HD p14x Nrjed111052en

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Protection Relays

MiCOM P14x
Feeder Management Relays

MiCOM P14x feeder management relays provide an integrated solution

for the complete protection, control and monitoring of overhead lines and
underground cables from distribution to transmission voltage levels.
The wide range of auxiliary functions provides the user with sufficient
information to efficiently maintain the power system and its components
including circuit breakers, CTs, VTs, etc.
P141, P142 in 40tE A customizable, friendly, multi-lingual user interface and programmable
graphical scheme logic allows for simple and flexible applications on any
With optional High Speed - High Break contacts, the high break
performance ensures no burn-out of contacts during normal operation or
situations such as breaker failure, or defective CB auxiliary contacts.
The need for external electromechanical trip relays can be reduced/
removed by transferring the high rating and durability duties into the MiCOM
device thus giving further application and cost benefits.
Connecting the relay to virtually any kind of Substation Automation System
or SCADA is made possible by the wide range of updated communication
P143 in 60tE
protocols, including IEC 61850. A range of hardware interfaces are
available for easy integration into any new or legacy system.

The MiCOM P14x range is suitable for all applications where overcurrent
protection is required. It is suitable for solidly earthed, impedance earthed,
Petersen coil earthed and isolated systems.
First application shows a parallel transformer protection where the P141
1A & 5A in same relay replaces many of the discrete protection elements normally associated
Wide auxiliary supply voltage range with the LV side of the transformer. The protection includes nondirectional
and directional phase overcurrent and earth fault, restricted earth fault and
Option of multiple communication
circuit breaker failure protection. The second application shows a P143
protocol and interfaces, including
protecting a plain feeder using phase overcurrent, sensitive earth fault,
IEC 61850
negative sequence overcurrent, thermal protection and breaker failure
User customisable menu text protection. The integral autorecloser with check synchronising can be
configured to grade with downstream reclosers.
Protection Relays MiCOM P14x

ANSI IEC 61850 Features P141 P142 P143

Directional / non-directional, instantaneous / time delayed phase
50/51/67 OcpPTOC/RDIR
overcurrent (6 stage)
Directional / non-directional, instantaneous / time delayed,
50N/51N/67N EfdPTOC/EfmPTOC
measured earth fault (4 stage)
67N SenEftPTOC Sensitive directional earthfault (SEF/ I CosjI Sinj) (4 stage)
67W SenEftPTOC Wattmetric earthfault

YN Neutral admittance protection

64 SenRefPDIF Restricted earthfault

Blocked overcurrent
Selective overcurrent
Cold load pick-up
51V Voltage controlled overcurrent
46 NgcPTOC Negative sequence overcurrent
49 ThmPTTR RMS Thermal overload (single / dual time constant)
37P / 37N Phase and neutral undercurrent
27 VtpPhsPTUV Under voltage (2 stage)
59 VtpPhsPTOV Over voltage (2 stage)
59N VtpResPTOV Residual over voltage (Neutral displacement) (2 stage)
47 NgvPTOV Negative sequence overvoltage
81U PTUF Under frequency (9 stage) - Advanced
81O PTOF Over frequency (9 stage) - Advanced
81R PFRC Rate of Change of Freq. Prot. (9 stage) - Advanced)
Frequency supervised rate of change of frequency (9 stage) -
81RAV Average rate of change of frequency (9 stage) - Advanced
Freq. based load restoration (9 stage) - Advanced
Rate of change of voltage protection (2 stage)
BC Broken conductor (open jumper)
50BF RBRF Circuit breaker failure
Voltage transformer supervision(1, 2 & 3 phase fuse failure
CTS Current transformer supervision
49SR Silicon rectifier overload protection

