Process Heating Oct'17
Process Heating Oct'17
Process Heating Oct'17
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W h e re R e l i a b i l i t y C o m e s S t a n d a rd
OCTOBER 2017 Volume 24 Number 10
Online Exclusives
12 Thermal Fluid Heaters
The Importance of Expansion and Drain Structure Hurricane Harvey Moves Turbomachinery Meeting to December
in Hot Oil Systems The 46th Turbomachinery and 33rd International Pump Users Symposia (TPS
Preplanning during design can save time and money during 2017) will now be held December 12-14, with short courses held December
11. The conference and exposition, sponsored by the Turbomachinery Lab
planned or unplanned shutdowns.
at Texas A&M University, was delayed when Hurricane Harvey hit Houston.
18 Heaters Partnership Improves Awareness of Need for Industrial
Heaters Help Deliver Packaging for Food Safety Cybersecurity
and Consumer Acceptance The International Society of Automation (ISA) formed a global
Packaging innovations such as heat-sealed packages, tamper- partnership with Siemens to improve awareness of the need for
resistant bottles and shrink wrap are all a result of evolution industrial cybersecurity. The alliance specifically focuses on broadening
in process heating technologies. Though process heating is understanding and adoption of industrial automation security standards.
essential to many effective packaging solutions, too often, it is Acquisition of BJM Pumps Completed
an afterthought. Private equity firm May River Capital completed its acquisition of BJM
Pumps LLC, which provides submersible pumps for demanding applications
22 Portable Chillers in industrial and municipal/wastewater environments.
How Variable-Speed Portable Chillers Can Help
An alternative for process cooling applications, variable-
speed compressors coupled with advanced PLCs continuously
Always Online
Archives Energy Notes column Digital Editions
monitor the heat load and adjust the compressor speed for
Calendar of Events Equipment Overviews Buyers Guide
peak efficiency and temperature control. Drying Files columns Heating Highlights Archived Webinars
26 Combustion New Products Industry News
Improved NOX Limitation Standard to Reflect Check out our redesigned site with more frequent updates and web exclusives!
Combustion Efficiency
In many locations throughout North America, nitrogen oxide Quick links point the way:
(NOX) emissions of gas-heated furnaces and ovens are limited
by code or law. This is typically the case in urban areas or in
places where special topographical characteristics intensify the Go Mobile
Use your smart phone to read Process Heating, wherever you are! Point
negative local and regional effects of NOX emissions. your phone or tablets camera at the image
at right to scan the QR code with your mobile
30 Temperature Sensors phone or tablet. Your device will display the
Temperature Measurement Flexibility Helps Quality mobile version of the current issue of Process
and Validation Heating instantly!
Understanding different sensor types helps create better Your mobile service provide may charge for
temperature profiles. data transmission usage. Contact your mobile
provider for details on your data plan and limits.
34 Equipment Overview
Industrial Heat Exchangers
An apples-to-apples comparison of the capabilities of
industrial heat exchanger manufacturers, our Equipment About the Cover
Overview will help you narrow the field of potential suppliers. Packaging innovations such as heat-sealed
October 2017
6 Inner Workings 45 Classified Directory com). Learn more about heat processing FO
10 Calendar 46 Places & Faces technologies for food packaging and SAFETY
38 Product Highlights 46 Contact Us other processes in the article beginning
44 Front & Center on page 18. Follow us
www.p rocess-
heating .com
PROCESS HEATING (ISSN: Print 1077-5870 and Digital 2328-9996) is published 12 times annually, monthly, by BNP Media, Inc., 2401 W. Big Beaver Rd., Suite 700, Troy, MI 48084-3333. Telephone: (248) 362-3700, Fax: (248) 362-0317. No charge for subscriptions to
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Military and aerospace
Consumer product testing
Clean room applications
Explosive environments
Inert gas atmospheres
High temps and vacuums
Small footprint designs
Robotic load/unload
Web-based management
Pollution control
Aftermarket service
Start-up and training
Temperature uniformity
Preventative maintenance
Refurbished equipment
Rental equipment
Inner Workings
The 2018 Powder Coating Technical CSB Advises Caution for restarts, including:
Conference will be held March 12-15 Chemical, Oil Facilities in
at the J.W. Marriott in Indianapolis. Wake of Hurricane Harvey Use appropriate management-of-
The four-day event, produced by the In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, oil change (MOC) processes before
Powder Coating Institute (PCI), will and chemical facilities in the Gulf Coast modifying any startup procedures,
include a tabletop exhibition. region will begin restarting facilities equipment or staffing arrangements
The event begins with the shut down to weather the storm. due to the impact of the hurricane.
conference and exhibition on March The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Make sure that adequate staffing
12-13, closing on the morning of Investigation Board (CSB) issued and expertise are available before
March 14. Attendees can learn a safety alert urging them to take starting up. Recognize that human
about powder coating during special precautions. The CSB notes that performance may be compromised
general sessions and by attending startup of major processes at chemical due to crisis conditions.
a concurrent technical program. facilities is a hazardous phase. Facilities Use up-to-date startup procedures
The tabletop display area will allow should pay particular attention to and ensure that the available staff
attendees to interact with powder process safety requirements during are trained in how to execute them.
coating manufacturers and get this critical period to ensure a safe Evacuate nonessential personnel,
hands-on experience with powder return to normal operations. including personnel in trailers, from
coating application equipment. Other The safety alert outlines specific the vicinity of process units that are
exhibitors include system houses, procedures to help ensure safe starting up.
chemical suppliers and various service
providers for the powder coating
Images courtesy of U.S. Geologic Survey
Following the technical conference,
PCIs Powder Coating 101: Basic
Essentials Hands-On Workshop will be
offered on March 14-15. The workshop
covers the basics of powder coating
operations and concludes with hands-
on training demonstrations at an area
powder coating facility. Hurricane Harvey made landfall on the Gulf Coast of Texas as a Category 4
Visit for hurricane on the night of August 25, 2017. It then stalled over southeastern Texas
more information. as a tropical storm and continued to creep northeast over Louisiana.
