Chrzanowski Bieg Kravtsov

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Scientific Journals Zeszyty Naukowe

Maritime University of Szczecin Akademia Morska w Szczecinie

2013, 33(105) pp. 1115 2013, 33(105) s. 1115

ISSN 1733-8670

Challenges in teaching and learning physics for first year


Janusz Chrzanowski, Bohdan Bieg, Yury Kravtsov

Maritime University of Szczecin, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Physics
70-500 Szczecin, ul. Way Chrobrego 12, e-mail: {j.chrzanowski;b.bieg;y.kravtsov}

Key words: curriculum reform, compensatory course, multimedia technology

The authors analyze the methods of effective teaching of physics in the context of an increasingly weak
preparation of students from the high school. They draw attention to the opportunities that in this field can offer
new multimedia technologies, especially computers, applied to various forms of physical classes. The analysis
is based on many years of experience in working with students of different specialties and in different

Introduction many universities for the sake of the student intro-

duce a mandatory compensatory course, thus taking
Curriculum reform in schools caused that on the upon himself the task of the secondary school in
technical universities increasingly are accepted this field.
graduates of the high school whose education of the But not everyone is aware of the fact that the
physics comes to an end with the 30-hour course compensatory course should not be kept in the form
realized in the first year. The ambitious and opti- of a standard lecture. The specificity of teaching in
mistic intentions of the authors of the reform were high school and university is significantly different
that the 30 hours was to be treated as a multi-stage [1], and not every university teacher is able to cope
closure, a comprehensive course curriculum (mid- with this challenge. On the other hand, the primary
dle school + high school). It is difficult to defini- physics is based on the experiment, and not all uni-
tively determine the effect on the level of versities have laboratories equipped to present the
knowledge of physics that is made by a two-year experience of the high school, which of course sig-
break in the teaching of the subject (the second and nificantly reduces the form of conducted classes. You
third year of high school), but all tests carried out at can also have doubts about the efficiency of two
the beginning of the first year of studies, show clearly physics courses at different levels conducted
that the level of knowledge of the physics students simultaneously.
who have completed the so-called basic program is However, when the compensatory course [2] is
embarrassingly low. carried out, taking into account all the considera-
This creates a serious problem, because the tions above, that is, in small groups with the exper-
physics course, provided for first-year students iments demonstrations its effects are very signifi-
whose aim was to prepare the theoretical under- cant.
standing of the material necessary for the program An example of this is compensatory course for
realized in professional subjects, has to practically first year students in the Mechatronics carried out
start from the zero level. In order to keep the aca- in the Maritime University of Szczecin in the scope
demic standards under these conditions it would of program for ordered specialties. Participants of
require substantial widening of the number hours this course not only attained good results with the
foreseen for the subject in the curriculum. It is of same physics, but in contrast to students not cov- ered
course impossible for several reasons, although by the course did not have any problems with

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in teaching
and learning
Bieg, Yury
for first
year students

the other objects that required a thorough know- facilitate thinking about a particular phenome- non,
ledge of the laws of physics. Unfortunately, the and what is most important aspect it is to build
compensatory course in such comfortable condi-
tions was carried out only once in the academic
year 2010/2011. The following year, the program has
been finished and the same course took much less
effective formula: many groups and optional classes
in the late afternoon hours.
Because now it is difficult to rely on another
program as in the case of Mechatronics so we need
to find new forms of activity that will allow to in-
crease the effectiveness of education in the range of
hours included in the studies program, while main-
taining the academic standards to the maximum
possible extent. This applies to all forms of classes
included in the program of physics, lectures and
especially such important laboratory classes. Par-
ticularly wide possibilities creates the optimal use
in the teaching of modern multimedia techniques.

Characteristics of multimedia system

The use of multimedia technology makes sense
wherever information is communicated. The ad-
vantage of multimedia over traditional media, such as
a classical computer, printed materials or a mov- ie,
lies in the integration of different media in the using
of interaction techniques [3]. Application of
interaction means that the computer responds to input
from the man, giving him the opportunity to choose
what, when, where, how often, and in what order he
wants to see and hear. Thus, only a com- puter
provides the ability to connect a variety of media to
interactive transmission of information, thus creating
a completely new way of communi- cating and
solving problems.
Multimedia technology also carries risks for
teaching, because the computer integrating other
media, and thus replaces it. This may be perceived by
some teachers as an impoverishment of the forms
and means of expression used by the teacher. It is
known, however, that the computer is no sub- stitute
for direct contact between the teacher and students.
Important here is an experience, that al- lows the
teachers using the multimedia presentation find the
right relation between what shows the presentation
and what he has to say.

