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Constructional and Functional Requirements

for Road Ambulances
(National Ambulance Code)

P.B. NO. 832, PUNE 411 004




June 2013



Status chart of the standard to be used by the purchaser for updating the record

Sr. Corrigenda Amendment Revision Remark Date Misc.


General Remarks:




The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Govt. of India set up five
Working Groups on 4Es of Road Safety i.e. Education, Engineering (Vehicles),
Enforcement and Emergency Care on the recommendation of the National Road
Safety Council (NRSC). The Working Group on Emergency Care in its report
observed that the real concept of an ambulance is missing in India. Existing
ambulances are more like transport vehicles and any vehicle suitable to lay
a patient is called an ambulance without consideration to the overall ambulance
design. Research has shown that ambulances are more likely to be involved in
motor vehicle collisions resulting in injury or death than either fire trucks or
police cars. Unrestrained occupants, particularly those riding in the patient-care
compartment, are particularly vulnerable. It is, therefore, all the more necessary in
an ambulance to take care of occupant safety, patient care ergonomics, medical
equipment selection and placement, vehicle engineering and integration, etc.

The working group recommended that there is a need to formulate the

National Ambulance Code with necessary amendments in Central Motor
Vehicle Rules (CMVR) that defines the Constructional and Functional
Requirements for Road Ambulances. In view of this, an Expert Committee
comprising the members (Refer Annexure 3) was constituted with approval of the
Honble Union Minster for Road Transport and Highways to formulate the
National Ambulance Code:

The terms of reference of the Committee were as under: The Committee will
formulate National Ambulance Code along with detailed specifications for
various types of ambulances for the country and prepare a draft amendment
notification to CMVR 1989.

The committee referred the following global best practices / research in this

a) Ambulance Manufacturers Division (AMD) of the National Truck Equipment

Association (NTEA), USA.

b) NHS, UK: Future Ambulances

c) ACS, ACEP - USA: Equipments for Ambulances

d) Gupta SK, Singh AR, Patnaik SK (December 2010). Specifications of

Advanced Life Support Ambulances. Department of Hospital Administration,
AIIMS, New Delhi

e) Lechleuthner A, Marten D, Anschtz B, (February 2012). Electrical Systems

in Ambulances. Institute of Rescue Engineering, University of Applied
Sciences, Cologne, Germany

f) Lechleuthner A, Marten D, Lohlter M, (February 2012). Emergency Vehicles

in India - Standardization of Recognition and Perception. Institute of Rescue
Engineering, University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany



The Committee took stock of the existing trends vis-a-vis ambulance construction,
design and integration to understand the current scenario, limitations of the
existing framework, available technology, manufacturer maturity, local
conditions, past trends, etc. Some of the photographs of ambulances being
operated in countries abroad namely USA, UK, Europe, Dubai, Hong Kong,
Malaysia, South Africa, Israel and Thailand are given below for reference.

The committee members shared their experiences as regards the Indian reality and
deliberated on the reasons behind the pathetic condition of ambulances as on date.
The following important points were highlighted during these discussions:

There is no standardization of ambulance design across various procurements

in the country and the industry is forced to re-integrate their vehicles every
now and then.

Most of the ambulance specifications are written by medical specialists who

are unable to translate the user requirements in automobile terminology
thereby resulting in a huge gap between the user expectations and industry

There are certain inherent limitations in the existing laws which allow goods
vehicles to be converted as ambulances for passenger application without
incorporating essential safety features in patient compartment like side door,
forward backward seating, occupant restraints, certified electrical systems, etc.

The committee initially drafted the standard in line with the global best practices
referred above and localized the same to suit Indian requirements. The document
was then circulated to SIAM

During the deliberations of the committee the vehicle manufacturers (OEMs)

agreed to issue necessary instructions to the buyer of the incompletely built
vehicle about the constructional and functional aspects of the ambulance. Any
body builder who is engaged in the activity of building ambulances need to follow
the prescriptions of this code for necessary compliance, verification or

The Automotive Industry Standards Committee (AISC) responsible for

preparation of this standard is give in Annexure 4




USA Europe

Appropriate storage and tooled interiors Integrated tooled roof

Multi Stretcher Ambulance in Europe Dubai


Three Wheeled First Responder in Israel South Africa

Thailand Malaysia

Motorcycle First Responder in Hong Kong Bicycle First Responder in UK



Constructional and Functional Requirements for Road Ambulances

(National Ambulance Code)

Para. Contents Page

No. No.

1. Scope 1/56

2 References 1/56

3 Terms and Definitions 6/56

4 Vehicle Characteristics 7/56

5 Testing of Maintain Systems and Fixations of the 17/56

Equipment in the Patients Compartment

6 Medical Devices 18/56

Annexure-1 Recognition 34/56

Annexure-2 Technical Information to be Submitted by the Road 40/56

Ambulance Manufacturer

Annexure 3 Composition of AISC Panel 55/56

Annexure 4 Automotive Industry Standards Committee composition 56/56



Constructional and Functional Requirements for Road Ambulances

(National Ambulance Code)


This standard specifies the constructional and functional requirements

of Category M and L vehicles used for transport and / or emergent
care of patients (Road Ambulance).

Note: a) The road ambulances shall comply with the requirements of

CMVR amended as of date and the provisions contained herein
shall supersede the provisions contained in the CMVR wherever

b) This code does not detail the requirements of training of the staff in
the ambulance which will be the responsibility of the user in whose
name the ambulance will be registered or the operator as the case

c) This code doesn't cover Mobile Health Units and other such
specialized mobile medical facilities which will not be used to
transport patients in supine state but will only provide preventive,
emergent or elective medical care / diagnostic facilities inside the
vehicle to the patients when stationary.


2.1 CMV(A)R,1989 Central Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Rules,

1989 as amended form time to time.

2.2 AIS-004(Part 1)- Electromagnetic radiation from automotive

1999 vehicle Permissible levels and methods of tests

2.3 AIS-004(Part 2)- Electromagnetic radiated immunity of

2007 automotive vehicles - Requirements and
methods of tests

2.4 AIS-004(Part 3)- Automotive vehicles - Requirements for

2009 electromagnetic compatibility

2.5 AIS-20-2004 Automotive vehicles - Interior noise - Method of

measurement and requirements

2.6 AIS-053-2005 Automotive vehicles-Types-Terminology

2.7 AIS-052-2007 Code of practice for bus body design & approval

2.8 IEC 60068-2-6- Environmental testing - Part 2-6: tests -

Ed7.0-2007 Test fc: vibration(sinusoidal)



2.9 IEC 60068-2-27- Environmental testing - Part 2-27: tests -

Ed4.0-2008 Test Ea and guidance: shock (IEC 60068-2-29 is
merged into this edition of IEC 60068-2-27 and
hence IEC 60068-part 2-29 are withdrawn)
2.10 IEC 60068-2-31- Environmental testing - Part 2-31: tests - Test
Ed2.0-2008 Ec: rough handling shocks, primarily for
equipment-type specimens (this edition of
incorporates the second edition of IEC 60068-2-
32, which stands withdrawn)

2.11 IEC 60068-2-64- Environmental testing - Part 2-64: tests - Test fh:
Ed2.0-2008 vibration, broadband random and guidance

2.12 IEC 60335-1- Household and similar electrical appliances -

Ed5.0-2010 Safety - Part 1: general requirements

2.13 IEC 60335-2-29- Household and similar electrical appliances -

Ed4.2 Consol. with Safety - Part 2-29: Particular requirements for
Am1and2-2010 battery chargers

2.14 IEC 60601-1-8- Medical electrical equipment - Part 1 - 8: General

2006 requirements for basic safety and essential
performance - Collateral standard: general
requirements, tests and guidance for alarm
systems in medical electrical equipment and
medical electrical systems

2.15 IEC 60601-1-SER- Medical electrical equipment - All parts

2.16 IEC/TRF 60601-1- This test report form applies to IEC 60601-1- 8:
8- Ed4.0-2010 2006 (second edition) in conjunction with
IEC 60601-1: 2005 (medical electrical equipment
- Part 1-8: General requirements for basic safety
and essential performance - Collateral standard:
general requirements, tests and guidance for
alarm systems in medical electrical equipment
and medical electrical systems)

2.17 IEC/TR 60930- Guidelines for administrative, medical and

Ed2.0-2008 nursing staff concerned with the safe use of
medical electrical equipment and medical
electrical systems (this edition has been aligned
with IEC 60601-1:2005, IEC 60601-1-2:2007,
IEC 60601-1-8:2006 and IEC 62353:2007. this
edition includes medical electrical systems
within its scope)



2.18 IEC 61000-3-3- Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-3:

Limitation Ed2.0- Limits - of voltage changes, voltage
2008: public low- fluctuations and flicker in voltage supply
16 A systems, for equipment with rated current per
phase and not subject to conditional connection

2.19 IEC 61000-6-1- Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-1:

Ed2.0-2005 Generic standards - immunity for residential,
commercial and light-industrial environments

2.20 IEC 61000-6-2- Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2:

ed2.0-2005 generic standards - Immunity for industrial

2.21 IS 3224 Valve fittings for compressed gas cylinders

excluding liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
cylinders - Specification

2.22 IS 15061-2002 Automotive vehicle flammability requirements

2.23 IS 11852-2001 Automotive vehicles - Brakes and braking


2.24 IS 9211-2003 Terms and definitions of weights of road vehicles

other than 2 and 3 wheelers

2.25 IS 11851-1986 Method of evaluation of acceleration of

automotive vehicle.

