Creating Distributed Applications Using RMI and JDBC

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Creating Distributed
Applications Using

In this chapter:

• Understanding remote method invocation (RMI)

• Creating a multitier database application using RMI
• Implementing RMI in applets
• A working RMI applet example
• Connecting to the database from the RMI server host
• Parameterising connection information

This chapter introduces the essentials of creating distributed data-

base applications using remote method invocation (RMI) and JDBC.
Together, JDBC and RMI will allow you to implement highly scal-
able, distributed database applications. By the end of the chapter,
you will understand how to connect Java client objects to remote
objects using RMI, and how to invoke remote methods that connect
to the database using JDBC.

Understanding Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
The RMI technology lets you easily develop networked Java applica-
tions that hide the underlying mechanisms for transporting method
arguments and return values.
RMI enables programmers to create distributed Java-to-Java pro-
grams. Under distributed Java computing, one part of the
program—running in one Java Virtual Machine as a client—can
invoke the methods of server objects in another virtual machine,
often on a different host.
However, client programs do not communicate directly with
server objects. When invoking remote methods, clients instead
invoke the methods of a remote object’s stub, which resides on the
client host. The local stub does the networking needed to pass
remote method invocations to the skeleton (another interface to the
remote object) that resides on the server host.
Figure 10-1 shows the RMI architecture.
The RMI allows client and server objects to interact as if they were
local objects residing in the same Java Virtual Machine. Additionally,
server objects can be RMI clients of other remote objects.

Passing Parameters and Return Values

RMI allows Java clients to pass parameter values to remote server
methods and accept return values from those methods. It does this
by allowing the stubs and skeletons to marshal and unmarshal

Figure 10-1. RMI architecture.

276 Dynamic Web Programming with Java, JDBC, and JavaScript

Figure 10-2. Marshalling parameters and return values.

method parameters and return values. Figure 10-2 shows the char-
acteristics of object marshalling.

What Is Marshalling?
Marshalling refers to the process of packaging method arguments and return
values so that they can be moved across the network. This process involves seri-
alization, which is a way to convert objects so they can be passed over the net-
work. Serializable objects include primitive types, remote Java objects, AWT
components, and any other object that implements the serializable interface.
Note that, if you declare a Java property as transient, then that property will
not be serialized.

Essential RMI Components

The essential RMI components that we will use to create a working
RMI application are listed in Table 10-1. The next few sections will
show in greater detail how to use these components.

Useful Links
For more information about RMI, you can view the following docu-

JavaSoft RMI Documentation at:

Creating Distributed Applications Using RMI and JDBC 277

Table 10-1. Essential RMI components.

Component Function
RMI compiler (rmic) Generates the stubs and skeletons for the remote server class.
Stubs A client view of the remote methods.
Skeletons On the server, connects the stub to the remote server class.
Remote interface An interface that defines the remote methods that the remote
server class will implement in code.
Remote server class A class that implements the methods defined in the interface file.
Server factory A program that generates an instance of the remote server class,
and registers it with an RMI registry.
RMI registry service The RMI bootstrap registry program that runs on the server host
and registers remote RMI objects by name on the network.

JavaSoft RMI FAQ at:

JavaSoft RMI Specification at:

Creating a Multitier Database Application Using RMI

The steps involved in creating a distributed database application are
as follows:

1. Define the remote interfaces. Create and compile an inter-

face class that extends java.rmi.Remote. This interface
defines the methods that the server implements. The client
Java program will call these methods as if they were local,
when in fact they are remote.
2. Define the remote classes. Create and compile a remote serv-
er class that extends a RemoteObject such as
java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject. This class will
implement the interfaces defined in Step 1.

278 Dynamic Web Programming with Java, JDBC, and JavaScript

3. Create stubs and skeletons. Using the RMI compiler, rmic,
generate stubs and skeletons for the implementation class you
created in Step 2.
4. Create a server program to generate the remote object.
Create and compile a server program that creates an instance
of the remote object you created in Step 2 and then registers
the object by name with an RMI registry service.
5. Start the RMI registry service on the server. On the server
host, start the bootstrap registry service, rmiregistry, and
start the server program that you created in Step 4.
6. Create the Java client program. Create and compile the
client Java program that will call the remote methods.

