Modern American English 2 - Robert J. Dixson

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Modern American English

RobertJ. Dixson
J. Hall
As Revised by Eug nne


REGENTS/PRENTICE HALL, Englewood Cliff~, New Jersey 07632


Preface v

lesson 1 2
Review of the Present Tense of to be
Review of Possessive Adjectives
Months of the Year

lesson 2./ 14
Review of There is and There are
Review of Count Nouns and Mass Nouns
Review of much and many, some and any
Telling Time, A.M. and P.M.

lesson 3 26
Review of the Simple Present Tense
Seasons of the Year

lesson 4 40
Review of the Simple Past Tense
It as subject of sentences about the weather

lesson 5 52

lesson 6 56
Present Continuous, Statements, and Questions
Ordinal Numbers

lesson 7 66
Present Continuous, Negative
Giving the Date (1)

lesson 8 76
Going to Fu ture
Statements, Questions, Negatives
Giving the Date (2)
lesson 9 86
Past Tense of to be
Statements, Questions, Negatives
Review of much and many, some and any
Distribution of a little and a [ew
Ages and Birthdays

Lesson 10 98

Lesson 11 102
Future with will
Statements, Questions, Negatives .
Questions with How long?
Reading Years

lesson 12 112
The Modal Auxiliary Verbs can, may, should, and must
Miles and Kilometers

lesson 13 122
Indirect Objects
Possessive Pronouns
Inches, Feet, Yards, Centimeters, Meters

lesson 14 132
Affirmative and Negative Short Answers

lesson 15 144

Vocabulary 149

Past Tense Forms of Irregular Verbs Used in Books 1 and 2 153

In the next section, the students answer questions based on the previous material
that are cued to the same or similar pictures. The teacher should first go over this sec-
tion as a listening practice, giving both questions and answers; choral and individ-
~1h 'I.~\\~Qn should follow; then the teacher should ask the questions while indi-
vidual students give the answers. As a final step, one student asks the questions and
anorner student gives the answers. This kind of student-student practice is highly rec-
ommended for all the exercises throughout the book.
In general, the structural and cultural material is presented separately but in the
same manner-that s, with a listen and repeat practice first and a question and answer
practice second.
Similar procedures should be followed for the dialogues-listening, choral and indi-
vidual repetiton, teacher-student practce, and student-student practice.
2. Structure and Pattern Practice. This section is devoted to the study of
grammatical structures and patterns in English. Frst, explanatory notes on the struc-
ture or structures are presented in the lesson. Each note is followed by one or more
exercises to give the students practice on the pattern discussed in the preceding note.
The exercises are intended to help the students achieve command of the formal fea-
tures of English.
It is suggested that the teacher first go through each exercise orally, with students
'I.~(i\\1\%~aeh cue and its answer in chorus. In the next step, the teacher should pre-
sent the cue and then ask the class to give the answer in chorus. After that, the teacher
should give the cue, with individual students giving the answer. Wrong answers should
be corrected immediately with the right ones, which the students should then repeat
in chorus.
When sufficient oral work has been done, the teacher can assign the exercises as
written homework. Homework should be corrected carefully and returned to the stu-
dents so that they can note their errors and observe their progress. The exercisesin this
section are designed for habit formation on specificpatterns, whereas the conversation
practice in the final section of the lesson is designed to give the students greater flexi-
bility in the use of the patterns.
3. Pronunciation and Intonation Practice. This section gives practice on different
aspects of pronunciation. In this particular book, each lesson contains minimal pair
drills on contrasted vowel sounds. Many words are given in these drills that are not
intended for vocabulary study, but only for pronunciation practice. For intonation
practce, specialexercisesare marked with intonation patterns.
The material in this section should be presented by means of choral and individual
repetition. The teacher's pronunciation and intonation will serve as a model for the
students. The sentences for intonation practice should be said at a natural conversa-
tional speed so that the students will become accustomed to the sound of English as it
is actually spoken. The cassettes give valuable additional practice for this section.
4. General Practice. This section gives oral practice in the actual use of English for
conversational purposes. Several of the exercises are question and answer practices
based on the material presented previously in the lesson. The questions are cued to
visual information for which verbal equivalents are to be given. Procedures should con-
sist first of teacher-student practce, in which the teacher asks the questions and indi-
vidual students respondo Second should be student-student practice, in which one stu-
dent acts as teacher and another makes the appropriate responses.
AH of the lessons include a controlled conversation practice. Questions are given
which the students can answer from their own experience and knowledge within the
structural and cultural framework of the patterns and vocabulary that have be en stud-
ied. These exercises are only suggestions. Each teacher should work out the particular
exercise, with appropriate questions and commands, before giving it to the students, so
that it will conform to the reality of that particular classroom and group of students.

SUPPLEMENT ARYMATERIAL. A Teacher's Edition is available for each level of this

series. For each book, a companion workbook s available in which each workbook les-
son is closely coordinated with the corresponding lesson in its matching book. The
workbooks provide additional material to help build all four of the language skills: lis-
tening, speaking, reading, and writing. For even more oral practice, cassettes may be
obtained that cover the material in each of the book lessons.
o N E

Reading and Oral Practice

A. Listen and repeat.

What kind of building is this?

It's an apartment building.

Is it a long way from downtown?

No, it's near downtown.

Who lives here?

joan Rqssi lives here.

Where does she work?

She works in Dick's office.

What does she do?

She's the manager's assistant.
What does Dick do?
He's themail clerk.

Who is Tony Martinez?

He's Dick's friendo

How did Tony and Dick get to know each other?

They're in the same computer class.

What did Tony do last week?

He moved into [oan's building last week.

What time is it now?

It's half past eight now.

Where is Tony?
He's at the bus stop.

Who else is there?

joan is there too.
Downtown refers to the central business and
commercial district of a city or town.
There s used as an adverb of place as well as a
substitute subject. Here indica tes a place near the
speaker, and there ndcates a place at a distance
from the speaker.

B. Answer the questions.

1. What kind of building s this?

2. Is it a long way from downtown?

3. Who Uves here?

4. Where does she work?

5. What does she do?

6. What does Dick do?

7. Who is Tony Martinez?

8. How did Tony and Dick get to know each


9. What did Tony do last week?

10. What time is it now?

11. Where is Tony?

12. Who else is there?

c. Listen and repeat.
JANUARY How many months are there in ayear?
There are twelve months in ayear.
FEBRUARY What's the first month of the year?
The first month of the year is Ianuary.
MARCH What's the second month of the year?
The second month of the year is February.
What month comes next?
March comes next.
II I I I I II What month comes after March?
April comes after March.
I !!! I I I I What month follows April?
May follows April.

II I I I I I I What month comes after May?

JULY Iune comes after May.

I I!IIII I What month comes next?

Iuly comes next.

I I I I I I I I What month follows Iuly?

SEPTEMBER August follows Iuly,

II II I I I I What month comes after August?

September comes after August.

IIIII!!I What's the next month?

October is the next month.

I!II IIII What month follows October?

November follows October.

I I II I I I I What's the last month of the year?

December is the last month of the year.
D. Answer the questions.




1. How many months are there in ayear?

2. What's the first month of the year?
3. What's the second month of the year?
4. What month comes next?
S. What month comes after March?
6. What month follows April?
7. What month comes after May?
8. What month comes next?
9. What month follows july?
10. What month comes after August?
11. What's the next month?
12. What month follows October?
13. What's the last month of the year?
E. Dialogue.

lOAN: 1met your friend this morning.

DICK: My friend?
lOAN: Tony Martinez.
DICK: Oh, Tony! Yes, he 's in my computer class.
lOAN: He moved into my building last week. 1met him at the bus stop
this morning.
DICK: He's a nce guy.
lOAN: Is he a good student?
DICK: Yes, very good. He and 1are at the top of the class.
lOAN: Is he from around here?
DICK: No, he's from Houston. He moved here last year.
lOAN: Does he have a job?
DICK: Yes,with an insurance company. His office is right over there across
the street.
lOAN: He's very good-looking.
DrCK: Good-looking? Do you want a date with him?
lOAN: Well,. . . maybe.

Met is the past tense form of the irregular verb to meet.

He meets a lot of people at school.
She met Tony at the bus stop yesterday morning.
Structure and Pattern Practice

The verb to be has more forms than any other verb in English. In the
present the forms are:
Long Form Contracted Form
I am ... We are . I'm . We're
You are .. , You are . You're . You're ...
He is
She is .
J Theyare ...
She's .
They're ...
It is . It's .

The contracted forms are gene rally used in conversation. >

Questions are formed by placing is, am, or are before the subject.
Is Mr. Wilson in his office now?
Are they at their desks?

A. Change to questions.

The bus is green. Is the bus green?

1. Tony s at the bus stop now.
2. His assistant is in the office.
3. Dick is a mail clerk.
4. Susan is late this morning. .
S. The stamps are in the top drawer.
6. The envelopes are in the middle drawer.
7. Ms. Williams is a lawyer.
8. ]anuary is the first month of the year.
9. It's ten o'clock.
10. He's at school now.

Negatives in the present tense of to be are formed

. by placing not after is, am, or are. .
I'm not late this morning.
She's not at school today.

B. Change to the negative.

He's in his office. He's not in his cffice.

1. They're at their desks.
2. We're at school.
3. She's at the hospital.
4. It's midnight.
S. I'm late this morning.
6. You're early this morning.
7. He's a salesclerk.
8. The paper is in the top drawer.
9. The magazines are on the tableo
10. Dr. Stern is a teacher.

The possessive adjectives in English always agree

with the possessor, not with the thing possessed.
I-my he - his we - our
you -your she - her they - ther

They're students. Their teacher is Ms. Iones.

Mike is a student. His slster is a student too.

Singular nouns form the possessive by adding 's.

This is Ioan's desk.
C Complete with the possessive adjective that refers to the subject of the
first sentence.

Mike and Susan are students. Their books are on the desk.
1. Mike is a student. sister is a student too.
2. Susan is a student. brother is a student too.
3. I'm a lawyer. pen is on the desk.
4. You're a teacher, books are on the desk.
S. You and 1are students. notebooks are here.
6. Mike and Susan are students. school is in the city.
7. Dick lives at home. mother is a nurse.
8. We work in the city. friends work in the city too.

Pronunciation and Intonation Practice

A. Repeat several times.

n as in in:on, pen, man, ten, then, name, not, near, new

ng as in long:mornng, evening
m as in map: am, many, much, room, me, my. tme
vas in have: of, five, Ieave, twelve, arrive, very
b as in by: bus, book, boy, big, begin, before, both

B. Listen and repeat.

She's atlwork. Is she atlwork?

1. He's at home. Is he at home?
2. They're at their desks. Are they at their desks?
3. She's a nurse. Is she a nurse?
4. It's eleven o'clock. Is it eleven o'clock?
5. We're at work. Are you at work?
General Practice
A. Answer the questions.

What month did Tony move here frorn Houston?
He moved here from Houston in March.


1. What month did Tony get his job with the
insurance company?


2. What month did he meet Dick?


3. What month does school begin?


4. What month did loan move into her


s. What month did Tony move into his new


6. What month does school end?

B. Conversation. Your teacher will ask you these questions or others like
them. The questions will ask about things you can see or things you know
about from your own experience. Give real answers to the questions.

What's your name?

What do you do?
What month is it?
What day of the week is it?
What time is it now?
Is that your book?
What color is your book?
Where is your book?
Is that your pen?
What color is your pen?
Where is your pen?

Reading and Oral Practice

Where does Dick work?

He works in an office building downtown.

Is it an old or a new building?

It's an old building.

Does Dick like the building?

No, he doesn't like it at all.

What's the matter with the building?

There isn't any place to park.

Where does Dick park?

He parks in a garage.
Is the garage near the office?
No, it's three blocks away.

Are there any stores in the building?

Ves, there are a few stores on the ground floor.

Is there a bank nearby?

Ves, there's a bank around the cornero

Are there a lot of testaurants nearby?

No, there aren't many restaurants nearby.

Where does Dick eat lunch?

He eats lunch in a cafeteria.

Is it near the office?

No, it's several blocks away.

Does Dick like to go to the cafeteria?

Ves, but he doesn't have much time for lunch.
At all is frequently used with a negative to make it
more emphatic.

B. Answer the questions.

1. Where does Dick work?

2. Is it an old or a new building?

3. Does Dick like the building?

4. What's the matter with the building?

5. Where does Dick park?

6. Is the garage near the office?

7., Are there any stores in the building?

8. Is there a bank nearby?

9. Are there a lot of restaurants nearby?

10. Where does Dick eat lunch?

11. Is it near the office?

12. Does Dick like to go to the cafeteria?

C. Listen and repeat.

10:00 A.M. It's ten o'clock in the morning.

11 :1S A.M. It's eleven tifteen in the morning.

12:00 M. It's noon. D~


2: 20 P.M. It's two twenty in the afternoon.

3: 2S P.M. It's three twenty-five in the afternoon.

S: 10 P.M. It's five ten in the evening.

8: 3 O P.M. It's eight thirty in the evening.


11 :00 P.M. It's eleven o'clock in the evening.

It's eleven o'clock at night.

12: 00 P.M. It's midnight.

