Focus On Reading PDF
Focus On Reading PDF
Focus On Reading PDF
September 2010
5th edition
Focus on reading
Compiled and authored by Rubena St. Louis and Silvia Pereira
with Gilberto Berros and Noela Cartaya
Includes selections contributed by
various teachers in the Departamento de Idiomas.
Departamento de Idiomas
Universidad Simn Bolvar
Apartado 89.000
Caracas 1080A, Venezuela
(212) 906-3780 phone
Fonts used in the book: Arial Narrow 24 pt for chapter headings; Arial Narrow 18 pt and 16 pt for
headings and subheads; Century Schoolbook 11 pt for the body copy.
The materials in this book have been written and/or selected for their value in helping university
students become better readers of science and technology English texts. Credit for selections is
given to the respective copyright holders. Please get in touch with us if you think credit is due for
any particular section.
This handbook is solely intended for compulsory academic use in the courses ID-1111 and ID-1112.
It is optional for ID-1113. Commercialization outside the USB is strictly prohibited.
Table of contents
Welcome to our First Year Reading Program, the purpose of which is to help you
become an effective reader.
This handbook was prepared to be used in the first and second First Year English
courses, that is, in ID-1111 and ID-1112. In the third trimester, the handbook is
optional and may be used by students who were directly placed in ID-1113 to
review basic concepts and terminology that has been covered in the previous two
Focus on Reading
Focus on References
Focus on Inferences
Focus on Vocabulary
Focus on Summarizing
So get ready to start improving your reading skills. There is a lot you can do on
your own to do that, but your teacher will be there to help you as well.
Focus on reading
The reason for writing a text is to communicate ideas. In your reading of scientific
and technical texts, knowing how the text is structured will help you to
understand what the writer has in mind, i.e., his/her purpose for writing. Most
academic writing is structured in the following way: an introduction where the
author states the topic to be discussed, a statement on the problem, etc.; the body
of the text, made up of several paragraphs, where the writer develops the main
idea stated in the introduction; and the conclusion which is a summary of the
content of the article and in which the writer may give his own opinion on the
subject or make predictions for the future.
In order to communicate his ideas, a writer will use and structure language in
different ways. He will use different functions of the language. For example, when
discussing New procedures in cloning the writer might first explain what
cloning is by defining the term. He may then go on to classify this scientific
term within the procedures used for the reproduction of species. The writer might
also give a short chronological summary of the events leading up to the
discovery and application of the new technique. Then he may proceed to explain
the steps to be taken, i.e., the process involved using description. He may then
compare and/or contrast this procedure with previous ones. This new technique
will undoubtedly lead to changes in our society and so the writer might discuss
the reasons the technique might be used and its consequences, i.e., the causes
and their effects, in the future. He may go further on and make predictions
based on this knowledge. Finally, the author may want to convince you that
cloning will be good for society and will give arguments, or reasons, to support
his claim. It is then up to you, the reader, to decide if these arguments are based
on facts or are only the writers opinion or a hypothesis that he has which has
not been tested. So, depending on the authors purposeto narrate, describe,
explain or persuade, he will use the language in different forms.
To communicate his ideas, the writer must put them on paper in a coherent
manner so that you, the reader, can understand them. The different sentences
which make up a paragraph and the paragraphs themselves are linked together
in a logical manner through the use of connectives, like and, but, because,
which also focus the readers attention on specific information in the text. To
avoid repetition or words or even ideas, the writer also uses pronouns such as
that, it, and they. In this guide, these are called references.
Finally, the topic the writer wishes to discuss is referred to as the topic of the
text and the central idea is known as the main idea. The writer develops the
main idea throughout the paragraphs with details which add information to the
main idea. It is important that you recognize the main idea of the text, of the
individual paragraphs, and be able to extract the relevant details which support
the main idea.
These aspects of the text will be explained in more detail in this reading guide
and there are exercises for you to practice recognizing and producing these
patterns. But lets look first at the way you the reader interact with the text.
Some people are better readers than others. Why is this so? Effective readers read
for a purpose, summarize main ideas, reject ideas of lesser importance,
organize information, and monitor their comprehension as they read. They
try to predict the information they will meet in the text by using the text
structure, their prior knowledge of the theme, or using any graphic information
that might be there. When they dont understand what they are reading they will
re-read unclear sections and/or continue reading to try to connect information
through visual images or by using the text patterns and pronouns. These are
called strategies and all readers use them either consciously or unconsciously.
Here are some reading strategies. How many of them do YOU use?
4. . . . quickly read the text to get a general idea of content. This can
either confirm or reject the predictions you made about the content of
the article. Was the content what you thought it might be? Was it
different? While reading the text you are constantly . . .
Now practice using these strategies while you read the following article.
Using the headlines of this article, think about all that you know about fast food,
obesity and diabetes. Here youre using strategies 1 & 2
If youre not sure what fast foods are, use the picture given. What other examples
of fast foods do you know? Strategy 3
Quickly read the text. Were you given any new information that you did not
know? Strategy 4
Was there any part of the article that you didnt understand? Was it because you
did not understand special terms or because of unknown vocabulary? Did you
have to read it more slowly or several times? Strategy 6
What information did you underline? Did you do so because you thought the
information was important? Strategy 7
Did you underline information that answered a question you had asked yourself
while reading? Strategy 5
These are just a few reading strategies that you can use. Now, take the following
survey to find out the strategies you are using at present and those that you can
use in the future to make you a better reader.
There are many different ways of doing things. Have you noticed
that some people manage to get all their studying done on time and others dont?
Being a good student doesnt only depend on what you know, but how you go
about learning it!!
So, how do you read? Take a look at the strategies in this survey. How many of
them are you conscious of doing while you read? Take another look at those that
you should be using. Try them and see the result for yourself!!
Strategy A S N
Using the headlines or title to predict the content ....................................
Quickly reading the text to get a general idea of content ..........................
Using any photographs or illustrations to get an idea of the content .......
Using the information you may have on the theme ...................................
Skipping over unknown words in the text ................................................
Looking up the unknown words in the dictionary .....................................
Trying to use the context to guess the meaning ........................................
Asking a friend for help ..............................................................................
Using the new words in sentences .............................................................
Learning the new words by heart (= de memoria) ..................................
Underlining important information in the text .........................................
Writing the topic and main idea in your own words ..................................
Re-reading the parts of the text you dont understand ..............................
Putting the information in another form (graphic organizer) ...................
Asking yourself questions about the information and looking for the
answers .......................................................................................................
Writing a summary of the text in your own words ....................................
What other strategies do you use and how helpful do you think they are?
Step 1: Preview
When you read, do you start in with the first word, or do you look over the whole
selection for a moment? Good readers preview the selection first. This helps to make
them good, and fast, readers.
Read the Title: The first thing to do when previewing is to read the title of the
selection. Titles are designed not only to announce the subject, but also to make
the reader think. What can you learn from the title? What thoughts does it bring to
mind? What do you already know about this subject?
Read the Opening Paragraph: If the first paragraph is long, read the first
sentence or two instead. The first paragraph is the writers opportunity to greet
the reader. He may have something to tell you about what is to come. Some
writers announce what they hope to tell you in the selection. Some writers tell why
they are writing. Some writers just try to get the readers attention, they may ask a
provocative question.
Read the Closing Paragraph: If the last paragraph is long, read just the final line
or two. The closing paragraph is the writers last chance to talk to his reader. He
may have something important to say at the end. Some writers repeat the main
idea once more. Some writers draw a conclusion: this is what they have been
leading up to. Some writers summarize their thoughts; they tie all the facts
Glance Through: Scan the selection quickly to see what else you can pick up.
Discover whatever you can to help you read the selection. Are there names,
dates, numbers? If so, you may have to read more slowly. Are there colorful
adjectives? The selection might be light and fairly easy to read. Is the selection
informative, containing a lot of facts, or conversational, an informal discussion
with the reader?
Step 2: Read for Meaning
When you read do you just see words? Are you so occupied reading words that you
sometimes fail to get the meaning? Good readers see beyond the words, they read
for meaning. This makes them faster readers.
Build Concentration: You cannot read with understanding if you are not
concentrating. Every readers mind wanders occasionally; it is not a cause for
alarm. When you discover that your thoughts have strayed, correct the situation
right away. The longer you wait, the harder it becomes. Avoid distractions and
distracting situations. Outside noise and activities will compete for your attention if
you let them. Keep the preview information in mind as you read. This will help to
focus your attention on the selection.
Read in Thought Groups: Individual words do not tell us much. They must be
combined with other words in order to yield meaning. To obtain meaning from the
printed page, therefore, the reader should see the words in meaningful
combinations. If you see only a word at a time (called word-by-word reading),
your comprehension suffers along with your speed. To improve both speed and
comprehension, try to group the words into phrases which have a natural
relationship to each other. For practice, you might want to read aloud, trying to
speak the words in meaningful combinations.
Question the Author: To sustain the pace you have set for yourself, and to
maintain a high level of comprehension, question the writer as you read.
Continually ask yourself such questions as What does this mean? What is he
saying now? How can I use this information? Questions like these help you to
concentrate fully on the selection.
Step 3: Grasp Paragraph Sense
The paragraph is the basic unit of meaning. If you can discover quickly and
understand the main point of each paragraph, you can comprehend the authors
message. Good readers know how to find the main ideas of paragraphs quickly. This
helps to make them faster readers.
Find the Topic Sentence: The topic sentence, the sentence containing the main
idea, is often the first sentence of a paragraph. It is followed by other sentences
which support, develop or explain the main idea. Sometimes a topic sentence
comes at the end of a paragraph. When it does, the supporting details come first,
building the base for the topic sentence. Some paragraphs do not have a topic
sentence. Such paragraphs usually create a mood or feeling, rather than present
Understand Paragraph Structure: Every well-written paragraph has purpose.
The purpose may be to inform, define, explain, persuade, compare or contrast,
illustrate and so on. The purpose should always relate to the main idea and
expand on it. As you read each paragraph, see how the body of the paragraph is
used to tell you more about the main idea or topic sentence. Read the supporting
details intelligently, recognizing that what you are reading is all designed to
develop the single main idea.
Step 4: Organize Facts
When you read, do you tend to see a lot of facts without any apparent connection or
relationship? Understanding how the facts all fit together to deliver the authors
message is, after all, the reason for reading. Good readers organize facts as they
read. This helps them to read rapidly and well.
Discover the Writers Plan: Look for a clue or signal word early in the article
which might reveal the authors structure. Every writer has a plan or outline which
he follows. If the reader can discover his method or organization, he has the key
to understanding the message. Sometimes the author gives you obvious signals.
If he says There are three reasons . . . , the wise reader looks for a listing of the
three items. Other less obvious signal words such as moreover, otherwise,
and consequently tell the reader the direction the writers message will take.
Relate as You Read: As you read the selection, keep the information learned
during the preview in mind. See how the ideas you are reading all fit into place.
Consciously strive to relate what you are reading to the title. See how the author
is carrying through his attempt to piece together a meaningful message. As you
discover the relationship among the ideas, the message comes through quickly
and clearly.
Above text taken from Spargo, E. (1989). Timed Reading. Chicago: Jamestown Publishers.
Step 1
Step 4
Good Readers
Step 3
Step 2
Skimming and scanning are two important skills that you need when you have to
read quickly for information. Skimming means reading quickly for the
general meaning of the text, i.e., to find out about the topic, the main ideas
and the general organization of the text. Scanning, on the other hand, means
knowing what information is needed before reading so you read quickly
looking for that particular information.
Read the main title of the chapter or text and all of the headings. Notice how
these relate to one another. For example, are the headings steps in a process,
categories into which the topic is divided, chronological events or some other
Examine pictures, charts and other illustrations in the chapter or text to get
information about the contents.
Look at all words and phrases in special print: italicized, boldface, SMALL CAPS
or underlined. Try to determine the authors reason for emphasizing them. They
may be important vocabulary, important ideas or words that have a special
meaning in this passage that is different from their usual one.
Rapidly read the first and last paragraph of the text and the first sentence of each
paragraph. Try to get the general idea of the text. Dont worry about the words
you dont know!
Exercise 2: Skimming
Passage 1. Skim this newspaper article. You should finish in less than 60
seconds. Then answer the questions.
3. This new drug may mean ___ will die from heart attacks.
A. more people
B. the same number of people
C. fewer people
D. no one
Above exercise adapted from Mikulecky & Jeffries, Reading Power, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1996.
Passage 2. Skim the following passage in 30 seconds. Then, read each question,
and circle the correct answer.
Exercise 3: Scanning
Now, lets turn to scanning. Scanning is very high-speed reading. When you scan
a text, you usually have a question in mind so you dont read every word, but look
for the words that can answer your question. Lets practice scanning. First read
the question, decide on the information you need and then quickly go through the
text to find the answer.
Most of the effect occurred within five How many subjects were involved in
minutes, and nausea and photophobia the study?
(sensitivity to light) were similarly
relieved, said the study published in this _________________________________
weeks Journal of the American Medical
Association. What percentage of the group did
NOT have a relapse?
The researchers said 42 percent of those
who responded favourably to the drug _________________________________
had a relapse to headaches of moderate
or severe intensity usually within an
hour but the rest of the group did not.
Lidocaine is not available commercially
as nose drops, the researchers said.
They also said the small size of the
study, involving 81 patients, indicated
that broader tests were needed. Mi-
graines affect about 17 percent of all
adult women and six percent of adult
Newsday, Wednesday July 24, 1996
So, as weve said before, the topic is the general theme that the author is going to
discuss throughout his paper. The main idea is the most important point that
the author wants to make. It answers the question What is important about
the topic? Sometimes the main idea is stated in the topic sentence. In the
paragraphs which follow, the author supports his argument through explanations
which develop the ideas he has on the topic. This is done through details. Major
details tell you more about the main idea while minor details give you more
information about the major details. So an essay or article will have one topic and
many main ideas which are developed, through details, in their corresponding
paragraphs. Lets look at the topic, the main idea and details in the following
examples taken from Scientific American.
When the topic sentence is written at the beginning of the paragraph, the other
sentences explain, support, or give details about the main idea. This is known as
a broad statement followed by support. Look at the example below.
When the topic sentence comes in the middle of the paragraph, the supporting
sentences act as an introduction and then as support for the main idea. This type
of paragraph is known as an introduction, a main idea and supporting
Finally, the topic sentence may be found at the end of the paragraph. Here the
details are used to reinforce the main idea. This type is called reasons leading
to a conclusion. Look at the paragraph
However, there are times when there is no topic sentence and the paragraph is
just a list of equally important statements. Here the reader must find the
main idea. Look at this paragraph.
Unusual grimaces are normally the first sign that something is wrong. Next, affected
people become more and more absent minded and begin to display involuntary
gestures, especially when under psychological or physical stress. As the disease
progresses, the dancelike movementswhich may be confused with drunkenness
occur more frequently and become disabling. People lose their capacity to perform
simple, everyday tasks and show impairments in intellectual abilities such as
planning. In the later stages, depression and aggressivenessand, in the most
severe cases, dementia and psychosistake over, reducing a formerly healthy, vital
family member, friend or co-worker to a miserable, bedridden shadow.
From The enigma of Huntingtons disease (Scientific American, December, 2002, p. 93).
In the rest of this section, we will look at the topic, main idea and details more
thoroughly and practice locating them in texts.