Modeling and simulation in the teaching

of physics
Modeling is based on a mathematical descrip- tion
of a natural phenomenon and then obtaining new
information about it. The purpose of modeling is to

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in teaching
and learning
Bieg, Yury
for first
year students

a relation between the known laws governing phe-

nomena and the same model. A model can contain
one or more complex systems of equations. After
creating the model it should be checked experimen-
tally by comparing the data obtained in two ways,
namely by the data generated by the model and the
actual results of the experiment. Thanks to this
method, students can check their hypotheses based on
the results of modeling. The advantage of the
modeling is the ability to edit the model and its
changes, which allows you to study how the system
due to changes made in the model. A completely
different character have simulations, which show
the selected physical phenomenon or a specific
experience. Simulations are virtual experiments, in
which you can change some parameters and ob- serve
the effect of those changes. Might want to use
simulation experiments that are difficult, danger- ous,
too expensive, or impossible to achieve in school.
They facilitate the introduction of difficult concepts.
The appearance of modern data processing
(computer) and the availability of information on
the Internet caused a revolution in the methods of
their practical use [4]. Computerization and
informatisation invaded every aspect of life, includ-
ing education, which the school could not ignore.
IT education is seen as a new item, the purpose of
which is to show the capabilities of modern compu-
ting resources and their use in solving multiple
problems and as a means of supporting teaching, in
order to improve its efficiency. A student solving a
problem, usually has a certain amount of know-
ledge, but it is often insufficient to resolve it. The
gaps in his knowledge student complements, reach-
ing out to other sources, primarily to the computer.
The computer not only provides the missing
knowledge, but also it can help identify the hypoth-
esis and its verification, making it a center of teach-
ing about unattainable by other means possibilities.
Computer education is a tool that can organize the
process of learning as a tool to support existing
educational program. Use a computer in teaching
gives a number of advantages, most important of
which seems to be quite rapid development of
learning outcomes. Working with a computer re-
quires from the learner keeping the principles of
collection, processing and presentation of infor-
mation, which gives rise to logical thinking, preci-
sion of expression and right formulation of the
The value of the computer as a means of teach-
ing is huge, because more than 80% of information
reaches the human through the eye channel. In
addition, the computer can present processes or

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in teaching
and learning
Bieg, Yury
for first
year students

phenomena that are impossible to observe in a natu- teaching introductory physics deeply dismayed with
ral environment, because normally these processes how little the majority of their students have
are too fast or too slow. Research performed on the
effectiveness of teaching using a computer showed
that the learning process is increased by 40% and
the rate of learning is faster by 60%.
Some will no doubt complain that this technique
of active learning forces the lecturer to cover less
material. It is indeed true that the lecturer talks
about less material with this approach; the chal-
lenge to the lecturer is to choose between the mate-
rial that is worthy of discussion during the lecture and
the easier material that the students can learn
adequately on their own from the textbook. Thus
this technique does not require that any material be
deleted from the course syllabus. Employing ac-
tive learning in the lecture keeps students engaged
in the lecture. More importantly, as shown in sever-
al studies conducted in this area it yields substan-
tially better student performance on exams than
does conventional instruction.
Teaching physics in Polish schools is a theoreti-
cal dimension. Its true obvious to most teachers of
this subject. Another truth is that it should not be,
because an experiment is the essence of classical
physics. Nothing else, but that experience should be
the starting point of the theory or illustration and
ignore it, not only should, but actually must not!
Physics is for students considered to be one of the
most difficult subjects, and the reasons for this as-
sessment are quite obvious. This subject requires
a thorough understanding very difficult problems
and the efficient use of mathematics. The fact that
there are elements of mathematics included in
a separate field of knowledge, which has its own
characteristics, causes an additional problem. Phys-
ical model operates not only in the numbers. Math-
ematics is treated as a tool, but the numbers, pat-
terns relate to realistic, not abstract phenomena.
Each number in mathematics, in the physical for-
mula has the character of a unit: kg, meters, Jouls,
Newtons. Efficient conversion of units makes stu-
dents extra great difficulties. If you also take into
account the fact that some physical values are sca-
lars, and other vectors for which there is quite
a different algebra you come to the only right con-
clusion: physics can not be taught theoretically,
physics you need to see in her practical terms.
A sensible way to teach the subject in schools re-
quires mathematical foundations, then the under-
standing of phenomena and presentations of theo-
retical problems in the form of tasks, equations and
calculations. Many physics faculty come away from

