Fishfinder Sensor On Ship (Fix)
Fishfinder Sensor On Ship (Fix)
Fishfinder Sensor On Ship (Fix)
Praise and gratitude to Allah SWT for all his giveness and bless that has given to us. And do not forget
shalawat and salam wi give to our prophet Muhammad SAW.that has brought us from dark ages to the
age that full of knowledge like today.
Praise and gratitude to Allah SWT for all his giveness and bless that has given to us. And do not forget
shalawat and salam wi give to our prophet Muhammad SAW.that has brought us from dark ages to the
age that full of knowledge like today.
The purpose of the presentation of this paper task to meet the value of semester 3 subjects
Measurement & Control Technology, department Marine Engineering at Sepuluh November Institute of
Technology. I also hope that this peper can be useful for anyone who read it and increase knowledge
about the ship sensors.
Alhamdulillah, I say to Allah SWT. and do not forget also to thank my parents, friends and lecturers who
have helped me complete this peper job. And also for anyone who is related and assist in the completion
of my peper job. I know that this task is not perfect, because there is nothing perfect on earth except
Allah SWT. I apologize if there is a mistake in writing, whether intentional or unintentional. thank you
Table of Content
Table of Picture
Chapter. 1 Introduction
1.1 Prefrence
The development of technology from time to time more advanced and
sophisticated. this is due to the growing number of new discoveries that scientists are
finding to meet increasing demand. the technology created also various types and
diverse functions that basically the technology was created to help humans to facilitate
his work. but the more advanced and sophisticated the technology the more
complicated and complex the problems it faces to control it. then to overcome the
problem the scientists created a sensor technology that can be analogous as a pair
of human eyes in charge of reading or detecting data / information available on other
Fishing vessels are one type of vessel that uses sensors to improve the
effectiveness and safety of sailing. one of the most important and often used sensors
in this type of vessel is the sensor fish finder. like the name "fish finder", this sensor
serves to facilitate the ship in search of fish. this sensor is very useful in supporting
the effectiveness of seChapter vessels with the existence of this sensor the ship will
be easier to find fish hordes without the need to spin aimlessly just to track the location
of the hordes of fish, so that will save fuel ship.
In ancient times, fish finder is not a tool to find the location of the existence of fish as
it is now, even totally unrelated to the field of fisheries.
In the past this equipment was used for war looking for mines or
submarines that are in the sea. but After the end of the war era between superpowers,
weapons technology and advanced tools are used for commercial purposes, including
this fish finder. Several factories that used to develop underwater surveillance
technology for war, are now developing sensor sensors technology finder to find
objects under the sea life for commercial purposes.
Developed countries in the marine fisheries sector use this technology to explore
resources quickly, so they can exploit optimally, efficiently and economically because
of the cost of exploration cheap and exploration time is quite short. The upper class
anglers also often use Fish finder to search for fish hordes in the ocean and fishing
there, so without having to spend extra energy in fishing hunt fish.
1.2 Problems
The Problems encountered in this topic among others :
1. How the fishfinder sensor works
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of fishfinder
3. How to read the symbol on the fishfinder screen
4. What are the differences between fishfinders on fishing boats and fishing vessels
5. What are the factors that affect the performance of fish finder
6.How the influence and role of fishfinder in fisheries and marine sector widely
7. What are the capabilities of today's fishfinders
1.3 Purpose
The Purpose from making this paper for example to :
1. Know how the fishfinder sensor works
2. Know how to read the screen on the fishfinder
3. Know the difference of fishfinder on fishing vessel and fishing vessel fish
4. Know the advantages and disadvantages of sensor finder fish
5. Knowing factors that affect the ability of fishfinder
6. To know the role of fish finder in the progress of fisheries and marine sector widely
7. Knowing the capabilities of fishfinders in modern times
Chapter. 2 The Basic of Theory
1. Passive Sensor
The sensors do not require a power supply at work, the output appears due to the
stimulus or passive sensor said when the energy released is obtained entirely from
the input signal.
