163 Current Affairs Were Found in Month - July 2014 For Type - All

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Latest Current Affairs - July 2014

163 Current Affairs were found in Month - July 2014 for Type - All

1. Gov ernment approv ed minimum monthly pension of Rs. 1 ,000 under EPS- 95 scheme run by retirement fund body EPFO and it will
benefit 28 lakh pensioners who get less than this amount currently .
2. "One Life is Not Enough" is the autobiography of Natwar Singh, A former Union Minister of India.
3. 1 July - National Doctors' Day .
4. 1 July - State Bank of India Foundation Day .
5. 1 1 July - World Population Day (T heme - Inv esting in the y outh).
6. 1 8 July - Nelson Mandela International Day .
7. 26 July - Kargil Vijay Diwas.
8. 28 July - World Hepatitis Day .
9. 30 July - International Day of Friendship.
1 0. 4 July - United States of America's Independence Day .
11. 47th National T iger Reserv e has been created in Bor sanctuary , Maharashtra. It is 6th T iger Reserv e of Maharashtra.
1 2. 60th Meet of Panchsheel T reaty was held in China's Beijing. It is signed between India, China and My anmar and has fiv e principles of
peaceful coexistence between T hese countries.
1 3. 6th BRICS Meet -
It was held in Brazil's Fortaleza.
A document was signed to form BRICS Dev elopment Bank of US$1 00 billion Capital and a reserv ed currency pool worth ov er
another US$1 00 billion to be used by BRICS Countries and as a Riv al to IMF and World Bank.
It is grouping of major emerging economies that includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
T he BRICS- UNASUR summit was also held at the same time. UNASUR is Union of South American Nations.
1 4. A Bad Character has been written by Deepti Kapoor.
1 5. Blood Feud : Obama Vs Clinton has been written by Edward Klein.
1 6. Manjar Dar Manjar : T he essense Of My S pirit has been written by Mahesh Manjar.
1 7. A French cav e containing the worlds earliest and best preserv ed cav e paintings carv ed on its walls more than 30,000 y ears ago has
been inscribed on Unescos World Heritage list.
1 8. A K Dubey has been appointed as Chief of Coal India Limited.
1 9. A per a report by the World Wide Fund (WWF) for Nature, only 3,200 are left on Earth as compared to more than 1 00000 that
Existed a Century Ago.
20. A superv isory committee has been set up under L A V Nathan to raise the water storage lev el in Mullaperiy ar reserv oir to 1 42 feet, in
accordance with the directions of the Supreme Court.
21 . Actor Amitabh Bachchan has been appointed as the Maharashtra's horticulture ambassador.
22. Agriculture Scientist M S Swaminathan, Badminton Play er Saina Nehwal hav e been honored as Goodwill Ambassador by ICRISAT
(International Crops Research Institute for the Semi- Arid T ropics).
23. Amit Shah has been appointed as Chief of BJP (Bharatiy a Janata Party ).
24. Amnesty International has dev eloped a Smartphone App called 'Panic Button' that can help people during emergency times and can
send Notifications to T hree Pre defined contacts on click of a Button.
25. Andhra Pradesh has Increased the Retirement age of Gov ernment Officials to 60 y ears (from 58 y ears).
26. Arun Mishra, Adarsh Goel & R. Nariman hav e been appointed as Judges in the Supreme Court of India. Now the Number of Judges in
Supreme Court has become 27 (Maximum Permissible is 31 ).
27. Arv ind May aram (Rev enue Secretary ) committee on Clearly Defing and Distinguihing FDI (Foreign Direct Inv estment) and FII
(Foreign Institutional Inv estors) submitted its report.
28. Asian Infrastructure Inv estment Bank (AIIB) is an international financial institution proposed by China and regarded as a riv al for the
IMF, the World Bank and the Asian Dev elopment Bank (ADB).
China has proposed doubling the registered capital of the bank from 50bn USD to 1 00bn USD and inv ited India to participate in the
founding the bank.
29. Australian Super Series Badminton 201 4 - Saina Nehwal (India) won by beating Carolina Marin (Spaina).
30. Balramji Das T andon has been appointed as gov ernor of Chhattisgarh.
31 . Bangladesh's Mustafa Kamal has been appointed as President of ICC (International Cricket Council).
