Abstract of Fiber Optic Sensors

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5th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS’09), May 13-15, 2009, Karabuk, Turkey


Fidanboylu, K.a, * , and Efendioğlu, H. S.b
a, *
Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey, e-mail: kfidan@fatih.edu.tr
Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey, e-mail: hseckin@fatih.edu.tr

Keynote Address

Abstract detection of the losses increasing, one could sense

changes in phase, intensity, and wavelength from outside
Beside advantages; recent advances, and cost reductions perturbations on the fiber itself. Hence fiber optic sensing
has stimulated interest in fiber optical sensing. So, was born [2].
researchers combined the product outgrowths of fiber optic
telecommunications with optoelectronic devices to emerge In parallel with these developments, fiber optic sensor
fiber optic sensors. Numerous researches have been technology has been a significant user of technology
conducted in past decades using fiber optic sensors with related with the optoelectronic and fiber optic
different techniques. Intensity, phase, and wavelength communication industry [3-7]. Many of the components
based fiber optic sensors are the most widely used sensor associated with these industries were often developed for
types. In this paper, an overview of fiber optic sensors and fiber optic sensor applications. Fiber optic sensor
their applications are presented. technology in turn has often been driven by the
development and subsequent mass production of
Keywords: Fiber optics, optical fiber sensing, fiber Bragg components to support these industries. As component
gratings (FBGs), interferometry, microbending, smart prices have decreased and quality improvements have
structures been made, the ability of fiber optic sensors to replace
traditional sensors have also increased.
1. Introduction
Fiber optic sensors are excellent candidates for monitoring
With the invention of the laser in 1960’s, a great interest in environmental changes and they offer many advantages
optical systems for data communications began. The over conventional electronic sensors as listed below:
invention of laser, motivated researchers to study the • Easy integration into a wide variety of structures,
potential of fiber optics for data communications, sensing, including composite materials, with little interference
and other applications. Laser systems could send a much due to their small size and cylindrical geometry.
larger amount of data than microwave, and other electrical • Inability to conduct electric current.
systems. The first experiment with the laser involved the • Immune to electromagnetic interference and radio
free transmission of the laser beam in the air. Researchers frequency interference.
also conducted experiments by transmitting the laser beam • Lightweight.
through different types of waveguides. Glass fibers soon • Robust, more resistant to harsh environments.
became the preferred medium for transmission of light. • High sensitivity.
Initially, the existence of large losses in optical fibers • Multiplexing capability to form sensing networks.
prevented coaxial cables from being replaced by optical • Remote sensing capability.
fibers. Early fibers had losses around 1000 dB/km making • Multifunctional sensing capabilities such as strain,
them impractical for communications use [1]. pressure, corrosion, temperature and acoustic signals.
In 1969, several scientists concluded that impurities in the To date, fiber optic sensors have been widely used to
fiber material caused the signal loss in optical fibers. By monitor a wide range of environmental parameters such as
removing these impurities, construction of low-loss optical position, vibration, strain, temperature, humidity, viscosity,
fibers was possible. In 1970, Corning Glass Works made a chemicals, pressure, current, electric field and several
multimode fiber with losses under 20 dB/km. The same other environmental factors [8-13].
company, in 1972, made a high silica-core multimode
optical fiber with a 4 dB/km loss [1]. 2. Optical Fiber Basics
Recent advances in fiber optic technology have An optical fiber is composed of three parts; the core, the
significantly changed the telecommunications industry. The cladding, and the coating or buffer. The basic structure is
ability to carry gigabits of information at the speed of light shown in Figure 1. The core is a cylindrical rod of dielectric
increased the research potential in optical fibers. material and is generally made of glass. Light propagates
Simultaneous improvements and cost reductions in mainly along the core of the fiber [1].
optoelectronic components led to similar emergence of
new product areas. Last revolution emerged as designers
to combine the product outgrowths of fiber optic
telecommunications with optoelectronic devices to create
fiber optic sensors. Soon it was discovered that, with
material loss almost disappearing, and the sensitivity for

© IATS’09, Karabük University, Karabük, Turkey 1 Keynote Address

Fidanboylu, K., and Efendioğlu, H. S.

Figure 1. Basic structure of an optical fiber.

