Leds201704 DL
Leds201704 DL
Leds201704 DL
APRIL 2017
Plant efficacy P. 41
Sapphire scores
High marks
for many P. 45
also P. 55
Subtle and
glass fixtures
P. 33
more than 100 off-the-shelf configurations, the Matrix Platform delivers Built-to-spec solutions maximize
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Come visit us in May at LIGHTFAIR International with Bill Brown Sales in Booth 501
GLOW Easy smart device based app provides one-touch control on iOS and Android.
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Event venues
April Cover Story
Custom handblown glass combines with
LEDs to showcase brilliant concert hall
design (see p. 33; courtesy of Iwan Baan).
LRC scientists continue the SSL regulatory columns/departments
Mark Rea and Jean Paul Freyssinier, Lighting Research Center
5 COMMENTARY Maury Wright
Strategies in Light and Anaheim
yield interesting experiences
Tridonic CEO discusses US entry and smart lighting
transition Maury Wright
Philips taps Microsoft as part of
indoor-positioning partnering push
Soaring new symphony hall orchestrates soft lighting
Osram completes LEDvance sale to
with LEDs Mark Halper Chinese consortium for 500 million
Samsung expands COB LED family,
41 HORTICULTURAL LIGHTING targets directional applications
Understand energy efficiency of LED horticultural Basil grower slashes energy
lighting systems Josh Gerovac, Fluence Bioengineering usage and boosts production
with LED horticultural lighting
46 FOCUS ON LEDiL unveils new LED optics
Sapphire Awards scores reflect smart SSL portfolio, adds Florence, Carmen,
developments Carrie Meadows and Strada products
Cree cancels Wolfspeed deal
51 SECURITY with Infineon based on US
government concerns
Network security can be achieved in commercial
smart lighting systems
Rafal Han and Simon Rzadkosz, Silvair 19 FUNDING + PROGRAMS
LightingEurope and IALD issue position
55 FLICKER & AC DRIVER paper on human-centric lighting
DOE Gateway report documents
Understand a new flicker metric and its application
LED lighting performance in
to AC-LED light engines four indoor applications
Peter Erwin, Der Lichtpeter, and Peter Shackle, Photalume
HotSpot Plus:
The All-in-One Driver Solution,
Now Available for Europe
The first fully integrated programmable
LED driver, emergency LED driver, and
replaceable backup battery. A revolutionary
design that reduces costs, simplifies
installation, and brings emergency
capability to smaller luminaires. Range of
form factors, and new model for
Europe now available.
Visit us at Lightfair: May 9-11, Booth 3101
write this during the midst of trols, even on a fairly busy street. So often fessional deeply involved in Hollywood cin-
Strategies in Light (SIL) week event venues demonstrate poor light- ematography, may have convinced me that
held Feb. 28Mar. 2 in Anaheim ing as I detailed one year after my visit to we still need a better color metric. Even the
this year, and our feature-length the Street and Area Lighting Conference IES TM-30 metrics dont characterize light
coverage of the event will have (http://bit.ly/2lZmNLz). In Anaheim, vis- in a manner that predicts accurate color
to wait until the next issue. But itors to a lighting event could experience capture by a camera. Now our eyes are dif-
Id like to share some highlights state-of-the art lighting. ferent from a camera, but the work that the
of the week and an interesting But then I took a closer look at the sur- Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sci-
experience I had on Convention roundings along Convention Way. The ences is doing on a metric called spectral
Way leading to the Anaheim Convention short street is horribly overlit. Sidewalks similarity index bears watching. It might
Center. The co-located Strategies in Light, on each side of the street have post-top serve the lighting industry well. And our
The LED Show, and Lightspace California pedestrian lighting that doesnt appear to best LED lighting could still be improved
events were all excellent as was our LEDs have any dimming capability (although I in terms of spectral power distribution.
Magazine Sapphire Awards Gala. was never out there late at night). Frankly, There was also a great presenta-
First, lets discuss that experience. Im not sure the street lights in the median tion on using visible light for continu-
Convention Way is a short street off Har- add much in the way of safety given the ous room disinfection. I promise you will
bor Drive that passes between the Mar- output from the post-top lights. The CCTs see more on this topic.
riott and Hilton hotels and dead-ends at of the pedestrian and street lights also If you missed the show or our cover-
the convention center. One night after appear to be a mismatch, although dark- age, come up to date quickly by view-
the show closed, I crossed Convention sky advocates would be happy to note that ing our Top 5 videos from each day
Way mid-block yes, I jaywalked. But as the street lights appeared relatively warm. (http://bit.ly/2mmbTCJ). There is also
I approached the median, I realized the And hopefully Anaheim is using the auton- a video with interviews of the Sapphire
light around me had gotten brighter. The omous technology elsewhere. I suppose Award winners. And you can read more
street lights in the median on Convention the bright and cooler pedestrian lights about the winners on p. 46.
Way have occupancy sensors that can be were judged necessary given the heavy
triggered by pedestrians or automobiles as pedestrian traffic near the Disney resort. Maury Wright,
I confirmed, watching the street. As for the SIL events, we had some inter- EDITOR
Now at first I was happy to see that esting keynotes. Indeed, Jonathan Erland, mauryw@pennwell.com
Anaheim had installed autonomous con- founder of the Pickfair Institute and a pro-
LEDs Magazine (ISSN 2156-633X), is a registered trademark. PennWell Corporation 2017. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Permission, however, is granted for employees of
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MORE: ledsmagazine.com/events
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American Bright Optoelectronics .................21 Guangzhou Acevel Electronic NMB Technologies Corporation .....................2
Amerlux ......................................................31 Technology Co. Ltd. ..................................12 Opticolor Inc. ..............................................11
Bergquist, A Henkel Company .....................71 Hangzhou Everfine Osram Opto Semiconductors ......................17
Photo-E-Info Co. Ltd ..................................59
Citizen Electronics Co. Ltd. ..........................35 Philips Emergency Lighting ..........................28
Horticultural Lighting Conference 2017 .......69
Cree Inc. ...................................................CV4 Phoenix Contact ..........................................24
Instrument Systems GmbH .........................15
CSA Group ..................................................29 Plessey Semiconductors Ltd. ......................61
Inventronics (Hangzhou) Inc...........................1
Dow Corning Europe SA...............................58 Seoul Semiconductor Co. Ltd. .......................8
Keystone Technologies................................32
Ecolite LED .................................................57 Sepco .........................................................45
Lighting for Health and Wellbeing 2017 .......67
Edison Opto Corporation .............................14 Shenzhen Ledmy Co. Ltd. ............................38
Linear Technology .......................................63
Eptronics ....................................................30 Shenzhen Moso Electronics
Lumileds ...................................................CV2 Technology Co. Ltd. ..................................20
ERG Lighting ...............................................26
Evonik Cryo .................................................37 Luminus Inc. ...............................................13 Shenzhen Sosen Electronics Co. Ltd. ..........40
Lutron Electrics Co. Inc. ..............................43 Strategies in Light/The LED Show/
Fulham Co. Inc. .............................................4
Masterbond ................................................70 Lightspace California 2018 ...................CV3
Future Lighting Solutions.......7, 18, 27, 53, 64
Mean Well USA Inc. .....................................50 Thomas Research Products ........................40
GIIR America Inc. ........................................54
Nextek Power Systems Inc. .........................62 Vicor Corporation ...................................28A-B
Griplock Systems LLC .................................16
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This information is accurate at the time of writing. Neither Philips nor its agents assume any liability for inaccuracies or losses incurred
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e were pleased to see the article The utility of CRI or color fidel- effects on the expected benefits
from Papamichael, Siminovitch, ity is beside the central point of provided by LED lighting (e.g.,
Veitch, and Whitehead in LEDs our article, however. The point start time, lamp life, flicker)
Magazine (http://bit.ly/2l85Nlu) in response of our article was that current This does not mean that min-
to our article, CRI should never be used in luminous efficacy requirements imum color quality criteria
efficacy regulations but a new lumen defi- based upon the long-wavelength couldnt be included in govern-
nition should (http://bit.ly/2gyozEC). Its biased photopic luminous effi- ment regulations, only that they
good for the lighting industry to have these ciency function, V(), should be need not be introduced to offset
open, written discussions because too often replaced with luminous efficacy the spectral bias of V(). What
people delegate their understanding of tech- requirements based upon an unbi- JEAN PAUL we are saying, again, is that
nical information to experts or to standards ased universal luminous efficiency FREYSSINIER these potential barriers to mar-
organizations, whether or not their trust function that captures the full ket adoption of energy-efficient
can be justified. Truth and dogma are often spectral sensitivity range of the human visual lighting technologies should be, and logi-
metameric to people, including experts, as system. If this were done, the myth that there cally are, independent of luminous efficacy
Galileo observed many centuries ago. is a tradeoff between luminous efficacy and requirements if they are based upon an unbi-
In response to their article, our first ques- color rendering disappears, so there would be ased universal luminous efficiency function.
tion is rather narrow but really simple: Do no need to have a compensatory color render- Just because a light source has high univer-
Papamichael and colleagues ing patch to luminous efficacy sal luminous efficacy guarantees nothing
really believe CRI, or indeed any regulations. Moreover, utiliza- about its starting characteristics, whether it
color fidelity metric, is use- tion of the universal luminous flickers, or, indeed, its color rendering prop-
ful by itself for predicting color efficiency function would pre- erties. Isnt that rather obvious?
