Salivary Iga As A Useful Non-Invasive Marker For Restraint Stress in Pigs

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FULL PAPER Immunology

Salivary IgA as a Useful Non-Invasive Marker for Restraint Stress in Pigs

Yoshihiro MUNETA1)*#, Tadao YOSHIKAWA2)#, Yu MINAGAWA1), Tomoyuki SHIBAHARA3), Ryuichiro MAEDA2)

and Yoshitaka OMATA2)
Research Team for Advanced Biologicals, National Institute of Animal Health, 315, Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 3050856,
Department of Basic Veterinary Science, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro, Hokkaido, 0808555 and
Epidemiological Research Team, National Institute of Animal Health, 315 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 3050856, Japan

(Received 7 January 2010/Accepted 25 April 2010/Published online in J-STAGE 11 May 2010)

ABSTRACT. In this study, we investigated the expression of immunoglobulin A (IgA) in porcine salivary gland and its relationship with
restraint stress in pigs. IgA was expressed in plasma cells in pig salivary gland, as confirmed by immunohistochemical staining. IgA
was also detected in pig saliva itself by ELISA, and salivary IgA levels were increased by a restraint stress. Moreover, there was a cir-
cadian rhythm of IgA over the course of a day. These results are the first evidence of IgA expression related to stress in the pig saliva
and may make IgA useful as a non-invasive biological marker to evaluate acute stress condition in the pigs.
KEY WORDS: IgA, non-invasive biomarker, restraint stress, saliva, salivary glands.
J. Vet. Med. Sci. 72(10): 12951300, 2010

Recently, interest in animal welfare in relation to the han- non-invasive biomarker in pigs should be established to
dling, housing, and feeding of domestic and companion ani- eliminate unnecessary stress and to improve animal welfare
mals has been expanding, and concern has been growing status as well as to increase productivity.
that increases in intensive agriculture and changes in envi- Therefore, in the present study, we investigated the
ronmental factors may enhance physiological stress in ani- expression of IgA in pig salivary gland and saliva, and
mals [5]. These stresses negatively affect resistance to examined its dynamics with an acute restraint stress to eval-
diseases such as diarrhea [24] and pneumonia [17], as well uate IgA as a non-invasive stress marker in pigs.
as the meat quality [26] and reproduction [6] in a variety of
animals. Recently, guidelines for the handling, housing, and MATERIALS AND METHODS
feeding of pigs and laying chickens with regard to animal
welfare have been introduced in Japan ( Animals: Eight LW F1 male piglets (68 weeks olds)
chikusan/aw/aw.html). However, reliable, easy and non- were used in this experiment. They were kept in an animal
invasive methods and biomarkers to evaluate stress in ani- room (4.8 3.7 2.4 m) with natural light from a glass win-
mals have not been established thus far. dow, which was shut all the time to avoid any sounds, dust,
Saliva sampling has the advantage of being non-invasive, etc. They were fed with normal feeding for growing pigs at
anyone can easily perform it, and it is stress-free in compar- 8:00 and 18:00 with a free water supply. All animal experi-
ison with blood sampling. Therefore, saliva is considered to ments were approved by the committee for animal experi-
be a good material for evaluating the stress condition, and ments of Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary
salivary biomarkers to evaluate stress have received much Medicine (No. 1859). The salivary gland samples for the
attention in humans [28]. Several salivary markers related immunohistochemistry of IgA were taken from 4 healthy
to stress have been reported, including cortisol [10, 13, 27], LWD pigs (5-month olds) at the National Institute of Ani-
-amylase [19, 27], -endorphin [21], and chromogranin A mal Health.
[11]. Salivary Immunoglobulin A (IgA) has also been IgA expression in pig salivary glands by immunohis-
reported to be a potential stress marker in rats [8], humans tochemistry: Salivary glands (parotid gland, submandibular
[30] and dogs [12]. However, few studies have been per- gland, and sublingual gland, respectively) were fixed in
formed to evaluate salivary IgA as a stress marker in domes- Zamboni fixative (Kyodo Byori Inc., Kobe, Japan) overnight
tic animal species such as pigs. Most of the past research at 4C and embedded in paraffin as described previously
regarding stress markers in pigs has been carried out with [18]. Paraffin sections were immunostained using 1 mg/ml
blood samples such as with the measurement of serum cor- of goat anti-pig IgA antibody (1:4,096 working dilution,
tisol levels [1], leukocyte populations and functions such as Bethyl Laboratories Inc., Montgomery, TX, U.S.A.) with
natural killer cytotoxicity [20] or long-term observation of Histofine simple stain MAX-PO (G) solution (Nichirei
stress-related activity such as tail biting [23]. Therefore, a Corp., Tokyo, Japan). Normal goat serum was used as a neg-
ative control. The number of plasma cells that had positively
* CORRESPONDENCE TO: MUNETA, Y., Research Team for Advanced
Biologicals, National Institute of Animal Health, 315 Kannon- stained in each salivary gland was estimated by microscopic
dai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 3050856, Japan. observation using 200 magnification. The number of
e-mail: plasma cells in twenty randomly selected microscopic fields
Equal contributions. in each section was counted and the mean was calculated.

