Synopsis of The Courses2
Synopsis of The Courses2
Synopsis of The Courses2
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) | Error! AutoText entry not defined. 100
B. Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
We are so pleased to welcome you to the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. We are happy to have
you with us on campus, and we appreciate all the intellectual and creative energy you bring with you. This brochure
provides you with a brief introduction to the schooling system along with the syllabus. The department wishes to
develop and disseminate the scientific knowledge needed to sustainable supply of engineers and researchers in the
field of electrical and electronics industries.
Department of EEE is situated in a five storied building at the permanent campus spanning three stories. We have 9
lecture rooms and 8 laboratories in the department. All the laboratories are equipped with modern instruments. The
department is under the coverage of Wi-Fi network, and you can get access to Internet using your won laptop or
mobile devices. There is a computer laboratory which is also connected to the Internet. Students can use this lab for
surfing on the Internet while the room is free.
The department has 28 full time teachers including 2 professors. One of our Professors, Dr. DelawerHossain, is
serving the IIUC as Pro Vice Chancellor.
The B. Sc. (Engineering) program in the department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering consist of 75 courses
carrying 161 Credit Hours. There are 9 University Requirement Courses (URC) carrying 9 credit hours, 4
Interdisciplinary Courses carrying 8 credit hours, 48 Core Courses carrying 112.5 credit hours and 12 Elective
Courses carrying 31.5 credit hours. In the Core Courses there are 28 theory courses carrying 82 credit hours and 20
practical courses carrying 30.5 credit hours. In the elective courses there are 9-theory course carrying 27 credit hours
and 3 sessional courses carrying 4.5 credit hours. Total 161 credit hours have to be undertaken and completed by a
student during 8 semesters. Duration of each semester is 6 months. Each course carries 100 marks. Of the total marks
allotted to each course, 10 marks for class tests/assignments/oral tests, 10 marks for attendance, 30 marks for mid-
term examination and 50 marks for the final examination. Out of 100 marks for sessional courses, 50 marks is
allotted for running assessment and 50 marks is for practical exam, viva, quiz etc. at the end of semester final
examination. Detail syllabus is as follows:
10.2 B. Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
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A. List of University Requirement Courses
C. Core Courses
Credit Hours Prerequisite
SL Course Code Course Title Hours/week
Theory Practical Theory Practical
Math I (Differential and Integral
1 MATH-1101 3 - 3 - -
Math II (Co-Ordinate Geometry and
2 MATH-1201 3 - 3 - Math -1101
Higher Trigonometry)
Math III (Differential Equations and
3 MATH-2301 3 - 3 - Math-1201
Partial Differential Equations)
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** Course EEE-4841 will be offered from Spring13.
D. Interdisciplinary Optional Courses(one course to be taken)
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Contact Hours
FIN-4701 Finance and Marketing for Engineers 2 2
SCO-4703 Sociology 2 2
PSY-4705 Psychology 2 2
GOV-4709 Government 2 2
LAW-4721 Law and Professional Ethics 2 2
F. Elective Courses
In order to achieve a degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from IIUC, a student will have to complete 12 elective
courses (3 lab courses and 8 theory courses) of 31.5 credit hours from any of the following four major disciplines or specialized
Power systems engineering
Electronics engineering
Computer science & engineering
Communication engineering
Interdisciplinary Fields
A student has to take 2 lab courses and at least 4 (but not more than 5) theory courses from one group as major; at least 2 theory
courses from other groups as minor and must take 1 theory course and 1 lab course from interdisciplinary group (Total 12
courses i.e 3 lab courses and 9 theory courses). Any lab course must be followed with the corresponding theory course and vice
versa (if any).
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Electronic Engineering
Credit Hours Contact Hours/Week
Course Prerequisit
SL Course Title Practica Practica
Code Theory Theory e Courses
l l
EEE-3515 Analog CMOS-Integrated Circuit-I 2 - 2 -
1 and EEE-2411
Analog CMOS-Integrated Circuit Sessional-I - 1 - 2
EEE-3611 Digital Integrated Circuit 2 - 2 -
2 and EEE-2301
Digital Integrated Circuit sessional - 1 - 2
EEE-3621 Analog CMOS-Integrated Circuit- II 2 - 2 -
3 and
Analog CMOS-Integrated Circuit Sessional-II - 1 - 2
4 EEE-4705 Power Electronics 3 - 3 - EEE-2411
5 EEE-4709 Processing & Fabrication Technology 3 - 3 - EEE-3607
EEE-4711 VLSI System Design and Modeling 2 - 2 -
6 and
VLSI System Design and Modeling Sessional - 1 - 2
Compound Semiconductor & Heterojunction
7 EEE-4713 3 - 3 - EEE-2411
8 EEE-4725 Fiber Optical Communication 3 - 3 - EEE-3601
EEE-4809 Integrated VLSI System 3 - 3 -
9 and -
Integrated VLSI System Sessional - 1.5 3 3
10 EEE-4811 Opto-electronics 3 - 3 - EEE-2411
11 EEE-4813 Semiconductor Device Theory 3 - 3 - EEE-3607
EEE-4827 Biomedical and Analytical Instrumentation 3 - 3 - EEE-2411
12 and Biomedical and Analytical Instrumentation
EEE-4828 Sessional
- 1.5 - 3
EEE-4831 Microprocessor System Design 3 - 3 -
13 and
Microprocessor System Design Sessional - 1.5 - 3
14 EEE-4885 Renewable Energy 3 - 3 - -
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Communication Engineering
Course CreditHours Contact Credit Prerequisite
SL Course Title
Code Theory Practical Theory Practical Courses
1 EEE-3615 Random Signals & Processes 3 - 3 - EEE-3501
2 EEE-4721 Digital Signal Processing II 3 - 3 - EEE-3603
EEE-4723 Microwave Engineering 3 - 3 -
3 and EEE-3601
Microwave Engineering Sessional - 1.5 3
4 EEE-4725 Optical Fiber Communication 3 - 3 - EEE-3601
EEE-4833 Digital Communication 3 - 3 -
5 and EEE-3601
Digital Communication Sessional 1.5 3
6 EEE-4835 Mobile Cellular Communication 3 - 3 - EEE-3601
7 EEE-4837 Telecommunication Engineering 3 - 3 - EEE-3601
Interdisciplinary Fields
Course Credit Hours Contact Hours/Week Prerequisite
SL Course Title
Code Theory Practical Theory Practical Courses
EEE-4823 Control System II 3 - 3 - EEE-4701
1 and
Control System II Sessional - 1.5 - 3
EEE-4825 Numerical Methods 3 - 3 - EEE-2310
2 and
Numerical Methods Sessional - 1.5 - 3
Biomedical and Analytical
3 - 3 - EEE-2411
3 and
Biomedical and Analytical -
Instrumentation Sessional
- 1.5 - 3
EEE-4829 Measurement & Instrumentation 3 - 3 - EEE-2411
4 and Measurement & Instrumentation
EEE-4830 Sessional - 1.5 - 3
EEE-4839 Digital Image Processing 3 - 3
5 and -
Digital Image Processing Sessional - 1.5 - 3
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Course Credit Hours Contact Hours/Week Prerequisite
Course Title
Code Theory Practical Theory Practical Courses
EEE-1201 Electrical Circuits II 3 - 3 - EEE-1101
Electrical Circuits II Sessional&
EEE-1202 - 1.5 - 3 -
Electrical Workshop
CSE-1201 Computer Programming 3 0 3 - -
CSE-1202 Computer Programming Sessional - 1.5 - 3 -
PHY-1201 PhysicsII 3 - 3 - PHY-1101
PHY-1202 Physics II Sessional - 1 - 3 -
MATH- Math II -(Co-Ordinate Geometry and
3 - 3 - Math-1101
1201 Higher Trigonometry)
STAT-1201 Statistics 2 - 2 - -
CE-1202 Engineering Drawing 0 1 0 2 -
URIS-1203 Introduction to Ibadah 1 0 1 0 -
Total (6+ 4) Courses 15 5 15 11 Total=20CH
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Credit Hours Contact Hours/Week
Course Prerequisite
Course Title Practica
Code Theory Practical Theory Courses
EEE-3501 Continuous Signals & Linear Systems 3 - 3 - MATH-2401
EEE-3503 Power System I 3 - 3 - EEE-1201
EEE-3504 Power System I Sessional - 1.5 - 3 -
EEE-3505 Microprocessor and Interfacing 3 - 3 - EEE-2407
EEE-3506 Microprocessor & Interfacing Sessional - 1.5 - 3 -
EEE-35xx Elective I - 3 - 6 -
Math V- (Complex Variable, Lap laces and
Math-3501 3 - 3 - MATH-2401
Fourier Analysis, Z-transform)
ECON-3501 Principles of Economics 2 - 2 - -
URIS-3505 Government and Politics in Islam 1 - 1 - -
Total (6 + 4) Courses 15 6 15 12 Total=21CH
EEE-3619 Instrumentation & Measurement 3 - 3 -
EEE-36XX Elective II 3 - 3 - -
MGT-3601 Industrial Management 2 - 2 - -
URIS-3607 Biography of the Prophet (SW) 1 - 1 - -
Total (7+ 2) Courses 18 3 18 6 Total=21CH
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Course Credit Hours Contact Hours/Week Prerequisite
Course Title
Code Theory Practical Theory Practical Courses
EEE-4800 Project / Thesis - 2 - 4 -
EEE-48XX Elective VI 3 - 3 - -
EEE-48XX Elective VI Sessional - 1.5 - 3 -
EEE-48XX Elective VII 3 - 3 - -
EEE-48XX Elective VIII 3 - 3 - -
EEE-48XX Elective IX 3 - 3 - -
EEE-48XX Elective IX Sessional - 1.5 - 3 -
EEE-4822 General Viva-voce - 1 - 1 -
URBS-4802 Bangladesh studies 1 - 2 - -
Total (5+4) Courses 13 6 14 11 Total19CH
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Semester Wise Elective Courses:
i. Elective I (5th Semester)
Credit Hours Contact Hours/Week Prerequisite
SL Course Code Course Title
Theory Practical Theory Practical Courses Discipline
Circuit Simulation
EEE-3510 - 1.5 - 3 EEE-2301
1 Sessional
Electrical Service
EEE-3512 - 1.5 - 3 -
Design Sessional Power
2 EEE-3513 Management 3 - 3 - - Computer
Analog CMOS
Integrated 2 - 2 - Electronics
EEE-3515 Circuits-1 Or
EEE-2411 Communication
3 and Analog
EEE-3516 CMOSIntegrated
- 1 - 2
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Credit Hours Contact
S Course Prerequisite
Course Title Hours/Week Discipline
L Code Courses
Theory Practical Theory Practical
EEE-4712 VLSI System Design
Modeling and Technique - - 3 All Discipline
4 EEE-4715 Operating System 3 - 3 - EEE-2310
5 EEE-4721 Digital Signal Processing II 3 - 3 - EEE-3603
Power Electronics 3 - 3 -
1 EEE-2411
and Power Electronics
- 1.5 - 3 Power/
EEE-4706 Sessional
EEE-4717 Data Structure 3 - 3 - EEE-2310
2 and Data Structure Computer
EEE-4718 Sessional
- 1.5 - 3
3 3 - EEE-3601 Communication
3 and
Engineering Sessional
- 1.5 - 3
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Contact Credit Hours
Course Prerequisite
SL Course Title Hours/Week Discipline
Code Courses
Theory Practical Theory Practical
Computer Electronics/ Computer
7 EEE-4815
3 - 3 - EEE-3505
Computer Electronics/ Computer
8 EEE-4816 Networks - 1.5 - 3 -
Microprocessor Electronics/ Computer
9 EEE-4831
System Design
3 - 3 - -
Microprocessor Electronics/ Computer
10 EEE-4832 System Design - 1.5 - 3 -
Digital Communication/Electronics
11 EEE-4833
3 - 3 - EEE-3601
Digital Communication/Electronics
12 EEE-4834 Communication 1.5 0 3 -
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Code Courses Discipline
Theory Practical Theory Practical
1. EEE-4823 Control System II 3 - 3 - EEE-4701 Power
Control System II Power
2. EEE-4824
- 1.5 - 3 -
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Syllabuses of the Courses
A. University Requirement Courses: Syllabuses of University Requirement
Courses are given in the page no 14-28.
Objectives: In this course student learn about Law and Professional Ethic in regards to nature and concept of law,
company law, labor law, history and development of engineering ethics, ethical expectations and cyber law.
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Law Basics: Nature and concept of law. Schools of Jurisprudence: Analytical, Historical, Philosophical,
Sociological & Natural. Administration of Justice: Theories of punishment. Sources of Law: Custom, Precedent
and Legislation. Rights and Duties, Legal Personality, Ownership and Possession, Definition and theories of
Law, principles of law of contract, agency, partnership, sale of goods negotiable instruments, insurance and
2. Company law: The companies act with special reference to the amendments and ordinances applicable to
Bangladesh. Law regarding formation, Incorporation, Management and winding up of companies.
3.Labor Law: The scope and sources of labor law. Law in relation to wages, hours, health, safety and
other condition to work. The legislation effecting employment in factories. The trade union legislation
arbitration, the policy of the state in relation to labor. Elementary principles of labor law.
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(Final Exam: 50 Marks)
Group-A (20-Marks)
4. History and Development of Engineering Ethics: Study of Ethics in Engineering. Applied Ethics in
engineering. Human qualities of an engineer. Obligation of an engineer to the clients and to other
engineers. Measures to be taken in order to improve the quality of engineering profession.
5. Ethical Expectations: Employers and Employees inter-professional relationship, maintaining a
commitment of Ethical standards. Desired characteristics of a professional code. Institutionalization of
Ethical conduct.
Group-B (30-Marks)
6. Cyber Law Introduction: The need for Cyber Law , Regulation of Technology and Internet , The
Internet and the Problems of Geography and Sovereignty , Freedom of Expression on the Internet,
7. The Relationship between Legal and Technological Regulation: Intellectual Property: Copy rights,
Trade Marks, Industrial Designs. Electronic and Digital Signature. Embedding Law into Technology.
Electronic Contract.
