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0 1 _ 2 0 1 5 windblatt Magazine for wind energy

NEW 4 MW PLATFORM ___ ENERCON presents E-126 EP4/4.2 MW

ENERCON RAILWAY ON RAIL TO SUCCESS ___ e.g.o.o. multi-facetted logistics service provider

ENERCON IN TURKEY ___ market leader installs 1,000 MW

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for future
04 _ VIEW 08 _ New 4 MW platform 20 _ Special installation equipment at ENERCON
06 _ MAILBOX ENERCON presents E-126 EP4/4.2 MW. Retrofit kit allows smaller crane types to be used
07 _ DATES for the installation of E-126/7.5 MW turbines.
14 _ ENERCON railway on rail to success INTERNATIONAL
e.g.o.o. multi-facetted logistics service provider.

22 _

ENERCON in Canada
E-82/3 MW provides wind energy for remote
nickel mine.
Dear customers, business partners and employees,
18 _ Green energy market model in preparation

Photo: Terex/Christian Lang

German government ordinance would allow 24_ ENERCON in Ireland
At ENERCON we are proud to look back at 30 years of successful
renewable energy to be marketed as green energy Irish grid operator tightens connection standards,
business. In todays global market, we are trailblazers in the in-
once again. ENERCON technology already meets standard.
dustry offering technological solutions to meet tomorrows energy
challenges. The key to our success in the renewable energies
market is our active innovation structure which not only combines
19 _ Less yield loss through ice accretion Market leader installs more than 1,000 MW and
commitment and added value but also awareness.
Details of ENERCONs rotor blade de-icing looks to continuing market expansion.
system in technology section.
Our aim is to make a major contribution to the success of the energy
transition. In line with the principles of operational excellence,
this requires continuous development of our technological features

and constant adjustments to all company sectors.

After 30 years of experience, our focus is on gaining innovative

strength and increasing our competitive edge. This forward-
looking impetus will be noticeable in external and internal com-
munications such as the all new layout of this Windblatt issue.

Our cover story focuses on our new 4 MW platform joining innova-

tive technology with smart modular design. The E-126 EP4 (4.2 MW
nominal power), designed for IEC IIA wind conditions with a rotor
diameter of 127 meters, is the first turbine in the newly developed
platform an outstanding product with maximum efficiency and
reduced noise emission.
Photo: Demirer Holding

Systematic sophistication of the tried-and-tested components,

increased use of identical parts and standardisation of components
are key factors of the new platform concept and turbine design.
These factors and the reduction of project realisation time due

to process optimisation make this new turbine concept with the
highest quality standard an excellent choice.

We hope you enjoy this issue.

14 Nicole Fritsch-Nehring
ENERCON Managing Director
Imprint Publisher: ENERCON GmbH, Dreekamp 5, D-26605 Aurich, Phone +49 (0) 49 41 927 0, Fax +49 (0) 49 41 927 109, www.enercon.de
Editorial office: Felix Rehwald Design: conception Kommunikationsagentur GmbH, Siegen Printed by: Druckerei Hachenburg GmbH, Hachenburg
Copyright: All photos, illustrations, texts, images, graphic representations, insofar as this is not expressly stated to the contrary, are the property of
ENERCON GmbH and may not be reproduced, changed, transmitted or used otherwise without the prior written consent of ENERCON GmbH.
Frequency: The WINDBLATT is published four times a year. Subscribe: Phone +49 (0) 49 41 927 667 or www.enercon.de.
Cover Illustration: ENERCON E-126 EP4/4,2 MW

2 windblatt01_2015 windblatt01_2015 3

Photo: Holland Luchtfoto

ENERCON staff jokingly translate the acronym NOP, which

actually stands for the Noordoostpolder wind farm in the Nether-
lands, to No other project. And indeed, there is no other project
like it. ENERCON is currently installing a total of 26 x E-126/7.5
MW turbines directly along the dike at the IJsselmeer in the
province of Flevoland making it Europes largest wind farm.

