SL 50
SL 50
SL 50
Date : November 1, 2002 ( Supersedes Product Reference Memo Number 50, Dated 1/21/00,
Reprinted May, 2005)
Subject: Inspection of Airborne Cartridge/Canister Fuel Boost Pumps to ensure the presence of
check valves (P/N E6-34-1).
Airborne Fuel Boost Pumps with the following part numbers: 1C36-1, 1C36-4, 1C38-1, 1C38-4, 1C39-
4, 1C42-1, 1C64-1, 1C64-2, 1C64-5, 1C64-6, 1C64-7, 1C64-8, 1C64-9, 1C64-12, 1C64-13, 1C64-15,
1C64-16, 1C64-18, 2C37-1, 2C37-2, 2C37-3, 2C37-4, 2C37-5 and 2C37-6. A list of fuel pump versus
airframe application is provided in Table 1.
Field reports indicate the potential for the check valves (P/N E6-34-1) to be removed from the above
fuel pumps either as a result of mistaking them for shipping plugs, handling damage during installation
or damage while performing maintenance in and around the fuel tank. These check valves aid the
pump in venting fuel from the pumps motor and impeller cavities but, more importantly, are also
essential in ensuring that fuel does not leak from the pump once the cartridge is removed.
NOTE: The operating performance of the pump is not affected by the absence of these check
At the next scheduled aircraft maintenance inspection, inspect the fuel pumps listed above for the
presence of check valves (P/N E6-34-1) per the following procedure:
1) Remove the fuel boost pump from the airframe per the instructions outlined in the appropriate
maintenance/service manual provided by the airframe manufacturer.
2) Inspect the fuel pump to ensure the presence of a check valve on each motor cavity
and impeller cavity. These check valves are orange in color and are shaped in the form of an
umbrella (Reference Figure 1).
3) If a check valve is missing at either location on the pump, procure one from an authorized
Airborne distributor and install it in accordance with the instructions provided in the Service
Instructions on pages 4 and 5 of this Service Letter.
4) Due to the level of disassembly required, the motor cavity check valves on the 2C37-3, 2C37-
4 and 2C37-6 fuel pumps cannot be replaced in the field. Contact Airbornes Customer
Support Team via telephone at (440) 284-6215 to coordinate the return of these pumps
directly to Airborne in order to have these check valves replaced.
5) Install and then verify proper operation of serviceable fuel boost pump per instructions
outlined in the appropriate maintenance/service manual provided by the airframe
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6) Alternative Inspection: If the fuel tank has an access hole above the fuel pump presence of
the check valve may be verified visually by noting the orange colored check valves of a .58
inch diameter.
Typical Cartridge/Canister Fuel Boost Pump
(1C64-1 Shown)
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Service Instruction
CAUTION: Do not attempt to install the motor cavity orange umbrella check valve without
first removing the canister assembly.
3. Canister Reassembly
Install a new, lubricated o-ring in the machined groove of the pump housing. Lubricate the bulb on
the stem of the new check valve and gently pull it through the center hole in the top of the canister,
being careful not to overstretch or tear the stem. When properly installed, the umbrella portion of the
check valve should lay flat against the outside surface of the canister covering the bleed holes. Clip
the installation stem off leaving only the retaining bulb (Refer to Figure 2). Install canister, spacer
washers, canister flange (chamfer side down), lock washers and screws. Apply Loctite 290 to the
threads of the screws prior to tightening. Torque screws to 12 - 13 in-lb.
Figure 2 Figure 3
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CAUTION: Do not attempt to install the motor cavity orange umbrella check valve without
first removing the canister assembly.
Any questions concerning this Service Letter or requests for copies of any Airborne Service Letters (can also
be printed from Airbornes website) should be directed to Airbornes Customer Support Team as follows:
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