he Department of Physical Education, attached to the UP College of Education, was created in 1921 to promote, direct and supervise
physical education and recreation among the students of the university. The Department of Physical Education had two sections: one for
men and another for women. Since its creation in 1921, the Department of Physical Education has taken an active stance in promoting
sports in the university via an intramural program. The Bachelor of Science in Education major in Physical Education was offered by the UP College
of Education in 1928.The Department of Physical Education proposed a Certificate in Physical Education program which was approved by the
University Council in 1930.
To maximize the growth and development of physical education and sports in the University, the proposal to create the UP Institute of Physical
Education in conjunction with the Bureau of Education was approved by the Board of Regents on 05 May 1967. After revisions were made in the
Bachelor of Science in Education major in Physical Education curriculum, the UP Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (ISPEAR) was
established in April 1976. SPEAR offered the following programs: Certificate in Sports, Certificate in Dance, Bachelor of Physical Education, Master
of Physical Education and Master of Science in Physical Education.
A request for a change in name from Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (ISPEAR) to College of Human Kinetics (CHK) was
proposed in 1989 to reflect the academic discipline on which the practice of sports, dance, aquatics, physical education and recreation is based.
This discipline is a scientific, inter-disciplinary program which combines theory and practice. The Board of Regents approved therequest on 28
September 1989.
manage simple recreational programs.
Bachelor of Sports Science
Certificate in Sports Studies This program aims to develop individuals who will have the
competencies to function effectively as science-oriented sports
This is a two-year program for those interested in being employed specialists prepared to work in an environment characterized by
as recreation activity leaders and assistants, coaching staff of sports technological advances.
teams or dance groups in settings such as barangay centers, sports
clubs, resorts, school sports and recreation clubs, and fitness centers.
Diploma in Exercise and Sports Sciences
The baccalaureate programs require one to pass the UPCAT. Failure to submit any of the above requirements may disqualify the
Applicants to the baccalaureate programs from other UP autonomous applicant from admission.
units and other schools are also required to pass a talent/skills test and
an interview.
1) Applicants are accepted during the 1st and 2nd Semesters and Applicants must pass the written examination and interview.
2) Grade Requirement
- For BPE : GWA of 2.50 or better
- For BSS : GWA of 2.25 or better
College of Human Kinetics 331
120th UPD UC : 02 April 2012 | President AEPascual : 04 June 2012 122nd UPD UC : 09 July 2012 | President AEPascual : 01 August 2012
1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester
18 units 15 units 18 units 20/21 units
GE (AH 1) Eng 10 3 GE (AH 2) Comm 3 3 GE (AH 1) Eng 10 3 GE (AH 2) Comm 3 3
GE (MST 1) Math 2 3 GE (MST 2) in Sci or Tech 3 GE (SSP 1) Kas 1* 3 GE (SSP 2) Free Choice 3
GE (SSP 1) Kas 1* 3 Elective Activity 3 GE (MST 1) Math 1 3 GE (MST 2) Free Choice 3
Elective Activity 3 PeD 190 3 Elective Activity 3 Math 17 or
Elective Activity 3 SS 102 3 Elective Activity 3 Math 11 and Math 14 5/6
PEd 91 3 PE (2) PEd 91 3 PEd 92 3
PE 1 (2) PE 1 (2) Elective Activity 3
PE (2)
1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester
18 units 15 units 21 units 21 units
Note: As a requirement for graduation, all students must take six (6) units in 1st Semester 2nd Semester
one of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) components: Civic Welfare 18 units 14 units
Training Service (CWTS), Literacy Training Service (LTS), and Reserved Officers GE (MST 5) STS 3 PEd 94 3
Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci). These are offered by UPD.
SS 131 3 PI 100 3
SS 104 3 SS 170 3
PEd 190 3 PEd 197 5
SS 191 3
PEd 194 3
Note: As a requirement for graduation, all students must take six (6) units in
one of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) components: Civic Welfare
Training Service (CWTS), Literacy Training Service (LTS), and Reserved Officers
Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci). These are offered by UPD.