2.26 ISO 3795-1989 Road vehicles, and tractors and machinery for
agriculture and forestry - Determination of
burning behaviour of interior materials

2.27 ISO 5359-2008 Low-pressure hose assemblies for use with

medical gases

2.28 ISO 7396-1-2007 Medical gas pipeline systems - Part 1: Pipeline

systems for compressed medical gases and

2.29 ISO 7396-2-2007 Medical gas pipeline systems - Part 2:

Anaesthetic gas scavenging disposal systems

2.30 ISO 9170-1-2008 Terminal units for medical gas pipeline systems -
Part 1: Terminal units for use with
compressed medical gases and vacuum

2.31 ISO 10079-1-1999 Medical suction equipment - Part 1: Electrically

powered suction equipment - Safety



2.32 ISO 10079-2-1999 Medical suction equipment - Part 2: Manually

powered suction equipment

2.33 ISO 10079-3-1999 Medical suction equipment - Part 3: Suction

equipment powered from a vacuum or pressure

2.34 ISO 10524-1-2006 Pressure regulators for use with medical gases -
Part 1: Pressure regulators and pressure
regulators with flow-metering devices

2.35 ISO 10524-3-2005 Pressure regulators for use with medical gases -
Part 3: Pressure regulators integrated with
cylinder valves

2.36 ISO 10524-4-2008 Pressure regulators for use with medical gases -
Part 4: Low-pressure regulators

2.37 ISO 10651-3-1997 Lung ventilators for medical use - Part 3:

Particular requirements for emergency and
transport ventilators

2.38 ISO 10651-5-2006 Lung ventilators for medical use - Particular

requirements for basic safety and essential
performance - Part 5: Gas-powered emergency

2.39 ISO 11197-2004 Medical supply units

2.40 ISO 14971-2007 Medical devices - Application of risk

management to medical devices

2.41 ISO 15001-2010 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment -

Compatibility with oxygen

2.42 ISO 15002-2008 Flow-metering devices for connection to terminal

units of medical gas pipeline systems

2.43 ISO 15223-2-2010 Medical devices - Symbols to be used with

medical device labels, labelling, and information
to be supplied - Part 2: Symbol development,
selection and validation

2.44 ISO 16750-5-2010 Road vehicles - Environmental conditions and

testing for electrical and electronic equipment -
Part 5: Chemical loads

2.45 ISO 16750-4-2010 Road vehicles - Environmental conditions and

testing for electrical and electronic equipment -
Part 4: Climatic loads



2.46 ISO 16750-2-2010 Road vehicles - Environmental conditions and

testing for electrical and electronic equipment -
Part 2: Electrical loads

2.47 ISO 19054-2005 Rail systems for supporting medical equipment

2.48 ISO 20345-2011 Personal protective equipment - Safety footwear

2.49 ISO 21969-2009 High-pressure flexible connections for use with

medical gas systems

2.50 ISO 27427-2010 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment -

Nebulizing systems and components

2.51 ISO 80601-2-56- Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-56:

2009 Particular requirements for basic safety and
essential performance of clinical thermometers
for body temperature measurement

2.52 ISO 80601-2-61- Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-61:

2011 Particular requirements for basic safety and
essential performance of pulse oximeter

2.53 ISO 80601-2-55- Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-55:

2011 Particular requirements for the basic safety and
essential performance of respiratory gas monitors

2.54 EN 1789:2007 Medical vehicles and their equipment - Road

ambulances published by CEN [European
Committee For Standardisation]

2.55 EN 1865:1999 Specifications for stretchers and other patient

handling equipment used in road ambulances
published by CEN [European Committee For

2.56 KKK-A-1822F Federal specification for the star-of-life

ADMINISTRATION Federal Supply Service
July 1, 2007 - GSA Automotive, [U.S. General
Services Administration].

2.57 ASTM Standard practice for design, construction, and

International F procurement of Emergency Medical Services
2020 - 02a Systems (EMSS) ambulances.




For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions

3.1 Road Ambulance

Road Ambulance or Ambulance is a specially equipped and
ergonomically designed vehicle for transportation / emergent treatment
of sick or injured people and capable of providing out of hospital
medical care during transit / when stationary, commensurate with its
designated level of care when appropriately staffed.

3.2 Patient
Any sick or injured person whose condition requires appropriately
trained personnel to provide medical care and / or suitable transport.

3.2.1 Emergency Patient

Patient who through sickness, injury or other circumstances is in
immediate or imminent danger to life unless emergency treatment and /
or monitoring and suitable transport to appropriate medical facilities or
medical treatment are provided.
3.3 Types of Road Ambulances
Road Ambulances are designated as follows based on the level of care
they can provide

3.3.1 Type A Road Ambulance /Medical First Responder

Road Ambulance designed to provide emergent out of hospital medical
care to patients when stationary. This vehicle maybe any CMVR
approved Category M or L vehicle suitable for the terrain to be used in
but will not have the capability to transport patients in supine state or
provide them medical care inside the vehicle.

3.3.2 Type B Road Ambulance/ Patient Transport Vehicle

Road ambulance designed and equipped for the transport patients who
are not expected to become emergency patients.

3.3.3 Type C Road Ambulance: Basic Life Support Ambulance

A vehicle ergonomically designed, suitably equipped and appropriately
staffed for the transport and treatment of patients requiring non-invasive
airway management / basic monitoring.

3.3.4 Type D Road Ambulance: Advanced Life Support Ambulance

A vehicle ergonomically designed, suitably equipped and appropriately
staffed for the transport and treatment of emergency patients requiring
invasive airway management / intensive monitoring.



3.4 Un-laden Vehicle Weight

The un-laden vehicle weight of the road ambulance shall be that

specified by the vehicle manufacturer or the road ambulance builder in
accordance with IS 9211: 2003 or as per CMV (A) R, 1989.

Note: Loose portable patient handling, sanitary, medical and technical

equipment are not included in un laden vehicle weight.

3.5 Permissible Gross Vehicle Weight

The permissible gross vehicle weight of the road ambulance shall be

that specified by the vehicle manufacturer or the road ambulance
builder in accordance with IS 9211: 2003 or as per CMV (A) R, 1989.

The Permissible Gross Vehicle Weight shall take into consideration the
unladen vehicle weight as per 3.4 above and also the mass of sanitary,
medical and technical equipment, the mass of passengers, taken as
75 kg per person, and any reserve mass.

3.6 Loading Capacity / Pay Load

The difference between the gross vehicle weight and the unladen
vehicle weight is the loading capacity or the pay load.

3.7 Fixation System

System or device to ensure the permanent fixation of medical devices or

other equipment into the ambulance.

3.8 Maintain System

Bracket / interfaces / holders or any other types of systems / devices

used to secure a mobile or transportable item of equipment or medical
device of the vehicle without the use of tools.


4.1 General Construction

The road ambulance shall comply with homologation requirements

given in standards notified under CMVR 1989 and this Code.
Wherever, there is difference in the homologation requirements given
in other standards notified under CMVR 1989 and this code, the
requirements of this code will be applicable. Technical information to
be submitted by the Road Ambulance Manufacturer shall be as per
Annexure 2
4.2 Performance Requirements
4.2.1 Acceleration

A road ambulance loaded to the permissible gross vehicle weight shall

be able to accelerate from 0 km/h to 70 km/h within 40s, when tested in
accordance with IS: 11851-1986.


4.3 Electrical Requirements

4.3.1 General
Electrical installations shall comply with those clauses of
IEC 60364-7-708 which are applicable to ambulances.

Note 1: The reference to IEC 60364-7-708 does not apply to the

original electrical equipment, which is already covered by the
type approval of the base vehicle.
4.3.2 Battery and alternator

Batteries shall be positioned to allow maintenance without removing

the battery from its securing device. The construction of the battery and
all connections to it shall be such as to prevent any possibility of an
inadvertent short circuit.
Note 1: Additional batteries may be required to power the medical
devices carried on board and the intended use of the
ambulance. In such cases, the manufacturer shall ensure
optimal charging of the additional batteries without any impact
on the primary vehicle battery. The additional circuit shall not
draw current more that specified by the manufacturer.

Table 1
Indicative Capacity / Power (These values are given as a broad
guideline only. The manufacturers may alter them based on vehicle
characteristics and operational requirements.)

Type of
Nominal Voltage
80Ah 80Ah
Additional 12V
Battery(ies) 63Ah 63Ah
Nominal Voltage
(if deployed) (2x12V (2x12V
Alternator Power 700W 1200W

Note 2: When the engine is idling, electrical stability should be

maintained between electrical load and alternator output. In
order to achieve this it may be necessary to fit an electrical
load prioritisation device to the vehicle.
Manufacturer shall give declaration regarding the certified capacity of
the electric system of the vehicle model in the following format:

Sr. Ambulance Additional Electric Load of Medical

No. Type Equipments permissible (Watts)



This shall be prominently displayed in the patient compartment at an

appropriate location. Further each electrical socket provided in the
patient compartment should be permanently labelled as regards its
voltage and amperage.

4.3.3 Electrical installation In Type C and D road ambulances there shall be a recessed externally

mounted power connector to enable external power to be provided for
operations such as the following:

a) Charging battery (ies).

b) Operating medical devices, when installed.
c) Operating a stand-alone patient compartment heater, when
d) Operating an engine pre-heater, when installed.

The connector for 220/240 V, shall be a male connector and not

interfere with the electrical and mechanical safety.
It shall be not possible to start the engine whilst it is connected to an
external 220/240 V power supply unless an automatic mechanical
disconnection is fitted. If no automatic mechanical disconnection is
fitted, the connector shall be on the drivers side. The 220/240 V circuit
shall be protected either by an "earth leakage device" with a maximum
setting of 30 mA or by a separate transformer. If the protection is given
only by an "earth leakage device" there shall be a label near the plug
that reads as follows: "CAUTION! CONNECT ONLY TO AN
AUTHORISED SOCKET." The patients compartment shall be fitted with the minimum number of
connections as given in Table 2. For these connections a permanent
power supply shall exist.
Table 2
12V connections for medical devices in patient's compartment

Type of Road Ambulance

Minimum number of connections 2 4 Any additional electrical systems fitted to the base vehicle shall be
separate from the base vehicle electrical system and the body or chassis
shall not be used as an earth return for additional circuits. All circuits in
the additional system(s) shall have separate overload protection.
Overload protection may consist of either fuses or so called Electronic
Management Control systems. All circuits shall be well defined and
cables clearly marked at the connection points and at a maximum of 1m

intervals along its length.