Define the Remote Interfaces

What we are trying to do is run SQL queries using distributed Java
objects. To manipulate a remote server object, client code needs to
know what it can do with that object. Therefore, an interface is
shared between the client and server. It is this interface that exposes
the methods of the remote object to the client.

Create the Remote Interface

We create an interface in a file called To create a remote
interface, import the RMI package in your Java code and, if you will
use SQL, also import the SQL package. The interface in List. 10-1
declares methods that open and close database connections, execute
queries, and retrieve table rows.
In order to expose the remote methods to a client, the interface
must extend java.rmi.Remote.
Each exposed method must declare java.rmi.RemoteException
in its throws clause, because many things can go wrong when mak-
ing remote invocations over the network. Calls to remote hosts are
inherently less reliable than calls to the local host. For example, the
remote host might not be available when you make the remote call.
Note also that, because we are using the SQL package, we also
need to declare java.sql.SQLException in the throws clause of
the remote methods.

Try to maintain the design of the remote interfaces. If you are using
parameters, try to encapsulate all the related parameters into a single
object. If you need to add another parameter, you don’t have to change
the remote interface, only the parameter class.

Creating Distributed Applications Using RMI and JDBC 279

Listing 10-1. Define the remote methods in an interface (

import java.rmi.*;
import java.sql.*;

public interface JR extends java.rmi.Remote {

public int openConnection()

throws RemoteException,

public void closeConnection( int id )

throws RemoteException,

public void performQuery( int id, String searchString )

throws RemoteException,

public String getNextRow( int id )

throws RemoteException,

Compile and Locate the Interface

You compile the interface file using the javac command.


This produces a file called JR.class.

For stand-alone Java applications, place the compiled interface
on both the client host and on the server host.
On both hosts, point the CLASSPATH environment variable to the
directory in which you placed the interface. This must be done
before starting the client program on the client host and before
starting the registry service and server factory on the server host.
For client programs that are Java applets, place the compiled
interface into the same directory on the RMI server host in which
the applet resides.

280 Dynamic Web Programming with Java, JDBC, and JavaScript

Once you’ve declared and compiled an interface class, your next
action is to define the remote server class that implements the
remote methods you’ve declared.

You can place compiled interfaces anywhere on the RMI server. Make
sure the CLASSPATH environment variable used when starting the serv-
er program points to the location of these interface classes.

Define the Remote Classes

This step creates the remote server class. The remote server class
implements all of the methods defined by the interface we created
in Step 1 by creating the actual Java methods to match the interface

What Does “Remote Server Class” Mean?

This implementation class is a server class because it extends
UnicastRemoteObject, which makes objects remotely accessible. This
class inherits the basic technology for communication between the server object
and its stubs on the client host, so you don’t have to code it.

Create the Remote Server Class

You can create methods in this class that are not remote. In more
complex applications, you can create many interfaces and many
remote server classes. This is a design issue; generally, the output of
the design phase would be a set of interfaces that have one or more
defined as remote.
Because the Java platform handles the marshalling of data and
remote invocation, you don’t have to code it. Apart from defining
the remote nature of the methods, you concentrate on the applica-
tion functionality you need to code.
In this example, we define the remote server by creating a Java
class called JRImpl in a file called, shown in List. 10-2.
Note that we import the java.rmi.server package into the
In order to define the class as containing methods that can be
accessed remotely, we define JRImpl as a subclass of
UnicastRemoteObject, implementing the interface JR.