The cladding layer is made of a dielectric material with an

index of refraction. The index of refraction of the cladding
material is less than that of the core material. The cladding
is generally made of glass or plastic. The cladding
executes such functions as decreasing loss of light from
core into the surrounding air, decreasing scattering loss at
the surface of the core, protecting the fiber from absorbing
the surface contaminants and adding mechanical strength

The coating or buffer is a layer of material used to protect

an optical fiber from physical damage. The material used
for a buffer is a type of plastic. The buffer is elastic in
nature and prevents abrasions [1].

The light-guiding principle along the fiber is based on the

“total internal reflection”. The angle at which total internal
reflection occurs is called the critical angle of incidence. At
any angle of incidence, greater than the critical angle, light
is totally reflected back into the glass medium (see Figure Figure 3. Different types of optical fibers.
2). The critical angle of incidence is determined by using
Snell's Law. Optical fiber is an example of electromagnetic 3. Fiber Optic Sensor Principles
surface waveguide [1].
The general structure of an optical fiber sensor system is
shown in Figure 4. It consists of an optical source (Laser,
LED, Laser diode etc), optical fiber, sensing or modulator
element (which transduces the measurand to an optical
signal), an optical detector and processing electronics
(oscilloscope, optical spectrum analyzer etc).


Optical Fiber Optical Fiber

Source Transducer Detector

Figure 2. Total internal reflection in an optical fiber.

Optical fibers are divided into two groups called single Processing
mode and multimode. In classifying the index of refraction
profile, we differentiate between step index and gradient
index. Step index fibers have a constant index profile over Figure 4. Basic components of an optical fiber sensor
the whole cross section. Gradient index fibers have a system.
nonlinear, rotationally symmetric index profile, which falls
off from the center of the fiber outwards [14]. Figure 3 Fiber optic sensors can be classified under three
shows the different types of fibers. categories: The sensing location, the operating principle,
and the application.

Based on the sensing location, a fiber optic sensor can be

classified as extrinsic or intrinsic. In an extrinsic fiber optic
sensor (see Figure 5), the fiber is simply used to carry light
to and from an external optical device where the sensing
takes place. In this cases, the fiber just acts as a means of
getting the light to the sensing location.

2 Keynote Address
Fidanboylu, K., and Efendioğlu, H. S.

The upper plate can move in response to pressure. When

the bend radius of the fiber exceeds the critical angle
necessary to confine the light to the core area, light starts
leaking into the cladding resulting in an intensity
modulation [16].

Figure 5. Extrinsic and intrinsic types of fiber optic sensors.

On the other hand, in an intrinsic fiber optic sensor one or

more of the physical properties of the fiber undergo a
change (see Figure 5). Perturbations act on the fiber and
the fiber in turn changes some characteristic of the light
inside the fiber [9]. Figure 6. Intrinsic fiber optic sensor.

Based on the operating principle or modulation and Another type of intensity based fiber optic sensor is the
demodulation process, a fiber optic sensor can be evanescent wave sensor (see Figure 7) that utilizes the
classified as an intensity, a phase, a frequency, or a light energy which leaks from the core into the cladding.
polarization sensor. All these parameters may be subject These sensors are widely used as chemical sensors. The
to change due to external perturbations. Thus, by detecting sensing is accomplished by stripping the cladding from a
these parameters and their changes, the external section of the fiber and using a light source having a
perturbations can be sensed [10]. wavelength that can be absorbed by the chemical that is to
be detected. The resulting change in light intensity is a
Based on the application, a fiber optic sensor can be measure of the chemical concentration. Measurements
classified as follows: can also be performed in a similar method by replacing the
• Physical sensors: Used to measure physical properties cladding with a material such as an organic dye whose
like temperature, stress, etc. optical properties can be changed by the chemical under
• Chemical sensors: Used for pH measurement, gas investigation [17].
analysis, spectroscopic studies, etc.
• Bio-medical sensors: Used in bio-medical applications
like measurement of blood flow, glucose content etc.