The system shall have enough circuits and be so constructed that

when/if a circuit fails all illumination and medical technical equipment
can be switched to an alternative power source. The wiring and, where applicable conduits, shall withstand vibrations.
No wiring shall be located in or pass through conduit intended for
medical gas installation. The wiring shall not be loaded higher than that
stated by the wire manufacture. Where there are different voltage systems, the connections shall be non-

4.4 Vehicle Body

4.4.1 Fire safety

All interior materials shall comply with the flammability requirements

specified in IS: 15061, as notified under CMV (A) R, 1989 though the
standard does not cover ambulance in the scope.

4.4.2 Fitment of fire extinguisher

The ambulance of Type C and D shall be equipped with Two fire

extinguishers of 2 Kg each.

4.4.3 Minimum loading capacity

The minimum loading capacity shall be in accordance with Table 3.

Table 3
Minimum Loading Capacity (Persons)

Type of Road Ambulance

Number of seats and / or - 3 3 4
stretcher facilities (in addition
to driver seat)
4.4.4 Partition wall
In type C and D road ambulances, a full partition wall or a partition
wall with a door or a window shall separate the drivers compartment
from the patients compartment. Where a door is fitted, it shall be
secured against opening if the road ambulance is in motion.

One or two windows with a minimum separation of 100 mm shall be

provided in the partition wall made of material complying with the
requirements of CMVR. The windows shall allow direct visual contact
with the driver. The opening area of the window shall have a maximum
area of 0,12 m. It shall be secured against self-opening and shall have
an adjustable blind or other means of preventing the driver being
disturbed by the light of the patients compartment.



4.4.5 Openings (Doors, Windows, Emergency Exits) General
The driver seat shall comply with the requirements of AIS-023:2005
or IS:15546-2005 as applicable and notified under CMVR. There shall
be a minimum of two openings one at the rear (door/tailgate) and one
at the side (door/window) of the patients compartment. All openings
shall have seals to protect against the ingress of water and dust.
All openings shall comply with the minimum dimensions set out in
Table 4.
Table 4
Minimum opening dimensions in the patient compartment

Type of Road Ambulance

A Ba C D
mm mm mm mm
Height C b b 1200 1300
Width C b b 660 660
Height - 900 1100 1300
Width - 900 1050 1050

a. Corner radius of conversions which reduce the opening area by less than
10 % are permitted. If the vehicle characteristics so require, a reduction up to
10% in the opening sizes is permissible.

b. The dimensions provided by the original manufacturer shall not be reduced.

c. If it is a window, the minimum height and width dimensions shall be 450 mm

and 550mm respectively for Type C and D ambulances. If window/s are
provided in addition to side door and side door complies with side opening
dimensions (if applicable), then dimensional requirement for these windows
shall be considered as exempted. Doors
For Type C and Type D road ambulance, each external door of the
patients compartment shall be fitted with a security system which
enables the following:
a) lock and unlock from inside without use of a key
b) lock and unlock from outside with use of a key
c) Unlock from the outside using a key when the door is locked from
the inside.
Note: This security system may be integrated with an optional central
locking system. The patients compartment doors shall be
capable of being positively restrained in the open position. An
audible or visual signal shall warn the driver when any door is
not completely closed when the vehicle is in motion. The key
can be a mechanical or non-mechanical device.

AIS-125 Windows

In the patients compartment, there shall be a minimum of two external

windows. There shall be one on each side or one on the side and other
at the rear. The windows shall be positioned or screened to ensure
patients privacy when required. Windows shall be fitted with safety
glasses complying with the requirements of IS:2553 specified under
Rule 100 of CMV(A)R, 1989.

4.4.6 Stretcher loading

In type C and D ambulances, the loading area requirements shall be in

accordance with Table 5.

Table 5
Loading Specifications
Type of Road Ambulance
Loading Angle Maximum 16o a 16o a
Loading When the patient is manually loaded or unloaded
Height on the stretcher, the centre of the stretcher handles
(Stretcher) shall be no more than 825 mm above ground level.
The maximum height of either the floor or the
loading holding assembly above ground level shall
not exceed 750 mm at net vehicle mass plus loose

a. The loading angle shall be kept as low as possible.

Where a ramp or lift is installed between ground level and vehicle floor
level it shall be covered with a anti-slip surface and capable of taking a
constant load of 350 kg. In the event of a power failure the loading
device shall be capable of being operated manually.

Figure -1
Loading angle for the stretcher


4.5 Patients Compartment (Not Applicable to Type A Ambulances)

4.5.1 General
The patients compartment in Type C and Type D Road Ambulances
shall be designed and constructed to accommodate the medical devices
listed in Tables 9 to 19 in accordance with the vehicle type. The width
of the patient compartment for Type C and Type D Road Ambulance,
after installation of cabinets, etc. shall provide 40 15 cm clear aisle
walkway between the main stretcher / undercarriage and the base of
squad bench / attendant seats, with the main stretcher located in the
street side (non-centred) position.

In Type D Ambulances, the length of the Patient Compartment shall

provide at least 64 cm and not more than 76 cm of unobstructed space
at the head of the primary patient, when measured from the face of the
backrest of the Doctors/Paramedics Seat to the forward edge of the

In Type C and D Ambulances, a minimum of 25 cm shall be provided

from the end of the stretcher to rear loading door, to permit clearance
for any traction or long-board splints.

The ceiling, the interior side walls and the doors of the patients
compartment in Type B, C and D Ambulances shall be lined with a
material that is non-permeable and resistant to disinfectant. The edges
of surfaces shall be designed and/or sealed in such a way that no fluid
can infiltrate. If the floor arrangement does not allow fluids to flow
away, one or more drain with plugs shall be provided. Exposed edges
that could come into contact with the occupant's hands, legs, head etc.,
during normal use shall have a radius of curvature of not less than 2.5
mm except in the case of projections of less than 3.2 mm, measured
from the panel. In this case, the minimum radius of curvature shall not
apply provided the height of the projection is not more than half its
width and its edges are blunted. All installations in the patient
compartment above 700 mm from floor level shall not have sharp
exposed edges and shall terminate in rounded edges. Sharp edges shall
meet the requirements of IS 15223 for M1 and AIS-047 for M2 as
amended from time to time. Medical equipment and their holding
devices (for example stretchers, platforms, suction units etc.) are
excluded. Drawers should be secured against self-opening and where
lockers are fitted with doors that open upwards they should be fitted
with a positive hold open mechanism.

Type C and D road ambulances shall be equipped with a lockable drugs

compartment with security lock. Floor coverings shall be chosen that
will provide adequate grip for the attendant including when wet and
should be durable and easy to clean.



Type C and D road ambulances shall be fitted with a hand-holding

device positioned above the stretcher. For type D the hand-holding
device shall be positioned along the longitudinal axis. If the patients
compartment is to be equipped with a non-foldable chair, space shall be
provided with a width of at least 600 mm measured at elbow height and
a ceiling height above the seat squab of at least 920 mm. Vehicle
maintenance equipment (e.g. Spare wheel and Tools) shall be placed
such that accessing them does not cause inconvenience to the patient

4.5.2 Patient and attendant seating

The minimum number of patient and attendant seats shall be as given in

Table 6
Table 6
Number of Patient and Attendant Seats
Type of Road
Minimum number 1 2 2
on one side of the stretcher 1 1 -
Position (s) on one side of the stretcher - 1 1
upper 2/3 end
Position(s) at head of stretcher - - 1

4.5.3 Patient and attendant seat dimensions

Patient and attendant seat dimensions shall be minimum of 381 mm X

381 mm per seat. Seats fitted in the patient compartment shall be
installed in either forward / sideward / rear-facing positions and shall be
fitted with Two Point (Lap Belt) or Three Point Retractable Safety
Belts (preferred for forward / rearward facing seats) in conformance
with IS:15140-2003. Head restraints shall be fitted as applicable and in
accordance with AIS-023:2005 or IS: 15546-2005. Backrests shall be
constructed to a minimum dimension of 300 mm 100 mm.

4.5.4 Patient compartment environmental equipment

The patient compartment shall be heated, ventilated, and air conditioned

as required in accordance with the criteria specified hereto. Air conditioning criteria

Air Conditioning shall be optional in all categories of Road

Ambulances except Type D Ambulances.

In Type D Road Ambulances, the cooling system should be such that,

given an outside and inside temperature of 32C, the cooling down to at
most 27C in the patient's compartment should not take longer than
15 min. After 30 min a temperature of at most 25 C should be reached.



The inside temperature should be measured in the centre of the patient

compartment and at the mid-point from the cooling outlets (if several
outlets are available). The installation of the system shall not encourage
exhaust gases entering the patients compartment. Heating
Heating system shall not be mandatory and would subject to specific
requirement of the user. In the case of Type D Road Ambulances, if the
heating system is provided, it shall meet the following specifications :

This system shall be such that given an outside and inside temperature
of -10C, the heating up to at least +15C shall not take longer than 45
min. The inside temperature shall be measured in the centre of the
patient compartment and at the midpoint from the heater outlets (if
several outlets are available). The installation of the system shall not
encourage exhaust gases entering the patients compartment.

4.5.5 Interior lighting

Natural colour balance lighting shall be provided as set out in Table 8.

Note: The colour temperature of the light will change the appearance
of skin and organs. Therefore it is important that the interior
lighting is suitable for patient care during transport. Although it
may not be necessary in ambulance use to define "daylight" or
"natural colour balance" in a more exact way other than the
colour temperature. The colour temperature of the interior lights
should be minimum 4000 Degrees Kelvin.

In type D Ambulance, there shall be an additional light within the

treatment area with a minimum of 1650 Lux. It shall be measured at the
stretcher surface in its lowest position. The minimum distance of the
measurement shall be 750 mm below the light and in an area with a
minimum diameter of 200 mm.