rendering benefits from sources vent regulatory biases against
of illumination? There are no other lighting benefits, like off- LINKS
studies showing that CRI, by axis detection, brightness per-
LEDs Magazine staff and contributors have
itself, can reliably predict which ception, and circadian regula- routinely addressed controversal issues
light source people will prefer, tion, all of which depend upon concerning the solid-state lighting industry,
or at least not dislike, to illu- MARK REA the retinaes short-wavelength such as the effects of regulations on LED and
minate colored objects. Mike sensitivity. Isnt pointing out the SSL product developers as well as specifiers,
Royer recently showed in a US Department inherent bias of current luminous efficacy and the impact of metrics on technology
of Energy (DOE) presentation, for exam- requirements against these lighting benefits advances. Get a well-rounded perspective on
ple, that there were no studies supporting also our professional obligation? such topics via the following articles.
the utility of color fidelity metrics for pre- And we never suggested that luminous Californias SSL regulations support
dicting user preference. So, isnt it, to use efficacy should be the only consideration efficient quality lamps for consumers
Papamichaels and colleagues term, our by regulators. In fact, we said the opposite: http://bit.ly/2dub325
professional obligation to point out the governments want to make sure that California missteps with Title 20 LED lamp
limitations of CRI currently used in lumi- increasingly restrictive luminous efficacy regulations http://bit.ly/1q5q6Dw
nous efficacy regulations? requirements do not have collateral negative SSL industry progresses toward new color
quality metrics http://bit.ly/1LlOWn9
MARK S. REA , PhD, is the director of the Lighting Research Center (LRC) and professor
The focus on efficacy is hurting the lighting
of architecture and cognitive sciences at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. JEAN PAUL industry http://bit.ly/2nfLnIS
FREYSSINIER , MS, is a senior research scientist at the LRC (lrc.rpi.edu).
n early January, Tridonic announced that hunky dory, but everybody has been talking ally brings you extra benefits from lighting,
it would enter the North American mar- about the whole IoT wave thats coming. that is starting from scratch and then to step
ket, with that entry coming about three Everybody sees the press announcements. from not-smart or dumb lighting to smart
months after Guido van Tartwijk took the They see the Nest thermostat. They see all lighting is a very easy one to make.
helm as CEO (http://bit.ly/2kSgWvo). Tridonic the stuff happening. But lets also be very And I think the number of technologies
is an Austria-based manufacturer of LED clear. In Europe things
drivers, light engines, and other enabling are not moving at the
technologies for lighting, and part of The same speed. We also
Zumtobel Group of companies. The com- understand why. And the
pany has been what van Tartwijk described US is the market where
as a very European-focused manufacturer of this is happening at fan-
high-end electronics for lighting. Arriving at tastic speed. So in order
Tridonic, van Tartwijk counseled manage- for Tridonic to retain a
ment that US entry was critically important strong position as a lead-
as a complement to the companys business ing electronics player for
in Europe, Asia, and Australia. Of course, the lighting, we need to be at
move comes at a time when Tridonic is also the forefront of this mar-
embarking on a smart-lighting-centric future. ket development and the
At Light+Building last year, Tridonic intro- best way to do this is to
duced its net4more Internet of Things (IoT) join to be in the mar-
platform and products will come to market ket and to build success.
this year. Moreover, the company had previ- It works both ways. Weve Tridonic CEO Guido van Tartwijk.
ously established an IoT-centric engineering been approached already
organization in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA by a few American companies that have being explored by big companies in the US,
(in Orange County south of Los Angeles), and interest to enter the European market in and startup companies everybody has a
more recently opened a North American head- the IoT domain. And they are asking for our flavor; there are different protocols, different
quarters in Highland, NY near New York City. help because theyre also seeing that Europe control systems. There is no winning standard
LEDs Magazine: Welcome to the North is very different. or winning technology yet. We believe that
American market. Tell us a little about the I think the best way to describe the differ- with net4more we have a very significant and
motivation to come to a new market. ence is that the European market, in the pro- meaningful offering to the main US market. If
Guido van Tartwijk: When I met with fessional domain, has been for years already were successful, which we are very confident
the previous management, I said, Listen, used to very sophisticated controlled light- about, this is also going to help our European
guysLook, you need to be in the US because ing. Its all DALI [digital addressable lighting market activities because there we already
there is a fantastic leverage to be gained by interface] based and thats almost, I want to have a very strong base in DALI. So I think its
being both active in Europe and in the US say, a commodity, but its a bread and butter our attempt to achieve the best of both worlds.
and in Asia. So that global game is really offering of the majority of all lighting installa- Long story! I hope you can follow it.
going to be essential to be a winner. Tridonic tions in Europe. Where in the US, DALI never LEDs: We assume you were aware of Tri-
has a strong history in bringing electronics made it. So in the US, the lighting has been for donic as a company and of its technology direc-
for lighting manufacturers in a professional a very long time still fluorescent based. Dim- tion. But in terms of chronology and how you
domain in Europe, especially in the indoor ming is a big need in the US market and the approached the decision to join the company,
arena. We have strong customer relations. jump from fluorescent to LED is now done. what was most important and how did factors
The group market share and everything is But still, having controlled lighting that actu- like the US entry and IoT come into play?
LEDsmagazine.com APRIL 2017 25
van Tartwijk: Yeah, I think that the it would be just another driver supplier and
lighting industry, especially the LED lighting I think that is not a very attractive way. So
industry, is not a big group of people so you we have been waiting for the right trigger
tend to meet each other at the various light to enter the market. You could indeed have
USA based designed, manufactured fairs in the US and at Light+Building. You do argued a little bit sooner would have been
and supported drivers for every meet customers, suppliers, and sometimes better. But it also needs to be based on how
application, with custom & turn-key
even competitors. So I have known Tridonic ready Tridonic is with our offer. So we have
as a brand for quite a while and always with worked on the net4more technology now for
quite some respect, because they have done one and a half years and it was announced
a fantastic job in the European market. And to selective customers at the Frankfurt
then you talk about the general trends in the Light+Building last year, and I think thats
industry and its also quite available in mag- when all the realization started all this and
LED Drivers azines like the ones you publish. There has we need to at least do the same thing and
From 12W to 400W, ERG Lighting been a debate [about] whether you need to be better in the US. I think that LightFair is the
oers a wide range of LED drivers truly global to be successful in LED lighting. right moment to do this, and I think the last
with icker-free dimming and And that I think that stems from the old world LightFair was a bit too early.
user-adjustable output voltages. All of conventional compact florescent bulbs LEDs: I have what is almost a logistics
drivers are UL-Listed/Recognized for where you need to have volume on a global question about you entering the market.
US and Canada and come with a
5-year warranty. level to be competitive. Thats a cost question. The press release said you will offer US-spe-
I think what we are now seeing in LED cific versions of products such as drivers. But
LED Modules & Retrot Kits lighting is that you dont need to be global there are clearly global- or universally-com-
in a volume perspective, because you can be patible power-supply products in the con-
competitive at volumes from a sub-region, sumer market, so universal drivers would
if you are really good from a single country. seem plausible. Will you sell the same prod-
But exploring different technologies that are ucts globally, or will you sell products that
popping up around the world, every market are unique to geographic markets?
has its own needs. I think its a generic truth van Tartwijk: I think the answer is both.
Ideal for all high-performance linear
applications such as troer, cove, that the best way to find out is to do it and If you think about Power over Ethernet [PoE],
undercabintet, retail, refrigeration, the proof of the pudding is in the eating and for instance, there will be something like a
and display lighting. Easy to install not in the PowerPoint analysis mode. I think power box which you can compare to a lap-
and available with wireless remote thats where everybody agrees. You need to top power control, so its universal. When
control dimmer and emergency be smart in choosing what options you want volumes start to become interesting, there
backup kits.
to explore in the various markets. Being is always a very logical moment where you
globally active in this respect means just decide to make it US specific. Mind you that
that it will be really strange to sit in Europe the US driver needs detailed specifications
and wait for the US market to make up its that are, in a number of aspects, quite differ-
mind on the winning technologies in con- ent from the European specs. It goes down to
nected lighting, and then say, Okay, now we something as mundane as the wiring.
know what to do and lets do it in Europe. So there is a clear need for US-specific,
No one will think thats a smart approach. UL-approved products and thats what Tri-
Booth #332
LEDs: If I just think about Tridonic as a donic is of course going to make available.
driver company, why now in terms of the There will be a stepped approach. So we start
move to North America? You could have with universal and go to indoor and outdoor.
moved into the US two years ago. You could The scale of diversity is huge. Today, I had a
have moved before controls had to be a part discussion with product management that
of your product portfolio. Is it controls that was indeed about wiring and cables. There
made now the critical junction? is not that universality yet in lighting prod-
van Tartwijk: I think that is a good ucts as, lets say, that Nokia chargers have. I
question. I cannot give too much comment think thats just the history of the industry.
on what happened in the past. Choosing the LEDs: You said earlier that the net4more
right moment to enter a new territory is not development effort was well over a year in
an easy one. I do think that it does not make the making already. How important was Tri-
Endicott, NY - USA
607-754-9187 / sales@erglighting.com a lot of sense, being Tridonic, to enter the donic having undertaken that effort to your
www.erglighting.com US market to say, Yes, we are an LED driver decision to join the company? Were you
company. For a majority of the customers, looking for an opportunity where you had a
26 APRIL 2017 LEDsmagazine.com
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the past. Our net4more offer, to summarize, will be agnostic of the van Tartwijk: For Tridonic, I think there is no escape from the fact
driving mechanism can be PoE, can be something else. Our PoE that price erosion is around us. But if you think you can escape price
itself is something we will offer that will be, I think, in tracklights. erosion by moving into connectivity, then its wrong thinking. You need
Its for shops, very interesting designer stuff like that with those big to be competitive at cost levels that allow you to compete even in the
nasty driver boxes sitting above their heads. space that is under serious price erosion, because its not stopping at
LEDs: There a lot of different aspects of PoE that are very ele- the driver and the modules. It is going up again towards the higher
gant, including DC power distribution and improved conversion effi- value anyway... Yeah, no matter how you say it, you need to move on.
