Quant Reasoning Verbal 20

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Aptitude Test

Total Marks: 60 Total Time: 60

Q 1. Susan can type 10 pages in 5 minutes. Mary can type 5 pages in 10 minutes. Working
together, how many pages can they type in 30 minutes?


Q 2. If a=2,b=4,c=5 then a+b c --- = c a+b


Q 3. Which may occurs as a result of cause not mentioned I. D II. A III. F

a. I only
b. II only
c. I & II
d. II & III
e. I, II & III

Q 4. Find (7x + 4y) / (x-2y) if x/2y = 3/2?

d. Data insufficient

Q 5. A man speaks the truth 3 out of 4 times. He throws a die and reports it to be a 6. What
is the probability of it being a 6?

d. None of the

Q 6. Which will give good standard deviation

a. (3,0,-3,0,3)
b. (3,-3,3,-3,3)
c. (3,3,3,3,3)
d. (-3,-3,-3,-3,-3)

Q 7. Asish was given Rs. 158 in denominations of Rs 1 each. He distributes these in diff bags,
such that ne sum of money of denomination betn 1 and 158 can be given in bags. The min no.
Of such bags reqd

a. 10
b. 17
c. 15
d. None

Aptitude Test
Total Marks: 60 Total Time: 60

Q 8. For the word SURITI, if you arrange the letters in dictionary order then what is its rank?

a. 234
b. 235
c. 236
d. 237

Q 9. A coffee shop blends 2 kinds of coffee,putting in 2 parts of a 33p. a gm. grade to 1 part
of a 24p. a gm.If the mixture is changed to 1 part of the 33p. a gm. to 2 parts of the less
expensive grade,how much will the shop save in blending 100 gms.

b. Rs.90
c. Rs.1.00
d. Rs.3.00
e. Rs.8.00

Q 10. A garrison had provision for a certain number of days. After 10 days, 1/5 of the men
desert and it is found that the provisions will now last just as long as before. How long was

a. 15
b. 25
c. 35
d. 50

Q 11. Which of the following do not form triangle?

a. 5,4,7
b. 3,4,7
c. 3,4,5
d. 1,8,5

Q 12. If taxi fares were Rs 1.00 for the first 1/5 mile and Rs 0.20 for each 1/5 miles
thereafter. The taxi fare for a 3-mile ride was

a. Rs 1.56
b. Rs 2.40
c. RS 3.00
d. Rs 3.80
e. Rs 4.20

Q 13. What is the maximum number of half-pint bottles of cream that can be filled with a 4-
gallon can of cream (2 pt.=1 qt. and 4 qt.=1 gal)

a. 16
b. 24
c. 30
d. 64

Q 14. 10^2(10^8+10^8) =-------------- 10^4

a. 2(10)^4
b. 2(10)^6
c. 10^8
d. 2(10)^8
e. 10^10

Aptitude Test
Total Marks: 60 Total Time: 60

Q 15. How long will a train 100m long traveling at 72kmph take to overtake another train
200m long traveling at 54kmph

a. 70sec
b. 1min
c. 1 min 15 sec
d. 55 sec

Q 16. In a class composed of x girls and y boys what part of the class is composed of girls

a. y/(x + y)
b. x/xy
c. x/(x + y)
d. y/xy

Q 17. Given two numbers a and b. Let A denote the single AM between these and S denote
the sum of n AMs between them. Then S/A depends upon

a. n
b. n,a
c. n,b
d. n,a,b

Q 18. A man fixed an appointment to meet Mr., X asked him to meet two days after the day
before the after tomorrow. Today is Friday. What’s the appointed day?

a. Monday
b. Tuesday
c. Wednesday
d. Thursday

Q 19. If 2x-y=4 then 6x-3y=?

a. 15
b. 12
c. 18
d. 10

Q 20. Two circles of different radii intersects each other what is the maximum no of

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3

Q 21. Six swimmers A B C D E F compete in a race. There are no ties. The out comes are as

a. B does not win.

b. Only two swimmers separate E & D
c. A is behind D & E
d. B is ahead of E, with one swimmer intervening
e. F is a head of D

How many swimmers separate A and F "

a. 1
b. 2

Aptitude Test
Total Marks: 60 Total Time: 60
c. 3
d. 4
e. Not determinable from the given info.

