mark of the expert, he was all for safety.
a rifle safely and well, and will provide him ons convinced me that the time for giving At about this stage in our program, I
various channels of competitive sport to him a real rifle or handgun would come only bought him a Plainsman C02 BB pistol that
maintain his interest. The National Skeet after a lengthy period of unlearning old made loading easier and enabled us to get
Shooting Association and the Amateur Trap- habits and learning true gun manners. Even more shooting into each half hour of prac-
shooting Association will, through local then I feared that real confidence in his tice. As Butch's responsibility and skill de-
clubs, offer similar facilities for training in performance would come to me only after velops, real guns will come into the picture;
the shotgun target sports. Sportsmen's Serv- a further period of stringent supervision. but I will face this ph'ase with confidence
ice Bureau, through its Teen Hunter pro- I wondered further if the supervision I now because I know Butch has a deeply
grams, teach juniors to shoot and hunt. But could give him would be enough. It would instilled background of good gun habits.
sometimes these facilities are lacking, or diffi- be better, I thought, to work out a trans- His interest in shooting has grown, but it
cult to reach; and sometimes parents prefer itional step-a period of interim training is now a practical interest, based on respect
to do their own teaching. In such instances, during which the penalties for possible mis- and understanding.
the problem of where to shoot arises-with takes would be less damaging and less costly. Not all parents are equipped to carry
the following question: is' there any transi- The solution, for us, was the air or gas through such a program with their children,
tion method, usable in the average home, be- gun approach, using BBs, pellets, and darts but those who are not should seek out
tween toys and guns? as ammo. someone-a neighbor, a relative, or some-
When my son, "Butch," was in the third From the wide array of such rifles and one from the local shooting club-to do it
.grade of public school, he had already be- pistols on the market, from spring guns to for them. Teaching children about guns can
come a typical product of our age-a young- hand-pumped compressed air, to C02 pow- prevent most of those ugly incidents, always
ster entranced with guns but living in a ered models, we chose a Marksman pistol so publicized, which are not only tragic in
which fired BBs and pellets outdoors or, themselves but which damage the reputation
~l ream. Iitne
acquired an amusedly critical attitude toward in gun handling very soon, if good habits
. u.s. and Canadian Pat.
Complete job as shown
'0' Most guns $25 screen heroes who fire an endless number are not taught them. A teen ager is likely
of shots without reloading. With this chink to be harder to teach than a child of ten or
Anti-recoil Gun Barrel in their armor, it was possible to suggest to younger. Butch was nine when we started;
The muzzle brake de luxe that is precision him that certain other aspects of screen gun others have started teaching their chifdren
machined into your rifle barrel, avoiding
unsightly hang-ons. Controlled escape for handling were less than perfect by today's to shoot considerably sooner. I think that a
highest kinetic braking, minimum blast ef- standards. lot depends on the child, on how interested
fect and practically no jump. All but pre-
vents J'et thrust (secondary recoil). Guar- Early practice included no firing. The ses- he is, on how soon he acquires a sense of
antee workmanship. Folder. Dealer dis- sions featured gun operation and the strict some responsibility. The younger the child,
application of the rules that "guns are al- the shorter the practice sessions should be;
PENDLETON GUNSHOP ~~.;'di:,~O~.ouo~e:~~ ways loaded until proved empty," and "guns a child's interest in any single thing is
Licensed fitter for Canadian customers
IAN S. nlNGWALL, Custom Gunsmith
2379 Elurr~I'd St. Vancouver 9, B. C. are never pointed carelessly, but only at shortlived, and tiring him with too much
proper targets." He learned that animals at a time can kill his enthusiasm.
are not targets except in actual hunting; But whatever you do, don't wait too long.
Fast Draw Timer ~ that you don't shoot at a robin in the To face the worst side of it, after the acci-
How fast are you? "Y' yard, or a cat in the alley, or at a neighbor's
dog. Only people ignorant of guns make
dent is too late, to take out the insurance.
But the less pessimistic view is-the sooner
Measure your spE'ed and reaction time to
1 /100 second. Our electronic timer de-
sig-ned fOI' use with wax bullets for snfety. such goofs; people who really know guns yo.u make your child a shooting pal, the more
Full loading' instructions. COnlJ?Jete set-
IIp-timet. switch. targ-et. wires nnd never make them. Making them was a sign fun you'll have with him, and the more
instruction. $59.00.