ciency. We have written favorably about other DC-grid technologies You need to keep innovating. The next innovation wave is in the con-
such as the EMerge Alliance platform (http://bit.ly/1lgXrSV). Do you nected lighting domain. But it doesnt mean that you are excused from
think, outside of connectivity, just about the fact that we can be more working hard on your competitiveness. Only then you will survive. You
energy efficient with a single power conversion? need to innovate both in value and your features, and all of a sudden
van Tartwijk: There are various options when it comes to you go to market in your crawl space. There is no excuse not to inno-
low-voltage grid. The one I think is a logical one and quite fitting vate anywhere in the company. Thats my mantra. So innovation is not
also in our portfolio is the 48V grid. But its also true that if the indus- something that I will restrict to the R&D department.
try doesnt gravitate towards some consensus there in the end, you LEDs: Back to Tridonics position in The Zumtobel Group, you said
still need the 48V power supply and that needs to be discerned. We you get to operate with a high level of autonomy. There has to be some-
have something on the DC string and its a low-voltage offer. From my thing when you are sitting with a luminaire maker, a potential cus-
perspective, I dont have a clear view of whether it should be 48V or tomer, outside of Zumtobel, where that manufacturer must wonder
36V or anything else. I know that people love 60V [or lower] because why they should buy a driver or light engine from you when you are also
that helps a lot in miniaturizing electronics. Its a beautiful concept. driving innovation up though Zumtobels lighting products, including
LEDs: We had an article recently from another SSL industry exec the coming net4more technology. How do you address that?
who said that people running businesses in the sector need to move van Tartwijk: Actually, its different per customer. In the end, its
rapidly to the IoT and smart lighting technology or basically face the way that you work with customers is always based on building
extinction (http://bit.ly/2hSlifP). Do you agree with that message? a relationship and getting into a trust. If you dont have the trust, it
will never work. Tridonic is a company that has an extensive list of
[customers] and yes, all of them compete with the luminaire com-
panies in The Zumtobel Group. So all my customers expect me to
maintain a very strict firewall between myself and the luminaire
companies in The Zumtobel Group. And if they smell that some-
thing is wrong, they will call me immediately. This is how it works.
That has worked exceptionally well and, in fact, it goes almost
the other way around where sometimes I get some critical remarks
from my colleagues from within The Zumtobel Group, whether Im
not giving their competitors too much of a discount on certain prod-
ucts. Im not kidding, and that happens in a good spirit, but it also
shows that the firewall is working and the only way to demonstrate
the firewall is working is to show it and is to do it. That was not dif-
ferent from, lets say, a company I used to work for in Philips. We had
exactly the same challenge and also there you can make it work.
In fact, with Tridonic we are really a standalone company in The
Zumtobel Group. We have our own brand, we have our own email
addresses, we have a different site. Its all quite perfect. The firewall
is real, its tangible, and I think that customers that visit us also see
that and thats how you build the trust. Trust is one thing you deliver
on. Customers have more than one option, so they will kick you out
as soon as they smell something is wrong. Its a beautiful self-reg-
ulating process.
LEDs: About the office in Highland, NY is that the headquar-
ters for sales and marketing in North America?
van Tartwijk: Correct, we have a number of sales and mar-
keting people around the country, and you will not be surprised
at some strategic places San Francisco, Atlanta, New York, and
Boston. We start with a small team and we are supported by the
R&D team in Los Angeles and the R&D teams in Europe. New York
is our go-to address.
30 APRIL 2017 LEDsmagazine.com
Smart Safe
lights the way.
hink back to 2006. The lighting rev-
olution was rising. LED lamps and
luminaires were about to make sig-
Source: Herzog & de Meuron/Elbphilharmonie und Laeiszhalle Service GmbH; Grafik: bloomimages.
nificant inroads. Early adopters could see
enormous potential for energy savings, and
would soon begin placing orders both for
commercial deployment and for retail sale.
In those dawning days, though, even die-
hard enthusiasts had to admit that LED light
quality warmth, for example couldnt
match that of venerable, flame-like incan-
descent technology.
That didnt matter to some users. But it
mattered a lot to the Swiss architects who
at the time were designing the soaring and
illusorily sailing Elbphilharmonie concert
venue along the Elbe River in the busy port
city of Hamburg, Germany. They insisted on
pioneering the use of modern, energy-saving
LED illumination in the performance hall,
but they needed a way to soften its light.
Their firm, Basel-based Herzog & de Meu-
ron, is renowned for Beijings birds nest
Olympic stadium, Londons Tate Modern and The Elbphilharmonie joins together an old warehouse and a soaring new glass
San Franciscos de Young museums. It had structure, as this cross-section shows. Architects Herzog & de Meuron chose LEDs
nothing less inspiring in mind for the Elbphil- for much of the internal lighting.
harmonie, a glorious but troubled project that
would take more than a decade to complete, angles, and forms. It would include 10,000 cal progress, prescribed SSL, prevailing over
having finally opened in January of this year acoustic gypsum fiber panels, each with other voices that wanted halogen. To take
after long delays and a budget that escalated a unique pattern. And it would feature an the edge off, the architects had a solution:
tenfold to around $840 million. inverted mushroom-shaped structure point- handblown glass balls. Or more precisely,
The Grand Hall inside the complex was ing like a ships horn down from the center of 1200 handblown glass balls that house the
to become a modern, classical music venue, the high ceiling to deflect sound back to the halls dimmable LEDs, adding a luminescent
seating 2100 people. It would be asymmetri- ears of musicians and the audience. ambience while at the same time evoking the
cal and in the round like the renowned Berlin Good lighting would enrich the elegance. look of water bubbles in homage to the Elbe
Philharmonie, but with its own shape, swirls, Harsh light would ruin it. Yet from the that flows outside (Elbphilharmonie trans-
designs inception in the days when LED lates as Elbe Philharmonic Hall).
MARK HALPER is a contributing editor with light was harsh Herzog & de Meuron, with The thick handblown glass was interesting
LEDs Magazine (markhalper@aol.com). an unflagging commitment to technologi- for us because it brings back a material quality
LEDsmagazine.com APRIL 2017 33
which you typically lose when you work with LED light, said Herzog &
de Meuron senior partner Ascan Mergenthaler, recently reflecting on
the project for LEDs Magazine. Theyre great light sources, very energy
efficient and good to play with. But theyre banal somehow. Through
that handblown glass, you get almost like an old-school quality back
to it, something we all like about lighting.
The 1200 glass balls line the underside of the terraced balconies
in the hall, undulating in yet another evocation of the river that runs
outside to the North Sea and is the artery that makes Hamburg the
second largest port in Europe after Rotterdam.
drops. It was their design approach and idea. Its the way they wanted
it, and its the way we did it.
It wasnt easy. The first hurdle: Herzog & de Meuron specified a glass
shape that would be thicker on the top than on the bottom, which, as
Lonsdale noted, runs counter to typical glassmaking.
This was one of the issues we had to tackle, which was very diffi-
cult, said Lonsdale. We could hardly find any manufacturers who
could manufacture this ball industrially.
Zumtobels two-year search for a glassmaker eventually led the ufacturers worldwide. Tanz turned to the Cerveny glassmaking
company to Detlef Tanz, an individual glass specialist in Wegberg, company in the Czech Republic to produce the glass balls.
Germany, who had previously worked with Herzog & de Meuron, Finding Tanz was a big step forward. But other challenges fol-
and who Lonsdale described as an artist with a network of man- lowed. One handblown glass item is by nature different from the
next of its kind. Cervenys glass works were
no exception. As Lonsdale tells it, the differ-
ences were often enough so that each would
disperse light differently than the next.
Every glass has its own irregularities, he
said. We had to measure the different balls
to apply them in different areas of the build-
A dim view
Then there was the issue of lighting
controls. In the early days, Herzog &
de Meuron wanted to be able to adjust
the LED lighting both by brightness
and color temperature.
While Zumtobel was able to pro-
vide one or the other, technological
limitations prevented it from provid-
ing both controls, forcing the archi-
tects to choose.
Along the way, as the ten years
went by, LEDs color temperature
fell (warmed, in the counterintui-
tive language of color and the Kel-
vin scale) to 2700K, on a nominal par
with incandescent. With the lighting
now at a satisfactory warmth, Her-
zog & de Meuron chose to go with
dimming only.
The LED glass balls are not the
From the outside, the Elbphilharmonie looks set to sail. Architects Herzog & de Meuron wanted
only light sources in the concert
just as striking an appearance on the inside, where LED lighting from Zumtobel is a key part of
hall. There are at least two others.
the picture.