8. Liability of Internet Intermediaries: Defamatory Content, Privacy, Copy right, Infringement.
Liabilities relating to electronic financial transaction. Nature and scope of cyber crime, Regulation of
Cyber Crime. Offences and Punishment of Technology Crimes. B
Recommended Books:
1 A. K. Sen A Hand Book of Commercial Law.
2 A. A. Khan Labour and Industrial Law.
3 J. D. Mabboth An Introduction to Ethics
4 Stacey L. Dogan Copyright in Cyberspace: An Introduction
5 A. B.Siddique The Law of Contract.
6 Emile Durkheim Professional Ethics and Civics Morals
7 Jonathan L. Zittrain, Internet Law: Technological Complements to Copyright
8 Coopers Outline of Industrial Law.
9 A. Zulfiquar V A Text Book on the Bangladesh Labour Act-2006.
10 P. Narayanan Intellectual Property Law.
11 A. R. Khan Business Ethics
12 G. E. Moore: Principia Ethicia
13 M. Radar Ethics and the Auman Community
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C. Core Courses
Course Code: MATH-1101 Course Title: Math I (Differential and Integral Calculus)
Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3 per Week
Course Code: MATH-2401 Course Title: Math IV (Linear Algebra, Matrices and
Vector Analysis)
Credit Hours: 3Contact Hours: 3 per Week
[Pre requisite: MATH-2301, Math III]
Objectives: In this students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts develop in
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Fundamental of Mechanical Engineering in regards tofuels,
steam generators and turbine, refrigeration and air-conditioning and types of fluid machinery.
Section A
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
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1. Study of fuels: Steam generation units with accessories and mountings.
2. Study of steam generators and steam turbines. Introduction to internal combustion engines and their cycles.
3. Study of SI engines, CI engines and gas turbines with their accessories.
Section-B (Final Exam-50 Marks)
Group-A (20 Marks)
4. Refrigeration and air conditioning with their applications. Study of different refrigeration methods, refrigerants.
5. Refrigeration equipments: compressors, condensers, evaporators, expansion devices, other control and safety
Group-B (30 Marks)
6. Psychosomatics. Study of air conditioning systems with their accessories.
7. Types of fluid machinery. Study of impulse and reaction turbines. Pelton wheel and Kaplan turbines.
8. Sstudy of centrifugal and axial flow machines; pumps, fans, blowers and compressors. Study of reciprocating
Recommended Books:
Objectives:In this course student will learn about Computer Fundamental in regards to introduction of computer,
basic organization and functional units of computer, number systems, computer codes and arithmetic, computer
memory & I/O devices, computer program, software and language, operating system and data processing, data
communication and computer network, business data processing, multimedia and Internet.
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Introduction of computer and its Organization: Introduction of computer, components of computer
system, Historical evolution of computers & classification, Computer generations.
2. Basic organization and functional units of computer: Basic organization and functional units of
computer, Input/ output/storage/arithmetic logic/control and central processing unit, internal structure of
3. Number Systems, Computer Codes and Arithmetic: Non-positional/positional number system, different
number systems & their conversion, Fractional numbers, Numeric/alphanumeric data, BCD/EBCDIC/ASCII
code, Binary arithmetic (Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).
Section-B (Final Exam: 50 Marks)
Group-A (20-Marks)
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4. Computer Memory & I/O devices: Memory location and address, RAM, ROM, PROM, and EPROM,
cache memory, Sequential/Direct/Random access device, Magnetic tape and disk, hard disk, floppy disk,
CDROM, optical disk, Printers, Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, and other devices.
5. Computer program, software and language: Program planning, algorithms, flow charts, pseudo code,
Software and firmware, types of computer software, types of computer language, translator, interpreter,
Group-B (30-Marks)
6. Operating System and Data processing: Evolution of OS, Multiprogramming, Multiprocessing, Time
sharing system, Real time system, types of data processing, database concept, and database management
7. Data Communication and Computer Network: Basic elements of a communication system, Types of
communications among computers, characteristics of communication channels, Computer Networks, LAN,
MAN, WAN, Network topologies.
8. Business data processing, Multimedia and Internet: Goals of office automation, Advantages and threats
of office automation, Multimedia concepts and components, WWW, WAP, E-commerce, Internet, Internet
Recommended Books:
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Computer Programming in regards to software classification,
Operators, data input and output, control statements, looping, function, array, pointers, structure and computer
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5. Array: defining an array, processing an array, passing arrays to functions, Multidimensional array, String,
Array of Strings
Group-B (30 Marks)
6. Pointers: pointer declarations, , operations on pointers, Pointers and arrays, Pointers and functions, Dynamic
memory allocation
7. Structure: defining a structure, processing a structure, structure and pointers, passing structures to functions,
self referential structure, Union. File: opening and closing a file, creating a file, processing a file
8. Computer Graphics; Low level programming bitwise operations, bit fields, Some additional features of C
(Enumerations , Command line parameters, Header files, Preprocessors, Macros etc.)
Recommended Books:
1 Byron S. Gottfried Theory and Problems of Programmin with C.
2 Herbert Schild Teach Yourself C
3 Robert Lafore The Waite Groups C Programming using Turbo C++.
4 C Kernighan & D.M. The C Programming Language, Prantice-Hall of India, 1994.
5 Herbert Schildtce Turbo C / C++
6 H. M. Deitel and P. J. Deitel C How to Program
7 Steve Summit C Programming FAQs
8 E. Balagurusamy Programming in ANSI C, 2/e, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Limited, 1992
9 Sazzad Hossain and Programmingin C
Jahangir Hossain
Objectives:In this Sessional course a student will learnto write a good program to solve a problem quickly by
1. Write a program to show the use of different operators.
2. Write a program to find the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of two integers A and B.
3. Write a program to convert a temperature reading in degree Fahrenheit to degree Celsius scale using the formula:
C = (5/9)* (F-32)
4. Write a program to read the radius of a circle and calculate its area and circumference.
5. Write a program to find the total and average marks of the student where X, Y, Z are the marks of a students.
6. Write a program to calculate the roots of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a, b and c are known.
7. Write a program to show the ranges and bit width of different data types.
8. Write a program to find out the largest number among three numbers A, B and C.
9. Write a program that reads a year from the keyboard and determine whether it is leap year or not.
10. Write a program that computes an employee's gross pay and net pay using the formulas-
Gross = Hours * Rate
Net = Gross Tax
Tax is subtracted from the gross only if an employee earns more than TK.5000. Otherwise deduct no tax. Tax
rate is 5% of gross pay.
11. Write a program that reverses the digits of a given positive integer.
12. Write a program to find the sum and average of the following series:
1 + 4 + 7 + - - - - - + 19
13. Write a program that read a string from the keyboard and convert all the characters in it into opposite case.
14. Write a program that will read in a sequence of characters and write out a sequence of encoded characters in its
15. Write a program to determine whether the given positive integer N is a prime number or not.
16. Write a program to determine the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of two given positive integers.
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17. Write a program that reads a positive integer n and then prints a diamond of asterisks in 2n-1 rows. For example,
if n is 4, then the output would be
18. Write a program to read out the names of users and number of units consumed and print out the charges with
19. Write a program that plays the game of Rock, paper, scissors. In this game, two players simultaneously say
rock, paper or scissors. The winner is one whose choice dominates the other. The rules are: paper
dominates (wraps) rock, rock dominates (breaks) scissors, and scissors dominate (cut) paper.
20. Write a program that reads a data form the keyboard in the form "dd-mm-yy" and displays the date In following
January 2nd, 1999
February 3rd, 1985 etc.
21. Write a program to calculate the factorial of a positive integer quantity (using recursion).
22. Write a program to determine the value of the nth Fibonacci number Fn Where Fn = Fn-1+ Fn - 2 and F1 = F2 = 1
(using recursion).
23. Write a program to interchange column and row by each other.
24. Write a program to sort n numbers taken from keyboard.
25. Write a program using pointer notation that will read a line of text and then display it backwards.
26. Write a C program that reads several different names and addresses into computer, rearranges the names into
alphabetical order, and then writes out the alphabetized list. Make use of structure variables within the program.
27. Write a program using structure that will allow you to enter and display the following information about your
family members:
i) name ii) age iii) last degree iv) occupation v) salary
28. Write a program which read multiple lines of text from the keyboard and write it out to a data file called
TEST.DAT. And then display the contents of the file on the screen.
29. Write a program to draw the flag of Bangladesh.
30. Write an interactive file oriented C program that will maintain a list of names, addresses and telephone numbers
in alphabetical order (by last names). Process the information associated with each name as separate record.
Represent each record as a structure.
Include a menu that will allow the user to select any of the following features:
(i) Add a new record
(ii) Delete a record
(iii) Modify an existing record
(iv) Retrieve and display an entire record for a given name
(v) Generate a complete list of all names, addresses and telephone numbers
(vi) End of computation.
Be sure to rearrange the records whenever a new record is added or a record is deleted, so that the records are
always maintained in alphabetical order.
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Objectives: In this course student will learn about Electrical Circuit in regards to comprehensive idea of circuit
variables and elements, simple resistive circuits, techniques of circuit analysis, network theorems, maximum power
theorem, energy storage elements, magnetic quantities and magnetic circuits.
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Circuit variables and elements: Voltage, current, power, energy, independent and dependent sources, and
resistance., Kirchhoffs current and voltage laws. Ammeter, Voltmeter, Wattmeter & Other meters.
2. Simple resistive circuits: Series and parallel circuits, voltage and current division, wye-delta transformation.
3. Techniques of circuit analysis: Mesh and node circuit analysis including super node and super mesh.
Reduction of complicated networks.
Section-B (Final Exam: 50 Marks)
Group-A (20-Marks)
4. Network theorems: Source transformation, Thevenins, Nortons ,Superposition and Millmanstheorems with
applications in circuits having independent and dependent sources.
5. Maximum power Theorem: Statement, Prove and Condition (both AC and DC), Reciprocity and Substitution
Group-B (30-Marks)
6. Energy storage elements: Inductors and capacitors, series parallel combination of inductors and capacitors.
Responses of RL and RC circuits: Natural and step responses.
7. Magnetic quantities and variables: Flux, permeability and reluctance, magnetic field strength, magnetic
potential, flux density, magnetization curve. Laws in magnetic circuits: Ohms law and Amperes circuital
Objective: In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically about the theories learned in the
course EEE-1101.
List of Experiment:
1. Introduction to a Multimeter.
2. Color Code of Resistor.
3. Verification of Ohms Law.
4. Verification of Kirchhoffs Current Law.
5. Verification of Kirchhoffs Voltage Law.
6. Study of Voltage and Current Divider Rule.
7. Study of Super Position Theorem in Circuit Analysis.
8. Study of Thevenins Theorem in Circuit Analysis.
9. Study of Millmans Theorem in Circuit Analysis.
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[Pre requisite: EEE 1101 Electrical Circuits I]
Objectives:In this course student will learn about Electric Circuit in regards to comprehensive idea about
alternating current, magnetically coupled circuits, three phase balanced and unbalanced load, resonance, filter, a.c.
transients and two port analysis
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Sinusoidal functions: AC theory, instantaneous current, voltage, power, effective current and voltage,
average power, Use of complex quantities in AC circuits
2. Phasors and complex quantities: Impedance, real and reactive power, power factor, Vector diagram.
3.Analysis of single-phase AC circuits: Series and parallel RL and RC circuits. nodal and mesh analysis,
application of network theorems.
Section-B (Final Exam: 50 Marks)
Group-A (20-Marks)
4.Resonance and Passive filters: Series and parallel RLC resonance circuits.Q-value and band width,
Properties of Symmetrical networks, Filter fundamentals, Low, High, Band pass and Band stop
Filters. Band width and cut-off frequency,Double tuned filter, Design conditions and Uses. Bode
5. Transients and Magnetically coupled circuits: Transient in RC, RL and RL circuits. Conductive,
Capacitive and Magnetic Coupling, Coefficient of Coupling.
Group-B (30-Marks)
6. Polyphase systems: The three phase generator, The Y-connected generator and load, the Wye-Delta
system, The Delta connected generator and load, Delta-Delta and Delta-Wye three phase system.
7. Balanced and unbalanced three phase circuit analysis: The three and two wattmeter methods, Unbalanced three
phase four-wire Y-connected load, unbalanced three-phase three wire Y-connected load.
8. Two-port analysis: Impedance parameters, Voltage gains, Current gains, Cascaded systems, admittance
parameters, Hybrid parameters.
Recommended Books:
1 Alexander &Sadiku :Fundamental of Electric Circuits
2 Kerchner& Corcoran : Alternating Current Circuits, 4th Edition
3 J.D.Ryder :Networks, line and Fields.
4. J.A.Edminister :Electric Circuits
5 R.L.Boylestad : Introductory Circuit Theory, Prentice-Hall India Pvt. Ltd.
Objective: In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically electricians tools, splices,
soldering, code practices, electrical and electronics symbols, safety rules,electricity rules and electricity codes,
electrical wiring system design ,drawing and estimation for residential and commercial house wiring and industrial
installation wiring. Transformer Construction, Grounding, earth resistance measurement using earth resistance tester.
Battery charging, Public Systems amplifier
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6. Measurement of single phase power using a wattmeter.
7. Measurement of balance three phase power by one wattmeter method.
8. Measurement of balanced three phase power by two wattmeter methods.
9. Study of the relation between line current and phase current of delta connected load.
10. Study of the relation between line Voltage and phase Voltage of Y-connected load.
11. Measurement of unbalanced three phase power by two wattmeter methods.
12. Determination of frequency response of high pass and low pass filter.
13. Determination of power factor correction.
Recommended Books:
1 Md. Rafiqul Islam Basic Electricity
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Course Code: EEE 2301 Course Title: Electronics I
Credit Hours:3 Contact Hours:3 per Week
[Pre requisite: EEE 1201 Electrical Circuits II]
Objectives:In this course student will learn about Electronics in regards to the working principle and
characteristics of semiconductor diodes and transistors, BJT, MOSFET, Differential and multistage amplifiers.
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. P-N Junction as a Circuit Element: Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, N and P type semiconductor,
p-njunction and variation of potential barrier under forward and reverse bias, current-voltage characteristics
of a PN junction diode.
2. Various diodes and Diode Circuits: Zener diode, Tunnel diode, Varactor diode, Thermistor, Simplified dc and
ac diode models, dynamic resistance and capacitance. Half wave and full wave rectifiers, rectifiers with filter
capacitor, Voltage regulators, Voltage doubler, Clippers and clampers.
3. Bipolar Junction Transistors: Working principle of PNP and NPN transistor, Transistor as an amplifier, Common-
base, Common-emitter and Common Collector Configurations, Input and output characteristics of CB,CE, and CC
configuration, Load line analysis, Operating point. Performance of transistor operation, cutoff and saturation points
Section-B (Final Exam: 50 Marks)
Group-A (20-Marks)
4. Single Stage Transistor Amplifier: Transistor biasing and stability factor, design of transistor biasingcircuit,
Small signal equivalent circuit and (both D.C and A.C) models, BJT as a switch. Single stage mid-band
frequency BJT amplifier circuits: Voltage and Current gain, Power gain,
5. Differential and multistage amplifiers: Description of differential amplifiers, Small-signal operation,
differential and common mode gains, RC coupled, Transformer coupled, and Direct Coupled amplifier.
