Calculus III - Notes of B. Tsirelson
Calculus III - Notes of B. Tsirelson
Calculus III - Notes of B. Tsirelson
1 Preliminaries
1b Linear algebra
Vector space (=linear space) (usually, over R)
Linear operator (=mapping=function) between vector spaces
Isomorphism of vector spaces: a linear bijection.
Basis of a vector space
Dimension of a finite-dimensional vector space: the number of vectors in
every basis.
Two finite-dimensional vector spaces are isomorphic if and only if their di-
mensions are equal.
Subspace of a vector space.
Inner product on a vector space: hx, yi
A basis of a subspace, being a linearly independent system, can be extended
to a basis of the whole finite-dimensional vector space.
1c Topology
A sequence of points of Rn ; its convergence, limit
Mapping Rn Rm ; continuity (at a point; on a set)
Cauchy criterion of convergence
Subsequence; Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem
Subset of Rn , its limit points; closed set; bounded set
Compact set
Open set
Closure, boundary, interior
Open cover; Heine-Borel theorem
Open ball, closed ball, sphere
1c2 Exercise. (a) Prove that finite union of closed sets is closed, but union
of countably many closed sets need not be closed; moreover, every open set
in Rn is such union. However, intersection of closed sets is always closed.
(b) Formulate and prove the dual statement (take the complement).
1c8 Exercise. Prove existence of a bijection f from the open unit ball {x :
|x| < 1} Rn onto the whole Rn such that f and f 1 are continuous. (Such
mappings are called homeomorphisms). What about the closed ball?
Hint: the closed set need not be connected.
What about a continuous bijection f : Rn Rn ? In fact, f 1 is continuous, which
can be proved using powerful means of topology (the Brouwer invariance of domain theo-
rem); well return to this point later.
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1d Differentiation
some clarifications
| 7
D(x {z x}) : x 7 (h
| 7
{z h}) .
id id
| {z }
Not isometric, but preserves the area.
Zorich requires f to be defined near x in Sect. 8.2.2 and later, but not in Sect. 8.2.1
(thus, Df need not be unique in 8.2.1).
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lim f (x, y)
1d4 Exercise.
Consider functions g : R2 \ {(0, 0)} R of the form
g(x, y) = f (x2 , y) where f is as in 1d3.
(a) Prove that the limit
exists for every (a, b) 6= (0, 0); calculate the limit in terms of the function h
of 1d3.
(b) It can happen that the full limit
lim g(x, y)
1f Change of basis
linear algebra
Rn >ei
V / V i / i
L L1
L L1
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That is, L L1 1
: V V , L L i = i . This is the so-called active transfor-
mation of V that transforms (1 , . . . , n ) to (1 , . . . , n ). On the other hand
we have
L L1
Rn / Rn x ?/ y
L ~ L
V v
x1 1 + +xn n = v = y1 1 + +yn n ; L1 n n 1
L : R R , L L (x1 , . . . , xn ) =
(y1 , . . . , yn ). This is the so-called passive transformation of Rn that trans-
forms the coordinate vector (of arbitrary v V ) relative to one basis into
the coordinate vector (of the same v) relative to the other basis.
1 n n
Let A = (a Pi,j )i,j be the matrix
P of the operator P L LP: R R ;
that is,
P Pyi = j ai,j xj . Then j xj j = v = i yi i = i,j ai,j xj i =
j xj i ai,j i , that is, X
j = ai,j i .
We see that A describes both the passive transformation and the relation
between the two bases.1
1 = (1, 1, 0) , 1 = (0, 1, 1) ,
2 = (1, 0, 1) , 2 = (1, 1, 2) .
Find the two bases of V (that correspond to these coordinate systems), and
the change-of-basis matrix.
See also: Change of basis and Active and passive transformation in Wikipedia;
Hubbard Sect. 2.6.
Hubbard 2.6.17. A quote therefrom:
Note that unlike R3 , for which the obvious basis is the standard basis vectors, the
subspace V R3 in Example 2.6.17 does not come with a distinguished basis.
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A = A \ A ).
Prove it.
We apply this, in particular, to = L1
L , and conclude.
getting a mapping g = f 1 : Rn Rm .
Hint: choose a basis.
This claim fails in infinite dimension.
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1f6 Exercise. (a) f is continuous g is continuous ;
(b) x Rn f is continuous at x g is continuous at (x) ;
(c) x Rn f is continuous near x g is continuous near (x) .
Prove it.
Thus, when checking continuity of a given mapping, we may choose at
will a pair of bases. This applies to any pair of finite-dimensional vector
spaces. The case m = n is not an exception; for f : Rn Rn we still may
use two different bases, thus treating f as a mapping between two copies of
Rn .
1f9 Exercise. Find an orthonormal basis in the space V of 1f1 with the
standard Euclidean metric inherited from R3 .
kAk = sup .
xE1 ,x6=0 |x|
kAk = max |Ax|
Prove it.
its unit ball {x : kxk 1} being the square [1, 1] [1, 1]. This is not the
Euclidean plane! For two non-collinear vectors a = (1, 1) and b = (1, 1) we
have kak = 1, kbk = 1 and ka+bk = 2, which never happens on the Euclidean
plane. Also, the parallelogram equality |a b|2 + |a + b|2 = 2|a|2 + 2|b|2
holds for arbitrary vectors a, b of a Euclidean space, but fails for the operator
Thus, the operator norm is equivalent to the Euclidean norm; both may
be used when dealing with topological notions in L(Rn Rm ).
we observe that it does not involve any basis. True, it involves the Euclidean
norm; but the notion o(|h|) is insensitive to the choice of a norm due to (1f8),
and we may write o(h) instead of o(|h|).
For f : Rn Rm , two norms appear:
|f (x + h) f (x) (Df )x h|Rm
0 as h 0 ,
we observe that it does not involve any basis, but involves the Euclidean
metric. And indeed, the gradient depends on the choice of the metric. It
is well-defined for differentiable real-valued functions on a Euclidean space.
Any orthonormal basis may be used equally well.
R1 Exercise. On the space V of 1f2 consider the function f : P 7
P (t) dt. Find f (0) twice, in the two bases mentioned in 1f2 (that is, rel-
ative to the two corresponding Euclidean metrics). Did you get two different
elements of V ?
1f22 Definition. Let U Rn be an open set. A differentiable mapping
f : U Rm is continuously differentiable if the mapping Df is continuous
(from U to L(Rn , Rm )). The set of all continuously differentiable mappings
U Rm is denoted by C 1 (U Rm ). In particular, C 1 (U ) = C 1 (U R).
Here Rn and Rm may be replaced with finite-dimensional vector spaces.
Note that C 1 (U Rm ) is a vector space, and C 1 (U ) is an algebra:
f g C 1 (U ) for all f, g C 1 (U ).
1f23 Exercise. For f C 1 (U Rm ) and g C 1 (Rm R` ) prove that
g f C 1 (U R` ).1
1f24 Exercise. A mapping f is continuously differentiable if and only if all
parial derivatives Di fj exist and are continuous. (Here f (x) = f1 (x), . . . , fm (x) .)
Prove it.
1f25 Exercise. (a) Let f C 1 (U ) and g C 1 (U Rm ); prove that
f g C 1 (U Rm ) (pointwise product).
(b) Let f, g C 1 (U Rm ); prove that hf (), g()i C 1 (U ) (scalar
Below, by differentiate I mean: (1) find the derivative at every point of
differentiability, and (2) prove non-differentiability at every other point.
1f26 Exercise. (a) Differentiate the mapping R2 3 (r, ) 7 (r cos , r sin )
R2 .
(b) Differentiate the function f : (0, ) R R defined by f (r, ) =
g(r cos , r sin ) for a given differentiable g : R2 R.
Hint: chain rule, 1c7 and 1f17.
Hint: use 1d1.
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log | det(A + H)| log | det A| + tr(A1 H)
for small H.
(t1 , . . . , tn ) : t 7 (t t1 ) . . . (t tn ) .
Prove that
(a) the operator (D)(t1 ,...,tn ) cannot be invertible if some of t1 , . . . , tn are
(b) the operator (D)(t1 ,...,tn ) is invertible whenever t1 , . . . , tn are pairwise
(c) dim(D)(t1 ,...,tn ) (Rn ) = #{t1 , . . . , tn };
that is, the dimension of the image is equal to the number of distinct coor-
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just by changing the basis in Rm such that f (b) f (a) is proportional to the
first basis vector!
Zorich vol. 2, Sect. 10.4.1, Th. 1.
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active transformation, 8 inner product, 2
interior, 2
basis, 2 isometric, 10
Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, 2 isomorphism, 2, 10
boundary, 2
bounded, 2 limit, 2
limit point, 2
Cauchy criterion, 2 linear operator, 2
chain rule, 4 linearity of D, 4
closed, 2
closure, 2 open, 2
compact, 2 operator norm, 11
continuity, 2
partial derivative, 4
continuously differentiable, 14
passive transformation, 8
convergence, 2
product rule, 4
derivative, 4 subspace, 2
derivative along vector, 4
differential, 4 vector space, 2
dimension, 2
C 1 (U ), 14
equivalent norms, 11 C 1 (U Rm ), 14
Euclidean metric, 10 (Dh f )x , 4
Euclidean space, 10 (Df )x h, 4
(Df )x , 4
gradient, 4 Dk f , 4
graph, 3 f 0 (x), 4
L , 7
Heine-Borel theorem, 2 L(Rn Rm ), 11
Hilbert-Schmidt, 12 f (x), 4
homeomorphism, 3, 9 kAk, 11
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2a Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2b Main results formulated and discussed . . . . . . 23
2c Proof, the easy part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2d Proof, the hard part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2a Introduction
Born: I should like to put to Herr Einstein a question, namely, how
quickly the action of gravitation is propagated in your theory. . .
Einstein: It is extremely simple to write down the equations for the
case when the perturbations that one introduces in the field are in-
finitely small. . . . The perturbations then propagate with the same
velocity as light.
Born: But for great perturbations things are surely very complicated?
Einstein: Yes, it is a mathematically complicated problem. It is espe-
cially difficult to find solutions of the equations, as the equations are
nonlinear. Discussion after lecture by Einstein in 1913.
The hardest part of differential calculus is determining when replacing
a nonlinear object by a linear one is justified.1
In other words, we want to know, when the linear approximation
f (x0 + h) f (x0 ) + (Df )x0 h
may be trusted near x0 .
2a1 Example. 2
f : R R, f (x) = x + 3x2 sin x1 for x 6= 0, f (0) = 0, x0 = 0.
Quoted from: Hubbard, Sect. 1.7, pp. 125126.
Hubbard, Example 1.9.4 on p. 157; Shifrin, Sect. 6.2, Example 1 on pp. 251252.
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linear algebra
3 2 0 1
2a2 Example. The matrix A = 0 1 3 1 is of rank 2, it has (at least
3 1 3 2
one) non-zero minor 2 2, but not 3 3, since the first row is the sum of
the two other rows. Treated as a linear operator A : R4 R3 it maps R4
onto a 2-dimensional subspace of R3 , the image of A: A(R4 ) = {(z1 , z2 , z3 ) :
z1 z2 z3 = 0}. The kernel of A, A1 ({0}) = {u R4 : Au = 0}
is a 2-dimensional subspace of R4 spanned (for instance) by two vectors
(1, 1, 0, 1) and (0,1,
1, 2),
1 according
totwo linear
1 of the
3 2 2 0
columns: 0 + 1 + 1 = 0, 1 + 3 3 + 2 1 = 0.
3 1 2 1 2
It is convenient to denote a point of R4 by (x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 ); that is, x R2 ,
y R2 , (x, y) R4 . The equation A ( xy ) = 0 becomes ( 30 21 ) x + ( 03 1 1
)y = 0
(the third row is redundant, being a linear combination of other rows); y =
1 1 3 2 1 1
( 03 1 ) ( 0 1 ) x = ( 13 12 ) x, since ( 03 1 ) = 31 ( 13 10 ). Not unexpectedly,
( 01 ) = ( 13 12 ) ( 1 1 1 1 0
1 ) and ( 2 ) = ( 3 2 ) ( 1 ). The more general equation
A(x, y) = z for a given z A(R ) may be solved similarly; ( 30 21 ) x+( 03 1 1
)y =
2 0 1 1 3 2
z (where z R is (z1 , z2 ) for z = (z1 , z2 , z3 )); y = ( 3 1 ) (z ( 0 1 ) x) =
1 1 1
( ) z ( 13 12 ) x.
3 3 0
A = r B C
Bad news. . . But here are good news: all solutions of the equation f (x) = y are close
(to each other and y), namely, x = y + O(y 2 ).
