Merchant Literary - Devices (Answer Key)
Merchant Literary - Devices (Answer Key)
Merchant Literary - Devices (Answer Key)
PUN I know the hand; in faith, tis a fair hand,/And whiter than
the paper it writ on/Is the fair hand that writ. (2.4.12-14)
ALLUSION By Jacobs staff I swear/I have no mind of feasting forth
tonight: But I will go.(2.5.35-37)
SIMILE This third dull lead, with warning all as blunt (2.7.8)
HYPERBOLE You may as well go stand upon the beach / And bid the
main flood bate his usual height; You may as well do
anything most hard/ As seek to soften/ His Jewish
heart. (4.171-79)
METAPHOR O be thou damnd, inexorable dog, / And for they life let
ALLUSION justice be accusdInto trunks of men. (4.1.128-133)
Device/Technique Quotation Explanation and Significance
SIMILE The quality of mercy is not straindThe throned
monarch better than his crown. (4.1.182-188)
ALLUSION For herein Fortune shows herself more kind/ Than is her
custom:/from which lingring penance/ Of such misery
doth she cut me off. (4.1.165-270)
PUN Let me give light, but let me not be light, /For a light
wife doth make a heavy husband, / And never be
Bassanio so for me-/ But God sort all! (5.1.129-132)
DRAMATIC IRONY I gave my love a ring, and made him swear/ Never
to part with it, and here he stands. (5.1.170-171)
DRAMATIC IRONY If you did know whom I have the ring,/If you did
know for whom I gave the ring,/ And would conceive
for what I have the ring..You would abate the
strength of your displeasure. (5.1.193-198)
DRAMATIC IRONY Let not that doctor eer come near my house./ I
will become as liberal as you;/ Ill not deny him
anything I have,/ No, not my body, not my
husbands bed:/ Know him I shall I am well sure of
it. (5.1.223-229)