The upside-down, fabric-wrapped
mushroom, which as its primary mission As a third light source, LED stage lights like glass sails formed by 1000 curved
buttresses the acoustics, also serves a light- point down to the performance floor from window panels that also house a hotel,
ing function. It houses LED tubes from the upside-down mushroom cap, and hal- apartments, and one of the two smaller
Germanys Flashaar LEDLight that shine ogen stage lights shine from the ceilings music halls. The sails reach about 350 ft
through the mushrooms translucent mate- catwalk areas, provided by Middleton, into the sky, making the Elbphilharmonie
rial up at the ceiling. That light in its own WI-based entertainment lighting company the tallest occupied building in Hamburg.
right washes out the appearance of the fab- ETC. And thats just the concert hall. They rise up from the hull an old cocoa,
ric, so another series of Flashaar LEDs along The Elbphilharmonie is a combination of tea, and tobacco red-brick warehouse, gut-
the wide bottom of the structure point up at old and new. The Grand Hall sits inside the ted and refurbished to house restaurants, a
the stem and restore the fabrics appearance. new portion, which from the outside looks performing studio, a parking garage, and a
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tubular escalator winding its way up from boid fields, rather than spread out evenly was no bargain-basement deal for anyone.
ground level. this allows for modulation of light on the When you talk about the issues and the
It all needs artificial lighting, including the plaza, said Mergenthaler. complexities we had, the development costs
so-called Plaza, the area atop the old ware- In yet another area the foyer and cloak- were of course very, very high, said Lons-
house that serves as a bright and airy public room the architects specified 750 lights in dale. But on the other hand, we have a beau-
concourse bestowing a tremendous view of a third style, which combines LEDs and tubes tiful project on our hands as a reputation.
the city and leading to the main concert hall. that Zumtobel describes as fluorescent and And the work with the architects they
the architects refer to as neon, all in one fit- really gave us so much input and fresh ideas
Extending the ball game ting. The curved tubes provide a stylish look and new perspectives. So this is something
For the Plazas artificial lighting, Herzog & and general illumination. The Philharmonie that doesnt necessarily pay off in one proj-
de Meuron also specified ball-shaped LED can use the LEDs to change colors that suit ect. It pays off over the years.
luminaires, carrying through with the water different moods and events, via RGB controls. The Grand Hall opened in January, with
bubble motif, further honoring the impor- Not all of the lighting at the Philharmo- German chancellor Angela Merkel on hand
tance of maritime commerce to Germanys nie is Zumtobels. The Grand Halls mush- and the newly renamed NDR Elbphilharmo-
second largest city after Berlin. But rather room and catwalk lighting from Flashaar nie Orchestra formerly the NDR Symphony
than stipulating handblown glass, the archi- and ETC, for instance. Likewise, Germanys Orchestra performing. The Chicago Sym-
tects settled for a polycarbonate material, S[quadrat] GmbH provided the giant LED phony Orchestra played during the inaugural
which is a type of thermoplastic. Zumtobel display screen at ground level, which serves week. The New York Philharmonic is on its
provided 870 of them. Herzog & de Meuron as an information board and also delivers way in April, as are many other top acts from
prescribed a layout that groups them into eye-catching visual shows. classical, jazz, folk, and other genres (Nash-
sets of rhomboids, creating intermittent So how much did all the lighting cost? Nei- villes Lambchop alternative country band
patterns of brightness across the concourse, ther Zumtobel nor the architects would say. was booked in February), filling the place
adding to its visual interest. But as plans and technologies changed, and with what should be magnificent sound. The
The luminaires are arranged in rhom- with 1200 handblown glass balls on hand, this LED light wont be bad, either.
here are multiple considerations
that a business faces when evaluat-
ing light sources to use for horticul-
tural lighting, including but not limited to:
light intensity, spectrum, uniformity of light
distribution, energy efficiency, and fixture
lifespan. Horticultural lighting systems con-
vert electrical energy into light that plants
use to drive photosynthesis for growth and
development, and LED-based sources can
offer a spectrum tuned for the application.
Still, ascertaining the efficiency or efficacy
of such solid-state lighting (SSL) systems is
a challenge. There are several factors that
impact the overall efficiency of a lighting
system, relative to the specific application
at hand. This article will discuss how the
design of a lighting fixture influences energy
efficiency and how in turn this reality can
influence the overall profitability of a con- FIG. 1. The ability to deploy lighting solutions within inches of a crop canopy is a
trolled-environment plant growth facility. breakthrough for vertical farming applications. Properly designed LED solutions
Indeed, the efficacy with which a horticul- enable higher yields per square foot compared to poorly designed LED solutions and
tural light fixture converts electrical energy other lighting technologies such as HPS and fluorescent.
into usable light for plant growth is critical
to the success of any controlled environment primarily use wavelengths of light within the Photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD)
plant growth facility often called CEA (con- visible range of 400700 nm to drive photo- measures the amount of PAR that arrives at
trolled environment agriculture). Fig. 1 shows synthesis (Fig. 2), which is why this range is the plant canopy. PPFD is a spot measure-
a vertical farm that is one example of CEA. also called photosynthetically active radia- ment of a specific location on your plant can-
Realize that the efficacy consideration is nec- tion (PAR). Photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) opy, and it is measured in micromoles per
essarily far different for lighting tuned for measures the total amount of PAR that is pro- square meter per second (mol/m2/s).
plants compared to lighting tuned for humans. duced by a lighting system each second. This Last, we will discuss photon efficacy,
measurement is taken using a specialized which refers to how efficient a horticultural
Metrics for horticulture instrument called an integrating sphere that lighting system is at converting electrical
We will start by defining the proper metrics captures and measures essentially all photons energy into photons of PAR. If the PPF of the
used for horticultural lighting applications to emitted by a lighting system. The unit used to light is known along with the input wattage,
add context for the rest of the article. Plants express PPF is micromoles per second (mol/s). you can easily calculate photon efficacy for a
horticultural lighting system. Given the unit
JOSH GEROVAC is a horticulture scientist at Fluence Bioengineering (https://fluence.science/) for PPF is mol/s, and the unit to measure
and has spent the last decade working in controlled environment agriculture, ranging from watts is joules per second (J/s), the seconds
growth chambers to commercial greenhouses. He has a Bachelor of Science in Horticulture in the numerator and denominator cancel
Production and Marketing, and a Master of Science in Horticulture, both from Purdue University. out, and the resulting unit becomes mol/J,
LEDsmagazine.com APRIL 2017 41
which is the unit of measure used to repre- as double-ended HPS fixtures (http://bit. they will produce heat in the same general
sent efficacy. The higher this number is, the ly/2kRoP4H). The long lifespan (L70 50,000 range from a magnitude perspective.
more efficient a lighting system is at convert- hours) compared to that of an HPS bulb The major difference between LED and
ing electrical energy into photons of PAR. intrigued several growers to switch to LEDs. HPS systems is how much PAR energy is pro-
Deliver a beautiful lighting experience Available for cove, under cabinet, and exterior 24 V
constant voltage LED lighting, 2596 W, UL Listed
Smooth, icker-free dimming down to 0.1%,
with Soft-on, Fade-to-Black technology
Guaranteed interoperability with Lutron 100%
Fade-to-off proles
3-wire and EcoSystem controls 90
red (660 nm) and blue (450 nm). Traditional thesis. Prior to this research, it was a com- tural lighting is that researchers finally have
LED-based horticultural lighting technology mon misconception that since chlorophyll the tools available to stand on the shoulders
uses mainly red LEDs with smaller propor- absorbs light mainly in the red and blue por- of Drs. McCree and Inada and explore photo-
tions of blue to achieve the highest photon tions of the visible light spectrum (leading to biology even further, developing light recipes
efficacy possible. the green color of plant leaves), green light for optimal growing.
While red LEDs have the highest photon was not used by plants for photosynthesis.
efficacy, plants did not evolve in nature under The work conducted by Drs. McCree and Form factor and beam control
narrowband wavelengths. So red LEDs alone Inada was fundamental in understanding the The last topic we will cover has to do with
dont produce the most efficient spectra with influence of spectral light quality on photo- the form factor of a fixture, beam optics,
regard to optimizing plant growth and devel- synthesis; however, they developed their and light intensity. When you are thinking
opment. This is especially true in situations action spectra based on single leaf measure- about the overall efficiency of a horticul-
where lighting systems are used for sole-source ments of photosynthesis at low light inten- tural lighting system, PPFD and CU need to
lighting as in vertical farms, as compared to sities. Over the past 30 years, several stud- be considered. But while photon efficacy of
supplemental greenhouse lighting (Fig. 3). ies conducted on whole plant photosynthesis the fixture itself is very important for horti-
Several horticultural lighting manufac- with higher light intensities indicate that cultural lighting, if the light being produced
turers market their products special spec- spectral light quality has a much smaller in an actual application is not landing on a
trum based on the absorption peaks of effect on growth rate than light intensity. crop evenly and efficiently, the true energy
chlorophyll a and b; however, they fail to Spectral light quality does strongly influ- efficiency of that solution is greatly reduced.
mention that those chlorophyll pigments ence plant developmental responses, such as: HPS fixtures rely on reflectors to spread
are extracted from plant leaves and mea- seed germination, stem elongation, and flow- light evenly over a crop canopy since there is
sured in vitro. The action spectra of light ering; along with secondary metabolites and only a single light source (360 light bulb) per
quality on photosynthesis (Fig. 2) was cre- flavonoids, which influence the taste, look, fixture. Another advantage LEDs have over
ated from research that was conducted in and smell of plants. Therefore, LED manufac- HPS is the ability to have hundreds of light
the 1970s by Drs. McCree and Inada, which turers need to find a balance between using sources spread across a fixture with cus-
showed while there is a correlation between the most electrically-efficient LEDs and ones tom beam optics that can create very uni-
photosynthesis rates and the action spec- that elicit optimal plant growth and develop- form light patterns without the use of reflec-
tra of chlorophyll a and b, they are not the ment habits that growers desire. The excit- tors. Fig. 4 depicts a typical LED light engine.
only wavelengths responsible for photosyn- ing thing about LED technology for horticul- When designed appropriately, this flexi-
44 APRIL 2017 LEDsmagazine.com
Not all LED lighting systems are created
equally, so it is important for growers to
get lighting designs from manufacturers FIG. 4. The spectrum (i.e., color) of light emitted from a horticultural lighting solution
that show average PPFD at defined mount- has a significant impact on both energy efficiency and overall plant growth and
ing heights and the light distribution pat- development. While red and blue light is more energy efficient to produce, a broad
tern for their plant growth facility. The form spectrum achieved with a light engine such as the one pictured will target more
factor and light distribution of a horticul- photoreceptors for improved cultivation.
tural lighting system will influence the num-
ber of fixtures needed in a facility, which is systems is based on several factors, not just itability of a controlled-environment plant
another factor that will impact the overall one. Using the correct metrics and under- growth facility.
energy efficiency of a plant growth facility. standing the factors that inf luence the For more information on this topic, please
The take-home message is that the energy efficiency of a horticultural light- see How to compare grow lights at http://
energy efficiency of horticultural lighting ing system will influence the overall prof- bit.ly/2lkXDGD.