Group-B (30-Marks)
6. Field-Effect Transistors (FET): Construction and classification, Principle of operation, Characteristic curves,
Channel conductivity, Channel ohmic and pinch-off region, Characteristic parameters of the FET, Effect of
temperature on FET, Common source amplifier, Common drain amplifier,
7. Metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor(MOSFET): MOSFET as circuit element, structure and
physical operation of an enhancement MOSFET, threshold voltage, Body effect. Current- voltage
characteristics of an enhancement MOSFET, biasing discrete and integrated MOS amplifier circuits,
8. Single-stage MOS amplifiers: MOSFET as a switch, CMOS inverter. Classification of MOSFET, UJT
Recommended Books:
1 Robert L. Boylestad & Louis Electronics devices and circuit theory
2 V.K.Mehta & A.K.Mehta Principle of electronics
3 B.L.Thereja & A.K.Thereja Basic Electronics solid state
4 Streetman & Banarjee Solid State electronic device
5 J. J. Milman and C.C.Halkias Electronics Devices and Circuits
Objective: This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts develop in EEE 2301. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 2301.
List of Experiment:
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1. Study of lead identification and testing of diode, BJT and MOSFE
2. Determination of unknown signal frequency and voltage by using Oscilloscope.
3. Study of the I-V characteristic curves of a diode.
4. Design and construction of a half-wave rectifier circuit and calculation of ripple factor.
5. Design and construction of a full- wave rectifier circuit and calculation of ripple factor
6. Study of clamper and clipper circuits and draw the output waveshape.
7. Study of the input and output characteristics of a transistor.
8. Study of a single stage transistor amplifier and draw its frequency response curve.
9. Study of MOSFET as a switch.
10. Study of cascade amplifier characteristics i.e frequency response curve.
Objectives: In this course students will learn about Electric Machine in regards to working principle, construction,
characteristics and maintenance of different types of transformers and motors.
( Mid-term Exam:30 Marks)
1. Transformer: Working principle, Construction, Types- (core type & shell type), Elementary theory for ideal
transformer, E.M.F. equation, Transformation ratio, Three phase transformer- (Operating principle, Different types
of connection).
2. Vector diagram and Equivalent circuit: Transformer with losses but no magnetic leakage, Transformer with
winding resistance but no magnetic leakage, Transformer with resistance and leakage reactance, Equivalent circuit of
a transformer.
3. Transformer test & Performance: Voltage regulation, Transformer tests- (open-circuit & short-circuit test),
Losses in a transformer, Efficiency & condition for maximum efficiency, Instrument transformer- (current & voltage
Section-B (Final Exam : 50 Marks)
Group-A (20-Marks)
4. DC generators: Working Principle of generators, Different types of DC generators, General Voltage Equation,
no-load voltage characteristics and Application of DC generators. Build-up of a self-excited shunt generator, critical
field resistance, load-voltage Characteristic..
5. DC generator characteristics: Effect of speed on no-load and load characteristics and voltage regulation.Shunt
generator and compound generator. Parallel operation, winding connection of DC generator
Group-B (30-Marks)
6. DC motors: Operating differences between motors and generators, Torque, counter emf, speed and torque-speed
characteristics, starting and speed regulation, Uses of DC motors.
7. Induction motor: Theory of operation, Advantage, Disadvantage, Construction, Production of rotating field-
(two-phase & three-phase supply) & mathematical proof, Rotation principle, Slip, Frequency of rotor current.
8. Equivalent circuit: Induction motor as a generalized transformer, Equivalent circuit of the rotor, Equivalent
circuit of the motor, Determination of G0 & B0, No load test, Blocked rotor test.
Recommended Books:
B.L. Theraja & A.K Theraja A Text Book of Electrical Technology (Volume II )
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[Pre requisite: CSE 1201 Computer Programming]
Objectives: In this sessional student will learn about Numerical Technique solution in regards to differentiation ,
integration , transcendental equations, linear and non linear differential equations and partial differential equations.
1. Write a program to round off a number with n significant figures using bankers rule.
2. Write a program to evaluate a polynomial by using Horner's rule.
3. Write a program to find the root of the equation ex 3x = 0, correct to 3 decimal places, by using the bisection method.
4. Write a program to find the root of the equation 2x - log10 x = 7, correct to 3 decimal places, by the using fixed point method.
5. Write a program to find the root of the equation x3 - 6x + 4 = 0, correct to 3 decimal places, by using Newton-Raphson method.
6. Write a program to find the root of the equation x log10 x - 1.2 = 0, correct to 3 decimal places, by using false position method.
7. Write a program to find the root of the equation x2 4x - 10 = 0, correct to 3 decimal places, by using secant method.
8. Write a program to find the quotient polynomial q(x) from a polynomial p(x) by using synthetic division.
9. The following values of f (x) are given.
x 1 2 3 4 5
y = f(x) 1 8 27 64 125
Write a program to find difference table for the above values.
10. The following values of f (x) are given.
x 1 2 3 4 5
y = f(x) 1 8 27 64 125
Write a program to find the values of y when x = 1.7 by using Newton's forward interpolation formula.
11. The following values of f (x) are given.
x 1 2 3 4 5
y = f(x) 1 8 27 64 125
Write a program to find the values of y when x = 4.7 by using Newton's backward interpolation formula.
12. The following values of f (x) are given.
x 1 2 3 4 5
y = f(x) 1 8 27 64 125
Write a program to find the values of x for which f (x) = 85 by using Lagranges inverse interpolation formula.
13. The following values of f (x) are given. Prepare the divided difference table for the following data
x 1 3 4 6 10
y = f(x) 0 18 58 190 920
Write a program to find the values of y when x = 2.7 by using Newton's divided difference formula.
14. The following values of f (x) are given.
x 1 2 3 4 5
y = f(x) 1 8 27 64 125
Write a program to find the first derivative and the second derivative of the function tabulated above at the point x = 1.
15. Write a program to calculate the approximate area under the curve y = 5 log10 x dx by using trapezoidal rule.
16. Write a program to calculate the approximate area under the curve y = /2 esinx dx by using Simpsons 1/3 rule
17. Write a program to calculate the approximate area under the curve y = 1 x / (1+x2) by using Simpsons 3/8 rule.
18, Write a program to find the determinant of a NXN matrix.
19. Write a program to solve the following system of linear equations by using Matrix inversion method.
x+ y + z=1
x + 2y + 3z = 6
x + 3y + 4z = 6
20. Write a program to solve the following system of linear equations by using Cramers Rule:
27x + 6y z = 85
6x + 15y + 2z = 72
x + y + 54z = 110
21. Write a program to solve the following system of linear equations by using Gaussian Elimination method.
2x + y + z = 10
x + 4y + 9z = 16
3x + 2y + 3z = 18
22. Write a program to solve the following system of linear equations by using Gauss-Jordan Elimination method.
x + 2y + z = 8
2x + 3y + 4z = 20
4x + 3y + 2z = 16
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23, Write a program to solve the following system of linear equations by using Jacobi's method.
83x + 11y - 4z = 95
3x + 8y + 29z = 71
7x + 52y + 13z = 104
24. Write a program to solve the following system of linear equations by using Gauss-Seidel method.
10x1 + x2 + x3 = 12
2x1 + 10x2 + x3 = 13
2x1 + 2x2 + 10x3 = 14
25, Write a program to find the least square line y = a + bx for the following data
x -2 1 0 1 2
y 1 2 3 3 4
26. Write a program to find the least square parabola y = a + bx + cx2 for the following data
x -3 -1 1 3
y 15 5 1 5
27. Write a program to solve the following Differential Equation by using Eulers method.
dy / dx = x3 + y, y (0) = 1. Compute y (0.02) taking h = 0.01.
28. Write a program to solve the following Differential Equation by using Runge Kutta method.
dy / dx = x + y, y (0) = 1. Compute y (0.1) and y (0.2) taking h = 0.1.
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Electric Machine in regards to working principle, construction,
operation of AC Machine along with their characteristics and stability.
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Torque and speed: Relation between torque and rotor power factor, Starting torque, Effect of supply voltage on
starting torque, Rotor EMF, reactance & torque under running condition & condition for maximum torque, Relation
between torque and slip, Effect of change in supply frequency on torque and speed, Torque/Speed curve, Shape of
Torque/Speed curve, Relation between starting and full load torque.
2. Power output : Power stages in an Induction motor, Equation of shaft torque, Equation of gross torque,
mechanical power & rotor output,
3. Starter and Speed Control induction motor: General principle,Double field revolving theory, Starting of
Induction motor- (direct switching, primary resistors & star-delta starter),Making it self-starting (split phase &
capacitor start), Equivalent circuit (with & without Cu loss), Speed control of Induction motors..
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Introduction, Disadvantage of Brush, Advantage of BLDC, Disadvantage, Application, Comparison of conventional
and brushless DC motor, Drive circuit:- (unipolar & bipolar).
7. Stepper motor: Introduction, Advantage, Step angle, Resolution, Speed, Application, Types: - (variable
reluctance, permanent magnet, hybrid), Variable reluctance stepper motor: - (construction, full-step operation, 2-
phase on mode, half-step operation).Permanent Magnet Synchronous motors: Introduction, Types of magnets
used, Classification, Advantage, Application.
8. Synchros: Introduction, Types, Application: - (torque transmission, error detection), Control differential
transmitter, Control differential receiver. Linear motor and traction: Introduction, Linear induction motor: -
(construction, operation, types, disadvantage, application); Magnetic levitation.
Recommended Books:
Objectives: This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts develop in EEE 2303 and EEE 2401. In the second part, students will design simple
systems using the principles learned in EEE 2303 and EEE 2401.
List of Experiment:
1. Testing of Single Phase Transformer equivalent Circuit : open & short circuit tests.
2. Testing of single phase transformer with no load .
3. Testing of single phase transformer with load.
4. Measurement of three phase transformer open circuit voltage and phase shift between primary
and secondary line voltages
5. Connections of three phase transformer: Y- Y, Y- Y, Y- ,
6. Characteristics of single phase induction motor: (i). No load and (ii) Load operating.
7. Characteristics of separately excited dc motors in regards to torque/speed.
8. Characteristics of shunt excited dc motors in regards to torque/speed.
9. Study of DC generator.
10. Operating characteristics of DC series motors.
11. Parallel operation of synchronous machines.
12. Measurement of rotor angle of a synchronous motor.
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Course Code: EEE-2407 Course Title: Digital Electronics
Credit Hours:3 Contact Hours:3 per Week
[Pre requisite: EEE 2301 Electronics I]
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Digital Electronics in regards to introduction to number
systems, minimization of Boolean functions, implementation of basic static logic gates in CMOS and BiCMOS,
power optimization of basic gates and combinational logic circuits, combinational logic with MSI and LSI, sequential
Logic, counter design and register and memory unit.
Section A
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1.Introduction to number systems : Binary, Octal, hexadecimal Numbers, Number Base Conversions,
Complements, Binary Codes, Basic logic functions, Boolean Algebra, Canonical and standard forms, BCD numbers,
Digital logic gates, Digital logic families (DTL,RTL,TTL,ECL,MOS)
2.Minimization of Boolean Functions: Forms of Boolean functions, Shannon's theorem, Minimization of Boolean
functions using Karnaugh map, Quine Mclusky method, Iterative consensus method, Implementation of switching
functions (Using various gates: NOR, NAND, AND - OR- INVERT).
3.Implementation of basic static logic gates in CMOS and BiCMOS: DC characteristics, noise margin and power
dissipation; Combinational Logic: Design of combinational circuits (Adders, Subtractors, Code Conversion)
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Course Code: EEE 2408 Course Title: Digital Electronics Sessional
Credit Hours: 1.5 Contact Hours:3 per Week
Objectives: This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts developed in EEE 2407. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 2407.
List of Experiment:
6. Familiarization with necessary resources of Digital Electronics Sessional.
7. Familiarization with different Logic Gates and Implementation of basic logic gates by diodes, transistors
and resistors.
8. Implementation of Boolean function by basic logic gates.
9. Universality test of NAND and NOR gates.
10. Implementation of a Half-adder and Full-adder.
11. Design of traffic control system by combinational logic
12. Familiarization with Seven segment display and BCD to seven segment decoder IC.
13. Implementation of multiplexer and de-multiplexer.
14. Implementation of multiplexer and de-multiplexer.
10. Familiarization with flip-flops.
11. Familiarization with counter circuit.
12. Implementation of Digital Clock.
13. Implementation of Shift Register
5. Amplifier Response: Low Frequency Amplifier Response, High Frequency Amplifier Response, Total
Frequency Amplifier Response. Amplifier noises.Gain, Bandwidth,Distortion& Stabilization.
Group-B (20-Marks)
6. Active Filters: Explanation of Low, High, Band Pass and Band Stop Filter Response, Response Characteristics,
Damping Factor, Critical Frequency and Roll-Off Rate, Single Pole Filter, Sallen-Key Low Pass and High Pass
filter, Cascaded Filter, Multiple Feedback Band-Pass and Band Stop Filter, State Variable Band-Pass and Band
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Stop Filter,
7. Optoelectronic Devices: PN photodiode, Phototransistor, Solar cell, Photoconductive cell, Photovoltaic, Sensors,
LED, LCD, Alphanumeric display, Photo couplers, Photodiode, LDR.
8. Microwave devices: Gunn diode, IMPATT diode,TRAPATT diode, Klystron, Magnetron TWT.
Recommended Books:
1 M.Cirovic : Basic Electronics and Devices
2 J.J.Milman and C.C.Halkias :Electronics devices and Circuits
3 Allen Mottershead : Electronic Devices and Circuits
4 4Donald A Neaman : Semiconductor Physics and Devices
5 Krauss : Solid State Radio Electronics
6 Louis Frenzel :Communication Electronics
7 Albert Paul Malvino :Electronic Principles
8 Thomas L Floyd :Electronic Devices
9 Couyhlin : Operational Amplifier and Integrated Circuit
Course Code: EEE 2412 Course Title: Electronics II Sessionaland Electronic Workshop
Credit Hours:1.5 Contact Hours: 3 per Week
Objectives: This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts developed in EEE 2411. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 2411 and will do electronic workshop practices on preventive maintenance, circuit
tracing, trouble shooting fault repairing, soldering and de-soldering of electronic circuits, design of PCB layout,
etching.fault finding & servicing: Radio & TV, CD/VCD player, Mobile phone, Computer, etc.
Recommended Books:
1 Keith Mobley, Lindley Higgins & Darrin Maintenance Engineering Handbook
2 Tim Williams The Circuit Designers Companion (2nd Ed.)
3 Marcus & Levy Elements of Radio Servicing
4 Mark I. Montrose A Handbook for Designers
Objectives:Inthis course students will learn about Instrumentation and measurement in regards to
instruments & its static and dynamic characteristics, amplifying, transmitting & recording elements, measuring
instruments, measurement of electrical non-electrical quantities, acoustic instruments, grounding and cabling
Section A
(Mid-Term Exam: 30 Marks)
1.Instruments & its static characteristics: Instrument systems, Functional elements, Classification of instrument,
Standards & calibration, Performance parameters, Impedance loading & matching, Specifications of instruments,
Selection of instruments.
