Indian Weekender 27 October 2017
Indian Weekender 27 October 2017
Indian Weekender 27 October 2017
In Cinemas
Jasdeep Parineeti Chopra 27th October
Christchurch Diwali
Kaur Basra celebrated Happy to have
wins Miss in style carved a niche
of her own
Pg 8 Pg 12 Pg 26 /indianweekender /indianweekender
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Ardern is in no way similar to anti-
ere comes Jacinda Ardern,
establishment rebellion as observed
the new Prime Minister
in the global phenomenon of Trumps
of the country leading
ascendency and Britains exit from
a government, which is being the European Union.
so euphorically described as the Mr Peters, despite all his bombastic
government of change. views on many issues around
There is a clearly visible, immigrants, foreigners, foreign
overwhelming euphoria over the buyers along with other issues, had
prospects of incoming Jacinda been a man of the establishment who
Ardern-led government being a true has been in the government with
government of change. both main political parties of the
The euphoria is written all over the country on different occasions in last
mainstream and social media. three decades.
And those in mainstream media Not to forget his exemplary role
who are not subscribing to this as the Foreign Minister the last time
euphoria of change (read Mike when he was in the government
Hosking) are facing social media something that has been commended
trolling for their seemingly over- by one and all.
indulgent views of resisting the Despite the unprecedented balance
change in the government. of power that he held and exercised
Probably Mike Hosking is in the lead up to the formation of
suffering from a myopic vision, new government, Mr Peters was
where often one gets too obsessed opinions in mainstream media. of the New Zealand Herald, has handed a mere seven per cent
with what one is able to see very
The change of However, it is also prudent to described the formation of the new votes in this election and also lost
closely and lives in fear of the government has remind political commentators government of New Zealand as The his electorate seat at Northland,
unknown of what it is unable to see happened, and from media and academia who are global zeitgeist of anti-Establishment which is certainly not a reflection
clearly. spawning an undiluted euphoria rebellion has truly made its way to of anti-establishment rebellion in
It is time for Mike Hosking
Jacinda Ardern is about the government of change New Zealand politics. any manner.
and other disgruntled political the new Prime to exercise some degree of caution This analysis is clearly off the And Jacinda Ardern, the latest
commentators to move on and accept Minister of when exhibiting euphoria over this mark and suffers from the same heartthrob of the nation in the lead up
the change of the government. change of government. myopic vision that commentators to the election, certainly is the Leader
The change of government has New Zealand The academia and the intelligentsia from the other side of the political of the countrys oldest political party.
happened, and Jacinda Ardern has are often guilty of beating the drum divide are suffering. So to conceptualise Jacinda Ardern
taken over the reins of the country disproportionately on the victory of The last thing that this New and Winston Peters led government
on Thursday, October 26, as the new left wing government anywhere Zealand election and the following as an outburst of anti-establishment
Prime Minister. around the world. government formation process was rebellion is an absolute farce.
If outgoing Prime Minister Bill democracy, gracefully, then one Bryce Edwards, Lecturer an anti-establishment rebellion, as In fact, the entire election
English can accept the outcome and all should accept it gracefully, of University of Otago, while is argued by Bryce Edwards. process, despite seeing one of the
of MMP system of New Zealand especially those with alternative commenting as regular columnist The elevation of the government
most fiercely fought election was
sought to interpret it while declaring his choice businesses to bear the cost of an increase in Best Start payment for families with babies
ew Zealanders are being warned in
of the Labour Party over the National Party on minimum wages without affecting the viability and toddlers.
advance about the winds of change
Thursday, October 19. of businesses. This consideration has given The Family package calculator on the Partys
coming their way, possibly at a
If the verdict were for a radical change, some strength to the naysayers of increase in website reveals that families on lower annual
whirlwind speed, in the first 100 days of the
the National Party would have received a minimum wages, though its very early days to household incomes of $65000 with one child
Jacinda Ardern led new government.
draw any conclusion. But its not yet clear if between 3-12 year would be eligible for only
humiliating drubbing, and the main opposition There is an unmistakable sense of urgency
this will surely be looked into in the first 100 $1 per week.
Party would have received overflowing coffers in the comments, speeches, and body language
days of the government. A family on an annual income of $50000
of votes and seats in the parliament and not of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and the key
members of this new incoming government Housing with one child (between 3-12) would be eligible
tantalising dripping of votes and seats as they
about the possible changes in the direction of Housing is one area where this government to get $44 per week ($2,302 every year) and the
eventually managed after counting of votes on
the government within the first 100 days. intends to move very fast, although Prime same family with two children would be getting
election night and special votes. According to Ms Arderns own admission, the Minister has sought to rationalise the huge $71 per week ($3696 every year).
Indeed this was not a vote for radical new government would act fast to implement expectations set earlier by their partys election
change that many exponents of euphoria of the Labour Partys families package, tertiary promise of building 100,000 affordable houses Baby Boost
government of change are propagating so education policy and the minimum wage in the next 10 years. All parents will receive $60 a week for each
erroneously. increase. Local MP from Te Atatu, Phil Twyford has child in their first year, once paid parental leave
It was certainly an outcome of the MMP Here are explanations of few major policy been appointed as the Housing Minister, and he had ended.
areas that this government intends to act has already announced a commitment to start For those families earning less than $79,000
system, where sometimes those with marginal
expeditiously in the first 100 days. building Kiwibuild houses as soon as possible.
views exercise disproportionate power than a year, the payments would continue until the
Earlier today, Twyford has revealed to the child turned three and will begin to abate at a
what their actual vote share allows them in Minimum Wage Increase Herald the first in-depth details of the incoming
reality. The incoming government has already rate of 20.8c/$1 above the threshold.
Governments new $2 billion KiwiBuild
However, nothing of this takes away the announced that it will raise the minimum wage The paid parental leave would be extended
scheme, explaining how 100,000 new
euphoria from the Labour Party to be able to from $15.75 an hour to $16.50 next year, and from 22 to 26 weeks starting from July 1, 2018.
residences will be built in the next decade.
then to $20 by April 2021.
form the new government of the country. Education
The decision has been widely welcomed Healthy Homes Guarantee Bill
Indeed, Jacinda Ardern has been able to by trade unions and workers unions, although The incoming government plans to
The incoming government would be passing
achieve what she set out to achieve about two raising some concerns in the business the healthy homes guarantee bill, which will immediately intervene to realise their election
and half months ago when she re-launched community and among farmers about meeting require all rentals to be warm and dry. promise of free tertiary education by 2021 with
Labours election campaign to form a Labour- higher costs. Its not yet clear how homeowners would making the first year of free from January 1,
led government. Experts are not unanimous on the realistic plan to bear this additional cost, if any, without 2018.
Ms Ardern has every right to bring new ideas, impact of this decision on the efficacy of sharing the burden with the tenants.
running businesses profitably and funding the This will be for domestic tertiary and
vision, and the new direction in the way to run Families Income Package returning students (international students would
additional cost of the increase in wages.
New Zealand for the next three years (and after As a commitment to Labours families not be eligible for this waiver).
if New Zealand electorate would choose that Tax Breaks for small business income package, the incoming government Increase student allowances and living cost
next time when they get a chance to vote for Immediately after announcing an increase in would be scrapping off the already legislated loans by $50 a week from January 1, 2018 (only
the government.) the minimum wages, the incoming government $2.2 million Tax cut. domestic students are eligible).
Business Loans Medical / Health
ew Zealand Firsts Winston Peters will be the Deputy Top up & Debt consolidation TPD and Income Protection
Prime Minister along with holding the important Re-Finance and Refixing Mortgage Repayment cover
portfolio of Foreign Minister. Investment Property loans New to Business &
Making the announcement, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Restructuring of loan Business Continuity Cover
said,"Portfolio responsibilities for the incoming Labour-led Construction & Renovation Redundancy Cover
Government underline our commitment to charting a new
course for New Zealand.
I am excited by how my executive will tackle the challenges Kelvin Davis Phil Twyford
this country faces. The allocation of portfolios shows how the
government I lead will be focused on making a difference for
all New Zealanders, no matter where they live.
Jacinda Ardern
Prime Minister
Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage
Minister for National Security and Intelligence Nimish Parikh
Registered Financial Adviser
Rt Hon Winston Peters 18B Kirby Street, Glendene,
M. 021 236 7070 Auckland 0602
Deputy Prime Minister P O Box - 69263 , Glendene,
Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister for State Owned Auckland 0645
Enterprises Grant Robertson Andrew Little
Minister for Racing
Kelvin Davis
Minister for Crown/Maori Relations
Minister of Corrections
Minister of Tourism
Associate Minister of Education (Maori Education)
Grant Robertson
Minister of Finance
Minister for Sport and Recreation
Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage The
Finance portfolio includes the responsibilities formerly
included within the Regulatory Reform portfolio.
Phil Twyford
Minister of Housing and Urban Development
Minister of Transport
Dr Megan Woods
Minister of Energy and Resources
Minister for Greater Christchurch Regeneration
Minister of Research, Science and Innovation Minister
Responsible for the Earthquake Commission
Chris Hipkins
Minister of Education
Minister of State Services Leader of the House Minister
Responsible for Ministerial Services
Andrew Little
Minister of Justice
Minister for Courts Minister Responsible for the GCSB
Minister Responsible for the NZSIS Minister for Treaty
of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Responsible for Pike
River Re-entry
Carmel Sepuloni
Minister for Social Development
Minister for Disability Issues Associate Minister for
Arts, Culture and Heritage Associate Minister for Pacific
Dr David Clark
Minister of Health
Associate Minister of Finance
Hon David Parker
Minister for Economic Development
Minister for the Environment
Minister for Trade and Export Growth
Associate Minister of Finance
Hon Nanaia Mahuta
Minister for Maori Development
Minister of Local Government
Associate Minister for the Environment
Stuart Nash
Minister of Police
Minister of Fisheries
Minister of Revenue
Minister for Small Business
Iain Lees-Galloway
Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety
Minister of Immigration
Minister for ACC
Deputy Leader of the House
Jenny Salesa
Minister for Building and Construction
6 NEW ZEALAND Friday, October 27, 2017 The Indian Weekender
rime Minister Jacinda Ardern has
given the charge of Minister for Ethnic
Communities to Jenny Salesa, MP for
Manukau East, in her newly-announced cabinet
Ms Ardern named Ms Salesa to her Cabinet
last week and today released the ministerial
portfolio allocations for New Zealands
I am honoured to be appointed as a Minister
in this ambitious Labour-led Government,
key issues in my portfolios and knuckling down
which has the mandate to tackle New Zealands
to work, Ms Salesa added.
housing crisis, the recent years of funding cuts
Jenny Salesa is the first woman who was born
and neglect in health and education and to
and raised in Tonga to become a New Zealand
ensure that economic growth delivers for all
Member of Parliament and is now the worlds
Kiwis, Ms Salesa said.
first Tongan-born Cabinet Minister.
It is a huge responsibility and I am excited
Jenny Salesa is also the first Cabinet Minister
to play a role in building a better New Zealand
from the Manukau East electorate.
in which all New Zealanders will thrive.
Cabinet Ministers were sworn inon
I am looking forward to briefings from the
Thursday, October, 25.
pertinent government departments about the
The Indian Weekender Friday, October 27, 2017 NEW ZEALAND 7
ational Party has chosen to stick
with their rock, the outgoing
Prime Minister Bill English
as the leader of the party in the new
The deputy leader position also
remained unchanged with the caucus
sticking with Paula Bennett.
Bill English was given the nickname
of rock by many Young Turks in the
party prior to the election based on his
performance as the countrys Finance
Minister in successful sailing the country
through the global financial crisis.
The party was hopeful of sailing through
2017 election and getting a historic fourth
successive term by sticking rock solid behind
their leader Bill English, which was left out
in the cold on October 19, when Winston
Peters chose to side with the Labour Party in
forming the next government.
Mr English has though delivered a rock-
star performance on election night by
returning the Party with a record 46 per cent
votes and the status of the single largest
party in the new parliament.
Mr English continues to surprise many,
including some commentators who were day (read this term of parliament) to rise again
predicting his exit and replacement by new on another day (read 2020 election).
generational leaders such as Nikki Kaye, by Although this is obviously a hope as of now,
choosing not to give up and hoping to rise it does demonstrate resoluteness of the old
again. guard in the party, and the nation, if one is
Mr English had delivered one of the powerful willing to accept that analogy, bit generously,
one-liner statements in one of the live Leaders about the values of discipline, and relentlessness
debate before elections when he roared I rose in pursuing goals that one cherishes. a good
up again, (after the drubbing of 2002 as the lesson for the newer generations, millennial, in
Paper Plus
then National Leader). particular.