Q 22. A train traveling at 100 kmph overtakes a motorbike traveling at 64 kmph in 40

seconds. What is the length of the train in meters?

a. 1777 meters
b. 1822 meters
c. 400 meters
d. 410 meters

Q 23. What is the area of circle?

(1). Radius r is given

(2). Perimeter is 3 times the area

a. (1) alone sufficient

b. (2) alone sufficient
c. Both together are sufficient
d. (1) alone & (2) alone sufficient
e. Information not sufficient

Q 24. Alphine tunnels are closed tunnels. In the past 30 yrs not even a single accident has
been recorded for there is one accident in the rail road system. Even in case of a fire accident
it is possible to shift the passengers into adjacent wagons and even the live fire can be
detected and extinguished with in the duration of 30 min.
All the care that travel in the tunnels will be carried by rail shutters.

a. Yes
b. No
c. Cannot Say

Q 25. In a certain society, there are two-marriage group s, red and brown. No marriage is
permitted within a group. On marriage, males become part of their wives groups; women
remain in their own group. Children belong to the same group as their parents. Widowers and
divorced males revert to the group of their birth. Marriage to more than one person at the
same time and marriage to a direct descendant are forbidden
A male born into the brown group may have

a. An uncle in either group

b. A brown daughter
c. A brown son
d. A son-in-law born into red group

Q 26. 1. if the question can be answered with the help of statement I alone.
2. if the question can be answered with the help of statement II alone.
3. if the question can be answered with the help of both I and II.
4. if the question cannot be answered at all
What is the value of (A + B)?
Statement I: A = 1+ B
Statement II: A2 = 5 + B2

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Q 27. Six swimmers A B C D E F compete in a race. There are no ties. The out comes are as
1. B does not win.

Aptitude Test
Total Marks: 60 Total Time: 60
2. Only two swimmers separate E & D
3. A is behind D & E
4. B is ahead of E, with one swimmer intervening
5. F is a head of D
Who is fifth?

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E

Q 28. There are six steps that lead from the first to the second floor. No two people can be on
the same step
Mr. A is two steps below Mr. C
Mr. B is a step next to Mr. D
Only one step is vacant ( No one standing on that step )
Denote the first step-by-step 1 and second step-by-step 2 etc.
If Mr. A is on the first step, which of the following is true?

a. Mr. B is on the second step

b. Mr. C is on the fourth step
c. A person Mr. E, could be on the third step
d. Mr. D is on higher step than Mr. C.

Q 29. T he office staff of XYZ corporation presently consists of three bookkeepers--A, B, C

and 5 secretaries D, E, F, G, H. The management is planning to open a new office in another
city using 2 bookkeepers and 3 secretaries of the present staff . To do so they plan to
separate certain individuals who don't function well together. The following guidelines were
established to set up the new office I. Bookkeepers A and C are constantly finding fault with
one another and should not be sent together to the new office as a team II. C and E function
well alone but not as a team , they should be separated III. D and G have not been on
speaking terms and shouldn't go together
IV Since D and F have been competing for promotion they shouldn't be a team
Under the guidelines developed, which of the following must go to the new office

a. B
b. D
c. E
d. G

Q 30. A cube is colored blue on all faces. and cut to 64 pieces of equal size. How many faces
have three faces colored?

a. 12
b. 8
c. 24
d. None

Q 31. For a sports competition, a team of 4 athletes is to be selected from seven students A,
B, C, D, E, F and G. If E is selected, then B must also be selected. Either A or E must be
selected, but both cannot be selected for the same team. If F is selected, then neither A nor C
can be selected for the team.

If A is selected for the team, who among the following members CANNOT be in the team?

Aptitude Test
Total Marks: 60 Total Time: 60
a. BCD
b. BCG
c. DFG
d. CDG

Q 32. There are six steps that lead from the first to the second floor. No two people can be on
the same step
Mr. A is two steps below Mr. C
Mr. B is a step next to Mr. D
Only one step is vacant ( No one standing on that step )
Denote the first step-by-step 1 and second step-by-step 2 etc.
If Mr. B was on step 1, which step could A be on?

