MCQ Java

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Some of the key features added in Java SE 6 include annotations, var-args, generics, Iterable interface, NavigableSet interface, StAX parser, logging package, ArrayDeque implementation class.

Some new features added in Java SE 6 include annotations, var-args, generics support, Iterable interface, JDBC 4.0, Java Compiler API, Java 3D API, Image Processing API.

The NavigableTreeSet class implements the NavigableSet interface introduced in JDK 1.6.

Question Name

(Optional) The Question Itself Correct answer Wrong answer Wrong answer Wrong answer Wrong answer Marks
CoreJava- Consider the following listed items: A-II, B-III, C-I A-III, B-I, C-II A-I, B-II, C-III A-II, B-I, C-III 2
AccessSpecifiers-001 A. Employee() { }
B. public Employee() { }
C. private Employee() { }

Consider the following statements:

I. no-argument constructor, that does not allow
instantiation from within the package
II. no-argument constructor, that does not allow
instantiation from outside the package
III. no-argument constructor

Which of the following option gives the exact matches of

above listed items and statements?
CoreJava- Which of the following statement is true regarding Default Constructors are Default Can be Abstract classes 2
AccessSpecifiers-002 constructors? optional only for the Constructors are overloaded cannot have
classes that does not have Optional for all across inherited constructors
constructors classes classes

CoreJava- Which of the following statement is true regarding Parameterized constructors Parameterized Parameterized Parameterized 2
AccessSpecifiers-003 parameterized constructors? can accept variable constructors constructors constructors
arguments as their cannot accept its cannot accept cannot call the
parameters same class type final arguments default
as parameter as parameters constructor

CoreJava- Consider the following code: The this() call should be the Compiles Default The this can be 2
AccessSpecifiers-004 first statement in the successfully constructors used only for
class Student { constructor without any error cannot be called accessing the
private String name; from member data and
parameterized member methods,
public Student() { } constructors not constructors
public Student(String name) { = name;

Which of the following statement is true regarding the

above code?
CoreJava- Consider the following listed items: A-II, B-III, C-I A-III, B-II, C-I A-I, B-II, C-III A-II, B-I, C-III 2
AccessSpecifiers-005 A. a method declared as final
B. a method declared as abstract
C. a method declared as private

Consider the following statements:

I. Will not be available in sub classes
II. Will deny overriding the method
III. Will not allow instantiating the class

Which of the following option gives the exact matches of

above listed items and statements?
CoreJava- Consider the following code: Using Var-Args Using a recursive Using method Using non-static 2
AccessSpecifiers-006 method that overriding overloaded
public class TestVarArgs { accepts Var-args methods
public static void main(String args[]) {
Employee e = new Employee();

static int add(int a, int b) {

return a + b;

static int add(int a, int b, int c) {

return add(a, b) + c;

static int add(int a, int b, int c, int d) {

return add(a, b ,c) + d;

Which of the following statement gives the alternative

way of implemeting the above add() methods?
CoreJava- Which of the following statements are true regarding 1,2 2,3 3,4 4,5 1,5 2
AccessSpecifiers-007 methods?

1) A method name can start with '$' symbol

2) A method that returns a value can have
java.lang.Object as its return type irrespective of the type
of the value it returns
3) A member method cannot have its owner class as its
return type
4) A method that has void as its return type cannot have
a return statement
5) A method cannot have multiple return statements

CoreJava- Which of the following statements are true regarding var- 1,2 2,3 3,4 4,5 2,5 2
AccessSpecifiers-008 args?

1) The main method arguments can be declared as var-

args of String
2) The var-arg variable can be iterated using enhanced
for loop
3) Normal arguments and var-args cannot be mixed
4) Method declarations in interface cannot have var-arg
type parameters
5) Var-arg can be a return type for a method

CoreJava- Consider the following listed items: A-II, B-III, C-I A-II, B-I, C-III A-I, B-III, C-II A-I, B-II, C-III 2
AccessSpecifiers-009 A. Differing by Signatures
B. Code that executes before main() method
C. Code that executes before constructor

Consider the following statements:

I. Instance Block
II. Method Overloading
III. Static Block

Which of the following option gives the exact matches of

above listed items and statements?
CoreJava- Which of the following statement is true regarding Methods can be Static methods Overloaded Overloaded 2
AccessSpecifiers-010 method overloading? overloaded across cannot be methods should methods cannot
inherited classes overloaded always return be declared as
same type of abstract
CoreJava- Which of the following statements are true regarding 2,5 1,2 2,3 3,4 1,3 2
AccessSpecifiers-011 static block and instance block?

1) Static methods can invoke static blocks

2) Static blocks can call static methods
3) Instance block can invoke current object's constructor
4) Constructor can invoke instance blocks
5) Static blocks are executed only once in the class's life

CoreJava- Consider the following code: Both the length() methods Both the length() Overloaded Overloaded 2
AccessSpecifiers-012 are duplicated methods methods are methods cannot methods should
public class TestOverloading { overloaded start with a be declared as
int _length(String s) { methods special character public
return s.length(); like '_'

float _length(String s) {
return (float) s.length();

Which of the following statement is true regarding the

above code?
CoreJava- Consider the following listed items: A-III, B-II, C-I A-I, B-II, C-III A-II, B-III, C-I A-II, B-I, C-III 2
AccessSpecifiers-013 A. public classes
B. private classes
C. abstract classes

Consider the following statements:

I. Cannot be used without inheriting
II. Not possible in Java
III. Can be imported from other packages

Which of the following option gives the exact matches of

above listed items and statements?
CoreJava- Which of the following statements are true? 1,2,5 2,3,4 3,4,5 1,2,4 2,4,5 2
1) Static modifier is applicable only for inner classes
2) Final modifier is not applicable for abstract classes
3) Package level members in a public class will be
available to the inherited class outside the package.
4) Private members of a class are not accessible through
its object instance
5) Protected members of a class are accessible through
its object instance

CoreJava- Which of the following statement is true regarding access Protected level access is Private level Public is Package level 2
AccessSpecifiers-015 specifiers? only for members, not for access is applicable for access is only for
classes applicable for local variables members, not for
both classes and classes
its members

CoreJava- Consider the following code: 3,4 1,2 2,3 4,5 1,5 2
class One {
private void method() {
System.out.println("method in One");

class Two extends One {

void method() {
System.out.println("method in Two");

Which of the following statements are true regarding the

above code?

1) method() is a overloaded method

2) method() is a overridden method
3) They are independent methods, no connection
between them
4) method() in class Two is polymorphic
5) the access level of method() cannot be expanded from
private to package level
CoreJava- Consider the following code: Normal Version Normal Version Var-arg Version Compile time error 3
AccessSpecifiers-017 HiHelloWelcomeBye HiHelloWelcome HiHelloWelcome 'Ambiguity in
public class Normal2VarArgsTester { Var-arg Version Bye Bye resolving the
public static void main(String args[]) { HiHelloWelcomeByeGood Normal Version Var-arg Version method
System.out.println(stringProcessor("Hi", "Hello", Night HiHelloWelcome HiHelloWelcome stringProcessor()'
"Welcome", "Bye")); ByeGood Night ByeGood Night

static String stringProcessor(String s1, String s2, String

s3, String s4) {
System.out.println("Normal Version");
return s1 + s2 + s3 + s4;

The above code contains a method stringProcessor(),

that does some string processing on 4 string objects
passed to it.
The same is tested by calling it from main method(). The
output generated by the above code is

Normal Version

Now, it is decided to add an overloaded version of the

same stringProcessor() method with Var-args that
accepts String as its parameter.
CoreJava- Consider the following code: Shows a compile time error Array Version Normal Version Normal Version 3
AccessSpecifiers-018 for the line that is newly 100 100 100
public class Normal2ArrayTester { added to the main() Array Version Array Version Normal Version
public static void main(String args[]) { method for testing the new 150 150 100
System.out.println(numericProcessor(10, 20, 30, 40)); code

static Integer numericProcessor(Integer n1, Integer n2,

Integer n3, Integer n4) {
System.out.println("Normal Version");
return n1 + n2 + n3 + n4;

The above code contains a method numericProcessor(),

that does some numeric processing on 4 Integer objects
passed to it.
The same is tested by calling it from main method(). The
output generated by the above code is

Normal Version

Now, it is decided to add an overloaded version of the

same numericProcessor() method with Integer array as
its parameter.
The following code is added to the above class.
CoreJava- Consider the following code: Shows a compile time error Array Version Normal Version Shows a compile 3
AccessSpecifiers-019 for the line that is newly 10.0 10.0 time error for both
public class Arrays2VarArgsTester { added to the main() Array Version Array Version the methods
public static void main(String args[]) { method for testing the new 15.0 15.0 'Duplicate
System.out.println(numericProcessor(new Float[] code methods
{1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f})); numericProcessor(
} ...)'

static Integer numericProcessor(Integer n[]) {

System.out.println("Arrays Version");
Integer r = 0;
for(Integer i:n) {
r += i;
return r;

The above code contains a method numericProcessor(),

that does some numeric processing on 4 Integer objects
passed to it.
The same is tested by calling it from main method(). The
output generated by the above code is

Normal Version

CoreJava- Consider the following code: Compile time error 'The Built-out Runtime Error Built-out method: 3
AccessSpecifiers-020 method method() in the method: Hello 'Unable to resolve Hello
class MethodProvider { type MethodProvider is not Built-in method: the method Built-in method:
public String message; applicable for the Hello method(String)' null
void method() { arguments (String)'
System.out.println("Built-in method:" + message);

public class AnonymousOverloading {

public static void main(String args[]) {
MethodProvider mp = new MethodProvider() {
void method(String message) {
this.message = message;
System.out.println("Built-out method:" +

Which of the following option gives the output generated

by the above code ?
CoreJava- Consider the following code: CODE 1 - Object CODE 1 - Integer CODE 1 - Float CODE 1 - String CODE 1 - Number 3
AccessSpecifiers-021 CODE 2 - Object CODE 2 - Integer CODE 2 - Float CODE 2 - String CODE 2 - Number
public class TestVarArgs {
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println(elementProcessor("A", "B", "C"));
System.out.println(elementProcessor(1, 2, 3));
System.out.println(elementProcessor(10.0f, 20.0f,

static String elementProcessor(/* CODE 1 */

...elements) {
String result = "";
for(/* CODE 2 */ element:elements) {
result += element.toString();
return result;

Which of the following code snippet when replaced to

those comments /* CODE 1 */ and /* CODE 2 */ in the
above code will generate the following output?

CoreJava- Consider the following code: Object o Object o[] Integer id, String Object id, Object 3
AccessSpecifiers-022 name, Double name, Object
class Student { salary salary
private Integer id;
private String name;
private Double salary;

public Student() { }
public Student(/* CODE */) {
for(int i=0; i<p.length; i++){
switch(i) {
case 0: id = (Integer) p[i]; break;
case 1: name = (String) p[i]; break;
case 2: salary = (Double) p[i]; break;

public String toString() {
return "Id:" + id + "\n" +
"Name:" + name + "\n" +
"Salary:" + salary;

public class VarArgConstructor {

CoreJava- Consider the following code: this(,, s.salary); Student(, new Student(, Student(s); Copy constructor is 3
AccessSpecifiers-023, s.salary);, s.salary); not possible in Java
class Student {
private Integer id;
private String name;
private Double salary;

public Student() { }
public Student(Integer id, String name, Double salary)
{ = id; = name;
this.salary = salary;
public Student(Student s)
{ /* CODE */

public class TestCopyConstructor { public

static void main(String args[]) {
Student s1 = new Student(100, "Mr.X",
28000.0); Student s2 = new Student(s1);

Which of the following code snippet when replaced for

the comment /* CODE */ in the above program, will
CoreJava- Consider the following code: this() method cannot be Prints: this() method call Cannot call 3
AccessSpecifiers-024 called from normal Id:100 should be the first overloaded
class Student { methods Name:Mr.X statement in a constructors using
private Integer id; Salary:28000.0 normal method this() method
private String name;
private Double salary;

public Student() { }
public Student(Integer id, String name, Double salary)
{ = id; = name;
this.salary = salary;
public void setStudentDetails(Student s) {
System.out.println("Setting Student Details");
this(,, s.salary);
public String getStudentDetails() {
String result = "";
result += "Id:" + id + "\n" +
"Name:" + name + "\n" +
"Salary:" + salary;
return result;

public class TestMethodCall {

CoreJava- Consider the following code: 4,5 1,2 2,3 3,4 1,5 3
class SuperClass {
protected int param1;
protected int param2;

class SubClass extends SuperClass {

private int param3;
private int param4;

SubClass() { }
SubClass(int param1, int param2, int param3, int
param4) {
/* CODE */
this.param3 = param3;
this.param4 = param4;

public class InitParams {

public static void main(String args[]) {
SubClass sub = new SubClass(1, 2, 3, 4);

Which of the following code snippets when replaced to

CoreJava- Consider the following code: Compile time error Prints Runtime error Compiles and 3
AccessSpecifiers-026 Id:1 executes
class Person { Name:Mr.Employ successfully, but
private Integer id; ee No Output
private String name; Salary:25000.0

class Employee extends Person {

private Double salary;

Employee() { }
Employee(Integer id, String name, Double salary) { = id; = name;
this.salary = salary;

public String toString() {
return "Id:" + + "\n" +
"Name:" + + "\n" +
"Salary:" + this.salary;

public class TestEmployee {

public static void main(String args[]) {
CoreJava- Consider the following code: 1,4,5 1,2,3 2,3,4 3,4,5 1,3,4 3
class SuperClass {
Number giveCalculated(Integer a, Integer b) {
return a+b * a-b;

class SubClass extends SuperClass {

/* CODE */

Which of the following codes when exclusively

replaced to the comment /* CODE */ in the above code
will make the above program to compile properly?

1) Float giveCalculated(Float a, Float b) {

return a+b * a-b;
2) Integer giveCalculated(Integer a, Integer b) {
return a+b * a-b;
3) Number giveCalculated(Integer a, Integer b) {
return a+b * a-b;
CoreJava- Consider the following code: 1,2 2,3 3,4 4,5 1,5 3
package me;


/* CODE 1 */ class MyProperty

{ void method() {
YourSharedProperty ysp = new YourSharedProperty();

/* CODE 2 */ class MySharedProperty {

void method() {
MyProperty mp = new MyProperty();


import me.MySharedProperty;

/* CODE 3 */ class YourProperty {

void method() {
MySharedProperty msp = new MySharedProperty();
CoreJava- Consider the following code: 1,2,4 2,3,4 1,2,5 3,4,5 2,4,5 3
class SuperClass {
public /* CODE 1 */ void method1() {
/* CODE 3 */

class SubClass extends SuperClass {

public /* CODE 2 */ void method2() {
/* CODE 4 */

Which of the following code snippets when exclusively

replaced to the comments /* CODE 1 */ /* CODE 2 */ /*
CODE 3 */ and /* CODE 4 */ in the above code, will
make the code compile properly?

1) CODE 1 - static
CODE 2 - static
CODE 3 - new SubClass().method2();
CODE 4 - new SuperClass().method1();
2) CODE 1 - No Code
CODE 2 - No Code
CODE 3 - new SubClass().method2();
CODE 4 - new SuperClass().method1();
CoreJava- Consider the following code: Class Not Found 10 11 Class Not Found 3
AccessSpecifiers-030 10 11
package com.teststatic;

class Static {
static int i=10;
static {
try {
} catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
System.out.println("Class Not Found");

public class TestStatic {

public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
}catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
System.out.println("Class Not Found");

CoreJava- Consider the following code: 100 Class Not Found Class Not Found 102 3
AccessSpecifiers-031 100 Class Not Found
package com.testinstance; 100

class Instance {
static int i=100;
try {
} catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
System.out.println("Class Not Found");

public class TestInstance {

public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
}catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
System.out.println("Class Not Found");

CoreJava- Consider the following code: 1002 Class Not Found 1001 Class Not Found 3
AccessSpecifiers-032 1001 Class Not Found
package com.testinstance; 1002

class Instance {
static int i=1000;
try {
} catch(Exception e) {

public class TestInstance {

public static void main(String args[]) {
try {

}catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println(new Instance().i);
CoreJava- Consider the following code: 40 20 10 Class Not Found 3
AccessSpecifiers-033 Class Not Found
package com.test; 20

class StaticInstance {
static int i = 10;

static {
try {

} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Class Not Found");

public class TestStaticInstance {

public static void main(String[] args) {
try {

} catch(Exception e) {
CoreJava- Consider the following code: 110 110 Compile time Compile time error 110 3
AccessSpecifiers-034 10 110 error 'too many 'Ambiguous 110
package com.test; 10 10 static blocks' declaration of i' 110

class TwoStatic {
static int i = 10;

static {
int i = 100;
i += StaticInstance.i;

static {

public class TwoStatic {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava- Consider the following code: 3,5 1,2 2,3 3,4 4,5 3
public class TestClass {
private int i, j, k;
public TestClass() { }
private TestClass(int i, int j, int k) {
this(i, j);
this.k = k;
protected TestClass(int i, int j) {
this.j = j;
TestClass(int i) { this.i = i; }
private int getI() { return i; }
private int getJ() { return j; }
private int getK() { return k; }
public static void main(String[] args) {
TestClass tc1 = new TestClass();
TestClass tc2 = new TestClass(100);
TestClass tc3 = new TestClass(1, 2);
TestClass tc4 = new TestClass(10, 20, 30);
System.out.println(tc3.getI() + ", " + tc3.getJ());
System.out.println(tc4.getI() + ", " + tc4.getJ()
+ ", " + tc4.getK());
CoreJava- Consider the following code: Compile time error Prints: 40 Prints: 50 Run time error 3
class AllClass {
private static int i = 10;
static { i += 10; }
{ i += 10; }
AllClass() { i += 10; }
AllClass incrementWith10() { i += 10; return this;}

public class AllAccess {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Annotations- Which of the following keyword is used to define user @interface @annotation @annotate @meta @metadata 1
001 defined annotation type?
CoreJava-Annotations- Which of the following options give the annotation types 1,2,3 2,3,4 3,4,5 1,2,5 1,3,4 1
002 that are predefined by the language specification itself?

1) '@Deprecated
2) '@Override
3) '@SuppressWarnings
4) '@Documented
5) '@Target

CoreJava-Annotations- Which of the following option gives the super type of all java.lang.annotation.Annot java.lang.Annotat java.annotation.A There is no super 1
003 Annotation types? ation ion nnotation type for an
Annotation type.
An Annotation
type is just an
interface defintion

CoreJava-Annotations- Which of the following option gives the Java Language Try-Catch Blocks Methods Instance Local Variables Classes 1
004 Element that cannot be annotated? Variables
CoreJava-Annotations- Which of the following option gives the value of the ElementType.TYPE ElementType.AN ElementType.CLA ElementType.INTE ElementType.ENU 1
005 ElementType that controls an annotation type to be NOTATION_TYPE SS RFACE M
applicable only for classes, interfaces, annotation types
and enums?
CoreJava-Annotations- Which of the following options give the marker 3,4,5 1,2,3 2,3,4 1,4,5 2,3,5 1
006 annotations among built-in annotations in Java?

1) '@Target
2) '@Retention
3) '@Override
4) '@Deprecated
5) '@Inherited
CoreJava-Annotations- Which of the following is true about Annotations? An annotation is a special An annotation Annotation Annotations can 1
007 kind of modifier can be declared methods allow replace interfaces
at public, private, wrapper types as in Java
protected and its return types,
package access as an alternative
levels to its equivalent
primitive types

CoreJava-Annotations- Which of the following Java language element allows Annotations Interfaces Enums Classes 1
008 method declarations to be assigned to compile-time
CoreJava-Annotations- Which of the following are true regarding Annotation? 2,3,5 1,2,3 2,3,4 3,4,5 2,4,5 2
1) Annotation refers to data in a Java Program
2) Annotation refers to metadata in a Java Program
3) Annotations can be embedded into class files
4) Annotations are not retrievable at run-time
5) Annotations can replace XML configurations

CoreJava-Annotations- Which of the following option gives the Built-in @Retention @Target @Accessible @Runtime @Reflexive 2
010 annotation, that controls the class level and runtime
accessibility of an User defined annotation?