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2a7 Exercise. (a) Prove that f is open at 0 if and only if for every sequence
y1 , y2 , Rm such that yk 0 there exists a sequence x1 , x2 , Rn such
that xk 0 and f (xk ) = yk for all k large enough;
(b) generalize 2a6(b) to arbitrary x0 and y0 = f (x0 );
(c) prove that f : U Rm is open if and only if f is open at x for every
x U.
It follows easily from the chain rule: f 1 f = id, therefore D(f 1 ) 0 (Df )0 =
id. (However, differentiability of f 1 does not follow from the chain rule!)
Similarly, D(f 1 ) f (x) = (Df )x 1 for all x near 0.
2b4 Exercise. Deduce from 2b3 existence of > 0, > 0 such that for
every x satisfying |x| < there exists one and only one y satisfying |y| <
and f (x, y) = 0; namely, y = g(x).
Clearly, f x, g(x) = 0 for x near 0.
: x 7 g(x) ; we have (0) = (0, 0) and (D)0 = ; thus, 0 =
D(f )0 = (Df )(0,0) (D)0 = ( B C ) = B + C(Dg)0 . (However,
differentiability of g does not follow from the chain rule!) Similarly, for all x
near 0 holds (Dg)x = Cx1 Bx where (Bx Cx ) = Ax = (Df )(x,g(x)) .
In dimension 1 + 1 = 2 we have
(D1 f )(x,y)
g 0 (x) = where y = g(x) .
(D2 f )(x,y)
Less formally, dy
= g/x
since g
dx + g
dy = dg(x, y) = 0.
(a) Find all k such that f satisfies the assumptions of Theorem 2b3.
(b) Find all k such that f satisfies the conclusions of Theorem 2b3 (except
for the last equality).
2b7 Exercise. Let f satisfy the assumptions of Theorem 2b3. Show that f 2
(pointwise square) violates the assumptions of Theorem 2b3 but still satisfies
its conclusions (except for the last equality).
It is not easy to prove these two theorems, but it is easy to derive one of
them from the other. First, 2b3=2b1. The idea is simple: x is implicitly a
function of y according to the equation (y, x) = f (x) y = 0.
Proof of the implication 2b3 =2b1. Given f : Rn Rn as in 2b1, we de-
fine : Rn Rn Rn by (y, x) = f (x) y and check the conditions
of 2b3 for 2n, n, in place of n, m, f . We have (Df )(0,0) = ( id (Df )0 );
C = (Df )0 is invertible. Theorem 2b3 gives g : Rn Rn , continuously
differentiable near (0, 0), such that f (x) y = 0 x = g(y) near (0, 0).
We take > 0 such that both f and g are continuously differentiable on
{x : |x| < }, and f (x) = y x = g(y) whenever |x| < , |y| < . We
define U = {x : |x| < , |f (x)| < } and V = {y : |y| < , |g(y)| < }. Both
U and V are open and contain 0.
If x U and y = f (x), then |y| < and x = g(y), therefore y V . We
see that f (U ) V and g f = id on U . Similarly, g(V ) U and f g = id
on V . It means that f |U : U V and g|V : V U are mutually inverse;
thus, f is a local diffeomorphism.
Second, 2b1 =2b3. The idea is the diffeomorphism : (x, y) 7
x, f (x, y) and its inverse.
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id 0
(D)(0,0) = ;
kD(f id)k 2
on the convex set U ; by (1f31), | f (b) b f (a)
a | 21 |b a| for all a, b U . Thus, | f (b) f (a) (b a)| 21 |b a|;
Should we consider circles rather than rays? And what about higher dimen-
You see, n-dimensional topology is much more complicated than 1-dimen-
sional. A hole disconnects a line, but not a plane. Rather, a hole on a plane
disconnects the space of loops!
First, well prove that 0 is an interior point of V (and afterwards well prove
that the mapping f is open at 0). To this end it is sufficient to prove that
y V for all y Rn such that |y| < 21 .
By the way, it follows from the Brouwer invariance of domain theorem that an open
set in Rn+1 cannot be homeomorphic to any set in Rn (unless it is empty). Think, why.
Hint: recall 2a8.
Shurman; Zorich (alternative proof in Sect. 8.5.5, Exer. 4f).
Fleming, Hubbard, Lang, Shifrin; Curant (alternative proof in Sect. 3.3g).
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where : U Rn is defined by
(x) = y + x f (x) .
x1 x2 xn1 xn
x2 x3 xn x1
at the origin.2
More formally, we prove by induction in k existence of x1 , . . . , xk U such that
x1 = y, x2 = (x1 ), . . . , xk = (xk1 ), |xk xk1 | 2k 2|y|, and |xk | 1 2k 2|y|.
Hint: first, consider a linear f .
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Using iteration in the proof only we need not bother about rate of con-
vergence. However, iteration is quite useful in computation. For fast conver-
gence, the transition from xk to xk+1 is made via Ak = (Df )xk rather than
A = (Df )0 .1
On the other hand, using only A = (Df )0 we could hope for convergence
assuming just differentiability of f near 0 (rather than continuous differentia-
bility). Let us try it for f of Example 2a1. Some xn , shown here as functions
of y, are discouraging.
0.08 0.08 0.08
x=x3 (y)
y y y
y=f (x)
Proof. Similarly to the proof of the implication 2b1 = 2b3 (in Sect. 2b)we
introduce the local diffeomorphism , its inverse , define g by x, g(x, z) =
x linear
(x, z), note that xz 7 xz = g(x,z) 7 g(x, z), and finally, f (x, y) =
If interested, see Hubbard, Sect. 2.7 Newtons method and 2.8 Superconvergence.
Differentiable functions are generally monstrous! In particular, such a function can
be nowhere monotone. Did you know? Can you imagine it? See, for example, Sect. 9c of
my advanced course Measure and category.
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diffeomorphism, 21 local diffeomorphism, 21
local homeomorphism, 20
homeomorphism, 20
open mapping, 21
implicit function theorem, 23
invariance of domain, 28 rank, 19
inverse function theorem, 23
iteration, 28 WLOG, 20
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3 Applications
3a Constrained optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3b Example: arithmetic, geometric, harmonic, and
more general means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3c Example: Three points on a spheroid . . . . . . 38
3d Example: Singular value decomposition . . . . . 41
3e Sensitivity of optimum to parameters . . . . . . 43
3f Manifolds in Rn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3a Constrained optimization
One of the most brilliant and well-known achievements of differential
calculus is the collection of recipes it provides for finding the extrema
of functions. . . . Frequently a situation that is more complicated and
from the practical point of view even more interesting arises, in which
one seeks an extremum of a function under certain constraints . . . 1
for m + n variables
1 , . . . , m , (m variables)
x. (n variables)
The proof is based on Herons formula for the area A of a triangle whose
side lengths are x, y, z (and perimeter L = x + y + z):
2 L L L L
A = x y z .
2 2 2 2
xp1 + + xpn
Mp (x1 , . . . , xn ) = for x1 , . . . , xn > 0 .
1 xp1 + + xpn
ln lim Mp ((x1 , . . . , xn ) = lim ln =
p0 p0 p n
xp1 ln x1 + + xpn ln xn ln x1 + + ln xn
= lim p p = = ln(x1 . . . xn )1/n ;
p0 x1 + + xn n
1L x+y+z y+zx
2 x= 2 x= 2 > 0 by the triangle inequality.
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1 p xp1 + + xpn
max(x1 , . . . , xn ) max(xp1 , . . . , xpn ) ,
n n
therefore Mp (x1 , . . . , xn ) max(x1 , . . . , xn ); one writes
(the latter being similar to the former) and observes that M (x1 , . . . , xn )
M1 (x1 , . . . , xn ) M0 (x1 , . . . , xn ) M1 (x1 , . . . , xn ) M+ (x1 , . . . , xn ).
That is interesting! Maybe Mp Mq whenever p q?
We treat Mp as a function on (0, )n Rn and calculate its gradient
Mp , or rather, the direction of the vector Mp ; indeed, we only need to
know when two vectors Mp , Mq are linearly dependent, that is, collinear
(denote it q ). We have Mp q Mpp q (nMpp ) q (x1p1 , . . . , xp1 n ) for p 6=
0; however, this result holds for p = 0 as well, since M0 q ln M0 q
1 , . . . , x 1
n ). Thus, M p , M q are collinear if and only if xp1
= =
, that is, xqp
1 = = xqp
n , or just x1 = = xn . In this case, evidently,
Mp = Mq . Does it prove that Mp Mq always? Not yet. Functions Mp , Mq
are continuously differentiable on the open set G = (0, )n , and on the set
Zp = {x G : Mp (x) = 1}1 the conditions of 3a1 are violated at one point
(1, . . . , 1) only. This could not happen on a compact Zp ! Surely Zp is not
compact, and we must examine Z p \ Zp and/or .
Case 1: 0 < p < q < . The set Zp is bounded, since max(x1 , . . . , xn )
(x1 + + xpn )1/p = n1/p Mp (x1 , . . . , xn ) = n1/p , but not closed.2 Functions
Mp , Mq are continuous on G = [0, )n . Maybe the (global) minimum of Mq
on Zp = {x G : Mp (x) = 1} is reached at some x Z p \ Zp ? In this case
at least one coordinate of x vanishes. We use induction in n. For n = 1,
Mp (x) = x = Mq (x). Having Mp Mq in dimension n 1 we get (assuming
No need to consider Mp (x) = c, since Mp (x) = Mp (x) for all (0, ) and all p,
M (x)
thus Mpq (x) does not depend on .
For example, the point (n1/p , 0, . . . , 0) belongs to Z p \ Zp .
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xn = 0)
Mq (x) +1
+ x q
n1 + 0 q
= 1/p =
Mp (x) 1 p p p
(x1 + + xn1 + 0 )
n p1 1q n1 1
(xq1 + + xqn1 ) n p1 1q
= 1/p > 1,
n1 n1
1 p p
(x1 + + xn1 )
therefore Mq > Mp on Z p \ Zp .
Case 2: 0 = p < q < . Follows from Case 1 via the limiting procedure
p 0+.
Case 3: < p < q < 0. Follows from Case 1 applied to 1/x1 , . . . , 1//xn ,
xp + + xp 1/p
1 1 1 n
1/Mp (x1 , . . . , xn ) = = Mp (x1 , . . . , xn ) ;
Mp (x1 , . . . , xn ) = 1/Mp (x1 1 1 1
1 , . . . , xn ) 1/Mq (x1 , . . . , xn ) = Mq (x1 , . . . , xn ) .
belongs to A, which gives n1 (xp1 + + xpn ) q/p n1 (xq1 + + xqn ), that is,
Mp Mq . Moreover, the same applies to weighted mean
x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1
We introduce 9 coordinates,
= 6xk 2(x1 + x2 + x3 ) ,
= 6yk 2(y1 + y2 + y3 ) ,
= 6zk 2(z1 + z2 + z3 )
for k = 1, 2, 3. Also,
gk gk gk
= 2xk , = 2yk , = 2zk ;
xk yk zk
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(3 k )xk = x1 + x2 + x3 ,
(3 k )yk = y1 + y2 + y3 ,
(3 k )zk = z1 + z2 + z3 .
We note that
for k = 1, 2, 3.
Case 1: x1 + x2 + x3 6= 0 or y1 + y2 + y3 6= 0.
Then P, Q, R are situated on the vertical plane {(x, y, z) : (x1 +x2 +x3 )y =
(y1 + y2 + y3 )x}.
Case 2: x1 + x2 + x3 = y1 + y2 + y3 = 0 and (1 , 2 , 3 ) 6= (3, 3, 3).
If 1 6= 3 then x1 = y1 = 0; the three vectors (x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ), (x3 , y3 ) R2
(of zero sum!) are collinear; therefore P, Q, R are situated on a vertical plane
(again). The same holds if 2 6= 3 or 3 6= 3.
Case 3: x1 + x2 + x3 = y1 + y2 + y3 = 0 and 1 = 2 = 3 = 3.
Then z1 = z2 = z3 = z1 +z 2 +z3
(since 6= 0), therefore z1 = z2 = z3 = 0;
P, Q, R are situated on the horizontal plane {(x, y, z) : z = 0}.
Another practical advice.
If Lagrange method does not solve a problem to the end, it may still give
a useful information. Combine it with other methods as needed.
3c1 Exercise. 1
Let a, b Rn be linearly independent, |a| = 5, |b| = 10.