Additional safety protocols require are linked to a back-end digital Thermal Fluid Maker Adds
checking bulk storage tanks for monitoring system and a master Refurbished Heaters,
evidence of floating displacement data management system. According Refurbishing Services
or damage, notes the CSB. The to the company, the networking For processors that need a quick-ship
safety board also reminds facilities of production processes has thermal fluid heater, Fulton Thermal
to examine insulation systems, evolved into an intelligent lifecycle Corp., Pulaski, N.Y., is offering used,
sewers, drains, furnace systems, management platform designed to refurbished thermal fluid heaters
electric motors and other equipment, Industry 4.0 principles. from stock.
including warning systems, to make
sure they are fully functional.
You can download the safety alert
at CSBs website (
A gas-heated cabinet oven is being used for curing paint on Electric Process Heaters
steel and aluminum test coupons at a manufacturers facility.
Manufactured by Grieve Corp., Round Lake, Ill., the oven Direct Fired Heaters
has 100,000 BTU/hr installed in a modulating gas burner, and
a 600-cfm recirculating blower provides horizontal airflow to Waste Heat Recovery
the workload.
10-12 Vapor Control Course, 23-24 Hydraulic Institute 6-9 ISA Process Control and
Tulsa, Okla. Presented by Fall Conference, Renaissance Safety Symposium and Exhibition,
John Zink Institute. Worthington, Fort Worth, Texas. Houston Marriott Westchase,
Call 918-234-5710 or visit www. Produced by the Hydraulic Institute Houston. Presented by International (HI). Call 973-267-9700 or visit Society of Automation. Call 919- 549-8411 or visit
12 Using Glycol Heat Transfer
Fluids for Effective Process 24-26 The Quality Show, Donald 6-9 International
Cooling Webinar, 2 p.m. ET. E. Stephens Convention Center, Instrumentation Symposium
Register or learn more at Rosemont, Ill. Call 844-644-7449 or (IIS), co-located with ISA Process visit Control and Safety Symposium and
ARI Valves are in Heat Transfer Service Around the Globe. So if you are
responsible for the security and safety of your companys system, make
certain that ARI Valves are the choice. When things get hot, you should
specify ARI Valves for Thermal Transfer Fluid Applications.
Exhibition, Houston. Presented by Presented by Rockwell Automation. Georgia World Convention Center,
International Society of Automation. Visit Atlanta. Call 770-493-9401 or visit
Call 919-549-8411 or visit December
6-9 Fabtech Expo, McCormick 5 Insiders Guide to Fluid
Place, Chicago. Cosponsored by AWS, System Maintenance Webinar, 2 4-8 Cooling Technology
FMA, SME, PMA and CCAI. p.m. ET. Register or learn more at Annual Conference,
Call 888-394-4362 or visit Hilton Houston North, Houston. Call 281-583-4087 or visit
12-14 Turbomachinery
7-9 Drying Theory Put to & Pump Symposia,
Practice Seminar, Joinville, Brazil. George R. Brown Convention Center, 12-14 National Ethanol
Presented by Bhler Aeroglide. Houston. Rescheduled due to Conference, JW Marriott San
Call 919-278-2864 or visit Hurricane Harvey. Antonio, Hill Country Resort & Visit Spa, San Antonio, Texas.
Hosted by the Renewable Fuels
7-10 Fired Process Heater January 2018 Association (RFA).
Course, Tulsa, Okla. Presented by Call 832-653-4046 or visit
John Zink Institute. 22-24 AHR Expo, McCormick
Call 918-234-5710 or visit Place, Chicago. Call 203-221-9232 or visit 21-22 Food Processing Expo,
Sacramento Convention Center,
15-16 Automation Fair, George R 30-Feb. 1 International Sacramento, Calif. Call 916-640-8150
Brown Convention Center, Houston. Production & Processing Expo, or visit
The Importance of
in Hot Oil Systems
Preplanning during design can save time and money during planned or
unplanned shutdowns.
By the Applications ing temperature, accommodations must with these systems daily and understand
Engineering Team, be made for that expansion. It also is their key terms intimately, process engi-
inevitable that some part of the system neers charged with thermal processing
Sigma Thermal
will require service in the future. At that operations may not be. As a refresher, the
point in time, the system will need to be most common components and concepts
he provisions made for thermal partially or fully drained, depending upon used in expansion and drain system de-
expansion and draining of the the nature of the service required. A little signs are defined (see sidebar on page 15).
thermal oil are key factors to thought and preplanning can make drain- Next, consider the design principles for
consider for the successful in- ing a system relatively easy, potentially some system components and analyze how
stallation of any thermal oil heating sys- saving time and money during planned or they are employed during commissioning
tem. Important system design principles unplanned shutdowns. and the everyday operation of a thermal
like this often are overlooked; instead, the There are many ways to design expan- oil system.
focus is placed on specific components like sion and drain systems, and all have their
pumps, valves or the heater itself. advantages and disadvantages. Despite the Expansion Volume
Because most thermal fluid heating differences, most designs incorporate stan- Because the fluid within a closed-looped
systems are closed-loop systems, and be- dard parts and related theories. Though system is heated during liquid phase, it will
cause thermal oil expands with increas- thermal fluid heating manufacturers work expand. Your system must be designed to
This multi-heater system is shown with expansion tanks, nitrogen blanket manifolds and double-leg drop piping structure.
For instance, continuing the previous tors and plant personnel also must be well Using an inert-gas blanket system (usu-
example (calculating fluid expansion), thought out. Expansion tanks are occa- ally nitrogen).
we will presume that the next and largest sionally full of hot thermal oil making Using a bladder-style expansion tank
standard tank size is 400 gal. Also assume them both burn and fire hazards. (only possible on lower temperature sys-
the minimum fill in the tank (to satisfy the The ideal height for the expansion tank tems).
level switch) is 35 gal (typically specified is above the highest liquid level in the sys- Sealing the tank with nitrogen in the
by the manufacturer). tem. This can be system piping, the heater vapor space.
