Camporeale 2013

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C. Camporeale,1 E. Perucca,1 L. Ridol,1 and A. M. Gurnell2
Received 23 May 2012; revised 3 June 2013; accepted 4 June 2013; published 25 July 2013.

[1] The study of river-riparian vegetation interactions is an morphodynamic models. However, the biological aspect has
important and intriguing research eld in geophysics. Veg- usually been neglected, and vegetation has only been consid-
etation is an active element of the ecological dynamics of ered as a static element. In recent years, different scientic
a oodplain which interacts with the uvial processes and communities (ranging from ecologists to biogeographers
affects the ow eld, sediment transport, and the morphol- and from geomorphologists to hydrologists and uvial engi-
ogy of the river. In turn, the river provides water, sedi- neers) have begun to collaborate and have proposed both
ments, nutrients, and seeds to the nearby riparian vegetation, semiquantitative and quantitative models of river-vegetation
depending on the hydrological, hydraulic, and geomorpho- interconnections. These models demonstrate the importance
logical characteristic of the stream. In the past, the study of of linking uvial morphodynamics and riparian vegetation
this complex theme was approached in two different ways. dynamics to understand the key processes that regulate
On the one hand, the subject was faced from a mainly a riparian environment in order to foresee the impact of
qualitative point of view by ecologists and biogeographers. anthropogenic actions and to carefully manage and rehabili-
Riparian vegetation dynamics and its spatial patterns have tate riparian areas. In the rst part of this work, we review the
been described and demonstrated in detail, and the key role main interactions between rivers and riparian vegetation, and
of several uvial processes has been shown, but no math- their possible modeling. In the second part, we discuss the
ematical models have been proposed. On the other hand, semiquantitative and quantitative models which have been
the quantitative approach to uvial processes, which is typ- proposed to date, considering both multi- and single-thread
ical of engineers, has led to the development of several rivers.
Citation: Camporeale, C., E. Perucca, L. Ridol, and A. M. Gurnell (2013), Modeling the interactions between river
morphodynamics and riparian vegetation, Rev. Geophys., 51, 379414, doi:10.1002/rog.20014.

1. INTRODUCTION inuenced by elevated water tables and the ability of the

[2] Riparian systems are transitional environments soils to hold water [Naiman and Decamps, 1997]. From a
between water bodies and surrounding elevated areas; they physical or geomorphological perspective, the riparian zone
form an environment within which the aquatic and terrestrial has been described as that part of the biosphere supported
components of the landscape interact [Naiman et al., 2005]. by, and including, recent uvial landforms and is inundated
Riparian zones have been variously dened as very complex or saturated by the bankfull discharge. This includes many
ecotones with distinct vegetation and soil characteristics ood plains, riparian wetlands, banks, and all uvial land-
[Malanson, 1993] located on land adjacent to water bodies forms below the bankfull elevation [Hupp and Osterkamp,
that is, at least periodically, inuenced by ooding [Mitsch 1996, p. 280]. Within riparian zones, hydrological, geo-
and Gosselink, 2000] and, thus, where vegetation may be morphological, and ecological processes interact strongly,
generating a highly dynamic landscape that is characterized
by a heterogeneous mosaic of habitats (see Figure 1) and
Department of Environmental, Land and Infrastructure Engineering, is subject to a strong ow energy gradient [e.g., Hupp,
Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy. 2000; Hughes et al., 2001], the ow energy being equal to
School of Geography, Queen Mary, University of London, London, the mechanical energy of the stream. Flows of water and
associated mineral sediments and organic matter are the
fundamental drivers of the morphodynamics of these zones
Corresponding author: C. Camporeale, Department of Environmental,
Land and Infrastructure Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Duca degli and, through the associated transfer of organisms and nutri-
Abruzzi, 24, IT-10129 Torino, Italy. ( ents, their ecology. These ows support the hydrological

2013. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. Reviews of Geophysics, 51 / 2013
8755-1209/13/10.1002/rog.20014 Paper number 2012RG000407

Figure 1. Examples of uvial riparian zones. (a) The Little Missouri, USA; (b) the Tagliamento River,
Italy; (c) the Tanaro River, Italy; and (d) the Galana River, Kenya.

connectivity (in the sense of Amoros and Roux [1988]) systems [e.g., Lester and Boulton, 2008; Swab et al., 2008;
which refers to the water-driven exchange of matter and Wishart et al., 2008; Pasquale et al., 2011].
energy between different units of the riverine landscape [3] This review explores modeling approaches that focus
[Ward et al., 2002]: longitudinal connectivity between on the links between riparian vegetation and river morpho-
upstream and downstream aquatic and riparian systems; dynamics, something that is still lacking in the processes of
lateral connectivity between the river and its oodplain; river management and restoration decision-making. Vegeta-
and vertical connectivity between surface water bodies and tion affects several processes that inuence river morphol-
groundwater in the alluvial aquifer and underlying bed rock ogy [Corenblit et al., 2007]. Riparian and aquatic vegetation
[Ward, 1989; Ward et al., 2002; Gurnell et al., 2012]. At affect the ow eld [e.g., Bennett et al., 2008] and thus
the same time, there are important feedbacks between the the processes of sediment mobilization, transport, and depo-
standing vegetation and uvial processes, which have a sition [e.g., Prosser et al., 1995; Ishikawa et al., 2003].
fundamental effect on the character and dynamics of the Plant roots and rhizomes affect mechanical and hydraulic
riparian habitat mosaic [Corenblit et al., 2007]. As a result soil properties [e.g., Pollen-Bankhead and Simon, 2010],
of their complexity and dynamics, naturally functioning and as a result, bank erosion resistance and soil moisture
riparian systems show high biodiversity and production regime depend on vegetation. Large wood (living and dead
[Naiman and Decamps, 1997; Ward et al., 1999; Tockner trees, shrubs, logs, and branches) also plays an important
and Stanford, 2002]; act as important ecological corridors role by protecting river banks, reinforcing oodplains and
providing refugia and dispersal pathways for species [Ward creating and stabilizing landforms on which new woody veg-
and Stanford, 1995; Naiman and Decamps, 1997]; attenuate etation can establish [e.g., Abbe and Montgomery, 2003;
oods and moderate water balances by retaining runoff and Gurnell et al., 2005, 2012; Collins et al., 2012]. On the
increasing rates of both inltration and evapotranspiration other hand, river processes are fundamental controls on
[e.g., Nilsson et al., 1997; Crockford and Richardson, 2000; riparian vegetation, including the provision of water and
Steiger et al., 2005; Anderson et al., 2006]; and improve nutrients to support plant growth, the creation of new depo-
water quality by intercepting ne sediments and pollutants sitional sites for vegetation colonization, the removal of
and promoting nutrient and organic matter processing [e.g., vegetated areas by erosion, and the provision of hydro-
Ettema et al., 1999; Craig et al., 2008; Osterkamp and logical constraints on root development and architecture
Hupp, 2012]. Riparian vegetation is fundamental to these [Pasquale et al., 2012]. Overall, the intensity and the spatial
regulating and supporting ecosystem services and is also extent of river-driven disturbances (e.g., ooding, droughts,
crucial to the recreational and cultural services that riparian groundwater uctuations, etc.) are the main factors that con-
zones provide [e.g., Brown and Daniel, 1991; Walker et al., trol riparian vegetation dynamics [Camporeale and Ridol,
2002; Buijse et al., 2002] as well as forming an important 2006; Corenblit et al., 2007]. Modeling of riparian veg-
tool in the sustainable management and restoration of uvial etation and morphological processes needs to incorporate


these complex interactions and feedbacks, building on multi- water back into the main channel, inducing uxes through
disciplinary hydrological, hydraulic, geomorphological, and the hyporheic zone [e.g., Jones and Mulholland, 2000;
ecological knowledge [e.g., Baird et al., 2005; Corenblit Hancock et al., 2005] and contributing to the control of water
et al., 2007; Perucca et al., 2007; Perona et al., 2009b; table levels within the riparian zone. In addition, the river
Gurnell et al., 2012]. is a source of water vapor and a thermal regulator of the
[4] Two different approaches to modeling have been riparian environment. The precise functioning of all of these
adopted in the past. Drawing on detailed eld investi- processes depends on the hydrological, hydraulic, and geo-
gations, ecologists, biogeographers, and geomorphologists morphological characteristics of the river [Salo et al., 1986;
have approached the topic through the analysis of infor- Bendix and Hupp, 2000]. Many riparian vegetation pro-
mation from different research areas from which they have cesses depend mainly on river ows, including the dispersal
often constructed conceptual models [e.g., Osterkamp and of seeds and vegetative propagules into the riparian zone
Hupp, 2010]. In this way, the spatial and temporal dynamics [e.g., Mahoney and Rood, 1998; Merritt and Wohl, 2002;
of riparian vegetation have been described and investigated, Gurnell et al., 2008; Greet et al., 2011], the supply of soil
illustrating the crucial importance of a range of biotic and moisture to support seed germination and plant growth and
abiotic processes. However, although several processes have control plant water stress [e.g., Lite et al., 2005; Williams and
been qualitatively elucidated, no quantitative models have Cooper, 2005; Pezeshki and Shields, 2006; Gonzalez et al.,
been proposed. In contrast, since the 1980s engineers and 2012], and the ood-induced death of riparian plants through
geophysicists have dedicated a great deal of effort to the uprooting, burial, or anoxia [e.g., Friedman and Auble,
development of increasingly more rened morphodynamic 1999; Bendix and Hupp, 2000]. These processes illustrate
mathematical models. However, despite the fact that vege- the importance of over-bank oods for riparian ecosystems,
tation is fundamental for river hydraulics and morphology, including the predictable annual ood regime that underpins
ecological aspects have usually been neglected in these mod- the ood pulse concept [Junk et al., 1989], but more fre-
els, and vegetation has, at most, been considered only as a quent ow pulses [Tockner et al., 2000] that occur within
static element. the bankfull channel can be also of major ecological impor-
[5] Recently, knowledge from these different branches tance in unmanaged river systems that support a complex
of river science has begun to be assimilated into new part-vegetated transition between the water surface of typical
approaches within the rapidly developing interdisciplinary low ows and the oodplain [Bertoldi et al., 2009].
elds of uvial biogeomorphology, hydroecology, and eco- [7] Riparian vegetation affects the ow eld, uvial
hydraulics [e.g., Camporeale et al., 2005; Corenblit et al., transport processes, and the morphology of the river through
2007]. These interdisciplinary approaches are proving very several mechanisms (Figure 2), including the inuence
fruitful, and some semiquantitative and quantitative math- of the vegetation canopy on ow turbulence structure
ematical models of river-vegetation interactions have been [e.g., Liu et al., 2010]; the increase in riparian sediment
proposed. We review these models, focusing particularly strength due to plant roots [e.g., Docker and Hubble, 2008;
on the quantitative aspects of interactions between ripar- Pollen-Bankhead and Simon, 2010]; the effect of plant tran-
ian vegetation and morphodynamics. Throughout, we refer spiration on riparian soil moisture content, hydraulic gradi-
mainly to temperate areas, where most of the data have ent, and water balance [e.g., Tabacchi et al., 2000; Cleverly
been collected and most of the modeling studies have been et al., 2006]; and the effects of all of these processes on ripar-
developed. The review is divided into seven sections. In the ian erosion and sedimentation. Whichever mechanism is
next section (section 2), we outline a general framework considered, both a passive and an active inuence of vegeta-
of river-vegetation interactions that are developed in more tion can be detected on river morphodynamics [Camporeale
detail in sections 3 and 4, including a description of some et al., 2005].
eld evidence. Sections 5, 6, and 7 are devoted to review- [8] In relation to its passive role, vegetation affects
ing semiquantitative and quantitative modeling approaches. roughness, hydraulic resistance, and bank erodibility in the
In the nal section, we draw some conclusions and dis- same manner as any abiotic element with the same mechan-
cuss the main open questions, in the context of temperate ical and morphological characteristics. As a consequence,
areas. Unless specied differently, all formulas reported in the traditional modeling approach in hydraulic engineering
the following are intended in SI units. has been to consider vegetation as an abiotic element. This
type of approach is exemplied by many efforts to obtain
2. GENERAL FRAMEWORK OF THE theoretical and empirical estimates of hydraulic resistance in
RIVER-VEGETATION INTERACTIONS vegetated channels [e.g., Kouwen and Unny, 1973; Kouwen
[6] Figure 2 summarizes the main river-vegetation inter- and Fathi-Moghadam, 2000; Righetti and Romano, 2004],
actions within the riparian zone and some of their key of the structure of turbulence in streams owing inside
characteristics. Rivers transfer water, mineral and organic or surrounded by vegetation [e.g., Nepf, 1999; Finnigan,
sediments, chemicals, nutrients, plant propagules (seeds and 2000; Nepf, 2012], and of the inuence of riparian vegeta-
vegetative fragments), and wood from upstream to down- tion on the propagation of ood waves [e.g., Li and Shen,
stream, delivering them into the riparian environment as 1973; Kouwen and Unny, 1973; Thorne, 1990; Masterman
well as transferring them into the river channel. These pro- and Thorne, 1992; Abernethy and Rutherfurd, 1998; Millar,
cesses deliver water to the riparian aquifer as well as drain 2000]. The active role of vegetation is expressed through


Figure 2. General scheme of the interactions between river and riparian vegetation.

biotic processes that inuence the colonization, growth, and as the plants grow. The very close relationship between u-
death of plants within the riparian zone. Biotic processes vial morphodynamics and vegetation dynamics reects the
inuence many hydraulic and morphodynamic processes comparable temporal scales of river geometry evolution and
and interact with them to affect vegetation dynamics. For vegetation development [e.g., Phillips, 1995], Table 1 and
example, seeds may be deposited on bare sediment sur- implies that the two dynamics cannot be modeled separately.
faces created by uvial processes. Once the seeds germinate Finally, river-induced actions have both a deterministic and
and the plants begin to grow, the new vegetation starts to a stochastic component (Figure 2). The latter plays an impor-
affect the local ow eld, altering sedimentation/erosion tant role in inducing nontrivial behavior in the evolution of
processes and initiating vegetation-induced morphological the river-vegetation system, but it is difcult to model [e.g.,
changes. As a result, a close coupling is established between Lytle and Merrit, 2004; Camporeale and Ridol, 2007]. Fur-
the river and riparian vegetation, which is regulated by linear thermore, the whole process of river-vegetation interaction
and nonlinear feedback mechanisms and which magnies is prone to deterministic and stochastic external forcings