2. Active Sensor
The sensors required external power supply to enable the sensor to function or have
an additional energy source used for its signal output, while the input signal only
contributes little to the output power.
Fishfinder sensor is active sebsor because use power supply from the battery
or accumulator.
All the fish finder sensors operate by Using SONAR (stands for SOUND
(Sound), NAvigation (Navigation) and Ranging (Distance)). Sonar is defined as a
method that utilizes sound propagation in the water to know the existence of an object
that is under the surface of the water area. So sonar is one tool Hydro-acoustic which
is an underwater detection technology using acoustic device (acoustic instrument).
This technology is similar to the technology developed to look for submarines
during World War II. Sonar uses sound waves to know where there are objects in the
water, such as bats that use sound waves to search and prey on flying insects and to
keep them from crashing into trees and buildings.
The sonar have 2 type, ie :
1. Active Sonar that transmits sound waves, and receives its reflections (echo) back.
2. The passive sonar receives only the sound wave signal transmitted by an object.
Sonar is a type of sonar used in fishfinder sonsor The reason to use the
Sonar Method in the fish finder is based on the theory that the speed of sound in water
is greater than the speed of sound in the air. As is known that the speed of sound in
water is 1,500 m / sec, while the speed of sound in the air is only 340 m / sec, so this
technology is very effective to detect under water because it can get information
The frequency used by the sonar in the fish finder on the fishing vessel is
in the ultrasonic region, which is above 20,000 hertz. Because the frequency can not
be heard and the wavelength in the ultrasonic region is so large that the diffraction
that occurs is also smaller, and the waves will not spread. The small wavelength used,
can also be used to detect small objects as well.
The sonar is removed from the GPS transmitter component and then
transmitted down and around from ship to sea as the flashing beam of a flashlight is
widened. So the rays or sound waves, which radiate from the source will widen.
Anything affected by the waves including the fish will also be reflected back and
transformed by the transducer into an electronic pulse in order to appear on the screen
of the instrument with a fish-like symbol.
The ability of sonar depends on :
1. Temperature
2. Salinity
3. Pressure of Water
Sonar can also once in how time that occurs between when the wave is
emitted and against the object. In the same way sonar can also be forecast in this and
what is behind this, like rocks where some fish like to feed. This important component
also helps in terms of boat safety to avoid collisions with coral reefs.
On the Fish researcher ship, The fishfinder is more complex and have some
a. Time Base
Time base serves as a marker of electrical pulses to enable transmitting
pulses to be transmitted by the transmitter through the transducer. A command of
the time base will provide when the pulse builder works on the transmitter and
receiver units.
b. Transmiter
Transmitter function produces pulses to be emitted. A command from the
pulse trigger box on the recorder will tell when the pulse builder works. The pulse
generated by the oscillator is then amplified by the power amplifier, before the pulse
is supplied to the transducer
c. Transducer
The main function of the transducer is to convert electrical energy into sound
energy when sound is transmitted to the medium and converts sound energy into
electrical energy when echo is received from a target. In addition, another function of
the transducer is to focus the sound energy that will be reflected as a beam.
From the Characteristic of the material that used there are 2 kind of tranducer :
1. Tranducer Magneto-striction.
Made of certain metals, such as nickel, cobalt, ferronickicles or alloys of nickel
metal, if they are affected by magnetic fields they will contract lengthwise or shortened
and they are independent of the direction of the magnetic field unless the metal has
been pre-made.
d. Reciever
The receiver functions to receive pulses from objects and displays or
recorders as echo result takers. The weak electrical signal generated by the
transducer after the received echo has to be amplified several thousand times before
being routed to the recorder. During reception the four parts of the transducer receive
echo from the target, where the target detected by the transducer is located from the
center of the beam sound and the echo of the target will be returned and received by
the four parts of the transducer at the same time.
e. Recorder
The Recorder functions to record or display an echo signal and also act as a
transmitter controller and measure the time between the transmitting of the voice
pulse and the receipt of the echo or recorder to give the signal to the transmitter to
produce the pulse and at the same time the recorder also sends the signal to the
receiver to lower its sensitivity.