1:40 A.M. It's one torty in the morning.

It's one forty at night.

4: 1 S A.M. It's tour ffteen in the morning.

It's tour fifteen at night. /
D. Answer the question "What time is it?"

1. 10:00 A.M. 9. 7:05 P.M.

2. 10:40 A.M. 10. 8:30 P.M.

3. 11: 15 A.M. 11. 11 :00 P.M.

4. 12:00 M. 12. 12:00 P.M.

5. 1:30 P.M. ,13. 1:40 A.M.

6. 2:20 P.M. 14. 4: 15 A.M.

7. 3:25 P.M. 15. 6: 20 A.M.

8. 5: 10 P.M. 16. 8:55 A.M.

E. Dialogue.

Diane Wu lives in the same apartment building as loan Rossi and Tony

~ ~
4) 10

-0- *

TONY: Good moming.

DIANE: Oh, hi.
TONY: My name's Tony Martinez. I just moved into apartment 4B.
DIANE: Ves, I saw your car. I'm in 3A. My name's Diane Wu. You have a lot of
laundry there.
TONY: Well, when you move, you know. I need to get to a laundry.
DIANE: There are a washer and dryer down In the basement.
TONY: Oh, great! Say, is there a drugstore around he re too?
DIANE: Ves, right around the comer.
TONY: I need to get a lot of things. What about a grocery?
DIANE: There's a little store a block down the street.
TONY: No supermarket?
DIANE: No, there aren't any around here, but the little store has almost
TONY: Okay, thanks a loto
DIANE: You're welcome.

Iust is used with a past tense verb to indicate a
very recent past action.
Say can be used as an interjection, like oh or well. /
Structure and Pattern Practice

There is (There's) and There are are used to introduce expressions with ~+
an unidentified noun and a phrase giving location or place. Instead of
saying ,"A dock is on the wall," we say "There's a dock on the wall."
There's is used befare a singular noun and There are before a plural.
There's a bank around the comer.
There are sorne stares on the ground floor.

A. Complete with There's or There are.

There's a bank around the comer.

1. ' seven clerks in the office.
2. '~ a garage three blocks away.
3. _;___ __ ' ._ sorne cups in the kitchen.
4. ~r;-, ---..;=-_ sorne bread on the tableo
S. . ) a telephone on rny desk.


In questions, is and are come before there.

Is there any rnail this rnorning?
Are there any packages this morning?

B. Change to questions.

There's a cafeteri nearby. Is there a cateteria nearby?

1. There's a notebook in the top drawer.
2. There are a lot of stores on the ground floor.
There's a calendar on her desk.
There are three drawers in the desk.
Negatives are formed with There is and There are by placing not after is
or are.
There isn't any place to park.
There aren't any restaurants in the building.
There are two classes of nouns in English, count nouns and mass
nouns. Count nouns are those that can be counted: one letter, two
packages, three buildings, etc. Mass nouns refer to things we do not
usually count: mail, paper, money, cottee, etc.
Much is used only with mass nouns. Many is used only with plural
count nouns. Both are usually used only in negative sentences after a
There isn't much mail this morning.
There aren't many letters for Mr. Wilson.

C. Change to the negative. Use much or many.

There's a lot of mail this morning. There isn't much mail this morning.
1. There's a lot of paper on Dick's desk.
2. There are a lot of books on the tableo
3. There are a lot of stamns in the top dra~er.
4. There are a lot of trucks in the garage.
S. There's a lQt01 water in the glass.
6. There's a lot of bread on the tableo
7. There are a lot of pictures on the wall.
8. There are a iotof sentences on the chalkboard.
9. There's a Iot o coffee in the kitchen.
10. There's a lot of money in the bottom drawer.

Sorne and any are used with plural count nouns or rnass nouns. After
verbs, sorne is used in affirrnative sentences and any is used in negative
1have sorne coffee, but you don't have any coffee.
She has sorne envelopes, but 1don't have any envelopes.

D. Change to the affirmative.

There aren't any restaurants nearby. There are sorne restaurants nearby.
1. There aren't any people in the restaurant.
2. There isn't any paper on rny desk.
3. There aren't any rnagazines on the tableo
4. There isn't any rnilk in the kitchen.
5. There isn't any coffee in the cup.
6. There aren't any pens and pencils in the top drawer.
7. There isn't any rnoney in her purse.
8. There aren't any cornputers in the office.
9. There isn't any water on the floor.
10. There aren't any salesclerks in the store now.
11. There aren't any notebooks on the floor.
12. There aren't any students in the classroorn.
13. There isn't any bread in the kitchen.
14. There aren't any trucks in the garage.
15. There isn't any rnoney in his pocket.
16. There isn't any rnilk in the bottle.

Pronunciation and Intonation Practice
A. Repeat several times.

f as in [or: first, family, four, five, Friday, friend, trorn

v as in have: leave, Ive, arrive, of, eleven, very, twelve
w as in we: week, well, went, want, work
y as in yes: yet, you, your, year, young
h as in he: his, her, hello, have, house, horne, who, how

B. Listen and repeat.

There's a~ on the fioor.

There's a book on thelfloor.

1. There's sorne money on the desk.
There's sorne rnoney on the desk.
2. There's sorne water on the tableo
There's sorne water on the tableo
3. There's a cup on the desk.
There's a cup on the desk.
4. There's a pen on the tableo
There's a pen on the tableo
s. There's an apple in the kitchen.
There's an apple in the kitchen.

General Practice
Conversation. Give real answers to these questions and to others like
them that your teacher will ask.

What month is it?

How many months are there in ayear?
What day of the week is it?
How many days are there in a week?
How many students are there in the class?
Are many students absent today?
How many desks are there in the classroom?
How many windows are there in the classroom?
How many doors are there?
Are there any pictures on the wall?
How many books are there on your desk?
Are there any books on the floor?
Are there any notebooks on the floor?
Is there any paper on the floor?
Is there any money on your desk?


Reading and Oral Practice

A. Listen and repeat.

Does Dick have a vacation every year?

Yes, he has two weeks off.


1\ \ \1111
When does he take his vacation?
AUGUST He takes one week in the winter and one week in the
111\ \11

Why does he take a week in the winter?

Because he likes to go skiing.

Does he like any other winter sports?

Yes, he likes ice skating too.

Where does he go on his winter vacation?

He goes to a hotel in the mountains. )
Does it snow in the mountains?
Ves, it snows a lot there.

Does Dick go to the mountains in the summer too?

No, he usually goes to the beach.

Why does he go to the beach?

He likes tR go swimming.

What else does he like to do?

He likes to go sailing too.

Do his friends go to the beach too?

Yes, they like to go swimming too.

Do they stay in a hotel?

No, they drve back and forth every day.

Do they live a long way from the beach? )

No, they live near the beach. It's only a few minutes
B. Answer the questions.

1. Does Dick have a vacation every year?


1111111 \

2. When does he take his vacation?

1\\ \ 111I

3. Why does he take a week in the winter?

4. Does he like any other winter sports?

5. Where does he go on his winter vacation?

6. Does it snow in the mountains?

,,1 ,

7. Does Dick go to the mountains in the

summer too?

8. Why does he go to the beach?

I \

9. What else does he like to do?

10. Do his friends go to the beach too?

11. Do they stay in a hotel?

12. Do they live a long way from the beach? )


c. Listen and repeat.

Where does Dick live?

He lives near New York.

Is it hot or cold in New York in the winter?

It's cold in the winter.

[Innnll 11

What months ate very cold?
Ianuary, February, and Match are usually cold.

When does spring begin?

It begins late in March.

Is the weather hot or cold in the spring?

It's usually warm in the spring.

What are the spring months?

April, May, and june are the spring months. )
Is it hot or cold in the summer?
It's usually very hot in the summer.

What months are very hot?

Iuly, August, and September are usually hoto


111 When does fall begin?

It begins late in September.

What's another name for fall?

Autumn is another name for fallo

~ Is the weather hot or cold in the faH?
It's usarrycool in the fallo


NOVEMBER What are the fall months?

October and November are the fall months.


When does winter begin?

It begins late in December. i
D. Answer the questions.

1. Where does Dick live?

2. Is it hot or coId in New Yorkin the winter?

3. What months are very coId?

4. When does spring begin?

S. Is the weather hot or coId in the spring?

6. What are the spring months?

b~ ~

7. Is it hot or cold in the summer?

8. What months are very hot?


9. When does fall begin?

10. What's another name for fall?

11. Is the weather hot or cold in the fall?



12. What are the fall inonths?


13. When does winter begin? )

E. Dialogue.

SALLY: When do you take your winter vacation?

DICK: 1usually take it during the second or third week of ]anuary.
SALLY: Do you like to ski?
DICK: Ves, 1love to go skiing.
SALLY: Where do you go?
DICK: To a hotel in the mountains.
SALLY: Is it far from here?
DICK: It's about a hundred miles away.
SALLY: Does it get cold?
DICK: Oh, yes, very cold!
SALLY: Do you go alone?
DICK: A couple of my friends usually go with me. Do you want to come along
sorne weekend?
SALLY: No, not me. 1 don't like cold weather.
DICK: 1really like it. 1love snow!

A mile is an English measure of distance. A kilometer is

five-eighths of a mile.
Note that to get can be followed by an adjective.
It gets hot in New York in the summer.

The expression a couple of followed by a nOURrefers to two

things or people considered together.
Structure and Pattern Practice

The simple present tense is used for an action that is habitual or

customary or frequently repeated in the presento AH verbs except to be
use the simple or infinitive form, but in the third person singular,
s or es is added to the base formo
1begin we begin
you begin you begin
he begins }
she begins theybegin
it begins

The third person singular form of to have is has.

She has a new caro

A. Change I to she in these sentences.

1work in an office. She works in an office.
1. 1 go to the beach every summer.
2. 1 love to go skiing in February.
3. 1like-ice skating.
4. 1 stay at a hotel in the mountains.
S. 1drive back and forth every day.

B. Change he to they in these sentences.

He works in an office. They work in an ottice.

1. He has a small house.
2. He goes skiing -every winter.
3. He begins work at nine o'clock in the morning.
4. He comes to work by subway.
S. He eats lunch at noon every day.
Questions are formed by placing do or does before the subject. Do and
does are always followed by the simple (infinitive) form of the verbo
Do I begin ... ? Do we begin . . .?
Do you begin . . . ? Do you begin . . .?
Does he begin . . .? }
Does she begin ..? Do they begin . . .?
Does it begin . . .?

C. Change to questions.

He works in an office. Does he work in an ottice?
1. We see a lot of movies. (you)
2. She opens the office every morning.
3. He gets themail early in the morning.
4. I park on the street. (you)
s. It snows a lot in the winter.
6. He reads a book every week.
7. She has a big house.
8. They take the subway to work.

In questions with question words, the question word comes before do

or does. .
When do we begin a new lesson?
Where does he go in the winter?

D. Change to questions. Use the question words indicated.

They stay in a small hotel. (where) Where do they stay?

1. I study accounting. (what) (you)
2. She gets up at seven o'clock. (what time)
3. He gets themail in the morning. (when)
4. He eats lunch at a cafeteria. (where) ,
5. Fifteen students attend the class every day. (how many)
6. 1see my family on the weekend. (when) (you)
7. He comes to work by car. (how)
8. He writes twenty letters every day. (how many)

Negatives are formed by placing don't or doesn't before the main verbo
These contracted forms of do not and does not are generally used both
in speech and in writing. They are always followed by the simple form
of the main verbo
1don't begin ... We don't begin . . .
You don't begin . . You don't begin . . .
He doesn't begin . . . }
She doesn't begin . They don't begin . . .
It doesn't begin . . .

E. Change to the negative.

:tUI a'.
He works in an office. He doesn't work in an office.
1. She goes to the store every morning.
2. March follows Ianuary.
3. 1have three sisters. -
4. She does her homework in the morning.
5. We hurry to classevery morning.
6. 1like ice skating.
7. She writes letters for the manager.
8. The workday ends at three o'clock.
9. They study accounting.
10. He parks in a garage.
Pronunciation and Intonation Practice
A. Repeat several times.

k as in clock: like, talk, take, walk, look, come

g as in big: girl, begin, get, got, good
1 as in Uve: leave, late, long, like, lawyer, last, alone
r as in red: rest, room, read, write, arrive, around

B. Listen and repeat.

1. He talks a loto
2. He eats a loto
3. She works a loto
4. They ski a loto
s. We study a loto

c. Listen and repeat.

Do you like to Istudy?

1. Do they have a small house?

2. Do they stay at a hotel?
3. Does she work here?
4. Does he drive to work?
S. Do you take a winter vacation?

D. Listen and repeat.

Where do youreat?
1. What does he read?
2. When do es he leave?
3. When does the bus arrive?
4. What time does the class end?
S. What time does the store open?
General Practice
Conversation. Give real answers to these questions and to others Iike
them that your teacher will ask.

Where do you live?

What time do you get up?
What time do you leave home?
How do you come to school?
Does school begin at ?
Do you have English days a week?
Do you eat lunch at ?
Where do you eat lunch?
Does school end at ?
What time do you usually get home?
Where do you eat dinner?
What do you usually do in the evening?
What kind of weather do you like?
What kind of sport s do you like?
In what month does school usually begin?
In what month does school usually end?
F o U R

Reading and Oral Practice

A. Listen and repeat.

What did Michael do last year?