a. 2&3 only
b. 3&5 only
c. 3&4 only
d. 4&5 only
e. 2&4 only

Q 33. After months of talent searching for an administrative assistant to the president of the
college the field of applicants has been narrowed down to 5--A, B, C, D, E .It was announced
that the finalist would be chosen after a series of all-day group personal interviews were held.
The examining committee agreed upon the following procedure
I. The interviews will be held once a week
II.3 candidates will appear at any all-day interview session
III. Each candidate will appear at least once
IV. If it becomes necessary to call applicants for additional interviews, no more 1 such
applicant should be asked to appear the next week
V. Because of a detail in the written applications, it was agreed that whenever candidate B
appears, A should also be present.
VI. Because of travel difficulties it was agreed that C will appear for only 1 interview.
At the first interview the following candidates appear A,B,D. Which of the following
combinations can be called for the interview to be held next week

a. BCD
b. CDE
c. ABE
d. ABC

Q 34. How many of the numbers x and y are positive? Both x and y are less than 20
(1) x is less than 5
(2) x+y =24

a. (1) alone sufficient

b. (2) alone sufficient
c. Both together are sufficient
d. (1) alone & (2) alone sufficient
e. Information not sufficient

Q 35. Jim travels the first 3 hours of his journey at 60 mph speed and the remaining 5 hours
at 24 mph speed. What is the average speed of Jim’s travel in mph?

a. 42 mph
b. 36 mph
c. 37.5 mph
d. 42.5 mph

Q 36. A person travels 12 km in the southward direction and then travels 5km to the right
and then travels 15km toward the right and finally travels 5km towards the east, how far is he
from his starting place?

Aptitude Test
Total Marks: 60 Total Time: 60
a. 5.5 kms
b. 3 km
c. 13 km
d. 6.4 km

Q 37. Find the next number in the series 1, 3, 7, 13, 21, 31

a. 43
b. 33
c. 41
d. 45

Q 38. All toffees are chocolates. Some toffees are not good for health.

a. Some chocolates are not good for health

b. Some toffees are good for health
c. No toffees are good for health
d. Both (a) and (b)

Q 39.
(1) Ashland is north of East Liverpool and west of Coshocton
(2) Bowling Green is north of Ashland and west of Fredericktown
(3) Dover is south and east of Ashland
(4) East Liverpool is north of Fredericktown and east of Dover
(5) Fredericktown is north of Dover and west of Ashland
(6) Coshocton is south of Fredericktown and west of Dover

Which of the following statements, if true, would make the information in the numbered
statements more specific?

a. Coshocton is north of Dover

b. East Liverpool is north of Dover
c. Ashland is east of Bowling Green
d. Coshocton is east of Fredericktown
e. Bowling Green is north of Fredericktown

Q 40. Four boys a, b, c, d and girls E F G H are sitting round rectangular table. Three sit along
length, no 2 boys sit adjacent, B and D sit on shorter side , E sit between B and C and A
sitting between F and H
A traveled 10 m ease. From house followed by 15 m towards his right, then 10 mts left and
reached school. Know far is school from house?

a. 15
b. 25
c. 10
d. None

Q 41. Choose the word or phrase, which is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in
bold letters, and mark the answer of your choice

a. Renovate
b. Entrust
c. Unfasten
d. Encourage
e. Emphasize

Q 42. taxonomy:classification ::

a. Etymology: derivation

Aptitude Test
Total Marks: 60 Total Time: 60
b. Autonomy: authorization
c. Economy: rationalization
d. Tautology: justification
e. Ecology: urbanisation

Q 43. Directions: Each question given below consists of a word, followed by four words or
phrases. Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the
word in the question. ANTONYMS Obviate

a. Becloud
b. Necessitate
c. Rationalize
d. Execute

Q 44. Pick out the word that is most similar in meaning to the word given.

a. Incur
b. Prevail
c. Pretend
d. Claim

Q 45. A cave is a natural opening in the ground extending beyond the zone of light and large
enough to permit the entry of man. Occurring in a wide variety of rock types and caused by
widely differing geological processes, caves range in size from single small rooms to
interconnecting passages many miles long. The scientific study of caves is called speleology. It
is a composite science based on geology, hydrology, biology and archeology, and thus holds
special interest for earth scientists. Caves have been natural attractions since prehistoric
times. Prolific evidence of early man's interest has been discovered in caves scattered
throughout the world. Skeletons of some of the earliest manlike creatures (Australopithecines)
have been discovered in cave deposit in South Africa, and the first evidence of primitive
Neanderthal man was found in Germany. Cro-Magnon man created his remarkable murals on
the walls of caves in France.
"Primitive human form originated in Germany".

