ARM Developer Suite Getting Started

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ARM Developer Suite

Version 1.2

Getting Started

Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.

ARM Developer Suite
Getting Started

Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.

Release Information

The following changes have been made to this book.

Change History

Date Issue Change

October 1999 A Release 1.0

March 2000 B Release 1.0.1

October 2000 C Release 1.1

November 2001 D Release 1.2

Proprietary Notice

Words and logos marked with ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks owned by ARM Limited. Other
brands and names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

Neither the whole nor any part of the information contained in, or the product described in, this document
may be adapted or reproduced in any material form except with the prior written permission of the copyright

The product described in this document is subject to continuous developments and improvements. All
particulars of the product and its use contained in this document are given by ARM in good faith. However,
all warranties implied or expressed, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, or
fitness for purpose, are excluded.

This document is intended only to assist the reader in the use of the product. ARM Limited shall not be liable
for any loss or damage arising from the use of any information in this document, or any error or omission in
such information, or any incorrect use of the product.

ii Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
ARM Developer Suite Getting Started

About this book .............................................................................................. vi
Feedback ....................................................................................................... ix

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 About the ARM Developer Suite ................................................................. 1-2
1.2 Printed documentation ................................................................................ 1-5
1.3 Online documentation ................................................................................. 1-7
1.4 Online help ................................................................................................ 1-15

Chapter 2 Differences
2.1 Overview ..................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2 Changes between ADS 1.2 and ADS 1.1 ................................................... 2-4
2.3 Changes between ADS 1.1 and ADS 1.0 ................................................. 2-13
2.4 Changes between ADS 1.0 and SDT 2.50/2.51 ....................................... 2-32

Chapter 3 Creating an Application

3.1 Using the CodeWarrior IDE ......................................................................... 3-2
3.2 Creating and building a simple project ........................................................ 3-3
3.3 Building from the command line ................................................................ 3-14
3.4 Using ARM libraries .................................................................................. 3-21
3.5 Using your own libraries ............................................................................ 3-24

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. iii

3.6 Debugging the application with AXD ........................................................ 3-25

Chapter 4 Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

4.1 Converting makefiles and APM project files ............................................... 4-2
4.2 Moving your development project from SDT to ADS .................................. 4-4


iv Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

This preface introduces the ARM Developer Suite (ADS) and its user documentation. It
contains the following sections:
• About this book on page vi
• Feedback on page ix.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. v

About this book

This book provides an overview of the ADS tools and documentation.

Intended audience

This book is written for all developers who are producing applications using ADS. It
assumes that you are an experienced software developer.

Using this book

This book is organized into the following chapters:

Chapter 1 Introduction
Read this chapter for an introduction to ADS. The components of ADS
and the printed and online documentation are described.

Chapter 2 Differences
Read this chapter for details of the differences between versions of ADS
and the ARM Software Development Toolkit.

Chapter 3 Creating an Application

Read this chapter for a brief overview of how to create an application
using the command-line tools or the CodeWarrior IDE.

Chapter 4 Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

Read this chapter for information on converting an SDT 2.50/2.51 project
to ADS.

Typographical conventions

The following typographical conventions are used in this book:

italic Highlights important notes, introduces special terminology,

denotes internal cross-references, and citations.

bold Highlights interface elements, such as menu names. Denotes

ARM processor signal names. Also used for terms in descriptive
lists, where appropriate.

monospace Denotes text that can be entered at the keyboard, such as

commands, file and program names, and source code.

vi Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

monospace Denotes a permitted abbreviation for a command or option. The

underlined text can be entered instead of the full command or
option name.

monospace italic Denotes arguments to commands and functions where the

argument is to be replaced by a specific value.

monospace bold Denotes language keywords when used outside example code.

Further reading

This section lists publications from ARM Limited that provide additional information
on developing code for the ARM family of processors.

ARM periodically provides updates and corrections to its documentation. See for current errata sheets and addenda.

See also the ARM Frequently Asked Questions list at

ARM publications

Refer to the following books in the ADS 1.2 document suite for information on other
components of ADS:

• ADS Installation and License Management Guide (ARM DUI 0139)

• ADS Assembler Guide (ARM DUI 0068)

• CodeWarrior IDE Guide (ARM DUI 0065)

• ADS Compilers and Libraries Guide (ARM DUI 0067)

• ADS Linker and Utilities Guide(ARM DUI 0151)

• AXD and armsd Debuggers Guide (ARM DUI 0066)

• ADS Debug Target Guide (ARM DUI 0058)

• ADS Developer Guide (ARM DUI 0056)

The following additional documentation is provided with the ARM Developer Suite:

• ARM Architecture Reference Manual (ARM DDI 0100). This is supplied in

DynaText and PDF format.

• ARM Applications Library Programmer’s Guide. This is supplied in DynaText

and PDF format.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. vii

• ARM ELF specification (SWS ESPC 0003). This is supplied in PDF format in

• TIS DWARF 2 specification. This is supplied in PDF format in


• ARM/Thumb® Procedure Call Standard specification. This is supplied in PDF

format in install_directory\PDF\specs\ATPCS.pdf.

In addition, refer to the following documentation for specific information relating to

ARM products:
• ARM Reference Peripheral Specification (ARM DDI 0062)
• the ARM datasheet or technical reference manual for your hardware device.

viii Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

ARM Limited welcomes feedback on both the ARM Developer Suite and its

Feedback on the ARM Developer Suite

If you have any problems with the ARM Developer Suite, please contact your supplier.
To help them provide a rapid and useful response, please give:
• details of the release you are using
• details of the platform you are running on, such as the hardware platform,
operating system type and version
• a small standalone sample of code that reproduces the problem
• a clear explanation of what you expected to happen, and what actually happened
• the commands you used, including any command-line options
• sample output illustrating the problem
• the version string of the tool, including the version number and date.

Feedback on this book

If you have any problems with this book, please send email to giving:
• the document title
• the document number
• the page number(s) to which your comments apply
• a concise explanation of the problem.

General suggestions for additions and improvements are also welcome.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ix

x Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
Chapter 1

This chapter introduces the ARM Developer Suite Version 1.2 (ADS 1.2) and describes
its software components and documentation. It contains the following sections:
• About the ARM Developer Suite on page 1-2
• Printed documentation on page 1-5
• Online help on page 1-15.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 1-1

1.1 About the ARM Developer Suite

ADS consists of a suite of applications, together with supporting documentation and
examples, that enable you to write and debug applications for the ARM family of RISC

You can use ADS to develop, build, and debug C, C++, or ARM assembly language

1.1.1 Components of ADS

ADS consists of the following major components:

• Command-line development tools
• GUI development tools on page 1-3
• Utilities on page 1-3
• Supporting software on page 1-4.

Command-line development tools

The following command-line development tools are provided:

armcc The ARM C compiler. The compiler is tested against the Plum Hall C
Validation Suite for ANSI conformance. It compiles ANSI source into
32-bit ARM code.

armcpp This is the ARM C++ compiler. It compiles ISO C++ or EC++ source
into 32-bit ARM code.

tcc The Thumb C compiler. The compiler is tested against the Plum Hall C
Validation Suite for ANSI conformance. It compiles ANSI source into
16-bit Thumb code.

tcpp This is the Thumb C++ compiler. It compiles ISO C++ or EC++ source
into 16-bit Thumb code.

armasm The ARM and Thumb assembler. This assembles both ARM assembly
language and Thumb assembly language source.

armlink The ARM linker. This combines the contents of one or more object files
with selected parts of one or more object libraries to produce an
executable program. The ARM linker creates ELF executable images.

1-2 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

armsd The ARM and Thumb symbolic debugger. This enables source level
debugging of programs. You can single-step through C or assembly
language source, set breakpoints and watchpoints, and examine program
variables or memory.

Rogue Wave C++ library

The Rogue Wave library provides an implementation of the standard C++
library as defined in the ISO/IEC 14822:1998 International Standard for
C++. For more information on the Rogue Wave library, see the online
HTML documentation on the CD ROM.

support libraries
The ARM C libraries provide additional components to enable support
for C++ and to compile code for different architectures and processors.

GUI development tools

The following Graphical User Interface (GUI) development tools are provided:

AXD The ARM Debugger for Windows and UNIX. This provides a full
Windows and UNIX environment for debugging your C, C++, and
assembly language source.

CodeWarrior IDE
The project management tool for Windows. This automates the routine
operations of managing source files and building your software
development projects. The CodeWarrior IDE is not available for UNIX.


The following utility tools are provided to support the main development tools:

fromELF The ARM image conversion utility. This accepts ELF format input files
and converts them to a variety of output formats, including plain binary,
Motorola 32-bit S-record format, Intel Hex 32 format, and Verilog-like
hex format. fromELF can also generate text information about the input
image, such as code and data size.

armprof The ARM profiler displays an execution profile of a simple program from
a profile data file generated by an ARM debugger.

armar The ARM librarian enables sets of ELF format object files to be collected
together and maintained in libraries. You can pass such a library to the
linker in place of several ELF files.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 1-3

Flash downloader
Utility for downloading binary images to Flash memory on an ARM
Integrator™ board or an ARM Development board (PID7T).

Supporting software

The following support software is provided to enable you to debug your programs,
either under simulation, or on ARM-based hardware:

ARMulator® The ARM core simulator. This provides instruction-accurate simulation

of ARM processors, and enables ARM and Thumb executable programs
to be run on non-native hardware. The ARMulator is integrated with the
ARM debuggers.

Supported standards

The industry standards supported by ADS include:

ar UNIX-style archive files are supported by armar.

DWARF2 DWARF2 debug tables are supported by the compilers, linker, and
debuggers. The deprecated format DWARF1 is supported in the
debuggers only.

ANSI C The ARM and Thumb compilers accept ANSI C as input. The option
-strict can be used to enforce strict ANSI compliance.

C++ The ARM and Thumb C++ compilers support a subset of the ISO C++

EC++ The ARM and Thumb C++ compilers support the Embedded C++
(EC++) informal standard that is a subset of C++.

ELF The ARM tools produce ELF format files. The FromELF utility can
translate ELF files into other formats.

RDI All debug agents and targets within ADS support version 1.5.1 of the
Remote Debug Interface (RDI). The debuggers support all the debug
agents (for example ARMulator and Remote_A) that are released as part
of ADS. They also support Multi-ICE®.

1-4 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

1.2 Printed documentation

This section lists publications from both ARM Limited and third parties that provide
additional information on developing code for the ARM family of processors.

ARM periodically provides updates and corrections to its documentation. See for current errata sheets, addenda, and the ARM Frequently Asked
Questions list.

1.2.1 ADS publications

This book contains general information about ADS. Other publications included in the
suite are:

• ADS Installation and License Management Guide (ARM DUI 0139). This book
gives detailed installation and license management information. It describes how
to install ADS, how to install license files for ADS, and how to work with the
FLEXlm license management system.

• ADS Assembler Guide (ARM DUI 0068). This book provides reference and
tutorial information on the ARM assembler.

• ADS Compilers and Libraries Guide (ARM DUI 0067). This book provides
reference information for ADS. It describes the command-line options to the
assembler, linker, compilers, and other ARM tools in ADS. The book also gives
reference material on the ARM implementation of the C and C++ compilers and
the C libraries.

• ADS Developer Guide (ARM DUI 0056). This book provides tutorial information
on writing code targeted at the ARM family of processors

• AXD and armsd Debuggers Guide (ARM DUI 0066). This book has two main
parts in which all the currently supported ARM debuggers are described:
— Part A describes the graphical user interface components of ARM eXtended
Debugger (AXD), the most recent ARM debugger and part of the ARM
Developer Suite of software. Tutorial information is included to
demonstrate the main features of AXD.
— Part B describes the ARM Symbolic Debugger (armsd).

• ADS Debug Target Guide (ARM DUI 0058). This book provides reference and
tutorial information on the debug targets that can be used with the ARM
debuggers. In particular, it describes the ARMulator, the ARM instruction set
simulator, in detail.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 1-5

• CodeWarrior IDE Guide (ARM DUI 0065). This book provides tutorial and
reference information on the CodeWarrior Integrated Development Environment.
The CodeWarrior IDE is used to manage C, C++, and assembly language projects
in ADS. The CodeWarrior IDE and guide are available only on Windows.

• ADS Linker and Utilities Guide (ARM DUI 0151). This book provides reference
information on the command-line options to the assembler, linker, compilers, and
other ARM tools in ADS. The book also gives reference material on the ARM
implementation of the C and C++ compilers and the C libraries

• *** Set the Book and Collection attributes to a supported combination ***
(ARM DUI 0081).This guide is provided with the ARM Applications Library.

See also the Further Reading sections in each book for related publications from ARM,
and from third parties.

Additional documentation is supplied as PDF files in the PDF subdirectory of your ADS
installation directory.

1-6 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

1.3 Online documentation

The ADS printed documentation is also available online as DynaText electronic books.
The content of the DynaText manuals is identical to that of the printed and PDF

In addition, documentation for the Rogue Wave C++ library is available in HTML
format. See HTML on page 1-14 for more information.

PDFs of the ADS manuals are installed only for a Full installation. The Typical
installation only installs PDFs of related documentation that is not available in the
printed books or DynaText online books.

1.3.1 DynaText

The manuals for ADS are provided on the CD-ROM as DynaText electronic books. The
DynaText browser is installed by default for a Typical or Full installation.

To display the online documentation, either:

• select Online Books from the ARM Developer Suite v1.2 program group

• execute install_directory\dtext41\bin\Dtext.exe.

The DynaText browser displays a list of available collections and books (Figure 1-1 on
page 1-8).

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 1-7

Figure 1-1 DynaText browser with list of available books

Opening a book

Double-click on a title in the book list to open the book. The table of contents for the
book is displayed in the left panel and the text is displayed in the right panel (see
Figure 1-2 on page 1-9).

1-8 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

Figure 1-2 Opening a book

Navigating through the book

Click on a section in the table of contents to display the text for that section. For
example, selecting C and C++ libraries displays the text for that section (see Figure 1-3
on page 1-10).

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 1-9

Figure 1-3 Selecting a section from the table of contents

Navigating using hyperlinks

Text in blue indicates a link that displays a different section of a book, or a different
book. Plain blue text indicates that the link is within the current chapter. Underlined
blue text indicates that the link is either to another chapter within the current book, or
to a different book. Hyperlinks behave differently depending on their target:

• if the link is within the current chapter (plain blue text), DynaText scrolls the
current window to display the target

• if the link is to another chapter in the current book, DynaText opens a new window
without a Table of Contents

• if the link is to another book, DynaText opens a new window with a Table of

Figure 1-4 on page 1-11 shows the browser displaying the text for the linked text.

1-10 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

Figure 1-4 Using text links

Displaying graphics

Graphics are not displayed inline in the DynaText browser. If a graphic symbol is
displayed, select it to display the linked graphic in its own window (see Figure 1-5).

Figure 1-5 Link to a figure

Clicking on the figure icon displays the figure in its own window (see Figure 1-6 on
page 1-12).

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 1-11

Figure 1-6 Graphic displayed

Navigating to a different book

If the blue link text refers to a different book, clicking on the link text displays the linked
book in its own window (see Figure 1-7 on page 1-13).

1-12 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

Figure 1-7 Navigating to a different book

Displaying help for DynaText

Select Help → Reader Guide to display help on how to use DynaText.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 1-13

1.3.2 HTML

The manuals for the Rogue Wave C++ library for ADS are provided on the CD-ROM
in HTML files. Use a web browser, such as Netscape Communicator or Internet
Explorer, to view these files. For example, select
install_directory\Html\stdref\index.htm to display the HTML documentation for
Rogue Wave (see Figure 1-8).

Figure 1-8 HTML browser

1-14 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

1.4 Online help

A Help menu is available for the Graphical User Interface components of ADS.

Select Help → Contents to see a display of the main help topics available. The
CodeWarrior IDE does not have a Contents menu item. Use the CodeWarrior IDE
Help for ARM Developer Suite menu item instead.

You can navigate to a particular page of help in any one of the following ways:

• From the Contents tab of the Help Topics screen, do any of the following:
— click on a main topic to select it
— click on the Open button
— click on a subtopic.

• From the Contents tab of the Help Topics screen either:

— double-click on a main topic book to open it (single-clicking toggles the
open or closed status)
— click on a subtopic.

• From the Index tab of the Help Topics screen, do any of the following:
— type the first few characters of a likely index entry
— scroll down the displayed list of index entries until the entry you want is
— click on the required index entry.

• From the Find tab of the Help Topics screen, do any of the following:
— type or select key words that might occur anywhere in the help text
— select a topic from the displayed list of topics that contain the specified

• From any page of help that has a hypertext link to the page you want, click on the
highlighted hypertext link.

• Most pages of online help contain help links that can be clicked on:
— highlighted hot spots with dashed underlining display brief explanations in
pop-up boxes
— highlighted hot spots with solid underlining jump to other related pages of
— browse buttons display related pages of help.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 1-15

Most help selections can be done by key presses or mouse clicks.

1.4.1 Context-sensitive help

Context-sensitive help is available where appropriate. With the ADS component

running, position the cursor on any field or button for which you need require help and
press the F1 key on the keyboard. Alternatively, right-click over the feature you want
help with and select What’s This? from the popup menu. If relevant online help is
available it is displayed.

An alternative method of invoking context-sensitive help (used for example for

ARM-specific features in the CodeWarrior IDE) is to click on the question mark tool in
the toolbar, then click on the field or button for which you need help.

1-16 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
Chapter 2

This chapter describes the major differences between SDT 2.50/2.51, ADS 1.0, ADS
1.1, and ADS 1.2. It contains the following sections:
• Overview on page 2-2
• Changes between ADS 1.2 and ADS 1.1 on page 2-4
• Changes between ADS 1.1 and ADS 1.0 on page 2-13
• Changes between ADS 1.0 and SDT 2.50/2.51 on page 2-32.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-1

2.1 Overview
This chapter describes the changes that have been made between SDT 2.50/2.51 and
ADS 1.0, between ADS 1.0 and ADS 1.1, and between ADS 1.1 and ADS 1.2.

The most important differences between ADS 1.2 and ADS 1.1 are:

• Support for ARM architecture v5TEJ.

• The ARMulator provides ARM9EJ-S and ARM926EJ-S models, enabling the

execution of Java byte codes under simulation.

• Debuggers allow memory disassembly as Java bytecodes.

• ADS now supported on Red Hat Linux 6.2 and 7.1.

• C libraries provide a real-time divide routine with better worst-case performance.

• The new pragma arm section allows placing code or data into a named section.
The address of the named section can then be specified by a scatter-loading file.

• Access to C++ class members is possible from assembly code.

• The linker can accept libraries as input.

• A linker error is generated if you use scatter-loading files with the linker and have
not reimplemented the __user_initial_stackheap() C library function.

• ADW and ADU are not part of ADS 1.2.

The most important differences between ADS 1.1 and ADS 1.0 are:

• Full support for ARM9E and ARM10.

• Support for ARM architecture v5TE processors, including the Intel XScale.

• Improved code size for compiled code.

• The ATPCS now requires 8-byte alignment of the stack.

• Improved debug view for compiled code.

• Support for RealMonitor.

• Angel™ has been moved to the ARM Firmware Suite.

• The ARMulator rebuild kit is no longer supplied. It is replaced with a new

ARMulator extension kit. The ARMulator has been integrated into a single DLL
(shared object under UNIX) and its configuration has been simplified. A new
interface enables addition of memory models.