TABLE 1. Typical Order of Magnitude of the Rates, Relaxation Times, and

Time Scales of Geomorphic and Ecological Phenomenaa

Rate Relaxation Time Time Scale

Landscape Phenomenon (-) (years) (years)
Fluvial erosion-sedimentation 102 101 100 102 101 102
Establishment of complete vegetation cover 101 101 100 101 101 101
Secondary succession 102 100 101 102 100 101
Primary succession 103 100 101 102 100 101
Vegetation composition change 101 101 100 101 101 101
After Phillips [1995]. The rate is given as percent per year of complete or maximum develop-
ment. Relaxation time is the time the system takes to recover from vegetation disturbances.


related to climate conditions, the presence of animals, har- 1995; Johnson, 2000], and these individuals tend to
vesting, res, grazing, diseases, delivery of large wood, develop in very specic locations within the riparian zone
and human actions, which add further complexity to ripar- (see section 3.2).
ian morphodynamics [Naiman and Decamps, 1997; Nilsson [13] Riparian willows and poplars also reproduce very
et al., 1997; Timoney et al., 1997; Seagle and Liang, 2001; freely asexually, with new plants sprouting from vegeta-
Menard et al., 2002; Zanoni et al., 2008]. tive fragments or entire uprooted trees and shrubs. Flood-
damaged trees that are not uprooted also sprout vigorously.
3. INFLUENCE OF FLUVIAL PROCESSES ON THE Asexual reproduction can occur at any time during the grow-
RIPARIAN VEGETATION DYNAMICS ing season, and these species are able to regenerate from
[9] In section 2, we stated that colonization and growth both roots and shoots. Their ability to produce adventitious
of riparian plants are affected greatly by river hydrology and roots is critical to their survival in aggrading riparian envi-
morphology (see Table 2 for some relevant studies). In this ronments (i.e., environments where the land surface is rising
section, we explore this topic in more detail by outlining the as a result of sediment deposition), giving them enormous
characteristics of riparian plants (section 3.1), describing tolerance to burial and having important implications for the
the processes of colonization and succession (section 3.2 stabilization of uvially deposited sediments.
and 3.3), and then considering some simplied models of [14] In suitable environmental (particularly soil mois-
riparian plant growth (section 3.4) ture) conditions, growth rates of seedlings and sprouting
rates from vegetative fragments can be extremely high. Up
3.1. Characteristics of Riparian Plants to 3 mm/day shoot growth in Populus nigra, Salix alba,
[10] Riparian zones are highly heterogeneous and dis- and Salix elaeagnos seedlings, 10 mm/day in cuttings, and
turbed environments. They are composed of a wide vari- 15 mm/day shoot growth from uprooted deposited trees have
ety of physical habitats in terms of their sediment caliber, been observed along the Tagliamento River, Italy [Francis
moisture and nutrient conditions, inundation duration and et al., 2006; Moggridge and Gurnell, 2009]. Root growth is
frequency, and also susceptibility to drought. The character- also rapid. For example, a 30 mm/day water table decline in
istics of riparian habitats vary markedly in space and in time, sand and gravel experimental substrates resulted in average
providing a very challenging environment for plant colo- daily increments in root depth of 27 and 20 mm, respec-
nization. As a result, plants that can successfully colonize tively, for Salix elaeagnos, and 15 and 10 mm, respectively,
riparian zones possess traits that allow them to cope with for Populus nigra [Francis et al., 2005]. These rapid growth
the harsh conditions [Karrenberg et al., 2002]. Of the wide traits allow plants to establish and gain root anchorage
range of plants that grow in riparian zones, riparian shrub quickly in alluvial sediments, so that they are soon able to
and tree species are particularly important for river morpho- resist uprooting by ood disturbances [Karrenberg et al.,
dynamics because of their large size and ability to act as 2003].
ecosystem engineers (in the sense of Jones et al. [1994]), [15] However, the survival and growth performance of
driving the development of habitats that can be colonized by different riparian species is strongly affected by environmen-
other species [Gurnell et al., 2012]. tal conditions. For example, Glenz et al. [2006] in a review
[11] Naiman et al. [2005] identify four sets of functional of the ooding tolerance of several central European tree and
adaptations that may be displayed by riparian plants: (i) shrub species cite observations by Spath [1998, 2002], which
invaders produce very large numbers of wind- and water- indicate that while Salix alba was able to survive inundation
dispersed seeds; (ii) endurers resprout after breakage or by ood waters for almost the entire growing season at a site
burial; (iii) resisters tolerate extreme environmental condi- on the Upper Rhine, Germany, Alnus species and Fraxinus
tions, including inundation, res, or epidemics, whereas (iv) excelsior were only able to tolerate ooding for approxi-
avoiders are unable to adapt to specic disturbance types. mately 70% and 20% of the growing season, respectively.
Successful riparian plants often possess all of the rst three Furthermore, Amlin and Rood [2001] conducted inundation
adaptations. experiments on rooted cuttings of three willow species and
[12] For example, riparian willow and poplar (cotton- three poplar species and showed that while all of the poplar
wood) species are pioneer riparian tree species that repro- species suffered a reduction in shoot and root elongation with
duce freely both sexually and vegetatively. Enormous inundation, the willow species were relatively unaffected
quantities of very small, light seeds are produced in the and Salix exigua (sand bar willow) showed an increase in
spring and early summer [Braatne et al., 1996; Imbert and root and shoot elongation. Similar differences in sensitivity
Lefevre, 2003; Karrenberg et al., 2003] and are widely between species have been observed with respect to drought
dispersed by wind (anemochory) and water (hydrochory). and the depression of the alluvial water table [e.g., Amlin and
Seeds have a very short period of viability and germi- Rood, 2002, 2003; Pasquale et al., 2012]. This sensitivity to
nate almost immediately once they are deposited on moist hydrological processes has consequences for the coloniza-
bare sediment surfaces. They, therefore, take advantage of tion and distribution of tree species within the riparian zone
exposed habitats produced by uvial deposition and erosion. [e.g., Robertson and Augspurger, 1999; Dixon et al., 2002;
However, because of their short period of viability (up to a Cooper et al., 2003; Turner et al., 2004; Cooper et al., 2006;
few weeks) and the high susceptibility of young seedlings to Friedman et al., 2006; Robertson, 1999], a theme that is
ood and drought stress, few survive [van Splunder et al., developed in section 3.2.


TABLE 2. Some Signicant References to the Inuence of Fluvial Processes on Vegetation Dynamics

Physical Process Spatial / Temporal Scale References

Seed dispersal
Seed rain rate 3 river reaches / 4 years Cooper et al. [1999]
Seed input cross section / 2 years Tabacchi et al. [2005]
Characteristics of riparian plants
Development of species richness river reach Nilsson et al. [1997]
Inuence of sedimentation and ooding river reach / 2 years Friedman and Auble [1999]
Inuence of water levels on mortality and root depth 10 cross sections / 34 years Scott et al. [2000]
Root volume ratio and diameter 25 cross section / 3 months Wynn et al. [2004]
Root biomass spatial distribution river reach / 2 years Kiley and Schneider [2005]
Effect of ooding 5 cross sections / 1 year Vreugdenhil et al. [2006]
Colonization of sites
Inuence of river ow 2550 km / 80 years Bradley and Smith [1986]
Seedlings density and inuence of shade, position, competition 3 river reaches / 4 years Cooper et al. [1999]
Inuence of soil texture, elevation, light river bend Robertson and Augspurger [1999]
Inuence of river discharge river transect Bendix and Hupp [2000]
Inuence of river ow rive reach Johnson [2000]
Inuence of river ow and stage river transect / 1 year Rood and Mahoney [2000]
Inuence of ow and elevation on seedling distribution river reach / 52 years Stella et al. [2004]
Biomass selection by ood Perona et al. [2012]
Growth of riparian plants
Growth rate, maximum age, and diameter - Botkin et al. [1972]
Growth rate, shade tolerance, and diameter - Phipps [1979]
Growth rate, maximum age, diameter, etc. - Pearlstine et al. [1985]
Relationship between tree age and dbh 9 cross sections / 100 years Scott et al. [1997]
Ecological succession and biogeography
Tree density river reach Johnson and Bell [1976]
Tree density and species richness cross section / centuries Nanson and Beach [1977]
Tree distribution 17 cross sections Hupp and Osterkamp [1985]
Tree density 2550 km / 80 years Bradley and Smith [1986]
Vegetation structure River reach Kalliola and Puhakka [1988]
Transition of tree species cross section / centuries Shankman [1993]
Maps of vegetation change river reach Johnson et al. [1995]
Vegetation patterns, species distribution, and tree density cross section Carr [1998]
Vegetation patterns river bend Robertson and Augspurger [1999]
Relationship between riparian species and unit stream power river transect Bendix and Hupp [2000]
Seedling density and height river reach Rood and Mahoney [2000]

3.2. Colonization of Riparian Sites different rates of water table decline following seed germi-
[16] Despite their ability to cope with the disturbances and nation. As river stage declines, seeds deposited high within
stresses that characterize riparian environments, the distri- the rivers active tract may not nd sufcient moisture for
bution of riparian plants is heavily constrained by uvial germination and may be affected by too rapid a rate of water
processes. Successful recruitment of riparian tree species table decline, whereas seeds deposited at low elevations may
following sexual reproduction is particularly strongly inu- experience a gentler rate of water table decline but a greater
enced by the rivers ow regime. For riparian willow exposure to disturbance by water level uctuations, partic-
and poplar species, seeds are released through the spring ularly during the autumn and winter of their rst year of
and early summer, with different species owering, setting, growth. While ood disturbances may uproot or smother
and releasing seed at different times. River ows during this seedlings and erode and remove soil and organic matter, they
period, coupled with the short viability of the seeds and the also create areas of bare sediment for future seed germina-
requirement for a bare, moist substratum for seed germi- tion. As a result of different times of seed dispersal, different
nation (section 3.1), limit the spatial distribution of poten- riparian tree species may colonize different zones (eleva-
tial germination sites. Moreover, once deposited, optimum tions) of a rivers active tract. Furthermore, different species
growth of the young plants is related to moisture retention in may also grow most successfully within different elevation
the substratum and the rate of fall of the alluvial water table bands because of their sensitivity to soil moisture condi-
[Barsoum and Hughes, 1998; Francis et al., 2005; Guilloy tions and the rate of water level decline [e.g., Amlin and
et al., 2011]. This sensitivity underpins the recruitment box Rood, 2001, 2002; Bhattacharjee et al., 2008] and suscepti-
model (Figure 3) proposed by Mahoney and Rood [1998], bility to removal or burial by oods. Thus, the rivers ow
which links seasonal river water level decline from spring regime appears to be crucial for riparian tree recruitment,
high ows to the period of seed release; spatial location (ele- maintenance of species diversity, and promotion of a wide
vation) of areas of moist, bare sediment; and the subsequent age structure within riparian woodlands, as has been demon-
rate of river stage and alluvial water table decline. Where strated through eld observations, simulations, and literature
several riparian tree species grow along a river, species- syntheses [e.g., Braatne et al., 2007; Dixon and Turner,
specic dates of seed dispersal relate to different river levels 2006; Greet et al., 2011]. Because of the strong depen-
and thus different areas of bare moist sediment, and also to dence of recruitment on river level uctuations, it is possible


350 tree seedling growth and the regeneration of vegetative frag-

Growing season ments. For example, Hupp and Osterkamp [1985] describe
a close correspondence between river channel cross-prole
250 form, riparian vegetation, and water levels associated with
Seed release periods particular durations and frequencies of inundation along
Recruitment Passage Creek, Virginia, USA. Similar structures were found
150 in cross proles of the Cecina River, Italy [Hupp and
Elevation above baseflow stage (cm)

Species A
100 Rinaldi, 2007], where different riparian tree species were
Species B
preferentially associated with bars, marginal benches, and
oodplain edges. On meandering rivers, young plants tend
0 to develop preferentially in horizontal bands on the inside of
MAY JNE JLY AUG SPT meander bends. These bands may reect the optimum ele-
350 vation for seed germination and growth [e.g., Bradley and
Survivable Smith, 1986] (Figure 4), or they may be the result of sprout-
300 stage decline Annual stage
hydrograph for ing of plant material (particularly wood pieces) that has been
species A
250 (2 cm.d-1) recruitment deposited with sediment during the creation of point or coun-
terpoint bars, particularly scroll bars [e.g., Hickin, 1975;
Survivable Nanson and Beach, 1977; McKenney et al., 1995; Gurnell
150 stage decline and Petts, 2006]. On braided rivers, young plants tend to
species B appear across the surfaces of relatively high braid bars, often
(1 cm.d-1) in the lee of patches of mature vegetation [Moggridge and
50 Gurnell, 2009] or accumulations of large wood. However,
0 in periods without signicant oods, strips of seedlings can
APR MAY JNE JLY AUG SPT OCT establish rapidly along the edge of low-ow channels regard-
less of the river cross prole or planform [Gurnell et al.,
Figure 3. Example of the application of the recruitment 2012].
box model of Mahoney and Rood [1998]. Seedling success [19] Because of the requirement for bare moist sedi-
is directly linked to the rates of water decline during and fol-
ment to support the recruitment of riparian trees, strong
lowing seed release and germination by each of the species
(A and B). Copyright (1998), with permission from Springer. recruitment may follow large damaging oods that remove
areas of established riparian woodland [e.g., Friedman and
Lee, 2002] (Figure 5). However, side channel abandon-
to develop models to interpret or predict recruitment from ment, channel narrowing, or channel migration also expose
seeds under different ow regimes [e.g., Lytle and Merrit, bare sediment suitable for colonization [Scott et al., 1996;
2004; Ahn et al., 2007] and to prescribe ow regimes to Johnson, 2000; Steiger et al., 2001a; Friedman and Lee,
support the restoration of riparian woodland along regulated 2002; Kondolf et al., 2007]. Riparian vegetation can also
rivers [Rood et al., 2003, 2005]. become established on bare sediment exposed or deposited
[17] The ow regime is also crucial for the success by bank failure and uvial erosion and deposition pro-
of asexual reproduction, although sensitivity to the ow cesses during river channel incision [e.g., Hupp, 1992, 1999;
regime is not as strong as for sexual reproduction. Vegeta- Simon, 1995]. A complex series of terraces and benches may
tive propagules can be dispersed throughout the year; the form, on which riparian vegetation develops most easily dur-
elevation at which they are deposited is controlled by river ing periods and at locations of high bank water tables. As bed
levels at the time of dispersal; and sprouting, establishment, incision proceeds, the bank water table falls, and so riparian
and survival beyond the rst year or two is dependent on plants remaining at higher elevations along the river margins
moisture availability, particularly depth to water table, and usually succumb to water stress.
ood disturbance frequency and intensity. Thus, Francis [20] In general, a site can only be considered to be devel-
[2007] found that uprooted trees deposited in three dif- oping some stability as a result of vegetation colonization
ferent years along a reach of the Tagliamento River were if the plants survive the next stress condition, such as a
most likely to regenerate the larger the deposited tree (inter- destructive ood, drought, or a sudden falling of the water
nal resources) and the lower the deposition site within the table. Johnson [2000] observed total tree seedling mortal-
active tract (closer to the alluvial water table). Nevertheless, ity in 90% of his study plots by the end of the rst year
there was a lower limit to the elevation range for deposited following germination, and Moggridge and Gurnell [2009]
trees, whether or not they regenerated, which reected the lost 72% of seedlings across their study plots during a
ooding history of the site; and successful regeneration of ood in the rst winter following germination. Research
uprooted trees reached a maximum at around 1.1 m below on shoot and root development and uprooting resistance of
oodplain level, within the 3 to 4 m elevation range of the riparian tree species (reviewed in section 3.1) indicates that
active tract. young plants probably need to develop for at least 2 years
[18] River channel form, water level regime, and ow for their roots and canopy to be able to resist moderate
structure support characteristic, preferential sites for riparian disturbance events.