Creating Distributed Applications Using RMI and JDBC 281

Listing 10-2. Remote server class

import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
import java.sql.*;

public class JRImpl

extends UnicastRemoteObject
implements JR {

//Default constructor
public JRImpl () throws RemoteException { }

public synchronized int openConnection()

throws RemoteException,
. . .

public void closeConnection( int id )

throws RemoteException,
. . .

public void performQuery( int id, String searchString )

throws RemoteException,
. . .

public String getNextRow( int id )

throws RemoteException,
. . .

282 Dynamic Web Programming with Java, JDBC, and JavaScript

Why Use UnicastRemoteObject?
The UnicastRemoteObject, along with other RMI components, takes care
of all remote method invocation tasks; you need not take any special action
whatsoever, other than to ensure that all remote methods declared in the inter-
face class declare java.rmi.RemoteException in their respective
throws clauses.

Compile and Locate the Remote Server Class

Compile the remote server class using javac:


This produces a file called JRImpl.class. You can place compiled

remote server classes anywhere on the RMI server host. Make sure
the CLASSPATH environment variable points to the location of these
remote server classes.
Alternatively, place all the supporting classes that you develop for
a particular program in the same directory on the RMI server; and
point the java.rmi.server.codebase property to that directory on
the command line when starting the server factory (see subsection
“Start the Server Factory” later in this chapter).

RMI client and server programs should install a security manager to

important control the actions of stub and skeleton objects loaded from a network
location. For applets, there is a default security manager to ensure that
the applet does no harm. For stand-alone applications, there is no
default security manager, so you must set one when using RMI.

Remote server objects must already be running on the server host when
note a service is requested from the client.

Create Stubs and Skeletons

With RMI, client programs and remote objects use proxies, called stubs
and skeletons, to handle the necessary networking between them.
You don’t need to be concerned in any way with stubs and skele-
tons other than how to create and locate them.
Stubs and skeletons are Java classes. You place the compiled stub
on the client (unless it’s an applet, in which case you bundle it with
the applet code), and the compiled skeleton on the server. Note that
the RMI server host may cooperate as a client for another RMI server

Creating Distributed Applications Using RMI and JDBC 283

host in a highly distributed application. Even so, the steps to follow
are the same.

Generate the Stub and Skeleton Classes

You create stubs and skeletons using rmic (RMI compiler), which
ships with the JDK. Make sure that you have already compiled the
remote interface,, and the remote server,,
before you generate the stubs and skeletons.
You generate the stub and skeleton for the remote server,
JRImpl.class, as follows:

rmic JRImpl

This creates two class files:


If the compiled class is part of a Java package, give the full package
note name to rmic.

Locate the Stubs and Skeletons

You can place the generated skeletons, *.Skel, anywhere on the
RMI server. Make sure that the CLASSPATH environment variable
used when starting the server program points to the location of the
skeleton classes. Typically, you’d place all the supporting classes for
the server application in the same directory on the RMI server, and
point the CLASSPATH environment variable to that directory when
starting the server factory.
For stand-alone Java applications, you need to copy the stub classes
to a directory on the client host and point the CLASSPATH environment
variable to that directory before starting the client program.
For Java applets, you need to place the stub classes into the same
directory on the RMI server host in which the applet resides.

Create a Server Program to Generate

the Remote Object
You need to create and compile a server program that creates an
instance of the remote object and then registers the object by name
with an RMI registry service. When the remote object is registered

284 Dynamic Web Programming with Java, JDBC, and JavaScript

with the RMI registry service, the clients can access the remote
methods in the object.
The server program that we create now is called a server factory
because it instantiates the remote object.