Table 8

Patient's Compartment Illumination

Type of Road Ambulance

Lux Lux Lux
Patient Area Minimum 50 150 150
Surrounding Area Minimum 30 50 50

Light levels shall be measured along the central longitudinal axis of the
stretcher at the head, mid-point and foot position with the stretcher in
its normal position for transportation in the ambulance.



4.5.6 Interior noise level

The interior noise level in the patient compartment in Type B, C and D

Ambulances shall comply with requirements of AIS-020. During the
test, the Siren of the Ambulance shall be kept in the Off position

4.5.7 Ingress of dust and rain water

In case of type B, C and D ambulances, all doors, windows and hatches

shall not allow ingress of dust and rain water when in the fully closed
position, when tested in accordance to IS : 11739 1986 as amended
from time to time, for recording dust ingress in automotive vehicles,
and when tested in accordance to IS: 11865 2006 as amended from
time to time, for water proofing test for automobiles.

4.5.8 Mounting systems

Permanent seats and their anchorages in the patients compartment,

designed for use by patients and attendants when the ambulance is in
motion, shall comply with the requirements of IS 15546:2005 (for M1
category vehicles) and AIS-023 :2005 (for other than M1 category

All items e.g. medical devices, equipment and objects normally carried
on the road ambulance shall be restrained, installed or stowed to
prevent them becoming a projectile when subjected to
accelerations/decelerations of 10 g in the forward, rearward, left, right
and vertical directions.

When subjected to these accelerations/decelerations, the distance

travelled by an equipment or an item shall not endanger the safety of
persons on the road ambulance.

After being subjected to these accelerations/decelerations:

a) no items shall have sharp edges or endanger the safety of persons in

the road ambulance;
b) the maximum distance the stretcher and any item attached to either
the holding assembly or stretcher may travel shall be no more than
150 mm. The displacement of the patient during the test may exceed
150 mm;
c) it shall be possible to release all persons in the road ambulance
without the use of equipment not carried on the road ambulance.

All tested lockers, rails and non-dedicated storage locations or storage

devices shall be labelled to show the total maximum permissible weight





Verification of conformity to fixation and maintain systems as detailed

in 4.5.8 shall be made when the stretcher(s) / medical device(s) and
holding assembly is placed in the mean position of all possible
positions available.

The sample submitted for test, shall be identical to or have the same
characteristics and behaviour during test as would the production item
or vehicle.

Note: Care should be taken that no internal / external additional

reinforcement through the rig will modify the behaviour during

The stretchers and chairs shall be loaded with a dummy (as specified in
IS 15140 :2003) which is then secured with the restraint system.

The head end of the stretcher shall be fixed in a position of 15

measured from the horizontal. The lying area of the stretcher tray
assembly (holding assembly) shall be in a horizontal position.

The stretcher shall be fixed on the stretchers holding assembly. The

sedan chair when provided shall also be fixed in its holder.

The dynamic tests can be carried out with the appropriate stretcher(s) or
medical device(s) installed or stowed in the holding system(s) or with
weights having the mass distribution and dimensions corresponding to
the mass and dimensions of the stretcher(s) and device(s) intended to be
installed on or stowed in the holding system.

In case of dynamic testing, the dynamic test shall be carried out using a
patients compartment assembly or a relevant part of the construction
approved by the notified body and the following test method:

The test assembly shall be accelerated/decelerated in the longitudinal

and transverse and vertical directions accordance with Figure 2.

The impact speed shall be between 30 km/h and 32 km/h.

Test weights for use in lockers should be sand bags with masses in kg
increments, with a tolerance of +10% - 0%.



Figure 2
Acceleration impulse


6.1 Provision of Medical Devices

The road ambulance shall be designed and constructed to accommodate

the items listed in Tables 9 to 19 and provide the following levels of

a) the patient transport vehicle (type B) shall have basic professional

equipment for first aid and nursing care

b) the basic life support ambulance (type C) shall have equipment for
basic treatment and monitoring of patients with the current methods
of pre hospital care

c) the advance life support ambulance (type D) shall have equipment

for advanced treatment and monitoring of patients with the current
methods of pre hospital intensive care

6.2 Medical Devices Storage

All equipment required for a set procedure shall be stowed in a

specified location. Essential equipment required for use outside the
vehicle shall be easily accessible via normally used doors. All
equipment shall be securely and safely stowed to prevent damage or
injury whilst the vehicle is in motion (see 6.3.5).



6.3 Requirements for Medical Devices

6.3.1 General

The device shall be designed for use in mobile situations and in field
applications. If a medical device is designated as "portable", which is
mandatory for use inside an ambulance (except patient handling
equipment according to Table 9. it shall be in accordance with IEC
60601-1 and shall

a) be possible to be carried by one person

b) have its own built in power supply (where relevant)
c) be capable of use outside the vehicle
d) be placed preferably along the street side wall of the patient
compartment or along the ceiling ensuring the minimum possible
distance to be connected to the patient without hindering the
movement of personnel around the main stretcher

6.3.2 Temperature Unless otherwise marked on the device, the device shall function as
described in and when brought back to room temperature
(20C) after storage in temperatures ranging from -30C to 70C. Unless otherwise marked on the device, the device shall function
throughout the temperature range from 0C to 40C. Unless otherwise marked on the device, the device shall function for at
least 20 min when placed in an environment at -5C after storage at
room temperature (20C).

6.3.3 Humidity and ingress of liquids

Devices shall comply with ISO 60601-1 and with particular device
standards of the series ISO 60601-2 where applicable.

6.3.4 Mechanical strength General

Where there are not more stringent requirements for mechanical

strength in particular devices standards exists, then the following
mechanical strength requirements shall apply to medical devices for use
in road ambulances. Vibration and bump

After vibration tests and bump test in accordance with 6.4.1 the
maintain system and device shall function within the tolerances
specified by the manufacturer.


AIS-125 Free fall

If the medical device is fixed, as defined in ISO 60601-1 it is exempted
from the free fall test.
devices which are taken out of holders and/or carried by hand shall be
submitted to the free fall test according to 6.4.2 and shall then function
within the tolerances specified by the manufacturer.
Note: A medical device may consist of fixed and loose components,
the free fall test applies to the loose components only.
6.3.5 Fixation of devices
The device shall be restrained by means of a fixation system.
The fixation system(s), maintain system(s) or storage system(s) shall
hold the device to withstand accelerations or decelerations of 10 g
longitudinal (forward, backward), 10 g transverse (left, right) and 10 g
Terminal units and electrical socket outlets shall not be used as part of
the fixation system.
If rails systems are used, they shall comply with ISO 19054.
Note: Rail systems consist of e.g. rail supports, rails, rail clamps,
equipment mount holders, equipment mounts, equipment pin
holders and equipment pins.
6.3.6 Electrical safety
All devices shall be selected and mounted so that no harmful influence
to the electrical supplies results.
6.3.7 User interface
Buttons, switches, indicators and controls shall be easily accessible and
visible. SI units (except for blood pressure and airway pressure) and
standardised graphical symbols where applicable shall be used.
6.3.8 Gas installation
All the components should be certified as per ISO/TC 121/SC6 and
ISO-15001:2003 as "Compatibility of Medical Equipment with
Oxygen" Source of supply
The source of supply shall consist of one or more of the following, as
per the requirement of the source supplies in the different types of road
a) Gas in cylinders, e.g. Oxygen
b) Any other compressed medical gas as required for treatment and
therapy of patients.
c) Vacuum system



Note: All the components of the source of supply should be certified as

per ISO:7396.

All compressed gas cylinders except for sizes up to 2.2 L Water

Capacity, must be stored and used in an upright position with the valve
end up. Only special compressed gas cylinders designed and certified
for use in a horizontal position can be placed in that position.

The valve of the compressed gas cylinder when is at a height of more

than 1500 mm. from the ground level, the cylinder compartment should
be provided with an retractable / foldable / flushed / enclosed foot step
to permit the user to stand comfortably to access the cylinder valve at
the time of changing the cylinders

The cylinder compartment should have facility to place the regulators

safely at the time of replacing empty cylinders and fitting filled ones.

Ambulances should never be operated with lesser number of cylinders

as specified at Table 11. System design

The ambulance whenever fitted with a stationary oxygen system, shall

have all the essential components and accessories required for the piped
oxygen system which shall include as a minimum:

(i) One no. Pressure Regulator for each of the supply sources
(stationary as well as portable)
(ii) Low pressure, electrically conductive, hose approved for medical
(iii) Oxygen piping concealed and not exposed to the elements,
securely supported to prevent damage, and be readily accessible
for inspection and replacement.
(iv) Oxygen piped to a self-sealing duplex oxygen outlet station for
the primary patient with a minimum flow rate of 100 LPM at the

The patient cabin shall have a digital display panel for oxygen supply
status. The display panel should be certified for use with Medical
Oxygen and should have three individual values displayed to constantly
indicate the pressure level of both the cylinders as well as the
distribution pressure level. The digital displays should show the actual
pressure measured by three individual digital pressure sensors as per
the pressure level under monitoring (one each for both the cylinders
and one for the line pressure).

The changing from one cylinder to the other should not affect the
distribution pressure in any way and this change over should occur as
fully automatic operation.



The ambulance shall be supplied with an emergency oxygen outlet for

each of the stationary oxygen system available on any of the walls of
the patient compartment easily accessible to the patient head end and
connected directly at the output of the pressure regulator of the
stationary oxygen system ensuring that any fault in the oxygen
distribution system would ensure uninterrupted oxygen supply to the
patient. The terminal outlets shall be of the same design and operational
criteria as the self sealing duplex outlets of the distribution system.

Outlets shall be adequately marked and identified and not interfere with
the suction outlet, whenever provided.

Stationary oxygen system shall be accessible from outside of the

vehicle and shall be physically isolated from the patient as well as the
driver compartment Gas piping

Gas piping shall not pass through cupboards and compartments, all
ducts for gas installations or gas piping shall be vented.