a. True
b. False
c. Cannot Say.


a. caustic
b. meager
c. soft
d. unperturbed
e. helpless

Q 47. Pick out the word that is most opposite in meaning to the word given.

a. Weaken
b. Destroy
c. Build
d. Expand


a. Converge
b. Intake
c. Involve

Aptitude Test
Total Marks: 60 Total Time: 60
d. Conceal

Q 49. Directions: Each question given below consists of a word, followed by four words or
phrases. Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the
word in the question. ANTONYMS Superficial

a. Profound
b. Exaggerated
c. Subjective
d. Spirited


a. Scope
b. Segment
c. Globule
d. Legislature
e. Lamentation

Q 51. A cave is a natural opening in the ground extending beyond the zone of light and large
enough to permit the entry of man. Occurring in a wide variety of rock types and caused by
widely differing geological processes, caves range in size from single small rooms to
interconnecting passages many miles long. The scientific study of caves is called speleology. It
is a composite science based on geology, hydrology, biology and archeology, and thus holds
special interest for earth scientists. Caves have been natural attractions since prehistoric
times. Prolific evidence of early man s interest has been discovered IN caves scattered
throughout the world. Skeletons OF SOME OF the earliest manlike
creatures(Australopithecines) have been discovered IN cave deposit IN South Africa, AND the
first evidence OF primitive Neanderthal man was found IN Germany.Cro Magnon man
created his remarkable murals ON the walls OF caves IN France < br > [Caves are a natural
attraction because they reveal information about the early man].

a. True
b. False
c. Cannot Say.

Q 52. Teapot: Hollowware ::

a. Telescope: heliometers
b. Actress: glamour stock
c. Society: fourierism
d. Lipstick: fard
e. Modern: Communication

Q 53. A cave is a natural opening in the ground extending beyond the zone of light and large
enough to permit the entry of man. Occurring in a wide variety of rock types and caused by
widely differing geological processes, caves range in size from single small rooms to
interconnecting passages many miles long. The scientific study of caves is called speleology. It
is a composite science based on geology, hydrology, biology and archeology, and thus holds
special interest for earth scientists. Caves have been natural attractions since prehistoric
times. Prolific evidence of early man's interest has been discovered in caves scattered
throughout the world. Skeletons of some of the earliest manlike creatures (Australopithecines)
have been discovered in cave deposit in South Africa, and the first evidence of primitive
Neanderthal man was found in Germany. Cro-Magnon man created his remarkable murals on
the walls of caves in France.
"Cro-Magnon man was more intelligent than Neanderthal man".

a. True

Aptitude Test
Total Marks: 60 Total Time: 60
b. False
c. Cannot Say.

Q 54. A cave is a natural opening in the ground extending beyond the zone of light and large
enough to permit the entry of man. Occurring in a wide variety of rock types and caused by
widely differing geological processes, caves range in size from single small rooms to
interconnecting passages many miles long. The scientific study of caves is called speleology. It
is a composite science based on geology, hydrology, biology and archeology, and thus holds
special interest for earth scientists. Caves have been natural attractions since prehistoric
times. Prolific evidence of early man's interest has been discovered in caves scattered
throughout the world. Skeletons of some of the earliest manlike creatures (Australopithecines)
have been discovered in cave deposit in South Africa, and the first evidence of primitive
Neanderthal man was found in Germany. Cro-Magnon man created his remarkable murals on
the walls of caves in France.
"Study of caves is the study of earth, water, life and early man".

a. True
b. False
c. Cannot Say.


a. Youthful
b. Ruddy
c. Strong
d. Un traveled
e. Sedate


a. Defeat
b. To strengthen
c. Be angry
d. Depth

a. Profound
b. Exaggerated
c. Subjective
d. Spirited

Q 58. Choose the word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in
capital letters

a. Syllogism
b. Idealism
c. Archaism
d. Ostracism

Q 59. Choose the word or phrase, which is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in
bold letters, and mark the answer of your choice

a. Conventional
b. Prolific
c. Unchanging
d. Transparent
e. Noticeable

Aptitude Test
Total Marks: 60 Total Time: 60
Q 60. Choose the word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in
capital letters

a. Catalyst
b. Detergent
c. Reactant
d. Precipitant


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