Creating the Server Factory

For a client program to access a remote object, the client must first
have a reference, or object handle, to that remote object. To get that
reference, the client can invoke a remote method in the server facto-
ry running on the RMI server host, which returns a reference to the
object that contains the remote methods.
Server programs register remote objects with the bootstrap registry
service. Once the remote object is registered, server programs can
return references to the object.
You register a remote object on the RMI server host by giving a ref-
erence to the object (servlet) and some name (rmiExample) to the
bootstrap registry. This registration process binds the remote object by
name to a host (dellcpi) and port (1099). These objects are summa-
rized in the Table 10-2. The is shown in List. 10-3.
The class that contains the remote methods is instantiated in the
following line:

JRImpl servlet = new JRImpl ();

The object is then registered with the RMI registry service:

"//", servlet );

Table 10-2. Important objects in

Object Description
servlet An instance of the class that implements the
remote methods the client will invoke.
Naming.rebind Naming provides the default registry service. The
rebind method adds an object to the RMI registry.
//dellcpi:1099 Host and port on which the RMI registry runs.
rmiExample A label for the registered object; all clients can use
the label.

Creating Distributed Applications Using RMI and JDBC 285

This is all you need to do to set up the remote factory to instanti-
ate remote objects; RMI does everything else.

Locating the Server Factory

You can place the compiled server factory class anywhere on the
RMI server host, but make sure that the CLASSPATH environment
variable used when starting the server factory points to the location
of this server factory class.
If your Java client is an applet, then the server factory must be
running before the applet starts.

Listing 10-3. The server factory,, which creates

and registers objects with the RMI registry.

import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.registry.*;

public class JRServer {

public static void main( String args[] ) {

String hostName = null;

String hostIP = null;
try { hostInet =;
hostName = hostInet.getHostName();
hostIP = hostInet.getHostAddress();
"Starting RemoteSQL on " + hostName +
" ["+hostIP+"]");
catch ( e) {
System.err.println("JRServer.main exception: "
+ e.getMessage());
if ( System.getSecurityManager() == null ) {
System.setSecurityManager( new RMISecurityManager() );

286 Dynamic Web Programming with Java, JDBC, and JavaScript

Listing 10-3. (continued)

try {
JRImpl servlet = new JRImpl ();

System.out.println( "Binding to the registry" );

"//", servlet );
System.out.println( "...RemoteSQL is bound and ready." );
catch ( Exception e ) {
System.err.println("JRServer.main exception: "
+ e.getMessage());

Start the RMI Registry Service on the Server

The RMI bootstrap registry program runs on the server host and reg-
isters remote RMI objects by name on the network. Once registered,
remote objects are in effect exported and can be accessed by RMI
To access a remote object, a client program first gets a reference
to the object by using the Naming class to look up the object using
its registered name. The client program specifies the name as an
rmi: URL. The registry service then returns an instance of the remote
interface for the remote object—the object’s stub.

Starting the Registry Naming Service on the RMI Server

Set your environment to point to the location of your Java installa-
tion. On UNIX, for example:

setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/local/java/jdk1.1.7

setenv PATH $JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

The Windows equivalent would be

set JAVA_HOME=D:\java\jdk1.1.7

Creating Distributed Applications Using RMI and JDBC 287

You can then start the registry naming service, rmiregistry. You
start this program on UNIX as follows:

unsetenv CLASSPATH
rmiregistry &

On Windows:

start rmiregistry

In the Windows example, if unset doesn’t work on your system,

use set CLASSPATH=.

Before starting the registry, CLASSPATH should be unset; at least, it

note should not be pointing to any classes. When the rmiregistry pro-
gram starts, if it can find your stub classes, it won’t remember that
these stubs can be loaded from your server’s codebase.

The registry runs on port 1099 by default. To start the registry on a

different port, specify the port number on the command line. For
example, start rmiregistry 1090. The RMI bootstrap registry
must remain running so that the registry’s naming service is always

Start the Server Factory

Set CLASSPATH as appropriate and start the server program that you
created in Step 4, which creates an object that implements the
methods accessed remotely by the client. You can start the server
program as follows:

java JRServer

Create the Java Client Program

Client programs use remote objects that have been exported by
remote server programs. In order to do this, the client program must
look up the remote object in the remote RMI registry. When the

288 Dynamic Web Programming with Java, JDBC, and JavaScript

remote object is located, the stub of the remote object is sent to the
client. The client invokes the methods in this stub as if the stub were
the actual remote object in the local Java Virtual Machine. The stub
communicates with the remote skeleton associated with that stub,
and the skeleton invokes the method that the remote client has

Obtaining a Reference to the Remote Object

The client uses the Naming.lookup method to obtain a reference to
the remote object. The returned value is actually a reference to a
stub object.