FASTIME CO. 1761 Hampton Road of ignorance; not making them was proof fun you'll both have from shoot- ~
Crosse Pointe Woods 36, Michigan of expert knowledge. And Butch, like all ing. Try it and see. ~
60 GUNS APRIL 1961
(Continued from. page 21)
roar of five-in-one blanks caromed off the bulb flashing on. Ed McGivern discovered
giant aluminum dome and echoed around years ago that his fastest reaction time came
the circular arena. Jack Sims of the Side-
winders Club, from Mountain View, Cali-
fornia, shot .45, .42, to take the final round,
from the application of a low voltage elec-
trical shock. Next best for speed was the
light. The Crondek clock can be stopped
winning the $1,000 first prize, a Colt Single
Action .45, a hand tooled rig, and an im-
by the sound of a shot, as in the walk and
draw shoot, or by the impact of lead or wax
pressive trophy. Colt's presented guns to bullets upon a special silhouette target.
the first four places. The top ten received After the regular walk and draw shoot
trophies, and over $3,000 in cash was spread at Las Vegas, a wax shoot was held, using BULLET PULLER
among the top 50 shooters. Colt's new wax cartridges. The new wax Designed so any length
There are at least two other ways to ammunition consists of Dow Chemical Com- - - - - - bullel can be pUlled in any
lenglh case of Ihe same
stage fast draw matches. One is the blank pany "HD" Polyethylene plastic cartridge caliber. Collels machined
shoot "off the button," in which times are cases, loaded with standard pistol primers internally 10 exacl bUliel
much lower because the timer starts, not
at a signal but only when the shooter's hand
leaves the button to make his draw. (In
other words, reaction time is not included.)
as the only propellant for the wax slugs,
which are made to hold together for close
range accuracy without being hard enough
to cause more than a bruise on human flesh.
a diameler. Availabie in 18
. , . .... calibers. Standard '-14
/ 'thread for all popular
~ . j presses. Complete
$7 00
Extra collets
A second form of contest involves live or
wax ammo against bustable balloons or
(That fact is no license for carelessness.
Wax shoots should be conducted with the
impact targets, so that accuracy is a factor. same safety precautions accorded live am- POWDER MEASURE
But the walk and draw seems to have the mo.) The Colt's plastic cases can be re- No special skills needed to
greatest spectator appeal, perhaps partly be- loaded numerous times with wax, but their throw consistently accurate
charges. Powder pours into
cause the usual requirements for single ac- use with powder and lead could be disas- measuring chamber to pre-
tion guns and western dress recapture the trous. The cases are colored a bright red, vent clogging. Adjusts quick
and easy from one charge to
color of the Old West, or at least the Holly to avoid confusing them with brass. another. Powder level visable
wood version of it. Bill Edwards, GUNS Technical Editor, who al all limes. Easily mounted
on press or bench. Complele
Current fast draw interest originaied a
bare half dozen years ago, with the sudden
attended the Saham shoot as an observer,
found himself enlisted to supervise the wax
wilh Stand Plate $19.95
popularity of TV "Westerns," which are contest. Top prize, an exact replica of an
based on the roughly twenty-year period' 1860 .44 Army cap-and-ball revolver, went
directly following the Civil War when a hard- to Jack Wiggins of San Mateo, California. Dealers: Write for names of your
nearest iobbers on your letterhead.
bitten breed of men on both sides of the The gun was donated by Centennial Arms
law found prestige and power in gun skill Corporation of Chicago, Illinois.
that might never have come to them jn any As part of the extensive promotion of the
other way. These men may "have had little 1960 shoot, The Hotel Sahara conducted a
else to recommend them, but they carved contest to choose Fast Draw Queen. Cindy
a niche in history with their sixgui!s, rifles, Layne, of Phoenix, Arizona, a 22 year old
and (on occasion) shotguns. Such names professional singer, won on the basis of PROTECT YOURSELF
as John Wesley Hardin, Doc Holliday, Clay bea)lty, talent, and her year-and-a-half ex- with this Fountain Pen-Type poe KET
Allison, Wyatt Earp, and Bat Masterson perience as a fast draw enthusiast.