2-2 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

• Limited support for GNU images in AXD.

• More components are license-managed, including the CodeWarrior IDE,

fromELF, and armsd.

• In the ADS 1.0.1 maintenance release, the default stack checking option for the
assembler was changed to /noswst, to match the compilers.

The most important differences between ADS 1.0 and SDT 2.50/2.51 are:

• C and C++ libraries are supplied as binaries only. Selection of the appropriate
library for the build option is automatic. No rebuild kit or source code is supplied.
The C libraries are suitable for embedded applications because functions that use
SWIs can be easily retargeted.

• The CodeWarrior IDE is used for project management instead of APM.

• AXD is a new debugger for Windows and UNIX. ADW for Windows and ADU
for UNIX are still supported.

• AXD supports the new RDI 1.51 release.

• armar replaces armlib as library manager and ar format replaces ALF as the
library format.

• The object and image format is now ELF.

• The preferred and default debug table format is DWARF2.

• Support for ARM9E™ and preliminary support for ARM10™.

• Major components are licence managed.

• Manuals are provided in DynaText form for easy browsing.

• A new ARM/Thumb Procedure Call Standard (ATPCS) encompasses ARM and

Thumb on an equal basis.

• The included C++ compilers are fully integrated with ADS, and include support
for Embedded C++.

• ARMulator supports RPS Interrupt Controller and Timer peripheral models.

• Clearer messages have been provided in many of the tools.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-3

2.2 Changes between ADS 1.2 and ADS 1.1

This section describes changes between ADS 1.2 and ADS 1.1. It contains the following
• Differences in default behavior
• Functionality enhancements and new functionality
• Changes to the compilers and libraries on page 2-5
• Changes to the assembler on page 2-7
• Changes to the linker on page 2-8
• Changes to armar and fromELF on page 2-9
• Changes to the debuggers on page 2-10
• Changes to the ARMulator on page 2-10
• Changes to the CodeWarrior IDE on page 2-11
• Changes to the examples on page 2-11
• Changes to the documentation on page 2-11.

2.2.1 Differences in default behavior

This section gives a summary of the changed default behavior.


If a scatter-loading file is used with the linker, output section symbols such as
Image$$RW$$Limit and Image$$ZI$$Limit are not defined. (In earlier versions of ADS,
output section symbols had a default value of zero when used with scatter loading and
linker error messages were not generated.)


If you are using scatter-loading with the linker, you must reimplement the
__user_initial_stackheap() function to set the heap and stack boundaries. The default
implementation uses Image$$ZI$$Limit to identify the top of used RW/ZI memory. See
the section on libraries in the ADS Compilers and Libraries Guide.

2.2.2 Functionality enhancements and new functionality

This section gives a summary of the major functionality enhancements in ADS 1.2. See
the sections for the individual tools for a more detailed description of changes and
enhancements for each component of ADS.

2-4 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

ADS version 1.2 is the last release of ADS that supports Windows 95, Windows 98, and
Solaris 2.6. Future versions of ADS will no longer be supported on these platforms.

ADS 1.2 introduces the following functionality enhancements and new functionality:
• Support for ARM architecture v5TEJ
• Support for latest ARM cores
• Support for Linux.

Support for ARM architecture v5TEJ

ADS 1.2 supports the new ARM architecture 5TEJ:

• AXD enables memory disassembly as Java bytecodes (but not source-level Java

• The ARMulator provides ARM9EJ-S and ARM926EJ-S models that enable Java
byte codes to be executed under simulation.

• The compilers and assemblers accept ARM926EJ™ as a processor name.

Support for latest ARM cores

ADS 1.2 supports all current ARM cores (including ARM9E and ARM10).

Support for Linux

ADS 1.2 is supported on Linux Red Hat versions 6.2 and 7.1.

The CodeWarrior IDE for ADS is not provided for UNIX or Linux platforms.

2.2.3 Changes to the compilers and libraries

This section describes:

• New or changed compiler options and pragmas on page 2-6
• Headers on page 2-7
• Inline Thumb assembly language on page 2-7
• Changes to the libraries on page 2-7
• Changes to the size of wchar_t on page 2-7
• __user_initial_stackheap() on page 2-7.

Refer to the ADS Compilers and Libraries Guide for detailed information.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-5

New or changed compiler options and pragmas

The following compiler options are changed for ADS 1.2:

-asm This option can now output both assembly files (.s) and object code (.o).

Turns off the automatic reordering of top-level data items (for example,
globals). The C/C++ compilers of ADS 1.1 and later now automatically
reorder memory to eliminate wasted space between data items. However,
if legacy code makes assumptions about ordering of data by the compiler,
this optimization might break the code.
The C standard does not guarantee data order, so you must avoid writing
code that depends on a certain ordering.

The -Oknown_library option enabled specific optimizations that were
dependent on the supplied ARM C library. This option has been removed.
-Ono_known_library is the default and only option.

The following compiler pragma is new for ADS 1.2:

arm section This pragma specifies the code or data section name that will be used for
subsequent objects. This enables more specific placement of code and
data sections.

The following symbols are new for ADS 1.2:

Guards against use of malloc(), realloc(), free(), and any function that
uses those (such as calloc() and stdio). This is provided to assist you in
tailoring memory management.

Has the same properties as __use_no_heap(), but in addition, guards
against uses of the heap memory region. For example, if you declare
main() as a function taking arguments, the heap region is used for
collecting argc and argv.

2-6 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

Selects a helper division routine that always executes in fewer than 45
cycles. Some applications require a faster worst-case cycle count at the
expense of lower average performance.


C/C++ headers in the Include directory provide access to DSP functionality such as
saturating addition and short (16x16 bit) multiplication.

• armdsp.h provides functions corresponding exactly to the ARM9E instructions

• dspfns.h provides a close approximation to the ITU DSP primitives.

Inline Thumb assembly language

The use of inline Thumb assembly language is deprecated and generates a warning
message. The compiler now generates optimum Thumb code and there is no advantage
to using inline assembly language in Thumb C or C++ code.

Changes to the libraries

The ARM C libraries enable a choice of division helper routines:

• The new integer divide routine in the C library gives known worst-case
performance (less than 45 cycles).
• The default divide routine provides good overall performance, but slower
worst-case performance (more than 90 cycles).

Changes to the size of wchar_t

wchar_t is now defined to be unsigned short, (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2). Previously it was

defined as int, (sizeof(wchar_t) ==4).


__user_initial_stackheap() has been changed to use the value of the symbol

Image$$ZI$$Limit instead of Image$$RW$$Limit. These symbols have the same value. The
change has been made for the sake of clarity.

2.2.4 Changes to the assembler

This section describes:

• C compiler as preprocessor on page 2-8

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-7

• New instructions and directives

• Access to C++ class members
• Improved warning on instruction restrictions.

C compiler as preprocessor

Assembly language files can now be preprocessed with the C preprocessor.

New instructions and directives

The assembler provides support for new ARM architecture v5TEJ processors. The
instruction set is documented in the ADS Assembler Guide.

The VFPv2 instructions can move two words of data either way between the ARM core
and the VFP coprocessor.

Access to C++ class members

The assembler option EXPORT can be used to export symbols.

Assembly code can use a symbol definitions (symdefs) file created by the linker to
access C++ class members by their symbol.

Improved warning on instruction restrictions

There is a restriction on the use of STM(2) and LDM(2) instructions. (STM(2) and LDM(2)
allow you to access the User Mode banked registers from a privileged mode.)

You must not access any of the banked registers in the instruction following an STM(2)
or LDM(2) instruction. On architecture 5 and below, this instruction sequence is

The ADS1.2 Assembler generates a warning if it finds this instruction sequence.

2.2.5 Changes to the linker

This section describes:

• Changed linker behavior on page 2-9
• New linker options on page 2-9.

2-8 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

Changed linker behavior

The following changes have been made to the linker behavior:

• The linker accepts symbol definitions in a file. These symbols can provide global
symbol values for a previously generated image file.

• If a scatter-loading file is used with the linker, output section symbols such as
Image$$RW$$Limit are not defined.

If you are using scatter-loading files as input to the linker, you must reimplement
__user_initial_stackheap() to set the heap and stack boundaries. If you do not
have a reimplementation of this function, the following error message is
Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol Image$$ZI$$Limit (referred from

New linker options

The following linker options are new for ADS 1.2:

-reloc Produces relocatable images.

-match crossmangled
This option instructs the linker to match between mangled and
unmangled definitions in either source code or libraries.

2.2.6 Changes to armar and fromELF

This section describes:

• New armar behavior
• New fromELF options on page 2-10.

New armar behavior

The following behavior is new to ADS 1.2:

• Libraries can be merged together into a new library. If one or more of the files in
the input list is a library, armar copies all members from the input library to the
destination library. The order of entries on the command line is preserved.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-9

New fromELF options

This section gives a brief summary of new fromELF options for ADS 1.2. Refer to the
ADS Linker and Utilities Guide for detailed information. The following fromELF
option is new for ADS 1.2:

This option produces an armasm file to the standard output that contains
the C or C++ structure and class member offsets of the input ELF file.
The input ELF file can be a relocatable object or an image.

Intellec Hex Format

The Intellec Hex format (IHF) is deprecated and will not be supported in future releases
of the toolkit.

2.2.7 Changes to the debuggers

This section describes:

• Changes to AXD
• Changes to ADW and ADU
• Gateway DLL removed.

Changes to AXD

AXD allows memory disassembly as Java bytecodes, but not source-level Java debug.

Changes to ADW and ADU

ADW and ADU are no longer in the ADS product.

Gateway DLL removed

The Gateway DLL no longer in the ADS product. It is, however, available as a
separately orderable product.

2.2.8 Changes to the ARMulator

The ARMulator supports all newly released processors, and includes support for the
Jazelle extensions in ARM architecture v5TEJ. The ARMulator provides models of the
ARM9EJ-S and ARM926EJ-S cores, and enables you to execute Java byte codes under

2-10 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

If you have written your own .ami ARMulator configuration files, to redefine cache or
tightly coupled memory sizes, you need to make some changes to these files for them
to work in ADS 1.2.

See the ARMulator Reference chapter in the Debug Target Guide, ARMulator
configuration files section for details.

2.2.9 Changes to the CodeWarrior IDE

The CodeWarrior IDE has been upgraded to version 4.2. Some ARM-specific panels
have changed and there is improved support for ARM/Thumb scatter-loading files.

CodeWarrior IDE project files are stored in a slightly different format to those of ADS
1.1. The CodeWarrior IDE automatically converts your existing files to the new format.
The old project file is saved as name.old.mcp.

If you create new project files, or convert ADS 1.1 projects using ADS 1.2, you cannot
use these project files with ADS 1.1, and you cannot convert them back to ADS 1.1

2.2.10 Changes to the examples

The example code supplied with ADS in install_directory\Examples\embedded has

been supplemented with the following additional examples suitable for running on the
ARM Integrator development board:

cache Files to perform initialization of cached cores.

embed A simple C program for embedded applications. This directory contains

examples of retargeting functions for stack, heap, and I/O.

embed_cpp This example presents a basic C++ program with a simple class and
shows how it can be made into an embedded application.

rps_irq This example illustrates an RPS-based interrupt-driven timer for the

Integrator board or, with some modification, the ARMulator.

2.2.11 Changes to the documentation

The documentation has been updated to reflect the changes to ADS 1.2 and has been
extended and reorganized:

• There is a separate Linker and Utilities Guide with enhanced descriptions of

scatter loading.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-11

• The Developer Guide has a new chapter on cached processors and tightly-coupled

• There is a separate Compilers and Libraries User Guide.

• The Debugger Guide has been renamed as the AXD and armsd Debugger Guide
and the ADW and ADU information removed.

• The ARMulator Guide has been enhanced with more examples.

2-12 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

2.3 Changes between ADS 1.1 and ADS 1.0

This section describes changes between ADS 1.1 and ADS 1.0. It contains the following
• Functionality enhancements and new functionality
• Differences in default behavior on page 2-19
• Changes to the compilers and libraries on page 2-19
• Changes to the assembler on page 2-23
• Changes to the linker on page 2-25
• Changes to fromELF on page 2-26
• Changes to the debuggers on page 2-27
• Changes to ARMulator on page 2-29.
• Changes to the CodeWarrior IDE on page 2-31.

2.3.1 Functionality enhancements and new functionality

This section gives a summary of the major functionality enhancements in ADS 1.1. See
the sections for the individual tools for a more detailed description of changes and
enhancements for each component of ADS.

ADS 1.1 introduces the following functionality enhancements and new functionality:
• Support for ARM architecture v5TE
• Improved debug view
• Code size improvements and improved optimization on page 2-16
• Support for RealMonitor on page 2-16
• Changes to memory alignment on page 2-17
• Angel moved to AFS on page 2-18.

Support for ARM architecture v5TE

ADS 1.1 fully supports ARM architecture v5TE.

Improved debug view

The reliability of the debug view in the ADS debuggers has been substantially
improved, especially for optimization level -O1. Improvements to DWARF2 support
enable you to:

• Debug inline functions.

• View return values for functions.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-13

• Reliably examine the contents of variables. Where the value of a variable is

unavailable, it is described as such in the debugger.

• Reliably set watchpoints on local variables.

• Set breakpoints on closing parentheses to functions.

• Set breakpoints on multiple statements on the same source line.

The debug view is dependent on the optimization level selected. In addition, there are
some restrictions to the debug view for ADW/ADU and armsd.

Improved support for debugging third party images

AXD can now load and, with limitations, debug ELF/DWARF images built with the
GNU toolchain. The following restrictions apply to using AXD with gcc 2.95.2 and
binutils 2.10:
• Binutils does not set the ELF flag to indicate that an entry point has been set. You
must manually set the PC to the entry point for the image. This is commonly
0x00008000 or 0x0.
• Binutils does not generate the ARM mapping symbols that distinguish between
ARM code ($a), Thumb code ($t), and data ($d). This means that:
— You must manually select the disassembly mode in the disassembly
— Interleaved source and code is not disassembled. It is treated as word-sized
— You cannot single step, because AXD cannot determine whether to set an
ARM breakpoint or a Thumb breakpoint.
You can manually set an ARM breakpoint, however the debugger requests
that you confirm the action because it interprets the code as being a literal

You can manually add a mapping symbol to mark ARM or Thumb state code by
linking the following assembly language at the start of your image. If you are
using the ARM assembler:
CODE32 ; or CODE16 for Thumb
If you are using the GNU assembler:

2-14 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

.type $a,function @ or $t for Thumb
The mapping symbol is in effect for the rest of the image, or until another
mapping symbol is encountered.
This provides a workaround for the disassembly and stepping restrictions listed
above for images that contain only ARM code or only Thumb code. However, it
means that literal pools are not detected and are disassembled as code, instead of
being displayed as data.
• GCC does not generate call frame information. This means actions that rely on
knowing the stack frame layout do not work. Specifically:
— No stack backtrace is available. Only the current function is shown in the
stack backtrace.
— Step out does not work.
Local variables and parameters are available in the variable view, however you
must step over the function prologue code that sets up the stack frame before they
show the correct values.
Line number information is available, so the source view correctly displays the
current source line.

IRQ and FIQ debugger internal variables

The ARM debuggers now support debug targets that create their own variables. These
are named $<proc_name>$<variable_name>, where:
<proc_name> Is the name of the processor, as shown in the Target panel of the Control
system view (for example, ARM1020E).
Is the name of the variable, and can include:
irq (For example, $ARM1020E$irq.) A target can export this variable
to provide a means of asserting the interrupt request pin. To
trigger an interrupt manually, set the value to 1. To clear the
interrupt, set it to 0. The processor CPSR must not be
configured to disable interrupts.
fiq (For example, $ARM1020E$fiq.) A target can export this variable
to provide a means of asserting the fast interrupt request pin.
To trigger a fast interrupt manually, set the value to 1. To clear
the fast interrupt, set it to 0. The processor CPSR must not be
configured to disable fast interrupts.

Your debug target might create other variables (for example, ARM1020E$other). See the
target documentation for details.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-15

Code size improvements and improved optimization

ADS 1.1 optimization improvements have improved code density for compiled code
over ADS 1.0.1. A number of additional optimizations have been introduced. In
particular the compilers now reorder top-level data items when this will save space. For
example, if the following global variables are defined:
char a = 0x11;
short b = 0x2222;
char c = 0x33;
int d = 0x44444444;

the ADS 1.1 compilers optimizes the order and stores them in memory as:
char a;
char c;
short b;
int d;


You cannot rely on the order of global variables in memory being the same as the order
in which they are declared. If, for example, you have used a sequence of volatile global
variables to map peripheral registers, you must rewrite your code to use structures. Use
the -Ono_data_reorder compiler option to disable this optimization.

Extensions to RDI support

AXD supports the following extensions to RDI 1.5.1:

• real-time extensions, required for RealMonitor (RDI 1.5.1rt)
• trace extensions required for Trace support (RDI 1.5.1tx)
• self-describing module extensions, required to support self-describing targets
(RDI 1.5.1sdm).

Support for RealMonitor

RealMonitor is the ARM real-time debug solution. AXD has been enhanced to provide
support for RealMonitor. AXD can now connect to a running target without halting the
processor. RealMonitor requires the real-time extensions to RDI 1.5.1. In addition, the
Gateway DLL now supports RealMonitor.

Support for self-describing modules

Self-describing modules are an extension to RDI 1.5.1 that enable a target to describe
its capabilities and requirements to a debugger that supports RDI 1.5.1sdm. AXD
supports RDI 1.5.1sdm, and can modify its interface to suit the target to which it is

2-16 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

connected. For example, the target can describe the number, name, and formatting
requirements of its coprocessor registers to AXD, and AXD modifies its interface to
represent the capabilities of the target.

This means that AXD interface elements can change, depending on the target to which
it is connected.

Changes to memory alignment

ADS 1.1 ensures that stack data is always 8-byte aligned. The new ATPCS requires that
sp always points to 8-byte boundaries. Your assembly language code must preserve
8-byte alignment of the stack at all external interfaces.

In addition, the default implementations of __user_initial_stackheap(), malloc(),

calloc(), realloc(), and alloca() now ensure that heap data is 8-byte aligned.


If you access stack data from assembly language you must ensure that you maintain
8-byte alignment of the stack at external interfaces.

If you have re-implemented the ARM C library default memory model, you must ensure
that you maintain 8-byte alignment of the heap. In particular, you must ensure that your
implementations of __rt_heap_extend(), __user_heap_extend() return 8-byte aligned
blocks of memory. __HeapProvideMemory() is allowed to assume 8-byte alignment. It is
recommended that your implementations of __user_initial_stackheap(),
__Heap_Alloc() and __Heap_Realloc() maintain 8-byte alignment of heap memory.

If you use the LDRD or STRD instructions, you must ensure that the location accessed is
8-byte aligned. In ARM assembly language:

• you must set the alignment of any data section, or code section that contains data,
using the ALIGN attribute to the AREA directive.

• you must use the ALIGN directive to ensure that data structures are 8-byte aligned.

For example:
my_struct DATA
ALIGN 8 ;aligned on 8 byte boundary
DCB 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-17

The ADS 1.1 assembler supports two new directives to mark assembly units that contain
functions that require, or preserve 8-byte alignment of the stack. This enables the linker
to detect calls between code that does maintain 8-byte alignment, and code that does not
maintain 8-byte alignment.

PRESERVE8 Use this directive to mark assembly files that contain only functions that
preserve 8-byte alignment of the stack.