Sledding is no longer just a winter sport. In fact, its even becoming a popular sport in
deserts. Desert sledders just head for a sand dune. They slide on plastic saucers,
pieces of wood or just on their own two feet. No matter which kind of sled is used, a
great part of the fun is tipping over into the sand. And deserts arent the only places
where there are sand dunes. Many beaches have them, too. So, if theres a dune
near you, why not try sand sledding? One of the best things about it is that you wont
get cold.
If we ask ourselves what is being discussed, we can say that its sledding. So the
topic of the passage is sledding. The key words in the text are sand and sled.
If we ask ourselves What is the author trying to tell us about sledding the
answer would be that sledding can also be done on sand. The author gives
several examples of places with sand, like deserts and beaches, adding more
detail to the general idea of sledding. So, the main idea of the text is sledding can
be done on sand.
Chances are youve never seen a California condor, and you probably never will.
These giant birds are becoming extinct. They are disappearing because of people. As
people use more and more of the land for farms, roads and buildings, land was taken
away from wildlife. The forests where the condors lived have been used up. Some of
the birds died from poisons that farmers used to try to kill other animals. Fewer baby
condors are born each year. Though they are now protected, many people fear that
by the year 2000 all the condors will be gone.
The phrase many animals in option A makes this statement too broad. The only
animal mentioned in the passage is the condor. The statement in option B tells us
nothing about the danger of extinction. So its too narrow. Option C is the main
idea of the passage because it is the most important point made about the condor.
All the facts and details support this idea.
The first people to grow coffee beans lived in the Middle East. The Persians, Arabs
and Turks were drinking coffee many hundreds of years ago. Then, in the 1600s,
Europeans learned about coffee. They quickly learned to like it. Soon there were
coffee houses in many European cities. Europeans took coffee with them when they
traveled to new countries. That is how people in other parts of the world learned about
coffee. Now coffee is very popular in North and South America, in Africa and in parts
of Asia.
The history of coffee
European coffee houses
Popular drinks
All around the world large cities have the same problem. That problem is air pollution.
Mexico City has very bad air. The air there is dirty and very unhealthy. Cars are one
reason for the dirty air. Many Mexicans now own their own cars and drive in the city.
The factories in the area also cause air pollution. These factories put a lot of smoke
into the air. It is not easy to clean up the air in a large city. The government has to
make new laws and everyone has to help.
Mexico Citys air pollution
How factories cause air pollution
Life in Mexico City
Air pollution
predict the future. Airplanes do not have a row of seats numbered 13 and buildings
omit a thirteenth floor. Black cats, broken mirrors and spilled salt create fear and
anxiety in many people. And ouija boards continue to be a popular pastime.
2. From Italian we get such words as balcony, cavalry, miniature, opera and
umbrella. Spanish has given us mosquito, ranch, cigar, and vanilla. Dutch has
provided brandy, golf, measles and wagon. From Arabic we have borrowed
alcohol, chemistry, magazine, zenith and zero. And Persian has loaned us
chess, checkers, lemon, paradise and spinach. It is clear that English is a
language that borrows freely from many sources.
3. There are four different tides, depending upon the position of the sun and moon in
relation to the earth. When the sun and moon are in direct line with the earth, they
exert their greatest gravitational force, causing abnormally high or spring tides.
When the sun, moon and earth are at right angles to each other, the gravitational
force is weak, causing abnormally low or neap tides. Between these two extremes
are high or perigee tides when the moon is closest to the earth and low, or apogee
tides when the moon is farthest from the earth.
1. One of the fastest swimmers of the seal family is the leopard seal, which is found in
the Antarctic seas. This animal is a powerful predator that preys on penguins and
other, smaller seals. Penguins are the fastest of all the swimming birds, so the chases
between penguins and leopard seals may reach speeds of twenty to twenty-five miles
per hour. Leopard seals also hunt penguins by leaping out of the water and capturing
them as they stand at the edges of ice floes. The explorers of the South Pole had a
healthy respect for the leopard seal, which could mistake a human for a penguin and
is said to have attacked unwary explorers.
2. Shrews are famous for an appetite that is quite out of proportion to their size. These
small but fearless mammals are very active and need to eat constantly in order to
survive. They prey mainly on insects of all sizes and shapes, which they hunt by
crawling and wriggling under old logs, through the leaf litter of the forest floor and
even, in a few species, by diving into the water. One member of the shrew family, the
white-toothed pygmy shrew, which is found throughout the African continent, is the
smallest of all living mammals. This tiny predator rarely reaches two inches in length
(from its nose to the base of its tail) and can squeeze through the tunnels created by
large earthworms. It is so small and secretive that it has rarely ever been seen by
3. Vitamin E can be found in a number of foods. Vegetable oils, margarine, eggs and
liver are especially good sources. This vitamin plays a role in the prevention of certain
blood disorders. It helps to prevent cell membranes from being destroyed by
substances that build up around the membranes and cause them to break down.
These substances tend to increase in quantity as a person grows older. For this
reason, vitamin E has been suggested as a remedy for the effects of aging. However,
doctors and researchers are still studying the vitamin to find out if there is any real
4. Whether you are right-handed or left-handed is decided by your brain. The human
brain is divided into sections that control the functions of the body. One part of the
brain, the cerebrum, controls the muscular movements of the body. The cerebrum is
split into two halves, which are mirror-images of each other. One half controls the
right side of the body, and its twin controls the left side. Nerve messages travel along
pathways to reach the brain. These paths cross in the spinal cord, and therefore the
sensorimotor areas of each side of the cerebrum control the opposite sides of the
body. So the right side of the cerebrum controls the left side of the body, and vice
versa. In most people, the left side of the brain dominates the right side. It is because
of this that most people are right-handed. So in people who are left-handed, the right
side of the brain is dominant.
Group 2
A. The technique involves inserting genetic instructions into the bacteria
which follow the instructions. ___
B. Producing human insulin. ___
C. Humulin is the first substance made by gene-splicing approved by the
US government for human use. ___
D. The instructions involve creating the two necessary ingredients
to make insulin. ___
Above exercise taken from The Heinemann TOEFL Preparation Course, Kathleen Mahnke & Carolyn B. Duffy, Heinemann
International, 1992
detail. To determine which details are of major or minor significance, identify the
authors main point and then ask yourself the following questions:
1. The good biological news is that in the most common types of thinning, hair follicles
dont die. In classic male-female pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopecia), for
instance, follicles become miniaturized and their growing phase abbreviated; they
then produce extremely short, fine hairs. Even guys who are bald still have little hairs
on the top of their head, explains Bruce A. Morgan of Harvards Cutaneous Biology
Research Center. In a rarer condition, alopecia areata (affecting nearly 2 percent of
people), the follicles growth phase ends prematurely under autoimmune attack,
causing hair to fall out in patches or, in extreme cases, all over the body. But, again,
the follicles survive.
From Save the hairs! by Mia Schmiedeskamp. Scientific American, June 2001, p. 76.
Each major detail in turn has minor details which support it:
Now do the same for the second paragraph. Find and underline the main idea and
write the letter D next to the details which support it.
2. Treatment for alopecia areata typically focuses on quelling the wayward immune
system, but treatment for male- and female-pattern hair loss must increase the size of
Lilliputian follicles as well as hair length. Minoxidilintroduced as Rogaine in 1988
was the first drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for this purpose
and is the only one licensed for use in both sexes. Scientists still debate how
minoxidil, which is applied topically, produces thicker, longer hairs; perhaps it
increases blood supply, better nourishing the follicles, or perhaps it alters cellular
concentrations of substances that regulate hair growth.
Good reading means not only reading quickly, but understanding the way in
which writers organize ideas and facts. They do this by using a pattern that
allows them to achieve their purpose for writing the text. Lets look at some of
these patterns:
Simple listing: Facts or details are mentioned one after another to support the
writers main idea. No fact is more important than the other.
Order of importance: Sometimes the author might want to stress some ideas
more than others. In this case, the most important detail is first stated, then
followed by a minor one. When we looked at the Topic and Main idea, we saw that
this was a broad statement followed by support. On the other hand, the author
might start with minor details, building up to the most important one which he
wants you to remember. We saw this as reasons leading to a conclusion.
Chronological ( = Time) order: Here, the events are given in the same order in
which they occurred although sometimes the author may use flashback to talk
about past actions that are affecting the present. Chronological order is also used
when we describe a process and the order in which something is done.
Spatial order: Writers use this form when they need to describe a scene, a
person or a piece of apparatus or equipment. This pattern also uses spatial order
with order of importance as the writer may describe the most important details
first. When writers describe something they sometimes also need to define the
object and to some extent classify it.
Cause and effect: A cause is an event that makes another event occur. The
result is the effect. Sometimes one cause may lead to several effects.
Comparison and contrast: Comparisons show the way in which things are
alike, while contrast shows their differences.
We will discuss these and other patterns later on in more detail under the
heading of Focus on Rhetorical functions.
For now, lets look at a sample text and decide on the organization the writer has
There are many ways to build a fire. The basic rule to remember is that you set a
match to tinder. You light the tinder, and the tinder makes the kindling burn. The heat
from the burning kindling makes the larger firewood burn.
The following method usually works well. Place two logs together with tinder between
them. Paper, twigs and bark are good for tinder. Next, place above the tinder a small
handful of dry twigs or split softwood kindling. Then place small, dry logs over this
base. Generally, no more than four logs are needed to make a good fire. To keep the
fire going, push the ends of the logs into the flame from time to time. Add new logs to
keep a flaming fire burning. Before adding logs, rake coals toward the front of the
grate. Add the new logs at the rear of the fireplace. There they will reflect light and
heat into the room.
How has the author organized the information? Lets look at the details. In the
first paragraph, each sentence tells the way in which one part of the fire makes
the other burn. The pattern used here is cause and effect. On the other hand, in
the second paragraph, the author gives the steps for building a fire. Here, he is
using time order to describe a process. Finally, in the last paragraph, find the
details which support the statements. If you look back over the text, you will find
that the author says paper, twigs and bark make fine tinder and that these burn
Now, lets practice topic, main idea and text organization by doing the following
1. Most gemstones used in jewelry must be cut to reveal their full brilliance. In ancient
times, a gemstone was treasured for its surface color rather than for its brilliance.
Therefore, gems were merely polished and left in their natural state. The oldest type
of gem cut that is still in use today is the cabochon, or rounded cut, introduced by the
Romans. The cabochon was used for colored stones, such as the emerald, ruby,
sapphire and garnet, but it is now used for starstones, cats eyes, opals and imperfect
stones. The art of faceting a gemstone, or cutting several flat surfaces on a gem,
originated in India in the 15th century. The first faceted gems were diamonds that had
been cut to disguise any flaws. In the early 17th century, the rose cut was invented. It
revealed the fiery brilliance of a diamond for the first time and is still the standard cut
for the diamond.
2. Many forces have been at work for a long time changing the face of the land upon
which we live. These forces are the weather; water, both in the ground and on its
surface; and living things. By living things we mean plants, animals, insects, worms
and the very tiny creatures called bacteria, which make up for their smallness by their
large numbers. If it were not for these forces, the land would be nothing but solid rock.
It would not be able to support life. The work of all these forces on the Earths surface
is called erosion. One of these forces, however, running water, as in rivers, has done
the most to change the surface of the land.
3. To start a fire without matches, you can use sunlight, sparks, or the heat of friction.
First find some dry tinder. Shelter the tinder from the wind and dampness. Some good
tinders are lint from cloth, rope or twine, dry bark, powdered wood, birds nests and
wood dust made by insects under the bark of dead trees. To start the fire with
sunlight, use a camera lens, a lens from a binocular or a lens from a flashlight. The
lens will focus the rays of the sun on the tinder and produce heat. To strike a spark,
use flint and steel. Strike the steel against the flint. Let the sparks fall into the tinder.
There are two methods of making heat from friction. The bow and drill method is a
good one. Make a strong bow strung with a shoelace or string. Use it to spin a dry,
soft shaft in a small block. This forms a black dust that will catch on fire. Use the wood
friction method as a last resort. For this method, rub two sticks together as fast as
possible until friction causes fire.
You may understand all of the words in a sentence and still not understand what
the writer wants to say. This might be because you did not pay attention to words
which connect the ideas. We will call these reference words because they refer
us to other parts of the text.
Instead of repeating the same noun over and over again, writers use pronouns to
replace it. The pronoun must agree in number (singular / plural) with the noun it
replaces and, if it is a personal pronoun, also in gender (masculine / feminine).
Some of the most common pronouns used are: it, they, him, her, one, ones,
another, others. Look at the example below.
Modern technology has dramatically changed the way we view the world.
With air travel, satellite communication and computers, it seems a much
smaller place these days.
What does it refer to? In this context, the pronoun it refers back to the world in
the previous sentence, that is, the world is the referent for it.
Look at another example. The words in parentheses are the referents for the
words in italics.
I lose so many things that Im sure that they (things) just get up and
walk away. I am jealous of people who are so orderly that they (orderly
people) never lose anything.
Notice here that the plural pronoun they replaces a plural noun (things, people).
If it were replacing a woman, the pronoun used would be she.
Pens and pencils are never there when I need them (_______________). I
try to keep a pen near the telephone so that I will use it when the phone
rings. But it is never there when I need it (_______________). The
situation was getting so bad that I decided to do something about it. I
bought a large cupboard with a number of shelves. I then put ten boxes
on them (_______________). I put a label on each box:
one (_______________) I labeled Pens and Pencils,
another (_______________) I labeled Tools, another Needles and Pins.
I also bought an address book and put it in the corner of the cupboard.
Before this, I always lost all the addresses and phone numbers I needed.
Now I felt very proud of myself. But things did not change. Pens began to
disappear, and one day I found my hammer under the bed. There was
only one solution. I locked the cupboard and put the key on top of
it (_______________). The cupboard was always locked and I was the only
one who knew where the key was. Then I lost it (_______________) . . .
1. In the United States, about 10 million computers are thrown away every year!
Because most unwanted computers are sent to a dump, they (1) have caused a
problem. The computer industry and the government are working on ways to solve
it (2). They (3) have concluded that there must be changes in the way computers are
built. They (4) must be made in ways that will allow their parts to be recycled. These
parts include the electronic parts, the glass screen of the monitor and parts of the
1. they ____________________ 3. they _____________________
Part B. Read the story. Then decide what part of the text each underlined
pronoun refers to.
Somerset Maugham
There was a merchant in Baghdad who sent his (1) servant to the market to buy
provisions and in a little while the servant came back, white and trembling, and said,
Master, just now when I was in the market-place, I (2) was jostled by a woman in the
crowd and when I turned, I saw it was Death that jostled me. She (3) looked at me
and made a threatening gesture. Please lend me your (4) horse and I will ride away
from this city and avoid my fate. I will go to Samarra and there Death will not find me.
The merchant lent him his horse and the servant mounted it (5) and he dug his (6)
spurs into its flanks and as fast as the horse could gallop he went.
Then the merchant went down to the market-place and he (7) saw Death standing in
the crowd and he came to Death and said, Why did you (8) make a threatening
gesture to my servant when you saw him this morning? That was not a threatening
gesture, Death said. It was only a start of surprise. I was astonished to see him in
Baghdad, for I had an appointment with him (9) tonight in Samarra.
2. I refers to:
A. the servant B. the merchant C. the reader D. the market
5. it refers to:
A. the servant B. the merchant C. Death D. the horse
7. he refers to:
A. the servant B. the merchant C. the market D. the woman
9. him refers to
A. the servant B. the merchant C. Death D. the woman
Thomas Jeffersons liberal views of democracy were first proposed in his draft of the
Bill of Rights in 1776. Unfortunately, the Virginia Convention used only the preamble
of this draft in the more conservative document that they accepted, which had been
drafted by George Mason. Much of what Jefferson wanted was, however, obtainable
as ordinary legislation and when he took his seat in the new legislature, it was with a
view of putting through a definite program of reforms. In this he had the support of
such men as Mason, George Wythe, and James Madison, against the strenuous
opposition of such leaders of the old order as Edmund Pendleton and Robert
Nicholas Carter. These men had much to lose if Jeffersons ideas were carried out.
