G 205 - 10
G 205 - 10
G 205 - 10
1. Scope priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
1.1 This guide presents some generally accepted laboratory bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
methodologies that are used for determining the corrosivity of
2. Referenced Documents
crude oil.
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
1.2 This guide does not cover detailed calculations and D96 Test Method for Water and Sediment in Crude Oil by
methods, but rather a range of approaches that have found Centrifuge Method (Field Procedure) (Withdrawn 2000)3
application in evaluating the corrosivity of crude oil. D473 Test Method for Sediment in Crude Oils and Fuel Oils
1.3 Only those methodologies that have found wide accep- by the Extraction Method
tance in crude oil corrosivity evaluation are considered in this D665 Test Method for Rust-Preventing Characteristics of
guide. Inhibited Mineral Oil in the Presence of Water
1.4 This guide does not address the change in oil/water ratio D724 Test Method for Surface Wettability of Paper (Angle-
caused by accumulation of water at low points in a pipeline of-Contact Method) (Withdrawn 2009)3
system. D1125 Test Methods for Electrical Conductivity and Resis-
tivity of Water
1.5 This guide is intended to assist in the selection of D1129 Terminology Relating to Water
methodologies that can be used for determining the corrosivity D1141 Practice for the Preparation of Substitute Ocean
of crude oil under conditions in which water is present in the Water
liquid state (typically up to 100C). These conditions normally D1193 Specification for Reagent Water
occur during oil and gas production, storage, and transportation D4006 Test Method for Water in Crude Oil by Distillation
in the pipelines. D4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and
1.6 This guide does not cover the evaluation of corrosivity Petroleum Products
of crude oil at higher temperatures (typically above 300C) that D4377 Test Method for Water in Crude Oils by Potentiomet-
occur during refining crude oil in refineries. ric Karl Fischer Titration
G1 Practice for Preparing, Cleaning, and Evaluating Corro-
1.7 This guide involves the use of electrical currents in the sion Test Specimens
presence of flammable liquids. Awareness of fire safety is G31 Practice for Laboratory Immersion Corrosion Testing of
critical for the safe use of this guide. Metals
1.8 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as G111 Guide for Corrosion Tests in High Temperature or
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this High Pressure Environment, or Both
standard. G170 Guide for Evaluating and Qualifying Oilfield and
1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the Refinery Corrosion Inhibitors in the Laboratory
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the G184 Practice for Evaluating and Qualifying Oil Field and
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- Refinery Corrosion Inhibitors Using Rotating Cage
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee G01 on Corrosion of contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Metals and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee G01.05 on Laboratory Standards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on
Corrosion Tests. the ASTM website.
Current edition approved Sept. 1, 2010. Published October 2010. DOI: 10.1520/ The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
G020510. www.astm.org.
Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
G205 10
G193 Terminology and Acronyms Relating to Corrosion 4.3 The wettability of a steel surface is determined using
G202 Test Method for Using Atmospheric Pressure Rotating two methods: (1) contact angle method and (2) spreading
Cage method.
2.2 ISO Standard:4 4.4 The corrosiveness of water phase in the presence of
ISO 6614 Petroleum productsDetermination of Water crude oil can be determined using several methods.
Separability of Petroleum Oils and Synthetic Fluids
2.3 NACE Standard:5 5. Significance and Use
TM0172 Standard Test Method Determining Corrosive 5.1 In the absence of water, the crude oil is noncorrosive.
Properties of Cargoes in Petroleum Product Pipelines The presence of sediment and water makes crude oil corrosive.