332 College Human Kinetics
122nd UPD UC : 09 July 2012 | President AEPascual : 01 August 2012 122nd UPD UC : 09 July 2012 | President AEPascual : 01 August 2012
1st Semester 2nd Semester 1st Semester 2nd Semester
18 units 20/21 units 18 units 14
12 units
GE (AH 1) Eng 10 3 GE (AH 3) Comm 3 3 GE (MST 5) STS 3 PI 100 3
GE (AH 2)1 3 GE (SSP 3)2 3 SS 131 3 SS 191 3
GE (SSP 1) Kas 1* 3 GE (MST 3)4 3 SS 181 3 SS 197 3
GE (SSP 2) Free Choice 3 GE (MST 2)3 3 PEd 190 3 SS 200 3
GE (MST 1) Math 1 3 Math 17 or SS 199 3
PEd 91 3 Math 11 and Math 14 5/6 FN 110 3
PE (2) Elective Activity 3
PE (2)
Writing in English ( Suggested Courses: CW 10, Eng 1, Eng 30)
S E C O N D Y E A R 2
Sociology (Suggested courses: Anthro 10, Sociology 10)
1st Semester 2nd Semester 3
Chemistry (Suggested courses: Chemistry 1, NatSci 1)
21 units 21 units 4
Biology (Suggested courses: Bio 1, MBB 1)
Physics (Suggested courses: Physics 10, ES 10)
GE (AH 4) Fil 40* 3 GE (AH 5) Free Choice 3
GE (MST 4)5 3 SS 101 3 a. 6 units (2 sport activities in .1 or .2 levels from PEd 120/130 series)
SS 100 3 SS 103 3 b. 6 units (2 dance activities from Ped 150 series and/or SS 120 and 121)
SS 102 3 Elective Activity 3 c. 6 units (2 recreation activities from PEd 170 series)
Psych 101 3 Elective Activity 3 d. 3 units: sport (from PEd 120 to 130 series, from .1 or .2 levels)
Elective Activity 3 Elective Activity 3
(2) (2) and/or SS Elective Activity (from SS 110 to 120 series)
and/or dance (from PEd 150 series)
NSTP (3) NSTP (3) and/or recreation activities (from PEd 170 series)
*Kas 1 and Fil 40 satisfy the 6-unit Philippine Studies requirement
1st Semester 2nd Semester
21 units 21 units Note: As a requirement for graduation, all students must take six (6) units in
one of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) components: Civic Welfare
SS 104 3 SS 141 3 Training Service (CWTS), Literacy Training Service (LTS), and Reserved Officers
SS 130 3 SS 150 3 Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci). These are offered by UPD.
SS 140 3 SS 152 3
SS 151 3 SS 161 3
SS 160 3 SS 170 3
PEd 93 3 Stat 101 3
Elective Activity 3 Elective Activity 3
College of Human Kinetics 333
112th SPECIAL UC : 26 March 2010 | Presidents Approval : 19 April 2010
Department of Physical Education
1st Semester 2nd Semester
12 units 12 units
HMS 201 3 Non-HMS Elective 3 Physical Education (PEd)
HMS 299 3 Area of Specialization 3
HMS 206 3 Area of Specialization 3 91 Fundamental Rhythms. Study of musical form and structure
Area of Specialization 3 HMS Elective 3 in relation to rhythm and movement. 3 u.
HMS Electives
221 3 u 94 Administration and Supervision of Physical Education. The
222 3 u philosophy and methodology of organizing and administering
223 3 u the physical education, intramural, and athletic programs. 3 u.
224 3 u
225 3 u
203 3 u 95 Adapted Physical Education. Adaptation of physical education
211 3 u program to the needs of the individual. Prereq: SS 102, 140. 3 u.
212 3 u
233 3 u 120.1 Basic Basketball. Theory and practice of the fundamental
298 3 u
skills and rules of the sport. 3 u.
Foundation courses: 9 units 120.2 Advanced Basketball. Theory and practice of the advanced
Area of Specialization: 12 units skills and officiating of the sport. Prereq: PEd 120.1/COI. 3 u.
HMS Electives: 9 units
Non-HMS Elective: 3 units
Thesis 6 units 121.1 Basic Volleyball. Theory and practice of the fundamental skills
and rules of the sport. 3 u.
Checklists for Undergraduate and Graduate programs are for guidance of students only and are based on approved Program of Study (POS)
334 College Human Kinetics
121.2 Advanced Volleyball. Theory and practice of the advanced 136.1 Basic Arnis and Sipa. Theory and practice of the fundamental
skills and officiating of the sport. Prereq: PEd 121.1/COI. 3 u. skills and rules of the sports. 3 u.