JR servlet = (JR)Naming.lookup( registryName );

The registryName variable should define the RMI server host

and port that the RMI registry runs on, and it should also state the
name of the object.
For example, the applet in List. 10-4 is downloaded from
// The RMI registry on that host is
running on the default port, 1099. The required JRImpl object is
labeled rmiExample. Therefore, the URL for the lookup method is:


If the RMI server was started on a different port (rmiregistry

1090), then the URL would be:


Implementing an RMI Security Manager on the Client

Because the Java client will be downloading an untrusted stub
object, implement the RMISecurityManager object in the client

System.setSecurityManager( new RMISecurityManager() );

Listing 10-4 shows the init() method of a Java applet that uses
RMI to connect to the remote instance of the JR class that is stored
in the RMI registry.

Creating Distributed Applications Using RMI and JDBC 289

Listing 10-4. The client applet.

import java.rmi.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.Applet;

public class TestApplet extends Applet

implements ActionListener {

// install security manager

public void init() {
if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
new RMISecurityManager() );

//get a reference to the remote object

String registryName;
try {
// Get the name of the host machine from where this
// applet was loaded. The remote object and its
// interface resides on that host.
registryName = "//" +
getCodeBase().getHost() +

// Append the predetermined name of the remote

// object that has been bound to the registry
// on the server host
registryName += "rmiExample";

// Get a reference to the remote object.

JR servlet = (JR)Naming.lookup( registryName );
catch ( Exception e ) {
showStatus( "Cannot connect to RMI registry." );

// invoke the remote methods

try {

290 Dynamic Web Programming with Java, JDBC, and JavaScript

Listing 10-4. (continued)

connectionId = servlet.openConnection();
catch (RemoteException e) {
showStatus("Failed to Open Connection");

Implementing RMI in Applets

Because of applet security restrictions, untrusted applets can make
network connections only to the host from which they were loaded.
This means that all server objects must reside on the same machine
that hosts the web page. These objects include

• the HTML web page that contains the APPLET tag,

• the applet class,
• the compiled stubs,
• the compiled skeletons,
• the compiled server classes and objects,
• the RMI bootstrap registry.

For applets, compiled stubs are bundled with the applet code. You
need to place the stub classes into the same directory on the RMI
server host in which the applet resides. In addition, place the com-
piled interfaces (e.g., JR.class) into the same directory.

The remote object that an applet can reference is not prevented from
connecting to other machines and objects on the network. For exam-
ple, the remote object on machine 1 can implement a method to
invoke another remote method in an object on another machine,
machine 2. If an applet required service from a remote object on
machine 2, it would call the remote method on machine 1 to man-
age this interface.

Creating Distributed Applications Using RMI and JDBC 291

The RMI client and server programs should install a security manager
note to control the actions of stub and skeleton objects loaded from a net-
work location. For applets, there is a default security manager to ensure
that the applet does no harm. For stand-alone applications, there is no
default security manager, so you must set one when using RMI.

note Registry and server objects must be running before the applet starts.

A Working RMI Applet Example

Once you have the RMI registry running and the server factory has
instantiated and registered the remote object, you can invoke the
client application.
Listing 10-4 contained the init() method of a Java applet that
attempted to open a JDBC connection to a database through a
remote object. Listing 10-4 is a good summary of the essentials of
establishing a connection to a remote object.
This section lists a fully working applet that calls methods in the
remote object ( to open a database connection and
execute SQL commands entered by the user at the browser.
To run this example, make sure that you follow all the steps in
the previous section so that you have a registered instance of the
JRImpl class in the RMI registry.

To run RMI-based applets, the viewer or browser used to run the applet
must support the RMI features of Java 1.1. Browsers not supporting
these features may crash.