4 windblatt01_2015 windblatt01_2015 5


Construction of Service ENERCON employee
13 - 14 April 2015
training centre electricity rates now available to www.hannovermesse.de
in Gotha on schedule all employees in Germany
production facilities inaugurated
AllEnergy UK
in Magdeburg
The construction of the new ENERCON The ENERCON employee electricity rates are now available to
Service training centre in Gotha is on sche- all ENERCON employees Germany-wide. Until now, the 100% (Glasgow/UK)
dule. The 1,800 square metre building in green energy electricity was only available to staff in Aurich and 6 - 7 May 2015
which theoretical training for WEA Service Magdeburg. www.all-energy.co.uk
employees is to be held is expected to be At the same time, the kilowatt-hour rate for new and existing
completed by the end of May/beginning of subscribers has been reduced by up to 5%, while other regional
June. It was designed for a capacity of up to power supply companies in Germany have significantly raised their ICCI
278 training participants per day and com- prices. The base rate, however, remains unchanged. Depending (Istanbul/Turkey)
plements the practical training facilities on the region, the ENERCON employee rate is between 24.29 and 6 - 8 May 2015
already in place in Gotha. The new struc- 27.15 cents per kilowatt-hour. www.icci.com.tr
ture includes ten training and meeting Compared to new green energy contracts being offered by local
rooms as well as administrative offices. providers, most three-person households can save up to
There will also be a fully equipped cafeteria 100 euros per year. Hence, the ENERCON rates are cheaper Husum Wind
large enough to seat approx. 100 people. than the rates being offered by green energy providers such as (Husum/Germany)
The cornerstone laying ceremony took Lichtblick or Greenpeace Energy. 15 - 18 September 2015
place mid-November, in the presence of The provided electricity is made up of 15% energy from ENERCON www.husumwind.com
Gothas mayor, Knut Kreuch, ENERCON wind energy converters and 85% hydropower from the High
Service Deutschland GmbH managing di- Rhine. ENERCON guarantees that the prices will remain stable
rector, Volker Kendziorra and other invited in the calendar year in which the contract was subscribed. RenewableUK
guests. The speakers pointed out the posi- Furthermore, ENERCON guarantees that the costs for the share (Liverpool/UK)
tive effect that ENERCONs training facility of electricity provided by ENERCON wind energy converters 6 - 8 October 2015
has on Gothas economy, in particular the will not increase even after 31 December of the respective year. www.renewableuk.com
hospitality industry. For the year 2015, the ENERCON personnel can sign up on the internet under
training centre is expecting up to 20,000 Production employee, explains construction of ENERCON rotor blade by means of cross section at www.enercon-energie.de.
inauguration ceremony of new ENERCON factory, MKF in Magdeburg. Sachsen-Anhalt Prime
overnight stays. Minister Reiner Haseloff (2nd front right), Magdeburg mayor, Lutz Trmper (3rd front right) and
. MKF managing director, Dirk Hofmann (4th front right) listen attentively. (Hanover/Germany)
8 - 14 November 2015
ENERCON inaugurated two new production facilities in Magdeburg. In the presence of
Saxony-Anhalt Prime Minister, Reiner Haseloff (CDU), Magdeburg mayor Lutz Trmper MONTRAL/CANADA
(SPD) and other invitees, ENERCON Managing Director Hans-Dieter Kettwig gave the EWEA
official starting signal for the operation of Magdeburger Komponentenfertigung GmbH ENERCON Canada organises wind energy (Paris/France)
(MKF) and Magdeburger Generatorenfertigung GmbH (MGF) at the beginning of January. workshop for mine owners 17 - 20 November 2015
The two plants at the Industriestrae site manufacture GRP components and generators www.ewea.org
for ENERCON. At the end of November, ENERCON Canada offered a one-day workshop to
With a production floor size of 12,989 m, MKF GmbH manufactures rotor blade blanks for internationally active mining companies and project developers to inform them of the
the ENERCON E-126, E-101 and E-82 WEC series. These blanks are then transported by advantages of generating power with wind turbines at mining sites. Topics included
rail to ENERCONs Magdeburg-Rothensee site for further processing including finishing. the suitability of ENERCON technology for sites in climatically challenging regions as
Cornerstone laying ceremony for Service training MKFs planned volume for 2015 is about 280 blanks. The current headcount in production well as ENERCONs competency in the fields of site assessment, logistics and project
centre in Gotha: Bjrn Nowak (ENERCON local
manager in Gotha, f.l.), Volker Kendziorra (Ma-
is 227. Another 16 persons are employed in administration. management.
naging Director of ENERCON Service Deutsch- MGF GmbH, which is located on the same site, manufactures generators for ENERCONs Mines are often located far away from any infrastructure and grid connection. Power
land GmbH), Knut Kreuch (Mayor of Gotha) and
Dr.Wolf-Peter Pankau (LEG) burying a time
E-101 and E-115 WEC series. Once full-scale production is underway, the plant will employ on-location is generally produced by diesel generators. From a cost and environ-
capsule. up to 100 persons. Their production capacity is expected to be up to 350 generators per mental point of view, mining companies are therefore increasingly considering
year. renewable energy sources as an alternative. So far, ENERCON is the only wind turbine
ENERCON purchased the facilities at Industriestrae and re-modelled them for its manufacturer having successfully installed and achieved positive results at mining
purposes due to a demand for greater production capacity. These new premises provide sites such as Diavik/Northwest Territories and Raglan/Quebec (see article page 22).
ENERCON with logistically convenient multi-purpose buildings well-suited for the Further projects are in the works.
production of various wind energy components and a large logistics area.

6 windblatt01_2015 windblatt01_2015 7

Evolution of time-proven

E-126 EP4/4.2 MW
ENERCON develops new 4 MW turbine type initial launch of prototype
for medium wind speed sites (IEC IIA) by end of 2015 further versions to follow
for low and high wind sites.

Smart. Efficient. Powerful.