Tri-White 5050 PLCC SMD LED Packaged LEDs and LT3922 step-up DC/DC converter ICs and
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Eye Lighting SSL Enabling Technologies
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Green Creative
6-in. new construction downlights Indoor Ambient,
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Green Creative
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46 LEDsmagazine.com
APRIL 2017 47
Echelon Lumileds
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SSL Technologies LEDs and OLEDs
Ambient, Track, and Accent SSL Luminaire Design
Ephesus All Field LED luminaire Outdoor Street and Area
SSL Luminaire Design
eldoLED B.V. Acuity Brands
LightShape technology on DUALdrive LED drivers LED Rubik ceiling luminaires Indoor Troffer,
Drivers Linear, and Recessed SSL Luminaire Design
Fold linear pendant luminaire Indoor
Osram Opto Semiconductors Troffer, Linear, and Recessed SSL
Duris P 10 platform of LEDs Packaged LEDs and OLEDs Luminaire Design
Phoenix Contact USA
Tunnel Solution Smart and Connected SSL Technologies
ecurity is clearly among the hottest therefore considered safe. While taking con- particularly hard. Flawless security measures
topics regarding the Internet of Things trol of such a system is theoretically possible, and guarantees cannot be achieved by copy-
(IoT) today. Multiple media reports the effort required to do so is simply bigger ing the solutions and methods known from
on security flaws found in all kinds of smart than the reward. If a criminal were able to traditional IT systems, since smart things usu-
devices keep heating things up (http://bit.ly/ enter a building and drill through its walls, ally offer very small storage space and very low
2j6gepi) to the point where some even her- then lighting controls would probably be the processing power. Plus, there is the security
ald that the proliferation of connected things last thing hed be interested in anyway. versus ease-of-use challenge that developers
will trigger the coming of a massive wave of But smart lighting is a different story. Con- struggle with. If a given security scheme is too
cybercriminal activity that could potentially nected LEDs with flawed security can poten- time consuming or too difficult to apply, cus-
affect any of us. There is no reason to panic, tially be taken over remotely by someone tomers will stay away from products using it.
though. Doomsday scenarios always sell well, whos not even inside a given building. Fur- In many applications, security is often mis-
as opposed to gradual, painstaking work car- thermore, such an intruder might get access takenly associated almost exclusively with
ried out by security experts day by day. What to much more than lighting controls. The encryption. A system is considered secure
we must be aware of is that when it comes to abundance of data that can be generated by if no one can find out whats going on inside
connected technologies, we are all still early sensory networks is one of the biggest ben- of it, e.g., what commands are exchanged
on the learning curve. This mirrors the chal- efits of commercial smart lighting systems between individual devices. While encryption
lenges faced by the technology industry in the (http://bit.ly/2lfvxjd), but this data might is an important part of the security architec-
early days of networking. Security was a mess also be attractive for cybercriminals. In cer- ture, it is not what security is all about. The
back then, but effective mechanisms were tain scenarios, configuration data obtained exchange of data between a wireless switch
eventually developed, allowing us to use the from smart LEDs might even allow them to and a lighting fixture basically wouldnt have
Internet and all types of electronic devices on gain access to companies internal IT net- to be encrypted in any way. If someone eaves-
a regular basis to process payments and man- works. This would require multiple errors drops on the signal sent between the two, the
age confidential information. As long as we to be made in the process of smart lighting obtained information is going to be pretty
end users follow common sense, todays network design and implementation, but it is much useless. You dont need sophisticated
information technology (IT) can be considered certainly possible in specific circumstances. decryption techniques to guess what a switch
safe. The IoT will be safe, too, and smart light- Finally, many risks will become more relevant could say to an LED, and just by looking at a
ing will be no different. as IoT solutions mature. With modern build- given space or an office building window you
That said, security threats of course need ings embracing technology at a rapid pace, can determine what types of commands are
to be taken very seriously particularly now, smart lighting systems can be expected to being exchanged at a given time. Sensor data
at the beginning of the technology adoption become more and more integrated with might be a bit more sensitive, though. While
curve. The IoT undeniably offers new levels of building management systems and other some sensors transfer publicly available data,
exposure to security threats, and smart light- key infrastructure, such as HVAC systems. others might generate more or less commer-
ing is a perfect example. In the era of tradi- Ultimately, this means that connected LEDs cially sensitive information. In such cases,
tional wired lighting control systems, security will be an even more tempting target for appropriate encryption mechanisms obvi-
wasnt even an issue. It simply wasnt needed, cybercriminals. ously need to be applied.
which is why wired protocols such as For these reasons, security is a must in a So if encryption isnt the crucial part,
BACnet, DALI, or KNX had virtually no wireless environment. This is one of the most then what is more important? Authentica-
security mechanisms implemented. Instead, profound differences between wired and wire- tion. This is what prevents unauthorized
cables were hidden deep in the walls and were less lighting control systems. And part of the access to the lighting control infrastructure.
reason why we hear about security issues so A smart fixture needs to be sure that a com-
RAFAL HAN is CEO and SIMON RZADKOSZ often is that the resource-scarce nature of mand it receives originates from an autho-
is a writer at Silvair (silvair.com). connected devices makes designing security rized entity, be it a smartphone or a wireless
LEDsmagazine.com APRIL 2017 51
switch on the wall. In addition, the integrity low-power technologies will become avail- ing any data it contains. Do all the vendors of
of the exchanged data must be ensured so able by that time, allowing us to use stron- smart LEDs use such preventive measures?
that no one can alter the message before it ger encryption methods, such as AES-256, Few of them, unfortunately.
reaches its recipient. Authentication is also an which is a bit too power-hungry for todays Last but not least, if you really care about
absolutely crucial part of the onboarding pro- generation of smart devices. security then you should go for open stan-
cess, preventing potential intruders or Trojan This shows that encryption isnt an issue dards and forget about proprietary solutions.
horses from sneaking into the system when a in smart lighting security today. Com- Not only is a proprietary technology unlikely
new device joins the network. monly used technologies are good enough to to be as secure as the one developed by multi-
Before data exchange can be authenticated ensure that encrypted data cannot be deci- ple leading companies that share their exper-
and ultimately processed, devices must first phered. As already pointed out, authentica- tise during the process, but the transpar-
exchange authentication keys. What is cru- tion is much more sensitive and thus much ency of open standards guarantees that any
cial is the secure delivery of these keys. If this more important. It is also the only effective potential vulnerabilities can be identified and
process is sabotaged, an unauthorized party weapon against the so-called replay attack, addressed before someone decides to exploit
can obtain some very sensitive security infor- also referred to as playback attack, which can them. In the case of proprietary technologies,
mation. This was the case with the infamous easily get around even the strongest encryp- its basically impossible to state whether one
security flaws in ZigBee devices that were tion solutions we could ever come up with. or another solution is secure. At most, it can be
presented during the Black Hat USA 2015 con- Long story short, a replay attack is about stated that it hasnt been broken so far but
ference. Despite the fact that the protocol uses recording certain data packets and playing only open standards receive the scrutiny and
a 128-bit AES algorithm for data encryption, them back later on to achieve a desired result. attention that is necessary for true security.
as well as three types of keys for managing The intercepted message does not have to be This is part of the reason why we at Silvair
authentication, it was demonstrated that Zig- decrypted at any point. Its re-transmitted in decided to join the Bluetooth SIGs Mesh Work-
Bee communication could be easily hijacked exactly the same form in which it was origi- ing Group almost two years ago, and share our
due to a vulnerable device pairing proce- nally sent, to produce exactly the same result. expertise and secrets to drive the development
dure that allows external parties to sniff the Since encryption is helpless against such an of Bluetooth Mesh. At that time, we were more
exchanged network key. attack, how can it be prevented? By appropri- than satisfied with the performance of scalable
As far as encryption is concerned, the ate authentication mechanisms, again. Once networks using our proprietary mesh protocol
abovementioned data encryption standard they are applied, the network from which based on Bluetooth Low Energy, and we were
AES-128 is currently used by all the lead- the intercepted data packets originate wont successfully developing advanced application
ing low-power wireless communication pro- allow such re-transmitted messages to be models for integrating lighting solutions with
tocols. Its been around for a while, so one executed. Authentication is also the only our pioneering mesh networking architecture.