Figure 4. Scheme of seed dispersal, germination, growth, and establishment along the Milk River
according to Bradley and Smith [1986]. Copyright (1986), with permission from NRC Research Press.

3.3. Ecological Succession Within Riparian Zones

[21] Ecological succession is a directional sequence of
changes through time in species composition and other plant
community characteristics (productivity, biomass, diversity,
etc.) [Odum, 1969]. However, due to the strong stochastic
behavior of river ows, succession in riparian environments
is interrupted and reset by disturbances such as oods and
droughts, leading to complex and dynamic spatial distribu-
tions of riparian patches at different successional stages as
both disturbance magnitude and intervening recovery time
vary [Dcamps and Tabacchi, 1994].
[22] Ecological succession in riparian environments pro-
gresses as pioneer species colonize bare alluvial sediments
and then are gradually replaced by postpioneer species.
Pioneer riparian trees and shrubs develop from seeds or veg-
etative fragments and grow and trap uvial sediments and
plant propagules, leading to the creation of sediment patches
within which propagules of other species can germinate or
sprout. These patches aggrade, enlarge, coalesce, and sup-
port increasing vegetation cover and species richness. On the
Tagliamento River. this process leads to over 60% ground
vegetation cover on the aggrading patches within 3 years
[Kollmann and Schneider, 1999; Francis et al., 2008], which
further encourages sediment trapping and surface aggra-
Figure 5. Change in bottomland vegetation and morphol- dation. Therefore, the process of island (and oodplain)
ogy along the West Bijou Creek, Colorado, USA [Friedman development results from a close interaction between plants
and Lee, 2002]. Copyright (2002), with permission from and physical processes. Colonization and growth of pio-
Ecological Society of America. neer species on open (unvegetated) river bar surfaces lead


gradual change in the species composition of the vegetation.

However, in addition, as the process of plant colonization,
growth, and aggradation continues, areas of bare, moist sed-
iment suitable for colonization by pioneer riparian species
become increasingly rare, and so pioneer species are grad-
ually replaced by postpioneer species that are more suited
to the elevated, less disturbed, more competitive, and dryer
island surface environment. For example, Kollmann et al.
[1999] found that the oldest islands on the Tagliamento River
were distinguished from younger islands by the presence of a
range of terrestrial tree species (Acer pseudoplatanus, Pinus
nigra, Pinus sylvetris, Prunus spinosa, Sorbus aria, Tilia
[23] However, in riparian environments, this process of
succession is inevitably interrupted by uvial disturbances,
leading to the development of a mosaic of patches at differ-
ent successional stages. This has been termed the shifting
Figure 6. Plant species distribution as a function of unit
habitat mosaic [Pringle et al., 1988; Stanford et al., 2005]
stream power and height above the water table [after Bendix
and Hupp, 2000]. and is characteristic of natural oodplain ecosystems. The
nature, geometry, and relative elevation of the riparian-
oodplain patches varies with river ow energy and style
to sediment retention and the lateral and vertical develop- [Nanson and Croke, 1992], and thus the mode of construc-
ment of an island landform on the bar surface. As the island tion, topographic and sedimentological characteristics, and
develops, the physical conditions at its surface change. The rate of turnover of the patches or landforms. Since the
increasing elevation of the island surface leads to a reduc- patches are inundated and impacted by ows of different
tion in frequency and duration of ood inundation and an frequency, they are inevitably associated with species that
increase in the vertical distance between the island surface are tolerant of different soil moisture, inundation, and shear
and the underlying water table. The soil water regime is stress conditions [e.g., Bendix and Hupp, 2000] (Figure 6)
also affected by a change in surface sediment composition, and possess other traits that suit them to the environmen-
which is usually ner and has a higher organic content on tal conditions that characterize particular patch types [e.g.,
an island than on the bar surface on which the island is con- Richter and Richter, 2000] (Figure 7). As a result, u-
structed. These changes in physical conditions alone lead to a vial landforms of different type, relative elevation, and

Figure 7. Example of vegetation succession along the Yampa river. The boxes represent the various
habitat types that compose the riparian mosaic. The dashed lines represent changes driven by uvial
geomorphic processes. The solid lines describe changes related to biotic succession [Richter and Richter,


susceptibility to disturbance frequently support different [26] The last important factor which affects tree growth
plant species and assemblages. Of course, the particular plant is the vertical distance from the phreatic water table. This
species and communities found on these uvial landforms dependence has been modeled by Phipps [1979] as H = 1
vary with the broad environmental setting in which a river is 1.3(T W)2 where T and W are, respectively, the actual and
located, but numerous research investigations have demon- the optimal depth of the water table (i.e., the depth which
strated close associations between vegetation composition maximizes the growth).
and uvial landforms within many different river systems [27] An interesting attempt to account for the stochas-
across the world [e.g., Hupp and Osterkamp, 1985, 1996, tic nature of the problem of plant growth was proposed by
Hupp and Rinaldi, 2007; Salo et al., 1986; Scott et al., Lytle and Merrit [2004]. Their model describes the growth
1996; Van Coller et al., 1997; Dykaar and Wigington, 2000; of Populus deltoides (cottonwood) from germination to the
Pettit et al., 2001; Cooper et al., 2003; Turner et al., 2004; adult stage, taking into account the main hydrological pro-
Shin and Nakamura, 2005; Stella et al., 2011; Cline and cesses of drought and ooding and including the effects
McAllister, 2012]. of random uctuations. This environmental stochasticity is
3.4. Simplied Models for the Growth modeled by transition matrices that describe the transition
of Pioneer Plants probability during the different life stages of cottonwood.
Therefore, the model has the stochastic form N(t + 1) =
[24] A modeling strategy should allow a good compro-
A(t)  N(t), where N(t) is a vector that contains the abun-
mise between the need to t the complex dynamics of plant
dances of the vegetated plots, and A(t) is a set of transition
ecology and the need to provide a simple mathematical tool.
matrices that uctuate according to the variations in river
As described in the previous sections, the growth and vigor
discharge. Thus, a fraction of each stand may be lost each
of established riparian tree species depends on many of
year due to ooding or drought mortality, and this space
the same parameters as recruitment, and among these, the
becomes available for colonization by new seedlings the
hydrological ones play a decisive role.
following year.
[25] Botkin et al. [1972] was one of the rst researchers to
develop a model for tree growth, although it did not take into
account the direct inuence of the river. Later, Pearlstine
et al. [1985] revised a previous ecological model, proposed
by Odum [1983] called FORFLO (Forest Floodplain Succes- [28] River morphodynamics can be dened as the sum of
sion Model), and mathematically modeled the key processes the complex interactions between the ow eld and sediment
that affect the growth of plants in the riparian zone as (see which occur in the river environment [Seminara, 1998].
also Shugart and West [1977] and Phipps [1979] Such interactions involve the spatial and temporal dynamics
dD 1 DH/Dmax Hmax of bed forms at different length scales (e.g., ripples, dunes,
=  p, (1) bars, meanders). Although the fundamental role of vegeta-
dt 274 + 3b2 D 4b3 D2
tion for river morphodynamics (arrow pointing toward the
where D is the diameter at breast height, H is the height of the left in Figure 2) has often been recognized, the underlying
tree, Dmax and Hmax are the maximum recorded diameter and mechanisms are not fully understood yet.
height (in centimeters), t is time (in years) and G, b2 , and b3 [29] Vegetation affects each basic element of the mor-
are the species-specic growth rate parameters. Equation (1) phodynamic system [Gibling and Davies, 2012]. It modies
gives a logistic-shaped growth curve (see Camporeale and the ow eld and its turbulent structure [Lopez and Garcia,
Ridol [2006]) and assumes that a tree in optimal conditions 1998; Dena and Bixio, 2005] and therefore inuences
will grow to two thirds of its maximum height at one half sediment transport and bedform formation [Thorne, 1997].
of its maximum age (in this case, the term p is set to unity.) It also affects bank strength and can therefore modify the
The denition of optimality is debated in the literature, but in conditions that can induce bank collapse. All these effects
the present context, we dene as optimal the conditions that concur to inuence local morphodynamics and thus the
maximize the growth. This optimal growth rate is reduced by overall river morphology [e.g., Millar, 2000; Murray and
computing the term p in equation (1) as the product of some Paola, 2003; Allmendinger et al., 2005]. Table 3 summa-
dimensionless factors, p = S  T  R  H, which account for rizes some eld and laboratory evidence concerning the
the stand density, S , the inuence of temperature, T , shad- inuence of vegetation on morphodynamics processes.
ing tolerance, R, and the position of the water table in the Although the processes are interrelated [e.g., Tsujimoto,
soil, H. Thus, function S simulates the effect of competition 1999], for the sake of clarity, they will be analyzed
for nutrients and water, whereas T accounts for the depen- separately in this section but they will be considered
dence of photosynthesis on temperature. Botkin et al. [1972] jointly in the presentation of the morphodynamic models in
recognized three shade tolerance classes and described R as sections 5 to 7.
a function of the available light Ascaled between 0 and
1through the following relations: 4.1. The Flow Field
8 4.64(A0.005) [30] Thorough understanding of river uid mechanics
requires knowledge of advanced mathematical and physical
R= 1.87(A0.064)
(intermediate shade-tolerant) (2)
A+0.436 tools that are beyond the scope of the present review and are
2.24(1 e (shade-intolerant), available in standard textbooks such as Henderson [1966])


TABLE 3. Some Field and Laboratory Evidence Concerning the Inuence of Vegetation on River Morphodynamics

Physical Process Spatial / Temporal Scale References

Flow eld
Depth-averaged velocity along a vegetated oodplain cross section Pasche and Rouve [1985]
Streamwise velocity and water surface elevation river reach Thorne and Furbish [1995]
Canopy drag coefcient and momentum budget ume tests (24  0.38)a Nepf [1999]
Friction factors for exible coniferous trees ume tests and in air tests Kouwen and Fathi-Moghadam [2000]
First four moments and momentum budget ume tests (19.5  0.91)a Lopez and Garcia [2001]
Velocity vectors ume tests (9  2)a Gran and Paola [2001]
Local ow over exible bottom vegetation ume tests (14  0.60)a Carollo et al. [2002]
Mean velocity, correlations and spectra ume tests (24  0.38)a Ghisalberti and Nepf [2002]
Friction factors ume tests (50  1.1)a Jarvela [2002]
Effect of vegetation morphology on drag and friction factor ume tests (10  0.3)a Wilson and Horritt [2002]
Shear layers generated by submerged vegetation ume tests (24  0.38)a Ghisalberti and Nepf [2004]
Effect of ow depth, stem density, and channel slope ume tests (3.0  0.10)a James et al. [2004]
First four moments, spectra and quadrant analysis ume tests (18  0.90a Poggi et al. [2004]
Mixed moments and momentum balance ume tests (18  0.90)a Poggi et al. [2004]
Resistance and drag coefcient for exible vegetation ume tests (150  2.0)a Armanini et al. [2005]
Manning coefcient for exible submerged vegetation ume tests (14.4  0.60)a Carollo et al. [2005]
Flow resistance of channels with macrophytes eld data collection Green [2006]
Friction factors and drag coefcient with emergent vegetation ume tests (3.3  1.22)a Musleh and Cruise [2006]
Effect of nonat bed conditions ume tests (18  0.90)a Poggi and Katul [2007]
Effect of density on the dispersive stresses ume tests (18  0.90)a Poggi and Katul [2008]
Bank stability
Erosion potential and bank height river reach Abernethy and Rutherfurd [1998]
Root reinforcement and safety factors river reach Abernethy and Rutherfurd [2000]
Root reinforcement, apparent cohesion due to roots river reach Abernethy and Rutherfurd [2001]
Shear strength as a function of biomass, or root density river reach Micheli and Kirchner [2002b]
Cohesion distribution due to roots of different species cross section Simon and Collison [2002]
Tensile strength for different root diameters eld and laboratory tests Pollen and Simon [2005]
River migration
Erosion rate in function of vegetation roots in sediment 67 km Smith [1976]
Erosion rates in presence of heavy vegetation river reach / 37 years Odgaard [1987]
Erosion rate in function of areal density of vegetation one river bend / 2 years Pizzuto and Meckelnburg [1989]
Erosion occurrences in different vegetated reaches 2030 km Beeson and Doyle [1995]
Migration rate in function of different vegetation types 17 cross sections Brooks and Brierley [2002]
Migration rates river reach / 40 years Micheli and Kirchner [2002a]
Migration rates and bank erodibility river reach / 40 years Micheli et al. [2004]
Migration rates between different vegetated sites 10 km/ 26 years Allmendinger et al. [2005]
Morphological change
Channel planform change 6 km Mackin [1956]
Bank erosion and channel form following afforestation 500 m reach / 2 years Murgatroyd and Ternan [1983]
Effect on cottonwood density 2550km / 80 years Bradley and Smith [1986]
Channel narrowing, changes in width, sinuosity, bed elevation 7 km / 30 years Friedman et al. [1996]
Channel width, depth and velocity cross section Huang and Nanson [1997]
Species richness change 20/70 years Nilsson et al. [1997]
Channel form ratio and straightening 17 river reaches /100 years Rowntree and Dollar [1999]
Channel evolution, avulsion and channel expansions 10 km / 40 years Gilvear et al. [2000]
Channel widening and narrowing 60 years Merritt and Cooper [2000]
Channel change from meandering to braided 1 km / 53 years Millar [2000]
Formation of anabranching channels 30 km Tooth and Nanson [2000]
Mean channel width and depth river reach Gran and Paola [2001]
Fluvial island formation, LWD variations 22 sites / 10 years Gurnell et al. [2001]
Channel narrowing following basin afforestation 20years Liebault and Piegay [2002]
Bankfull width with different vegetation densities 26 river reaches / 3 years Hession et al. [2003]
Stream width 10 km / 26 years Allmendinger et al. [2005]
Species composition change 182 plots of oodplain / 2 years Leyer [2005]
Channel change from wandering to meandering 40km / 55 years Piegay et al. [2005]
Channel change from braiding to straightening 20km / 65 years Coulthard et al. [2007]
Field and laboratory evidence of channel change 20 km / 17 years Jang and Shimizu [2007]
Channel width / depth temporal change 6.5 km Tooth et al. [2008]
Over-bank sedimentation rate river reach / centuries Nanson and Beach [1977]
Sediment sorting index river reach / 20 years Osterkamp and Wood [1987]
Accretion rate 10 km / 26 years Allmendinger et al. [2005]
Flume sizes in meters: length  width.