CoreJava-Annotations- Which of the following option gives the Built-in @Target @Element @ElementType @Use 2
011 annotation, that controls the use of an User defined
annotation with various Java Language Elements?
CoreJava-Annotations- Consider the following code: 2,3 1,2 3,4 4,5 1,5 2
public @interface Demo {
public String value();

Which of the following options give the code that

properly uses the above defined annotation?

1) '@Demo
class MyClass { }
2) '@Demo(value = "Test")
class MyClass { }
3) '@Demo("Test")
class MyClass { }
4) '@Demo(value="Test");
class MyClass { }
5) '@Demo("Test");
class MyClass { }
CoreJava-Annotations- Which of the following statements are true regarding the 1,4 2,3 3,4 4,5 2,5 2
013 usage of @Inherited annotation type?

1) Indicates that a class or interface is extended from its

super type
2) '@Inherited annotation type works only with classes
3) Indicates that a method is inherited from its super
4) Indicates that an annotation type used for a superclass
should get inherited to its sub classes also
5) Indicates that an annotation type is inherited from
another annotation type

CoreJava-Annotations- Which of the following statements are true about 1,4 2,3 3,4 4,5 1,5 2
014 @Override annotation?

1) The @Override annotation is discarded by the

compiler, while creating class files
2) The @Override annotation is recorded in the class file
by the compiler but need not be retained by the Virutal
Machine at run time
3) The @Override annotation is recorded in the class file
by the compiler and retained by the Virutal Machine at
run time
4) The @Override annotation is used by the compiler just
to generate the error message if not properly overriden
5) The @Override annotation is used only by the IDE in
order to indicate that a method is an overriden method

CoreJava-Annotations- Which of the following is true regarding the use of The @Override can be used The @Override The @Override The @Override 2
015 @Override? only while overriding a can be used only can be used only can be used only
method in the super class while overriding while overriding while overriding
a method an abstract any built-in
declared in an method in the functions of Java
interface super class Core API

CoreJava-Annotations- Consider the following: @Retention(RetentionPolic @Retention(Rete @Retention(Rete @Retention(Reten 2

016 y.RUNTIME) ntionPolicy.REFLE ntionPolicy.RUNTI tionPolicy.REFLEXI
An annotation type need to be defined with the name @Target(ElementType.MET XIVE) ME) VE)
'PreInit', that is applicable only for methods and should HOD) @Target(Element @Target(Element @Target(ElementT
be reflexive. public @interface PreInit { Type.METHOD) Type.METHOD) ype.METHOD)
The annotation should support an integer type method int initValue() default 0; public @interface public @interface public @interface
called 'initValue' with the default value 0. } PreInit { PreInit { PreInit {
int initValue() int initValue() = int initValue() =
Which of the following code gives the correct annotation default 0; 0; 0;
type defintion for the above specification? } } }
CoreJava-Annotations- Consider the following code: 2,3 1,2 3,4 4,5 1,5 2
public @interface ClipInfo {
Integer clipId();
String clipName();
String artist() default "[unknown]";
String date() default "[unknown]";

Which of the following code / code snippets give the

proper usage of above annotation type definition?

1) '@ClipInfo(clipId=1, clipName="New Clip")

interface I { }
2) '@ClipInfo(clipId=10, clipName="Old Clip")
enum E { }
3) '@ClipInfo(clipId=100, clipName="Final Clip")
class C { }
4) '@ClipInfo(aritst="New Artist", date="01-Jan-2010")
class C { }
5) '@ClipInfo(aritst="Old Artist", date="01-Feb-2010")
enum E { }

CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following Statements: Both the Statements A and Statement B is Statement A is Both the 2
001 B are false True and True and Statements A and
A: WeakHashMap is synchronized. Statement A is Statement B is B are true
B: All Set implementation Rejects Duplicates but is false false

Which of the following option is true regarding the above

CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following list of items in Column A and 2-A, 3-B, 4-C, 1-D 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D 1-A, 3-B, 4-C, 2-D 2-A, 4-B, 3-C, 1-D 2
002 column B

Column A
1) Vector
2) HashSet
3) TreeSet
4) ArrayList

Column B
A) It is not ordered or sorted
B) It compares and stores the data in a sorting order
C) Permits all elements including NULL.
D) It tries to optimize storage management by
maintaining a capacity and a capacity Increment.

Which of the following option gives the valid match

between the Items in Column A and Statements in
Column B?

CoreJava-Collections- Which of the following option gives the valid collection LinkedList ArrayList Collection List Vector 2
003 implementation class that implements the List interface
and also provides the additional methods to get, add and
remove elements from the head and tail of the list
without specifying an index?

CoreJava-Collections- Which of the following statements give the advantages of 2,4 1,2 2,3 4,5 1,5 2
004 using a Generic Collection?

1) Thread Safety
2) Type Safety
3) JVM Safety
4) Automatic Type Casting
5) Quicker Garbage Collection
CoreJava-Collections- Which of the following statement gives the disadvantage Not compatible with the Forces the user Generic Use of generic 2
005 of Generic Collection? applications developed to mention the collections collections
using JDKs prior to the data type while cannot be removes thread
version 1.5 declaring and iterated using safety for the
creating Iterator, only collection class
instances of foreach being used
Generic statement works
Collections with Generic
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following listings: 1-A, 2-C, 3-E 1-A and B, 2-C, 3- 1-A and B, 2-C, 3- 1-A, 2-C, 3-D 2
006 Column A: E D
1. Denotes a family of subtypes of type Type
2. Denotes a family of supertypes of type Type
3. Denotes the set of all types or ANY

Column B:
A. ? extends Type
B. ? implements Type
C. ? super Type
D. *
E. ?

Which of the following option gives the exact match

between the definitions in Column A and the syntaxes in
Column B?
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following Statements: Statement A is true and B is Statement B is Both the Both the 2
007 false true and A is statements A and statements A and
Statement A: The ListIterator interface helps to traverse false B are true B are false.
a list in either direction.
Statement B: hasPrevious() is a method in Iterator

Which of the following option is correct regarding the

above given statements?
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following Statements: Both the statements A and Statement A is Statement A is Both the 2
008 B are false. true and false and Statements A and
Statement A: The Iterator interface declares only two Statement B is Statement B is B are true
methods: hasMoreElements and nextElement. false true

Statement B: The ListIterator interface extends both the

List and Iterator interfaces.

Which of the following option is correct regarding above

given statements?

CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following partial code: Creates a Date object with Creates a Date Creates a Date Creates a Date 2
009 current date and time as object with '01- object with 0 as object with
java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); default value 01-1970 12:00:00 default value current date alone
AM' as default as default value
Which of the following statement is true regarding the value
above partial code?
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following code snippets: B,D A,B B,C D,E A,E 2
A. java.sql.Date d = new java.sql.Date();

B. java.util.Date d = new java.util.Date();

C. java.util.Calendar cal =
java.util.Date d = cal.getDate();

D. java.util.Calendar cal =
java.util.Date d = cal.getTime();

E. String strDate = "01/01/2010";

java.util.Date d = java.util.Date.parseDate(strDate);

Which of the following option giveS the valid code

snippets from the above list that gives the valid way of
creating a date object?

CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following partial code: for (Iterator<String> for for for 2
011 myListIterator = (<String>Iterator (Iterator<String> (<String>Iterator
for (Iterator myListIterator = myList.iterator(); myList.iterator(); myListIterator = myListIterator = myListIterator =
myListIterator.hasNext(); ) { myListIterator.hasNext(); ) {
myList.iterator(); myList.iterator(); myList.iterator();
String myElement = (String); String myElement = myListIterator.ha myListIterator.Ne myListIterator.has
System.out.println(myElement);; sNext(); ) { xt(); ) { String(); ) {
} String String String
System.out.println(myElem myElement = myElement = myElement =
Assume that 'myList' is a java.util.List type object. ent); myListIterator.nex
} xt(); xt(); t();
Which of the following option gives the code which is
equivalent to the above partial code using Generics? System.out.printl System.out.printl System.out.println
n(myElement); n(myElement); (myElement);
} } }
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following code: Throws Runtime Exception Compilation error Prints the output Prints the output 2
012 at line no 8 [Green World, 1, [Green World,
01 import java.util.Set; Green Peace] at Green Peace] at
02 import java.util.TreeSet; line no 9 line no 9
04 class TestSet {
05 public static void main(String[] args) {
06 Set set = new TreeSet<String>();
07 set.add("Green World");
08 set.add(1);
09 set.add("Green Peace");
10 System.out.println(set);
11 }
12 }

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following code: 3, 4, 5, 7 3, 5, 7, 4 7, 5, 4, 3 3, 5, 7, 7, 4 2
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class TestSet {

public static void main(String args[]) {
Integer[] num = {7,5,7,3};
Set<Integer> set = new
for(Integer value: set) {
System.out.print(value + " ");

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following code and predict the output: {ee=ff, gg=hh} {ee=ff} {aa=bb, cc=dd, {aa=bb, cc=dd} 2
014 ee=ff}
import java.util.*;

public class TestTreeMap {

public static void main(String args[]) {
TreeMap tree = new TreeMap();
tree.put("aa", "bb");
tree.put("cc", "dd");
tree.put("ee", "ff");
tree.put("gg", "hh");
Map map = tree.tailMap("ee");

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?

CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following code and predict the output: Runtime error at the line Compilation error Runtime error at Prints the output 2
015 commented as Line 2 at the line the line as
import java.util.*; commented as commented as [Alaska, Fashion]
Line 4 Line 3 [Alaska, Fashion]
public class SetTest{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Set s = new HashSet();
s.add("Alaska"); // Line 1
s.add(new Fashion()); // Line 2
Set t = new TreeSet();
t.add("Alaska"); // Line 3
t.add(new Fashion()); // Line 4

class Fashion { public String toString() { return "Fashion";


Which of the following option is valid, if the above

program is compiled and executed?
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following statements about the Map type Statement A is true and Both Statements Statement A is Both Statements A 2
016 Objects: Statement B is false A and B are true false and and B are false
Statement B is
Statement A: Changes made in the set view returned by true
keySet() will be reflected in the original map.
Statement B: All Map implementations keep the keys

Which of the following option is true regarding the above


CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following list of code: D B C A E 2

A) Iterator iterator = hashMap.keySet().iterator();
B) Iterator iterator = hashMap.iterator();
C) Iterator iterator = hashMap.keyMap().iterator();
D) Iterator iterator = hashMap.entrySet().iterator();
E) Iterator iterator = hashMap.entrySet.iterator();

Assume that hashMap is an instance of HashMap type

collection implementation.

Which of the following option gives the correct partial

code about getting an Iterator to the HashMap entries?

CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following code: [GSLV, PSLV, Chandrayaan] [GSLV, PSLV, SLV, [GSLV, PSLV, IRS] [GSLV, SLV, 2
018 Chandrayaan] Chandrayaan]
import java.util.*;

public class IterateOurSatellites {

public static void main(String[] args) {
List l = new ArrayList();
l.add("GSLV"); l.add("PSLV"); l.add("SLV");
l.add("Chandrayaan"); l.add("IRS");
ListIterator i = l.listIterator();;;;;;
i.previous(); i.previous();

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following code: String dateFormat = String String dateFormat String dateFormat 2
019 "dd/MM/yyy hh:mm:ss a"; dateFormat = = "dd/MM/yyy = "dd/MM/yyy
import java.text.ParseException; "dd/mm/yyy hh:mm:ss t"; hh:MM:ss a";
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; hh:mm:ss t";
import java.util.*;

public class String2DateTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {
String dateAndTime = "10/05/2010 10:30:00 PM";
/* CODE */
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new
try {
Date date = sdf.parse(dateAndTime);
}catch(ParseException pe) {
System.out.println("Invalid date format");

Which of the following option is a valid code that can be

substituted to the line commented as /* CODE */ in the
above program, so that it converts the String to Date
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following code: String timeFormat = String String timeFormat String timeFormat 2
020 "hh:mm:ss a"; timeFormat = = "HH:MM:SS A"; = "HH:MM:SS T";
import java.text.ParseException; "hh:mm:ss t";
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;

public class Date2StringTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Date today = new Date();
String now = "";
/* CODE */
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new
now = sdf.format(today);

Which of the following option is a valid code that can be

substituted to the line commented as /* CODE */ in the
above program, so that it prints current time properly?

CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following Scenario: LinkedHashSet HashSet Hashtable TreeSet 3

Jagadeesh is creating an application in which he wants to
use a collection container with the following features:

i. Container should not allow duplicates

ii. The container when instantiated, should be initialized
with the elements of an existing Set.
iii. Iteration order of the new Set should be same as that
of the existing Set.

Which of the following option gives the most suitable

Collection class implementation that Jagadeesh should
use for building this application?

CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following scenario: HashMap HashSet ArrayList LinkedList 3

A java application need to load all the rows as objects
from a database table and keep it in the memory, with
the following features:
* An object should be fetched based on the primary key
* When a new object is added to the memory, it should
get inserted to the database table
* When an existing object is removed, the corresponding
row should be removed from the database
* When any changes are made to the object the changes
have to be updated to the database.

Which of the following collection implementation would

be suitable for the above scenario?

CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following scenario: Queue HashSet Stack HashMap ArrayList 3
Two Client Systems A and B are connected to a Server.
Client A keeps sending some messages asynchronously to
Client B through the Server. The server keeps track of all
the messages coming from Client A and dispatches it in
the same sequences how it is recevied from Client A. The
messages sent by Client A is delivered to Client B after a
short time delay.

Which of the following collection implementation the

server should use to handle the messages sent by Client

CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following scenario: Iterator Enumerator Enumeration Remover Comparator 3
An ArrayList is popluated with the names of all the
employees in a company.

Now the names start with the string "AR" should only be
removed from the list.

Which of the following option gives the correct interface

that helps to accomplish the above task?
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following scenario: ListIterator Enumerator Iterator Enumeration Browser 3
The Employee objects are populated in an ArrayList in
order to show it to the user.

The User Interface is designd in such a way to display one

record at a time.

Appropriate buttons are provided to browse through the

previous and next record.

Which of the following option gives the correct interface

that helps to accomplish the above task?
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following scenario: java.util.Date java.util.Calendar java.util.Date and java.util.Timestam 3
026 java.util.Time p
An Online Ticket Booking application designed using Java
needs to store the booked date and time.

Which of the following option gives the valid class that

can accomplish the above task?

CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following scenario: java.util.Calendar java.util.Time java.util.Date java.util.Timestam 3

027 p
An HR application is being developed in Java. A particular
module needs to calculate the number of days between
project start date and end date for an employee, in order
to arrive at the billable days. The given inputs are day,
month and year values for project start date and end

Which of the following option gives the valid class that

can accomplish the above task?
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following scenario: public List<Map<String, public public public List<String> 3
028 Object>> getRows(); List<VariableObje List<Object> getRows();
A method called getRows() in a Java module needs to ct> getRows(); getRows();
return some set of objects when the method is called,
but subject to the conditions below:
* The objects can be duplicated
* But the Objects should maintain the order
* The number of fields in the object will vary for every
method call
(For example: For the first call there could be 5 fields in
the returned list of objects, and for the next call there
could be 3 fields and so on.)
* Types of fields may also vary for every call.

Which of the following Generic Collection based method

Declaration is most suitable for handling the data related
to the above scenario effectively?

CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following scenario: private Map<User, private private private 3
029 Set<Account>> users = null; Map<Account, Map<User, Map<Account,
An online application maintains a list of logged-in users. Set<User>> users List<Account>> List<User>> users
Every user has some set of accounts configured by them, = null; users = null; = null;
but subject to the following conditions:
* The Users list should be unique
* The accounts list also should be unqiue
* With the help of user, the corresponding accounts also
should be accessible

Which of the following Generic Collection Declaration

can handling the data related to the above scenario
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following scenario: public public public public List<String> public Set<Object> 3
030 SortedSet<Map<String, List<VariableObje Set<Map<String, getRecords(); getRecords();
A method called getRecords() in a Java module needs to Object>> getRecords(); ct> getRecords(); Object>>
returns some set of objects when the method is called, getRecords();
but subject to the conditions below:
* The objects are unique
* The Objects are sorted
* The number of fields in the object will vary for every
method call
(For example: For the first call there could be 5 fields in
the returned list of objects, and for the next call there
could be 3 fields and so on.)
* Types of fields may also vary for every call.

Which of the following Generic Collection based method

Declaration is most suitable for handling the data related
to the above scenario effectively?

CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following code: 1,3 2,3 3,4 4,5 1,5 3
031 01 import java.util.*;
03 public class Convert2Generic {
04 public static void main(String[] args) {
05 List customerList = null;
06 customerList = readCustomers();
07 }
09 private static List readCustomers() {
10 // Code to read and return customers data
12 }
13 }
14 class Customer {
15 public String customerId;
16 public String customerName;
17 }

Which of the following options give the line number

which needs to be changed in order to enable generics
for the above program, so that the List should handle
only the Customer class type objects?

1) The declaration at Line no. 05

2) The statement at line no. 06
3) The declaration at Line no. 09
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following code: List<Number> elements = List<Double> List<Byte> List<Short> List<Integer> 3
032 new ArrayList<Number>(); elements = new elements = new elements = new elements = new
import java.util.*; ArrayList<Double ArrayList<Byte>(); ArrayList<Short>(); ArrayList<Integer>(
>(); );
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List elements = new ArrayList(); // Line 5
elements.add((byte) 34);
elements.add((short) 234);

Which of the following code has to be replaced for the

line which is commented as // Line 5 in the above
program, in order to enable Generics?
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following code: 1,2 2,3 3,4 4,5 1,5 3
import java.util.*;

class Person { }
class Employee extends Person { }
class Consultant extends Person { }

public class TestGenericWildCard { public

static void main(String[] args) {
List<Person> persons = new ArrayList<Person>();
persons.add(new Person());
persons.add(new Person());

List<Employee> employees =
new ArrayList<Employee>();
employees.add(new Employee());
employees.add(new Employee());

List<Consultant> consultants =
new ArrayList<Consultant>();
consultants.add(new Consultant());
consultants.add(new Consultant());
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following Code: Prints: 1 -1 Prints: 1 0 Prints: 2 0 Prints: 2 -1 3
import java.util.List; import
java.util.ArrayList; import

public class SearchCollection {

public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> techs = new ArrayList<String>();
"flex") + " ");

Which of the following will be the valid output for the

above code?

CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following code: [3] [1, 3, 2, 1] [1, 3, 1, 3, 1] [1, 3, 2] 3

import java.util.*;

public class ListListList {

public static void main(String[] args) {
List list = new ArrayList();
list.add(1, "3");
List linkedlist = new LinkedList(list);
linkedlist = list.subList(0,3);

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following code: 2,3 1,2 3,4 4,5 3,4 3
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class FriendsList {

private List<Friend> friendsList = null;

public FriendsList() {
/* CODE */
public void addFriend(Friend friend) {
// Add friend logic
public void removeFriend(String friendName) {
// Remove friend logic
class Friend {
private String friendName;
public Friend(String friendName) {
this.friendName = friendName;

The above class maintains the friends list. It has two

business methods namely addFriend and removeFriend.
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following code: Prints the following with a Compile time Prints the Prints the 3
037 RuntimeError at the end error at line following without following
01 class TestIndexedIterator { number 09 any error Windows
02 public static void main(String args[]) { Windows Mac OS
03 List<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>(); Linux Windows
04 myList.add("Windows"); Mac OS Linux
05 myList.add("Linux"); Mac OS
06 myList.add("Mac OS");
07 int index=0;
08 for (Iterator<String> myListiterator =
myList.iterator(); myListiterator.hasNext();) {
09 System.out.println(myList.get(index++));
10 }
11 }
12 }

Which of the following option gives the correct output

for the above code?
CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following code: Runtime Exception Prints: Prints: Compile Time Prints: 3
038 Chennai Delhi Chennai Pune Exception Chennai Delhi
import java.util.*; Pune Kolkata Mumbai Kolkata Mumbai Kolkata

public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>();

Iterator<String> iStr = myList.iterator();

while(iStr.hasNext()) {
String element =;
if(element.equals("Pune")) {
for(String element : myList) {
System.out.print(element + " ");

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following incomplete code: LINE 1: LINE 1: LINE 1: LINE 1: 3
039 cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_ cal.add(Calendar. cal.subtract(Calen cal.subtract(Calen
import java.util.Calendar; MONTH, -120); DAY_OF_MONTH dar.DAY_OF_MO dar.DAY_OF_MON
import java.util.GregorianCalendar; LINE 2: , -120); NTH, 120); TH, 120);
import java.util.Date; cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_ LINE 2: LINE 2: LINE 2:
MONTH, 240); cal.add(Calendar. cal.add(Calendar. cal.add(Calendar.D
public class PriorAhead { DAY_OF_MONTH DAY_OF_MONTH, AY_OF_MONTH,
public static void main(String[] args) { , 120); 240); 120);
Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
cal.setTime(new Date());
/* LINE 1 */
/* LINE 2 */

Which of the following option when substituted to the

comments /* LINE 1 */ and /* LINE 2 */ in the above
code will print the date which is 120 days prior the
current and 120 days ahead of current date?

