Collaborative Semantic Editing of Linked Data Lexica: John Mccrae, Elena Montiel-Ponsoda, Philipp Cimiano

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Collaborative semantic editing of linked data lexica

John McCrae , Elena Montiel-Ponsoda , Philipp Cimiano

CITEC, Universitat Bielefeld, Universitatsstrae, Bielefeld, D-33615.

Ontology Engineering Group, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain
The creation of language resources is a time-consuming process requiring the efforts of many people. The use of resources col-
laboratively created by non-linguists can potentially ameliorate this situation. However, such resources often contain more errors
compared to resources created by experts. For the particular case of lexica, we analyse the case of Wiktionary, a resource created
along wiki principles and argue that through the use of a principled lexicon model, namely lemon, the resulting data could be
better understandable to machines. We then present a platform called lemon source that supports the creation of linked lexical data
along the lemon model. This tool builds on the concept of a semantic wiki to enable collaborative editing of the resources by many
users concurrently. In this paper, we describe the model, the tool and present an evaluation of its usability based on a small group of users.

Keywords: Lexicon, Ontology, Collaborative development

1. Introduction exploit its expressivity. In this paper, we propose a col-

laborative approach and an accompanying web-based tool
The web is evolving from a space in which mainly doc- to support the creation of linked data lexica based on the
uments are published to a space where raw data is pub- lemon model. The paper is structured as follows: in sec-
lished following the Linked Data principles (Berners-Lee, tion 2.2. we discuss in more detail the Wiktionary project
2009). Following this trend, there has been substantial in- and highlight some of those deficiencies that make machine
terest in applying linked data principles to the publication processing difficult. We then highlight how a model such as
and linking of language resources, leading to the creation of lemon provides a principled solution to these problems. Fi-
lexical linked data (De Melo and Weikum, 2008; Van As- nally, we present lemon source, a new approach supported
sem et al., 2006). A first step in this direction is the pub- by a web-based tool that allows users to create linked data
lication of existing lexica and dictionaries as linked data. lexica collaboratively. We discuss the design choices of this
To support this, the lemon model (McCrae et al., 2011) has approach and contrast it to other approaches allowing users
been proposed as a principled format allowing to publish to edit RDF data in a user-friendly way.
such resources as linked data. As the creation and cura-
tion of such lexical resources often lies beyond the capa-
2. Background
bilities of single individuals, collaborative lexicon creation
projects have started to emerge. Wiktionary for example 2.1. Related Work
represents a very successful lexicon project which corrob- Most natural language processing applications require
orates the feasibility of a collaborative approach to lexicon some background knowledge (e.g. ontologies, lexica, the-
creation by a community of users. Wiktionary covers 433 sauri) or training data in the form of annotations. Creating
languages and has in fact resulted in a resource which is such lexical resources, ontologies or annotated corpora is,
comparable in size and coverage to curated resources such however, a time-consuming process. Thus, there have been
as WordNet. proposals for tool support that allows to share the effort of
One crucial problem with Wiktionary is that its display- creating annotated corpora among various parties by fos-
orientated markup is difficult to exploit by machines for a tering collaboration. An example is the OLLIE tool (Cun-
number of reasons that we will elaborate below. To rem- ningham et al., 2003), which is part of the GATE toolkit for
edy this, we propose to use the lemon model as a princi- natural language processing. This tool is a web application
pled model to represent lexica as linked data, and thus we that allows multiple users to collaborate on the task of anno-
solve the deficiencies of the data model underlying Wik- tating a corpus. Smooth collaboration is ensured by an ar-
tionary. A natural question that follows from this move is chitecture that synchronises all annotations via a single re-
whether the paradigm of collaborative lexicon creation and lation database back-end such that users can directly see the
curation realised in Wiktionary can be successfully trans- annotations made by others. Web-based approaches have
ferred to lexica formalised using the lemon model. This is also been exploited for data collection. Draxler (2006)
the issue we are concerned with in this paper. One inherent for instance presents an approach where a large corpus was
problem of this desideratum is that the lemon model is diffi- collected over the web from speakers at schools across Ger-
cult to display in contrast to the display-orientated mark-up many.
employed by Wiktionary. In order to support the editing The use of the web as a data collection method has lead to
of lemon lexica by a larger community of non-professional the creation of many resources from non-expert (and often
users, the user interface needs to abstract from the under- anonymous) users, a process known as crowd-sourcing. A
lying data model, at the same time allowing the users to survey of such approaches is given by Munro et al. (2010).