2.Dynamic characteristics: Formulation of system equations, Dynamic response, Compensation, Transducer elements,
Analog & digital transducers. Mechanical and Optical traducers.
3.Amplifying, transmitting & recording elements: Amplifying elements, Data transmission elements; indicating,
recording, and displaying elements.
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Section- B (Final Exam: 50 Marks)
Group- A (20-Marks)
4.Measuring Instruments: Spring-mass type seismic device, Elastic force device, Torsion dynamometer, Signal
Generator, Oscilloscope, Flux meter, Electrometer, Gauss Meter,
5.Measurement of electrical quantities: Current and voltage, power and energy measurement.
Group-B (30 Marks)
6.Measurement of non-electrical quantities: Temperature, pressure, flow, level, strain, force and torque..
7.Acoustic Instruments: Microphones, Loud speaker, Architectural elements, Measurement of reverberation time and
its correction, Absorption of sound.
8.Grounding and Cabling Techniques: Noise, methods of noise coupling and eliminating interference, shielding of
conductor, capacitive coupling, effect of shield on capacitive coupling, inductive coupling, magnetic coupling,
shielding to prevent magnetic radiation, shielding a receiver against magnetic field, and grounding.
Recommended Books:
1 B.C.Nakra & K.K. Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis
2 A. K. Sawhney Electrical and Elec. Measurement and Instruments
3 J. L. Hunter Applied Acoustics
4 W. D. Cooper Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement
5 S. Wolf & R. M. Smith Student Reference Manual
6 C. S. Rangan, G. R.Sarma, Instrumentation devices and systems.
& V. S. Vmani
Course Code: EEE 3501 Course Title: Continuous Signals and Linear Systems
Credit Hours:3 Contact Hours:3 per Week
[Pre requisite: MATH-2401 Mathematics III]
Objectives:In this course student will learn about Continuous Signals and Linear Systems in regards to signals,
systems and system representation, impulse response, harmonic representation, Fourier-transform, application of
harmonic analysisandanalogous systems.
Section-A(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Signal classifications: Continuous, discrete, stochastic, even-odd signals, mathematical models of ideal signals.
Elementary/test signals, power and energy signal , Response of test signals to LTI systems. representation of
signals using impulse function.
2. Systems: Classification, Properties of system- Linearity, causality, time invariance, memory, stability, and
3. System representation: Differential equations, order of the system, solution techniques, zero state and zero
input response.
Section-B (Final Exam: 50 Marks)
Group-A (20-Marks)
4. Impulse response:Convolution integral, determination of system properties; state variable - basic concept, state
equation and time domain solution.
5. Harmonic representation: Fourier series- properties, system response, frequency response of LTI systems.
Group-B (30-Marks)
6. Fourier transform:Properties, system transfer function, system response and distortion-less systems.
7. Applications of Harmonic Analysis: Amplitude modulation and demodulation, time-division and frequency-
division multiplexing properties, inverse transform, solution of system equations, system transfer function,
system stability and frequency response and application.
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8. Analogous Systems:Analysis of analogous electrical and mechanical systems
Recommended Books:
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Electrical Power Systems in regards to network representation,
line represent, load flow analysis, fault analysis, unsymmetrical faults, distribution system, D.C. distribution and
power flow control.
Section A
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Network representation: Single line, reactance and impedance diagram of power system, Per unit calculation:
Change of base, Selection of base values, Base quantities in terms of kV and MVA, per unit load impedance,
Advantages of per unit representation.
2. Line representation: Short and Medium Lines: Classification of lines, Short single-phase line, Phasor, Short
three-phase line, Transmission line as a two-port network, Effect of load on regulation and efficiency; Medium
transmission line: Nominal T-model and -model of a medium line, Phasor diagram, Calculation of
transmission efficiency and regulation of medium line; Long transmission line modeling; Important loading
conditions of a long transmission lines, Ferranti Effect.
3. Load flow analysis: Bus admittance matrix, power flow equations; Method of load flow solution: Gauss- Siedel
and Newton Raphson Methods.
Section- B (Final Exam: 50 Marks)
Group- A (20-Marks)
4. Fault analysis: Symmetrical Fault: Effect of faults, Sudden short circuit at the armature terminals of a three-
phase generator, Current limiting factor; Symmetrical fault calculation methods: Fortescuess theorem, -
operator,symmetrical components of an unbalanced three-phase system, Component analysis, General nature of
zero-sequence currents, Sequence networks for fault calculation.
5. Analysis of unsymmetrical faults: system representation, Sequence voltage at a fault point, ; single Line-to-
Ground fault, Line-to-Line fault, double Line-to-Ground fault, Comparison of single Line-to Ground and three-
phase fault current.
Group-B (30 Marks)
6. Distribution system: Classification of distribution system, Connection schemes of distribution system,
Requirements of a distribution System.A.C. Distribution: A.C. distribution calculations, Method of solving A.C.
distribution problems,
7. D.C. distribution: Types of D.C. distributions, Distribution calculation: Distributor fed at one end, uniformly
loaded at one end, Distributor fed at both ends, uniformly loaded at both ends, Distributor with both
concentrated and uniform loading.
8. Power flow control: Excitation control, Tap changing transformer, Auto-transformer taps changing, phase
shifting, Booster transformer, Induction regulators, shunt capacitor and synchronous condenser.
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Recommended Books:
1 V.K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta Principles of Power System
2 Ashfaq Husain(4th Revised edition) Electrical Power Systems
3 Hadi Saadat (edition-2002) Power System Analysis
4 J.D. Glover and M.S. Sarma Power System Analysis and Design,
5 A.R. Bergen and V.J. Vittal Power System Analysis, Second Edn. N.Y
6 Willam D. Stevenson. Jr Elements of power system analysis
Objectives; This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 3503. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 3503.
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Microprocessor and Interfacing in regards to digital computer,
microprocessor ALU, Intel 8086Microprocessor.
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Introduction: Digital Computer, Microcomputer organization and its operation, Instruction execution,
Evolution of Microprocessor, Microprocessors Architecture and operation, Registers.
2. Microprocessors ALU: Control Unit, Bus operation, Memory array design and memory interfacing
3. Introduction to Intel 8086 Microprocessor: Introduction, Architecture, Addressing Modes, Instruction Set
Group-B (30-Marks)
6. Intel 8086 Interfacing with 8255 PPI: Introduction to Programmable Peripheral Interface (8255), Architecture,
Operation, Programming.
7.Intel 8086 Interfacing with 8254 PIT: Introduction to Programmable Interval Timer (8254), Architecture,
Operation, Programming.
8. Intel 8086 Interfacing with 8259 PIC and Other ICs: Introduction to Programmable Interrupt Controller (8259),
Keyboard and Display Interface (8279), Architecture, Operation, DMA.
Recommended Books:
1 Douglas V Hall Microprocessor and Interfacing Programming and
2 Mohammed Rafiquzzaman Microprocessors and Microcomputer-Based System
3 R. Gaonkar Microprocessors Architecture, Programming and
4 Myke Predka Programming and customizing 8051 microcntroller
Course Code: EEE 3506 Course Title: Microprocessor and Interfacing Sessional
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Credit Hours:1.5 Contact Hours: 3 per Week
Objectives: This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 3505. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 3505.
List of experiments:
1. Familiarization with MDA-8086 microprocessor kit and its operation in machine code mode.
2. Loading the machine codes of a sample program to MDA-8086 with execution and verification of the
3. Familiarization with serial monitor mode operation of MDA-8086 and verification of arithmetic operations.
4. Logic operations in assembly language.
5. Programing control instructions in assembly language.
6. Interrupt system of 8086 microprocessor.
7. Flashing an LED array by interfacing with PPI 8255A with 8086.
8. Displaying a 7 segment display.
9. Operation of Dot Matrix LED.
10. Basic of Microcontroller programming.
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Communication Theory in regards to communication systems at
a glance, noise, communication systems ,angle and pulse modulation, digital communication system, satellite
communication, microwave link & radar
Section A
(Mid Term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Communication Systems at a glance: Basic Principles, fundamental elements, system limitations, message
source, bandwidth requirements, transmission media types, and bandwidth and transmission capacity.
2. Noise: Source, characteristics of various types of noise and signal to noise ratio, Measure of information, source
encoding, error free communication over noisy channel, channel capacity of a continuous system and channel
capacity of a discrete memory less system.
3. Communication systems: Transmission types-base-band transmission, carrier transmission, AM (information
given by the amplitude of the signal), DSB-FC (Double side band - full carrier), Envelope detector DSB-SC
(Double side band - suppressed carrier), SSB (single side band), VSB (vestigial side band), Quadrature
modulation/multiplexing and reception by Costas loop, Super heterodyne receiver, Automatic Gain Control,
spread spectrum, SS7 system. TV-transmitter & Receiver.
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Group B (30 Marks)
6. Digital Communication System: Digital modulation technique, PSK, FSK- continuous & discontinuous phase
FSK, minimum shift keying., DPSK & QAM, Quadrature PSK, noise performance, M-array modulation
techniques, spectrum of digital signals, Digital carriers system, Sources of error in digital communication systems,
Error control coding, Nyquist sampling theorem, ISI, Eye diagram, Baseband coding (modulation), Delta
Modulation (DM)-principle, adaptive DM.Quantization of analog system, Quantization of noise PAM, PWM, PPM,
7. Satellite Communication:Introduction, Satellite construction, Orbits, Station keeping, Satellite altitude,
Transmission path, Noise considerations, Satellite system, Effective isotropic radiated power, Multiplexing
technique- TDM, FDM, CDM- principle, receiver synchronization, frame synchronization, Multiple Access
System- TDMA, FDMA, CDMA- principle, benefits, Low orbit satellites for mobile communication, Earth
station, Satellite link analysis.
8. Microwave Link & Rader: Microwave link and its advantage, Frequency assignment, Transmitting and
receiving equipment , repeater , Microwave carrier supply, Basic principle, Radar equation and range, Power used
in Radar , Factors influencing maximum range, MTI & Pulse radar,Duplexer, SONAR
Recommended Books:
1 Wayne Tomasi, : Modern Communication System
2 B.P. Lathi : Modern Digital & Analog Communication systems
3 Basely & Miller, : Modern Electronic Communication
4 Gorge Kennedy & Bernard Devis : Electronic Communication Systems
Objectives:This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 3601. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 3601.
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Digital Signal Processing in regards to introduction to digital
signal processing (DSP), impulse response, solution of difference equation, Z-transform, discrete time harmonic
analysis, discrete Fourier transform, digital and IIR filters.
Group-B (30-Marks)
6. Discrete Fourier transform: DFT definition and properties, Fast Fourier transform (FFT), inverse fast
Fourier transform
7. Digital Filter: FIR filters - linear phase filters, specifications, design using window, optimal and frequency
sampling methods
8. IIR filters: specifications, design using impulse invariant, bi-linear Z transformation Least-square methods
and finite precision effects
Recommended Books:
1. J. G. Proakis& D. G. Manolakis Digital Signal Processing, 4th Edition
2. Lawrence R. Rabiner& Bernard Gold Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing
3. Alan V. Oppenheim & Ronald W. Schafer Digital Signal Processing
4. Richard G. Lyons Understanding Digital Signal Processing
5. William D. Stanley Digital Signal Processing
Objectives: This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 3603. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 3603.
List of Experiments
1. Study of Sampling, Quantization and Encoding
2. Time domain analysis of Discrete time Signals and Systems I
3. Time domain analysis of Discrete time Signals and Systems II
4. z-Transform and its application I
5. z-Transform and its application II
6. Frequency domain analysis of Discrete time Signals and Systems I
7. Frequency domain analysis of Discrete time Signals and Systems
Objectives; : In this course student will learn about Electrical Properties of Materials in regards to crystal
structures, classical theory of electrical and thermal conduction, introduction to quantum mechanics, band theory,
modern theory of metals, dielectric and magnetic properties of materials, introduction of superconductivity.
Section A
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Crystal Structures: Types of Crystals, lattice and basis, Bravias lattice and Miller indices.
2. Classical theory of electrical and thermal conduction: Scattering, mobility and resistivity, temperature
dependence of metal resistivity, Mathiessens rule, Hall effect and thermal conductivity.
3. Introduction to Quantum mechanics: Wave nature of electrons, Schrodinger equation, one dimentional
quantum problems-infinite quantum well, potential step and potential barrier; Heisenbergs uncertainty principle
and quantum box, Band theory of solids.
Recommended Books:
1 A.J. Dekker Electrical Engineering Materials
2 S .O. Kasap Electrical Engineering Materials
Objectives:In this course student will learn about Solid State Devices in regards to energy bands in solids, carrier
transport processes and excess carrier, PN junction:, forward and reverse bias, bipolar junction and junction field
effect transistor, metal semiconductor, FET and MOS FET
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Energy Bands in Solids and Carrier Concentrations: Energy bands, Metals, Semiconductor and
Insulators, Electrons and Holes, Effective mass, intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors, The Fermi Level,
Electron and Hole concentrations of Equilibrium. l
2. Carrier transport processes and excess carriers: Conductivity and mobility, Drift and Resistance, The
Hall-Effect, Diffusion processes, Diffusion and Drift Carriers, Built -in -field, Diffusion and Recombination,
Einstein relations, The continuity and diffusion equations for holes and electrons.;.
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3. PN Junction: Fabrication of PN Junction,, The Contact Potential, Equilibrium Conditions, Equilibrium
Fermi Level, Space charge at a junction.
Section-B (Final Exam: 50 Marks)
Group-A (20-Marks)
4. Forward and reverse bias: Carrier injection, minority and majority carrier currents, Reverse Bias, Zener
and Avalanche Breakdown , Time variation of stored charge, Capacitance of PN Junction, Varactor
5. Bipolar Junction Transistor: Basic Principle of pnp and npn transistors, emitter efficiency, base
transport factor and current gain, Solution of the diffusion equation in the base, Terminal currents, The
coupled diode model , Ebers-Moll equations, frequency limitation of transistors.
Group-B (30-Marks)
6. Junction Field Effect Transistor: Introduction, qualitative theory of operation, Pinch-off and Saturation,
Gate Control, Current-Voltage Characteristics,
7. Metal Semiconductor FET: The GaAs MESFET, HEMET, Energy band diagram of metal semiconductor
junction, rectifying and ohmic contact, The Metal Insulator Semiconductor FET Basic Operation. The
Ideal MOS Capacitor
8. MOS FET: MOS Output and Transfer Characteristics, Short Channel I-V Characteristics, Threshold
Voltage, Qualitative theory of MOSFET operation , Equivalent Circuit of a MOSFET. MOSFET Scaling
and Hot Electron Effects.