Functions a , b on the sphere S1 (0) = {x : |x| = 1}
Rn are defined as follows: a (x) is the angular diameter a a (x)
of the sphere S1 (a) = {y : |y a| = 1} viewed from x; x
similarly, b (x) is the angular diameter of S1 (b) from x.
Prove that every point of local extremum of the function a + b on S1 (0) is
some linear combination of a, b.2
Exam of 26.01.14, Question 2.
Hint: show that sin 12 a (x) = 1/|x a|; use the gradient.
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 41
m<n m=n
In particular, this holds for every linear operator Rn Rn . It does not
mean that every matrix is diagonalizable! Two bases give much more freedom
than one basis.
Do you think this is unrelated to constrained optimization? Wait a little.
Prop. 3d1 will be derived from Prop. 3d3 below.
3d3 Proposition. Every finite-dimensional vector space endowed with two
Euclidean metrics contains a basis orthonormal in the first metric and or-
thogonal in the second metric.
Proof. Let an n-dimensional vector space V be endowed with two Euclidean
metrics. It means, two norms || and ||1 corresponding to two inner products
h, i and h, i1 by |x|2 = hx, xi and |x|21 = hx, xi1 . We denote by E the
Euclidean space (V, | |) and define a mapping A : E E by
x, y E hx, yi1 = hAx, yi ;
it is well-defined, since the linear form hx, i1 , as every linear form, is ha, i
for some a E. It is easy to see that A is a linear operator, symmetric in
the sense that
x, y E hAx, yi = hx, Ayi .
See: Todd Will, Introduction to the Singular Value Decomposition, Quote:
The Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a topic rarely reached in undergraduate
linear algebra courses and often skipped over in graduate courses.
Consequently relatively few mathematicians are familiar with what M.I.T. Professor
Gilbert Strang calls absolutely a high point of linear algebra.
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 42
The Euclidean space En1 is endowed with two Euclidean metrics | | and
| |1 (restricted to En1 ), and hx, yi1 = hAn1 x, yi for x, y En1 .
Now we use induction in n. The case n = 1 is trivial. The claim for n 1
applied to En1 gives a basis (e1 , . . . , en1 ) of En1 orthonormal in | | and
orthogonal in | |1 . Thus, (e1 , . . . , en1 , en ) is a basis of E. We normalize en
to |en | = 1; now this basis is orthonormal in | |. It is also orthogonal in | |1 ,
since hek , en i1 = hAek , en i = 0 for k = 1, . . . , n 1.
3d4 Remark. Positivity of the quadratic form x 7 |x|21 = hx, xi1 was not
used. The same holds for arbitrary quadratic form on a Euclidean space. (In
contrast, positivity of | |2 was used.)
Proof of Prop. 3d1. We have two Euclidean spaces E, E2 and a linear oper-
ator T : E E2 . First, assume in addition that T is one-to-one. Then T
induces a second Euclidean metric on E:
1, if k = 1,
g1 (x(0)), x(c) = g1 (x(c)) =
ck c=0 ck c=0 0, otherwise
3f Manifolds in Rn
linear isometry U : Rn R n 1
p, and each x S is U e1 for some U ; use 3f3(a).
2 2
Near e1 the equality x1 = 1 x2 xn gives 3f1(c).
3f8 Example. Consider the set M of all 3 3 matrices A of the form
a ab ac
A = ba b2 bc for a, b, c R , a2 + b2 + c2 = 1 .
ca cb c2
that corresponds to (a, b, c) = (1, 0, 0) (but also (1, 0, 0), of course). For
(a, b, c) (1, 0, 0) we have in the linear approximation
a ab ac 1 0 0 0 b c
ba b2 bc 0 0 0 + b 0 0
ca cb c2 0 0 0 c 0 0
(think, why). Thus, in the linear approximation all elements of A are func-
tions of two of them. Returning to the nonlinear situation we want to express
a2 , b2 , c2 and bc in terms of ab and ac (locally, for (a, b, c) near (1, 0, 0)). We
Since x is the first vector of some orthogonal basis.
The projective plane in disguise.
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 48
for given R > r > 0. You see, a straight segment on the x, z plane rotates
by /2 (around the y axis) and at the same time it rotates (in the three
dimensions) by around the z axis.
A point h(s, ) of the Mobius strip corresponds to the point
q q
1 14 s2 cos 21 , 1 14 s2 sin 21 , 12 s
It is easy to check that, locally, every matrix that satisfies these equations belongs to
Images from Wikipedia, Mobius strip.
Dimension 6 can be reduced to dimension 4 by taking only (a2 b2 , ab, ac, bc), see
Real projective plane in Wikipedia.
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 49
Holder mean, 35 projective plane, 47
Holders inequality, 38
4 Basics of integration
4a Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4b Darboux sums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4c Integral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4d Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4e Normed space of equivalence classes . . . . . . . 59
4f Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4g Sandwich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4h Translation (shift) and scaling . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4i The volume under a graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4a Introduction
As already pointed out, many of the quantities of interest in contin-
uum mechanics represent extensive properties, such as mass, momen-
tum and energy. An extensive property assigns a value to each part of
the body. From the mathematical point of view, an extensive property
can be regarded as a set function, in the sense that it assigns a value to
each subset of a given set. Consider, for example, the case of the mass
property. Given a material body, this property assigns to each sub-
body its mass. Other examples of extensive properties are: volume,
electric charge, internal energy, linear momentum. Intensive proper-
ties, on the other hand, are represented by fields, assigning to each
point of the body a definite value. Examples of intensive properties
are: temperature, displacement, strain.
As the example of mass clearly shows, very often the extensive prop-
erties of interest are additive set functions, namely, the value assigned
to the union of two disjoint subsets is equal to the sum of the val-
ues assigned to each subset separately. Under suitable assumptions of
continuity, it can be shown that an additive set function is expressible
as the integral of a density function over the subset of interest. This
density, measured in terms of property per unit size, is an ordinary
pointwise function defined over the original set. In other words, the
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 51
f with bounded support. We follow this way, thus avoiding partitions, com-
mon refinements, and simple but nasty technicalities that some authors treat
in detail8 and others leave to exercises.9 The cost is that the shift invariance
(change of origin) needs a proof,10 similarly to rotation invariance (change of
basis) that needs a proof in every approach.
The elements of continuum biomechanics, Wiley 2012. (See Sect. 2.2.1.)
Terry Tao.
For instance, Lang, p. 570 and 573.
For instance, Shifrin, p. 271.
Hubbard, Prop. 4.1.21.
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 52
In the one-dimensional theory, seeing a f (x) dx, we do not ask, is this the
integral over the open interval (a, b) or the closed interval [a, b]; we neglect
the boundary {a, b} of the interval. Similarly, in higher dimension we want
to neglect the boundary of E.
Two notions of small sets are used. One notion is called volume zero1
or zero content;2 the other notion is called measure zero.3 For compact
sets these two notions coincide, but in general they are very different. For-
tunately, the boundary E = E \ E of a bounded set E is always compact;
requiring it to be small (in either sense) we need not bother, whether the
integral is taken over the open set E or the closed set E; and we may treat
sets E, F as disjoint when they have no common interior points. In this case
the equality
4b Darboux sums
We consider a function f : Rn R satisfying two conditions:4
First,R recall dimension one (that is, nR = 1). Assuming existence of the
integral f (x) dx and denoting it just R f , we may sandwich it as follows
(Z is the set of integers, from till +):
inf f (x) f sup f (x) ,
kZ R kZ x[k,k+1]
Hubbard, Shifrin, Shurman; sometimes called negligible (Lang) which, however,
could be confused with the other notion.
Hubbard, Zorich.
If puzzled, why the bounded support, or why no continuity, look again at (4a1).
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 53
R P R k+1
since R
f = kZ k f (x) dx (additivity, see also (4a2)), and inf x[k,k+1] f (x)
R k+1
f (x) dx supx[k,k+1] f (x) (see also (4a3)) for each k. We write the in-
tegral over the whole R and the sum over the whole Z, but only a bounded
region contributes due to (4b2).
For a better sandwich we use a finer partition; here N = 0, 1, 2, . . . (and
for N = 0 we get the case above):
1 X 1 X
inf f (x) f sup f (x) .
2N kZ x[ 2kN , k+1
2 N ] R 2N
kZ x[ k k+1
, ]
2N 2N
where LN (f ) and UN (f ) are the lower and upper Darboux sums defined by
(4b3) LN (f ) = LN,k (f ) , LN,k (f ) = 2nN inf f (x) ,
x2N (Q+k)
(4b4) UN (f ) = UN,k (f ) , UN,k (f ) = 2nN sup f (x) ;
kZn x2N (Q+k)
LN +1 (f ) LN (f ) , UN +1 (f ) UN (f ) .
UN +1 (f ) = UN +1,k (f ) =
= UN +1,2k+` (f ) UN,k (f ) = UN (f ) .
kZn `{0,1}n kZn
Finally, LN +1 (f ) = UN +1 (f ) UN (f ) = LN (f ).
It follows that both sequences LN (f ) N , UN (f ) N converge.
4c Integral
4c1 Definition. Lower and upper integrals of f are
Prove that
for all a, b R.
R1 R
4c4 Exercise. Find 0 x dx using only 4c1, 4c2. That is, R f where f (x) =
x for x (0, 1), otherwise f (x) = 0.1
f .2
and f (x) = 0 for x R \ (0, 1). Prove that f is integrable, and find R
(It can happen that f > g; find an example.)
cf = c f, cf = c f for c 0 ;
cf = c f , cf = c f for c 0 ;
if f is integrable then cf is, and cf = c f for all c R .
(It can happen that (f + g) < f+ g; find an example.)
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 57
4d Volume
Given a set E Rn , its indicator (or characteristic) function, denoted 1lE or
E , is defined by (
1 for x E,
1lE (x) =
0 for x Rn \ E.
The integral of the indicator function (if exists) is called1 the volume, or2
n-dimensional volume, or3 content, or4 Jordan measure, and denoted v(E),
voln (E), c(E). It exists if and only if 1lE is integrable. In this case one says5
that E is admissible, or6 pavable, or7 has content.
Note that v (E) = limN UN (1lE ), and UN (1lE ) is the total volume of all
N -pixels that intersect E. Also, v (E) = limN LN (1lE ), and LN (1lE ) is the
total volume of all N -pixels contained in E. And finally, E is admissible if
and only if v (E) = v (E); and in this case v (E) = v(E) = v (E), of course.
Later well see that a bounded E is admissible if and only if v(E) = 0,
but for now we do not need it. If v (E) = 0, then necessarily E (is admissible
and) has volume zero. By monotonicity (recall 4c7), if E has volume zero,
then every subset of E has volume zero. If E has volume zero, then E =
(think, why); the converse does not hold (think, why).9
4d2 Exercise. The cube [0, 1]n is admissible, and v [0, 1]n = 1.
Prove it.10
Similarly, all dyadic cubes (pixels) are admissible, and v(Q) = 2nN
for every N -pixel Q.
Lang, Shurman.
Burkill, Zorich.
Lang, Zorich.
Or, inner and outer Jordan content, according to Burkill, Sect. 6.8, p. 182.
Moreover, a closed subset of [0, 1] with empty interior need not have volume zero
(fat Cantor set).
Hint: LN (1l[0,1]n ) = 1 and UN (1l[0,1]n ) = 2nN (2N + 2)n .
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 58
The same applies when f is defined on the whole Rn , or on a set that contains
E. Note that
(4d6) 1 = v(E) ; c = cv(E) for c R ;
(4d7) v(E) inf f (x) f v(E) sup f (x) ;
xE E xE
(4d8) v(E) = 0 = f = 0.
is a seminorm; that is, satisfies the first two conditions (recall 1f13),
|cf | = |c| |f | ,
Rn Rn
|f + g| |f | + |g|
Rn Rn Rn
Prove it.
Thus, equivalence classes are a normed space, therefore also a metric
space: Z
[f ], [g] = k [f ] [g] k = |f g| ;
Each functions separately.
Indeed, the equality 1lQ = 1lQ follows easily from 4d4.
Zorich, Sect. 11.3.1.
The linear operations are c[f ] = [cf ] and [f ] + [g] = [f + g], of course.
That is, insensitive to the choice of a function within the given equivalence class.
In fact, every seminorm on a vector space leads to a normed space of equivalence
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 60
this metric will be called the integral metric, and the corresponding conver-
gence the integral convergence.
Prove it.1
f implies Rn f = Rn f .
Rn k
Hint: Rn f = Rn (f ).
Hint: |f g| const 1lE .
Sets of volume zero are small enough that they dont interfere with integration
(Shurman, p.272).
The converse does not hold; see 4f12.