They conclude that crowd-sourcing enables systematic, Markup is not used consistently in the sense that
large-scale judgement studies that are more affordable and tags, such as those for part-of-speech, are not
convenient than ... lab-based studies. A clear concern with used in the same meaning and same purpose
eliciting such information from non-expert users is the cor- across languages.
rectness of the results. However, studies have found that by There is no proper typing for the markup, such
combining the annotations of multiple non-expert annota- that the same type of markup is used to mark very
tors the resulting annotated data is comparable to the data different linguistic properties of lexical entries,
provided by an expert annotator (see (Snow et al., 2008; e.g. using the same type of tags to specify that
Hseuh et al., 2009)). a lexical entry is archaic (representing prag-
One of the most prominent examples of such crowd- matic knowledge related to the usage of that en-
sourcing is the online encyclopedia Wikipedia 1 and its dic- try) or that a lexical entry is uncountable (a
tionary version Wiktionary. There have already been sev- lexico-syntactic property).
eral attempts to create a structured resource out of Wik-
tionary (Zesch et al., 2008a; McCrae et al., 2012b) and Lack of expressivity
to apply the data contained within this resource to NLP
tasks such as information retrieval (Muller and Gurevych, Senses are often employed in multiple roles in
2009) and semantic relatedness (Zesch et al., 2008b). As an entry, e.g. in giving definitions and provid-
resources created by crowd-sharing are not typically devel- ing translations. However, there is no explicit ID
oped for machine processing, it is a priori not clear how assigned to theses senses. Thus, individual uses
useful such crowd-sourced resources are for NLP tasks. A of a sense cannot be consolidated. For example,
topological comparative study of Wiktionary as a resource for the entry cat a definition of Any similar an-
was carried out by Meyer et al. (2010). They found that imal of the family Felidae, which includes lions,
Wiktionary was similar in structure to resources created by tigers etc. is given, but a set of translations is
experts (in this case GermaNet and Open Thesaurus), but given under the definition member of Felidae
had fewer semantic links per resource than such resources. and a set of synonyms are given under the head-
They also reported that there were many technical issues in ing any member of Felidae. While it is easy for
Wiktionary concerning broken links and axiom violations, a human to see that these elements are equivalent,
e.g., the indication of a synonymy between two pages in it is a non-trivial task for a machine. An example
only one direction, which violates the symmetric axiom for of this is given in Figure 1.
synonymy. McCrae et al. (2012b) presented a study in inte- Links to other pages do not specify the particular
grating WordNet with Wiktionary, showing that there was entry or definition that is relevant. For example,
only an approximately 25% overlap at the level of lexical the English bank links to the German Bank
entries between both resources. This suggests that combin- but it is not specified whether the translation is
ing these resource may thus be very valuable. the entry with plural Banken (which is correct),
or the entry with plural Banke (which is erro-
2.2. Wiktionary
neous and means bench).
In this paper, we take Wiktionary as a representative exam-
ple of a collaboratively edited dictionary. Wiktionary cur- Technical inconsistencies
rently consists of 2.8 million entries (380,000 in English
alone)2 . It would be very useful if Wiktionary could be There are often small technical errors. For ex-
used to support NLP applications. However, the MediaWiki ample, in certain places either ISO 639 codes or
markup only provides some weak semantic information, as language names (in English) may be used to in-
the main purpose of this markup is to display the entries in dicate the language of a translation.
a uniform manner. Therefore, when attempting to automat-
The above issues reveal that we need a sound and
ically process the markup, a number of issues occur:
linguistically-motivated data model that solves some of
Implicit Semantics these issues, in particular introducing IDs for senses that
can be referred to when specifying translations etc. We
The markup is mainly used for display purposes
propose to use the lemon model for this, which is briefly
and linguistic knowledge is hidden behind pro-
described in the next Section.
cedures that render certain templates in an appro-
priate way. However, this linguistic knowledge, 2.3. The lemon model
being implicit only, is difficult to access and ex-
The lemon model (McCrae et al., 2012a) is a proposed
ploit. This is the case of inflectional markup, e.g.
model for the representation of ontology-lexica as linked
plural formation. The markup often also has ad-
data. The lemon model builds on a number of existing
ditional parameters the semantics of which is not
standards for the representation of lexica, such as the Lex-
ical Markup Framework (Francopoulo et al., 2006) and the
Lack of Consistency SKOS model (Miles and Bechhofer, 2009) for represent-
ing terminologies. With lemon we had several key design
1 goals: Firstly, the model is based on RDF, as this is the
Based on dump dated 08/10/2011 standard method for distributing linked data on the web.