32. Bangladesh's Mustafa Kamal has been appointed as President of ICC (International Cricket Council).
33. Bashar al- Assad sworn- in as Sy ria's President for his third term.
34. Boliv ia legalizes child labor for kids from age 1 0.
35. CII- GEC, US Launches Env ironmental Rating Sy stems for Electronics called EPEAT , which stands for Electronic Product
Env ironmental Assessment T ool, and rates products on a lifecy cle basis.
36. Camel has been named as State Animal for Rajasthan.
37. Central Board for Direct T axes has constituted a committee under Rani S nair for the first time a six- member panel to examine the
"efficacy " of the existing primary litigation mechanism in the Income T ax(IT ) department.
38. Chandi Prasad Bhatt has been presented Gandhi Peace Prize 201 3 T hat was conferred to him in Feb 201 4 for his contribution in Chipko
Mov ement.
39. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has dev eloped a target training sy stem - DHVANI - for shooters of the Indian
Army to help the Army dev elop shooting techniques for its combat personnel. Dhv ani is Detection and Hit Visualization using Acoustic N-
wav e Identification.
40. Delhi has been named as second Most Populous City across the world after T oky o (Japan). Delhi currently has 2.7 Crore People
Population and T oky o 3.8 Crore. Delhi will surpass T oky o by 2050.
41 . Economic Analy sis 201 3 - 1 4
Fiscal Deficit stood at 4.5 % of GDP.
Wholesale Price Index based Inflation came down to 5.98 % of GDP.
T otal Exports - 31 2.25 Billion USD.
T otal Imports - 449.5 USD
T rade Deficit - 1 37.5 USD
Production Statistics -
Food Grains - 264.4 Million T onnes
Oil Seeds - 32.4 Million T onnes
Pulses - 1 9.6 Million T onnes
Milk - 1 32.43 Million T onnes
India First In Production of Grapes, Banana, Peas, Papay a & Cassav a.
Agricultural Sector Growth stood at 4.7 % and agricultural is 1 3.9 % of GDP of India.
Current Account Deficit dipped to 1 .7% of GDP ($ 32.4 billion) in FY 201 4 from 4.7% ($ 87.8 billion) in FY 201 3.
42. Eminent scientist Dr Raghunath Mashelkar was conferred the Dr Mohan Dharia Nation Building Award.
43. Ev ery Indian person has av erage foreign Debt of Rs. 21 493 as per data released by Finance Ministry .
44. Famous Sri Lankan Cricketer Mahela Jay awardene Retired from T est Cricket.
45. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley was appointed as Indias representativ e on the board of gov ernors of the Asian Dev elopment Bank
46. Fish Farming has been giv en Status of Agriculture in Uttar Pradesh to attract more Inv estment into it and help it grow.
47. Former Norwegian PM Gro Harlem Brundtland was named as the first recipient of the T ang Prize, treated as Asia's v ersion of the
Nobels, for her works of sustainable dev elopment.
48. General Dalbir Singh has been appointed as 26th Army Chief of India.
49. Germany won the FIFA Football World Cup 201 4 beating Argentina by 1 - 0. (FIFA 201 4 World Cup Held in Brazil).
50. Google has launched Android One Program to prov ide Smartphones at lesser Price and make them more economically feasible to the
Common People.
51 . Gov ernment Increased Import Duty on sugar from 1 4 % to 40 %.
52. Gov ernment approv ed 49 % FDI (Foreign Direct Inv estment) into Defence Sector after Increasing It from 26 %.
It is seen as a Major boost for this crucial sector to attract Dev eloped countries with High Defence Capability Like Japan, USA,
Israel & Russia to inv est directly in Indian defence sector and help India Grow its Inv entory and Skill among Indian People.
53. Gov ernment approv ed 49 % FDI (Foreign Direct Inv estment) into Defence Sector after Increasing It from 26 %.
It is seen as a Major boost for this crucial sector to attract Dev eloped countries with High Defence Capability Like Japan, USA,
Israel & Russia to inv est directly in Indian defence sector and help India Grow its Inv entory and Skill among Indian People.