might wonder whether it remains computa- effective tool against man-in-the-middle But we were also very aware of the fact that by
tionally secure against brute-force attacks. (MITM) attacks, which occur when commu- ourselves we wouldnt be able to address the
After all, technologies aimed at breaching nication between two devices is secretly mon- two major challenges: security and interoper-
popular security mechanisms keep devel- itored, captured, and potentially altered by an ability. Both of them can only be solved by fully
oping rapidly just like security technolo- unauthorized third party. open standards.
gies themselves. But there is a good reason What authentication cant prevent is the Now, as were approaching the adoption of
why governments and businesses place such so-called trashcan attack. Building adminis- the Bluetooth Mesh specification (expected
a great deal of faith in AES-128. The standard trators need to get used to the fact that each to be published in mid-2017), were even more
remains, realistically speaking, unbreak- smart device within a network stores cer- certain this was the best thing we could do
able. Thats because today there is no com- tain sensitive access data, such as network (http://bit.ly/1XrFgiG). No details can be
putationally feasible method to crack it. keys. Therefore, it would be wise to have cer- revealed just yet about the content of the
Doing so would require ridiculous amounts tain carefully thought-out procedures imple- specification, but we can already say that
of time even if multiple supercomputers were mented for discarding broken or worn-out the security architecture of Bluetooth Mesh
involved in the process (and were talking devices. Unauthorized persons should be does look impressive. Weve even heard opin-
about thousands and millions of years here). prevented from being able to retrieve secu- ions that introducing such efficient secu-
Even if cracking AES-128 becomes technolog- rity keys manually from devices such as a dis- rity mechanisms is not possible in the case
ically feasible in any foreseeable future, such carded bulb, because such attempts might of low-power technologies. But Bluetooth
an attempt still wouldnt make much sense, be highly successful if non-volatile memory Mesh does have them all in place. This new
since it would be more expensive than the is poorly protected in such devices. What low-power communication protocol, the first
value of whatever the key is protecting. Cur- can manufacturers do to prevent that? Use one designed with commercial lighting appli-
rently, the US National Institute of Standards only integrated memory instead of separate cations in mind, will be setting new stan-
and Technology (NIST) claims that AES-128 memory chips and disable debugging inter- dards for smart lighting also in this regard.
will be a totally secure encryption method at faces, while at the same time ensuring that For now, youll have to take Silvairs word for
the very least up to 2030. What can be said attempts aimed at retrieving security keys it, but soon the entire market will find out
for sure is that cheaper and more efficient will result in damaging the chip and destroy- whats inside.
52 APRIL 2017 LEDsmagazine.com
The LSC will optimize the temperature and current to minimize the LED count and
suggest the most cost effective approach to meet target specications using LEDs,
COBs, and even modules and integrated light engines.
In cases where the user wishes to consider one specic type of light-source for
the application, the user can now specically select their preference versus being
presented with all possible technical solutions.
The LSC now also includes light sources that do not yet have an available LM-80
report. This now enables users to consider recently released products for design
consideration in to their xtures.
The tool also includes an automatic offset that incorporates the efciency impact
of the integrated driver and/or integrated optic for modules and light engines when
Max light level
Middle light level
Min light level
Dim Down after
Time Out after
uman vision is adversely affected by for characterizing time variant light quality. to be aware that a great deal of statistical
light fluctuations at frequencies up Indeed, we will chronicle the history and variation is involved. For example, younger
to 200 Hz, even though people can mathematical basis of the new CFD measure subjects are generally likely to perceive low-
only directly perceive fluctuations at fre- for flicker. Examples of the use of this tool er-level and higher-frequency TLAs than older
quencies up to about 70 Hz. The fundamen- in application to AC-LED light engines, flu- observers can see. Ten different observers
tals of the sensitivity of the human eye to orescent lamps, and incandescent lamps will will, in detail, produce ten different sensitiv-
rapidly changing light (transient light arti- then be detailed. Using this new tool, it can ities for a given frequency data point. For this
facts or TLAs) as a function of frequency have be seen that some driverless AC-LED light reason, a commonplace procedure is to derive
been well known to science for a decade or engines that use higher frequencies to con- a signal level that 50% of observers can dis-
more. Despite this, the lighting industry has trol the light output have light quality for the cern. To add to the complication, the central
so far limited itself to only characterizing human eye which is comparable
Modulation for perception (%)
light sources over the range of frequencies to an incandescent light bulb.
which the human eye can perceive directly.
This range is below 100 Hz. However, it is well Flicker research history
documented that human visual performance In recent years, there have
is degraded by the presence of light fluctua- been several attempts to cre-
tions at frequencies in the range from 100 to ate a judgment standard for the
200 Hz. Here we will describe a new flicker acceptability of light containing
metric/tool that includes consideration of TLAs. Examples of light contain-
higher frequencies and further discuss an ing TLAs are LED lights with
AC-LED light engine relative to performance pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) 0.1
against the new metric. dimming, AC-LED light engines 10 100 1000
Specifically, we will discuss a software with 120-Hz modulation, and Frequency (Hz)
tool called CFD (compact flicker degree). especially LED filament lamps. FIG. 1. Pierre Beeckman of Philips documented
Mathematician Peter Erwin (co-author of The basic physiological data for flicker sensitivity relative to frequency at Strategies
this article) first presented CFD at the LED the sensitivity of the human eye in Light 2016.
Professional Symposium (LPS) 2016 confer- to light variations at a given fre-
ence in Bregenz, Austria in September. The quency has been well known for many years. field of view of the human eye (the macula)
CFD tool can characterize any light source For example, see the seminal work of Kelly is less sensitive to TLAs than the outer parts
for its flicker acceptability, based on well- in 19601 that was funded by the Technicolor of the retina, which contribute to so-called
known and published characterizations of company. Similar studies were reported as peripheral vision. For this reason, studies
the human eye/brain interaction as a func- part of a doctoral thesis by Farhang Ghasemi sometimes show two response curves, one for
tion of frequencies extended out to 2000 Hz. Afshar in 20082. In 2016, Pierre Beeckman of central vision and one for peripheral vision. In
This tool has met with widespread accep- Philips provided the sensitivity versus fre- this article, we shall by default mean central
tance in Europe because of its consistency quency curves shown in Fig. 1, which he has vision when we refer to perception.
with everyday common-sense observations, presented at various meetings including It is also important to realize that the
and in particular has been adopted by the Strategies in Light 2016. response of the human eye to higher fre-
German laboratory TV Sd as its criteria In reviewing this data, the reader needs quencies can be augmented by stroboscopic
effects. A rapidly moving object for exam-
PETER ERWIN is the founder of Der Lichtpeter (https://www.derlichtpeter.de/) and works as a ple, a pencil, a wand, or a spinning disk with
lecturer at Baden-Wrttemberg Cooperative State University. PETER W. SHACKLE is an inventor radial markings on it will show a series of
with 60 issued US patents to his name and through Photalume (http://photalume.com) works as a images in the presence of flicker at a frequency
consultant on LED circuits. that is too high for the human eye to observe
LEDsmagazine.com APRIL 2017 55
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230V, 50-Hz
10 incandescent
120V, 60-Hz incandescent
10 100 1000
Frequency (Hz)
to represent the CFD metric. CFD readings which have been noted as Photalume light engine:
CFD = 13.7%, flicker index = 0.12
between 12.5% and 25% are classified as having f licker issues. There
acceptable. This means that in the course exist on the market numer- Flux
of most human activities, the modulation will ous AC-LED light engines that
rarely be perceptible. use arrays of high-voltage sol-
CFD readings from 25% to 50% are classi- id-state switches to automati-
fied as moderate. Moderate means modula- cally connect and disconnect
tion may be perceived by some people under LEDs in the light engine from 3
some circumstances, and people may pos- the power line. The resulting 2
sibly experience discomfort after prolonged light output goes to zero at 1
exposure for example, with increased the line-voltage zero crossing. 0
0.00E+00 4.00E-03 8.00E-03 1.20E-02 1.60E-02
eye strain at work. With CFD readings from This produces a modulation at Time (s)
50% to 75%, the classification is strongly twice the power-line frequency
FIG. 6. An AC-LED light engine developed by
affected. In this performance tier, 50% of that some people can detect.
Photalume performs well based on CFD and flicker
the population may either directly perceive For example, the light source
index metrics.
flicker or notice stroboscopic effects. There for the moving pencil in Fig. 2
is likely to be discomfort after prolonged was from such a light engine. The light sig- of ERG Lighting in Endicott, NY. These light
exposure and such light is judged barely nature from such a light engine is shown engines use Photalume technology. The light
suitable for work. in Fig. 5. signature from one of these is shown in Fig. 6.
CFD readings of above 75% are classi- This kind of commonplace light engine is
fied as extremely affected, meaning that characterized by a flicker index of 0.34 and a AC LED with low flicker
f licker and/or stroboscopic effects will CFD rating of 53%. For this reason, the light- By the older non-frequency-sensitive cri-
be noticed by more than 75% of the pop- ing specifier community has been reluctant teria of flicker index, the ERG light engine
ulation. Prolonged exposure will lead to to specify these light sources for major instal- already scores low, with a flicker index of
impaired physical condition (headache, lations, even though they are cost effective 0.12, compared to 0.34 for the older tradi-
feeling of general malaise) and there is risk and easy to assemble into luminaires. If the tional AC-LED light engines. Using the CFD
of epileptic seizure. Such light quality is light quality from driverless AC light engines tool, which takes frequencies up to 2000 Hz
dangerous in workshops with rotating or was comparable to that from an incandes- into account, it has a CFD rating of 13.7%,
reciprocating machinery, as mentioned in cent light bulb, then a large fraction of LED compared to 53% for a conventional AC-LED
EN12464-1. luminaires would probably already be using light engine or 6.9% for a 230V incandescent
AC-LED light engines. When light signatures light bulb. A magnetic ballasted fluorescent
AC-LED light engines and flicker from all the available driverless light engines lamp has a CFD rating of 20%.