REQUIRE8 Use this directive to mark assembly files that contain at least one function
that requires 8-byte alignment of the stack (for example, the stack is
accessed with LDRD/STRD instructions.)

If you are using LDRD/STRD to access data objects defined in C or C++, you must use
__align(8) to ensure that the data objects are properly aligned. __align(8) is a storage
class modifier. This means that it can be used only on top-level objects. You can not use
it on:
• types, such as typedefs, structure definitions
• function parameters.

It can be used in conjunction with extern and static. __align(8) only ensures that the
object is 8-byte aligned. This means, for example, that you must explicitly pad
structures if required.

Output objects from a compilation or assembly are marked as requiring 8-byte
alignment in the following circumstances:

• you specify the REQUIRE8 directive, because you are using LDRD and STRD
instructions in your assembly language code

• you allow the compiler to generate LDRD and STRD instructions by specifying the
-Oldrd option

• you use the __align(8) qualifier to set the alignment of an object to an eight byte

These objects are unlikely to link with objects built with versions of ADS earlier than

Angel moved to AFS

Angel is no longer shipped as part of ADS. Angel is now available as part of the ARM
Firmware Suite.

2-18 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

2.3.2 Differences in default behavior

This section describes how the default behavior of ADS 1.1 differs from that of ADS
1.0. The major changes are:

• The CodeWarrior IDE, fromELF, and armsd are now license-managed in the
same way as other components of ADS.

• The linker now unmangles C++ symbol names when generating diagnostic
messages or listings. This is the default. You can use the -mangled option to
change the behavior.

• The byte order of an ARMulator target can now be set in the target configuration
dialog in AXD and ADW.

• The ARM compilers now require the stack to be 8-byte aligned.

• AXD now starts up with much more of its state reproduced from the last session.

• The compilers now perform auto-inlining by default for optimization level -O2.

• The compilers now perform range-splitting optimization at optimization level -O1

(previously only done for -O2).

• The default filename for binary output from the compiler is now __image.axf.
That is, armcc sourcename.c, with no output name specified by the -o option, now
generates __image.axf, not sourcename.

• The ARMulator default behavior has changed. Branches to address zero are now
trapped only if you are running the FPE.

2.3.3 Changes to the compilers and libraries

This section describes:

• New compiler options and pragmas on page 2-20
• Obsolete compiler options on page 2-21
• Changed behavior on page 2-21
• Changes to the inline assemblers on page 2-23
• Changes to the libraries on page 2-23.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-19

New compiler options and pragmas

This section gives a brief summary of new compiler options for ADS 1.1. Refer to the
ADS Compilers and Libraries Guide for detailed information. The following compiler
options are new for ADS 1.1:

-split_ldm This option reduces the maximum number of registers transferred by LDM
and STM instructions generated by the compiler.

This option disables automatic inlining. It can be enabled with

-O[no]ldrd This option controls optimizations specific to ARM Architecture v5TE

processors. The default is -Ono_ldrd. If you select -Oldrd, and select an
Architecture v5TE -cpu option such as -cpu xscale, the compiler:
• Generates LDRD and STRD instructions where appropriate.
• Sets the natural alignment of double and long long variables to
eight. This is equivalent to specifying __align(8) for each variable.
If you select this option, the output object is marked as requiring
8-byte alignment. This means that it is unlikely to link with objects
built with versions of ADS earlier than 1.1.

This option changes the default handling of unsuffixed floating-point

-Wk This option turns off warnings that are given when the
-auto_float_constants option is used.

The -Oknown_library option enables specific optimizations that are
dependent on the supplied ARM C library. -Ono_known_library is the
default, and is required if you re-implement any part of the C library.
This option has been removed for ADS version 1.2.

-fpu softvfp+vfp
This option selects a floating-point library with pure-endian doubles and
software floating-point linkage that uses the VFP hardware. Select this
option if you are interworking Thumb code with ARM code on a system
that implements a VFP unit.

2-20 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

-fpu vfpv1 Selects hardware Vector Floating Point unit conforming to architecture
VFPv1. This option is a synonym for -fpu vfp. It is not available for

-fpu vfpv2 Selects hardware Vector Floating Point unit conforming to architecture
VFPv2. This option is not available for Thumb.

#pragma import(symbol_name)
This pragma generates an importing reference to symbol_name. This is the
same as the assembler directive:
IMPORT symbol_name

New predefined macros

The following predefined macros are new for ADS 1.1:

Set if the target architecture supports the PLD, LDRD, STRD, MCRR, and MRRC

Set by the -fpu softvfp+vfp option.

Obsolete compiler options

The following compiler option, deprecated in ADS 1.0, is not supported in ADS 1.1:

-dwarf1 This option specifies DWARF1 debug table format. Specify -dwarf2
instead of -dwarf1.


You must modify existing makefiles that use this option.

Changed behavior

ADS 1.1 introduces the following changes to the behavior of the compilers:

• The default filename for binary output from the compiler is now __image.axf.
That is, armcc sourcename.c, with no output name specified by the -o option, now
generates __image.axf, not sourcename.

• Range splitting optimizations are turned on for -O1.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-21

• Tentative declarations are allowed by default in ADS 1.1 and later. In ADS 1.0.1,
tentative declarations were disallowed by default unless -strict was specified.

• Output from the -S and -S -fs options now displays standard register names, such
as r0-r3, instead of their ATPCS equivalents (a1-a4). The output from -S -fs is
now written to filename.txt, instead of filename.s.

• When compiling with -zo, output sections now use the same name as the function
that generates the section. For example:
int f(int x) { return x+1; }
compiled with -zo gives:
ADD r0,r0,#1
MOV pc,lr

• When compiling for ARM architecture v5TE, the compilers now use the
one-cycle 16-bit multiply instruction when multiplying two16-bit (short)
operands to produce a single 32-bit result.

• The compilers now support out of order inlining. This means you can call an
inline function before it is defined. In accordance with standard C, you must still
declare the function prototype before it is called.

• Additional optimizations have been introduced. The compilers do not generate:

— Unused static functions for optimization levels -O1 and -O2.
— Unused inline functions for all optimization levels. (This is unchanged
— Unused static RW data for -O1 and above.
— Unused static const data for all optimization levels.

In addition:

• The compilers now reorder top-level data items when this will save space. For
example, if the following global variables are defined:
char a = 0x11;
short b = 0x2222;
char c = 0x33;
int d = 0x44444444;
the ADS 1.1 compilers optimizes the order and stores them in memory as:
char a;
char c;
short b;
int d;

2-22 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

• the compilers now place zero initialized global and static definitions such as:
int a=0;
in the ZI data area. The variables are initialized by the C libraries at run time.
Previously such variables were placed in the RW area.

Changes to the inline assemblers

The inline assemblers support the ARMv5TE instructions. The inline assemblers do not
support VFP floating-point instructions.

Changes to the libraries

The ARM C libraries are now compiled with the -split_ldm compiler option. The
libraries preserve 8-byte alignment of the stack, and the default memory model
functions preserve 8-byte alignment of the heap. In addition:
• floating-point exceptions are disabled by default
• the ANSI C and C++ run-time support libraries are now combined
• a number of additional minor library variants are provided.

2.3.4 Changes to the assembler

This section describes:

• New instructions and directives
• New assembler options on page 2-24
• Obsolete assembler options on page 2-24
• Changed behavior on page 2-25.

New instructions and directives

The assembler provides support for new ARM architecture v5TE processors, including
the Intel XScale. The instruction set is now documented in the new ADS Assembler

The ADS 1.1 assembler provides the following new directives:

PRESERVE8 Use this directive to mark assembly files that contain only functions that
preserve 8-byte alignment of the stack.

REQUIRE8 Use this directive to mark assembly files that contain at least one function
that requires 8-byte alignment of the stack

The assembler also supports the XScale coprocessor instructions MAR, MRA, MIA, MIAPH,
and MIAxy

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-23

New assembler options

This section gives a brief summary of new assembler options for ADS 1.1. Refer to the
ADS Assembler Guide for detailed information. The following assembler options are
new for ADS 1.1:

-fpu softvfp+vfp
This option selects software floating-point library with pure-endian
doubles, software floating-point linkage, and requiring a VFP unit. Select
this option if you are interworking Thumb code with ARM code on a
system that implements a VFP unit.

-fpu vfpv1 Selects hardware Vector Floating Point unit conforming to architecture
VFPv1. This option is a synonym for -fpu vfp. It is not available for

-fpu vfpv2 Selects hardware Vector Floating Point unit conforming to architecture
VFPv2. This option is not available for Thumb.

-split_ldm This option instructs the assembler to fault LDM and STM instructions if the
maximum number of registers transferred exceeds:
• five, for all STMs, and for LDMs that do not load the PC
• four, for LDMs that load the PC.

New predefined register names

ADS 1.1 predefines the following floating-point register names:

• s0-s31
• S0-S31
• d0-d15
• D0-D15.


You cannot use these names as user-defined label or symbol names in your assembly
language code.

Obsolete assembler options

The following assembler options, deprecated in ADS 1.0, are not supported in ADS 1.1:

-dwarf1, and -dwarf

This option specifies DWARF1 debug table format. Specify -dwarf2
instead of -dwarf1. -dwarf was a synonym for -dwarf1.

2-24 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D


You must modify existing makefiles that use these options.

Changed behavior

ADS 1.1 introduces the following changes to the behavior of the assembler:

• The assembler now faults a call to a GET directive from within a macro.

• The assembler now faults the use of built-in variable names or predefined symbol
names as a user symbol, such as a macro name. In ADS 1.0 the assembler silently
ignored such usage.

• The assembler is now much stricter and more consistent in faulting usage that
does not conform to the ARM Architecture Reference manual. For example:
CMP ip,a3,ASL #0
; Generates Warning: A1484E: Obsolete shift name ‘ASL’, use LSL instead
SWP r0,r1,[r0]
; Generates Warning: A1477W: This register combination results
; in UNPREDICTABLE behavior

2.3.5 Changes to the linker

This section describes:

• New linker options
• Changed linker behavior on page 2-26.

New linker options

This section gives a brief summary of new linker options for ADS 1.1. Refer to the ADS
Linker and Utilities Guide for detailed information. The following linker options are
new for ADS 1.1:

-callgraph This option creates a static callgraph of functions in HTML format. The
callgraph gives stack usage, definition, and reference information for all
functions in the image.

-edit file This option enables you to specify a steering file containing commands
to edit the symbol tables in the output binary.

-unmangled This option instructs the linker to display unmangled C++ symbol names
in diagnostic messages and listings.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-25

-mangled This option instructs the linker to display mangled C++ symbol names in
diagnostic messages and listings.

New scatter loading attributes

The scatter load syntax has been extended to include a new attribute for execution

FIXED Fixed address. Both the load address and execution address of the region
is specified by the base address (the region is a root region.)

Changed linker behavior

The following changes have been made to the linker behavior:

• The linker now unmangles C++ symbol names by default, in all listings and
diagnostic messages.

• The linker generates two new region-related symbols:

Address of the byte beyond the end of the execution region.
Address of the byte beyond the end of the ZI output section in the
execution region.
See the description of linker-defined symbols in the ADS Linker and Utilities
Guide for more information, including a description of how to use the
Image$$region_name$$ZI$$Limit symbol to place a heap directly after the ZI
region. For new projects it is recommended that you use the region-related
symbols rather than section-related symbols.

• The linker no longer generates a warning message if there is a duplicate definition

of a symbol:
Both ARM & Thumb versions of symbol present in image

• The linker options -split and -rwpi now assume -rw-base 0 if no -rw-base value
is specified.

2.3.6 Changes to fromELF

This section describes:

• New fromELF options on page 2-27
• Changed behavior on page 2-27.

2-26 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

New fromELF options

This section gives a brief summary of new fromELF options for ADS 1.1. Refer to the
ADS Linker and Utilities Guide for detailed information. The following fromELF
options are new for ADS 1.1:

-vhx This option outputs Byte Oriented (Verilog Memory Model) Hex Format.

-base n This option specifies the base address of the output for Motorola
S-record, and (-m32), Intel Hex (-i32) formats.

This option outputs multiple files for multiple memory banks. This
option is available only if -vhx or -bin is specified as the output format.

Changed behavior

The following changes have been made to fromELF:

• fromELF can now disassemble ARMv5TE instructions.
• fromELF is now license-managed through FLEXlm
• fromELF now issues a warning for the -aif and -aifbin output options. These
formats are no longer supported.
• the fromELF -S option now prints size information.

2.3.7 Changes to the Flash downloader

The default Flash download utility is now targeted at the ARM Integrator
board. Source code for the Integrator is not supplied. The
install_directory\Examples\flashload directory has been removed.

2.3.8 Changes to the debuggers

This section describes:

• Changes to AXD
• Changes to armsd on page 2-29
• Changes to ADW and ADU on page 2-29.

Changes to AXD

The AXD interface has been significantly enhanced, including:

• AXD disassembles ARMv5TE instructions.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-27

• AXD displays the XScale coprocessors CP0, CP13, CP14, and CP15 in
appropriate formats.

• AXD data display has been enhanced to allow display in a choice of many
different formats.

• AXD now displays breakpoints and watchpoints in separate lists.

• AXD persistence has been improved so that more of the previous GUI state can
be restored at the start of a new session.

• AXD can load standard ELF/DWARF2 images produced by the GNU toolchain.
See Improved support for debugging third party images on page 2-14 for more

• AXD adds support for RealMonitor. AXD can now connect to a running target
without stopping the processor.

• The debug view is improved. See Improved debug view on page 2-13 for more

• AXD supports RDI self-describing modules. This means that AXD can
reconfigure itself to suit the capabilities of the target if the target supports
self-describing modules.

• AXD now allows targets to export their own debugger internal variables. See IRQ
and FIQ debugger internal variables on page 2-15 for more information.

The AXD command-line interface has been improved. This has introduced some
incompatibilities with ADS 1.0.1:

• Inputbase as a CLI property has been removed from both the properties dialog and
from the format command. In addition, you must use a prefix to specify a
nondecimal format:
0x/0X specifies a hexadecimal value.
o/O specifies an octal value.
b/B specifies a binary value
No prefix specifies a decimal value.

• The asd command is replaced by the sdir (source directory) and ssd (set source
directory) commands.

• The format command has changed. The parameters have new meanings, and
format is no longer used to set up current input base from the command line. If
the old style format command is used, an error message is displayed.

2-28 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

Changes to armsd

The armsd debugger has been enhanced in the following ways:

• armsd disassembles ARMv5TE instructions.

• armsd is now license-managed through FLEXlm.

• armsd can set and display the 40-bit XScale CP0 register, in a similar way to
current ARM usage. The following example shows how to use armsd to write the
40-bit value 0x9876543210 to register CP0, and read CP0 again:
armsd: cw 0 0 0x76543210 0x98
armsd: cr 0
c0 = 0x76543210 FFFFFF98
armsd reads the register as two 32-bit words, and sign extends bit 39 into the
upper 24 bits.

• armsd now accepts -cpu [name] list to list the available processors in a target:
armsd -cpu list
lists available processors of standard targets (ARMulator and
armsd -armul -cpu list
lists available processors of ARMulator.
armsd -target dllname -cpu list
lists available processors of the specified target.

• armsd on UNIX loads its RDI targets dynamically.

• the armsd return command is no longer supported.

Obsolete armsd options

The -proc option is obsolete. Use -cpu instead.

Changes to ADW and ADU

ADW and ADU now disassemble ARMv5TE instructions.

2.3.9 Changes to ARMulator

This section describes changes to the ARMulator, including:

• License management on page 2-30
• Integrated ARMulator and new processor models on page 2-30
• New API for memory models on page 2-30

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-29

• New configuration mechanism

• ARMulator byte order set from the debuggers on page 2-31
• Changes to default behavior on page 2-31.

License management

The ARMulator is now license-managed at the model level, through FLEXlm.

Integrated ARMulator and new processor models

The ARMulator has been restructured to provide a single interface to all processor
models that is easier to use and modify. All ARMulator models are accessible through
a single target DLL (armulate.dll). The BATS DLL is not supplied with ADS 1.1. The
ARMulator is now supplied as a shared object under UNIX.

The ARMulator has been upgraded to support the latest processors. It provides new
models of:
• the ARM9 (ARM946E and ARM966E)
• ARM10, including VFP10
• XScale.

New API for memory models

The ARMulator provides a new memory model interface that enables you to add
memory and peripheral models without rebuilding the complete ARMulator. The
ARMulator rebuild kit has been replaced with the ARMulator Extension Kit.

New configuration mechanism

The armul.cnf configuration mechanism has been split to separate features that can be
edited and those that cannot. The ARMulator recognizes two file extensions:

• Files ending .dsc, such as armulate.dsc, are supplied with ARMulator DLLs.
They describe the cores and peripherals the DLL can emulate. They are not
intended to be edited.

• Files ending .ami are intended to be edited. A .ami file can define one or more
named systems, for selection by the -cpu option in armsd or a dialog box in a GUI

The armulate.dll model looks at environment variables ARMDLL and ARMCONF for paths to
search for its configuration files. It loads all the files with those extensions it can find
(on the paths specified by the ARMDLL and ARMCONF environment variables). If it cannot
find any, it issues an error message and fails to initialize.

2-30 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

In order to avoid loading files that are not meant for the armulate.dll product, it
examines each file and checks that it starts with:
;; ARMulator configuration file type 3

ARMulator byte order set from the debuggers

The ARMulator configuration dialog can now set the byte order of the simulated
processor from within the debugger. Also, there are additional radio buttons in the
configuration dialog to set the default startup behavior for ARMulator models that have
a CP 15. See the AXD and armsd Debuggers Guide for detailed information.

Changes to default behavior

The ARMulator default behavior has changed. Branches to address zero are now
trapped only if you are running the FPE.

2.3.10 Changes to the CodeWarrior IDE

The CodeWarrior IDE is now license-managed using FLEXlm.

CodeWarrior IDE project files are stored in a slightly different format to those of ADS
1.0.1. The CodeWarrior IDE automatically converts existing project files to the new
format and displays a dialogue box to inform you.

CodeWarrior IDE configuration dialogs have been updated to support the changed tool

The ARM Features configuration panel has been added to support license-restricted
license-managed features.

2.3.11 Changes to the examples

The example code supplied with ADS in install_directory\Examples has been

supplemented with the following additional examples:

• The rom_integrator directory contains a version of the rom example that is

targeted at the ARM Integrator board.

• The mmugen directory contains the source and documentation for the MMUgen
utility. This utility can generate MMU pagetable data from a rules file that
describes the virtual to physical address translation required.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-31

2.4 Changes between ADS 1.0 and SDT 2.50/2.51

This section describes the changes between ADS 1.0 and SDT 2.50/2.51. It contains the
following subsections:
• Functionality enhancements and new functionality
• Differences in default behavior on page 2-42
• Changed compiler behavior on page 2-47
• Changed assembler behavior on page 2-52
• Changed linker behavior on page 2-55
• Obsolete components and standards on page 2-56.

2.4.1 Functionality enhancements and new functionality

The ADS 1.0 release of the ADS introduced numerous enhancements and new features.
The major changes are described in:
• Support for new processors (ARM9E and ARM10)
• New ARM/Thumb procedure call standard on page 2-33
• Floating-point support on page 2-33
• Byte order of long long and double on page 2-34
• Remote Debug Interface on page 2-35
• Debuggers on page 2-35
• ARMulator on page 2-36
• Angel and Remote_A on page 2-36
• Libraries on page 2-37
• Library manager on page 2-37
• CodeWarrior IDE on page 2-38
• Linker on page 2-38
• Compilers on page 2-39
• Assembler on page 2-40
• License management on page 2-41.