and Nezu and Nakagawa [1993]. It is sufcient to note that tackled through the introduction of spatial averaging of the
the major difculty in analyzing the effect of in-stream and ow eld over quite large horizontal slabs containing the
bank vegetation on the ow eld arises from the compli- vegetation [Nikora et al., 2007]. In this way, individual ele-
cated features of (i) the vegetation geometry and (ii) the ments of vegetation are identied as dispersed obstacles that
turbulent ow eld. The rst source of complexity can be provide a spatially averaged drag force, so eliminating the


plant-to-plant variations of vegetation, although the vertical [34] Depending on which kind of averaging (temporal or
structure of the ow eld remains preserved. Spatial averag- spatial) one wishes to adopt, different modeling approaches
ing gives rise to extra dispersive terms in the stress tensor can be distinguished [Nikora et al., 2007]: direct numerical
(the Leonard stresses) which are associated, in the energy simulation (DNS) completely avoids the necessity of aver-
budget, with the wakes of individual plant elements, and aging; large eddy simulation (LES) adopts a spatially ltered
wake production or the turbulence produced by the mean Navier-Stokes equation (equivalent to a weak spatial averag-
ow work against the pressure drag of vegetation [Raupach ing); time averaging leads to the Reynolds averaged Navier-
and Shaw, 1982]. The second source of complexity, which Stokes equations (RANS); and the extension of spatial
is the structure of the turbulence, is tackled through the averaging to the RANS provides the double-averaged Navier
use of temporal averaging. This operation leads to the well- -Stokes equation (DANS). This latter approach reduces the
known Reynolds stress in the stress tensor. Both Leonards computation effort involved in DANS and LES simulations
and Reynolds stresses require some closure relationships. and thus is particularly common in the context of vege-
[31] Through the cascade of energy, turbulence is active at tated channel ows. Again, the degree of sophistication of
different length scales, from the smallest (the Kolmogorov the models depends on the choice of the closure relations
scale) to the largest (the length scale of the energy-containing and on the length scale of interest. First-order closure mod-
turbulence). As a result, the problem of the closure of tur- els are able to easily reproduce the mean ow, but they
bulence requires a rigorous analysis of all the scales, for do not consider the budget of second-order statistics, such
example, through the investigation of frequency spectra as the Reynolds stresses, while second-order closure mod-
[Poggi et al., 2004]. Such an approach has been widely els (e.g., Reynolds stress models) are too computationally
developed for forest and crop canopies in the atmospheric expensive [Katul et al., 2004]. A good compromise is the
eld, where it has led to important results, such as the fact adoption of 1.5-closure models, known as k- models, where
that the expectation of isotropy is violated within the canopy the closure of the eddy viscosity requires the conservation
[e.g., Finnigan, 2000]. However, it is too complicated to equation to be solved for turbulent kinetic energy, k, and tur-
investigate and to model the main features of river ow in bulent kinetic dissipation rate,  [Lopez and Garcia, 1998;
the presence of vegetation, because of the large range of rele- Dena and Bixio, 2005; Lopez and Garcia, 2001]. At the
vant scales. Conversely, instead of considering all the length order of depth scale, Katul et al. [2004] pointed out that
scales, it is common practice to consider depth as the thresh- for 2-D uniform ows, there is no clear advantage in using
old which separates the processes related to ne turbulence, the  -equation when the mixing length, lm , can be a priori
with typical eddies smaller than the depth separated from specied. They assumed a value of lm which is locally inde-
the macroscopic eddies related to the secondary circulation, pendent of the vertical coordinate, z, within the vegetated
which scale with river width [Tsujimoto, 1999]. layer and the classical rough-wall boundary layer formula-
[32] At the depth scale, turbulent ow with vegetation is tion above the vegetation (i.e., a linear function of z). Slightly
dominated by large coherent structures, and the interaction more advanced schemes have been adopted for the case of
of the ow eld with vegetation produces large amounts 3-D formulations, where the standard k- model is corrected
of ne-scale turbulence in the wakes of stems, additional using a dissipation term, wall damping functions, and alge-
drag forces, interference with the turbulent length scales, and braic relationships for turbulence anisotropy [Shimizu and
anisotropy of the mean ow [Naot et al., 1996; Finnigan, Tsujimoto, 1994; Naot et al., 1996]. For more details, see the
2000]. When the vegetation is completely submerged, the review by Simon [2004].
mean vegetation prole is also inected, with the inection [35] When the length scale of interest is the river width, a
point located at the top of the vegetated layer [Raupach et al., common choice is to adopt shallow water equations, namely,
1996]. This evidence, as well as the observation that both depth-averaged two-dimensional models in straight and
turbulence intensity and shear stress peak at the inection meandering tree-lined channels under steady ow conditions
point, suggest the mixing layer analogy as a possible means [Van De Wiel and Darby, 2004; Wu and Wang, 2004; Wu
of interpreting high turbulence intensities in the roughness et al., 2005]. Some authors have also proposed models for
sublayer [Raupach et al., 1996]. the transverse prole with physically based expressions for
[33] At the width scale, the existence of a vegetated zone the depth-averaged velocity in partially vegetated channel
along banks causes different uvial processes, mostly related ows [Pasche and Rouve, 1985; Ikeda et al., 1991; Darby,
to erosion and sedimentation [Tsujimoto, 1999]. The ow 1999], and Rameshwaran and Shiono [2007]. These mod-
near the vegetation is retarded and the bed sediment transport els apply lateral distribution methods (LDMs) which con-
is weak. Suspended sediment transport, which is subjected sider the depth-integrated form of the streamwise Reynolds
to turbulent mixing and to cellular secondary currents [Nezu equations. Very recently, White and Nepf [2008, 2007] have
and Nakagawa, 1993], leads to a lateral net ux, deposi- proposed an alternative vortex-based method which sheds
tion near the vegetated zone, and accretion of the bank line. light on the lateral momentum uxes between the vege-
Tsujimoto [1996] identied the presence of organized uctu- tated zone and the main channel, supporting their proposal
ations of the ow eld in the vegetation zone, which induce with detailed experimental investigations. Furthermore, Wu
the alternation of the bed load direction. Such an alterna- et al. [2005], Temmerman et al. [2005], and Lopez-Bermudez
tion has been proposed as the cause of the formation of et al. [2002] have developed morphodynamic models for
longitudinal sand stripes near the vegetated zone. unsteady conditions.


[36] When these models [e.g., Wu et al., 2005] are con- [38] Hydraulic resistance also depends on the age and
sidered, only the main features of the extremely complex structure of the plants. The impact of vegetation density on
interactions between vegetation and river dynamics are iden- the Manning coefcient, nv , was considered by McKenney
tied and retained, and some simple closure relations for et al. [1995] through
wake production, drag force, and bed resistance are usually s P
employed. In this context, Kean and Smith [2004], following 2 Cf Ai
nv = R 3 (9)
the approach by Nepf [1999], proposed a model where the 2gAL
wake production of turbulence, due to shrub stems or trees,
where R is the hydraulic radius, Cf is the friction factor,
can be expressed as
Ai is the section of the plants normal to the streamlines,
1 Ds 3 i.e., the product of diameter and submerged height, A is the
Pt = Cd u , (3)
2 2 ow section, and L is the reach length. McKenney et al.
where Ds is the stem diameter and  is the stem spacing. [1995] pointed out that, because of structure and plant den-
Assuming vertical stems, the production of turbulent kinetic sity changes, vegetation becomes less effective in causing
energy, due to vegetation, can be expressed as ow resistance after about 5 years of growth. The reasons
 2 for this are (i) the thinning of the trees, due to competition,
@ut and (ii) degradation of the lower
Pt = Kt , (4) P branches with growth. Both
@y mechanisms reduce the term Ai in equation (9).
where Kt is the eddy viscosity within the stems and ut is [39] Vegetation exibility is another factor that is taken
the local velocity within the stems. The drag force has the into account when vegetation resistance is estimated. In
classical formulation order to consider vegetation exibility, an index, MEI, is
usually evaluated. This is an acronym for the product of stem
FD = Cd A|Uv |Uv , (5) density M and exural rigidity in bending EI, where E is the
stem modulus of elasticity and I is the cross-sectional second
where Cd is the drag coefcient, A is the area occupied by moment of inertia of the stem. Kouwen et al. [1973] noted
vegetation in the downstream direction, and Uv is the mean that the roughness k depends on this exibility index and
velocity in the stem layer. If the vegetation is emergent, Uv also on ow parameters, such as the local boundary shear
is set equal to the mean stream velocity, whereas, if the stress. They also proposed a methodology to evaluate the
vegetation is submerged, MEI coefcient and reported some computed values of the
 2 index for different types of grass. The MEI coefcient can be
Uv = v U , (6) also evaluated by means of experimentally based formulae,
such as the ones proposed by Temple [1987].
and v is a coefcient that is approximately equal to 1 [Stone
and Shen, 2002]. The usual drag coefcient can be replaced 4.2. Bank Erosion
by a coefcient Cdm that takes into account the section of [40] Since vegetation affects geotechnical and hydrologic
effective ow. The relationship between Cd and Cdm is processes, it also follows that it inuences bank stability.
In general, three main mechanisms of bank erosion can be
U2vm highlighted. The rst one is mass failure, which occurs when
Cd = Cdm , (7)
U2v the weight of the bank is greater than the shear strength of
where Uvm is the velocity between the stems. the soil. Different mass wasting mechanisms can occur, such
[37] The interaction between the ow eld and the vegeta- as sliding, toppling, or fall of material from the bank [e.g.,
tion has the overall effect of increasing the resistance and so Abernethy and Rutherfurd, 1998]. Low, steep banks (gener-
reducing the ow conveyance. The effect on river dispersion ally steeper than 60 ) are prone to slab failure when a block
has been investigated in Perucca et al. [2009]. This aspect of soil topples forward into the channel. Rotational failure
is sometimes accounted for by neglecting the drag resistance tends to occur in high, less steep banks. The second mecha-
and absorbing the entire vegetation inuence in an over- nism is uvial scour, which occurs when the forces exerted
all equivalent bed resistance. The empirical measure of bed by the ow are greater than the structural bank resistance of
resistance and the calibration of equivalent bed roughness in the river.
the presence of vegetation is a classical topic in hydraulics [41] The third mechanism is subaerial scour. This mech-
research [e.g., Wilson, 2007; Vionnet et al., 2004; Armanini anism involves several climate-related factors that are exter-
et al., 2005; James et al., 2004; Wilson and Horritt, 2002]. nal to the river system and which reduce soil strength,
In this context, the effect of the vegetation friction factor is including soil desiccation, tree fall, wind throw of trees, etc.
evaluated by a variant of the Colebrook-White equation Subaerial scour is usually much less important than the other
erosion processes, and it becomes apparent only when the
1 R
p = a + 0.4 log , (8) other processes are limited, or where the climate is extremely
f k
cold or wet, or frequent abrupt changes in temperature occur,
where R is the hydraulic radius, k is the roughness height of as in desert areas [e.g., Thorne, 1982; Wynn, 2005].
the vegetation, and a is a dimensionless coefcient that is a [42] A key effect of vegetation is the ability of roots to
function of the transverse shape of the channel. modify bank material strength [e.g., Hey and Thorne, 1986a;


Thorne, 1990; Abernethy and Rutherfurd, 1998]. The posi-

tive effects of vegetation on shear resistance are attributable
to the fact that the vegetation roots can withstand tensile
stresses. The tensile strengths of root have been measured by
a number of different investigators. Some values have been
reported in the literature by Gray and Barker [2004] and
Pollen et al. [2004], and they appear to lie in the range of 10
to 40 MPa for most species. The presence of root strength-
ening near the bank surface may cause displacement of the
failure surface and thus produce a larger pulse of sediment
input to the channel. An important feature is that vegetation
roots usually have the greatest effect close to the soil surface,
Figure 8. Shear strength versus biomass density along
where their density is highest and the soil is weakest. the Sacramento River, USA [after Micheli and Kirchner,
[43] Some models have been developed to evaluate the 2002b]. The increase in shear strength is roughly 0.04 kPa
increase in shear strength attributable to roots. For exam- per g m2 biomass.
ple, the model proposed by Gray and Barker [2004] models
roots as bers whose mobilized tensile strength depends
on ber elongation. Several authors have tried to quanti- highly vegetated one, while Micheli and Kirchner [2002a]
tatively evaluate the increase in soil cohesion, due to the found a tenfold difference when they compared humid
presence of roots, by means of laboratory or eld observa- Californian meadows with dry meadows. However, in spite
tions [e.g., Abernethy and Rutherfurd, 2001]. A commonly of such important eld evaluations, no systematic data are
used formula for soil cohesion in the presence of vege- available that link the bank erodibility coefcient, E, with
tation is the one proposed by Wu [1979]. Abernethy and vegetation biomass.
Rutherfurd [2001] proposed the equation Cr = ni ai ti /Aw [48] The ability of vegetation to stabilize river banks is
to compute cohesion for 10 cm increments of soil depth, partially dependent on scale: Not only is the size of veg-
where i is the root size class, Aw is the cross-sectional area etation relative to the watercourse important but also the
of a 10 cm depth prole where the number of roots and absolute size of the vegetation. Vegetation stabilization tends
their size classes are measured, ai is the average cross- to be more effective along relatively small water courses
sectional area of the roots measured within size class i, [e.g., Nanson and Hickin, 1986]. Large uprooted trees can
and ti is the tensile strength of roots within size class i. A serve to stabilize banks along large rivers, but on smaller
more recent analysis based on eld data collection, labora- streams, the same trees can cause acceleration of the water
tory testing, and computer simulations has been proposed by ow that results in local bank erosion [Thorne, 1982].
Pollen-Bankhead and Simon [2010]. [49] Riparian vegetation can also have a destabilizing
[44] Another important effect of vegetation is its inuence effect on stream banks by adding surcharge or increasing
on scour rates. Since boundary shear stress is proportional to inltration through root macropores [e.g., Abernethy and
the square of near-bank velocity, a reduction in ow velocity Rutherfurd, 1998; Simon and Collison, 2002]. The effects
produces a much greater reduction in erosion. of large wood in a channel can also alter the ow eld,
[45] The rigidity of vegetation also inuences scour. Trees thus inuencing bank erosion rates, channel width, and depth
are not as effective as grasses or shrubs at retarding near- [e.g., Zimmerman et al., 1967; Gurnell, 1997; Brooks and
bank velocities when the ow is slow [e.g., Trimble, 1997]. Brierley, 2002].
As velocity increases, local ow accretion around the trees
may generate scour, although a dense root mat, such as 4.3. Erosion and Sedimentation Processes
that found on willows, directly protects banks from scour. in the Floodplain
Fine roots are particularly effective in holding bank material [50] Although it is recognized that over-bank ow affects
together. depositional and erosional patterns on a oodplain, little is
[46] As a consequence of the impact of vegetation on known about the precise inuence of vegetational factors
bank stability processes, river migration rates can be greatly on sediment dynamics [Steiger et al., Steiger et al., 2001a;
affected [Smith, 1976; Pizzuto and Meckelnburg, 1989; McKenney et al., 1995; Lopez and Garcia, 1998; Nicholas
Thorne and Furbish, Thorne and Furbish, 1995; Mamo and and Walling, 1998; Nicholas and Mitchell, 2003]. In general,
Bubenzer, 2001]. Micheli and Kirchner [2002b] also inves- sedimentation rates have been observed to increase when
tigated the stabilization effect of vegetation; producing the vegetation is present [e.g., Nanson and Beach, 1977; Hickin,
experimental relationship between shear strength and the 1974] and particle retention on leaves and on the bed have
biomass density shown in Figure 8. been measured in simulated submerged plant stands [Plun-
[47] Reductions in the bank erodibility coefcient, E, by tke and Kozerski, 2003]. Sedimentation rates also depend on
a factor of 2 or 3 as a result of the impact of vegetation the distance from the river, ood duration, and tree diame-
have been observed along some American rivers [Odgaard, ter [e.g., Steiger et al., 2001b, 2001a]. Field evidence also
1987; Allmendinger et al., 2005]. Beeson and Doyle [1995] indicates differences in sedimentation rates between natural
found a vefold difference by comparing a bare site with a riparian woodland and plantations [Steiger et al., 2001a].