Having described CFD, lets turn our atten- are compared, a notable exception is the light Thus, the light engine from ERG scores
tion to AC-LED light engines some of signatures from the AC light engine products dramatically better in flicker performance,
being 1.5 better than a magnetic ballasted
Fluorescent tube with Fluorescent tube with fluorescent tube and 3.8 better than a con-
electronic ballast magnetic ballast Computer monitor
CFD = 0.7% CFD = 20.2% CFD = 1.9%
ventional driverless AC-LED light engine.
These ERG light engines have been previ-
1000 Avg: 97.55% 1000 Avg. 76.95% 1000
ously described in LEDs Magazine (http://
800 800 800
Flux 600 600 600 Avg. 95.43%
bit.ly/2fsBcS5). The light engines are char-
400 400 400 acterized by storing up small amounts of
200 200 200 electrical energy and then using it to gener-
0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 20 40 60 80 ate light pulses at a rate of around six pulses
per power-line cycle, i.e., 270360 Hz for a
AC LED light engine using Driverless AC light engine 60-cycle power line. These frequencies are
Incandescent light bulb high-voltage switches from ERG Lighting
CFD = 6.9% CFD = 52.8% CFD = 13.6%
completely invisible to the human eye. New
products under development are reported
Avg. 88.03%
1000 1000 1000 to have flicker performance that is about
Avg. 74.01%
800 800 Avg. 58.25% 800
30% better.
Flux 600 600 600
400 400 400
200 200 200 Conclusions
0 0 0 Previous attempts to provide a metric for
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (ms) Time (ms) Time (ms) characterizing the acceptability of light
with high frequency f luctuations have
FIG. 5. The graphs illustrate CFD measurements for some common light sources. been limited by only taking account of
60 APRIL 2017 LEDsmagazine.com
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directly visible light-fluctuation frequen- An executable file to perform the CFD 3. J.E. Roberts, A.J. Wilkins, Flicker can be
cies. Research documents that human analysis of light signatures on one Windows perceived during saccades at frequencies
visual performance is impaired in the pres- computer can be downloaded free of charge in excess of 1 kHz, Lighting Res. and
ence of higher-frequency, not directly visi- from the Der Lichtpeter website (https:// Technol., 45, 124132, 2012 (http://bit.
ble, fluctuations. The new CFD metric from www.derlichtpeter.de/), in return for iden- ly/2mfoHrX).
Der Lichtpeter extends the techniques pre- tification. This software can also detail 4. S.M. Berman, D.S. Greenhouse, I.L.
viously described by the LRC from a max- other standard indexes, such as the flicker Bailey, R.D. Clear, T.W. Raasch, Human
imum of 100-Hz bandwidth up to and index and the percentage flicker. The afore- Electroretinogram Responses to
beyond 2000-Hz bandwidth. mentioned Photalume technology uses US Video Displays, Fluorescent Lighting,
Any arbitrarily shaped light signatures patent 9,491,821 and US patent application and Other High Frequency sources,
can be analyzed by CFD. The results of 20160100464 (now allowed.) Licenses to use Optometry and Vision Sci., 68, 645662,
applying this new metric to AC-LED light this technology can be obtained from Pho- Aug. 1991 (http://bit.ly/2lnKLRT).
engines give a dramatic new insight with talume (http://photalume.com). 5. A simple visual task to assess flicker
respect to the performance of light engines effects on visual performance, Lighting
that use higher frequencies for modulation References Res. Technol., 43, 457471, 2011 (http://
of the light. Specifically, some of these light 1. D.H. Kelly, Visual Response to Time- bit.ly/2kROGUX).
engines were 2 superior to the old 120-Hz Dependent Stimuli. I. Amplitude 6. Nomenclature and Definitions for
light engines on the old, non-frequency-sen- Sensitivity Measurements, J. OSA, 51, 4, Illuminating Engineering, Illuminating
sitive metric of flicker index. Evaluated with 422429, 1961 (http://bit.ly/2kESWMA). Engineering Society publication RP-16-
the new CFD index, these higher-frequency 2. F. Ghasemi Afshar, Electronic Drive 10 (http://bit.ly/2kRwkUf).
light engines show up to be 4 superior when for Low Wattage Metal Halide Lamps 7. Recommended metric for assessing the
frequency of modulation is considered, per- Focused on Acoustic Resonance in HID direct perception of light source flicker,
forming with flicker properties in a range Lamps, Table 2.1, 39, 2009 (http://bit. Assist Recommends, 11, 3, Jan. 2015
comparable to incandescent light bulbs. ly/2kERuJX). (http://bit.ly/2mfAI0w).
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Understand luminous
and radiant intensity, and
uniformity characterization
In this excerpt from a reference book entitled Handbook of LED and SSL Metrology,
GNTHER LESCHHORN and RICHARD YOUNG explain the fundamentals behind luminous and radiant
intensity measurements and how to characterize uniformity and glare.
n the October issue of LEDs Magazine, One method of determining luminous detector size. The LED is positioned in such
the article Understand how to measure intensity Iv involves calibrating the detec- a way that its mechanical axis is directly in
luminous flux and radiant power cov- tor in illuminance Ev and calculating lumi- line with the center point of a round detector
ered some of the basics of metrology for the nous intensity using the inverse square law: with an active area of 1 cm2, and the surface
solid-state lighting (SSL) industry (http:// of the detector is perpendicular to this axis.
bit.ly/2gaViPG). This article continues the Ev = The CIE gives two recommendations
metrology theme, covering luminous and for the distance between the LED and the
radiant intensity measurements and pro- Apart from maintaining the far-field con- detector surface (see table). Condition B is
viding a discussion of uniformity and glare. dition, the validity of this calculation requires the most commonly used geometry since it
The prior article and this article have been the precise measurement of the distance r is also suitable for weak LED light sources.
excepted from a chapter of the newly-pub- between the detector and The front tip of the LED is always taken as
lished Handbook of LED and SSL Metrology LED. The many different the reference point for the distance.
reference book. designs available make
it difficult to determine
Luminous intensity and radiant intensity the precise position of the
Luminous intensity is the most frequently emission center (also known as the
measured parameter for low power LEDs. goniometric centroid) of the LED.
According to the definition, luminous inten-
sity must be measured at a distance where The averaged LED intensity concept
the sample can be considered as an approx- Many LEDs have a relatively large emitting
imated point light source. The distance of area compared to the short distance that is
the detector from the test specimen required generally used for a measurement. Lenses, if FIG. 1. Intensity probe that conforms to
for conformity with this criterion is known present, may dramatically shift the apparent the standard CIE condition B for 100-
as the photometric distance. It varies with position of the emitting center. A point source mm distance together with a precision
the size of the light source to be measured. cannot be assumed and therefore the inverse test socket for mounting the LED. The test
The minimum factor, given by the ratio of square law no longer holds. The irradiance socket is inserted into the tube of the
the distance to the detector and the max- measured at the detector is not easily related condition B adapter during measurement.
imum extent of the light emitting surface, to the intensity of the source. Therefore, mea-
varies between 5 and 15 depending on the surements done with different geometrical This guarantees that the same geometry
applied standard and the prevailing spatial setups will most likely lead to different results is always used when measuring luminous
radiation pattern. and are difficult to compare. intensity in different laboratories irrespec-
Because of this, the CIE developed the con- tive of the design of the LED.
GNTHER LESCHHORN is head of product cept of averaged LED intensity to solve the Fig. 1 shows the realization of this con-
management at Instrument Systems problem that occurs under near-field condi- cept in practice. The intensity probe com-
(instrumentsystems.com). RICHARD YOUNG tions. This concept no longer corresponds prises a tube with a length corresponding to
recently retired from his role of chief scientist to the physically precise definition of lumi- the desired CIE condition into which an LED
and is now working as a consultant for nous intensity but relates more to a measure- test socket can be inserted. The distance
Instrument Systems. ment of illuminance at a fixed distance and between the tip of the LED and the detec-
LEDsmagazine.com APRIL 2017 65
-60 60 0.2395
FIG. 5. Color coordinate x of an angle-dependent measurement
of a white LED in a spherical plot. A significant blue shift is
-30 30
seen in the center and edges of the beam.
FIG. 4. Different luminous intensity distribution curves eral, different display options for spatial radiation patterns like radial,
displayed in a radial plot. semi-radial, Cartesian, spherical and 3D are common and used for
data evaluation.
illuminated simultaneously. However, if the LEDs have a differ- The data generated in goniophotometry can be used in lighting
ent spatial distribution of radiation for the individual colors, a color simulation programs. Lighting fixture manufacturers and others
change occurs when the display is observed off axis. are using two different types of file format for specification of lumi-
naire photometry, especially luminous intensity distributions from
Luminous intensity distributions light sources. One is the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) stan-
Characterizing luminous intensity distributions of LEDs and SSL dard and the other is the EULUMDAT data file format. The file exten-
sources is a pure photometric measurement task that can be per- sions are .ldt and .ies. The IES standard is defined in the document
formed by a goniometer unit used together with a spectroradi- LM-63-02. The EULUMDAT format is the European equivalent to
ometer or photometer. A photometer allows very fast on-the-fly the IES file format.
measurements and is recommended for pure photometric mea-
surements and for time critical test sequences.