He attended college last year.

Did he have his final exams in May?

No, he didn't have his final exams in May. He had his
final exams the first week of ]une.

Where did he go after the exams?

He went home for the summer.

What did he do there?

He got a summer job in a gas station.

What did he do at work?

He pumped gas.
What else did he do?
He checked the oil.

What else did he do?

He cleaned windshields.

Did he do anything else?

He put air in the tires.

How much money did he make during the summer?

He made a few hundred dollars.

Did he spend his money?

No, he didn't spend his money. He put it in the bank.

What did he use it for?

He used it for his college tuition.
Three irregular verbs are introduced in this lesson: to make, past tense
made; to put, past tense put; and to spend,
past tense spent.
He makes a little money every summer.
He made a lot of money last summer.
She always puts her money in the bank.
She put sorne money in the bank last week.
She usually spends the summer in the mountains.
She spent a lot of money last summer.

Note especially that in English, one spends both time and money.
Gas is a short form for gasoline.
Exam is a short form for examination.

B. Answer the questions.

1. What did Michael do last year?

2. Did he have his final exams in May?

3. Where did he go after the exams?

4. What did he do there?

s. What did he do at work?

6. What else did he do?


7. What else did he do?

8. Did he do anything else?

9. How much money did he make during the


10. Did he spend his money?

11. What did he use it for?

c. Listen and repeat.
How's the weather today?
It's sunny today.

Is it hot or cold?
<, \ / It isn't hot or cold; it's warm.
--0--- Is it a pleasant day?
1\"'- It's a very pleasant day.

What season is it now?

SUNDAY It's spring.

How's the weather today?

It's cloudy.

Is it hot or cold?
It isn't hot or cold; it's cool.

Is it raining?
It's raining a little.

Is it a nice day?
No, it isn't a ni ce day at all.

How's the weather today?

It's warm and sunny again.

Is it a nc day?
Ves,it's a very nice day.

Note that sentences about the weather have it as

the subject.
It's sunny today.
It's very warm too.
It's a pleasant day.
D. Answer the questions.

1. What day is it?

2. How's the weather today? "- \ /
Is it hot or cold?
Is it a pleasant day?
S. What season is it now? /\~


6. What day is it?

7. How's the weather today?
8. Is it hot or cold?
9. Is it raining?
10. Is it a nice day?

<, \ /
11. What day is it?
12. How's the weather today?
13. Is it a nice day?
E. Dialogue .

lOAN: How did you catch that cold?

DICK: 1had a date last night.
lOAN: A date usually doesn't make you sick.
DICK: It did last night. You know my car?
JOAN: Ves,1know it. It's a wreck.
DICK: It didn't even get me to Vanessa's house last night.
lOAN: What happened?
DICK: 1had a flat tire two blocks from my place.
lOAN: Well, it sn't too hard to change a tire.
DICK: But then it began to rain.
lOAN: Oh, that's rght, it did rain last night.
DICK: It didn't just rain, it poured.
lOAN: So what did you do?
DICK: 1just left the car and walked home.
lOAN: And what did Vanessa say about that?
DICK: Oh, she understands about my car.

To catch is an irregular verboThe past tense form is caught.

We catch a bus at this comer every morning.
She caught a cold last week.

To understand is also an irregular verboThe past tense form is

She understands all about his car.
He understood the lesson yesterday.
Structure and Pattern Practice

The simple past tense is used for a completed action in the pasto
Regular verbs add d or ed to the simple form of the verb to form the
past tense.
arrive arrived attend attended

The same form is used for all persons.

1arrived we arrived
you arrived you arrived
he arrived }
she arrived they arrived
it arrived

A number of verbs already introduced have irregular past tense forms

that must be memorized.
begin - began go-went say - said
catch - caught have-had see- saw
come-carne know-knew spend - spent
do-did leave -left swim-swam
drive - drove make-made take - took
eat - ate meet-met understand - understood
get - got put-put write - wrote
give - gave read - read

A. Change to the past tense.

He attends college. He attended college.

1. He put' the stamps on the desk.
2. We spend the summer at school.
3. 1work during the summer.
4. The class begns at nine o'clock.
5. You make a little money during the summer.
6. She stays home on Wednesday.
7. They want to study accounting.
8. 1take a bus to work.
, Both questions and negatives are formed with the auxiliary verb did.
Did he arrive on the third of May?
He didn't arrive on the third of May.

The contracted form didn't, for did not, is commonly used both in
speech and writing.

Did and didn't are always foHowed by the simple or infinitive form of
the verbo

B. Change to questions.

He worked during the summer. Did he work during the summer?

1. He took the packages to the store yesterday.
2. 1 studied programming last year. (you)
3. We copied the new sentences yesterday. (you)
4. He spent all his money.
5. She did all the homework last night.
6. They got back to school in September.
7. He put gas in a lot of cars last summer.
. 8. We had our final exams the last week of May. (you)

C. Change to questions. Use the question words indicated.

He worked at a filling station. (where) Where did he work?
1. It rained a lot during April. (when)
2. They got to school at seven o'clock. (what time)
3. Twenty students attended the class. (how many)
4. She went to the mountains with her family. (where)
5. It snowed last Wednesday. (when)
6. 1carne to school by caro(how) (you)
7. We began anew lesson last Monday. (when) (you)
8. They ate lunch at a restaurant. (where)
D. Change to the negative.

I talked to the teacher. 1 didn 't talk to the teacher.
1. He used the money for his tuition.
2. We took a bus to the city.
3. She saw her family last summer.
4. He put air in the tires.
S. He checked the oil.
6. I got a flat tire.
7. They watched television last night.
8. He washed the windshield.

Pronunciation and Intonation Practice

A. Repeat several times.

a as in day: late, they, take, name, mail, stay, eight, say

ias in time: I'm, my, by, five, nine, drive, night, why
o as in no: coat, go, home, so, alone, old, cold, open
a as in all: wall, small, walk, talk, office, fall
ow as in now: how, about, house, accounting, count
ou as in you: new, school, who, two, do, noon, room
00 as in book: good, look, put

B. Listen and repeat.

!!l di1n't rain today.

1. She walked to work yesterday. She didn't walk to work today.

2. I worked last summer. I didn't work this summer.
3. They rested yesterday. They didn't rest today.
4. We studied yesterday. We didn't study today.
S. He drove to work yesterday. He didn't drive to work today.
General Practice
A. Answer the questions.

1. Is it cold in New York in january or in


2. Is Ianuary a summer month or a winter


3. Is it hot in New York in February or in


4. Is August a summer month or a winter


5. Is it warm in New York in April or in Iuly?

6. Is April a spring month or a fall month?

7. Is it eool in New York in Oetober or in

8. Is Oetober a spring month or a fall month?

9. What's another name for fall?


10. What's the first month of the year? liI

B. Conversation. Your teacher will ask you to perform actions like the
ones below and then ask you questions to which you should give real

PIease put your book on desk.

Did you put your book on desk?
Please write your name on the ehalkboard.
Did you write your name in your book?
Please walk to the door,
Did you walk to the window?
Please give your peneil to _
Did you give your peneil to ?
Please show your notebook.
Did you show your peneil?

Structure and Pattern Practice

A. Change to the simple present tense.

He worked at a gas station. He works at a gas station.

1. He used the money for his tuition.
2. She ate a big breakfast.
3. 1 parked in a garage.
4. They went to the beach.
5. The dass began at nine o'dock.

B. Change to the simple past tense.

-He makes a little money. He made a little money.
1. She wants to go sailing.
2. He checks the oil.
3. We cop}Y11:)e
sentences from t~e chalkboard.
4. 1 study computer programming.
5. You rest on Sunday.

C. Change I to she in these sentences.

1 like to go swimming. She likes to go swimming.

1. 1 spend the summer at the beach.
2. 1 put the money in the bank.
3. 1 take a bus to work.
4. 1 get up at six o'dock.
5. 1 dean the apartment on Saturday.
D. Change te questiens.

He used the money for his tuition. Vid he use the money [or his tuition?
1. ~1leunderstood the lesson.
"-2. He's sick today.
3. They have a computer in the office.
4. She gave the package to the manager.
5. There's a bank near the office.
6. She has a computer at home.

E. Change te questiens using the questien werd indicated in parentheses.

He worked at a gas station. (where) Where did he work?
1. He worked at a gas station last summer. (when)
2. She put the stamps in the top drawer. (where)
3. 1made a little money last summer. (how much) (you)
4. There are eleven students in the class. (how many)
5. She excused'thern at four o'dock. (what time)!
6. There are a lot of magazines on the tableo (how many)

F. Change te the negative.

He's in his office. He's not in his otce.
1. 1park in a garage.
2. It's a new building.
3. She eats lunch at home.
4. He went to the bank.
5. We drive back and forth every weekend.
6. She takes her vacation in the winter.
7. She's on vacation this week.
8. 1got a summer jobo
G. Change to the negative. Remember to change sorne to anyand a lot of
to much or many, whichever is appropriate.

We eat a lot of bread. We don 't eat much bread.

1. There's a lot of mail this morning.

2. His assistant has sorne envelopes.
3. They used a lot of paper last week.
4. There are sorne stores on the ground floor.
5. We have a lot of time for lunch.
6. 1 saw sorne envelopes.
7. We have a lot of laundry to do.
8. They used a lot of stamps last month.
9. He spent a lot of money last summer.
10. She wrote a lot of sentences on the chalkboard.

General Practice
A. Answer the questions.

1. What's the last rnonth of the year?


2. What rnonth follows April?


3. What month comes after October?

4. Is it cloudy ar sunny today?

B. Canversatian. Give real answers to these questians and to athers like

them that yaur teacher will ask.

How many days a week da you have school?

Is today ?
What time is it naw?
Haw's the weather taday?
Did it rain yesterday?
Did it snaw yesterday?
Is this month ?
Haw many students are there in the class?
Are many students absent taday?
What time does school begin?
What time did you arrive at school taday?
What time did you get up?
What time da you usually get up?
What time da you usually leave hame?
What time did you leave home taday?
Where did you eat dinner last night?
Where da you usually eat dinner?
What did you da yesterday evening?
What da you usually da -n the evening?
-- -,


~-{L'/; '_'~-4' ."


Reading and Oral Practice

A. Listen and repeat.
What's Tony doing?
He's doing his chores.

What time is it?

It's ten o'dock on Saturday moming.

Where is he now?
He's in the laundry room down in the basement.

What's he doing with his laundry?

He's taking it out of the washer and putting it
in the dryer. .

What's [oan doing?

She's leaving the building.
Where is she going?
She's going downtown to shop.

What's she wearing?

She's wearing a coat.

What's she carrying?

She's carrying an umbrella.

What kind of day is it?

It's cold, and it looks like rain.

Where does Bill Morrissey live?

He lives in apartment 3D.

What does he like to do?

He likes to sleep late on Saturday.

What's he doing now?

He's just getting out of bed.
To wear and to sleep are irregular verbs. The past
tense forms are wore and slept.
She wore a coat yesterday.
He slept late last Saturday.

In the expression look like, like is a preposition

and is therefore followed by a noun.
It looks like a cold day.

B. Answer the questions.

1. What's Tony doing?

[]~ /1"
2. What time is it?

3. Where is he now?

4. What's he doing with his laundry?

5. What's Ioan doing?

6. Where is she going?

7. What's she wearing?

8. What's she carrying?

9. What kind of day is it?

10. Where does Bill Morrissey live?

11. What does he like to do?

12. What's he doing now?

c. Listen and repeat.
JANUARY What's the first month of the year?
january is the first month of the year.
FEBRUARY What's the second month?
February is the second month.
What's the third month?
March is the third month.
What's the fourth month?
April is the fourth month.
I I I I I I I I What's the fifth month?
May is the fifth month.
I I I I I I I I What's the sixth month?
Iune is the sixth month.
I I I I I I I I What's the seventh month?
JULY july is the seventh month.

I I I I I I I I What's the eighth month?

AUGUST August is the eghth month.

I I I I I I I I What's the ninth month?

SEPTEMBER September is the ninth month.

I I I I I I I I What's the tenth month?

October is the tenth month.

What's the eleventh month?

I I I I I I I I November is the eleventh month.

I I I I I I I I What's the twelfth month?

December is the twelfth month.

What's the last month of the year?
December is the last month of the year.

Pirst, second, third, fourth, and so on, are known as ordinal numbers
because they give the numerical order in which something occurs.
Note that the first three are irregular. Note also the spelling of eightn
and the change from ve to fin five-fifth and twelve-twelfth.
D. Answer the questions.
1. What's the first month of the year? JANUARY

2. Is it usually hot or cold in Ianuary? I I I I I I I I

3. What's the second month?
4. What's the third month?
5. What's the fourth month? APR,IL

6. What's the fifth month? I I I I I I I I

7. What's the sixth month?
8. What's the seventh month? JUNE

9. Is it usually hot or cold in july?

10. What's the eighth month?
11. What's the ninth month?
12. In what month does school
usually begin?
13. What's the tenth month? OCTOBER

14. What's the eleventh month? I I I I I I I I

15. What's the twelfth month?
16. What's the last month of the year? DECEMBER

17. When does winter begin?

E. Dialogue.

MIKE: Hey, look at that man! He's climbing that tree!