This section lists the following code:

•, which is the applet that requests a

remote connection from the browser
• JR.html, which contains the APPLET tag to download and
instantiate the applet.

The RemoteSQLApplet Class

This Java class creates and displays a form in the browser so that
the user can submit SELECT queries to the database and display the
results. Listing 10-5 shows the Java source code.

292 Dynamic Web Programming with Java, JDBC, and JavaScript

Listing 10-5. Java source code for

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.registry.*;

public class RemoteSQLApplet

extends Applet
implements ActionListener {

Panel north, center;

TextField searchCriteria;
Button searchButton, clearButton;
List searchResults;
extArea samples;

int connectionId;
JR servlet;

//Initializes the applet, displays a GUI

// for entering SQL queries, and opens a
// connection to the remote object.
public void init() {
String registryName;

// Build the applet display.

setLayout( new BorderLayout() );

north = new Panel();

north.setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
north.add( new Label( "Enter SELECT statement:" ) );
searchCriteria = new TextField( 40 );
north.add( searchCriteria );
searchButton = new Button( "Query" );
searchButton.addActionListener( this );
north.add( searchButton );

clearButton = new Button( "Clear" );

clearButton.addActionListener( this );
north.add( clearButton );
add( "North", north );

Creating Distributed Applications Using RMI and JDBC 293

Listing 10-5. (continued)

searchResults = new List( 10, true );

add( "Center", searchResults );

Panel notes = new Panel();

notes.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
samples = new TextArea( "", 4,60,
samples.setFont( new Font( "TimesRoman",
Font.BOLD, 10 ) );
samples.setBackground( Color.darkGray );
samples.setForeground( Color.white );
notes.add( "North", samples );

Panel messages = new Panel();

messages.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif",
Font.BOLD + Font.ITALIC, 12 ) );
messages.setBackground( Color.white );
messages.setForeground( );
new Label( "Check your browser status bar" +
" for any SQL messages.", Label.CENTER ) );
notes.add( "South", messages );

add( "South", notes );

setVisible( true );

try {
// install security manager
if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
new RMISecurityManager() );

searchResults.addItem("RemoteSQLApplet:init: Preparing
for registry lookup..." );
registryName = "//" + getCodeBase().getHost() + "/";
registryName += "rmiExample";

294 Dynamic Web Programming with Java, JDBC, and JavaScript

Listing 10-5. (continued)

searchResults.addItem("RemoteSQLApplet:init: Looking up
'"+registryName+"'..." );

servlet = (JR)Naming.lookup( registryName );

if ( servlet == null ) {
"RemoteSQLApplet:init:Naming.lookup: Lookup failed. Servlet is null."
"RemoteSQLApplet:init: Lookup successful..." );
catch ( Exception e ) {
showStatus( "Cannot CONNECT to RMI registry
for 'RemoteSQL'" );

try {

// Open a connection to the remote object.

// This call causes the remote server
// to load the JDBC driver on the server host and to
// use that driver to establish
//a JDBC connection to the "stores7" database.

"RemoteSQLApplet:init: Starting OPEN db connection task..." );
connectionId = servlet.openConnection();

"RemoteSQLApplet:init: Finished OPEN db connection task..." );
if ( connectionId == -1 ) {
"RemoteSQLApplet:init: Error during OPEN db connection task..." );
"-1: Cannot OPEN DATABASE connection." );

Creating Distributed Applications Using RMI and JDBC 295

Listing 10-5. (continued)

catch (Exception ex) {
"RemoteSQLApplet:init: Exception during OPEN db connection task..."
"Exception: Cannot OPEN DATABASE connection." );

// Closes the connection to the remote object.