Recommended Books:
1 Ban G Streetmen & Sanjay Solid State Electronic Devices
2 H.P. Myers. Physics Introduction to Solid State Physics
3 Floyd Electronic Devices
4 J. Millman & C.C Halkias Electronic Devices and Circuit.
Course Code: EEE3617 Course Title:Solid State Physics and Material Science
Credit Hour:3 Contact Hour: 3 per week
Objectives:In this course student will learn aboutSolid State Physics and Material Science in regards to band theory
of solids, electrical conduction in metals, ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism, conduction in semiconductor,
superconductivity, dielectric properties, insulating materials and mechanical properties.
Section A
(Mid-Term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Band Theory of Solids : Nearly free electron model, Origin of energy gap, Bloch Functions, Bloch Theorem,
Kronig-Penney model, Wave equation of electron in a periodic potentials, Fermi energy, Fermi surface,
2. Electrical Conduction in Metals: Electrons in field free crystal, Electron gas approximation, Boltzmann transport
equation, Mean free path, Temperature dependence of resistivity; Structural dependence of resistivity.
3. Ferromagnetism and Antiferromagnetism: Curie point and exchange integral, Temperature dependence of the
saturation magnetization;; Ferromagnetic order; Curie temperature and susceptibility of ferromagnets;
Antiferromagnetic order; Origin of domains.
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Section- B (Final Exam: 50 Marks)
Group- A (20-Marks)
4. Conduction in Semiconductor: Semiconductors, Band model of semiconductor, intrinsic semiconductor, Extrinsic
semiconductors, Drift mobility, Diffusion constant, Minority carrier life time, Hall effect, Metal-semiconductor
5. Superconductivity: Basic properties of superconductors; The critical field; Meissner effect; London equations;
BCS theory of superconductivity; Josephson effect; Super-conducting magnet..
Recommended Books:
1 C. Kitte Introduction to Solid State Physics
2 A. J. Dekker Solid State Physics
3 V. Azarroff & J. J. Brophy Electronic process in Materials
4 B. S. Saxena, R.C. Gupta and P. N. Fundamentals of Solid State Physics
5 Ali Omar C. A. Wert and & R. M. Thomson
6 J. C. Anderson, K. D. Leaver, Materials Science
Objectives:In this course students will learn about the working principle, operation and maintenance of various types
of measuring instruments in regards to both the electrical and non-electrical quantities. They will also learn about the
data transmission system and signal conditioning.
Section A
(Mid-Term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Instruments & its static characteristics: Instrument systems, Functional elements, Classification of
instrument, Standards & calibration, Performance parameters, Impedance loading & matching,
Specifications of instruments, Selection of instruments.
2. Dynamic characteristics: Formulation of system equations, Dynamic response, Compensation, Transducer
elements, Analog & digital transducers. Mechanical and Optical traducers.
3. Amplifying, transmitting & recording elements: Amplifying elements, Data transmission elements;
indicating, recording, and displaying elements.
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Group-B (30 Marks)
6. Measurement of non-electrical quantities: Temperature, pressure, flow, level, strain, force and torque.
7. Acoustic Instruments: Microphones, Loud speaker, Architectural elements, Measurement of reverberation
time and its correction, Absorption of sound.
8. Grounding and Cabling Techniques: Noise, methods of noise coupling and eliminating interference,
shielding of conductor, capacitive coupling, effect of shield on capacitive coupling, inductive coupling,
magnetic coupling, shielding to prevent magnetic radiation, shielding a receiver against magnetic field,
and grounding.
Recommended Books:
1 B.C.Nakra & K.K. Choudhury Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis
2 A. K. Sawhney Electrical and Elec. Measurement and Instruments
3 J. L. Hunter Applied Acoustics
4 W. D. Cooper Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement Technique
5 S. Wolf & R. M. Smith Student Reference Manual
6 C. S. Rangan, G. R.Sarma, Instrumentation devices and systems.
& V. S. Vmani
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Course Code: EEE 3621 Course Title: Engineering Electromagnetism
Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3 per Week
[Pre requisite: EEE 1201 Electrical Circuits II]
Objectives: In this course student will get comprehensive idea about electromagnetism ,Maxwell equation, static
electric fields, magneto statics, time varying electric fields, wave guide ,transmission line, behavior of materials in
( Mid-term Exam:30 Marks)
1. Electrostatic Fields: Gausss Law- Maxwells Equation, Application of Gausss Law, Electric Potential,
An Electric Dipole & Flux Lines, Energy Density in Electrostatic Fields.
2. Electric Fields in Materials Space: Polarization in Dielectrics, Dielectric Constant and strength, Linear
& Isotropic and Homogeneous Dielectrics, Continuity Equation and Relaxation Time, Boundary
3. Electrostatic Boundary Value Problems: Poissons and Laplaces Equations, Uniqueness Theorem,
General Procedures for solving Poissons or Laplaces Equation, Method of Images.
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Mathematical Models of Systems: transfer function and state-space models, conversion between transfer
function and state-space models, Linearization.
2. Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs: Block diagrams of systems block diagram reduction, signal flow
graphs of systems, Mason's formula, Signal flow graphs of state equations. Effect of adding poles and zeros,
3. Stability: Bounded-input bounded-output (BIBO) stability, Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion, Stability in State
Section-B (Final Exam: 50 Marks)
Group-A (20-Marks)
4. Time Response: Pole-zero plots, first and second order transient responses, higher order system approximation,
Laplace transform and time domain solution of State equations.
5. Steady-state Error: Steady-state Error for feedback systems, System Type, Sensitivity, and Steady-stat Error for
Systems in State Space.
Group-B (30-Marks)
6. Dynamic Compensation: Feedback compensation, lead-lag compensation.
7. Root Locus Analysis and Design: Definition of root locus, Properties of root locus, sketching of root locus plots.
Effect of open-loop zeros and poles. Root locus design concepts The root locus method, rules for root locus
plotting and construction of root locus, root locus design.
8. Frequency Response Analysis and Design: Frequency response, polar plots, Bode plots and Nyquist diagrams,
stability criterion, gain and phase margins, compensator design in the frequency domain. Digital Control System
Recommended Books:
1 N.S. Nise Control Systems Engineering, 4-th Edition, Wiley, 2004.
2 R.C. Dorf and R.H. Bishop Modern Control Systems, 11-th Edition, Prentice-Hall,
3 G.F. Franklin, J.D. Powell, Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, 5-th Edition,
and A. Emami-Naeini Prentice-Hall, 2006.
MATLAB Software
MATLAB is a popular computation and visualization software package developed by the MathWorks, Inc. In this
course, MATLAB will be used together with its Control System Toolbox. The best way to learn MATLAB in the
control context is through the web-based Control Tutorials for MATLAB (
The tutorials combine explanatory text with sample MATLAB commands and illustrative plots and graphics. The
outline of the tutorials closely follows that of most undergraduate control textbooks, and should be a useful on-line
tool for all control stream courses.
Course Code: EEE 4702 Course Title: Control System I Sessional
Credit Hours:1.5 Contact Hours: 3 per week
Objectives: This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 4701. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learn in EEE4701.
List of Experiment:
1.State space representation using MATLAB.
2.Introduction to Matlab simulink.
3. DC Motor position modeling in Simulink.
4. Study about PI, PD and PID controller.
5. DC Motor position modeling using PID controller.
6. Root locus design method for DC Motor speed control.
7. Study about the PIC Microcontroller.
8. Computer based practical control system for DC motor speed control.
9. Stepper motor control using PIC Microcontroller.
10.Introduction to Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).
D. Elective Courses
Power Systems Engineering
Course Code: EEE 3510 Course Title: Circuit Simulation Sessional
Credit Hours:1.5 Contact Hours: 3 per Week
[Pre requisite: EEE 2301 Electronics I]
Objectives: In this course students will learn about electrical and electronic circuit simulation.
A. In the simulation laboratory based on EEE 1101 and EEE 1201 theory courses, students will verify the theories
and concepts learned in EEE 1101 and EEE 1201 using simulation software like pspice and Matlab. Students will
also perform specific design of dc and ac circuits theoretically and by simulation.
B. In Simulation laboratory based on EEE 2301 and EEE 2403 theory courses, students will verify the theories and
concepts learned in EEE 2301 and EEE 2403 using simulation soft wares like pspice and Matlab. Students will also
perform specific design of electronic circuits theoretically and by simulation.
List of Experiment:
1. Introduction of PSPICE
2. Determination of voltage indifferent nodes and current in different branches by SPICE coding.
3. Simulation of circuits containing Diode by SPICE coding.
4. Simulation of circuits containing Transistor by SPICE coding.
5. Simulation of circuits containing Operational Amplifier By SPICE coding.
6. Simulation of different filter circuits in SPICE schematics.
7. Simulation of oscillator circuits in SPICE schematics.
8. Simulation of Digital logic circuits.
9. Familiarization with Proteus simulator.
10. Simulation of oscillator circuits in Proteus simulator.
11. PCB design by Proteus simulator.
12. Simulation of Digital Clock circuit in Proteus simulator.
Course Code: EEE 3512 Course Title: Electrical Services Design Sessional
Credit Hours:1.5 Contact Hours: 3 per week
Objectives: In this course students will learn about domestic and industrial electrical services. Wiring system design,
drafting, and estimation. Design for illumination and lighting. Electrical installations system design: substation, BBT
and protection, air-conditioning, heating and lifts. Design for intercom, public address systems, telephone system and
LAN. Design of security systems including CCTV, fire Alarm, smoke detector, burglar alarm, and sprinkler system.
A design problem on a multi-storied building.
Experiment list:
1) Familiarization with different types of tools and their use.
2) Familiarization with different kinds of wire, wire joint
3) To learn about wire size estimation and calculation.
4) To learn about different types of installation of wiring system.
5) To learn about different types of lighting accessories.
6) To learn about different types of protective devices and their working principle.
7) To learn about electrical earthling and neutral wiring system.
8) Familiarization with the symbol of electrical wiring, fitting and fixture and conduit layout.
9) To learn about a system drawing and load calculation -1
10) To learn about a system drawing and load calculation -2
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11) Final project drawing concepts and working schedule.
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Power system in regards to underground transmission lines
cables, power system stability, flexible ac transmission system, overhead transmission lines cables, series impedance
of transmission lines, line parameters, factors affecting stability and power quality.
(Mid-term Exam:30 Marks)
1. Transmission lines cables(Underground): Construction of cables, Insulating materials of cables,
Classifications, Dielectric stress in a single core cable, Most economical conductor size in a cable, grading of
cables, capacitance of 3 core cables, Measurement of Ce and Cc, current carrying capacity of UG cables,
Types of faults, loop test for location of faults in UG cables
2. Power System Stability: Stability limits and power transmission capability, power angle curve, swing
equation, M and H constants, equal area criterion stability, multimechine stability system.
3. Flexible ac transmission system (FACTS): Basic types of FACTS controllers, static synchoronous
generator, SSSC, IPFC,UPFC, TCPST, IPC,TCVL.[2] High voltage DC transmission : advantages of HVDC
transmission, economic distance for HVDC transmission, components of HVDC transmission system,
limitation of HVDC transmission, application of HVDC transmission.[2]
Group-B (30-Marks)
6. Line parameters: line capacitance, system conductor, capacitance of two wire line, capacitance of
symmetrical three phase line, capacitance of unsymmetrical three phase transposed line, charging current,
capacitance of a three phase single circuit untransposed line, effect of earth on line capacitance, effect of
earth on line capacitance of single circuit three phase line with transposition.[2]
7. Factors Affecting stability: Methods of improving stability, Reactive power compensation, benefits of
reactive power control, major types of VAR compansators, step-by-step solution of swing equation.[2][3]
8. Power quality: factors affecting power quality, sag and swell, harmonics, effect of harmonics, source of
harmonics, mitigation techniques, over voltage, over voltage protection devices.
Recommended Books:
1 V.K. Metha and Rohit Metha Principle of power system
2 Ashfaq Hussain Electrical power systems
3 Willam D. Stevenson. Jr Elements of power system analysis
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Objectives:In this course student will learn about Electrical Machine in regards to universal motor, stepper motor,
reluctance motor, synchro, eElectromagnetic pump, MHD generator, solar PV system and flywheel
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Universal motor: Introduction, Type, Construction, Operation, Speed/Load characteristics, Applications,
Reversal of rotation, Speed control. Permanent Magnet DC motor: Introduction, Construction, Operation,
Properties of Permanent magnets, Types of permanent magnets used for motor, Performance, Speed control,
Advantage, Disadvantage, Application, Elementary theory, Equation for Maximum power. Brushless DC motor:
Introduction, Disadvantage of Brush, Advantage of BLDC, Disadvantage, Application, Comparison of conventional
and brushless DC motor, Drive circuit:- (unipolar & bipolar).
2.Stepper motor: Introduction, Advantage, Step angle, Resolution, Speed, Application, Types: - (variable
reluctance, permanent magnet, hybrid), Variable reluctance stepper motor: - (construction, full-step operation, 2-
phase on mode, half-step operation). Permanent Magnet Synchronous motors: Introduction, Types of magnets
used, Classification, Advantage, Application.
3.Reluctance motor: Introduction, Construction, Operation, Application, Switched reluctance motor: -
(construction, block diagram, advantage, disadvantage, application), Comparison between Variable reluctance
stepper motor & Switched reluctance motor. Hysteresis motor: Introduction, Construction, Working principle,
Advantage, Disadvantage, Application. Electrostatic motor: Introduction, Advantage over Electromagnetic motor,
Pulse driven induction electrostatic motor: - (step of operation, features).
(Repulsion motor: Introduction, Construction, Repulsion principle, Advantage, Disadvantage, Compensated
repulsion motor, Repulsion-start induction-run motor, Repulsion induction motor.
Group-B (30-Marks)
6. MHD generator: Introduction, Working principle, Types: - (open cycle, closed cycle, liquid metal closed cycle),
Advantage. Thermoelectric generator: Introduction, Seeback effect, Working principle, Advantage.
7. Solar PV system: Introduction, Operation, I-V Curve, Short circuit current, Open circuit voltage, Maximum
power, Maximum power point, Fill Factor, Shunt & series resistance, Efficiency, Advantage, Disadvantage,
Application, Basic components: - (inverter, battery bank, charge controller, blocking diode, maximum power point
tracker), Types: - (stand alone, grid connected).
8. Flywheel: Introduction, Benefits, Factors effecting Flywheels energy, Application. Wind Turbine generator:
Introduction, Advantage of Wind energy, Disadvantage, Wind mill, Aero generator, Application, Basic components,
Induction generator: - (operation, advantage), Advantages & disadvantages of Indirect grid connection system.