CoreJava-Collections- Consider the following partial code: 2,5 1,2 2,3 3,4 3,5 3
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.Date;

public class FiveDaysAhead {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
cal.setTime(new Date());
/* LINE 1 */

Which of the following options when substituted to the

comment /* LINE 1 */ in the above code will print the
date which is 5 days ahead of current date?

1) cal.add(Calendar.DAY, 5);
2) cal.roll(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 5);
3) cal.set(Calendar.DAY, 5);
4) cal.roll(Calendar.DAY, 5);
5) cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 5);

CoreJava-Controlflow- Consider the following code snippet: Prints the message the value of i is 0 the value of i is 1 Compilation error Runtime error 2
001 "Finished"
int i=0;
while(i-- >0) {
System.out.println(the value of i is +i);

Which of the following will be the output for the above

code snippet?
CoreJava-Controlflow- Which of the following statements are true about Integer 1,2,5 2,3,4 3,4,5 1,4,5 1,2,3 2
002 wrapper class?

1) The Integer can accept a String in its constructor

2) The Integer has a doubleValue() method
3) The immediate super class of Integer class is
4) Integer is a mutable class
5) The Integer class provides a method to convert an
Integer to Binary
CoreJava-Controlflow- Which of the following option gives the methods which toOctalString() byteValue() intValue() isInfinite() 2
003 are not available in Float wrapper type?
CoreJava-Controlflow- Which of the following returns a primitive data type? 1,4 2,3 3,4 3,5 1,5 2
1) Integer.parseInt()
2) Integer.getInteger()
3) Integer.valueOf()
4) Integer.intValue()
5) Integer.decode()
CoreJava-Controlflow- Which of the following operators on using only with 3,4,5 1,2,3 2,3,4 1,4,5 1,3,4 2
005 Numeric Wrapper type objects requires unboxing?

1) =
2) ==
3) ++
4) --
5) +

CoreJava-Controlflow- Which of the following listed loop type in Java does not for each loop while loop do ... while loop for loop a loop formed using 2
006 depend on Boolean expression to terminate its if and break
CoreJava-Controlflow- Consider the following code snippet: 2 4 8 16 32 64 2 4 8 16 32 24816 None of the listed 2
007 options
public static void main(String args[]) {
int N;
While(N<=32) {
N= 2*N;
System.out.print(N + " ");

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Controlflow- Which of the following keyword communicates return break continue goto 2
008 information between to methods in a Java Program?

CoreJava-Controlflow- Which of the following statements are true regarding 1,3,4 2,4,5 1,2,3 2,3,4 3,4,5 2
009 switch-case structure?

1) Switch case can compare integer types

2) Break statement is important for every case in a switch
case structure, in order to get a error-free compilation
3) The default case can be kept anywhere in a switch-
case structure
4) All cases including default is optional inside a switch-
case structure
5) Switch case cannot compare character type

CoreJava-Controlflow- Which of the following statements are true regarding if- 2,3 1,2 3,4 4,5 1,4 2
010 else structure and switch-case structure?

1) All logics that are implemented with if-else statement

is possible to implement in switch-case structure also
2) Only equality check can be done with switch-case
3) If-else structure can be nested inside a switch-case
structure and vice-versa
4) The case statement in the switch-case structure is an
executable statement
5) Execution control can be manually transfered to any of
the case inside a switch-case structure, using labled
break statement

CoreJava-Controlflow- Which of the following option is not a valid wrapper type new Character("a"); new Byte("10"); new new new 2
011 object creation? Long("3465"); Integer("637"); Boolean("truth");
CoreJava-Controlflow- Consider the following code: new truth one old truth new truth one old truth 2
012 new truth one new truth two new truth two new truth one
class TestWrapper {
public static void main(String[] args) {
boolean oldTruth = true;
Boolean newTruthOne = new Boolean("true");
Boolean newTruthTwo = new Boolean("true");
System.out.println((oldTruth == newTruthOne) ? "new
truth one" : "old truth");
System.out.println((newTruthOne == newTruthTwo) ?
"new truth two" : "new truth one");

Which of the following will be the output for the above

CoreJava-Controlflow- Consider the following code: Compilation Error Result: 100 Result: 100 Runtime Error End of getSquare 2
013 End of getSquare Result: 100
class TestReturn {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int i = 10;
System.out.println("Result:" + getSquare(i));

public static int getSquare(int i) {

return i * i;
System.out.println("End of getSquare");

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Controlflow- Consider the following variable declarations: 1,2,3 2,3,4 3,4,5 1,4,5 1,3,4 2
int x=100, y=200;
Integer i=100, j=200;

Which of the following options are true regarding the

above code snippet?

1) The expressions (x == y) and (i == j) are functionally

2) The expressions (x < y) and (i < y) are functionally same
3) The expressions (x != j) and (i != y) evaluates to the
same result
4) The expression (j - i) evaluates to another Integer
wrapper type object with the value 100
5) x.equals(j) is valid expression

CoreJava-Controlflow- Consider the following code snippet: Auto-boxing: 3, Auto- Auto-boxing: 4, Auto-boxing: 1, Auto-boxing: 2, 2
015 Unboxing: 2 Auto-Unboxing: 3 Auto-Unboxing: 0 Auto-Unboxing: 0
Integer i=1411, j=i;

Which of the following option gives the correct number

of Auto-boxing and Auto-Unboxing occurred in the above
CoreJava-Controlflow- Which of the following statement is false about for-each for-each loop can work for-each loop is for-each loop for-each loop is an for-each loop 2
016 loop in Java? only with generic an alternative to does the alternative to works with arrays
collections Enumeration automatic Iterator
CoreJava-Controlflow- Which of the following statement gives the valid The variable used for The collection The variable used The collection 2
017 condition in order to make a for-each loop to work with iterating should of should be for iterating object should be
non-generic collections? java.lang.Object type java.util.List type should of delcared as final

CoreJava-Controlflow- Which of the following statements are true about labeled 2,5 1,2 2,3 3,4 1,5 2
018 break?

1) labeled break statement in java is equivalent to goto

2) labels declared for single line statements cannot be
used with labeled break
3) labeled break can be used to form a loop in
combination with if statement
4) labeled break statement is a non executable statement
5) labeled break cannot be used with switch ... case

CoreJava-Controlflow- Consider the following code snippet: 1411 1411 1411 Compile time error Runtime error 2
019 java.lang.Integer java.lang.Number java.lang.Object 'Cannot assign an 'Unable to convert
Object n = 1411; integer value to a long value to
System.out.println(n); Object' Object type'

Which of the following will be the output for the above

code snippet?
CoreJava-Controlflow- Consider the following code: 3,4 1,2 2,3 4,5 1,5 3
1 class TestWhileFor {
2 public static void main(String args[]) {
3 int i=0, j=1;
4 while (i==0) {
5 do
6 i++;
7 while(i<j);
8 j = i+1;
9 for(;i>0;i--)
10 System.out.println(i + " " + j);
11 }
12 }
13 }

Which of the following statements are true regarding the

above code?

1) The for-loop in the line numbers 9 and 10 runs for j-i

number of times
2) The for-loop in the line numbers 9 and 10 runs for j+i
number of times
3) The for-loop in the line numbers 9 and 10 runs for (j-
i)+1 number of times
4) The output is
CoreJava-Controlflow- Consider the following code: 2,3 1,2 3,4 4,5 1,5 3
1 class TestForEach {
2 public static void main(String args[]) {
3 Object list[] = {"Save Trees", new Date()};
4 for (String o : list)
5 System.out.println(o);
6 }
7 }

Which of the following options give the valid exclusive

changes that can be made to the above program to make
it compile and execute properly?

1) Changing the array element, new Date() into new

Date().toString(), in line number 3
2) Declaring the array as String array instead of Object
array in the line number 3
3) Declaring the object o as Object instead of String in the
line number 4
4) list has to be declared as collection object instead of
array in line number 3
5) The object o has to be downcasted to java.lang.Object
type before printing it, in line number 5

CoreJava-Controlflow- Consider the following code: Prints: Keeps on printing Prints: Shows compile 3
022 Save Our Tigers "Save Our Tigers" Save Our Tigers time error that
class SaveOurTigers { Share this infinitely labeled break
public static void main(String args[]) { cannot be used
int count = 1411; with switch
switch(count) {
case 1411: again: {
System.out.println("Save Our Tigers");
break again;

default: {
System.out.println("Share this");

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Controlflow- Consider the following code: false true false true Compile time error 3
023 false false true true 'Increment/Decrem
class TestWrapper2 { ent operator
public static void main(String args[]) { cannot be used
Integer i = 1411; with wrapper types'
Integer j = i;
System.out.println((i == j) && (i.equals(j)));
System.out.println((i == j) && (i.equals(j)));

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Controlflow- Consider the following code: Wrapper Base Runtime Error Var-args Long Wrapper Compile-time Error 3
public class TestVarArgs {
public static void printValues(int... x) {
public static void printValues(Long x, Long y) {
System.out.print("Long Wrapper");
public static void printValues(Number x, Number y) {
System.out.print("Wrapper Base");
public static void main(String[] args) {
printValues(10, 20);

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?

CoreJava-Controlflow- Consider the following code: G GB RGB No output 3

class TestSwitchCase {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int a=30;
switch(a) {
case 10: case 20:
if (a==10) System.out.print("R");
else break;

case 30: case 40:

if (a==30) System.out.print("G");
else break;

case 50: case 60:

if (a==50) System.out.print("B");
else break;

Which of the following will be the output for the above

CoreJava-Controlflow- Consider the following code: Inserting a label before the These kind of Inserting a break No changes 3
026 beginning of outermost if- problems cannot statement at the required. The
class GradeCalculator { statement and a labeled be solved using if- else part of every program correctly
public static void main(String args[]) { break statement after statement if-statement calculates the
int total = 35; every System.out.println() except the grade
statement except the outermost if-
if(total <= 100) { outermost if-statement will statement will
if(total < 90) { make the program to make the
if(total < 75) { correctly calculate the program to
if(total < 60) { grade correctly
if(total < 40) { calculate the
System.out.println("F"); grade

Which of the following statement is true regarding the

above program code?
CoreJava-Controlflow- Consider the following code: 3 000012 0012 0000001112 3
class CarefulFor {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int i, j, k;

for(i=0; i<3; i++);

for(j=i; j<3; j++);
for(k=j; k<3; k++);

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Controlflow- Consider the following code: 1,4 2,3 1,4 3,5 2,5 3
1 class TestWhile2 {
2 public static void main(String args[]) {
3 int i = 1, j = 2, k = 3;
5 while (i < j)
6 while (j < k)
7 while (k < 4)
8 System.out.println(i++ + " " + j++ + " " + k++);
9 }
10 }

Which of the following statements are true regarding the

above code?

1) Prints: 1 2 3
2) Prints: 2 3 4
3) Forms an indefinite loop at line number 5
4) Forms an indefinite loop at line number 6
5) Forms an indefinite loop at line number 7

CoreJava-Controlflow- Consider the following code: Prints: aeTgr Prints: eTgr After printing After printing eTgr 3
029 aeTgr throws throws
class TestWhile2 { StringIndexOutOf StringIndexOutOfB
public static void main(String args[]) { BoundsException oundsException
String roar = "Save Tigers";
int index = 0;
while(index * 2 + 1 < roar.length())
System.out.print(roar.charAt(index++ * 2 + 1));

Which of the following gives the output for the above

CoreJava-Exceptions- Which of the following statement is true regarding None of the listed options All sub class All sub class types All sub class types All sub class types 2
001 throws declaration in Exception handling? types of of errors that of of exceptions that
exceptions that come under java.lang.Throwabl come under
come under java.lang.Error, if e, if not handled java.lang.Exception,
java.lang.Runtim not handled inside a method if not handled
eException, if not inside a method should be declared inside a method
handled inside a should be using throws should be declared
method should declared using keyword using throws
be declared using throws keyword keyword
throws keyword

CoreJava-Exceptions- Which of the following statement is true regarding the The overriding method When a method The overriding the overriding 2
002 throws declarations for overriden methods? cannot declare additional in the super class methods cannot method cannot re-
exceptions which is not is declared to declare to throw declare the
declared in its super class throw a Checked the Super Class Unchecked
version. Exception, the types of those exceptions, that
overriding exceptions are declared by
method in the declared in the super class
sub class should super class method.
also declare the methods.

CoreJava-Exceptions- Which of the following listed type cannot be caught and None of the listed options java.lang.Excepti java.lang.Error java.lang.Throwabl 2
003 handled using catch block? on e
CoreJava-Exceptions- Which of the following options give the types that 1,3 2,3 3,4 4,5 1,5 2
004 Throwable Constructor can accept?

1) String
2) StringBuffer
3) Throwable
4) Integer
5) Boolean
CoreJava-Exceptions- Which of the following statements are true regarding try- 1,3 1,2 2,3 3,4 1,4 2
005 catch-finally blocks?

1) Catch block is optional when a RuntimeException is

thrown from the try block
2) Catch block is optional, if finally block is available,
provided a Checked Exception is thrown from the try
3) Finally block is optional, irrespective of catch block
4) Both catch block and finally block are optional, either
Checked exception or unchecked exception is thrown
from the try block
5) Both catch block and finally block are required,
irrespective of the type of exceptions thrown from the
try block

CoreJava-Exceptions- Which of the following statements are true regarding try- 2,3,5 1,2,3 2,3,4 3,4,5 1,4,5 2
006 catch-finally?

1) An exception which is not handled by a catch block can

be handled by writing another try catch block inside
finally block
2) An exception which is not handled by a catch block will
be handled by subsequent catch blocks
3) A catch block can have another try block nested inside
4) Finally block cannot have a try block with multiple
catch blocks
5) Both catch block and finally block can throw

CoreJava-Exceptions- Which of the following are true regarding implementing 3,4 1,2 2,3 4,5 3,5 2
007 user defined exception mechanisms?

1) It is not valid to derive a class from

2) It is not valid to derive a class from java.lang.Error
3) It is valid to derive a class from java.lang.Exception
4) It is valid to derive a class from
5) It is not valid to derive a class from
CoreJava-Exceptions- Which of the following are true regarding 1,3,5 1,2,3 2,3,4 3,4,5 1,3,4 2
008 RuntimeException?

1) RuntimeException does not require a throws

2) If RuntimeException is declared using throws clause,
then the calling method should handle it using try-catch
3) Any class that derives the RuntimeException will
always be an unchecked exception
4) RuntimeException can be handled using a catch that
handles Error
5) RuntimeException can be handled using a catch that
handles Exception
CoreJava-Exceptions- Which of the following statements about the 2,3 1,2 3,4 4,5 1,5 2
009 printStackTrace() method are true?

1) Starts the error report from the calling method

2) Starts the error report from the method whether the
exception occurred
3) Reports the line number in each method from where
the exception is propagated to next level
4) Stack Trace can be shown only to the console
5) The printStackTrace() method is defined in
java.lang.Exception class
CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: Compile Time Error Prints "Previous Prints "Last Run time Error 3
010 Exception" Exception"
class LastException extends Exception { }
class PreviousException extends LastException { }
class TopException extends PreviousException { }

public class ExceptionalWorld {

public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
catch(LastException le) {System.out.println("Last
catch(PreviousException pe)
{System.out.println("Previous Exception");}

static void exceptionThrower() throws TopException {

throw new TopException();

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?

CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: Prints Compiler time Compile time Run time error 3
011 Exception error error test() method
class MyException extends Throwable { } Userdefined Cannot use does not throw a
exceptions Throwable to Throwable
public class TestThrowable { should extend catch the instance
public static void main(String args[]) { Exception exception
try {
} catch(Throwable ie) {

static void test() throws Throwable {

throw new MyException();

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: Prints Compile time Compile time Run time error 3
012 Error caught error error test() method
class MyError extends Error { } Error class Cannot catch does not throw an
cannot be Error type objects Error type instance
public class TestError { extended
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
} catch(Error ie) {
System.out.println("Error caught");

static void test() throws Error {

throw new MyError();

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: StringIndexOutOfBoundsEx IndexOutOfBoun NullPointerExcept Compile time 3
013 ception dsException ion errors
public class TestPropagator {
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
} catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException i) {
static void propagator1() { propagator2(); }
static void propagator2() { propagator3(); }
static void propagator3() {
throw new

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: Demands a finally block at Shows unhandled Demands a finally Shows unhandled 3
014 line number 5 exception type block at line exception type
1 public class FinallyCatch { IOException at number 4 IOException at line
2 public static void main(String args[]) { line number 5 number 4
3 try {
4 throw new;
5 }
6 }
7 }

Which of the following is true regarding the above code?

CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: Finally Inner Finally Outer Exception Outer Exception Outer Finally Inner 3
015 Exception outer Exception Outer Finally Inner Finally Outer Finally Outer
public class FinallyFinallyFinally { Finally Outer Finally Outer Exception Outer
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
try {
throw new;
finally { System.out.println("Finally Inner");}
} catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Exception
Outer"); }
finally { System.out.println("Finally Outer");}

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: Compile time error Run time error Prints "Problem Runs with No 3
016 found" output
public class ThrowableError {
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
throw new Throwable();
}catch(Error e) {
System.out.println("Problem found");

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: Prints "Error caught" Run time Error Compile Time Executes without 3
017 Error any output
public class ErrorWorld {
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
}catch(Error e) {
System.out.println("Error caught");

public static void errorThrower() throws Error {

throw new Error();

Which of the following will be the output for the above

CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: Compiles and Runs Compile time Compiles Compile time 3
018 successfully and prints error; the successfully. But error; built-in
public class ProblemsWorld { "xpected caught" declaration does throws runtime exceptions like
public static void main(String args[]) { not match the error while FileNotFoundExce
try { throw statement executing ption cannot be
xpect(); instantiated
} catch(IOException e) { programmatically
System.out.println("xpected caught");

public static void xpect() throws IOException {

throw new FileNotFoundException();

Which of the following statement is true regarding the

above code?
CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: 2,3 1,2 3,4 4,5 1,5 3
class PlanetException extends Exception { }
class EarthException extends PlanetException { }

class Planet {
void revolve() throws PlanetException {
System.out.println("Planet revolves");

class Earth extends Planet {

void revolve() /* CODE 1 */ {
System.out.println("Earth revolves");

public class WorldOfExceptions {

public static void main(String args[]) {
Planet planet = new Earth();
try {
}catch(/* CODE 2 */ e) {
System.out.println("Problem found");
CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: public void behaviour() { public void public void public void public void 3
020 import; behaviour() behaviour() behaviour() behaviour() throws
import java.sql.SQLException; System.out.println("Behavi throws throws throws Exception { IOException {
our Implemented"); SQLException { IOException,
interface Interfaze1 { } SQLException { System.out.println System.out.println(
void behaviour() throws IOException; System.out.printl ("Behaviour "Behaviour
} n("Behaviour System.out.printl Implemented"); Implemented");
Implemented"); n("Behaviour } }
interface Interfaze2 { } Implemented");
void behaviour() throws SQLException; }

class Implementor implements Interfaze1, Interfaze2 {

/* CODE */

public class TestImplementor {

public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
Implementor impl = new Implementor();
}catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception caught");

CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: 1,2,3 2,3,4 3,4,5 1,4,5 1,2,5 3
import java.sql.SQLException;

class SuperClass {
void method() throws IOException {
System.out.println("Super Class");

class SubClass extends SuperClass {

/* CODE */

public class TestSuper {

public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
SuperClass s = new SubClass();
}catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception caught");

CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: Prints: Prints: Prints: Prints: 3

022 Test Test Exception caught Exception caught
public class TestFinallyTry { then throws NullPointerExcep Test NullPointerExcepti
public static void main(String args[]) { NullPointerException on tion caught on caught
try { the console
throw new NullPointerException();
} catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
System.out.println("Exception caught");
} finally {
try {
} catch(NullPointerException e) {

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: 1,3,4 1,2,3 2,3,4 3,4,5 1,4,5 3
public class CheckedUnchecked {
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
} catch(/* CODE */ e) {

Which of the following code snippets when replaced

for the comment /* CODE */ in the above program will
compile and execute properly?