// This call causes the remote server to close all
// server host and database resources that are associated
// with the JDBC connection. For example, all cursors,
// result sets, statement objects, and connection objects
// are freed.

public void finalize() {

try {
servlet.closeConnection( connectionId );
catch (Exception ex) {}


// Handles the two action events belonging to this applet:

// Query button and Clear button clicks.

public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {

if ( e.getActionCommand().equals( "Query" ) ) {
try {
showStatus( "" );
catch (Exception ex) {
showStatus( ex.toString() + ": Cannot issue Query");
else {

296 Dynamic Web Programming with Java, JDBC, and JavaScript

Listing 10-5. (continued)

showStatus( "" );

public void clearListBox() {


// Passes the SQL string that was entered to the

// remote object for execution and retrieves the result set
// row by row from the remote object, displaying
// each row as it's retrieved.

public void performQuery() throws Exception {

String searchString;
String result;

searchString = searchCriteria.getText();

// Execute the query.

servlet.performQuery( connectionId, searchString );

// Get and display the result set.

result = servlet.getNextRow( connectionId );
if ( result == null ) {
showStatus( "No rows found using specified
search criteria." );

while ( result != null ) {

searchResults.addItem( result );
result = servlet.getNextRow( connectionId );

Creating Distributed Applications Using RMI and JDBC 297

Using RemoteSQLApplet in the Browser
Listing 10-6 shows the HTML page, JR.html, that references the
Figure 10-3 shows the RemoteSQLApplet class instantiated and
displayed by the browser. When the applet attempts to open a
remote connection to the database, the remote object writes a set
of confirmatory messages to the console, which are shown in List.
10-7. The applet also confirms it’s own processing state by writing to
the List object, which is displayed in the applet window.
Listing 10-7 shows the output from the server factory, JRServer,
from starting up the factory using java JRServer, connecting to

Listing 10-6. The JR.html page.


Figure 10-3. Starting RemoteSQLApplet in the browser.

298 Dynamic Web Programming with Java, JDBC, and JavaScript

Listing 10-7. Output from invoking JRServer from
command line.

Binding to the registry

...RemoteSQL is bound and ready.
JRImpl:openConnection: Starting...
JRImpl:openConnection: Creating connection object...
JRImpl:openConnection: Opening connection to DATABASE...
JRConn:openConnection: Loading driver...
JRConn:openConnection:urlConnection: jdbc:informix-sqli://
JRConn:openConnection:getConnection: Making connection...
JRImpl:openConnection: Returning connection Id...

the database on behalf of the applet running in the client browser,

and running an SQL query when requested from the client.
Figure 10-4 shows the browser output when the user enters a
query string and clicks the Query button.

Figure 10-4. Browser output of query results.

Creating Distributed Applications Using RMI and JDBC 299

Connecting to the Database from the RMI Server Host
We can use JDBC to connect to the Informix database from the
remote object. This database can reside on the RMI server host, or it
may be located on another visible host in the network.
Because we are not connecting to the database from the applet,
we are not subject to the restrictions imposed on applets. The applet
connects to the remote object on the RMI server that implements the
remote methods it requires.
Listing 10-8 shows the JRImpl class. The remote object, JRImpl,
creates an instance of the JRConn class for every connection estab-
lished on behalf of a client. It is the JRConn class that implements
the JDBC API calls. The remote methods in JRImpl are wrappers for
calls to the JRConn methods. Multiple clients will all connect to the
same JRImpl object. Collisions are avoided when opening connec-
tions by using the synchronized keyword as follows:

public synchronized int openConnection()

Why Use synchronized?

When a synchronised method is called, an object lock is taken at the start
of the method. This prevents other objects from invoking the method while the
lock is taken. When the method is exited, the lock is released. Because multiple
remote client connections wait in turn to obtain object locks, each will occupy a
different slot in the connection pool.