Test Methods D96, D473, D4006, and D4377 provide methods
3. Terminology for the determination of the water and sediment content of
3.1 DefinitionsThe terminology used herein, if not spe- crude oil.
cifically defined otherwise, shall be in accordance with Guide 5.2 The corrosivity of crude oil containing water can be
G170, Terminology and Acronyms G193, and Terminology determined by a combination of three properties (Fig. 1) (1)6:
D1129. Definitions provided herein and not given in Guide the type of emulsion formed between oil and water, the
G170, Terminology and Acronyms G193, and Terminology wettability of the steel surface, and the corrosivity of water
D1129 are limited only to this guide. phase in the presence of oil.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 5.3 Water and oil are immiscible but, under certain
3.2.1 emulsion, ntwo-phase immiscible liquid system in conditions, they can form emulsion. There are two kinds of
which one phase is dispersed as droplets in the other phase. emulsion: O/W and W/O. W/O emulsion (in which oil is the
3.2.2 emulsion-inversion point, npercentage of water at continuous phase) has low conductivity and is thus less
which a water-in-oil (W/O) emulsion converts into an oil-in- corrosive; whereas O/W (in which water is the continuous
water (O/W) emulsion. phase) has high conductivity and, hence, is corrosive (see ISO
6614) (2). The conductivities of various liquids are provided in
3.2.3 wettability, ntendency of a liquid to wet or adhere on
Table 1(3). The percentage of water at which W/O converts to
to a solid surface.
O/W is known as the emulsion inversion point (EIP). EIP can
3.3 Acronyms: be determined by measuring the conductivity of the emulsion.
CO2 At and above the EIP, a continuous phase of water or free water
is present. Therefore, there is a potential for corrosion.
CO2 = Carbon dioxide
EIP = Emulsion inversion point 5.4 Whether water phase can cause corrosion in the pres-
H2S = Hydrogen sulfide ence of oil depends on whether the surface is oil wet (hydro-
KOH = Potassium hydroxide phobic) or water wet (hydrophilic) (4-8). Because of higher
NaCl = Sodium chloride resistance, an oil-wet surface is not susceptible to corrosion,
Na2CO3 = Sodium carbonate but a water-wet surface is. Wettability can be characterized by
NaHCO3 = Sodium bicarbonate measuring the contact angle or the conductivity (spreading
NaOH = Sodium hydroxide method).
Na2S = Sodium sulfide 5.4.1 In the contact angle method, the tendency of water to
O/W = Oil-in-water displace hydrocarbon from steel is measured directly by
W/O = Water-in-oil observing the behavior of the three phase system. The contact
angle is determined by the surface tensions (surface free
4. Summary of Guide energies) of the three phases. A hydrocarbon-steel interface
4.1 This guide describes methods for determining the cor- will be replaced by a water-steel interface if this action will
rosivity of crude oils by a combination of three properties: (1) result in an energy decrease of the system. To determine
the emulsion of the oil and water, (2) the wettability of the steel whether the surface is oil wet, mixed wet, or water wet, the
surface, and (3) the corrosivity of water phase in the presence angle at the oil-water-solid intersection is observed and mea-
of oil. sured.
4.2 Conductivity of emulsion can be used to determine the 5.4.2 In the spreading method of determining wettability,
type of emulsion: oil in water (O/W) or water in oil (W/O). The the resistance between steel pins is measured. If a conducting
conductivity of the O/W emulsion (in which water is the phase (for example, water) covers (wets) the distance between
continuous phase) is high. The conductivity of the W/O the pins, conductivity between them will be high. On the other
emulsion (in which oil is the continuous phase) is low. hand, if a nonconducting phase (for example, oil) covers (wets)
the distance between the pins, the conductivity between them
will be low.
Available from the American National Standards Institute, 25 W. 43rd St., New
York, NY 10036.
5 6
Available from the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 1440 S. Creek The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end of
Dr., Houston, TX 77084-4906. this standard.
G205 10
5.5 Dissolution of ingredients from crude oils may alter the 6. Materials
corrosiveness of the aqueous phase. Based on how the corro-
6.1 Methods for preparing coupons and probes for tests and
sivity of the aqueous phase changes in its presence, a crude oil
for removing coupons after the test are described in Practice
can be classified as corrosive, neutral, inhibitory, or preventive
G1. Standard laboratory glassware should be used for weighing
crude. Corrosiveness of the aqueous phase in the presence of
and measuring reagent volumes.