It seems that Mr English is living one more Mr English told the media that the meeting of
National MPs today was sober and positive.
the first time in the by-elections last year in will be given new responsibilities and I look
2016 after the seat was vacated by Phil Goff, forward to those responsibilities to serve our
239-243 Onehunga Mall, Onehunga | 09 634 0349 |
who resigned from the seat after being elected
ethnic communities, Mr Wood told The Indian Trading Hours:
Mayor of Auckland. 8.30am to 5.30pm | Monday-Friday
Speaking to The Indian Weekender 9.00am to 5.00pm | Saturday
10.00am to 5.00pm | Sunday and Public Holidays
8 NEW ZEALAND Friday, October 27, 2017 The Indian Weekender
SANDEEP SINGH asdeep Kaur, a young
primary school teacher in
irst home buyers who have Auckland, was crowned
been locked out of the Miss Australasia 2017 at the
housing market, especially MMG Beauty Pageant held in
in Auckland, have a lot to look Melbourne, Australia, on Sunday,
forward to in this new incoming September 15.
government. MMG Beauty Pageant is one
Housing is one area where of Australias most renowned
this government intends to move pageants and is organised by
very fast, although the new Prime Simran Sethi and Gagan Kaur
Minister has sought to rationalise Chabra with an audience of more
the huge expectations set earlier than 500 people.
by their Partys election promise Ms Basra was one of the three contestants
of building 100,000 affordable who represented New Zealand. Among the
houses in the next 10 years. Mr Twyford said it would take about three total of 35 contestants in the race, Ms Basra was
Local MP from Te Atatu, Phil Twyford has years for the programme to kick into full- crowned Miss Australasia 2017 by Bollywood
strength, possibly 1000 residences in the first diva, and former Miss India Universe Sushmita
been appointed as the Housing Minister, and he
year and scaling up towards the later part of the Sen. Ms Kaur also won the title of Miss Iconic
has already announced a commitment to start
10 year programme. at the event.
building Kiwibuild houses as soon as possible.
Hobsonville Point is the model the Sushmita Sen is someone my childhood
Mr Twyford revealed to the NZ Herald the first was always inspired by, and I was privileged
in-depth details of the incoming Governments government will use to duplicate all around
to be crowned by such a beautiful soul. I was
new $2 billion KiwiBuild scheme, explaining the country.
one of three people who got picked to be asked Besides teaching, Ms Basra has a strong
how 100,000 new residences will be built in the The government wants to deliver medium-
a random pageant question by her, it was a passion for dancing. She teaches dance to
next decade. density townhouses and terraced housing for
moment I will cherish for the rest of my life, children between the ages of four and 18 at The
Mr Twyford says that the existing problem $500,000 and under. Ms Basra said. Virsa Academy in Auckland and has performed
in the housing market will be addressed by Stand-alone homes, mostly on the fringes The contestants from (MMG) Miss, Mr at many competitions and events.
changing immigration laws such as Aucklands North West and the south, and the Mrs Category enter four rounds: Ms Basra is an ambassador for the Global
Forming public private partnerships with for $600,000. introduction, talent, question and answer and Sikh Women which is based in London and also
business like Fletcher Residential and Mike However, most houses build by the the contestants wore different attires for the is part of a non-profitable organisation with the
Greer Homes. government would not be stand-alone houses. four different rounds. The judges were amazed YSPN Young Sikh Processional Networking.
KiwiBuild aims to gradually ramp up to New housing project to come up around New by Ms Basras Punjabi dance performance I never knew that I would come this far
10,000/year high-quality affordable new Lynn, Avondale and Panmure in Auckland. which was held during the preliminary rounds.
in life. I hope I have made everyone proud.
residences for first-home buyers, The government would need three years Ms Basra was placed as the first runner-
Australia and New Zealand are both my homes
About 50,000 affordable houses would be before being able to hit the target of building up at the Miss IndiaNZ 2016 beauty pageant,
because such beautiful people surround me,
built in Auckland in next 10 years 10,000 houses a year. and she also won the title of Miss Popular by
Ms Basra added.
the audience.
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deported Indian students.
n a move that could easily be termed as
The Indian student deportation issue has
the first litmus test of the new Labour-led
been at the centre of public attention and the
government, Union supported groups are
national political scene from mid last year
Integrity Loyal Ethical
raising demand for the return of the deported when Immigration New Zealand had issued
Indian students. deportation notices to about 150 odd students
Migrant Worker Association the group on the allegation of producing fraudulent
at the forefront of leading several public documents at the time of processing of their
protests earlier in the year including the one first visa application back in India.
at the Unitary Church in Ponsonby, Auckland, Immigration Lawyer Alastair McClymont,
where deported students had sought refuge who has been arguing with the Immigration
for some time against executive orders of the New Zealand on behalf of many students
then government, is organising a public event served with deportation notice is appreciative
on Sunday, October 29, calling upon the new and hopeful of this demand being made for the
Labour-led government to allow return of those return of deported students.
deported students back to NZ. Mr McClymont had then said it is far from
Let us unite in solidarity with our unfairly over.
deported students to demand their return to New He had then filed a complaint to the
Zealand, the Migrant Worker Association said Ombudsman about how the students characters
in a press release about the event on Sunday. were assessed with a specific emphasis on their
At that time the Labour party was fully case that the students were not aware of what
supportive of those deported students with their agents submitted on their behalf.
former Labour Leader Andrew Little, and The complaint is still with the Ombudsman
then Kiwi-Indian List candidate Priyanca and Mr McClymont is confident that an early
Radhakrishnan (now MP) visiting students reminder to the new government is the right
thing to do for the best interest of those deported
in Church to offer their solidarity with the
There seems to be an expectation that several
The Party had then promised to conduct a full
MPs of the Labour and Green Party who had
investigation into the unfair deportations when
previously supported students would be in
in government.
attendance at the event on Sunday at 3 p.m. as
The Migrant Worker Association is expecting
now is the time for action on the promises made
the new government to intervene favourably
to deported students.
we launched YSPN
here is something incredibly
in New Zealand to
enthralling about our human
a room of over 100
capacity to connect, to love SWATI SHARMA
young professionals.
and to put a piece of our minds
In conversation with
and hearts into something that is n a bid to recognise the
these young people,
not ourselves. Look at a mothers work and contribution
one particularly
love; a teachers commitment or a of Punjabi community
c o m p e l l i n g
musicians devotion to their art. in New Zealand, the New
sentiment resounded,
On the weekend of the September and in reflecting on Zealand Punjabi Foundation
YSPN members at the Leadership
16-17 this year, I spent the better the success of the launch, it occurred Summit (NZPF) is launching Kiwi
part of 48 hours with a group of to me that it wasnt just the stunning Punjabi Awards Night.
something for the first time demands
thirty-something young leaders venue, or the wisdom shared by The awards will be held on
tenacity and tact a learning familiar
intent on pouring themselves, our guest speakers, or even the November 4 in Papatoetoe
to those who have worked tirelessly
wholly and without hesitation, into relevance of the kaupapa(the over the years to make YSPN what and is an invitation only
an organisation and vision that agenda) of the event that made that it is today in Australia, and learning event.
transcended their own. launch a success it was simply that that we carry as we approach these Speaking to Indian
The 2017 Young Sikh Professional YSPN was needed. challenges face-on in our city. Weekender, NZPF
Networks Leadership Summit was Being a part of YSPNs The fruits of a mothers love, Chairperson Navtej
more than a weekend of strategy international expansion is exciting a teachers commitment or a Randhawa said that they feel
and planning; it was proof of the as it is: to be able to take bold musicians devotion to their art are the need to acknowledge the
power that a giving and committed actions and make brave moves in plentiful. With our sibling chapters contribution Punjabis are
collective wield a fitting reminder creating conditions for our young as our muse, an incredibly adept making in New Zealand.
of Margaret Meads insistence that people to succeed is, in equal parts, team on the ground, and a weekend Basically, anybody who is very happy
There are so many Punjabis in New
we must never doubt that a small exhilarating, humbling and fulfilling. spent at the Summit enveloped in about being Punjabi, is eligible. We
Zealand and some of them are doing
group of thoughtful and dedicated To be a young Sikh woman learning the wairua (spirit) of an enduring have one award- Honorary Punjabi,
exceptionally well and have spent all
citizens can, indeed, change to enact a purposeful leadership in commitment to the cause, I cannot for a person who has worked for the
their life working for the community.
the world. sewa (service) of our community wait to be witness to the impact Punjabi community but he/she is not of
is a whole new experience of We feel that they should be recognised.
2017 has seen the birth of YSPNs YSPN will undoubtedly have on our a Punjabi background. But we feel that
empowerment. So NZPF worked to bring this event
first international chapter; our entity young people, our community, and person deserves to be appreciated for
Of course, this endeavour is our legacy. where we will have seven awards. their contribution. So have this award
is new with a membership that
not without challenge. There is an The awards categories will include- for them.
calls a sleepy cluster of islands at
entrenched status quo; a slowly The Auckland Young Sikh
Sports, Art and Culture, Business For other awards, the eligibility is
the bottom of the world. We have Professionals Network is holding
unravelling youth apathy; the personal of the year, Woman of the anybody who has got Punjabi heritage.
always looked up at the flourishing their next event on Wednesday,
navigation of a previously uncharted
diaspora of apne (our own) across November 1, at the BNZ Partner Year, Lifetime Achievement Award, There are no other criteria. Its the
space where us and them meet Centre on Queen Street.
the Tasman Sea, our eyes wide and and of course, the inevitable and Young Achiever. values and heritage they bring that
Tickets are available at www.
admiring, like an eager younger roadblocks of any pioneering Talking about the eligibility for matters, added Mr Randhawa. or you can contact our
sibling wanting to join in. effort. Being the first people to do the awards, Mr Randhawa said,
team at
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28 million. express his morality and sankalp
be hosted on Saturday, November
In Nepal, even to this day one angmanch presents its 8th
4 from 3 p.m. at Dorothy Winston Hindi Production, back to adhere to the path of truth and
Centre, Auckland Girls Grammar can witness the rich diversity being
by popular demand - dharma. The play brings to fore the
School in Auckland. celebrated on many occasions
Mareech Ka Khel - on October, perspectives of various Mareech in
Ethnic dances from our rich, through song and dance, Mr
Shrestha added. 28th at 6.30 pm at the Playhouse different eras from the period of
diverse cultures will amaze the
audience at the event, organiser of The inaugural event which was Theatre Glen Eden, Auckland. The Ramayana to modern times thus
the event and Chair of the Centre, held first in 2016 was a grand Mareech ka Khel is a Hindi explore the possibility of different
Kamal Shrestha said. success with dance performances Translation of the original Mareech outcomes to their stories.
The organiser adds that the from over 12 cultural groups Sangbad in Bengali, which was Mareech ka Khel is a cleverly
motivation to host such a dance including Assyrian, Chinese, written by the famous Bengali actor structured, intelligent, humorous look
festival is simply to celebrate the Bangladesh, Cooks Island, Indian,
unity in diversity of the ethnicities Director Playwright Sri Arun at the changing forms of exploitation
Kurdish, Maori, Nepal, Spanish,
and cultures in the New Zealand Mukhopadhyay of the Kolkata Based through space and time, starting with
Tamil and Taiwanese.
that makes the country so vibrant. The event is free to the public theatre group Chetana in the year the story of Mareech the demon from
My motivation to host this 1983. It has been adapted to Hindi and the Ramayana and travelling through
with food stalls that will serve the
event is simply celebrating unity in presented in Auckland by Rangmanch.
delicacies of different countries, the Indian Villages and then taking The group has also presented a
diversity of ethnicities and cultures This Rangmanch production is
that make New Zealand thrive, Mr and art items will also be exhibited in USAs Vietnam intervention, and Marathi play Karti Kaljat Ghusli and
at the venue. directed by Jayanta Bhaduri - a well- coming down to the contemporary couple of Bengali Plays Gulbaz the
Shrestha added.
known and highly regarded theatre period told in true Brechtian Style Man of The Match and Agyatobas.
personality in Auckland, who has so
New India Assurance launches IPO far directed most Hindi Productions
of Theatre.
In its first showing a couple of years
For any further information and
tickets please contact 0276784966,
SANDEEP SINGH by Rangmanch.
back, Mareech proved to be immensely 0212374181, 0212506823 or
This play has several songs mostly
ndias state-owned popular with Auckland audiences. Its 021445166.
set to tune by Amit Sengupta another
general insurer New India a treat to be able to get an opportunity
very well-known and accomplished
Assurance Co. Ltd (NIA) to watch it again. Rangmanch, New Visit Rangmanch at www.
personality in Auckland, regarded for
has received all regulatory Zealands first Indian language theatre
his contributions in the field of music.
approvals and now launched an NIA is a 98-year-old company Mareech ka Khel is a classic tale, oft group, and their production is bound to Event: Mareech Ka Khel - Hindi
initial public offering(IPO). incorporated in 1919, which offers fully meet audience expectations. The Play by Rangmanch
repeated through generations. But who
The NIA IPO, scheduled to be insurance products in key business group has previously brought reputed When: 28 October 2017 at 06.30
is Mareech? He is a shape-shifting
launched on November 1, and verticals such as fire insurance, pm
demon from Ramayana, Ravanas Hindi plays such as Zimmedari,
marine insurance, motor insurance, Where: Playhouse Theatre,
available till November 3. ally. The plot revolves aroundthe life Ballbhpur Ki Kahani, Dildar, Sunehre
crop insurance and health 15 Glendale Road, Glen Eden,
This will be the second largest of Mareech, who was relative of the Sapne, Raj Darshan, Ek Adhuri
insurance. Auckland
this year after General Insurance demon king Ravana. His father was Kahani and Gujarati plays Badtameez
For further information, visit the
Corp. of India Ltds INR 11,372
bankers or SEBI website. the Rakshash Shund and mother was Dil, Marmabhed, Yeh Hai Zindagi
crore IPO.
the Rakshashi Tadaka. and Ver Na Bhabetar to Auckland.