[51] The rate (discharge) of sediment deposition, Qd , can vector,   {x , y , z } is the local diffusivity vector, ws is
be modeled in a simplied way as the sum of three terms: the fall velocity of suspended sediment, and r is the gradient
the gravitational term, the sediment trapped by vegetation, operator.
and the organic deposition [DAlpaos and Lanzoni, 2006]. [56] The numerical solution of equation (14) is oner-
The last two terms have been modeled experimentally, ous, and three-dimensional models are very complex [e.g.,
and specically, Qdt , the sediment trapped by vegetation, Temmerman et al., 2005]. However, when a straight chan-
has been modeled following an experimental approach by nel with a steady, longitudinally uniform ow is considered,
Palmer et al. [2004] as Qdt =C0 udnv hv , where  is a rate of two-dimensional models can be used [e.g., James, 1986;
sediment entrapment, d is stem diameter, nv is the number of Ikeda et al., 1991; Nicholas and Walling, 1998; Tsujimoto,
stems per unit area, and hv is the mean stem height. 1999; Wu et al., 2005]. In these models, only the depth-
[52] The erosion process is generally modeled to occur averaged vertical diffusivity Nz and the depth-averaged trans-
when shear stresses are greater than a critical shear stress, verse diffusivity Ny are taken into account [James, 1986;
even if this approach is debated. Eroded sediment discharge Ikeda et al., 1991]. These diffusivities can be modeled as
Qe can be expressed according to Collins et al. [2004] and indicated below.
DAlpaos and Lanzoni [2006] [57] Vertical depth-averaged diffusivity for sediments
without vegetation, Nz , can be estimated by means of the rela-
Qe = Qe0 b c
if b > c
c (10) tionship Nz = Nw , where Nw is the water diffusivity [James,
Qe = 0 if b  c ,
1986] and  1. In the presence of emergent vegetation,
where b is the tangential shear stress at the bed, c is the vertical diffusivity has been estimated by Elliott [2000] from
critical shear stress, and Qe0 is an empirical rate of erosion. laboratory experiments and varies with velocity, slope, and
The tangential shear stresses, b , is usually evaluated by mul- ow depth.
tiplying the total shear stress by an empirical factor which [58] Nepf [1999] experimentally investigated transversal
depends on vegetation [Samani and Kouwen, 2002; Smith, depth-averaged diffusivity in ows through arrays of cylin-
2004; Baptist, 2005]. drical rods. She found that transversal diffusivity, Ny , varies
[53] Reference must be made to the work by Wu et al. with the stem characteristics and ow velocity according to
[2005], who proposed some formulations both for emergent  
and submerged vegetation. According to Wu et al. [2005], if Ny 2
= (Cd Ad)(1/3) + Ad, (15)
the vegetation is emergent Ud 2
gn2 h  bv where U is the mean ow velocity, d is the cylinder diameter,
b = |U|U, Rs = , (11a, b)
s 2h + bv and are scale factors, Cd is the drag coefcient, and A is
where bv is the spacing between plants, and n is the Manning the projected plant area per unit volume. Other experimental
coefcient (thus assuming uniform ow). If the vegetation is results have instead shown that transversal diffusivity within
submerged stems of emergent vegetation is independent of stem density
and ow depth [Sharpe and James, 2006].
b = Cfu U2v + Cfs (U Uv )2 (12) [59] Some formulae derived from empirical data, such as
hv hv bv h hv the ones proposed by James [1986] and by Ikeda et al.
Rs = + (h hv ), (13)
h 2hv + bv h [1991], model the transversal depth-averaged diffusivity, Ny .
where Cfu and Cfs are the friction coefcients on the chan- Finally, Nicholas and Walling [1998] used a transport model
nel bed and at the top of the vegetation elements, U is the where Ny = Nz . The diffusivity coefcient, in this case, is
average velocity in the water column above the vegetation, modeled using the standard relationship [Pizzuto, 1987] N =
and Uv is the apparent velocity between the vegetation, as Chu* , with C = 0.13 after Fisher et al. [1979], and where h
dened by Stone and Shen [2002]. is the water depth and u* the shear velocity.
[54] Once the tangential shear stress at the bed is com- 4.4. River Morphology
puted, an estimation of the critical shear stress, c is needed. [60] The inuence of bank and bed vegetation on chan-
Estimated values of critical shear stress c are between 20 nel shape (width and depth) has been investigated in several
and 200 Pa [Collins et al., 2004]. The models by Collins studies [e.g., Andrews, 1984; Hey and Thorne, 1986b; Huang
et al. [2004] and Pollen and Simon [2005] incorporate the and Nanson, 1997; Williams and Wolman, 1984], and dis-
increment of shear stress provided by roots. tinct differences in channel dimensions have been observed.
[55] From a theoretical viewpoint, suspended sediment One way of synthesizing these important empirical ndings
transport is usually modeled as a convection-diffusion is to refer to the classical hydraulic geometry relations pro-
posed by Leopold and Wolman [1957], which relate channel
process [e.g., James, 1986]. The general formulation, in width (W) and depth (D) to the dominant discharge (Q) as
unsteady conditions, is
W = aQb , D = cQf , (16a, b)
@C @C
+ u  rC ws = r(rC) (14)
@t @z where the average value of the exponents falls frequently in
where C is the depth-averaged concentration of suspended the ranges b = 0.40.5 and f = 0.30.4. Some authors (see
sediment, {x, y, z} are the longitudinal, transversal, and ver- Table 4) have shown that the coefcients of the power laws
tical coordinates, u {u, v, w} is the corresponding velocity (16) depend signicantly on bank vegetation. For instance,


TABLE 4. Hydraulic Geometry Coefcients and Exponents in the Presence of Different Types
of Riparian Vegetationa

Reference Vegetation Type Coefcients Notes

Andrews [1984] dense grass cover a = 3.6, b = 0.5 The coefcients refer to
c = 0.491, f = 0.370 nondimensional variables.
sparse grass cover a = 4.1, b = 0.5 The coefcients refer to
c = 0.485, f = 0.377 nondimensional variables.
Hey and Thorne [1986b] grass with no trees a = 4.33, b = 0.5
c = 0.33, f = 0.35
15% tree/shrub cover a = 3.33, b = 0.5
c = 0.33, f = 0.35
550% tree/shrub cover a = 2.73, b = 0.5
c = 0.33, f = 0.35
> 50% tree/shrub cover a = 2.34, b = 0.5
c = 0.33, f = 0.35
Huang and Nanson [1997] gravel channels, dense trees a = 1.8, b = 0.5 Banks are lined by trees, and no
c = 0.64, f = 0.3 vegetation is on the channel bed.
gravel channels, sparse trees a = 2.9, b = 0.5
c = 0.34, f = 0.3
sand channels a = 25.252  n0.709 , b = 0.5 Banks are lined by trees, and beds are
c = 0.059  n0.804 , f = 0.2 covered with willows and shrubs.
Modied from Huang and Nanson [1997].

Huang and Nanson [1997] observed that the coefcients a [2011a] showed that the entire morphology of the braided
and c were equal to 2.9 and 0.34, respectively, for sparsely Tagliamento River changed as the riparian vegetation cover
vegetated and non-tree-lined banks, and equal to 1.9 and 0.64 on the braid bars increased so that there was a systematic
when densely tree-lined banks were considered. They also shift in the skewness and kurtosis of the elevation frequency
observed that the exponents b and f seemed less sensitive to distribution.
the presence of riparian vegetation. [64] There are many examples of channel change in
[61] A mathematical model on the effects of vegetation on braided rivers associated with the inuence of vegetation.
channel width and depth in a gravel river was proposed by Some examples include research by Tal et al. [2004] along
Ikeda and Izumi [1990]. The model predicts the depth at the the Waitaki River, New Zealand [Tal et al., 2004], in the
center of the channel, Dc , as Rogativa catchment, Spain [Boix-Fayos et al., 2007], on
Slesse Creek, USA [Millar, 2000], and the Sutsunai River,
Dc = Rs m0.0933 d50 S1 , (17) Japan [Jang and Shimizu, 2007]. Laboratory experiments
2j have also provided perspectives on the impact of vege-
where j is the dimensionless depth-averaged uid velocity tation on channel morphology, including the research by
which depends on the vegetation density, Rs is the sub- Gran and Paola [2001] and, more recently, by Coulthard
merged specic gravity of the sediment, m is a parameter [2005], Jang and Shimizu [2007], Tal and Paola [2007], and
(usually equal to 2 for natural gravel rivers), and S is the Perona et al. [2012]. Gran and Paola [2001], working at the
channel slope. Ikeda and Izumi [1990] also offered an ana- St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, USA, used a xed dis-
lytical expression to compute the width of a channel with
bank vegetation. Their model indicates that vegetation den-
sity can increase channel depth and decrease channel width.
For example, the dependence of channel width on vegetation
density is illustrated in Figure 9.
[62] Vegetation has also been shown to impact on channel
width along meandering rivers, where it reduces erosion and
induces bank accretion [Beeson and Doyle, 1995; Eschner
et al., 1983]. However, vegetation does not always induce
channel narrowing. For example, when bed vegetation is also
present, an increase in bed roughness can induce channel
widening, due to the deection of the ow onto the banks
[Hey and Thorne, 1986b].
[63] Field investigations have not only identied the sig-
nicance of vegetation for channel morphology, but they
have also revealed wide variations in the magnitude and
nature of that response [e.g., Trimble, 1997]. For exam-
ple, Mackin [1956] observed that the channel pattern of Figure 9. Width, B, of the channel as a function of vege-
the Wood River changed with bank vegetation: The river tation density, , and discharge, Q, in dimensionless form.
braided where the valley oor was a prairie but began to The hatched area indicates the region where the analysis is
meander where it entered forest vegetation. Bertoldi et al. not applicable [from Ikeda and Izumi, 1990].


charge, sediment supply rate and grain size to develop a channels less than 1520 m in width showed negligible bank
braided channel morphology and then applied alfalfa seeds movement. They attributed this to the relatively low bank
to the morphology. Following germination and growth of height of narrow channels in comparison with tree rooting
the seedlings, they reintroduced the preseeding discharge of depth and thus the potential for bank erosion below rooting
water and sediment. They showed over a number of experi- depth in larger channels.
mental runs that increasing densities of vegetation combined [69] The effect of vegetation on river bank strength and
with the same water and sediment discharge increased bank oodplain stability is not only a crucial ingredient in con-
stability resulting in fewer, narrower, deeper, and less mobile trolling bank erosion but also in establishing and maintain-
channels. Tal et al. [2004] extended this work by allowing ing single-thread channel patterns in the eld and labora-
the ow to vary and investigating how the impact of veg- tory [Gran and Paola, 2001; Brooks and Brierley, 2002;
etation on braid morphology varied with different ood Braudrick et al., 2009; Crosato and Saleh, 2011] and in
inter-arrival times. They also showed that the braiding index moderating rates of meander migration. Various theoreti-
(BI) decreased with increasing vegetation density. Evalua- cal and empirical analyses support the importance of bank
tion of the inuence of ooding on braided channels has reinforcement by vegetation for dening threshold condi-
recently been revisited by Perona et al. [2012] working at tions between single-thread and braided channel styles. For
the Total Environment Simulator, Hull, UK. For the rst example, Millar [2000] devised a theoretical meandering-
time, they evaluated vegetation growth under periodic ood braiding transition for gravel bed rivers, which incorporated
disturbances of constant magnitude. Perona et al. [2012] bank reinforcement by vegetation, and Eaton et al. [2010]
forced the biological and hydrological processes to interact showed that bank strength has a distinct impact on thresholds
and studied the related time scales in order to shed light on between braided, anabranching, and single-thread channel
the role of ood disturbances in selecting the component of styles when these are explored in relation to gradients of
the biomass that has a higher chance of survival in relation dimensionless discharge and slope. Field evidence supports
to its growth stage. the critical role of vegetation in channel narrowing, ood-
[65] The above studies all used experimental conditions plain aggradation and reinforcement, and thus facilitation
that were relevant to temperate river systems. The dynamics of a transition from braided or wandering to single-thread
of vegetation along ephemeral streams has been investigated channel forms. This has been particularly evident where
by Coulthard [2005], who obtained opposing results to those river corridors have been invaded by Tamarix species (salt
obtained in the experiments by Gran and Paola [2001] and cedar) in southwest U.S. [Birken and Cooper, 2006; Cadol
Tal and Paola [2007]. He observed that the braiding index et al., 2011; Dean and Schmidt, 2011]. Conversely, over-
increased with vegetation density. Vegetation in ephemeral grazing or clearance of riparian/oodplain shrub vegetation
rivers is less dense and often deeply rooted due to lower has resulted in channel incision and widening [Stromsoe
water availability, and so it tends to increase the BI and and Callow, 2012], and oodplain unraveling and conver-
encourage bar development. sion from single-thread to braided planforms [Smith, 2004].
Rates of meander migration also have been found to be
5. CONCEPTUAL AND SEMIQUANTITATIVE notably higher across agricultural oodplains in compar-
MODELS ison with forested oodplains [Micheli et al., 2004]. In
[66] In section 3, we referred to the way in which u- contrast, in ephemeral streams in semiarid environments,
vial processes interact with vegetation to create landforms colonization of the river bed by shrubs and trees can
or patches at different elevations (inundation frequencies) lead to channel widening and the creation of anabranching
within the riparian zone. We described how the character systems as the trees displace ood ows laterally [Wende
and turnover of this natural riparian patch mosaic varies and Nanson, 1998; Tooth and Nanson, 2000; Pietsch and
along rivers of different planform style located in different Nanson, 2011].
environmental settings. [70] In summary, the biomechanical properties of ripar-
[67] In this section, we explore concepts that link veg- ian vegetation that underpin bank development, stabilization,
etation and river morphodynamics. First, we review broad and reinforcement play an important role in maintaining par-
associations that have been recognized between riparian veg- ticular planform styles, controlling channel margin dynamics
etation and the planform style of river systems (section 5.1). of rivers of a particular style, and dening threshold condi-
We then focus on the river margin zone of close interac- tions at style transitions. Therefore, eld measurements of
tion between vegetation and physical processes (section 5.2), these biomechanical properties [e.g., Docker and Hubble,
and the vegetated landforms that characterize this zone along 2008; Hopkinson and Wynn, 2009; Pollen-Bankhead and
rivers of different planform style (section 5.3). Simon, 2010; Pollen-Bankhead et al., 2011] provide an
important contribution to the quantitative models described
5.1. Vegetation and Channel Planform Style in section 6.
[68] In their analysis of rivers of different style within the
Pacic Coastal Forest of the northwest U.S., Beechie et al. 5.2. Force and Resistance at the Interface Between
[2006] found that the turnover of vegetated patches increased Riparian Vegetation and Fluvial Disturbance
from single-thread straight, through meandering and island- [71] The strength of interactions between plants and u-
braided to bar-braided planforms. They also found that vial processes along humid temperate rivers shifts with the