bring with them the echoe's of gunfire. -And, Perhaps the biggest factor to emerge from TEAR GAS
in spite of the debunkers, those men were the 1960 Sahara shoot is the really effective
skilled gunmen, fast and d e a d l y . . . boost that major arms companies are giving
Ed McGivern was probably the fath~J: of fast draw. Leader among' these is Colt's,
modern fast draw. Ed reached a degree of with their extensive use of literature preach-
sixgun legerdemain that has never been ing of safe and sane fast draw, and their
matched by anyone to date. He could draw "Trade in your old gun for a Colt" and fast For police or civilian
and hit a target with live ammo in time draw window display contests among dealers defense againsl robbers,
mashers, etc. Causes no
periods that are still considered spectacular, to promote interest. In 1961, Colt's has prom- permanent injury. Highly
even with blanks. His book, "Fast and Fancy ised to further aid fast draw by providing Nickel Plaled polished heavy nickel
Peerless Type case wilh spring-steel
Revolver Shooting," was my bible when I a much needed means of communication HANDCUFFS pocket clip.
was practicing fast draw. Ed had an electric between the various clubs around the coun- $15.00 value: Special MON~~NgR~~~~~~~OD.s
timer, relatively crude by today's electronic try-a newsletter, chronicaling club news, 57.95 pair
Deluxe leather
Registered Colt DistriblHors
Suppliers for
standards, but periodically checked and detailing current shoots, and containing a carrying case $2.50 Official Police Equipment
proved accurate. I have a timer that I built feature or two, distributed to fast draw This product Is not Intended for sale In states or
localities which have laws forbIdding their sale.
on the pattern of McGivern's when I was clubs and Colt dealers nationwide.
developed by Dee Woolem, consists of a in the fast draw picture for 1961 by pro- Let ~;u;~~ctt~iChand ,q-,-h,;rr7. . ",~
button which is held depressed until the. ducing a "Bill Stern Short" public service drill. polisher or grinder do the polishing.
Centrifugal force of fast revolving polishing head forces
draw begins. The clock starts on release of movie covering the Sahara skeet and trap 4 centrally fastened strips against the barrel wall. re-
moves lead and polishes to a mirror like finish. from
the button, and stops at the 'sound of the shoots, and the fast draw contest. Featuring breech through choke to muzzle without resetting the
shot, thus excluding reaction. time-a most such notables as Rodd Redwing and Rem- head. Use It in 12. 16 or 20 gauge barrels. No overheat-
ing of barrels. Get a mirror like finish in a short time.
important factor in any real gun duel. ington exhibition shooter Tom Frye, the fif- Polishing head with 34" long steel rod and 4 sets of
polishing strips for only __ ....$4.75
The Crondek timer used at Las Vegas teen minute film will be translated into five Gunsmiths, this is the tool you have been
requires the shooter to react to two stimuli languages and distributed over a five year asking for. Send for it Now.
-the sound of a bell, and the sight of a (Continued on page 63)
~ Gunsmith Supplr Headquarters (est. 1936)
GUNS APRIL 1961 61 /C---
t// 3577 E. Tremont Ave. Hew York 65, H. Y.
Only the RED BOOK has ALL this fact-filled information!
Uptodate price evaluations of Includes list prices of weapons Every weapon described in detail
more than 2,000 famous rifles, plus three price values according as to type, make and model. Gun
shotguns, revolvers, machine guns to excellent, good and fair stocks, inlay designs, barrel,
-foreign and dom'estic condition size of bore, year of make and
other unique features are listed
Tells you how to be an expert for quick identification
bargain hunter on the used gun
GUNS Magazine
8150 N. Central Park Ave.
62 GUHS APRIL 1961
(Continued from page 61) a national organization. The entire program
is going to call for some dedicated indio
period in movie houses througout the world. viduals who are willing to sacrifice their
Local gun clubs and dealers can request the perso~al lives to a large degree, in the
film for local showings by contacting Rem interests of fast draw. After talking to the
ington or Colt's. shooters at Las Vegas, I don't think there
The 1959 Sahara shoot marked the true will be any dirth of volunteers.