79 RREC 4 shot three pole auto reclose -

25 RSYN Check synchronising - -

2nd Harm Block 2nd Harmonic Blocking

32R/32L/32O Phase segregated power
Sensitive power
OptGGIO Digital inputs (maximum) * 8 16 32
RlyGGIO Output relays (maximum) (Hi Break - Hi speed option available)* 8 15 32
Front communication port (RS232)
Rear communication port (RS485/Optic/Ethernet) *
Second rear communication port (RS232/RS485) * Option Option Option
Time synchronisation port (IRIG B modulated/unmodulated)* Option Option Option
InterMiCOM teleprotection for direct relay - relay communication
Option Option Option
EIA(RS) 232 for MODEM links upto 19.2kbit/sec
* It may not be possible to get all in one particular model, refer data sheet for model selection
Protection Relays MiCOM P14x

IEC 2nd Remote Remote Local Fault records

Fault records Disturbance
61850 comm. port comm. port
port Communication
Communication Record

Self monitoring

X 50/51
50N/ 67/
67/ 67N/67W
67N/67W 51V
51V 46
46 49
51N 67N /64
/64 37N

IE sen

27/ 81U/81O
59N 47 50BF VTS
VTS 79 25 PSL
59 /81R

Y Binary
Input / output
always available
Feeder management P14x

Functional Overview
(Description of ANSI code nos., see Protection Function Overview)

Management functions Control inputs

In addition to the wide range of protection functions listed in the table, all Fault locator
relays in the P14x range are provided with the following measurement, Programmable scheme logic
control, monitoring, post fault analysis and self-diagnostic functions. Programmable allocation of digital inputs and
Measurement of all instantaneous & integrated values
Sequence of event recording
Circuit breaker control, status & condition monitoring.
Comprehensive disturbance recording
Trip circuit and coil supervision
(waveform capture)
4 alternative setting groups
User configurable LEDs
Local and remote communication ports
Multiple communication protocol and interface
Typical applications
Time synchronisation
of P14x
Fully customisable menu texts
Multi level password protection
Power-up diagnostics and continuous
selfmonitoring of relay
M User friendly setting and analysis software
51P 64N
51N 27
Read Only Mode
67P 47 Enhanced opto input time stamping
67N 50BF
Enhanced Check Sync. feature
Figure 2a: Typical parallel transfor
mer application

Your search for a single box
51P 50BF
51N BC feeder management relay
49 79
46 25 ends with MiCOM P14x
Protection Relays MiCOM P14x

Phase Overcurrent
Choice of IDMT
Six independent stages are available for each IEC/UK curves IEEE/US curves characteristics
phase overcurrent element. Each stage may TMS = 1 TD = 7
be selected as non-directional or directional 1000 10 0

(forward/ reverse). All stages have definite time

delayed characteristics, three of the stages may
also be independently set to one of ten IDMT 100

curves (IEC and IEEE).


time (s)
The IDMT stages have a programmable reset

time (s)
timer for grading electro-mechanical, to reduce 10

autoreclose dead times and to reduce clearance UK LTI

times where intermittent faults occur. IEC SI 1

The phase fault directional elements are internally RECT

polarised by quadrature phase-phase voltages, IEC VI US CO2

and will make a correct directional decision down IEC EI
0. 1 0.1
to: 1 10 100 1 10 100
Current (Multiples of Is) Current (Multiples of Is)
0.5V (Vn = 100 - 120V) or
2.0V (Vn = 380 - 480V). TMS 0.025 to 1.2 TD 0.5 to 15

A synchronous polarising signal is maintained 0.14

IEC Standard inverse t = TMS x IEEE Moderately inverse
for 3.2s after voltage collapse to ensure that the Sensitive Earth Fault I -1 ()
t = TD x
+ 0.114
Is 0.02
instantaneous and time delayed overcurrent A core balance CT should be used to drive the sensitive earth Is
fault function.
elements operate correctly for close-up three The directionality of the sensitive
13.5 earth fault element is provided by the
IEC Very inverse t = TMS x IEEE Very inverse
phase faults. residual voltage. I -1 () Is TD
t= x + 0.491
( ) -1