We know that a tractor is a kind of vehicle: the lexical equivalence between these
two concepts allows the author to use the vehicle as an adequate reference to a
tractor in the context.
Now look at the examples below and identify the referent of the italicized words.
1. They regularly get The Daily Courier. I wouldnt read such a paper.
2. She wrote a short novel in 1989. That very book was to bring her fame
some years later.
3. Gerry Nichol and Bob Smith were at the conference. The former gave an
outstanding demonstration of his new theory. The latter, though, failed
at convincing the audience about his latest results.
4. Dr. Lees project got ten thousand dollars on grant money. Prof. Greens
received a similar amount.
Examples adapted from Quirk, R., Greenbaum, S., Leech, G., & Svartvik, J. (1972).
A grammar of contemporary English. London: Longman.
Focus on inferences
Now that weve looked at the way the author communicates his or her ideas
through main ideas and details and their organization in the text, lets turn to
information that is not explicitly stated. Sometimes the author of a text does not
state an idea directly, but you, the reader, can understand that the idea follows
logically from what the writer does say. The inference is suggested from the
facts. Lets look at this example:
Mrs. Jones put on her rain coat and rain hat and picked up her umbrella
before she went out.
Practice in recognizing logical inferences is important for good reading. You need
to be aware of the inferences you make while reading and learn to check them
automatically for support. Ask yourself What can I logically infer from this
information? Be careful, do not make assumptions that are not supported
by the explicit information in the text!!
If you chose option B, you were correct. Both options A and C are stated in the
text. More importantly, if printed circuits and microchips have replaced vacuum
tubes in the first computers and if modern computers are smaller and faster than
the older ones, we can infer that printed circuits and microchips are indeed
smaller and faster than vacuum tubes. Now look at this other example.
Why? _____________________________________________________________________
1. A good source of vitamin B is kale. Spinach and escarole are other green leafy
vegetables that provide this essential vitamin. Enjoy your daily salad and youll have
your vitamin B as well.
A. Kale is a green leafy vegetable.
B. Vitamin B is the most essential vitamin.
C. Eating salad will guarantee good health.
D. Kale, spinach and escarole can be used in salads
2. The fossils that have led to this new view of dinosaurs as migratory creatures have
been found in Alaska, Canada, Greenland and the former Soviet Union, as well as in
Antarctica and Southern Australia. At the time dinosaurs thrived near the poles;
conditions there were radically different from those today. The planet was warmer,
especially in these polar areas.
A. Dinosaurs are usually thought of as sedentary creatures.
B. Dinosaurs migrated from Alaska to Australia.
C. The fossils have been found in polar regions.
D. The temperature at the poles today is cold.
3. Fundamental to the theory of plate tectonics is the assumption that while all the plates
seem to be moving at different relative speedsranging from a fraction of an inch to a
maximum of five inches a yearthe whole jigsaw puzzle of plates is interlinked. No
one plate can move without affecting others, and the activity of one can influence
another thousands of miles away. The Atlantic Ocean could not be getting wideras
it is with the spreading of the African Plate away from the South American Plateif
the Pacific sea floor were not being consumed in deep oceanic trenches faster than it
is created at the Pacific ridges. The plates move rapidly by geological standards; two
inches per yearto pick a typical speedup to 30 miles in one million years. It took
only 150 million years for a mere fracture in an ancient continent to turn into the
Atlantic Ocean.
A. As the Atlantic is getting wider, the Pacific Ocean is getting
B. Plate tectonics is a complex, interrelated system.
C. Where the Atlantic Ocean is today, there used to be a continent.
D. Geological standards of time are faster than normal standards of
The above exercise was taken from The Heinemann TOFEL Preparation Course, Kathleen Mahnke & Carolyn B.
Duffy, Heinemann International, 1992
1. Various physicians oppose euthanasia on the grounds that it is contrary to the Oath of
Hippocrates that all doctors must take. Others suggest that the Hippocratic Oath is
outdated or easily misinterpreted.
3. Dr. Robert Morse, a neurologist in charge of her case, maintained that Karen
Quinland was not brain dead. He referred to the Ad Hoc Committee of Harvard
Medical School Criteria as the ordinary medical standard for determining brain death.
Karen Ann Quinland satisfied none of these criteria. She reportedly did not have a
completely flat EEG, and she did exhibit involuntary muscle activity.
The above exercise was adapted from Laura Donahue Latulippe, Developing Academic Reading Skills, Regents
Prentice Hall, 1987
1. As recently as two or three hundred years ago, visitors from space could have landed
on 90 percent of our planet and human kind would never have noticed it. If one
searches through old newspapers and local records, one can find many reports of
strange incidents that could be interpreted as visits from outer space. A stimulating
writer, Chares Fort, has made a collection of UFO (Unidentified Flying Object)
sightings in his book Lo! One is tempted to believe them more than any modern
reports, for the simple reason that they happened long before anyone had ever
thought of space travel. Yet at the same time one cannot take them too seriously, for
before scientific education was wide-spread, even sightings of meteors, comets,
auroras and so on gave rise to the most incredible stories, as they still do today.
What certain inference can you make about the motives of interplanetary
visitors to Earth?
A. They would come to make war.
B. They would come to live in peace
C. They would come for scientific exploration.
D. No certain inference can be made.
2. Animals in the desert have a problem getting water and keeping it. Insect eaters get
their liquid from their food. Many desert animals have an additional source of water
through the breakdown of body fat. Lizards, for example, store fat in their tails much
as the camel stores fat in its hump. Most desert dwellers avoid the drying heat as
much as possible, spending their time in burrows, where the damp earth and the
coolness cut down the amount of evaporation from their breathing. With the exception
of the coyote, which is apt to have its home in the shelter of rocks or in dense
vegetation, nearly all mammals have burrows of one sort or another. All birds seek
whatever shade they can find. Reptiles have an added reason for avoiding the desert
sun. They are cold-blooded creatures that lack the protection of fur, feathers and
other cooling devices. They can be killed by a relatively short exposure to full
3. Weather routing is, simply, a method of planning a course of travel around and
through bad weather. Generally, it means choosing the course that is shortest in
terms of time and lowest in terms of risk. Weather routing is an instrument of control
and efficiency in navigation, a means to greater safety and speed. In recent years
weather routing has been very much refined, yet as an idea, it is not new. People
have long been helpless before the weather and, like other creatures, have withdrawn
in fear and simply suffered through catastrophes. Those people most exposed
suffered most, and they were mariners. But centuries of ill-tempered skies and quiet
seas taught them both caution and courage. They understood the winds message
and faced with confidence or feared with reason the motions of the sea and sky.
It can be inferred from the paragraph that travel becomes safer as ___.
A. people learn not to fear storms
B. the science of weather forecasting progresses
C. people withdraw from their environment
D. mariners caution and courage increases
Focus on vocabulary
When you read in English, you will find that there will be a list of basic words
that occur again and again in your textbooks and the articles you may read. You
will need to understand the various definitions of each word and be familiar with
appropriate synonyms that an author might use instead of repeating these words.
In order to know a word well, you should:
Learn the words that are related because they come from the same stem (or root).
Here youll study prefixes and suffixes.
Learn that a word may have different meanings according to its context.
Learn synonyms (words that mean the same thing) and antonyms (words that
have the opposite meaning) of the word.
Identify cognates, words that look similar to Spanish words and mean the same,
and false cognates, words which may look like Spanish but have a completely
different meaning.
But before starting our study of vocabulary, lets take a look at these strategies.
Youve already taken the reading strategies survey; now its time to turn to
vocabulary learning. This is very important for reading as the more words you
know, the less dependent youll become on the dictionary. So, how do you learn
vocabulary? Do you look up the meaning of unknown words in the dictionary,
write down the Spanish equivalent, learn them by heart, make drawings of the
word or do you use the new word in sentences? Take a look at these strategies.
Which ones do you use? Which ones do you think might be useful to you?
One of the most useful tools for vocabulary learning is the dictionary. Although it
may sound silly, you need to know how to locate words in the dictionary. So lets
start by taking a brief quiz.
The alphabet
What are the three most common letters at the beginning of words?
Look in your dictionary and see which letters have the most pages.
What are the three least common letters at the beginning of words?
Look in your dictionary and see which letters have the fewest pages.
With a bit of practice your dictionary can become a useful tool. Here are some
things to remember.
First of all, words are found in the dictionary in alphabetical order, so being
able to classify and alphabetize words are important skills for you to develop.
The guide words, the boldfaced words at the top of the pages, allow you to find
words quickly and efficiently. In our sample page, on page 49 the guide words
defective / deg. indicate that the first word you will find on that page is defective
and the last, the abbreviation deg. So if you are looking for the word deflate, you
know you will find it on this page, but not the word desire.
Dictionaries also give the phonetic transcription of words and if you know how
to read phonetically, this can help you learn to pronounce the words correctly.
Look at the way define is pronounced (dI'fain).
Prefixes and suffixes are also indicated. These help you to expand your
Your dictionary will show you how to separate words at the end of a line. For
example, the word defenselessly can be broken at any one of the points indicated
by hyphens as in the example: de-fense-less-ly. Although in todays world of word
processors this may seem unimportant, it is good for Spanish speakers to know
that Spanish separation rules do not apply.
Words are also classified according to their part of speech, i.e., n (noun),
vt (transitive verb), etc. so its important for you to select the correct part of
speech when looking up a word. Common dictionary abbreviations and parts of
speech will be reviewed later on in this section.
Once you have found the word you are looking for, keep in mind that one word
may have several meanings. Good dictionaries usually give sample sentences
using the word. Look at the way the word defense is used on our sample page.
Dictionaries can also help you with your spelling and irregular verbs and
plurals are found in the appendix section of most good dictionaries.
Extra, extra important!!! The meaning of the word depends on the context
in which it is used. If you spend too much time looking for words in the
dictionary, you might forget the context and choose the incorrect meaning.
Remember, you are the master and the dictionary, your slave. Learn to use
your dictionary well.
Lets become acquainted with a page from a dictionary, in this case The Oxford
ESL Dictionary by A.S. Hornby and C.A. Ruse, but a similar page from any
dictionary will do.
Parts of speech
If you quickly look over our sample dictionary page, you will notice that there are
many abbreviations that are related to the part of speech of the word. Lets have a
quick review of the most common ones.
Lets look at the sentence below. The word import can be used either as a verb or
a noun.
Japan imports large amounts of oil in order to keep its society running,
but oil is only one of the imports that are necessary to this countrys
The Random House Dictionary of the English Language (New York, Random
House, 1969), defines import in the following way:
import v.t. 1. to bring in (merchandise, commodities, etc) from a foreign country for sale, use,
processing, or re-export. 2. to bring or introduce from one use, connection or relation to another
(foreign bodies imported into the blood, foodstuffs imported from the farm). 3. to convey as meaning or
information, as by words, statements, actions, etc. (her words imported a change of attitude). 4. to
involve as a necessary circumstance imply (religion imports belief). 5. (Rare) to be of consequence or
importance; concern, v.i. 6. to be of consequence or importance; matter. n. 7. that which is imported
from abroad; an imported commodity or article. 8. the act of importing or bringing in; importation, as
goods from abroad (the import of foreign cars). 9. purport (he felt the import of her words). 10.
consequence or importance (matters of great import).
These are the meanings for import; however, the word has other forms as well.
The adjective for definition 7 is importable, and the adjective for definition 10 is
important. There are other nouns in this group of related words (importer, one
who imports something; and importability, the ability to be imported) and we
can speak of imported goods, taking the past participle form of the verb and
using it as an adjective.
In addition to the different forms (parts of speech) of a word, there are often other
related words (words that come from the same root or stem). Import comes from
the root port, which means to carry. Im is a prefix (a word part added before the
stem of a word to change its meaning) that is added to port to change its meaning
from to carry to to carry into. If we change the prefix to ex the word (export)
means to carry out. Other words that are related to import include transport (to
carry across), report (to carry back), porter (a person who carries luggage at a
hotel or train station), and deport (to carry off, to expel from the country).
As you learn more and more words and increase your vocabulary, there are two
ways you can find related words: first, you can look for all of the other forms of
the same word (i.e. the noun, verb and so on); then, you can find the words that
come from the same stem or root, like the examples in the paragraph above.
Finally, once you know the meaning of some words, you can find those that relate
to them because they have a similar meaning (synonyms) or opposite meaning
(antonyms). For example, once you know the meaning of a word like rich, you can
learn its opposite, poor. Authors will substitute synonyms for the words they
originally use to provide variety, so you, the reader, must be able to recognise
these substitutions.
1. The tools of communication, from pencil and pen to television, are designed to serve
our minds. These devices transmit information or preserve it, but they do not modify it
in any way.
2. The widespread use of machines for information processing is a modern
development. But simple examples of information-processing machines can be traced
back to ancient times.
3. Babbage set out to build a machine that not only would calculate the entries in the
tables but would print them automatically as well. He called this machine the
Difference Engine, since it worked by solving what mathematicians called difference
4. This was particularly true since Babbages design was grandiose. For instance, he
planned for his machine to do calculations with fifty-digit accuracy. This is far greater
than the accuracy found in most modern computers and far more than is needed for
most calculations.
5. A hundred years passed before a machine like the one Babbage conceived was
actually built. This occurred in 1944 when Howard Aiken of Harvard University
completed the Harvard Mark I Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator.
Exercise taken from Latulippe, Laura (1987). Developing Academic Reading Skills. Regents Prentice Hall.
Selections from the text Development of Computers by Neil Graham
5. The word reconcile can only be divided in one of the following ways:
A. re-con-cile B. rec-on-cile C. re-conc-ile D. rec-onc-ile
11. Give a definition of the word lorry which is only used in Britain.
Now, use your dictionary to look up the italicized words in the sentences below. In
the space provided, write the definition that applies. If the definition applies to a
particular field, as noted in the dictionary, write down the field as well as the part
of speech of the word in the given context. The first one has been done for you.
1. A corollary of this is that when enough is known of the chemistry and physics of vital
phenomena, it may be possible to synthesize living matter.
Word: synthesize Part of speech: Verb
Special field: Chemistry
Definition: To produce by synthesis rather
than by extraction
2. Organisms such as cats, clams, and cicadas are clearly recognizable as animals but
sponges, for example, were considered to be plants until well into the 19th century.
Sponges are single-celled organisms which, even today, are called animals by
zoologists, plants by botanists, and protists by others.
Word: sponges Part of speech: _________________________________
Special field: _________________________________
Definition: _________________________________
Definition: _________________________________
3. Elaborate physical and chemical equipment and substances labelled with radioactive
or stable isotopes are used to trace in detail the paths of metabolism and their
respective quantitative importance to the animal or plant under investigation.
Word: trace Part of speech: _________________________________
Special field: _________________________________
Definition: _________________________________
4. Complex compounds of one sort may be broken down and their parts recombined in
new ways to yield new compounds.
Word: yield Part of speech: _________________________________
Special field: _________________________________
Definition: _________________________________
When you read in English perhaps you are used to trying to understand it word
by word, or to translate word by word. What happens? Lets see.
Match the English words in column A with their Spanish equivalents in column B.