Support for new processors (ARM9E and ARM10)

ADS introduces support for the new ARM9E and ARM10 processors.

The new ARM9E instructions are supported by the assembler, the inline assembler of
the C and C++ compilers, the debuggers, and the ARMulator.

The new ARM10 instructions are supported by the assembler, the inline assembler of
the C and C++ compilers, the debuggers, and the Basic ARM Ten System (BATS)
ARMulator model.

2-32 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

BATS is no longer shipped with ADS 1.1 or later.

The compiler performs instruction scheduling for ARM10 code by re-ordering machine
instructions to gain maximum speed and minimize wait states. The linker uses BLX in
interworking veneers when the underlying architecture (the ARM9E and ARM10, for
example, have architecture 5) supports it.

New ARM/Thumb procedure call standard

The Procedure Call Standard has been redesigned to:

• give equal emphasis to ARM and Thumb
• interwork between ARM-state and Thumb-state for all variants
• reduce the number of variants
• support position-independence
• produce compact code (especially with Thumb)
• be binary compatible with the previous most commonly used APCS variant.

The new ARM/Thumb Procedure Call Standard (ATPCS) enables a consistent ARM
and Thumb definition of Read Only Position Independence (also called Position
Independent Code), and Read Write Position Independence (also called Position
Independent Data) for both ARM and Thumb.

Floating-point support

Enhanced floating-point support is available in the compiler, assembler, and debugger:

• The compiler, assembler, and debugger support the new VFP floating-point
architecture in scalar mode.

• The compiler can generate VFP instructions for double and float operations. (The
inline assembler, however, does not support VFP.)

• The assembler supports VFP in vector mode. (New register names and directives
are available.)

• The compiler and assembler command-line option -fpu specifies the FPA
hardware, VFP hardware, or software variants.
Choose -fpu FPA or -fpu softFPA to retain the old SDT 2.50/2.51 format.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-33

The order of the words in a little-endian double is different for FPA and VFP. If you
select -fpu FPA or -fpu softFPA the SDT 2.50/2.51 format is used. If you select -fpu VFP
or -fpu softVFP the new format is used.

There is no functional difference between SoftFPA and SoftVFP. Both implement IEEE
floating-point arithmetic by subroutine call, and both use the IEEE encoding of
floating-point values into 32-bit words. However, the ordering of the two halves of a
double is different for little-endian code. See Byte order of long long and double for

Byte order of long long and double

The compilers and assembler now support the industry-standard pure-endian long long
and double types in both little-endian and big-endian formats. In SDT 2.50/2.51, the
formats of little-endian double and big-endian long long are nonstandard mixed-endian.

If a big-endian 64-bit quantity is represented as abcdefgh in pure-endian, with a being

the most significant byte and h the least significant byte, the standard little-endian
format is hgfedcba in pure-endian. SDT 2.50/2.51 uses the following nonstandard
mixed-endian formats:
efghabcd For big-endian long long.
dcbahgfe For little-endian double.


The format of long long is always industry-standard in ADS 1.0. There is no impact if
you have used little-endian long long. If you previously used big-endian long long, you
must recompile your code and ensure that it conforms to the new format.

There is no impact if you have used big-endian double. If you previously used
little-endian double and hardware floating-point (FPA), you must continue to use the old
little-endian double format and select the -fpu fpa option in ADS.

If you previously used little-endian double and software floating-point, you can choose
whether or not to change to the new format:

• Use -fpu softFPA or -fpu FPA to retain the old format.

• Use -fpu softVFP or -fpu VFP to use the industry-standard format. You must
recompile code that defines or references double types.

2-34 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

Remote Debug Interface

A new variant of the Remote Debug Interface (RDI 1.5.1) is introduced in ADS. The
version used in SDT 2.50/2.51 was 1.5.

The ADW debugger has been modified to function with RDI 1.0, RDI 1.5, or RDI 1.5.1
client DLLs. AXD works with RDI 1.5.1 targets only.

Debug targets that are released as part of ADS (ARMulators, Remote_A, and Gateway)
have been upgraded to RDI 1.5.1.


Third-party DLLs written to use RDI 1.5 will continue to work with the versions of
ADW and armsd shipped with ADS, but will only work with AXD if the DLL is, and
reports itself as, RDI 1.5.1 capable. Third-party debuggers will fail to work with the
ADS ARMulators, Remote_A, and Gateway DLLs unless the debuggers conform to
RDI 1.5.1.


A new debugger, AXD, is available for use on Windows or UNIX in addition to the
existing ADW and ADU. ADW has been enhanced.

All debug agents and targets in ADS support RDI 1.51, a new version of the Remote
Debug Interface. The debuggers support all the debug agents (for example ARMulator
and Remote_A) that are released as part of ADS. In addition, all debuggers except
armsd support Multi-ICE 1.4:
• ADW supports all ADS debug agents, Multi-ICE 1.3, and Multi-ICE 1.4
• ADU supports all ADS debug agents, and Multi-ICE 1.4
• Armsd supports all ADS debug agents
• AXD supports all ADS debug agents and Multi-ICE 1.4.


The new debugger provides a modern GUI with improved window management, data
display, and data manipulation. The debugging views have been redesigned to make the
display more relevant to the data. This includes in-place expansion, in-place editing and
validation, data sensitive formatting and editing, coloring modified data, and greater
user control over formatting and structure.


ADW enhancements are:

• Support for VFP floating-point opcodes and registers.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-35

• Improved stack-unwinding due to the use of DWARF2 descriptions. In ADS, all

standard library functions carry DWARF frame unwinding descriptions with
them. These are always generated by ADS compilers and there is new assembler
support in ADS to facilitate their generation for hand-written assembly language.


AXD can debug RDI 1.5.1 targets only. All ARM-supplied debug targets (Multi-ICE,
ARMulator, Remote_A, and gateway) support RDI 1.5.1. For non-ARM debug targets
that support RDI 1.5 or RDI 1.0, use ADW instead of AXD.

There is no support for conversion of ADW obey files to AXD scripts. If existing obey
files are important, use ADW instead.


The ARMulator has been enhanced to support RPS Interrupt Controller and Timer
peripheral models (as defined in ARM DDI 0062D). The ARMulator supports the
following new processor models:
• ARM10T™
• ARM1020T™.

The ARM10 models do not support VFP.

There is also a new stack usage monitor memory model available for all processor
models except ARM10T and ARM1020T.

The ARMulator supports RDI 1.5.1.

Angel and Remote_A

Angel and Remote_A enhancements are:

• Remote_A connection supports RDI 1.5.1.

• Improved reliability when semihosting.

• Additional Angel ports and improved integration with uHAL.

• Improved coprocessor support, for example FPA (ARM7500) and VFP (ARM10)

• Support for dynamically loaded hardware drivers for the host on Windows and

2-36 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

Hardware other than serial, parallel, or ethernet ports can be used to communicate
with Angel. The GUI interface for Remote_A is extended into the loaded driver.


All Libraries (C, C++, math, and floating-point) are released as a set of object code
variants that cover all possible choices of Procedure Call Standard and all processor
architecture versions. A limited set of variants is required because the libraries have
been restructured to remove the necessity for some combinations. The compilation and
linking system has been re-engineered so that the correct library variants are
automatically linked in for the chosen compilation options. The linker is able to identify
the correct library variant from attributes embedded in the ELF. This re-engineering
makes the library variants much easier to use and removes the requirement to rebuild
different variants.

The C library has been improved and restructured so that there is no requirement for a
separate embedded C library. The C library chapter in the ADS Compilers and Libraries
Guide describes in detail how to construct target-specific libraries.

New real-time (near constant time) versions of the heap management functions
malloc(), free(), realloc(), and calloc() are provided.

The floating-point libraries have improved performance and functionality. Two versions
are provided:

• The version identified by the files beginning with f_ conforms to IEEE 754
accuracy standards and meets the floating-point arithmetic requirements of the C
and Java language standards.

• The version identified by the files beginning with g_ provides selectable IEEE
rounding modes and full control of IEEE exceptions, but at some performance

The Math library has better accuracy and a wider variety of functions (for example,
gamma function, cube root, inverse hyperbolic functions).

Library manager

The library manager is armar. The ARM librarian enables sets of ELF format object
files to be collected together and maintained in libraries. You can pass such a library to
the linker in place of several ELF files. armar files are compatible with the UNIX
archive format ar.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-37


The linker supports the deprecated ALF library format. Use armar for new libraries and
migrate your existing libraries to armar.

CodeWarrior IDE

ARM has licensed the CodeWarrior IDE from Metrowerks and is making this available
within ADS. This replaces APM on Windows platforms. (It is not available on UNIX

The CodeWarrior IDE provides a simple, versatile, graphical user interface for
managing your software development projects. You can use the CodeWarrior IDE for
the ARM Developer Suite to develop C, C++, and ARM assembly language code
targeted at ARM processors. The CodeWarrior IDE enables you to configure the ARM
tools to compile, assemble, and link your project code.

CodeWarrior IDE configuration dialogs

The CodeWarrior IDE dialog boxes are used to select the new features available in the
compilers, assembler, and the linker.

Each selectable option on the dialog boxes has a tool tip that displays the command-line
equivalent for the option.


Existing APM projects are not usable with the CodeWarrior IDE. There is no support
for conversion of .apj files to CodeWarrior IDE projects. Use the CodeWarrior IDE for
new projects. Migrate your existing APM projects to use the CodeWarrior IDE.

Check the assembler, compiler, and linker options for your new or migrated projects as
the defaults for ADS 1.0 are different from the defaults for the SDT 2.50/2.51.


The major linker enhancements are:

• Support for ELF object code.

• Support for automatic selection of the correct library variant.

• Improved scatter-loading features to support new execution region attributes:

— Position Independent (PI)
— Relocatable (RELOC)
— linked at a fixed address (ABSOLUTE)

2-38 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

— simple Overlay (OVERLAY).

• Direct support for ROPI and RWPI procedure call standard variants.

• Support for outputting symbol definitions from a link step and reading them in a
later link step (support for system code at a fixed address).


Update your projects or makefiles to link with the appropriate options. In most cases
you will not have to change your source code to use the new options.

Check the assembler, compiler, and linker options for your new or migrated projects as
the defaults for ADS 1.0 are different from the defaults for armlink in SDT 2.50/2.51.

See Changed linker behavior on page 2-55 and the ADS Linker and Utilities Guide for
more information.


Extensive improvements have been made to the compilers.

C compilers

The following improvements have been made to the C Compiler:

• Assembly language output generated with the -S option to the ARM and Thumb
compilers can now more easily be assembled. The compilers add ASSERT
directives for command-line options such as ATPCS variants and byte order to
ensure that compatible compiler and assembler options are used when
reassembling the output.
• The inline assembler supports the new ARM9E and ARM10 instructions.
• Instruction scheduling for ARM10 minimizes wait states.
• the new VFP architecture is supported.

New compiler options are provided for:

• controlling warnings
• selecting optimization
• generating position-independent code and position-independent data.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-39

C++ compilers

The C++ compilers included with ADS inherit all the benefits of the C compiler. The
following additional improvements have been introduced since C++ version 1.10:
• Rogue Wave Library 2.01. This includes the Rogue Wave iostream
implementation. The iostream implementation supplied with C++ version 1.10
has been removed. Replace references to stream.h and iostream.h with iostream.
• Support for the EC++ informal standard.
• Updated vtables to support ROPI.
• Improved template handling.

In addition, improvements have been made to the C++ compilers syntax and semantic
checking in both strict and non-strict modes. If previously successful programs now fail
to compile, please check their syntax first, before concluding that there is a compiler

Other general improvements are support for:

• mutable
• explicit
• covariant return types for left-most inheritance
• pseudo-destructors
• aggregates with allow complicated initializations
• template classes with static data members
• temporary destruction order for arguments to functions
• explicit casts to private bases
• inline functions
• better overload resolution
• declarations in conditional statements.

See Changed compiler behavior on page 2-47 and the ADS Compilers and Libraries
Guide for more information.


Enhancements to the assembler include:

• the assembler provides support for the latest ARM processors
• the assembler outputs ELF object code.

There are considerable changes to assembler directives. See Changed assembler

behavior on page 2-52 and the ADS Assembler Guide for more information.

2-40 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

License management

ADS components are license-managed by FLEXlm. See the ADS Installation and
License Management Guide for more information.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-41

2.4.2 Differences in default behavior

The differences in the default behavior of ADS compared to SDT 2.50/2.51 are
described in:
• Object and library compatibility
• Entry point used with debugger on page 2-43
• Entry point set by linker option on page 2-44
• ADW on page 2-44
• ARMulator on page 2-44
• ELF, AIF, Binary AIF, and Plain Binary Image formats on page 2-44
• Floating-point exceptions on page 2-45
• Stack unwinding on page 2-45
• Source directory variable in armsd and ADW on page 2-45.

Object and library compatibility

As a consequence of the new features introduced with ADS, ADS object files and
libraries are not guaranteed to be compatible with SDT 2.50/2.51 object files and
libraries. You can link SDT 2.50/2.51 objects and libraries with ADS images, but you
must ensure that your objects are built with appropriate procedure call standard options,
and that the following restrictions are observed:

• You must choose the SDT 2.50/2.51 default Procedure Call Standard options
when using SDT 2.50/2.51 (/hardfp excluded), and the ADS 1.0 default
Procedure Call Standard options when using ADS.

• In ADS, you must use -fpu FPA, -fpu softFPA, or -fpu none. You cannot use the
default option of -fpu softVFP.

• The format of big-endian long long has changed. This means that there is no
compatibility between ADS and SDT big-endian code if you use long long.

• There is no equivalent in ADS to the SDT -apcs /nofpregargs option for functions
that return a floating-point value. Functions that are built with the -apcs
/nofpregargs option, but do not return a floating-point value, are compatible with
functions declared using the new __softfp keyword.

• An SDT 2.50/2.51 object and an ADS object will be incompatible if they map the
same datum using a struct type T, whether through use of T * pointers or extern
T, and T contains only fields of short alignment.
A field has short alignment if its type is:
— [unsigned] short [array]
— [unsigned] char [array]

2-42 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

— a short enum type

— a struct containing only fields of short alignment.
If possible, you should recompile your SDT 2.50/2.51 object using ADS. If you
cannot recompile your object in ADS, you can compile your ADS code with the
-zas4 option to revert to SDT 2.50/2.51 behavior.

— Code compiled with the -zas4 option in ADS is incompatible with other
ADS objects, including the ADS C++ libraries.
— The -zas option is deprecated in ADS 1.2 and will not be supported in
future releases.
— You can specify the -zas1 in SDT 2.50/2.51 as a starting point to migrate
your SDT code to ADS.

In addition, if you link with SDT 2.50/2.51 objects you cannot take advantage of some
ADS debug enhancements. In particular, you cannot unwind the stack through SDT
2.50/2.51 code.

Entry point used with debugger

When an image with an entry point is loaded:

• the CPSR register is set to the value corresponding to a warm boot
• the IRQ and FIQ flags are set (disabling all interrupts)
• mode is set to Supervisor
• Condition Code flags are unchanged
• the processor executes in ARM state.

If the image contains no entry point, no change is made to the CPSR.

Default interrupt settings for debug targets

The ADS default for interrupt settings is different to that for SDT, and more accurately
reflects the hardware power-up settings of an ARM core. The debuggers no longer
enable interrupts during start-up. Interrupts are initially disabled for all debug targets
except Angel (Angel requires interrupts to be turned on to behave correctly).

In SDT 2.50/2.51, initially cpsr = %ift_SVC32 for all targets.

In ADS, initially cpsr = %IFt_SVC for all targets except Angel, which has %ift_SVC.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-43

Entry point set by linker option

The -entry option sets the entry point for an image. There can be only one instance of
the -entry option to the linker.


Multiple -entry settings generate an error.


ADW now defaults to VFP mode for the display of floating-point and double values,
and for floating-point registers.

The SDT 2.50/2.51 version of ADW allowed some debug target settings to be
configured by the debugger tab on the configuration screen (for example, ARMulator
memory maps and byte order). For ADS debug targets, this tab is greyed out and the
configuration button must be used instead. This button invokes the configuration box in
the RDI Target.


The RDI Target configuration box has been extended to handle memory maps and byte
order. The debugger tab is still available for old debug target DLLs.


FPE is now deselected by default in ARMulator. If you need FPE support for armsd, use
the command-line option -FPE. If you need FPE support for ADW or AXD, select the
FPE option in the ARMulator configuration dialog.

Map file selection has changed since SDT 2.50/2.51. The local/global/none map file
selection dialog has been replaced with a single map file selection.

ELF, AIF, Binary AIF, and Plain Binary Image formats

The default, and only supported, image format is ELF.


The preferred way to generate an image in a non-ELF image (such as plain binary or
AIF) is to use the fromELF tool to translate the ELF image into the required format.

2-44 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

Floating-point exceptions

The ADS tools have been changed to conform to the IEEE specification. The
SDT2.50/2.51 tools set the default response to floating-point Invalid-Operation,
Divide-By-Zero and Overflow to be a trap causing program termination. This is
contrary to IEEE 754 section 7, that states that “The default response to an exception
shall be to proceed without a trap.”


To restore exception handling to the SDT 2.50/2.51 default, make the call shown in
Example 2-1 before using any floating-point operations. The call should preferably be
at the beginning of main().

Example 2-1

#include <fenv.h>

Stack unwinding

The compilers now always generate DWARF2 stack-unwinding descriptions. In SDT

2.50/2.51 they were only generated if the -g option was specified (for debug
information). The assembler generates stack-unwinding descriptions if the new frame
directives are used. The debuggers rely on the stack-unwinding descriptions for stack


If you want to unwind stacks when debugging assembler code, ensure that you use the
new frame directives. Stack-unwinding descriptions are automatically generated by the
ADS compilers and are included in the libraries released with ADS, so you have to
change only assembly language code and legacy SDT2.50/2.51 code not compiled with
debug information (-g option). You can examine disassembled output from the
compilers to see how to use the assembler frame directives correctly.

Source directory variable in armsd and ADW

The $sourcedir variable used by armsd and ADW defaults to NULL if no value is
specified. In addition, the delimiter used to separate multiple pathnames has been
changed from a space to a semicolon.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-45

The variable is used only to specify alternative search paths to the debuggers. You must
use the following conventions when specifying search paths:

• Enclose the full pathname in double quotes.

• In ADW and armsd under Windows DOS, escape the backslash directory
separator with another backslash character. For example:

• Separate multiple pathnames with a semicolon, not with a space character. For
You can also specify long pathnames containing space characters. For example:
"c:\\my source\\src1;c:\\my source\\src2"

2-46 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

2.4.3 Changed compiler behavior

This section describes compiler behavior that is new, changed, deprecated, or obsolete.
Obsolete features are identified explicitly. Their use is faulted in ADS. Deprecated
features will be made obsolete in future releases. Their use is warned about in ADS.

New compiler options

The following new warning options are available in the compilers:

-We Turn off warnings about pointer casts
-Wm Turn off warnings about multi-character char constants
-Wo Turn off warnings about implicit conversion to signed long long
-Wq Turn off warnings about C++ constructor initialization order
-Wy Turn off warnings about deprecated features.

Use -W+option to turn a warning on. For example use -W+e to turn on warnings about
pointer casts.