Standard Earth Fault Wattmetric

IEC Extremely inverse t = TMS x
IEEE Extremely inverse

There are two standard earth fault elements, each As an alternative to the directionalI
-1 earthfault characteristict = TD x a28.2
+ 0.1217
I -1
with four independent stages. I cos j characteristic can be used for Petersen coil earth fault Is protection
using the sensitive earth fault 120 input. A US directional
CO8 Inverse
I sin j characteristic is
UK Long time inverse t = TMS x
The first element operates from measured also available for protection I of -1 ()
insulated feeders. t = TD x
+ 0.18
( ) -1
quantities: I

- Earth fault current which is directly measured

Blocked Over Current
Rectifier Curve t = TMS x
US CO2 Short time
using a separate CT, or () inverse
I 0.16758
Each stage of overcurrent and -1 earth fault protection can beI blocked
t = TD x
by an
+ 0.11858

- Residual connection of the three line CTs -1

optically isolated input. This enables overcurrent and earth Isfault protection
The second standard earth fault element to integrate into a blocked overcurrent busbar protection scheme.
operates from a residual current that is derived
internally from the summation of the three
Cold Load Pick-Up Logic
phase currents. Cold load pick-up temporarily raises the overcurrent settings following
All earth fault elements have the same closure of the circuit breaker, allowing the protection settings to be set
directionality and IDMT characteristics as the closer to the load profile.
phase overcurrent element. Both earth fault
elements may be enabled at the same time Restricted Earth Fault
providing directional earth fault protection and The restricted earth fault protection provided for protection of transformer
back-up standby earth fault protection in the winding against earth faults may be configured as either high impedance or
same device. The directionality of the earth fault low impedance biased differential.
elements is provided by either residual voltageor
negative sequence voltage.
K1 0% to 20%
K2 K2 0% to 150%
I s1 0.08 to 1. 0I n
Restrain I s2 0.10 to 1. 5 I n
Features carefully designed I s1
to protect any type of system I s2 I BIAS REF biased differential characteristics
Protection Relays MiCOM P14x

2nd Harmonic Blocking The relays provide a standard 3 phase power

The 2nd Harmonic Blocking detects high inrush current inflows that occur protection element and also a single phase
when transformers or machines are connected. The function will block the power protection element.
Phase over current, Earth fault, Sensitive Earth fault and Negative sequence
over current.
Sensitive Power
Two stages of sensitive power protection are
Voltage Controlled Overcurrent provided and these can be independently
Voltage controlled overcurrent provides backup protection for remote phase selected as reverse power, over power, low
faults whilst remaining insensitive to load. forward power or disabled depending upon the
operating condition.
Negative Sequence Overcurrent
Negative sequence overcurrent protection can be set as either non- Voltage Transformer Supervision
directional or directional (forward/reverse), and can operate for remote Voltage transformer supervision is provided
phase-phase and phase earth faults even with delta-star transformers to detect loss of one, two or three VT signals,
present. providing indication and inhibition of voltage
dependent protection elements. An optically
isolated input may also be configured to initiate
RMS Thermal Overload
the voltage transformer supervision alarm and
Thermal overload protection provides both alarm and trip stages. The
blocking when used with MCBs or other external
thermal element may be set with either a single time constant characteristic
forms of voltage transformer supervision.
for the protection of cables or dry transformers, or a dual time constant
characteristic to protect oil filled transformers. In the event of loss of
auxiliary supply, the thermal state is stored in non-volatile memory. Current Transformer Supervision
Current transformer supervision is provided
to detect loss of phase CT signals and inhibit
Under/Overvoltage & Rate of Change of Voltage
the operation of current dependent protection
Under/over voltage protection may be configured to operate from either
phase-phase or phaseneutral quantities. Two independent stages with
definite time elements are available, one of the stages can also be
configured to an inverse characteristic. Two stages of rate of change of Programmable Scheme Logic
voltage protection elements are also available, which are independently Programmable scheme logic allows the user to
settable. customize the protection and control functions. It
is also used to programme the functionality of the
Residual Overvoltage optically isolated inputs, relay outputs and LED
Residual overvoltage protection is available for detecting earth faults in high indications. The programmable scheme logic
impedance earthed or isolated systems. The neutral voltage is derived from comprises of gate logic and general purpose
the three phase voltage inputs. timers. The gate logic includes OR, AND and
majority gate functions, with the ability to invert
Two independent measuring elements with definite time characteristics are the inputs and outputs, and provide feedback.
available, one of the elements can also be configured to have an inverse
characteristic. The programmable scheme logic is configured
using the graphical MiCOM S1 Studio PC based
support software.
Nine stages each of over frequency, under frequency, rate of change of
frequency, frequency supervised rate of change of frequency, average rate
of change of frequency, frequency based load shedding during severe
system disturbances.