Hand abrigo
Side Mano
Coat Lado
You will see that hand is not always mano, nor coat, abrigo. Look at the above
expressions used within a context.
I hate living in this city but, on the other hand, its the only place where I
can take this specialized course.
I think the wall could use another coat of paint. The old color was a lot
darker that the new one.
We cannot see words in isolation. Words form relationships with other words and
these relationships determine the specific meanings of different contexts. We
cannot understand a text by translating the individual words in isolation. Word
by word translation involves danger. Words must be understood in their context.
1. The helicopters dropped food and a. A small round amount of liquid
2. The book dropped on the floor. b. A decrease in strength or intensity
3. The big drop frightened him. c. To allow something to fall
4. John has been dropped from the d. A vertical distance down from a
team. place
5. I felt a drop of water in my face. e. To fall
6. There was a sudden drop in f. To no longer include something or
temperature. somebody in something
1. Rare plants can be found in the a. Complete interest or attention
heart of the forest.
2. She has a kind heart. b. The center of a persons feelings
3. I know you have got the queen of c. The organ inside the chest that sends
hearts! blood round the body
4. He is not working well because his d. A symbol that is used to show love
heart is not in the job.
5. He sent her a card with a big red e. The most central part of something
heart on it.
6. When you exercise your heart f. A playing card
beats faster.
1. He began to run home from the a. Playing at ones own sports field
second base.
2. Greece is said to be the home of b. The place where something began
3. She left home at the age of 21. c. Connected with your own country
4. They only win the home games. d. A place that provides care for people or
5. These cars are made for the e. A place that a baseball player must try to
home market. reach
6. If he gets worse, we will have to f. The place where you live with your family
put him in a home.
1. I play baseball on Saturdays. a. To do something to enjoy yourself or to
have fun
2. Shall I play the tape for you b. Move in ones turn in a game
3. It was a clever play that won the c. To make music with a musical instrument
football game.
4. The play produced by the Drama d. To turn on a record, tape, etc. so that it
Club was a success. produces sounds
5. Mary will play the piano in the e. A story that is written to be performed by
concert. actors in a theater
6. The children like to play in the f. To take part in a sport, game, or match
What have you learnt about word meanings from these exercises?
the sentence and based on its context, choose the right word from the list to fill in
the blank.
bank service
change speaker
course star
head tank
note tap
A prefix comes at the beginning of a word. It adds more meaning to the stem.
Here are some common prefixes, most of them similar to Spanish ones you
already know.
There are some negative prefixes used to express an opposite of the idea
expressed by the stem.
How do we know which negative prefix to use with a root? We learn each root
word with its appropriate negative form. There is no particular reason we say
unhappy instead of inhappy. At least not a reason that is relevant to discuss in
this course.
Another particularly useful prefix is en, which turns the root word into a verb:
A suffix comes at the end of a word. For example, we can add the suffix -ment to
the verb state to form the noun statement. Not all combinations are possible. We
can say statement, amusement, punishment, but we cannot add -ment to every
verb. There is sometimes a change in the stem: possiblepossibility.
Abstract nouns
Verb + ment payment, movement, development
+ ion correction, discussion
+ tion production
+ ation information, invitation
+ ition addition, repetition. Note: Verbs with d/t change to sion
decidedecision, permitpermission
+ ance performance, acceptance
+ ence existence, preference
+ ing building, feelings
The following are common endings for nouns. If you see these endings on a word,
then you know it must be a noun.
Part B. Read the sentences below, and then complete them by adding the correct
suffix to the words in SMALL CAPS.
1 The art gallery is one of the citys main visitor ___________________. ATTRACT
Part C. Complete the texts below with the appropriate form of the word in the
margin. To get the appropriate form, combine each word with one of the word
parts from the list in the box. The first one has been done for you.
1. design The university authorities were not pleased with the design
for the new wing of the library. So the architect was asked to
redesign it.
5. home After a major flood, many people are left ______________ and
the government has to find new places for them to live in.
Now, lets review what youve learnt. Select the correct option for the
statements below.
1. The main part of a word is called the root. The root (also known as the
stem) is the ___ to which other parts are added.
A. sentence B. part C. judgment
2. Sometimes word parts are added to the end of a word. These parts are
called ___.
A. prefixes B. suffixes C. roots
3. Suffixes have meanings of their own. When they are placed at the end
of the ___, they influence the meaning of the word.
A. phrase B. sentence C. root
4. The letter or group of letters after the root of a word is the ___.
A. root B. prefix C. suffix
Here are some examples of words that mean the same and are spelled identically
in both English and Spanish. There are also cognates that are spelled nearly the
same in both languages.
English Spanish
English Spanish
actor actor
activity actividad
cable cable
analysis anlisis
fatal fatal
area rea
general general cause causa
hotel hotel cognate cognado
local local contamination contaminacin
material material division divisin
normal normal effect efecto
real real energy energa
simple simple function funcin
total total problem problema
university universidad
However you have to WATCH OUT because variety variedadthere
are also a few FALSE cognates around. These are similar to false friends: they
appear to be what they are not, and this can get you into trouble! Next there is a
list of some common EnglishSpanish false friends.
...Many people feel offended when their minds are linked to computer programs or
machines. We have seen how a simple tower building skill can be composed of
smaller parts. But could anything like a real mind be made of stuff so trivial?
Ridiculous, most people say. I certainly do not feel like a machine!
Marvin Minsky
How many cognates were you able to identify? In the table below write at least 4.
Then, translate the words into Spanish.
1. _________________________________ ___________________________________
2. _________________________________ ___________________________________
3. _________________________________ ___________________________________
4. _________________________________ ___________________________________
Part B. Read the text that follows and underline all cognate words.
Several theories have been proposed about why the dinosaurs disappeared from the
face of the earth. In recent years one popular theory proposes that climatic changes
caused the dinosaurs to become extinct. This climatic change theory says that
millions of years ago the climate of the world gradually became colder. As the earth
slowly became colder, fewer plants were able to grow. The cold weather finally
resulted in a severe shortage of food for the dinosaurs.
In the space below write 4 of them in alphabetic order. Then translate the words
into Spanish.
1. _________________________________ ___________________________________
2. _________________________________ ___________________________________
3. _________________________________ ___________________________________
4. _________________________________ ___________________________________
Did you find any false friend in the above passage? ___________. If your answer is
YES, write down the word or words you found.
What are the advantages and / or disadvantages of dealing with cognates when
reading in a foreign language? Have you ever had any funny or unusual
experience related with cognates or false cognates? Discuss your experience with
your classmates and your teacher.
6 The film The Quiet American was a box-office ________________ (exit / success).
words that are found among the most common 1,000 words;
words that are found among the most common 2,000 words; and
Why should you learn these words? Researchers have found that readers need to
have a basic vocabulary of at least 3,000 words to be able to read effectively in
English. Besides, the more words you know, the better you will be able to guess
the meaning of unknown words. More than 60 percent of the words you will find
in the texts in your reading guide fall into the 1,000 word category. So its worth
the while learning them. Please read the information in the Appendix section and
practice the basic vocabulary learning technique El computador manual de
Leitner explained there. Once youve learnt the common meaning of these
words, or if you already know them, use the tips given here and see how much
your vocabulary can increase in this year!
Use a good bilingual dictionary to find the most common meaning of the word.
Step 2: Once you know the most common meaning of the word, make a
word card
If you use an index card, write the word in English in one colour on one side, and
the Spanish equivalent in another colour on the other. If you can:
k Ul
3. Pronounce the word, say it!
Your monolingual dictionary can give you different meanings of the word. See
how the sentences illustrate the meaning.
learn 1. To gain knowledge of, or skill in, by study, practice or being taught: My
sister learnt to drive last year 2. To find out: We just learnt about his death.
Now you use it. Personalize the word in a sentence of your own!!! The more you
use the word and relate it to things in your own life, the easier you will learn it.
Remember to add the new meanings and uses to your vocabulary card, file or
notebook. Highlight differences and similarities, use coloured pens, underline
the word, use it to connect ideas, write notes!!
Classify words and indicate the criteria: happy, angry, sad (feelings)
Look closely at false cognates. Use them in sentences in situations which clearly
show the difference in their meaning.
xito = success
After the movie we leave through the exit.
Miguel Boss tour was a success.
Always review the new words: once a day, once a week, once a fortnight Review
the old words along with the new.
Most importantly . . . use the word . . . link it to you personally, your world, your
experiences . . . but USE IT!!!
1. Material: the first noun tells us what the second is made of.
Example: a silicon chip = a chip made of silicon
2. Function: the first noun tells us what the second noun is used for.
Example: a smoke alarm = an alarm which warns of smoke
Multiple nouns: sometimes a compound noun will join together several other
nouns to form an expression that is three, four or even five words long.
Example: disease control methods = methods for the control of diseases
Notice that those nouns describing the nucleus or head noun are usually singular.
Did you notice how you worked from back to front in order to form your
compound nouns?
4. cellphone ____________________________________________
5. wavemeter ____________________________________________
6. nobleman ____________________________________________
7. pipeline ____________________________________________
8. wallpaper ____________________________________________
9. toothbrush ____________________________________________
Part B. Join one word from column A and one from column B to make compound
nouns. Then, complete the sentences with one of the compound nouns formed.
A B Your words
As we have seen, compound nouns are used in scientific English because they are
concise: the compound noun is shorter than writing out the entire phrase.
Phrases can be turned into compound nouns and vice versa. When two or more
nouns are put together to form a compound, the first nouns act as adjectives for
the last one. When this occurs, adjectival nouns usually do not take their plural
form. Sometimes only the context helps you to understand whether the concept
behind the compound noun is singular or plural:
After the hurricane, the city had to get ready for very strict
disease control. (= control of diseases in general)
As you know, ing and ed indicate the gerund and the past (or, as in this case,
the past participle) of verbs. When a compound noun includes words with these
endings, be careful to interpret them correctly. In the above examples you can see
that when the verb in the compound has an ing, the noun following it performs
the action of the verb. On the other hand, when it has an ed, the noun following
it is the object of the verbs action. Notice this is interpreted in the same way we
would regular adjectives as in the examples below:
Did you notice how irregular verbs (such as eat) do not take ed for their past
participle? Also please note that hyphens (-) may not always be used.
Part B. Explain the meaning of the following compound nouns in your own
3. reef-building ____________________________________________
4. banana-splitting ____________________________________________
9. orange-squeezing ____________________________________________
Sometimes, the dictionary may not be necessary. Usually, we can guess the
meaning of a word from its context. In fact, if we can avoid using the dictionary it
will be better. Why?
When we read we have limited time. Finding the meaning of every word in the
dictionary takes a lot of time.
If we depend too much on the dictionary, we can lose the sense of the whole text.
If we concentrate on individual words we lose focus.
When we do not know the meaning of a word, it is a good reading strategy to try
to guess its meaning from the context in which it appears.
We can also use our own background knowledge about a specific topic to help us
guess the meaning of unknown words.
In this section we will look at the different strategies we can use to guess
meaning from context and so avoid overusing the dictionary.
If you answered A, B, or C, then you are not reading as effectively and efficiently
as you could be. The best strategy for dealing with an unknown word is to try to
guess what it means. This strategy is useful because:
it is fast as you dont have to interrupt your reading and you can enjoy the text
because you dont have to stop so often;
it helps your concentration because you stay focused on the general sense of what
you are reading; and
In this chapter you will find some strategies that you can use to understand the
unknown words you might meet while reading. Some of them are:
context clues
morphological clues
A misogynist is a ___________________________________.
Read the sentences below. See if you can get the meaning from the general idea.
A. She realized that her boss was a misogynist soon after she started
working for him.
C. She knew that no woman would ever get a top-level job in a company
owned by a misogynist.
Now, let us see what we know about a misogynist from the context. First of all, he
is a man (A) who criticizes womens work (B) and has negative feelings about
women (C). So we can probably say that a misogynist is a man who does not like
The following exercises will help you develop the skill of guessing the meaning of
vocabulary from the context in which it is used. Remember, dont use your
1. The rock singer was very popular. A crowd was waiting at the park to
listen to her songs.
Crowd means a lot of people.
The word(s) which helped me were: __________________________________
2. There are many ships near our city, so there is a lot of tar in the water.
When there is tar in the water, the water is dirty.
The word(s) which helped me were: __________________________________
6. They bothered me all the time. They had no consideration for my privacy
or my need to rest.
To have consideration means not to care about other peoples feelings.
to care
The word(s) which helped me were: __________________________________
7. Excuse me, said the girl, I thought you were someone else. She was
very embarrassed.
When you are embarrassed you are proud.
The word(s) which helped me were: __________________________________
Adapted from Feuerstein, T., & Schcolnik, M. (1995). Enhancing Reading Comprehension in the Language
Learning Classroom. San Francisco, CA: Alta Books Center.
A. The squall arrived so suddenly that we all got wet when we ran home
from the beach.
B. When they saw the squall coming, the sailors took down the sail and
headed for the port.
An orange can be a delicious snack. This citrus fruit is also very healthy
for you because it is a good source of vitamin C.
Now let us do the following exercise. Underline the synonym for the italicized
word. Sometimes the synonym will be more than a single word.
1. During its history, Estonia was occupied and ruled by forces from
Germany, Sweden and other countries. Nevertheless, this small eastern-
European nation still boasts a rich cultural heritage.
2. A favourite activity of Estonians is singing in groups. They are very fond
of giving choral concerts.
3. Tartu, a smaller city to the southeast of Tallinn, is the home of Estonias
oldest and largest educational institution. Tartu University is the only
university in the world where Estonian is the language of instruction.
4. Both Tallinn and Tartu were originally built to be fortresses. The two
strongholds were built on hills with good views of the surrounding
5. A controversial organization was recently recognized by the
government. Now the Society of Estonian Nudists can meet legally in
their clubwithout clothes.
3. Typically, a person in the Soviet Union spends two hours a day standing
in shopping lines. ____________
You can also build your vocabulary by asking yourself if you know the antonym
or opposite of one of the most important words in a sentence. Knowing antonyms
also helps you to learn words in a complete sentence. According to some
researchers, this makes them easier to remember.
You will notice as well that some words have several opposites depending on the
context. For example, the opposite of old could be new or young depending on
the situation, as in the sentences below:
Can you think of any more examples like this? Write them in the space below.
Compare them with your classmates.
Asking yourself questions about your own Englishwhat you know, and what
you dont knowwill help you to improve more quickly.
4. If you have a heavy meal before exercising, youll feel ill. Please, have
something _______________ before going to the gym.
5. Are you sure your belt isnt too ______________ ? I really think it should
be loose to allow blood circulation.
8. Although sales have decreased this year, I think they will _____________
in the next.
9. They were laughing about the new regulation, but they all began to
______________ when they realized it would affect them too.
11. We hope to ________________ the letter tomorrow. Benny said hed sent
it today.
12. The sun rises in the east and ________________ in the west.
is related with the notion rich, which is this words root, and
Therefore, you may guess that the above sentence means something like:
The words following the unknown word, a tall building, tell us what a
skyscraper is.
Read the following sentences and underline the word that is being defined and
double underline its definition in the context. The first sentence is done for you.
How did the definition given in the context help you to understand what the
unknown word means?
3. To build the new club, they pooled their resources, each giving a small
sum of money.
To pool resources means to _________________________________.
5. Everyone can vote in our country: the educated and the ignorant, the
affluent and the poor.
Affluent means __________________________________________.
