Trabajo Academico Ingles I
Trabajo Academico Ingles I
Trabajo Academico Ingles I
CODIGO: 2011113778
Hello, my name is Beto HUMPIRE, I'm from the city of Juliaca, I have 24 years,
I work in the police, my parents live in puno.
My dad is called Francis, he have 56 years old, he's merchant.
Sebastiana called my mom, she have 53 years old, she works at home, they
are quite nice, they like to travel a lot.
I have two brothers, the eldest is Hitler, have 24 years old, he likes the
basketball, he is tall and thick.
Luis is a minor, have 09 years, he is in school, he is very happy and playful.
The weekend we got together and we play soccer and Boley, we are a happy
and fun family, we quite want.
Egypt is a country in North Africa. Most of Egypt is desert. The longest river in the
world, the Nile, runs through Egypt providing areas of very lush green. "Lush"
means full and healthy.
Egypt is often thought of as one of the
longest inhabited countries in the world.
"Inhabited" means that people live there.
People have lived in Egypt for 8000 years,
since 6000 BC. For much of this time, Egypt
was the most powerful country in the world.
It had the strongest government of any
civilization at the time. A "civilization" is a
group of people who live together and have
the same culture.
The fact that we still use these systems or can see ancient Egyptian monuments
(important historical buildings) shows not only how well-built many of these places
were, but also how they are still seen as important today.
The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt
The pyramids are triangle-shaped buildings that are out in the desert. They were used
as tombs (burial places) for ancient Egyptian Pharaohs and their families. "Pharaoh"
is the name of the ruler of ancient Egypt, like a king or an emperor.
So far, archeologists, historians who study ancient cultures, have found over 100
pyramids in Egypt. They are still exploring so are likely to find more.
Outside many of the pyramids, the ancient Egyptians built large statues called Sphinx.
These statues are of mythical (imaginary) creatures. The creatures have the head of
a man or bird and the body, legs, and tail of a lion. They were built in front of the
pyramids as guards for the tombs of the Pharaohs.
The pyramids were built on the west bank of the Nile. Many were built near the
Egyptian city of Giza. The pyramids of Giza are some of the largest structures ever
Anthropologists (people that study the human race) believe that it took 20,000 to
30,000 people to build each pyramid. They also think that it took over 20 years to
build some of the structures.
Inside the pyramids, archeologists have found many beautiful tems suche as jewelry,
statues, furniture, and writing that have helped them learn more about the ancient
Egyptian cultures.
Egypt Exercises
Vocabulary Questions
Grammar Questions
1. Egypt was _______ most powerful country in the world.
a) a
b) the
c) an
d) that
2. The ancient Egyptians _______ very influential and had a big impact on how the
world developed.
a) are
b) were
c) have been
d) will be
3. The Sphinx were built _______ the pyramids as guards for the tombs of the
a) in front of
b) at
c) on
d) under
Comprehension Questions
1. What are some systems that the Egyptians created that we still use
systems of math, writing, and medicine.
Estudio Derecho por una vocacin de servicio, frente a una sociedad cada vez
ms peligrosa, donde todo tipo de crmenes se fortalecen y la ley se ve cada
vez ms vulnerada.
Porque tengo un fuerte sentido de justicia y deseos de corregir los defectos
del sistema, s que para ello se necesita ms, pero tambin s que cada grano
de arena contribuye al cambio, hace la diferencia.
Estudio esta carrera es porque se trata de una profesin que se puede ejercer
en diversas reas; como en un propio estudio de abogados, en un estudio
compartido con otros abogados, en la administracin pblica, en empresas u
organizaciones (como asesor laboral, administrativo, judicial, fiscal y de
gestin), como docentes universitarios, trabajar en ONGs, entidades
financieras, etc. Actualmente, los abogados se estn especializando en
nuevas ramas como, por ejemplo, en Derecho del Medio Ambiente.
Adems se trata de una profesin independiente que te ofrece diferentes
caminos, oportunidades, lejos de estar subordinado tienes la oportunidad de
dirigir personas, como por ejemplo los lderes polticos.
Porque a veces puedes encontrar un clamor de justicia infinita y porque a
veces uno, si tiene suerte, puede convertirse en el megfono de ese clamor,
o por lo menos, en su abogado, eso da satisfaccin, algaraba y no impotencia
de no saber qu hacer como muchos frente a una injusticia, corrupcin,
crimen, etc. No impartimos justicia, pero somos el medio para acceder a ella.
Hello, my name is Beto Humpire, below describe a daily routine. good I get up
at six in the morning, I shower, breakfast and go to my job, I'm beyond most of
the day, until eight in the evening, interventions and motorized patrols are the
daily routine of my work, sometimes we go to other departments to restore
internal order, finished my work I go to my room, where I have dinner and see
a movie or two, then break, it sounds boring truth, but the truth is that there a
great time with my mates work, weekends are sports and ride with friends or