oil can be determined by methods described in Test Method
D665, Guide G170, Practice G184, Test Method G202, and 6.2 The coupons/probes should be made of the field material
NACE TM0172. (such as carbon steel) and have the same metallographic
G205 10
TABLE 1 Conductivities of Selected Hydrocarbons and Aqueous 7.3 Procedures to deoxygenate and saturate the solutions
Phases (3) with acid gases are presented in Test Method G202. To
Liquid Temperature, C ConductivityA simulate field operating conditions, the solution is often re-
Acetic acid 0 5 10-9 quired to be saturated with acid gases such as hydrogen sulfide
Aniline 25 2.4 10-8
Benzene ... 7.6 10-8
(H2S) and carbon dioxide (CO2). H2S and CO2 are corrosive
Formic acid 25 6.4 10-5 gases. H2S is poisonous and shall not be released to the
Glycerol 25 6.4 10-8 atmosphere. The appropriate composition of gas can be ob-
Glycol 25 3 10-7
Heptane ... <1 10-13
tained by mixing H2S, CO2, and methane streams from the
Hexane 18 <1 10-18 standard laboratory gas supply. Nitrogen or any other inert gas
Kerosene 25 <1.7 10-8 can be used as a diluent to obtain the required partial pressures
Pentane 19.5 <2 10-10
Sulfur 115 1 10-12 of the corrosive gases. Alternatively, gas mixtures of the
Sulfur dioxide 35 1.5 10-8) appropriate compositions can be purchased from suppliers of
Sulfuric acid 25 1 10-2 industrial gases. The composition of gas depends on the field
Sulfuryl chloride, S02C12 25 3 10-8
Water 18 4 10-8 gas composition. The oxygen concentration in solution de-
KOH 18 234B pends on the quality of gases used to purge the solution. The
NaCl 18 106.5B oxygen content of nitrogen or the inert gas should be less then
NaOH 18 208B
1/2Na2S 18 104.3B (N= 1.0) 10 ppm by volume. Leaks through the vessel, tubing, and joints
NaHC03 25 93.5B should be avoided.
1/2Na2C03 18 112B
Electrical conductivity is the reciprocal of the ac resistance in ohms measured
7.4 The test vessels should be heated slowly to avoid
between opposite faces of a 1-cm cube of an aqueous solution at a specified overheating. The thermostat in the heater or thermostatic bath
temperature (in accordance with Test Methods D1125). The unit of electrical should be set not more than 20C above the solution tempera-
conductivity is Siemens per centimetre (S/cm). The previously used units of
mhos/cm are numerically equivalent to S/cm. At low concentrations to obtain the
ture until the test temperature is reached. The pressure in the
conductivity of electrolyte the conductivity of pure solvent should be subtracted vessel should be monitored during heating to make sure it does
from that of the solution. not exceed the relief pressure. If necessary, some of the gas in
Equivalent conductivity of an electrolyte, L (V-1 cm2 equiv-1) the sum of
contributions of the individual ions; L = k/C, where C is concentration in the vessel may be bled off to reduce the pressure. The test
equivalents per litre. The volume of the solution in cubic centimetres per equivalent temperature should be maintained within +2C of the specified
is equal to 1000/C, and L = 1000 k/C. The values are taken at 0.001 concentration temperature. Once the test temperature is reached, the test
(N), except where specified otherwise.
pressure should be adjusted to the predetermined value. The
pressure should be maintained within +10 % of the specified
value for the duration of the test.
structure as that used in the service components. The probes for 7.5 A general procedure to carry out experiments at elevated
wettability and EIP measurements should be ground to a pressure and elevated temperature is described in Guide G111.