LINDA: It's all right, Mike, it's all right.
MIKE: What's going on? What are all these people doing here? Why is that
guy climbing the tree?
LINDA: He's trying to get that ball out of the tree.
MIKE: What ball?
LINDA: Up there, see it?
MIKE: Oh, yeah. How did it get way up there?
LINDA: One of those children threw it.
MIKE: Hey, watch out! He's slipping!
LINDA: No, he's all right. He's just reaching for the ball.
MIKE: Look! He's waving his hand! He's got it!
LINDA: Well, thank goodness that's over.
MIKE: Where are you going now?
LINDA: Home. That really scared me.

Rey is an interjection used to try to get someone's attention.

Yeah is a common colloquial expression for yeso
Children is the irregular plural of the noun child.

Threw is the past tense form of the irregular verb to throw.

Over is used here in the sense of [inished.
Structure and Pattern Practice

The present continuous, or present pr_?gressive, is

used 'for an action that is going on now, at the
present momento The present continuous is
formed with the present of to be and the present
participle (the -ing form) of the verbo
1am hurrying. You are hurrying.

The contracted forms are generally used in

I'm carrying we're carrying
you're carrying you're carrying
he's carrying }
she's carrying they're carrying
it's carrying

The present participle is formed by adding ing to

the basic form of the verbo If the verb ends in
silent e, the e is dropped.
go-going study-studying live-living

A. Change to the present continuous. Change every day to now.

1drive to the city every day. I'm driving to the city now.
1. She studies history every day.
2. He checks themail every day.
3. The clerks come in every day.
4. She carries an umbrella every day.
S. 1 shop for groceries every day.
6. They have lunch at this restaurant every day.
7. He wears a coat every day.
8. We study the lesson every day.
B. Change to the simple present tense. Change nowto_every day.

I'rn driving to the city now. 1 drive to the city every day.
1. We'~e having an English class now.
2. She's eating dinner at home now.
3. He's walking to school now.
4. He) taking themail around to the offices now.
S. I'm doing my homework now.
6. I'~working in the office now.
7. She s studying accounting now.
8. They'se watching television now.

Questions are formed by placing the form of to be before the subject.

Am I starting . . . ?
Are you starting . . .?
Is he starting . . .? }
Are w~ startng . . . ?
-Are you starting . . . ?

Is she starting . . .? Are they starting .?

Is it starting . . .?

C. Change to questions.

I'm driving to the city now. (you), Are you driving to the city now?
1. They're staying home this evening.
2. He's wearing his coat today.
3. They're writing on the chalkboard now.
4. It's raining today.
S. He's walking to the bank now.
6. We're finishing our homework now. (you)
7. Th~ typists are having lunch now.
8. She's putting stamps on the letters.
Pronunciation and Intonation Practice
A. Listen and repeat.

we'relstudring now. We study everyfday.

1. I'm working now. 1 work every day.

2. They're reading now. They read every day.
3. He's writing now. He writes every day.

B. Repeat several times.

i as in pin e as inpen
bit bet
tin ten
till tell
will well
bid bed

General Practice
Conversation. Yourteacher willask you some questions and willalso
ask you jo perform actions likethe ones below and then ask you
questions about them. Give real answers to all the questions.

What book are we studying this year?

What book did we study last year?
What lesson are we studying this week?
What lesson did we study last week?
Walk around the room.
What are you doing? What did you do?
Write a sentence on the chalkboard.
What are you doing? What did you do?
Copy the senten ce in your notebook.
What are you doing? What did you do?
S .E V E N

Reading and Oral Practice

A. Listen and repeat.

Is Diek taking a bus to work?

No, he's driving to work.

What's he doing now?

He's listening to his ear radio.

Why is he listening to his radio?

Beeause he wants to hear the traffie and weather

Is there a lot of traffie this morning?

There's a lot of traffie every morning.

What's Diek doing now?

He's stopping for a red light.

What's the police officer doing? .
He's directing the traffie.

Is he motioning the drivers to wait?

No, he isn't motioning them to wait. He's motioning
them to go ahead.

Why are the drivers blowing their horns?

Because they're in a hurry.

Why is the traffic so bad today?

Because it's raining.

What's Dick doing now?

He's looking for a place to park his car.

Is it easy to find a parking place?

No, it isn't easy to find a parking place. It's very
To hear, to blow, and to [tnd are irregular verbs.
He hears the weather report every day.
He heard the weather report yesterday.
She blows the horn at every comer.
She blew the horn at the last comer.
1 find a place to park every morning.
1found a place to park yesterday morning.

B. Answer the questions.

1. Is Dick taking a bus to work?

2. What's he doing now?

3. Why is he lstenng to his radio?

4. Is there a lot of traffic this morning?

S. What's Dick doing now?

6. What's the police officer doing?

7. Is he motioning the drivers to wait?

8. Why are the drivers blowing their horns?

9. Why is the traffic so bad today?

10. What's Dick doing now?

11. Is it easy to find a parking place?

c. Listen and repeat.
'~ "'"'

What's the date today?

12 It's the twelfth of Iuly,


20 What's the date today?

It's the twentieth of Ianuary.


31 What's the date today?

It's the thrty-frst of December.

14 What's the date today?

It's the fourteenth of May.


23 What's the date today?

It's the twenty-third of February.

{'tl "

17 What's the date today?

It's the seventeenth of October.

~""" ~~
6 What's the date today?
It's the sixth of june,

D. Answer the questions.

1. What's the date today?

2. What's the date today?

3. What's the date today? 31


4. What's the date today? 14


5. What's the date today? . 23


6. What's the date today? 17

7. What's the date today? 6

E. Dialogue.

MAN: What are you doing?

DICK: I'm parking my car here.
MAN: No, I'm sorry, that isn't possible.
DICK: Why not? 1 don't see a "No Parking" signo
MAN: This is my parking place.
DICK: 1don't see a sign with your name.
MAN: 1park he re every day.
DICK: Well, I'm pJT .ng he re today.
MAN: Why don't you look for another place?
DICK: Because there's a place here.
MAN: But it's my place!
DICK: Not today. I'm not moving my car.
MAN: There's a garage around the cornero
DICK: Good. You go and park there.

Sorry is the customary expression of regret.

Structure and Pattern Practice

The negative for the present continuous is formed

by placing not after the form of to be.
1am not driving to work.
He is not going with uso
We are not waiting for him.

Note the contracted forms isn't and aren't. There

is no contraction for am not.
I'm not waiting we aren't waiting
yau aren't waiting you aren't waiting
he isn't waiting }
she sn't waiting they aren't waiting
it sn't waiting

A. Change to the negative. Use the contracted forms isn't and aren't
when possible. .

He's looking for a parking place. He isn't looking [or a parking place.
1. The class is starting now.
2. He's attending college.
3. We're studying accounting.
4. I'm listening to the car radio.
S. They're watching television.
6. You're putting the books on the floor.
7. We're copying the new words in our notebooks.
8. She's talking to the professor.
9. I'm wearing a coat today.
10. The bus is stopping at the comer.
8. Change to the affirmative.

He isn't looking for a parking place. He's looking [or a parking place.
1. You aren't studying history.
2. They aren't putting their notebooks on the floor.
3. We aren't beginning Lesson 12 this week.
4. You aren't assigning a lot of homework.
5. We aren't copying the sentences in our books.
6. I'm not putting the stamp on the letter.
7. The drivers aren't blowing their horns.
8. He isn't taking the subway to work this week.
9. The bus isn't leaving.
10. We aren't looking for our notebooks.

Forms such as you aren't and he isn't can be used

freely as alternatives to the forms you're not,
he's not, etc., which were presented earlier.
we're not cold = we aren't cold
he's not working = he isn't working

C. Change to a different contracted form when possible.

He's not moving his car today. He isn't moving his car today.
1. We're not studying Lesson 5 this week.
2. It's not raining today.
3. I'm not driving to the city today.
4. They're not stopping for the red light.
5. You're not parking in my place.
6. She's not writing the sentences in her notebook.
7. It's not cloudy today.
8. She's not a doctor.
Pronunciation and Intonation Practice
A. Listen and repeat.

He's taking thelb'us.
1. She's opening the letters. She isn't opening the paekages.
2. We're eopying the sentenees. We aren't eopying the new words.
3. They're moving the tableo They aren't moving the desk.

B. Repeat several times.

e as in men a as in man
bet bat
set sat
bed bad
pen pan
beek baek

General Practice
Conversation. Yourteacher willask you to perform actions like the
ones below and then ask you questions about them. Give real answers
to the questions.

Walk around the desk.

Are you walking to the window?
Write a sentenee on the ehalkboard.
Are you writing in your notebook?
Copy the sentenee in your notebook.
Are you eopying the sentenee in your book?
Look at page 70 in your book.
Are you looking at page 72?
Show your peneil.
Are you showing your book?

Reading and Oral Practice

A. Listen and repeat.

What are we going to have soon?

We're' going to have a long weekend soon.

NON , \'

What's Monday going to be?
It's going to be a holiday .

What kind of week did [oan have?
She had a very busy week.

What's she going to do over the weekend?

She's going to stay horne and rest over the weekend.

What's Bill Morrissey going to do?

He's gong to visit sorne friends.
Where do his friends live?
They live out in the country.

What does Billlike to do?

He likes to get out of the city.

What does he want to do in the country?

He wants to get sorne fresh airo

What's he going to do?

He's going to play tennis and go swirnrning.

What does Tony want to do?

He wants to stay in the city.

What's he going to do?

He's going to have fun every night.

How is he going to have fun?

He's going to rnake a date and go dancing every night.
B. Answer the luestions.

1. What are we going to have soon?

MON , \'

2. What's Monday going to be?

3. What kind of week did Ioan have?

4. What's she going to do over the weekend?

s. What's Bill Morrissey going to do?

6. Where do his friends live?

7. What does Billlike to do?

\ 1 /

~O -

8. What does he want to do in the country?

9. What's he going to do?

10. What does Tony want to do?

11. What's he going to do?

12. How is he going to have fun?

C. Listen and repeat.

r-r-r-: __ ....,1 MONDAY'
What's the date today?
Y' 17 The date today is june sixteenth.
What's the date going to be tomorrow?
JUNE The date tomorrow is going to be Iune seventeenth.


Is today August thirtieth?
No, today sn't August thirtieth. It's August


Is today May thirteenth?
No, today isn't May thirteenth. It's May twelfth.


Is there a holiday this month?
Ves,there's a holiday on September third.

\ J ,

Is there a holiday this month?
Ves,there's a holiday on October twelfth.

Is there a holiday this month?

There are two holidays this month. There's a holiday
on November eleventh. There's another holiday on
November twenty-eighth.
D. Answer the questions.

1. What's the date today?



2. What's the date going to be tomorrow?



3. Is today August thirtieth?



4. Is today May thirteenth?



5. Is there a holiday this month?



6. Is there a holiday this month?


7. Is there a holiday this month?

E. Dialogue.

TONY: There's going to be a holiday on Monday.

lOAN: Yes, I know.
TONY: Do you have any plans?
lOAN: Not really. I had a busy week. I'm just going to stay home and resto
TONY: That doesn't sound like much fun.
lOAN: What are you going to do?
TONY: I'm going to a party Friday and dance all night.
lOAN: Then are you going to sleep all day Saturday?
TONY: Not me! I'm gong to play ball Saturday morning.
lOAN: .And Saturday night?
TONY: I'm going to try out that new disco downtown.
lOAN: And Sunday? And Monday?
TONY: I'm going to be busy every day. Every night tOO.
lOAN: It certainly sounds like fun - too much fun maybe.
Structure and Pattern Practice

One way of expressing the future in English is with the phrase to be

goingto followed by the basic form of the verbo
We're going to begin a new lesson tomorrow.
The word going in such sen ten ces does not indicate movement or
motion but simply indicates future time.

A. Change to the going lo future. Change every day to tomorrow.

I gJH'llifll:W
She leaves early every day. She's gOng to teave early tomorrow.
1. He visits his friends every day.
2. I write a 10t of letters every day.
3. They rest every day.
4. He hurries to work every day.
s. We attend school every day.
6. The class begns at nine o'clock every day.
7. She takes a bus to the city every day.
8. They study English every day.

B. Change to the going lo future. Change nowto tomorrow.

She's studying English now. She's gOng to study English tomotrow.

1. It's raining now.
2. They're starting a new lesson now.
3. He's 100J.\1ing
for a job now. '
4. I'm copyng the sentences in my notebook now.
S. He's meeting his friends now.
6. She's playing tennis now.
7. We're putting air in the tires now.
8. You're writing a letter now.

Questions are formed by placing the form of to be before the subject.

Is he going to stay home this weekend?
Are they going to have an exam on Monday?

C. Change to questions.

He's going to stay home this weekend. 15 he going to stay home this weekend?
1. We're going to listen to the radio. (you)
2. She's going to stop at the comer.
3. I'm going to drive to the city tomorrow. (you)
4. It's going to be cold tomorrow.
S. She's going to walk to the bank.
6. I'm going to park my car here. (you)
7. They're going to have fun over the weekend.