Figure 1: An example of a Wiktionary entry. The highlighted element indicate semantically related elements that use
different markup and labelling. Some content has been removed from this page for illustrative purposes.

LexicalForm ure 2, which consists of the following elements:


Lexical Entry: Representing a single word, phrase or

form otherForm affix (part).
abstractForm Word

Lexical Form: Representing inflectional variants of

Lexicon entry
an entry; each form may have a number of differ-
LexicalEntry Phrase
ent representations in different scripts or phonetic
isSenseOf sense

LexicalSense Lexical Sense: Reifying the link to the ontology; the

lexical sense represents the uses of the entry where it
prefRef reference
references the concept in the ontology.
altRef isReferenceOf

Ontology In addition, there are a number of modules that build on

this core to provide allow to described analysis levels such
as phrase structure, morphology, term variation, syntax and
argument mapping. More details of these modules and the
Figure 2: The lemon core model
model in general can be found at http://lexinfo.
Furthermore, a directed graph model, such as employed by
RDF, is more suitable for representing language resources 3. Design
than hierarchical formats (Bird and Liberman, 2001; Ide 3.1. Motivation
and Suderman, 2007), e.g., XML. Secondly, the model In order to work with lexica in lemon, a tool that supports
aims to minimise the number of properties in use so that the the editing of lexica is needed. While using an existing
model is both concise as well as easy to use and understand. semantic data wiki for RDF as proposed by Auer et al.
Furthermore, we require that the model is not prescriptive (2006), the disadvantage is that it requires that the user has
in that it does not make any assumptions about linguistic a good command of the data model. If the kind of data that
categories and furthermore supports the use of categories we wish to represent as lexical linked data is highly struc-
defined in registries such as ISOcat (Kemps-Snijders et al., tured, directly editing the data model may pose difficulties
2008). Finally, we require that that model uses a process to users that are not well acknowledged with semantic rep-
called semantics by reference (Cimiano et al., 2011) in resentation languages. To illustrate this, we provide some
the sense that the semantics of the lexical entries is spec- examples of data model editing (based on the lemon model)
ified relative to a given ontology (Buitelaar, 2010), which that would make simple editing impractical.
differs significantly from the traditional word sense model
employed in most existing lexica, which typically do not Internal IDs are not meaningful: In order to repre-
define senses by pointing to external concepts. sent objects such as senses, forms and (subcategoriza-
The lemon model consists of a core path illustrated in Fig- tion) frames in the data model, a reified representation