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in teaching
and learning
Bieg, Yury
for first
year students

learned. Even worse, the growing importance of

technological literacy in the workplace makes it
increasingly important for us to provide value to
more of our students. Introductory courses are often
designed for the prospective professional with
many topics treated superficially to provide a con-
text for later study, and with an emphasis on math-
ematical manipulations and structures. These math-
ematical structures may later serve as a framework
for building a strong and well-organized under-
standing of the subject in which concepts and
knowledge structure are tightly woven into the
Physics can not be learned by heart. It is impos-
sible to teach physic in such a way to make student
become familiar with the typical tasks which will
be solved, without a fundamental concept of the
essence of phenomena. A characteristic feature of
modern education systems is to look for more and
more attractive and effective methods and forms of
work with the student. This property applies to all
stages and levels of education. Among the various
trends and tendencies of modernization of educa-
tion systems, concepts which call for better use in
the educational process of teaching (aids), and es-
pecially the media (video, television, computer with
appropriate software), used in combination with
conventional measures, occupy a special place.
Didactic means in the teaching- learning process
play an important role making the thought process-
es easier, assisting in the performance of students
exercises and obtaining their practical abilities. The
choice of measures in the learning process is de-
pendent on many factors. One of the most im-
portant is transferred content and the recipient. The
content transmitted through educational measures
should not include ready-made solutions, but only
indicate the multiplicity and variety of news catego-
ries that affect the solution to the problem.

New form of Lecture

The lecture is one of the most ancient of teach-
ing methods. In the teaching of physics, it is typi-
cally used to demonstrate physical phenomena, to
present derivations; and to show examples of how
to solve problems. The first of these uses of the
lecture is an important one, and is often neglected
by instructors who feel compelled to cover more
material or who regard the demonstrations as
a distraction [5]. My own experience is that good
lecture demonstrations are absolutely indispensable
as tools for helping students to relate physical con-
cepts to the real world. Good lecture demonstra- tions
also have the strength of being memorable.

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in teaching
and learning
Bieg, Yury
for first
year students

By contrast, the use of lecture time to present en or so. Because the programs of the technical
derivations is typically ineffective. A derivation studies are constructed, so that the physics laborato-
presented on the blackboard is less useful to the ries are among the first if not the first classes of this
student than the same derivation presented in the type which the first-year student faces, one should
textbook, where it can be traced through repeatedly think carefully about a set of laboratory exercises that
at the students leisure. On the other hand the level of should be carried out at this stage of study. Full of
commitment of present students sometimes au- electronics, the laboratory sets, in this situation, are
thorizes instructors tend to present derivations in quite impractical because students are not able to
lecture because they doubt that their students read the follow a sequence of events occurring in them and
book. to understand very substance of the measure- ment.
Numerous instructors, myself included, have On the other hand, entrusting the specialized and
found that lectures become more useful when stu- therefore expensive equipment to totally unpre-
dents are forced to become active participants in the pared students dramatically increases the probabil-
lecture [4]. In my own classes, I speak briefly about ity of its destruction. In this situation much better
each new topic then I define all of the new concepts suited are simple exercises, where students making
typical for analyzed problem trying to take ad- relatively simple measurements can observe the
vantage of all the knowledge of students resulting phenomenon directly.
from their everyday experience. Contrary to estab- With a little help of teacher the students are able
lished ideas, the first years students do not begin to make such measurements relatively quickly [6].
their physics course in a state of nearly perfect
This allows to supplement the performed experi-
tabula rasa. Even taking into account the shortcom-
ments with appropriate computer simulations. Since
ings and drawbacks of the education system I men-
tioned earlier, students arrive in their first physics these computer simulations are generally available on
course with a set of physical theories that they have the internet, you can supplement them practical- ly
tested and refined over years of repeated experi- every experience. This form of experimental
mentation. Students have spent over a dozen years activities is particularly important in the case of
exploring mechanical phenomena by walking, run- classes with electricity [7]. While with the mechan-
ning, catching footballs, and riding in accelerating ics, we can always call upon the experience of eve-
vehicles. Therefore, the appeal to the typical situa- ryday life and so-called common sense, whereas in
tion in the mechanics course makes the presented relation to electricity, such parallels might be com-
theory and equations assume more realistic dimen- pletely unreliable. Emphatic in this regard is test,
sions. Another important element of an active lec- carried out among American students and relating
ture is the use of the students to perform certain to a simple circuit.
simple transformations. This allows you to maintain The first electrical circuit consists of a battery
concentration among students, no one knows when connected to two identical light bulbs A and B in
he can be asked to the blackboard, on the other series. In the second, the battery is connected to
hand to stimulate the rate of the lecture. a single bulb C which is identical to bulbs A and B.
You can decisively improve the efficiency of the McDermott and Shaffer [8] asked students in intro-
lecture if you join a short film, or a demonstration ductory physics courses to compare the bright- nesses
that shows up most intriguing experience related to of bulbs A and B in first circuit and to com- pare
the realities that are known and understood by the
these with the brightness of bulb C in second circuit.
student, and show some phenomena in a slightly
The results of this investigation were in- credibly
different aspect. Analysis of the experience always
leads to an interesting discussion, which skillfully disappointing. The correct answer, that bulbs A and
stimulated by the teacher helps students to develop B in first circuit are equally bright and that bulb C in
interest and inspiring them to deepen their know- second circuit is brighter still, was given by only
ledge. about 10% of the students. The same question asked
students of the first year of Mari- time University in
Multimedia in laboratory Szczecin has made an even big- ger problem, only
less than 5% of students an- swered it correctly.
The main role, in this modified by necessity cur- The most remarkable result of this simple test is
riculum, have to play laboratory classes. Unfortu- that the types of student errors made on this ques-
nately, the economic criteria force the universities tion are unrelated to, and unaffected by, conven-
to increase the number of students in groups, so that tional instruction. One common student error is the
the teacher often has to deal with a group of a doz-