Boundary lines are indicative only
12 NEW ZEALAND Friday, October 27, 2017 The Indian Weekender
cultural performances, from India at Chch Diwali
t was a first for the Garden Citys another major attraction celebration
Diwali celebrations organised of the event was the
every year by the city-based trade and craft stalls.
Indian Social and Cultural Club Hemant Chauhan, part of
(ISCC). ISCC Diwali Organising
A Mallakhamb troupe from Committee informed,
We had ten trade and
Mumbai, comprising of Mr Rajesh
18 food stalls as part of
Amrale, Mr Rajesh Mudki and Mr
the celebrations. The
Abhishek Maurya, performed in front interest and participation
of more than 10,000 people, with the from among the business Diwali celebrations
wider community mesmerized by the community has also
in Dunedin
ancient Indian gymnastic sport. Their risen over the years.
manager Mr Himay Lakhani who has Meanwhile, Mr
taken the trio to China, Germany, Kurian also shared
Denmark and Mexico, among other that the theme for this
places, was grateful for the energy years Diwali was
the Garden Citys crowd showed in Festivals of India, with
appreciating the Indian gymnasts. decorations at the entry
Another highlight of the October foyer depicting 12
21, celebrations held at the Horncastle festivals from all parts
Arena, was the Canterbury Police of India including Holi,
rocking the floor again, after Onam, and Baishakhi,
making their dbut last year. Who among others.
else but Inspector Hirone Waretini, Talking about next Diwali celebrations
Canterbury District Manager for years Diwali, he added, in Dunedin
Food Stalls in Chch Diwali celebration
Maori, Pacific and Ethnic Services, Our aim is to make
was the show-stopper, who with the entry free for all at Christchurch
his troops charming the crowd with Diwali. But with so much costs The response from the community
their electrifying dance moves on involved, we cant do it unless was great. The big colourful floral
Hindi movie songs. We aimed to Christchurch City Council takes carpet that laid out on the floor
better our last years performance over the event or at least part of it. beside the main entrance of the hall
and going by the response, we might We have talked to them about it in with flowers gathered from houses
have, he said after the performance. the past and will do so again in the a day before was a visual treat for
Like last year, the police wanted to future. Until such time, we have to eyes. Before dinner, a presentation
use the biggest Indian festival in have an entry fee to recover - more on Diwali: Festival of Lights, Indian
the South Island to show something than $150k - what is needed to food, culture and tradition has been
different and connect with the ethnic organise the event. given so as to give an awareness
communities. Essentially, our citys Diwali
celebrations are a platform for of Indian culture. Though it was a
Overall, for the 11th year in a row, potluck dinner, SMC provided some
Christchurch Diwali showcased the Indians settled in South Island for
showcasing their talents. A testimony of the Indian traditional dishes such as
rich culture, history and traditions of this was the performance by the Lamp Curry, Chicken Korma, Rice,
of the sub-continent to the wider Buller High School from the West Indian Bharatanatyam and Japanese
Daal, Naan, Chickpeas and Potato In the picturesque Queenstown,
community. Also, as a testimony Coast on Bollywood numbers. Curries. There were about seven ancient percussion form called the celebrations are supported by
to the multicultural nature of Next year, we have planned some
New Zealand, the event also had performances, and the performers Taiko. Mr Luxmanan Selvanesan, a Bhartiya Samaj Charitable Trust
innovations as part of Diwali, which
performances from Latinzone and were greatly talented and brought a Dunedin-resident, who hosts the only and the Queenstown Lakes District
would be revealed in due course, he
ONeill School of Irish Dance. 36 concluded. unique charisma to the stage, noted Tamil radio show in the South Island Council. This action-packed night
girls from the Irish dance group and Ms Meggy. Vanakkam Tamizha, and attended will include an Indian buffet, DJ
the Latin American dance group INVERCARGILLS DIWALI music, entertainment, the gondola,
DUNEDINS DIWALI the event noted, It was quite good.
performed to Bollywood numbers, NIGHT 2017 Haka and the stunning views of
Lots of volunteers helped to make
which was wonderful, noted Mr he Southland Multicultural urther up from Invercargill, in Queenstown, said the organisers
it a success. The event saw lots of
Thomas Kurian, Chairman of the Council (SMC) also hosted the Dunedin, the Diwali celebrations encouraging people to dress up
Diwali Organising Committee rangolis, saree draping and turban
Diwali Night 2017 at the Southern introduced the visitors to the history in Indian clothes and celebrate
at ISCC. wrapping workshops, and Mehendi
Institute of Technology on Saturday, of first Indian settlers in Otago with our colourful culture in Pure
Encouraged by the continuous and bindi craft stalls. Desi style!.
which witnessed fascinating colours a heritage stall with information
support we have been getting In Timaru, just South of
and glaring performances, informed and history about the same. Hosted QUEENSTOWN AND
over the years, we wanted to put
Ms Meggy Bartlett-McBride, at the Dunedins Public Art Gallery TIMARU TO CELEBRATE Christchurch, the celebrations by the
on an even better show this time
President of SMC. (DPCA), the event saw Lavani - a folk DIWALI ON NOVEMBER 4 South Canterbury Indian Cultural
around. As such, there were over
Society will include Bollywood and
27 performances demonstrating the The celebration started by Dance form from Maharashtra, being or those, who are still in the
talent of more than 359 participants. citys Mayor Gary Tong lighting performed by artists from the Kalika folk dances, craft work, henna and
the ceremonial lamp. The event festive mood, there is some good face painting, Indian food, and raffle
The attendance was also better than Kala Kendra. Another highlight was
was attended by over 250 people news as two more towns in the South draws with attractive prizes.
last time, and initial estimates put a performance called Sammilan,
that figure to close to more than including the local Labour MP Island will have Diwali celebrations
Liz Craig. which was a collaboration between on November 4.
10,000, Mr Kurian added.
The Indian Weekender Friday, October 27, 2017 NEW ZEALAND 13
This change of
government is not
sustainable, says
NZ Peoples Party able to announce some practically beneficial
Roshan Nauhria
solutions to the current crisis faced by the
No government can function on whims by
C re a te
inexperienced hands and allow them to take a
Leader, New Zealand People's Party toll on the stability factors.
It is a bit of nonsense to let a new bunch of
he New Zealand dollar was rallying people who have never had any kind of majority
against its major counterparts before take over the reins of central power.
quickly slumping to the lowest price, as This is one of the blog posts I recently
the coalition agreement between New Zealand came across and was really pained to see the
Labour and NZ First Party was signed. sentiments of the common man being expressed
The economy has experienced a downward
slide to the biggest low this week,after the
in this manner -
"New Zealand is becoming a Third World I N T H E WA I R A R A PA
election results. The New Zealand dollar is country as regards to voting results.
steadily slipping by 2.5 per cent every week. One party clearly had more support than any
Not good statistical figures for any country, other but that was not recognised. WITH OUR WEDDING & ACCOMMODATION PACKAGES
leave alone New Zealand. Mr Peters, whom I didnt vote for, was the
The huge amount of delay inrestructuring only person in this land who could declare what
and decision making had to impact New party was the winner of the election.
Zealand in the coming months. Under MMP, I will not be voting next election.
The decision to raise the minimum wage Its just a farce."
and free education for first year for the -M I Laughton, Invercargill
tertiary students by the newly formed Labour
government may help activate the sentiments of This creates worries not only from the
the people. economic point of view but also the socio
political dynamics that have come forward in
But there will be impact on the taxpayers
this election.
from any decision making by this government.
There is a strong policy against the
There is a cost to every policy.
immigrants that has been put in place by New
And the tax payers are the ones who equalise
Zealand First party led by Winston Peters.
the market by paying from their pockets.
Labour is also not going to back down and
Each sector of high performing output is will reduce the Immigration numbers by about
likely to continue feeling the effects of this hit. 30,000.
We as citizens will have to endure anera We need people, we need skilled migrants
ofuncertainty and an introduction of a and our economy cannot survive without the
wholegamut of new themes,prospective ideas unskilled ones too. The country will continue to
and changes. slide downwards till some stable decisions and
The market equilibrium will fall back into announcements that are hard backed are not put
place over a considerably longer period of time. back in place.
To be honest, markets dont like economic Thevery high pressure of continuing to
insecurity. Citizens dont like so much run the government, despite largely different
autocracy. It is a democracy and not a kingdom. fundamental ideologieseffectively will make
National and Labour were clearly unable to the situation vulnerableto higher risks.
proceed without Kingmaker Winston Peters Who will suffer the most? Unfortunately
decision. in the bargain, the New Zealand dollar,the
Not just the international markets but our businesses andthe taxpaying citizens are the
local people too have been disillusioned after
the election results. Just to voice the thoughts
of a few people
Patrick Gower National is in a very, very
oneswho have to bear thehighcosts of the
uncertainty game.
Weas New Zealand Peoples
Partywillcontinue to serve the people and
dark place. address the community issues with our multi
What does National do from here, it has cultural diverse team to create party policies 31 JULY 2017.
to take out NZ first, it has to hope NZ first that willbenefit each and every citizen. Working
crumbles and fails. And this is the Newshub for the benefit of every New Zealander and the
political editors view. country on the whole, is our vision and our goal.
The new government has a mammoth task Write in to us at our website for your views
ahead of it. It has to bring back trust. and thoughts.
It has to create and instil a sense of stability
first and then go to a place where they will be
The most visited Indian news website
in New Zealand and Australia
*T&Cs apply
14 FIJI Friday, October 27, 2017 The Indian Weekender
has a huge
the Maharashtra dance group
from India performed the
unique Lavani number as part of a
joint venture between Government potential
and the Indian High Commission in Fiji:
disability awareness campaign.
The four folk dancing sisters
Reshma, Varsha, Ashwini and he production of fruits
Poonam Musales performances has a huge potential in
complement the group of Fiji and the Agriculture
seven visiting doctors who Ministry has started to explore
are in the country conducting this opportunity.
cardiology screenings. Minister for Agriculture Inia
This is a joint venture between Seruiratu has stressed this while
Fiji and India to create awareness for speaking at the International
people with disabilities, Symposium on Tropical Fruits
said Indias High "The in Nadi.
Commissioner objective Seruiratu also highlighted that
is to identify this is evident by the current
Vishvas Sapkal
disabled people, see the
Members of the Lavina Dance Group from Maharastra in India perform a folk dance at the Sigatoka Special School release of a new variety of
at their show in
Guava; which has been named
Suva. possibilities of medical is a genre of dance Children and Poverty Alleviation disability.
Green Pearl for commercial
The objective assistance and provide performed solely Veena Bhatnagar thanked the Indian I was somewhat excited when I
is to identify them the proper medical by female dancers, government for their generosity in heard that there were some Fijians This will be the first time for
disabled people, assistance to make combining traditional providing free medical assessment living with disabilities will benefit Fiji to start cultivating Guava as
see the possibilities them able." song and dance that and care for the people of Fiji from this programme, and I think a commercial crop.
of medical assistance commonly has a naughty and following the Suva show. thats the greatest outcome that could The Agriculture Minister
and provide them the proper erotic nature. Permanent Secretary for Women, ever happen, Dr Koroivueta said. says that fruits are important for
medical assistance to make them Traditionally, it was performed Children and Poverty Alleviation It is estimated that more than nation building because they can
able, Mr Sapkal said. to entertain and raise the spirits of Dr Josefa Koroivueta was delighted 10 per cent of Fijis population provide necessary nutrients for
The group has performed in exhausted soldiers of the Maratha to welcome the Indian contingent; live with some form of disability, healthy living as well as provide
Labasa, Suva, Sigatoka and Ba Empire that ruled large swathes of said the campaign has had an impact according to a 2008 survey done by economic support to raise the
and Lautoka. 18th century India. on the theme Make a difference the Asia-Pacific Development Centre standard of living of the rural
According to Wikipedia, Lavani Assistant Minister for Women, in the life of a person living with a on Disability. population.
raise funds for child abuse ormer Nadi resident
and for children who Ranjeev Tikaram has
have been neglected in Fiji will be joined five-star hotel,
undertaken by Fijians living in New The St. Regis Singapore as its
Zealand and Fiji late next year. new director of finance.
