Assessment 2 - Activity
Assessment 2 - Activity
Assessment 2 - Activity
Description of Activity: Cross Curriculum Priority- Indigenous learning Australian Curriculum Humanities Level 3
Area: learning Area- Yrs 3&4
Students are required to create their own Organising ideas:
art piece using the traditional Aboriginal Year 3:
dot paintings to express a story. Country/place: Inquiry and skills
This activity is to take place after the (OI.2) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Researching:
excursion to Bunjilaka where students had communities maintain a special connection to Locate and collect information
the opportunity to view the Aboriginal and responsibility for Country/Place. and data from different sources, including
paintings and artwork. (OI.3) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander observations (ACHASSI053)
Students will have prior knowledge about Peoples have holistic belief systems and are
Aboriginal dot paintings and how they are spiritually and intellectually connected to the Evaluating and reflecting:
used to express a story about the land, sea, sky and waterways. Reflect on learning to propose actions in
Aboriginal history. response to an issue or challenge and
Culture: consider possible effects of proposed
Students are to spend the first 20 minutes (OI.5) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander actions (ACHASSI060)
of the lesson to collect other Aboriginal Peoples ways of life are uniquely expressed
dot painting examples that will be used for through ways of being, knowing, thinking and Knowledge and understanding
inspiration of their own paintings. doing. History:
Students will then receive a A3 piece of How the community has changed and
paper, paint brushes and paint. These key ideas help assist teachers organise remained the same over time and the role
Students are then to create their own dot ideas on how to explain Aboriginal and Torres that people of diverse backgrounds have
paintings using their prior knowledge Strait Islander Peoples and how they connect played in the development and character
about dot paintings. physically and spiritually to Country/Place. As well of the local community (ACHASSK063)
as being able to give the students the opportunity
Once students have completed this they to gain a deeper understanding of how the The importance of Country/Place to
are to present to the rest of the class Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
explaining their painting and the story. ways of being, knowing, thinking and doing. Peoples who belong to a local area
They are also to explain how investigating (, 2016) (ACHASSK062)
other Aboriginal dot paintings and artwork
influenced their own dot paintings and
how they decided on what story of
Katherine Kehoe s4489526
Aboriginal history to use for their AITSL Modules for focus 1.4 and 2.4 state:
paintings. 1.4-Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Year 4:
Strait Islander students Inquiry and skills
2.4-Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Researching:
Strait Islander people to promote reconciliation Locate and collect information
between Indigenous and non-Indigenous and data from different sources, including
Australians. observations (ACHASSI053)
The AITSL modules 1.4 and 2.4 help the teachers Knowledge and understanding
develop an understanding on what they should History:
know and able to do. The modules 1.4 and 2.4 Stories of the First Fleet, including reasons
give strategies for teachers to know how to use for the journey, who travelled to Australia,
their knowledge in the classroom and how to and their experiences following
teach it. arrival (ACHASSK085)
(, 2016)
The diversity of Australia's first peoples
and the long and continuous connection of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Peoples to Country/Place(land, sea,
waterways and skies) (ACHASSK083)
(, 2016)
Materials / Resources and other Equipment Web links for content support I assess and celebrate students' work by:
- A3 White paper At the end of the class the students will
- Paint have the opportunity to present their
- Paint brushes australia/australian-story/austn-indigenous-art
painting. Here they are able to explain how
- Computers/ I pads they created it and what influenced the
- Printer https://www.aboriginal-art- painting. As well as explaining the story they have chosen for the painting that is
art-behind-the-dots/ based on Aboriginal history.
Katherine Kehoe s4489526
Web links for teacher support This is used for the teacher to assess if they
students understand the concept of
plans/middle-childhood.en?cat-id=9192342 Aboriginal dot paintings and how they are
used to express stories. It also gives the opportunity for the teacher to confirm if
ers_support_aboriginal_and_torres_str,36825.html the students have understood some of the
history of Aboriginals.
-and-social-sciences/hass/curriculum/f- The students work is celebrated by the
10?layout=1#page=2&yl-4 rest of the class supporting each student
when they are presenting their artwork by
culumpriorities/aboriginal-and-torres-strait- clapping at the end of their presentation.
islander-histories-and-cultures/key-ideas Each painting will also be put up in the
classroom for others to see.
Location / Setting Artefact/Connection to Bunjilaka/Melbourne Other information relevant to activity
Museum and local cultural centre
The activity will take part in the art (2016).
Students will have the opportunity to visit the Bunjilaka Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
classroom. However if the art classroom is
Melbourne museum as a class for a excursion before
not available the normal classroom can be this activity. Therefore students will be able to gain an
Histories and Cultures - The Australian
used for this activity. The classroom will understanding of the dot paintings and how they are Curriculum v8.2. [online] Available at:
need to be set up with art clothes or used to express stories.
newspaper covering the tables. rosscurriculumpriorities/aboriginal-and-
Computers, laptops or I pads will be torres-strait-islander-histories-and-
needed for students to access. cultures/key-ideas [Accessed 30 Sep.