Pyp Approaches To Learning Placemat Grades K 2
Pyp Approaches To Learning Placemat Grades K 2
Pyp Approaches To Learning Placemat Grades K 2
Acquisition of knowledge
Approaches Research Skills
Formulating questions
I find new facts, vocabulary, and
ideas. to Learning I ask interesting and important
Comprehension Observing
I understand the new things I have I can use my senses to understand
learned. things.
Application Planning
I use the information I found out I think about what I need to do
to make or do something. and how I am going to do it
Principled: I am honest and fair. I take responsibility for my Causation: Why is it the way it is?
How did this begin? How did __ lead to
own actions and the consequences of those actions. __? How did __ affect __? What
influenced...? What can you conclude
Open-minded: I try to understand the perspectives and about why __ occurred? How is __
values of others. related to __?
Caring: I am caring and respectful towards the needs and Change: How is it changing?
How has __ changed? Can you change
feelings of others. I act to make a positive difference in the a __ into a __? In which way has it
world around me. been changed? Can it change back?
What facts would you use to
Risk-takers: I approach new roles, ideas and strategies with support how __ is changing?
courage. I am brave and defend my beliefs. Connection: How is it connected to
Balanced: I work hard and I play. I rest when I need to rest. other things?
How is __ connected/related to __?
I try to stay healthy and happy. What are similarities and differences
between __ and __? How does __ help
Reflective: I think about my actions. I see mistakes as a way us to understand __? How does __
to learn and think of ways I can do better. enable us to connect to __? What
information would you select to
show how __ is connected to other
PYP Attitudes Perspective: What are the points
of view?
Appreciation: I am thankful for what others do and the Does anyone have a different way of
world around me. explaining/doing __? Does __ look the
same if __? How do people in other
Commitment: I finish what I start and do not give up. I am cultures __? What are the different
responsible. ways we can look at __? How does
knowledge of __ allow us to
Confident: I take risks in learning and in life. understand __? How is __ different
than __?
Cooperation: I work with others, leading or following as the Responsibility: What is our
need arises. responsibility?
Why is it important to...? Why should
Creativity: I come up with my own ideas and use my we respect...? What might be the
imagination in all sorts of situations. consequences of...? Does everyone
have the right to...? How does __
Curiosity: I ask lots of questions and wonder why. influence our view of __? What can
you conclude about what your
Empathy: I understand the feelings of others. responsibility is?