Books Recommended:
B.L. Theraja & A.K. Theraja Electrical Technology Volume II
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Objectives: In this course student will learn about Power Electronics in regards to power semiconductor switches
and triggering devices, uncontrolled, single-phase controlled and three-phase controlled rectifiers, 2 DC-DC
converters, pulse-width-modulated and resonant pulse inverters , AC voltage controllers.
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Power Semiconductor Switches and Triggering Devices: BJT, MOSFET, SCR, IGBT, GTO, TRIAC, UJT
and DIAC
2. Uncontrolled Rectifiers: Single-Phase Half-Wave rectifier, Performance parameters, Single-Phase Full-Wave
Rectifiers with R load and RL load, Three-Phase Full-Wave Rectifiers with R load and RL load.
3. Single-Phase Controlled Rectifiers: Thyristor Characteristics and Applications, Two Transistor model of
Thyristor, Thyristor Turn-On and Turn-Off, Thyristor types. Phase Controlled Converter operation, Single-
Phase Full Converters with R Load and RL load, Single-Phase Dual Converters and Semiconverters.
Recommended Books:
Muhammad H. Ras Power Electronics, Circuits, Devices and
Applications.(Third Edn)
Objectives:This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 4705. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 4705.
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Power Plant Engineering in regards basic principle of power
plant, steam turbine power plant, gas turbine power plant, hydro electric power plant, nuclear power plant, magneto
hydro dynamic generator, power plant economics and economical problems.
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Introduction: Basic principle of power plant, Brief introductions of various Energy sources, present situation of
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power plants in Bangladesh. Steam Turbine Power Plant: Operating principle, Site selection, Advantages &
2. Steam Turbine Power Plant: Pulverized Coal, Main Accessories, Automatic boiler control, Boilers: Water
tube and Fire tube boilers, Boiler furnace, Types of Condensers: Surface and Jet Condensers, Super Heater,
Economiser, Water treatment Plant.
3. Gas Turbine Power Plant: Operating principle, Constituents of GTPP, Terms and definitions, Gas turbine
cycles, Compressors, combined cycle gas turbine power plant, Advantages & disadvantages.
Group-B (30-Marks)
6. Magneto Hydro Dynamic Generator: Operating principle, Types of MHD generator, Advantages and
disadvantages, Terms and definitions.
7. Power Plant Economics: Input-output curve, Heat rate curve, Incremental rate curve. Generation scheduling,
Economic load sharing, Tariffs.
8. Power Plant Instruments: Classifications of Instruments for Power Plants, Measurement of Pressure,
Temperature, Flow and Impurity Measuring Instruments.
Recommended Books:
1. G.R.Nagpal Power Plant Engineering
2. V.K.Mehta & Rohit Mehta Principles Of Power Systems
3. William A Vopat,Bernhardt G.A. Skrotzki. Power Station Engineering & Economy
Course Coode:EEE-4801 Course Title: Power System Protection
Credit Hours:3 Contact Hours: 3 per week
[Prerequisite course: EEE 3503 Power System I]
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Power System Protection in regards to switchgear, fuse & relay,
circuit breakers and breaker ratings; transformer, generator, motor, bus and transmission line protection; static,
digital and numerical relay
( Mid-term Exam:30 Marks)
1. Introduction to Switchgear: Purpose of power system protection, Introduction to Switchgear, circuit interruption
and protection. Criteria for detecting faults and requirements of protective devices, Terminologies and general
characteristics of relays and circuit breaker
2 Fuse & Relay:, Fuse and its types, Relays: over-current, differential, directional, distance. Electromechanical
3. Circuit breakers: control systems, Trip circuit, arc extinction methods, Types of circuit breaker, Different types
of protective devices used in Switchgear.
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5. Transformer protection: Different types of faults in Transformer, different types of protection scheme in
transformer, Buocholz Relay etc. Integrated HV transmission line protection, Combined Transformer and Bus bar
Group-B (30-Marks)
6. Generator and Motor protection: Introduction, Different types of faults in Generator and motor, different types
of protection scheme.
7. Bus and Transmission line protection: Bus bar arrangement, Pilot-wire and carrier current protection, different
types of Bus and Transmission line protection scheme, Over voltage protection, lightning and lightning arresters,
8. Static and digital/numerical relay : definition, features, Operation, application, Block diagram and types,
Microcontroller and Microprocessor based protection.
Recommended Books
1. V.K. Mehta Principles of Power System
2. J. Lewis Blackburn Protective Relaying
3. Sunil S. Rao Switchgear and protection
4. B. Ravindranath Power system protection and Switchgear
5. T. Davis Protection of Industrial power systems
Objectives: This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 4871. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 4801.
List of Experiment
Objectives:In this course student will learn about Power System Reliability in regards to reliability concepts,
Markov process, probabilistic generation and load models, reliability indices, reliability evaluation techniques of
single area system.
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(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1.Basic Probability Theory:
2. Probability Distribution: Binomial, Poison and Normal
3. Reliability Concepts: Failure rate, outage, mean time to failure, series and parallel systems and redundancy.
Group-B (30-Marks)
6. Reliability indices: Loss of load probability
7. Reliability indices: Loss of Energy probability and Frequency and duration Method
8. Reliability evaluation techniques of single area system:
Recommended Books:
1 Roy Billinton and Ronald N Allan Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems
2 Roy Billinton and Ronald N Allan Reliability Evaluation of power Systems
Course Coode: EEE-4805 Course Title: Power System Operation and Control
Credit Hours:3 Contact Hours: 3 per week
[Prerequisite course: EEE 3503 Power System I]
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Power System Operation and Control in regards to evaluation of
small network, SCADA, power market, economic operation of power generation, control of voltage and frequency,
conventional and competitive electricity market and Power system control.
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Principles of power system operation: State evaluation of small network, Phasor diagram Method, summation
of losses method, two port equation.
2. State estimation: Underlying assumption, solution method, SCADA,
3. Power market: conventional and competitive environment. Overview of power system operation
Group-B (30-Marks)
6. Overview of optimum power flow and its application. Static security analysis, dynamic security analysis.
7. Power system control: Control of frequency, control of active power generation, spinning reserve.
8. Automatic generation control and control of reactive power and Voltage
Recommended Books:
1 Leonard L. Grigsby Power System Stability and Control", CRC Press, 2007
2 Wood, B.F. Wollenberg Power Generation Operation and Control", Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1996
3 P. Kundur, EPR! Power System Engineering Series, MacGraw-Hill Inc., 1994
4 J.D. Glover and M.S. Sarma Power System Analysis and Design", Third Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2002
5 M. Shahidehpour, H. Yamin, Z. Li, Market Operations in Electric Power Systems", John Wiley and Sons, 2002
6 Stuart A. Boyer "SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition"
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Course Code: EEE 4807 Course Title: High Voltage Engineering
Credit Hours:3 Contact Hours: 3 per week
[Prerequisite course: EEE 3503 Power System I]
Objectives:In this course student will learn about High Voltage Engineering in regards to high voltage generators,
transformer, insulators, high voltage measuring , testing and switching.
Section A
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. High voltage dc: Rectifier circuits, voltage multipliers, Van-de-Graaf and electrostatic generators.
2. High voltage ac: Cascaded transformers and Tesla coils.
3. Impulse voltage: Shapes, mathematical analysis, codes and standards,
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Course Code: EEE 4808 Course Title: High Voltage Engineering Sessional
Credit Hours:1.5 Contact Hours: 3 per week
Objectives: This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 4807. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 4807.
Electronics Engineering
Course Code: EEE 3515 Course Title: Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits-I
Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2 per week
[Prerequisite course: EEE 2403 Electronics II]
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits in regards to analog IC ,
MOS device model, single stage amplifiers , differential and feedback amplifiers , noises and current mirror.
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Introduction to Analog IC: Why analog, CMOS and Integration? Design flow of analog IC Design, application,
challenges, future of Analog IC design.
2. General Consideration: Type of Transistor, MOSFET as a switch, MOSFET structure, MOSFET symbol, MOS
I/V Characteristics : Threshold voltage, Derivation of I/V characteristics, Second order effect
3. MOS Device Model:MOS Device layout, MOS Device Capacitance, MOS small signal Model, MOS SPICE
model, NMOS vs PMOS Device, Long Channel vs short channel devices
Group-B (30-Marks)
6. Differential amplifiers: Basic differential amplifiers, basic differential pair, common mode response, Differential
pair with CMOS load
7. Current mirror: Basic Current mirror, Cascade mirror
8. Active current mirror-: large signal analysis, small signal analysis, common mode properties
Recommended Books:
1 Behzad Razavi Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, Mc Graw Hill
2 P.E Hellen, D.R Holberg CMOS Analog Circuits Design, Oxford University Press
3 R. Bakar, H. Li. D. Boyce IEEE Press
Course Code: EEE 3516 Course Title: Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits Sessional-I
Credit Hours:1 Contact Hours: 2 per week
Objectives: This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE3515. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 3515.
List of Experiments:
1. Analyse and design of I/V characteristics of nMOS transistor
2. Analyse and design of I/V characteristics of pMOS transistor
3. Analysis and design of subrhreshold characteristics of nMOS transistor
4. Analyse and design of Source follower.
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5. Analyse and design of current mirror.
6. Project
Objectives: In this course students will learn about Digital Integrated circuit in regards to the characteristic and
operation of bipolar and MOS switching circuits. low power high-performance design techniques & layout
techniques for complex gates.
Section-A (Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Switching Characteristics of a Transistor: Diodes-stored charge, turn off transient, storage time,wave-forms,
turn-on transient associated with a transistor.
2.Transistors - charge control parameters, estimation of turn-off and turn-on delay times.
3. Operation of Bipolar and MOS Switching Circuits: Transistor gated, inverters, NAND, NOR and OR gates and
compatibility requirements, binary circuits bistable, monostable, astable, Schmitt trigger (BJT & MOS).
Group-B(30 Marks)
6.Analyzing powerconsumption in CMOS chip. Design techniques for low-power high-performance
7. Circuit Layout Techniques-Layout Design Rules: Creating a manufacturable layout. Layer representation,
Intralayer Constraints, Interlayer Constraints (transistor, contact, via, well contact, substrate contact).
8.Layout Techniques for Complex Gates: Weinberger and standard-cell layout techniques. Power Distribution
Network, Parasitics (Sidewall Capacitance, parasitic capacitance, etc.) finger transistors, guard ring, signal shielding,
mixing analog and digital building blocks on one chip.etc.
Recommended Books:
1 Jan M. Rabaey Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective, Prentice
Course Code: EEE 3612 Course Title: Digital Integrated Circuit Sessional
Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 2 per week
Objectives: This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 3611. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 3611
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Course Code: EEE 3621 Course Title: Analog CMOS Integrated Circuit II
Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2 per Week
[Prerequisite Course : EEE3515Analog CMOS Integrated Circuit I]
Objectives: In this course students will learn about Digital Integrated circuit in regards to the frequency response,
noise, feedback topologies, operational amplifiers in the analog integrated circuit using CMOS technology.
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Frequency response: Frequency response of amplifiers, miller effect, poles with nodes, Common source stage,
Source follower, Common gate stage, Cascade stage: Cascade stage
2. Noise: Characteristics of noise, type of noise, Representation of Noise in Circuits, Noise in Single-stage amplifier,
noise in different pairs, noise bandwidth
3. Feedback: Feedback topologies- voltage-voltage , current-voltage,voltage-current, current-current, Effect of
Group-B (30-Marks)
7. Switch capacitor circuits: Sampling switches, switched capacitor circuits including unity gain buffer, amplifier
and integrator.
8. Short channel effect and device model: scaling theory, Threshold variation, MOS Device Model: Level- 1,2,3
and other, Charge and capacitance modeling
Recommended Books:
1 Behzad razavi Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits
2 P.E Hellen, D.R Holberg CMOS Analog Circuits Design
3 R. Bakar, H. Li. D. Boyce CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation
Course Code: EEE 3622 Course Title: Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits Sessional-II
Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 2 per week
Objectives: This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 3621. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 36217
Course Code: EEE 4709 Course Title: Processing and Fabrication Technology
Credit Hours:3 Contact Hours: 3 per week
[Prerequisite course: EEE 3607 Solid State Devices]
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Processing and fabrication technology in regards to
semiconductor devices, substrate materials, etching, cleaning, doping techniques, lithography, deposition techniques
and discrete device fabrication
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1.Substrate materials: Crystal growth and wafer preparation, epitaxial growth technique, molecular beam
epitaxy, chemical vapor phase epitaxy and chemical vapor deposition (CVD).
2.Doping techniques: Diffusion and ion implantation.
3.Growth and deposition of dielectric layers: Thermal oxidation, CVD, plasma CVD, sputtering and
silicon-nitride growth.
Section-B (Final Exam: 50 Marks)
Group-A (20-Marks
4.Etching: Wet chemical etching, silicon and GaAs etching, anisotropic etching, selective etching, dry
physical etching, ion beam etching, sputtering etching and reactive ion etching.
5.Cleaning: Surface cleaning, organic cleaning and RCA cleaning.
6.Lithography: Photo-reactive materials, pattern generation, pattern transfer and metalization.
7.Discrete device fabrication: Diode, transistor, resistor and capacitor. Integrated circuit fabrication:
Isolation - pn junction isolation, mesa isolation and oxide isolation.
8. BJT based microcircuits: p-channel and n-channel MOSFETs, complimentary MOSFETs and silicon
on insulator devices. Testing, bonding and packaging.
Recommended Books:
1 A. Campbell Fabrication Engineering at the Micro- and Nanoscale, Prentice Hall, 3rd ed., Oxford University Pres
2 Stephen A. Campbell Oxford University Pres
Course Code: EEE 4711 Course Title: VLSI System Design and Modeling
Credit Hours:3 Contact Hours: 2 per week
[Prerequisite course: EEE 3607 Solid State Devices]
Objectives: In this course student will learn about VLSI design technique and modelingas well asCMOS
circuit design, characteristics and applications.
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Architecture for Low Power. Architecture Testing. s.
Reccomended Books:
1 Ulrich Heinkel, Martin Padeffke, Werner Haas, The VHDL Reference, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Thomas Buerner, Herbert Braisz, Thomas Gentner,
Alexander Grassmann
2 Adam Wolves Modern VLSI Design: System on silicon.l
3 Wayne Wolf Modern VLSI Design, Oxford Mc Graw Hill
4 Weste & Eshraghian Principles of CMOS VLSI Design
5 Douglas Perry VHDL, Mc Graw Hill
Course Code: EEE 4712 Course Title: VLSI System Design and Modeling Sessional
Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 2 per week
Objectives: This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 4711. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 4711.
Laboratory works based on EEE4711
1. Installation of VLSI Software and introduction of the manual.
2. nWell CMOS design rules.