Listing 10-8. The class.

public class JRImpl

extends UnicastRemoteObject implements JR {

// Create a table that can hold

// connection (JRConn) objects.
Private JRConn jrc [] = new JRConn [100];

public JRImpl () throws RemoteException {


300 Dynamic Web Programming with Java, JDBC, and JavaScript

Listing 10-8. (continued)

// Implement each of the remote methods

// specified in the remote interface, JR
public synchronized int openConnection()
throws RemoteException,
ClassNotFoundException {

int connectionId;
"JRImpl:openConnection: Starting...");

// Loop through connection table

// until an empty slot is found.
for ( connectionId = 0; connectionId < jrc.length;
connectionId++ ) {
if ( jrc [connectionId] == null )

// If no empty slots found, generate an error.

if ( connectionId >= jrc.length ) {
"WARNING: No more connection objects available"
+ " for RemoteSQL example." );
return -1;

// Create a connection for the new process

// and run it
"JRImpl:openConnection: Creating connection object...");
jrc [connectionId] = new JRConn();

"JRImpl:openConnection: Opening connection to DATABASE...");
jrc [connectionId].openConnection();

// Return the connection identifier.

"JRImpl:openConnection: Returning connection Id...");

Creating Distributed Applications Using RMI and JDBC 301

Listing 10-8. (continued)

return connectionId;
}// end openConnection

// Executes the SQL query by passing the string

// on to the connection object for
// actual execution.
Public void performQuery( int id,
String searchString )
throws RemoteException,
SQLException {
jrc[id].performQuery( searchString );

// Fetches the next row from the current query result.

Public String getNextRow( int id )
throws RemoteException,
SQLException {
return jrc[id].getNextRow();

// Closes the current database connection

public void closeConnection( int id )
throws RemoteException,
SQLException {
jrc[id] = null;

The JRImpl object instantiates a JRConn object for every remote

client, then slots the object into the array of JRConn objects, which
has a limit of 100 remote client connections. In effect, the JRImpl
class implements a basic connection pool, which is a way of managing
multiple connections to one or more data sources. A connection ID is
returned to the remote client to identify the database connection to
the client. The remote methods implemented in JRImpl map down
onto JRConn method calls, which implement the JDBC interface.

302 Dynamic Web Programming with Java, JDBC, and JavaScript

Parameterising Connection Information
We may want to specify a different remote host to access a differ-
ent set of services. In addition, we may want to connect to one or
more remote objects—multiple databases, for example. An
Informix server can connect to other Informix servers, but we
may want to use the JDBC/ODBC Bridge or another JDBC driver
to connect to a non-Informix database. This is especially true if
the database is a non-Informix legacy database we are in the
process of web enabling to participate in a larger application

Parameterising Client Applets Dynamically

If you are using an applet to connect to a remote service, you can
use the PARAM attribute of the APPLET tag to nominate the remote
host and object name that you use in the Naming.lookup()
method call.
In a larger treatment of a distributed database application, you
may want your secure users to connect to a different database or a
different set of remote objects. In this case, you would implement a
secure interface, such as NSAPI authentication, with an NSAPI-
bound URL prefix and parameterize the APPLET tag accordingly to
nominate the appropriate remote objects.
You can use an AppPage to parameterize the parameter values
passed into an applet. For simplicity, assume that you have a secure
URL prefix called /catalog. Your users are registered in the
webusers table in the database. Each user has a nominated remote
interface to one or more remote Informix databases.

<APPLET CODE=catalog.class WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=500>

<?MISQL SQL="select host, db1, db2 from rmiUsers">
<PARAM NAME=remoteHost VALUE="$1">
<PARAM NAME=remoteObject1 VALUE="$2">
<PARAM NAME=remoteObject2 VALUE="$3">

Creating Distributed Applications Using RMI and JDBC 303

In this chapter, we have learned how to create and deploy a distrib-
uted, multitier Java application that connects to a remote database
using JDBC, and we have seen how easy it is to do this using RMI.
The concept of a connection pool was introduced, and we also
learned how to hide away the JDBC detail from the client and server
objects by implementing a database handler.
The example presented in this chapter is a clear and simple mul-
titiered, distributed-component application that you can use to scale
up to industrial-strength, distributed Java applications.

304 Dynamic Web Programming with Java, JDBC, and JavaScript

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