8 windblatt01_2015 windblatt01_2015 9

NERCON has developed a new wind turbine platform in the emission and reduced project realisation time owing to optimised
4 MW category and will soon be launching the E-126 EP4 production, logistics and installation processes, is a very convincing Rotor blade
model (4.2 MW nominal power, 127 m rotor diameter) for the product. ~ Innovative aerodynamic design boosts efficiency
medium wind speed sector (IEC IIA). The new ENERCON 4 MW The new E-126 EP4 offers the lowest electricity production costs ~ 2-part blade design optimised for production and logistics
concept combines innovative technology and intelligent modular with exceptionally high product quality and is expected to generate ~ Significant reduction of sound emissions by using Trailing
design for more efficiency and reliability. Systematic sophisti- an annual energy output of approx. 14.8 million kilowatt hours Edge Serrations (TES)
cation of the tried-and-tested components, increased use of at sites with an average wind speed of 7.5 metres per second ~ Yield optimised flat-back profile
identical parts and standardisation of components are key factors at 135 metres hub height. With regard to quality and cost- ~ Minimal structural loads
of the new platform concept, says ENERCON managing director effectiveness, ENERCON is providing their customers with a highly ~ Significant increase in yield at cold climate sites
Nicole Fritsch-Nehring. The new turbine design satisfies premium sophisticated machine designed to make the fullest use of ~ Excellent lightning protection system
quality standards and, due to maximum efficiency, lower sound onshore sites and sites further land inwards.

~ Maximum running smoothness, minimised sound emission
Nacelle and maximum efficiency
~ Modular nacelle design to reduce production, ~ 2-part generator design optimised for production and logistics
transport and assembly time ~ Advanced cooling concept with 35% less energy loss in
~ Use of premium quality cast components cooling system
~ Transport in standard containers simplified ~ No use of rare earth elements

10 windblatt01_2015 windblatt01_2015 11

Simplified production process:

Inner part of EP4 rotor blade manufactured
with same fully-automated wrapping technique
as for E-115 series (Figure).

Transport optimised blade concept: Outstanding grid properties

2-part E-126 EP4 rotor blade similar to E-115 series. Disassembled components
New rotor blade profile series Calculated power curve Power coefficient
facilitate delivery to construction site. Photo: Loading E-115 inner blade at rotor blade Due to significant advancements in the grid
E-126 EP4 / 4,200 kW Calculated power curve
Development work on the E-126 EP4 series production facility in Aurich. integration properties, the E-126 EP4 will
4,500 0.5
already began in 2012 with the introduc- 4,000 be one of the most modern and most grid-

Power coefficient CP[-]

tion of the new aerodynamic profile known 3,500 compatible wind turbines on the market
Power P [kW]

as the E-series. Based on ENERCONs 0.3 worldwide. ENERCONs grid feed techno-
extensive experience and their develop- 2,000 logy offers system solutions for reliable
ment engineers expertise, the profile of the power feed into any distribution and trans-
1,000 0.1
blades has been specifically optimised to 500 mission network anywhere. And thanks to
increase power generation and achieve 0 0.0 the benchmark turbine and inverter control
0 5 10 15 20 25
substantial structural load reduction. Wind speed v at hub height v [m/s]
system, the 4 MW platform fulfils the
Other design criteria are the minimisation latest grid code standards in the high and
of sound emission and their resistance to E-126 EP4 / 4.2 MW, 135m hub height system less prone to faults. The overall bly purposes. The slimmer, more stream- medium-voltage range by providing systems
sound power level at optimised operation
erosion in order to guarantee steady sound power level of the new E-126 EP4 lined design of the nacelle along with the services such as, e.g. balancing power for
optimum output during the turbines service 104.8 105.0 105.0 is only 105 dB(A). Due to the low sound optimised segmentation of the nacelle weak grids and the STATCOM feature. //
Sound power level LWA dB(A)

life even under rough weather conditions. 104
103.2 emissions the E-126 EP4 offers consider- casing facilitates transporting the com-
Certainly a first in the wind energy industry 100
101.1 able advantages for site planning. ponents in standard containers.
is the extent of tests undertaken to validate
the required properties of the new profile. Validated technology Optimised foundation and tower design
To ensure the blade properties, ENERCON 92 Inaugurated in 2014, ENERCONs highly In line with design to manufacture &
carried out extensive wind tunnel tests in modern R&D innovation center equipped assembly design criteria, various new
addition to complex numerical simulati- 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 with a large number of sophisticated test tower concepts underwent a technological
Wind speed at 10m height m/s
ons in their own computer lab and, for the facilities, is now paying off for the validation and industrial feasibility study. These
first time, also a full scale blade test on a system based on a lightning protection This manufacturing principle enables of the E-126 EP4 system components. The concepts are expected to be incorpora-
prototype blade set similar to the E-126 class with extremely stringent standards. process-optimised production and simpli- ENERCON-designed generator test stand ted in the EP4 platform series by 2017, at
EP4 blades. As for all other ENERCON Only ENERCON rotorblades fulfil these fies transport logistics. is being used to perform full-scale tests to the latest. A more slender tower design
wind turbines, the E-126 EP4 rotor blades requirements. ensure that the innovative technologies with hub heights ranging between 135
are supplied with trailing edge serrations Similar to the E-115 blades, the E-126 EP4 Evolutionary step in generator technology of the new ENERCON generator meet the and 144 meter is scheduled to be used www.eplattform-4mw.de
(TES) designed to minimize aerodynamic rotor blades are produced in two parts, Enhancements to the generator techno- required product standards. in the E-126 EP4 pre-series. All towers
sound emission and can be equipped i.e. with an inner rotor blade fabricated logy have significantly improved running will be available as hot or cold climate
with a rotor blade de-icing system option. using the wrapping technique and an smoothness, increased efficiency and Modular machine house concept versions and can be installed on three
Another optimisation in this turbine type outer rotor blade produced using the reduced sound emission while still using The E-126 EP4 machine house has also different foundation types, depending on
is also ENERCONs lightning protection classic half-shell construction method. the low maintenance gearless generator been optimised for transport and assem- the local soil conditions.