(ii) dead wood, (iii) living/sprouting wood, and (iv) aquatic

plants and peat.
[74] Riparian trees interact with uvial processes to form
distinctive landforms such as tree buttresses and root-
reinforced slumped blocks along river margins. These land-
forms can persist, maintaining the bank edge position for
long periods and inducing scour and pool formation on the
adjacent river bed [Davis and Gregory, 1994; Rutherfurd
and Grove, 2004; Pizzuto et al., 2010]. Slumped blocks rein-
forced by the roots of herbaceous vegetation can protect
banks in a similar manner [Parker et al., 2010]. All of these
features act to slow bank retreat and thus affect channel
migration rates as well as channel cross proles.
[75] In rivers bordered by tree species that do not regen-
erate vegetatively, large wood is central to the creation of
vegetated landforms. Numerous geomorphological studies
have described the quantities of large wood found in differ-
Figure 10. Vegetated landforms (white ellipses) located in ent river systems and the wood structures that are created,
zones of intense interaction between plants and physical pro- but research on the Queets River, Oregon, USA, has resulted
cesses (white dashed lines) found on four rivers of different in the most integrated overview of the geomorphological
size, energy, and planform [from Gurnell et al., 2012]. functioning of wood within river systems. On this river sys-
tem, the riparian tree species produce wood that decays
slowly and so wood landforms are long-lived. Latterell et al.
time-varying intensity of uvial processes and also with [2006] demonstrated the very close relationship between ele-
the time- and space-varying colonization and growth per- ments of the river and oodplain habitat mosaic and large
formance of the vegetation [Corenblit et al., 2007, 2011; wood, whereas Abbe and Montgomery [2003] described and
Gurnell et al., 2012]. As a result, a temporally and spa- classied wood accumulations according to their position
tially shifting zone of intense interaction is located along the and geomorphological function in the Queets River channel
margin between the vegetation-dominated oodplain and the network (Figure 11). Abbe and Montgomery [2003] observed
physical process dominated low-ow river channel. The size that in small streams, wood features resulted directly from
and character of this interaction zone varies among rivers of tree fall and deposition of wood pieces into the river chan-
different energy and style. nel, including the formation of log steps or jams extending
[72] Gurnell et al. [2012] suggested that within this zone across the channel width. Such features trap organic and
of intense interaction, particular aquatic and riparian plant mineral sediment and so have a signicant effect on local
species and large wood pieces drive the construction of scour and ll of the channel prole as well as marginal
vegetated landforms and also protect established landforms vegetation development. In circumstances where the wood
from destruction. In this context, the plant species and large pieces are sufciently small relative to channel width, sig-
wood pieces act as ecosystem engineers, providing the con- nicant movement of wood can occur, allowing bench jams
struction and reinforcement capabilities necessary to create to form with key pieces oblique or parallel to the ow. Sed-
particular landforms associated with different river planform iment and smaller wood pieces accumulate behind large key
styles, and thus facilitate colonization of these landforms pieces, forming distinct benches along the channel margin
by other plant species. Based on eld observations of two that gradually aggrade, creating local oodplain pockets.
single-thread (Blackwater, Frome), one wandering (Tech), [76] Further downstream, wood piece length is predom-
and one braided river (Tagliamento), Gurnell et al. [2012] inantly smaller relative to channel width, and large-wood
identied some examples of pioneer landforms created by jams, called valley jams, may accumulate across the entire
engineering plants (Figure 10). Section 5.3 introduces land- channel and onto the oodplain. These can trap sediment
forms that have been associated with plants and wood in the and lead to a variety of geomorphological changes. They can
literature and considers how these operate within the intense evolve into large island-like structures; induce bank erosion
interaction zone between vegetation and physical processes through ow deection; induce avulsions (i.e., the cutting
in different styles of river system. of new river channels by diverted water), dissecting islands
from the preexisting oodplain; and become attached to and
5.3. Vegetated Landforms incorporated into the oodplain, forming erosion-resistant
[73] There are numerous uvial landforms that are con- oodplain hardspots. Smaller ow deection jams may also
structed in association with dead or living vegetation. As accumulate at the channel margins around in situ toppled
illustrated by the examples described by Gurnell et al. trees. These may develop into sizeable structures that pro-
[2012], particular vegetated landforms may characterize tect the local channel bank from erosion, trap wood delivered
rivers of particular size, energy, and style. In this section, from upstream, and deect ow toward the opposite bank
we review the landforms associated with (i) bankside trees, inducing erosion and channel widening.


Figure 11. Wood accumulation types observed within the drainage network of the Queets River [from
Abbe and Montgomery, 2003]. Copyright (2003), with permission from Elsevier.

[77] Where the channel planform supports the develop- forest and thus provide the source of the largest key pieces
ment of midchannel bars, bar-apex jams often develop. for new wood accumulations, driving a oodplain large-
These are jams of large wood that snag on the upstream wood cycle [see Collins et al., 2012] (Figure 12).
face of midchannel bars, causing ow divergence and down- [80] On rivers that support riparian tree species capable
stream accumulation of plumes of ner sediment that can of resprouting from wood pieces and entire uprooted trees,
aggrade and support vegetation colonization and the devel- landforms associated with both dead and living wood are
opment of vegetated patches and larger island features. observed. However, many of the tree species that regener-
Similarly, meander jams may form on point- and side-bars, ate freely in this way also produce wood that decays rapidly,
modifying channel curvature, wood and sediment accumu- conveying a greater relative importance and longevity to
lation, and vegetation development. In some cases, wood is landforms associated with regenerating wood pieces.
incorporated within sedimentary structures forming wood- [81] Benches are landforms that are widely observed
cored scroll bars [e.g., Nanson, 1983] and wood-covered in association with vegetation along rivers of varying size
counterpoint bars [e.g., Hickin, 1984], which may also result and planform. Bench development has been observed along
in collapse features when the buried wood eventually decays. low-ow channel margins following sediment accumula-
[78] In addition to these major wood jam features, Abbe tion around sprouting wood, tree roots extending into the
and Montgomery [2003] also noted the importance of rela-
tively small pieces and accumulations of wood, which can
cause blockages within complex multi-thread river sections,
contributing to smaller scale avulsions and revegetation of
blocked channels within islands and oodplains and across
complex, anastomosing channel sections. They also refer to
the development of enormous downstream rafts of wood.
While no examples of these were found during eld inves-
tigation of the Queets River, such rafts are known to have
occurred historically on large forested river systems. The
rafts were the result of the buildup of vast quantities of
wood pieces that eventually blocked large river channels and
[79] Thus, large wood appears to feed a hierarchy of land-
forms in rivers of different size and morphology. All of
these landforms are associated with deposition and erosion
of sediment and wood around wood key pieces, leading
to the initiation of stable patches that can become vege-
tated to form benches, islands, and oodplains. As the river
planform evolves, large accumulations of wood can become
buried within the oodplain [e.g., Arseneault et al., 2007].
Within the Queets system, these wood structures, formed
by past uvial activity, persist as erosion-resistant hard
points in the oodplain [Montgomery and Abbe, 2006; Figure 12. The oodplain large-wood cycle [from Collins
Collins et al., 2012]. Because of their long-term erosion et al., 2012]. Copyright (2012), with permission from
resistance, they support the oldest patches of oodplain Elsevier.


observations of the rates of growth of seedlings on open

gravel bar surfaces and on ner sediments in the lee of
wood accumulations, and regeneration from living wood
(trajectories A, B, and C, respectively, Figure 13) suggest
that regeneration from living wood pieces (i.e., wood pieces
capable of sprouting) is the only mechanism by which vege-
tation can establish sufciently rapidly in rivers where uvial
disturbances are relatively strong and frequent. Regeneration
from living wood pieces gives rise to the development of
pioneer islands on open bar surfaces [Edwards et al., 1999].
Similar pioneer features have been observed on river systems
in South Africa and the U.S. [e.g., Pettit et al., 2006; Pettit
and Naiman, 2006; Rood et al., 2011]. If the pioneer islands
are sufciently closely spaced and survive for long enough,
they enlarge and coalesce by trapping more sediment and
propagules so that on the Tagliamento they form large build-
Figure 13. Conceptual model of island development, illus- ing islands on gravel bar surfaces [Gurnell et al., 2005]. This
trating the differing impacts of vegetation dominated by process maintains a dynamic island-braided morphology that
three growth trajectories on open bar surfaces (A, dispersed is distinctly different from the morphology of nearby bar-
seedlings growing from bar gravels; B, seedlings germinat- braided reaches [Bertoldi et al., 2011a]. The island-braided
ing in ne sediments trapped behind large wood accumula- morphology develops in reaches where vegetation regenera-
tions; C, regeneration from living wood pieces and whole tion proceeds at a sufciently rapid rate to interact effectively
uprooted trees) that, under the same environmental condi- with the ood disturbance regime. Gurnell and Petts [2006]
tions, are associated with three different initial growth rates hypothesized that tree growth rate was not only dependent on
(TA, TB, TC) [from Gurnell and Petts, 2006]. propagule type (i.e., regeneration from living wood pieces)
and species but also on groundwater conditions in the allu-
channel, and in association with rapid tree colonization vial aquifer. Therefore, they hypothesized that in a specic
[e.g., Rowntree and Dollar, 1999; Erskine et al., 2009; Cadol environmental context, there would be an optimum combi-
et al., 2011]. Bench development has also been observed nation of depth to water table (induced by river active width
as a key process in the planform and cross-prole recovery and alluvial sediment caliber) and stream power (induced
of channelized rivers [Hupp and Simon, 1991; Rhoads and by river active width and gradient) to maintain high vegeta-
Massey, 2012]. Bench development results either in channel tion growth rates that could support a free interaction with
narrowing or in erosion of the opposite bank and an increase disturbance events and a maximum but dynamic cover of
in channel sinuosity. Ultimately, the bench surface aggrades, building islands. In unconned reaches, river active width is
resulting in local extension of the oodplain. maintained by the forested oodplain, and so a second type
[82] On larger rivers, particular landforms emerge in of island, called a oodplain dissection island, is created by
association with the interaction between living wood and avulsions from the main channel during oods. Gurnell et al.
uvial processes according to river planform. Research on [2001] hypothesized that once created, oodplain dissection
the Tagliamento River, Italy, has produced the most inte- islands could be modied by pioneer and building island
grated overview of the functioning of living wood in river development, and similarly, building islands could become
landform development. Initially, Gurnell et al. [2001] pro- incorporated into the oodplain. Thus, building, complex,
posed a model of island development along this river system and oodplain dissection islands could coexist in the same
(Figure 13) that was particularly concerned with braided reach, but their form and tree age structure would be dif-
river reaches and the way in which the different rates of ferent. Building islands tend to be curved in their vertical
early plant growth from different propagule types (seedlings, long and cross proles, whereas oodplain dissection islands
sprouting wood pieces) on gravel bars affected the likelihood tend to be more tabular with sharper and steeper margins.
of islands developing under particular uvial disturbance The age structure of building islands tends to be graded with
regimes. In subsequent papers, other inuences on the rate the youngest shrubs and trees at the upstream and down-
of vegetation growth and the uvial disturbance regime that stream ends and the oldest trees toward the upstream end
underpin the model have been considered, including the of the island. In contrast, oodplain dissection islands have
effect of surface water-groundwater interactions on plant a more random, patchy age structure but very few young
growth rates, longitudinal changes in stream power within trees. Complex islands show intermediate morphology and
narrowing and widening reaches on vegetation disturbance tree age structure [Gurnell et al., 2001].
and removal [Gurnell and Petts, 2006], and the broader sig- [84] In wandering and meandering reaches, similar regen-
nicance of these factors when rivers are close to threshold eration processes operate, but living wood pieces are often
conditions between river styles [Gurnell et al., 2009]. incorporated into scroll bars on the inside of meander bends
[83] All of these concepts start with the initiation or along the margins of some straighter reaches rather than
of pioneer landforms on open river bar surfaces. Field being deposited on open bar surfaces [Gurnell and Petts,