By Jeff Myatt, safety concerns, and increased scrutiny has in process heating, the speed at which the
Osram led advocates to demand sustainable, recy- machines are capable of printing, cutting,
clable and safer materials for consumers. seaming, filling and wrapping has im-
ood- and medicine-safety con- In addition to the innovations derived for proved handling and process times. Despite
cerns have led to many packag- convenience, improved printing and mark- process heatings crucial role in the packag-
ing innovations over the years. ing drive material choice. Branding largely ing industry, it seems to take a back seat in
Perishable foods, dairy products leads the innovation march because market- many minds. Only rarely is it discussed for
and pharmaceuticals have pushed packag- ers use branding opportunities to set their what it is: a critical piece of equipment for
ing inventors to increase shelf life, enhance products apart from one another. Shapes, ensuring effective packaging.
safety measures and create convenient stor- colors and presentation all factor into pack-
age options for consumers. From the food aging designs and material selection. Popularity of Plastic
humans consume to pet food, concerns Like other innovation-driven industries, Packaging Drives Innovation
over contaminants leaching into the food the packaging industry has tapped auto- Before delving into some of processes that
chain have raised material risk awareness. mation in its quest to develop new and ensure packaging is safe, secure and adapt-
The race for convenience has raised several better materials. Thanks to advancements able, a look at the evolution of packaging
materials and the concerns around recycling urgency. Hesitations Around BPA
them is necessary. No lesson on packag- Today, the plastics industry boasts an One such concern is Bisphenol A, which
ing history would be complete without an improved environmental footprint. De- is better known as BPA. BPA is an envi-
introduction to plastic packaging. Love it spite the progress that has been made, and ronmental chemical building block that
or hate it, plastic has dominated the pack- the increased awareness of plastics impact, is used primarily to make polycarbonate
aging industry since its introduction in the it is still nearly impossible to drive down a plastic and epoxy resins. Polycarbonate
early 1900s. It is lightweight, malleable freeway or swim in an ocean without see- plastic is the most popular lightweight,
and easy to manufacture. Today, plastic ing the impact plastic resins have on our high performance plastic and is used in a
resins and other derivative materials con- planet. If not properly recycled, the prod- wide variety of common food and drink
tinue to play an integral role in packaging. uct will not degrade or breakdown within packaging. Despite its tough, resilient and
From tamperproof seals to shrink wrap- our lifetime. That is why reinventing plas- heat-resistant nature, many countries have
ping and to multipack water bottles tics using biodegradable solutions and banned the use of BPA with consumables
all made with process heating plastic packaging them with Earth-friendly pro- for fear of BPA leaching. Just recently, the
packaging protects products until they are cess heating solutions is a necessity for FDA banned its use for infant food pack-
put to use. the ecosystem and for the safety of our wa- aging and teething or oral products.
Fast foods popularity after World War ter sources and food chain. BPA is one of the most extensively
II created a packaging boom, produc- Despite the industrys recent innova- tested materials in use today, according to
ing numerous short-term and condiment tions, scrutiny over potential long-term experts with (It has been
packaging innovations. The increased out- hazards and exposure to BPA-based plas- studied for more than 40 years.) The orga-
put led to mountains of trash and spawned tics still remains contestable. nization claims scientific evidence clearly
Thanks to advancements in process heating, the speed at which the machines are capable of printing, cutting, seaming, filling
and wrapping has dramatically improved handling and process times. Things like sealing, tamper-resistant bottles and shrink
wrap are all a result of evolution in process heating. Shown here is a threaded in-line heater.
supports that BPA is safe to use and that Tylenol Tampering Curtails troduced shortly after the Tylenol tam-
there is no basis for human health con- Consumer Trust pering case. By 1989, the measures were
cerns from exposure. They go on to say Consumers are not only concerned about standard practice, and published guidelines
that levels of BPA leached into food are materials safety. Tampering also has been a were produced by the FDA.
extremely low, and that the amount is, on serious issue, and one that led to significant
average, five parts per billion under typical changes in the packaging industry. In the Process Heating Makes Safer
conditions for packaging products. At that early 80s, Tylenol found itself at the center Packaging Possible
level, people would have to consume 1,300 of a crisis: Bottles of the over-the-counter What many do not realize is that pack-
pounds of food and beverages every day for pain reliever had been tampered with and aging changes like foil seals and shrink-
an entire lifetime to exceed a safe level. poisoned with cyanide. Several people wrapped tops could not have been intro-
Despite these findings, most of the re- died as a result of the poisoning. Tylenol duced without process heating. Process
search from this group of experts is dated. ordered a mass recall of its product and ac- heating technology has remained a critical
Furthermore, there is evidence and re- tively participated with the media to avoid element in keeping products safe and se-
search to the contrary, showing cognitive additional deaths and reputation damage. cure as demands on heating components
deficits, anxiety, obesity and cancer from Tylenol insisted the poisonings were per- have been pushed to the limits. It is not
exposure to BPA. As the FDA continues petrated outside of the factory and investi- hard to see why. What drives the need for
to be pressured by advocates, more research gators agreed. Those responsible, who were more process heating solutions? Constant
is expected, and limitations to exposure are never caught, allegedly removed the Tyle- improvement to automation lines, research
advised for those concerned about the im- nol from the retail shelves and tampered and testing, and new processes are just a
pact and long-term ramifications. Moving with the contents. few of the things forcing the process heat-
forward, bioplastic alternatives from Today, great measures are taken to alert ing industry to expand their offerings.
things like wheat, sugarcane and corn consumers of product tampering, and there With laminating, drying, pasteuriz-
are positioned to be a responsible choice have been significant safety improvements. ing, curing, flashing, evaporating, steriliz-
for the planet and safer to the consumers Updates like foil seals, shrink-wrapped ing, sealing, shrinking and recycling, it is
who use it. tops and gelatin-covered tablets were in- not uncommon for automated machines
to utilize or add several types of heating
products throughout the packaging pro-
cess. In addition, continued demands are
placed on heating components to produce
higher temperatures at faster speeds. Pack-
aging manufacturers are constantly look-
ing for ways to improve process times, sup-
port new material initiatives, reach more
customers and improve quality. Process
heating technology helps them do this.