The following additional new options are available in the compilers:

-Ono_inline Disable inlining. This option replaces -zpdebug_inlines.

-memaccess Specifies the memory attributes of the target system.

-nostrict Enables minor extensions to the C and C++ standards.

The changes to the qualifiers to the -apcs option are listed in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Procedure call standard qualifiers

SDT 2.50/2.51
ADS form

[no]interwork [no]interwork

[no]ropi Not available

[no]rwpi Not available

[no]swstackcheck [no]swstackcheck

Obsolete. Now always nofp. [no]fp

No direct equivalent. For default behavior use -fpu softVFP. softfp

For compatibility with legacy SDT objects or libraries, use
-fpu softFPA.

No direct equivalent, use -fpu FPA. hardfp

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-47

Table 2-1 Procedure call standard qualifiers (continued)

SDT 2.50/2.51
ADS form

Not available. [no]fpregargs

Obsolete. Now always narrow. narrow, wide

No direct equivalent, use -rwpi. [non]reentrant


Update your projects or makefiles to compile with the appropriate options. In most
cases you do not have to change your source code to use the new options.

Check the assembler, compiler, and linker options for your new or migrated projects as
the defaults for ADS 1.0 are different from the defaults for SDT 2.50/2.51.

Obsolete compiler pragmas

The following pragmas from the ARM Software Development Toolkit are not supported
in the compiler:


If you are creating new applications, there is no impact. If you are recompiling existing
applications, ensure that the appropriate build options are specified to the compiler.
Remove any obsolete pragmas from your source code and replace them, where
necessary, with equivalent compiler options.

Obsolete compiler options

The following options from the ARM Software Development Toolkit are not supported
in the compiler:
-zpname Select pragma from command line.

2-48 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

-zinumber Replaced by -Ospace and -Otime.

-gxletter Replaced by the -O[0|1|2] options.
-dwarf Use -dwarf2 (or -dwarf1).
-aof Output AOF.
-asd Output ASD format debug tables.
-MD Generate APM dependency.
-cfront Select Cfront-style C++.
-pcc Select Berkeley PCC.
-fussy Synonym for -strict.
-pedantic Synonym for -strict.
-fw Make string literals writable.
-zanumber Use -memaccess instead. The default behavior for ADS 1.0 is for LDR to
access only word-aligned addresses (-za1).
-zt Fault tentative declarations. This is the default for ADS 1.01 and earlier
unless -strict is specified.
-zznumber Default is -zzt0.
-zztnumber Combines the -zt and -zz options.
-zap Specify whether pointers to structures are assumed to be aligned on at
least the minimum byte alignment boundaries set by -zas. The behavior
for ADS 1.0 is -zap0.
-zat Default is -zat1.
-zrnumber Set the number of register values transferred by LDM and STM instructions.
The compilers never generate LDM or STM instructions that transfer more
than nine register values for either ARM code or Thumb code.
-fz This is now the default.


If you are creating new applications, there is no impact. If you are recompiling existing
applications, ensure that the appropriate build options are specified to the compiler.
Remove any obsolete options from your make files and replace them, where necessary,
with equivalent options. Check the assembler, compiler, and linker options for your new
or migrated projects as the defaults for ADS 1.0 are different from the defaults for the
SDT 2.50/2.51.

Deprecated compiler options

The following options are deprecated and will not be supported in future versions of the

-dwarf1 Use -dwarf2.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-49

-proc, -arch Select processor or architecture. Use -cpu instead.

-zasnum Align structures on at least a num-byte boundary (1, 2, 4, or 8). The

default is now 1 (align only as strictly as the contents of the
structure require).


You can still output DWARF1 debug tables. However, the functionality of these output
files when used with the new debuggers might be reduced. Use DWARF2 format for
new projects and update your existing tools to use the DWARF2 format.

Obsolete ARM-specific language extensions

The following language extensions are obsolete:

This language extension is not required.

___weak (three underscores)

This was a synonym for __weak (two underscores) in SDT 2.50/2.51. Use

__softfp This is a storage class specifier you can use in the declaration of a
function to indicate that the function has a software floating-point
interface (a double parameter passed in two integer registers, a double
result returned in a0, a1) even though its implementation may use
floating-point instructions. Use this to create ARM-state, VFP-using (or
FPA-using) functions that you can call directly from Thumb state (in
Thumb state, floating-point instructions are inaccessible).

Obsolete and new predefined macros

The obsolete predefined macros are listed in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 Obsolete predefined macros

Predefine Status Comments

__CLK_TCK Obsolete C library use only.

__APCS_32 Obsolete Relates to obsolete APCS/TPCS. No ATPCS equivalent.

__APCS_FPREGARGS Obsolete Relates to obsolete APCS/TPCS. No ATPCS equivalent.

__APCS_NOFP Obsolete Relates to obsolete APCS/TPCS. No ATPCS equivalent.

2-50 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

Table 2-2 Obsolete predefined macros (continued)

Predefine Status Comments

__APCS_REENT Obsolete Relates to obsolete APCS/TPCS. No ATPCS equivalent.

__APCS_NOSWST Obsolete Relates to obsolete APCS/TPCS. Use new __APCS_SWST.

__CFRONT_LIKE Obsolete The option -cfront is now obsolete.

__DIALECT_PCC Obsolete The option -pcc is now obsolete.

__DIALECT_FUSSY Obsolete The option -fussy is now obsolete.

The new predefined macros are listed in Table 2-3.

Table 2-3 New predefined macros

Predefine Status Comments

__CC_ARM New Always defined.

__STRICT_ANSI__ New Set by -strict.

__embedded_cplusplus New Set by -embeddedcplusplus.

__APCS_ROPI New Set by -apcs /ropi.

__APCS_RWPI New Set by -apcs /rwpi.

__APCS_SWST New Set by -apcs /swst.


__OPTIMISE_SPACE New Set by -Ospace.

__OPTIMISE_TIME New Set by -Otime.

__TARGET_FPU New Target Floating Point Unit

__TARGET_FEATURE_DSPMUL New Set if ARM9E multiplier available.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-51

2.4.4 Changed assembler behavior

This section describes assembler behavior that is changed, deprecated, or obsolete.

Obsolete features are identified explicitly. Their use is faulted in ADS. Deprecated
features will be made obsolete in future releases. Their use is warned about in ADS.

New or changed assembler behavior

The following enhancements and changes are available in the assembler:

• The assembler provides new ATPCS command-line options similar to those for
the compilers.

• The default floating-point option is -fpu softvfp.

• A new default software stack checking option of -swstna is introduced for code
that is compatible with both software stack checking code and non software stack
checking code. This option makes explicit the behavior of the assembler. There is
no change to the default behavior.

• The assembler always outputs ELF object code. AOF is no longer supported.

• The assembler requires the dollar ($) and double quotation (") characters to be
doubled when they are included in string literals. SDT 2.50/2.51 required only a
single dollar or double quote character. For example, the following statement in
copyloadsym SETS "|Load$$":CC:namecp:CC:"$$Base|"
must in ADS be:
copyloadsym SETS "|Load$$$$":CC:namecp:CC:"$$$$Base|"

• The new -memaccess option specifies the memory attributes of the target system.

• The -list option now accepts an argument of - to select stdout.

• DWARF2 stack-unwinding descriptions can be, and are recommended to be,

produced by the use of new directives.

• The assembler supports the new ARM9E and ARM10 instructions. Use one of
ARM9E, ARM10TDMI™, ARM1020T, or ARM10200™ with the -cpu option.

• Support is provided for VFP in both scalar and vector mode.

• New directives DCQ and DCQU define a 64-bit integer value. DCQ is aligned to a 32-bit
boundary while DCQU is unaligned (byte boundary).

• The DCFD, DCFDU, DCFS and DCFSU directives now also accept a hex-constant form of
operand that specifies the IEEE bit-pattern of the value.

2-52 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

• There are new synonyms FIELD and SPACE for # and % directives.

• Directives are now accepted in all upper case, or all lower case, but not a mixture.
Previously, only the upper case form was accepted.

• The EXPORT directive may have a new attribute, WEAK. This defines the exported
symbol as a WEAK symbol in ELF.

• The semantics of the EXTERN and IMPORT directives have changed and they are no
longer synonyms. An unused IMPORT generates an undefined global symbol,
whereas an unused EXTERN generates no symbol. (In SDT 2.50/2.51 an unused
EXTERN or IMPORT symbol was made WEAK).

• The AREA directive has a new attribute, ASSOC= area_name) that requires this AREA to
be included in a link step whenever the associate area (named by the
ASSOC=area_name) is included. The assembler implements the requirement by
generating an R_ARM_NONE relocation at offset 0 of area area_name, relative to the
section symbol for the area defined by the AREA directive.

• The new directive REQUIREarea_name requires area_name. to be included in any link

step that includes the requiring section. The assembler implements the
requirement by generating an R_ARM_NONE relocation in the current section to the
required area_name.

• The DCD directive now accepts expressions evaluating the difference between a
label in another section and a position in the current section.

• The DCW and DCB directives now accept expressions including an external symbol.

• The new DCDO directive treats label operands as sb-relative.

• The literal-using, pseudo-instruction forms of load and store instructions (for

example, LDR rx,=yyy) can now take external symbols as immediate values (yyy).

• The ARM instructions of the form data-processing-op rd,rn,#sym can now take
external symbols as immediate operands.

• ARM and Thumb SWI instructions can now take external symbols as immediate

• If you select a cpu or architecture that does not support Thumb, an attempt to
generate Thumb code will generate an error message. For example armasm -cpu 4
will not accept Thumb instructions but armasm -cpu 4T will.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-53

Features of the SDT assembler not supported

The following assembly language features are no longer supported and are faulted:

• AREA directive with attribute ABS, BASED, A32bit, HALFWORD, INTERWORK, PIC,
— ABS has been withdrawn because it conflicts with the linker scatter-loading
mechanism. An AREA previously declared ABS should now be placed using a
scatter-loading description
— BASED has been withdrawn because it was needed only for the old shared
library mechanism that is now obsolete. No workaround is necessary.
— A32bit has been withdrawn as it was needed only to distinguish 32 bit mode
code from 26 bit mode code and 26 bit mode is now obsolete.
— INTERWORK and PIC have been withdrawn as the ATPCS and architecture are
now always specified on the command line. Any occurrences of these
attributes should be deleted, and replaced by the corresponding new -apcs
command line qualifiers.

• Value 32 as operand to the ALIGN area attribute. The assembler accepted 32 as

operand to ALIGN even though it was not useful. The only address that satisfies
ALIGN=32 is 0, and if that is the desired behavior it can be expressed by using a
scatter-loading description to place the AREA at address 0.

• IMPORT directive with attribute FPREGARGS. The FPREGARGS attribute had no effect
and has been removed.

• EXPORT directive with attribute FPREGARGS, and LEAF.

— The FPREGARGS attribute had no effect. The workaround is to delete it from
assembly source.
— The LEAF attribute was needed only for the old shared library mechanism
that is now obsolete. The workaround is to remove it.

• ADR pseudo-instructions with out-of-area symbol operands. The workaround is to

load out-of-area addresses into registers using LDR.

Deprecated assembler options

The following options are deprecated and will not be supported in future versions of the

-dwarf1 DWARF1 debug tables will not be supported in future versions (use
DWARF2 instead).

-proc Select processor (use -cpu instead).

2-54 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

-arch Select architecture (use -cpu instead).


Use DWARF2 format for new projects and update your existing tools to use the
DWARF2 format.

2.4.5 Changed linker behavior

This section describes linker behavior that is changed, deprecated, or obsolete. Obsolete
features are identified explicitly. Their use is faulted in ADS. Deprecated features will
be made obsolete in future releases. Their use is warned about in ADS.

New or changed linker behavior

The following new or significantly changed options are available in the linker:

• The linker is now an ELF-only linker.

• The syntax of the -remove command has been expanded to include section
attribute qualifiers. This is backwardly compatible with SDT 2.50/2.51.
The linker now has -remove as its default option. The SDT 2.50/2.51 default was
-noremove. The -remove option is strongly recommended with C++ in order to
reduce code size. Use the new linker option -keep if you want to keep sections that
are not referenced.

• The syntax of -first and -last has been changed to identify both object and
section name, not just section name as in SDT 2.50/2.51. There is no backward
compatibility with SDT 2.50/2.51.

• The syntax of the -entry command has been changed to allow more flexible
selection. Only one entry point can be specified to the linker. There is some
backward compatibility with SDT 2.50/2.51.

• The veneers argument has been added to the -info option.

• The linker now generates conventionally named region-related symbols for non
scatter-loaded images, in a similar way to those generated for scatter-loaded

The following new armlink options have been added:

-partial Generate a partially-linked ELF object
-ropi RO execution region is position-independent
-rwpi RW execution region is position-independent
-split Image has two load regions

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-55

-keep Specify sections to be retained even if unused

-locals Add local symbols to image symbol table
-nolocals Remove local symbols from image symbol table
-xreffrom List section cross references in image from a section
-xrefto List section cross references in image to a section
-strict Strict compliance to build attribute rules
-symdefs Create, or read, a list of symbol definitions.

Obsolete linker options

The following options from the ARM Software Development Toolkit are not supported
in the linker:
-aof Create output in AOF format
-aif Create output in AIF format
-aif -bin Create output in AIF BIN format
-bin Create output in BIN format
-base Alias for ro-base
-data Alias for rw-base
-dupok Allow multiple definitions
-[no]case Case sensitive/insensitive matching
-match Symbol matching options
-nozeropad Do not include ZI section in binary images
-info interwork
Output information on interworking
-u Match all unresolved symbols.


If you are creating new applications, there is no impact. If you are relinking existing
applications and libraries, ensure that the desired build options are specified to the
assembler, compiler and linker. Remove any obsolete options from your make files and
replace them, where necessary, with equivalent options. Check the assembler, compiler,
and linker options for your new or migrated projects as the defaults for ADS 1.0 are
different from the defaults for the SDT 2.50/2.51.

2.4.6 Obsolete components and standards

This section describes components of SDT 2.50/2.51 that are not available in ADS.

2-56 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D


APM is not provided.


Use the CodeWarrior IDE or a make utility.


Armmake is not provided. There is no longer a need to rebuild the C Libraries, therefore
the ARM-specific make utility has been removed.


None. Use nmake, make, or gnumake if you want to use a make utility.


The ARM librarian, armlib is not provided. It has been replace by a new utility, armar,
that creates ELF ar files. armar provides similar functionality to armlib, but supports
ELF instead of AOF.

Decaof and Decaxf

Decaof and decaxf are not provided.


The fromELF utility provides equivalent functionality for ELF formats


The compilation tools produce DWARF2 debug table formats by default. The compiler
and assembler can still produce DWARF1 for compatibility with third party tools that
require DWARF1, although DWARF1 will only support debugging for C compiler
images produced with the -O0 option and will not support debugging of C++ images.

DWARF1 is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of ADS


Use DWARF2 format.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 2-57

26-bit addressing

ADS does not support 26-bit addressing. Removal of 26-bit support has enabled a more
efficient ATPCS to be designed.


Continue to use SDT2.50/2.51 if you need 26-bit support.

AOF, AIF, IHF, and Plain Binary image formats

The SDT 2.50/2.51 linker gave warnings when asked to generate an AIF image, a binary
AIF image, an IHF image, or a plain binary image. The ADS linker refuses to generate
these images and is now a pure ELF linker. Although the linker is capable of processing
AOF files, you are strongly recommended not to link with old AOF files because of
changes to both the Procedure Call Standard and changes to debug tables.


Use the fromELF tool to translate the ELF image into non-ELF formats such as AIF,
Plain binary, Motorola 32 bit S-record, Intel Hex 32.

Future releases of the linker will not allow AOF input files.

RDI 1.50

A new variant of the Remote Debug Interface (RDI 1.5.1) is introduced in ADS. The
version used in SDT 2.50/2.51 was 1.5. See Debuggers on page 2-35 for details of RDI

2-58 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
Chapter 3
Creating an Application

This chapter describes how to create an application using ADS. It contains the following
• Using the CodeWarrior IDE on page 3-2
• Building from the command line on page 3-14
• Using ARM libraries on page 3-21
• Using your own libraries on page 3-24
• Debugging the application with AXD on page 3-25.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 3-1
Creating an Application

3.1 Using the CodeWarrior IDE

The CodeWarrior IDE provides a simple, versatile, graphical user interface for
managing your software development projects. You can use the CodeWarrior IDE for
the ARM Developer Suite to develop C, C++, and ARM assembly language code
targeted at ARM processors. The CodeWarrior IDE enables you to configure the ARM
tools to compile, assemble, and link your project code.

The CodeWarrior IDE enables you to organize source code files, library files, other
files, and configuration settings into a project. Each project enables you to create and
manage multiple build targets. A build target is the collection of build settings and files
that determines the output that is created when you build your project. Build targets can
share files in the same project, while using their own build settings.

A build target is distinct from a target system, such as an ARM development board. For
example, you can compile a debugging build target and an optimized build target of
code targeted at hardware based on an ARM7TDMI.

The CodeWarrior IDE for the ARM Developer Suite provides preconfigured project
stationery files for common project types, including:
• ARM Executable Image
• ARM Object Library
• Thumb Executable Image
• Thumb Object Library
• Thumb/ARM Interworking Image.

You can use the project stationery as a template when you create your own projects.

The non-interworking ARM project stationery files define three build targets. The
interworking project stationery defines an additional three build targets to compile
Thumb-targeted code. The basic build targets for each of the stationery projects are:

Debug This build target is configured to build output binaries that are fully
debuggable, at the expense of optimization.

Release This build target is configured to build output binaries that are fully
optimized, at the expense of debug information.

DebugRel This build target is configured to build output binaries that provide
adequate optimization, and give a good debug view.

For more information on using the CodeWarrior IDE, see the CodeWarrior IDE Guide.

3-2 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
Creating an Application

3.2 Creating and building a simple project

This section describes how to create and build a simple project. It uses source files from
the dhryansi example supplied with ADS 1.2 to give an introduction to configuring tool
options and using build targets in the CodeWarrior IDE.

This example assumes that you have installed the example code supplied with ADS 1.2,
and that you have installed in the default installation directory. Example code is
installed by default unless you have chosen a minimal install or a custom install.

The section contains the following information:

• Creating a new project from ARM project stationery
• Adding source files to the project on page 3-5
• Configuring the project build targets on page 3-7
• Building the project on page 3-12
• Debugging the project on page 3-13.

3.2.1 Creating a new project from ARM project stationery

To create a new project, and compile and link an application using the CodeWarrior

1. Select Programs → ARM Developer Suite v1.2 → CodeWarrior for ARM

Developer Suite from the Windows Start menu to start the CodeWarrior IDE.

2. Select New… from the File menu. A New dialog is displayed (see Figure 3-1 on
page 3-4).

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 3-3
Creating an Application

Figure 3-1 New dialog

3. Ensure that the Project tab is selected. The available ARM project stationery is
listed in the left of the dialog (see Figure 3-1), along with the Empty Project
stationery and the Makefile Importer Wizard.
See the CodeWarrior IDE Guide for more information on using empty projects
and the Makefile Importer Wizard.

4. Select ARM Executable Image from the list of project stationery.

5. Click the Set… button next to the Location field. A Create New Project dialog is
displayed (see Figure 3-2).

Figure 3-2 Create New Project dialog

3-4 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
Creating an Application

6. Navigate to the directory where you want to save the project and enter a project
name, for example My_Project. Leave the Create Folder checkbox selected.