beginning of fast draw as a recognized na The 1960 Sahara Fast Draw National Open
tional sport. In 1961, a central clearing Championship witnessed a 35 percent in
house will be established to set match dates crease in shooter attendance over the pre
that will not conflict with one another on vious year. The number of contestants is
state and national levels. Chronicles of con expected to at least double in 1961. This is
test dates and results will be distributed a healthy sign for the sport. Far from being
among clubs, nationwide. Each state will on the wane, it is stronger and more mature
send its delegates and top guns to the 1961 than ever-and looking e:>;pectantly to ~
Sahara shoot, at which time they will form ward the 1961 Sahara National Open. ~
Conquistadores' crossbows. These were small Elaborate pistols of miquelet form, as well
shot weapons first used during the Middle as those richly chased and' fitted with flint- The Finest Revolver and Pistol
Ages and continued in use simultaneously locks more of the Italian form, were in use
with the firearm arquebuse until about the by the nobility of Spain. Naturally, such
1570s. Its basic parts were a bow of forged arms went often to the capitals of Spanish
iron with its cord, and the stock on which America, in the trunks of the Captain Gen-
the bow was fixed transversely. In this stock, erals of the colonies, and as often they reo Genuine
which had a top groove to direct the missile, turned to Spain in the baggage of their own- IVORY. STAG. PEARL
were the triggering devices. The cross bow ers, when recalled, or death abroad, caused Now at special
shot "bodoques," which were mud pellets the return of their personal property to their savings!
made in a mould called "turquesa," and families. Hence, miquelet lock arms of an-
hardened in the air, several similarly shaped cient histor,ic association with the Spanish
pointed arrows known as "pasadores," "vi- Empire in America are exceedingly scarce.
ras," "viratones," or "virotes," as well as There is in a private collection in Ada, Okla-
stones and lead bullets. homa, a crudely finished musket fitted with a
The early firearms of New Spain are more miquelet lock. This arm is said to be of
difficult to classify, because of modern con- "Indian" origin. If true, it is unusual, and
fusion on terms. It is beyond question that the lock may have been one on some Spanish
among firearms used by the Conquistadores soldier's musket when, questing after the WORLD'S FINEST
were "escopetas," or shotguns; and the ar-
quebus. To this same period belongs the
Seven Cities of Cibola, he strayed a little too
far from the line of march and some Co-
PISTOL GRIPS~iiii::::=
early matchlock musket. manche lifted his scalp. But these arms, GOLD BOND
The escopeta was used for the first time though distributed to the soldiers of the Guaranteed Unbreakable!
by the Gran Capitan, Gonzalo de Cordoba, Spanish forts in Florida and in the American Sold By
about 1500. He had these guns made by Southwest, as well as in Central and South The Best Gun Shops
Italian smiths in order to contend with the America, are too late to properly rate as
fire of the Switzers, in the Italian Campaigns. weapons of the Conquest. Colorful though Brochure & List 25c
This weapon was a breechloader, fired with the conception of "pirate pistol" may be to (FREE ONLY to Dealers)
a match. Contemporary with the escopeta some readers, it is the late form of miquelet FITZ -Box 49702-Los Angeles 49, Calif.
was the arquebus, scarce among the first lock navy pistol, from the l~te' 1600s and
men to go to America. In 1500s it was fired 1700s, that was used by the armed men of
with a match; later the Spanish lock or the treasure-laden galleons. The weapons of
"miquelet" came into use about 1530. the Conquest were primitive, simple. And
While the Italian Campaigns caused there though a few of the escopetas and other long
to be Italian influence in the design of arms guns, shoulder arms, were carried according Improved Minute Man Gun
Blue instantly preserves and
which eventually travelled from Madrid to to the record, it was not so with either the renews steels and iron sur-
faces-Not a paint or lacquer
New Spain, changes occurred due to the ef- blunderbuss or the pistol.' We believe that - No heating necessary-
Comes complete with all nec-
fect of gunmakers from other nations. Simon
and Pedro Marquarte came from Augsburg,
Germany, in 1530, to work at the Court of
Charles V. Wheellock arms from this period
these weapons, except in rare cases, were not
used by the conquistadores.