122.1 Basic Baseball and Softball. Theory and practice of the 137 Basic Archery and Golf. Fundamental knowledge and skills;
fundamental skills and rules of the sport. 3 u. teaching methods. 3 u.
122.2 Advanced Baseball and Softball. Theory and practice of the 138.1 Basic Sport Climbing. (Artificial Rock Climbing). Sport climbing
advanced skills and officiating of the sport. Prereq: PEd 122.1/ in general means indoor or outdoor rock climbing on bolt-
COI. 3 u. protected routes. This includes the practice of necessary
skills, such as climbing, safety, rigging, rappelling, as well as
123.1 Basic Soccer. Theory and practice of the fundamental skills training for climbing. 3 u.
and rules of the sport. 3 u.
139.1 Basic Judo. Theory and practice of the fundamental skills and
123.2 Advanced Soccer. Theory and practice of the advanced skills rules of the sport. 3 u.
and officiating of the sport. Prereq: PEd 123.1/COI. 3 u.
139.2 Advanced Judo. Theory and practice of the advanced skills/
130.1 Basic Aquatics. Theory and practice of the fundamental skills teaching methods and officiating of the sport. Prereq: PEd
and rules of the sport. 3 u. 139.1/COI. 3 u.
130.2 Advanced Aquatics. Theory and practice of the advanced 151 Folk Dance. Methods and materials of folk dance instruction
skills and officiating of the sport. Prereq: PEd 130.1/COI. 3 u. in the elementary, secondary, and college levels. 3 u.
131.1 Basic Track and Field. Theory and practice of the fundamental 152 Philippine Ethnic Dance. Rhythms and dances of
skills and rules of the sport. 3 u. representative indigenous groups of the Philippines. 3 u.
131.2 Advanced Track and Field. Theory and practice of the 153.1 Basic Ballroom Dance. A basic review of the dance forms
advanced skills and officiating of the sport. Prereq: PEd 131.1/ associated with ballroom dancing and detailed instruction in
COI. 3 u. the techniques and skills common to all the dances. 3 u.
132.1 Basic Gymnastics. Theory and practice of the fundamental 153.2 Advanced Ballroom Dance. Advanced skills and techniques
skills and rules of the sport. 3 u. in International Ballroom Dance or Dance Sport. Prereq: PEd
153.1. 3 u.
132.2 Advanced Gymnastics. Theory and practice of the advanced
skills and officiating of the sport. Prereq: PEd 132.1/COI. 3 u. 154 Asian Dance. Rhythms and dances of Southeastern Asian
countries. 3 u.
133.1 Basic Badminton. Theory and practice of the fundamental
skills and rules of the sport. 3 u. 155.1 Ballet I. Fundamental skills in ballet ballet barre exercises
and center work. 3 u.
133.2 Advanced Badminton. Theory and practice of the advanced
skills and officiating of the sport. Prereq: PEd 133.1/COI. 3 u. 155.2 Ballet II. Intermediate level continuation of ballet barre
exercises, adagio sequences, allegro enchainments. Prereq:
134.1 Basic Table Tennis. Theory and practice of the fundamental PEd 155.1/COI. 3 u.
skills and rules of the sport. 3 u.
155.3 Ballet III. Advanced level ballet barre exercises, adagio
134.2 Advanced Table Tennis. Theory and practice of the advanced sequences, allegro enchainments, and point work. Prereq:
skills and officiating of the sport. Prereq: PEd 134.1/COI. 3 u. PEd 155.2/COI. 3 u.
135.1 Basic Tennis. Theory and practice of the fundamental skills 156.1 Modern Dance I. Development of basic modern dance
and rules of the sport. 3 u. techniques. 3 u.
135.2 Advanced Tennis. Theory and practice of the advanced skills 156.2 Modern Dance II. Development of more complex modern
and officiating of the sport. Prereq: PEd 135.1/COI. 3 u. dance skills. Prereq: PEd 156.1/COI. 3 u.
College of Human Kinetics 335
156.3 Modern Dance III. Progressively difficult patterns. Prereq: PEd 197 Student Teaching in Physical Education. Practice teaching in
156.2/COI. 3 u. an elementary and/or secondary school. Prereq: PEd 194. 5 u.
157 Jazz. Basic skills in the different types of jazz, using the jazz
dance feeling into aesthetic patterns. 3 u. Department of Sports Science
158 History of Dance. The development of dance from the Sports Science (SS)
primitive to contemporary society. 3 u.