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 61
4e7 Remark. Pointwise convergence (on E) does not imply integral con-
vergence, even if the functions are uniformly bounded.1 Here is a counterex-
ample. We take a sequence (xk )k of pairwise different points xk (0, 1) that
is dense in (0, 1) and considerTdense countable sets Ak = {xk+1 , xk+2 , . . . }.
Clearly, A1 A2 . . . and k Ak = . Indicator functions fk = 1lAk con-
verge to 0 pointwise (and monotonically). Nevertheless, (0,1) fk = 1 for all
4e8 Remark. Integral convergence (on E) does not imply pointwise con-
vergence, even if the functions are continuous. Not even in most of the
points. Here is a counterexample on E = [0, 1] R:
f1 f2 f4 f8
f3 f5 f9
f6 f10
f7 (and so on)
4f Approximation
It is usual and convenient to treat functions as equivalent classes, when deal-
ing with integrals of discontinuous functions.
A box B leads to the equivalence class [1lB ] = [1lB ]. Linear combinations2
of these are called step functions. Dealing with a step function we ignore its
values at discontinuity points (but still assume that the function is bounded).
All step functions are integrable.
It does, if the functions are integrable! But this fact is far beyond basis of integration.
Finite, of course.
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 62
inf f () inf g() sup g() sup f () and sup |x| sup |x| + .
x:g(x)6=0 x:f (x)6=0
The same holds for every pixel; taking a linear combination and using 4f3
we get the following.
4f7 Corollary. For every integrable f there exist continuous gk : Rn R
with uniformly bounded support such that kgk f k 0. Thus:
The set of all (equivalence classes of) integrable functions is the
closure of the set of all (equivalence classes of) continuous func-
tions with bounded support (in the integral metric).
4f8 Lemma. If f is integrable, then f 2 : x 7 f (x) 2 is integrable.
Proof. Using 4f3 and 4f4 we take step functions1 gk and a number M such
that kgk f k 0 and |f ()| M , |gk ()| M . It remains to prove that
kgk2 f 2 k 0 (since gk2 are step functions). We have
|gk2 (x) f 2 (x)| = |gk (x) + f (x)| |gk (x) f (x)| 2M |gk (x) f (x)| ,
4f13 Exercise. If two integrable functions are equal on a dense set, then
they are equivalent.
Prove it.1
On the other hand, a function equal to an integrable function on a dense
set need not be integrable (think, why).
4f14 Proposition. If E, F Rn are admissible sets, then the sets E F ,
E F and E \ F are admissible.
Proof. First, E F is admissible since 1lEF = 1lE 1lF is integrable by 4f9.
Further, 1lEF = 1lE + 1lF 1lEF and 1lE\F = 1lE 1lEF are integrable.
4f15 Exercise. Give another proof of 4f14 using max(f, g) (and min(f, g))
rather than f g.
4f16 Proposition. (a) A function integrable on Rn is integrable on every
admissible set;
(b) a function integrable on an admissible set is integrable on every ad-
missible subset of the given set.
Proof. (a) f 1lE is integrable by 4f9.
(b) Given E F , the function f 1lE = (f 1lF ) 1lE is integrable by
4g Sandwich
The Darboux sums LN (f ) = UN (f ) and UN (f ) defined by (4b3), (4b4)
may be thought of as integrals of step functions,
(4g1) LN (f ) = `N,f , UN (f ) = uN,f ,
Rn Rn
(4g2) uN,f (a) = sup f (x) for a 2 (Q + k)
x2N (Q+k)
| {z }
2nN UN,k (f )
and `N,f = uN,f ; here Q = [0, 1]n , again. In Sect. 4f we did not bother
about values of step functions at points of discontinuity. But sometimes we
need the inequality `N,f f uN,f to hold everywhere (including pixel
boundaries). We can ensure this by taking
(4g3) 2nN uN,f = UN,k (f )1l2N (Q+k) + UN,k (f )1l2N (Q +k)
kZn :UN,k (f )>0 kZn :UN,k (f )<0
Hint: LN (|f g|) = 0.
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and `N,f = uN,f (again). The values of these step functions on pixel
boundaries are somewhat strange but harmless; we have (think, why)
the latter shows that `N,f and uN,f are bounded, uniformly in N .
A box was defined in Sect. 4d as B = [a1 , b1 ] [an , bn ]. Now we
clarify that < ai bi < + for i = 1, . . . , n; the degenerate case
v(B) = 0 is allowed. Further, we define a step function as a (finite) linear
combination of indicator functions of boxes. (On the level of equivalence
classes this definition conforms to Sect. 4f.)
Note that 1lB is a step function; for a proof, open the brackets in
1l[a1 ,b1 ] (x1 ) 1l{a1 } (x1 ) 1l{b1 } (x1 ) . . . 1l[an ,bn ] (xn ) 1l{an } (xn ) 1l{bn } (xn )
(assuming a1 < b1 , . . . , an < bn , of course). It follows that `N,f and uN,f are
step functions.
Proof. ItR is sufficient to prove the latter; the former follows via (f ).
: Rn h = Rn h Rn f by 4c7 (monotonicity).
: taking h = uN,f we see that the infimum Rn uN,f = UN (f ) for
all N .
Clearly, we have an equivalent definition of integrability and integral.
4g9 Exercise. (a) For every box B Rn and > 0 there exist continuous
R g, h :RR [0, 1] with bounded support such that g 1lB 1lB
h and Rn h Rn g ;
(b) for every step function f : Rn R and > 0 there exist continuous
R g and h with bounded support such that g f h and Rn h
g ;
(c) the same holds for every integrable f .
Prove it.1
4g10 Exercise. (a) Define E f and E f similarly to 4d5;
(b) prove additivity of the upper integral: E]F f = E f + F f , and
the same for the lower integral;2
(c) generalize (4d7) to lower and upper integrals.
Thus, if f is not integrable, then the corresponding set function satisfying
(4a2) and (4a3) isR not unique; we have at least two such set functions, E 7
f and E 7 E f .
4h2 Corollary. For every set E Rn and vector a Rn , the shifted set E+a
is admissible if and only if E is admissible, and in this case v(E + a) = v(E).
Consider now a linear operator A : Rn Rn of the form A(x1 , . . . , xn ) =
(a1 x1 , . . . , an xn ) (that is, diagonal matrix), and assume that a1 6= 0, . . . , an 6=
0 (that is, A is invertible).
4h3 Exercise.R f A is integrable
R if and only if f is integrable, and in this
case |a1 . . . an | Rn f A = Rn f .
Prove it.1
4h4 Exercise. For every set E Rn , its image A(E) = {Ax : x E}
is admissible if and only if E is admissible, and in this case v(A(E)) =
|a1 . . . an |v(E).
Prove it.
In particular,
(4h5) |a| f (ax) dx = f,
Rn Rn
(4h6) v(aE) = |a|n v(E) .
The following fact is evident for continuous f but, surprisingly, does not
require continuity.
4h7 Proposition. For every integrable f : Rn R and > 0 there exists
> 0 such that for all a Rn
|a| = kf ( + a) f k .
that is, kf ( + a) f k .
Second, given an integrable f , by 4f7 there exists a continuous g : Rn
R with bounded support such that kg f k /3. We take such that
kg( + a) gk /3. Then, using the triangle inequality,
kf ( + a) f k kf ( + a) g( + a)k + kg( + a) gk + kg f k
kf gk + + kg f k + + = .
3 3 3 3
for all N .
4i2 Corollary. If functions f, g : Rn R are integrable, then the set
E = {(x, t) : f (x) < t < g(x)} Rn R
is admissible.
Proof. We take a box B Rn such that f = g = 0 on Rn \B, and a number
M such that |f | M , |g| M everywhere. Then
E = {(x, t) : x B, M < t < g(x)} {(x, t) : x B, f (x) < t < M }
(think, why). By 4f14 it is sufficient to prove that these two sets are ad-
missible. The second set becomes similar to the first set after reflection
(x, t) 7 (x, t) (recall 4h4). The first set is a shift (recall 4h2) by (0, M )
of the set {(x, t) : x B, 0 < t < g(x) + M } admissible by 4i1 applied to
(g + M )1lB .
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 69
with some effort.1 However, in the next section well get the same effortlessly.
is of volume zero.
Prove it.2
1 + +
Hint: k (LN,k (g) UN,k (f )) v (E) v (E) k (UN,k (g) LN,k (f )) , and
+ +
(UN,k (g)LN,k (f )) (LN,k (g)UN,k (f )) (UN,k (g)LN,k (f ))(LN,k (g)UN,k (f )) =
(UN,k (g) LN,k (g)) + (UN,k (f ) LN,k (f )).
Hint: try f (x) + .
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 70
additivity, 56 negligible, 59
additivity of volume, 58
admissible, 57 outer volume, 57
5 Iterated integral
5a Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5b Simple cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5c Some counterexamples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5d Integrable functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5e Cavalieris principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5a Introduction
It is easy to see that
f (k, l) f as 0
k,lZ R2
5b Simple cases
step functions
First we consider a step function f : R2 R, treated as in Sect. 4g: a
linear combination of indicator functions of boxes (and boxes of volume zero
are allowed).
Given B = [a1 , b1 ] [a2 , b2 ] and f = 1lB , we have
f (x, ) = 1l[a1 ,b1 ] (x)1l[a2 ,b2 ] ; f (x, ) = (b2 a2 )1l[a1 ,b1 ] (x) ;
x 7 f (x, ) = (b1 a1 )(b2 a2 ) = v(B) = f.
R R R2
RR notation: dy f (x, y) = (b2 a2 )1l[a1 ,b1 ] (x); dx dy f (x, y) =
v(B) = f (x, y) dxdy.)
Similarly, given a box B Rm+n , we have RB = B1 B2 for some boxes
B1 Rm , B2 Rn ; thus, f (x, ) = 1lB1 (x)1lB2 ; Rn f (x, ) = v(B2 )1lB1 (x);
x 7 f (x, ) = v(B1 )v(B2 ) = v(B) = f.
Rm Rn Rm+n
By linearity, Z Z Z
x 7 f (x, ) = f
Rm Rn Rm+n
for every step function f : Rm+n R R; in this case, all sections f (x, ) are step
functions, and the function x 7 Rn f (x, ) is also a step function. Similarly,
(5b1) y 7 f (, y) = f= x 7 f (x, ) .
Rn Rm Rm+n Rm Rn
Lang, Shifrin, Shurman.
Burkill, Hubbard, Zorich.
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 73
continuous functions
5b3 Exercise.
R 1 R 1 Calculate each integral in two ways:
(a) 0 dx 0 dy e ;
R 1 R /2
(b) 0 dy 0 dx xy cos(x + y).
This argument applies to all integrable f , of course; but (for now) the continuity
ensures existence of the iterated integral.
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 74
5b4 Exercise.
R Calculate integrals
(a) [0,1]n (x21 + + x2n ) dx1 . . . dxn ;
(b) [0,1]n (x1 + + xn )2 dx1 . . . dxn .
5b5 Exercise. For every continuous function f : R2 R with bounded
support, ZZ ZZ
f (x, y + sin x) dxdy = f (x, y) dxdy .
R2 R2
Prove it.
Prove it.
5c Some counterexamples
5c1 Example. 1 Integrability of f does not imply integrability of f (x, ) for
every x.
Define f : R2 R by
1 if x = 0 and y [0, 1] is rational,
f (x, y) =
0 otherwise.
Define f : R2 R by
1 if x, y (0, 1),
f (x, y) =
0 otherwise
and observe that
dy y=1
f (x, ) = = 2 x + y y=0 = 2 x + 1 2 x
R 0 x+y
for x (0, 1), evidently an integrable function.
5c3 Example. 1 Existence of both iterated integrals does not imply their
equality, even if f is antisymmetric in the sense that f (x, y) = f (y, x).
Define f : R2 R by
if 0 < x < y < 1,
f (x, y) = 1/x if 0 < y < x < 1,
0 otherwise;
Z Z x Z 1
1 1 1 1 y=1 1 1
f (x, ) = 2 dy+ dy = x+ = 1 = 1
x 2 x2
x y y y=x x x
R 0
for all x (0, 1). Thus, one iterated integral is negative (1). By the
antisymmetry, the other iterated integral is positive (+1).