12 windblatt01_2015 windblatt01_2015 13

Emerging from
the niche
NERCON e.g.o.o. mbH trains are a well-liked subject for train to transport ENERCON wind turbine components, but this is no
enthusiasts. Wherever the green locomotives appear with longer their sole activity. In just a few years, the ENERCON rail
their eye-catching cargo rotor blades or tower sections for transport company has progressed to a well-established enterprise
ENERCON wind energy converters train buffs arm their cameras. servicing an extensive rail network as well as a great number of
Well-frequented train spotter forums on the internet show a external customers.
number of such shots. e.g.o.o. mbH was originally founded in 2007

14 windblatt01_2015 windblatt01_2015 15

In 2009, the e.g.o.o. already started trans- becoming evermore important for their transhipment capacities with an adequate load restrictions for bridges, are major issu-
porting materials from ENERCON suppliers image to transfer their freight shipments to Aurich/Emden rail infrastructure to be able to manoeuver es for the industry, says Vogt.
in addition to conveying ENERCONs own rail. The figures at e.g.o.o. speak for them- and reconfigure the train cars.
materials and products. The company is selves. After just one year, the share of third At any rate, the rail transport company in-
certified by the Federal Railway Authority party shipments made up approx. 15% of the Another unique characteristic of the e.g.o.o. tends to expand its business in all logistical
with the Part A and Part B Safety Certifi- overall transport volume and these figures Rheine is their expertise in handling and loading sectors with the aim of relieving road traffic,
cate which allows it to transport goods in- are growing. heavy and special-sized loads. Due to years saving resources and improving ENERCON
cluding hazardous substances on public Bochum of experience working for ENERCON, we wind energy converters environmental ba-
German rail networks. We started by asking Along with this, the rail network has been have gained extensive expertise, says Vogt. lance all under the motto of ENERCONs
ENERCON suppliers to move their ship- expanded, new hubs have been added to This is another side of the business which Green Logistics concept. And train spot-
ments from truck over to rail transport and the schedule and agreements with other is currently being expanded and external ters are delighted to have more spectacular
the suppliers locations formed the basis regionally and trans-regionally operating Ludwigshafen customers are able to benefit from this. photos to shoot. //
for our rail network. So the selected hubs rail companies have been concluded. On Nrnberg Shifting more heavy goods transport to rail
are strategically situated near larger indus- top of the hubs in Aurich/Emden, Magde- would be a major advantage for the entire Extensive expertise in heavy load transport.
e.g.o.o. takes over inter-factory shipment for
trial centres. explains e.g.o.o. managing burg, Kreuztal, Bochum and Lippstadt, the heavy goods transport and logistics industry. ENERCON. Image shows WEC hub and main
director, Ursula Vogt. The economics was e.g.o.o. network includes loading stations Mnchen Ailing road networks and frequent reduced- carrier.
not the only factor taken into consideration. in Drpen, Rheine, Ludwigshafen, Berlin,
The ecological aspect was another major Nrnberg and Munich. Besides connections
component as sustainability is an important to the Jade-Weser Port in Wilhelmshaven, e.g.o.o. hubs and loading
stations in Germany.
matter at ENERCON. In line with their international destinations in Austria, Italy,
founders (Aloys Wobben) motto, the Portugal and Turkey are also being offered.
companys aim is not only to be competi-
tive, but also to be ecologically compatible The latest cooperation is the Ems-Isar
in all company sectors including logistics Express (EIX), with daily connections from
and transport. Due to the various ecological East Frisia via Drpen/Emsland to Munich.
advantages rail transport offers, ENERCON The payload includes paper, beverages, dai-
prefers rail transport wherever possible. ry and frozen food products as well as steel
components. This is the first e.g.o.o. train
Slowly but surely, we were able to convince carrying an entirely external payload, says
our suppliers of Green Logistics, says Ursula Vogt. Until now, the e.g.o.o. runs
Ursula Vogt. Today, all production facilities, were carrying ENERCON shipments, com-
whether ENERCON rotor blade and con- plemented by freight from other companies.
crete tower factories, the stamping plant, Another particularity of the EIX is that it is
the foundry or the electrical cabinets and being drawn by electric locomotives powe-
boxes production facilities, they all receive red by 100% green energy. The advantage of
their material by rail. Daily freight runs this is the lack of CO emissions, says Vogt.
operate from the e.g.o.o. hubs and suppliers This is unique in the rail transport sector.
without rail connection deliver their goods
to the nearest loading station by truck, In addition to regionally operating rail com-
where e.g.o.o takes over. panies, haulage companies have also been
brought on board. They take over the short
In 2012, three years later, e.g.o.o. started distances inaccessible by rail and bring the
doing business with third party customers. freight to its final destination. Our biggest
Since then, they have been offering their advantages are that we offer the possibi-
services to companies with no direct con- lity of combined transport in single cars
nection to ENERCON. We see substantial or groups of cars and also service smaller
market opportunities in combined cargo loading stations in off the beaten track regi-
conveyed in single cars and groups of cars, ons, says Ursula Vogt. Most rail transport Rotor blades on track:
Wherever possible,
explains Ursula Vogt as the reason for ex- companies concentrate on large hubs and
panding their business sectors. Further- regular circuits and concentrate on pro- environmentally
friendly rail services
more, for many companies especially in cessing mass shipments. Smaller freight
to transport its
the medium-sized business sector it is villages still have space available and free components.