54. Gov ernment approv ed increasing the Foreign Direct Inv estment (FDI) limit in the insurance sector to 49% from 26%.
55. Gov ernment has decided to set up a Central Univ ersity for Himalay an T echnology in Uttarakhand. Showing its keen interest for the
Himalay as and exploring its rich biodiv ersity , BJP gov ernment will start a national mission on Himalay as and a Himalay an sustainability
56. Gov ernment has formed a new panel under Suresh Prabhu to come up with an alternativ e mechanism for Gas Pricing Formula Across
the Country .
57. Gov ernment has granted Nav ratna Status to T wo Public Sector Undertakings - EIL (Engineers India Limited) & NBCC (National
Buildings Constructions limited). Now India has 7 Maharatna and 1 7 Nav ratna Companies.
58. Gov ernment has launched a new scheme 'Van Bandhu Kaly an Y ojna' for holistic dev elopment of tribals.
59. Gov ernment has reduced down the number of agricultural welfare schemes in the country from 51 to 1 1 .
Central Sponsered Schemes -
National Food Security Mission
National Mission for Sustainable agriculture.
National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm
National Mission on Agricultural Extension & T echnology
National Horticulture Mission
Central Zone Schemes
National Crop Insurance Programme
Agricultural Co- Operation
Agricultural Marketing
Agricultural Commerce, Statistical Schemes
Economical Serv ice Secretariat
State Lev el Schemes
Rashtriy a Krishi Vikas Y ojana (National Agriculture Dev elopment Scheme)
60. Gov ernment to start 'Hamari Dharohar' Scheme for better preserv ation of Pharasi Community in the country as this community has
been seeing decline in its population. As per a report, there were Ov er 1 1 4000 Pharasi People in India in 1 947 and currently there are
Only 55000.
61 . Gujarat has announced to prov ide 33 % Reserv ation for Women in State's Police Force.
62. INS Kamorta, the first anti- submarine warship indigenously built by India has been Included in to Indian Nav y .
63. ISRO successfully launched PSLV 23 with 5 Foreign satellites. Namely French Earth Observ ation Satellite SPOT - 7 , AISAT
(Germany ), CAN- X4 and CAN- X5 (Canada ) and VELOX- 1 (Singapore).
64. In reply to an RT I Enquiry , RBI Rev ealed that India has 557.75 T on Gold Reserv e out of which 265.49 T on is kept in India and 292.26
T on Gold is Kept in foreign Countries.
65. Independent Ev aluation Office (IEO) India submitted its report on Planning Commission and suggested abolishment of Planning
66. India and My anmar may soon start a bus serv ice connecting the two countries through the north- eastern state of Imphal, aimed at
improv ing people- to- people contact and bilateral relations.
67. India has become the first nation to ratify the Marrakesh T reaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Blind, Visually Impaired,
68. India tops the list of countries of Poor Number of People according to the United Nations Millennium Dev elopment Goals (MDG) report
for 201 4. Despite a decade of high economic growth, on key parameters like pov erty , infant and maternal deaths and sanitation, the
reports references to India are not v ery much Pleasing.
69. India's First semi High Speed train was tested successfully as It cov ered distance of 1 78 KM between Delhi - Agra in 99 Minutes.
70. India's Largest Elephant Corridor is being Built in Jharkhand Dalma (Jamshedpur District). As per Gov ernment's Scheme a total of 1 2
Elephant corridors are to be built.
71 . India's first ev er indigenously built research ship 'Sindhu Sadhna' was launched and dedicated to the nation.
72. Indian Person Justice V K Rajah is appointed as the eighth Attorney - General of Singapore.
73. Indian sand sculptor Sudarshan Pattnaik has won in double category at the World Cup of Sand Sculpting 201 4.
74. Indian Actor Shah Rukh Khan has been conferred with top French civ ilian award - - 'Knight of the Legion of Honour'.
75. Indian Air Force (IAF) mountaineering team climbed an unexplored peak of Mt Gorichen (5587 meters) in Arunachal Pradesh.
76. Indian Airline Air India Joined Star Alliance, the world's largest network of airlines with 27 members and now AI fly ers will be able to
access sev eral benefits with better connectiv ity across the globe.
77. Indian Council of Agricultural Research has banned Breeding and Research on Rabbits and their use as Lab Animals.
78. Indian Nov elist Salman Rushdie is to receiv e the 201 4 PEN Pinter prize.
79. Indian Person Hari Dutt Seth has been appointed the British Empire Medal (BEM) for founding the Indian Senior Citizens' Centre
(ISCC) to care for the elderly .