Negatives are formed by placing not after the form of to be.

They're not going to watch television.
He sn't going to visit his friends this weekend.

D. Change to the negative. Use the contracted forms isn't and aren't
when possible.

She's going to stop at the bank. She isn't going to stop at the bank.
1. You're going to find a parking place near the office.
2. She's going to open the package.
3. I'm going to talk to the professor tomorrow.
4. We're going to take chemistry next year.
S. I'm going to move my caro
6. We're going to listen to the weather reporto
7. There's going to be a holiday next week.
Pronunciation and Intonation Practice
A. Listen and repeat.

They're going t0F04tomorrow.

1. It's going to rain tomorrow.

2. We're going to study tomorrow.
3. She's going to rest tomorrow.
4. He's going to sleep tomorrow.
S. They're going to ski tomorrow.

B. Repeat several times.

i as in bit e as in bet a as in bat

sit set sat
bid bed bad
hid head had
tin ten tan
fin fen fan

General Practice
Conversation. Give real answers to these questions and to others like
them that your teacher will ask.

What time are you going to leave school today?

Where are you going after school?
How are you going to go home?
Where are you going to have dinner?
What are you going to do this evening?
What time are you going to get up tomorrow?
What time is school going to begin tomorrow?
What are you going to study tomorrow?
What time are you going to have lunch?
What are you going to eat for lunch?
When are you going to have a vacation?
What's the date today?
What's the date going to be tomorrow?

Reading and Oral Practice

A. Listen and repeat.

What evening was it?

It was Friday evening.

Why did Tony look in the refrigerator for something

to eat?
Because he was very hungry.

What was there in the refrigerator?

There was a loaf of bread, but it was stale.

What was there to drink? -

There wasn't anything to drink.

What did Tony decide to do?

He decided to go to the little store down the street.
What time was it when he got there?
It was after nine o'clock when he got there.

How was the store?

It was still crowded.

How were the shelves?

They were almost empty.

What do a lot of men and women do on Friday

They do their shopping for the week on Friday

Where did Tony finally decide to eat?

He finally decided to eat at the fast food place next

What did he have?

He had a hamburger, French fries, and a soft drink.

Was it a healthy meal?

No, it wasn't healthy at all.
English uses a form of to be and an adjective to express the ideas of
hunger and thirst.
1was very hungry. 1needed something to eat.
1was thirsty too. 1wanted a drink.

To drink is an irregular verboThe past tense form is drank.

That child drinks a 10t of milk.

She drank up all the milk in the house yesterday.

Men and women are the irregular p1ura1sfor man and woman.

B. Answer the questions.

1. What evening was it?

2. Why did Tony 100k in the refrigerator for

something to eat?

3. What was there in the refrigerator?

4. What was there to drink?

S. What did Tony decide to do?

6. What time was it when he got there?

7. How was the store?

8. How were the shelves?

9. What do a lot of men and women do

on Friday evening?

10. Where did Tony finally decide to eat?

11. What did he have?

12. Was it a healthy meal?

c. Listen and repeat.
How old is he?
He's twenty years old,
When was he born?
He was born in 1970.
When is his birthday?
His birthday is March seventh.

How old is she?

She's sixteen years old.
When was she born?
She was born in 1974.
JULY 23,
/q74 When is her birthday?
Her birthday is Iuly twenty-third.

How old is this woman?

She's thirty-two years old.
When was she born?
APRIL 12.,
She was born in 1958.
/QSB When is her birthday?
Her birthday is April twelfth.

How old is this man?

He's forty-five years old.
When was he born?
He was born in 1945.
/q45 When is his birthday?
His birthday is September twenty-ninth.

Note the verb to be born. Was or were is usually

used before born.
1was born in 1968.
They were born in 1970.
D. Answer the questions

1. Wh
How old is h e.'"' MARC.H 1
Wh:n ~as. he born? tQ70 '
n IS his birthday?

2. How old is she? BORN:

When w . IG74
When as she born?
IS her birthda y.'"'

Ho wo 1d is .thiIS woma
3 . Wh '"' BORN:
en was h n. q5B '
When . s e born?
IS her birthda y.'"' .

4. How old is thiIS man? BORN:

Wh enw h . SEPTEMBER
q45 2Q.
Whe . as. e born?
. n IS his birthday?

s. How old are you?

en were
When . you born?
IS your birthday?

E. Dialogue.

Donna is a student in Dick's computer programming class.

DONNA: Good evening, Dick.

DICK: Hello, Donna. How was the lecture last night?
DONNA: It was important. Interesting too. Where were you?
DICK: 1 stayed home. 1 was very tired. 1was a little sick.
DONNA: What was the matter? ,,-
DICK: 1 had a cold, 1guess. 1coughed and 1 sneezed all night.
DONNA: That's too bad, but you soundall right today.
DICK: 1took a lttle cough medicine and a few vitamin pills and
went to bed.
DONNA: A lot of people have colds at this time of year.
DICK: Did anybody else miss the lecture?
DONNA: Yes, a few other students were absent.
DICK: Did you take any notes?
DONNA: Yes, 1 did.
DICK: Oh, good! Please show them to me before class.
Structure and Pattern Practice

Was and were are the past tense forms of to be.

1was we were
you were you were
he was }
she was they were
it was

A. Change to the past tense.

1am very tired. 1 was very tired.
1. Three of the typists are absent.
Z. There's a lot of mail today.
3. There are 'a Iot of packages on the floor.
4. You're late this morning.
5. She's very busy today.
6. It's cold and cloudy this morning.

Negatives are formed with was not (wasn't) and were not (weren't). The
contractions are almost always used in both conversation and writing.
Questions are formed by putting was or w~re before the subject.
1wasn't absent yesterday. Were the lectures interesting?

B. Change to questions.

He was very tired. Wcts he very tired?

1. The bus was late.
Z. The lecture was very important.
3. Mary was sick yesterday.
4. There were a lot-of letters for the manager.
5. That book was interesting.
6. He was born in 1972.
Was and were are also used in sentences beginning with there.
Was there a lot of mail?
Yes, there was a lot of mail.
Were there a lot of letters?
Yes, there were a lot of letters.

Remember that rnuch is used with mass nouns and many is used with
plural count nouns. They are not commonly used after verbs in
affirmative sentences.
There was a lot of homework last night.
There wasn't much homework last night.
There were a lot of students in the classroom.
There weren't many students in the classroom.

Remember also that sorne is used after verbs in affirmative sentences

and any is used in negative sentences.
1took sorne cough medicine.
1didn't take any cough medicine.

C. Change to the negative. Use much, many, or any when appropriate.

There were sorne books on the floor. There weren't any books on the {loor.
1. There were a lot of people in the cafeteria.
2. There was a lot of paper in the desk.
3. There was sorne coffee in the cup.
4. There were sorne new clerks in the office.
S. There were sorne place s to park near the office.
6. There was a lot of traffic this morning.
7. There were a lot of keys on the tableo
8. There were a lot of cars on the street.
9. There was a lot of mail yesterday.
10. There was sorne water on the floor.
A little is used with mass nouns and also with adjectves. A [ew is used
with plural count nouns.
There was a little paper on the desk.
She was a little sick yesterday.
There were a [ew stamps in the top drawer.

D. Complete these sentences with a little or a few, whichever is


a little
There was _ __::::_:=-=----_ paper in the top drawer.
1. There were ___ envelopes in the desk.
2. There were _____ students absent last night.
3. There was _____ oil in the car.
4. There were ----- coats on the chair.
S. There was _____ coffee in the cupo
6. There was ___ bread on the tableo

Anybody and nobody are impersonal or indefinite pronouns. Nobody is

a negative. Note that not does not occur in the same sentences as
Did anybody help him?
Nobody helped him.

E. Answer these questions with nobody

Did anybody help Dick? Nobody helped Dick.

1. Did anybody watch television last night?
2. Dd anybody walk to work? .
3. Did anybody get to work early?
4. Did anybody see that new movie?
S. Did anybody get sick this week?
Pronunciation and Intonation Practice

Sorne of the negative contractions are pronounced as one syllable and

sorne are pronounced as two syllables.

A. Repeat several times.

One syllable Two syllables

aren't is - n't
weren't was - n't
don't does - n't
did - n't

B. Listen and repeat.

He was very[tired.

1. The room was very srnall.

2. The lecture was very irnportant.
3. We were very busy.
4. She was very thirsty.
S. The lesson was very difficult.

c. Repeat several times.

a as in hat o as in hot
cat cot
had hod
rnad rnod
tap top
cap cop
lack lock
rack rock
black block
General Practice
Conversation. Give real answers to these questions and to others like
them that your teacher will ask.

What day is today?

What day was yesterday?
What's tomorrow going to be?
How's the weather today?
How was the weather yesterday?
What month is this?
How many days are there in this month?
What was last month?
How many days were there last month?
What month were you born?
How many students are there in the class today?
How many were there in the class yesterday?
Were you absent yesterday?
Were you on time this morning?
Was there mueh homework last night?
Was there mueh traffie this morning?

Structure and Pattern Practice

A. Change to the present continuous. Change every day to now.

We study every day. We're studying now.

1. She listens to the radio every day.
2. He waits for his friends every day.
3. 1 park in a garage every day.
4. She writes a letter every day.
S. He takes the bus downtown every day.
6. They talk to their professor every day.
7. 1 walk to work every day.
8. It rain s every day.

B. ,Change to the going to future. Change every day to tomorrow.

We study every day. We're going to study tomorrow.

1. They wear their coats every day.
2. She rests every day.
3. 1 visit my friends every day.
4. They copy the sentences every day.
S. She opens the office every day.
6. He stays at horne every day.
7. He assigns a lot of hornework every day.
8. We watch television every day.
C. Change first to the present.ccntinueus and then to the going to future.
Make the appropriate hanges in the time words.

He studied yesterday. He's studying ~ _

He's going to study tomorrow.
1. They wrote sorne letters yesterday.
2. The policeoffcer (;lirectle~traffic yesterday.
3. He looked for lis book yesterday.
4. She ate breakfast yesterday.
5. 1 hurried to school yesterday.
6. We had a lot of fun yesterday.

D. Change to questions.

He's studyng history now. Is he studying history now?

1. The class is starting now.
2.' I'm going to take the subway to work. (you)
3. They're looking for sorne stamps.
4. We're going to begin a new lesson tomorrow. (you)
5. She's talking to' the manager now.
6. The bus is going to leave at nine o'clock tomorrow.

E. Change to the negative. Use both contracted forms when possible.

He's studying chemistry. He's not studying chemistry.

He isn't studying chemistry.
1. She's looking for paper and envelopes.
2. The clerks are coming in now.
3. He's waiting for the bus now.
4. I'm checking the oil now.
5. They're going to live in the city.
6. They're cleaning the apartment today.
F. Change to the past. Change today to yesterday.

She's sick today. She was sick yesterday.
1. W~ ~ very busy today.
2. It's very (old today.
3. She's very late today.
4. There's a lot of hornework today.
S. There are a lot of students in the classroorn todaf.
6. The lecture is very interesting today.
7. Two of the clerks are absent today.
8. The lesson is very difficult today.

G. Change to the negative. Use much, ma-r:y,or any when appropriate.

She found sorne starnps. She didn't [ind any stamps.

1. We had a lot of time to finish the exarn.
2. There was a lot of oil in the caro
3. 1see a lot of rnovies.
4. They watcha lot of television.
S. We ate sorne apples.
6. There are a lot of typists in the office.
7. There were sorne rnagazines on the tableo
8. She gets a lot of letters.
9. He used sorne paper and sorne envelopes.
10. There were a lot of books on the desk.

H. Complete with a little or a few, whichever is appropriate.

There was __ a_li_tt_le
__ paper in the top drawer.
1. We copied sentences in our notebooks.
2. There was __ rnoney on the desk.
3. He carried books to school.
4. We need gas.
S. Sheput bread on the tableo
6. He took vitarnin pills last night.
General Practice
A. Answer the questions.

1. What's the first month of the year? JNUARY FEBRUAPt.Y

2. What's the second day of the week?
3. What's the third mnnth of the year? 1 IIIIIII IIIIIIII
4. What's the fourth day of the week? MARCH PRIL
S. What's the fifth month of the year?
6. What's the sixth day of the week? , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I el
7. What's the seventh day of the weekr, MAY JUNE

How many
What's the
days _arethere in a week?
eighth month of the year? I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I
10. What's the ninth month of the year? JUlY AUGUST
What's the
What's the
tenth month of the year?
eleventh month of the year?
13. What's the twelfth month of the year? _.
What's the
How many
last day of March?
months are there in a year?

I 1- "3 4 5 E> 7
8 q 10 11 12. I~ 14
1'5 16 17 le 1<1 zo 2.1
2.1- 1-") "lA- 25 '2h '2.1 28
Vi '30 "31

B. Conversation. Give real answers to these questions and to others like

them that your teacher will ask.

What lesson are you studying this week?