In addition to process heatings tradi-
tional electric air heater elements, infrared
heaters are just as important. The non-
contact, efficient use of power can radiate
wavelengths that rapidly heat surfaces,
focus energy where needed, and activate
adhesives used to seal in freshness. Combi-
nations of the technologies have been used
for years because they have the ability to
scale up and down as the industry changes.
Beyond the packaging industry, it is
known that UV light can damage and
even kill biologicals (think sunburns and
skin cancer). All UV wavelengths alter
cells and are capable of destroying biologi-
Food and medicine safety concerns have led to many packaging innovations over
cal tissues. In the packaging industry, UV
the years. Perishable foods, dairy products and pharmaceuticals have pushed
packaging inventors to increase shelf life, enhance safety measures and create disinfection systems are used throughout
convenient storage options for consumers. food processing plants, pharmaceutical
facilities and hospital facilities. Because of
Packaging changes like foil seals and shrink-wrapped tops Jeff Myatt is product marketing manager
could not have been introduced without process heating. of process heating products in Osrams
Process heating technology has remained a critical element Professional and Industrial Applications
in keeping products safe and secure as demands on Division. The Wilmington, Mass.-based
heating components have been pushed to the limits. company can be reached at 978-570-3000 or
PORTABLE Some portable chillers use
components such as R410A
refrigerant, scroll compressors,
microchannel condensers,
low noise fans, stainless steel
Can Help
brazed-plate evaporators and
modern controls to improve
performance and reliability.
By Tom Stone and hot gas bypass design to maintain the For example, a hot gas bypass system,
demand on the compressor. This design limited to 75 percent of compressor
Steve Wojcieszek,
avoids wide fluctuations in the coolant capacity on a 10-ton chiller, delivers
Thermal Care
temperature delivered to the process. stable water temperature down to a 2.5-
packaged system housed in a A hot gas bypass is an electronic valve ton heat load. As the heat load falls
single cabinet with mounted located on the high pressure refrigerant below the 2.5-ton mark, the compres-
casters, a portable chiller line downstream of the compressor. The sor is forced to cycle on and off as its
contains an integral tank and chillers controller typically a micro- last means of temperature control and,
pumping system and uses refrigeration to processor reads the water temperature ultimately freeze protection. With any
cool a water circuit for industrial processes returning from the process. The control- motor, rapid cycling is detrimental to
that generate heat. The removal of this ler actuates the valve as needed, allowing the life expectancy. This is known as
heat allows for increased productivity and, a portion of hot refrigerant gas to be short cycling. An anti-short-cycle timer
therefore, increased profits. Effective cool- reinserted or bypassed directly into is employed to protect the compressor
ing using portable chillers is the backbone the low pressure refrigerant line upstream from premature failure.
of process industry applications such as in- of the evaporator. The evaporator is the A conventional hot gas bypass sys-
jection molding. heat exchanger that transfers heat from tem coupled with a widely varying pro-
Conventionally, a portable chiller uses a the process water to the refrigerant cir- cess heat load leads to rapid temperature
compressor running at a continuous speed. cuit. Introducing the hot, high pressure swings delivered to the process. Many
This type also is known as a fixed-speed refrigerant to the low pressure side creates process cooling applications require stable
compressor. Regardless of the require- a false load on the system. This allows the incoming cooling temperatures. Avoiding
ments placed on it by the process load, the compressor to continue running at 100 fluctuations like this is crucial to consis-
speed remains the same. percent speed and maintains a stable pro- tent output from the process and elimi-
Fixed-speed chiller systems employ a cess water temperature. nating scrap.
An Alternative to can lead to a 51 percent energy savings. tection, phase protection and correction,
Fixed-Speed Chillers with With the variable-speed chiller design, maximum operating current detection,
Hot Gas Bypass incoming utility power is connected to discharge line temperature protection and
Variable-speed chillers offer an alternative an inverter control drive using frequency anti-short-cycling control.
for process cooling applications. They use modulation to adjust compressor motor Energy savings are one of the most
variable-speed compressors coupled with power output. The inverter control drive prominent benefits of chillers designed
advanced PLCs. The controller continu- speeds up or slows down the compressor, with variable-speed compressors.
ously monitors the heat load and adjusts matching system load demand accurately. Variable-speed technology offers ben-
the compressor speed for peak efficien- The sophisticated electronics incorporated efits beyond energy savings, however.
cy and temperature control. The speed in the inverter control drive provide addi- One of the most important is soft-start
adjustment eliminates the need for hot tional levels of compressor protection control, which provides two ancillary
gas bypass. These chillers ensure the work that surpass the levels of protection found benefits: First, it effectively eliminates
done closely follows the energy required, in fixed-speed systems. Active protec- peak demand penalty costs, and second,
effectively eliminating energy waste. tion algorithms improve reliability and it reduces mechanical stress on all system
Studies by one manufacturer have shown safeguard the compressor and inverter components. The life expectancy of all
that a 20 percent reduction in motor speed control. Key features are locked rotor pro- system components is extended.
100% 100%
Power Use (% of Full Load Power)
40% 50%
30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 30%
30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
Load Percentage (% of Full Capacity)
Load Percentage (% of Full Capacity)
FIGURE 1. This energy comparison chart shows the FIGURE 2. The energy use of a 20-ton chiller
difference in energy use between a 10-ton variable- (which used two 10-ton variable-speed compressors)
speed compressor and a fixed-speed compressor. is shown vs. a 20-ton fixed-speed compressor.
What Kind of Energy Savings In a second example, compare the per- fixed-speed compressor to generate energy
Can I Expect? formance of a fixed-speed vs. variable- savings. It efficiently handling loads from
Compared to a typical chiller with a fixed- speed compressor on a 20-ton chiller 3 to 20 tons, and it delivers energy savings,
speed compressor, a chiller with a variable- (table 2). In this case, a portable chiller especially in the 3 to 8 ton range and the
speed compressor can provides power sav- with two 10-hp compressors generates 13 to 16 ton range.
ings at partial loads. For instance, compare savings over a wider range. This spe- Note that the energy savings are not as
the performance of a fixed-speed vs. vari- cific chiller design combines a 10-ton significant in the middle-load range where
able-speed compressor on a 10-ton chiller variable-speed compressor with a 10-ton either compressor fixed or variable
(figure 1). At a 30 percent load, for example,
the variable-speed compressor consumes 24
percent of full-load power. The fixed-speed Effective cooling using portable chillers is
chiller consumes 85 percent of full-load
power. Using a variable-speed compressor
the backbone of process industry applications such as
at this load would provide energy savings injection molding.
of more than 50 percent (table 1).