80. Indian Person Sim Bhullar has become the first play er of Indian origin to join the National Basketball Association (NBA) in USA.
81 . Indian Person Viji Murali has been named chief information officer and v ice prov ost of Information and Educational T echnology at the
Univ ersity of California.
82. Indian VIP Visits to Other Countries - >
First Indian Female Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj Visited Bangladesh.
Indian Vice President Hamid Ansari Visited China.
83. Indian activ ist Bhanuja Sharan Lal (director of the Manav Sansadhan Ev am Mahila Vikas Sansthan (MSEMVS)) has been honored with
the T rafficking in Person Hero award by the US for his work in the fight against human trafficking.
84. Indian shooter and Soldier in Gorkha Regiment Jitu Rai achiev ed the worlds number one ranking in air pistol ev ent After winning
three medals in the ISSF World Cups recently .
85. Indian- origin Dakshina Agrawal has won the second edition of 'Miss Marwadi Nepal 201 4' title.
86. Indiann IT Company T ata Consultancy Serv ices (T CS) has aciev ed Rs 5 lakh crore mark in market capitalization, becoming the second
most v aluable IT serv ices company in the world behind US's IBM.
87. Indias biggest online retailer Flipkart has raised $1 billion capital from inv estors and has become among the largest in Global E-
Commerce Portals.
88. Indigo Rebellion has been written by Ananda Bhattachary a.
89. Italy 's Vincenzo Nibali has won the T our de France, becoming the first Italian to win cy cling's greatest race.
90. Japan will issue multiple entry v isas for short- term stay to Indians to help increase the number of Indian tourists to Japan and improv e
conv enience in business activ ities, thus further dev eloping bilateral exchanges between the two countries.
91 . Jean Claude Juncker has been appointed as 1 3th Chief of European Commission. He is from Luxembourg.
92. Jharkhand Gov ernment to set up Large Handloom Cluster seeking opportunities in this sector in Jharkhand.
93. Joko Widodo has been elected as new President of Indonesia.
94. Kaptan Singh Solanki has been appointed as gov ernor of Hary ana.
95. Kav ery Banerjee has been appointed as Secretary of Department of Posts.
96. Kerala to Host 35th National Games in Jan - Feb 201 5.
97. Keshari Nath T ripathi has been appointed as gov ernor of West Bengal.
98. Kodela Shiv prasad Rao has been appointed as Speaker of T elangana Vidhan Sabha.
99. Konijeti Rosaiah has been appointed as the Gov ernor of Karnataka.
1 00. Largest Bird Species' fossils hav e been found in North Carolina, USA with name pelagornis sanders.
1 01 . Leading NRI industrialist Lord Swraj Paul has been honoured with the Lifetime Achiev ement Award by a UK- based business
association for his outstanding contribution to the industry , education and philanthropy .
1 02. Manpreet Kaur, an Indian - American Person has been honored by International Radio award for her Documentary on Domestic
Violence called 'T he Enemy Within'.
1 03. Mansoor Ahmad Mir has been appointed as the Chief Justice of High Court of Himachal Pradesh.
1 04. Mass Singing of 'Njanappana', a dev otional poem written by the 1 6th century Malay alm poet Poonthanam, has found place in the
Guinness Book of World Records in T hrissur, Kerala.
1 05. Meeting of trade ministers of the Group of T wenty (G20) nations was held in Australia. Nirmala Sitharaman attended on India's Behalf
(Minister of State for Ministry of Commerce & Industry ).
1 06. N Sriniv asan has been appointed as First Chairman in the ICC Board of Directors. ICC - International Cricket Council.
1 07. NASA has launched OCO - 2 Satellite (Orbiting Carbon Observ atory ) to study v arious factors about Carbon Dio Oxide Gas which is
meant to be the main cause of rise in temperature across the earth.
1 08. NASA is set to send Drone (Human- less Satellites) to T itan (Saturn's Moon) to examine possibilities of Life T here as It shows signs
v ery much similar to earth's env ironment.
1 09. Narmadada - Malwa - Gambhir Link Project has been started in Madhy a Pradesh.
1 1 0. National Australia Bank has appointed Indian Person Peey ush Gupta to its board as a non- executiv e director.