An exam'ple will serve to justify our vague
ness of ideas about the classification of arms
essary equipment.
proven over 40 years by
repeat sales to satisfied
users. SEND
T.sted and
Good $24.95. Catalogue 10c. Wellington Company, 1401 RELOADINC EQUIPMENT SURPLUS RIFLES, Pistols, Ammunition, 'Var relics, gun
42nd Street, Brooklyn, New York. - accessories. Free catalog. Retting. Culver City, California.
NE\V FIREA RMS-Scopes-Reloading Supplies-Acces w FREE . . . CATALOG. 170 pages. Save on Reloading
sories. Quick Service--Lowest Prices. Large Catalog Free. Equipment, Calls, Decoys, Archery. Fishing Tackle. Molds. 100# RECLAIMED SHOT PrepaId $20.00. Jim Dandy
Walter Oliver. Box 55, Auburn, Indiana. Tools, Rod Blanks. FinrJysports (G), Toledo 14, Ohio. Reloaders Any gauge $6.50. Thompson's, Homedale. Idaho.
line of
P. O. Box 487,
Knoxville, Illinois
the famous
are my business and i make
the finest. Brilliant colors.
beautiful designs. hand cut
by precision machinery. Send
for latest list.
f,. 1.- ~o ~~reu~':~~~" tt~ili~ o~f51~
Opportunities everywhere for trained ATTACHMENT preferred biJ Olympic
investigators, both men & women, pri- .~--. ~iwe~ofh~~iil~~. :~:: s~r:lPr~a~s~~
vate & police. Work home or travel. . or close the Iris Shutter for perfect
Send now for free information on easy definition of sight and target!
Standard Optical Attachment $6.50
home study plan, badge, certificate & Deluxe Optical Attachment with
New Swing- arm features $7.50
~"-,,,,,,, ... profitable future. No salesman will call. Order Direct-Money Back Guarantee-Free Catalog
4563 York, Dept. GM, Los Angeles 41. Calif. 6144 Monadnock Way. Oakland 5, Cal if., Dept. G4
Advertiser Page Advertiser Page Advertiser Page
ROBERT ABElS ........... 54
THE ARMS LOCKER ..................... 13 R.C.B.S. GUN & DIE SHOP ., ., 61
CROSMAN ARMS CO., INC 9 ROZZElLE ......................... " .. 47 KUHARSKY BROTHERS, INC '" .... 52
EARLY & MODERN R. F. WElLS, INC 12 MERSHON COMPANy .,.,.,., .. .,., .. 6
FLAIG'S LODGE ........................ 53
HEINRICH F. GRIEDER ................... 64 PENDLETON GUN SHOP . .,., .. ., 60
J. M. BUCHEIMER CO.. .,., .... ., ., .,., 8
GIL HEBARD GUNS .................... 54 THE POLYCHOKE CO., INC cj
HUNTERS LODGE.,., .. .,., .,., .,34, 35 DALE MyRES ................. 66
STITH MOUNTS ........... ',' .... 66
LEM GUN SPECIALTIES .48 TANDY LEATHER.,., ., .,.,.,.,.,.,.,., .63
POTOMAC ARMS ....................... 11 STOCKS and GRIPS
CARLTON PRESS .................. 57
PUBLIC SPORT SHOPS 55, 57, 61 c. D. CAHOON ............... 64 FASTIME COMPANy .................. 60
SAVAGE ARMS CORPORATION 7 CONTOUR GRIP CO.. .,., . .,.,.,., . .,., .,63
REINHART FAJEN ...................... 50
HERRETTS STOCK., . .,., .. ., ., ., .. ., .,50
FRED THACKER ................... 64 JOHNSTON LUMBER 64
SPORTS, INC.... .46
HANDLOADING EQUIPMENT CRITERION COMPANy ., 50 RAY RILING ....... .,., . .,., . .,.,., . ., .64
CH DIE COMPANY ......... 4 MERIT GUNSIGHT CO ., 64 PATTERSON SMITH ..................... 66
CARBIDE DIE & MFG. CO.. .,.,.,.,.,., 64 PAN TECHNICS, LTD .46 NORM THOMPSON ................... 10
66 GUNS APRIL 1961
Cl Cl Cl aClcocca ace == Cl aaaoacc acco Cl a===a=occaooocv-.A
.45 AUTO CAL. $14.95 $42.50
Fine High quality German
Quality English WWII revalvers. Walther, World War II German
Beautiful blue finish. Select automatic. Fires 9mm Luger car-
Grade $19.95. t 'd 0 .. I
Nickel Plated Gun Like New "ge. "gIna condition. Extra clips
.................... $28.75 ~J~~~s. Ammo 9mm, $8.50 for 100
Ammo 53.50 Per Box Original as issued, Army Holster 55.95
g .~ .45 AUTOMATIC
AUTHENTIC Brand new unfired Argentina 45
Custom made Original Automatic type holsters. Avail-
~r;p; __iiliiiil;iiiC'::::::~::;;'.'~"
autos. Beaut,ful blue finish wal.