Improved NOx
to Reflect Combustion Efficiency
In many locations throughout North America, nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions
of gas-heated furnaces are limited by law or code. This is typically the case in
urban areas or in places where special topographical characteristics intensify the
negative local and regional effects of NOx emissions.
By Martin Schoenfelder, showing how a one-dimensional emis- even if clean fuels such as hydrogen or
sions-limitation standard can lead to ad- natural gas are being used. The main source
Steven Mickey and
verse effects, preventing a well-intended of NOx in gas-heated industrial furnaces
Joachim G. Wuenning, initiative from achieving its goals or even is called thermal NO. There are two other
WS Thermal Process Technology Inc. leading to the exact opposite. It further modes of formation: prompt NO and fuel-
outlines an approach for a very simple cor- bound NO. These are, however, both negli-
hile the approach of rection of the current one-dimensional gible in industrial furnaces.
limiting hazardous formula in order to properly reflect com- The formation of thermal NO is de-
emissions is for the bustion efficiency and, therefore, actually fined by the extended Zeldovich Mecha-
benefit of the environ- achieve its intended goals. nism.[5,6]
ment and society, the method used to N2 + O NO + N
define the limitation can significantly NOx Formation in Gas-Heated N + O2 NO + O
alter its outcome (e.g., if it does not ac- Industrial Furnaces N + OH NO + H
count for the full extent of influencing Nitrogen oxides are highly undesirable
factors). In particular, this is the case for emissions because they can be directly As implied by the name thermal NO,
the combustion efficiency in gas-heated harmful to our health and contribute to the formation is temperature-driven and
industrial furnaces. ozone formation and acid rain.[1] NOx can be described with an exponential
This article presents a simple example can be generated in combustion processes, function. Peak temperatures, therefore,
Temperature, F
Reacting Air 32 482 932 1382 1832 2282 2732
fuel 100 0
and air Fuel
= 1
75 = 0.8
Efficiency, %
Recuperative burner = 0.4
50 50
Flame Flame Temperature Strong Plug in or central heat exchanger
stabilization fronts supervision recirculation = 0.2
25 = 0 75
air preheat temperature
Relative air preheat
exhaust temperature
0 100
Air 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500
Fuel Mixing of air and fuel with exhaust prior to
Flame supervision and ignition reaction (no flame front) Exhaust temperature, C (prior to heat exchanger)
contribute greatly to NOx emissions. The gas heating. reduction techniques such as FLOX com-
peak temperature in a combustion pro- Due to the location of the furnace, the bustion, the regenerative system can still
cess is typically found in the reaction zone South Coast Air Quality Management achieve 0.08 pounds/MMBTU (70 ppm)
(conventionally this is the flame). Tradi- District (SCAQMD) has set a strict limit at 3 percent O2. Based on the limits de-
tionally, this has led to a trade-off between of 0.06 pound/MMBTU (50 ppm) NOx fined by the SCAQMD, however, the
burner efficiency and NOx emissions, be- at 3 percent O2 for the combustion pro- company is being forced to use the inef-
cause preheating combustion air (being the cess at the highest furnace temperature. ficient cold-air burner system since the
most effective efficiency technology) also This limit is based on a one-dimensional highly efficient regenerative burners lead
increases the flame temperature and, thus, approach and, as such, does not consider to a slightly higher NOx concentration
leads to higher NOx emissions. adjustments for high-efficiency technolo- than the specified limit of 0.06 pounds/
Lowering peak temperatures while still gy. The limit is also not defined on an abso- MMBTU (50 ppm) at 3 percent O2.
maintaining complete combustion is the lute scale such as pounds per year, but it is The one-dimensional standard defined
goal of NOx-reduction techniques, which given as a concentration in the exhaust gas. by the authorities, therefore, prevents the
has been a main focus in combustion re- This implies that all available technologies use of the best-available technology since
search over the last several decades. The emit the same total volume of exhaust gas- the limitation of a concentration (pounds/
most common methods currently used in es. This assumption is false, however, due MMBTU or parts per million pollutant
industrial furnaces are air/gas staging, flue- to different combustion efficiencies of the in exhaust at a specified oxygen content)
gas recirculation and flameless-combus- various available combustion technologies. does not consider the total amount of
tion techniques such as FLOX (figure 1). In this example, the high furnace tem- exhaust gas produced by each alternative
perature and the operating time per year combustion setup. The reference cold-air
Example make efficiency measures highly desirable. burner system only achieves an efficiency
A company is planning to build a new forge Compared to a cold-air burner system (i.e., of approximately 37 percent LHV at the
furnace in the Los Angeles, Calif., area. Per no heat recovery), a modern regenerative- specified furnace temperature. Hence, an
design, the furnace needs to be operated up burner system will achieve fuel savings on equivalent of roughly two-thirds of the
to 2282F (1250C) and requires a net heat the order of 53 percent. While a cold-air natural gas combusted is wasted through
input of 10 MMBTU/hour (3,000 kW burner system will achieve the required the stack of the furnace. At the same time,
LHV) for the intended application. The NOx concentration of 0.06 pounds/ the alternative regenerative-burner solu-
furnace is going to be operated 6,000 hours MMBTU (50 ppm) at 3 percent O2, the tion achieves a combustion efficiency of 78
per year with an average load factor of 75 high air preheat of a regenerative-burner percent LHV and a significantly decreased
percent. Since electricity is very expensive system would lead to an increase in its spe- use of natural gas along with proportion-
and also not desirable for heating industri- cific NOx emissions (i.e., concentration in ally less exhaust gases (figure 2).