Broken Conductor
The broken conductor protection detects unbalanced conditions caused by
broken conductors, maloperation of single phase of switchgear or by single
phasing conditions. It operates on the ratio of I2 to I1.

Phase Segregated Power

Two stages of power protection are provided and each stage can be
independently configured to operate as Over Power or Under Power and
Forward or Reverse direction. Programmable scheme logic editor (MiCOM S1 Studio)
Protection Relays MiCOM P14x

Circuit Breaker Failure Protection Disturbance Records

Two stage circuit breaker failure protection may be used for tripping The internal disturbance recorder has 8 analogue
upstream circuit breakers and re-tripping of the local circuit breaker if channels, 32 digital and 1 time channel.
Approximately 50 records of 0.5 s duration can
The circuit breaker failure logic may also be initiated externally from other be stored. All channels and the trigger source
protection devices if required. are user configurable. Disturbance records
can be extracted from the relay via the remote
communications and saved in the COMTRADE
Circuit Breaker Control
format. These records may be examined using
Circuit breaker control is available from the front panel user interface,
MiCOM S1 Studio or any suitable software
optically isolated inputs and remotely via the substation communications.

Autoreclose with Check Synchronising

The P142 and P143 provide three-pole multishot autoreclose. The user may Fault Records
select a single, two, three or four shot autoreclose cycle, with independently Records of the last 5 faults are stored in battery
settable dead times and reclaim time. Autoreclose can be initiated from the backed memory. The information provided in the
internal protection elements or from external protection via an opto input. fault record includes:
Advanced features include live line working and sequence coordination (co- Indication of faulted phase
ordination with downstream reclosing equipment). Protection operation
The P143 also includes check synchronisation. Active setting group
Date and time
Fault location
Relay and CB operating time
Measurement and recording facilities Currents, voltages and frequency
The P14x series is capable of measuring and storing the values of a wide
range of quantities.
All events, fault and disturbance records are time tagged to a resolution
of 1ms using an internal real time clock. An optional IRIG-B port is also
provided for accurate time synchronization. A lithium battery provides
backup for the real time clock and all records in the event of auxiliary supply
failure. This battery is supervised and easily replaced from the front of the

The measurements provided, which may be viewed in primary or secondary
values, can be accessed by the back-lit liquid crystal display, or the
communications ports. A wide range of instantaneous and integrated
parameters are available. The list includes measured signals like phase Disturbance record viewed in MiCOM S1 Studio

currents and voltages and computed signals like Power, frequency, energy,
etc. Phase currents and phase to neutral voltages are available in true rms
and fundamental quantities. SUPERVISION & MONITORING
Trip Circuit Supervision
Phase notation is user definable using the MiCOM S1 text editor.
Supervision of the trip circuit in both circuit
breaker open and closed states can be
Fault Location realised using the optically isolated inputs and
A fault location algorithm provides distance to fault in miles, kilometres, programmable scheme logic.
ohms or percentage of line length