7. Click Save. The CodeWarrior IDE sets the Project Name field and Location path
in the New dialog box. The Location path is used as a default when you create
additional projects.

8. Click OK. The CodeWarrior IDE creates a new project based on the ARM
Executable Image project stationery, and displays a new project window with the
Files view selected (Figure 3-3).

Figure 3-3 New project

3.2.2 Adding source files to the project

Projects created from ARM project stationery do not contain source files. This section
describes how to add the source files from the dhryansi example.

To add source files to a project:

1. Ensure that the project window is the active window.

2. Select Add Files… from the Project menu. A Select files to add… dialog is

3. Navigate to the dhryansi directory in the install_directory\Examples directory

and Shift-click on dhry_1.c and dhry_2.c to select them (Figure 3-4 on page 3-6).

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 3-5
Creating an Application

Figure 3-4 Select files to add… dialog

4. Click Open. The CodeWarrior IDE displays an Add Files dialog (Figure 3-5).
The dialog contains a checkbox for each build target defined in the current
project. In this example, the dialog contains three checkboxes corresponding to
the three build targets defined in the ARM Executable Image project stationery.

Figure 3-5 Add Files

5. Leave all the build target checkboxes selected and click OK. The CodeWarrior
IDE adds the source files to each target in the project and displays a Project
Messages window to inform you that the directory containing the source files has
been added to the access paths for each build target (Figure 3-6 on page 3-7).

3-6 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
Creating an Application

Figure 3-6 Project messages window

The access paths for each build target define the directories that are searched for
source and header files. See the CodeWarrior IDE Guide for details.
You do not need to add the header files for the dhryansi project because the
CodeWarrior IDE locates them in the newly added access path. However, you can
add header files explicitly if you want.

6. Ensure that the Files tab is selected in the project window. The project window
displays all the source files in the project. (Figure 3-7). See the CodeWarrior IDE
Guidefor more information on what is displayed when you click the Link Order
tab and the Targets tab.

Figure 3-7 Source files in Files view

3.2.3 Configuring the project build targets

This section describes how to configure your example project so that the example
dhryansi files compile, and the project build settings are the same as those in the
supplied dhryansi example project. It describes one way of selecting build targets, and
shows how different build target settings can be used in the same project. See the
CodeWarrior IDE Guide for a complete description of build targets.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 3-7
Creating an Application

Build target settings must be selected separately for each build target in your project. To
set build target options for the dhryansi example:

1. Ensure that the DebugRel build target is currently selected. By default, the
DebugRel build target is selected when you create a new project based on the
ARM project stationery. The currently selected build target is displayed in the
Build Target drop-down list in the project toolbar (Figure 3-8).
Click the build target drop-down list
to select the current build target.

Figure 3-8 Currently selected build target

2. Select DebugRel Settings… from the Edit menu. The name of this menu item
changes depending on the name of the currently selected build target. The
CodeWarrior IDE displays the DebugRel Target Settings panel (Figure 3-9 on
page 3-9). All the target-specific settings are accessible through configuration
panels listed at the left of the panel.
Many configuration options are optional. However you must review the target
settings for each build target in your project to ensure that they are appropriate for
your target hardware, and your development requirements. See CodeWarrior IDE
Guide for configuration recommendations.

3-8 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
Creating an Application

Figure 3-9 DebugRel Settings

3. Click the ARM C Compiler entry in the Target Settings Panels list to display the
configuration panel for the C compilers. The Target and Source panel is displayed
(Figure 3-10). The panel consists of a number of tabbed panes containing groups
of configuration options. For this example, the dhryansi source requires that you
set a predefined macro before it will compile.

Figure 3-10 ARM C compiler panel

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Creating an Application

4. Click the Preprocessor tab to display a list of predefined macros (Figure 3-11).

Figure 3-11 ARM C compiler preprocessor panel

5. Type MSC_CLOCK into the text field beneath the List of #DEFINES and click Add
to define the MSC_CLOCK macro. The CodeWarrior IDE adds MSC_CLOCK to the List
of #DEFINES. The Equivalent Command Line text box displays the compiler
command-line option required to define MSC_CLOCK (Figure 3-12).

Figure 3-12 MSC_CLOCK defined

6. Click Apply to apply your changes, and close the DebugRel Settings panel.

At this point you have defined the MSC_CLOCK macro for the DebugRel build target only.
You must also define the MSC_CLOCK macro for the Release and Debug build targets if you
want to use them. To select the Release build target:

1. Ensure that the Project window is currently active.

2. Click the Current Target drop-down list to display the list of defined build
targets (see Figure 3-8 on page 3-8).

3. Select Release from the list of build targets to change the current build target.

4. Apply the steps you followed above to define MSC_CLOCK the Release build target.

3-10 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
Creating an Application

You can also cut and paste build target settings into the Equivalent Command Line
text box. Press the Enter key to set the options and update the panel controls. Be
careful not to copy command-line options that are inappropriate, such as the
optimization and debug settings, from one build target to another.

Leave the Release Target settings panel open after you have saved your changes.

5. Click on the Debug/Opt tab to display Debug and Optimization options for the
Release build target (Figure 3-13).

Figure 3-13 Debug/Opt configuration panel

6. Select the For time Optimization Criterion button. The Equivalent Command
Line text box reflects the change.

7. Click Apply to apply your settings.

8. Define MSC_CLOCK in the Debug build target in the same way as you have for the
DebugRel and Release build targets.
Your project is now equivalent to the dhryansi example project supplied with the
ARM Developer Suite.

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This example has shown how to use the configuration dialogs to set options for
individual build targets. There are configuration panels available for most of the ADS
toolchain, including the linker, fromELF, and the assembler. You can use the
configuration panels to specify most options available in the tools, including:
• procedure call options
• the structure of output images
• the linker and postlinker to use
• the ARM debugger to call from the CodeWarrior IDE.

See the section on configuring a build target in the CodeWarrior IDE Guide for a
complete description of build target options.

3.2.4 Building the project

The Project menu contains a number of commands to compile, or compile and link
your project files. These commands apply only to the current build target. To compile
and link the example project:

1. Ensure that the project window is the currently active window.

2. Select the build target you want to build (see Figure 3-8 on page 3-8). For this
example, select the DebugRel build target.

3. Select Make from the Project menu. The CodeWarrior IDE builds the project by:
• compiling newly added, modified, and touched source files to produce ELF
object files
• linking object files and libraries to produce an ELF image file, or a partially
linked object
• performing any postlink operations that you have defined for your build
target, such as calling fromELF to convert an ELF image file to another
In the dhryansi example there is no postlink operation.

If the project has already been compiled using a command such as Bring Up To
Date or Compile, the Make command performs only the link and postlink steps.
The compiler displays build information, errors, and warnings for the build in a
messages window.

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3.2.5 Debugging the project

By default, the ARM project stationery is configured to call the AXD debugger to debug
and run images built from the CodeWarrior IDE. You can configure the debugger to be
called using the ARM Debugger configuration panels for each build target. See the
CodeWarrior IDE Guide for details.

To execute and debug your example project:

1. Ensure that the project window is the currently active window.

2. Select the build target you want to debug. The Debug command applies only to
the current build target.

3. Select Debug from the Project menu. The CodeWarrior IDE compiles and links
any source files that are not up to date, and calls the AXD debugger to load and
execute the image. See the AXD and armsd Debuggers Guide for more

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Creating an Application

3.3 Building from the command line

This section describes how to build an application from the command line. From the
command line, you can access:
• the compilers (see Using the compilers from the command line)
• the CodeWarrior IDE (see Using the CodeWarrior IDE from the command line on
page 3-20)
• the debugger (see Invoking AXD from the command line on page 3-20)
• the assembler (see Using the assembler from the command line on page 3-16)
• the linker (see Setting linker options from the command line on page 3-17).

3.3.1 Using the compilers from the command line

There are four compiler variants as shown in Table 3-1:

Table 3-1 Compiler variants

Compiler name Compiler variant Compiler output

armcc C C 32-bit ARM code

tcc C C 16-bit Thumb code

armcpp C++ C or C++ 32-bit ARM code

tcpp C++ C or C++ 16-bit Thumb code

Building an example

Sample C source code for a simple application is in


To build the example from the command line:

1. Compile the C file main.c with either:

armcc -g -O1 -c main.c (for ARM)
tcc -g -O1 -c main.c (for Thumb)
-g Tells the compiler to add debug tables.
-O1 Tells the compiler to select the best possible optimization while
maintaining an adequate debug view.
-c Tells the compiler to compile only (not to link).

3-14 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
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2. Link the image using the following command:

armlink main.o -o embed.axf
-o Specifies the output file as embed.axf.

3. Use armsd or AXD to load and test the image.

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3.3.2 Using the assembler from the command line

The basic syntax to use the ARM assembler (armasm) from the command-line is:
armasm {inputfile}

For example, to assemble the code in a file called myfile.s, type:

armasm -list myfile.lst myfile.s

This produces an object file called myfile.o, and a listing file called myfile.lst.

For full details of the command-line options and syntax, refer to the ADS Assembler

Example 3-1 shows a small interworking ARM/Thumb assembly language program.

You can use it to explore the use of the assembler, linker, and the ARM symbolic

Example 3-1

AREA AddReg,CODE,READONLY ; Name this block of code.

ENTRY ; Mark first instruction to call.
ADR r0, ThumbProg + 1 ; Generate branch target address and set bit 0
; hence arrive at target in Thumb state.
BX r0 ; Branch and exchange to ThumbProg.
CODE16 ; Subsequent instructions are Thumb code.
MOV r2, #2 ; Load r2 with value 2.
MOV r3, #3 ; Load r3 with value 3.
ADD r2, r2, r3 ; r2 = r2 + r3
ADR r0, ARMProg ; Generate branch target address with bit 0 zero.
BX r0 ; Branch and exchange to ARMProg.
CODE32 ; Subsequent instructions are ARM code.
MOV r4, #4
MOV r5, #5
ADD r4, r4, r5
stop MOV r0, #0x18 ; angel_SWIreason_ReportException
LDR r1, =0x20026 ; ADP_Stopped_ApplicationExit
SWI 0x0123456 ; ARM semihosting SWI
END ; Mark end of this file.

3-16 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
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Building the example

To build the example:

1. Enter the code using any text editor and save the file in your current working
directory as addreg.s.

2. Type armasm -list addreg.lst addreg.s at the command prompt to assemble the
source file.

3. Type armlink addreg.o -o addreg to link the file.

Running the example in the debugger

To load and run the example in the debugger:

1. Type armsd addreg to load the module into the command-line debugger.

2. Type step to step through the rest of the program one instruction at a time. After
each instruction, you can type reg to display the registers.

When the program terminates, to return to the command line, type quit.

For further details on ARM and Thumb assembly language programing, see the ADS
Assembler Guide.

3.3.3 Setting linker options from the command line

The ARM linker, armlink, enables you to:

• link a collection of objects and libraries into an executable ELF image

• partially link a collection of objects into an object that can be used as input for a
future link step

• specify where the code and data will be located in memory

• produce debug and reference information about the linked files.

Objects consist of input sections that contain code, initialized data, or the locations of
memory that must be set to zero. Input sections can be Read-Only (RO), Read/Write
(RW), or Zero-Initialized (ZI). These attributes are used by armlink to group input
sections into bigger building blocks called output sections, regions and images. Output
sections are approximately equivalent to ELF segments.

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Creating an Application

The default output from the linker is a non-relocatable image where the code starts at
0x8000 and the data section is placed immediately after the code. You can specify
exactly where the code and data sections are located by using linker options or a
scatter-load description file.

Linker input and output

Input to armlink consists of:

• one or more object files in ELF Object Format
• optionally, one or more libraries created by armar.

Output from a successful invocation of armlink is one of the following:

• an executable image in ELF executable format
• a partially linked object in ELF object format.

For simple images, ELF executable files contain segments that are approximately
equivalent to RO and RW output sections in the image. An ELF executable file also has
ELF sections that contain the image output sections.

An executable image in ELF executable format can be converted to other file formats
by using the fromELF utility.

Linker syntax

The linker command syntax is of the form:

armlink [-help_options] [-output_options] [-via_options] [-memory_map_options]
[-image_content_options] [[-image_info_options]] [-diagnostic_options]

See the ADS Linker and Utilities Guide for a detailed list of the linker options.

Using linker options to position sections

The following linker options control how sections are arranged in the final image and
whether the code and data can be moved to a new location after the application starts:

-ropi This option makes the load and execution region containing the RO
output section position-independent. If this option is not used the region
is marked as absolute.

-ro-base address
This option sets the execution addresses of the region containing the RO
output section at address. The default address is 0x8000.

3-18 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
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-rw-base address
This option sets the execution addresses of the region containing the RW
output section at address. The default address is at the end of the RW

-rwpi This option makes the load and execution region containing the RW and
ZI output section position-independent. If this option is not used the
region is marked as absolute. The -rwpi option is ignored if -rw-base is
not also used. Usually each writable input section must be read-write

If you want more control over how the sections are placed in an image, use the -scatter
option and specify a scatter-load description file.

Using scatter-load description files for a simple image

The command-line options (-ro-base, -rw-base, -ropi, and -rwpi) create simple images.

You can create the more complex images by using the -scatter command-line option
to specify a scatter-load description file. The -scatter option is mutually exclusive with
the use of any of the simple memory map options -ro-base, -rw-base, -ropi, or -rwpi.

For more information on the linker and scatter-load description files, see the ADS Linker
and Utilities Guide and the Writing Code for ROM chapter in the ADS Developer

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Creating an Application

3.3.4 Using the CodeWarrior IDE from the command line

In some cases you might not require the Graphical User Interface of the CodeWarrior
IDE, for example, when a project is part of a larger system that must be built
automatically without user interaction. See the CodeWarrior IDE Guide for information
on using the CodeWarrior IDE from the command line.

3.3.5 Invoking AXD from the command line

AXD can be invoked from the command line. This can be useful for batch testing, for
example. See the AXD and armsd Debuggers Guide for more information.

3-20 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
Creating an Application

3.4 Using ARM libraries

The following run-time libraries are provided to support compiled C and C++:

ANSI C The C libraries consist of:

• The functions defined by the ISO C library standard.
• Target-dependent functions used to implement the C library
functions in the semihosted execution environment. You can
redefine these functions in your own application.
• Helper functions used by the C and C++ compilers.

C++ The C++ libraries contain the functions defined by the ISO C++ library
standard. The C++ library depends on the C library for target-specific
support and there are no target dependencies in the C++ library. This
library consists of:
• the Rogue Wave Standard C++ Library version 2.01.01
• helper functions for the C++ compiler
• additional C++ functions not supported by the Rogue Wave library.

As supplied, the ANSI C libraries use the standard ARM semihosted environment to
provide facilities such as file input/output. This environment is supported by the
ARMulator, Angel, Multi-ICE, and EmbeddedICE®. You can use the ARM
development tools in ADS to develop applications, and then immediately run and debug
the applications under the ARMulator or on a development board. See the description
of semihosting in the ADS Debug Target Guide for more information on the debug

You can re-implement any of the target-dependent functions of the C library as part of
your application. This enables you to tailor the C library, and therefore the C++ library,
to your own execution environment.

The libraries are installed in two subdirectories within install_directory\lib:

armlib Contains the variants of the ARM C library, the floating-point arithmetic
library, and the math library. The accompanying header files are in

cpplib Contains the variants of the Rogue Wave C++ library and supporting C++
functions. The Rogue Wave and supporting C++ functions are
collectively referred to as the ARM C++ Libraries. The accompanying
header files are installed in install_directory\include.

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Creating an Application

• The ARM C libraries are supplied in binary form only.

• The ARM libraries should not be modified. If you want to create a new
implementation of a library function, place the new function in an object file, or
your own library, and include it when you link the application. Your version of the
function will be used instead of the standard library version.

• Normally, only a few functions in the ANSI C library require re-implementation

in order to create a target-dependent application.

• The source for the Rogue Wave Standard C++ Library is not freely distributable.
It can be obtained from Rogue Wave Software Inc., or through ARM Limited, for
an additional licence fee. See the Rogue Wave online documentation in
install_directory\Html for more about the C++ library.

3.4.1 Using the ARM libraries in a semihosted environment

If you are developing an application to run in a semihosted environment for debugging,

you must have an execution environment that supports the ARM and Thumb
semihosting SWIs and has sufficient memory.

The execution environment can be provided by either:

• using the standard semihosting functionality that is present by default in, for
example, ARMulator, Angel, and Multi-ICE

• implementing your own SWI handler for the semihosting SWI.

You do not have to write any new functions or include files if you are using the default
semihosting functionality of the library.

3.4.2 Using the ARM libraries in a non-semihosted environment

If you do not want to use any semihosting functionality, you must ensure that either no
calls are made to any function that uses semihosting or that such functions are replaced
by your own non-semihosted functions.

To build an application that does not use semihosting functionality:

1. Create the source files to implement the target-dependent features.
2. Use #pragma import(__use_no_semihosting_swi) to guard the source.
3. Link the new objects with your application.
4. Use the new configuration when creating the target-dependent application.

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You must re-implement functions that the C library uses to insulate itself from target
dependencies. For example, if you use printf() you must re-implement fputc(). If you
do not use the higher level input/output functions like printf(), you do not have to
re-implement the lower level functions like fputc().

If you are building an application for a different execution environment, you can
re-implement the target-dependent functions (functions that use the semihosting SWI
or that depend on the target memory map). There are no target-dependent functions in
the C++ library. See the chapter on libraries in the ADS Compilers and Libraries Guide
for more information.

3.4.3 Building an application without the ARM libraries

Creating an application that has a main() function causes the C library initialization
functions to be included.

If your application does not have a main() function, the C library is not initialized and
the following features are not available to your application:
• software stack checking
• low-level stdio
• signal-handling functions, signal() and raise() in signal.h
• atexit()
• alloca().

You can create an application that consists of customized startup code, instead of the
library initialization code, and still use many of the library functions. You must either:
• avoid functions that require initialization
• provide the initialization and low-level support functions.

These applications will not automatically use the full C run-time environment provided
by the C library. Even though you are creating an application without the library, some
helper functions from the library must be included. There are also many library
functions that can be made available with only minor re-implementations. See the
chapter on libraries in the ADS Compilers and Libraries Guide for more information.

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Creating an Application

3.5 Using your own libraries

The ARM librarian, armar, enables sets of ELF object files to be collected together and
maintained in libraries. Such a library can then be passed to armlink in place of several
object files. However, linking with an object library file does not necessarily produce
the same results as linking with all the object files collected into the object library file.
This is because armlink processes the input list and libraries differently:

• each object file in the input list appears in the output unconditionally, although
unused areas are eliminated if the armlink -remove option is specified

• a member of a library file is included in the output only if it is referred to by an

object file or a previously processed library file.

To create a new library called my_lib and add all the object files in the current directory,
armar -create my_lib *.o

To delete all objects from the library that have a name starting with sys_, type:
armar -d my_lib sys_*

To replace, or add, three objects in the library with the version located in the current
directory, type:
armar -r my_lib obj1.o obj2.o obj3.o

For more information on armar, see the ADS Linker and Utilities Guide.

The ARM libraries should not be modified. If you want to create a new implementation
of a library function, place the new function in an object file or your own library. Include
your object or library when you link the application. Your version of the function will
be used instead of the standard library version.