111. Nikhil Sriv astav a, a y oung Indian mathematician became the first joint winner of the prestigious George Poly a Prize 201 4. He was a
part of a three member team which found a solution to the Kadison- Singer conjecture that pertains to the mathematical foundations of
quantum mechanics.
1 1 2. ONGC plans to inv est ov er Rs 5,700 crore in redev elopment of its giant Mumbai High (North) oil and gas field off the west coast.
1 1 3. Okav ango Delta in Botswana has been named as 1 000th site to be Included in UNESCO's world Heritage Sites' List.
1 1 4. Om Prakash Kohli has been appointed as gov ernor of Goa.
1 1 5. Om Prakash Kohli has been appointed as the Gov ernor of Gujarat.
1 1 6. PM Narendra Modi Inaugurates the Highly Awaited Katra - Udhampur Railway Line for easy trav el to Vaishno Dev i Shrine and
Flagged Shri Shakti Express T rain on this Route.
1 1 7. PM Narendra Modi inaugurated the 240- Megawatt Uri- II Hy dro Electric Project (HEP) in Baramulla district of Kashmir.
1 1 8. PM Narendra Modi launched My Gov web platform to gather ideas from citizens for better gov ernance.
1 1 9. Padmanabha Balakrishna Achary a has been appointed as gov ernor of Nagaland
1 20. Padmanabha Balakrishna Achary a has been giv en charge of gov ernor of T ripura.
1 21 . Pakistani child Rights and Girls Education Activ ist Malala Y ousafzai has been honored by Liberty Medal from the National Constitution
Center in Philadelphia.
1 22. Palghar is to to be Maharashtra's 36th district and is carv ed out of T hane District.
1 23. Pinky Anand has been appointed as Additional Solicitor General.
1 24. Punjab Gov ernment has accepted Ghana (A Western African Country )'s Proposal to settle progressiv e farmers from Punjab to giv e a
push to the agricultural sector in Ghana.
1 25. Railway Budget 201 4 - 1 5
Railway Minister Sadananda Gowda Presented the Railway Budget 201 4 - 1 5.
T otal Planned Expenditures - 1 5831 0 Crores
T otal Planned Earnings - 1 64374 Crores
4,000 women & 1 7000 Male constables to be recruited in RPF to ensure safety of passengers.
Proposal to start Bullet trains on Mumbai - Ahmedabad route.
High - T ech Online booking to support 7,200 tickets per minute; to allow 1 .2 lakh users log in simultaneously .
Highest ev er plan outlay of Rs. 65,455 crore for 201 4- 1 5.
58 New T rains to be Introduced Including 27 Express trains.
1 26. Railway s has launched Go- India Smart Card with upto 5000 Recharge Value for carry ing out Reserv ations across country . It Initially
cov ers 1 1 stations of the New Delhi- Mumbai and New Delhi- Kolkata sections spread ov er six Zonal Railway s.
1 27. Ram Naik has been appointed as gov ernor of Uttar Pradesh.
1 28. Rangrajan Committee Report on Pov erty submitted Its report and stated that -
In Rural Areas, T hose spending less than 972 Rupees / Month are considered Poor.
In Urban Areas, T hose spending less than 1 407 Rupees / Month are considered Poor.
In 2009 - 1 0, 38.2 % (45.4 Crore) of T otal Population were Poor and in 201 1 - 1 2 the Figure came down to 29.5 % (36.3 Crore).
1 29. Researchers hav e discov ered our planet's largest water reserv oir 640 km beneath the surface - bound up in rock deep in the earth's
mantle beneath North America, a likely signature of the presence of water at these depths in Large Amount.
1 30. Reserv e Bank of India (RBI) has stopped Andhra Pradesh gov ernment in restructuring of agricultural loans in the state.
1 31 . Reserv e Bank of India has increased the ov erseas direct inv estment (ODI) limit for the Indian Companies from 400% to 1 00% of the
net worth of the Company .
1 32. Rina Mishra has been appointed as chief of National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science (NICFS).
1 33. SS Mundra has been appointed as RBI Deputy Gov ernor. Other three are H R Khan, Dr Urjit Patel, R Gandhi.
1 34. Santhali T ribal People celebrated 1 60th Hull Div as to remember the 1 60th anniv ersary of Violent Protests in 1 855.