Or, alternatively,
3 if x, y (0, 1),
f (x, y) = (x+y)
0 otherwise;
1 Z 1
xy 2x (x + y)
f (x, ) = 3
dy = dy =
R 0 (x + y) 0 (x + y)3
Z 1 Z 1 y=1 y=1
dy dy 1 1 1
= 2x 3
= 2x (1) =
0 (x + y) 0 (x + y) 2 (x + y)2 y=0 x + y y=0
1 1 1 1 x + (x + 1) 1
= x 2
2 + = 2
(x + 1) x x+1 x (x + 1) (x + 1)2
for all x (0, 1). Thus, one iterated integral is positive (in fact, 1/2). By
the antisymmetry, the other iterated integral is negative (1/2).
Burkill, Exercise 9 on p. 265.
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 76
5c4 Remark. One may wonder, does existence of both iterated integrals
imply their equality if f is just bounded (but not necessarily integrable)?
Surprisingly, the answer is affirmative.1,2,3 It may be tempting to use this
fact for enlarging the two-dimensional integral. However, what about change
of variables then?
5c5 Example. Existence of the iterated integral does not imply integrability
of f even if f is bounded and symmetric (and therefore both iterated integrals
exist and are equal).
Here we use existence of a dense countable set A (0, 1) (0, 1), sym-
metric (in the sense that (x, y) A (y, x) A) and such that
{y : (x, y) A} is finite for every x.
For instance,4 the set of all qi , qj (0, 1) (0, 1) for natural i, j and
prime q.
Or the set of all (2i 1)/2n , (2j 1)/2n (0, 1) (0, 1).
Or the set of all (x, y) (0, 1) (0, 1) such that x 2 + y and x + y 2
are (both) rational. R
For every such A, its indicator function f = 1l A satisfies 0 = R2
f <
f = 1 and R f (x, ) = 0 for all x.
5d Integrable functions
Recall that every integrable function is bounded, with bounded support.
In Riemann integration, of course. In Lebesgue integration the corresponding problem
is more complicated.
Lichtenstein 1911, Fichtenholz 1913; see Sect. 16.6 in book An interactive introduc-
tion to mathematical analysis by J.W. Lewin.
Amazingly, such f need not be Lebesgue measurable. (Basically, Sierpinski 1920;
see book Measure theory by V.I. Bogachev, vol. 1, Item 3.10.49 on page 232). I thank
Yonatan Shelah for this note.
Burkill, Exercise 8 on page 265; Shifrin, Example 7 on page 282.
Burkill, Exercise 6 on page 264.
Hint: |g| (step function), ; |h| C 1l[M,M ] ; then |f | 2CM .
Hint: recall 4f12, use both cases (ck 0, and ck = 1); use (a).
Contrary to: Hubbard, Corollary A16.3 on page 724. Do you see the error there in
the proof?
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 77
and Z Z ZZ Z Z
dx dy f (x, y) = f (x, y) dxdy = dy dx f (x, y)
Using integrability of f ,
f x 7 f (x, ) x 7 f (x, ) f,
Rm+n Rm Rn Rm Rn Rm+n
f= x 7 f (x, ) = x 7 f (x, ) .
Rm+n Rm Rn Rm Rn
Integrability of the function x 7 Rn
f (x, ) follows, since
f= x 7 f (x, ) x 7 f (x, )
Rm+n Rm Rn Rm Rn
x 7 f (x, ) = f.
Rm Rn Rm+n
Similarly, the function x 7 Rn f (x, ) is also integrable. Thus,
f= x 7 f (x, ) = x 7 f (x, ) .
Rm+n Rm Rn Rm Rn
The other two iterated integrals are treated similarly (or via f(y, x) =
f (x, y)).
5d2 Exercise. Give another proof of 5d1, via sandwiching by continuous
5d3 Exercise. Generalize 5b2 to integrable functions
(a) assuming integrability of the function (x, y) 7 f (x)g(y),
(b) deducing integrability of the function (x, y) 7 f (x)g(y) from integra-
bility of f and g (via sandwich).
5d4 Exercise. For every integrable function f : R2 R the function x, y 7
f (x, y + sin x) is also integrable, and
f (x, y + sin x) dxdy = f (x, y) dxdy .
R2 R2
Prove it.1
Hint: use 5b5.
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 79
Prove it.1
5e Cavalieris principle
5e1 Exercise. If E1 Rm and E2 Rn are admissible sets then the set
E = E1 E2 Rm+n is admissible.
Prove it.
Applying Theorem 5d1 to a function f 1lE and taking 4d5 into account we
get the following.
Moreover, show that the volumes of a cone, sphere and cylinder of the same
radius and height are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3.
5e7 Exercise. ForR f , g and E as in 4i2 prove that
(a) vn+1 (E) = Rn (g f )+ ;
R R R g(x)
(b) E h = Rn dx 1lf <g (x) f (x) dt h(x, t) for every h : E R integrable
on E.
5e8 Remark. Here 1lf <g is the indicator of the set {x : f (x) < g(x)}.
This set need not be admissible (it can be a dense countable set, recall
4f12).3 And nevertheless, the iterated integral is well-defined (according to
the clarifications. . . ).
5e9 Remark. Cavalieris principle is about parallel planes. What about
parallel surfaces or curves? Applying 5d4 to f = 1lE we get the following:
if admissible sets E, F R2 satisfy v1 (Ey ) = v1 (Fy ) for all y then v2 (E) =
v2 (F ); here Ey = {x : (x, y + sin x) E} (and the same for Fy ). But do not
think that v1 (Ey ) is the length of the sinusoid inside E; it is not.
Archimedes ( 287212 BC), a Greek mathematician, generally considered to be the
greatest mathematician of antiquity and one of the greatest of all time.
Cicero describes visiting the tomb of Archimedes, which was surmounted by a sphere in-
scribed within a cylinder. Archimedes . . . regarded this as the greatest of his mathematical
Images (and some text) from Wikipedia, Volume (section Volume ratios for a
cone, sphere and cylinder of the same radius and height).
And even if f and g are continuously differentiable, still, this set is just open (not
necessarily admissible), see Sect. 2a, Footnote 2 on page 22.
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 82
Note that the parallel circles are equidistant; the parallel sinusoids are not.
5e12 Exercise. Find the volume of the intersection of two solid cylinders
in R3 : {x21 + x22 1} and {x21 + x23 1}.
Answer: 16/3.
Exam of 26.01.14, Question 4.
Recall the end of Sect. 4d.
Hint: you do not need the volume of the ball (nor the area of the disk)! And of
course, |x|p stands for (x21 + + x2n )p/2 .
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 83
5e13 Exercise. Find the volume of the solid in R3 under the paraboloid
{x21 + x22 = x3 } and above the square [0, 1]2 {0}.
Answer: 2/3.
5e14 Exercise. Let f : R R be a continuous function. Prove that
Z x Z x1 Z xn1 Z x
(x t)n1
dx1 dx2 ... dxn f (xn ) = f (t) dt .
0 0 0 0 (n 1)!
5e15 Example. Let us calculate the integral
max(x1 , . . . , xn ) dx1 . . . dxn .
{x : x1 , ..., xn 0, x1 + ... + xn 1} .
Answer: n!
5e18 Exercise. Suppose the function f depends only on the first coordinate.
Then Z Z 1
f (x1 ) dx = vn1 f (x1 )(1 x21 )(n1)/2 dx1 ,
V 1
where V is the unit ball in R , and vn1 is the volume of the unit ball in
Rn1 .
The next exercises examine further a very interesting phenomenon of
concentration of high-dimensional volume touched before, in 4i5(b); it was
seen there that in high dimension the volume of a ball concentrates near the
sphere,1 and now well see that it also concentrates near a hyperplane!2
5e19 Exercise. Let V be the unit ball in Rn , and P = {x V : |x1 | < 0.01}.
What is larger, vn (P ) or vn (V \ P ), if n is sufficiently large?
See also 5e10(c).
Do you see a contradiction in these claims?
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 84
tends to zero as n .1
that is, fB (x) is the mean value of f on the shifted box B+x = {b+x : b B}.
5e23 Exercise. Prove that every continuous f with bounded support is the
limit of some uniformly convergent sequence of functions of C 1 (Rn ).2
1 (1t2 )(n1)/2 dt
Hint: the quotient equals R1
(1t2 )(n1)/2 dt
Hint: consider fB for a small B close to 0.
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6a Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
6b Integral of oscillation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
6c Measure zero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6d Continuity almost everywhere . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6a Introduction
Consider a bounded function f : (0, 1) R. If f is continuous then it is
integrable (even if it is not uniformly continuous, like sin(1/x)). A step func-
tion is (generally) discontinuous, and still, integrable; its set of discontinuity
points is finite. Non-integrable functions mentioned in 4c3 are very discon-
tinuous, having intervals of discontinuity points. The function of 4c5 (or
4f12) has a dense set of discontinuity points, and still, is integrable. Can
integrability be decided via the set of discontinuity points? An affirmative
answer was given by Lebesgue, it involves the notion of Lebesgue measure
zero (rather than volume zero).
This aesthetically pleasing integrability criterion has little practical value
Well, if you use it when proving simple facts, such as integrabil-
ity of f or f g (for integrable f and g), you may find far more elementary
proofs. But here is a harder case. The so-called improper integral (to be
treated later) may be applied to unbounded functions f on (0, 1) such that
the function
M when f (x) M,
mid(M, f, M ) : x 7 f (x) when M f (x) M,
M when M f (x)
is integrable for all M > 0. The sum of two such functions is also such
function. This fact follows easily from Lebesgues criterion. You may discover
another proof, but I doubt it will be simpler!
From book Integration a functional approach by Klaus Bichteler (1998); see
Exercise 6.16 on p. 27.
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 86
(6a1) Oscf (U ) = diamf (U ) = sup f (x) inf f (x) .
xU xU
and so, B = Oscf = f
f = f R f = A.
R However, f and f need
not be integrable. In fact, f R= f , fR = f (which is rather easy to
see), and (f f ) = f f , that is, f +(f ) = f + (f ) ,
which is not easy, and a surprise, since the upper integral is not linear!1 The
equality A = B will be proved, but not this way.
6a2 Exercise. For the function f of 4c5
(a) Oscf (x) = 2m if x = 22k+1
2m+1 for m = 0, 1, . . . and k = 0, . . . , 2
otherwise Oscf (x) = 0;
(b) Oscf is negligible.
Prove it (not using results of Sect. 6).2
1 R R R
In fact, (f + g) = f + g when f and g are (bounded, with bounded support,
and) upper semicontinuous, that is, f = f and g = g.
Hint: (b) recall 4f12.
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 87
6b Integral of oscillation
We consider a bounded function f : Rn R with bounded support, and its
oscillation function
(6b1) Oscf (x0 ) = inf Oscf {x : |x x0 | < r} ,
6b2 Theorem. Z Z Z
f f= Oscf .
Rn Rn Rn
6b3 Proposition.
f f Oscf .
Rn Rn Rn
Proof. Similarly to 4g9 (or combining 4g9 with 4g7), given > 0, there
exist continuous g, h with bounded support such that g f h and
h + f, g + f,
Rn 2 Rn Rn 2 Rn
therefore Z Z Z
(h g) + f f.
Rn Rn Rn
For arbitrary U Rn ,
6b4 Proposition.
f f Oscf .
Rn Rn Rn
Proof. Assume the contrary: for every k there exists xk K whose k1 -neigh-
borhood is not covered by a single Ui . By compactness, there exists an accu-
mulation point x0 K of the sequence (xk )k . We take i such that x0 Ui ,
and then > 0 such that Ui contains the 2-neighborhood of x0 . For all k
such that k1 < we know that the -neighborhood of xk is not contained in
Ui , and therefore |xk x0 | ; a contradiction.
Recall Sect. 4b (Darboux sums).
Proof of Prop. 6b4. We take a natural M such that {x : f (x) 6= 0}
(2M , 2M )n , and introduce the compact set K = [2M , 2M ]n .
Given > R0, we take aR continuous h with bounded support such that
Oscf h and Rn h + Rn Oscf .
For every x0 K there exists > 0 such that the neighborhood U = {x :
|x x0 | < } satisfies
Oscf (U ) + Oscf (x0 ) , Osch (U ) ,
2 2
Oscf 2N (Q + k) +
inf h(x) ,
x2N (Q+k)
Note the quantifier complexity: (and globally, ). Wow!
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 89
that is,
UN,k (f ) LN,k (f ) 2nN + LN,k (h) .
The sum over k Z [2M +N , 2M +n 1] n gives
UN (f ) LN (f ) 2nM + LN (h) ,
whence, taking N ,
nM nM
f f 2 + h (2 + 1) + Oscf
Rn Rn Rn Rn
Taking into account that E is of volume zero by 6b8(b) we see that Oscf 1lE
is equivalent to Oscf 1lE . Thus,
(6b12) (f is integrable on E) (Oscf is negligible on E ) .