surface finish of 600 grit. Preparation of coupons for corrosion For elevated temperature and elevated pressure experiments
measurements is described in Guide G170, Practice G184, and using individual gases, first the autoclave is pressurized with
Test Method G202. H2S to the required partial pressure and left for 10 min. If there
is a decrease of pressure, the autoclave is repressurized. This
7. Preparation of Test Solutions process is repeated until no further pressure drop occurs. Then,
the autoclave is pressurized with CO2 by opening the CO2 gas
7.1 Oil should be obtained from the field that is being
cylinder at a pressure equal to the CO2 + H2S partial pressure
evaluated. Practice D4057 provides guidelines for collecting
and left for 10 min. If there is a decrease in pressure, the
crude oil. It is important that live fluids do not contain
autoclave is repressurized with CO2 gas. This process is
externally added contaminants, for example, corrosion
repeated until no further pressure drop is observed. Finally, the
inhibitors, biocides, and surfactants. A water sample should
autoclave is pressurized with an inert gas (for example,
also be obtained from the field. A synthetic aqueous solution
methane) by opening the appropriate cylinder at the total gas
could be used; the composition of which, however, should be
pressure at which the experiments are intended to be carried
based on field water analysis. Alternatively, standard 3 % brine
or synthetic brine (of a composition provided in Practice
D1141) may be used. Their composition should be specified in
8. Laboratory Methodologies
the work plan and recorded in the laboratory logbook. The
solutions should be prepared following good laboratory prac- 8.1 Determination of Emulsion Type:
tice. The solutions should be prepared using reagents (in 8.1.1 A schematic diagram of the equipment used for
accordance with Test Method G202) and deionized water (in determining the emulsion type is presented in Figs. 2 and 3.
accordance with Specification D1193). The apparatus consists of an experimental section (Fig. 3), a
7.2 The solutions (oil and water phases) should be deaerated reservoir, a circulating pump, and a flow controller.
by passing nitrogen (or any other inert gas) and kept under 8.1.2 The experimental section (Fig. 3) is a 15-cm-long
deaerated conditions. Solutions should be transferred with horizontal pipe section of 2.5 cm in diameter containing two
minimal contact with air. Procedures to transfer the solutions vertically placed measuring pins (typically made from carbon
are described in Test Method G202. steel). The distances between the pins can be varied with a
G205 10
screw arrangement. For optimal measurements, a pin distance cover of the reservoir is fitted with an inlet, an outlet, and an
of 0.25 cm is suggested. impeller. For higher pressure experiments, the reservoir is also
8.1.3 The reservoir (typically 7-L capacity) may be an fitted with a pressure gauge to monitor the pressure. The
autoclave (for higher pressure measurements) or a glass impeller should be capable of rotating at annular rotation
container (for atmospheric pressure measurements). The top speeds higher than 1000 rpm.
G205 10
8.1.4 The circulating pump is used to circulate the emulsion and is experimentally easier but does not simulate the
between the reservoir and the experimental section. The pump sequence in an oil and gas pipeline (in which the surface will
should be capable of pumping fluids up to a speed of 50 cm/s. be first contacted with oil and then with water). is more
8.1.5 The flow controller controls the velocity of the fluids relevant to the pipeline operating conditions, but measuring the
through the experimental section. The flow controller should contact angle through a dark oil background is relatively
be capable of controlling fluids up to a speed of 50 cm/s. difficult (such measurements require illumination).
8.1.6 The apparatus should be cleaned before each experi- Contact angles reported depend on whether the
ment. The measuring pins should be washed as described in water phase is advancing or receding over the steel surface.
Practice G1 to remove any corrosion products. This phenomenon is known as contact angle hysteresis and is
8.1.7 An appropriate volume of oil (typically 4 L) is poured caused by surface roughness or absorption of surface active
into the reservoir and the entire EIP apparatus is deoxygenated agents on the surface (9). In order to account for this phenom-
using an inert gas (and presaturated with gases (typically CO2, enon the oil drop volume (Sequence 1; or water
H2S, and methane) when necessary), as described in Section 7 drop volume (Sequence 2; and needs to be
as well as Test Method G202. Note that proper deoxygenation varied in order to determine the maximum and minimum
of the apparatus may be critical for fire safety. contact angles. Average of both contact angles should be
8.1.8 The impeller is started to mix the fluids thoroughly. determined and reported.
The rotation speed of the impeller and the duration of rotation The contact angle can be measured as interior angle
depend on the characteristics of oil. To ensure formation of or exterior angle.