1) java.lang.Error
3) java.lang.Throwable
4) java.lang.Exception
5) java.sql.SQLException

CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: Prints: Prints: Prints: Prints: 3

024 Problem in PlanetX Problem in Problem in Problem in
class UniverseException extends Exception { } Universe PlanetX Universe
class PlanetXException extends UniverseException { } Problem in Problem in
class PlanetYException extends UniverseException { } Universe PlanetY

public class ExceptionWorld {

public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
catch(PlanetXException px) {
System.out.println("Problem in PlanetX"); }
catch(PlanetYException py) {
System.out.println("Problem in PlanetY"); }
catch(UniverseException ue) {
System.out.println("Problem in Universe"); }

static void planetXExceptionThrower() throws

UniverseException {
throw new PlanetXException();
static void planetYExceptionThrower() throws
UniverseException {
throw new PlanetYException();
CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: Compilation Error Prints: Prints: Prints: Runtime Error 3
025 Specifc Problem Specifc Problem 2 Specifc Problem 1
class AllException extends Exception { } 1 Specifc Problem 2
class SpecificException1 extends AllException { }
class SpecificException2 extends AllException { }

public class SpecificExceptionWorld {

public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
catch(SpecificException1 sp1) {
System.out.println("Specific Problem 1"); }
catch(SpecificException2 sp2) {
System.out.println("Specific Problem 2"); }

static void specifcXception1Thrower() throws

AllException {
throw new SpecificException1();

static void specifcXception2Thrower() throws

AllException {
throw new SpecificException2();
CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: 1,5 1,2 2,3 3,4 3,5 3
1 abstract class SuperException extends Throwable { }
2 class SpecialException extends SuperException { }
4 public class TestAbstractThrowable {
5 public static void main(String args[]) {
6 try {
7 testAbstract();
8 } catch(SuperException ae) {
9 System.out.println("SuperException caught");
10 }
11 }
13 static void testAbstract() {
14 throw new SpecialException();
15 }
16 }

Which of the following statements are true regarding the

above code?

1) Shows Unreachable catch block for SuperException, at

line number 8
2) Shows Unhandled exception type SpecialException, at
line number 13
3) No error in the code
CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: No error in the code Shows, Shows, cannot Shows, 3
027 Prints: Unreachable create RuntimeException
1 abstract class TopException extends TopException caught catch block for anonymous user at line number 5
RuntimeException { } Exception, at line defined exception
2 public class TestAnonymousException { number 6 class, at line
3 public static void main(String args[]) { number 12
4 try {
5 testAbstract();
6 } catch(Exception ae) {
7 System.out.println("TopException caught");
8 }
9 }
11 static void testAbstract() throws Exception {
12 throw new TopException() { };
13 }
14 }

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?

CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: NullPointerException finally IndexOutOfBound NullPointerExcepti 3

028 finally NullPointerExcep sException on
public class TestRecException { tion finally finally
public static void main(String args[]) { finally IllegalArgumentEx IllegalArgumentEx
testRecException(3); IllegalArgumentE ception ception
} xception finally finally
finally NullPointerExcept IndexOutOfBound
static void testRecException(int n) throws IndexOutOfBoun ion sException
RuntimeException { dsException finally finally
try {
if(n == 3)
throw new
else if(n == 2)
throw new
else if(n == 1)
throw new
testRecException(n - 1);
} catch(RuntimeException re) {
} finally {
CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: RuntimeException IllegalArgumentE RuntimeExceptio RuntimeException 3
029 NullPointerException xception n
public class TestRecursiveRuntime { IndexOutOfBoundsExceptio IndexOutOfBoun RuntimeExceptio
public static void main(String args[]) { n dsException n
testRecRuntime(3); IllegalArgumentException NullPointerExcep RuntimeExceptio
} tion n
RuntimeExceptio RuntimeExceptio
static void testRecRuntime(int n) throws n n
RuntimeException {
try {
if(n > 0)
testRecRuntime(n - 1);
if(n == 0)
throw new
else if(n == 1)
throw new
else if(n == 2)
throw new
else if(n == 3)
throw new
} catch(IllegalArgumentException ie) {
CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: RuntimeException RuntimeExceptio RuntimeExceptio RuntimeException 3
030 RuntimeException n n
public class TestRecRuntimeException { RuntimeException RuntimeExceptio RuntimeExceptio
public static void main(String args[]) { RuntimeException n n
testRecRuntime(3); RuntimeExceptio
} n

static void testRecException(int n)

throws RuntimeException {
try {
if(n > 0)
testRecException(n - 1);
throw new RuntimeException("RuntimeException");
} catch(RuntimeException re) {

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?

CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: 1,2 2,3 3,4 4,5 1,5 3
public class HierarchyCommunicator {
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
} catch(Throwable e) {
static void communicator1() throws /* CODE 1 */
{ communicator2(); }
static void communicator2() throws /* CODE 2 */
{ communicator3(); }
static void communicator3() throws /* CODE 3 */ {
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();

Which of the following code snippets when replaced to

those comments /* CODE 1 */ /* CODE 2 */ and /*
CODE 3 */ in the above code will make the program to
generate the output "ArrayIndexOutOfBounds caught"?

1) CODE 1 - Exception
CODE 2 - RuntimeException
CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: finally method1 finally method1 finally method1 FileNotFoundExce 3
032 IOException FileNotFoundExc ption
import; eption finally method1

public class TestThrowInFinally {

public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
static void method1() throws IOException {
try {
} finally {
System.out.println("finally method1");
throw new IOException("IOException");
static void method2() throws FileNotFoundException {
throw new

CoreJava-Exceptions- Consider the following code: Returning from inner try Returning from Returning from Shows compile Shows compile 3
033 Returning from inner finally inner try inner try time error time error
01 public class TestReturnInFinally { Returning from outer finally Returning from 100 'Unreachable code 'Unreachable code
02 public static void main(String args[]) { 300 inner finally at line numbers 11 at line number 15'
03 System.out.println(testMethod()); 200 and 15'
04 }
05 static void testMethod() {
06 try {
07 try {
08 System.out.println("Returning from inner try");
09 return 100;
10 } finally {
11 System.out.println("Returning from inner
12 return 200;
13 }
14 } finally {
15 System.out.println("Returning from outer
16 return 300;
17 }
18 }
19 }

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?

CoreJava- Consider the following code snippet: Strong Reference Soft Reference Weak Reference Phantom 2
GarbageCollection- Reference
String message = "What Reference Type is this?";

Which of the following option is the name of the

Reference type that is shown in the above code snippet?

CoreJava- Consider the following code snippet: Only the Garbage testObject.finaliz System.gc(); testObject = null; testObject.delete(); 2
GarbageCollection- Collection System can e();
Object testObject = new Object(); destroy an object.

Which of the following option gives the code that can be

used to destroy an object from the memory?

CoreJava- Which of the following statements are true about Weak 1,5 1,2 2,3 3,4 2,4 2
GarbageCollection- Reference?
1) Weak References are cleared aggressively
2) Weak References will stay in memory for a while
3) Checked by the garbage collector before throwing
4) WeakReference is the base class for the other two
5) Objects in Weak reference can be processed even
after they become unreachable
CoreJava- Which of the following statements are true about Soft 2,4 1,2 2,3 3,5 4,5 2
GarbageCollection- Reference?
1) Soft References are created aggressively
2) Soft References are kept for a while in the memory
3) SoftReference extends WeakReference
4) Soft References can be used for implementing
memory caches
5) Soft References internally keeps a second copy of
every reference it maintains

CoreJava- The garbage collector makes sure that all Soft Reference Weak Reference Phantom Strong Reference 2
GarbageCollection- ______________ objects held by soft references are Reference
garbage collected before the VM throws an
CoreJava- Which of the following statements are true about finalize 1,5 2,3 3,4 1,4 3,5 2
GarbageCollection- method?
1) finalize will always run before an object is garbage
2) finalize may run before or after an object is garbage
3) finalize will run when an object becomes unreachable
4) finalize allows a programmer to free memory allocated
to an object
5) finalize method will be called only once by the garbage

CoreJava- Which of the following happens if an uncaught exception The exception will be The exception The exception will The exception will 2
GarbageCollection- is thrown from during the execution of the finalize() ignored and the garbage will be thrown to be ignored, but be thrown to JVM
method of an object? collection (finalization) of JVM and the the garbage and the garbage
that object terminates garbage collection collection
collection (finalization) of (finalization) of
(finalization) of that object will be that object will
that object completed also be completed

CoreJava- Which of the following statement is true about Phantom Enqueued only when the PhantomReferen Checked by the PhantomReferenc 2
GarbageCollection- References? object is physically ce is also called garbage collector e extends
removed as Strong before throwing SoftReference
Reference OutOfMemoryErr

CoreJava- Which of the following class is used by WeakReference java.lang.ref.ReferenceQue java.lang.ref.Wea java.lang.ref.Dea java.lang.ref.Queu 2
GarbageCollection- class in order to collect the dead references? ue kReference.Queu dReferences edReferences
CoreJava- Consider the following code: 1 object 3 objects 2 objects 0 object 3
import java.util.*;

class Customer {
private String customerName;
public Customer(String customerName) {
this.customerName = customerName;
public void setCustomerName(String customerName) {
this.customerName = customerName;

public class GCTest2 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Customer> customers = new
Customer customer1 = new Customer("A");
Customer customer2 = new Customer("B");
Customer customer3 = new Customer("C");
customer1 = customer2 = customer3 = null;
CoreJava- Consider the following code: 1 object 2 objects 3 objects 0 object 3
import java.util.*;

public class GCTest3 {

public static void main(String[] args)
{ Integer number1 = 100;
Integer number2 = number1++;
Integer number3 = number1 + number2;
System.out.println("number1:" + number1);
System.out.println("number2:" + number2);
System.out.println("number3:" + number3);

Which of the following option gives the valid number of

objects that becomes eligible for garbage collection in
the above program?
CoreJava- Consider the following code: None of the options is secondString = firstString = null; firstString = null; 3
GarbageCollection- required, the substring() null; secondString =
public class GCTest4 { method returns null, so it null;
public static void main(String[] args) { makes the string eligible for
String firstString = "Always Stable"; garbage collection.
String secondString =

/* CODE */

Which of the following code snippet when substituted at

the line commented as /* CODE */ will make the String
object "Always Stable", eligible for garbage collection?

CoreJava- Consider the following code: string = null; stringBuffer = stringBuilder = stringBuffer = null; 3
GarbageCollection- null; null; stringBuilder =
public class Test { null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String string = "String";
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(string);
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(string);
/* CODE */

Which of the following code snippet when substituted at

the line commented as /* CODE */ in the above program
will make the String object "String", eligible for garbage

CoreJava- Consider the following code: 2,3 1,2 3,4 1,4 3,5 3
14 public class Island {
Island i;
public void display() {
public static void main(String [] args)
{ Island i2 = new Island();
Island i3 = new Island();
Island i4 = new Island();
i2.i = i3;
i3.i = i4;
i4.i = i2;
i3 = i4 = null;
i2.display(); // CODE

Which of the following statements regarding the

above code are true?

1) On executing the above program it

prints: island
CoreJava- Consider the following code: None of the listed options; Set the value of System.gc(); 3
GarbageCollection- each int to null
public class EnsureGC{
Integer number1 = new Integer(100);
Integer number2 = new Integer(200);
Integer number3 = new Integer(300);

public static void main(String argv[]){

EnsureGC egc = new EnsureGC();

public void ensure(){


Which of the following option ensures that the Integer

objects are garbage collected at a particular point in this
CoreJava- Consider the following code: Line No. 13 Line No. 09 Line No. 12 Line No. 11 3
Line No. 01 public class TellMeWhere {
Line No. 02 StringBuilder sbuilder;
Line No. 03 public static void main(String argv[]){
Line No. 04 TellMeWhere tmw = new
Line No. 05 tmw.tell();
Line No. 06 }
Line No. 07 public void tell() {
Line No. 08 sbuilder = new StringBuilder("First
Line No. 09 StringBuilder sbuilder2 = sbuilder;
Line No. 10 StringBuilder sbuilder3 = new
StringBuilder("Second Time");
Line No. 11 sbuilder=sbuilder3;
Line No. 12 sbuilder3=null;
Line No. 13 sbuilder2=null;
Line No. 14 }
Line No. 15 }

Which of the following option gives the correct line

number at which the object created on Line No. 08 will
be eligible for garbage collection?

CoreJava- Consider the following code: 3 objects 1 object 2 objects 0 object 3

import java.util.*;

public class GCTest5 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
HashSet<String> h = new HashSet<String>();
h.add(new String("Readable"));
h.add(new String("Writable"));
h.add(new String("Executable"));
h.add(new String("Readable"));
h.add(new String("Writable"));
h.add(new String("Executable"));
System.out.println(h); // OUTPUT

Which of the following option gives the number of

objects that will be eligible for garbage collection at the
line commented //OUTPUT in the above program?
CoreJava- Consider the following code: At the line commented as At the line At the line At the line None of the objects 3
GarbageCollection- // LINE 4 commented as // commented as // commented as // becomes eligible
class SuperBase{ LINE 2 LINE 3 LINE 1 for garbage
String string; collection in the
SuperBase(String string){ above code
this.string = string;
public void setString(String string){
this.string = string;
public class UnReachability{
public static void main(String[] args){
UnReachability unreachability = new UnReachability();
public void reach(){
SuperBase sb1 = new SuperBase("First"); // LINE 1
sb1.setString(""); // LINE 2
SuperBase sb2 = new Base("Second"); // LINE 3
sb1 = sb2; // LINE 4

Which of the following gives the correct place in the

above code where the object referenced by sb1 becomes
eligible for garbage collection?
CoreJava- Which of the following code snippets make objects 1,5 2,3 3,4 4,5 1,4 3
GarbageCollection- eligible for Garbage Collection?
1) String s = "new string";
s = s.replace('e', '3');
2) String s = "old string";
s = s.replace('6', 'r');
3) StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("BufferedString");
String s = sb.toString();
4) Serializable serializable = (Serializable) "Serializable
String s2 = serializable.toString();
serializable = null;
5) String replaceable = "replaceable";
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(replaceable);
replaceable = null;
sb = null;

CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: Declaration 1,3,4 Declaration 2,4 Declaration 1,2,3 Declaration 2,3,4 1
interface Declare {

Declaration 1: protected int a = 5;

Declaration 2: public static final int e = 9;

Declaration 3: volatile int c = 7;

Declaration 4: transient int d = 8;


Which of the following option gives the declarations that

results in compilation error?
CoreJava-Inheritance- Which of the following statement is true? Has-a relationships always Has-a Has-a Has-a 1
002 rely on instance variables. relationships relationships relationships
always rely on always require at always rely on
inheritance. least two class polymorphism.
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: Compilation error at line 10,20 20,10 Compilation error 1
003 no:4 at line no:9
Line No 1:public class CallMe {
Line No 2: int i=10;
Line No 3: public void view(){
Line No 4: System.out.println(j);
Line No 5: }
Line No 6: class WishMe{
Line No 7: int j=20;
Line No 8: public void view(){
Line No 9: System.out.println(i);
Line No 10: }}}

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: compilation error at line no Addition Method Runtime error at Addition Method 1
004 5 returns integer line no 12 returns nothing
Line No 1:public class Calculate {
Line No 2:int i;
Line No 3:void add()
Line No 4:{System.out.println("Addition Method returns
Line No 5:int add()
Line No 6:{System.out.println("Addition Method returns
Line No 7: return i;}
Line No 8:}
Line No 9:public class TestCalculate {
Line No 10: public static void main(String args[])
Line No 11: {Calculate c=new Calculate();
Line No 12: c.add(); }}

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: Compilation fails hello JAVA hello nullJAVA 1
public class Welcome {
String title;
int value;
public Welcome() {
title += "JAVA";

public Welcome(int value) {

this.value = value;
title = "hello";
public static void main(String args[]) {
Welcome t = new Welcome();

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Inheritance- Which of the following statements are true about has-a 1,4 2,3 3,4 4,5 2,5 1
006 and is-a relationships?

1) Inheritance represents an is-a relationship

2) Inheritance represents a has-a relationship
3) Interfaces must be used when creating a has-a
4) Instance variables can be used when creating a has-a
5) Local variables must be used when creating has-a
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: public void getNum() { } public void public float public double 1
007 getNum(double getNum() { return getNum(float d) {
Line No:1. class Super { d) { } 4.0f; } return 4.0d; }
Line No:2. public float getNum() { return 3.0f; }
Line No:3. }
Line No:4. public class Sub extends Super {
Line No:5//insert missing code here
Line No:6. }

Which of the following option gives the method, when

replaced at line 6, causes unsuccessful compilation?

CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following Statements: Both Statements A and B Statement A is Statement A is Both Statements A 1
008 are true false and B is true true and B is false and B are false
Statement A: Anonymous inner class can be created in
initializer or static blocks
Statement B: Anonymous inner class has no constructor

Which of the following option is true regarding the above

given statements?
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: 2,4 1,2 2,3 3,4 2
Line 1:class A {
Line 2: void display() { }
Line 3:}
Line 4:class B extends A {
Line 5: // insert missing code here
Line 6:}

Which of the following options give the code snippets,

when inserted individually at the line no 5, will correctly
complete the definition of class B?

1) int display() { /* more code here */ }

2) void display() { /* more code here */ }
3) private void display() { /* more code here */ }
4) protected void display() { /* more code here */ }

CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: It will compile but will not It will not It will not compile It will compile and 2
010 class PriceList{ override the CalPrice compile because because of the it is overriding
public float CalPrice( float num ) { method because of the of the different different return
// assumed to have some processing code here different parameter list. input type in the type.
} parameter list.

class Invoice extends PriceList{

public double CalPrice( double num ) {
// assumed to have some processing code here

Which of the following statement is true regarding the

above code snippet?

CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: BooksWritingBooksReading WritingBooksRea BooksBooksReadi BooksReadingWrit 2

011 dingBooks ngWriting ingBooks
interface Joy {String s1 = "Reading";}
class Human implements Joy {String s1 = "Books";}
class Man extends Human {String s1 = "Writing";}
public class Employee extends Man {
String s1 = "Books";
void printIt() {
System.out.print(((Human)this).s1 + ((Man)this).s1 +
((Employee)this).s1 + ((Joy)this).s1);
public static void main (String[] args) {new

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?

CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: 100,10 100100 10,10 Compilation error 2
public class Base {
protected int count = 100;
public int getCount() {
return count;

public class Detived extends Base {

protected int count= 10;
public int getSize(){
return count;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Base b = new Derived();
System.out.println (b.count + "," + b.getCount());

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: public class Manager public class public class public class public class 2
013 extends Employee Manager Manager extends Manager Manager
interface Payroll { public void getSalary(); } implements Inter { implements Payroll implements Info implements Payroll
public void getSalary() { Payroll extends implements extends Employee extends Employee {
abstract class Employee { public abstract void /*do something*/ } Employee { Employee { public void
getSalary(); } } public void public void public void getSalary (){ /*do
getSalary() { /*do getSalary (){ /*do Employee.getSalar something*/ }
Which of the following option gives the correct something*/ } something*/ } y(){ /*do public void
implementation that uses the Payroll interface and } public void something*/ } Payroll.getSalary(){
Employee class? Payroll.getSalary( public void /*do something*/ }
){ /*do getSalary (){ /*do }
something*/ } something*/ }
} }

CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following statement that represents a class Shyam { private Tree class Shyam class Shyam { class Shyam class Shyam { 2
014 relationship: bestFriend; } implements Tree private extends Tree { } private
{} BestFriend Tree; } Tree<bestFriend> }
Shyam has a best friend who is a Tree:

Which of the following option represents the above

relationship correctly?
CoreJava-Inheritance- consider the following code: Zippo An exception Compilation fails Compilation fails Compilation fails 2
015 occurs at runtime because of an because of an because of an error
Line No:1 public class MovieRelease at line 10. error in line 3. error in line 9. in line 10.
Line No:2 {
Line No:3 public static void main(String[] args) {
Line No:4 class Movie {
Line No:5 public String name;
Line No:6 public Movie(String s) {
Line No:7 name = s;
Line No:8}}
Line No:9 Object obj = new Movie("MaskOfZoro");
Line No:10 System.out.println(;
Line No:11} }

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following Statements: Statement B is true and A is Statement A is Both the Both the 2
016 false true and B is false statements are statements are
Statement A: Anonymous inner class can extend a class true false
and implement an interface at the same time.
Statement B: Anonymous class can have their own

Which of the following option is true regarding the above


CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: Compilation fails TRUE Fred An exception 2
017 occurs at runtime.
public class TestObj {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Object o = new Object() {
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return TRUE;

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: Runnable r = new Runnable r = new Runnable r = new System.out.println System.out.println( 2
018 Runnable() { }; Runnable(public Runnable { public (new Runnable() new
public interface Runnable { void run(); } void run() { }); void run(){}}; {public void run() { Runnable(public
}}); void run() {}));
Which of the following option gives the valid way of
constructing an anonymous inner class instance?
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: Outer.Inner o = new Outer.Inner oi = Outer o = new Inner oi = new 3
019 Outer.Inner(); new Inner(); Outer(); Outer.Inner();
Line no 1:class Outer { Outer.Inner oi =
Line no 2:public static class Inner {
Line no 3:} Outer.Inner();
Line no 4:public static void display() { } }
Line no 5:public class Test
Line no 6:{
Line no 7:public static void main(String args[])
Line no 8:{
Line no 9:// Replace with code from the option below
Line no 10:}}

Which of the following option when replaced at line no 9,

instantiates an instance of the nested class?

CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following Code Snippet: x, z, a, b x, y, z, a x, y, z, a, b z, a, b a, b 3

public class TestA
public int x;
private int y;
protected int z;

public class TestB extends TestA
protected int a;
private int b;

public class TestC extends TestB
private int q;


Which of the following option gives the lists of instance

data that are accessible in class TestB?
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: blue line blue circle blue circle blue blue line blue line blue circle blue 3
021 line circle
abstract class drawing
final public void color(String s)
abstract void draw();

class line extends drawing

void draw()
class circle extends line
void draw()
public class Test
public static void main(String ar[])
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: Compilation error at line no 0 Runtime Error at 3
022 7 line no 7
Line no:1 interface iOne
Line no:2 {int i=10; }
Line no:3 interface iTwo
Line no:4 { int i=10; }
Line no:5 public class TestInterface implements
Line no:6 public static void main(String[] a)
Line no:7 { System.out.println(i); }}

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code? 10
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following interface declarations: interface A,B interface B,C,D interface A,B,C interface B,C,D 3
interface A {void main(String[] args);}
interface B {public void main(String[] args);}
interface C {public static void main(String[] args);}
interface D {protected void main(String[] args);}
interface E {private void main(String[] args);}

Which of the following option gives the valid interface

declaration that will compile successfully?

CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: Compilation Error 11 2 Runtime error 3

interface A {int i = 1; int calculate();}
interface B extends A {int i = 10; int calculate();}
class Check implements B {
public int calculate() {return ++i;}
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.print(new Check().calculate());

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: Code compiles successfully Compile time Runtime error at Compile time error 3
025 without output error at line no 4 line no 5 at line no 4
Line No 1:class Test {
Line No 2:public static void main (String[] args) {
Line No 3:byte b = 1;
Line No 4:long lg = 1000;
Line No 5:b += lg;
Line No 6: }}

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: x, y, z, a, b Compile time Runtime error at Compile time error 3
026 error at line no 5 line no 5 at line no 2
interface First {} interface Second {}
class Base implements First {}
class Derived extends Base implements Second {}
class Test {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Line No 1: Derived s1 = new Derived();
Line No 2: Second i2 = s1;
Line No 3: First i1 = s1;
Line No 4: Base base = s1;
Line No 5: Derived s2 = (Derived)base;

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: ijk xyz abc xyz xyz abc ijk abc abc xyz ijk xyz xyz ijk abc ijk 3
class Assign {String s1 = "abc"; String s2 = "xyz";}
class Print extends Assign {
String s1 = "ijk";
public static void main(String args[]) {
Print x = new Print(); Assign y = (Assign)x;
System.out.println(x.s1+" "+x.s2+" "+y.s1+" "+y.s2);

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: Compile time error at line Top, i1=1,i2=2 Check, i1=1,i2=2 Top, i1=null,i2=null 3
028 no 9
Line no 1:class Top {
Line no 2:private int i1, i2;
Line no 3:void print() {System.out.print("Top, i1="+i1+",
Line no 4:Top(int i1, int i2) {this.i1=i1; this.i2=i2;}
Line no 5:}
Line no 6:class Check extends Top {
Line no 7:private int i1, i2;
Line no 8:void print() {System.out.print("Check, i1="+i1+",
Line no 9:Check(int i1, int i2) {this.i1=i1; this.i2=i2;}
Line no 10:public static void main(String[] args) {
Line no 11: Top t = new Check(1,2); t.print();
Line no 12:}}

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?

CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: 200100100 200100200 Compile time Runtime error at 3
029 error at Line no 1 Line no 1
public class TestParent {
public static void main(String s[]) {
Child c = new Child();
Parent p = new Parent();
p = c;
p.print(); // Line no 1

class Parent {
static int x = 100;
public static void print() {
System.out.println(x); }

class Child extends Parent {

static int x = 200;
public static void print() {
System.out.println(x); }

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: Compilation Error 2 0 1 3
public class Test {
public static void main(String args[]) {
A ref1 = new C();
class A {
private int f() { return 0; }
public int g() { return 3; }
class B extends A {
public int f() { return 1; }
public int g() { return f(); }
class C extends B {
public int f() { return 2; }

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: Line no 4 Line no 2 Line no 3 Line no 1 3
interface dumb {} interface Silent {}
class Base implements dumb {}
class Derived extends Base implements Silent {}
public class Test {
public static void main(String []args) {
Base[] base = {new Base()}; // Line no 1
Derived dev[] = {new Derived()}; // Line no 2
Object obj = dev; // Line no 3
base = obj; // Line no 4

At the time of compilation the above mentioned code

generates some error.

Which of the following option gives the line no where the

error is generated?
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: Compile time error at line main,First Runtime error at main,Second 3
032 no 1 line no 2
class First { static void print() {System.out.print("First");}}
class Second extends First {
void print() {System.out.print("Second");}//Line no 1
static void print(String s) {System.out.print(s+",");}
class Test {
public static void main (String[] args)
{Second.print("main"); new Second().print();}//Line no 2

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?

CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: JasmineSunflower RoseSunflower JasmineLilly RoseLilly 3

class Flower {
static void print(){System.out.print("Jasmine");}
void printOnce() {System.out.print("Lilly");}
void printAgain(){print();printOnce();}
public class Bouquet extends Flower {
static void print(){System.out.print("Rose");}
void printOnce(){System.out.print("Sunflower");}
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Bouquet().printAgain();

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?

CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: System.out.println(Inner.thi System.out.printl System.out.printl System.out.println 3

034; n(; n(OuterLevel.this. (;
public class BottomTest { name);
public static void main(String s[]) {
new OuterLevel().new Inner().new DeepInner().new

class OuterLevel {
String name = "Apple";

class Inner {
String name = "Mango";

class DeepInner {

class DeepestInner {

public void print() {

//Line no 1
} }}}

Which among the following statement when substituted

to the line commented as // Line no 1 will make the
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: Compile and run with Compile time Runtime error Compile time error 3
035 output of "Welcome" and error caused by caused by input caused by
import*; "Thankyou" after a key is input not not declaring protected
class GetData{ hit declaring Exception constructor for
public void input()throws FileNotFoundException{} Exception PrintData

public class PrintData extends GetData{

public static void main(String argv[]){
PrintData e = new PrintData();

public void input(){}

protected PrintData(){
DataInputStream din = new
}catch(IOException ioe) {}


Which of the following statement is true regarding the

CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: Happy has-a joy and Happy Smile is-a Happy joy has-a Happy Happy is-a joy and 3
036 is-a Smile and has-a joy and Happy is-a has-a Smile.
class Smile { Smile.
protected joy h;
class Happy extends Smile { }
class joy { }

Which of the following statement is correct regarding the

above given code?
CoreJava-Inheritance- Consider the following code: 9 7 8 6 3
public class SuperTest {
static int y = 2;
SuperTest(int x) { this(); y = y * 2; }
SuperTest() { y++; }
class Test extends SuperTest
Test() { super(y); y = y + 3; }
public static void main(String [] args)
new Test();
Which of the following option gives the valid output for
the above code?
CoreJava-Introduction- Which of the following options give the valid argument 1,2,3 2,3,4 3,4,5 1,3,5 1,3,4 1
001 types for main() method?

1) String[] args
2) String args[]
3) String ..args
4) String args
5) String[] args[]
CoreJava-Introduction- Which of the following methods are not the member of 2,5 1,2 2,3 3,4 3,5 1
002 Object class?

1) getClass()
2) run()
3) hashCode()
4) wait()
5) currentTimeMillis()
CoreJava-Introduction- Which of the following options give the member 3,4 1,2 2,3 3,5 1,5 1
003 methods of Object class, that cannot be overriden?

1) equals()
2) hashCode()
3) wait()
4) notify()
5) clone()
CoreJava-Introduction- Which of the following options give the valid package 1,2,3 2,3,4 3,4,5 1,4,5 2,3,4 1
004 names?

1) dollorpack.$pack.$$pack
2) $$.$$.$$
3) _score.pack.__pack
4) p@ckage.subp@ckage.innerp@ckage
5) .package.subpackage.innerpackage
CoreJava-Introduction- The term 'Java Platform' refers to ________________. Java Runtime Environment Java Java Database Java Debugger 1
005 (JRE) Development Kit Connectivity
CoreJava-Introduction- Which of the following statement gives the use of Holds the location of User Holds the Holds the location Holds the location 1
006 CLASSPATH? Defined classes, packages location of Java of Core Java Class of Java Software
and JARs Extension Library Library (Bootstrap

CoreJava-Introduction- Consider the following: 1,3,5 1,2,3 3,4,5 2,3,4 1,4,5 1

Assume that there is a package structure as follows:


which contains a class called TestPack, with some static

and non-static methods and a static inner class.

Which of the following options give the valid import

statements for the above package structure and class, in
order to import the class TestPack or its members?

1) import com.testpack.TestPack;
2) import com.testpack;
3) import com.testpack.TestPack.*;
4) import static com.testpack.TestPack;
5) import static com.qb2020.TestPack.*;

CoreJava-Introduction- Which of the following are true about packages? 2,3 1,2 3,4 4,5 1,5 2
1) Packages can contain only Java Source files
2) Packages can contain both Classes and Interfaces
(Compiled Classes)
3) Packages can contain non-java elements such as
images, xml files etc.
4) Sub packages should be declared as private in order to
deny importing them
5) Class and Interfaces in the sub packages will be
automatically available to the outer packages without
using import statement.
CoreJava-Introduction- Consider the following: 1,2,3 2,3,4 3,4,5 1,4,5 1,2,4 2
There is a package structure

com.runpack contains the class

Hello.class (contians main method)

The above package is stored under the folder


Which of the following options give valid ways to execute

the Hello.class file?

1) java -classpath C:\packtest com.runpack.Hello

2) java com.runpack.Hello keeping 'C:\packtest' as
current directory
3) java com/runpack/Hello keeping 'C:\packtest' as
current directory
4) java Hello keeping 'C:\packtest\com\runpack' as
current directory
5) java com\runpack\Hello keeping 'C:\packtest' as
current directory
CoreJava-Introduction- Which of the following following option gives the name Java Build Path Project Run/Debug Resource Java Compiler 2
010 of Project property in SDE that helps to refer to the third References Settings
party JAR libraries?
CoreJava-Introduction- Which of the following options give the commands that 1,2,3 2,3,4 3,4,5 2,4,5 1,2,5 2
011 are provided in the 'Source' menu of SDE?

1) Format
2) Correct Indentation
3) Generate Getters and Setters
4) Rename
5) Move

CoreJava-Introduction- Which of the following option gives one possible use of Helps the compiler to find To maintain the Helps JVM to find Helps Javadoc to 2
012 the statement 'the name of the public class should match the source file that uniform standard and execute the build the Java
with its file name'? corresponds to a class, classes Documentation
when it does not find a easily
class file while compiling

CoreJava-Introduction- Consider the following code: On compiling and running main() method Throws a runtime Compiler throws a 2
013 the class TestMain, it prints can be called error 'Ambiguous compilation error
public class TestMain { TestMain only by JVM method main()' 'Too many main()
public static void main(String[] args) { one methods'
System.out.println("TestMain"); two
TestMyClass.main(new String[] {"one", "two"});

public class TestMyClass {

public static void main(String[] args) {
for(String s:args) System.out.println(s);

Which of the following statement is true regarding the

above code?

CoreJava-Introduction- Which of the following options give the Characteristics of 4,5 1,2 2,3 3,4 1,5 2
014 Java, that made Java popular in Web Development?

1) Object Oriented
2) Interpreted
3) Robust
4) Portable
5) Secure

CoreJava-Introduction- Which of the following statement is true? Classes can be loaded at Classes can be Classes cannot be Only class that is 2
015 Runtime, without actually loaded at loaded at loaded at runtime
referring the class in the Runtime, but the Runtime is the class that
code at compile time. name of the class contains the
with full package main() method
name should be
given in the code
at compile time.

CoreJava-Introduction- Which of the following option gives the correct sequence Java Class Library Packages in the Packages in the User-defined 2
016 in which the Java Virtual Machine searches for a class? Packages in the extension extension extension packages and
directory of JRE / JDK directory of JRE / directory of JRE / libraries
User-defined packages and JDK JDK Java Class Library
libraries User-defined Java Class Library packages in the
packages and User-defined extension
libraries packages and directory of JRE /
Java Class Library libraries JDK

CoreJava-Introduction- Which of the following statements are true regarding 3,4 1,2 2,3 4,5 2,5 2
017 java.lang.Object class?

1) Object class is an abstract class

2) Object class cannot be instantiated directly
3) Object class has the core methods for thread
4) Object class provides the method for Set
implementation in Collection framework
5) Object class implements Serializable interface
CoreJava-IO-001 Which of the following listed code snippets create a new 2,3 1,2 3,4 4,5 1,5 3

1) File f = new File("WELCOME.TXT");

2) new File("WELCOME.TXT").createNewFile();
3) FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("WELCOME.TXT");
4) BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new
5) FileReader fr = new FileReader("WELCOME.TXT");

CoreJava-IO-002 Consider the following scenario: 1,2,3 2,3,4 3,4,5 1,4,5 1,2,5 3

An image processing project is being developed using


The file extensions of the types of image files that can be

processed are stored in a TreeSet.

The List of files with the valid file types need to be listed
in custom dialog box.

Which of the following options give the possible classes /

interfaces, that can be used, in order to achieve the
above mentioned functionality?

1) File class
2) FilenameFilter interface
3) FileFilter interface
4) FileReader class
5) FileInputStream class
CoreJava-IO-003 Consider the following scenario: File class FileProperties Properties class System.properites 3
A file manager application is being developed in Java.

One important feature of this application is showing the

properties such as file size, last modified date, file
permissions etc., of a selected file or directory.

Which of the following option gives the possible classes /

interfaces, that can be used to achieve the above
mentioned functionality?

CoreJava-IO-004 Consider the following scenario: 1,2 2,3 3,4 4,5 1,5 3

A file search utility need to be developed using Java.

The utility need to search on a specified drive and/or

directory. Search should recurse into the sub-directories.
Search criteria would be the name of the file with wild
cards, last modified date or range of dates, file/directory
attributes such as hidden, read-only, file size etc.,

Which of the following options give the possible classes /

interfaces, that can be used to achieve the above
mentioned functionality?

1) File class
2) FilenameFilter interface
3) FileSearchFilter interface
4) FileInputStream class
5) FileReader class
CoreJava-IO-005 Consider the following scenario: 2,4,5 1,2,3 2,3,4 1,4,5 1,2,4 3

A file search utility which is already developed in Java

needs to be enhanced with the additional feature.

Currently the utility searches the file system with various

search criteria such as filename with wild cards, file size,
last modified date and other attributes like hidden, ready-
only and file size etc.

Now as an additional feature, the content of the file also

need to be scanned during file search, to make the
search even more intelligent.

Which of the following options give the possible classes /

interfaces, that can be used to achieve the above
mentioned functionality?

1) File class
2) FileInputStream class
3) FileReader class
4) InputStreamReader class
5) BufferedReader

CoreJava-IO-006 Consider the following scenario: 2,3 1,2 3,4 4,5 1,5 3

An integrated text editor needs to implemented as a part

of software which is being developed in Java.

The text files need to be read line by line from the file. In
the same, the lines need to be written line by line to the

Which of the following options give the possible classes /

interfaces, that can be used to achieve the above
mentioned functionality?

1) LineInputStream and LineOutputStream

2) BufferedReader and BufferedWriter
3) FileReader and FileWriter
4) TextReader and TextWriter
5) FileInputStream and FileOutputStream

CoreJava-IO-007 Consider the following scenario: RandomAccessFile FileReader DataInputStream FileInputStream LookupStream 3
A file contains a 10 x 10 matrix containing 100 double FileInputStream
values. All the 100 values are stored in sequential

The row and column are taken as input from the

keyboard and the corresponding value for the given row
and the column has to be looked up from the matrix file.

Which of the following option gives the possible classes /

interfaces, that can be used, in order to achieve the
above mentioned functionality?
CoreJava-IO-008 Consider the following scenario: CardInfo Product Cart UserInfo Customer 3

A shopping cart application is being developed in Java

Enterprise Technology, for a popular shopping mall in the

Following are identified Classes that need to be used in

the software system.

Customer - stores the customer information

Product - stores the product information
UserInfo - stores the information such as username, date
and time of login for currently logged in user
CartItem - stores the information about the product
selected by the customer and its quantity
Cart - stores the collection of CartItems and total amount
Invoice - stores the information about the billed items,
including customer information, quantity, rate and total
CardInfo - stores the customer's credit card number, CVV
number, card expiry month and year.

Which of the following option gives the name of the class

types that would not require Serializable?

CoreJava-IO-009 Consider the following scenario: Task III Task II Task I Task IV Task V 3

A mobile service provider has a large customer base. Our

company has taken the project of building their ERP
system using Java Technology. There are various modules
under the ERP. Some of the noteable moudles are CRM,
Online Bill Presentment and Payment, Billing and
Accounting. Below are some of the tasks that come
under these modules.

Task I. As a part of online bill presentment, the data in

the Bill Object needs to be generated as PDF document
Task II. As a part of online bill payment module, the
information submitted by the user need to be submitted
to the server in a secure way.
Task III. The same Customer Object used for showing the
customer details in the Online Bill Presentment system,
should be used in CRM module also.
Task IV. As a part of payment module, a payment
confirmation Text Message needs to be sent to the
Customer's mobile phone
Task V. As a part of Billing and Accounting module, a bill
need to be generated on the billing date for every

Which of the following option gives the task that involves

Serialization process?
CoreJava-IO-010 Consider the following scenario: RandomAccessFile BufferedReader FileReader and BufferedInputStre FileInputStream 3
and FileWriter am and and
A simple type of file encryption is required to implement BufferedWriter BufferedOutputStr FileOutputStream
in Java. eam

The content of a file has to be considered as possible two

equals parts and the alternative bytes of those two parts
has to be swapped.