Spectroradiometers offer the distinct advan- CCT (K)
2826 CCT
tage that all characteristics radiometric, 2800
2803 0 (K)
colorimetric and photometric can be deter-
2781 2750
mined with maximum precision. Nevertheless, 2758
goniospectroradiometers have longer measure- 2735 2700
ment times. 2712 2650
Luminous intensity is measured in the far- 2689
field (maintaining the photometric distance) for 2666 -90 2600
different azimuth and elevation angles. Using a 2643 180
2620 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
C, coordinate system leads to a complete spa- 90
2598 Theta ()
tial radiation pattern of luminous intensity
(luminous intensity distribution). As an exam- FIG. 6. CCT variations with angle for an LED module. 3D plot (right) and angular
ple, refer to the luminous intensity distribution profile (left).
in 3D representation of a filament LED bulb (Fig.
3). A single profile generated by scanning the angle is also known as Colorimetric spatial radiation patterns
a luminous intensity distribution curve of a single C-plane. An exam- Colorimetric spatial radiation characteristics can only be measured
ple of different luminous intensity distribution curves gives the radial using a goniospectroradiometer (or a gonio-colorimeter but this fil-
plot of Fig. 4. A source with near-lambertian distribution (blue curve), ter based method is not recommended for absolute measurement of
a narrow-angled source (red-curve) and a LED with distinct inten- color quantities). With a goniospectroradiometer, all relevant color
sity shape for special applications (green curve) are shown. In gen- information such as color coordinates, dominant wavelength, color
68 APRIL 2017 LEDsmagazine.com
The PennWell LED & Lighting Network introduces a new global series of horticultural lighting conferences
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temperature, color rendering index, etc. can be recorded simultane- and a spectroradiometer in autoranging mode. The fixed integration
ously in an angular resolved measurement. Analyzing a potential angu- time is set by adjusting the spectroradiometer near saturation at the
lar variation of colorimetric quantities is important for LED manufac- angle with highest signal level. The autoranging measurement will
turers as well as for module and luminaire manufacturers. For example, adjust the integration time of the spectroradiometer automatically
the color coordinates of a white LED often show a significant blue shift during the angular scan (each change in integration time must follow
because the light path through the yellow phosphor is angle depen- a dark current measurement). Obviously, this procedure is the slowest.
dent (see Fig. 5). To cover the aspect of anticipated resolution, the deviation of the
Significant variations of correlated color temperature with angle measurement result to the real value of luminous flux is evaluated
can be observed for LED modules. Fig. 6 shows CCT variations with for measurements using different angular increments.
angle for a LED module in 3D representation and the angular pro- The results are summarized in Fig. 7. The upper half and the lower
file in a Cartesian plot. half of the figure correspond to a single C-plane scan of samples hav-
ing a broad and a narrow angular distribution, respectively. The left
Typical measurement times side shows the measurement time in minutes versus the used angular
The measurement of angular resolved photometric or colorimet- increment. An on-the-fly measurement is obviously the fastest mea-
ric distributions is time consuming. The measurement time highly surement and with approximately 15 seconds per C-plane nearly inde-
depends on the details of the measurement. The type of detector pendent of the used resolution. Both measurements with the spectro-
used, the characteristics of the sample and the anticipated resolu- radiometer (fixed integration time and autoranging) show a similar
tion contribute to the time a user has to invest. Although it is impos- behavior. The measurement time rises steeply approaching a finer res-
sible to give a reliable answer to the question of measurement time olution. From these measurements recommendations for the antici-
for all cases, typical times can be estimated. The basic idea is to ana- pated resolution and also an estimation of measurement time can be
lyze the behavior of two typical sources. One with a broad, and one given. Since a narrow angular distribution leads to a rise in the devia-
with a narrow luminous intensity distribution. tion of luminous flux with increments >23, a scanning increment of
To cover the contribution of the detector, both sources are measured approximately 2 is the optimum choice. If the task is to measure such
using a photometer, a spectroradiometer with fixed integration time a source with a spectroradiometer, the recommendation would be to
25 1.0
20 0.5
15 0.0
10 -0.5
5 -1.0
0 -1.5
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Increment () Increment ()
Measurement time (min) Deviation of luminous flux (%)
20 1.5
15 1.0
5 -0.5
0 -1.0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Increment () Increment ()
( )
UGR = 8 log10 0.25 . L2
Lb p2
N=100% 1 ( Lmin
Lmax ) (
=100% max min
Lmax )
For SSL general lighting, the uniformity of irradiance is important
but often the luminance uniformity is not considered. This is chang-
ing, with several groups working on definitions of uniformity that can
be generally applied. However, the above definition is inadequate as
the locations of Lmin and Lmax are irrelevant. This means that the pan-
els in Fig. 8 have the same uniformity because they have the same
Lmin and Lmax.
Clearly, the eye perceives these as different uniformity because it is
sensitive to the rate of change of luminance and not just their absolute
values. Several possible methods for describing uniformity based on
frequency or values over a specific pattern are currently under discus-
sion but none are standard as yet.
When bright sources such as the sun or its reflections in water are in
a persons field of view, they can affect their ability to see the other
details of a scene. Glare is generally divided into two types: disabil-
ity glare and discomfort glare.
Disability glare is the reduction in visibility caused by intense
light sources in the field of view but is not necessarily uncomfort-
able. In fact, some lighting designs deliberately create disability glare
to add sparkle to a scene.
LEDsmagazine.com APRIL 2017 71
hree hundred years ago, global nav- Like uncertainty in navigation, LED mea- output is continually declining.
igation was a dangerous undertak- surement uncertainty has profound nega- The first step to improved measurements
ing. Ships sailing east and west had tive consequences for our industry. The most is to use new test methods such as IESNAs
to determine their longitude by a tedious elementary is that labs, even labs within the LM-85, Laboratory Method for Electrical and
method known as dead reckoning. Errors same company, cant compare device perfor- Photometric Measurements of High-Power
were commonplace and calculations were mance. Without the ability to measure devices LEDs. LM-85 ties measurements to the LEDs
typically off by a few percent at the end of a precisely, it is impossible to know if two differ- semiconductor junction temperature, a key
long voyage often enough to make landing ent production lines are manufacturing inter- step to ensure measurements are reproduc-
in port or on a rocky reef equally likely. changeable parts a fundamental underpin- ible when performed by different laborato-
This problem was so costly that heads of ning of modern industry. Manufacturers close ries. LM-85s Continuous Pulse method also
state offered cash prizes for someone to solve this knowledge gap by widening performance reduces LED-temperature rise, increasing flux
it. The prizes motivated many theoretical solu- specifications to encompass measurement measurement accuracy, as discussed in the
tions, but the most promising required precise uncertainty, but this just pushes the problem March LEDs Magazine article Ensure your
timekeeping devices that were unavailable. By down to lighting designers. light measurement method doesnt undervalue
keeping time accurately, sailors could relate Variation in relative measurements is your LEDs (http://bit.ly/2mXGzvg).
shipboard astronomical sightings to shore- another costly issue. Even a small amount of To guarantee that measurements occur
based observations and calculate longitude. variability can make it impossible to distin- at the exact same point in time, better test-
In 1730, an English clockmaker named John guish a trend from noise. This problem forces ing equipment is required. Instruments in
Harrison took the first step to a practical lon- longer test times for critical LM-80 qualifica- use today are frequently adopted from other
gitude solution by devising a clock that would tion tests, and it forces labs to test many more industries or earlier technologies, such as
keep accurate time. He refined his invention samples, greatly increasing testing cost. incandescent lighting. These instruments
throughout his life and finally achieved a As was the case with Harrisons tempera- focus on steady-state accuracy, often at the
watch that was accurate enough to allow lon- ture-sensitive clock mechanisms, thermal expense of timing accuracy. Instruments
gitude to be calculated to within a fraction of issues are a root cause of LED measurement with good timing characteristics, such as
a percent close enough to navigate safely. challenges. LEDs are tremendously sensitive pulsed current sources and spectrometers
Many innovations were needed for Harrisons to changes in temperature. A typical white with hardware-based triggering, are needed
breakthrough, including improvements to the LED output drops an astonishing 0.25% for a so test developers can be sure exactly when
way clocks stored energy, the way they were 1C rise a temperature sensitivity slightly measurements are being made.
lubricated, and most importantly the way they greater than the widely-used 100 platinum The prosperity associated with rapidly
reacted to changes in temperature. RTD temperature sensor. improving LED technology has allowed the
Todays LED industry faces a challenge Labs can compensate for thermal sensi- industry to bear the costs and technical uncer-
not unlike the 18th century navigation prob- tivity by controlling the LEDs temperature tainty associated with 4% measurements.
lem routine LED and lamp measurements during the test using thermoelectric cool- This strategy will become burdensome as the
are good only to a few percent. In fact, last ers that regulate temperature precisely. This industry moves into its next phase, character-
year NIST published the results of its Mea- approach works well for tests under steady- ized by incremental technology improvements
surement Assurance Program in which 118 state conditions. However, tests using pulsed and product differentiation. To avoid this, we
lamps were tested by laboratories world- current result in dynamic heating that causes need to recognize that there is a problem, com-
wide. The tests showed that luminous flux the LED temperature to rise throughout the bat it using better test methods and instru-
measurements for these identical lamps dif- pulse. For these tests, the timing of the light ments, and promote improved measurements
fered by a surprising 4%. measurement is also critical, because the light throughout our organizations.
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