The use of remote high pressure lines and gauges are not allowed. Stationary oxygen supply

The stationary oxygen supply shall comprise a source in accordance

with Table 11 (under normal temperature and pressure) pressure
regulators and terminal units or pressure regulators with flow metering
devices. Ambulances will never be operated with lesser number of
cylinders as that designated. Portable oxygen supply

The portable oxygen supply shall comprise a source in accordance with

Table 11 (under normal temperature and pressure) and a pressure
regulator with flow metering device. Pressure regulators and flow metering devices

The pressure regulators shall be directly connected to the source of

supply and shall comply with the following as applicable:

ISO 10524-1:2006, Pressure regulators for use with medical gases -

Part 1: Pressure regulators and pressure regulators with flow-metering

ISO 10524-3:2005, Pressure regulators for use with medical gases -

Part 3: Pressure regulators integrated with cylinder valves.

Flow metering devices for connection to terminal units and for

connection to flow-rate control units shall be of dial type without any
floats and shall conform to ISO 15002.


AIS-125 Terminal units

Terminal units shall comply with the requirements of ISO-7396.

The components of terminal unit should be cleaned as defined in

"Compatibility of Medical Equipment with Oxygen" as per
ISO/TC 121/SC6 and ISO-15001:2003.

The terminal outlet should have an hexagonal geometrical profile to

permit only geometrically matching adapters.

The process of inserting the probe into the terminal unit of the
distribution system as well as pressure regulators shall be:

(i) an axial force not exceeding 100N and / or

(ii) a torque not exceeding 1 N-m

The process of releasing the probe from the terminal outlet should be

(i) applying an axial force having torque not more than 1 N-m and not
less than 0.1 N-m.
(ii) applying a push or pull force of not more than 110 N and not less
than 20 N.

When all locking provisions have been released, disconnection of the

probe from the terminal unit shall require a force of not more than
100 N.
Danger to personnel can occur as a result of the rapid expulsion of
probes from terminal units. The design should prevent this from
The terminal outlets should be colour coded as per ISO-32:1977 colour
coding. Pneumatic power supply

If the road ambulance is equipped with terminal units, the range of

operating pressure shall be

a) for compressed medical gases 3.5 0.5 Bar

b) for vacuum 0.4 Bar absolute pressure

and the maximum allowable pressure change between the source of

supply and the terminal units shall be

a) for compressed medical gases 10 % at a flow of 40 l/min;

b) for vacuum 20 % at a flow of 25 l/min.


AIS-125 Additional outlet connectors

For road ambulances complying with, one additional outlet

connector (i.e. a terminal unit or a gas specific connection point)
complying with the primary outlet shall be fitted in addition to the
outlet connectors necessary for the devices intended to be normally
used. Test Pressure

The gas piping shall withstand a pressure of 8 Bar i.e. twice the
maximum operating pressure of 4 Bar (see

Note: This pressure is also the maximum pressure supplied by pressure

regulators in single fault condition. Pin-Index Cylinder Valves

Pin-index outlet connections of cylinder values shall comply with IS

3224. Flexible Hoses

Flexible hoses for connecting medical devices to outlet connectors

(i.e. terminal units or a gas-specific connection points) shall comply
with ISO 5359-2008. If flexible hoses are used between the pressure
regulators and the terminal units, the requirements of ISO 11197 apply. Alarms

The alarms provided shall be as specified at (e). The alarm level
would be as per IEC 60601-1-8-2006.

6.3.9 Marking and Instructions

Marking and instructions for use shall comply with Annexure 1.

Operating and maintenance instructions, service records and any other
appropriate regulations shall accompany the product.

Standardised symbols should be used or it should be written in English

or any other local language of the area where the equipment is to be
used. Usage of any other local languages are not mandatory but is only

6.3.10 Maintenance

The manufacturer shall supply instructions for carrying out preventive




6.4 Mechanical Strength - Test Methods for Medical Devices for use in
Road Ambulances
6.4.1 Vibration and bump test
The medical devices shall be submitted to the following tests:
a) Vibration (sinusoidal) according to IEC 60068-2-6, Test Fc
b) Frequency range: 10 Hz to 150 Hz
c) Amplitude/acceleration: 0,15 mm/2 g
d) Sweep rate: 1 octave/minute
e) Number of sweep cycles: 4 in each axis
f) Random vibration broad-band reproducibility medium according
to IEC 60068-2-64, Test Fh
g) Acceleration Spectral Density 10 Hz to 20 Hz: 0,05 g/Hz
h) Acceleration Spectral Density 20 Hz to 150 Hz: 0,05 g/Hz,
-3 dB/Octave
i) Total RMS acceleration 1,6 grms
j) Duration/axis/mounting: 30 min
k) Bump according to IEC 60068-2-27, Test Ea
l) Peak acceleration: 15 g
m) Acceleration Spectral Density
n) Pulse duration: 6 ms
o) Number of bumps: 1000
p) Direction: vertical, with the medical device in its normal operating
6.4.2 Free fall
The medical device shall, while functioning, be submitted to the
following test:
a) Free fall according to IEC 60068-2-31, Test Ec
b) Height of fall: 0,75 m
c) Number of falls: One on each of the six sides / surfaces of the
6.5 List of Equipment
The Tables 9 to 19 designate the minimum equipment carried by the
road ambulances according to their type A, B, C and D. Supplementary
devices may be introduced depending on local requirements. For most
items a specific quantity is given. "X" in the column indicates that
quantity may be varied in accordance with the local needs of the state /
district. Where applicable the equipment shall be available across the
full age range of patients.



The minimum mass including a mass reserve required for the listed
sanitary, medical and technical devices in Tables 9 to 19 shall be as
(i) Road ambulance type B 115 kg
(ii) Road ambulance type C 225 kg
(iii) Road ambulance type D 260 kg

The equipment shall comply with the standards mentioned against them
if any. Tests conducted by notified international bodies as per the
relevant standards shall be acceptable if verifiable certified copies of the
test reports and certificates are available.
The medical equipment may not be supplied by the ambulance
manufacturer with the ambulance. However, appropriate medical
equipment as per the tables 9 19 must be fitted in the Ambulance
during Homologation Testing under CMVR.
It shall be the responsibility of the end user to ensure compliance with
all regulatory requirements mentioned herewith in this document with
regards to medical equipment at all times during the operation of the
Ambulance. If operational / functional requirements so necessitate, the
end user may temporarily deviate from the said requirements in
documented lifesaving circumstances.

Table 9
Type of Patient Handling Equipment

Type of Road
Device Standard Ambulances
1 Main Stretcher / EN 1865 1 1 1
(If the vehicle
characteristics so require,
the length of the stretcher
maybe reduced to
1800mm and height from
the loading assembly
increased to 380mm)
2 Pick up stretcher EN 1865 - 1 1
3 Vacuum Mattress EN 1865 - X X
4 Transfer mattress / EN 1865 X X X
Carrying Sheet
5 Long spinal board EN 1865 - X X
complete with head
immobilizer and securing



Table 10
Type of Immobilization Equipment
Type of Road Ambulances
No Device
1 Traction Device - X X
2 Immobilization, Set of fractures - 1 1
3 Cervical upper spinal immobilization - 1 1
devices Cervical Collar Set
4 Extended Upper Spinal Immobilization - 1 1
Extrication Devices or Short Spinal Board
(one of these)

Table 11
Type of Life SOT Equipment
Type of Road Ambulances
No Device
1 Stationary X X Minimum 2 Minimum 1 No.
Oxygen Nos. of 10L of 46.7L and 10L
Water Capacity Water Capacity
Cylinders at Cylinders each at
maximum maximum
150 kgf/cm2 150 kgf/cm2
filling pressure filling pressure
manufactured manufactured as
as per IS:7285 per IS:7285 and
and certified by certified by Chief
Chief Controller of
Controller of Explosives,
Explosives, Nagpur
2 Portable Minimum 1 No. Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 No. of
Oxygen of 2.2L Water No. of 2.2L No. of 2.2L 2.2L Water
Capacity Water Water Capacity Capacity
Aluminium Capacity Aluminium Aluminium
Cylinder at Aluminium Cylinder at Cylinder at
maximum 150 Cylinder at maximum 150 maximum 150
kgf/cm2 filling maximum 150 kgf/cm2 filling kgf/cm2 filling
pressure kgf/cm2 filling pressure pressure
manufactured pressure manufactured manufactured as
as per IS:7285 manufactured as per IS:7285 per IS:7285 and
and certified by as per IS:7285
and certified by certified by Chief
Chief and certified
Chief Controller of
Controller of by Chief
Explosives, Controller of Controller of Explosives,
Nagpur Explosives, Explosives, Nagpur
Nagpur Nagpur



3 Valve for 3/8" Bull 3/8" Bull 3/8" Bull Nose 3/8" Bull Nose
Cylinders Nose Valve Nose Valve as Valve as per Valve as per
at 1 and 2 as per per IS:3224 IS:3224 IS:3224
above IS:3224

4 Resuscitat X X 1 1
or with
inlet and
masks and
for all
ages and

5 Mouth to 1 1 X X

6 Electric X X 1 1
with air
flow of at
least 30
L/min and
a vacuum
level of at
least 600
mm Hg

7 Portable 1 1 1 1



Table 12
Type of Diagnostic Equipment
Type of Road
No Device Standard Ambulances
1 Manual B. P. Monitor - - - 1 1
Cuff Size: 10 cm. - 66 cm.
2 Automatic B P Monitor, - - - X X
Cuff Size 10 cm. - 66 cm.