Which of the following option gives the possible classes /

interfaces, that can be used to achieve the above
mentioned functionality?
CoreJava-IO-011 Consider the following code: 1,2,4 1,2,3 3,4,5 1,4,5 2,4,5 3


public class StreamTest2 {

public static void main(String[] args) throws
IOException {
String filename = "TestData.txt";

/* CODE */

String line = null;

do {
line = pipe3.readLine();
if(line != null)
} while(line != null);

The above program needs to read the text file

CoreJava-IO-012 Consider the following code: 2,5 1,2 2,3 3,4 4,5 3


class Employee implements Externalizable {

public Integer id;
public String name;
public Double salary;

public Employee() { }
public Employee(Integer id, String name, Double salary)
{ = id; = name; this.salary = salary; }
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws
IOException, ClassNotFoundException { = Integer.valueOf(in.readLine()); = in.readLine();
this.salary = Double.valueOf(in.readLine());
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws
CoreJava-IO-013 Consider the following code: import; import import import import 3;
import; class CardInfo { e; e; ;
public String cardNo; interface CardInfo
class CustomerInfo implements Serializable { public String cvvNo; class CardInfo { class interface CardInfo extends Serializable
public String customerId; } public String CustomerInfo { {
public String customerName; cardNo; implements public String public String
public transient String cardNo; class CustomerInfo extends public String Serializable { cardNo(); cardNo();
public transient String cvvNo; CardInfo implements cvvNo; public String public String public String
} Serializable { } customerId; cvvNo(); cvvNo();
public String customerId; public String } }
When the object of the above class is serialized, all the public String class customerName;
values of the object except cardNo and cvvNo will be customerName; CustomerInfo public volatile class class CustomerInfo
serialized. } implements String cardNo; CustomerInfo implements
Serializable { public volatile implements CardInfo {
Which of the following code gives the alternative way of public String String cvvNo; CardInfo, public String
getting the same functionality as the above code, without customerId; } Serializable { customerId;
using the transient keyword? public String public String public String
customerName; customerId; customerName;
public CardInfo public String public String
cardInfo; customerName; cardNo() { return
} public String null; }
cardNo() { return public String
null; } cvvNo() { return
public String null; }
cvvNo() { return }
null; }
CoreJava-IO-014 Consider the following code: Runtime Error No errors; Runtime Error Compile time error 3
'IllegalArgumentException: program 'IOException: use 'Unhandled
import; invalid file open mode' compiles and shared more to Exception
import; executes open the same FileNotFoundExce
import; properly. file more than ption'
Appends the text once'
public class TestRandom1 { "Next Info" at the
public static void main(String[] args) throws end of the file
IOException { 'C:/TestRandom.t
FileInputStream fin = new xt'
RandomAccessFile raf = new
RandomAccessFile("C:/TestRandom.txt", "a");;

raf.writeBytes("Next Info");

Which of the following statement is true regarding the

above code?
CoreJava-IO-015 Consider the following code: Runtime error 'Negative Compile time Runtime error Compiles and 3
seek offset' error 'Unable to 'Invalid file open executes properly.
import; resolve the mode' Reads and prints
import; method the last 7 bytes
import; read(byte[], int, from the file
int) 'C:/TestRandom.tx
public class TestRandom2 { t'

public static void main(String[] args) throws

IOException {

FileInputStream fin = new

RandomAccessFile raf = new
RandomAccessFile("C:/TestRandom.txt", "r");
byte data[] = new byte[20];;
int current = (int) raf.getFilePointer();, current, 7);
System.out.println(new String(data));
CoreJava-IO-016 Consider the following code: 2,3 1,2 3,4 4,5 1,5 3


public class TestRandom {

public static void main(String[] args) throws

IOException {

RandomAccessFile raf = new

RandomAccessFile("C:/TestRandom.txt", "rw");

/* CODE */


Which of the following code snippets when replaced

exclusively for the comment /* CODE */ in the above
code, will set the file size to 1 Kilo Bytes?

3) raf.setLength(1024);
CoreJava-IO-017 Consider the following code: No errors in the program. Throws runtime Throws compile No errors in the 3
Prints 'Sample Data' error while time error program. But fails
import; reading the 'Unsupported to Serialize the
import; object 'Not a Serializable object. So blank
import; Serialized Object' object' space is printed

interface CustomSerializable extends Serializable { }

class CustomSerializableClass implements

CustomSerializable {
private String data;
public String getData() { return data; }
public void setData(String data) { = data; }

public class TestCustomSerializable {

public static void main(String[] args)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
CustomSerializableClass css = new
css.setData("Sample Data");
ObjectOutputStream objO = new
CoreJava-IO-018 Consider the following code: class ReadOnlyFilter class class class 3
implements FileFilter { ReadOnlyFilter ReadOnlyFilter ReadOnlyFilter
01 import; public boolean accept(File implements implements implements
02 import; file) { FileFilter { FileFilter { FileFilter {
03 import; if(file.canRead() && public boolean public boolean public boolean
04 !file.canWrite()) accept(File file) { accept(File file) { accept(File file) {
05 public class ListReadOnlyFiles { return true;
06 public static void main(String[] args) { else if(file.isReadOnly( if(file.canRead() if(file.canRead())
07 File file = new File("D:/Documents"); return false; )) && return true;
08 } return true; file.canWrite()) else
09 File[] fileList = file.listFiles(new ReadOnlyFilter()); } else return true; return false;
10 for (File f : fileList) { return false; else }
11 System.out.println(f.getName()); } return false; }
12 } } }
13 } }
14 }

The above written code is intended to list only the read-

only files from the folder 'D:/Documents'. The code is
incomplete and any one of the listed class
implementation need to be instantiated and passed as
parameter to the listFiles() method at line number 09 in
the above code.

Which of the following option gives the correct version of

class implementation to make the above code achieve
the required functionality?
CoreJava-IO-019 Consider the following code: Compile time error at line Prints all names Prints all names Prints all names of 3
number 10 of files and of files and files and directory
01 import; directory that directory that that have write
02 import; have write starts with the permission and
03 import; permission. letter 'A'. that starts with
04 the letter 'A'.
05 public class ListFiles {
06 public static void main(String[] args) {
07 File file = new File("D:/Personal");
08 Filter filter = new CustomFilter();
10 File[] fileList = file.listFiles(filter);
12 for (File f : fileList) {
13 System.out.println(f.getName());
14 }
15 }
16 }

Following is the filter implementation used at line

number 08 in the above program:

interface Filter extends FilenameFilter, FileFilter { }

class CustomFilter implements Filter {

public boolean accept(File file, String name) {
CoreJava-IO-020 Consider the following code: No errors in the program. Run time error Compile time No errors in the 3
Compiles and executes error program.
import; successfully. Compiles and
import; But creates an empty file executes
import; 'TestData.txt' successfully.
Creates a text file
public class StreamTest1 { 'TestData.txt' with
public static void main(String[] args) throws the String array
IOException { content in it.
String msg[] = {
"Unable to deliver your mail",
"Message Sent",
"Invalid URL",
"Invalid File Format",
"Protocol Error",
"File Not Found"

BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(

new FileWriter("C:/TestData.txt"));
for(String s : msg) {

Which of the following statement is true regarding the

CoreJava-JDBC-001 Which of the following types of drivers are not vendor 1,3 1,2 2,3 3,4 1
specific implementation of a Java driver?

1) Type 1 driver
2) Type 2 driver
3) Type 3 driver
4) Type 4 driver
CoreJava-JDBC-002 ____________________ driver follows a three-tiered Type 3 Type 2 Type 1 Type 4 1
CoreJava-JDBC-003 Which of the following driver will be most suitable for Type 4 driver Type 2 driver Type 3 driver Type 1 driver 1
those Java Client Applications that run on different
operating systems but need to connect to a centralized
database server?
CoreJava-JDBC-004 Which of the following option gives the return value of -1 1 0 null 1
getUpdateCount(), when the last result is a ResultSet?

CoreJava-JDBC-005 Which of the following options give new features added 2,4,5 1,2,3 2,3,4 1,4,5 1,3,4 1
in JDBC 2.0?

1) DatabaseMetaData
2) Scrollable ResultSets
3) ResultSetMetaData
4) Batch Updates
5) Programmatic inserts, deletes and updates
CoreJava-JDBC-006 Which of the following option gives the valid method to getMetaData() getResultSetMet getMetaInfo() getResultSetMetaI 1
get the ResultSetMetaData from a ResultSet object? aData() nfo()

CoreJava-JDBC-007 Which of the following option gives the valid method to getMetaData() getDatabaseMet getDBMetaData() getDatabaseMetaI 1
get the DatabaseMetaData from a Connection object? aData() nfo()

CoreJava-JDBC-008 Which of the following listed Class / Interface acutally Driver DriverManager Connection ResultSet 2
establishes the connection to the database using the
given Connection URL String?
CoreJava-JDBC-009 Which of the following listed option gives the valid type java.sql.Timestamp java.sql.Date java.sql.Time java.util.Date 2
of object to store a date and time combination using
CoreJava-JDBC-010 Which of the following options give the valid methods 2,3 1,2 3,4 4,5 1,5 2
that can be used for executing DDL statements?

1) executeQuery()
2) executeUpdate()
3) execute()
4) executeDDL()
5) executeResult()

CoreJava-JDBC-011 The getPrimaryKeys() method is in which of the following DatabaseMetaData ResultSetMetaDa ResultSet RowSet 2
listed interface? ta
CoreJava-JDBC-012 Which of following statement is true regarding All OUT parameteres must All IN All INOUT No registration is 2
parameter usage in CallableStatement? be registered with parameteres parameteres required for any
CallableStatement object must be must be type of parameter
prior to the execution registered with registered with
CallableStatemen CallableStatemen
t object prior to t object prior to
the execution the execution
CoreJava-JDBC-013 Which of the following option gives the default CONCUR_READ_ONLY CONCUR_UPDAT CONCUR_HOLDA No concurrency is 2
Concurrency of a ResultSet? ABLE BLE associated by
CoreJava-JDBC-014 Which of the following option gives the valid way to pass The updater methods are The setter The register The values should 2
the values, while inserting a row using ResultSet? used to set the values for methods are methods are used be passed as
the new row used to set the to set the values parameters to the
values for the for the new row insertRow()
new row method

CoreJava-JDBC-015 Which of the following options are valid sub classes of 1,4 2,3 1,3 3.5 4,5 2
java.util.Date class?

1) java.sql.Time
2) java.sql.ShortDate
3) java.sql.DateTime
4) java.sql.Timestamp
5) java.sql.LongDate
CoreJava-JDBC-016 Which of the following option is a valid interface that DatabaseMetaData ResultSetMetaDa Connection Driver 2
gives the information about the Tables, Views, Stored ta
Procedures and Other database objects in a Database?

CoreJava-JDBC-017 Which of the following statement is tue for an active Starts a new Transaction Starts a new Executes all SQL There is no 2
Connection object for which the auto-commit feature is for every SQL statement Transaction and Statements relation between
set to true? that are executed under executes all the without creating transactions and
that connection. SQL statements, any transaction auto-commit
under that single feature

CoreJava-JDBC-018 Consider the following code snippet: 3,5 1,2 2,3 3,4 4,5 2

static {
try {
} catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
System.out.println("Driver not found");

Which of the following statements are true regarding the

above code snippet?

1) It just loads the OracleDriver class, instantiation

happens at the time of connection
2) It loads the OracleDriver class, and instantiates a
DriverManager object and returns it
3) It loads the OracleDriver class, instantiates it and
registers it with DriverManager class
4) oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver is a DriverManager class type
5) oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver is a Driver interface type
CoreJava-JDBC-019 Consider the following code snippet: No problem in the code. Since the table Tables should be DDL statements 2
Executes without any gets created at created using can be executed
1 PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("create exception and creates the the line number 1 createTable() only using
table a(b int)"); table 'a' itself, the method in the Statement
2 s.executeUpdate(); s.executeUpdate( Connection interface
3 s.close(); ) in the line interface
number 2 will
Assume that c is a valid Connection object, which is throw
properly connected to a database. SQLException

Which of the following statement is true regarding the

above code snippet?
CoreJava-JDBC-020 Which of the following statement is true regarding Returns true if the column Returns true if Returns true if Returns true only 2
isSearchable(int column) method of ResultSetMetaData is of any primitive type, and the column is a the column is of if the column has
interface? false if the column type is Primary Key, any Number an index created
BLOB, Image. otherwise false Type, otherwise on it
CoreJava-JDBC-021 Which of the following option gives the valid way to getTables() method in The query 'Select isTableAvailable() Querying a table 2
check from a Java application, whether a table exists or DatabaseMetaData can be * from tab' can method in using Statement or
not? used to query the available be used to get DatabaseMetaDa PreparedStatemen
table names the list of tables ta can be used t throws
SQLException, if
the table is not
available. Thus it
can be decided
that the table does
not exist
CoreJava-JDBC-022 Which of following statements are true regarding 2,3,4 1,2,3 3,4,5 1,4,5 1,2,5 2

1) A CallableStatement can return Java Primitive data

2) A CallableStatement can return SQL data types defined
in java.sql.Types
3) A CallableStatement can return one ResultSet object
for a single call
4) A CallableStatement can return multiple ResultSet
objects for a single call
5) A CallableStatement can return Java Wrapper types

CoreJava-JDBC-023 Which of the following will be the output when a getter The value of the first Throws an Returns an Object There cannot be 2
method is called with a column name and the ResultSet matching column will be SQLException array that more than one
has several columns with the same name? returned stating the error contains the column with the
values of all same name in a
matching Query as well as in
columns the ResultSet
CoreJava-JDBC-024 Which of the following option gives the status of a The ResultSet object is The ResultSet The ResultSet The data in 2
ResultSet object, when the Statement object that automatically closed object remains as object gets ResultSet object
generated it is re-executed? disconnected updated with the becomes Read-
ResultSet with latest changes in only
the previous the data

CoreJava-JDBC-025 Consider the following code snippet: SQLException is thrown at SQLException is SQLException is PreparedStatemen 2
the line number 3 thrown at the thrown only at t cannot detect
1 String sql = "select sample_pk, sample_data from line number 2 the time of the non-existence
sample3" processing the of table
2 PreparedStatement ps = c.prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet object
3 ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); rs

Assume that c is a valid Connection object, which is

already connected to the database. And there is no table
with the name 'sample3' in the database.

Which of the following statement is true about the above


CoreJava-JDBC-026 Which of the following statements give the various points 1,3,4 1,2,3 3,4,5 1,3,5 2,3,4 2
at which the commit occurs, for an active Connection
object for which the auto-commit feature is set to true?

1) When a statement with INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE

query completes
2) When a statement with SELECT query returns the
3) When the last row of the ResultSet is retrieved
4) When the ResultSet object is closed
5) When the connection is closed

CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: Face value System value Face value Main Value 2
001 System value Main value Main value Face Value
public class Main { Main value Face value System value System Value
public String value="Face value";
public Main() {
value="Main value";
value="System value";
public static void main(String[] args) {
Main n=new Main();

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code snippet: 1245 1234 1342 12345 2345 2
1) long test = 045;
2) float f = -132;
3) int value = (int)true;
4) double d = 0x12345678;
5) short s = 20;

Which of the following option gives the legal

CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following statements: Both A and B are true Only B is true Only A is true Both A and B are 2
003 false
A) Every floating-point literal is implicitly a double, not a
B) In the declaration byte b=120; int literal 120 is
implicitly converted to byte.

Which of the following option is valid regarding the

above statements?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: Prints the output "The Prints the output Compile time Compiles 2
004 Value of byte b is:-126 "The Value of error at line successfully but
class CastingTest { byte b is:130 number 4 throws runtime
public static void main(String [] args) { error at line no 4
long l = 130L;
byte b = (byte)l;
System.out.println("The Value of byte b is: " + b);

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?

CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: cdefghi bcdefgh abcde bcdef 2

public class FetchName {
public static void main(String[] args) {
char[] pickFrom = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g',
'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm' };
char[] dumpTo = new char[7];
System.arraycopy(pickFrom, 2, dumpTo, 0, 7);
System.out.println(new String(dumpTo));

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code snippet: The above code generates The above code The above code The above code 2
006 a Compilation Error prints generates a generates a
1 public class Arrays1 { abc,def,hij Runtime error at Runtime error at
2 public static void main(String args[]) { 1,2,3 line no 4 line no 6
3 String[] s;
4 s = {"abc","def","hij");
5 for(int val=0; val<= s.length; val++) {
6 System.out.println(s[val]);
7 System.out.println(",");
8 }
9 int[] arr = new int[]{1, 2, 3};
10 for (int count = 0; count <= arr.length; count++)
11 System.out.println(arr[count]);
12 System.out.println(",");
13 }
14 }
15 }
16 }

Which of the following statement is true regarding the

above code?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following Statements: Statement A is false and B Statement A is Statement A and Both Statements A 2
007 is true true and B is false B are true and B are false
Statement A: All enums are subclasses of interface
Statement B: All instances of Enums are serializable by

Which one of the following option is valid for the above

CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code snippet: createOutputFile() createOutputFile( testSomethingWit deleteOutputFile() 2
008 testSomethingWithFile() ) hFile() createOutputFile()
import org.junit.*; deleteOutputFile() deleteOutputFile( createOutputFile( testSomethingWit
import static org.junit.Assert.*; ) ) hFile()
import*; testSomethingWi deleteOutputFile(
thFile() )
public class OutputTest {

private File output;

public void createOutputFile() {
output = new File(...);

public void deleteOutputFile() {

public void testSomethingWithFile() {

Which of the following option gives the order in which

CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: Compile Time error Runtime Error truetruefalse truetruetrue 2
public class question1 {
public static void main(String args[])
Boolean b1 = new Boolean("TRUE");
Boolean b2 = new Boolean("true");
Boolean b3 = new Boolean("JUNK");
System.out.println( b1 + b2 + b3);

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: The Person Name is female The Person Name The Person Name The Person Name 2
010 Jimmy is Cameron is Jimmy is female Cameron
public class PredictName { Jimmy Jimmy
public static void main(String [] args) {
String name = "unknown";
int shirtSize = 42;
char sex = 'm';
double salary = 10000;

if (shirtSize >=40) name = "Jimmy";

if (salary > 16121) name = "Cameron " + name;
if (sex >= 'f') name = "female " + name;
System.out.println("The Person Name is " + name);

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?

CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following Statements about Operators: B,C,D is true and A is false A,C,D is true and A,B is true and A,B,C,D is true 2
011 B is false C,D is false
A) The instanceof operator can not be applied to an
B) The instanceof operator can be applied to object
C) The equals method compares content of two objects
D) The == operator tests reference of two objects

Which of the following option is valid regarding the

above statements?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: Compile time error at line Program Program compiles Program 2
012 number 7 successfully and but throws a successfully
Line No 1:public class JavaByteDataType { executes and runtime error executes but
Line No 2: public static void main(String args[]) prints value of c prints value of c is
Line No 3:{ is 2 ooxxoe
Line No 4: byte a,b,c;
Line No 5: a=1;
Line No 6: b=1;
Line No 7: c=a+b;
Line No 8: System.out.println("value of c is"+c);
Line No 9: }

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?

CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: Statement C and D are Statements B,C Statement B and Statement A is 2
013 correct and D are correct C are correct correct
Line no 1:public class ValidDeclaration{
Line no 2: public static void main(String args[])
Line no 3: {
Line no 4: byte a=126;
Line no 5: byte b=127;
Line no 6: byte c=129;
Line no 7: int e=3333333333;
Line no 8: }
Line no 9:}

Also consider the following statments regarding the

above code:

A) All the above declarations are correct

B) Line 4 should be changed to byte b=(byte)127;
C) Line 5 should be changed to byte c=(byte)129;
D) Line 6 should be changed to int e=(int)3333333333;

Which of the following option is valid regarding the

above code and statements?

CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: Compile time error at line null,1,a 0,1,a Runtime error at 2
014 no 7 line no 9
1 public class Array2
2 {
3 public static void main(String args[]){
4 int[] myA;
5 myA = new int[2];
6 myA[] myB;
7 myB = new myA[3];
8 myB[0]=a;
9 myB[1]=1;
10 myB[2]=3;
11 System.out.println(myA[0]);
12 System.out.println(myB[1]);
13 System.out.println(myB[0]);
14 }}

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: Mr.Jones Ms.Jones Mrs.Jones Mr.Jones 2
015 Ms.Smith Mr.smith Ms.Smith Mrs.Smith
public class DisplayNames {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[][] names = {{"Mr. ", "Mrs. ", "Ms. "},
{"Smith", "Jones"}};
System.out.println(names[0][0] + names[1][1]);
System.out.println(names[0][2] + names[1][0]);

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: Rose Pink Pink Compilation Error 2
016 Lotus Lotus White at line no 10
Line NO:1 public enum Flower { Lilly Lilly Violet
Line NO:2 Rose ("Pink"),
Line NO:3 Lotus("White"),
Line NO:4 Lilly ("Violet");
Line NO:5 String colour;
Line NO:6 Flower(String colour)
Line NO:7 {
Line NO:8 this.colour=colour;
Line NO:9 }
Line NO:10 public static void main(String args[])
Line NO:11 {
Line NO:12 System.out.println(Flower.Rose);
Line NO:13 System.out.println(Lotus);
Line NO:14 System.out.println(Lilly);
Line NO:15 }
Line NO:16 }

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: KeepSmiling!.. GoodMorning GoodMorning Morning 2
017 Noon Noon GoodAfterNoon Noon
public enum Greeting { Evening Evening GoodEvening Evening
Morning("GoodMorning"){public String Night Night GoodNight Night
toString(){return "KeepSmiling!..";}},
String message;
Greeting(String message)
public static void main(String args[])
for(Greeting g:Greeting.values())

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following Statements: Statement A and B are True Statement A is Statement A is Both Statements A 2
018 true and B is false false and B is true and B are false
Statement A: If Junit test method is declared as Private
the code will compile successfully but will throw Runtime
Statement B: In Junit all test methods must be declared
to return "void"

Which of the following option is valid about the above

CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following Code: Integer.MIN_VALUE Integer.MAX_VAL 0 None of listed 2
019 UE options
class TestWorld {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int N;
N = 1;
while ( (N <<= 32) >= 0) {
N = 2 * N;

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: Runtime error at line no 5 3,4 Compile time Compile time error 3
020 error at line no 10 at line no 5
1 public class GuessArraySize {
2 public static void main (String args[]) {
3 int array[] = {1, 2, 5};
4 System.out.println("FirstGuess: " +
5 ((int[])fillArray(array)).length);
6 System.out.println("SecondGuess: " +
7 ((String[])fillArray(args)).length);
8 }
9 private static Object fillArray(Object original) {
10 Object returnValue = null;
11 return returnValue;
12 }
13 }

Which of the following option gives the output of the

above code when following command line arguments are
passed for the program "java" "and" "java" "always"?

CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following Code: Infinity Runtime Error Compile time Infinity 1.4e99f 3
021 -Infinity error -Infinity 2.4e99f
public class question2 { 3.4E99 Infinity 3.4e99
public static void main(String args[]) {
Float f1 = new Float("1.4e99f");
Float f2 = new Float("-2.4e99f");
Double d1 = new Double("3.4e99");

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following Code: 2,2,1 2,2,2 0.2,0.5,0.5 1,2,2 3
class Testone {
public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int i=1;
int n=++i%5;
System.out.println("value of n is:"+n);
System.out.println("value of n is:"+n);
System.out.println("value of n is:"+n);

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: 9,6 15,6 15,9 Runtime error 3
public class QuestionOpeAssign {
static int num=5;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int sum= (num=3) * num;

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: Only A is correct A and C are A and D are A and B are 3
024 correct correct correct
public class sortInt {
public static void main(String args[]) {
short a=7;
byte v=6;
int k=a+v;
System.out.println("value of "+k);

Consider the following statements regarding the above


A)The above code will throw a compile time error at line

no 6
B)The above code will execute successfully if line no 6 is
replaced by short k=(short)a+v;
C)The above code will execute successfully if line no 6 is
replaced by byte k=(byte)a+v;
D)The above code will execute successfully if line no 6 is
replaced by int k=a+v;

Which of the following option is valid regarding the

above code and statements?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: Compile time error at line Value Returned Value Returned Runtime error at 3
025 number 5 from the method from the method line number 5
public class MethodConversion { is:10 is:14
static int m(byte a, int b) { return a+b; }
static int m(short a, short b) { return a-b; }
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Value Returned form the method
is:"+m(12, 2));

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: Throws a Compiletime The code prints The code fails at The code prints 3
026 error as Enums may not be out 'car'. runtime. out 'Four
enum Vehicle { instantiated. Wheeler'.
Bike ("Two wheeler"),
Car ("Four Wheeler");
String type;
Vehicle (String type) {
this.type = type;

public class TestEnum {

public static void main (String[] args) {
Vehicle car = new Vehicle ("Four Wheeler");
System.out.println ( car );

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: The above mentioned code class Play cannot An Enum can not If the enum 3
027 will fail to compile. access the enum define an abstract 'Games' is defined
enum Games{ constant FootBall method. as an abstract
Cricket, without 'enum', it will
FootBall, instantiation. compile
Hockey; successfully.

abstract String rules();


class Play{
public static void main (String[] args) {
System.out.println (FootBall.rules);

Which of the following statement is true regarding the

above code?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: A is false and B is true A is true and B is Both A and B are Both A and B are 3
028 false true false
public class Array4 {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable
int me[][] = { { 1 , 2}, null };
int you[][] = me.clone();
System.out.print((me == you));
System.out.println(me[0] == you[0] && me[1] ==

Statement A:Line 5 prints true

Statement B:line 6 Prints true

Which of the following option is valid regarding the

above statements and code?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following Statement: It declares values to be a It declares values It declares values It declares values 3
029 reference to an array to be a reference to be a reference to be a reference
int[] values = new int[10] ; object and constructs an to an array to an array object to an array which
array object containing 10 object, but which does not contains 10
Which of the following option is true about the above integers which are initializes it to yet exist,but will references to int
declaration? initialized to zero. null. contain 10 zeros variables.
when it does.

CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: 10,18 18,10 5,9 Compile time error 3
030 at line no 11
Line No 1:public class DoubleDemoArray {
Line No 2: public static void main (String args[]) {
Line No 3: int array1[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
Line No 4: int array2[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
Line No 5: System.out.println("New Array1 size: " +
Line No 6: System.out.println("New Array2 size: " +
Line No 7: }
Line No 8: private static int[] doubleArray(int original[]) {
Line No 9: int length = original.length;
Line No 10: int newArray[] = new int[length*2];
Line No 11: System.arraycopy(original, 4, newArray, 2,
Line No 12: return newArray;
Line No 13: }
Line No 14:}

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?

CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code snippet: Runtime error at line 1,2,null Compile time 1,2 3
031 number 5 error at line
Line No:1 public class Array3 { number 4
Line No:2 public static void main(String args[]){
Line No:3 int ia[][] = { {1, 2}, null };
Line No:4 for (int[] ea : ia)
Line No:5 for (int e: ea)
Line No:6 System.out.print(e);
Line No:7 }}

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following declaration of a String Array with for ( int j = names.length-1; for ( int j = for ( int j = 0; j < for ( int j = 3
032 name as noName: j >= 0; j-- ) names.length; j < names.length; j++ names.length; j >=
if ( names[j] != null ) names.length; ) 0; j++ )
String[] noName = new String[10] ; System.out.println( j++ ) if ( names[j] != if ( names[j] !=
names[j] ); if ( names[j] != null ) null )
Which of the following option gives the partial code null )
fragments that prints out the slots of the array from last System.out.printl System.out.println
to first, skipping slots that contain null? System.out.printl n( names[j] ); ( names[j] );
n( names[j] );
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: System.out.println System.out.printl System.out.printl None of the listed 3
033 (Grade.Personality.ASSERTI n n (EXPRESSIVE options
import java.util.*; VE instanceof (Personality.EXPR instanceof
enum Grade { Grade.Personality); ESSIVE instanceof Personality);
YELLOW (Personality.EXPRESSIVE), Personality);
GREEN (Personality.AMIABLE),
RED (Personality.ASSERTIVE),
BLUE (Personality.ANALYTICAL);
Personality personality;
Grade (Personality personality) {
this.personality = personality;
public class FindGrade{
public static void main (String[] args) {

Which of the following line of code when replaced with

"// INSERT LINE OF CODE HERE", will give the output
value "true"?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: POOR Performance:Revised POOR The above code The constructor of 3
034 Salary = 100.0 Performance:Rev will generate an enum cannot
enum PerformanceRating { AVERAGE ised Salary = Compilation Error accept 2 method
POOR (0.0, 5.0), Performance:Revised 100.0 as enum cannot parameters
AVERAGE (5.1, 7.0), Salary = 105.0 AVERAGE be applied for
GOOD (7.0, 8.5), GOOD Performance:Rev switch case
EXCELLENT (8.6, 9.9); Performance:Revised ised Salary =
Salary = 120.0 105.0
double Min, Max; EXCELLENT GOOD
Performance:Revised Performance:Rev
PerformanceRating (double Min, double Max) { Salary = 145.0 ised Salary =
this.Min = Min; 125.0
this.Max = Max; EXCELLENT
} Performance:Rev
ised Salary =
int awardMarks(){ 140.0
switch (this) {
case POOR: return 0;
case AVERAGE: return 5;
case GOOD: return 20;
case EXCELLENT: return 45;
return 0;

public class Appraisal {

CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: Ruppee Red Ruppee Blue Ruppee Red Ruppee Blue 3
035 Doller Yellow Doller Yellow Doller Blue Doller Red
enum Currency { Dinar Yellow
Ruppee(1), Doller(5), Dinar(10);
Currency(int value) { this.value = value; }
private final int value;
public int value() { return value; }

public class EnumDifficult {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Currency[] c=Currency.values();
for(int i=0;i<Currency.values().length;i++)
System.out.println( c[i] +"\t" + color(c[i+1]));

private enum CurrencyColor { Blue, Red, Yellow }

private static CurrencyColor color(Currency c) {

if (c == null)
throw new NullPointerException();

switch(c) {
case Ruppee:
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code snippet: 5,20 20,10 10,20 5,10 3
public class checkValues {
Line No 1:static int numOne=20;
Line No 2:int numTwo=10;
Line No 3:public static void main(String argv[]){
Line No 4: int numTwo=5;
Line No 5: checkValues p = new checkValues();
Line No 6: p.changeValue(numTwo);
Line No 7: System.out.println(numTwo);
Line No 8: System.out.println(numOne);
Line No 9: }
Line No 10: public void changeValue(int numOne){
Line No 11: numTwo=numOne*2;
Line No 12: numOne=numOne*2;
Line No 13: }
Line No 14:}

Which of the following option gives the output at Line

numbers 7 and 8 ?

CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: Garden status is too many Garden status is Garden status is Error in line 3
037 Flowers Garden limit on Flowers count OK number 6
Line No 1:class GardenFlower { the edge
Line No 2:public static void main(String [] args) {
Line No 3:int numOfFlowers=20;
Line No 4:int sizeOfGarden = 10;
Line No 5:sizeOfGarden=sizeOfGarden<<8;
Line No 6:String status = (numOfFlowers<4)?"Flowers
count OK"
::(sizeOfGarden < 8)? "Garden limit on the edge"
:"too many Flowers";
Line No 7:System.out.println("Garden status is " +
Line No 8:}
Line No 9:}

Which of the following option gives the output for above

CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code: short:0..1 short:1..99 short:- short:- 3
038 byte:0..1 byte:1..99 32,768..32,767 2,147,483,648
public class ConvertionCastAvg1 { byte:-128..127 ..2,147,483,647
public static void main(String[] args) { byte:1..99
float fmin = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
float fmax = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
System.out.println("short: " + (short)fmin + ".." +
System.out.println("byte: " + (byte)fmin +".." +

Which of the following option gives the output for the

above code?
CoreJava-Keywords- Consider the following code snippet: Code generates compile Code compiles Code compiles Code compiles 3
039 time error at line no 7 successfully and successfully; successfully;
class PointValue { int x, y; } executes generates generates runtime
successfully runtime error at error at line no 9
interface Flavour { void setFlavour(int flavour); } line no 8

class FlavouredPoint extends PointValue implements

int flavour;
public void setFlavour(int flavor) { this.flavour =
flavour; }

final class EndFlavourPoint extends PointValue { }

Line no:1 class CastingTest {

Line no:2 public static void main(String[] args) {
Line no:3 PointValue p = new PointValue();
Line no:4 FlavouredPoint cp = new
Line no:5 Flavour c;
Line no:6 cp = (FlavouredPoint)p;
Line no:7 c = (Flavour)p;
Line no:8 EndFlavourPoint e = new
Line no:9 c=(Flavour)e;
CoreJava-Strings-001 Which of the following options are the methods NOT 2,3 1,2 3,4 4,5 3,5 1
available in StringBuffer class?

1) append(boolean b)
2) append(byte b)
3) append(short s)
4) append(int i)
5) append(long l)
CoreJava-Strings-002 Consider the following code snippet: 1634 1632 1616 1734 1

StringBuffer sbr = new StringBuffer();

sbr.append("Think Green").append("Think Green");

Which of the following option gives the output of the

above code snippet?

CoreJava-Strings-003 Which of the following statement gives the significance Comparing memory Comparing Comparing object Comparing 1
of overriding equals() method in user defined classes? references of two objects
content of two Ids of two objects creation time of
objects two objects
CoreJava-Strings-004 Which of the following statement gives the significance Ensuring uniqueness of the Ensuring the Ensuring the Ensuring the 1
of overriding hashCode() method in user defined classes? objects being created memory object creation objects added to
allocation for the itself JVM's Object pool
objects being
CoreJava-Strings-005 Consider the following code snippet: Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 None of the given 1
line uses JVM's
1 String thirdBinded = "BINDED"; Object Pool
2 String bindedString = new String("Binded");
3 String secondBinded = bindedString.toUpperCase();

Which of the following option gives correct lines number

of the statements in the above code, that uses the JVM's
String Object Pool?

CoreJava-Strings-006 Which of the following are NOT a default delimiter of 1,4 2,3 3,4 4,5 1,5 1
StringTokenizer class?

1) , (comma)
2) \t (tab)
3) \n (new line)
4) ; (semi colon)
5) \f (form feed)
CoreJava-Strings-007 Which of the following option gives the name of the NumberFormatException IllegalArgumentE ParseException ArithmeticExcepti 1
Exception which is thrown when a String with Non- xception on
Numeric value is parsed with Integer.valueOf() method?

CoreJava-Strings-008 Which of the following options give the member 2,4 1,2 3,4 4,5 3,5 1
methods of String class that creates new String object?

1) toString()
2) concat()
3) startsWith()
4) trim()
5) endsWith()

CoreJava-Strings-009 Which of the following options give the methods that are 2,4 1,2 3,4 3,5 1,5 1
not member of String class?

1) length()
2) capacity()
3) trim()
4) delete()
5) replace()
CoreJava-Strings-010 Which of the following option gives the member method toString() concat() replace() substring() 2
of String class that does not create a new String object?

CoreJava-Strings-011 Which of the following option is the member method of intern() join() trim() toString() 2
String class, that adds the String object to the JVM's
Object Pool?
CoreJava-Strings-012 Consider the following code snippets: Code Snippet 1 uses more Code Snippet 2 Both the Code The usage of 2
JVM memory than Code uses more JVM Snippets uses JVM's memory
Code Snippet 1: Snippet 2 for storage memory than same amount of differs from JVM
String part1 = new String("Thought"); Code Snippet 1 memory implementation
String part2 = new String("Green"); for storage
String part3 = new String("World");
String part4 = new String("Green");
String fullString = part1 + " is " + part2 + ", so the " +
part3 + " is " + part4;

Code Snippet 2:
String part1 = "Thought";
String part2 = "Green";
String part3 = "World";
String part4 = "Green";
String fullString = part1 + " is " + part2 + ", so the " +
part3 + " is " + part4;

Which of the following statement is true regarding the

above code snippets?
CoreJava-Strings-013 Which of the following statements are TRUE about 1,5 2,3 3,4 3,5 2,4 2
StringBuffer class?

1) StringBuffer is a mutable class

2) StringBuffer can be extended, since it is mutable
3) StringBuffer is a sub class of String class
4) StringBuffer is a Wrapper to the existing String class
5) StringBuffer class can instantiate String type objects

CoreJava-Strings-014 Consider the following code snippet: 44 21 39 16 2

StringBuffer thought = new StringBuffer("Green");

.insert(0, "Ever")
.insert(0, "PlanetEarthIs")
.delete(0, 14);

Which of the following option gives the output of the

above code snippet?

CoreJava-Strings-015 Consider the following code snippet: Prints false Throws Throws Prints null 2
ParseException IllegalArgumentEx
1 String truth = "null"; at line 2 ception at line 2
2 Boolean truthValue = Boolean.valueOf(truth);
3 System.out.println(truthValue);

Which of the following option gives the output of the

above code snippet?
CoreJava-Strings-016 Consider the following code snippet: Prints true Throws Throws Prints false 2
NullPointerExcep IllegalArgumentEx
1 String truth = null; tion at line 3 ception at line 2
2 String truthValue = String.valueOf(truth);
3 System.out.println(truthValue.equals("null"));

Which of the following option gives the output of the

above code snippet?

CoreJava-Strings-017 Which of the following option gives the name of the consistency symmetry transitivity reflexivity 2
property that builds the equivalence relation of equals()
method of an Object, that directly depends on the output
of its hashCode() method?
CoreJava-Strings-018 Which of the following statement gives the exact There is no connection The equals() There is no The equals() 2
relationship between the equals() method and between equals() method method connection method uses an
hashCode() method in the Object class? and hashCode() method in compares the between equals() object comparison
the Object class. The hash code of method and algorithm which
equals() simply compares current object hashCode() takes two
only the memory and object to be method in the different hash
references of current compared, by Object class. It codes and
object and object to be calling simply compares evaluates to either
compared using == hashCode() only the content true or false. The
operator. method and of both the object same is returned
returns true if by just calling by equals()
their hash code equals() method method.
matches, and on the current
false otherwise. object by passing
the object to be

CoreJava-Strings-019 Which of the following statement is TRUE regarding Both the methods equals() Either equals() or Overriding of Overriding of 2
overriding equals() and hashCode() methods? and hashCode() has to be hashCode() hashCode() equals() method is
overridden at the same method can be method is not not required. The
time overriden leaving required. The implementation of
the other as implementation equals() method in
optional of hashCode() the Object class
method in the itself will serve all
Object class itself the purposes
will serve all the

CoreJava-Strings-020 Consider the following code snippet: PeaWithPlay PlayWithNuts WithPeaNuts PlayWithPea 3

StringBuffer game = new StringBuffer("");

.insert(0, "Play")
.insert(0, "With")
.insert(0, "Pea")
.insert(0, "Nuts");
game.delete(0, 4);

Which of the following option gives the output of the

above code snippet?
CoreJava-Strings-021 Consider the following code snippet: WithPeaNuts PlayWithNuts PlayWithPea PeaWithPlay 3

StringBuffer game = new StringBuffer("");

game.delete(0, 4);

Which of the following option gives the output of the

above code snippet?
CoreJava-Strings-022 Consider the following code snippet: The Thought is The thought is Green, so is the so is the World 3
Green, world
String greenThought =
"The thought is Green, so is the World";
).startsWith("o")) {
} else {
0, greenThought.indexOf("Green")

Which of the following option gives the correct output of

the above code snippet?
CoreJava-Strings-023 Consider the following code snippet: 8 9 3 5 3

String greenWorld =
"The World is Green, so is the Thought";
).startsWith("o")) {
} else {
0, greenWorld.indexOf("Thought")

Which of the following option gives the number of String

objects, that gets created in the above code snippet?