You have to learn to know when you can guess efficiently and when you need to
resort to other strategies such as using your dictionary. In the chapter about
dictionary use we suggested that you not look up every unknown word while
reading. Likewise, here we want to emphasize that you should not overuse the
strategy of guessing meaning from context. Some contexts (those where you feel
you know enough vocabulary) provide the best opportunities for successful
guessing. If you feel you dont know enough, work on building your vocabulary
and learn to use your dictionary to check your predictions. This will help build
your confidence.
2. Alma is really gribb, but her sister is gribber, so she finds it easier to
find jobs.
Gribb = ____________________________________________________
4. Last night, both Sherry and David became very gompered. They
wouldnt stop shouting at each other.
Gompered = ________________________________________________
Check contextual
clues and definitions
Go to next word
Check morphological
Look it up in
Go to next word dictionary
Taken from Feuerstein, T., & Schcolnik, M. (1995). Enhancing Reading Comprehension in the Language Learning
Classroom. San Francisco, CA: Alta Books Center.
Emphasis words
Among the most valuable signals for you to know are emphasis words, through
which the writer tells you directly that a particular idea or detail is
especially important. The following list contains some typical words showing
Addition words
Addition words tell you that the author is going to continue in the same
direction; the author is going to add on more points or details of the same kind.
Typical examples of addition words are those indicating time and sequence, but
they are not the only kind. Look over the following addition words.
1. Involving the community and the larger society in combating child maltreatment
means getting people other than parents to help with child rearing. One form of relief
for abused and neglected children is to remove them from their parents homes and
place them in foster care. Another alternative is the use of supplemental mothers
who are available regularly to baby-sit with potential maltreated children. Moreover,
there are community-based crisis nurseries where parents can take their children
when they feel they need to get away for a few hours. Ideally, crisis nurseries are
open twenty-four hours a day and accept children at any hour without pre-
arrangement in order to relieve or divert a crisis in the parent-child relationship.
2. The quality of our decisions is affected by the information we use in making them. For
one thing, if we fail to consider carefully all available information, we can limit the
number of alternatives or make a premature choice. Furthermore, the information we
use may be distorted because it is outdated or misrepresented by its source. Also, we
can unwittingly distort information because of our personal beliefs, attitudes and
values. Finally, new information may change our decisions.
Change-of-direction words
Change-of-direction words prepare you for a change in the direction of the
writers thought. They tell you that the writer will probably reverse or modify a
previous statement. Look over the following change-of-direction words.
1. Males have dominated movies to such an extend that from 1966 to 1972 every movie
that won the Academy Award for best picture did not have a major female role. There
is some evidence, however, that the myth of machismo best exemplified by the
Western and gangster movie is slowly receding in the movies.
2. The elderly age segment is another growing market that presents many opportunities
for marketers, and it will continue to grow as longevity increases. Demand will rise for
health care and services, books, nursing homes, travel, retirement housing, and many
leisure-time activities. But people in this age group do not like to be stereotyped, and
marketers must be sensitive in communicating with them.
Illustration words
Illustration words tell you that an example or illustration will be given in
order to make an idea clear. Look over the following illustration words.
1. Test markets are usually selected as being typical American cities with a good cross
section of income and ethnic groups. Columbus, Ohio, for example, has long been
known as an excellent city in which to taste new products and learn consumers
2. The qualities of leadership in human societies are not as clear-cut and easy to see as
they are in animal societies. Most people, for instance, have certain qualities that
allow them to be leaders at one time or another, or in one situation or another.
Conclusion words
Conclusion words tell you to expect the writers last and possibly most
important point within a paragraph or larger unit of thought. Look over
the following conclusion words.
1. When romance fades, all too often the marriage fades with it. Thus, by celebrating
romance so avidly, we may be simultaneously undermining the very relationships we
hope to promote stable, enduring, child-producing marriages.
2. Remember that even if you visit an individual and get a personal promise of a
reference, there may be forty other students doing the same thing. Consequently, the
professor may still have trouble identifying you without some reference form from
which to work. The rsum provides this.
1. All of us desire approval, particularly from people we love and respect. But too much
reliance on the approval of others can do great damage to the self-concept. We can
never really know what other people think of us. Furthermore, their opinions change.
Therefore, if we rely on their approval in order to start liking ourselves, we are
doomed to wait eternally since their approval will never be absolute or final.
2. It has tended to be true as a general rule, for example, that poor people vote
Democratic and rich people vote Republican. Yet if we ask each why, neither usually
connects his or her economic status with his or her vote. Nevertheless, the
combination is such a common phenomenon that we suspect that there is a
3. There are several cultural reasons why the aged are stigmatized and oppressed in
American society. One is that the members of our society are obsessed with youth.
We have traditionally associated a number of highly valued traits with youth, such as
beauty, health, sexual vigor, happiness, usefulness, and intelligence. As a result of
this association, those considered old are typically believed to be physically
unattractive, sickly, asexual, useless, and incompetent. Second, in our rapidly
changing, highly technical society, old people are considered to be unnecessary.
Their wisdom represents another age that is irrelevant now. On the other hand, in
simpler societies where tradition is paramount, the elderly are highly respected,
admired, and even revered because they are repositories of the groups accumulated
3 Man and apes are similar physically. Correspondingly, their nervous systems
are alike.
This is used to _______________________________________________________
4 Even though they are small, ants are proportionally much stronger than
This is used to _______________________________________________________
as soon as
Ill give them your message I get there.
I had a lot of problems at the store, but eventually they gave me a reward.
It was a fantastic evening the terrible food.
in spite of
Part B. From the list below, add a suitable word to the following statements in
order to make a coherent sentence. Some words mean the same, so please use as
many as possible for variety.
therefore as a result
in other words consequently
however at the same time
nevertheless in spite of
Its easier for us to remember visual information than lots of written text.
When we use both visual and verbal language to create a graphic organizer, we
learn more.
Concept maps
These are special forms of diagrams used for obtaining information, finding
relationships between data and sharing the information gathered. They consist of
cells that contain a concept, item or question and labelled links which show the
link between the different concepts or ideas. Examples of kinds of concept maps
The Spider concept map
The main theme is placed in the centre of the map and sub-
themes radiate outward. This kind of map can be used to
describe things, concepts or propositions with support.
Key questions can be: What is the main idea? What concept
is being described? What are its attributes? What does it do?
Remember: use graphic organizers when you read texts to help you visualize the
information more easily.
Focus on Summarizing
What is summarizing?
Summarizing is the process of retelling the important parts of a passage in a much
shorter form. It is an important reading skill. When you are able to summarize a
passage, you can be confident that you have understood it.
A good summary should present a clear, concise idea of the main points of an article.
It should include the main ideas and the major supporting points of what you have
In his paper Global Implications of Patent Law Variation, Koji Suzuki (1991) states
that lack of consistency in the worlds patent laws is a serious problem. In most of the
world, patent ownership is given to the inventor that is first to file for a patent.
However, the United States maintains a first-to-invent policy. In view of this, patent
ownership can change depending on the country. Multiple patent ownership can result
in economic problems; however, most striking is the international tension it causes.
The fact that the United States does not recognize patent ownership in other countries,
in violation of the Paris Convention on Industrial Properties, has prompted the World
Intellectual Properties Organization (WIPO) to push the United States to review its
existing patent law principles.
Original article.
A patent is an exclusive right to use an invention for a certain period of time, which is
given to an inventor as compensation for disclosure of an invention.
Although it would be beneficial for the world economy to have uniform patent laws,
each country has its own laws designed to protect domestic inventions and safeguard
technology. Despite widespread variation, patent laws generally fall under one of two
principles: the first-to-file and first-to-invent. The first-to-file principle awards a patent
to the person or institution that applies for a patent first, while the first-to invent
principle grants the patent to the person or institution that was first to invent and can
prove it. Most countries have adopted the first-to-file system. However, the United
States maintains a first-to-invent system, despite obvious shortcomings. A result of
countries employing different patent law principles is inconsistency of patent
Patent ownership is not recognized globally. On the contrary, ownership may change
depending on the country. It is not uncommon for an invention to have two patent
owners one in the United States and one in the rest of the world. This unclear
ownership often has economic consequences. If a company is interested in using a
patented invention, it may be unable to receive permission from both patent owners,
which in turn may prevent manufacture of a particular product. Even if permission is
received from both owners, pay royalties to both may be quite costly. In this case, if
the invention is useful enough, a company may proceed and pass on the added cost to
International economic tension has also been increasing as a result of differing
policies. Many foreign individuals and companies believe that they are at a serious
disadvantage in the United States with regard to patent ownership because of the
logistical difficulties in establishing first-to invent status. Further, failure of the United
States to recognize patent ownership in other countries is in violation of the Paris
Conventions on Industrial Properties, which requires all member nations to treat all
patents equally. The conflict surrounding patents has prompted the World Intellectual
Properties Organization (WIPO) to lobby for universality in patent laws. WIPO
maintains that the first necessary step involves compelling the United States to
reexamine its patent principle, taking into account the reality of a global economy.
This push may indeed result in more global economic cooperation.
As weve said before, the writer uses different organizational patterns to achieve
the purpose for which he is writing the text. Lets look at these in some detail.
What is a definition?
A definition is the formal statement of the meaning of a concept or a word.
Definitions must be concise and relevant because they deal with the important
characteristics of the concept. By recognizing definitions, you will focus attention
on the significant points to be considered in the text.
Note that definitions are often marked in texts by punctuation marks such as a
comma (,), or a colon (:). In some cases, the expressions that is or i.e. are used as
definition markers. For example:
Infrared light waves, the waves that are in the right side of the spectrum . . .
Infrared light waves: the waves that are in the right side of the spectrum . . .
Infrared light waves, that is, the waves that are in the right side of the spectrum . . .
Infrared light waves, i.e., the waves that are in the right side of the spectrum . . .
The structure of the text should also answer questions such as What is ______?
What does ___________ mean?
Example: The divers soon discovered the kentledge, the pig-iron ballast.
Example 1: A car is a vehicle that has a motor and four wheels and is
used to transport things or people from one place to another.
Term Definition
1. An engineer is a person A. It produces electricity.
Lets begin by looking at sentence definitions. Match each concept with its
corresponding class and characteristics and/or examples. Then write down a
definition for each concept.
1. _________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________________
Adapted from Feuerstein, T., & Schcolnik, M. (1995). Enhancing Reading Comprehension in the Language
Learning Classroom. San Francisco, CA: Alta Books Center.
5. Acids which always contain the element carbon are called organic
Each of the terms defined in the above examples is linked to its characteristics by
words such as is, is called, are called and are known as. The function of these
words is to indicate that a term is being defined .
Look at the examples and identify the indicators of definition used in each.
1. Mixtures are combinations of two or more elements and compounds, or of two or more
compounds. The combination is merely a physical mixing. Therefore, the components
of a mixture can be separated by physical means. For example, consider a mixture of
iron fillings (element) and salt (a compound). We know this combination is a mixture
because we can separate the components by a physical process. We can use a
magnet to attract the iron away from the salt. Or we could place the mixture in water
(which dissolves the salt) and filter, thereby separating the iron fillings. The salt
solution is also a mixture. The mixed compounds, salt and water, can be separated by
the physical change of boiling the water away and thereby leaving the salt behind.
Indicators: ___________________________________________________
2. Our self-concept is the product of learning. This learning goes on every day, usually
without our being aware of it. Learning may be defined as a relatively permanent
psychological change that occurs in us as a consequence of experience. Through the
experience of falling in the bathtub and getting his nose full of water, a child may learn
to fear the water. The same principle operates in the learning of the self-concept. A fat
child, through the experience of listening to her classmates poke fun at her body,
learns that being fat is bad and therefore that she is bad. In the learning of the self-
concept, there are three important factors that must be considered: association,
consequences and motivation.
Indicators: ___________________________________________________
Exercise 47: Analyzing definitions
1. According to Betrand Russell, mathematics may be defined as the
science which deals with the logical deduction of consequences from
the general premises of all reasoning.
Indicator: ______________________________________________________
Characteristics: _________________________________________________
Indicator: ______________________________________________________
Characteristics: _________________________________________________
Indicator: ______________________________________________________
Characteristics: _________________________________________________
4. Digestion can take place either outside or inside the cell itself.
Digestion that takes place outside the cells, either in the environment
or in a specialized cavity, is known as extracellular digestion.
Digestion within the cell is known as intracellular digestion
Indicator: ______________________________________________________
Characteristics: _________________________________________________
Indicator: ______________________________________________________
Characteristics: _________________________________________________
Here are some more indicators of definitions. See if you can find them in the
sentences that follow:
is defined as
is concerned with
Astronomy deals with
relates to
We can define
We can consider
In this context,
For our purposes,
1. Parasitology may be defined as the branch of biology which deals with the nature of
parasitism and its effects on both the parasite and the host. Broadly defined, a
parasite is an organism which lives for all or part of its life on or in another organism
from which it derives some benefit, such as food, shelter or protection. Organisms
living on the host are known as ectoparasites; those living within the host organism
are called endoparasites.
Paragraph taken from Bates/Dudley Evans, pp. 38
What is description?
To describe is to give the characteristics of something or someone. It
emphasizes the physical nature and /or structure of an object (shape, size, colour,
etc.) It may also give the relationship of the object to its surroundings (location,
position). Some specific devices which are characteristic of description are:
sense data
descriptive sequence
1. Adjectives
2. Sense data
The second device typical of description is sense data, that is words, phrases and
expressions that refer to the five senses: sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste.
3. Descriptive sequence
Finally, the third device is descriptive sequence or the structure the writer uses
when describing the different parts or characteristics of the object/ scene/person/
1. Sonar: is the name put together from Sound Navegation and Ranging. It uses high-
frequency sound waves to measure ocean depths. An instrument on shipboard called
a fathometer, using an electrical vibrator, sends a short blast of sound into the water.
The waves produced, travelling at about 4,800 feet/second hit the ocean bottom and
bounce back to a microphone on the ship. The time between the sending of the blast
and the return of the echo is marked automatically on a moving strip of paper. With
this information the distance to the bottom can be determined easily.
2. An octopus appears to be just a huge head with eight long, fearful arms. Its head is
soft and rubberlike. Its eyes stick out on stalks so that it can see in all directions. Its
mouth is on the underside of its body and has powerful jaws shaped like a beak. The
long arms, or tentacles, have double rows of suckers. These can fasten onto objects
with such suction that they cannot be pulled off.
What is classification?
When we divide something into groups, classes, categories, etc. we are classifying
those items, i.e., separating objects from one another. The simplest
classification divides things into those that show groups of characteristics that
are shared and those that do not. For example, you would not place fish and birds
together in the same class with trees and so the classification is made according
to a criterion or several criteria. The criteria is the basic concept or idea that
the author is using as the basis for grouping information. Lets look at this first
In explaining how the words are related, you are classifying the information.
List of materials: coal, wax, vinegar, carbon dioxide, wood, stone, salt, syrup,
milk, rubber, sponges, glass, bronze, steam.
Exercise 51: Identifying concept and criteria
Read the following paragraph and first highlight the concept being classified and
then underline the criteria used for the classification. The first has been marked
for you. Find the others.
What are the words that the author uses to indicate the criteria?
3. Mechanical mixtures can be separated into the two or more phases that
constitute them by suitable mechanical means: filtration, flotation,
centrifugation, etc.
4. There are many classes of vertebrates: one class includes all those
vertebrates which produce milk to suckle their young.
the brain itself affect coordinating centers in two different parts of the
How did these words indicate that a classification was being made?