If the set {x : Oscf (x) 6= 0} is of volume zero, then Oscf is negligi-
ble by (4d8), thus f is integrable. However, an integrable function can be
discontinuous on a dense set; for example, see 4c5 (or 4f12).
6b13 Remark. It is tempting to invent an appropriate notion negligible
set such that1
(a) f is negligible if and only if {x : f (x) 6= 0} is negligible,
and therefore
(b) f is integrable if and only if {x : Oscf (x) 6= 0} is negligible.
Is this possible? Yes and no. . .
Bad news: it can happen that {x : f (x) 6= 0} = {x : g(x) 6= 0}, f is
negligible, but g is not.
Good news: it cannot happen that {x : Oscf (x) 6= 0} = {x : Oscg (x) 6= 0},
f is integrable, but g is not.
That is, (b) succeeds, but not due to (a). Rather, (b) succeeds in spite
of the fact that (a) fails.2
6c Measure zero
6c1 Definition. A set Z Rn has measure 0 if for Pevery > 0 there exist
boxes B1 , B2 , Rn such that Z B
k=1 k and k=1 v(Bk ) .
6c3 Proposition. A compact set has measure 0 if and only if it has volume
6d4 Lemma. The set {x : Oscf (x) } is compact, for every > 0.
almost everywhere, 91 oscillation, 86
oscillation function, 87
Lebesgues covering number, 88
Lebesgues criterion, 91
Oscf (U ), 86
measure 0, 90 Oscf (x), 87
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 93
Proof. The image A(Q) of the cube Q = [0, 1]n is bounded (think, why).
We take a box B such that A(Q) B and get v A(Q) v(B) < .
Moreover, using 4h2 and (4h6) we get1 for all N and k ZN
where M = v(B).
Using subadditivity of the outer volume,2
(7a3) v (E F ) v (E) + v (F ) ,
v (A(Z)) = 0.
7a4 Remark. Let A be invertible. Then Z has volume 0 if and only if A(Z)
has volume 0.
Since A(2 (Q + k)) 2N (B + RA(k)). R
2 R R
Indeed, 1lEF (1lE + 1lF ) 1lE + 1lF by 4c7.
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 94
Proof of Prop. 7a1. Well prove that A(E) is admissible whenever E is ad-
missible (then, applying it to A1 , we get the converse implication). By
6b8(b), E has volume 0; by 7a2, A(E) has volume 0; also, A(E) = A(E),
since A is a homeomorphism; thus, A(E) has volume 0; by 6b8(b) (again),
A(E) is admissible.
Similarly to Sect. 1f we conclude.
The notion admissible set is insensitive to a change of basis.
This notion is well-defined in every n-dimensional vector space, and
preserved by isomorphisms of these spaces.
The same holds for the notion volume 0.
7a5 Exercise. (a) Every bounded subset of a vector subspace V1 $ V has
volume 0;
(b) every vector subspace V1 $ V has measure 0.
Prove it.1
v A(2N (Q + k)) = CUN (1lE ) ,
v A(E)
k:2N (Q+k)E6=
Hint: change of basis.
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 95
and similarly,
v A(2N (Q + k)) = CLN (1lE ) ;
v A(E)
k:2N (Q+k)E
for N it gives v A(E) = Cv(E).
If A is of the form A(x1 , . . . , xn ) = (a1 x1 , . . . , an xn ) (that is, diagonal
matrix), then C = |a1 . . . an | by 4h4.
Proof of Prop. 7b1. The constant C given by 7b2 is equal to 1, since the ball
E = {x : |x| 1} (admissible by 4i4, and of non-zero volume since E 6= )
satisfies A(E) = E.
7b4 Exercise. Find the volume cut off from the unit ball by the plane
ax + by + cz = t.
by 7b3.
In particular, it holds for indicators
R of boxes.
R Taking linear combinations
we see that the equality | det A| f A = f holds for all step functions f .
Hint: (b) use 5e17.
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 97
R the general case. Given > 0, 4g6 gives a step function h f such
that h + f . We have
| det A| f A | det A| h A = h + f
Prove it.
7c3 Exercise. Find the mean value of the function (x, y, z) 7 (ax+by+cz)2
on the ball {(x, y, z) : x2 + y 2 + z 2 < 1}.1
7c4 Exercise. Find the mean value of the function (x, y, z) 7 (a1 x + b1 y +
c1 z)(a2 x + b2 y + c2 z) on the ball {(x, y, z) : x2 + y 2 + z 2 < 1}.2
1 1 2 2 2
Answer: 5 (a + b + c ).
2 1
Answer: 5 (a1 a2 + b1 b2 + c1 c2 ).
3 1
Answer: 5 (hh1 , h2 it3 + hh1 , h3 it2 + hh2 , h3 it1 ) + t1 t2 t3 .
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 98
8a Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
8b Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
8c Measure 0 is preserved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
8d Approximation from within . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
8e All we need is small volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
8f Small volume in the linear approximation . . . . 107
8a Introduction
The area of a disk {(x, y) x2 + y 2 < 1} R2 may be calculated by iterated
1 1x2 1
dx dy 2
1 1x2 = 1 2 1 x dx = . . .
or alternatively, in polar coordinates,
1 2 1
0 r dr d = 2r dr = ;
0 0
the latter way is much easier! Note rdr rather than dr (otherwise we
would get 2 instead of ).
Why the factor r? In analogy to the one-dimensional theory we may
expect something like dx dy
dr d ; is it r? Well, basically, it is r because an in-
finitesimal rectangle [r, r + dr] [, + d] of area dr d on the (r, )-plane
corresponds to an infinitesimal rectangle or area dr rd on the (x, y)-plane.
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 99
V f = U (f ) det D .
8b Examples
In this section we take for granted Theorem 8a1 (to be proved in Sect. 8f).
8b1 Exercise. Show that 5d4 and 5d5 are special cases of 8a1.
8b2 Exercise (polar coordinates in R2 ). (a) Prove that
CE = ( x1 dx, . . . , xn dx) ,
v(E) E E
which is often abbreviated to CE = v(E) E x dx.
8b8 Exercise. Find the centroids
of the following bodies in R3 :
(a) The cone {(x, y, z) h x + y 2 < z < h} for a given h > 0.
(b) The tetrahedron bounded by the three coordinate planes and the
plane xa + yb + zc = 1.
(c) The hemispherical shell {a2 x2 + y 2 + z 2 b2 , z 0}.
(d) The octant of the ellipsoid {x2 /a2 + y 2 /b2 + z 2 /c2 1, x, y, z 0}.
The solid torus in R3 with minor radius r and major radius R (for 0 <
r < R < ) is the set
= {(x, y, z) ( x2 + y 2 R)2 + z 2 r2 } R3
= {(x, z) (x R)2 + z 2 r2 } R2
Hint: 1 < r < 3; cos > r 4r+3 .
Hints: use polar coordinates; 4 < < 4 ; 0 < r < cos 2; 1 + cos 2 = 2 cos2 ;
cos2 = tan .
Hint: The integral equals x2 +y2 1 ex +y (u2 +v2 1(x2 +y2 ) e(u +v ) dudv) dxdy. Now
2 2 2 2
on the (x, z) plane (with the center (R, 0) and radius r) about the z axis.
v3 () = v2 () 2xC ;
8c Measure 0 is preserved
8c1 Proposition. Let U, V Rn be open sets, and U V diffeomor-
phism. Then, for every set Z U ,
A = sup = max Ax ,
xRn x x 1
Proof of Item (a) of Th. 8a1. Denote by Z the set of all discontinuity points
of f (on V ); then 1 (Z) is the set of all discontinuity points of f (on U ),
since is a homeomorphism, and of (f ) det D as well, since det D is
continuous and never 0. By 8c1, if one of these three functions is continuous
almost everywhere, then the other two are. It remains to apply 8c4.
8d2 Lemma. For every > 0 there exists admissible compact K U satis-
v(K) v(U ) , v((K)) v(V ) .
Proof. Recall Sect. 4d:1 v(U ) = v (U ) = limN LN (1lU ), and LN (1lU ) is the
total volume of all N -pixels contained in U ; denoting the union of these pixels
by EN we have v(EN ) v(U ), and each EN is an admissible compact subset
of U .
For every > 0 there exists admissible compact E U such that v(E)
v(U ) . Similarly, there exists an admissible compact F V such that
v(F ) v(V ) . By 8c5, 1 (F ) and (E) are admissible; we take K =
E 1 (F ).
Proof that Prop. 8d1 implies Th. 8a1(b). We take M such that f (y) M
for all y V , and f ((x)) det(D)x M for all x U .
We take i 0; Lemma 8d2 gives Ki for i ; we introduce functions
fi = f 1l(Ki ) , then fi = (f )1lKi .
We use the integral norm (recall Sect. 4e): f fi = f fi M
1lV (Ki ) M i , which gives the integral convergence: fi f as i .
Similarly, (fi ) det D (f ) det D.
We apply 8d1 to each fi and get 8a1(b) in the limit i , since the
integral convergence implies convergence of integrals.
v(((Q + h)))
(8e2) 1 1 + for all x (Q + h) .
n det(D)x
and UN ((f ) det D)LN ((f ) det D) . By 8e1, for every N -pixel
Q such that Q K ,
1 1 + for all x Q .
v(Q) det(D)x
That is,
We see that V f [(1 )LN (g), (1 + )UN (g)]; also U g [LN (g), UN (g)];
Proof that Prop. 8e4 implies Prop. 8e1 (and therefore Th. 8a1). A compact set
K U is given, and > 0. For every x0 K, 8e4 gives an -good cube Q0 (x0 ).
Open cubes Q0 (x0 ) cover K. Applying 6b5 (in the cubic norm, equivalent to
the Euclidean norm) to a finite subcovering we get a covering number, denote
it 2 , such that for every x0 K the cube Q1 (x0 ) = {y y x0 < 2 } is
covered by a single Q0 (x) and therefore is -good. For every (0, ] every
cube ([0, 1]n +h) that intersects K at some x0 is contained in Q1 (x0 ), which
proves 8e1.
(8f1) 1 1 + for all x Q ;
v((D)x (Q))
(8f3) 1 1 + ,
v((Q)) v((Q)) v(Q) v((Q)) 1
since v((D) x (Q))
= v(Q) v((D)x (Q)) = v(Q) det(D)x , and so (8f3) implies
(by (8f2))
1 v((Q)) 1+
1 + v((D)x (Q)) 1
Mind it: (D)x0 , not (D)x .
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(8f5) (1 )n (1 + )n for every sub-cube Q Q0 .
Q = {x Rn x r}
(8f6) (1 )Q (Q) (1 + )Q .
which completes the proof of Prop. 8e4, and therefore Theorem 8a1, at last!
Recall the proof of 2c1 (and 2c3).
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9 Improper integral
9a Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
9b Positive integrands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
9c Special functions gamma and beta . . . . . . . . . 114
9d Change of variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
9e Iterated integral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
9f Multidimensional beta integrals of Dirichlet . . . 120
9g Non-positive (signed) integrands . . . . . . . . . . 122
9a Introduction
The n-dimensional unit ball in the lp metric,
E = {(x1 , . . . , xn ) x1 p + + xn p 1} ,
v(E) = 1lE ,
here the integrand has no bounded support; and for t = p1 < 1 it is also un-
bounded (near 0). Thus we need a more general, so-called improper integral,
even for calculating the volume of a bounded body!
In relatively simple cases the improper integral may be treated via ad hoc
limiting procedure adapted to the given function; for example,
0 xt1 ex dx = lim xt1 ex dx .
k 1/k
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9b Positive integrands
We consider an open set G Rn and functions f G [0, ) continuous
almost everywhere.2 We do not assume that G is bounded. We also do not
assume that G is admissible, even if it is bounded.3 Continuous almost
everywheremeans that the set A G of all discontinuity points of f has
measure 0 (recall Sect. 6d). We can use the function f 1lG equal f on G
and 0 on Rn G, but must be careful: 1lG and f 1lG need not be continuous
almost everywhere.
We define
0 g f on G, g = 0 on Rn G} [0, ] .
f (x) f (x0 ) = 0 as G x x0
9b2 Exercise. (a) Without changing the supremum in (9b1) we may restrict
ourselves to continuous g with bounded support; or, alternatively, to step
functions g; and moreover, in both cases, WLOG, g has a compact support
inside G;
Additional literature (for especially interested):
M. Pascu (2006) On the definition of multidimensional generalized Riemann integral,
Bul. Univ. Petrol LVIII:2, 916.