A doppler type shall operate

accurately in the conditions of
electrical interference and
vibration specified in 4.3.1
and 6.3.4
3 Oximeter ISO 9919 - - 1 1
4 Stethoscope - - - 1 1
5 Thermometer - - - 1 1
Minimum Range: 28 C to
6 Device for Blood Sugar - - - 1 1
7 Diagnostic Light - - - 1 1

Table 13
Type of Drug

Type of Road
No Type of Drug Ambulances
1 Pain Relief - - X X

Table 14:
Type of Infusion Material or Equipment
Type of Road
No Device Ambulances
1 Infusion Solutions, Litre - - 4 4
2 Equipments for injections and - - 2 2
infusions set
3 Infusion Mounting 1 1 2 2
4 Pressure Infusion Device - - - 1



Table 15
Type of Equipment for Management of Life Threatening Problemsa

Type of Road
No Device Standard Ambulances
1 Defibrillator with rhythm and patient ISO 60601-2-4 - X X 1
data recording
2 Cardiac Monitor ISO 60601-2-4 - - X 1
3 External Cardiac Pacing ISO 60601-2-4 - - X 1
4 Portable airways care system (p.a.c.s.) - - - 1 -
Manual resuscitator
Mouth to mask ventilator with
oxygen inlet
Airways oro- or nasopharyngeal
Suction catheter

5 Portable advanced resuscitation - - - - 1

system (p.a.r.s.)
Contents of portable airways care
System (p.a.c.s.)
Infusion equipment - to include
suitable venous indwelling cannulae
Infusion administration sets
Infusion solutions
Adhesive fixing materials
Intubation equipment-to include
laryngoscope handle(s) with suitable
Magill forceps
Insertion stylets

Endotracheal tubes with connectors

Inflation tube clamp
Inflation syringe
Tube fixing material
Drug administration equipment
6 Nebulization Apparatus - - - 1 1



7 Thorax Drainage Kit - - - - 1

8 Volumetric Infusion Device - - - - 1
9 Central Vein Catheters - - - - 1
10 Requirements for emergency and ISO 10651-3 - - - 1
transport ventilators
11 PEEP Valve, Adjustable or Set - - - - 1
12 Capnometer ISO 21647 - - - 1
a. If desired two or more of these functions can be combined within one device.

Table 16
Bandaging and Nursing

Type of Road Ambulances

No Device A B C D
1 Bedding Equipment - 1 1 1
2 Blanket - 2 2 2
3 Material for treatment of wounds 1 1 1 1
4 Materials for treatment of burns and 1 - 1 1
5 Re-plantation container to maintain the - - X X
internal temperature at (4 2)C for at
least 2 h

6 Kidney Bowl 1 2 1 1
7 Vomiting Bag 1 2 1 1
8 Bed Pan X X X X
9 Non-Glass Urine Bottle 1 2 1 1
10 Sharps Container 1 1 1 1
11 Gastric Tube with Accessories - - X X
12 Sterile Surgical Gloves, Pairs X X 5 5
13 Non-Sterile Gloves for Single Use 100 100 100 100
14 Emergency Delivery Kit X X 1 1
15 Waste Bag 1 1 1 1
16 Clinical Waste Bag X X X X
17 Non-Woven Stretcher Sheet 1 1 1 1



Table 17

Personal protection Equipment (for Each Member of the Crew for

Protection and to Identify the Staff as Road Ambulance Personnel )

Type of Road Ambulances

No Device Aa Ba Ca Da

1 Basic protective clothing 1 2 1 1

including high visibility
reflective jacket or tabard
2 Advanced Protection Wear - - X X
3 Safety / Debris Gloves, Pair 1 1 1 1
4 Safety Shoes, Pairs X X 1 1
5 Safety Helmet - - 1 1
6 Personal Protection Equipment - - 1 1
against Infection

a. Numbers are quoted per crew member

Table 18
Rescue and Protection Material
Type of Road
No. Device Ambulances
1 Cleaning and disinfection 1 1 1 1
2 Rescue toolsa X X X X
3 Seat belt cutter 1 1 1 1
4 Warning Triangle Lights 2 2 2 2
5 Spotlight 1 1 1 1
6 Fire Extinguisher, ABC Type 1 1 1 1
(minimum 2.5 kg capacity
complying with IS:13849 or
a. Wherever the Ambulance will be used for Crash Rescue, the ambulance must
be equipped with Electrically / Hydraulically / Pneumatically powered rescue
tools including Cutters, Spreaders, Rams and Lifters or should be supported by
rescue vehicles equipped with the same



Table 19

Type of Road Ambulances

No. Device
1 Mobile Radio Transceiver X X X X
2 Portable Radio Transceiver X X X X
3 Access to the public 1 - 1 1
telephone network
e.g. via the normal radio
transmitter or
by mobile (cellular)
4 Internal communication - - 1 1
between driver
and patient compartment



(Para 6.3.9)
Recognition and visibility of ambulances

The Ambulance Conspicuity Code is split into six sections.

(i) Colour
(ii) Conspicuity Improving Items (C2I)
(iii) Emblems
(iv) Warning Lights
(v) Sirens
(vi) Recognition of personnel
The section colour describes the vehicles basic colour. The section Conspicuity
Improving Items or C2I includes all Symbols, Marking and Striping defined as
such by this standard. The section Emblems refers to every item that doesnt fall
under the definition of C2I which can be private company signs or corporate
identities. The section Warning Lights describes colour, position, alignment,
luminosity, photometric brightness, flash patterns and electrical current
consumption of all used warning lights. The section Sirens determines the
volumes, frequencies and electrical current consumption of all used sirens and

The installations by the following text shall closely correspond to the exterior
design pictures below.

TYPE B Ambulance



TYPE C Ambulance



TYPE D Ambulance

(i) Colour

The basic colour of the complete exterior should be brilliant white,

RAL-Code 9010, front, rear and side bumpers included. The colour
should be weather resistant and withstand daily cleaning and washing.
(ii) Conspicuity improving items

This definition includes all marking, striping and symbols as shown

in the figure below. All C2I-markings should be in brilliant red, RAL-
Code 3024 and in retro reflective quality. Conspicuity Improving
Items defined by this standard are: chevron patterns in red/silver and
red/yellow, Battenburg patterns, AMBULANCE markings, the Star
of Life and the emergency number symbol. All AMBULANCE
markings must follow a 7:1 ratio, length to height.



Front: No less than 50% of the front side of the vehicle should be
sulfur yellow, RAL-Code 1016 in contrast to no less of 10% brilliant
red, RAL Code 9010. The word AMBULANCE on yellow
background, minimum of 65% of the hood width, shall be in mirror
image (reverse reading) for mirror identification by drivers
ahead. The front bumper or at least the lower vehicle front up to 70cm
or a suitable height within 30cm should be equipped with retro-
reflective striping in a chevron pattern sloping downward and away
from the centreline of the vehicle at an angle of 45 degrees. Each
stripe in the chevron pattern shall be single colour alternating between
fluorescent red and silver. Each stripe shall be 6in. (150mm) in width.

Side: The side of the vehicle should be equipped with a two lined red
Battenburg pattern on the white ground colour. Starting at the vehicle
front the Battenburg squares, with a size of 25cm x 25cm, should
reach the middle of the vehicle side and end in a top square, followed
by an AMBULANCE marking on the same height. The
AMBULANCE marking should be at least 80% of the Battenburg
squares height high. The front half of the Battenburg pattern should
be red/yellow squares. The bottom line of the Battenburg pattern
should be 25cm above the bottom line of the vehicles chassis, so that
the top line of the Battenburg pattern reaches 75cm above the chassis
bottom line. Displayed on the upper half of the left side should be a
Star of Life symbol, with a size of 40cm x 40cm, and the
emergency number logo, with a size of 40cm x 75cm. The vertical
centre from both of them should match the vertical centre of the side
windows of the driver cabin. Contour markings in form of a non-
continuous retro-reflecting silver stripe (each part 3cm x 10cm)
should be applied to the side profile to enhance conspicuity of the
vehicle. In Type B, C and D ambulances, the words Patient
Transport, Basic Life Support and Advanced Life Support shall
be marked respectively just above the word ambulance in size no less
than 50% of the size of the word AMBULANCE

Rear: No less than 50% of the rear of the vehicle should be equipped
with a chevron pattern sloping downward and away from the
centreline of the vehicle at an angle of 45 degrees. Each stripe in the
chevron pattern shall be single colour alternating between fluorescent
red and yellow. Each stripe shall be 6in. (150mm) in width. To ensure
that the standard rear lights of the vehicle are not camouflaged by the
chevron striping, the chevron striping must provide a distance of no
less than 10cm to the standard rear lights. The word
AMBULANCE on yellow background, minimum of 65% in
width of the rear facing side of the vehicle but not smaller than 70cm
in width, must be mounted at the bottom end of the rear facing doors.
Displayed on the left back window should be a Star of Life symbol,
with a size of 85% of the window, and on the right back window the
emergency number logo with the same size. The rear bumper should
be provided with the same chevron pattern as the front one. Contour
markings in form of a non-continuous retro-reflecting silver stripe
should be applied to the rear profile to enhance conspicuity of the


In Type A Ambulances, the words FIRST RESPONDER shall be

used instead of AMBULANCE wherever applicable.
Mild variation in sync with the vehicle design shall be permitted in
these markings subject to the fact that not doing so was unavoidable.

(iii) Emblems
Emblems defined as such by this Ambulance Conspicuity Rule are
government/ private / operator signs, corporate identities (XXX) and
every other sign, symbol, marking or striping not referred to in the
Conspicuity Improving Items section. These emblems are only
allowed in a non-reflecting manner and the size cant be bigger than
60% of the AMBULANCE markings. Ambulance Calling Number
(YYY) if available must be displayed prominently on the side and
back of the Road ambulance.