Types of classification
Information can be classified in several ways. For example, from general to
specific, in other words, the text presents first the superordinate term and then
the subordinate ones.
classified divisions
grouped groups
divided into types
are arranged classes
may be categorized categories
The chemical
can be
could be classified
as X
There are three chief of symbiosis: commensalism,parasitism and mutualism
is classified
The direction of the helix may be categorized as right-handed
could be classed
an example of
a type of
The amoeba is a kind of (an) animal that carries on only intracellular digestion
a form of
a (n)
Exercise 53: A final exercise on classification
Go back to the previous exercise. Can you find the term being classified and the
type of classification used based on the chart above? Tick the appropriate one.
Comparisons and contrasts are also one way of classifying information. Here it is
done by showing similarities and differences. Look at the following example of the
classification of plant tissue.
We shall first divide all plant tissues into two major categories: meristematic tissue
and permanent tissue. Meristematic tissues are composed of immature cells and are
regions of active cell division; permanent tissues are composed of more mature,
differentiated cells.
Comparison and contrast is also used with extended definitions where the writer
discusses similarities or differences between the item being defined and an item
with which the readers are more familiar.
A bit brace is a manual tool used to drill holes. Cranked by hand, it can theoretically
turn bit to bore a hole in any material that a power drill can bore. Like a power drill, a
bit brace can accept any number of different sizes and shapes of bits. The principal
differences between a bit brace and a power drill are: a bit brace drills much more
slowly, it is a manual tool and so it can be used where no electricity is available and it
makes almost no noise in use.
Use a Venn diagram to map the information. Remember to put the areas in which
they are similar in C and the differences in A and B.
The elements phosphorus (P) and silicon (Si) have numerous similarities and
differences. They are both nonmetallic elements with comparable atomic numbers.
Neither number is high: silicons atomic number is 14 and phosphoruss number is 15.
Their melting points are also parallel: the melting point of silicon is 1410C and that of
phosphorus is 1554C. Nonetheless, phosphorus and silicon are dissimilar in many
ways. Phosphorus is a yellow, waxy solid, whereas silicon often appears in a brown
crystalline form. Phosphorus is used in fertilizers and detergents, but silicon, in
contrast, is used in semi-conductor devices.
Venn Diagrams
are used to show
similarities and differences.
Part C. Lets look at the following text to answer these questions.
Assuming that the brain and the computer are both machines, how are the two to be
compared? The exercise is interesting. Computers are invented by man and are
therefore thoroughly understood, if human beings can be said to understand anything;
what they do not know is what future computers will be like. The brain was created by
evolution and is in many important ways not understood. Both machines process
information and both work with signals that are roughly speaking electrical. Both have,
in the largest versions, many elements. Here, however, there is an interesting
difference. For cells to be manufactured biologically appears to be reasonably simple
and neurons are in fact produced in prodigious numbers. It seems to be not so easy
to increase the elements of a computer, even though the numbers are expanding
rapidly. If synapses rather than neurons are considered to be elements of the nervous
system, however, I can hardly imagine computers catching up. No one would want to
be held to a guess as to the number of synapses in a brain, but 10 trillion would not
be implausible.
differs from
Where microcosmos other hands-on programs is in its choice of subject matter.
is different from
In contrast to feline homebodies which are primarily nocturnal hunters,the wildcats hunt by
Compared to day.
In comparison to
Titanium is a rare metal and, similar to indium, very soft.
comparable to
The trends in hardness, boiling temperature and AH sub those for groups I and II.
1. Although the basic unit of the vertebrate kidney, the nephron, differs
from that of the crayfish kidney in external appearance, the general
process are parallel in both.
3. The strain rates computed for both the eastern and western sub-
networks are comparable in magnitude and direction.
When the writer describes the way in which something is done or the way
in which a machine works, he is describing a process. In this case, the
information is organized in strict chronological order because the steps or stages
of the process, like in the case of an experiment, are all interrelated. That is, each
step or stage, with the exception of the first, is dependent on the other.
Why are chronological order and process used in technical and
scientific writing?
Time order is used when we have to describe the order in which important events
occurred. A scientist who is asking for an increase in a grant to further research
in genetics, might present the important events in the field leading up to his
research. The process pattern is essential in all sciences when we describe the
way in which a machine or a system works or an experiment is done. It is also
used to give instructions.
Reorganize the following sentences to make a coherent text on the life of Darwin.
Go through each of the sentences and find the logical link.
Sentence 1 states the topic of the paragraph (Darwin and evolutionary theory)
and also tells us when he was born and died. We have to look for a sentence that
tells us how he arrived at his theory. Sentence 2 talks about a conclusion. As we
have no idea what Darwin concluded, this cannot be the following sentence.
Sentence 3 talks about a trip that occurs after he graduated from university. So,
we look for a sentence that is going to continue talking about his trip (Sentence
5). This sentence, then gives us the idea which is developed in sentence 2. We are
then left with sentence 4 and 6. Sentence 4 talks about our belief today while
sentence 6 describes events in the past. So, the order should be???
The text gave us the clues to put the sentences in the correct order. Remember:
2. Dates are often used and logic tells us that 1832 comes before 1878
3. Structural and logical clues such as referents . . . one study that led to
this conclusion. . . and verb tenses are used, . . . Darwins view of life
has since become accepted . . .
Lets take a look at some words that indicate chronology and are taken from a
text called The invention of the radio.
by (specific time) By the early 1920s, there was a radio tube that could
handle enough power for broadcasting.
from (specific time) to Radio communication has come a long way from the
theoretical work of Maxwell in the 19th century to the
practical inventions of the modern electronics
industry in the 20th century.
until (specific time) Until the 1940s, this tube, the only amplifier, was the
basis of the electronics industry.
in (year, month, season, Marconi did his first experiments in the spring of
decade) 1895.
on (day, date) On June 30, 1948, they presented their new invention,
the first transistor radio.
1. ___. He introduced the theory of electromagnetic energy. ___. In his paper he showed
that when an electromagnetic force is changed, it travels through space as a wave.
Maxwell, however, did not make electromagnetic waves, experiment with them, or
suggest using them for communication. ___. He transmitted the first electromagnetic
waves across a room, and he received the wave signal on a simple receiver. These
waves were called Hertzian waves. Hertz did not think he could use his apparatus for
communication. ___.
2. Guglielmo Marconi believed that it was possible to use Hertzian waves for
communication. ___. ___. With this wireless telegraph, Marconi first transmitted
electromagnetic waves a short distance, only across a room. ___. He then discovered
that when the antenna was higher, the waves went farther, even over a hill. ___. In
November, 1899, the American ship St. Paul received messages when it was almost
100 kilometers away from the transmitter. ___. He built a special transmitter station
on the coast of England and then took a ship to North America. ___.
b. Next, Marconi used his new invention to help ships on the sea.
Paragraph 1
4. The idea of spontaneous generation was a long time dying, and it took
a series of experiments over a period of several centuries to lay it to
7. Thus, flies created the maggots which, in time, developed into new
flies life from previous life.
Paragraph 2
Teller, Edward (b. Jan. 15, 1908, Budapest, Hungary), physicist who made
contributions in nuclear science and led as a scientist, administrator, and public
advocate in the development of the hydrogen bomb.
Abstract of text biography. Teller studied at Budapest, Karlsruhe, Munich, and
Leipzig, and received a PhD in physical chemistry. He continued his studies under
Niels Bohr in Copenhagen and taught at the University of Gottingen. In 1935, he
emigrated to the United States. By 1941, he joined Enrico Fermis team that produced
the first nuclear chain reaction. In 1943, he joined with J. Robert Openheimer on the
secret atomic weapons project at the Los Alamos weapons laboratory in New Mexico.
At wars end, he became the leading advocate of the construction of the hydrogen
bomb. In 1958, he became director of the U.S. second weapons laboratory at
Livermore, Calif. He also taught physics at the University of California at Berkeley. In
1962, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission presented him with the Enrico Fermi
Once you can detect chronological order in a text, process is easy because you are
identifying the different stages in an experiment or a process. Lets look at the
first example which describes an experiment. First, read the text through, then
underline the different stages of the experiment. Finally, read the sentences
which follow and put the stages in the correct order by numbering them.
1. Hunter studied short-term memory in rats. He used a special apparatus that had a
cage for the rat and three doors. There was a light in each door. First, Hunter placed
the rat in the closed cage. Next, he turned one of the lights on and then off. There
was food for the rat only at this door. After the light was turned off, the rat had to wait
a short time before it was released from its cage. Then, if it went to the correct door, it
was rewarded with the food that was there. If the rat had to wait only ten seconds or
less, it remembered which was the correct door.
2. The following procedure can be used to test short-term memory of information which
is heard. Prior to the experiment, take ten index cards and write three consonants on
each card. Use different letters on each card, for example LTV, QRX, ZYN, etc. To
begin the experiment, sit facing a subject. Read the first card to the subject.
Immediately after you read the card, give the subject a number, for example, 241. The
subject must immediately begin counting backwards from that number by threes (eg.
241, 238, 235, etc.) After ten seconds, say Stop. When you say Stop, the subject
stops counting and is asked to tell you the letters. Keep a record of the number of
correct responses. Wait five seconds and then read the next card. Repeat the
procedure until you have read all ten cards.
Go back through the texts. What are the words that indicate the different parts or
stages of the experiment? ______________________________________________
Are they similar to the ones you find in texts that describe sequential events? If
so, how? ___________________________________________________________________
First of all,
electrodes are cemented on the subjects skin to measure their emotional reactions.
To begin with,
Earlier, the subjects had been given a thorough medical examination.
Prior to this,
Before this,
After this,
they watch different scenes depicting important events in world history.
To conclude, the researchers study the subjects responses.
In conclusion,
begins with
commences with
When this happens
Put the sentences in the correct order. Write the number in the space provided.
Then give texts 2 and 3 a title.
2. If dried in the sun, they must be turned by hand several times a day
for even drying.
4. The coffee seeds are then dried to a moisture content of about 12 per
cent either by exposure to the sun or by hot-air driers.
Text 2. _____________________________________
4. The small size of the opening causes the milk to travel at high velocity.
8. The preheater elevates the temperature of the milk to 130 F and then
allows the milk to flow to the homogenizer.
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Text 3. _________________________________________
1. As the mixture falls into the furnace, it meets with a blast of hot air
which fires the coke and raises the temperature of the mixture to
about 1800C.
3. As the coke burns, some of it reacts with the oxygen in the air to form
carbon monoxide.
How did the words in the sentences help you place the stages in the correct order?
Taken from Glendinning, E. & McEwan, J. (1999). Oxford English for Electronics
1. It is fed to substations.
2. It is stepped up by a transformer to high voltages for long distance
3. It is distributed via the grid to supply points.
4. It is distributed to the domestic consumer.
5. Electricity is generated at the power station at 25 kV.
6. It passes via the switching compound to the grid.
7. It is distributed via overhead or underground cables to intermediate
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
Part B. Finally, lets look at another graphic organizer, a cycle graph, that you
can use with texts in which a process is described. Use it to map the information
found in the text that follows.
Remember that to form the passive voice, you must use the verb to be (be, is,
are) and the past participle of the verb. The passive voice can also be formed
with modal verbs (can, may, might, should).
In the sentence The chemical is dumped into a flask (be + past participle of
dump), we are interested in what occurs to the chemical. If we were interested in
who performs the action, we would say something like Professor X dumps the
chemical into a flask.
Read the following paragraph and underline the verbs you consider to be in the
passive voice. One is done for you.
Let us look at a very simple process as the chemist does it and as it might be done in
a chemical process plant. The chemist takes a bottle of Chemical A from a shelf and
pours the required quantity into a glass measure. The chemical is dumped into a flask
and a second liquid, Chemical B, is measured and added in the same way. Chemical
C, a powder, is weighed on a small laboratory scale and added to the two liquids. The
chemist mixes the chemicals together by shaking the flask and heats the mixture over
a small gas flame, with constant shaking. Finally, the mixture is rapidly cooled by
placing the flask in a container of crushed ice. The chemist may have made a total
quantity of a half-liter or less of product.
Taken from Hughson, R. V. The Language of Chemical Engineering in English, Regents Publishing Company, 1979.
Part A. First, complete each sentence by putting the verb in parentheses in the
passive voice. Then, write out the correct order using the sequence of pictures to
help you. Use the best sequence words to link the sentences. Be sure to give your
text a title.
Part B. Now, write out the correct order for the process using the sequence of
pictures to help you. Use the best sequence words to link the sentences. Be sure to
give your text a title.
Part A. First, complete the sentences by putting the verb, given at the end of
each, in the correct passive form.
Part B. Now, write out the process by placing each sentence in the correct order
joined together by the most appropriate sequence words. Give your text a title!
Part C. Finally, complete the following diagram with the key information of the
When a load is placed on the platform, it causes the load cell to bend very slightly.
This, in turn, causes a change in strain, which triggers a change in the electrical
resistance of the strain gauge. As the resistance changes, so does the output voltage
from the strain gauge. In short, the change in voltage across the strain gauge is
proportional to the load on the platform.
Text taken from Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Look at these sentences taken from the text above. They describe two actions.
What is the relationship between them?
1a. A load is placed on the platform. 1b. The load cell bends very
2a. The strain gauge is stretched. 2b. The electrical resistance changes.
One is the cause and the other is the effect and they can be linked like this:
Lets look at some other sentences to find the cause and effect pattern and the
words which indicate them. Remember to ask yourself questions.
1. When the air cools off at night, the surface of the rock contracts.
3. As the drill turns, it collides with the metal, causing the atoms to
speed up.
4. Normally, atomic nuclei repel each other because both have positive
electric charges.
Now that youve found some of the words which indicate cause and effect patterns
in texts, lets look at them more closely.
As a result of
improved technology and skill, the productivity of American
Due to
industry has increased during the 20th century.
Owing to
caused by
the freezing of moisture present in
The crumbling of rock can be due to
the cracks of rocks.
as a result of
Richard wants to become a veterinarian, he has enrolled in veterinary
Middle-aged individuals have already Consequently,
middle-aged people generally save a
spent the money necessary for raising a So,
larger percentage of their money than
family. They are starting to think about Thus,
young people do.
retirement. For this
But, look at the next sentence. These words do not appear. Which action is the
cause and which is the effect?
The suns rays heat up rock during the day and the rock expands.
You can ask the question What does the heat do to the rock? and the answer is
that it causes it to expand.
You can ask the question Why are some people diabetic? and the answer is
because they are obese.
Can you identify the verbs and the statements that they link in the following
sentences? Circle the verbs, underline the causes and double underline the
3. A solar eclipse results when the moon comes between the earth and the
There are several factors to be taken into account when studying why some plants become
weak or die. One reason is lack of water. Dryness in the soil causes the leaves to wilt, and
may give rise to the death of the plant. On the other hand, too much water may result in the
leaves drooping, or becoming yellow. While sunshine is necessary for plants, if it is too
strong, the soil may be baked and the roots killed. However, if there is no light, the leaves will
become pale and the stems thin. Consequently the plant may die.
Part B. Now try to map the information from this text on another kind of
organizer, a fish bone.
Headaches, with their characteristic pain or throbbing sensation in the head, are an extremely
common complaint, experienced by almost everyone at some time or other. Occasionally,
they are a symptom of an underlying disorder, but, if they occur on their own, developing
gradually and clearing up with no side-effects, the probability is that they are totally harmless,
apart from the discomfort they cause. Probably the commonest form of headache is caused
by tension, from the contraction of the muscles of the neck, shoulders and scalp. The second
commonest is the result of the swelling of local blood vessels. There can be many
contributing factors. These range from stress, sleeplessness and drinking and eating too
much, to noise and stuffy rooms, but, insofar as tension headaches are concerned, one of the
commonest causes is poor posture. The muscles of the neck become tense and sore
because they have to support the considerable weight of the head in an awkward position.