(Research level ) D. Maharam (1988) Jordan fields and improper integrals, J. Math.
Anal. Appl. 133, 163194.
This condition will be used in 9b9.
A bounded open set need not be admissible, even if it is diffeomorphic to a disk.
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 111
Rn f = k
min(f (x), k) dx .
Rn f = k
f (x) dx .
(c) Can it happen that f is locally bounded, not bounded, and Rn f < ?
9b4 Example (Poisson). Consider
I = ex dx .
In fact, v (G) is Lebesgues measure of G.
But in fact, the same holds for arbitrary norm.
That is, bounded on every bounded subset of Rn .
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xa y b e(x
2 +y 2 )
I= dxdy [0, ]
9b6 Exercise. Consider f R2 [0, ) of the form f (x) = g(x) for a given
g [0, ) [0, ).
(a) If g is integrable, then f is integrable and R2 f = 2 0 g(r) r dr.
(b) If g is continuous on (0, ), then R2 f = 2 0 g(r) r dr [0, ].
Prove it.1
9b7 Exercise. Let be as in 9b3.2 Consider f Rn [0, ) of the form
f (x) = g(x) for a given g [0, ) [0, ).
(a) If g is integrable, then f is integrable, and Rn f = nV 0 g(r) rn1 dr
where V is the volume of {x x < 1}.
(b) If g is continuous on (0, ), then Rn f = nV 0 g(r) rn1 dr [0, ].
c) Let g be continuous on (0, ) and satisfy
nVn 0 rn1 er dr where Vn is the volume of the (usual) n-dimensional unit
Vn = .
n 0 rn1 er2 dr
Not unexpectedly, V2 = 2 0 rer2 dr
= .
Hint: (a) polar coordinates; (b) use (a).
But in fact, the same holds for arbitrary norm.
Hint: (a) first, g = 1l[0,a] , second, a step function g, and third, sandwich; also,
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This integral is not proper for two reasons. First, the integrand is bounded
near 0 for t [1, ) but unbounded for t (0, 1). Second, the integrand has
no bounded support. In every case, using 9b10,
(t) = lim xt1 ex dx < ,
k 1/k
In particular,
(9c3) (n + 1) = n! for n = 0, 1, 2, . . .
We note that
1 a+1
xa ex dx = (
(9c4) 0 ) for a (1, ) ,
2 2
since 0 xa ex dx = 0 ua/2 eu 2du
. For a = 0 the Poisson formula (recall
9b4) gives
(9c5) ( ) = .
2n + 1 1 3 2n 1
(9c6) ( ) = .
2 2 2 2
The volume Vn of the n-dimensional unit ball (recall 9b8) is thus calculated:
(9c7) Vn = n n .
2 ( 2 )
This is rather (0,) .
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 115
3/2 3/2
Not unexpectedly, V3 = 3
( 32 )
= 3 1
= 43 .
2 2 2
By 9b5, 12 ( a+b+2
) 0 cosa sinb d = 12 ( a+1
) 12 ( b+1
) for a, b (1, );
that is,
/2 1 ( 2 )( 2 )
(9c8) 0 cos1 sin1 d = for , (0, ) .
2 ( + 2 )
In particular,
1 ( 2 )
(9c9) 0 sin d = cos d = +1 .
0 2 ( 2 )
The trigonometric functions can be eliminated: 0 cos1 sin1 d =
2 2
1 /2 1
2 0 cos2 sin2 2 sin cos d = 21 0 (1 u) 2 u 2 du; thus,
1 1
(9c10) 0 x (1 x) dx = B(, ) for , (0, ) ,
(9c11) B(, ) = for , (0, )
( + )
Answer: n1 ( m+1
9c16 Exercise. Calculate 0 xm (ln x)n dx.
(1)n n!
Answer: (m+1) n+1 .
Hint: 0 ( 2 sin 2 cos )2x1 d.
Hint: use 9c12.
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9c17 Exercise. Calculate 0 dx .
cos x
2 (1/4)
Answer: 2 2
9c18 Exercise. Check that (t)(1 t) = 0 1+x dx for 0 < t < 1.1
We mention without proof another useful formula
0 dx = for 0 < t < 1 .
1+x sin t
There is a simple proof that uses the residues theorem from the complex
analysis course. This formula yields that (t)(1 t) = sint for 0 < t < 1.
Is the function continuous?
For every compact interval [t0 , t1 ] (0, ) the given function of two
variables (t, x) xt1 ex is continuous on [t0 , t1 ][ k1 , k], therefore its integral
in x is continuous in t on [t0 , t1 ] (recall 4e6(a)). Also,
t1 x
1/k x e dx (t) uniformly on [t0 , t1 ] ,
1/k 1/k
since 0 xt1 ex dx 0 xt0 1 dx 0 as k and k xt1 ex dx
t 1 x
k x 1 e dx 0 as k . It follows that is continuous on arbitrary
[t0 , t1 ], therefore, on the whole (0, ).
In particular, t(t) = (t + 1) (1) = 1 as t 0+; that is,
1 1
(t) = + o( ) as t 0 + .
t t
9d Change of variables
9d1 Theorem (change of variables). Let U, V Rn be open sets, U V
a diffeomorphism, and f V [0, ). Then
(a) (f is continuous almost everywhere on V )
(f is continuous almost everywhere on U )
((f ) det D is continuous almost everywhere on U );
(b) if they are continuous almost everywhere, then
V f = U (f ) det D [0, ] .
Item (a) follows easily from 8c1 (similarly to the proof of 8a1(a) in Sect. 8c
but simpler: 8c4 is not needed now).
Hint: change x to y via (1 + x)(1 y) = 1.
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(9d3) V f U (f ) det D .
9e Iterated integral
We consider an open set G Rm+n and functions f G [0, ) continuous
almost everywhere. Similarly to Sect. 5d, the section f (x, ) of f need not be
continuous almost everywhere on the section Gx = {y (x, y) G} of G; thus,
Gx f (x, ) is generally ill-defined. Similarly to Th. 5d1 we need the lower
integral (but no upper integral this time).
We define the lower integral by (9b1) again, but this time f G [0, )
is arbitrary (rather than continuous almost everywhere). That is, for open
G Rn (rather than Rm+n , for now)
0 g f on G, g = 0 on Rn G} [0, ] .
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Proof that Th. 9e5 implies Prop. 9e4. Clearly, gk f implies limk gk f ;
we have to prove that limk gk f . Given an integrable g f , we
have min(gk , g) min(f, g) = g and, by 9e5, min(gk , g) g. Thus,
g limk gk ; supremum in g gives f limk gk .
We return to an open set G Rm+n and its sections Gx Rn for x Rm .
Pointwise, not uniformly.
Do you think that gk f for arbitrary (not integrable) gk ? No, this is wrong.
Recall fk of 4e7 and consider 1 fk .
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Rm dx G dy f (x, y) = f (x, y) dxdy [0, ] .
Unlike Th. 5d1, both integrals in the left-hand side are lower integrals.
The function x Gx dy f (x, y) need not be almost everywhere continuous,
even if G = R2 and f is continuous. Moreover, it can happen that x
R f (x, ) is unbounded on every interval, even if f R [0, ) is bounded,
continuously differentiable, R2 f < , and f (x, y) 0, f (x, y) 0 as
x2 + y 2 . (Can you find a counterexample? Hint: construct separately
f R[2k ,2k+1 ] for each k.)
It is easy to see (try it!) that G f does not exceed the iterated integral;
but the equality needs more effort.
Proof. We take admissible open sets Gk Rm+n such that Gk G, 1 and
introduce fk = min(f, k)1lGk , that is,
f (x, y), if (x, y) Gk and f (x, y) k,
fk (x, y) = k, if (x, y) Gk and f (x, y) k,
if (x, y) Gk .
(p1 ) . . . (pn )
xp11 1 . . . xnpn 1 dx1 . . . dxn =
(p1 + + pn + 1)
x1 ,...xn >0,
x1 ++xn <1
But a linear change of variables does not really need 9d1; it is a simple generalization
of 7c1 or even (4h5).
Tel Aviv University, 2016 Analysis-III 121
1 ( p11 ) . . . ( pnn )
xp11 1 . . . xpnn 1 dx1 . . . dxn = ,
1 . . . n ( p1 + + pn + 1)
x1 ,...,xn >0, 1 n
x1 1 ++xnn <1
results from 9f1 by the (nonlinear!) change of variables yj = xj j .
A special case: p1 = = pn = 1, 1 = = n = p;
n ( p1 )
dx1 . . . dxn = .
x1 ,...,xn >0
pn ( np + 1)
xp1 ++xpn <1
2n n ( p1 )
v(Bp (1)) = .
pn ( np + 1)
If p = 2, the formula gives us (again; see (9c7)) the volume of the standard
unit ball:
2 n/2
Vn = v(B2 (1)) = .
n( n2 )
We also see that the volume of the unit ball in the l1 -metric equals n! .
Question: what does the formula give in the p limit?
G g1 G h1 = G g2 G h2 whenever g1 h1 = g2 h2 ,
due to 9b9:
g1 h1 = g2 h2 g1 + h2 = g2 + h1 (g1 + h2 ) = (g2 + h1 )
g1 + h2 = g2 + h1 g1 h1 = g2 h2 .
We summarize:
(9g3) G f = G f G f
Gk G f f R
G G k
V f = U (f ) det D [0, ] ;
V f = U (f ) det D R .
In one dimension they are usually called absolutely (improperly) integrable.
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9g8 Exercise. If 0 < t0 < t1 < , then the function (x, t) xt1 ex ln x is
improperly integrable on (0, ) (t0 , t1 ), and
t dt dx xt1 ex ln x = (t1 ) (t0 ) .
0 0
Prove it.1
9g9 Exercise. (a) The function t 0 xt1 ex ln x dx is continuous on
(0, );
(b) the gamma function is continuously differentiable on (0, ), and
(t) = xt1 ex ln x dx for 0 < t < ;
beta function, 115 monotone convergence
for integral, 118
change of variables, 116, 123 for volume, 113
equivalent, 123
exhaustion, 113, 123 negligible, 123
improper integral
volume of ball, 114, 121
signed, 122, 123
unsigned, 110
B, 115
improperly integrable, 123
iterated improper integral, 119 [f ], 123
f 1lG , 110
linearity, 123 f + , f , 122
lower integral, 117 , 114
Hint: apply 9e6 twice, to f + and f .
2b3 Theorem (implicit function). Let f Rnm Rm Rm be continuously dif-
Topological notions in Rn are insensitive to a change of basis. ferentiable near (0, 0), f (0, 0) = 0, and (Df )(0,0) = A = ( B C ), B Rnm Rm ,
Topological notions are well-defined in every n-dimensional vector space, and pre- C Rm Rm , with C invertible. Then there exists g Rnm Rm , continuously differ-
served by isomorphisms of these spaces. entiable near 0, such that the two relations f (x, y) = 0 and y = g(x) are equivalent for
(x, y) near (0, 0); and (Dg)0 = C 1 B.
1f18 Exercise. (a) Determinant is a continuous function A det A on L(Rn Rn );
(b) invertible operators are an open set; Similarly, (Dg)x = Cx1 Bx , where ( Bx Cx ) = Ax = (Df )(x,g(x)) , for all x near 0.
(c) the mapping A A1 is continuous on this open set.
2c3 Theorem. Let f Rn Rn be continuously differentiable near 0, f (0) = 0, and
1f19 Exercise. If A L(R R ) satisfies A < 1, then
n n (Df )0 = A Rn Rn be invertible. Then f is open at 0.
(a) the series id A + A2 A3 + . . . converges in L(Rn Rn );
2d5 Theorem. Let f Rnm Rm Rm and A, B, C be as in Th. 2b3. Then there
(b) the sum S of this series satisfies (id +A)S = id, S(id +A) = id; thus, id +A is exists g Rnm Rm Rm , continuously differentiable near (0, 0), such that the two
relations f (x, y) = z and y = g(x, z) are equivalent for (x, y, z) near (0, 0, 0); and
(c) det(id +A) > 0.
(Dg)(0,0) = ( C 1 B C 1 ).