What lesson did you study last week?
What lesson are you going to study next week?
What time did your class begin today? -
What time is it going to end?
How's the weather today? How was it yesterday?
Is school going _toend in ?
Is next month going to be ? .
How many students are there in class today?
How many students were there in class yesterday?
What month were you born?
When is your birthday?
Reading and Oral Practice
A. Listen and repeat.

What did Diane buy?

She bought a new bed and dresser.

What does she want?

She wants the store to deliver them.

What did they tell her?

They'll deliver them only on Tuesday or Thursday
. morning.

Will they deliver them in the evening?

No, they won't deliver them in the evening.

Will they deliver them on the weekend?

No, they won't deliver them on the weekend.
Where will Diane be on Tuesday and Thursday
She'll be at work on Tuesday and Thursday morning.

Why can't she be home?

u She can't take a day off.

What did she finally do?

She asked Nancy Meyer to help her.

Where does Nancy live?

She lives in the apartment next door to Diane.

Why is Nancy home during the day?

Nancy is home during the day because she works
at night.

What will she do for Diane?

She'll accept the furniture for Diane.

What else will she do?

She'll also sign th,e receipt for it.
To huy and to tell are irregular verbs.
1buy all my food at that store.
He bought groceries Friday evening.
I'll ten her to can you tomorrow.
1told them to deliver the furniture on Friday.

B. Answer the questions.

1. What did Diane buy?

2. What does she want?

3. What did they tell her?

4. Will they deliver them in theevening?


s. Will they deliver them on the weekend?

6. Where will Diane be on Tuesday and
Thursday moming?

7. Why can't she be home?

8. What did she finally do?

9. Where does Nancy live?

10. Why is Nancy home during the day?

11. What will she do for Diane?

12. What else will she do?

c. Listen and repeat.
What happened in 1492 [fourteen ninety-two]?
Columbus discovered America in 1492.

What happened in 1500 [fifteen hundred]?

Cabral discovered Brazil in 1500.

What happened in 1828 [eighteen twenty-eight]?

Webster published his dictionary in 1828.

1867 .. ~~ 0,'
What happened in 1867 [eighteen sixty-seven]?
0... _ .... ..,0 'il
Russia sold Alaska to the United States in 1867.
Russla _ U",ited States

What happened in 1879 [eighteen seventy-nine]?

Edison invented the electric light bulb in 1879.

What happened in 1903 [nineteen oh three]?

The Wright brothers flew the first airplane in 1903.

Sold is the past tense form of the irregular verb to sello

That store sells furniture.
They sold Diane a new bed and dresser last week.

Flew is the past tense form f the irregular verb to fly.

She flies a lot on business.

She flew to New York last month.
D. Answer the questions.

1. What happened in 1492?


2. What happened in 1500?

3. What happened in 1828?

1867 ~

4. What happened in 1867?

Russia -+ United Sia+es

5. What happened in 1879?

6. What happened in 1903?

E. Dialogue.

lOAN: You look happy.

TONY: 1am, 1 amo My parents are coming for a visito
lOAN: Oh, that's nice. When will they be here?
TONY: They'll get here on Wednesday.
lOAN: Are they driving?
TONY: No, they'll fly. It's a long trip by car, two or three days.
lOAN: Are they going to stay here with you?
TONY: No, this place isn't big enough. They'll stay at a hotel.
lOAN: How long will they be here?
TONY: For a-week.
lOAN: What are you plannng, to do?
TONY: I'U take them sightseeing. Thereare a lot of things to see here. And I'U sorne theater tickets.
lOAN: Don't forget to take them to sorne good restaurants.
TONY: 1won't, 1won't. We're going to have a really good time.

Parents inc1udes one's father and one's mother.

The verb to [orget is irregular.
He forgets to call his parents.
She forgot to do her homework last night .

Structure and Pallern Practice

The future can be expressed by means of the auxiliary verb will
fo11owedby the simple form of the main verbo
I'11begin we'U begin
you'l1 begin you'll begin
he'l1 begin }
she'l1 begin they'l1 begin
it will begin

The contracted forms are gene rally used in both speaking and
informal writing .

. A. Change to the future with will. Change last to next.

He worked in an office last summer. He'll work in an office next summer.
1. They studied a lot last year.
2. She tried to see her professorlast week.
3. I visited my family last month.
4. He looked for a job last week.
S. We began a new lesson last Monday.

Questions are formed by placing will before the subject.

Will they stay in a hotel?

B. Change to questions.

She'll start work on Monday. Will she start work on J1onday?

1. She'll study chemistry next year.
2. I'U see the manager on Tuesday. (you)
3. I'U put air in the tires on Wednesday. (you)
4. It will rain on Thursday.
S. We'U have an exam on Friday. (you)

Negatives are formed with the contracted form
won't (will not) followed by the main verbo
He won't return on Friday night.

C. Change to the negative.

He'U visit New York on this trip. He won't visit New York on this tnp.
1. They'll write the new words on the chalkboard.
2. She'U stay at the office after six o'dock.
3. I'llleave for Chicago on Monday morning.
4. They'll be in the office on Saturday.
S. We'll miss the lecture.
6. You'll forget the new words.

How long? is used to ask questions about the

duration of an action.
How long did he work at the gas station?
He worked there for eight weeks.

D. Change to questions with How long?

IUIJH'Jla l'
He'U stay at the hotel for three days. How long will he stay at the hotel?
1. It's going to rain for two or three days.
2. I'm gong to sleep for four hours. (you)
3. They're going to wait for a few minutes.
4. He studied accounting for eight months.
S. He'Il be at the lecture all morning.
6. She'll study chemistry for ayear.
Pronunciation and Intonation Practice
A. Listen and repeat.

1'11need sixlshlrts.
1. They'll have three exams next month.
2. 1'11wait five minutes.
3. 1'11stay two nights.
4. We'l1 study tour lessons this month.
S. We'l1 use three books this year.

B. Repeat several times.

i as in it ea as in eat
sit seat
lip leap
hid heed
tin teen
wick week
slip sleep

General Practice
Conversation. Give real answers to these questions and to others like
them that your teacher will ask.

What time did school begin today?

What time will it begin tomorrow?
What time will it end today?
What time will it end tomorrow?
Will you have an English class on Saturday?
Will you -have an English class on Sunday?
When did we have our last holiday?
WiH we have another holiday on ?
When will we have our next holiday?
When will school end for the year?
How long a vacation will you have?
What are you going to do during the vacation?
When will school begin after the vacation?
L! E SIS o N


Reading and Oral Practice

A. Listen and repeat.

ffi O-- Is Dick going to stay at work all day?
No, he rnay go horne early.

What's the rnatter with hirn?

He doesn't feel well today.

Is he going to see a doctor?

Ves,he can see his doctor at noon.

What will the doctor tell hirn?

The doctor rnay send hirn horneo

What should Dick do at the office today?

He should take an inventory of the office supples.
What must he do to take the inventory?
He must count everything in the supply room.

When must he finish the inventory?

He must finish it on Friday.

What should he do after the inventory?

He should order new supplies.

Does Dick like to take inventory?

No, he doesn't like to take inventory at all.

Why doesn't he like to do it?

Because he gets hot and dirty and sleepy.

Should he be careful with the inventory?

Ves,he should be very careful.

Can he get anyone else to help him?

No, he can't.
To feel and to send are irregular verbs.
She felt very tired last night.
The doctor sent Dick home early.

B. Answer the questions.

1. Is Dick going to stay at work all day?

2. What's the matter with him?

3. Is he going to see a doctor?

4. What will the doctor tell him?

S. What should Dick do at the office today?

6. What must he do to take the inventory?

7. When must he finish the inventory?

8. What should he do after the inventory?

9. Does Dick like to take inventory?

10. Why doesn't he like to do it?

11. Should he be careful with the inventory?

12. Can he get anyone else to help him?

C. Listen and repeat.
What's the speed limit here?
It's twenty-five miles per hour,
How many kilometers is that?
It's forty kilometers per hour,

What's the distance from here to the city?

It's sixteen miles from here to the city.
How many kilometers is that?
It's about twenty-five and a half kilometers.

How far is it to the airport?

It's ten miles to the airport.
How many kilometers s that?
It's sixteen kilometers.

D. Answer the questions.

1. What's the speed limit here?

How many kilometers s that".

2. What's the distance from here to the city?

How many kilometers is that?

3. How far is it to the airport?

How many kilometers is that?
c. UldIUyUt:.

BILL: You look angry. What's the matter?

DIANE: I just brought this blow dryer home this evening, and it doesn't work.
BILL: Where did you buy it?
DIANE: At that hardware store down the street.
BILL: You should take it back. You can exchange it for another one.
DIANE: No, I can't.
BILL: You must. You can't let them sell you a piece of junk.
DIANE: I know, I know, but I'm going to be out of town. I'm leaving ea:ly
tomorrow morning.
BILL: WeU, when are you coming back?
DIANE: Not for a month. It may even be six weeks.
BILL: You shouldn't just throw your money away. Is the sto re open now?
DIANE: No, it's too late. It closes at nine, and it's after that now. But maybe
you can help me.
BILL: Do you want me to exchange it for you?
DIANE: Can you?
BILL: WeU, 1can do it on Saturday, 1guess. But I'll need a receipt.
DIANE: Oh, Bill, thanks a lot! 1 have the receipt right here.

Brought is the past tense form of the irregular verb to bting. To let is
also an irregular verbo The present and past tense forms are the same.
One is used here as a pronoun to take the place of a noun that has just
been mentioned, in this case the blow dryer.
Strueturs and Pattern Practlee

Many verb phrases in English are made up of the modal auxiliary

verbs can, may, should, or must followed by the main verbo Like will,
these auxiliary verbs do not change form and they are always
followed by the simple form of the main verboThe modal auxiliaries
can have either present or future significance, depending on the
situation in ~hich they are used.
1can begin we can begin
you can begin you can begin
he can begin }
she can begin they can begin
it can begin

Each modal auxiliary verb has a special area of meaning. Can indicates
the physical or mental ability to perform an action.
He can finish the inventory in one day.
She can rest on Sunday.

A. Change these sentences so that they use verb phrases wth can.

She walked to work. She can walk to work.

1. We used the money for our tuition.

2. He rests on Saturday and Sunday.
3. He finished the inventory in a day.
4. They began a new lesson.

May indicates that the action is possble but not certan.

He may go home early (but he may not).
May is also used to ask for permission and to give it.
May 1write in my book?
No, you may not write rryour book. Youmay write in your notebook.
He went home early. He may go home early.
1. He assigns a lot of homework.
2. He saw the doctor at noon.
3. She attended the lecture.
4. She slept a little on Sunday.

Should indicates an action which is advisable, or which the subject has

a duty or obligation to perform. '
He should be careful. She should study every night.

C. Change these sentences so that they use verb phrases with should.

They wore their coats. They should wear their coats.
1. He cleaned his apartment.
2. She checked the gas and oil.
3. We carried our umbrellas.
4. He counted everything in the supply room.

Must is stronger than should; it usually indicates necessity.

He must finish it this week. She must get good grades.

D. Change
, these sentences so that they use verb phrases with must.
She saw her doctor. She must see her doctor.
1. We took the car to the garage.
2. He finished the inventory on Monday.
3. 1 talked to my teacher.
4. We used the money for our tuition.
Questions and negatives are formed according to the same patterns
used with will.
Should he see his doctor today?
She may not finish all her work today.

The negative contracted forms in common use are can't (for cannot,
written as one word), shouldn't, and mustn't.

E. Change to questions.

She can walk to work. Can she walk to work?

1. He should check the oil.
2. They must take the bus to work.
3. I can leave on Thursday. (you)
4. You may talk to the teacher now. (1)
5. He should listen to the radio in his car.

F. Change to questions, using the question words indicated.

She can see her doctor on Monday. (when) When can she see her doctor?
1. They must stay in a hotel. (where)
2. She can have ten days off this year. (how many)
3. He should leave for the arport at four o'dock. (what time)
4. They should come to work by caro(how)
5. I can sleep late on Sunday morning. (when) (you)

G. Change to the negative.

She can walk to work. She can 't walk to work.

1. He may finish the inventory on Friday.
2. They should talk in class,
3. He must park on the street.
4. You.can take the packages home.
5. I can get a job this summer.
Pronunciation and Intonation Practice
A. Listen and repeat.

~ study for my exam. a

1. He must finish the inventory today.

2. Youmust read the letters.
3. She must talk to her professor.
4. 1 must do my homework tonight.
5. We must get up early tomorrow,

B. Repeat several times.

ea as in eat a as in ate
meet mate
feed fade
read raid
seem same

General Practice
Conversation. Yourteacher willask you to perform actions like the
ones below and then ask you questions about them. Give real answers
to the questions.

What do you need to write in your notebook?

Give your pen and peneil to _
What did you do?
Can you write i? your notebook now?
Put your book on desk.
Where did you put your book?
Can you read your book now?
Put your notebook on the floor.
Where did you put your notebook?
Can you write in your notebook now?
Should you write in your book?
Where should you write?
Do you have any homework to do?
When should you finish it?


Reading and Oral Practice

A. Listen and repeat.
Whose birthday was it yesterday?
It was Dick's birthday.

How old was he?

He was twenty-four years old.

Did his family give him any presents?

Yes, his parents gave him a wristwatch.