(iv) Warning lights

Type A and B Road Ambulances shall have flashers fitted at

appropriate locations as per the vehicle type.
Type C and D Road Ambulances shall have warning lights as
All warning lights have to be mounted rectangular to the horizontal
ground. They must provide 100% of their intensity in a vertical angle
of 4 degrees and 50% in a vertical angle of 8 degrees. The
minimum intensity is for blue and red lights at 100cd at daylight and
200cd in the night. The horizontal minimum angle should be at least
45 degrees. All lights must flash between 2Hz and 4Hz and should be
mounted as on the graphic below

Flash Pattern

1. Indicates light flashing

the same time
2. Indicates light flashing
180 degree out of phase
with 1
3. x indicates ON lights
in primary and secondary
4. y indicates ON light
only in primary mode
5 z indicates ON light
only in secondary mode

Lights marked with red blue must show red and blue in one pIECe
one at a time. In daytime they must flash red in nighttime they must
flash blue. Two lights have to be mounted in the lower middle
windshield only flashing to the outside of the car. All lights should be
flashing as shown in the graphic above. To switch from Primary into
Secondary Mode there has to be one switch that allows only one



(v) Sirens

In Type A, B, C and D Road Ambulances, all siren loudspeakers have to

be mounted on the front of the vehicle. Hidden installation is allowed.
The main sound direction must be in driving direction. Permitted are wail
and yelp signals that cycle between 10-18 respectively 150-250 per
minute at an sound pressure level of 110dB(A) to 120dB(A). The sirens
should be tested in accordance with IS 1884 (though not covered in the
standard). The frequency range must be at least one octave and should be
between 500Hz and 2.000Hz. An additional electronic air horn can be
used. Further there should be a public address system that can be worked
at all times ergonomically from the drivers seat. The siren switch can
only be used if the warning lights are on.

(vi) Recognition of personnel

Safety garments for ambulance personnel should conform to at least

ISO 14116:2008.



(See 4.1)

(These are additional to the specifications submitted for

CMVR compliance as per AIS-007)

1.0 Details of Ambulance manufacturer

1.1 Name and Address :
1.2 Telephone No :
1.3 Fax. No. :
1.4 E mail address :
1.5 Contact person :
1.6 Name of model :
1.7 Category of Ambulance A/B/C/D
1.8 Name of variants, if any:
1.9 Type and General commercial description (s) :
1.10 Plant/(s)of manufacture :
2.0 Vehicle Chassis Characteristics
2.1 Chassis types approved for Body installation :

2.2 Type of Control (normal control/Full forward

control etc.) :
2.3 Number of Axles and wheels :
2.4 Chassis (overall drawing) :
2.5 Valid CMVR certificate for the base Vehicle
( If available )
2.6 Frame Type :
2.7 Cross sectional view :
2.8 Position and arrangement of engine:
2.9 Dimension (in mm) (Specify drawing
reference) :
2.9.1 Length mm :
2.9.2 Width mm :
2.9.3 Height (Unladen) mm :
2.9.4 Wheel base mm :



2.9.5 Wheel track mm : Front : Rear :
2.9.6 Body overhang mm : Front end : Rear end :
2.10 Category of Base vehicle :
3.0 Body :
3.1 Dimension drawing and photograph of the
vehicle with representative body :
3.2 Range of vehicle dimension (overall):
3.3 Dimension drawing of the body depicting
chassis connecting members :
3.4 Material used for construction :
3.4.1 Structural Material :
3.4.2 Size of sections :
3.5 Method of construction :
(Brief construction method)
3.6 Patient Handling Equipment
3.6.1 Main Stretcher / Undercarriage Make Model Type ID/Part Number Dimensions of Stretcher Loading Angle Loading Height Stretcher loading capacity Compliance to EN 1865
3.6.2 Pick up stretcher Make Model Type ID/Part Number


AIS-125 Dimensions of Stretcher Loading Angle Loading Height Stretcher loading capacity Compliance to EN 1865
3.6.3 Vacuum Mattress Make3 Model Type ID/Part Number Dimensions of Stretcher Loading Angle Loading Height Stretcher loading capacity Compliance to EN 1865
3.6.4 Transfer mattress / Carrying Sheet Make Model Type ID/Part Number Dimensions of Stretcher Loading Angle Loading Height Stretcher loading capacity Compliance to EN 1865
3.7 Long spinal board complete with head
immobilizer and securing straps
3.7.1 Make
3.7.2 Model
3.7.3 Type
3.7.4 ID/Part Number
3.7.5 Dimensions of Stretcher
3.7.6 Loading Angle
3.7.7 Loading Height
3.7.8 Stretcher loading capacity



3.7.9 Compliance to EN 1865

3.8 Immobilization Equipment
3.8.1 Traction Device
3.8.2 Make
3.8.3 Model
3.8.4 Type
3.8.5 ID/Part Number
3.9 Immobilization, Set of fractures
3.9.1 Make
3.9.2 Model
3.9.3 Type
3.9.4 ID/Part Number
3.10 Cervical upper spinal immobilization devices
Cervical Collar Set
3.10.1 Make
3.10.2 Model
3.10.3 Type
3.10.4 ID/Part Number
3.11 Extended Upper Spinal Immobilization
Extrication Devices or Short Spinal Board (one
of these)
3.11.1 Make
3.11.2 Model
3.11.3 Type
3.11.4 ID/Part Number
3.12 Recognition of Ambulance
3.12.1 Engineering drawing indicating arrangement
for the external visibility for recognition.
3.12.2 Emblems
4.0 Vehicle Dimensions
4.1 Clearance
4.2 Minimum road clearance :
4.3 Road clearance from floor :
4.4 Approach angle :



4.5 Departure Angle :

4.6 Ramp-over Angle :
4.7 Weights
4.7.1 Vehicle kerb weight kg : Front axle : Rear axle : Total :
4.7.2 Gross vehicle weight kg :
4.7.3 Maximum permissible axle weights kg Front axle: Rear axle:
4.8 Vehicle Stability and Roll Over
4.8.1 Max. stable inclination ( Laden Condition ) Left deg : Right deg :
4.8.2 Center of Gravity of the Ambulance in vehicle
un laden condition
(X-Y-Z, mm)
4.9 Tyres
4.9.1 No. and arrangement of wheels : Front : Rear : Other :
4.9.2 Inflation pressure Un laden : Front : Rear : Other
4.9.3 Inflation pressure Laden : Front : Rear : Other :
5.0 Body Panels
5.1 Outer Panels :
5.1.1 Material :



5.1.2 Thickness :
5.2 Inner Panels :
5.2.1 Material :
5.2.2 Thickness :
5.3 Roof Panels :
5.3.1 Material :
5.3.2 Thickness :
5.4 Floor Panels :
5.4.1 Material :
5.4.2 Thickness :
5.4.3 Type of anti-slip coating :
6.0 Service Doors
6.1 No. of Service Doors :
6.2 Position of Service Doors :
6.3 Dimension of Service Door :
6.3.1 Front Height :
6.3.2 Width :
6.3.3 Rear Height :
6.3.4 Width :
6.3.5 Middle Height :
6.3.6 Width :
7.0 Window
7.1 Type of window
7.2 Compliance to AIS-068 (Yes/No):
7.3 Area (H x W in sq. m) :
8.0 Seat anchorage layout drawing
(with anchorage cross section and hardware
used details)
9.0 Driver Partition :
9.1 Dimension of partition with respect to rear
edge of driver seat : (rear most position of
driver seat)
10.0 External Projections (Compliance
established to IS:13943 -1994 ------ Yes /



11.0 Door locks and hinges

11.1 Door lock :
11.1.1 Name of Manufacturer :
11.1.2 Identification mark :
11.2 Door hinge :
11.2.1 Name of Manufacturer :
11.2.2 Identification mark :
11.3 Safety glass
11.3.1 Front wind shield (laminated) : Make Identification : Type (flat/curved, clear/tinted) : Thickness mm : No. of pIECes : Radius of curvature (If curved) :
11.3.2 Side Windows: Make Identification Type (flat/curved, clear/tinted, toughened) : Thickness mm : Radius of curvature (If curved) :
11.3.3 Rear Window: Make Identification Type (flat/curved, clear/tinted, toughened) : Thickness mm : Radius of curvature (If curved) :
11.3.4 Wind Screen Wiper Type : No. of wipers :
11.3.5 Wiper motor : Name of Manufacturer : Type and identification : Rated voltage :


AIS-125 Frequency of wiping :

11.3.6 Wiper arm : Length : Name of Manufacturer : Identification Mark:
11.3.7 Wiper blade :
11.3.7 .1 Length :
11.3.7 .2 Name of Manufacturer :
11.3.7 .3 Identification Mark:
11.3.8 Rubber material : Type of fixing (As per IS:7827)
11.3.9 Wind Screen Washer Name of Manufacture: :
11.3.10 Type : Number of nozzles : Spray Area : Identification Number:
12.0 Equipment for occupant's safety
12.1 Driver Seat belt :
12.1.1 Name of Manufacture: :
12.1.2 Type :
12.1.3 Number :
12.1.4 Identification Number:
12.2 Driver Seat belt anchorage :
12.2.1 Name of Manufacturer :
12.2.2 Type :
12.2.3 Number :
12.3 Head restraint :
12.3.1 Name of Manufacturer :
12.3.2 Type :
12.4 Seat :
12.4.1 Number of Patients and attendant seats
12.4.2 Position
12.4.3 Name of Manufacturer :



12.4.4 Type :
12.4.5 Frame structure Material :
12.4.6 Section size:
12.4.7 Pad material:
12.4.8 Upholstery :
12.4.9 Identification Number:
13.0 Bumper
13.1 Front Size:
13.2 Rear Size:
13.3 Clearance between bumper and body:
14.0 Fire Extinguisher :
14.1 Number :
14.2 Type :
14.3 Capacity :
14.5 Name of Manufacturer :
15.0 Towing devices :
15.1 Type :
15.2 Name of manufacturer :
15.3 Capacity :
15.4 Identification Number / Part No
16.0 Automotive bulbs ( To be filled , if different
from the valid CMVR Compliance
certificate )
16.1 Head lamp bulb (main and dip)
16.1.1 Make and Country of origin (if imported) :