3-24 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
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3.6 Debugging the application with AXD

AXD enables you to run and debug your image using any of the following debug targets:
• ARMulator (the default)
• Multi-ICE
• EmbeddedICE
• Angel debug monitor
• Gateway.

See the AXD and armsd Debuggers Guide for more information on using the debuggers.

3.6.1 Starting AXD

Start AXD in any of the following ways:

• If you are running under UNIX, either:
— from any directory type the full path and name of the debugger, for
example, /opt/arm/axd
— change to the directory containing the debugger and type its name, for
example, ./axd
• If you are working in the CodeWarrior IDE, open a project and select Edit →
target Settings... → Debugger → ARM Debugger to ensure that AXD is the
default debugger and other settings are as you require, then click the Run/Debug
button or select Debug from the Project menu.
• If you are running Windows, select Start → Programs → ARM Developer
Suite 1.2 → AXD Debugger.
• If you are using a Windows DOS shell, you can start AXD with the following
arguments. Arguments must be in lowercase:
-debug ImageName
Load ImageName for debugging.
-exec ImageName
Load and run ImageName.
-logo Show splash screen (this is the default).
-nologo Suppress splash screen.
For example, to launch AXD and load dhryansi.axf for debugging, type:
axd -debug dhryansi.axf

Loading an image

If you start AXD from the CodeWarrior IDE, or specify an image name on the DOS
command line, an image is already loaded into AXD. Use File → Load Image to load
a new image (Figure 3-14 on page 3-26).

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Creating an Application

Figure 3-14 Loading an image

Stepping through an application

Use Execute → Step to step through the application (Figure 3-15 on page 3-27).

3-26 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
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Figure 3-15 The Execute menu

The disassembled code is displayed and a pointer indicates the current position
(Figure 3-16 on page 3-28). Use Step (F10) to execute the next instruction.

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Creating an Application

Figure 3-16 Disassembly

Processor view

Use the Processor Views menu to monitor the program data during the debug
(Figure 3-17).

Figure 3-17 Processor Views menu

For example, use Processor Views → Registers to display a dialog showing the
register contents (Figure 3-18 on page 3-29).

3-28 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
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Figure 3-18 Viewing register contents

3.6.2 Configuring ARMulator for AXD

When you run AXD for the first time, an ARMulator debugging session starts by
default, with ARMulator configured by settings held in a default configuration file.

For information on reconfiguring ARMulator, returning to ARMulator after using

another debug target, and selecting and configuring other debug targets, refer to the
AXD and armsd Debuggers Guide.

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Creating an Application

3-30 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
Chapter 4
Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

This chapter describes some of the issues involved when converting an existing project
built with the ARM Software Development Toolkit (SDT) to the ARM Developer Suite
(ADS). It also shows some of the diagnostic messages which you might see when
converting a project, and suggests workarounds for common problems.

It is strongly recommended that you read Chapter 2 Differences before reading this

This chapter contains the following sections:

• Converting makefiles and APM project files on page 4-2
• Moving your development project from SDT to ADS on page 4-4.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 4-1
Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

4.1 Converting makefiles and APM project files

This section describes:
• Converting APM project files (Windows only)
• Converting makefiles (Windows & Unix) on page 4-3.

4.1.1 Converting APM project files (Windows only)

SDT projects are managed using the ARM Project Manager (APM). ADS projects are
managed using the CodeWarrior IDE.

You cannot use existing APM projects, and there is no automatic way to convert APM
.apj project files to CodeWarrior IDE .mcp project files. You must convert APM projects

To convert an APM project to the CodeWarrior IDE:

1. Start the ARM Project Manager.

2. Select APM… from the Tools menu to display the APM preferences panel.

3. Select the Echo command lines verbosely checkbox.

4. Rebuild your project. The project log window displays the command line used to
invoke each tool.

5. Copy and paste the assemble, compile, and link lines into a temporary text file.
For example:
[armcc -O1 -echo -W -g+ -MD -DMSC_CLOCK -Ic:\ARM251\INCLUDE]

Do not copy out of the tool configuration windows. The options you can see by
opening the window at a certain level in the tree might change further down the

6. Edit the text file to remove the square brackets [ ] and any APM-specific options
such as -echo and -MD.
If there are references to files, such as header files or library files, in the SDT
installation directory (for example, ARM251) you might need to change these to
point to the ADS installation directory instead.

4-2 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

7. Check any other assembler, compiler, and linker options displayed on the
command line. Some of the defaults have changed. See the appropriate sections
in Moving your development project from SDT to ADS on page 4-4 for more
information on how default compiler, linker, and assembler options have changed
between SDT and ADS.

8. Create a new CodeWarrior project. See Using the CodeWarrior IDE on page 3-2
for an introduction to the CodeWarrior IDE. See the CodeWarrior IDE Guide for
detailed information.

9. Copy the corrected lines from the text file into the Equivalent Command Line box
of the Target Settings dialog for each tool. See CodeWarrior IDE Guide for more

Alternatively, use the text file as the basis of a makefile. You must edit the text files so
that it complies with your makefile format.

4.1.2 Converting makefiles (Windows & Unix)

Some of the assembler, compiler, and linker options have changed. You might need to
modify your makefile to account for these changes. See the appropriate sections in
Moving your development project from SDT to ADS on page 4-4 for more information
on how default compiler, linker, and assembler options have changed between SDT and

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Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

4.2 Moving your development project from SDT to ADS

The following sections describe the most important changes between ADS and SDT,
and describe how to change your tool options and code to work with ADS:
• Compiling
• Assembling on page 4-7
• Linking on page 4-8
• Initialization of C Libraries and Execution Regions on page 4-13
• Calling constructors and destructors for top-level C++ objects on page 4-16.

4.2.1 Compiling

Some compiler features have changed between SDT and ADS. For a full list of changes
between SDT and ADS 1.2, see Chapter 2 Differences. The following sections describe
changes to the most commonly used compiler options, and to how paths are handled:
• -apcs 3/nosw
• -apcs /softfp/narrow (or /wide)
• -zat and alignment of top-level static objects on page 4-5
• -zas and alignment of structs on page 4-5
• -zz, -zt, -zzt0 on page 4-5
• -fc on page 4-6
• Include paths on page 4-6

-apcs 3/nosw

The -apcs 3 options is the default for the compilers in SDT 2.50 and SDT 2.51. It is
redundant, and is faulted in ADS.

The -apcs qualifier /nosw is recognized by the SDT ARM compilers. /noswst is the
default for ADS.

-apcs /softfp/narrow (or /wide)

-apcs /softfp is the default for the compilers in SDT 2.50 and SDT 2.51. The equivalent
default ADS option is -fpu softvfp. The options are functionally similar. They both
implement floating-point arithmetic by subroutine call.

If you see:
Error: C3057E: bad option '-apcs /softfp': ignored

then remove the /softfp qualifier from your compiler command line. See
Floating-point support on page 2-33 for more information.

4-4 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

In ADS, all code is compiled as -apcs /narrow. The -apcs /wide option was obsolete in
SDT 2.50 and SDT 2.51, and is no longer supported.

If you see:
Error: C3057E: bad option '-apcs /narrow ': ignored

then remove the /narrow qualifier from your compiler command line. See Table 2-1 on
page 2-47 for more information on changed APCS qualifiers.

-zat and alignment of top-level static objects

In SDT, -zatNumber specifies the minimum byte alignment for top-level static objects,
such as global variables. Valid values for Number are1, 2, 4, and 8. The default is 4 for
the ARM compilers and 1 for the Thumb compilers

The ADS compilers do not support the -zat option. The default is the equivalent of
-zat1 for both ARM and Thumb.

-zas and alignment of structs

In SDT, the compiler always places structures on word boundaries (-zas4) by default,
unless they are packed with the __packed qualifier.

The ADS compilers align only as strictly as the contents of the structure require. This
is the equivalent of -zas1. The -zas option is deprecated and the compiler generates the
following warning:
Warning: C2067I: option -zas will not be supported in future releases

It is recommended that you avoid writing code that relies on the alignment of objects
such as structures. See the description of structures, unions, enumerations, and bitfields
in the ADS Compilers and Libraries Guide for more information.

To revert to SDT behavior and place structures on word boundaries, compile with -zas4.

-zz, -zt, -zzt0

In SDT, the compiler options -zz0 and -zt are commonly combined as -zzt0. This
forbids the use of tentative declarations, and forces uninitialized globals to be placed
directly in the ZI area.

-zz-1 is a deprecated option that gives the same result as -zz0. Use -zz0 in preference to
-zz-1 in SDT 2.50 and SDT 2.51.

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Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

In ADS, -zz0, -zt, -zzt0, and -zz-1 are faulted. Remove these options from your
compiler command line..

This change might affect linking if you are using a scatter-load description file. See
Linking on page 4-8 for more information.


In the SDT 2.11a, and earlier toolkits, the -fc option enabled limited pcc support. This
is redundant in SDT 2.50 and SDT 2.51. Using -fc:
• allowed dollar characters ($) in identifiers
• suppressed warnings on explicit casts between function and object pointers
• allowed junk at the end of preprocessor directive lines.

The first two of these are the default in SDT 2.50, SDT 2.51, and ADS, unless -strict
is used. To allow junk at the end of preprocessor directives, use the -Ep option instead.

For backward compatibility with old projects, the -fc option is not faulted in SDT 2.50
and SDT 2.51, but it has no effect over the normal defaults and is not documented.

The ADS compilers fault -fc. Remove it from your compiler command line.

Include paths

It is recommended that you use the CodeWarrior IDE Access Paths tab, not the
Equivalent Command Line field, to specify compiler include paths (such as
'-I.\include') in a CodeWarrior IDE project.

For example, '-I..\include' is the same as the project relative path


It is recommended that you do not use recursive path searching. See the CodeWarrior
IDE Guide for details.

You can use -I in the Equivalent Command Line field if you must follow Berkeley
search rules (the default compiler command-line behavior) or K&R search rules,
instead of the CodeWarrior IDE behavior. However, CodeWarrior Browser information
and Error processing is unlikely to work correctly because the -I option does not update
the CodeWarrior IDE internal path information. The CodeWarrior IDE cannot find files
that the compilers input from paths specified with -I. The Access Paths tab also enables
you to move a project without moving its source files.

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Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

4.2.2 Assembling

Some assembler features have changed between SDT and ADS. For a full list of
changes between SDT and ADS 1.2, see Chapter 2 Differences. The following sections
describe changes that most frequently cause problems when moving to ADS:
• Interworking
• FUNCTION directive
• String Literals and $.


In SDT, assembly language code intended for interworking is marked with the
INTERWORK attribute on the AREA directive. For example:


In ADS the INTERWORK attribute is obsolete and has been replaced with the /interwork
qualifier to the -apcs option. The assembler gives the following warning:
INTERWORK area directive is obsolete. Continuing as if -apcs /inter selected.

Delete the INTERWORK attribute from your assembly language source, and assemble with
the -apcs/interwork command-line option instead. At link time, the linker adds
interworking veneers to the image, if required.

FUNCTION directive

ADS supports an ARM assembler directive called FUNCTION. If you have any macros in
your assembly language code with the name FUNCTION, the names conflict, and the
assembly fails.

You must rename any macros that use the name FUNCTION. For example, change the
FUNCTION <label>

FUNCTION1 <label>

String Literals and $

If you are porting SDT code that contains $ symbols in strings, (for example,
initialization code that performs the RO and RW execution region copying and ZI
initialization), you must change $ to $$ to build under ADS. For example, change:
basesym SETS "|Image$$":CC:namecp:CC:"$$Base|"

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 4-7
Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

basesym SETS "|Image$$$$":CC:namecp:CC:"$$$$Base|"

See Changed assembler behavior on page 2-52, and the ADS Assembler Guide for more

In ADS, RO/RW/ZI initialization is usually done by the C library. You might not need
your SDT initialization code. See Initialization of C Libraries and Execution Regions
on page 4-13 for more information.

4.2.3 Linking

Some linker features have changed between SDT and ADS. For a full list of changes
between SDT and ADS 1.0, see Chapter 2 Differences. The following sections describe
changes that most frequently cause problems when moving to ADS:
• Specifying libraries
• Change -info size to -info sizes on page 4-9
• Change -symbols file to -symbols on page 4-9
• Linking old objects on page 4-9
• Linking old libraries on page 4-10
• Unused section elimination on page 4-10
• Use of +RW and +ZI in scatter-loading on page 4-11
• Generating binary images on page 4-13.
• Section naming in scatter-loading on page 4-13

Specifying libraries

With SDT, it is common to specify C libraries on the linker command line, in particular
if you are using the Embedded C libraries.

With ADS:

• There are no Embedded C libraries supplied with ADS. You can retarget the
standard C libraries for embedded use. See the description of tailoring the C
library to a new execution environment in the ADS Compilers and Libraries
Guide for detailed information.

• The names of the C libraries are different to those used for SDT. See the
description of library naming conventions in the ADS Compilers and Libraries

4-8 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

• The linker normally finds the correct C or C++ libraries to link with, and it might
use several libraries, so do not specify the C or C++ libraries on the linker
command line.
For example, change:
armlink obj1.o obj2.o armlib_cn.32l -o image.axf
armlink obj1.o obj2.o -o image.axf

Change -info size to -info sizes

In SDT 2.50 and SDT 2.51, the linker accepts either size or sizes as a qualifier to the
-info option. In ADS, only sizes is accepted.

Change -symbols file to -symbols

In SDT 2.50 and SDT 2.51, the -symbols option requires a filename as a parameter.

In ADS, the -symbols option has no parameter. If output to a file is required, use -list

Linking old objects

The object file format for ADS is different to that used by SDT.

In SDT, objects are in the ARM proprietary AOF format. In ADS, the format for all
objects and images is the industry standard ELF.

For backwards compatibility, the ADS linker accepts object files in the SDT AOF
format and libraries in the SDT ALF format. However, these formats are obsolete and
will not be supported in future releases.

The byte order of double and long long types has changed.

In SDT, the formats of little-endian double and big-endian long long are nonstandard.

The ADS compilers and assembler support industry-standard double and long long
types in both little-endian and big-endian formats. See Byte order of long long and
double on page 2-34 for more information.

If you try to link an ADS object that uses pure-endian double with an SDT object that
uses mixed-endian double, the linker reports an attribute clash:

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Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

Error: L6242E: Cannot link object _main.o as its attributes are incompatible
with the image attributes.

If possible, it is recommended that you rebuild your entire project, including the old
objects, with ADS. However, if you do not have the source code for an object or library,
try rebuilding your ADS application code with the -fpu softfpa option. See Object and
library compatibility on page 2-42 for a detailed explanation of how and when you can
link old library code. See Floating-point support on page 2-33 for more information on
changes to the floating-point defaults.

Not all AOF relocations are recognized in ADS. This means that some AOF objects
cannot be translated to ELF. The linker faults an attempt to link with an AOF object that
cannot be translated:
Error : (Fatal) L6027U: Relocation #17 in obj.o (SYMBOL_NAME) has
invalid/unknown type.

In this case, you must rebuild the object or library with ADS.

Linking old libraries

The library file format has changed between SDT and ADS. SDT libraries are in the
ARM proprietary ALF format. The ADS library format is ar and armar replaces armlib
as the library manager.

For backwards compatibility, the ADS linker accepts object files in the SDT AOF
format and libraries in the SDT ALF format. However, these formats are obsolete and
will not be supported in future releases. It is recommended that you rebuild your entire
project, including the libraries, with ADS. See Linking old objects on page 4-9 for more

Unused section elimination

In SDT, the -noremove linker option is the default. The linker does not remove unused
code or data sections unless instructed to do so with the -remove option.

In ADS, -remove is the default. Unused code and data sections are removed by default.
Use the -info unused option to generate a list of sections that have been removed.

To ensure that important sections, such as the vector table, are not removed you must
mark them as an entry point. For example, use the assembler ENTRY directive. The linker
does not remove sections that are marked as an entry point.

4-10 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

The ADS C library defines an entry point at __main(). If you specify additional entry
points, and do not explicitly specify an initial entry point with the -entry option, the
linker cannot determine which entry point to use as the initial entry point and gives a
Image does not have an entry point. (Not specified or not set due to multiple

You can select one of the entry points as the initial image entry point. For example, use
-entry 0x0 for ROM images that are entered at reset.

ARM cores that support WinCE have a high vector pin. For example, the ARM920T has
the HiVecs pin, so that the vector table can be moved to 0xFFFF0000. In this case, link
with -entry 0xFFFF0000.

See the description of image entry points in the ADS Linker and Utilities Guide for more

Use of +RW and +ZI in scatter-loading

SDT places global variable declarations such is:

int a;

into the RW data area, unless the compiler switch -zzt0 is used, in which case it is
placed into the ZI data area. See -zz, -zt, -zzt0 on page 4-5 for more information.

In ADS 1.0 and later an uninitialized global variable is always placed into the ZI data
area. In ADS 1.1 and later, zero initialized global definitions such as:
int a=0;

are also placed in the ZI data area.

This change in default behavior can cause problems with some SDT scatter-load
description files.

Example 4-1 shows a typical scatter-load description file that can be used with SDT,
where int a; is declared in periph.c:

Example 4-1

LOAD_FLASH 0x04000000 0x80000 ; start address and length

{ EXEC_FLASH 0x04000000
{ init.o (Init,+FIRST) ; remap & init code
* (+RO) ; all other RO areas

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 4-11
Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

Peripherals 0x02000000
{ periph.o (+RW) ; Variables for accessing
; peripherals
32bitRAM 0x0000
{ vectors.o (Vect,+FIRST) ; vector table
int_handler.o (+RO) ; interrupt handler
16bitRAM 0x2000
{ * (+RW,+ZI) ; program variables

If periph.c contains only uninitialized global variables, and this scatter-load description
file is used with ADS, the linker gives the following warning message:
Warning : L6314W: C:\scatter.scf(line 7, col 19) No section matches pattern

because the linker cannot identify any RW data from periph.o that can be placed into
this execution region. In Example 4-1 on page 4-11, the ZI data that is produced when
compiling periph.c is placed into the 16bitRAM execution region by the wildcard
placement rule:
16bitRAM 0x2000
{ * (+RW,+ZI) ; program variables

This causes the application to execute incorrectly because accesses to the variables from
periph.c will no longer map onto the actual peripheral registers.

If the 16bitRAM wildcard region had not been defined, the link would fail because the
ZI section generated from periph.c would not match any placement rule.

To fix this problem, you must change the specification for the Peripherals execution
region to:
Peripherals 0x02000000
{ periph.o (+ZI) ; Variables for accessing peripherals

See also Memory Mapped Peripherals on page 4-15.

4-12 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

Section naming in scatter-loading

You should not use compiler-generated section names in scatter-loading descriptions.

The names generated in ADS are different to those generated in SDT. ADS uses
standard ELF section names:
• C$$code is now .text
• C$$data is now .data
• C$$zidata is now .bss
• C$$constdata is now .constdata.

You should specify code/data sections in scatter files using the names and attributes of
objects (unless you are using -zo).

Generating binary images

In SDT 2.50 and SDT 2.51, you can convert the ELF output image from the linker into
a plain binary file with:
fromelf -nozeropad image.axf -bin image.bin

In ADS, the syntax has changed. Use:

fromelf image.axf -bin -o image.bin

The -nozeropad option is redundant in ADS, because fromELF never pads output
images with zeros to represent the ZI section.

The SDT 2.50 and SDT 2.51 linkers warn that -bin and -aif -bin will not be supported
in future releases. The ADS linker faults these options. Use fromELF to generate the
binary instead.