The walk, which will be conducted Mr Tikaram brings along
in certain areas in the North and a wealth of experience
South Islands is targeted to cover and expertise to his new
5138 kilometres. position with close to 20
DAV Girls College school years of experience in the
teacher Savneel Sangeet, 26, who is hospitality industry.
participating in the walk, is calling Prior to his appointment
on all corporate organisations here to he was the acting general
involve themselves in the initiative.
manager of Great Wall
Mr Sangeet said seven
Sheraton Hotel in Beijing.
people so far have confirmed
Savneel Sangeet during one of his walks around Viti Levu. The photo was taken at His earlier roles spanned
their participation. Koroipita, in Lautoka. over several properties under
The walk is aimed to raise
Sheraton Hotels and Resorts
funds for the educational needs of and raised $120,000. which is kind of a training the team
in Asia-Pacific and Four
these children who also come from Now we are planning to walk for the NZ walk, he said.
Points by Sheraton Geelon
disadvantaged families. Business around New Zealand and it is Child abuse is a severe matter
where he was pivotal in The St. Regis Singapornew Director of Finance
houses and other stakeholders are expected to cover 93 days, and we are and just having conferences in big
implementing changes to allow Ranjeev Tikaram
invited to be part of this, he said. yet to confirm if more will join, he hotels is not enough.
for cost efficiencies within the
Mr Sangeet said he "The said. We will raise funds for We need to reach out to people work efficiency.
recently completed a walk is aimed NGOs (non-government on the ground, in a village setting, Back in 2002 while based at
Mr Tikaram also garnered the title
walk around Viti to raise funds for organisations) people need to know the rights of Sheraton Resort & Spa in Nadi, Mr
of Finance Hotelier of the Year by
Levu with 30 the educational needs of who will provide children and this is the part that is Tikaram won the Young Achiever
China Hotelier Awards in 2014.
people for the these children who also come education for missing. We need to come down to Fiji Excellence in Tourism Award.
In his career Mr Tikaram had
Foundation of from disadvantaged families. childrens needs in rural settlements, face to face. He is the son of local sports icon,
successfully resolved outstanding
Education for the Business houses and other Fiji and a summit Other logistics for the walk in Bobby Tikaram and has continued to
payment issues and implemented
Needy Children stakeholders are invited to be would be held from New Zealand is currently being explore himself in the international
new policies to increase
on August 16- 25 part of this." October 1, 2018 sought by the organisers. tourism circle.
The Indian Weekender Friday, October 27, 2017 FIJI 15
from 198 countries and from Fiji with the benches for parliamentary authorities, the State of North Rhine- hirty soldiers from the fixed wing transport aircraft, such
alone, there are at least 100 Fijians groups, the government bench, the Westphalia as well as the municipal Republic of Fiji Military as the Royal New Zealand Air
whose names are being considered Bundesrat and the presidium has authority of the City of Bonn. Forces (RFMF) are taking Force (RNZAF) C-130H Hercules.
to make the trip. It is not clear how 734 seats. The visitors' gallery can Country delegates, accredited part at the Exercise Southern Katipo, You may also see a United States
many of the 100 will form the official seat 496 people. Although it was first media, UN officials and certain New Zealands largest military Air Force C-17 Globemaster and a
government delegation headed by conceived in the 1950s, the building approved personnel will get badges exercise. Chief-of-Staff Colonel Royal Australian Air Force C-130J
chief negotiator Fijian Ambassador to in its current form has been available which permits them into this zone Ratu Jone Kalouniwai confirmed this Hercules parachuting loads onto
the United Nations in Geneva, Nazhat for public events since 1999. and the Bonn Zone. yesterday, October 25. The troop selected drop zones in the exercise
Shameem Khan. As is normal for COP events, the Bonn Zone left for the exercise last week, he area. The RNZAFs NH90 and A109
It is expected though that some area around the World Conference said. A press statement from the New helicopters will be based out of
Connected by public transportation
of those who leave the country this Centre will be divided into two Zealand Defence Force said Exercise Omaka Airfield.
and bicycles 1.4 km away is the Bonn
week will join support teams to the zones, the Bonn Zone and the Bula Southern Katipo 17 (SK17) would Therell be a number of Navy
Zone where global climate action,
hosting of the event which is tipped Zone and they are connected by a 1.4 run until mid-November 2017.
including high-level events will Ships off the coast between Kaikoura
to be the climate change meeting in km corridor.
take place. Size events approved by The Exercise is being held in the and the Marlborough Sounds as other
the world. The World Conference Bula Zone Marlborough, Kaikoura, Tasman, elements of the contingent arrive by
the UNFCCC, the local authorities
Centre is located right beside the
The first sign as to why this zone and the COP23 secretariat such as Nelson and Buller regions. Westport, sea over the beach in Okiwi Bay and
Rhine, the river which runs through
is called the Bula Zone is a replica those organised by civil society, Greymouth, Nelson Lakes, , Ward across the wharf at Picton.
six countries, namely Switzerland,
of a traditional iTaukei canoe, the international non-government and the Marlborough Sounds. This element of the contingent will
the principality of Liechtenstein,
Drua Tabu or sacred canoe sitting in organisations will take place in this Soldiers from Tonga, Papua New have Army trucks, Light Armoured
Austria, Germany, France and the
the lobby of the World Conference zone. This will also include media Guinea, Fiji, Brunei, Malaysia and Vehicles (LAVs), the Medium Heavy
Netherlands before flowing into the
Centre Bonn which is in this zone. events, exhibitions and the country Timor Leste are taking an active Operational Vehicle (MHOV) and
North Sea at Rotterdam.
This zone is named in honour pavilion, which for Fiji will showcase part in the exercise alongside New Light Operational Vehicles (LOVs).
According to the venue website,
of Fiji holding the presidency and the main displays of the effects of Zealand with small contingents from Once the contingent has
the venue is the former seat of the
political leadership of the COP23. climate change in the country and Australia, Canada, USA, France and established itself in various locations
German Parliament from 1992 to
Also in this zone is the United the region. Britain also taking part. throughout Marlborough, youll
1999. The Plenary Chamber, where
Nations compound in Bonn Those who are badged with
the German Parliament met and What can people expect to see? see regular day and night patrols
where the UNFCCC secretariat access to the Bula Zone only access
where the main negotiations of The main contingent will arrive conducted by soldiers either on foot
is headquartered and a temporary this zone.
COP23 will take place can hold up to at Blenheim Airport in military or in vehicles.
Thought of the week
"It requires strength to stand
up for yourself. It requires even
greater strength to stand up
for others."
Editorial - Robert Moore
rail to blast off Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu
ts time for Jacindarail to blast off and take New Zealanders for a ride into the future.
Earlier in August this year, the Jacindarail, had arrived in Auckland soon after taking
over Labour Party leadership and affirming support for the light rail in Auckland in her first
major policy announcement in New Zealands largest city. Mainly Clouds Partly Periods of Mostly Rather A periods
cloudy, and sunny sun and cloudy cloudy of rain
Since then Jacindarail or Jacindatrain has gained a lot of traction in a section of media and
a little sunshine clouds and
supporters. rain. windy
In the last two and half months or so, Jacindarail had swept across the entire nation,
eventually reaching Beehive in Wellington, albeit without enough power to be of
much substance. 19 14 14 14 18 14 18
However, it was only when Winston Peters decided to provide the much-needed 15 8 8 10 8 8 8
power that Jacindarail dawned the mantle of Rt Honourable Prime Minister of New
Now after the official swearing-in ceremony on Thursday, October 26, the Jacindarail This week in New Zealands history
is truly ready to blast off.
Going by the intentions and body language of those who are already on-board in this 27 October 1943
Jacindarail, there are all possibilities that the ride on this rail would be adventurous,
First opposed New Zealand landing since Gallipoli
if not bumpy.
roops from 8th Brigade, 3rd New Zealand Division, landed on Mono in the Treasury
Given the fact such a ride is imminent, it is in everyones best interest to enjoy the
Islands to help clear the island of Japanese forces. This was the first opposed landing by
ride rather than sulk in pessimism.
New Zealand troops since Gallipoli.
The first 100 days of this new government would be very crucial to act upon some of
the issues that they have campaigned upon so steadfastly in the lead up to the election. 28 October 1890
Its not yet clear if starting work of light rail in Auckland would be a priority for the
First Labour Day celebrations
government in the first 100 days.
However what is clear is that Auckland Council is gearing up for a regional fuel tax he first Labour Day celebrated the struggle for an eight-hour working day. Parades in the
to raise money for building Light rail in Auckland, which many believe would be a main centres were attended by several thousand trade union members and supporters.
panacea to Aucklands growing transport woes.
With that, the long ongoing debate between motorways and Light rail as being 3 November 1974
Aucklands main public transportation mode will end, at least for now, in favour of Summer time reintroduced on trial basis
Light rail.
Regardless of the motorway versus Light rail debate, it is important to reiterate that T he trial proved popular with most New Zealanders
and daylight saving of one hour between October
and March was made permanent in 1975. Not everyone
the Kiwi-Indian community along with other ethnic migrant communities are by and
large public-transport friendly. was happy. Dairy farmers in particular objected to
Generally all new migrants, ethnic migrants particularly are believed to relying having to get up in the dark all year round. The Northland
overwhelmingly on an effective public transport medium, at least in early years of dairying community of Ararua rejected daylight saving
their migrant-lifecycle in this country for their all travelling needs. and implemented Ararua Time instead.
Be it the travelling needs for their day to day work and back home or schools and
colleges for their kids; the new migrant communities prefer to rely on an effective 3 November 1886
Birth of Anchor butter
public transport rather than purchasing a car, if given an option.
For many years now, Auckland city has not been able to give them an option of a rom a dairy factory at Pukekura, Waikato, Henry Reynolds launched his Anchor butter. The
reliable public transport system that can give them certainty and peace of mind while brand name, allegedly inspired by a tattoo on the arm of one of his workers, would become
commuting for work or pleasure around the city. one of this countrys best-known trademarks.
If Aucklands Light Rail offers them that certainty, convenience and cost-
effectiveness as well, then the community would be enthusiastically looking forward
to welcoming this project. Indian Weekender : Volume 9 Issue 32
The Kiwi-Indian community, like all other New Zealanders who have a clear Publisher: Kiwi Media Publishing Limited
understanding about the nature of the electoral process, of being just a process to Content Editor: Sandeep Singh |
choose the new set of direction for the country, is welcoming the formation of Jacinda Chief Reporter: Swati Sharma |
Ardern led government. Reporter: Rizwan Mohammad |
The community is drawing strength from Labour Partys previous record of engaging Chief ReporterSouth Island: Gaurav Sharma
with the community and immigrants in general. Chief Technical Officer: Rohan Desouza |
There might be some apprehensions within the community about the governments Sr Graphics and Layout Designer: Mahesh Kumar |
proposed action in the big-ticket area of immigration, which is obviously a highly Graphic Designer: Yashmin Chand |
emotional issue for the community. Accounts and Admin.: 09-6366306 |
In the lead up to the election, The Indian Weekender had numerous occasions of Sales and Distribution: 022 3251630 |
speaking with Jacinda Ardern, and other senior members of the Labour caucus in the
Views expressed in the publication are not necessarily of the publisher and the publisher
cabinet now, who equivocally asserted that the Labour-led government would act fast is not responsible for advertisers claims as appearing in the publication
on issues important to the community including law and order.
Therefore it is important to dispel all negativity and scaremongering, if any, within Views expressed in the articles are solely of the authors and do not in any way represent
the community towards this new Labour-led government before it has even started the views of the team at the Indian Weekender
working. Kiwi Media Publishing Limited - 133A, Level 1, Onehunga Mall, Onehunga, Auckland.
In future, if for any reason Jacindarail fails to meet the expectation of the Kiwi- Printed at Horton Media, Auckland
Indian community, then The Indian Weekender will be doing its due diligence, like a Copyright 2017. Kiwi Media Publishing Limited. All Rights Reserved.
responsible media, and holding it accountable for any unmet promises.
For now, it is surely a time for gearing up for the adventurous ride ahead on the
The Indian Weekender Friday, October 27, 2017 OPINION/EDITORIAL 17
Pakistans ties with terror: Can Trump cut the Gordian knot?