16 windblatt01_2015 windblatt01_2015 17

Green Energy Market Model Rotor blade de-icing system


he last reform of the Erneuerbare operators and classify it as green electrici- just like all other electricity sellers and thus
Energien Gesetz (EEG Renewable ty. According to this, the contracted plants bear the same responsibility. Renewables
Energy Sources Act) not only brought no longer fall under EEG remuneration and would therefore take on a responsibility for
about massive restrictions for the expansion the EEG surcharge no longer applies. In the system.
of wind, solar and bio energy, but also did order to maintain cost neutrality, the green
away with marketing renewable energies energy marketers product would have Green energy marketing will help boost
from German EEG plants. After the German to contain the same percentage of EEG acceptance of wind energy and could
government cancelled the renewable electricity at the average EEG price promote the decentralised energy transition.
energies privilege and direct marketing assumed by the German consumers with The green energy market model enables,
of EEG energy became mandatory, all the EEG surcharge. In 2015, this would mean for example, community-owned wind farms
electricity in Germany became grey. Since, that they would have to include 44.23% EEG to consume electricity from their own wind
however, from the point of view of green energy electricity in their portfolio at an average energy converters if desired. Since the green

marketers in Germany, there is a demand price of 16.25 ct/kWh. If they are unable to energy is no longer being promoted by the n winter months, ice may build up on the rotor blades. This is it is running. After ice has been detected, the wind turbine can be
for a quality product green energy made in attain this quota, they pay the difference EEG, certificates for electricity from these generally caused by high air humidity at outside temperatures stopped and the blade heating system activated. Safety is the main
Germany, a last minute power to issue to the EEG account This eliminates cherry plants can be issued as there is no longer a around the freezing point (from +2 to -8C). Ice accretion can priority. Once the ice has melted, the machine is automatically
statutory instruments was incorporated in the picking and maintains cost neutrality. conflict with the prohibition of multiple sale. lead to loss of revenue or may even cause the turbine to shut down. restarted or has to be manually restarted once the rotor blades
EEG 2014. This allows the German govern- Community-owned wind turbines could be ENERCON wind energy converters are equipped with a reliable have been visually inspected.
ment to issue a new marketing model act. The main advantage of the model is that installed with financial participation and the system that detects and eliminates this ice keeping downtime and
Discussions on a green energy model are renewable energies will no longer be sold electricity from these consumed later on. loss of revenue to a minimum. At locations with a low risk of ice accretion, it is also possible
currently in full swing. at a loss, but will become the key compo- This would be a significant step towards a to run the rotor blade de-icing system when the turbine is in
nent of the respective green energy product. decentralised energy transition. In this The ice detection system feature included in ENERCON wind operation. In automatic mode, if ice build-up is detected, the
The Grnstrom-Markt-Modell (GMM) The remaining electricity purchase is then respect, it would be wise to pass legislation energy converters compares current operating data such as wind, rotor blade de-icing system is activated and melts the ice
(green energy marketing model) developed planned around this key component. for the green energy market model as soon performance and blade angle with the recorded long-term mean while the WEC is running. It is not necessary to shut down
by various green energy marketers is Solutions ranging from wholesale trading of as possible and thus create an option for values. When changes in the monitored aerodynamic properties the machine and energy yield is maximized.
currently the most popular model. It covers electricity, to load management, on-demand electricity from domestic EEG plants to be occur due to ice accretion, the fan heater installed in the blade
all demands imposed on green energy use of renewable energies and the use of supplied directly to the consumers. // root is activated and starts heating the air inside the rotor blade. Although the wind turbines energy consumption increases
marketing by the Federal Ministry of storage systems are feasible options that The heated air flows along the leading edge to the tip of the with the de-icing system, revenue at sites with icing was
Economy: Cost neutrality, conformity to make sense for integrating renewable blade where it is then redirected between the webs back to the significantly higher. This was successfully proven on ENERCON
European standards, and improvement of energies into the system. Green energy blade root and recirculated through the entire blade creating a wind energy converters at research stations in the Czek
the integration of renewable energies. The marketers have to compile forecasts and constant flow of warm air. Republic and Sweden, for example. Yield loss at sites prone
green idea behind the model is simple. road maps and follow these. To compensate For further information see:
Photo: Fotolia

to icing was down by seven percent in one winter from

Green energy marketers can draw electrici- for imbalances, green energy marketers www.gruenstrom-markt-modell.de There are two different possibilities of using the rotor blade 10% to 3%. //
ty from EEG plants directly from contracted would have to purchase balancing energy de-icing system: either when the turbine is at a standstill or while