When differentiating a given mapping, we may choose at will a pair of bases. This
applies to any pair of finite-dimensional vector spaces. 3a1 Theorem (Lagrange multipliers). Assume that x0 Rn , 1 m n 1, functions
f, g1 , . . . , gm Rn R are continuously differentiable near x0 , g1 (x0 ) = = gm (x0 ) = 0,
1f23 Exercise. If f C 1 (U Rm ) and g C 1 (Rm R` ), then g f C 1 (U R` ). and the vectors g1 (x0 ), . . . , gm (x0 ) are linearly independent. If x0 is a local con-
1f24 Exercise. A mapping f is continuously differentiable if and only if all parial strained extremum point of f subject to g1 () = = gm () = 0, then there exist
derivatives Di fj exist and are continuous. (Here f (x) = (f1 (x), . . . , fm (x)).) 1 , . . . , m R such that f (x0 ) = 1 g1 (x0 ) + + m gm (x0 ).
g1 (x) = = gm (x) = 0 (m equations) 1 , . . . , m (m variables)
1f25 Exercise. (a) If f C 1 (U ) and g C 1 (U Rm ), then f g C 1 (U Rm ) f (x) = 1 g1 (x) + + m gm (x) (n equations) x (n variables)
(pointwise product).
(b) If f, g C 1 (U Rm ), then f (), g() C 1 (U ) (scalar product). 3a2 Theorem. Let f Rn Rm be continuously differentiable near 0, f (0) = 0, and
(Df )0 = A Rn Rm be onto. Then f is open at 0.
1f27 Exercise. (a) Determinant is a continuously differentiable function f A det A
on L(Rn Rn ); xp + + xpn
(b) (Df )id (H) = tr(H) for all H L(Rn Rn ); Mp (x1 , . . . , xn ) = ( 1 ) for xk > 0 ; Mp Mq for p q .
(c) (D log f )A (H) = tr(A1 H) for all H L(Rn Rn ) and all invertible A L(Rn
Rn ). The system of m + n equations proposed in Sect. 3a is only one way of finding local
constrained extrema. Not necessarily the simplest way.
(1f31) f (b) f (a) Cb a , C = sup (Df )a+t(ba) (finite increment theorem) No need to find f when f () = (g()); find g, note that f is collinear to g.
t(0,1) If Lagrange method does not solve a problem to the end, it may still give a useful
information. Combine it with other methods as needed.
2a5 Exercise. For a linear A Rn Rm the following conditions are equivalent:
3d1 Proposition (singular value decomposition). Every linear operator from one finite-
(a) A is invertible; (d) A is a diffeomorphism; dimensional Euclidean vector space to another sends some orthonormal basis of the first
(b) A is a homeomorphism; (e) A is a local diffeomorphism. space into an orthogonal system in the second space.
(c) A is a local homeomorphism;
2a9 Exercise. For a linear A Rn Rm the following conditions are equivalent: 3d2 Proposition. Every linear operator from an n-dimensional Euclidean vector space
to an m-dimensional Euclidean vector space has a diagonal m n matrix in some pair
(a) A(Rn ) = Rm (onto); (c) A is open. of orthonormal bases.
(b) A is open at 0;
3d3 Proposition. Every finite-dimensional vector space endowed with two Euclidean
2b1 Theorem (inverse function). Let f Rn Rn be continuously differentiable near metrics contains a basis orthonormal in the first metric and orthogonal in the second
0, f (0) = 0, and (Df )0 = A Rn Rn be invertible. Then f is a local diffeomorphism, metric.
and (D(f 1 ))0 = A1 .
(3e1) sup f = sup f + 1 (0)c1 + + m (0)cm + o(c) .
Zc Z0
Similarly, (D(f ))f (x) = ((Df )x ) for all x near 0.
1 1
3f1 Theorem. The following conditions on a set M Rn , a point x0 M and a number 4c7 Remark. Monotonicity: if f () g() then f g , f g,
A nonempty set M Rn is a k-dimensional manifold, if the equivalent conditions v(E) = 1lE ; f = f 1lE .
3f1(a,b,c) hold for every x0 M . Rn E Rn
(b) M is a k-manifold if and only if (M ) is a k-manifold. (4d7) v(E) inf f (x) f v(E) sup f (x) ;
xE E xE
This applies, in particular, to shifts, rotations, and all invertible affine transformations
of Rn . (4d8) v(E) = 0 f = 0 .
(4a2) S(E F ) = S(E) + S(F ) f the mean value of f on E .
v(E) E
([f ], [g]) = [f ] [g] = f g ; the integral metric.
(4a3) vol(E) inf f (x) S(E) vol(E) sup f (x) B
xE xE We may safely ignore values of integrands on sets of volume zero (as far as they are
bounded). Likewise we may ignore sets of volume zero when dealing with volume.
(4b1) f is bounded; that is, sup f (x) < , The set of all (equivalence classes of) integrable functions is closed (in the integral
xRn metric).
(4b2) f has bounded support; that is, sup x < . 4f1 Exercise. (a) Every continuous f Rn R with bounded support is integrable;
xf (x)0 (b) every continuous function on a box is integrable on this box.
4f3 Proposition. Step functions are dense among integrable functions (in the integral
(4b3) LN (f ) = LN,k (f ) , LN,k (f ) = 2 nN
inf f (x) , metric).
kZn x2N (Q+k)
4f5 Remark. The set of all (equivalence classes of) integrable functions is the closure
(4b4) UN (f ) = UN,k (f ) , UN,k (f ) = 2nN sup f (x) ; of the set of all (equivalence classes of) step functions (in the integral metric).
kZn x2N (Q+k)
4f7 Corollary. The set of all (equivalence classes of) integrable functions is the closure
here Q = [0, 1] . Clearly, LN (f ) UN (f ) and LN (f ) = UN (f ).
n of the set of all (equivalence classes of) continuous functions with bounded support (in
the integral metric).
4b5 Lemma. For every N , LN +1 (f ) LN (f ) , UN +1 (f ) UN (f ). 4f9 Corollary. The (pointwise) product of two integrable functions is integrable.
L(f ) = lim LN (f ) , U (f ) = lim UN (f ) . 4f14 Proposition. If E, F Rn are admissible sets, then the sets E F , E F and
N N E F are admissible.
Clearly, < L(f ) U (f ) < . 4f16 Proposition. (a) A function integrable on Rn is integrable on every admissible
4c6 Proposition (linearity). All integrable functions Rn R are a vector space, and (b) a function integrable on an admissible set is integrable on every admissible subset
the integral is a linear functional on this space. of the given set.
4g6 Proposition. For every bounded f Rn R with bounded support, 5c6 Exercise. Consider a function f R2 R of the form f (x, y) = g(x)h(y) where
g, h R R are bounded functions with bounded support.
f = sup { g step g f } , f = inf { h step h f } . (a) If g is negligible, then f is negligible.
Rn Rn Rn Rn
(b) Integrability of f does not imply that the set {x f (x, ) is not integrable} is of
4g7 Corollary. For every bounded f Rn R with bounded support, volume zero.
5d1 Theorem. If a function f Rm+n R is integrable, then the iterated integrals
f = sup { g integrable g f } , f = inf { h integrable h f } .
Rn Rn Rn Rn dy f (x, y) ,
dx dy f (x, y) , dx
4g8 Corollary. A function f Rn R is integrable if and only if for every > 0 there R Rn Rm Rn m
exist step functions g and h such that g f h and Rn h Rn g . n dy m dx f (x, y) , n dy m dx f (x, y)
4g9 Exercise. (c) for every integrable function f Rn R and > 0 there exist conti- R R R R
nuous functions g and h with bounded support such that g f h and Rn h Rn g . are well-defined and equal to f (x, y) dxdy.
4g10 Exercise. (b) additivity of the upper integral: EF f = E f + F f , and the
Clarification. The claim that dx dy f (x, y) is well-defined means that the function
same for the lower integral. x dy f (x, y) is integrable.
(c) (4d7) holds for lower and upper integrals. The equality
4h1 Proposition. f ( + a) is integrable if and only if f is integrable, and in this case (x f (x, )) = (x f (x, ))
Rn f ( + a) = Rn f .
implies integrability (with the same integral) of every function sandwiched between the
4h2 Corollary. For every set E Rn and vector a Rn , the shifted set E + a is lower and upper integrals. It is convenient to interpret x f (x, ) as any such function
admissible if and only if E is admissible, and in this case v(E + a) = v(E). and write, as before,
m+n f = m (x n f (x, ))
(4h5) an f (ax) dx = f, R R R
Rn Rn and
(4h6) v(aE) = a v(E) .
dx dy f (x, y) = f (x, y) dxdy = dy dx f (x, y)
4h7 Proposition. For every integrable f Rn R and > 0 there exists > 0 such even though fx may be non-integrable for some x.
that for all a Rn
a f ( + a) f . 5d3 Exercise. 5b2 generalizes to integrable functions
(a) assuming integrability of the function (x, y) f (x)g(y),
4i1 Proposition. If a function f Rn [0, ) is integrable, then the set (b) deducing integrability of this function from integrability of f and g (via sandwich).
E = {(x, t) 0 < t < f (x)} Rn R is admissible, and vn+1 (E) = Rn f .
5e1 Exercise. If E1 Rm and E2 Rn are admissible sets then the set E = E1 E2
4i2 Corollary. If functions f, g R R are integrable, then the set
n Rm+n is admissible.
E = {(x, t) f (x) < t < g(x)} Rn R is admissible. 5e2 Corollary. Let f Rm+n R be integrable on every box, and E Rm+n admissible
set; then
4i3 Exercise. For f as in 4i1, the set {(x, t) t = f (x) > 0} Rn R is of volume zero.
f = m (x fx ) where Ex = {y (x, y) E} R for x R .
n m
E R Ex
(5b1) (y f (, y)) = f = (x f (x, ))
Rn Rm R m+n Rm Rn (5e3) vm+n (E) = vn (Ex ) dx where vk is the volume in Rk ;
for every step function f R m+n
R. The same holds for every continuous f with Rm
bounded support. for instance, the volume of a 3-dimensional geometric body is the 1-dimensional integral
of the area of the 2-dimensional section of the body.
5b2 Exercise. 5e7 Exercise. For f , g and E as in 4i2
(a) vn+1 (E) = Rn (g f )+ ;
f (x1 , . . . , xm )g(y1 , . . . , yn ) dx1 . . . dxm dy1 . . . dyn = g(x)
Rm+n (b) E h = Rn dx 1lf <g (x) f (x) dt h(x, t) for every h E R integrable on E.
6c2 Proposition. Countable union of sets of measure 0 has measure 0. 8b2 Exercise (polar coordinates in R2 ). (a)
6c3 Proposition. A compact set has measure 0 if and only if it has volume 0.
6c4 Exercise. (a) If Z has measure 0, then Z = , and v (Z) = 0. 2 2 2 f (x, y) dxdy = f (r cos , r sin ) r drd
x +y <R 0<r<R,0<<2
6d2 Theorem (Lebesgues criterion). A bounded function f Rn R with bounded for every integrable function f on the disk x2 + y 2 < R2 .
support is integrable if and only if it is continuous almost everywhere.
6d3 Lemma. Let f Rn R be a bounded function with bounded support. If f is 8b3 Exercise (spherical coord. in R3 ). (r, , ) = (r cos sin , r sin sin , r cos );
negligible then f () = 0 almost everywhere. (c) det D = r sin .
6d4 Lemma. The set {x Oscf (x) } is compact, for every > 0.
centroid theorem). Let (0, ) R R be
8b9 Proposition (the second Pappuss
7a1 Proposition. Let A Rn Rn be an invertible linear operator. Then, for every an admissible set and = {(x, y, z) ( x + y , z) } R . Then is admissible, and
2 2 3
f = sup { n g g R R integrable, 0 g f on G, g = 0 on R G} .
n n
(9b4) e dx = . Poisson formula G R
In particular, if f is continuous almost everywhere on G, then G f = G f .
9e4 Proposition. If g1 , g2 , Rn [0, ) are integrable and gk f Rn [0, ),
9b9 Proposition. G (f1 + f2 ) = G f1 + G f2 [0, ] for all f1 , f2 0 on G, continuous then Rn gk Rn f .
almost everywhere.
9e5 Theorem (monotone convergence for Riemann integral). If g, g1 , g2 , Rn R
9b10 Proposition (exhaustion). For open sets G, G1 , G2 , Rn , are integrable and gk g, then Rn gk Rn g.
Gk G f f [0, ]
Gk G 9e6 Theorem (iterated improper integral). If a function f G [0, ) is continuous
for all f G [0, ) continuous almost everywhere. almost everywhere, then
9b11 Corollary (monotone convergence for volume). For open sets m dx dy f (x, y) = f (x, y) dxdy [0, ] .
G, G1 , G2 , Rn ,
Gk G v (Gk ) v (G) . 9e7 Corollary. The volume of an open set G Rm+n is equal to the lower integral of
the volume of Gx (even if G is not admissible).
(9c1) (t) = xt1 ex dx for t (0, ) . 9f1 Proposition.