stable emulsion of most crude oil, a minimum impeller speed
of 1000 rpm and rotation for up to 30 min is sufficient. Sequence 1
8.1.9 Once the stable emulsion is formed, the circulating In Sequence 1, the steel surface is first in contact
pump is started and the flow controller is adjusted. For most with water, a drop of oil is then added, and the contact angle is
crude oil-water systems, a velocity of about 20 cm/s at the measured through the water phase. A water-steel interface will
experimental section provides reproducible results. be replaced by an oil-steel interface if the energy of the system
8.1.10 The electrical resistance of the solution passing decreases as a result of this action. In order to account for
through the experimental section is measured using the two contact angle hysteresis the minimum and maximum contact
probes as described in Test Method D1125. angles need to be determined by increasing and decreasing the
size of the oil droplet. The average of minimum and maximum
NOTE 1The dc method of measuring electrical resistance may be contact angles should be determined and reported.
used. However, special care should be taken to avoid electrolysis by
restricting the duration of the measurement (typically 5 s) and by taking Figs. 4 and 5 provide examples of different contact
several measurements (typically three) at regular intervals (with at least 1 angles of oil drop and water on a steel surface. In Fig. 4, sos,
min between (during which time the dc power source is turned off) each sow, and sws are surface tensions of oil-steel, oil-water, and
measurement). water-steel interfaces, respectively. In Figs. 4 and 5, u is the
8.1.11 After measuring the electrical resistance of 100 % contact angle. If sws is much larger than sos, u will approach
oil, the circulating pump and impeller are stopped. Of the oil, 180, and the surface will be completely oil wet (4, 5).
400 mL (10 % of the original volume) is pumped out and Different methods of measuring and reporting the contact angle
replaced with 400 mL of 3 % NaCl and 8.1.3 to 8.1.9 are are provided in Table 2.
repeated. After measuring with 90 % oil the water and oil are The steel sample is placed horizontally in a beaker.
allowed to separate and 400 mL of the oil is removed (10 % of The beaker is filled with aqueous phase (distilled water or 3 %
the volume) to be replaced with 3 % NaCl solution. This NaCl) so as to immerse the steel surface completely. A drop of
process is repeated until 100 % water is reached or until it oil is then injected using a needle (typical diameter 21G (0.8
becomes impossible to remove oil without also removing mm)). The photograph of the oil droplet on the steel surface is
water/oil emulsion. If the oil cannot be removed in 10 % taken. On a printed photograph, a horizontal line is drawn at
aliquots then separate mixtures will need to be prepared and the base of the droplet. At the point of contact of the droplet
inserted in the apparatus. with the steel surface, two tangents to the curve are drawn at
the two points of contact with the baseline. The two exterior
NOTE 2Procedures for converting the measured resistance to resis-
tivity are described in Test Methods D1125. Resistivity (in ohms-cm) is angles between the base and the tangents are measured with a
numerically the inverse of conductivity (in Siemens per cm). protractor. Alternatively, the tangent can be drawn using the
8.1.12 The emulsion inversion point is determined from a tools in software.
plot of conductivity versus oil-water ratio as being the first The angle is measured exterior to the oil droplet on
point on the graph at which the conductivity starts to increase the metal surface; the surface is considered oil wet when the
significantly. contact angle is more than 120, mixed wet when the contact
angle is between 60 and 120, and water wet when the contact
8.2 Determination of Wettability: angle is less than 60 (Table 2, Figs. 4 and 5).
8.2.1 Contact Angle Method: The contact angle of the water-oil system on steel Sequence 2
can be measured using two different sequences: adding water In Sequence 2, the steel surface is first in contact
first and the oil drop next (Sequence 1; or with oil, a drop of water is then added, and the contact angle is
adding oil first and the water drop next (Sequence 2; measured through the oil phase. Determining the contact angle
G205 10
u = contact angle
sos = surface tensions of oil-steel interface
sow = surface tensions of oil-water interface
sws = surface tensions of water-steel interface
FIG. 4 Contact Angle Measurements through Water Phase (Exterior Contact Angle)
FIG. 5 Contact Angle Measurements through Water Phase (Exterior Contact Angle)
through the oil phase with a dark oil background is difficult droplet. The average of minimum and maximum contact angles
experimentally. Therefore, the surface is illuminated. Test should be determined and reported.