18 windblatt01_2015 windblatt01_2015 19

Germany Italy

Upgrade kit increases

Dreekamp 5 26605 Aurich Via Carlo Veneziani, 58 00148 Rome
Phone +49 49 41 927 0 Fax +49 49 41 927 669 Phone + 39 06 91 97 71 23 Fax + 39 06 91 97 71 99
E-mail: vertrieb@enercon.de E-mail: sales.italy@enercon.de

crane availability Argentina

Juramento 2089 of. 309 C1428DNG Buenos Aires
ENERCON Windfarm Services Ireland Lt.
Unit 14, Northwood House,

for E-126 installation

Phone / Fax +54 11 47 888 686 Northwood Business Campus
E-mail: fernando.petrucci@enercon.de Santry, County Dublin, Ireland
Phone +353 1 89 34 020 Fax +353 1 86 24 151
Austria E-mail: sales.ireland@enercon.de
ENERCON Service Austria Ges.m.b.H
Hauptstr. 19 2120 Wolkersdorf Latin America
THANKS TO NEW LIFT ENHANCING LATTICE TOWER, Phone +43 22 45 82 828 Fax +43 22 45 82 838 ENERCON GmbH
ENERCON CAN NOW USE CRANE TYPES FROM E-mail: office@enercon.at Dreekamp 5 26605 Aurich
OTHER PERFORMANCE CATEGORIES TO HOIST Phone +49 49 41 927 684 Fax +49 49 41 927 669
Australia / New Zealand / Baltic States / East Asia E-mail: sales.international@enercon.de
Bredkr Parkvej 62 8250 Egaa The Netherlands
Phone +45 87 430 388 Fax +45 87 430 344 ENERCON Benelux BV

E-mail: joern.kristensen@enercon.de Paxtonstraat 1a 8013 RP Zwolle
cheduling cranes for E-126 projects to Terex, the Boom Booster is capable of
Phone +31 38 46 96 010 Fax +31 38 42 28 010
has always been somewhat of a boosting the lifting capacity of the CC 8800-1 Belgium / Luxemburg E-mail: sales.benelux@enercon.de
headache for ENERCONs installation by up to 90%, especially when working with ENERCON Services Belgium BVBA
coordinators. Until now, it was necessary large main boom lengths and steep boom Heldenplein 7A 3945 Ham Poland
Phone +32 11 340 170 Fax +32 11 340 179 ENERCON Poland
to use the most powerful crane type the configurations.
E-mail: sales.benelux@enercon.de ul. Polska 30
Terex CC 9800 crawler crane to hoist the PL 60-595 Poznan
massive 7.5 MW machine components For the first time, crane service provider Brazil Phone +48 618 45 37 30 Fax +48 618 45 37 39
weighing up to 350 tons. Worldwide only two Sarens used a Terex CC 8800-1 crawler Wobben Windpower Ltda. E-mail: sales.poland@enercon.de
Av. Fernando Stecca n 100 Distrito Industrial CEP
of these are available so they are always in crane with a Boom Booster kit to erect 18087450 Sorocaba So Paulo Portugal
high demand. Now, in order to increase the ENERCON E-126 wind turbines at the Phone +55 15 21 011 700 Fax +55 15 21 011 701 ENERCON GmbH Sales Portugal
versatility of other suitable cranes, Terex is Noordoostpolder (NOP) wind farm in E-mail: wwp@wobben.com.br Parque Empresarial de Lanheses Lugar de Segadas
4925 424 Lanheses Viana do Castelo
providing an upgrade kit. This upgrade kit the Netherlands. ENERCON is currently
Canada Phone +351 258 803 500 Fax +351 258 803 509
reinforces the structure of the lattice erecting 26 of these machines there. With a ENERCON Canada Inc. E-mail: sales.portugal@enercon.de
tower boom which makes it possible total boom length of 156 metres, including 700, rue de La Gauchetire ouest Bureau 1200
for other crane types to reach the lifting the Boom Booster, lifting the components H3B 5M2 Montral, Qubec Spain
Phone +1 514 68 72 538 +1 87 77 082 101 (toll free) ENERCON GmbH Sucursal en Espaa
capacity of the next higher crane class and up to 135 metres hub height with the smaller
E-mail: info.canada@enercon.de Ronda de Auguste y Louis Lumire 23 Edificio 21 A
be used to install E-126 machines. equipment is just like any other routine job. Parque Tecnolgico 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
Thats a big advantage for us, says Eastern Europe Phone +34 961 824 556 Fax +34 961 828 143
Terex calls the kit the Boom Booster. Ludger Janen, Managing Director at ENERCON GmbH E-mail: enercon.spain@enercon.de
August-Bebel-Damm 24-30 39126 Magdeburg
The 10 metre wide frame measuring up to Energieanlagenmontage GmbH. Now Phone +49 391 24 460 236 Fax +49 391 24 460 231 Sweden
72 metres in length increases the load that we have more cranes available to us E-mail: sales.international@enercon.de ENERCON GmbH - Sweden
capacity of the lattice tower structure. It was for E-126 projects, we can up the pace of Arlvsvgen 9 211 24 Malm
Finland Phone +46 40 143 580 Fax +46 40 222 420
designed to be used for applications with machines installed per year. Another ad-
ENERCON Services Finland Oy E-mail: scandinavia@enercon.de
heavy loads requiring a long boom, as is the vantage for ENERCONs project planners Fredrikinkatu 61 00100 Helsinki, Finland
case for erecting wind energy converters, is that there is no change in access road Phone +358 40 84 20 742 Turkey
and can be mounted on the Terex CC 8800-1 and crane platform specifications since E-mail: nils.borstelmann@enercon.de ENERCON
Rzgar Enerji Santrali Kurulum Hizmetleri Ltd. Sti
crawler crane Terexs second most power- the requirements for the CC 9800 and the
France Atilla Ilhan Caddesi No: 22 Kat: B2
ful crane type after the CC 9800. According CC 8800-1 are identical. // ENERCON GmbH 34750 Atasehir, Istanbul
ZI N2 Impasse du Pr Bernot 60880 Le Meux Phone +90 216 57 70 757 Fax +90 216 57 77 192
Phone +33 344 836 720 Fax + 33 344 836 729 E-mail: arif.guenyar@enercon.de
E-mail: info-france@enercon.de
United Kingdom