al furnaces for environmental reasons, the the exhaust). The resulting annual energy savings
companys preferred technology is natural Due to the use of appropriate NOx- compared to the cold-air burner system
70 90 it adjusted
Correction factor 80 New NOx lim 0.10
60 70 Correction factor
50 60 0.07
40 1.00 50
30 Cold air burner 40 0.05
30 Regenerative burner
20 0.05 20 0.03
10 10
0 0.00 0 0.00
1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300
Furnace temperature, F Furnace temperature, F
FIGURE 3. Cold-air burner vs. regenerative burner illustration of efficiency ratio, correction factor, traditional one-
dimensional NOx limit, NOx limit corrected for efficiency, energy use and absolute NOx emissions per year. Data for
exemplary furnace application as defined in the article is highlighted in green.
equates to 19 GWh, which equals the an- is currently defined favors the inefficient with an efficiency factor.
nual natural gas use of 851 average U.S. and higher-emission technology rather While option 1 seems to be straight-
households.[4] Even though the specific than a far more advantageous combus- forward at first, it can be difficult to ver-
NOx emissions of the regenerative-burner tion technology using less energy with ify compliance in real-world applications.
system are slightly higher than the refer- significantly lower overall emissions. The There is typically no emissions-monitoring
ence system, the absolute amount of NOx next section introduces a simple correc- device permanently installed to prove the
emitted is, in fact, significantly lower. tion method to account for the differenc- true absolute amounts of a pollutant emit-
The inefficient cold-air burner system es in efficiency. This method can be used ted per year. It would be possible, however,
emits 8,172 pounds (3,707 kg) of NOx to correct the emissions limit in order to use extrapolated values based on actual
per year, whereas the high-efficiency re- to easily equate two or more alternative measurements to prove compliance with
generative system only emits 5,419 pounds technologies. the limitation defined as an absolute value.
(2,458 kg). This equates to 33 percent low- Option 2 could be used in a very similar
er actual NOx emissions in the same time Improved Formula for way to todays standard approach. Current-
span (values derived from energy-based Emissions-Limit Calculation ly, the limitation of the concentration of a
emission factors for natural gas H).[2] In general, there are two possible methods pollutant in the exhaust is spot-checked
At the same time, a CO2 reduction to better define the emissions limitation over the course of a typical operation cycle.
of approximately 4,244 (3,850 metric) in order to make sure its actual goal will In the case of NOx emissions, an exhaust-
tons per year can be achieved due to the be achieved. gas analyzer probe is inserted into the ex-
increased fuel efficiency (based on CO2- haust system and several NOx readings are
emission factor 0.126 pounds/ft (2.02 kg/ 1. The overall absolute emissions of a pol- taken over a certain period of time. These
m) for natural gas H). For just one furnace, lutant can be limited. For example, the values are then averaged in order to com-
this difference is equivalent to removing limit could be given in pounds per year. pare them to the limit previously set for
820 passenger cars from the road.[3] 2. The limitation of an emissions concen- the audited furnace.
To summarize, the way the standard tration in flue gases can be corrected At the same time, exhaust-gas analyz-
ers typically also determine the efficiency compared to the option that would have cal combustion efficiencies for different
of a combustion system based on the had to be selected previously. available technologies.[2,7]
CO2 content and the temperature of the Figure 3 illustrates a broader compari- The example discussed represents a
exhaust. These efficiency readings or the son of cold-air and regenerative-burner typical furnace application. Due to the
published/guaranteed efficiency from the systems over a range of operating tem- disincentive set by the current approach
manufacturer can then be used to adjust peratures. The graphs show that the more for defining the emissions limitation, less
the emissions limitation for increased ef- efficient combustion system consistently efficient technology has to be selected. For
ficiency (or vice versa, penalize the ineffi- offers lower overall NOx emissions and only one exemplary furnace, this leads to
cient technology with the same factor). also leads to significant energy savings. 19 GWh of additional energy use, 4,244
Assume that the reference system (ref ) In addition, the energy-savings effect in- (3,850 metric) tons of additional CO2
is defined as the most efficient combustion creases with the operating temperature, emissions and 33 percent higher NOx
technology that still achieves the emissions making the overall environmental benefits emissions than what could be achieved
concentration limit EB as defined by the especially important for high-temperature with a more sophisticated combustion
authorities. If the reference technology is applications. system. This equates to potential savings
able to achieve lower specific emissions, equivalent to the average annual natural
EB should be set according to this lower gas use of 851 U.S. households and NOx
value. Furthermore, assume that there is reductions equivalent to removing 820
a more fuel-efficient technology available
Lowering peak passenger cars from the road.
(eff ) that does not meet the limitation for temperatures while still Extrapolated to hundreds of furnaces,
specific emissions. the effects quickly become highly relevant
The corrected emissions concentration maintaining complete to the public and society. A simple correc-
limit EN shall serve as the new limit for tion to the standards set by the authorities
the high-efficiency technology because combustion is the goal will therefore lead to significant positive
it represents the value at which the total effects for both the environment and the
absolute emissions of the more efficient of NOx-reduction economy.