Circuit Breaker Condition Monitoring

Event Records The circuit breaker condition monitoring features
Up to 512 time-tagged event records are stored in battery backed memory, include:
and can be extracted using the communication ports or viewed on the front Monitoring the number of breaker trip
panel display. operations
Recording the sum of the broken current
quantity Ix, 1,0 x 2,0
Monitoring the breaker operating time
Fault frequency counter
Protection Relays MiCOM P14x

Local and remote communications Diagnostics

Two communication ports are available as standard; a rear port providing Automatic tests performed including power-
remote communications and a front port providing local communications. on diagnostics and continuous self-monitoring
ensure a high degree of reliability.
The front RS232 port has been designed for use with MiCOM S1, which fully
supports functions within the relay by providing the ability to programme The results of the self-test functions are stored in
the settings off-line, configure the programmable scheme logic, extract battery backed memory. Test features available
and view event, disturbance and fault records, view the measurement on the user interface provide examination of
information dynamically and perform control functions. input quantities, states of the digital inputs and
relay outputs. A local monitor port provides
The default remote communications are based on RS485 voltage levels. Any
digital outputs, selected from a prescribed list
of the protocols listed below can be chosen at the time of ordering.
of signals, including the status of protection
Courier / K-bus elements.
Modbus These test signals can also be viewed using
IEC60870-5-103 (optic interface also available) the communication ports and front panel user
DNP 3.0 interface.
IEC 61850 (over 100 Mbit/s fiber/copper Ethernet)
IEC 61850 is available when the optional Ethernet port is ordered. IEC
61850 offers high-speed data exchange, peer-to-peer communication,
reporting, disturbance record extraction and time synchronization. Hardware
All models within the MiCOM P14x series include:
Redundant Ethernet is available in various options (Self healing ring, RSTP
and Dual homing star). A back-lit liquid crystal display
P14x has 128 virtual inputs with an improved GOOSE performance. 12 LEDs (8 programmable)
An optional IRIG-B port
An optional second rear courier port is available which may be configured
as RS232, RS485 or K-Bus. An RS232 port & an RS485 port
An optional RS232/RS485/K-Bus port
An optional ethernet port for IEC 61850 protocol
Different Communication Interfaces of P14x
A download/monitor port
A battery (supervised)

COMM 1 N/O and N/C watchdog contacts

HMI SCADA / substation

control interface
Supervised +48V field voltage
1A/5A dual rated CTs
Full access to all
settings, signals Expansion cards are available to increase the
and measurands
number of digital inputs and outputs for the P142
and P143, and now it is possible for P141 relay
COMM 2 to have 7 or 8 outputs depends on order. Also,
PC Remote access by protection engineer depending on the relay model, up to eight High
Local access by Speed-Hi Break contacts are available as an
protection engineer option.
This will protect against burnt contacts due to
a stuck breaker or defective breaker auxiliary
contact conditions.
The optically isolated inputs are independent and
may be powered from the +48V field voltage.
P14x provides up-to-date versatile The relay outputs may be configured as latching
communication options or self reset. All CT connections have integral
Protection Relays MiCOM P14x

Track record - FEEDER


MODN launched in 1998 with over 2000

units delivered
P  14x MiCOM series introduced in
1999. Worldwide application, with over
10000 units delivered.
Introduction of phase II hardware of
MiCOM P14x in 2002.
Addition of UCA2 protocol and
ethernet port in 2004
Addition of IEC 61850 protocol in 2006

ART838320 2011 Schneider Electric Industries SAS - All rights reserved

Schneider Electric Industries SAS

35, rue Joseph Monier As standards, specifications and designs change from time
CS 30323 to time, please ask for confirmation of the information given
F - 92506 Rueil Malmaison Cedex (France) in this publication.
Tel.: +33 (0) 1 41 29 70 00
RCS Nanterre 954 503 439 Design: Schneider Electric Industries SAS - Sonovision
Capital social 896 313 776 Photos: Schneider Electric Industries SAS This document has been
www.schneider-electric.com Printed: Altavia Connexion - Made in France printed on recycled paper.

NRJED111052EN 05-2011

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