PICTURE 2. Receiver and Camera Device
On board fish researcher the basic purpose of Fishfinder is to find the fish and
determine on how many meters the fish is alive, so the fishfinder tool also features to
show the depth.
The principle works that is, on the transmiter there is a transducer that
serves to convert electrical energy into sound. Then the resulting sound is transmitted
with a certain frequency. This sound is transmitted through a water medium having a
velocity of, v = 1500 m / s. When the sound is about an object, such as a fish, it will
be reflected. In accordance with the nature of the wave that is when a wave about a
barrier can be reflected, absorbed and refracted, then the same thing happens in this
When the wave about the object, some of its energies are reflected,
refracted or absorbed. For the reflected wave the energy will be received by the
receiver. The amount of energy received will be processed with a program, then will
be obtained output (output) of the program. The received results are derived from data
processing obtained from the determination of the time interval between the
transmitted pulse and the received pulse. From this result can be known the distance
from a detection object. while for the calculation of the depth of the fish was alive
obtained from half-time reflection signal from bouncing to the bottom of the sea then
back to echosounder. The value of time gained is converted to the speed of sound
waves in the water.
Chapter. 3 Methodology
The fishfinder sensor uses the sonar concept to detect fish that are below
the water surface. the tranducer component of the fishfinder will fire ultrasonic waves
that are shaped like flashlight-shaped flashlights.
the ultrasonic waves affecting the fish will be reflected back and received by
the receiver and transformed by the tranducer into an electronic pulse in order to
appear on the instrument screen with a fish-like symbol. so also if the wave of other
objects such as marine debris or seaweed then some of its energy there is reflected,
refracted or absorbed. For the reflected wave the energy will be received by the
receiver. The amount of energy received will be processed with a program, then will
be obtained output (output) of the program.
PICTURE 5. The Form of Wave when Hit the Object
This technology was initially used to search for mines on the seabed during
world wars. but since the end of world war, this technology is much modified with
Purpose for commercial purposes, one example of modification of fishfinder sensor
technology to find fish.
The basic concept of this technology can be used in measuring and analyzing
almost everything contained in the column and the water base, so in addition to the
fishfinder, this modification technology is often used in other types of sensors for
various purposes, among others; seismic survey, shipwreck location, marine biota
estimate, sedimentation velocity measure, current measurement in internal wave,
measure current velocity (seismic survey) current speed), measuring turbidity and
bottom contours.
Chapter. 4 Discussion
4.2 How to Read The Fish Finder Display
A wave that has been bounced after a matter underneath the surface of
the water, will be received again by the transducer and then forwarded to the
receiver then the amount of energy received will be processed with a program, then
will be obtained output (output) from the program in the form of Picture on the
From the results of the topographic picture reading, can be distinguished
hardness of the topography of the basic structure of the waters. Usually when the
ground state of hard water objects then the color on the monitor Picturenya more
concentrated. Conversely, if the topography is soft then the picture on the monitor was
not concentrated.
So if the basic topography of hard water can be assumed that the base is
coral. Similarly, if monitored fish finder Picturenya not concentrated color then we
often translate with mud. In addition to the average or not the basic topography of
the waters can be known through the fish finder screen. To know it all is a
conclusion point of readings of fish finder.
On the fishfinder screen is usually listed the distance between the object with
the water surface. the distance is obtained because it emits sound waves, which in
this case is directed to the seafloor and based on the reflection time of sound waves
received back by the device, so it can be known how many meters the depth of the
In modern high-tech fishfinder, the info obtained is also more complete,
such as color monitor screen (not ash), the temperature / temperature and other
4.3 Fishfinder Differences between Fishfinder Ship and Research
fishfinders used on fishing vessels and fish researchers are the same, but on
fishing vessel fish, modified fishfinder with some tools added.