Photo: Terex/Christian Lang

ENERCON GmbH Greek Branch 24 St. Johns Road
20, Pentelis Avenue 15235 Vrilissia, Athens EH12 6 NZ Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
Phone +30 210 68 38 490 Fax +30 210 68 38 489 Phone +44 131 31 40 150 Fax +44 131 31 40 152
Reinforced lattice tower structure: E-mail: sales.hellas@enercon.de E-Mail: sales.uk@enercon.de
So-called Boom Booster increases lift capacity
of CC 8800-1 crawler crane enabling it to be used
for E-126/7.5 MW installation.

20 windblatt01_2015 windblatt01_2015 21

Photo: Tugliq Energy / Justin Bulota

Wind energy
for remote nickel
wind energy converter at
Raglan site/Qubec.

NERCON is one of the few manufacturers that offer a
technology suitable for extreme sites. Among other
locations, ENERCON turbines have been commercially
operational for many years in Antarctica, the Swiss Alps, as
well as in the Canadian Arctic. This reference list has been The mine is not connected to any road system, which made the
extended to another extreme location: ENERCON has installed an installation phase particularly challenging. All components had to
E-82/3 MW turbine at the Raglan nickel mine in the Nunavik region be delivered via a cargo vessel and the extreme weather conditions
of Quebec, Canada, for the natural resource company Glencore. allowed for an installation window of only one month during the
summer. The E-82 was commissioned at the end of August. The
This robust high wind class turbine will supply the remote mine results of this pilot phase will help the mining operator decide on
with renewable energy. The site is located in the Ungava the installation of additional turbines, which could generate up to
peninsula at the northernmost part of Quebec, above the 55th 12 MW installed capacity, a reduction of 40% of the mines diesel
parallel and approximately 2,600 km north of Montreal. Raglan consumption.
mine is therefore subject to Arctic temperature conditions and
intense winds. The operator Tugliq Energy expects that the yield Furthermore, the operator is installing three innovative storage
of the E-82 will replace 5% of the diesel consumption of the diesel technologies to allow for a constant supply of renewable energy in
generators used for electricity production. This represents the mines islanded electric grid: flywheel, battery, as well as an
approximately 2.6 million liters of diesel. electrolysis system with combined hydrogen and fuel cell storage.
These storage technologies are expected to increase the wind
energy contribution to the islanded grid from 15%-20% up
to 35%-55%.//

22 windblatt01_2015 windblatt01_2015 23

ENERCON technology
first to meet
rigorous Grid Code
Photo: Cir na Gaoithe Teoranta