1 35. Saumitra Chaudhuri Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025 estimated that upgrading refineries to produce Euro- V equiv alent
petrol and diesel will need an inv estment of Rs.80,000 crore. T his cost can be met by the 75 paise lev y on petrol and diesel.
1 36. Scientists hav e found a New Element 'Luminiphore' that can enhance performance of LED Bulb and make it emit Much More Natural
1 37. Selv akumar has been appointed as director in Prime Minister's Office.
1 38. Senior BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi has been conferred Russia's highest civ ilian award for foreign nationals, "Order of Friendship",
for his championing role in enhancing ties between the two countries.
1 39. Sixth Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction was held in T hailand.
1 40. T he Committee under M.P. Bezbaruah submitted its report regarding v arious concerns of persons hailing from the North Eastern
States who are liv ing in different parts of the country .
1 41 . T he Comptroller & Auditor General of India, Shashi Kant Sharma has been named as Member of the United Nations Board of Auditors
for a six y ear term upto June 2020.
1 42. T he United Nations' gender equality body UN Women appointed British actress Emma Watson (Known for her role as Hermione in the
"Harry Potter" film series) as a goodwill ambassador to adv ocate for the empowerment of y oung women.
1 43. T o battle inflation, the gov ernment brought onions and potatoes under the Essential Commodities Act, 1 955, for one y ear to curb
hoarding by imposing limits on the quantity that Indiv iduals and T raders can stockpile.
1 44. T o bring in more transparency , capital market regulator SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) has rev ised certain guidelines
for alternativ e inv estment funds that are established for the purpose of pooling in capital from Indian and foreign inv estors for inv esting
as per a pre- decided policy .
1 45. T y phoon Neoguri with Winds 1 90 KM / Hr Struck southern Japan.
1 46. UNCT AD (United Nations Conference on T rade and Dev elopment) issued report on FDI (Foreign Direct Inv estment) stats across the
In 201 3, there was a significant improv ement of 9% in FDI ov er 201 2.
India stay ed at 4th place in the world in terms of FDI by Multinatioinal Agencies as compared to 3rd place it had in 201 2.
India saw an Improv ement of 1 7 % in FDI ov er 201 2 (T otal USD 28 Billion).
1 47. UNESCO Included India's Rani ki v av in Gujarat & Great Himalay an National Park in World Heritage Sites List. Indian now has 32 sites
into UNESCO 's World Heritage sites List with 25 Under cultural and 7 Under Natural Sites Categories.
1 48. UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) reported that there are abov e 50 Million Refugees around the world today
due to lot of v iolent activ ities going on across the world. T here were Only 6 Million Refugees in 201 2 across the world.
1 49. USA Successfully tested Anti Ballistic Missile Sy stem called 'Ground Based Midcourse Defence'in Pacific Ocean.
1 50. USA has named a Mountain in antarctica as Mount Sinha on the name of Famous Indian - American Scientist Akori Sinha.
1 51 . USA will sell anti- ship Harpoon missiles to India at an estimated cost of $200 million to strengthen India- U.S. strategic relationships.
1 52. Union Budget 201 4 - 1 5
First Union Budget of Newly Formed NDA Gov ernment after the 1 6th Lok Sabha Elections held in Apr - May , 201 4.
T he Budget presented by Arun Jaitley , the Union Finance Minister.
T otal estimated Expenditures - 1 7, 94, 892 Crore Rupees (1 2,1 9,892 Non Planned and 5,75,000 Crores Planned).
GDP Growth Rate T argeted at 5.7 % in 201 4 - 1 5,
Fiscal Deficit T argets (As Percent of GDP) - 201 4 - 1 5 - > 4.1 %, 201 5 - 1 6 - > 3.6 %, 201 6 - 1 7 - > 3 %,
FDI in Defence and Insurance has been Hiked to 49 %.
Expenditure Management Commission (EMC) is to be constituted to look into v arious aspects of expenditure reforms to be
undertaken by the Gov ernment.
A Sum of 240000 Crore to be infused into banks by 201 8 by increasing shareholding in banks by general Public.
Various Plans / Schemes and Expenditures -
Mainstream Schemes
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchay ee Y ojana to get Rs 1 000 Crore.
PMGSY (Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Y ojana) to get 1 4389 Crores.
MNREGA T o Continue with Rs. 33364 for this y ear.