3. Layout design for the CMOS inverter and simulation.
4. Layout design for CMOS NAND2 and simulation.
5. Layout design for CMOS NOR2 and simulation.
6. Layout design for CMOS XOR2 and simulation.
7. Design the layout of a standard half adder and simulation.
8. Design the layout of a standard full adder and simulation.
9. Design of the layout of 6-transistor static RAM and simulation.
10. Design of the layout of 4-bit Manchester adder and simulation.
11. Other relevant design related this course.
Course Code: EEE 4713 Course Code: Compound Semiconductor and Hetero-junction Devices
Credit Hours:3 Contact Hours: 3 per week
[Prerequisite course: EEE 2403 Electronics II]
Objectives:In this course student will learn about Compound Semiconductor and hetro-junction devices in regards
to the structure of compound semiconductors andcharacteristics of hetero-junction dvices and their preparation.
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7.Hetero-structure bipolar transistor (HBT): Structure and operating principle, quasi-static analysis,
8. Different Models: Extended Gummel-Poon model, Ebers-Moll model, secondary effects and band
diagram of a graded alloy base HBT.
Recommended Books:
1 Donald A. Neamen Semiconductor Physics and Devices, 3rd Ed., McGraw Hill
2 M.N. Horenstein Solid State Electronic Device, 3rd Ed., McGraw Hill
3 S. M. Sze Semiconductor Devices Physics and Technology, John Wiley & Sons
Objectives:In this course students learn about Integrated VLSI fabrication process, design layout, floor planning
Section A (Mid Term: 30 Marks)
1.VLSI MOS system design layout extraction: Fabrication Process, Wires and Bias, Design rules and tools
2.VLSI MOS system design layout verification,
3. Full and semi-full custom design styles and logical and physical positioning.
Course Code: EEE 4810 Course Title: Integrated VLSI System Sessional
Credit Hours: 1.5 Contact Hours: 3 per week
Objectives:This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 4809. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 4809.
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Optoelectronics in regards to optical properties in
semiconductor, LED, Laser, Photo-detectors and solar cells.
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2.Properties of light: Particle and wave nature of light, polarization, interference, diffraction and blackbody
3.Light emitting diode (LED): Principles, materials for visible and infrared LED, internal and external efficiency,
loss mechanism, structure and coupling to optical fibers.
Recommended Books::
1 O.Kasap Optoelectronics and Photonics, Prentice Hall
2 M. A. Parker Physics of Optoelectronics, CRC, 2005
3 E. Rosencher, B. Vinter, and P. G. Piva Optoelectronics, Cambridge University Press
4 G. Cardinale Optoelectronics: Introductory Theory & Experiments, Delmar Cengage Learning
Objectives; In this course student will learn about Semiconductor Device Theory in regards to band theory of solid,
energy bands, lattice vibrations, band structure of semiconductor, scattering theory.
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8. IC Testing, Bonding and Packaging: Testing, Wire bonding, Flip-Chip Techniques and Packging.
Recommended Books:
1 Donald A. Neamen Semiconductor Physics and Devices, 3rd Ed., McGraw Hill
2. M.N. Horenstein Solid State Electronic Device, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall
3. S. M. Sze Semiconductor Devices Physics and Technology, John Wiley & Sons
4. B. G. Streetmen Solid State Electronic Devices.
&S.Kumer Banerjee.
Objectives:In this course student will learn about Renewable Energy System in regards to solar constants, solar
collectors and their characteristics, solar cells, wind energy and other non-conventional energy.
Section- A
(Mid-term:Marks 30)
1. Introduction: - World energy, requirements and reserve; Source of non Conventional
energy, solar energy conversion systems. Topics include environmental benefits of solar
2. Solar constant: Solar geometry, Azimuth, Declination, Day length, Solar radiation , Measurement of
Solar radiation. solar thermal systems, concentration solar power,
3. Solar collectors: Flat plate collectors; collector efficiency factor; heat removal factor and flow rate
factor. heat removal factor and flow rate factor.
Spectral Estimation. Correlation and power spectrum. Cross-spectral densities.
Response of linear systems to random inputs. Introduction to discrete time processes,
Mean-square error estimation, Detection and linear filtering.
Objectives :In this course student will learn about Digital Signal Processing in regards to spectral estimation,
periodogram, adaptive signal processing, IR filters, multirate DSP and wavelets.
Section- A
(Mid-term: Marks 30)
1. Spectral estimation: Nonparametric methods discrete random processes, autocorrelation sequence,
2. Periodogram; parametric method autoregressive modeling, forward/backward linear prediction,
3. Algorithm: Levinson-Durbin algorithm, minimum variance method and Eigen-structure method I and II.
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1 Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer Digital Signal Processing.
2 Rabiner and Gold. A Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing
3 William D. Stanley Digital Signal Processing
4 J. G. Proakis and D. G. Manolakis. Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications
5 Richard G. Lyons. Understanding Digital Signal Processing
Objectives: In this course the student will learn about Microwave Engineering in regards to generation and.
transmission of microwave energy and microwave devices.
Section- A
(Mid-term: Marks 30)
1. Transmission Lines: Transmission line equations and parameters; Transmission line configuration and formulae,
Transmission line at radio and audio frequency.
2. Impedance matching: Line termination, Smith chart, S. W. R. Q and band width, Balanced and unbalanced feeder
from transmitter to antenna, Distortion less line.
3. Wave Guides: Rectangular and cylindrical wave guides, Cavity resonators, Microstrip lines and their
Section B ( Final Examinaton-50 Marks)
Group A-(20 marks)
4. Microwave Components:Microwave hybrid circuits, scattering parameters, Wave guide Tees, Directional
couplers, Circulators and Isolators, Phase shifter and attenuator.
5. Solid state microwave devices. Gunn diode, IMPATT Diode, TRAPATI Diode.
Group B-(30 marks)
6. Microwave Tubes:Klystron, Magnetron, TWT.
7. Microwave Antenna: Hertzian and half wave dipoles. Mono pole, horn, rhombic and parabolic reflector, array,
and Yagi-Uda antenna.
8. Microwave Link: Microwave link and its advantage, Frequency assignment and modulation methods,
Transmitting and receiving equipment, Base band repeater, IF repeater, Microwave carrier supply, Auxiliary
Recommended Books:
1 D. Raddy & Coolen Electrical Communication
2 J. D .Ryder Networks, Lines and Fields
3 Bronwell and Beam Theory and Application for Microwave
4 J.B.Kraus Antennas
5 J Reich Microwave Principle
6 Y. Liao Microwave Devices and Circuits Devices
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Course Code: EEE 4724 Course Title: Microwave Engineering Sessional
Credit Hours:1.5 Contact Hours: 3 per week
Objectives: This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 4723. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 4723.
Objectives:In this course student will lean about Optical fiber Communication in regards to characteristics optical
fibre, light sources and detectors for optical communication, noises, receiver analysis , optical amplifier and multi-
channel optical system.
Section- A
(Mid-term: Marks 30)
1. Introduction: Principle of light transmission in a fiber, propagation of light in an optical fiber, ray model and
wave model.
2. Optical fiber: Types and characteristics, transmission characteristics, fiber joints and fiber couplers.
3. Losses in fibers, Dispersion, Power and rise time budget, SNR and BER calculations,
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Digital Communication in regards to sampling, multiplexing,
information theory, source coding, error control coding, video transmission and storage, system noise as regard to
digital communication.
Section- A
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(Mid-term: Marks 30)
1. Digital Communication Overview: Electronic Communications; Sources and sinks of information; ADC,
Digital Communication; Radio receivers; Signal transmission, Switching and networks; Advantages of digital
communication over analogue communication.
2. Sampling, Multiplexing: Introduction, Pulse modulation, Sampling, Analogue pulse multiplexing, Quantised
pulse amplitude modulation, Signal to quantisation noise ratio (SNqR), Pulse code modulation, Bandwidth reduction
3. Baseband Transmission: Introduction, Baseband centre point detection, Error accumulation over multiple hops,
Line coding, Multiplex telephony, Digital signal regeneration, Symbol timing recovery, Repeater design.
Recommended: Books:
1 Ian Glover&Peter Grant Digital Communications, Prentice-Hall Inc.
2 J.F. Kuross & K. W. Ross Computer Networking
3 William Stallings Data & Computer Communication
4 Andrew S. Tanenbaum Computer Networks
Objectives:This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 4833. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 4833
Section- A
(Mid-term: Marks 30)
1.Cellular Concept:
Historical development of Cellular Mobile Communication. An Mobile Wireless to Cellular concept, Frequency
reuse and its application for different types of cell design, Co-channel interference and non-co channel interference,
other Interferences. Call drops and necessity of Handoffs, types of Handoffs.
2.Capacity Enhancement:
Cell design, 4 cell and 7 cell design concept, Cell divisions, Sectoral Antennas for the cell sites for different types of
cell design, Types of antennas used in Cell sites.
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3. Large scale path loss:Path loss and Path loss models in Mobile Wireless Communications, Foliage loss, Loss due
to atmospheric conditions.
Recommended Books:
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Telecommunication Engineering in regards to telephone
apparatus, telephone signal and switching, concepts of TDM, traffic engineering, modern telephone services and
network as well as cellular mobile telephone
Section- A
(Mid-term: Marks 30)
1. Introduction and Telephone apparatus: Principle, evolution, networks, exchange and international regulatory
bodies.microphone, speakers, ringer, pulse and tone dialing mechanism, side-tone mechanism, local and central
batteries and advanced features.
2. Switching system: Principles of common control, touch tone dial telephone, Cross point technology, No. 1 ESS,
Japanese D-10, Metaconta. digital switching systems space division switching, blocking probability and
multistage switching, time division switching and two dimensional switching.
3. Signal Switching: Stored program control, Centralized SPC, Distributed SPC, Software architecture,
Application software, Enhanced services, Two-stage network, Three-stage network, n-stage network.
Section B ( Final Examinaton-50 Marks)
Group A-(20 marks)
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5. Concepts of TDM: Basic time division space switching, Basic time division time switching, Time multiplexed
space switching, Time-multiplexed time switching, Combination switching, Three-stage combination switching,
n-stage combination switching.
6. Traffic Engineering: Network traffic load and parameters, Grade of service and blocking probability, Modeling
switching systems, Incoming traffic and service time characterization,Blocking models and loss estimation,
Delay systemand queuing.
Recommended Books:
1 N.N. Biswas Principles of Telephony
2 M.T. Hills Telecommunication Switching Principles
3 T. Viswanathan Telecommunication Switching Systems and Networks
4 W.C.Y. Lee Mobile Cellular Telecommunication
5 J.Y. Bryce Using ISDN
6 J.C. Bellamy Digital Telephony
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Discrete Mathematics in regards to set, logic, function and
relation,number theory, mathematical induction, counting principle ,graph and tree.
Group-B ( 30 Marks)
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6. Counting Principle: Basic Counting principle, Inclusion-Exclusion principle, Application of Sum rule
and Product rule, Pigeon hole principle, Permutation Combination, Binomial Theorem.
7. Graph: Definition of Graph, Types of graphs, Representation of graph, Euler and Hamilton path, circuit,
necessary and sufficient conditions. Graph coloring, Isomorphism of graph,
8.Tree- Comparison of tree and Graph, Spanning tree, algorithm of several trees, Application of trees, Tree
Traversal, Trees and sorting.
Recommended Books:
1 Kenneth H.Rosen Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
2 S. Lipschutz & Marc Laris Lipson Theory and Problems of Discrete Mathematics
3 J. P. Tremblay and R. P. Manohar Discrete Mathematical Structures with applications to Computer science
4 Donald F. Stanat and David F. McAllister Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science
5 B. Kolman, R.C. Busby and S. Ross Discrete Mathematical Structures.
6 C. L. Liu Elements of Discrete Mathematics.
7 Olympia Nicodemi Discrete Mathematics
Objectives: In this course student will lean about Data Structure in regards to elementary data organization, linear
array, stack, queue, linked list, complexity of algorithms, tree and graph.
Section-A (Mid-term: 30 Marks)
1. Introduction: Elementary Data organization, Information; Data types; Data Structure, Data Structure operations;
Algorithm; Time-Space tradeoff of Algorithms. Mathematical notation & Functions; Algorithmic Notation; Control
structures; Sub-algorithms. String; String operations; Pattern matching algorithms
2. Linear Array: Linear Array & its representation in memory; Traversing LA, Insertion & Deletion in LA, Bubble
Sort, Linear Search & binary Search. 2D Array & its representation in memory; Matrices; Algebra of matrices;
Sparse matrices
3. Stack: Its representation & applications; PUSH and POP operation on stack. Polish Notation, reverse polish
notation; Evaluation of a postfix expression; Transforming infix expression into postfix expression.
Recommended Books:
1 Seymour Lipschetz Data Structure
2 Y. Langsam, Augenstein, A. M. Data Structures Using C and C++
3 Edward M. Reingold Data Structures
4 Robert Sedgwick Algorithms in C
5 Niklaus wirth Algorithms and Data Structures
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Course Code: EEE-4718 Course Title: Data Structures Sessional
Credit Hours:1.5 Contact Hours: 3 per week
Objectives: This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 4717. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 4717.
1. Write a program to create an array of n elements and then display all the elements of the list.
2. Write a program to find the largest number from a given list of integers.
3. Write a program to calculate the roots of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a, b and c
are known.
4. Write a program to create an array of n elements and then separately write the odd and even
elements of the list.
5. Write a program to create an array of n elements and then insert an element to the list.
6. Write a program to create an array of n elements and then delete an element from the list.
7. Write a program to sort n numbers using Bubble Sort algorithm.
8. Write a program to search an element from a list of n numbers using Linear Search algorithm.
9. Write a program to search an element from a list of n numbers using Binary
Search algorithm.
10. Write a program to determine whether a number n is prime or not where 1< n < 215 by using sieve
11. Write a program to write 100 randomly generated integer to a file called
RAND.DAT. And then read the contents of the file and display them on the screen.
12. Write a program that will read a positive integer in base b (2<=b<=16) and convert it into base d
(2<=d<=16). [H]
Project: Write a menu driven program to Process a sorted Array. Your program should have the
following menu: Insert, Delete, Search, Display, and Exit.
13. Write a program to insert a string S into a text T so that S begins in position K of T.
14. Write a program that will read a string (S) and find the index of the first occurrence of a pattern
(P) in the string S.
15. Write a program which calculates the no. of occurrence of each letter of an input text.
16. Write a program to implement the following string operation without using any built in functions
related to string.
a) Find the length of a string S
b) Copy string S2 to S1.
c) Concatenate string S2 to S1.
d) Compare two strings S1 and S2
e) Reverse a string S. [H]
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(GCD) of two given positive integers.