2006]. As in the case of dead wood, whole trees and wood build a variety of bar and bench forms, including vegetated
pieces are incorporated into these elongated sediment ridges point, concave bank, side, linguoid and midchannel bars, and
during their deposition by ood events. The living wood also channel plugs. Vegetation forms an important part of
pieces then sprout to create elongated ridges of shrubs that all of these features, providing sediment reinforcement and
aggrade and may also funnel ows leading to bar surface also a substantial aboveground biomass, which can induce
scour between the ridges during subsequent oods [e.g., channel change and blockage.
McKenney et al., 1995]. Ridges are built by each succeed- [87] In conclusion, similar landforms and channel adjust-
ing large ood, leading to the development of parallel ridges ment processes are initiated by dead and living vegeta-
supporting trees of different ages, particularly on the inner tion across a spectrum of river energy and styles. In all
bank of meander bends. The ridges gradually aggrade to cases, characteristic vegetated landforms occur at the inter-
oodplain level, and the channel migrates through corre- face between the active channel and the vegetated ood-
sponding erosion of the opposite bank. It is possible that plain. These play a crucial role in maintaining characteristic
the scoured areas between ridges could be activated dur- morphodynamics and also in leading transitions between
ing heavy ooding, potentially triggering the formation landform assemblages and river planform styles in time
of cutoffs. and space.
[85] Lastly, in periods without major oods, leve-like
features (i.e., elongate ridges of mud and/or silt that are 6. QUANTITATIVE MODELS
deposited next to the river) have been observed to develop [88] In this section, we review the main quantitative
around dense stands of riparian tree seedlings adjacent to models that have been proposed to describe the interac-
low-ow channels along the Tagliamento [Gurnell et al., tions between river morphodynamics and riparian vegetation
2012]. This process is similar to the riparian tree recruit- dynamics. We consider models for multi- and single-thread
ment process described for many North American rivers rivers separately; however, rst, we review the seminal work
(see section 3), whereby seedlings germinate in bands on by Millar [2000] which concerned the effects of riparian
gravel bars where there is an optimum combination of vegetation on alluvial channel patterns and, in particular, on
moist exposed gravel, gently falling water table, and low how vegetation can also induce changes in river morphology
ood disturbance during initial vegetation establishment. On between braiding and meandering.
the Tagliamento, this process was observed to lead to the [89] Leopold and Wolmans [1957] criterion is usually
construction of ne sediment leves up to 60 cm high, rein- adopted to describe the transition between meandering and
forced by the root systems of a dense cover of riparian braided morphology
tree seedlings. These features developed over 3 years during
which there were no bankfull oods. Similar features have S* = 0.013Q0.44 , (18)
been observed on the River Tech, France [Gurnell et al.,
2012], and are probably characteristic of other braided and where S* is the transition slope that separates meandering
wandering rivers during periods without major ow distur- from braided rivers and Q represents bankfull discharge.
bance events and where there is sufcient suspended load to Although it is widely used, relation (18) does not always
support strip aggradation. work well since it is based on a single discriminant func-
[86] The last group of vegetated landforms are found in tion that fails to take into account uncertainty both in terms
very low energy river systems. In these systems, aquatic of the original measurements underpinning it and in bank
plants are able to grow to high abundances [Gurnell et al., resistance to erosion, which is an important factor for the
2010]. Stands of emergent aquatic plants, in particular, can transition between meandering and braiding rivers. A body
retain and reinforce ne sediments to build shelf, bench, of subsequent research has introduced sediment size as an
and island features within low-energy river systems [e.g., additional important property that inuences both bank and
Liffen et al., 2011; Gurnell et al., 2012]. In extremely bed stability (for an overview, see Church [2002]), but vege-
low energy environments, peat can accumulate to form tation is also able to increase the stability of bank sediments
river banks [e.g., Gradzinski et al., 2003] or to completely and so can be crucial for the type of morphology that is
line river channels [e.g., Smith and Prez-Arlucea, 2004; established (see section 5.1). The stabilizing effect of veg-
Watters and Stanley, 2007; Nanson et al., 2010]. The form etation is taken into account in the model proposed by
and dimensions of these channels is constrained by the prop- Millar [2000]:
erties of the peat and aquatic plants that form the banks, S* = 0.0002D0.61 01.75 0.25
50 Q , (19)
which are in turn maintained by a near-surface water table
within the banks. These channels possess a characteristically where D50 is the median sediment diameter and 0 is the
low width:depth ratio [Watters and Stanley, 2007; Nanson bank friction angle.
et al., Nanson et al.]. The anastomosing Narew River sys- [90] This transition criterion (equation (19)) has been
tem, Poland [Gradzinski et al., 2003], is a well-documented tested with eld data and incorporates the sensitivity of chan-
example of a lowland, low-energy anastomosing system nel planform to changes in bank vegetation by means of
developed in peat and heavily inuenced by aquatic plant different values of the friction angle ranging from 0 = 40
growth. In this system, channels have peat banks and a sand for sparse vegetation to 0 = 70 for dense vegetation. A
bed. Aquatic plants interact with the ne bed sediment to planform stability diagram can be developed by plotting the


[92] In the model developed by Murray and Paola [1997,

2003], vegetation roots inuence bank erosion by decreasing
the magnitude of lateral sediment export from a vegetated
cell. Plants are destroyed when the sediment deposition rate
or the erosion rate rises above a cutoff value for longer
than a threshold time period. Some model results are shown
in Figure 15. The numerical simulations have also allowed
Murray and Paola [1997] to obtain a stability diagram that
indicates whether a modeled river will exhibit a single- or
multiple-channel pattern.
[93] Another model, CAESAR (Cellular Automaton
Evolutionary Slope and River model), provides coupled
information on the dynamics of the riparian system and
oodplain morphodynamics by means of a cellular approach
that represents a good compromise between speed and accu-
racy at useful time and space scales [Coulthard et al., 2007].
Figure 14. Planform stability diagram derived from the The vegetation module describes dynamic growth by a
model proposed by Millar [2000], with superimposed data linear growth model, with erosion resistance of riverbed sur-
for a river with sparse vegetation (see equation (19)). The faces (e.g., bar tops) increasing with vegetation development
open symbols correspond to meandering rivers, while the maturity until a maximum level is reached. Applications of
solid symbols denote braided rivers. From Millar [2000]. this model demonstrate the key role of vegetation in braiding
river morphodynamics.
[94] Finally, Hooke et al. [2005] developed a cellular
slope S* against D0.61
50 Q
, and three regions can be delim- automata model to simulate channel and vegetation dynam-
ited, as shown in Figure 14. The rivers in region I are ics in ephemeral streams in the Mediterranean region over
predicted to be relatively insensitive to changes in riparian decadal time scales with a monthly time step. Both erosion
vegetation, and would develop a single-thread or meandering and deposition processes occur in each step, in associa-
pattern irrespective of the bank vegetation density [Millar, tion with ow events, while the growth of vegetation and
2000, p. 1116]. The rivers in region II are potentially the evapotranspiration take place according to the weather con-
most sensitive to changes in the characteristics of bank veg- ditions during the month. The model is quite sophisticated
etation [Millar, 2000, p. 1116]. A wide and shallow braided and incorporates both deterministic and stochastic process
channel would be expected to form where riparian vegetation rules. In particular, vegetation has a major role in modulating
is sparse, whereas meandering channels can only develop the impact of oods and the extent of morphological change:
where riparian vegetation is dense and deeply rooted (i.e., erosion and deposition patterns are very sensitive to vegeta-
high 0 ). A reduction in vegetation density, a change from tion patterns, and a dense cover of shrubs or phreatophytes
deep to shallow rooted vegetation, or vegetation clearance generally prevents erosion except when ow velocities are
is likely to lead to channel widening and potential morpho- very high. When ow velocities are high, vegetation is
genesis to a braided channel. According to Millar [2000], destroyed and a new cycle of colonization restarts. For veg-
the rivers in region III are likely to remain braided, irrespec- etation regeneration, germination is considered stochastic,
tive of the riparian vegetation, because of their relatively and seeds germinate with a xed probability. The model
high gradient. also takes into account changes due to plants that grow in
neighboring cells.
6.1. Multi-Thread Channels
[91] Only a few quantitative mathematical models have 6.2. Single-Thread Channels
been developed to simulate the impacts of ow on plants [95] Several quantitative morphodynamic models of
in river channels and their feedback effects in multi-thread single-thread channels have been developed, especially for
channels [e.g., Murray and Paola, 2003; Coulthard et al., meandering rivers [e.g., Ikeda et al., 1981; Smith and
2007; Jang and Shimizu, 2007; Benjankar et al., 2011]. McLean, 1984; Johannesson and Parker, 1989; Mosselman,
They are all cellular automata models that have successfully 1998; Imran et al., 1999; Zolezzi and Seminara, 2001;
been developed to model braiding morphogenesis. Only Seminara et al., 2001; Camporeale et al., 2007]. Meandering
the models by Murray and Paola [2003] and Coulthard rivers are very common in nature, and, due to their plani-
et al. [2007] consider the dynamic growth of vegetation metric migration in the oodplain, they interact closely with
and its feedbacks in the oodplain. Benjankar et al. [2011] human structures and inuence the riparian ecosystem. They
provide a dynamic vegetation model where eld data are can therefore be important from both an engineering and
included to represent the assumed critical values of stress environmental point of view. However, in spite of the evident
of riparian vegetation species. However, oodplain morpho- inuence of riparian vegetation on the meander migration
dynamics are not dynamic since they are not updated with rate [e.g., Micheli et al., 2004], bio-morphodynamic models
vegetation change. have only been proposed recently [e.g., Brookes et al., 2000;


Figure 15. Output of the model developed by Murray and Paola [2003] with different river-vegetation
time scales. (a) 110,000 iterations; (b) 140,000 iterations; and (c) 170,000 iterations. A slow migration
of the channel, due to vegetation which increases bank strength, is visible comparing Figures 15a and
15b, which are separated by 30,000 iterations. More dynamic changes occur where the ow avulses over
the banks and vegetation is destroyed. The black arrows in Figures 15a and 15b mark the location of
minor channel migration. The red arrows in Figures 15b and 15c point out avulsions. From Murray and
Paola [2003].

Baptist et al., 2004; Van De Wiel and Darby, 2004; Baptist according to an erodibility coefcient, whose value is
et al., 2005; Hooke et al., 2005; Larsen et al., 2006; Perucca varied for agricultural land and for natural vegetation.
et al., 2006, 2007; Benjankar et al., 2011; Crosato and Saleh, Larsen et al. [2006] produced 100 year forecasts under the
2011]. inuence of natural scenarios and scenarios constrained by
[96] Different approaches to modeling single-thread rivers erosion control measures (riprap) to provide some indica-
can be found in the literature: (i) models which take into tion of the impact of management on meander dynamics.
account only the effects of vegetation on river morphology, In particular, they observed that riprap and leves set back
(ii) models that take into account only the impact of the less than one to three river widths from the channel, limit
river on vegetation, and (iii) complete bio-morphodynamic the formation of point bars and oxbow lakes, and hinder the
models. maintenance of the corresponding plant communities.
[97] For example, Van De Wiel and Darby [2004] devel- [99] Baptist et al. [2004, 2005] proposed a modeling
oped a model where vegetation has only a passive role. approach which incorporates the impact of hydrology on
This model considers the presence and density of vegeta- vegetation evolution, with vegetation development and suc-
tion but not vegetation temporal dynamics, i.e., its active cession controlled by four variables: (i) inundation duration,
role (see Figure 2). The geomorphological model is based on (ii) former land use, (iii) grazing intensity, and (iv) sedi-
a two-dimensional depth-averaged model (mRIPA) of bed mentation rate. In this way, and within the limitations of
topography and bank erosion for single-thread meandering the model, they demonstrated that the duration of oodplain
rivers [Darby et al., 2002]. The effect of vegetation in the inundation strongly inuences vegetation types.
model is to alter both the stability of the banks, by increasing [100] Finally, Perucca et al. [2006, 2007] and Crosato and
bank cohesion, and the ow eld, by means of the drag coef- Saleh [2011] proposed two bio-geomorphological models. In
cient. In the parametrization of the vegetation, all the trees the rst, river-induced vegetation patterns are investigated
are mature, identical, and static. Moreover, the vegetation is but the active role of vegetation is not considered. The sec-
positioned in simple (and quite articial) wide strips along ond model couples the dynamics of river morphology and
the banks, parallel to the river, and extending from the bank riparian vegetation.
toe to the oodplain. Van De Wiel and Darby [2004] show [101] The main effects of the river-induced processes
how vegetation is able to induce morphological changes in on riparian vegetation can be summarized by three typi-
the channel bed and in the planform (bank retreat and total cal distributions of biomass densities along a river tran-
oodplain area loss). sect [Perucca et al., 2006]. These biomass distributions
[98] Another model which considers only static vegeta- (Figure 16) depend on the dominant hydrological mech-
tion effects on the river has been proposed by Larsen et al. anisms that affect riparian vegetation [e.g., Fonda, 1974;
[2006]. The model was devised to evaluate the effects of Nanson and Beach, 1977; Bradley and Smith, 1986]. A
different oodplain scenarios on the dynamics of the Sacra- rst typical distribution of biomass emerges when the water
mento River. Larsen et al. [2006] used the Johannesson and table depth is the main control on riparian vegetation growth
Parker [1989] meander migration model, which assumes and shows a maximum in biomass at the river bank and a
that the local bank erosion is proportional to velocity decrease with distance from the channel edge (curve A in


[102] When the river migrates, the position of vegetation

relative to the river margin changes and riparian vegetation
function C
1.0 tends toward a stationary density value that corresponds to
function B
the actual distance from the river bank. This temporal evolu-
0.8 tion of biomass density is described by a logistic curve when
the biomass tends to increase (e.g., the river becomes closer
in the case of function A) or by an exponential decay when

the biomass density tends to decrease. Thus, the planimetric

evolution of a river and its riparian vegetation dynamics are
coupled, and the riparian vegetation continuously changes in
function A
space and time forced by river migration. This latter feature
0.2 has been evaluated using the physically based model pro-
posed by Zolezzi and Seminara [2001], which gives the most
0 accurate linear description of the ow eld in a meandering
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
d river [Camporeale et al., 2007].
[103] Figure 17 shows some results obtained from the
Figure 16. Example of (normalized) vegetation density numerical simulation of the model, illustrating the develop-
functions A, B, and C, where d is the distance of a generic ment of vegetation patterns due to river movement in the
vegetation plot from the river bank. case where the temporal scale of vegetation evolution and
the temporal scale of the river are comparable [Perucca
et al., 2006].
Figure 16). The distribution is typical of semiarid regions, [104] In order to model the active role of vegetation,
where the main water supply comes from the river [Carr, Perucca et al. [2007] introduced vegetation-dependent bank
1998], but it has also been observed in mild or humid climate erodibility. This implies coupling between vegetation and
zones [Brooks and Brierley, 2002]. If the destructive action river dynamics. As the river comes into contact with sites
of oods is the main factor affecting the distribution of ripar- of different vegetation density or biomass during migration
ian vegetation, a second form of density functions applies: across the oodplain, different levels of bank erodibility
biomass is smaller close to the river bank and increases inuence river migration. According to Ikeda et al. [1981],
with distance from the river margin (curve B in Figure 16) the rate of meander migration,  , is generally taken to be
[Bradley and Smith, 1986]. Finally, the combined impact of proportional to the perturbation, u0 , of the ow eld near the
the water table, sedimentation, and ooding is considered. outer bank, with respect to the bulk velocity, by means an
In this case, the riparian vegetation close to the river banks erodibility coefcient, E:  =E  u0 . For simplicity, Perucca
is mainly inuenced by ood disturbances, while vegetation et al. [2007] used a linear dependence of erodibility on
far from the river suffers from a declining water table. As dimensionless biomass, so that E=E0 +q  v, where E0 is the
a consequence, riparian vegetation biomass reaches a max- erodibility of bare banks (i.e., v = 0), and q < 0 is the param-
imum at a distance from the river margin before declining eter that weights the dependence of erodibility on biomass
(curve C in Figure 16). A density function shaped in this way density, v.
was observed by Nanson and Beach [1977] and analytically [105] Figure 17 illustrates the impact of introducing a
derived by Camporeale and Ridol [2007] (see section 7). linear variation in erodibility with vegetation density. The