needs to be introduced by assigning a unique ID to AJAX applications. We employed an extension that allows
the corresponding object. Displaying the associated a help message to be shown on the currently selected ele-
ID (for example bank sense3) would not be mean- ment. We also implemented a journalling repository mech-
ingful to the user who would clearly prefer a human- anism that allows changes to be tracked and logged to the
readable version of the object. user that made the modification. User management itself is
managed via OpenID, allowing users to use accounts from
Modelling artifacts require special rendering: For providers such as Google and Yahoo!. Finally we imple-
the representation of certain elements of the model, mented a linguistic data category ontology interface that
specialised data structures are required. For exam- uses the LexInfo model5 , which is itself derived from the
ple, in the case of RDF, a linked list is required to ISOcat registry (Kemps-Snijders et al., 2008) and is further
provide ordered data. Domain-specific data structures described in McCrae et al. (McCrae et al., 2011).
(e.g. trees or ordered sequences) need to be rendered
intuitively by the editor, but this cannot be done in a 3.2. Automatic lexicon creation
generic manner. The lemon source application supports automatic lexicon
Consistency of logical units must be maintained: creation by means of employing existing NLP systems such
Some elements in a lexicon should be created and ma- as part-of-speech taggers, parsers, tokenizers etc. This sys-
nipulated as a single unit even though they correspond tem, described in McCrae et al. (2011), allows a lexicon to
to multiple elements in the data model. For exam- be created from an input ontology or Linked Data resource
ple, subcategorization frames should be created with automatically. Naturally, the system only allows for auto-
an appropriate argument structure and given a seman- matically generated entries to be added to private users to
tic mapping from the entrys sense. their set of private lexica, as the result may contain errors
and as such requires manual review. This system is imple-
In addition, as with other lexica models such as LMF (Fran- mented by means of a blackboard architecture so that each
copoulo et al., 2006), there is much specialised terminology step of the process is implemented independently, allowing
that is not clear to those without expertise in lexicography new tasks to be created with ease. Currently, the following
or familiarised with the model. For this reason, it is impor- processing steps are applied:
tant to provide built-in help that explains and makes acces-
sible the terminology to naive users. Label Extraction: The goal of this pre-processing
For the above reasons, we thus decided to create a new ap- step is to yield a human-readable label for each on-
plication from scratch that could provide a clean and intu- tological element in the ontology or Linked Data re-
itive user interface to lemon to be used by non-experts to source. Ontologies on the Web and linked data re-
create correct lexica. In addition, we defined the following sources differ in how they express lexical information
technical requirements: about resources. Some use the rdfs:label prop-
erty, other use foaf:name or even other proprietary
There should be help throughout the system so that the properties. Thus, specialized procedures are required
definition of concepts can be provided to non-expert for label extraction. As ontologies often lack also lan-
users. guage information, we also employ a language iden-
tification approach and techniques that extract labels
There should be support for private working spaces for
from URIs to identify an appropriate label for each re-
lexica and tracking of changes and status of the lexica.
The re-use of data categories such as ISOcat (Kemps-
Tokenization: Many labels consist of multiple words
Snijders et al., 2008) should be fostered.
that, however, are not separated by blanks. Thus, some
The system should have a model-view-controller ar- special heuristics are needed to tokenize labels.
chitecture, where the model is the RDF store contain-
ing the data. Parsing: If the label consists of multiple words, we
apply a part-of-speech tagger and a parser if there is
The data should be accessible by linked data princi- one available for the language in question. Otherwise,
ples. In particular, RDF data should be available by this step is skipped.
means of transparent content negotiation (Holtman
and Mutz, 1998) and a SPARQL endpoint should be Tagging: If a parser is not available, a part-of-speech
available. tagger is applied to infer part-of-speech of the compo-
nent words.
Our system is designed following the model-view-control
pattern where the model is stored in a triple repository. Merging: The generated entries are compared against
Each modification to the lexicon at the UI is automatically the entries in legacy resources such as WordNet or
mapped to corresponding changes in the backend, which is Wiktionary in order to find duplicates. If duplicates
implemented by a Virtuoso repository3 . For the UI we rely are found, the entries are replaced by a URI represent-
on the jQuery library4 , which supports the easy creation of ing the lexical entry in the legacy resource.