nut grips $39.95
able for Colt 1860 Army, 1851 Navy, Colt S.A. and A Rare Antique Collectors Find. Very 45 auto holsters. Brand new 4.95
~;:~n~~~~etA.:i~I.~~r~~~s.i~~ .. r~~~l.v~~~... ~~l~ $9.20 good condition
(Send $1.00 for Shipping)
$12.95 Ammo-$3.50 Box
(Send SOc for Shipping) U.S. .45 Auto XLT Condo $39.95
DOITYOURSELF 38 cal. M & P revolvers. Excel- German Mauser Army Rifles,
lent select grade condition-
GUN KITS Military finish $29.50
as issue 8mm
Mauser 7mm Carbines, Good Conll
Brand new-comes complete with Commercial finish 32.00 Argentina Mauser M-91 7.65mm, like new 19.95
all parts & instructions on how to S. & W. 45 Cal. Revolver-V. G $32.00 Swedish Mauser caroines, near mint 34.95
assemble your gun. All machine opera-
. tions ha~e .been perfor,,:,ed and only,
\ F,tttlng, Poloshlng and BlueIng remain to GERMAN MAUSER 11 MM ARMY RIFLES
. be done. Identical in size weight and
~~~~rWne~~e~~ ~~m~ogo~'~S:'1I steel parts Mfg. By
CALIBERS: 38 Spl., 45 Long Colt, 44 Spl., 357 Mag-
num. 4%-5Y2-7Y2" Barrels. Only $55.00.
Catalog $ J .00 Catalog SOc: Catalog SOc: Catalog SOc:
Tremendous selection of modern and Outstanding collection of German Completely illustrated, showing all An entire catalog devoted to genuine
antique gun bargains. Colt Single Military Arms. German lugers, P-38's. models of Great Western Arms. The hard to find early model Colt 5ingle
Action, Colt and Remington Cap and Mauser Military pistols, Browning au- Single Action,. Derrmger, Buntline, Action revolvers. Complete listings on
Ball revolvers, used reV;)lvers and au- tomatics and many other German Deputy. Also complete selection of engraved guns, parts, grips and hol-
tomatics. Used shotguns and ritles Arms. Also parts, holsters, grips and holsters and quick draw sets and ster sets. Outstanding values on qual-
and hundreds of other hard to get accessories, current listing of de-acti- equIpment. Parts, presentation case ity collector Colts. Prices start at
items for the collector and shooter. va\ed machine guns. and engraved models are also included. S44.00.
EARLY & MODERN FIREARMS Inc P.O. Box 1248, Studio City, California , .
$4.95 (Send SOc for Shipping)
aeeaC'r.ACClCl Cl 0 aeClccr..r~ClCO~..O""J"'~..r..r...ooc ===a=c-acr..r~.A
AlI Colt hand guns represent 125 years of quality workmanship based on Colt's exacting standards. Now
these new heavy frame nickel-plated Frontier and BuniIine Scouts are available singly or in sets. Prized
possessions. in the field or in the den, you will find both offer unmatched accuracy. Chambered for
.22 short, long, long rile or .22 magnum. All are in 125th Anniversary medallion presentation cases.
Frontier Scout $64.50; Bundine Scout $74.50; Frontier Scouts, the brace, $125.00; Buntline Scouts,
the brace, $145.00; Frontier and Buntline Scout combination $135.00.