system are equal to those emitted by the
less efficient system. If the high-efficiency techniques. Contact Dr. Martin Schnfelder, VP technical
alternative stays below this new emissions sales; WS Thermal Process Technology Inc.,
limit EN, it is the environmentally favor- 8301 West Erie Avenue, Lorain, OH 44053;
able solution, because not only is the total Conclusions tel: 440-385-6829; fax: 440-960-5454; e-mail:
amount of pollutant emitted lower than for This article shows that the method cur-; web:
the reference system but also the total fuel rently used to define the limitation of pol-
consumption. lutant concentration in the exhaust of a
combustion system often does not achieve References
1. United States Environmental Protection
its intended goal. Without proper quanti- Agency (EPA), Office of Air Quality Plan-
fication and integration of the process in- ning and Standards: NOx How nitrogen
puts (fuel), the standard method can even oxides affect the way we live and breathe,
Triangle Park, NC, 1998
act counterproductively to its intentions. 2. J. G. Wnning, A. Milani: Handbook of
For the example defined in the previous An undifferentiated limitation of Burner Technology for Industrial Furnaces,
section, the corrected specific emissions volume-based pollutant concentra- 2nd Edition, Vulkan Verlag, Essen, 2015
3. United States Environmental Protection
limit EN for NOx computes to: tion (NOx) is only possible if all avail- Agency (EPA), Office of Transportation
able technologies use the exact same and Air Quality: Greenhouse Gas Emis-
amount of fuel to heat a furnace. Since sions from a Typical Passenger Vehicle,
Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2014
this is rarely the case, we propose using 4. U.S. Energy Information Administration:
an emissions limit corrected for com- Residential Energy Consumption Survey,
bustion efficiency. Its compliance can be 2009
5. Y. B. Zeldovich; The Oxidation of Nitrogen
checked just as easily as the current, typi- in Combustion Explosions, Acta Physico-
cally undifferentiated concentration limit chimica 21: 577628, U.S.S.R., 1946
The regenerative-burner system emit- since exhaust-gas analyzers not only re- 6. G. A. Lavoie, J. B. Heywood, J. C. Keck;
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Ni-
ting 0.08 pounds/MMBTU (70 ppm) at 3 veal emission concentration but also the tric Oxide Formation in Internal Combus-
percent O2 stays well below the corrected efficiency of a combustion system. As an tion Engines, Combust. Sci. Tech. 1 (4):
limit EN of approximately 0.14 pounds/ alternative, authorities could also easily 313326, 1970
7. R. J. Reed; North American combustion
MMBTU (105 ppm) at 3 percent O2, thus define classes of combustion equipment handbook. North American Mfg. Co., 2014
saving 33 percent NOx emissions per year based on existing literature showing typi-
Helps Quality and Validation
Understanding different sensor types helps create better temperature profiles.
By Stew Thompson, Why Use Different vert the voltage to a temperature reading.
CAS Dataloggers Inc. Sensor Types? Because of the low voltages involved with
Available in several designs, temperature thermocouple measurements, signal noise
ven temperature data is criti- sensors use different methods to record is often an issue, particularly in industrial
cal to the entire process, in- data at varying degrees of accuracy. This environments. If you need higher accuracy,
cluding preheating, curing means that all temperature data is not wires with reduced errors also are available.
and drying. Using different equal. Each type has advantages and dis- Cost. Semiconductor devices are an-
types of temperature sensors, you can find advantages for particular applications. other low cost choice. They incorporate
out if your oven interiors are uniform in Flexibility. Thermocouples are the most a solid-state device to generate a voltage
temperature or if there are uneven zones typically used sensors available, due in part or current output proportional to tem-
impacting consistency. to their wide operating range (typical accu- perature. Much like thermocouples, they
With universal inputs, all the sensors are racy of 1 to 2F). Consider thermocouples have a limited operating range and accu-
recording data on the same device using when you want a low cost device that offers racy. Consider using semiconductors when
the same software to keep it simple and ease of use. A thermocouple uses two metal budget is a factor and you have a specific
to store the data to internal memory. It is alloy wires fused together to produce an temperature range in mind.
all with a goal of increasing profitability, output voltage related to the temperature Stability. Resistance temperature de-
product coverage and optimizing the oven in the oven. A datalogger measures this tectors (RTDs) are sensors which have a
heat treatment process. voltage and applies an equation to con- resistance that increases linearly with the
This universal analog input datalogger offers a USB port and drive.
in the Process Heating Directories TODAY!
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Time (mins)
You may think that the interior of your oven
is a relatively stable environment, but inside 250
there are air currents and flows that often
cause product defects due the unpredictable
temperature. To help ensure a quality prod- 150
uct and process repeatability, you can use
specialized sensors to monitor air tempera-
ture and airflow in oven interiors simulta- 50
neously with temperature monitoring.
100 150 200 250 300
Oven Temperature (C)
temperature profile for surface coating and you can use datalogger analysis software to
through process applications. display stored data and get the inside view
Naturally, temperature recorders need on the heat treatment process. For exam-
thermal protection as they collect data ple, you can begin fine-tuning the process
alongside your parts or products during parameters to achieve greater uniformity.
a run or sit within walk-in ovens. When Presented in chart or graph format, the
housed within a stainless steel thermal bar- time-stamped temperature data also serves
rier for heat absorption, the oven logger is as a QA report for vendors and customers.
safe to record for the duration of the spe- It can help prove that products have passed
cific time period listed for the enclosure. through the process at the proper tempera-
In this way, you can derive temperature ture for the proper duration.
profiles for different applications including Many oven loggers also offer tempera-
Temperature dataloggers can work curing, baking and more. ture profile software packages designed
with different sensor types. As the datalogger passes through the exclusively for the paint and finishing
oven, it samples the interior temperature industry. These programs enable users to
The universal inputs on a datalogger can via the connected external temperature store preprogrammed cure data, to display
connect with air temperature and airflow sensors trailing out of slots in the enclo- calculated cure percentages and other de-
sensors to give you the necessary multival- sure. The oven datalogger then stores and sired features.
ue data. Along with standard temperature timestamps the temperature data onto By using different types of temperature
monitoring, this allows you to create an ac- internal memory for data download and sensors to record the temperature data of an
curate temperature profile. If you need to analysis via USB interface with PC. ovens interior, it is possible to equip yourself
view data in real time, fast-response probes with the high level of data needed to create
are available in clip-on, magnetic and com- Document Product Quality a detailed temperature profile. Whether
bination types to capture both air tempera- and Validate Your Process you are curing parts or replicating a batch
ture and surface measurements. With the data collected over several runs, of perfectly roasted potatoes, temperature
Typically, a temperature recorders ana- you should be able to optimize your pro- profiling can serve as a guide needed to sta-
log input channels can accept different cess efficiency all with the goal of in- bilize and optimize the process.
types of thermocouple probes (for exam- creasing repeatability, product quality and
ple, Type T and Type K), capturing data profitability. This can take the form of Stew Thompson is a technical writer with
at a high sample rate (for example, eight minimizing curing times, ensuring more CAS DataLoggers Inc. The Chesterland, Ohio-
times each second). This creates the high even part coverage and other benefits. based company can be reached at 440-729-
level of detail needed to generate a full Equipped with this temperature data, 2570 or visit
Tubular, Double-Pipe
Plate, Gasketed
Stainless Steel
Plate, Lamella
Plate, Welded
Plate, Brazed
Exotic Metals
Carbon Steel
Plate, Spiral
Advanced Coil Technology LLC
Process Technology
Aaron Equipment Co.