4.2.4 Initialization of C Libraries and Execution Regions

This section applies to SDT projects that link with the Embedded C libraries (in the
\lib\embedded directory) to avoid the use of semihosting SWIs. It describes:
• Application Entry Point
• Library Entry Point on page 4-14
• RW/RO and ZI Region Initialization on page 4-14
• Memory Mapped Peripherals on page 4-15

Application Entry Point

The SDT embedded C libraries do not require initialization. It is recommended that you
use C_Entry(), instead of main() as the entry point for your C code. This ensures that the
full ANSI C semihosting library initialization code is not linked in.

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Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

There are no Embedded C libraries supplied with ADS because the standard C libraries
can be retargeted for embedded use. However, the standard libraries must be initialized.
This is normally done through main().

This means that you must have a main() function if you use the C libraries in ADS. If
you are moving a project from SDT to ADS, rename C_Entry() to main().

See the section on tailoring the C library to a new execution environment in the ADS
Compilers and Libraries Guide for more information on retargeting the C libraries.

Library Entry Point

With the SDT, you typically call C_Entry from some assembler initialization code that
initializes, for example, stack pointers.

With ADS, __main is the entry point for the C library. Change your initialization code to
branch to __main instead of C_Entry. For example, change:
BL C_Entry

B __main

Use a B instruction (not BL) because an application will never return this way.

RW/RO and ZI Region Initialization

With the SDT, you must write your own code to initialize RW and ZI variables and to
relocate RO code to RAM, if required. That is, you must copy the RW and RO data and
code from ROM to RAM, and zero the ZI data.

With ADS you do not need to write your own initialization code because the C library
code within __main():

1. Copies non-root RW and RO execution regions from their load addresses to their
execution addresses.

2. Zeroes ZI regions.

3. Branches to __rt_entry, to initialize the library, which ultimately calls your


If you are moving from SDT to ADS you can remove or comment out the redundant
initialization code.

If you want to continue using your own initialization code to perform RO, RW execution
region and ZI initialization, define your own __main that branches to __rt_entry:

4-14 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

IMPORT __rt_entry
EXPORT __main
B __rt_entry

See the description of how C and C++ programs use the library functions in the C library
chapter of the ADS Compilers and Libraries Guide.

Memory Mapped Peripherals

If you have C variables mapped onto the registers of, for example, memory mapped
peripherals, you can instruct the ADS library not to zero-initialize them.

Example 4-2 defines a C structure mapped onto some peripheral registers in a file called

Example 4-2 iovar.c

struct {
volatile unsigned reg1; /* timer control */
volatile unsigned reg2; /* timer value */
} timer_reg;

Example 4-3 adds a root region to the scatter-load description file to place the output
from iovar.c at the required address in the memory map. The region is labeled UNINIT
to ensure that the ZI section is not zero-initialized.

Example 4-3 Scatter-load description for iovar.c

IO 0x40000000
IO 0x40000000 UNINIT
iovar.o (+ZI)

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Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

4.2.5 Calling constructors and destructors for top-level C++ objects

If you are using ARM C++ with SDT you must:

• call constructors for top-level C++ library objects with an explicit call to

• call destructors for top-level C++ library objects with an explicit call to

This is described in the SDT 2.51 Errata PDF, and in Application Note 74 Using ARM
C++ in Embedded Systems.


• constructors for top-level C++ library objects are called by __rt_lib_init().

• destructors for top-level C++ library objects are called by __rt_lib_shutdown().

You should not need to call __cpp_initialise() or __cpp_finalise() explicitly from your
application code if your application is being initialized in the normal way through

4.2.6 Updating debugger script files

Script files contain debugger commands that you might have recorded during a
debugging session, or added or changed with a text editor. You can submit a script file
instead of entering the commands individually if you want to repeat a particular
sequence of commands.

You can use the same commands with the debuggers armsd, ADW, and ADU. However,
AXD uses different commands. A script file that works with armsd, ADW, or ADU
usually requires updating before it works with AXD.

To update an armsd, ADW, or ADU script file to work with AXD you must understand
what each command in the file does and decide which of the following cases applies:
• the script file still works in the same way with AXD
• the script file requires some small change
• the operation performed by the script file has to be done in a completely different
way with AXD.

An appendix to the AXD and armsd Debuggers Guide lists all the commands supported
by armsd, ADW, or ADU and by AXD, showing equivalences where they exist.

As an example, typical commands required for armsd, ADW, or ADU to debug an

embedded system (having code in ROM or flash memory) are:

4-16 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D
Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

readsyms embed.axf
pc = 0x0
cpsr = %IFt_SCVC (in SDT this was cpsr = %IFt_SVC32)
$vector_catch = 0
$semihosting_enabled = 0
$top_of_memory = 0x40000

For AXD the equivalent commands are:

loadsymbols embed.axf
setpc 0
sreg cpsr 0xd3
spp vector_catch 0
spp semihosting_enabled 0
let $top_of_memory 0x40000

For other examples, go to the technical support area on the ARM web site at

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Migrating Projects from SDT to ADS

4-18 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

ADS See ARM Developer Suite.

AFS See ARM Firmware Suite.
AIF ARM Image Format
ALF ARM Library Format
Angel A debug monitor that enables you to develop and debug applications running on
ARM-based hardware. Angel can debug applications running in either ARM state or
Thumb state.
ANSI American National Standards Institute. An organization that specifies standards for,
among other things, computer software.
AOF See ARM Object Format.
APCS ARM Procedure Call Standard
API See Application Programming Interface.
APM See ARM Project Manager.
Application The syntax of the functions and procedures within a module or library

Archive A package containing all the files associated with a release of a built model

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. Glossary-1

ARM Developer A suite of applications, together with supporting documentation and examples, that
Suite enable you to write and debug applications for the ARM family of RISC processors.
ARM eXtended Debugger software from ARM that enables you to make use of a debug agent in order
Debugger to examine and control the execution of software running on a debug target. AXD is
supplied in both Windows and UNIX versions.
ARM Firmware Suite A collection of utilities to assist in developing applications and operating systems on
ARM-based systems
ARM instruction A word which specifies an operation for an ARM processor to perform. ARM
instructions must be word-aligned.
ARM Object Format A (now obsolete) format for object files
ARM Project The component of SDT that controls building applications. The equivalent in ADS is
Manager the CodeWarrior IDE. Unix systems can use makefiles to build applications.
ARM state A processor that is executing ARM (32-bit) instructions is operating in ARM state

See also Thumb state.

ARMASM The ARM assembler
ARMCC The ARM C compiler
armsd See ARM Symbolic Debugger.
ARM Symbolic An interactive source-level debugger providing high-level debugging support for
Debugger (armsd) languages such as C, and low-level support for assembly language. It is a command-line
debugger that runs on all supported platforms.
ARM/Thumb Defines how registers and the stack are used for subroutine calls
Procedure Call

ARMulator Instruction set simulator. A collection of modules that simulate the instruction sets and
architecture of various ARM processors.
ATPCS See ARM/Thumb Procedure Call Standard.
AXD See ARM eXtended Debugger.
Basic ARM Ten A modeling scheme similar to, but separate from, ARMulator. BATS is designed
System (BATS) specifically to model systems based on the ARM10 processor. ARMulator models
systems based on all earlier ARM processors.
BATS See Basic ARM Ten System.

Glossary-2 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

Big-endian Memory organization in which the least significant byte of a word is at a higher address
than the most significant byte
Bit Binary Digit
Breakpoint A location in the image. If execution reaches this location, the debugger halts execution
of the image.

See also: Watchpoint.

Byte An 8-bit data item
C file A file containing C source code
Cache A block of high-speed memory locations whose addresses are changed automatically in
response to which memory locations the processor is accessing, and whose purpose is
to increase the average speed of a memory access
Class A C++ class involved in the image
CLI C Language Interface/Command-Line Interface
CodeWarrior IDE The development environment for the ARM Developer Suite
Command-line You can operate any ARM debugger by issuing commands in response to command-line
Interface prompts. This is the only way of operating armsd, but ADW, ADU and AXD all offer a
graphical user interface in addition. A command-line interface is particularly useful
when you need to run the same sequence of commands repeatedly. You can store the
commands in a file and submit that file to the command-line interface of the debugger.
Compilation The process of converting a high-level language (such as C or C++) into an object file
Coprocessor An additional processor used for certain operations. Usually used for floating-point
math calculations, signal processing, or memory management.
CPSR Current Program Status Register

See also Program Status Register.

CPU Central Processor Unit
C, C++ Programming languages
Debugger An application that monitors and controls the execution of a second application. Usually
used to find errors in the application program flow.
Deprecated A deprecated option or feature is one that you are strongly discouraged from using.
Deprecated options and features will not be supported in future versions of the product.
DLL See Dynamic Linked Library.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. Glossary-3

DSP Digital Signal Processor

DWARF Debug With Arbitrary Record Format
Dynamic Linked A collection of programs, any of which can be called when needed by an executing
Library program. A small program that helps a larger program communicate with a device such
as a printer or keyboard is often packaged as a DLL.
ELF Executable and Linking Format
EmbeddedICE The additional hardware provided by debuggable ARM processors to aid debugging
Exception Handles an event. For example, an exception could handle an external interrupt or an
undefined instruction.
FIQ Fast Interrupt
Flash memory Nonvolatile memory that is often used to hold application code
Floating-point Convention used to represent real (as opposed to integer) numeric values. Several such
conventions exist, trading storage space required against numerical precision.
FP See Floating Point.
FPA Floating-Point Accelerator
FPE Floating-Point Emulator
FPU Floating-Point Unit
GCC The Gnu C Compiler
Global variables Variables with global scope within the image
GUI Graphical User Interface
Heap The portion of computer memory that can be used for creating new variables
Host A computer which provides data and other services to another computer
ICE In-Circuit Emulator
IDE See Integrated Development Environment.
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (USA)
IHF Intellec Hex Format .This option is deprecated and will not be supported in future
releases of the toolkit
Image An execution file which has been loaded onto a processor for execution

Glossary-4 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

Immediate values Values which are encoded directly in the instruction and used as numeric data when the
instruction is executed. Many ARM and Thumb instructions allow small numeric values
to be encoded as immediate values within the instruction that operates on them.
Inline Functions that are repeated in code each time they are used rather than having a
common subroutine. Assembler code placed within a C or C++ program.
Input section Contains code or initialized data or describes a fragment of memory that must be set to
zero before the application starts
Integrated A development environment offering facilities for automating image-building and
Development file-management processes. The CodeWarrior IDE is an example.
Environment (IDE)

Interworking A method of working that allows branches between ARM and Thumb code
IRQ Interrupt Request
ISO International Standards Organization
I/O In/out
Library A collection of assembler or compiler output objects grouped together into a single
Linker Software which produces a single image from one or more source assembler or
compiler output objects
Little-endian Memory organization in which most significant byte of a word is at a higher address
than the least significant byte
Local An object that is only accessible to the subroutine that created it
Memory Allows detailed control of a memory system. Most of the control is provided through
Management Unit translation tables held in memory.
MMU See Memory Management Unit.
Multi-ICE Multi-processor in-circuit emulator. ARM registered trademark.Multi-processor
in-circuit emulator. ARM registered trademark.
Output section A contiguous sequence of input sections that have the same RO, RW, or ZI attributes.
The sections are grouped together in larger fragments called regions. The regions will
be grouped together into the final executable image.
PC See Program Counter.
PI Position-Independent
Processor An actual processor, real or emulated running on the target. A processor always has at
least one context of execution.

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. Glossary-5

Processor Status See Program Status Register.


Program Counter Integer register R15 (or bits[25:2] of R15 on 26-bit architectures)

Program Status Contains some information about the current program and some information about the
Register (PSR) current processor. Often, therefore, also referred to as Processor Status Register. Also
referred to as Current PSR (CPSR), to emphasize the distinction between it and the
Saved PSR (SPSR). The SPSR holds the value the PSR had when the current function
was called, and which will be restored when control is returned.

An Enhanced Program Status Register (EPSR) contains an additional bit (the Q bit,
signifying saturation) used by some ARM processors, including the ARM9E.
RAM Random Access Memory
RDI See Remote Debug Interface.
Read-Only Position Code and read-only data addresses can be changed at run-time

Read/Write Position Read/write data addresses can be changed at run-time


Regions A contiguous sequence of one to three output sections (RO, RW, and ZI) in an imag
Register A processor register
Remote Debug The Remote Debug Interface (RDI) is an ARM standard procedural interface between
Interface (RDI) a debugger and the debug agent. RDI gives the debugger a uniform way to communicate
• a debug agent running on the host (for example, ARMulator)
• a debug monitor running on ARM-based hardware accessed through a
communication link (for example, Angel)
• a debug agent controlling an ARM processor through hardware debug support
(for example, Multi-ICE).
Remote_A A communications protocol used, for example, between debugger software such as
ARM eXtended Debugger (AXD) and a debug agent such as Angel.
Retargeting The process of moving code designed for one execution environment to a new execution
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer
ROM Read Only Memory
ROPI See Read-Only Position Independent

Glossary-6 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

Rounding modes Specify how the exact result of a floating-point operation is rounded to a value which is
representable in the destination format
RPS Reference Peripheral System
RWPI See Read/Write Position Independent.
Saved Program See Program Status Register.
Status Register

Scatter loading Assigning the address and grouping of code and data sections individually rather than
using single large blocks
Scope The accessibility of a function or variable at a particular point in the application code.
Symbols which have global scope are always accessible. Symbols with local or private
scope are only accessible to code in the same subroutine or object.
Script A file specifying a sequence of debugger commands that you can submit to the
command-line interface using the obey command. This saves you from having to enter
the commands individually, and is particularly helpful when you need to issue a
sequence of commands repeatedly.
SDT See Software Development Toolkit.
Semihosting A mechanism whereby the target communicates I/O requests made in the application
code to the host system, rather than attempting to support the I/O itself
Software Software Development Toolkit (SDT) is an ARM product still supported but superseded
Development by ARM Developer Suite (ADS)

Source File A file which is processed as part of the image building process. Source files are
associated with images.
SP (Stack Pointer) Integer register R13
SPSR Saved Program Status Register

See also Program Status Register.

SWI Software Interrupt. An instruction that causes the processor to call a
programer-specified subroutine. Used by ARM to handle semihosting.
Target The actual target processor, (real or simulated), on which the application is running

The fundamental object in any debugging session. The basis of the debugging system.
The environment in which the target software will run. It is essentially a collection of
real or simulated processors.
TCC Thumb C Compiler

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. Glossary-7

Thumb instruction A halfword which specifies an operation for an ARM processor in Thumb state to
perform. Thumb instructions must be halfword-aligned.
Thumb state A processor that is executing Thumb (16-bit) instructions is operating in Thumb state

See also ARM state.

Translation tables Tables held in memory that define the properties of memory areas of various sizes from
1KB to 1MB.
Unsigned data Represent a non-negative integer in the range 0 to + 2N-1, using normal binary format

Variable A named memory location of an appropriate size to hold a specific data item
VFP Vector Floating-Point
Views Windows showing the data associated with a particular debugger/target object. These
may consist of a single, simple GUI control such as an edit field or a more complex
multi-control dialog implemented as an ActiveX.

The Processor Views menu allows you to select views associated with a specific
processor, while the System Views menu allows you to select system-wide views.
Watchpoint A location in the image that is monitored. If the value stored there changes, the debugger
halts execution of the image.
Word Value held in four contiguous bytes. A 32-bit unit of information. Contents are taken as
being an unsigned integer unless otherwised stated.

Glossary-8 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

A AXD 1-3 C
starting 3-25
ANSI C library 1-4 using Code
ISO C standard disassembled 3-27
APM project files CodeWarrior IDE 1-3
converting 4-2 B build targets 3-2
applib 3-21 new project 3-3
ar 1-4 Books using 3-2
armar 1-3, 3-24 Assembler Guide 1-5 using from the command line 3-20
armasm 1-2 CodeWarrior IDE Guide 1-6 Command line
armcc 1-2 Compiler, Linker, and Utilities arguments for AXD 3-25
armcpp 1-2 Guide 1-5 CodeWarrior IDE 3-20
armlib 3-21 Debug Target Guide 1-5 compiling from 3-14
armlink 1-2 Debuggers Guide 1-5, 1-7 development tools 1-2
armprof 1-3 Developer Guide 1-5 linker options 3-17
armsd 1-3 HTML 1-14 using the assembler from 3-16
ARMulator 1-4 Installation and License Compiler options
configuring for AXD 3-29 Management Guide 1-5 -dwarf1 2-21, 2-24
Assembler Build targets 3-2 Compilers
differences 2-40, 2-52 configuring 3-7 enhancements 2-47
enhancements 2-40, 2-52 using from the command line 3-14
mode changing 3-16 Components 1-2
using from the command line 3-16 Constructors 4-16

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. Index-1

Converting from SDT to ADS F M

APM project files 4-2
assembling 4-7 Flash downloader 1-4 Makefiles, converting 4-3
compiling 4-4 fromELF 1-3 Memory mapped peripherals 4-15
initialization 4-13
linking 4-8
makefiles 4-3 G O
C++ library
Rogue Wave 3-22 GNU 2-14, 2-28 Obsolete
source 3-22 assembler options 2-54
compiler macros 2-50
H compiler options 2-48
D components 2-56
Hiding and renaming symbols 2-25 file formats 2-58
Debuggers linker options 2-56
AXD 2-35 standards 2-56
enhancements 2-35 L Online documentation 1-7
starting AXD 3-25
Debugging 3-13 Librarian 3-24
Destructors 4-16 enhancements 2-37 P
Differences 2-3 Libraries
ADW 2-44 ARM 3-21 Processor view (AXD) 3-28
AIF 2-44 armar 3-24 Project manager
ARMulator 2-44 custom 3-24 enhancements 2-38
compiler 2-47 C++ Project stationery 3-2
debugger 2-35 embedded 3-22 Projects
default behavior 2-42 non-hosted environment converting from SDT to ADS 4-4
enhancements 2-32 programing without creating and building 3-3
entry point 2-43 RogueWave debugging 3-13
floating point 2-45 semihosting
librarian 2-37 semihosting dependencies
project manager 2-38 libraries R
stack unwinding 2-45 support 1-3
Disassembled code 3-27 Linker RDI 1-4
Documentation error L6218E stackheap 2-9 Rogue Wave C++ library 1-3
online 1-7 information 2-9, 2-25, 2-26
DWARF 2-14, 2-28 messages 2-9, 2-25, 2-26
DWARF2 1-4 scatter-loading file 2-9 S
Dyna Text 1-7 steering files 2-25
symbols Scatter loading 3-19
hiding and renaming 2-25 SDT 4-1
E syntax 3-18 Semihosting 3-22
Linker options Standards 1-4
ELF 1-4, 2-14, 2-28, 2-37, 2-38, 2-40, -edit 2-25 obsolete 2-56
2-44, 2-52, 2-55 -mangled 2-26 Starting
Entry point setting from the command line 3-17 AXD 3-25
debugger 2-43 syntax 3-18 CodeWarrior IDE 3-3
differences 2-43 -unmangled 2-9, 2-25 Stationery 3-2
linker 2-44 Loading an image into AXD 3-25 Steering files 2-25

Index-2 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

Stepping through an application 3-26

linker 2-25

tcc 1-2
tcpp 1-2

ARM DUI 0064D Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. Index-3

Index-4 Copyright © 1999-2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0064D

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