False Fracture of The Penis
False Fracture of The Penis
False Fracture of The Penis
Original Article
Abstract Introduction: Penile fracture is the most common presentation of acute penis. Rupture of the superficial dorsal
penile vein(s) may mimic penile fractures with similar clinical presentation but with intact corporeal bodies. Our
aim of the study is to highlight superficial dorsal penile vein (s) injury as true emergency with better prognosis.
Subjects and Methods: Sixtyeight patients with suspected penile fractures presented to our hospital
between June 2007 and January 2013. Out of these, 11patients showed intact tunica albuginea on exploration
with injured dorsal penile vein(s) identified. Records of such 11cases were reviewed regarding age, etiology,
symptoms, physical signs, findings of surgical exploration and postoperative erectile function.
Results: All 11patients were injured during sexual intercourse and presented with penile swelling and ecchymosis
and gradual detumescence. Mild penile pain was encountered in 5cases and the snap sound was noted in
2cases. Examination revealed no localized tenderness, or tunical defect. All the patients regained penile potency
without deformity after surgical ligation of the severed vessels. One patient developed penile hypoesthesia.
Conclusion: Although the classic snap sound and immediate detumescence are usually lacking in the
symptomology of dorsal penile vein rupture, its clinical presentation can be indistinguishable from true
penile fracture. Surgical exploration is still required to avoid missing tunical tear with possible future
complications. The longterm outcome and prognosis are excellent.
Key Words: Dorsal penile vein, false penile fracture, penile fracture, tunica albuginea
DOI: The study was reviewed and approved by our institutional ethical
10.4103/0974-7796.127015 review board. The medical records of 11patients; presented
between June 2007 and January 2013 with final diagnosis of
superficial dorsal vein rupture, were reviewed retrospectively. It is defined as the disruption of the tunica albuginea with the
The collected data included age, marital status, etiology, use disruption of corpus cavernosum.[6] Penile fracture is readily
of PDE5 inhibitors, clinical presentation, physical findings, diagnosed by thorough history and physical examination.
results of surgical exploration and postoperative followup. The Ahistory of vigorous sexual intercourse or penile bending
patients were not subjected to any imaging procedure. Surgical during masturbation together with a snapping sound, rapid
exploration was done for all patients under spinal anesthesia. detumescence and penile discoloration is characteristic in
Initially, a urethral catheter was inserted. Subcoronal incision
was done to explore the penis. Penile degloving was followed by
examination of corporal bodies and tunica albunginea. When
the tunica was found intact, artificial erection was induced
to guarantee the integrity of tunical layer. Subsequently, the
hematoma was evacuated and the injured vessels were identified
and ligated. Hemostasis was achieved and the incision was closed.
The catheter was removed after 1day. Patients were instructed
to avoid sexual intercourse for 4weeks postoperatively. The
patients were followed at an outpatient clinic for erectile
dysfunction(ED), medical treatment for ED, penile deformity,
curvature, fibrotic nodules and penile sensation.
such cases. Examination usually reveals swollen, ecchymotic, and specificity of these techniques are significantly different and
tender and deviated penis. Sometimes, the tunical defect can be none has proven to be the reliable diagnostic investigation and
palpable. Conservative treatment may result in complications definitely differentiate false from true penile fracture. Penile
in up to 29% of cases. These include ED, penile curvature, ultrasound is operator dependent investigation and may give
abscess or debilitating plaques and significantly longer period false negative results due to small albuginea disruptions or the
of hospitalization and recovery.[68] presence of clots at the fracture site.[22] Caversonography carries
the risk of infection, priapism and contrast hypersensitivity in
Vascular penile injuries are less common causes of acute penis addition to its false negative results.[23] MRI has the advantages
which may mimic penile fracture. They occur predominantly of mutiplanar capacity and high soft tissue resolution, making
during intercourse, less commonly when turning or falling it the most precise imaging tool in cases of penile fracture.[24]
on the bed with the penis erected, or during masturbation. However, MRI cannot be used as a routine diagnostic mean in
The patients present with hematoma, swelling and gradual cases of suspected penile fracture as it is costly, time exhausting
detumescence. Although false penile injuries are clinically and not always available. In our practice, even in cases when
similar to true penile fracture, they usually could be false penile fracture is suspected, we recommend to perform
differentiated by the lack of the snap penile sound, absence immediate surgical exploration to avoid an opportunity to repair
of tunical defect, gradual detumescence and posttraumatic a missed tunical tear that may lead to ED.
new erection.[9,10] These false penile injuries include superficial
dorsal vein, deep dorsal vein and dorsal artery injuries as well The high frequency of dorsal vein injuries noted in our patients
as nonspecific dartos bleeding.[14] may be attributed to childhood circumcision. Circumcision
causes the penile skin to be more tightly stretched. During
Anatomically, the major penile vasculature consists of the intercourse, elongation of the compressed taut penile skin
superficial and deep dorsal veins and the dorsal artery of the during intercourse may result in laceration of the veins.[25] In
penis, lying out of the tunica albuginea. The deep artery of the addition, four of our patients have received PDE5 inhibitors
penis is in the middle of the corpora cavernosa and is covered which may contribute to this high rate due to vigorous
by the tunica albuginea. The deep dorsal penile vein and deep intercourse.
dorsal artey are present underneath the Bucks fascia while
superficial dorsal vein rests outside the fascia.[11] The ecchymosis All our patients underwent immediate surgical exploration.
due to superficial dorsal vein rupture can spread through the Surgical management aimed at evacuation of the hematoma,
subcutaneous tissue of the scrotum and perineum. On the identification or exclusion of the tunica injury and ligation
contrary, the hematoma due to deep dorsal vein rupture and of any injured vessels. Adegloving circumferential subcoronal
penile fracture is confined to the space beneath Bucks fascia incision was performed, which provides good cosmetic
and thus remains within the penile shaft as long as Bucks fascia results and exploratory advantage with exposure of the entire
remains intact.[12] If ecchymosis involves scrotum, perineum or tunica bilaterally and the urethra.[26] The evacuation of the
pubic area, a diagnosis of either true penile fracture with tearing hematoma in false penile fractures might prevent possible
of Bucks fascia or of false penile fracture with superficial dorsal future complications.[27]
vein rupture can be considered.[13] Rupture of the deep dorsal
vein is almost difficult to differentiate from that of cavernous Among surgically treated patients with penile fracture, those
bodies, except for the absence of an initial snap and sometimes undergoing repair within 8 h of injury had significantly better
of pain.[2] longterm results than did those having surgery delayed 36 h
after the occurrence of insult.[28] Unlike true penile fracture,
Although sudden detumescence is an important marker of time is not a prognostic factor for patients with pseudopenile
penile fracture in contrast to gradual detumescence which fracture.
suggests an intact corpora cavernosa, there are a few reports of
continued intercourse after fracture.[14,15] Even though there are Limitations to our study include its small sample size and
some clinical differences between false and true penile fracture, retrospective nature of the study.
the two conditions may still overlap with possible longterm
complications of missed tunical tears being a major concern.[16] CONCLUSIONS
Diverse radiological methods such as cavernosography,[17,18] Superficial dorsal penile vein injuries are uncommon penile injuries
ultrasonography[19,20] and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)[21,22] that simulate true penile fracture. Although, few clinical differences
have been utilized to diagnose and assess penile fracture. However, exist between these two conditions, however, due to lack of reliable,
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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None.
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