Minorities & T ribals -
Rs. 50,548 Crore allocated for SC & 32, 387 Crores for T SP Categories.
Van Bandhu Kaly an Y ojana to be started for welfare of T ribal People with allocation of Rs. 1 00 Crore.
Rural Areas and Farmers
Rs. 8 Lakh Crore Agricultural Credit T arget in 201 4 - 1 5.
500 Crore for Connecting Rural areas with Internet called 'Digital India'
Alocation for National Housing bank has been enhanced to 8000 Crore to Promote Rural Housing.
Deen Day al Upadhy ay Gram Jy oti Y ojana to get 500 Crores.
Bank loans at 4% for women Self Help Groups to help them Grow under Ajeev ika Mission.
500 Crores for Price Stabilization Fund for combating Price Volatility in Agri. Sector.
"Start Up Village" Rural Entrepreneurship dev elopment Programme to be started with Rs. 1 00 Crore Allocation.
6 New T extile Clusters to be Opened with Rs. 500 Crore.
Farmers to get Loans at 7 %, Kisan Vikas Patra and Kisan T V Channel to be Started.
T wo Agricultural Reseacrh centres in Assam And Jharkhand at cost of Rs. 1 00 Crore.
Rs. 1 00 Crore for Agri - T ech Infrastructure Fund.
National Adaption Fund for Climate at Cost of Rs. 1 00 Crore.
Agriculture Univ ersities in Andhra & Rajasthan and Horticultural univ ersities in T elangana and Hary ana at Rs. 200
Mitti Health Cards to be issued to keep check on soil Productiv ity .
T axation
Income tax Exemption limit raised to 2.5 Lakh. For senior Citizens it has been raised to 3 Lakh.
Income tax rates hav e been kept same.
Income tax exemption on home loan Interest Pay ment has been raised to rs. 2 Lakh.
Defence & Safety
Rs. 1 000 for One Rank One Pension Scheme.
Rs 1 00 Crore for T echnology Dev elopment fund for Defence.
Rs. 3000 Crore for State Police Forces Modernization.
Rs. 2259 Crore for Modernization of Border Infrastructure.
Defence Budget Hiked by Rs. 5000 Crore to Rs. 229000 Crores (2.5 % of GDP).
50 Crores for Safety of women on Public T ransport.
Students & Skill Development
5 New IIT s, 5 New IIMs to be Started.
Rs. 28635 Crore for Sarv a Shiksha Abhiy an.
Rs. 4966 Crore for Rashtriy a Madhy amik Shiksha Abhiy an.
School assessment Program of Rs. 30 Crores to be started.
Rs. 500 Crore for Pandit Madan Mohan Malv iy a New T eachers T raining Program.
1 00 Crores for Setting up CLICK Virtual Classrooms (Communication Linked Interface for Cultiv ating Knowledge).
Jai Prakash Naray an National Centre of Excellence in Humanities to be set up in Madhy a Pradesh.
T otal 2.51 Lakh CroreT o be paid in terms of Various Subsidies.
T y pes of Primary subsidies are - Fuel (63427 Crore), Food (1 .1 5 Lakh Crore) & Feretilizers (72970 Crore).
Health for all Program to be started for free Diagnostics and Drugs Serv ice.
Four new AIIMS will be in AP, West Bengal, Vidarbha (Maharashtra) and Purv anchal (Uttar Pradesh) with sum of Rs.
500 crore.
1 2 New Gov ernment medical Colleges to be set up, 1 5 Model Rural Health Research Centres for research in Rural
Health Issues.
Goods and serv ices T ax to be Implemented Soon to simplify taxation sy stem in the country .
8500 KM National Highway s are to be created.
Rs. 3000 Crore for Prov iding Cleaned up drinking Water.
Rs. 500 Crore for Connecting Fiv e T ourist Circles.
Rs. 1 00 Crore 'Hridy a Pariy ojana' for Preserv ing Historical Monuments.
Rs, 1 00 Crore for Solar Panels at Riv er Banks.
Delhi to get 200 Crores for Energy Needs.
Ev ery Family to get 2 Bank Accounts, House (By 2022).
Ganga Riv er to get complete rehaul with Namami Gange Cleaning Program of Rs. 2037 Crores.
"Neelanchal" Program to be started with Initial allocation of Rs. 21 42 Crores for Watershed dev elopment.