28. Write a program to show the insert and delete operations of a circular queue.
29. Write a program to show the insert and delete operations of a priority queue.
30. Write a program to create a Linked List of n elements and then display the list.
31. Write a program to create a Linked List of n elements and then search an element from the list.
32. Write a program to create a Linked List of n elements and then insert an element to the list.
33. Write a program to create a Linked List of n elements and then delete an element from the list.
34. Write a program to create a Circular Header Linked List of n elements and then display the list.
35. Write a program to create a Two way Linked List of n elements and then display the list.
36. Write a program to sort n numbers using Insertion Sort algorithm.
37. Write a program to sort n numbers using Selection Sort algorithm.
38. Write a program to sort n numbers using Quick Sort algorithm.
39. Write a program to merge two sorted list. [H]
40. Write a program to create a Binary Search Tree of n elements and then display the elements
(preorder, inorder and postorder) of the tree.
41. Write a program to create a Binary Search Tree of n elements and then delete an element from
the tree.
42. Write a program to create a Maxheap of n elements and then display the elements of the heap.
43. Write a program to create a Maxheap of n elements and then delete an element from the heap.
44. Write a program to traverse a graph using Breadth First Search.
45. Write a program to traverse a graph using Depth First Search.
46. Write a program to find the 100! [H]
47. Write a program to determine the value of the nth Fibonacci number Fn where
Fn = Fn1+ Fn-2and F1 = F2 = 1 and n<=500. [H]
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Software Engineering computer software processes,
requirements, specification, software design, software validation,verification, evolution and management.
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design, design principles, user-system interaction, information presentation, user guidance, interface evaluation,
design for reuse.
5.Software Validation and Verification: Verification and validation planning, testing fundamentals, including test
plan creation and test case generation, black-box and white-box testing techniques, unit, integration, validation, and
system testing, object-oriented testing, inspections.
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8. Introduction LAN and Servers: Network Devices. Ethernet LAN. DNS, Electronic Mail, World Wide Web, FTP,
DHCP etc.
Recommended Books:
1 Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks
2 Behrouz A. Forouzan Data Communication & Networking
3 James Chellis and Charles Perkins MCSE Networking Essentials Study Guide
4 Brenton, Chris Mastering Network Security
5 5. Anderson, Christa Mastering Local Area Networks
6 Peter Norton : Networking
7 CCNA study guide Network Fundamental
Objectives: This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE4815. In the second part students will design systems using the principles
learned in EEE 4815.
1. Cable Configuration, 2. Network Hardware, 3. Network Software, 4. LAN Setup
5. WAN Technologies, 6. Workgroup Setup, 7. Client Server Setup,
8. Administrators job, 9. Create Active Directories, 10. Router Configuration
11. Protecting Network Environment: security, Virus, Power supply etc.
12. Network Troubleshooting, 13. Planning a Network for Organization
14.To perform also other experiments relevant to this course.
Recommended Books:
1 Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks
2 Behrouz A. Forouzan Data Communication & Networking
3 James Chellis and Charles Perkins MCSE Networking Essentials Study Guide
5 CCNA study guide Network Fundamental
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Computer Architecture in regards to Instruction and data access
methods, Arithmetic Logic Unit, control unit, hazards and memory organization.
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7. Memory organization virtual memory; buses; multiprocessors, buses; multiprocessors, type of
multiprocessor performance, single bus multiprocessors, clusters.
8. I/O systems, channels, interrupts, DMA
Recommended Books:
1 J. P. Hayes Computer Architecture and Organization
2 Dr. M. Rafiquzzaman Fundamentals of Computer System Architecture
3 Romesh S. Gaonkar Microprocesso
4 John Hennesy, David Patterson Computer Organization.
5 Shafwat Zaky Computer Architecture
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Multimedia Communicatioin regard to signal coding and
compression,internetworking devices, transport protocol and multimedia applications.
Recommended Books:
1 John Villamil-Casanova, Louis Molina Multimedia. An Introduction
2 John Villamil-Casanova, Leony Fernandez- Multimedia. Graphics
3 John Villamil-Casanova, Louis Molina Multimedia Sound and Video
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Course Code: EEE 4831 Course Title: Microprocessor System Design
Credit Hours:3 Contact Hours: 3 per week
[Pre requisite: EEE 3505 Microprocessor & Interfacing]
Objectives: In this process student will learn about microprocessor system design in regards to instructions and
data access methods in a 32-bit microprocessor, instruction formats, processor design, control unit design and VLSI
implementation of a microprocessor.
Group-B(30 Marks)
7. Control Unit Design: hardwired, micro-programmed and pipe line;
8. VLSI implementation of a microprocessor
9. Part of a microprocessor design.
Recommended Books:
Course Code: EEE 4832 Course Title: Microprocessor System Design Sessional
Credit Hours:1.5 Contact Hours: 3 per week
Objective: This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 4831. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 4831.
Interdisciplinary Fields
Course Code: EEE 4823 Course Title: Control System II
Credit Hours:3 Contact Hours: 3 per Week
[Pre requisite: EEE 4701 Control system I]
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Control System in regards to compensation using pole
placement technique, Solution of discrete state equations, time domain analysis and microprocessor control
Section A
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Compensation using pole placement technique.
2. State equations of digital systems with sample and hold, state equation of digital systems, digital simulation and
3. Solution of discrete state equations: by Z transform, state equation and transfer function, state diagrams, state
plane analysis.
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Section- B (Final Exam: 50 Marks)
Group- A (20-Marks)
4. Stability of digital control systems. Digital simulation and digital redesign.
5. Time domain analysis. Frequency domain analysis.
Recommended Books:
Objective: This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 4823. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 4823.
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Eigen vector and Eigen value problem.
7. Curve fitting: Definition, importance of curve fitting, Least square method, Fitting a straight line, Non-linear
curve fitting.
8. Numerical Solution of ordinary differential equations: Review of Differential equation, Taylors series method,
Eulers method, Heuns method, Runge-Kutta method.
Recommended Books:
1 E. Balagurusamy Numerical methods, Tata McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2002.
2 G. Shanker Rao Numerical Analysis, 1st edition, New Age International (P).
3 S. S. Sastry. Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis,.
4 S.B.Rao&C.K. Shantha Numerical Methods with Programs in BASIC, FORTRAN and Pascal,
5 V. Rajaraman Computer Oriented Numerical Methods,.
6 J. B. Scarborough Numerical Mathematical Analysis,
7 K. Sankara Rao Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers,.
8 R. W. Daniels An Introduction to Numerical Methods and Optimization Techniques,
9 F. Scheid Theory and Problems of Numerical Analysis,
10 Steven C. Chapra & Raymond P. Canale Numerical Methods for Engineers,
11 Curtis F. Gerland and Patric O. Wheatly Applied Numerical Analysis, 1998.
12 A.R. Vasishtha and Vipin Vasistha Numerical Analysis, 4th edition, Kedarnath Ram Nath, 1999.
Objectives: Students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 4825.
1. Write a program to round off a number with n significant figures using bankers rule.
2. Write a program to evaluate a polynomial by using Horner's rule.
3. Write a program to find the root of the equation ex 3x = 0, correct to 3 decimal places, by using the bisection method.
4. Write a program to find the root of the equation 2x - log10 x = 7, correct to 3 decimal places, by the using fixed point method.
5. Write a program to find the root of the equation x3 - 6x + 4 = 0, correct to 3 decimal places, by using Newton-Raphson method.
6. Write a program to find the root of the equation x log10 x - 1.2 = 0, correct to 3 decimal places, by using false position method.
7. Write a program to find the root of the equation x2 4x - 10 = 0, correct to 3 decimal places, by using secant method.
8. Write a program to find the quotient polynomial q(x) from a polynomial p(x) by using synthetic division.
9. The following values of f (x) are given.
x 1 2 3 4 5
y = f(x) 1 8 27 64 125
Write a program to find difference table for the above values.
10. The following values of f (x) are given.
x 1 2 3 4 5
y = f(x) 1 8 27 64 125
Write a program to find the values of y when x = 1.7 by using Newton's forward interpolation formula.
11. The following values of f (x) are given.
x 1 2 3 4 5
y = f(x) 1 8 27 64 125
Write a program to find the values of y when x = 4.7 by using Newton's backward interpolation formula.
12. The following values of f (x) are given.
x 1 2 3 4 5
y = f(x) 1 8 27 64 125
Write a program to find the values of x for which f (x) = 85 by using Lagranges inverse interpolation formula.
13. The following values of f (x) are given. Prepare the divided difference table for the following data
x 1 3 4 6 10
y = f(x) 0 18 58 190 920
Write a program to find the values of y when x = 2.7 by using Newton's divided difference formula.
14. The following values of f (x) are given.
x 1 2 3 4 5
y = f(x) 1 8 27 64 125
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Write a program to find the first derivative and the second derivative of the function tabulated above at the point x = 1.
15. Write a program to calculate the approximate area under the curve y = 5 log10 x dx by using trapezoidal rule.
16. Write a program to calculate the approximate area under the curve y = /2 esinx dx by using Simpsons 1/3 rule
17. Write a program to calculate the approximate area under the curve y = 1 x / (1+x2) by using Simpsons 3/8 rule.
18, Write a program to find the determinant of a NXN matrix.
19. Write a program to solve the following system of linear equations by using Matrix inversion method.
x+ y + z=1
x + 2y + 3z = 6
x + 3y + 4z = 6
20. Write a program to solve the following system of linear equations by using Cramers Rule:
27x + 6y z = 85
6x + 15y + 2z = 72
x + y + 54z = 110
21. Write a program to solve the following system of linear equations by using Gaussian Elimination method.
2x + y + z = 10
x + 4y + 9z = 16
3x + 2y + 3z = 18
22. Write a program to solve the following system of linear equations by using Gauss-Jordan Elimination method.
x + 2y + z = 8
2x + 3y + 4z = 20
4x + 3y + 2z = 16
23, Write a program to solve the following system of linear equations by using Jacobi's method.
83x + 11y - 4z = 95
3x + 8y + 29z = 71
7x + 52y + 13z = 104
24. Write a program to solve the following system of linear equations by using Gauss-Seidel method.
10x1 + x2 + x3 = 12
2x1 + 10x2 + x3 = 13
2x1 + 2x2 + 10x3 = 14
25, Write a program to find the least square line y = a + bx for the following data
x -2 1 0 1 2
y 1 2 3 3 4
26. Write a program to find the least square parabola y = a + bx + cx2 for the following data
x -3 -1 1 3
y 15 5 1 5
27. Write a program to solve the following Differential Equation by using Eulers method.
dy / dx = x3 + y, y (0) = 1. Compute y (0.02) taking h = 0.01.
28. Write a program to solve the following Differential Equation by using Runge Kutta method.
dy / dx = x + y, y (0) = 1. Compute y (0.1) and y (0.2) taking h = 0.1.
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Biomedical and Analytical Instrument in regards to human
body, measurement of Bio-signals, blood flow measurement and operation and working principles of different types
of biological instruments.
Section A
(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Physics of human body: The cell, Body fluid, Musculo-skeletal system, Respiratory system, Nervous system,
The circulatory system, The body as a control system, The heart, Bioelectricity, Work done by heart, blood
pressure and its measurements, Membrane potentials, Electrical activity of excitable cells, Molecular basis of
muscle contraction, Basic electrical signals from the muscles.
2. Interaction of wave and radiation with human body: Bodys detector and matter wave, speech noise,
physiological effects of intense matter waves, Interaction of electromagnetic radiation on living mater,
penetration of rays into tissue. Biological effects of ionizing radiation: Dosimetry, primary effects, Biophysical
effects of whole body irradiation, radiation measurement and protection.
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3. Biopotentials electrodes and amplifiers: Biopotential electrode, Sensors, Transducers and bioelectric
amplifiers, Electromagnetic interference of medical electronic equipment, ENG, EMG, ECG, ERG, EEG, MEG.
Course Code: EEE 4828 Course Title: Biomedical and Analytical Instrumentation Sessional
Credit Hours:1.5 Contact Hours: 3 per Week
Objectives:This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 4827. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 4827.
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6. Data Transmission and Telemetry: Methods of data transmission, dc/ac telemetry system and digital data
Group-B (30-Marks)
7. Basic elements of dc and ac signal conditioning: Instrumentation amplifier, noise and source of noise, noise
elimination compensation, function generation and linearization.
8. Converters: A/D and D/A converters, sample and hold circuits.
Recommended Books:
1 B.C.Nakra & K.K. Choudhury :Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis
2 A. K. Sawhney Electrical and Elec. Measurement and Instruments
3 J. L. Hunter Applied Acoustics
4 W. D. Cooper :Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement Technique
5 S. Wolf & R. M. Smith Student Reference Manual
6 C. S. Rangan, G. R.Sarma, & V. S. Vmani Instrumentation devices and systems.
Course Code: EEE 4830 Course Title: Measurement and Instrumentation Sessional
Credit Hours:1.5 Contact Hours: 3 per Week
Objectives:This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 4829 In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 4829.
Objectives: In this course student will learn about Digital Image processing in regards to digital image
fundamentals, intensity transformation and spatial filtering, image restoration and reconstruction, color image
processing, image compression, morphological image processing and image segmentation.
Section A
(Mid term Exam: 30 Marks)
1. Digital Image Fundamentals: Human visual system, Sampling and Fourier analysis
2. Intensity Transformation and Spatial Filtering: Histogram Processing, Spatial Filtering
3. Filtering in Frequency Domain: Preliminary Concept, Extension to function of two variables, Image smoothing,
Image Sharpening
Section B
Group -A (Marks 20)
4. Image Restoration and Reconstruction: Noise Models, Noise Reduction, Inverse Filtering, MIMSE Filtering
5. Color Image Processing: Color Models, Color Transforms, Image segmentation based on color
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Recommended Books:
1. R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods Digital Image Processing R. E. Woods .
2. R.C. Gonzalez, R.E. Woods, S.L. Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB,
Eddins Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004
Course Code: EEE 4840 Course Title: Digital Image processing Sessional
Credit Hours:1.5 Contact Hours: 3 per Week
Objective: This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically
the theories and concepts learned in EEE 4839. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the
principles learned in EEE 4839.
Course Code: EEE 4841 Course Title: Research Methodology & Seminar
Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2 per Week
Objective: The aim of the course is to teach students the systematic approach to doing any research and how to
present the results obtained from it in a convincing way.
1. Introduction: Research motivation, research objective, contribution, methodology and research outlines
2. Literature Reviews: Element of research, reviewing of related works, choosing of methodology, comparative method,
proposed method
3. Design of Research Methodology: Designing of proposed method
4. Concept of Measurement: Data Collection, data analyzing, compression and discussion
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion
7. Scientific Paper Writing: Abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, table, figures, citations,
references, format, conference paper, journal paper
8. Seminar and presentation
Reference Books:
1.Kothari, C.R. : Research Methodology, Methods and Techniques (Vishwa Prakashan, New Delhi, 1985)
2.Jerrold H. Zar : Biostatistical Analysis. Pearson education
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