Lettergunnet wind farm he development of renewable energies, in particular wind Galway County on the west coast of Ireland, west of the 75,000 EirGrid certifying that the machines meet the new standards with
near Galway/Ireland with
17 x ENERCON E-82 machines. energy, is also progressing in Ireland. After all, energy resident city of the same name. According to the new Irish ease. However, due to the high penetration of wind energy in the Irish
generation based on renewables is a strategic target of Grid Code, wind farms must be able to remain in operation during grid, operators of older ENERCON wind farms are also affected by
the Irish government and the government of Northern Ireland. undervoltage and frequency changes (Fault Ride Through, these new regulations as they also apply to most existing
However, the growing share of wind power in the transmission ROCOF), be able to regulate voltage and active power at the point of projects. It always hurts when wind farms unexpectedly have to be
and distribution network made it necessary to tighten Grid Code connection to the grid (Active power and Voltage Regulation), be retrofitted, but this also allows wind energy to continue to expand
requirements in order to continue ensuring the islands network able to provide reactive power (Reactive Power Capability), as well in Ireland, says Robin Borgert, ENERCON regional sales manager
security. The conditions of the Irish grid, which is only connected as have the ability to control active power depending on the grid for Northern Europe. ENERCON operator/owners are fortunate,
to the GB Grid, are totally different from those on the European frequency (Power Frequency Control). as all affected projects can be upgraded with the new wind farm
continent. During periods of heavy winds, up to 50% of the Irish controller for a reasonable sum. Due to the reserve capacity and
energy demand is covered by wind energy. On average it is more ENERCONs current technological features meet the new Grid high performance of the ENERCON inverters, older wind turbines
than 20%. For this reason, the transmission network operator, Code specifications including Fault Ride Through, Reactive themselves do not have to be retrofitted. Wind farms using other
Eirgrid, recently introduced a new, stricter Grid Code (DS3). Power Control and ROCOF no problem, explains David McMullin technologies generally have to pay a considerably higher amount to
No problem for ENERCON customers. ENERCON technology meets in charge of Grid Integration at ENERCON in Ireland. For the comply with the DS3 standard.
the higher DS3 standards as demonstrated at the Lettergunnet other requirements, new control modes were developed and tested
Wind Farm. Lettergunnet is the first ENERCON wind farm to have by our Electrical Works Grid Solutions team. For this purpose, the Although Ireland is setting high standards, they are also blazing

Foto: Tugliq Energy / Justin Bulota

been commissioned under the new Grid Code and passed the test ENERCON FCU hardware was used. New Irish wind farms are now the trail by rewarding wind farms able to provide system services.
right off the bat. benefitting from this hardware platforms more rapid reaction time. The first ENERCON wind farms are already receiving a bonus
for the provision of reactive power and a premium for balancing
ENERCON installed a total of 17 machines from the E-82 series The Lettergunnet WECs have been running at rated power since energy and reserves is in preparation. //
(2.3 and 3 MW) at the Lettergunnet project which is located in 2014 and in October the farm passed tests done by grid operator

24 windblatt01_2015 windblatt01_2015 25

ENERCON reaches ENERCON Anemon Wind Farm

with 38 x E-48 and 2 x E-82 machines

in Turkey ENERCON present on Turkish
market since 1998.

MW mark of installed power capacity


ecently, ENERCON passed the 1 gigawatt mark of installed wind farm in Turkey and went online in 1998. In 2000, this wind farm
power capacity in Turkey. This mark was attained during was followed by a project with 17 x E-40/600 kW on the island of
the development of the Soma Wind Farm in the province of Bozcaada in the province of anakkale. During the course of this
Manisa, roughly 500 kilometres southwest of Istanbul. In the past cooperation, ENERCON founder Aloys Wobben, and the Demirer
years, ENERCON has already installed 119 wind turbines there with family agreed to set up a Service company and a rotor blade
an aggregate capacity of 140.1 MW. The project is being expanded factory in Turkey. These were the first companies in the Turkish wind
and currently another 50 machines with a total capacity of 100 MW energy sector and the cornerstone for ENERCONs success in the
are being added. At ENERCON, we are proud of what we have country. Later on, ENERCON took over Demirers shares and is now
achieved since we entered the Turkish market in 1998, says the sole owner.
Arif Gyar, ENERCONs regional sales manager for Turkey. Turkey
has become one of our key international markets. ENERCON has always been a forerunner in Turkey, says
Arif Gnyar. Not only as a supplier but also as a manufacturer
With a total of 642 wind turbines representing a rated installed and service provider. Our years of experience in many areas of the
capacity of more than 1,011 MW (Last survey: 31 December 2014), Turkish market is a big advantage to us today. In addition to
Turkey is in 8th place on the top ten list of ENERCON export markets large-scale projects in Soma, Karaburun (50 x E-82, 120 MW) or
nearly neck in neck with Brazil. Based on a total installed Geycek (70 x E-82, 150 MW), ENERCON has other projects with
capacity of nearly 4,000 MW, ENERCONs market share in Turkey an aggregate capacity of under 1 MW on the drawing board. Our
is currently 25.18% making ENERCON the market leader. E-44 and E-53 turbines are the ideal machines for operator/owners
ENERCON has its own rotor blade and concrete tower production seeking to use their own wind energy, explains Gnyar. These
facilities in Izmir. Both plants are producing components for Turkish customers include farmers and medium-sized industrial plants.
projects, but also for worldwide export. Izmir is also home
of the ENERCON Turkish Service headquarters in charge of repair For the future, ENERCON expects further favourable market
and maintenance of ENERCON wind turbines in the countrys development. Turkey remains a growth market for us, says
nine Service regions. Gnyar. The government is planning to install a total of 20,000 MW
of wind power by the year 2023 and due to demographic growth,
ENERCONs business activities in Turkey began in 1997 when three there is an increasing demand for energy. The significance of
E-40/500 kW machines were installed at the esme RES Wind Farm renewable energies and especially onshore wind energy will
in the province of Izmir for Demirer Enerji. esme was the first continue to increase. //

Photo: Demirer Holding

26 windblatt01_2015 windblatt01_2015 27
The new ENERCON 4 MW platform



28 windblatt01_2015

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