1 00 Smart Cities to be dev eloped by Rs. 7060 Crore.
Cities with Population more than 20 Lakh to get Metro T rains.
Uniform Account Numbers to be Prov ided by EPFO, Min 1 000 Rs. Monthly Wage as Pension to all workers under
EPFO & Max Ceiling raised to 1 5000.
1 00 Crore for Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Y ojana for welfare of Girl Child.
Rs 6,000 crore for welfare of senior citizens.
Good Gov ernance Program to get Rs. 1 00 Crore.
Rs. 1 00 Crores for Modernization of Madarsas.
Rs. 1 00 Crore for setting up National Industrial Corridor Authority .
Rs. 1 0000 Crore funds for Promoting Entrepreneurship T hrough MSME (Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium
Rs. 37880 Inv estment in NHAI (National Highway s Authority of India) for rehaul of Roads. 3000 Crore is for North
east States.
RBI to form 6 New Debt Recov ery T ribunals.
Public Prov ident Fund (PPF) ceiling from the current Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 1 .5 lakh in a financial y ear.
Y oung Leaders Program of Rs. 1 00 Crore for Sports Enhancement.
1 00 Crore for National Centre for Himaly an Studies in uttarakhand.
A Rs. 1 00 Crore scheme for North Eastern States called "Arun Prabha" is to be started.
Aadhaar Nomination Program to get 2039 Crore.
1 53. Uttar Pradesh has enhanced Retirement age in State Election Commission to 68 Y ears from 65 Y ears.
1 54. VIP Visits to India - >
Senior United States Senator John Mccain Visited India.
Facebook's COO (Chief Operational Officer) Shery l Sandberg Visited India.
Britain's Foreign Secretary William Hague Visited India.
United States Deputy Secretary of State William J. Berns Visited India.
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius Visited India.
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin Visited India.
Canada's Immigration Minister Alexander v isited India and announced to implementation of an easy - v isa approv al Policy for
Sri Lankan Foreign G L Peiris Minister Visited India.
1 55. Various Riv er Water related disputes in the Country -

Ri v er s Di spu t es Bet ween

Ra v i - V y a s Pu n ja b, Ha r y a n a & Ra ja st h a n
Ker a la , Ka r n a t a ka , Ta m iln a du &
Ka v er i
Pu du ch er r y
Ka r n a t a ka , A n dh r a Pr a desh &
Kr ish n a
Ma h a r a sh t r a
V a su n dh a r a A n dh r a Pr a desh & Odish a
Ma h a da y i Goa , Ka r n a t a ka & Ma h a r a sh t r a

1 56. Vinod Kumar Duggal has been appointed as the Gov ernor of Mizoram after Kamla Beniwal has been dismissed from this Post.
1 57. Wimbledon T ennis 201 4 -
Males - Nov ak Djokov ic (Serbia) won by beating Roger Federer (Switzerland).
Females - Petra Kv itov a (Czech Republic) won by beating Eugenie Bouchard (Canada).
1 58. World - 6 Red Snooker Championship 201 4 - India's Pankaj Adv ani won by beating Poland's Kacper Filipiak. Pankaj has also become
first to win in all forms of snooker world Championships.
1 59. World Bank released a report regarding Energy Reforms in India with T itle - "More Power of India : T he challenges of Distribution".
1 60. World Blitz Chess Championship, 201 4 (Dubai) has been won by Magnus Carlsen (Norway ). India's Vishwanathan Anand stay ed at
Fifth Place.
1 61 . World bank predicted Indian economy will Grow at 5.5 % in FY 201 4 - 1 5.
World Bank predicted Indian Economy to grow at 6.3 % in FY 201 5 - 1 6 and 6.6 % in FY 201 6- 01 7.
World Bank suggestd India to apply GST (Goods and serv ice T ax) to Enhance GDP Growth Rate.
World Bank also stated that world economy is expected to grow at 2.8% in 201 4 - 1 5, 3.4 % in 201 5 - 1 6 & 3.5 in 201 6 - 1 7.
1 62. World bank to prov ide $1 53 million (about Rs. 920 crore) Loan to India for Odisha Disaster Recov ery Project.
1 63. World's first malaria v accine will be av ailable in the markets by 201 5 with name of RT S,S and made by Pharma company

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