Method D724 provides the procedure to measure the contact In Test Method D724, the interior angle is measured.
angle using Sequence 2. In order to account for contact angle The angle is measured interior to the water droplet on the metal
hysteresis the minimum and maximum contact angle need to be surface; the surface is considered oil wet when the contact
determined by increasing and decreasing the size of the water angle is more than 120, mixed wet when the contact angle is
G205 10
TABLE 2 Methods for Measuring and Reporting Contact Angles
First Phase Added Second Phase Added Angle Measured Range of Contact Range of Contact Range of Contact
onto the Steel onto the Steel Angle under Oil-Wet Angle under Water- Angle under Mixed-
Surface Surface Condition Wet Condition Wet Condition
Water Oil Interior 0-60 120-180 60-120
Water Oil ExteriorA 120-180 0-60 60-120
Oil Water InteriorB 120-180 0-60 60-120
Oil Water Exterior 0-60 120-180 60-120
In Fig. 4and Fig. 5, this sequence is illustrated
This sequence of measurement may require illumination (see Test Method D724 for details).
between 60 and 120, and water wet when the contact angle is NOTE 3For the accuracy of differentiating the wettability of surfaces,
less than 60 (Table 2 and Test Method D724). the 200 KV resistance cut off point is sufficient. Procedures for converting
the measured resistance to resistivity are described in Test Method D1125.
8.2.2 Spreading Method: Resistivity (in V-cm) is numerically the inverse of conductivity (in The schematic diagram of an apparatus to determine Siemens per cm).
wettability by the spreading method under pipeline operating
8.3 Determination of the Effect of Crude Oil on the Corro-
conditions is presented in Fig. 6. A measuring probe containing
siveness of the Aqueous Phase:
21 measuring pins (Fig. 7) is placed at the bottom of the
8.3.1 Under water-wet conditions, the corrosivity of the
apparatus. The pins are electrically isolated from one another
aqueous phase may be altered by the dissolution of ingredients
by an insulator material (polytetrafluoroethylene [PTFE] is
from the crude oil. The effect of crude oil on the corrosiveness
found to be suitable). Electrical connections to the pins are
of the aqueous phase can be determined either by pretreating
provided through the back of the pins. The typical diameter of
the coupons with crude oil and then conducting the experiment
the central holding part of the apparatus is 36 mm and typical
in the aqueous phase (typically 3 % NaCl) or conducting the
height is 8 mm. The top cover is fitted with a gas inlet and
experiments in the presence of both the crude oil and aqueous
outlet. For elevated pressure experiments, the apparatus is
pressure rated up to 2068 kPa at room temperature but
8.3.2 Guide G170 provides procedure to pretreat the cou-
normally operated at no higher than 1724 kPa.
pons or probes with oil. The corrosion rate of pretreated The apparatus is cleaned, leveled, and the measuring
coupons or probes is compared with that of an untreated
pins are polished before each experiment. Of the test oil, 3 mL
coupon or probe.
is poured in the apparatus such that all 21 pins are covered. The
8.3.3 For experiments in the presence of both the crude oil
apparatus is closed and sealed. The apparatus is deaerated for
and aqueous phases, the ratio of water and oil should be the
1 h. The apparatus is then saturated (for an atmospheric
same as or higher than the ratio at which EIP has occurred. The
pressure experiment) with appropriate test gases for 30 min or
corrosion rate obtained should be compared with that obtained
is pressurized (for an elevated pressure experiment) with the
in the presence of 3 % NaCl under the same experimental
appropriate test gases. The apparatus is left undisturbed for
24 h. Note that proper deoxygenation of the apparatus may be
8.3.4 The corrosion rate may be determined by any one of
critical for fire safety.
the methods described in Test Method D665, Guide G170, The electrical resistance between the pins is then
Practice G184, Test Method G202, and NACE TM0172.
measured with the central pin as one of the two measuring pins.