4. Fiber Optic Sensor Types

4.1 Intensity Based Fiber Optic Sensors

Intensity-based fiber optic sensors rely on signal

undergoing some loss. They are made by using an
apparatus to convert what is being measured into a force
that bends the fiber and causes attenuation of the signal.
Other ways to attenuate the signal is through absorption or
scattering of a target. The intensity-based sensor requires Figure 7. Evanescent wave fiber optic chemical sensor.
more light and therefore usually uses multimode large core
fibers [5]. There are a variety of mechanisms such as 4.2 Wavelength Modulated Fiber Optic Sensors
microbending loss, attenuation, and evanescent fields that
can produce a measurand-induced change in the optical Wavelength modulated sensors use changes in the
intensity propagated by an optical fiber. The advantages of wavelength of light for detection. Fluorescence sensors,
these sensors are: Simplicity of implementation, low cost, black body sensors, and the Bragg grating sensor are
possibility of being multiplexed, and ability to perform as examples of wavelength-modulated sensors. Fluorescent
real distributed sensors. The drawbacks are: Relative based fiber sensors are being widely used for medical
measurements and variations in the intensity of the light applications, chemical sensing and physical parameter
source may lead to false readings, unless a referencing measurements such as temperature, viscosity and
system is used [15]. humidity. Different configurations are used for these
One of the intensity-based sensors is the microbend sensors where two of the most common ones are shown in
sensor, which is based on the principle that mechanical Figure 8. In the case of the end tip sensor, light propagates
periodic micro bends can cause the energy of the guided down the fiber to a probe of fluorescent material. The
modes to be coupled to the radiation modes and resultant fluorescent signal is captured by the same fiber
consequently resulting in attenuation of the transmitted and directed back to an output demodulator [18].
light. As seen in Figure 6, the sensor is comprised of two
grooved plates and between them an optical fiber passes.

3 Keynote Address
Fidanboylu, K., and Efendioğlu, H. S.

Figure 8. Fluorescent fiber optic sensor probe.

One of the simplest wavelength based sensor is the Figure 10. Bragg grating response.
blackbody sensor as shown in Figure 9. A blackbody cavity
is placed at the end of an optical fiber. When the cavity
4.3 Phase Modulated Fiber Optic Sensors
rises in temperature it starts to glow and act as a light
source. Detectors in combination with narrow band filters
are then used to determine the profile of the blackbody Phase modulated sensors use changes in the phase of
curve. This type of sensor has been successfully light for detection. The optical phase of the light passing
commercialized and has been used to measure through the fiber is modulated by the field to be detected.
temperature to within a few degrees centigrade under This phase modulation is then detected
intense RF fields. interferometerically, by comparing the phase of the light in
the signal fiber to that in a reference fiber. In an
interferometer, the light is split into two beams, where one
beam is exposed to the sensing environment and
undergoes a phase shift and the other is isolated from the
sensing environment and is used for as a reference. Once
the beams are recombined, they interfere with each other

Mach-Zehnder, Michelson, Fabry-Perot, Sagnac,

polarimetric, and grating interferometers are the most
commonly used intereferometers. The Michelson and
Figure 9. Blackbody fiber optic sensor. Mach-Zehnder interferometers are shown in Figures 11 (a)
and 11 (b), respectively.
The most widely used wavelength based sensor is the
Bragg grating sensor. Fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) are
formed by constructing periodic changes in index of
refraction in the core of a single mode optical fiber. This
periodic change in index of refraction is normally created
by exposing the fiber core to an intense interference
pattern of UV energy. The variation in refractive index so
produced, forms an interference pattern which acts as a

The Bragg grating sensor operation is shown in Figure 10

where light from a broadband source (LED) whose center
wavelength is close to the Bragg wavelength is launched
into the fiber. The light propagates through the grating, and
part of the signal is reflected at the Bragg wavelength. The Figure 11. Shematic diagrams of (a) Michelson, and (b)
complimentary part of the process shows a small sliver of Mach-Zehnder interferometers.
signal removed from the total transmitted signal. This
obviously shows the Bragg grating to be an effective There are similarities and differences between the
optical filter [13]. Michelson and Mach–Zehnder interferometers. In terms of
similarities, the Michelson is often considered to be folded
Mach–Zehnder, and vice versa. Michelson configuration
requires only one optical fiber coupler. Because the light
passes both through the sensing and reference fibers
twice, the optical phase shift per unit length of fiber is
doubled. Thus, the Michelson can intrinsically have better
sensitivity. Another clear advantage of the Michelson is
that the sensor can be interrogated with only a single fiber
between the source-detector module and the sensor.
However, a good-quality reflection mirror is required for the
Michelson interferometer [10].