3 5
4 lexinfo

Figure 3: An example screenshot of lemon source

Morphological Analysis: Based on the part-of- The owner must be able to publish a lexicon when it
speech and canonical form of the entry, a morphologi- has reached a status where it can be published on the
cal pattern is applied from a pre-loaded set of morpho- Web.
logical patterns.
In order to meet these requirements, each entry can be as-
Categorization: In this step a set of specialized rules signed a status from the ones listed below. A manager can
are applied to the parse tree in order to extract the sub- then assign roles to the different editors so that they can col-
categorization frame of the entry as well as its head. laboratively edit the lexica. Once the set of data has reached
the Accepted status, it can be considered ready for publi-
3.3. Collaborative editing cation.
In this section we present the application we have created to
support the creation and collaborative editing of the lexicon 4. Evaluation
associated to ontologies, as well as its publication as linked
For the evaluation of the lemon source editor, we performed
data. As can be seen in Figure 3, the first step consists in
an evaluation focused on the usability and coverage of the
importing an ontology or linked data resource. Then, the
model and the tool. On the one hand, our objective was to
application offers the possibility to automatically create a
find out in how far the lemon model is capable of represent-
preliminary version of the lexicon based on the natural lan-
ing the lexical data contained in a resource such as Wik-
guage information associated with the ontology elements.
tionary and whether the model matches the requirements
After this initial step, users can already navigate through
that users have for their applications. On the other hand, our
the automatically derived lexicon and directly edit it.
purpose is to know users opinions on how usable the sys-
As users of the system are intended to be a mixture of peo-
tem is, if the resulting lexicon is as intended, if they easily
ple with different degrees of linguistic knowledge, we re-
understand the lexical information captured in the model, if
quire that the system provides a number of features for col-
they find it easy to edit, and if the collaborative functional-
laborative editing, based on those found in classical data
ity helps them in creating lexica in an intuitive manner. For
wikis as well as standard practise in the language resource
these purposes, we conducted an initial set of evaluations
community. As such we formulate the following require-
with five Masters students, three studying Computer Sci-
ence, one studying Linguistics and one studying Cognitive
Support for monitoring changes to a page by means of Science. They were given a short explanation of the sys-
a change tracker on the RDF model that monitors any tem and allowed to work with the system for about an hour.
changes to an entry and displays them to the user. They were given the task of representing a single entry from
Wiktionary for a common term (hence an entry with much
An area for each entry where users can make com- information) within lemon source. Afterwards, they were
ments and discuss any details of an entry should there asked to answer a questionnaire with ten questions as fol-
be disagreement. lows (partially abridged):

Private working spaces for lexica where one or sev- 1. Did you find the system easy to use?
eral users may create their own lexica and manage the
status of that data before deciding to publish it. 2. Was the lexical information presented easy to under-
Statuses for each entry that can be assigned by its ed-
itors, such as Rejected, Accepted, For review 3. Were you able to represent all information you re-
or Automatically generated. These statuses are dis- quired?
played not only for each entry but also in a summary 4. Was the built-in help functionality adequate?
of all statuses in the lexicon.
5. Was it straightforward to learn how to use the system?
It must be possible to define groups of users who can
work on a particular private lexicon and each lexicon 6. Were the user interface elements clear and understand-
should have an owner. able?


This system takes inspiration from the classical document
based wiki approach but extends this with a structured and
linguistically sound data model. We argue that, on the one
Q9 hand, the data created by classical wikis lacks sufficient se-
mantics to be useful for many text processing applications,
and, on the other hand, generic data-driven editors would
N/A be difficult to use for non-expert users. Therefore, we ar-
gue that for complex language resources, such as lexica, it
Positive is necessary to create custom user interfaces that support
the creation of high-quality ontology lexica. The system
we have presented in this paper, lemon source, is a web-
Q3 based tool that allows users, comprising both experts and
non-experts, to collaboratively create an ontology-lexicon
semi-automatically based on an automatically created lexi-
con. An evaluation of the system has shown that the system
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% is usable, but has revealed that appropriate documentation
is a key issue that needs to be addressed for the system to
Figure 4: Results of usability study by question be improved.

7. Was there too much to read before you could start the
system? This work was developed in the context of the Monnet
project, which is funded by the European Union FP7 pro-
8. Was the resulting lexicon as intended? gram under grant number 248458 and the CITEC excel-
9. Did straightforward tasks (such as creating a lexical lence initiative funded by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungs-
entry with associated subcategorization frame) require gemeinschaft).
too many steps?
6. References
10. Did the collaborative functionality help?
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