ACS Group, Application Engineering
Advanced Heat Recovery, Aqua Innovations Inc.
Adwest Technologies Inc., Ceco Environmental
AGC Heat Transfer Inc.
Alfa Laval Inc.
Allegheny Bradford Corp.
American Industrial Heat Transfer
Ametek Chemical Products
Ametek Fluoropolymer Products
Anguil Environmental Systems Inc.
API Heat Transfer
APV, An SPX Brand
Baelz North America
Bell & Gossett
Cast Aluminum Solutions, Cast-X Circulation Heater
CCI Thermal Technologies Inc.
Chemineer, a brand of NOV
Colmac Coil Mfg. Inc.
DDI Heat Exchangers Inc.
Delta Tee International
Diversified Heat Transfer
Doucette Industries Inc.
DRS Marlo Coil, Leondardo DRS
Enecon Corp.
Enerquip LLC
Epcon Industrial Systems LP
Exergy LLC
Feldmeier Equipment Inc.
Fin Tube Products Inc.
Fluorotherm Polymers Inc.
GEA PHE Systems North America
GF Piping Systems
Gooch Thermal Systems Inc.
Manufacturers listed in this Equipment Overview responded to a special mailing by Process Heating and do not necessarily represent the entire industrial heat exchanger market.
To be included in future listings, contact Linda Becker or email
We manufacture aftermarket
Single Pass, Parallel Flow
Single Pass, Counterflow
Single Pass, Crossflow
Multi-Pass, Split Flow
Heat Transfer Fluid
Fibrous Effluent
Steam to Liquid
Liquid to Liquid
Vapor Recovery
Feed Preheater
Heat Recovery
Reactor Slurry
Heat Transfer
Gas to Liquid
Steam to Air
Air to Liquid
Gas to Air
Air to Air
Companies with in front of their name have an advertisement in this issue.
Tubular, Double-Pipe
Plate, Gasketed
Stainless Steel
Plate, Lamella
Plate, Welded
Plate, Brazed
Exotic Metals
Carbon Steel
Plate, Spiral
Graham Corp.
Greenwood Engineering Inc.
Harbridge Systems
Heat and Control Inc.
Heat Transfer Systems Inc.
Heresite Protective Coatings LLC
Honeywell Thermal Solutions, Exothermics
Hydro-Thermal Corp.
Industrial Heat Transfer
Isotherm Inc.
JLS International
Koch Heat Transfer Co.
Litre Service Inc.
Luvata Grenada LLC
Lytron Inc.
Madden Manufacturing
Manning & Lewis Engineering Co.
Metso Minerals Industries Inc., Pyro Processing
MicroThermics Inc.
Munters Corp.
Opti-Temp Inc.
Parker Boiler Co.
Paul Mueller Co.
Pick Heaters Inc.
Plate Concepts Inc.
Polaris Heat Exchangers LLC
Premier Furnace Specialists/BeaverMatic Inc.
ProSonix LLC
R.P. Adams, Subsidiary of Service Filtration Corp.
RAS Process Equipment
Robson Industries Inc.
Rubicon Industries
Sentry Equipment Corp.
Smithco Engineering
Standard Exchange
Sterling Products Inc.
Super Radiator Coils
Swep North America Inc.
Tek-Temp Instruments Inc.
Terlet USA
Thermal Transfer Systems Inc.
ThermTech Inc.
Thomas C. Wilson LLC
Tranter Inc.
Trent Inc.
Vilter Manufacturing LLC
Waukesha Cherry-Burrell, An SPX Brand
WCR Inc.
Webco Industries Inc.
Xchanger Inc.
We manufacture aftermarket
Single Pass, Parallel Flow
Single Pass, Counterflow
Single Pass, Crossflow
Multi-Pass, Split Flow
Heat Transfer Fluid
Fibrous Effluent
Steam to Liquid
Liquid to Liquid
Vapor Recovery
Feed Preheater
Heat Recovery
Reactor Slurry
Heat Transfer
Gas to Liquid
Steam to Air
Air to Liquid
Gas to Air
Air to Air
Wondering where to find products beneficial to your process? This department provides a number of new products each month and allows you to easily request
more information. Simply call those companies in which you are interested, or visit those companies websites.
Conair Group
Adiabatic Cooling Towers
Cut Power, Water Consumption
EarthSmart ESTW Series eliminate the constant water
consumption and treatment requirements of conventional
evaporative towers, utilizing closed-loop cooling that isolates
process water from contamination. The adiabatic cooling
towers cycling it, through finned heat exchangers, where
ambient air absorbs process heat and cools it for recirculation.
During periods where ambient air is warmest and maximum
cooling capacity is needed, the adiabatic towers use top-
mounted fans to draw warm air through wetted adiabatic
panels located in front of the finned heat coils. The towers
controls automatically manage the adiabatic process, vary-
Designed to be used with the companys central cooling ing water volume and fan speed to reduce the temperature
systems, Aquagel GPV pump sets help ensure the pumps of the ambient air passing through the heat exchangers.
operate at peak efficiency with lowest possible energy The line includes eleven
consumption. The pump sets with variable-frequency drives models capable of
(VFDs) allow users the ability to gain precise control of the handling nominal
units. The pump sets are part of the companys line of pump- process coolant
ing, reservoir and filtration systems for its Ecodry or Heavygel flow rates of 45 to
central cooling systems. With the addition of the companys 510 gal/min (170 to
3PR control console, users can monitor all data in real time for 1,930 l/min), with
the pump stations. Users can access full operating schematics cooling capacities
that monitor pump performance such as pressures, flow rates ranging from 17
and VFD capacity. tons to 195 tons.
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