4 Keynote Address
Fidanboylu, K., and Efendioğlu, H. S.

Another commonly used interferometer based sensor is acoustics and vibration. Two types of fiber optic gyros
the Fabry-Perot interferometric sensor (FFPI) and is have been developed: Open loop fiber optic gyro and
classified into two categories: Extrinsic Fabry-Perot closed loop fiber optic gyro.
interferometer (EFPI) sensor and intrinsic Fabry-Perot
interferometer (IFPI) sensor. In an EFPI sensor, the Fabry- The open loop fiber optic gyro is shown in Figure 14. A
Perot cavity is outside the fiber. Fiber guides the incident broadband light source is used to inject light into an input
light into to the FFPI sensor and then collects and the or output fiber coupler. The input light beam passes
reflected light signal from the sensor. In an IFPI sensor, through a polarizer which is used to make certain the
the mirrors are constructed within the fiber. The cavity mutuality of the counter propagating light beams through
between two mirrors acts both as sensing element and the fiber coil. The second central coupler shares the two
waveguide. In this case, the light never leaves the fiber light beams into the fiber optic coil where they pass
[19]. Figure 12 shows a typical EFPI sensor [19] based on through a modulator. It is used to produce a time altering
capillary tube. output signal indicative of rotation. The modulator is offset
from the center of the coil for emphasizing a proportional
phase difference between the counter propagating light
beams. After light beams propagate from modulator, they
rejoin and pass through the polarizer. Finally, light beams
are guided onto the output detector [8].

Figure 12. Capillary tube based EFPI sensor.

One cleaved fiber end (lead-in) is inserted into a glass

capillary tube and another cleaved fiber end (target) is
inserted into the tube from the other end. Both lead-in and Figure 14. Open loop fiber optic gyro.
target fibers are thermal fusion bonded with the tube. The
cavity length between the two fibers is controlled using a The second type is the closed loop fiber optic gyro that is
precision optical positioner prior to the thermal fusion primarily aimed at vacuum to high accuracy navigation
bonding. One of the advantages of this EFPI strain sensor applications. They have high turning rates and need high
is that its gauge length and cavity length can be different. linearity and large dynamic ranges. In Figure 15, a closed
The strain sensitivity is determined by the gauge length, loop fiber optic gyro is illustrated. This type of sensor is
while the temperature sensitivity is determined only by used as a modulator in the fiber optic coil to produce a
cavity length since the fiber and tube have the same phase shift at a certain rate. When the coil is rotated, a first
thermal expansion coefficients. Hence, by making the harmonic signal is contributed with phase which depends
gauge length much longer than the cavity length, the on rotation rate. This manner is similar to open loop fiber
sensor temperature sensitivity becomes much less than optic gyro which is described before [18].
the strain sensitivity. So, no temperature compensation is

An IFPI sensor contains two mirrors separated by a

distance within a fiber core. The earliest IFPI sensor
probably is the spliced TiO2 thin film coated fiber IFPI
sensor. In this sensor internal mirror is introduced in fiber
by thin film deposition on the cleaved fiber end followed by
fusion splicing as shown in Figure 13. Several other
methods are also used to produce internal mirror, such as
using vacuum deposition, magnetron sputtering, or e-beam
evaporation [19].
Figure 15. Closed loop fiber optic gyro.

Figure 13. Thin film based IFPI sensor. 4.4 Polarization Modulated Fiber Optic Sensors

Sagnac interferometric sensors are based on fiber The direction of the electric field portion of the light field is
gyroscopes that can be used to sense angular velocity. defined as the polarization state of the light field. Different
Fiber gyroscopes are based on the principle that types of polarization states of the light field are linear,
application of force changes the wavelength of light as it elliptical, and circular polarization states. For the linear
travels around a coil of optical fiber. It may also be polarization state, the direction of the electric field always
occupied to measure time varying influences such as keeps in the same line during the light propagation. For the

5 Keynote Address
Fidanboylu, K., and Efendioğlu, H. S.

elliptical polarization state, the direction of the electric field 6. Conclusions

changes during the light propagation. The end of the
electric field vector forms an elliptical shape; hence, it is An overview of fiber optics sensors and their applications
called ‘‘elliptical polarized light”. has been presented. The major types of sensors
discussed included microbending sensors, evanescent
The refractive index of a fiber changes when it undergoes wave sensors, FBGs, optical fiber interferometers,and
stress or strain. Thus, there is an induced phase difference polarization modulated fiber optic sensors.
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6 Keynote Address

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