Fig. 1. Method for the collection of pig saliva. (A) Tools for saliva collection. (B) A
picture of collection of saliva from a pig.

Saliva collection: Saliva samples were collected by the lase and undiluted saliva for -endorphin was used as a
following methods. Medical absorbent cotton (4 5 cm) sample, respectively.
was prepared and tied with 50 cm of string (Fig. 1A). It was Circadian rhythm of IgA levels in pig saliva: Four piglets
placed in front of a pig and was allowed to be bitten by the were used to determine the circadian rhythm of salivary
pigs (Fig. 1B). After 2 min, the cotton was recovered by IgA. Saliva samples were taken from each piglet at 09:00,
withdrawing the strings and put in a 10-ml syringe. The 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, and 17:00, respectively. Samples were
syringe containing the cotton was put in another 50-ml tube collected and treated as described above. Three experi-
and kept on ice. Saliva was collected by centrifugation at ments with the same time schedule were repeated on 3 dif-
2,500 g for 15 min, and the collected saliva was kept 30C ferent days at 1-day intervals. IgA concentrations in each
until analysis. Five- to one-hundred microliters of saliva saliva sample were determined by ELISA using a PIG IgA
without any other treatment was used for the following ELISA quantitation kit (Bethyl Laboratories Inc.) as
assays to evaluate salivary stress markers. described above.
Assays: In this study, salivary IgA, cortisol and -endor- Changes in IgA levels in response to restraint stress:
phin concentration as well as -amylase activity were mea- Eight pigs were subjected to a restraint stress. Restraint was
sured by the following assays. IgA concentrations were started at 9:00. At first, saliva samples were collected to
determined by ELISA using a PIG IgA ELISA quantitation wash the oral cavity and discarded. After 5 min, pre-stress
kit (Bethyl Laboratories Inc.) as described by the manufac- (0 min) saliva samples were collected. Then, the pigs were
turers instruction, which contains goat anti-pig IgA affinity subjected to a restraint stress for 20 min and saliva was col-
purified antibody as a coating antibody and HRP-conju- lected 10 and 20 min after the start of restraint. For the
gated goat anti-pig IgA as a detection antibody. Range of restraint, pigs were taken to the corner of the room and
detection for this ELISA is 15.6251,000 ng/ml. One hun- immobilized within 120 35 70 cm of space by 2 iron
dred-times diluted saliva was used as a sample. Cortisol fences. In this situation, pigs were not able to move, as the
levels were measured by a competitive ELISA in the same side of the head and one side of the body were attached to a
saliva using a goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L) (Vector Laborato- concrete wall, and the hip side and the other body side were
ries Inc., Burlingame, CA, U.S.A.) as a primary capture attached to 2 iron fences. The pigs were then released from
antibody and anti-cortisol mouse monoclonal antibody the restraint and allowed to walk freely, and the saliva was
(Chemicon International, Temecula, CA, U.S.A.) as a sec- collected again 10 min after the end of restraint. Control sal-
ondary capture antibody, and hydrocortisones and HRP- ivary samples were collected from the same pigs on another
labeled hydrocortisones (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, day with the same time-interval without restraint stress.
MO, U.S.A.) as a standard and competitor, respectively. IgA, cortisol and -endorphin concentration as well as -
Undiluted saliva was used as a sample. We also measured amylase activity in each saliva sample were determined as
-amylase activity with the salivary -amylase assay kit described above.
(Salimetrics LLC, State College, PA, U.S.A.) which is Data and statistical analysis: The data of IgA, cortisol
available for the measurement of pig -amylase activity and -amylase was represented by increase rate which was
(personal communication with technical support of Salmet- calculated pre-stress concentration as 100% because of the
rics) and -endorphin concentrations by RIA using an anti- individual variability. -endorphin concentration was pre-
-endorphin rabbit anti-serum (Sigma Chemical Co.) and a sented by actual measured values as some of the pre-stress
I-labelled -endorphin (Amersham Bioscience Co., Pis- saliva contains no or very few -endorphin. The differences
cataway, NJ, U.S.A.). Ten-times diluted saliva for -amy- between each group or time point were analyzed using the

Fig. 2. Immunohistochemical staining of IgA in pig salivary gland. (A) Parotid gland, (B) Submandibular gland,
(C) Sublingual gland, and (D) High magnification of sublingual gland. Each picture is a representative picture of
a similar pattern of staining from four different pigs. Arrows show IgA-positive plasma cells. Bar=50 m. (E)
The number of IgA-positive plasma cells in each salivary gland. The number of IgA-positive plasma cells was
counted as described in Materials and Methods. There are significant difference among different superscript let-
ters (P<0.05).

repeated measure ANOVA test or Students t-test in Stat-

view (Abacus Concept, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A.). P<0.05 was
considered to be significant.