C. UDAY BHASKAR and the brazen manner in which it policy.
lmost 16 years to the day continues to deny the role being India, which is also a stakeholder
since the US embarked upon played by Rawalpindi in supporting in the war against terror, is a
its war on terrorism against terror groups lies at the core of the major development partner in the
the Afghan Taliban on October 7, political and military challenge for reconstruction of Afghanistan and
the US, India and Afghanistan. has provided aid in excess of $2
2001, as reprisal for the enormity of
This was reiterated during the billion. During the Mattis visit
the 9/11 terrorist attacks, it appears
Mattis-Nirmala Sitharaman (Indias Defence Minister Sitharaman
that a White House administration
Defence Minister) meeting in Delhi. confirmed that while Delhi would
is again issuing dire warnings to
A highly respected US marine not send any troops to Afghanistan,
Rawalpindi (GHQ of the Pakistan
corps general, Mattis has first-hand it would enhance its training role for
Army) while still dangling the
experience of the war in Afghanistan security and police personnel.
familiar carrot.
and is deeply aware of Pakistani The critical military equipment
At a congressional hearing of
duplicity, wherein the US taxpayers that the Afghan military needs
the US Senate Foreign Relations
money is being spent to attack and is a complex matter and India is
Committee in Washington DC on
kill US military personnel. constrained by its own military
Tuesday (October 4), General Joseph
The (George W.) Bush and inventory gaps and the dependence
Dunford, Chairman, US Joints
(Barack) Obama administrations on Russian-origin equipment that
Chiefs of Staff, observed candidly: I inconclusive and messy. public remarks in Kabul and Delhi, were aware of this fundamental cannot be supplied without involving
think its clear to me that the ISI has As a benchmark, it may be relevant the two men reiterated the imperative contradiction -- that in September Moscow in the deliberations.
connections with terrorist groups. to note that Indias GDP in 2016 was of closing down safe havens and 2001 -- before 9/11, Pakistan was one The sub-text of the three visits
This is not the first time that an estimated to be $ 2.26 trillion. The sanctuaries for terror groups and of just three nations in the world who illuminates both the nature of
incumbent in his chair has come to total number of people killed since dismantling the infrastructure in the recognised the Afghan Taliban and the Afghan conundrum and the
such a determination. the US led war against terror began region that supports such bloodshed. their regime in Kabul at that time.
US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis
difficulties inherent in crafting policy
in October 2001 has crossed 370,000 The not-so-subtle reference was Yet the White House chose to options that will be more effective
had a similar assessment, adding and the number displaced is upwards to Pakistan and its deep-state that overlook this contradiction and than what has been the cost-benefit
that while Pakistan may have come of 800,000. And the violence continues to support groups such as allowed Pakistan to become a non- analysis of the last 16 years. To add
down on terrorism, the ISI appears continues. the Haqqani network, the Lashkar-e- NATO ally in the global war on to the complexity, Beijing has also
to run its own foreign policy. This is Will the latest warning by the Taiba and its affiliates. terror. Further ironies followed, for become an interlocutor.
an unusually unambiguous assertion Trump team have the desired effect This brings us to the third visit in October 2001, when the US and its Even as the Mattis-Abdullah
by a senior US offical but General on the Pakistani Inter Services that of Pakistani Prime Minister allies were bombing Afghanistan, the visits were taking place, the second
Mattis added the caveat too: We Intelligence (ISI) and the deep- Shahid Khaqan Abbasi in end wily General Pervez Musharraf was meeting of the China-Afghanistan-
need to try one more time to make state in that country? It is difficult to September to the US, where he able to strike a deal with the Pentagon Pakistan (CAP) Practical
this strategy work with them; by, be optimistic. asserted that charges of Pakistan and safely withdraw Pakistan army Cooperation Dialogue was held in
with and through the Pakistanis. And Three high-level political visits in sheltering terrorists were untrue, personnel in Afghanistan who were Kabul (September 26, 27).
if our best efforts fail, the President end September frame the intractable and that the only cross-border assisting the Taliban. Weaning Rawalpindi away from
(Trump) is prepared to take whatever nature of the Afghan war. They were movement of terrorists was from The metaphor hunting with the supporting terror groups will not be
steps are necessary. dramatically illustrated by events in Afghanistan to Pakistan! (US) hounds and running with the a swift binary choice and the White
The war in Afghanistan, where Kabul. Mattis arrived in Kabul from Abbasi went further and (Taliban) hare could not be more apt. House has considerable experience
Pakistan was accorded the status of Delhi (September 26) and a few categorically ruled out any role But the more relevant question in the matter. Whether President
a major non-NATO ally, has been hours later the airport was subjected for India in the reconstruction of that many US citizens ask in anger Trump will be able to cut the Gordian
expensive for the US both in terms to rocket fire by the local Taliban. Afghanistan, adding, Zero, we dont is how the worlds lone superpower knot remains moot.
of blood and treasure. A study by the This attack on the Kabul airport led foresee any political or military role could allow such perfidy to continue (C. Uday Bhaskar is Director,
Brown University estimates that, as to a delay in the visit of Abdullah for India in Afghanistan. for years. This is the question that Society for Policy Studies, New
of 2016, the US may have spent up Abdullah, CEO of Afghanistan, to This inflexible veto that Pakistan President Trump is seeking to Delhi. He can be contacted at
Delhi. has accorded unto itself in relation The article
to $ 2 trillion towards the Afghan answer and introduce a much needed is in special arrangement with
campaign, which still remains It is pertinent to note that in their to the internal affairs of Afghanistan corrective to the US South Asia South Asia Monitor)
n a global financial landscape than expected. Also, implementation tightening path in financial history.
where everyone is enjoying of farm loan waivers by states may The aggregate assets of the US Fed,
a swim in a pool of excess result in possible fiscal slippages the ECB, BoE and BoJ have risen by
liquidity created by central banks in and undermine the quality of public 14 per cent from $13 trillion at the
the developed world, Indian interest spending, thereby exerting pressure end of 2016 to $14.9 trillion at the
rates remain amongst the highest in on prices. end of September.
the world. Despite this slight increase in Even within the emerging market
Earlier this month, the its forward guidance of inflation economies, India has the highest
International Monetary Fund (IMF) expectations, the RBI will have to level of rates after Brazil and China.
upped its global growth forecast to accommodate at least a 25-50 basis A cut in rates would encourage
3.6 per cent in 2017 and 3.7 per cent points cut as monetary support to the domestic demand in sectors such
in 2018, both 0.1 percent higher than economy will need to be extended as as affordable housing, consumer
projections in July. the central government will have to durables and construction.
Global growth in 2016 was 3.2 cut spending in the later part of the Also, interest rate subvention
percent and these projections really year as 96 percent of the budgeted in certain sectors such as exports,
put the global economic recovery fiscal deficit for FY18 has been housing and small enterprises
close to growth levels last seen before exhausted as of August 2017; and would also help economic growth
the great financial crisis. Meanwhile, (2), even as the efficacy of a rate cut according to the Confederation of
India has grown at 5.7 percent YoY can be questioned, the government is Indian Industry, which has asked for
(2017 Q2), which is below the support economic growth. the inflation target for FY17 and all publicly exerting pressure on the RBI a reduction of 100 basis points in the
average growth seen during the last The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) subsequent years shall be four per to cut rates. benchmark rates.
two years of the second stint of the has to answer a simple question: cent with a band of two per cent. Globally, inflation is nowhere to With interest rates in India near a
United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Why have policy rates declined by Since September 2013, the RBI has be seen. The Federal Reserve has 16-year high, there is just one way
regime (2009-2014). only 200 basis points when inflation managed inflation in the decided no clue why average wages and the they can trend: Down. The RBI must
One of the major factors that has declined 700 basis points since band. Much of this management overall price level in the US economy accept it has been behind the curve
has contributed to such a sharp 2013? has been due to depressed oil prices. has been extremely tepid and well all along in its inflation forecasting
slowdown in Indias GDP growth, The central problem lies in the At the last meeting of its Monetary below the two per cent target. The ability and now must address the
according to the Modi governments fact that the RBI has yet to accept Policy Committee (MPC), the RBI same is the case with Japan and the urgent need of a drastic fall in the
critics, was demonetisation. While that inflation in India is in a secular increased its inflation forecast for Eurozone. cost of capital in India.
demonetisation has certainly downtrend. 2HFY18 to 4.2-4.6 per cent, implying Thus, it comes as no surprise (Vatsal Srivastava is Chief FX
impacted our short-term economic In February 2015, the RBI and the a mean forecast of 4.4 per cent and that even though talks of monetary Strategist at D.V. Capital. The
views expressed are personal. He
growth prospects, one has to ask government had signed a monetary made the point that the extent of policy tightening in the US, the UK can be contacted at vatsal.sriv@
what our central bank has done to policy framework that envisaged that the rise in inflation, excluding food and Eurozone have begun, they
18 INDIA Friday, October 27, 2017 The Indian Weekender
ndia and the US agreed to further waraj broached the topic questions. But the minister spoke
accelerate and strengthen their of the Indian mission in about the issue before any specific
bilateral engagement when North Korea and Indias question was asked, said an official.
visiting US Secretary of State Rex diminishing trade with Iran, even The issue of North Korea was
Tillerson called on Prime Minister before any specific aspect of Delhi- expected to come up during the talks
Narendra Modi here. Pyongyang ties were brought up by in a big way as US President Donald
Welcoming Tillerson on his maiden the American side. Trump heads to China next month.
visit to India in his current capacity, India on Wednesday, As As far as the question of
Modi noted with appreciation the October 25, told visiting far as the embassy goes, our embassy
firm upward trajectory in the bilateral US state secretary question of embassy there (Pyongyang) is
strategic partnership following the Rex Tillerson that goes, our embassy very small, but there
positive and far-reaching talks it plans to retain its there (Pyongyang) is is in fact an embassy,
diplomatic mission, very small, but there Swaraj said in a press
with US President Donald Trump
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson calls on Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New which is very small is in fact an conference.
in Washington in June this year, Delhi in size, in Pyongyang, embassy I told secretary
according to a statement issued by
even as the Trump Tillerson that some of
the Prime Ministers Office (PMO). stability and prosperity, it stated. They further discussed stepping
administration heightens its their friendly countries should
Prime Minister shared the resolve In the context of President up effective cooperation to combat maintain embassies there so that
efforts to isolate North Korea for its
expressed by Secretary Tillerson on Trumps new South Asia Strategy terrorism in all its forms and nuclear and missile programme. some channels of communication
taking further steps in the direction unveiled in August, Modi noted promoting regional stability and Officials familiar with the meeting are kept open. They (the US) might
of accelerating and strengthening the commonality in the objectives security, the statement said. between Tillerson and external need to talk to them sometime. So,
the content, pace and scope of the of eradicating terrorism, terrorist Earlier in the day, Tillerson and affairs minister Sushma Swaraj said its better to have friendly countries
bilateral engagement, the PMO infrastructure, safe havens and External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj broached the topic of the missions there, she explained.
statement said. support, while bringing peace and Swaraj held a bilateral meeting Indian mission in North Korea and India and North Korea maintain
They affirmed that a strengthened stability to Afghanistan. following which both jointly Indias diminishing trade with Iran, diplomatic offices in each others
India-US partnership is not just of Tillerson also exchanged views addressed the media. even before any specific aspect of capitals, though New Delhi recently
mutual benefit to both countries, but regarding his visits to Saudi Arabia, The US Secretary of State also held Delhi- Pyongyang ties were brought banned trade of most goods with the
has significant positive impact on Qatar, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan a meeting with National Security up by the American side. country, except food or medicine
the prospects for regional and global before arriving here on Tuesday. Advisor Ajit Doval. They could have asked specific after the fresh round of UN sanctions.
The Indian Weekender Friday, October 27, 2017 INDIA 19
said the government is ready elhi Chief Minister Arvind
to talk to every section of Kashmir to Kejriwal on Tuesday, October 24,
normalise the situation there and to told the central government that
go ahead with the political process. an expert committee should review the
"We are ready to talk to everyone nature and extent of control exercised by
in Jammu and Kashmir. If some the Central and Delhi governments over
section is not ready to talk, we can the functioning of DMRC.
talk to students, traders, traders Kejriwal was replying to a letter by
associations, any political leader and Union Housing and Urban Affairs Minister
Kashmiri people," he told the media. Hardeep Singh Puri, in which Puri had
Jaitley said Home Minister Rajnath agreed to set up an expert committee to
Singh has said that the Centre is look into the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
ready to talk to whoever wants to (DMRC).
talk in Jammu and Kashmir. "This is The letter comes close on the heels of the city metro fare hike on October
a good thing. It will push the political 10, the second increase this year, despite strong opposition from the Delhi
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley
process ahead," he said. government. The DMRC was formed in 1995 with equal equity participation
Welcoming the initiative, Jaitley the UPA government had set up a of the central and the state government.
We are ready to talk Im glad that you have agreed to set up an expert committee as suggested
said: "There is a proper intelligence working group. There was a working
network in Jammu and Kashmir in to everyone in Jammu group on Centre-State relationship. in your letter of 12th of October, Kejriwal said in the letter dated Tuesday.
the last three years and Hurriyat has and Kashmir. If some I was a member of the group. No As far as the terms of reference are concerned, the Committee should be
been exposed before Kashmiris for section is not ready meeting was held of that group. asked to examine and make recommendations relating to the organisation,
the first time." Only a report was handed over to management, control and accountability of DMRC, he said.
to talk, we can talk
"After establishment of the
intelligence network, Jammu and
to students, traders, the central government. I don't know
who wrote the report.
Modi congratulates Japanese PM
Kashmir Police and security agencies traders associations, "That time, I wrote a letter to the for projected election win
have been heavily dominating for the any political leader and then Prime Minister Manmohan rime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday, October 23, congratulated
first time, and the result is that the Kashmiri people." Singh asking him that there is no Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe after a predicted landslide win
terrorists are on the run." report of the working group. I am in Sunday's snap general election.