On the boat fish researchers some fishfinder sometimes combined with
deptsounder, so that fishfinder performance can be more perfect. There are 2
frequencies commonly used by Depth Sounder, which is 50kHz, and 200kHz. at
50kHz frequencies, the greater the area covered by the seafloor, but the detail is
less visible. and at 200 kHz area covered narrowly, but the detail is complete.
on some ocean fishing vessels deep enough to study fish populations and
fish habitats at depths that even sunlight can not penetrate, the researchers used
deptsounder help and used frequencies over 200 kHz, but the fish produced only
black and white and the coverage area is very small, because the frequency is large
and the wavelength is large.
In fishing vessels, tranducer components usually use a dual-frequency
tranducer to make the fish look more accurate, as the name implies, then this
tranducer has 2 beams of different frequencies. the first frequency is set to low
frequency and the second frequency is set in high frequency. the reason is the lower
the frequency the area is wider but the depth is low, and vice versa if the high
frequency then the area is low but the depth is great .. and the more common fishing
vessels often use the tranducer 1 frequency to save energy and maintenance costs.
Another thing that also affect the sharpness of detail we can see, is the
amount of his Watt. The larger the Watt, the more obvious the details are generated.
At the beginning of the red sea floor, the picture designated with the letter L
is a small horde of fish, and not a plastic (garbage) carrying current.
4.4 Advantages & Disadvantages of Fishfinder Sensor
When compared to other methods in terms of estimation or estimation, this
technology has advantages, among others: information on the detected area can be
obtained quickly (real time). And directly in the detection area (in situ).
Another plus is no need to rely on statistical data. As well as harmless or destructive
object being studied (friendly), because the detection is done from a distance using
the sound (underwater sound).
But these sensors still have flaws as it is still difficult to distinguish between
fish hordes, garbage or seaweed on a fishfinder monitor because in addition to the
basic topography of the waters, the sound waves emitted by the transducers
sometimes over the dead objects that float in the water, and reflect the waves, and
The floating object was also read in the fish finder monitor. other than that ultrasonic
SONAR gamma used in the fish finder can interfere with navigation of sea mammals
such as dolphins and whales, so as to get lost and stranded on the beach.
Fishfinder usually only reacts maximal with a tranducer that has a power
(watt) that matches the power (watt) capability of the fishfinder. sometimes there are
some users of fishfinder sensor replace the tranducer with other types so that the
device tranducer and fishfinder sensor is not maximal.
speed as well as variations of fish diurnal-noctural migration. Echosounder device
itself on modern fishfinder has a variety of types, namely single beam, and dual beam.
1. Single-Beam
Single-beam echosounder is a Depthair measuring instrument that uses a
single beam as the sender and transmission of a sound wave signal. The component
of a single-beam consists of a transciever (transducer or receiver) mounted on the
hull of the ship.
The single-beam echosounder frequency range is relatively easy to use,
but only provides information into the entire line of trails the ship goes through.
2. Dual Bean
Multi-Beam Echosounder is a tool for determining Depthair with wide
coverage of the seafloor area. The principle of operation of this tool is generally based
on the emission of pulses emitted directly to the bottom of the sea and after that
acoustic energy is reflected back from the sea (sea bad), some beam electronically
formed using signal processing techniques so that known angle beam. Multi beam
echosounder can produce bathymetry data with high resolution (0.1 m vertical
accuracy and crank of 1 m horizontal accuracy).
Chapter 5. Closing
The fishfinder sensor works by utilizing ultrasonic wave technology with
frequencies between 15 kHz to 300 kHz which is shot down below the water surface
shaped like a cone on a light beam, then when it comes to an object such as a fish,
the wave will bias, absorb and bounce back to the ship. the distance of the object can
be known by calculating the travel time between waves fired until the wave received
back by the sensor. the greater the frequency used the area will be narrower but
Depthnya large, and the smaller the frequency used then the area is wider but
Depthnya low, this happens because of the influence of wavelength. power (watt) also
affects the results received by the sensor.
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