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and learning
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for first
year students

belief that in first circuit, bulb A will be brighter than

bulb B because bulb A uses up the current

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and learning
Bieg, Yury
for first
year students

first. Another common error is that the brightness subject which is the physics. On the other hand, the
of each bulb will be the same in either circuit be- economic criteria decide on a limited number of
cause the battery provides a constant current in all hours devoted in the curriculum to this course.
cases. Neither of these incorrect ideas are learned All this makes that the teachers are facing tre-
from an introductory course, but neither are they mendously difficult task, as in the intact and usually
discredited in a standard introductory course. a small number of education hours to achieve satis-
Investigations of this sort show that it is not factory results starting from a much lower level
enough to merely teach students the right way to than earlier academic programs could predict. One
think about physics. Rather, the challenges to the of the possibilities to achieve success in these con-
instructor are to identify possible student miscon- ditions, it is a significant modification to the teach-
ceptions, to confront these misconceptions head-on, ing methods of physics with the optimal use of
and to help students to unlearn these misconcep- multimedia techniques. Great opportunities in this
tions at the same time that they are learning correct field provide the present computer programs that
physics. Failure to do this will invariably leave allow to perform a difficult, or even impossible
students with their erroneous common sense experiments in virtual reality.
ideas intact. Therefore, an important element of the
comprehensive preparation of students in the field
of electricity seems to lead in preparing a number 1. BASIAK W.: Zadania, szanse i ograniczenia dydaktyki
fizyki w wietle reformy systemu edukacji. Materiay
of laboratory sets oriented not at traditional meas-
XXXV Zjazdu Fizykw Polskich, 1999.
urements, but at the demonstrations that students 2. REDISH E.F., SAUL J.M., STEINBERG R.N.: Student Expecta-
can do themselves. The typical experiments involv- tions in introductory physics. Am. J. Phys. 66, 1998, 212
ing this scope of physics must include: 224.
3. REDISH E.F., SAUL J.M., STEINBERG R.N.: On the effective-
the magnetic field due the conductor with cur- ness of active-engagement microcomputer-based laborato-
rent; ries. Am. J. Phys. 65, 1997, 4554; Saul J.M.: Beyond
inducing of alternating currents; problem solving: Evaluating introductory physics courses
Lenz rule checking; through the hidden curriculum. Ph.D. Dissertation, Univer-
sity of Maryland, 1998.
the phenomenon of self-induction; 4. HAKE R.R.: Interactive-engagement versus traditional
electrodynamics force. methods: A six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test
The purpose of these exercises is to perform data for introductory physics courses. Am. J. Phys. 66,
1998, 6474.
simple experiments by students and draw the cor- 5. LAWS P.: Workshop Physics Activity Guide. John Wiley
rect conclusions. The same exercise we can then and Sons, NY 1997; Laws P.: Calculus-based physics
show in the form of a short film or a computer sim- without lectures. Phys. Today 44(12), 1991, 2431.
ulation paying attention to the key elements. 6. MCDERMOTT L.C., SHAFFER P.S.: Research as a guide for
curriculum development: An example from introductory
A significant advantage of classes in the formula is electricity. Part I: Investigation of student understanding.
the possibility of making a substantial part of com- Am. J. Phys. 60, 1992, 9941003; erratum, ibid. 61, 1993,
puter simulations outside the laboratory, in the stu- 81.
dents individual work. 7. SHAFFER P.S., MCDERMOTT L.C.: Research as a guide for
curriculum development: An example from introductory
electricity. Part II: Design of instructional strategies. Am. J.
Conclusions Phys. 60, 1992, 10031013.
8. REDISH E.F., SAUL J.M., STEINBERG R.N.: On the effective-
Physics curriculum reform in schools has caused ness of active-engagement microcomputer-based laborato-
that the vast majority of students going to technical ries. Am. J. Phys. 65, 1997, 4554; Saul J.M.: Beyond
college has huge shortcomings in this subject. Due problem solving: Evaluating introductory physics courses
to competition in the labor market and the require- through the hidden curriculum. Ph.D. Dissertation, Univer-
sity of Maryland, 1998.
ments imposed by the technological advances on
the future engineers, universities can not afford to
reduce drastically the level of teaching in the basic

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