Another common cause is eye strain. This can be due to the simple need for glasses. If
headaches persist, it is as well to go to an optician for a check-up, and to work in a good light.
need for glasses
too much
Below you will find some short texts which show the cause and effect pattern. Use
an appropriate graphic organizer to map the information. Remember to first
identify the causes and the effects.
1. Many people do not think of coffee as a drug. But, in fact, it is a drug and it has
important effects on your body. Some of the effects are good and some are not.
Coffee can help you stay awake when you are driving or working. But it can also keep
you awake at night when you want to sleep. Coffee makes some people feel more
alive so they can work better. Other people feel too nervous when they drink coffee.
After a large meal, coffee can help your stomach. But too much coffee can cause a
stomach ache.
2. In the United States, poor city children are often ill because of their diet. Some
children do not get enough food. Sometimes they do not get healthy food. Poor health
is also caused by bad housing. The apartments may not have heat in the winter or
fresh air in the summer. Poor health may also be the result of dirty water. Or it may be
caused by crowded apartments and crowded schools.
3. Actinic keratosis is an effect of many years of chronic over-exposure to sunlight. It
usually appears as hard, gray, scaly patches of thickened skin surface. People with
blond or red hair are more likely than others to develop the disorder. It is not
cancerous, but it is classified as a pre-cancerous condition. There has been some
difference of opinion among specialists concerning the exact relationship to cancer of
some conditions described as pre-cancerous. It is widely believed, however, that
there is a heightened likelihood of skin cancer among persons whose overexposure to
sunlight has already produced actinic keratosis.
4. A pulse laser is basically a device for storing energy and then releasing it all at once
to give a very intense beam of light. The heart of the laser is a crystal or tube of gas
or liquid into which energy is pumped. This is usually done by surrounding it with a
device to produce a powerful flash of light or an intense beam of radio waves or
electrons. As pumping occurs, more and more of the atoms inside take up energy and
are excited to high energy states. Suddenly an atom spontaneously returns to its first
energy state and gives out a particle of light (a photon). This photon strikes another
excited atom and causes it to produce another photon. Very rapidly, a cascade of
photons develops. The crystal or tube is closed at both ends by mirrors and the
photons bounce to and fro between them, building up the cascade. A proportion of
this light is able to escape through one of the mirrors, which is half-silvered, and an
intense flash of light emerges from the laser
Exercise 69: Reviewing organizational pattern indicators
Weve looked at the different organizational patterns a writer uses in the text:
time sequence, either through chronological order or process, description where
the author might have to define, classify, compare or contrast an idea or device
and finally cause and effect. Lets check your knowledge of the signal words with
this exercise. Ask yourself What does this word do in the sentence to make the
meaning clear?
Choose the best signal word for each passage. Look at the example below.
The upper layer of warm air acts as a lid (i.e., a cover). You can infer that a cover
prevents the cool air from rising. Therefore the correct option is A. Now you do
the rest.
1. In December 1930, a dark smog of smoke and fog covered the Meuse
Valley in Belgium. ________ the smog, sixty people died.
A. In contrast to
B. Because of
C. In front of
2. Thousands of people may die from a killer smog. _____, 4,000 people
were killed by thick black smog in London in 1952.
A. For example
B. Afterwards
C. However
5. Sea birds have died in great numbers _________ oil which escaped from
deep-sea wells.
A. prior to
B. owing to
C. after
7. In the upper parts of a river, the water is clear and clean. As it flows
past the farms on its banks, it picks up nitrates, phosphates, and
pesticides. ______, it reaches the first towns along its banks, and it
picks up sewage from home and factory drains.
A. However
B. Generally speaking
C. Next
8. The method for producing fresh water from sea water is similar to the
water cycle in nature. First, the sea water is boiled. _____, the water
vapor is condensed.
A. Then
B. Before
C. Consequently
10. How does strontium 90 enter the human body? First, plants take up
strontium 90 from the air. Then it enters the bodies of cows when they
eat the plants. _______ humans drink milk from the cows. There is
strontium 90 in the milk.
A. Finally
B. While
C. Therefore
What is a hypothesis?
Hypotheses are found in all scientific fields and it is important that you, the
reader, are able to detect a hypothesis when it is presented in a text. Lets take a
look at the different ways in which the writer can present his hypothesis.
to explain why their finds exist. The discovery of a fossil of a whale with legs,
vertebrae and tail led scientists to hypothesize that this creature may have been
the link between aquatic mammals and ancient four-footed land creatures.
Studies of the effect of smoking on unborn children show that, compared to those
whose mothers didnt smoke, these children are three to four times at greater risk
of contracting AIDS. This brings us to a second important aspect of hypotheses:
their basis.
However, you must not confuse a hypothesis with a theory. Theories are
general explanations based on a large amount of data which are
currently accepted by scientists. For example, the Theory of Evolution applies
to all living creatures and is based on extensive observations. It is widely
accepted by scientists. Nevertheless, there are many aspects of evolution that
cannot be explained, like the gaps in the hominid fossil record. So, although many
accept the Theory of Evolution, hypotheses must still be proposed and tested to
explain those areas that are uncertain.
Once a hypothesis has been made, lets look at the way in which it is expressed in
Scientists also try to predict what might happen in the future through the use of
conditional clauses, like in the example below.
Lets take a closer look at the use of conditional sentences in scientific writing.
Look at these sentences. All are predictions, yet there are differences. What are
The first sentence refers to a situation that may or may not happen in the future.
The prediction will come true if certain conditions are met. For example, I may
have some free time, but I am not sure; however, if I have any, I will meet you.
This prediction will probably occur.
A variation of this type of sentence is one that expresses a fact, an event that will
always be true. If the conditions are given, the result will always be the same.
The prediction is certain to occur. This type of combination uses present
tenses in each clause. Look at these examples.
refers to a situation that does not exist (i.e., is not real) at the present time. This
prediction will also come true if certain conditions are met. But since the
conditions are unlikely to occurthe standards of admission to USB will not
probably be loweredthe prediction is hypothetical. It may or may not come
true. In the case of hypothesizing to solve a problem or explain a phenomenon,
the prediction may or may not be the solution to the problem or the explanation
to unknown phenomena. It must be subject to verification through research.
If students ate a balanced diet and slept the proper amount of hours
during weeks 5-6, their concentration would increase in exams.
If the flask had not exploded, the results would not have been affected
refers to a situation that did not happen. The prediction would have come true
in the past if the conditions had been met. However, the conditions are either
impossible or did not exist in the past and so the predictions cannot be
fulfilled. Lets look at some other examples.
1. If the lab assistant had followed the instructions carefully (but he did
not), he would have replicated the methodological procedure of the
first experiment.
Even if there are rules for the use of tenses in these types of sentences, writers
and speakers very frequently use mixed combinations that do not follow these
three patterns because of the need the author has to express his/her ideas. Look
at the following example.
1. ____ If the volcano had erupted, many people would have been killed.
3. ____ The satellite would have gone into orbit if it had reached a speed of
18,000 miles per hour.
4. ____ If the air temperature drops below 0o C, the rain turns to snow.
5. ____ If the milk were pasteurised, the harmful bacteria would be destroyed.
6. ____ If the egg cell were fertilized by sperm carrying an X chromosome, the
baby would be a girl.
7. ____ If a fuel ignites, the engine will start.
10. ____ If a cure is found for leukemia, many lives will be saved.
11. ____ If the compound had been an acid, it would have turned the blue litmus
12. ____ The calcium would melt if you heated it to 845oC.
15. ____ If the apple fell from the tree, potential energy would change to kinetic
Writers often express hypothesis with words that indicate that these are
tentative or unproven. What is the difference between these statements?
In the first statement, the author is telling us that there is life on Jupiter.
Obviously, he makes this statement based on solid evidence. In the second
statement, however, the author is not 100 percent sure, although substantial
evidence exists to suggest that it is highly probable that life exists on that planet.
When we get to the third statement, we see that the writer is not sure of this
hypothesis. There is a 50/50 chance that life may be or may not be found on the
planet. In the statements that follow, the degree of certainty with which the
author makes his point becomes less and less, until we get to the last sentence in
which he affirms that there is no life on the planet Jupiter.
Copy the underlined words into the table below and add any additional words
that you might know.
B. The universe was born about 18 billion years ago when a cosmic egg,
containing all the matter and energy existing in the universe today,
exploded into millions of pieces.
5. A. Dinosaurs may have become extinct because their brains were not
proportional to their brawn.
B. Some elephants, whales, dolphins, and porpoises have brains larger
than the human brain.
2. One health expert believes that there are 25,000 cases of lead
poisoning among children in New York City and about 8,000 in
Chicago. ___________
4. Unless atomic energy plants are built and run with great care,
harmful radioactive substances may enter the
6. Perhaps more people will have to use trains or buses to travel in the
cities. _________
8. Market demand is how much of a product all the consumers will buy
at each price. _________
Detecting evidence
As weve said before, hypotheses are based on observations and once the
hypothesis is made, it must be tested for the researchers to know if their ideas
are correct or not. This evidence is usually obtained from observation or
experimentation combined with reasoning. Lets now turn to detecting
evidence which supports a hypothesis.
Read the following passage. Underline the evidence given by the writer to support
his hypothesis that smoking is harmful to health.
Where Theres Smoke, Theres Fire
It was not too long ago that smoking by adults was not viewed as dangerous. Its long-
term effects were not visible and had not been conclusively demonstrated. Then, in
1964, the Surgeon General of the United States announced that smoking had been
proven by scientific research to be detrimental, or harmful, to health.
Since then, more and more evidence has accumulated to indicate that smoking is
harmful. Smoking is related to many heart and circulatory ailments. The tobacco plant
contains nicotine, a chemical that is poison in its pure form. It has been demonstrated
that nicotine increases the rate of the heart, intensifies the effects of high blood
pressure, and causes the constriction or tightening of the blood vessels, thus
contributing to heart disease.
Smoking is the most significant factor in respiratory diseases. It can damage the tiny
hairs (cilia) that line the breathing passages, thereby causing emphysema or chronic
bronchitis. Research also confirms that the tar in cigarette smoke is carcinogenic, that
is, it can produce cancer in any tissues it comes in contact with, such as the mouth,
the throat and the lungs.
There is also a correlation between smoking and birth defects. The evidence indicates
that pregnant women who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day have a greater likelihood
of having a miscarriage, a premature baby, a smaller-than-normal baby, or a baby
with mental retardation or heart defects.
Smokers often become physically and psychologically dependent on their habit and
suffer withdrawal symptoms if they attempt to stop. Even the onset of a smoking-
related illness is not always sufficient to enable heavy smokers to quit. Despite all the
information made available to the public since 1964, in 1985 the American Lung
Association estimated that there were 250,000 premature deaths due to smoking in
the United States per year.
The four statements that the writer uses to support his point are:
Smoking is related to many heart and circulatory ailments.
Smoking is the most significant factor in respiratory diseases.
There is a correlation between smoking and birth defects.
Smokers often become physically and psychologically dependent on their
Go back to the text and find the facts that the author uses to support each one of
these statements. What word/s does he use to indicate that this evidence is based
on facts and not his own ideas? The words are:
1. A plastic raincoat prevents the rain from penetrating, but a wool coat
does not. Plastic is impermeable to water and wool is not.
3. The earth is round. A person traveling directly east from the equator
will eventually return to the starting place.
5. Death often occurs when drugs and alcohol are used together. Certain
combinations of alcohol and drugs can be fatal.
Part B. Now, circle the letter of the conclusion that can be drawn from each of
these statements.
2. The shapes of the earths continents fit together like pieces of a big
jigsaw puzzle.
A. The continents were once one land mass that broke into parts that
drifted apart.
B. The earth is expanding just as the universe is.
5. When a bean seed is grown in the dark, the plant soon dies.
A. Bean plants need light to survive.
B. Bean plants need light to turn green.
Once the evidence which supports the hypothesis has been obtained, the re-
searcher must draw conclusions based on these facts. To do this, most scientists
use two types of reasoning: deductive and inductive reasoning. Lets look at them
I 1. Iron silicates are green, iron carbonates are yellow-brown, and iron oxides
D are red. All iron compounds are colourful.
Conclusion is valid not valid. Because _______________________
I 2. Tigers, horses and dogs have tails. All four-legged animals have tails.
D Conclusion is valid not valid. Because _______________________
I 3. AIDS is a venereal disease. It is sometimes transmitted by blood. All
D venereal disease may be transmitted by blood.
Conclusion is valid not valid. Because _______________________
I 4. Carbohydrates convert starch into sugar in the body. Potatoes are
D carbohydrates. Potatoes convert starch into sugar.
Conclusion is valid not valid. Because _______________________
I 5. Automobiles give off carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas.
D Therefore automobiles cause air pollution.
Conclusion is valid not valid. Because _______________________
1. A woman won the silver medal for rifle shooting at the 1994 Olympics.
2. FAA investigators stated that the crash of the TWA flight 109 was
caused by faulty landing gear and not pilot error based on the evidence
that was recovered.
Each of these statements can be checked and the information verified. Opinions,
on the other hand, are subjective in nature and are usually expressions of the
writers feelings or beliefs on a topic. They express attitudes, make judgement,
express approval or disapproval. Opinions most often involve abstract concepts
that are difficult to define and on which, as a result, each person has his own
personal view. Concepts of right and wrong, fair play, loyalty, the right to live and
the right to die. Opinions cannot be verified like facts.
Although opinions cannot be checked or verified for accuracy, you as a reader can
determine the validity of the opinion. Does the writer support his opinion with
evidence, facts or reason? Does he cite respected authorities in the field who agree
with his point of view? Is the writer an expert or authority in his field? Does he
have the knowledge and experience to make his statements?
Sometimes the writers opinion may seem to be based on facts but it is still the
individuals point of view and not a fact in itself. If someone were to write that
J.K. Rowling is an excellent writer who, in less than six years has risen from rags
to riches based on her Harry Potter series, we could say that while it is true that
Ms. Rowling has become a millionaire based on her writings, it is the authors
opinion that she is an excellent writer. The use of adjectives to express quality is
usually an indication that an opinion is being given.
Separating fact from opinion is very important when we read reviews as we shall
see later on in this section.
1. More and more women are deciding to give birth to their children at
home. A hospital, after all, is not the best place for a baby to be born.
Fact Opinion
2. Once the cavity reaches the dentin (the hard, dense, bone-like material
that composes the principal mass of the tooth), it must be cleaned and
filled. Some researchers, however, are beginning to question whether
periodic cleaning and checking of the enamel (the calcareous
substance that forms a thin layer capping the teeth) plays a
significant role in preventing tooth decay. Fact Opinion
3. More and more women are deciding to give birth to their children at
home. A hospital, after all, is not the best place for a baby to be born.
Fact Opinion
5. Philip Luttgen, satirical columnist for the Daily Views, will give a
rebuttal entitled What Is An Author? Fact Opinion
6. The national coal strike, now into its seventh week, has caused untold
hardships on the miners, their families, and the rest of the winter-
weary nation. Fact Opinion
Part B. Read these statements. Do they express facts or the writers opinion?
Mark the correct option. Give the criteria you used to make your selection.
6. Women are more verbal than men, while men are better than women
at visual-spatial activities. (The author gives results of six studies)
Fact Opinion. Criteria: __________________________________________
8. Men have greater muscle mass and larger hearts and lungs than
Fact Opinion. Criteria: __________________________________________
What is an argument?