What did his sister give him?

She gave him a tape recorder.

Who sent him birthday cards?

His aunt and uncle sent him birthday cards.

What did his cousins do?

They sent him cards too.

What did his friends do?

They took him out for dinner.

What did they bring him?

They brought him a compass for his caro

What did Dick show them?

He showed them his new watch.

Who else gave Dick a present?

His boss gave him a present too.

What did he give Dick?

He gave him a new jobo

What is Dick's new job?

Dick will be a programmer in the accounting
Aunts are the sisters of one's father or mother.
Uncles are the brothers of one's father or mother.
Cousins are the children of one's aunts or undes.
A cousin can be male or female.
Watch is a shortened form of wristwatch.

B. Answer the questions.

1. Whose birthday was it yesterday?

2. How old was he?

3. Did his family give him any presents?

4. What did his sister give him?

5. Who sent him birthday cards?

6. What did his cousins do?

7. What did his friends do?

8. What did they bring him?

9. What did Dick show them?

10. Who else gave Dick a present?

11. What did he give Dick?

12. What is Dick's new job?

c. Listen and repeat.
One Yar-d One Meter
What do feet, inches, and yards measure?
They measure short distances.

rocrn ,
What do centimeters and meters measure?
They also measure short distances.

zo cm.
How many inches are there in a foot?
There are twelve inches in a foot.
I Feo+ 30em.

What is the plural of foot?

The plural of foot is feet. 4Oem.

How many feet are there in a yard? 50em.

There are three feet in a yard.

How many inches are there in a yard? 2f'eet
There are thirty-six inches in a yard.


How many inches are there in a meter?

There are about thirty-nine inches in a meter.

D. Answer the questions. 3feet

1. What do feet, inches, and yards measure?
2. What do centimeters and meters measure? I meter
3. How many in ches are there in a foot?
4. What is the plural of foot?
s. How many feet are there in a yard?
6. How many inches are there in a yard?
7. How many inches are there in a meter?
E. Dialogue.

SALLY: Where are you going?

DICK: Oowntown, and I'm in a hurry.
SALLY: 1can see that. What's the matter?
DICK: 1have a big date with Vanessa tonight, and 1need to rent a caro
SALLY: What happened to yours?
DICK: It's in the garage for repairs. Jt broke down again yesterday.
SALLY: That car of yours!
DICK: Ves, 1 know, 1should get a new one.
SALLY: Well, save your money. It's expensive to rent a car. You should try to
borrow one.
DICK: 1 asked Bill, but he's using his this weekend. Say, what about yours?
SALLY: No, I'm sorry, 1can't lend you mine. 1have a lot of errands to do this
evening. Did you ask Linda?
DICK: Hers is in the garage too.
SALLY: What about Dane?
DICK: She's out of town.
SALLY: Maybe she left the key with someone.
DICK: Hey, that's it! She probably left it with Tony. 1'11ask him.

In English, one borrows something from someone, and lends

something to someone.
1 need to borrow an umbrella from someone.
Can you lend yours to me?

Broke is the past tense form of the irregular verb to break. Lent is the
past tense form of the irregular verb to Zendo
-Structure and Pattern Practice

A few verbs like to give are followed by two objects, a direct and an
indirect object. The indirect object follows the verb, and the direct
object comes after it. ~
He lent me his car.
1wrote her a letter.
They gave him a better jobo
We bought them a presento

Note that the indirect object is usually a person (or an institution) and
the dirct object is usually a thing.

An alternate form is a prepositional phrase beginning with -to (or [or in

a few cases) that comes after the direct object.
He lent his typewriter to me.
I wrote a letter to her.
They gave a better Job to him.
We bought a present for them.

A. Change these sentences so that they use an indirect object in place of

the prepositional phrase.

1sent a card to my cousin. 1 sent my cousin a cardo

1. He showed the report to me.
2. They gave a wristwatch to Dick for his birthday.
3. 1'11write a letter to you next week.
4. I made sorne coffee for my friendo
S. She brings themail to her boss in the morning.
6. His sister got a tape recorder for him.
7. The mail clerk gave the stamps to uso
8. We bought a picture for you.

B. Chage these sentences so that they use a prepositionl phrase in
place of the indirect object.

I sent my cousin a cardo (to) 1 sent a card to my cousin.
1. He wrote his uncle a Ietter; (to)
2. He got the boss sorne stamps. (for)
3. She gave the students an exam. (to)
4. He showed them the birthday cards. (to)
S. I read her the letter. (to) .
6. She got him sorne books. (for)

C. Add the expression in parentheses.

I sent a birthday cardo (my cousin) 1 sent my cousin a birthday cardo

1. She showed her notes last week. (me) .
". /
2. She read the new sentences ...(tothe students)
3. I'm going to lend t. (to you) _
4. I showed my presents. (my cousin)

In American usage, when both the indirect and

direct objects are pronouns, the prepositional
phrase form is always used.
He lent it to me. We gave it to them.

D. Change the direct and indirect objects to object pronouns and then
rearrange the sentences in the correct order.

She sent her un de the compass. . She sent it to him.

1. They're gong to lend Dick the radio. ,_t
2. He showed Tom and me the tape' recorder.
3. They showed their friends their ne~ house.
4. He sent his sister [he package.
In addition to the possessive adjectives, there are
also possessive pronoun forms.
1 my mine
you your yours
he his his
she her hers
it its
we our ours
they their theirs

My typewriter is in the repair shop. Can you

lend me yours?
My schedule is very easy, but hers is very

Note that there is no possessive pronoun form for

it. Also note that an apostrophe (') is not used
with these forms.

E. Change the italicized words to the appropriate possessive pronoun.

1need to borrow your tape recorder because my tape tecotder brke.

1 need to borrow your tape recorder because mine broke.
1. We rode downtown in their car. Our car was in the garage.
2. My boss is in Chicago this week. Het-boss is in Los Angeles.
3. Our school is large. Theitsschoo! is small.
4. She talked to her teacher, but 1didn't talk to my teacher.
S. 1gave the teacher my notebook, but you didn't give her your notebook.
6. 1found my pencl, but 1didn't find his penal.
7. 1like our car. 1don't like theircar.
8. The books are on his desk. They aren't on her desk.
9. They had a party at their house, but we didn't have a party at our house.
10. She wrote a letter to her uncle, but 1didn't write a letter to my uncle.
Pronunciation and Intonation Practice
A. Listen and repeat.

wel gave[it to them.

1. 1 sent it to her.
2. They showed it to me.
3. He read it to uso
4. She got them for me.
S. He lent it to me.

B. Repeat several times.

a as in may i as in my
bay by
late light
mate might
raid ride
fail file

General Practice
Conversation. Your teacher will ask you to perform actions like the
. ones below and then ask you questions about them. Give real answers
to the questions.

Please give your notebook to _

What did you do?
Where is his/hers? Who has yours now?
Please give your pencil.
What did you do?
Where is his/hers? Who has yours now?
Please give your pen to _
What did you do?
Where is his/hers? Who has yours now?
Please show your book?
What did you do?
Please show your keys to _
What did you do?

Reading and Oral Practice

What color is the sky on a sunny day?

It's blue.

What color is the sky on a cloudy day?

It's gray.

What color is the sky at night?

It's black.

What color is grass?

It's green.

What color are carrots?

They're orange.
What color are these flowers?
They're yellow.

What color is this flower?

It's red.

What color are lemons?

They're yellow.

What color are tomatoes?

They're red.

What color is snow?

It's white.

What color is chocolate?

It's brown.

Tomato is the singular form of tomatoes. ,

B. Answer the questions.

1. What color is the sky on a sunny day?

2. What color is the sky on a cloudy day?

3. What color is the sky at night?

4. What color is grass?

5. What color are carrots?

6. What color are these flowers?

7. What color is this flower?

8. What color are lemons?

9. What color are tomatoes?

10. What color is snow?

11. What color is chocolate?

c. Listen and repeat.

Does Ron like music?

Ves, he does. He likes music very mucho


Does he like classical music?

Ves, he does. He likes classical music a loto

Does he like popular music?

Ves, he likes popular music too.

Are there any concerts at the college?

Ves, there are. There are two or three every month.

Was there a concert recently?

Ves, there was one last night.

Did Ron go to the concert?

Ves, he did. He enjoyed it very mucho
Did he go alone?
No, he didn't. Sam went with him.

Did Sam enjoy the concert? _

Ves, he did. He likes music too.

Are the concerts expensive?

No, they aren't. The students get a special price.

Can Ron playa musical instrument?

Ves, he can. He knows how to play the piano.

Does he play the piano well?

No, he doesn't. Music is just a hobby for him.

Is he planning to become a musician?

No, he isn't. He's planning to become a pharmacist.

To become is an irregular verbo The past tense form

is became.
She became a doctor after many years in
D. Answer the questions.

1. Does Ron like music?


2. Does he like classical music?

3. Does he like popular music?

7his Month

~. Are there any concerts at the college?

S. Was there a concert recently?

6. Did Ron go to the concert?

7. Did he go alone?

8. Did Sam enjoy the concert?

9. Are the concerts expensive?

10. Can Ron playa musical instrument?

11. Does he play the piano well?

12. Is he planning to become a musician?

E. Dialogue.
~ ~ ~ ...



+ ~ +

lOAN: Did you go shopping this evening?

SALLY: Ves, 1did. They had a sale on dresses at that shop across the street.
-lOAN: Did you find anything nice?
SALLY: No, 1didn't. 1 didn't really like their clothes too mucho
lOAN: What's wrong with them?
SALLY: Oh, the styles just don't suit me very well.
lOAN: Do they have a big selection? _
SALLY: No, they don't. That was one of my problems. They didn't have many
dresses in my size.
lOAN: What size do you wear?
SALLY: A fourteen.
lOAN: Are their clothes expensive?
SALLY: Ves, they are: There weren't any real bargains.
lOAN: Did you buy anything at all?
SALLY: Well, yes, 1did. 1got a scarf. Here it is.
lOAN: Oh, 1like those colors!
SALLY: Ves, orange, brown, and yellow, they're autumn colors.

Clothes is a plural noun.

Her clothes are always very expensve.

The plural of scarfis scarves.

Structure and Pattern Practice

To answer ves-no questions in Englsh, it is customary to use special

short answer forms. Affirmative short answers consist of the word yes
followed by the subject and the appropriate form of the auxiliary verb
with whchthe question begins.
Is he planning to become a pharmacist? Yes, he is.
Are you going to the concert tonight? Yes, I
Did he buy sorne record s last week? Yes, he did.
Do you like music? Yes, Ido.
Can you play' the piano? Yes, I can.

A. Give affirmative short answers to these questions.

.Is john a college student? Yes, he is.
1. Are'you studying English today? (1)
2. Are they waiting for the bus?
3. Is it cloudy today?
4. 15there a calendar on your desk?
S. Were you absent yesterday? (1)
6. Were there a lot of bargains in the stores?
7. Does he like to play the piano?
8. Do you copy.the sentences every day? (we)
9. Did they attend the lecture? '
10. Did she enjoythe concert?
11. Will she be out of town next week?
12. Will they start a new lesson next week?
13. Can you go to the concert with me? (1)
14. Should I send my cousin a birthday card? (you)
15. Will he get back on Saturday?
16. May I leave the room? (you)
17. Is your birthday in April?
18. Can she playa musical instrument?
19. Should we finish this homework now? (you)
20. Will he save sorne money this year?

Negative short answers consist of the word no followed by the subject

and the negative contraction of the auxiliary used in the question.
_ Are the concerts expensive? No, theyaren't.
Does he want to be a musician? No, he doesn't.
Should he stay home today? No, he shouldn't.
Were there any concerts recently? No, there weren't.

Note that contracted forms are not used in affirmative short answers,
but that they are used in the negative. In the case of 1 am, the
negative short answer is No, I'm not.
Are you watching TV now? No, I'm noto

B. Give negative short answers to these questions.

Is Iohn a computer programmer? No, he isn't.

1. Are you eating an apple? (1)
2. Is she wearing a red dress?
3. Are you studying Lesson 12 today? (we)
4. Are there any students in the cafeteria now?
S. Was it sunny yesterday?
6. Was there a lot of work at the office last week?
7. Does Linda know how to play the piano?
8. Do you begin a new lesson every day? (we)
9': Did the bus stop at the comer?
10. Did you sleep late this morning? (1)
11. Did she find a lot of bargains?
12. Did his car break down again?
13. Can we leave early this afternoon? (you)
14. Can he take his vacation in Iuly?
15. Should 1miss the exam? (you)
"16. Will he visit Los Angeles on this trip?
17. Is your birthday in March?
18. Will he get a job this summer?
19. Can we get ticket s for the concert this evening? (you)
20. Should she spend all her money?
Pronunciation and Intonation Practice
A. Listen and repeat.

Is she alstudent? Ves,sheRs.

1. Does he work in an office? Ves,he does.

2. Are there sorne starnps in the desk? Ves,there are.
3. Did they go to a concert? Ves,they did.
4. Were there a lot of bargains? Ves,there were.

B. Listen and repeat.

Is he aldoctor? No, he~n't.