Figure 17. River planforms and corresponding vegetation patterns for transversal biomass distributions
(a) function A, (b) function B, and (c) function C. The green intensity is proportional to the vegetation
biomass. The black lines indicate the planform obtained assuming a constant erodibility [from Perucca
et al., 2007].


to describe some aspects of riparian vegetation ecosystems

[Camporeale and Ridol, 2006, 2007, 2010; Muneepeerakul
et al., 2007; Perona et al., 2009a, 2009b; Perucca et al.,
2009; Crouzy and Perona, 2012; Tealdi et al., 2010, 2013],
and the main results are reviewed in this section.
[109] Minimalist models capture the overall vegetation
biomass of the phreatophyte riparian species and neglect
interspecies interactions and geomorphological processes,
such as sedimentation and erosion, but rather consider a
steady river morphology [Auble et al., 1994]. Under these
hypotheses, the local stochastic dynamics of the dimen-
sionless biomass density, v, of single-species riparian veg-
etation can be modeled as a generic plot of the riparian
Figure 18. Two steps of river evolution with a vegeta- transect according to the following dichotomous process
tion density given by function B. The black lines indicate [Camporeale and Ridol, 2006]
the planform obtained assuming a constant erodibility [from 
Perucca et al., 2007]. dv v h (20a)
dt v( v) h < , (20b)

remarkable differences between this simulation in compar- where h and  are the water level of the river and the topo-
ison with a constant erodibility simulation demonstrates graphic elevation of the plot, respectively (see Figure 19).
the degree to which meander shape depends on the veg- Equation (7a) models the decay of the vegetation biomass
etation density function. Another important aspect of the caused by ooding (i.e., anoxia, burial, uprooting, etc.).
impact of vegetation dynamics on river evolution is shown Equation (7b) is a generalization of the commonly used
in Figure 18, where two steps of meander evolution under Verhulst-logistic function which simulates the growth of a
variable erodibility are compared with evolution under con- phreatophyte species that taps the groundwater [Botkin et al.,
stant erodibility. In the rst stage of evolution, the bend with 1972], where is the carrying capacity (i.e., the maximum
variable erodibility migrates faster, but during subsequent sustainable biomass).
migration this is reversed. [110] Equations (7ab) switch, according to whether the
[106] Perucca et al. [2007] have also shown that the site is inundated or not. The statistical characteristics of
shape of meanders affected by the presence of vegetation the dichotomous switching are dictated by the river stages
combined with the effect of a decreased friction factor does and are described by the probability distribution, p(h),
not always produce the usual downstream skewness that is and the correlation time scale,  , of the water level time
typical for a constant mean erodibility and that reversed series, the latter representing memory hydrological forc-
skewness induced by vegetation dynamics can occur. ing. Model (7) can be rewritten as a single stochastic differ-
[107] The importance of river-vegetation interactions has ential equation, driven by multiplicative dichotomous noise
been recognized also by Crosato and Saleh [2011]. Their [Kitahara et al., 1980], whose solution in steady state condi-
model showed that different vegetation planforms (braided, tions is the probability distribution of the vegetation density,
transitional, or meandering patterns) can occur depending on p(v)
different vegetation densities. N (1)(+)PI PI
p(v) = v  ( v)  1 ( + v), (21)

7. MINIMALIST MODELS where v 2 [0, ], PI is the inundation probability (with PI <
[108] In the minimalist approach, only the key processes /( + )) and N is the normalization constant.
of the investigated dynamics are modeled while keeping [111] The analytical relation (equation (21)) can be used
the model mathematically tractable. The aim is to obtain to study how the transverse distribution of riparian veg-
analytical and semi-analytical solutions that are able to elu- etation depends on the hydrological, morphological, and
cidate the quantitative links among the main variables that biological parameters involved in the model. Camporeale
regulate the dynamics. To achieve this, a number of sim- and Ridol [2006, 2007] considered the quasi-trapezoidal
plications are necessary in comparison with more detailed river cross section shown in Figure 19 and assumed a
models, but the results need to be clear to provide evidence standard Gamma distribution to model the probability dis-
for the skeleton of the dynamics. This approach has been tribution, p(h), of river water stages. The lower inset of
successfully followed in several branches of bio-geosciences Figure 19 shows some examples of the behavior of the
[Ridol et al., 2011], such as vegetation pattern formation mean, v , and standard deviation,
v , of p(v) along the ripar-
[Lefever and Lejeune, 1997; Klausmeier, 1999; DOdorico ian transect. The average vegetation biomass value varies
et al., 2006; Rietkerk and Van de Koppel, 2008], eco- along the x direction, increasing from zero close to the
hydrology [Rodriguez-Iturbe et al., 1999; DOdorico et al., river to a maximum value and then decreasing asymptoti-
2005; Rodrigez-Iturbe and Porporato, 2005; Laio et al., cally to approach the average value of the carrying capac-
2006], and plant physiology [Hutt and Luttge, 2002]. A ity, (x), at high values of x. This behavior of the mean
few minimalist models have recently also been proposed along the riparian transect agrees with eld observations


Figure 19. Probability density functions in four plots along a quasi-trapezoidal riparian transect (x is
made dimensionless with the river half width). The lower inset shows the mean (solid lines) and standard
deviations (dashed lines) along the transect, respectively. For the mean values, the upper curves refer to
correlation  = 1 = 15 days and the lower curves refer to  = 2 = 180 days, while for the standard deviation,
the correspondence is inverted [from Camporeale and Ridol, 2007].

[e.g., Johnson et al., 1995]. The monotonic decrease in the width for the riparian belt. In this way, they were able to
carrying capacity along the transect is due to a progressive study the relationship between the geomorphological scal-
increase in water table depth, while inundations frequently ing rules that are typical of the river ow [Rodriguez-Iturbe
destroy vegetation close to the river. The dependence of
v and Rinaldo, 1997] and riparian zone width. Starting from
on x indicates important uctuations in the time series of the the scaling relation between the standard deviation of the
vegetation biomass near the river. river discharge,
Q , and the drainage area, A, (i.e.,
Q  As ),
[112] The minimalist approach allows the role of stochas- Muneepeerakul et al. [2007] showed the key role of the
ticity in vegetation dynamics to be studied analytically scaling exponent s on riparian vegetation patterns. When
[Camporeale and Ridol, 2007]. For example, the insets discharge uctuations increase rapidly with the drainage
(a)(h) in Figure 19 show the probability distribution of veg- area (i.e., high values of s), high-order streams could be
etation biomass for two different species in four plots along poor in riparian vegetation, whereas low values of s entail
a transect, considering two different dimensional river cor- riparian belt widths that increase with the link magnitude.
relation time scales. A ood-tolerant species (represented by Stream magnitude order is a key geomorphological charac-
the blue curves) and a less tolerant species (red lines) are teristic of each stream link: order magnitude 1 denotes links
considered. The ood tolerance (i.e., low values of ) can be (called sources) without upstream tributaries, while higher-
due both to a high resistance to the negative effects of oods order magnitudes are dened as the number of sources that
(uprooting, anoxia, etc.) and to a high resilience, because of a drain through a link. Figure 20 shows an example of eld
short vegetation growth time scale. If the insets are compared data relating stream order (magnitude) and riparian width:
vertically and a single species is considered, an increase in a positive correlation emerges, due to a low value of s,
the correlation time does not signicantly affect but can which conrms the theoretical results of Muneepeerakul
drastically alter the shape of the distribution, as is also tes- et al. 2007.
tied by the increase in the standard deviation. When the [114] The minimalist approach introduced by Campore-
upper insets shown in Figure 19 are compared horizontally, ale and Ridol [2006] has also been used (i) to inves-
the dependence of the distribution on the position of the plot tigate the subtle interplay between the geomorphology
along the transect clearly emerges: not only the quantitative of meandering rivers and the corresponding vegetation
characteristics but also the shape can change, and different biomass stored in the riparian corridor [Camporeale and
noise-induced phenomena [Ridol et al., 2011] can emerge Ridol, 2010] and (ii) to explore the effects of (natural or
along the same riparian transect and for the same species anthropic) changes of river discharge regime on riparian
[Camporeale and Ridol, 2007]. vegetation biomass [Tealdi et al., 2011]. In particular, this
[113] Muneepeerakul et al. [2007] followed the mod- latter work provided a theoretical framework to describe
eling approach by Camporeale and Ridol [2006] but the vegetation narrowing/widening process induced by
introduced some small changes in order to obtain a nite river damming.


signicant effect that vegetation can have on river planform

evolution and on channel shape.
[119] In spite of these positive indications, quantitative
modeling of river eco-geomorphology is still in its infancy,
and many aspects are not yet completely understood and,
as a consequence, have not been mathematically modeled.
We believe that the following points, in particular, require
research attention to gain a deeper understanding:
[120] 1. The rst is the effect of different types or growth
stages of vegetation (rigid or exible) and different vege-
tation densities on the turbulence structure and secondary
Figure 20. Empirical relation between the stream magni- currents of a stream. This point is of crucial importance
tude and the riparian width of the Sand Creek, Oklahoma to evaluate all the transport processes in the riparian corri-
(USA), obtained from remote sensing data. The black circles dor, and its development can greatly benet from scientic
connected by the line represent average binning values [from results obtained in the aeolian and plant canopy literature.
Muneepeerakul et al., 2007]. [121] 2. The second is the effect of vegetation on over-
bank ooding and on the kinematics of over-bank ow. This
knowledge is essential for the evaluation of deposition and
8. CONCLUSIONS erosion processes.
[115] Field evidence collected over the last 30 years has [122] 3. The third is the relationship between riparian plant
illustrated the remarkable signicance of riparian vegetation growth rate and hydrological processes, such as water table
for river morphodynamics. This knowledge, together with oscillations and ooding. In particular, the role of river-
the need to evaluate how hydrological and/or morphological driven stochasticity in inuencing the temporal and spatial
changes can inuence riparian environments, has led to the patterns displayed by riparian vegetation has to be explored
development of several models. and quantied in a similar manner to research on ecosystems
[116] The rst step in modeling the uvial environment [e.g., Rodrigez-Iturbe and Porporato, 2005].
was the development of conceptual and semiquantitative [123] 4. The threshold tangential stresses that plants of dif-
models that rely on accurate eld observations and describe, ferent species and at different growth stages withstand before
mainly in a qualitative way, the complex picture of interac- being scoured. This is important for modeling the interplay
tions and feedbacks that drive the riparian bio-morphologic between vegetation, sediment transport, and the ow eld.
environment [e.g., McKenney et al., 1995; Nanson and [124] 5. The next is the formulation of quantitative eco-
Knighton, 1996; Tooth and Nanson, 2000; Gurnell et al., logical succession models in order to better describe riparian
2001; Collins et al., 2012; Gurnell et al., 2012]. vegetation dynamics (in particular under stochastic forc-
[117] More mathematical treatments have recently been ings). This is a very complex topicwhere uid dynamical,
proposed, and some quantitative models have been devel- morphological, and bio-ecological processes interact to a
oped. Cellular automata [e.g., Murray and Paola, 1997, great extentbut it is crucial if we are to describe riparian
2003; Hooke et al., 2005; Coulthard et al., 2007], physi- ecosystems properly.
cally based differential models [e.g., Van De Wiel and Darby, [125] 6. The next is the inuence of roots on the geotech-
2004; Perucca et al., 2006, 2007], and minimalist models nical characteristics of vegetated banks in order to correctly
[e.g., Camporeale and Ridol, 2007; Muneepeerakul et al., model the erodibility of alluvial soils and bank stability.
2007] are three mathematical approaches that have been [126] 7. The next is the spatial and temporal dynamics of
adopted to describe and study the processes between channel soil moisture and groundwater near the river and the role of
evolution, river hydrology, and vegetation dynamics. chemical and biological ltering played by riparian vegeta-
[118] All three approaches have proved to be important tion in the exchange processes that occur between a river and
for exploring interactions in riparian environments, because upland vegetation. These processes can have a signicant
natural riparian environments are so complex that they are inuence on the dynamics of plant colonization and plant
difcult to reproduce with a single model, which is, by def- survival.
inition, a simplication of reality [e.g., Nicholas and Quine, [127] 8. Last is the coupling of vegetation dynamics with
2007]. Nevertheless, comparisons between model outputs topography, in order to elucidate the capability of vegetation
and the evolution of real rivers, their plan geometry, and to create favorable growing conditions through its impact on
changes in river patterns are very positive, indicating that the sediment transport processes.
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thread and single-thread rivers. Some of the key points that and fascinating topic, which has to be pursued with two
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comparable temporal scales of vegetation evolution and river improvement can only be possible by means of long and
dynamics for the occurrence of signicant morphodynamic accurate eld observations, which are fundamental for pro-
interactions, the role of the stochastic variability of river dis- viding an insight into appropriate modeling approaches,
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[130] ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This research has in part thesis, Fac. of Civ. Eng. and Geosci., Delft Univ. of Technol.,
been funded by the CRT (Cassa di Risparmio di Torino) Founda- Delft, Netherlands.
tion (Lagrange Project) and the CRC (Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo) Baptist, M., W. Penning, H. Duel, A. Smits, G. Geerling, G.
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NE/F014597/1), and the Leverhulme Trust (grant F/07 040/AP).
and biodiversity along the Rhine River, River Res. Appl., 20,
The authors are grateful to Paolo Perona for his useful comments 285297.
and suggestions. The Editor on this paper was Gregory Okin. He Baptist, M., L. van den Bosch, J. Dijkstra, and S. Kapinga (2005),
thanks three anonymous reviewers for their review assistance on Modelling the effects of vegetation on ow and morphology in
this manuscript. rivers, Large Rivers, 15(1-4), 339357.
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