Asked if the government will talk Alliance) government had no policy one of the members of that group "Heartiest greetings to my dear friend Shinzo Abe on his big election
to Pakistan, Jaitley said: "It is another on Kashmir. When there was no but I hadn't seen any such report," win. Look forward to further strengthen India-Japan relations with him,"
matter. Pakistan will have to create policy, it was said that silent or Jaitley said. Modi tweeted.
the situation for the talks, and the invisible dialogue was going on. The Minister accused the previous Modi's remarks came after an exit poll by public broadcaster NHK
people of Kashmir will not have to There was no silent or invisible Congress-led UPA government of forecast a decisive win for Abe's coalition, saying his conservative Liberal
worry about this. The Home Ministry dialogue, it was non-existent not taking the Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Party (LDP) would take 253 to 300 of Parliament's 465 seats.
is talking to its people." (dialogue)," Jaitley told media. problem seriously or thinking about The election for the 465 seats were held on Sunday. The official result is
He said the UPA government had The Finance Minister also raised a permanent solution for the state. expected later on Monday.
no policy on Kashmir. They were just questions on the UPA government's "Thousands of protests would
ujarat's Young Turks Hardik On the global level, IATA expects 7.8 billion passengers to travel in 2036,
Patel, Alpesh Thakore and a near doubling of the 4 billion air travellers expected to fly this year.
Jignesh Mevani predicted The association's 20-Year Air Passenger forecast said that the prediction
doom for the ruling BJP in the is based on a 3.6 per cent average compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
Gujarat Assembly polls while "All indicators lead to growing demand for global connectivity. The
the BJP said it was confident of
world needs to prepare for a doubling of passengers in the next 20 years. It's
bagging a three-fourth majority.The
fantastic news for innovation and prosperity, which is driven by air links.
Congress, the main opposition, said
It is also a huge challenge for governments and industry to ensure we can
it was determined to come to power
successfully meet this essential demand," said IATA's Director General and
in a state where power has eluded it
CEO Alexandre de Juniac.
for over two decades.
"We are getting a three-fourths Afghan President arrives in India,
meets Kovind
majority, that is 150-plus seats,"
Chief Minister Vijay Rupani told Thakore and Jignesh Mevani. The Patels," the firebrand Hardik Patel
reporters minutes after the Election way Congress is running after them said. "If they agree to our demands fghanistan
Commission announced a two-phase shows that they have lost". and explain us how they will do it, President Ashraf
polling in the state on December 9 Congress leader Narendra Rawat we will consider supporting the Ghani arrived on
and 14. "We are fighting the polls said his assessment was completely opposition," he said. Tuesday, October 24, on
on the development plank and will different. "The Congress is on the Mevani asserted: "The election a day-long visit. He met
speak only on nationalism without road to victory. All sections of the dates are bad news for the BJP. We his Indian counterpart
resorting to casteism or any such society are angry and want to throw will gift them blood pressure tablets. Ram Nath Kovind and
thing," he said. out the BJP government. Their They are going to need it aplenty. External Affairs Minister
He cited poll surveys to stress that time is up. They tried to delay the Now it is our time to do the batting. Sushma Swaraj.
the atmosphere was positive for the announcement of election dates but We were eagerly waiting for the Ghani, who landed at
Bharatiya Janata Party. that is not going to help," he said. dates. "We will not let BJP enter our the Palam airport at 8
"So far three surveys show that Patidar leader Hardik Patel, OBC community areas. We will do the
a.m., met Kovind at the Ashraf Ghani, President of Afghanistan called
the BJP is winning. Just like in Uttar leader Alpesh Thakore and Dalit maximum campaigning against the
Rashtrapati Bhavan. on President Ram Nath Kovind at Rashtrapati
Pradesh when nobody could predict leader Jignesh Mevani ridiculed the BJP and the way they have harassed Bhavan
External Affairs Ministry
that we will get 325 seats, the BJP BJP's claims. people of Gujarat for the last 22
spokesperson Raveesh
will bag more than 150 seats out of "I am on a 10-day campaign of years," he said.
Kumar tweeted that Sushma Swaraj called on Ghani and discussed bilateral
182 in Gujarat," Rupani said. which first three days have been Calling BJP's development claim
and regional issues.
He said the Congress was finished successful. We will ensure the BJP "fake", Mevani said it worked
The Afghan leader is set to hold delegation-level talks with Prime
and its leadership had "surrendered loses and have asked the Congress only for the interests of a handful
Minister Narendra Modi.
to three youngsters - Hardik, Alpesh to clarify its stand on reservation to of industrialists.
20 INDIA ABROAD Friday, October 27, 2017 The Indian Weekender
Indian peacekeepers in
teenager is
UK's 'youngest
n Indian-origin teenager has
made a fortune by selling
houses through his online
estate agency business during his
school lunch breaks and has become
one of UK's youngest millionaires, a
media report said.
While other youngsters were
kicking a ball around the playground,
Akshay Ruparelia, 19, was quietly
negotiating huge property deals on
his mobile, the Daily Mirror reported.
He hired a call centre service to
answer his company switchboard
while he was in class and rang clients
back after the school bell rang.
Within months, investors were
Indian soldiers, serving in the UN peacekeeping mission in Congo, hold up their weapons at their buying shares in Ruparelia's firm
base after patrolling the villages in Masisi, 88 km (55 miles) northwest of Goma, Congo
"". In little
more than a year, the company has
The Indian peacekeepers are part of the UN Mission in South Sudan been valued at 12 million pounds
and the teenager has sold 100 million
ifty Indian peacekeepers the award, General Kamanzi an important role in keeping The battalion has been intimately pounds worth of homes.
stationed in South Sudan acknowledged their contribution the community safe as well as associated with peacekeeping efforts Ruparelia's school friends
have been awarded the UN in carrying out patrols across the encouraging local peace and the battalion has supported the nicknamed him "Alan Sugar" after
Medal for their professionalism region as well as providing a safe efforts, said Agot "I mandate of the United Nations Baron Sugar, the business tycoon and
and service in protecting civilians and secure environment for the Alier, Jonglei acting would and the overall peace process, "Apprentice" star.
and building durable peace in the 2,500 civilians who have sought governor. like to thank said Alier. The teenager said he is now on a
conflict-ridden country. sanctuary at the UN Protection They had also the Indian battalion Indian ambassador to mission to put traditional High Street
The Indian peacekeepers are of Civilians site at Bor, a media provided much- for their courage South Sudan, Srikumar estate agents out of business because
part of the UN Mission in South release said. needed services and professionalism Menon, attended the medal they charge thousands of pounds in
Sudan (UNMISS). I would like to thank the to the community in executing their ceremony and thanked commission to sell a house -- and he
The are deployed with the Indian Indian battalion for their courage outside of their mandate in the peacekeepers for their does it for just 99 pounds.
battalion stationed at Bor in the and professionalism in executing core mandate, such Jonglei." commitment and service. His idea is proving so popular
Jonglei region of South Sudan. their mandate in Jonglei, said as medical care for India is committed to the that this week Ruparelia's company
They were presented with General Kamanzi. local residents and support for local objectives of the UN Charter and became the 18th biggest estate
the award recently by UNMISS The local government in Jonglei farmers with veterinary treatment therefore is ready to support the agency in the UK just 16 months
Force Commander General Frank also paid tribute to the Indian troops. for their animals, he said in a media United Nations peacekeeping efforts after his website went live, the
Mushyo Kamanzi. Presenting The Indian battalion had played release issued by the UN. globally, he said. Mirror reported.
India, Australia
to explore
he Geological Survey of
S President Donald Trump India (GSI) is partnering with
celebrated Diwali at the its Australian counterparts to
White House by lighting unlock the mineral potential in India.
a diya amid a gathering of leading Characterising Indias geological
members of the Indian American cover, investigating Indias
community and said he greatly lithospheric architecture, resolving
valued his relationship with Indian 4D geodynamic and metallogenic
Prime Minister Narendra Modi. evolution and detecting and
Trumps daughter Ivanka also characterising the distal footprints of
attended the festivities in the Oval ore deposits are the main components
Office on Tuesday. Also present of the initiative.
were Federal Communications Its a three-year project. We are
Commission chairman Ajit Pai, US in the first year. They (Geoscience
envoy to the UN Nikki Haley and Australia) are ahead in this field. So
Administrator of the Centres we are utilising their expertise. This
for Medicare and Medicaid I is our priority project, GSI Director
Services Seema Verma. greatly value General N. Kutumba Rao told the
Trump gave an my very strong
effusive speech relationship with
Geoscience Australia is the
recognizing the US Prime Minister Modi.
national agency for geoscience
Diwali is one of the most
ties with India and research and geospatial information.
important celebrations A screen grab from a video shared by US President Donald Trump on Facebook where he is seen celebrating
the contributions As part of Project Uncover (India),
in the Hindu Diwali in the Oval Office of White House
of the Indian deep seismic reflection surveys
American community. important celebrations extraordinary contributions to art, PEOPLES HOUSE. (DSRS) would be carried out to
Today, I was deeply in the Hindu religion, science, medicine, business and In so doing, we reaffirm that interpret the lithospheric architecture
honoured to be joined by so many said Trump. education. America is especially Indian-Americans and Hindu- of earth. The idea is to look for
administration officials and leaders A time of peace and prosperity thankful for its many Indian- Americans are truly cherished, potential mineral deposits up to a
of the Indian-American community for the New Year, it is a tradition that American citizens who serve treasured and beloved members of depth of 1,000 metres or maximum
to celebrate Diwali the Hindu is held dear by more than 1 billion BRAVELY in our armed forces and our great American FAMILY. till 2,000 metres.
Festival of Lights, he said in a Hindus worldwide and more than 2 as first responders in communities We wish all of Americas Hindus In addition to DSRS, experts
message posted on his Facebook million Hindus in the US. It is also throughout our great land, Trump and everyone who celebrates Diwali a will also tap into the domain of
page. As we do so, we especially celebrated by millions of Buddhists, said on Facebook.The US President joyous holiday and blessings of light, magnetotellurics - looking deep
remember the people of India, the Sikhs, and Jains in America, India then explained why diya, or earthen goodness, and prosperity throughout into the earths crust to study its
home of the Hindu faith, who have and around the world. lamp, is lit during Diwali. the New Year. And now we will light conductivity.
built the worlds largest democracy. Our Indian-American neighbours The lighting of the diya is the diya, the President said.A video The work involves the Churu-
I greatly value my very strong and friends have made incredible typically celebrated by families in of the White House celebration and Bundelkhand transect in the north
relationship with Prime Minister contributions to our country - their homes. Today, we proudly Trumps message was posted to the and across the Dharwad region in
Modi. Diwali is one of the most and to the world. You have made celebrate this holiday in THE Presidents Facebook page. the south.
he United Arab Emirates
easing the suffering of the Rohingya
he campus grounds of the Muslim minority and improving their
University of New South living conditions.
Wales (UNSW) transformed The announcement was made on
into a "Little India" as the highly- Monday at the "Pledging Conference
rated Australian university celebrated on the Rohingya Refugee Crisis" at
Festival of India 2017 - a stimulating, the UN headquarters.
event-packed week to celebrate and Minister of State Maitha bint
promote Australia's partnership and Salem Al Shamsi expressed her
friendship with India. appreciation to Bangladesh for its Queen Rania of Jordan shakes hands
The unique festival, October 23- humanitarian stances following with Rohingya Muslim children, who
have crossed over from Myanmar
26, showcases not only the country's the mass exodus of over 600,00 into Bangladesh, during her visit to
rich, cultural offerings but also its Rohingya fleeing violence in Kutupalong refugee camp, Bangladesh.
his month, Google finally
unveiled the next iteration
of its flagship Pixel lineup of
smartphone. Pixel or Pixel 1 was the
first foray of Google into hardware.
The phone was generally lauded
for its design, specifications and Both phones have bezels which
particularly for its camera which was though goes against the current trend
termed as the best phone camera at but is not a deal-breaker.
the time. The phone carries forward the
The phone replaced Googles design language of Pixels first
Nexus lineup last year and just like version and looks pretty good. This
Nexus, the phone came out with the version is also finally water-resistant
latest stock version of Android with with IP67 rating. Just like iPhone,
guaranteed upgrade when a new Pixel 2 has also ditched the 3.5mm
Android version comes out. headphone jack and sports a USB
Pixel 2 has been launched in two Type-C port to charge and to connect
models- Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL. The to headphone.
phones have different sizes- while CAMERA
XL sports a 6.0-inch 2,880x1,440 Pixel 2 camera performance
P-OLED display, Pixel 2 has a more bunks the theory that two cameras
modest 5.0-inch OLED 1,920x1,080 are better than one. Google designed
display. Pixel 2 also has a 2,700 man a custom imaging chip called Pixel
battery while the Pixel 2 XL has a Visual Core that takes the picture
massive 3,520 mAh battery to power quality to the next level.
that huge screen. Googles camera software is
Inside, both devices have an just unbeatable combined with the
octa-core 2.35 GHz Qualcomm cameras hardware quality.