1. Does she work in a shop? No, she doesn't.

2. Is there sorne paper in the desk? No, there isn't.
3. Did they go to alecture? No, they didn't.
, 4. Was there a lot of hornework? No, there wasn't.

General Practice
Conversation. Give real answers to these questions and to othcs like
them that your teacher will ask.

What color is your book? Notebook? Pen? Pencil?

Do you have a car? What color is it?'
Do you take a bus to school? What color is it?
Was it raining this rnorning? Is it raining now?
Were you early or late this morning?
Did your first class begin at this rnorning?
Are there students in the class?
Do you get to school at every day?
Will you go horne at ?
Can you drive a car?

lS ..

Structure and Pattern Practice

A. Change to the future with will. Ghange last to next.

He worked in a bank last summer. He/U work in a bank next summer.
1. He studied programming last year. 4. 1visited rny family last spring.
2. 1studied accounting last year. s. It rained last week.
3. w'e went skiing last winter. 6. She went to Chicago last month.

B. Change these sentences so that they use verb phrases with can.

He'll finish the inventory tomorrow. He can [inish the inventory tomorrow:
1. She'll find sorne real bargains at the sale.
2. She drove home alone.
3. He'll save sorne money this summer.
4. 1sleep late every Saturday and Sunday morning.

C. Change these sentences so that they use verb phrases with mayo

He went home early. He may go home earty.

1. We regong ;01 attend the concer~.
2. It happenen in the spring.
3. They'll need more office supplies.
4. He made sorne noney during the summer.

D. Change these sentences so that they use verb phrases with should.

You attended all the lectures. You should attend all the lectures.
1. He's going to take the subway downtown.
2. He counted everything in the supply room.
3. She asked for extra homework.
4. You sleep eight hours every night.

E. Change these sentences so that they use verb phrases with must.

I talked to my professor. I must talk to my professor.

1.-I~oing trrvst my family during my vacation.
2. He finished the inventory on Monday.
3. I left th office early today.
4. He looked at the dictionary.

F. Change to questions.

She can walk to work. Can she walk to work?

1: She should study every night.
2. They must order supplies this week.
3. He'U try to visit New York on this trip.
~t_ You must count everything in the supply room. (1)
5. She can find sorne bargains at the sale.
6. He can get home on Saturday moming.
G. Change to questions, using the question words indicated.
She can see her doctor on Monday. (when) When can she see her doctor?
1. You can sleep for eight hours. (how long) (we)
2. You should look for envelopes Hl fue sUP.RlVefflR. (where) (1)
3. They must finish the homework over the weekend. (when)
4. She should come to work by subway. (how)

H. Change to the negative.

She can walk to work. She can 't walk to work.
1. 1'11go shopping this evening.
2. She'11find sorne bargains at the sale.
3. She should sign for that letter.
4. .He can park near the office.
S. VbU must forget about the inventory.

1. Change these sentences so that they use an indirect object in place of

the prepositional phrase.

I sent ahrthday card to my cousin. 1 sent my cousin a birthday cardo

1. She gave extra homewofk to the good students.
2. She read the letter je 'the manager.
3. I showed my notebook to my teacher.
4. He got a present for his aunt.

J .: Change these sentences so that they use a prepositional phrase in

place of the indirect object.

I sent my cousin a birthday cardo (to) 1 sent a birthday card to my cousin.
1. '!Ve,s~ the new clerks the CDJJ:lp~er.(to)
2. ~he read the students the new sntences, (to)
3. I bought my aunta.boek. (for)
4. She got him sorne envelopes. (for)
K. Change the talicizedwords to the appropriate possessive pronoun.

I need to borrow your car because mv (ar broke down.

1 need to borrow your car because mine broke down.
1. I can't find my pen, but I found your pen
2. I lent him my car because his car was in the garage.
3. The teacher looked at your books, but she didn't look at our books.
4. I saw your house, but I didn't see their house.
5. I like your wristwatch, but I don't like my wristwatch.
6. I saw your letters, but I didn't see her letters.

L. Give affirmative short answers to these questions.

Is the exam difficult? Ves, it is.

1. Did he meet a lot of men and women?
2. Are you waiting to see your professor? (1)
3. Can you see the chalkboard? (we)
4. Did they find the package?
5. Was there a lot of milk in the refrigerator?
6. Did you listen to the radio in your car? (1)
7. Does he like classical music?
8. Should she have a hobby?

M. Give negative short answers to these questions.

Will he get back on Saturday? No, he won't.

1. Is she wearing a coat today?
2. Can he order more supplies today?
3. Did he park near the office?
4. Should he spend a11his money right away?
5. Did they enjoy the concert?
6. Does she like popular music?
7. Will you take programming next year? (1)
8. Do you sleep eight hours every night? (1)
General Practice
Conversation. Give real answers to these questions and to others like
them that your teacher will ask.

What year is it?

What's the date today?
What day of the week is tomorrow?
Can you sleep late tomorrow?
Were you early or late for school today?
What did you study last year?
What are you studying this year?
What are you going to study next year?
How many hours of class a day do you have this year?
How many will you have next year?
How many students are there in the class?
How many students are absent today?
When will you have your exams?
When will school end for the year?
What kind of sports do you like?
Can you swim?
What kind of weather do you like?
How's the weather today?
How was the weather yesterday?
Are you reading now?
Are you writing now?
The followinglist includes the words introduced in Book 2. The number indicates the
page on which the word first appears. If a word can be used as more than one part of
speech, the way it is used in the book is as follows: n = noun, v = verb, aux = auxiliary
verb, adj = adjective, pron = pronoun, prep = preposition, poss = possessive,interj =
interjection, intens = intensifier. If a word has more than one meaning or is part of a
longer word or expression, the meaning or complete expression used in the book will
be in parentheses.

absent,92 . blow (v), 67 company,8

accept, 103 blow dryer, 117 compass, 123
across,8 bom (to be bom), 90 concert, 136
again,44 borrow, 127 cool,31
ahead, 67 boss, 123 comer, 15
air, 41 break (down), 127 cough (v), 92
airplane, 106 \ bring, 117 cough (n), 92 .
airport, 116 building, 2 country (opposite
almost,87 bulb,106 of city),77
along,34 bus stop, 3 (a) couple (of), 34
a.m., 18 busy,76 cousin, 123
angry, 117 buy (v), 102 crowded,87
anybody,92 cafeteria, lS dance (to go dancing), 77
anyone,l13 can (aux v), 112 date (with a person), 8
anything, 41 can't (cannot), 103 date (calendar date), 70
apartment, 2 card,122 December,6
April,6 careful, 113 decide, 86
around,8 carrot, 132 deliver, 102
as, 20 carry, 57 department, 123
assistant, 2 catch,46 dictionary, 106
atall,14 centimeter, 126 difficult, 67
August, 6 certainly, 82 direct (v), 67
aunt, 122 change (v), 46 dirty,l13
autumn,31 check (v), 41 disco, 82
away,15 child (children), 62 discover, 106
chocolate, 133 distance, 116
back,27 chore,56 dollar,41
ball, 62 classical, 136 down,20
bank, 15 clean (v), 41 downtown,2
bargain, 140 climb,62 dress (n), 140
basement,20 close (v), 117 dresser, 102
beach,27 clothes, 140 drink (v), 86
become,137 cloudy,44 drink (n), 87
bed,57 coat,57 drugstore, 20
birthday, 90 cold (adj), 30 dryer,20
block, 15 cold (n), 46 during,3j1:
each (other), 3 ground (floor), 15 lemon,133
easy,67 guess (v), 92 lend (v), 127
eighth,60 guy,8 let (v), 117
electric, 106 light (n), 66
eleventh, 60 hamburger,87 like (prep), 57
else, 3 hand,62 limit, 116
empty,87 (to) happen, 46 listen (to), 66
enjoy,136 happy, 108 little (small)(adj), 20
enough, 108 hard,'46 (a) loaf (of), 86
errand, 127 hardware, 117 look for, 67
even,46 have a good time, 108 look like, 57
everything, 20 have fun, 77 love (v), 34
exam (examination), 40 healthy,87 lunch, 15
exchange (v), 117 hear,66
expensive, 127 help (v), 103 make (v), 41
here,2 manager, 2
faH (season)(n), 31 hers, 127 March,6
far,34 hey (interj), 62 May,6
fast (food), 87 his (poss pron), 127 may (aux v), 112
February,6 hobby, 137 maybe,8
feel, 112 holiday,76 meal,87
(a) few, 15 horn, 67 ' measure (v), 126
fifth,60 hot,30 medicine, 92
final, 40 hotel, 26 meet,8
find,67 hour,116 men (pl of man), 87
flat (adj), 46 hungry,86 meter, 126
flower, 133 hurry,67 mile,34
fly (v), 106 mine (poss pron), 127
food,87 ice skating, 26
minute, 27
foot (feet)(measurement), important, 92
miss (v),92
1'26 inch,126
forget, 108 instrument, 137
motion (v), 67
forth (back and forth), 27 insurance, 8
mountain, 26
fourteenth, 70 interesting, 92
move (v), 3
fourth,60 into,3
French fries, 87 invent, 106
musical, 137
fresh, 77 inventory, 112
musician, 137
fun, 77 must, 113
furniture, 103
lune, 6 nearby,15
gas (gasoline),40 need (v), 20
junk, 117
gas station, 40 next,6
just, 20
good-Iooking, 8 next door, 87
goodness, 62 kilometer, 116 nice,8
grass, 132 know how (v), 137 ninth,60
gray,132 nobody, 95, note
great,20 laundry,20 note (n), 92
grocery,20 lecture,92 November,6
October,6 reaUy, 34 someone, 127
off, 26 recently, 136 something, 86
officer, 67 receipt, 103 soon, 76
oh, 8 refrigerator, 86 sorry,72
oil,41 rent (v), 127 sound (like), 82
one (pron), 117 repair (n), 127 special, 13 7
open (adj), 117 report (n), 66 speed (n), 116
order (v), 113 right (intens), 8 spend,41
other,3 right (correct)(adj), 46 sport, 26
ours, 130, note spring (season)(n), 30
over (prep), 76 sail (to go sailing) (v), 27 stale,86
over (finished), 62 sale, 140 station,40
over (there), 8 (the) same, 3 still (adv), 87
save (v), 127 stop (v), 66
parent, 108 say (interj), 20 store, lS
park (v), 14 scare (v), 62 style,140
party,82 scarf (scarves), 140 suit (v), 140
per, 116 season,44 summer,26
pharmacist, 13 7 selection, 140 sunny,44
seU, 106 supermarket, 20
piano, 137
(a) piece (of), 117 send,112 supply (n), 112
September,6 supply (adj), 113
swim (to go swimming), 27
place, 14 seventeenth, 70
plan (v), 108 seventh,60
tape recorder, 122
plan (n), 82 . several, lS
teU, 102
play (v), 77 shelf (shelves), 87
tennis, 77
pleasant, 44 shop (v), S7
plural, 126 shop (n), 140
theater, 108
p.m., 18 shopping (n), 87
theirs, 130, note
police (officer), 67 short, 126
there (adv), 3
popular, 136 should, 112 thing,20
possible, 72 sick,46 third,34
pour (v), 46 sigh tseeing, 108 thirsty, 88, note
present (n), 122 sign (v), 103 thirteenth, 80
price,137 sign (n), 72 thirtieth, 80
probably, 127 sixteenth, 80 throw (v), 62
problem, 140 sixth,60 throw away, 117
programmer, 123 size, 140 ticket, 108
publish, 106 ski (to go skiing) (v), 26 tire, 41
pump (v), 40 sky,132 tomato (tomatoes), 133
put,41 sleep (v), S7 tomorrow,80
sleepy, 113 tonight, 127
radio, 66 slip (v), 62 town (out of town), 117
rain (v), 44 sneeze (v), 92 traffic,66
rain (n), S7 snow (v), 27 tree,62
reach (v), 62 snow (n), 34 trip, 108
real, 140 soft drink, 87 try (v), 62
tuition,41 wait (v), 67 winter,26
twelfth,60 warm,30 women (pl of woman),
twentieth, 70 was, 86 87
umbrella, 57 washer,20 won't (will not), 102
uncle, 122 watch (wristwatch), 123 wreck (n), 46
understand, 46 watch out, 62 wristwatch, 122
use (v), 41 wave (v), 62 wrong, 140
wear (v), 57
vacation, 26 weather,30 yard (measurement), 126
visit (v), 76 were,87 yeah (yes), 62
visit (n), 108 will (aux v), 102 year, 6
vitamin,92 windshield, 41 yours, 127
Irregular Verbs
Past Tense Forms of Irregular Verbs, Books 1 and 2


to be (arn, Is, are) was, were

to become became
to begin began
to blow blew
to break broke
to bring brought
to buy bought
to catch caught
to come carne
to do did
to drink drank
to drive drove
to eat ate
to feel felt
-to find found
to fly flew
to forget forgot
to get got
to gve gave
to go went
to have had
to hear heard
to know knew
to leave left
to lend lent
to let let
to make made
to meet met
to put put
to read read
to say said
to see saw
to sell sold
to send sent
to sleep slept

to spend spent
to swim swam
to take took
to tell told
to throw threw
to understand understood
to wear wore
to write wrote

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