CoreJava-Strings-024 Consider the following code snippet: 9 8 10 11 3

1 String thought = "A Lion or\t\ta deer\n, better\f \fbe

2 StringTokenizer tokenizer = new
3 System.out.println(tokenizer.countTokens());

Which of the following option gives the output of the

above code snippet?
CoreJava-Strings-025 Consider the following code snippet: 5 9 8 7 3

1 int count = 0;
2 String thought = "This\t\\tis intentionally\n\n made
3 StringTokenizer tokenizer = new
oken("t"), count++);
5 System.out.println(count);

Which of the following option gives the output of the

above code snippet?
CoreJava-Strings-026 Consider the following code: public boolean public boolean public boolean None of the listed 3
equals(Object obj) { equals(MyClass equals(Object implemention is
public class MyClass { if(obj != null && obj that) { obj1, Object obj2) valid
private int a; instanceof MyClass) { if(that != null) {
private int b; MyClass that = { if(obj1 != null
(MyClass) obj; return (this.a == && obj2 != null
MyClass() { } return (this.a == that.a) that.a) && (this.b && obj1
MyClass(int a, int b) { && (this.b == that.b); == that.b); instanceof
this.a = a; } } MyClass
this.b = b; return false; return false; && obj2
} } } instanceof
} MyClass) {
MyClass this
Which of the following option gives the correct way of = (MyClass) obj1;
implementing the equals() method for the above class? MyClass that
= (MyClass) obj2;
return (this.a ==
that.a) && (this.b
== that.b);
return false;
CoreJava-Strings-027 Consider the following code: public int hashCode() { public int public int Implementation of 3
return hashCode() { hashCode() { hashCode() is not
public class Employee { (this.empId.hashCode() * 2) return return required. Set is
private Integer empId; + super.hashCode; this.hashCode; capable of finding
private String empName; } } duplicates by
(this.empName.hashCode() default
public Employee() { } * 3);
public Employee(Integer empId, String empName) { }
this.empId = empId;
this.empName = empName;

Which of the following option gives the correct

implementation of hashCode() method, that helps a
HashSet to add only the unique employee objects?

CoreJava-Strings-028 Consider the following code: public int hashCode() { public int public int public int 3
return hashCode() { hashCode() { hashCode() {
public class World { name.hashCode(); return (int) return return
private String name; } System.currentTi super.hashCode() super.hashCode()
meMillis(); ; +
public World() { } } } name.hashCode();
public World(String name) { } = name;

Which of the following option gives the correct

implementation of hashCode() method, that does not
violate the Equals and Hash Code relationship?

CoreJava-Strings-029 Consider the following code: public int hashCode() { public int public int public int public int 3
return hashCode() { hashCode() { hashCode() { hashCode() {
public class GeoCode { longitude.hashCode() + return return return 1000+;
private Double longitude; latitude.hashCode(); super.hashCode() super.hashCode() longitude.hashCod }
private Double latitude; } + 1000; ; e() +
} }
public GeoCode() { } latitude.hashCode(
public GeoCode(Double longitude, Double latitude) { )+
this.longitude = longitude;
this.latitude = latitude; super.hashCode();
} }

Which of the following implementation of hashCode()

methods satisfies the basic requirement of the equals()
method in relation with hashCode() method?

CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following statements about a demon 2, 4 2, 3 3, 1 1, 2 2

001 Thread :

A demon Thread group

1. has only demon threads.
2. can have non demon threads.
3. does not exist after all non demon threads in the group
have finished executing.
4. does not exist after all the threads in the group have
finished executing.
Which of the following option gives the
that are true for above?
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following scenario: DeadLock Condition Lock Starvation Race Condition Lock Release 2
002 Condition Condition
In a File System application, there are two threads - one
called readthread which will read a file and the other
called writethread which will write to a file. The
readthread waits for the writethread for its execution.
____________ arises when the writethtread also waits
at the same time.
Fill in the blank with the valid answer
from the
below given options

CoreJava-Threads- Which of the following option gives the name of the wait() notify() notifyAll() sleep() 2
003 method that informs the current thread to leave the
control of the monitor?
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following Statements: Statement A and B both are Statement B is Statement A and Statement A is 2
004 true true and A is B both are false true and B is false
Statement A: false
wait, notify and notifyAll methods are not called on
Thread, they are called on Object

Statement B:
These methods can only be called from synchronized
code, or an IllegalMonitorStateException will be thrown.

Which of the following option is true regarding the above


CoreJava-Threads- Which of the following statements are true regarding 2,5 1,2 2,3 3,4 4,5 2
005 threads and classes?

1) The class Thread is abstract.

2) The class Thread implements Runnable.
3) Classes implementing the Runnable interface must
define a method named start.
4) Calling the method run() on an object implementing
Runnable will create a new thread.
5) A program terminates when the last non-daemon
thread ends.
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following scenario: No, only one method can Yes, because the Yes, two different No, because the 2
006 acquire the lock methods are threads hit methods are
Two Threads A and B hit two different synchronized synchronized synchronized
methods in an object at the same time. Will they both

Which of the following option gives the valid outcome for

the above question?
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: None of the listed options 2 3 4 1 2
class Apple implements Runnable{public void run() {}}
class Banana {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Thread t1 = new Thread(); // Line no 1
Thread t2 = new Thread(new Apple()); // Line no 2
Thread t3 = new Thread(new Apple(), "Apple"); // Line
no 3
Thread t4 = new Thread("Apple"); // Line no 4

Which of the following option gives the line number at

which a compile-time error is generated in the above

CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following statements: Statement A and B both are Statement B is Statement A and Statement A is 2
008 true true and A is B both are false true and B is false
Statement A: The priority of a thread can be set by using false
the setPriority() method in the Thread class.
Statement B: The priority of a thread can be set by
passing the priority as a parameter to the constructor of
the thread.

Which of the following option is true regarding the above

CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: 1,4 2,3 3,4 4,5 2,5 2
class Fruit extends Thread
public void run()
// Line no 1

public class ThreadName {

public static void main(String args[])
Fruit f =new Fruit();

Which of the following code snippets when replaced at

Line no 1 will print the output as Apple?

1) String name=Thread.currentThread().getName();
2) String name=this.currentThread().getName();
3) String
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: Prints I am RunningThread Compiles RunTime error Prints I am 3
010 infinitely. successfully but RunningThread
public class RunningThread implements Runnable generates no Three Times
{ output
public void run()
System.out.println("I am RunningThread");
public static void main(String args[])
RunningThread nt1 = new RunningThread();
RunningThread nt2 = new RunningThread();
RunningThread nt3 = new RunningThread();;;;

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above program?
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following partial code: 3,5 1,2 2,3 3,4 1,5 3
public synchronized void work()

}catch(InterruptedException e)

Which of the following options are true regarding the

above code?

1) The code causes compilation error - sleep cannot be

called inside synchronized methods.
2) The code causes compilation error - sleep is not a
static method of java.lang.Thread
3) The Thread sleeps for at least 2000 milliseconds in this
method if not interrupted.
4) When the thread "goes to sleep" it releases the lock
on the object.
5) The "sleeping" Threads always have the lock on the
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: prints PlayPlayPlay and Compilation error PlayPlayPlayPlay Compilation Error 3
012 throws a Runtime at Line no 2 at Line no 1
public class Play implements Runnable { Exception

public void run() {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Thread t = new Thread(new Play());
t.start();;//Line no 1;
t.start(); //Line no 2


Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above program?
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: Thread t = new start(); Thread t = new Thread t = new 3
013 Thread(this); Thread(this); Thread();
public class Swim implements Runnable{ t.start(); this.start(); this.start(t);
public static void main(String argv[]){
Swim s = new Swim();

public void go(){
//Line no 1{code to be replaced here}
public void run(){

Which of the following option gives a valid code snippet,

when replaced at Line no 1 will generate the output as
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: Prints 0 Prints 1 Compile Time Run Time error at 3
014 error at Line no 1 Line no 1
class PrintData extends Thread {
private int i;
public void run() {i = 1;}
public static void main(String[] args) {
PrintData a = new PrintData();
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
System.out.print(a.i);//Line no 1

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: 12 123 124 Runtime time 3
015 error
public class Thread6 { IllegalMonitorStat
public static void main(String [] args) { eException when
System.out.print("1 "); trying to wait at
synchronized(args){ Line no 1
System.out.print("2 ");
try {
args.wait();//Line no 1

catch(InterruptedException e){

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Threads- Assume that in a class named Count there are two 2,5 1,2 2,3 3,4 1,5 3
016 integer private data members:num1 and num2.

Which of the following options give the valid code that

can prevent concurrent access in the Count class?

1) public int read(int a, int b){return a+b;}

public void Write(int a, int b){this.a=a;this.b=b;}
2) public synchronized int read(int a, int b){return a+b;}
public synchronized void Write (int a, int
3) public int read(int a, int b){synchronized(a){return
public void Write (int a, int
4) public int read(int a, int b){synchronized(a){return
public void Write (int a, int
5) public int read(int a, int b){synchronized(this){return
public void Write (int a, int

CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following statements: Both Statement A and B are Statement A is Both Statements Statement A is 3
017 False False and B is A and B are True True and B is False
Statement A: IllegalThreadStateException is a Checked True
Statement B: InterruptedException is UnChecked

Which of the following option is true regarding the above

given statements?
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following scenario: 1,3,4 1,2,3 2,3,4 3,4,5 1,4,5 3
After invoking the wait method on an object obj1, a
thread T1, will remain in the wait set of obj1.

Which of following are valid events that can occur for the
above scenario to happen?

1) Another thread invokes the notify method on the

object, obj1, and T1 is selected to move out of the wait
2) Another thread invokes the join method on thread T1
3) A specified timeout period has elapsed
4) Another thread interrupts thread T1
5) The priority of thread T1 is increased

CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: Clean compile but no A run time error Clean compile A compile time 3
019 output at runtime indicating that no and at run time error indicating
public class Test extends Thread{ run method is the values 0 to 9 that no run
public static void main(String argv[]){ defined for the are printed out method is defined
Test b = new Test(); Thread class for the Thread; class
public void start(){
for (int i = 0; i <10; i++){
System.out.println("Value of i = " + i);

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above given code?
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: synchronized(charlie){ synchronized(tan synchronized(this this.getCurrentThr 3
020 charlie.notifyAll(); } go){ ){ this.notifyAll(); ead().interrupt();
public class TestClass tango.notifyAll(); }
{ }
public Charlie charlie = new Charlie();
public Tango tango = new Tango();

class Charlie
public synchronized void doIt()
wait(); //LINE 1
catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();}

class Tango extends Thread

public void run()
{ charlie.doIt(); }

public TestClass() throws Exception

CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: NatureTitanicGivesEnergy NatureStarWars Compilation error Runtime error at 3
021 Motivates at Line no 1 Line no 1
class Movie extends Thread {
Movie() {

public void run() {

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch
block e.printStackTrace();
public void run (String s) { System.out.print(s); }

public class Director {

public static void main (String [] args) {
Thread t = new Movie(){
public void run() {
System.out.print("GivesEnergy"); }
//Line No 1: };
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: HoneyBeeHoneyBee HoneyBee HoneyHoneyBee Runtime Error 3
public class Print extends Thread {
Thread t;
Print() { }
Print(Thread t) {
this.t = t;
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Thread(new Print(new Print())).start();

public void run() {

new Thread(t).start();


Which of the following option give the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: Compilation Error at Line Prints Good and Prints an output Compilation Error 3
023 no 1 throws Runtime as GoodBest at Line no 2
class Good extends Thread { error
public void run()


class Best extends Thread

public void run()throws AnException{ //Line no 1

throws new AnException();


public class TestThread {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Good a = new Good();
Best b=new Best();
b.start(); //Line no 2
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code : Compilation and output of Compilation and Compilation and Compile time error 3
024 either " Thunder Bolt ", " output of output of " at Line no 1
public class Car extends Thread { Thunder Bolt 0", " Thunder "Thunder Bolt" Thunder Bolt 0 1
static String cName = "Thunder"; Bolt 0 1" " Thunder Bolt 0 1 2 3"
public static void main(String argv[]){ 2" or " Thunder Bolt 0 1 2
Car t = new Car(); 3"

public void getName(String cName){

cName = cName + "Bolt";
start();//Line no 1

public void run(){

for(int i=0;i < 4; i++){
cName = cName + "V" + i;


Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: RunningTree GreenPlanetGree StartingTree Runtime error at 3
025 nPlanetGreenPla Line no 1
class Tree implements Runnable{ net
public void run()
public void start()

public class Plantation extends Thread

public static void main(String argv[]){
Runnable r=new Tree();
Thread t=new Thread(r);
t.start();//Line no 1
public void run(){
for (int i = 0; i <3; i++){
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: Prints Planet and throws a Prints the Prints Prints the 3
026 class Machine Runtime Exception following output MachineRunning following output 1
{ 2 times: and thows a time:
public void run() Guns Runtime Guns
{ (waits for Exception (waits for 1000
System.out.println("MachineRunning"); 1000 milli milli seconds)
} seconds) Pistols
class Factory extends Thread {
public Machine man;
public void run() {
try {
synchronized(man) {
} catch(InterruptedException e) { }

public class TestWait {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Machine m = new Machine();
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: Compiles and runs without prints output: 0q prints output: 1 Compilation error 3
027 any output at Line no 1
public class TestThreads implements Runnable {
volatile int i=0;

public void run()

{i++; //Line no 1


public static void main(String args[]) {

TestThreads t1 = new TestThreads();
TestThreads t2 = new TestThreads();;;

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Threads- Which of the following statements are true with respect 1,3 2,3 3,4 4,5 1,5 3
028 to threads?

1) Once a new thread is started, it will always enter the

runnable state
2) You can call start() on a Thread object only once. If
start() is called more than once on a Thread object, it will
throw a CompileTime Excpetion.
3) The sleep() method is a static method that sleeps the
currently executing thread. One thread cannot tell
another thread to sleep.
4) The setPriority() method is used on Thread objects to
give threads a priority of between 1 (high) and 10 (low)
5) The notify() method is used to send a signal to all the
threads that are waiting in that same objects waiting
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: 1,3 2,3 1,2 3,4 4,5 3
class WaitTime extends Thread {
public void run() {
synchronized (this) {
try {wait(5000);} catch (InterruptedException ie){}
public static void main(String[] args) {
WaitTime wt = new WaitTime();
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.print(System.currentTimeMillis() -
startTime + ",");
try {wt.join(6000);} catch (InterruptedException ie) {}
System.out.print(System.currentTimeMillis() -

Which of the following options are true regarding the

above code?

1) The first number printed is greater than or equal to 0

2) The first number printed must always be greater
than 5000
3) The second number printed must always be
greater than or equal to 5000
4) The second number printed must always be greater
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: Prints: ABC Prints: AYZ Prints: ABZ Prints: XYZ 3
class Print extends Thread
{ String[] data;
public Print(String[] data) { =
data;} public void run() {
synchronized (data) {System.out.print(data[0] +
data[1] + data[2]);}
public class Test {
private static String[] data = new String[]{"X","Y","Z"};
public static void main (String[] args) {
synchronized (data) {
Thread t1 = new Print(data); t1.start();
data[0] = "A"; data[1] = "B"; data[2] = "C";

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?

CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: Compilation Error at Line helloworld Compilation Error worldhello 3
031 no 2 at Line no 1
public class A extends Thread {
public void run() {
yield();//Line no 1

public static void main(String[] args) {

A a1 = new A();
}catch(Exception e)
a1.join();//Line no 2

Which of the following options gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: 1,3 2,3 3,4 4,5 1,5 3
class A extends Thread {
private static B b = new B();
private String s1;
public void run() {System.out.print(b.m1(s1));}
A(String threadName, String s1) {
super(threadName); this.s1 = s1;
public static void main (String[] args) {
A a = new A("T1","A"), b = new A("T2","B"); a.start();
class B {
private String s1;
public synchronized String m1(String s) {
s1 = s;
try {Thread.sleep(1);} catch (InterruptedException ie) {}

Which of the following options give valid outputs for the

above code?

1) Prints: [T1,A][T2,B]
2) Prints: [T1,B][T2,B]
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: Prints CAT Six times and Prints CAT Three Prints CAT Six Prints CAT five 3
033 throws a Runtime times and throws times times and throws
class FirstThread extends Thread { Exception a Runtime a Runtime
public static void main(String [] args) { exception Exception
FirstThread t = new FirstThread();

Thread a= new Thread(t,"Second");

public void run() {
for(int i=0;i<3;++i) {

Which of the following option gives the valid output for

the above code?
CoreJava-Threads- The synchronized statement has the form shown below. Both Statement A and B Statement A is Statement A is Both Statement A 3
034 synchronized (expression) block are True False and B is True and B is and B are False
True False
Which of the following are true statements with respect
to synchronization?

Statement A:
If execution of the block completes normally, then the
lock is released

Statement B:
If execution of the block completes abruptly, then the
lock is released

Which of the following option is true regarding the above

given statements?

CoreJava-Threads- Which of the following statements are true regarding 2,4 1,2 2,3 3,4 3,5 3
035 threads?

1) A program will terminate only when all daemon

threads stop running
2) A program will terminate only when all user threads
stop running
3) A daemon thread always runs at
4) A thread inherits its daemon status from the thread
that created it
5) The daemon status of a thread can be changed at any
time using the Thread.setDaemon method
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: 1,3 2,3 1,2 3,4 3,5 3
interface MyRunnable extends Runnable { }

interface MyRunnable2 {
public abstract void run();

class MyThread implements MyRunnable2 {

public void run() {
try {
System.out.println("Thread Started");
System.out.println("Thread Ended");
} catch(InterruptedException ie) {
System.out.println("Thread interrupted:" +

public class TestRunnable {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Thread t = new Thread(new MyThread()); /* ERROR
System.out.println("Program Ended");
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: 1,2 2,3 3,4 4,5 1,5 3
class Search implements Runnable {
Search search;
public void search() {
new Thread(; /* LINE 1 */

public void run() {

try {
Thread.currentThread().sleep(3000);; /* LINE 2 */
} catch(InterruptedException ie) {
System.out.println("Thread interrupted");

public class TestSearch {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Search search = new Search(); = search;
new Thread(search).start(); /* LINE 3 */

CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: new Thread(new new Thread(new new Thread(new new Thread(new This cannot be 3
038 RunnableTask()).start(); Task()).start(); Runnable(new Runnable(new done, the class Task
class Task { Task())).start(); RunnableTask())).s should implement
public void run() { tart(); Runnable
System.out.println("Task started");
try {
}catch(InterruptedException ie) {
System.out.println("Thread interrupted");
System.out.println("Task completed");

class RunnableTask extends Task implements Runnable {


public class TestTask {

public static void main(String[] args)
{ /* CODE */

Which of the following code snippet when substituted

at the line commented as /* CODE */ in the above
program will invoke the run() method?
CoreJava-Threads- Consider the following code: ABC XYZ Compilation Error Runtime Error at 3
039 at Line no 1 Line no 1
class AB extends Thread {
private static String[] sa = new String[]{"Not
public void run() {
synchronized (sa) {
while (!sa[0].equals("Done")) {
try {sa.wait();} catch (InterruptedException ie) {}
System.out.print(sa[1] + sa[2] + sa[3]);
public static void main (String[] args) {
try {
Thread.sleep(1000);//Line no 1
AB a=new AB();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
synchronized (sa) {
sa[0] = "Done";
sa[1] = "A"; sa[2] = "B"; sa[3] = "C";
CoreJava-Updations in Which of the following class which is newly added in JDK Console Terminal Output Input Keyboard 1
SDK-001 1.6, provides method to read password?
CoreJava-Updations in Which of the following method is newly added to the clearError() checkError() printf() format() 1
SDK-002 PrintStream class in JDK 1.6?
CoreJava-Updations in Which of the following option gives the code name for Mustang Kestrel Merlin Tiger Playground 1
SDK-003 Java SE 6?
CoreJava-Updations in Which of the following option gives the name of the API Java Compiler API Image Morphing Image Processing Java Interpreter 1
SDK-004 which is newly added to Java SE 6? API for Java 3D API API

CoreJava-Updations in Which of the following option gives the newly added JDBC 4.0 Annotations Var-args Generics Iterable interface 1
SDK-005 feature to Java SE 6? added as super
interface for

CoreJava-Updations in Which of the following option gives the name of the new StAX JAX DOM SAtX SAX 1
SDK-006 type of parser added to the XML API, in JDK 1.6?

CoreJava-Updations in Which of the following option gives the name of the TreeSet HashSet NavigableHashSet NavigableTreeSet 1
SDK-007 Collection implementation class that implements the
newly introduced NavigableSet interface in JDK 1.6?

CoreJava-Updations in Which of the following option gives the name of the java.util.spi java.util.concurre java.util.logging java.util.regex 1
SDK-008 package which is newly added to Java SE 6? nt
CoreJava-Updations in Which of the following option gives the name of the ArrayDeque Deque LinkedDeque BlockingDeque 1
SDK-009 concrete implementation class, which is newly added to
the collection framework in JDK 1.6?

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