Snapdragon 835 Mobile Platform, an Another new feature is that you
Adreno 430 GPU, coupled with 4 GB can call up the Google Assistant by
of RAM. On board storage options just squeezing the sides of the phone.
has been increased and both phones In conclusion, while the Pixel 2
come in 64 and 128 GB models. lineup is not as fancy as Galaxy 8
Both the model also come with or iPhone 8, the phone is a good-
smarter Always-On Display looking, solid performer with an
which if enabled, will continually amazing camera.
listen to audio playing around you Not to mention some Google
and automatically displays song magic in the software with Assistant
information on the lock screen. and other machine-learning features.
Google Pixel 2/Pixel XL 2
The Indian Weekender Friday, October 27, 2017 FEATURES 23
fingers. Add yoghurt and mix
again. Gradually add the water
as you knead the mixture to
A light and crispy, fried form a dough (you may not
need all the water).
bread made with yoghurt
Cover with a damp tea
he secret to making Bhatura towel and leave it to ferment
lies in the kneading of overnight; alternatively put it
the dough. In this recipe, in a warm place for at least 68
yoghurt adds a sweet and sour hours. (After the fermentation,
aftertaste. Traditionally served as an you will see tiny bubbles on
accompaniment to a Chole (chickpea the surface of the mixture.
curry), the combination is much - This means that the dough has
loved as a snack or even served as fermented).
breakfast. Knead the dough for 510
Preparation Times: 5 min minutes or until it is silky
Rising Time: 6-8 hrs or overnight smooth. Gather the dough into
Cooking Time: 15 Min a smaller bowl, cover it with a
Serves: 4 damp tea towel, and again set
it aside in a warm place for 1
1 Tbsp oil Heat oil in a deep, heavy-
1 tsp salt bottomed pan on medium heat.
21/2 cup cups maida (plain Knead the dough again, divide
white flour) and shape the dough into 6
3/4 cup plain yoghurt equal-sized balls.
1/2 cup warm water, as Using a little oil to grease the
required dough ball, roll it into a circle
Oil for deep frying with a rolling pin on a rolling
board or clean countertop.
FOR GARNISH To check the temperature of the Slip the Bhatura into the hot golden-brown on both sides. wedges of lemon and sliced
Ruby Dhillon Indias Most Wanted Recipies | 195
2 Lemons, cut into wedges oil, add a pinch of the dough to oil, one at a time. Place on a plate lined with onions on the side.
2 Onions, thinly sliced the oil: it should quickly rise to As it fries, gently press down paper-towels, to absorb the Ruby's Tip: Start making the
top without changing its colour. on the Bhature with a slotted extra oil. bhature the night before you plan to
METHOD: If the dough rises slowly or spoon, using a circular motion, Repeat same with the other serve them. Youll save time as the
In a bowl, place oil, salt and remains at the bottom, wait for until it puffs up. dough balls. dough can be simply kneaded and
flour, and mix it with your the oil to heat up and test again. Flip and repeat until it is light Serve hot with Amritsari Chole left to ferment overnight.
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24 FEATURES Friday, October 27, 2017 The Indian Weekender
Anger and forgiveness How would you feel for such a forgiving towards all living entities.
person? Most would feel great pity. His strength and meaning in life
This is what is happening when come from the truth itself and he is
a person is dragged around by free from envy and jealousy thus he
their emotions. dedicates his time to work for the
ACHARYA DAS If we could stand back a little, we welfare of all others. SB 11.11.29
would see that the angry person is If you want to come to a platform
ne very negative emotion
utterly victimised by their mind, by of actual peacefulness, you must
causing so much suffering in
their emotions. aspire to not become angry, and you
this world is anger.
When we understand this, it must also learn to forgive. This is a
The person experiencing an angry
becomes possible to feel empathy basic spiritual principle.
mood, as well as the recipient of that
for an aggressor, even one who has It is both wrong and unwise to
anger, both suffer tremendously.
come into my life and caused great think that it is in my interest to hold
In the Bhagavad Gita, such anger
pain and suffering. on to my anger toward someone
is described as a gateway to hell. This
It doesnt mean that what theyre who has hurt me, and to never
is notnecessarily referring to hell as
doing is okay. It is not. But I can forgive them.
retribution that will be experienced
now more easily forgive them for The suffering that they will
in some distant time, location
hurting me. experience for their actions is already
or place.
A wonderful verse in the Vedic destined. In refusing to forgive,you
The Sanskrit word used for hell,
text, the Bhagavat Purana, states that: are not making it worse for them, all
also means to be tormented. So,
It is the duty of a transcendentalist you are doing is hurting yourself.
ones immediate life experience can
to culture the quality of forgiveness Depending upon our current
also be filled with the tormentand
have become so conditioned to that we can come to a truly spiritual which is illuminating like the sun. spiritual condition, such an act of
suffering resulting from their anger.
expressing anger that it seems so platform in life. If we do not learn The Supreme Person, Hari, is forgiveness might become a life-
Anger is such a powerful emotion
natural, and to be expected. how to forgive, we will always be pleased with those who are long endeavor, particularly towards
that it robs us of all spiritual vision,
But anger is not a natural part of imprisoned by our anger, and by If we forgiving. SB 9.15.40 somebody who has done something
especially the appreciation of the fact
us, the spiritual person residing the things we feel were wrongly do not learn What an amazing very grave.
that I am an eternal spiritual being
within these bodies. done tome. how to forgive, ideathat like But it does not mean that just
residing within a material body and
It is part of our material covering, Something that can help we will always be the sun, the because you cannot forgive now, you
having a material experience.
part of what is covering our true self. us to better understand the imprisoned by our anger, cultivation of should give up trying. It is in your
When overcome by anger, I am
The great transcendentalist condition of anger, is to and by the things we f o r g i v e n e s s own best interest to forgive, and to
unable to see or act in my own
Bhismadeva gave a prescription witness how someone in the feel were wrongly will become free yourself from anger.
spiritual interest or the interest of
for anger. grips of anger loses control done tome illuminating
others, and as a result perpetuate my ABOUT
He advised that to heal this of their mind and emotions, and for me.
own suffering. Acharya Das is a respected
unnatural diseased condition and acts much like an animal. In another verse, teacher of Vedic and yogic
In the Mahabharata, it is stated
become free from anger, we should It is like seeing somebody who it states: philosophy, meditation and
that one cannot be called a civilised kirtan, and a practitioner of
learn to forgive. is tied to the back of a car, and A saintly person is merciful and
person without acquiring nine the transcendental science of
Forgiveness is the panacea for screaming out as they are being never injures others even if others Bhakti Yoga. He has taught yoga
preliminary qualities, the first of
anger. Forgiveness will make it so dragged along the ground. are aggressive, he is tolerant and wisdom to appreciative audiences
which is to not become angry. We for over 40 years.
able to work towards enhancing your earnings. Lucky Number- 7 / Lucky Colour- Maroon
Adhering to an active life and controlled diet
will be enough to find you hale and hearty. You Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 21)
will manage to deal with a man management
issue tactfully. You will have your say in a Obliging someone who is useful to you is
October 27 to November 2 | By Manisha Koushik property matter. important, so dont let up on this. Someone
Lucky Number- 2 / Lucky Colour- Violet is likely to take a great deal of interest in what
Manisha Koushik is a practicing astrologer, tarot card reader, numerologist, vastu and
you have to offer on the business front. Those
fengshui consultant based in India with a global presence through the online channels. She is Libra (Sep 24-Oct 23)
available for consultations online as well. E-mail her at or contact performing well are likely to get full credit for
at +91-11-26449898 Mobile/Whatsapp: +919015607139 Being overconfident may be your undoing at their work. Accolades and congrats may pour
work, so curb this tendency, if you want to
Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20) control and an active life will ensure that you avoid embarrassment. Health of those unwell in for something you have achieved. You are
retain good health. is likely to deteriorate and may require extra likely to get socially active and renew many
This is your special week, so expect the very
best this weekend! Attending a function or care. An opportunity may be wasted just relationships that have cooled over the years.
Lucky Number- 5 / Lucky Colour- Green
a celebration is on the cards and will prove because you couldnt get your at together
Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 20) on the professional front. Chances of being Lucky Number- 3 / Lucky Colour- Saffron
most enjoyable. This is a good time to make
important contacts by meeting people on made a scapegoat for something you havent
This is the time to return the favors to done look bright. Love life may not be a bed Aquarius (Jan 22-Feb 19)
the social front. Participating in something someone who had been kind to you in the
important is indicated and it will help you of roses. Spouse may remain cross with you
past. You are likely to tighten your belt for an You may wish for a change, but nothing seems
make your mark on the professional front. over an issue.
impending job that may affect your career. to indicate that in your current situation.
Positive steps to conserve money may get Dont ignore someones advice, as it is for Lucky Number- 6 / Lucky Colour- Light Green
encouraging results. Love is in the air, so have Some of you are likely to enjoy your stay
your own good. Chances of strengthening the Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22)
a ball! bonds with those you are causally acquainted with a friend. A family elder will be most
Lucky Number- 17 / Lucky Colour- Light Blue with cannot be ruled out. Desire to break free and indulge in some understanding and support you in everything
pleasurable activities may not get fulfilled you do. A social gathering promises to make
Taurus (Apr 21-May 20) Lucky Number- 22 / Lucky Colour- Dark and frustrate you. At work, you may find the
Turquoise you the star of the evening! Young couples
You will need to put in some more efforts to in tray perpetually full. Ignoring a seniors
Leo (Jul 21-Aug 22) advice may get you in all sorts of trouble on and those young at heart will be able to
improve your performance. There is really no
point in projecting yourself more than what the academic front. A family elder may not share intimate moments with their partners.
Calling the shots at home is indicated, as you be as supportive as you had believed. Those
you really are on the professional or academic Monetary problems are set to vanish.
front, because it will not get you any brownie manage to take certain things in your hands. in love may find it difficult to spare time for a
points. The need of the hour is to get serious Your popularity is set to rise on the social meeting. Suitable lodging that fits the pocket Lucky Number- 15 / Lucky Colour- Grey
in whatever you are involved in and try to do front. Things go your way on the professional may not be readily available.
your best. A family elder may try to curb your front. Excellent showing on the academic Pisces (Feb 20-Mar 20)
front will put you on the forefront. Spouse Lucky Number- 1 / Lucky Colour- Cream
expenses. Health remains satisfactory.
will be supportive and will be with you in Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21) You will find someone who was shying away
Lucky Number- 4 / Lucky Colour- Dark Slate thick and thin. Financially, you will be much from you more open and friendly. Find out why.
Grey better poised than before. You remain fit and You cannot afford to gloss over the essentials
at this juncture, so get down to it right away. There is a good chance of meeting someone
Gemini (May 21-Jun 21) energetic. Love life is most fulfilling.
Attempts to come into the good books of important who will help you with your career.
This is an exciting time when you will be Lucky Number- 18 / Lucky Colour- Maroon an important person on the professional Networking is likely to bring you nearer to
socially much in demand. Sweet taste of Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 23) or academic front will partially succeed. your professional goal. You are likely to go out
success is likely to linger for long on the Financial situation is likely to improve for
professional or academic front. Your excellent Someones firmness will ultimately benefit some. A family outing will prove to be fun. of your way to help out a friend or relation and
performance is likely to bring you to the you, so dont have apprehensions about his Something that you desire on the social front win a lot of praise. Those undertaking a long
notice of those who matter. You will be cool or her intentions. Stars on the romantic front will be yours. Your romantic endeavours are journey will make it in good time.
and calculating where money is concerned, as look strong, so those looking for love should likely to bring positive results. Health remains
you earn as much as possible. Good dietary double their efforts! Financially, you will be satisfactory. Lucky Number- 9 / Lucky Colour- White
The Indian Weekender Friday, October 27, 2017 FEATURES 25
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26 ENTERTAINMENT Friday, October 27, 2017 The Indian Weekender
Parineeti Chopra:
Im glad that people dont just
know me as Priyankas cousin
ctor Parineeti Chopra, who turned that even the biggest of actors [go] through because I did some really gutsy films at the
29 on October 22, is celebrating ups and downs. You always feel, Oh, start of my career. I want my entire career
the success of Golmaal Again, its happening with me, but its actually to be like that, so that I can always surprise
and she says that some really gutsy films happens with everyone, says Parineeti, my audience and they keep feeling that Im
helped her establish her own identity adding that shes glad she saw the full my own person, instead of just being my
in Bollywood. spectrum of being an actor. cousins sister, says Parineeti.