An argument is the act of reasoning to establish or reject a position. The
purpose of an argument is generally to present a particular point of view. The
authors may want to persuade people of the importance, necessity or correctness
of their point of view, defend their position and perhaps even attack a different
point of view. They do this by presenting facts, evidence and reasons to support a
conclusion. However, to shape a convincing argument, the authors need more
than just a collection of facts. They need to analyze the topic, establish
relationships among disparate elements, and weigh evidence. A good argument
reasons and draws sound inferences from facts, and in order to do this, it also
incorporates values. The authors forge a position on an issue basd the evidence
they gather and analyze, and the beliefs and values they hold.
The opinions and values of the authors are predominant in argumentative texts.
So you, as a reader, have to be able to evaluate the validity of the arguments put
forward by the writers. How do you do it? First of all, a good argument is based on
solid evidence and sound reasoning. When you read an argumentative text,
remember what you learnt in the section on facts and opinions and the different
types of reasoning. Use that information to help you determine whether the
authors are being objective or not.
Stem cell research offers a potential cure for many fatal diseases. Many people
oppose stem cell research because it involves using cells from human embryos.
Although there are certainly reasons to be cautious with stem cell research or any
new technology, I believe that its potential benefits far outweigh its dangers. In
my opinion, stem cell research should receive the full support of our government.
Identyfing arguments
Lets look at some other examples of argumentative texts taken from the web
page of the Royal Society of Science Identify and
underline the words which, in your opinion, indicate argumentation.
Now go back to the previous texts and find examples of these key elements
When you read an argumentative text take into account the following questions:
1. Do the ideas presented in the text make you think seriously about your
personal position or belief on the subject?
2. Does the author base his/her analysis on sound evidence or on personal
opinion or preference?
3. Is the author trying to convince you to accept one point of view?
4. Is the author simply presenting different arguments and lets the reader
decide for herself/himself?
Look at the following exercise. You will find several statements. If you agree with
the point of view write A, if you dont write D. Then give at least three reasons
why you agree or disagree. What type of evidence or reasoning would you use to
support your position?
___ 1. A lot of women are perfectly happy to stay home and be housewives.
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________
___ 2. The government shouldnt give money to people who dont want to
a. _____________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________
Book Reviews
Separating fact from opinion is also very important when we look at reviews. A
book review is an article in which the author summarizes and evaluates a
book. It usually includes objective descriptions of different aspects of a book,
along with the personal opinion of the reviewer, and a recommendation of the
book to the readers whom the reviewer thinks might be interested in reading the
Lets begin by examining some extracts from the review entitled Unraveling
Space and Time by Lee Smolin who is reviewing the book The Fabric of the
Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality by Brian Greene.
As you read the following extract, try to identify the arguments the author
presents by answering the following questions:
1. What type of reader does Smolin believe will enjoy this book?
2. What aspects of Greens writing does he admire?
3. What aspects of the book does /doesnt he like?
4. Why do you think we can trust Smolins opinions?
Having said all this, let me begin by noting that this is a wonderful book for the lay
reader who wants to get a glimpse of what we theoretical physicists are thinking
about. It is extremely well written. To prepare the reader to understand the theories
that currently animate the frontiers, Greene gives an introduction to the main ideas of
20th-century physicsrelativity, cosmology, quantum theory and particle physics
and he does it very well. As someone who, like Greene, has struggledtwicewith
the problem of how to write a fresh and compelling book that introduces the reader to
these topics, I commend him for his success here. He is a master expositor and
popularizer, and these parts of the book really shine.
As you look through the paragraph, you will see a number of words that indicate
the positive light in which the reviewer sees the book: . . . extremely well
written. . . a wonderful book. . . does it very well. . . to write a fresh and compelling
book. Can you find the others? Underline them.
Lets look at another paragraph. Are the reviewers comments still positive? What
serious claim against the author does he make?
There are, however, two grounds on which I believe the book falls short: It is far too
uncritical of Greenes own subject, string theory. And it offers little for the reader who
remembers that science is based on experiment and who may therefore wonder how
it is that all these beautiful, exciting ideas are to be tested against the harsh light of
It is, then, worrying that many of the claims made in the book for string theory are
exaggerated. Greene describes clearly the beautiful results that inspire hope among
those who study string theory. But a presentation for the general public of a
speculative and untested theory should be honest about which problems remain
open. There are a number of cases in which conjectures widely believed by string
theorists have remained unproven despite many years of hard work by very smart
people. In several key cases Greene nevertheless presents those conjectures as
In this paragraph, however, we can see that the reviewer does not agree on
certain points put forward by the books author. Here are some of the words and
phrases he uses to convey his objections. Can you find the others? . . . the book
falls short . . . far too uncritical . . . it offers little . . . it is then worrying . . .
How do you think he will support this? What specific example does he cite?
For example, he clearly describes how strings, by having a finite size, suppress the
quantum fluctuations of the gravitational field, perhaps leading to a consistent
unification of gravity and quantum theory. As Greene explains, the result is that the
theory gives finite answers, an obviously necessary condition, but one hard to satisfy.
What he does not say is that the suppression has been demonstrated only in a certain
low-order approximation. In fact, determined efforts by many physicists and
mathematicians over a period of more than 20 years have failed to produce a proof of
the finiteness or consistency of string theory. The failure has been so complete that I
am aware of only two people, out of a community of more than a thousand string
theorists worldwide, who are still trying to solve this problem.
Is the reviewer biased in his opinions of the way in which the information is
presented by Greene? How does the reviewers tone indicate this?
There are several other examples of the same kind of exaggeration, in which
conjectures are reported as truths, and the phrase convincingly argued is used to
imply that something is proven. This overstatement greatly weakens the value of the
book for the public. It also raises questions. Brian Greene knows that the proofs of
these assertions are incomplete. At the same time, his fairness in other matters
shows that he is a person of integrity. So I am sure that there is no intent here to
deceive. What is happening, I suspect, is a phenomenon much more troubling. Im
afraid that it is simply inconceivable to him, as it is to many members of the string
theory community, that these conjectures could be wrong.
Finally, you must always ask yourself Who is this reviewer? What experience
does he have in this field? Is there any reason I should believe his opinions?
Who is Lee Smolin? What information, if any, was given in the text to indicate his
Lee Smolin is a founding member and research physicist at the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Canada. He is the
author of The Life of the Cosmos and Three Roads to Quantum Gravity.
1. The time is ripe for a book on the geology of Venus and Cattermole has, to use the
words of Nathan Bedford Forrest, gotten there first with the most men. However, the
forced march of a quick writing (many of the references are to material published in
October 1992 and the preface is dated March, 1993), has resulted in an uneven
2. This book is aimed at the reader who intends to use the technology for research and
commercial purposes. He has written an extrordinarily readable text, illustrated it
lavishly with pictures, graphs and examples, and furnished it with problem sets,
projects and general and specilized reading lists.
3. The organizational problems are especially evident in the presentation of related
material, either illustrations or text, from different research papers with no critical
analysis of the distinctions between them. In general, the material is not well
integrated, with preMagellan research not placed in its appropriate postMagellan
4. Even so, so much is left out that it is hard to believe an engineer whose only
knowledge of image processing is derived from this book could proceed
independently on any nontrivial application. Although many mathematical techniques
are mentioned, relatively few are proved rigorously, and some are merely cited
without proof. In the last part in particular, a host of important topics are raced through
in little, if any, depth.
5. The book gives a balanced overview of impact cratering, superficial processes,
volcanism and tectonism. The material on tectonism is distributed throughout three
separate, nonadjacent chapters.
6. One cannot help expressing regret that more writers in this difficult field do not have
Professor Bakers gift of clear expression combined with his soundness of judgement.
7. The description of the planets physiograph is excessive; much of the information
could be obtained simply by looking at a map. In addition, the text reveals some
significant misconceptions concerning gravity, isostasy, and heat loss and contains an
above-average number of misquotations and minor errors. This is definitely a book to
read with pencil in hand.
On Shaky Ground
Mark Zoback
Earthshaking Science: What We Know (and Dont Know) about Earthquakes. Susan
Elizabeth Hough. xviii + 238 pp. Princeton University Press, 2002. $24.95.
In Earthshaking Science, Susan Hough, a research scientist at the U.S. Geological Survey,
offers a basic primer on a range of topics related to earthquake science and engineering. Her
objective is to explain current research and controversies to the lay readera formidable
task, in which she succeeds admirably. A reader with no background in earth science or
seismology can easily absorb the material presented.
Hough begins by describing the history of the theory of plate tectonics and follows with some
basic information about earthquakes (how they are located, what magnitude means, and so
forth). She then goes on to discuss topics that range from the prediction of ground motion (if
an earthquake of expected magnitude occurs on a known fault, what factors affect how
strongly the ground will shake at a given site?) to seismic hazard analysis and, predictably
enough, what she refers to as The Holy Grail of Earthquake Prediction.
For obvious reasons, nonexpert readers who live in earthquake-prone areas will be interested
in the chapters on ground motions and the mapping of seismic hazard. Those who must
accept the inevitability of earthquakes are concerned with the way in which anticipated strong
ground shaking is calculated. Hough does a very good job of introducing the various factors
that affect such calculations. The chapter on mapping seismic hazard is not as effective,
however. Probabilistic earthquake forecasts are now the standard technique for
communicating earthquake information to the public, so it is important for readers to
understand the methodologies used in such analysespaleoseismic data, earthquake
recurrence models, long-term slip rates, fault segmentation and so on. These subjects are not
as thoroughly discussed as they should be. Although Hough attempts at the end of the
chapter to enumerate the degree of uncertainty inherent in such estimates, she hasnt
explained the basic methodologies sufficiently for readers to fully understand those
The illustrations (black-and-white maps, crude cartoons and line drawings) are disappointing.
The quality of the figures in the chapter on ground motions is particularly poor, which is
surprising given the excellent information on the subject widely available on the World Wide
Web and in other places.
Houghs writing style is easy and engaging, and she makes the subject matter entertaining.
Sprinkled throughout the text are sidebars on such topics as the historical rivalry between
strong- and weak-motion seismologists (something most readers probably dont need or want
to know about) and the pedigree (or, more accurately, the lack thereof) of professional
geophysicists. Many of these sidebars offer entertaining insights into the everyday lives of
earthquake researchers. As Hough points out, those researchers are a unique breed,
fascinated by fundamental scientific questions and driven by a desire to help reduce the
devastation earthquakes can wreak.
Mark Zoback, Geophysics, Stanford University
Final tips
Remember, becoming an efficient reader entails practice. So here are some final
1. Use the reading strategies you have learnt. Use the SQ3R technique:
Survey: Skim the text to make sure of its relevance and an overview of the main
Question: Ask yourself questions that you want the text to answer.
Recite: Read aloud the answers to your questions, fixing them in your mind.
Review: Think about what you have learnt, organize it in your mind, link it to
other information, assess its importance.
Content: What is the text going to be about? What is the topic? What particular
aspect of the topic is covered?
Purpose: Ask yourself What do I need to know after reading this? What will I be
expected to know? What should I remember?
3. Activate your schemata, make predictions while you read, try to picture and
develop images while you read the text. Relate your prior knowledge to the new
information you are obtaining. Monitor your understanding of the text, re-read
parts that may be difficult or confusing. Use the strategies you have been
4. After reading the text, recall what you have read. Talk to yourself and test your
understanding. Use metal maps, graphic organizers or write a summary of
what you learnt. Evaluate the new material; ask yourself What have I learnt
from this text? How has it changed or strengthened my view on this topic?
No entiendo lo que leo en ingls!
Es obvio que no todas las palabras tienen la misma utilidad para los estudiantes,
entonces qu palabras se deben aprender primero? Para que el aprendizaje de
vocabulario en ingls sea lo ms eficiente posible, es preciso comenzar por
memorizar las palabras de ms alta frecuencia. Se han recopilado unas listas de
palabras seleccionadas de acuerdo a su frecuencia de aparicin en textos escritos
en ingls, las cuales tienen el potencial de suministrar al estudiante el
conocimiento mnimo necesario para leer con comodidad textos de carcter tcnico
y cientfico en ese idioma. En la prxima seccin se encuentra un glosario ingls-
espaol que contiene cerca de 1100 palabras en ingls acompaadas de sus
Listas de Vocabulario
Las listas de vocabulario que encontrar a continuacin se componen de palabras
provenientes de la General Service List (West, 1953) la cual contiene las 2000
palabras ms frecuentes en ingls y la Academic Word List (Coxhead, 2000)
compuesta por las 570 familias de palabras que aparecen con mayor frecuencia
en los textos de carcter acadmico en ingls. A las listas anteriormente
mencionadas se les han eliminado las unidades gramaticales como pronombres,
conjunciones, preposiciones, artculos, etc.; los verbos auxiliares y los adverbios.
Tambin se han dejado fuera de las listas la mayora de los cognados
transparentes del espaol, aquellas palabras que componen el vocabulario propio
del ingls de bachillerato, y las palabras que a pesar de ser frecuentes en
ingls tengan una frecuencia relativamente baja en textos de carcter tcnico-
box caja
1-1000 Word List break
bright brillante
able capaz bring traer
account cuenta, dar cuenta de broad amplio
actual real build construir
add aadir burn quemar
address direccin business negocio
advance avanzar buy comprar
advantage ventaja call llamada, llamar
affairs asuntos care cuidado
age edad carry cargar, llevar
agree estar de acuerdo case caso, estuche
agreement acuerdo catch capturar
air aire change cambio, cambiar
all todo(s)-toda(s) charge cargar
allow permitir chief jefe, principal
alone solo(a) choice alternativa
amount cantidad choose elegir
ancient antiguo circle circulo
another otro(a) claim alegar
answer respuesta, responder clear claro, transparente
appear parece aparecer close cercano, cerrar
apply aplicar cold fro
appoint nombrar en un cargo come venir
appointment cita, nombramiento concern preocupacin, concernir
arise surgir contain contener
arm brazo count contar
arrival llegada cover cubrir
ask preguntar, pedir cross cruzar
attempt intento, intentar current actual
back trasero, respaldar cut cortar
bad malo danger peligro
ball pelota dangerous peligroso
bank banco dark oscuro
bar barra darken oscurecer
bear oso, sustentar darkness oscuridad
become convertirse date fecha
begin comenzar deep profundo
belief creencia degree grado
believe creer destroy destruir
belong pertenecer detail detalle
best el mejor de todos develop desarrollar
better mejor development desarrollo
big grande discover descubrir
blow soplar discovery descubrimiento
blue azul distinguish distinguir
board tabla, tablero doubt duda, dudar
born nacido drop gota, caer
centmetros 1 2 5 8 14
Finalmente, una vez que las palabras desconocidas que el estudiante escogi del
glosario han pasado por el computador y las ha aprendido, puede seguir
cargando el computador con otras palabras desconocidas que encuentre en sus
lecturas. Sin embargo, es conveniente que el estudiante est consciente de que
este dispositivo le ser muy til slo mientras sea un principiante. A medida que
el uso sistemtico del computador rinda sus frutos, y por ende su conocimiento de
Texto sobre el aprendizaje de vocabulario en ingls preparado por la profesora Noela Cartaya.
Texto sobre el computador manual de Leitner adaptado por las profesoras Noela Cartaya y Silvia
Pereira del original de Mondria y Mondria-De Vries (1994) y de su traduccin al espaol realizada
por la profesora Genoveva Llinares.