IgA expression in pig salivary glands by immunohis-

tochemistry: IgA was detected in the cytoplasm of plasma
cells in the salivary gland by immunohistochemistry, as
shown in Fig. 2AD. The sublingual gland showed the
highest expression level, then the submandibular gland, and
the lowest was the parotid gland (Fig. 2C, 2B and 2A,
respectively). In accord with the results of observation by Fig. 3. Circadian rhythm of IgA levels in pig saliva. Data
microscopy, the number of IgA-positive plasma cells was show the mean SD of twelve measurements from three
also significantly different in each salivary gland (Fig. 2E). experiments on three different days using four different
IgA levels in pig saliva: IgA was also detected in saliva by pigs. There are significant difference between a and b
ELISA, as shown in Fig. 3. IgA levels in saliva were (P<0.05).
approximately 1070 g/ml. There were significant
changes for the IgA levels to show a circadian rhythm 10 min after the restraint stress ended.
throughout the day, being low in the morning (9:00), rising Dynamics of other stress markers: We also measured cor-
in the daytime (11:0015:00), and then decreasing in the tisol as a conventional stress marker in saliva during the
evening (17:00). restraint stress. As shown in Fig. 4B, saliva cortisol levels
Changes in IgA levels in response to restraint stress: Fig- were also significantly increased after the restraint stress
ure 4A illustrates the changes in IgA during restraint stress. (P<0.01). However, the increase rate was lower than that of
Salivary IgA levels were significantly increased after 10 IgA, and the increases in cortisol continued for more than 10
min of restraint stress and remained high after 20 min min after the end of the stress.
(P<0.01). However, IgA levels returned to pre-stress levels In contrast, the -amylase activities in saliva showed no

relation to the stress, and -endorphin levels were increased invasive, and relatively stress-free. Moreover, anyone can
after the stress, but no significant difference was observed carry out the sampling by this method without a special
due to the large variation among the samples (Fig. 4C and apparatus or techniques in comparison with blood sampling.
4D). Therefore, stress evaluation using saliva samples are
straightforward in relation to animal welfare issues.
DISCUSSION Indeed, IgA was detected in pig salivary glands by immu-
nohistochemistry. In the salivary gland, IgA was immun-
In this study, we examined the expression of IgA in por- ostained in the cytoplasm of plasma cells. Interestingly, the
cine salivary gland and its dynamics during a restraint stress number of plasma cells found in each salivary gland was dif-
in pigs to show the usefulness of IgA as a non-invasive ferent among parotid, submandibular, and sublingual
stress marker. Restraint stress sometimes occurs in pig pro- glands. The secretions of water and saliva component are
duction. For example, when blood samples are taken from controlled by parasympathic and sympathic nerve systems
pigs for diagnosis or treatment, pigs must be immobilized (PNS and SNS). The parotid gland secretes mainly fluid
using a pig keeper or some other device. However, the and electrolyte components of saliva and is regulated by
saliva collection carried out in this study was easy, non- PNS impulses [7]. The submandibular and sublingual

Fig. 4. The changes in salivary IgA, cortisol, -amylase and -endorphin during a restraint stress in pigs. (A) IgA, (B) Cortisol,
(C) -amylase and (D) -endorphin. Data show the mean SD from eight different pigs. Control data was obtained from the
same eight pigs without restraint on different days. ** shows significant difference (P<0.01).

glands are mixed glands, and secretion of the protein com- and cat saliva has been reported very low [14, 25], so it is
ponent of saliva is enhanced by SNS impulses [22]. Carpen- difficult to use as a stress marker in domestics animals. -
ter et al., reported that the secretion of IgA into saliva was endorphin tends to be related to stress, but no significant
affected by a polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR)- results were obtained due to the high variability, so further
mediated mechanism in response to autonomic stimulation studies must be carried out to evaluate -endorphin as a sal-
[3, 4], and parotid cells and submandibular cells were differ- ivary stress marker in pigs.
ently responded to alpha- and beta-adrenergic stimuli in rat In conclusion, the data described herein provide the first
model [4]. Taken together, it is reasonable to assume that evidence of the usefulness of salivary secretory IgA as a
IgA secretion in response to a stress signal derived from the marker for an acute stress in pigs. Salivary IgA in pigs was
activation of SNS would be primarily observed in the sub- better biomarker compared with cortisol and immediately
mandibular and sublingual glands, although further studies returned to pre-stress levels after the end of the acute
must be performed using pig salivary glands to reveal the restraint stress. These results suggest that non-invasive
relationship salivary IgA secretion and autonomic stimula- measurement of salivary IgA may be one of a promising
tion in stress response in pigs. method for monitoring stress conditions in pigs.
In addition, IgA was detected in saliva itself by ELISA.
The IgA levels in normal healthy pigs were found to be ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We dedicate this work to Pro-
approximately 1070 g/ml in this study. A circadian fessor Yoshitaka Omata. This work was partly supported by
rhythm of IgA was observed throughout the day, as has been a grant for a healthy and safe pig industry project (1132)
reported in dogs [12]. We would suggest that the time for from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of
saliva sampling as well as feeding should be considered Japan.
when using IgA as a marker for stress evaluation.
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