A year that had begun on a low note That really helped me become a better However, shes quick to add, Im proud
for Parineeti Chopra has started looking actor and a better professional. No other of being [Priyankas] sister. When people
up and its hard to beat success as a come up to me and say, Look, how well she
"Were always going to be cousins,
birthday gift. The actor, says that working is doing, I feel as if I have done something
but today, I have my own identity, which
in the comedy drama Golmaal Again has [great]. Its that love for her that I have. And
I am very proud of. And that has only
been a surreal experience so far, more so she herself told me, when I was starting
happened because I did some really
because her Bollywood career until now out, that You have to do this on your
gutsy films at the start of my career. I
has been a mixed bag of emotions. own. It had to be done with my work, and
want my entire career to be like that, so
She had several hits during her thankfully, that happened.
that I can always surprise my audience
initial years Ladies Vs Ricky While shes an established professional,
and they keep feeling that Im my own
Bahl (2011), Ishaqzaade (2012), Parineeti is still a child at heart when it
person, instead of just being my cousins
Shudh Desi Romance (2013), comes to celebrating birthdays. Asked
and Hasee Toh Phasee if therere any big plans this year, she
- Parineeti Chopra
(2014) followed quips, According to me, it should be a
by two flops profession goes through so much scrutiny global holiday, because my birthday is
Daawat-E-Ishq and emotional highs and lows as that of an too important. Im that person who starts
and Kill Dil actor. So, I feel Im being prepared very counting days from January.
(2014). And this well, says Parineeti. Recounting the most special birthday
years previous Often referred to as Priyanka Chopras memory that shell always cherish, Parineeti
release Meri cousin during her first days in Bollywood, shares, Last year was the best birthday Ive
Pyaari Bindu Parineeti is happy that she has carved a ever had.
didnt do well. niche of her own. It was my 28th and I celebrated with
Of course, its very Were always going to be cousins, but some 30 of my friends. We partied for two
difficult to take [low today, I have my own identity, which I am days straight and have the best stories from
points], but I realised very proud of. And that has only happened those days.
ormer beauty queen Niharika went to Niharikas house... When she brilliant actor. Bachchan got nostalgic and
Singh is upset that her Miss opened the door, revealing a glimpse H o w e v e r, said that the 1981 film still resounds
Lovely co-star Nawazuddin of the house, I was speechless with I had hoped among the polity of the nation.
Siddiqui did not take her consent amazement. A hundred, or so it these acting Yaraana completes 36 years
before sharing their personal equation seemed, little candles flickered s k i l l s What a time we had making this
with the world in his memoir. She beautifully. She wore soft faux fur, would have film It was a scream The
says the way he has painted her looking devastatingly gorgeous, her remained locations the co-artists the hilarious
image, it appears he doesnt mind beauty illuminated even more in the confined and at times intense moments But
disrespecting a woman to boost the candlelight. only to the eventually ending up in a film that
sales of his book. And I, being the lusty village screen. Still, still resounds among the polity of
In a statement, Niharika said: bumpkin that I am, scooped her up in I wish him the nation Particularly the music,
Nawaz and I had a brief relationship my arms and headed straight for the well. Amitabh wrote on his blog.
in 2009 during the making of Miss bedroom. We made passionate love. The 75-year-old said it was his
idea to shoot the popular song Sara
Lovely that lasted less than a few And just like that, out of the blue, I
zamana in a stadium in Kolkata. And to make matters worse, when
months. So today, when he paints began a relationship with Niharika
Most talked about of course was we came out in our cars to go back to
me as a woman in fur enticing him Singh, a relationship which I did not
the song with the lit jacket, which our hotel, around 20,000 excited fans
into her bedroom with candles, or know then would last for almost one
was my idea and the location to shoot ran along with us and surrounded the
desperately calling him and mailing and a half years. it in Kolkata at the Netaji Subhas car carrying Neetu ji and myself
other women on his behalf, I can He has also claimed that she Stadium recently constructed then, And then the worst happened
only laugh. sent emails on his behalf to was also my input. the car broke down and refused to
He obviously wants to sell his one of his former lovers. The stadium packed beyond start the police contingent came
book and it would appear that he is Niharika is livid. limits, the police and the forces alongside, the police van backed into
willing to exploit and disrespect a He has chosen to having a tough time controlling us and asked us to step out and step
woman just to do so. fabricate stories and the crowds and an altercation with into the van for protection, but it was
Excerpts from An Ordinary Life manipulate a fleeting the forces and the crowd member an impossible task, he said.
(Penguin Random House, 240-page), relationship. None of resulting in the audience ripping the So, as we sat inside, pummelled
a memoir that Nawazuddin has come what he has written cemented seats of the stadium and by the fans around the car, something
out with Rituparna Chatterjee, have has been with my throwing it in the bowl of the arena, strange happened .. the fans realising
revealed that the National Award knowledge, let alone resulting in our leading lady getting that the car had broken down,
winning actor has spoken extensively my consent. It is this very extreme anxiety pangs and insisting virtually lifted the car off the ground
on his personal life and relationships. aspect of Nawaz that caused on leaving the location, in tears and and pushed lifted it to hotel What
One of these is focussed on his me to end my relationship with going back to Mumbai, he said. a moment ... could never thank the
bond with Niharika. him in the first place. I have Amitabh said that matters became fans enough and express gratitude for
He writes: For the very first time, I always maintained that hes a worse when the car carrying him and their love, he added.
Neetu broke down.
herself in the trend and formula of women-oriented movie.
eteran actress Sharmila and Dharmendra. Sharmila, who
She feels taking the responsibility of a whole film could affect her
Tagore says actresses today made her Bollywood debut in 1959,
creative mind, and so, she is cautious with her choice at this point of
have a better chance unlike on Tuesday was honoured with the
her career. Considering that women-oriented films are playing
earlier times in the film industry Lifetime Achievement Award by the
a crucial part in changing the narrative of new age Indian cinema,
During our times it was nothing PHD Chamber of Commerce and
asked why she has not appeared in such films in recent times, Tabu
better than a good cry. We had to Industry at the Siri Fort Auditorium.
said: Now taking a decision on films is not that black and white like
all look helpless... so, I think these On receiving the award, Sharmila
that earlier.
people (heroines today) are having said: Thank you PHD Chamber
In the beginning of my career, I have done many films where the
much more fun..., Sharmila said for this wonderful honour and
tag of women-oriented film was not there every time. I chose the
when asked if she sees any difference distinction... I am so happy to share
films because the character was substantial. Now, if producers and
between the actresses then and now. with these young people who were
directors are coming to me with the formula of women-oriented
Sharmila, 72, said that the life rocking... thank you, so much.
films, with the idea of putting the responsibility of a film on my
of a heroine during her time was Apart from Sharmila, filmmaker-
shoulder, I do not want to get stuck in there.
not exciting fashion designer Muzzafar Ali
The focus should be on my work, as in on my performance, not
Heroines (then) couldnt be bad, was feted with a Special Award for
that I sell in this category of film, and therefore offered (it).
so Helen had all the fun... heroines contribution to the Indian cinema.
Starting her career in 1980 with the film Bazaar with a small
life wasnt all that exciting... He thanked the PHD Chamber of
part, Tabu shared screen space with the iconic Dev Anand in Hum
todays heroines have much better Commerce and Industry, saying: It
Naujawan and went on to act in films like Vijaypath, Maachis,
chance, she adde. The Amar is a great thing to respect... it is this
Kalapani, Border, Chandni Bar, Maqbool, The Namesake, Life of Pi,
Prem actress says maintaining respect which makes us work.
Haider and Fitoor. The actress has also bagged six National
a continuity then was difficult. The Chamber also gave awards
"The Awards and received Padma Shri in 2011.
Also, we were working in three or to several singers like Kavita Seth,
focus should As the actress has played various intense roles, asked
four films at a time. So, maintaining Prem Bhatia, Akriti Kakar, Usha
be on my work, as if she ever gets a hangover of her character off the
a continuity was difficult because Mangeshkar, and Ankit Tiwari,
today Aamir Khan can put on and among others. in on my performance, camera even after the shooting is over, Tabu said:
not that I sell in this Well, yes. But the intensity depends on how much
lose weight... we couldnt do all
category of film, and that character has impacted your mind. When I play
that, she said.
therefore offered a character, physically and mentally I go through a
Talking about the films she likes
(it)." process, so it is obvious to get impacted.
the most out of those she starred
But some characters just stay back for long in my
in, Sharmila said: I like Safar and
system. Like the one from Hu Tu Tu. That character was poles
Mausam. People really like Amar
apart of who I am. It was grey and later, it becomes totally dark.
Prem and Aradhana. The shelf life
Then, my characters in Maqbool, Haider or The Namesake... Those
of these films is still there... but my
were so larger than life that they shook your equilibrium.
favourite is Safar and Mausam.
However, according to Tabu, she is a fun-loving person by nature
In her over five decade journey in
and always keen to explore the genre of comedy films. After her latest
Hindi filmdom, Sharmila has starred
Golmaal Again, she will soon to be seen in Luv Ranjans upcoming
in films like Aradhana, Kashmir
rom-com alongside Ajay Devgn.
Ki Kali, Aa Gale Lag Jaa and An
Asked about her opinion on the comedy genre not being taken
Evening In Paris.
seriously in filmmaking, she said: Yes, comedy is a genre has been
About her favourite co-star, she
taken with a pinch of salt and it is good. You cannot take every genre
said: I liked Shashi (Kapoor) very
of films so seriously. In fact, I think that is what reflects life... We
much. Hes a friend. Of course, with
should take life with a pinch of salt, you cannot be serious all the
Rajesh Khannaji I gave several hits,
106.2 FM
*Source: GfK Radio Audience Measurement S3 2017 commercial radio survey all people 10+ cumulative audience Mon-Sun 12mn-12mn
*T&C Apply
30 ENTERTAINMENT Friday, October 27, 2017 The Indian Weekender
CBD. The barrier to a higher level of
performance is always either technical Coca-Cola Christmas in Please note: This is a kid friendly, non-
alcoholic event.
ndia Property Show is back in Auckland on 4th and
ormental. A person is either lacking the 5th November at Fickling Convention Centre, 546
technical skills or the mental skills, a lack the Park Mount Albert Rd, Three Kings, from 10am to 7pm.
of confidence and motivation to focus. Toko Fogo Nite This is the best time to invest in India with RERA
Long considered to be fixed, mental skills Date: November 4, 2017
are nowrecognized as being able to be Time: 7.30pm legislation kicking in and increased transparency in the
developed in a similar way to technical skills. Venue:Netball Hall, Manurewa industry. Severe penalties for developers who do not
Attend this free workshop and learn how Toko Fogo Nite returns, featuring 7-years- finish their project in time or as per quality promised is
to improve your mental skills and develop a old wonder girl of India Aayat Shaikh and
winning mindset while networking with like- allowing only reputed developers to survive. Misleading
comedian Hiren Trivedi. For tickets, visit
minded professionals. advertisements are also a thing of the past with most
unscrupulous developers wound up under the RERA
Mt Albert Candy Crawl Opening night fire works provisions. Only top RERA certified developers
Venue: Mt Albert Market, 847 New North including Godrej, Ozone and Bakeri participating with
Rd, Mt Albert, Auckland Date:December 9, 2017
extravaganza their PAN India Projects in Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore,
Date: Saturday 28 October 2017 Time: 7.30pm Venue: Western Springs Stadium, Stadium Ahmedabad, Baroda, Noida, Chennai and more.
Time: 10:00am 1:00pm Rd, Western Springs, Auckland
Venue: Auckland Domain, Parnell Wide range of options from Apartments, Villas, Plots,
Restrictions:All Ages, Admission: Free Pack a picnic and head to the biggest event Date: Saturday 4 November 2017
Bring your little ghosts and goblins to Mt Time: 6:30pm Buy Tickets
Retirement Villages and Commercial are available.
on the Kiwi Christmas calendar. Relax on the
Albert Village for our first-ever Halloween grass and take in the free and family-friendly As always, Opening Night is the first Attractive prices start from only NZ$60,000.
Candy Crawl! extravaganza of live music and dance along opportunity for the fans to get a good look This time the developers are offering big festival
First join us at the Mt Albert Market - bring an to some of the countrys top singers and at each competitor and their brand new cars discounts with very attractive payment schemes: Two
old t-shirt and we'll help you transform it into for the season. We have huge fields in all
a spooktacular trick-or-treat bag. Then walk
musicians. years Rental Guarantee, Pre Possession EMI paid by
divisions this season so all effort will be made
up to the shops for lollies, balloon twisting, by the competitors to do well in the heats in the developer, cash back of initial deposit, GST waiver,
face painting and Halloween fun. We'll be National Unity order to make the feature race. ticket to visit the project to name a few.
raffling off great prizes and hosting a costume
competition. Day- Auckland At the end of the night the lights will be
turned down and well see an awesome
Tax and Finance consultant will be present to answer
Date: October 29, 2017 all your queries on Tax impact in India and NZ and
fireworks display. We were a bit disappointed
Farmers Santa Parade Time: 1pm
Venue: Mahatma Gandhi Centre/Auckland
with the display last year so have decided to
turn it up a notch and go all out to light up the INVEST NOW FOR A SECURE FUTURE & BE A
Date: 26th November 2017 Indian Association Auckland sky around Vodafone Speedway Western PART OF INDIAS GROWING ECONOMY
Time: 1pm on Sunday Join us in celebrating the birth anniversary
Vunue: Queen Street, Auckland CBD
Springs and celebrate the start of the new Contact Mr Prashant Shenoy on 021326442 for
of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel- the iron man of season. further details.
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our usual excludes
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ends 31/10/2017.