16.1.2 Designation as per AIS-034 :

16.2 Parking Lamp bulb Front :
16.2.1 Make and Country of origin (if imported) :

16.2.2 Designation as per AIS-034 :

16.3 Parking Lamp bulb Rear :
16.3.1 Make and Country of origin (if imported) :

16.3.2 Designation as per AIS-034 :



16.4 Direction indicator lamp bulb - front :

16.4.1 Make and Country of origin(if imported) :
16.4.2 Designation as per AIS-034 :
16.5 Direction indicator lamp bulb rear :
16.5.1 Make and Country of origin (if imported) :
16.5.2 Designation as per AIS-034 :
16.6 Direction indicator lamp bulb side :
16.6.1 Make and Country of origin (if imported) :
16.6.2 Designation as per AIS-034 :
16.7 Front Position Lamp bulb :
16.7.1 Make and Country of origin ( if imported ) :
16.7.2 Designation as per AIS-034 :
16.8 Rear Position Lamp ( tail lamp )Bulb :
16.8.1 Make and Country of origin (if imported) :
16.8.2 Designation as per AIS-034 :
16.9 Stop lamp bulb :
16.9.1 Make and Country of origin (if imported) :
16.9.2 Designation as per AIS-034 :
16.1 Number plate lamp bulb :
16.10.1 Make and Country of origin (if imported) :
16.10.2 Designation as per AIS-034 :
16.11 End out Marker bulb :
16.11.1 Make and Country of origin (if imported) :
16.11.2 Designation as per AIS-034 :
16.12 Reversing lamp bulb :
16.12.1 Make and Country of origin (if imported) :
16.12.2 Designation as per AIS-034 :

16.13 Stop Lamp Bulb (S3) :

16.13.1 Make and Country of origin (if imported) :
16.13.2 Designation as per AIS-034 :
16.14 Front Fog Lamp Bulb:
16.14.1 Make and Country of origin (if imported) :
16.14.2 Designation as per AIS-034 :



16.15 Rear Fog Lamp Bulb :

16.15.1 Make and Country of origin (if imported) :
16.15.2 Designation as per AIS-034 :
16.16 Side Marker Lamp Bulb :
16.16.1 Make and Country of origin (if imported) :
16.16.2 Designation as per AIS-034 :
17.0 Head Lamp ( To be filled if different from
the valid CMVR Compliance certificate)
17.1 Name of Manufacturer :
17.2 Type and Identification :
17.3 Number and colour :
18.0 Tail lamp ( To be filled if different from the
valid CMVR Compliance certificate)
18.1 Name of Manufacturer :
18.2 Type and Identification :
18.3 Number and colour :
19.0 Parking lamp ( To be filled if different from
the valid CMVR Compliance certificate)
19.1 Front :
19.1.1 Name of Manufacturer :
19.1.2 Type and Identification :
19.1.3 Number and colour :
19.2 Rear :
19.2.1 Name of Manufacturer :
19.2.2 Type and Identification :
19.2.3 Number and colour
20.0 Stop lamp ( To be filled if different from the
valid CMVR Compliance certificate)
20.1 Name of Manufacturer :
20.2 Type and Identification :
20.3 Number and colour :
21.0 Reversing lamp ( To be filled if different
from the valid CMVR Compliance
21.1 Name of Manufacturer :
21.2 Type and Identification :
21.3 Number and colour :



22.0 Direction indicator lamp ( To be filled if

different from the valid CMVR Compliance
22.1 Front :
22.1.1 Name of Manufacturer :
22.1.2 Type and Identification :
22.1.3 Number and colour :
22.2 Rear :
22.2.1 Name of Manufacturer :
22.2.2 Type and Identification :
22.2.3 Number and colour :
22.3 Side :
22.3.1 Name of Manufacturer :
22.3.2 Type and Identification :
22.3.3 Number and colour :
22.3.4 Type of flasher :
23.0 Number Plate Lamp ( To be filled if
different from the valid CMVR Compliance
23.1 Name of Manufacturer :
23.2 Type and Identification :
23.3 Number and colour :
24.0 Warning Lamp ( To be filled if different
from the valid CMVR Compliance
24.1 Name of Manufacturer :
24.2 Type and Identification :
24.3 Number and colour :
25.0 Siren- Compliance to IS 1884 Yes / No)
25.1 Make :
25.2 Model :
25.3 ID / Part Number :



26.0 Reflector ( To be filled if different from the

valid CMVR Compliance certificate)
26.1 Rear :
26.2 Name of Manufacturer :
26.3 Type and Identification :
26.4 Number and colour :
26.5 Area ( cm2):
26.6 Side :
26.7 Name of Manufacturer :

26.8 Type and Identification :

26.9 Number and colour :
26.10 Area ( cm2) :
27.0 Top light ( To be filled if different from the
valid CMVR Compliance certificate)
27.1 Name of Manufacturer: :
27.2 Type and Identification :

27.3 Number and colour :

28.0 Internal Lighting and Illumination

28.1 Driver Cab lighting :

28.1.1 Type :
28.1.2 Name of Manufacturer :
28.1.3 Number :
28.1.4 Illumination intensity ( Lux) :
28 .2 Patient Compartment Lighting :
28.2.1 Type :
28.2.2 Name of Manufacturer :
28.2.3 Number :
28.2.4 Illumination intensity ( Lux) :

28.3 Other Area Lighting :

28.3.1 Type :
28.3.2 Name of Manufacturer :
28.3.3 Number :
28.3.4 Illumination intensity ( Lux) :



29.0 Electrical Circuit :

29.1 Circuit Diagram (attach details):
29.2 Number of battery(ies) provided other than the
vehicle battery :
29.3 Details of Alternator :
30.0 Electrical Cables :
30.1 Name of Manufacturer :
30.2 Conductor Cross section :
30.3 Insulation Class :
31.0 Fuse :
31.1 Type and Make :
31.2 Name of Manufacturer :
32.0 Master switch for electrical :
32.1 Type and Make :
32.2 Name of Manufacturer :
33.0 Flammability Test as per IS 15061: 2002
(as applicable ) :
34.0 Interior fitting compliance as per AIS-047
established - Yes/No :
35.0 Instrument Panel (Dash Board) :
35.1 Make :
35.2 Identification No. / Part No. :
35.3 Material :
35.4 Drawing showing the mounting details, over
all size and all control switches with
dimensions :
35.5 Additional details for interior fitting tests to be
given (if test is already conducted, this
information need not be submitted) :
35.6 Instrument Panel Variants with photographs
(With / without Airbag, Music system, AC )
35.7 Material used for instrument Panel :
35.8 Drawings :
35.9 Drawing of Grab handle with cross section :
35.10 Drawing of lamp assembly mounted at roof
35.11 Name of manufacturer of the Interior fitting
components :



36.0 Air Conditioning and Heating Performance

Tests(Clause 4.5.4) Compliance Established
Yes / No
37.0 Acceleration Test (Clause 4.2.1 and
IS:11851-2002) Compliance Established
Yes / No
38.0 Water Proofing Test ( IS:11865-1995)
Compliance Established Yes / No
39.0 Dust Ingress Test (IS:11739-1997)
Compliance Established Yes / No



(See Introduction)

Name Organization
Dr. Shakti Kumar Gupta Head, Department of Hospital Administration
(Chairman) and Medical Superintendent (Dr. Rajendra
Prasad Centre of Ophthalmic Sciences and
JPNA Trauma Centre), AIIMS, New Delhi
Dr. D.K. Pawar Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology,
AIIMS, New Delhi
Brig. (Med.) Pawan Kapoor Army Medical Corps, HQ 16 Core, C/o 56
Mr. A. Akbar Badusha Deputy Director and Head, Vehicle Evaluation
Lab, ARAI, Pune
Dr. A.R. Goyal Director, Finance, MoRTH, Govt. of India
Mr. Rajeev Lochan Director (RS), MoRTH, Govt of India
Col. Sunil Kant Directing Staff, Officers Training College,
AMC Centre and College, Lucknow
Mr. S.N. Das C.E. (Mech), MoRTH, Govt. of India
Mr. R.P. Khandelwal CGM (Safety), NHAI, Govt. of India
Dr. Chaman Prakash CMO, Dt.GHS, MoHFW, Govt. of India
Dr. Ritu Rawat Senior Medical Superintendent, Apollo
Lt. Col. S.K. Patnaik Medical Officer, Hospital Services, Military
Hospital, Hissar
Dr. Angel Rajan Singh Senior Resident Administrator, Department of
Hospital Administration, AIIMS, New Delhi
Mr. R.K. Chawla DGM (CM), NHAI, Govt. of India
Mr. K.C. Sharma E.E. (M), MoRTH, Govt. of India
Mr. Jashvant Prajapati Chief Operating Officer at GVK EMRI-
Dr. G.V. Ramanarao Head, EM Learning Centre and Research,
Mr. B.N. Mishra Under Secretary (RS), MoRTH, Govt. of India
Mr. Kamal Gulati AIIMS, New Delhi
Mr. K.K.Gandhi Representing SIAM and its members



(See Introduction)
Automotive Industry Standards Committee

Shri Shrikant R. Marathe Director
The Automotive Research Association of India, Pune
Members Representing
Representative from Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
(Dept. of Road Transport and Highways), New Delhi
Representative from Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises
(Department of Heavy Industry), New Delhi
Shri S. M. Ahuja Office of the Development Commissioner, MSME,
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises,
New Delhi
Shri P.C.Joshi Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
Director Central Institute of Road Transport, Pune
Shri D. P. Saste
Director Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehra Dun
Director Vehicles Research and Development Establishment,
Representatives from Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers
Shri T.C. Gopalan Tractor Manufacturers Association, New Delhi
Shri Uday Harite Automotive Components Manufacturers Association of
India, New Delhi

Member Secretary
Mrs. Rashmi Urdhwareshe
Sr. Deputy Director
The Automotive Research Association of India, Pune

* At the time of approval of this Automotive Industry Standard (AIS)


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