8.3.5 Based on the corrosion rate of the aqueous phase, the
Typically, the measurements are made first using the A series of
crude oil may be classified as corrosive, neutral, inhibitory, or
pins, followed by using the B series of pins, and finally using
preventive crude (Fig. 1).
the C series of pins. The resistance in all of the measurements
should be higher than 200 KV. After recording 20 readings
9. Report
using all the pins, the pressure is released. The top of the apparatus is opened and 3 mL of 3 % 9.1 All information and data shall be recorded as completely
NaCl solution is injected. The apparatus is resealed and as possible.
repressurized following the procedure described in 9.2 The following checklist is a recommended guide for
After 30 min of saturation (in the atmospheric pressure reporting important information.
experiment) or 30 min of pressurization (in the elevated
pressure experiment) conductivity between the pins is mea- 9.3 Emulsion Inversion Point:
sured in accordance with procedures described in 9.3.1 Volumes of oil and aqueous phases used at various Based on the number of pins exhibiting lower stages during the experiments,
resistance (resistance lower than 200 KV), the wettability of 9.3.2 Rotating speed of the impeller in the reservoir,
the surface can be deduced as follows: Lower resistance 9.3.3 Flow rate at the experimental chamber, and
between 16 or more pins indicates a water-wet surface, lower 9.3.4 Percentage of the water cut at the emulsion inversion
resistance between 5 to 15 pins indicates a mixed-wet surface, point.
and lower resistance in 4 or fewer pins indicates an oil-wet 9.4 Wettability Measurement:
surface. 9.4.1 Contact Angle Method:
G205 10
1Gas inlet
2Pressure gauge
6Electrical connections to the conductivity meter
7Test solution
8Measuring pins (see Fig. 7 for details)
9Gas outlet Phase through which the contact angle was 9.5.2 Standard used to determine the corrosion rate,
measured, 9.5.3 Method of simulating the effect of crude oil (by Method of measuring the contact angle (interior or pretreating the sample or conducting the experiment in the
exterior), presence of crude oil and water), Contact angles (maximum, minimum, and average), 9.5.4 Percentage of crude oil and aqueous phase (for experi-
degrees, and ments conducted in the presence of both oil and water), Type of wettability.
9.4.2 Spreading Method: 9.5.5 Corrosion rates of carbon steel in 3 % NaCl and crude Volumes of oil and aqueous phase used, oil-aqueous phase mixture, Total pressure, 9.5.6 Corrosion rates of untreated and pretreated with crude Partial pressures of acid gases (CO2 and H2S), oil carbon steel coupons in 3 % NaCl, and Resistivity values at each of the 20 measurements, 9.5.7 Type of crude: corrosive, neutral, inhibitive, or pre- Number of measurements at which the resistivity is ventive.
lower than 200 KV, and Type of wettability. 10. Keywords
9.5 Corrosivity Measurement: 10.1 corrosivity; crude oil; emulsion; mixed wet; oil-in-
9.5.1 Practices G31 and G184 provide a checklist for water emulsion; oil wet; water-in-oil emulsion; water wet;
reporting corrosion data, wettability
G205 10
Pin diameter = 2.4 mm
Distances center to center:
X-A = 4.5 mm
X-B = 9.3 mm
X-C = 14.0 mm
FIG. 7 Schematic Diagram Indicating the Positions of Measurement Pins in the Wettability Apparatus (Spreading Method)
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p. 141. Properties of Gasoline and Distillate Fuels, Corrosion 2009, Paper
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McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1992. (8) Wu, Y., Entrainment Method Enhanced to account for Oils Waters
(4) Morrow, N. R., Lim, H. T., and Ward, J. S., Effect of Crude-Oil-
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(9) Michaels, A. S., and Dean, Jr., S. W., Contact Angle Relationship on
Evaluation, February 1986, p. 89.
Silica Aquagel Surfaces, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 66, 1962,
(5) Smart, J. S., Wettability - A Major Factor in Oil and Gas System
Corrosion, CORROSION 93, Paper 70, NACE Corrosion pp. 1790-1798.
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