100 Introduction to Physical Education and Sport Sciences. An
159.1 Dance Studies I. Study of the elements of time, space and introduction to the various fields and sub-fields of exercise
force in dance composition. Prereq: PEd 155.1, 155.2, 156.1, and sport sciences and their related professions. Prereq:
156.2, 156.3. 3 u. none. 3 u.
161.1 Basic Street Dance. A contemporary movement class 101 Sports Science. Introductory concepts in Human
characterized by high energy and dynamic movements based Bioenergetics. Prereq: SS 103. 3 u.
on syncopated beats and rhythm, encompassing old school
style (popping, locking, waving, break-dance), new school 102 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1. Structure and function of
style (funk, LA style, mtv/club style), with an integratiuon of the musculo-skeletal system with introduction to analysis of
martial art, gymnastic, or acrobatic, or aerobatic movements. human motor activity. 3 u.
Prereq: PEd 91. 3 u.
103 Human Anatomy and Physiology 2. Structure and function of
172 Community Recreation. Recreational activities in music, the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, nervous, endocrine,
sports, camping, social recreation, arts and crafts, hobbies; lymphatic, urinary, reproductive, and integumentary systems
methods and techniques in leadership and programming for with introduction to the physiological effects of movement on
community recreation. 3 u. the human body. 3 u.
173 Recreation and Leisure. Study of leisure and its impact on 104 Tests and Measurements in Human Movements. Motor skills
contemporary life. 3 u. and ability tests. 3 u.
174 Outdoor Recreation. Basic knowledge and skills in camping 110 Basic Weight Training. Theory and practice of the fundamental
and outdoor activities. 3 u. skills and rules of the sport (weightlifting and power lifting). 3 u.
176 Recreation for Special Groups. Recreation programs for 111 Advanced Weight Training. Theory and practice of advanced
special groups. 3 u. skills and officiating of the sport (weightlifting and power
lifting). Prereq: SS 110. 3 u.
177 Administration of Recreation Systems. Principles and
practices of managing recreation centers, parks and 120 Basic Fitness Dance. Theory and practice of the basic skills
playground of different agencies, social institutions, and and principles of fitness dance as a rhythmic group exercise.
organizations that provide recreation programs. 3 u. Prereq: PEd 91. 3 u.
190 Management of Sports and Recreation Related Services. 121 Advanced Fitness Dance. Theory and practice of the advanced
Basic management and marketing tools necessary for efficient skills and principles of fitness dance as a rhythmic group
administration of the different services and programs catering exercise. Prereq: SS 120. 3 u.
to exercise, fitness, recreation and athletics. 3 u.
130 First Aid. Theory and practice of first aid measures for
194 Methods and Strategies in Physical Education. Current teaching common accidents and emergencies in daily life activities
styles. Selection of appropriate styles for given sets of objectives under different environments. Prereq: SS 102. 3 u.
to ascertain that intent and action are congruent. 3 u.
131 Prevention and Management of Human Movement Related
196 CSS Internship. Field experience as activity leader in recreation, Injuries. Prereq: SS 152. 3 u.
health and fitness settings and sports organizations. Prereq:
SS. 3 u.
336 College Human Kinetics
140 Exercise Physiology I. Physiology of exercise in relation to
fitness: the physiological basis of fitness; adaptive responses
of exercise and activity to the human body. Prereq: SS 102, Human Movement Science (HMS)
103. 3 u.
201 Philosophy of Human Movement Science. 3 u.
141 Exercise Physiology II. Human bioenergetics and exercise:
their processes and their responses and adaptations to 203 Curriculum Development in Physical Education. 3 u.
exercise and training. Prereq: SS 140, 101. 3 u.
205 Research Methods in Physical Education. 3 u.
150 Acquisition of Motor Skills. Cognitive and motor processes in
and factors that influence skill learning. Prereq: SS 103. 3 u. 206 Measurement and Evaluation in Human Movement Science.
Data generation, analysis and appraisal in the various aspects
151 Biomechanics I. Kinetics and kinematics of human of human movement science. 3 u.
movement; Lecture and laboratory. Prereq: Math 17 or its
equivalent. 3 u. 211 Organization and Management of Sports. Management of
intramurals; interscholastic and international sports. 3 u.
152 Biomechanics II. Biomechanics of the musculo-skeletal
system; biomechanics of the joints; applications to testing 212 Physical Fitness Programs. Survey of activity programs for the
and exercise prescription . Prereq: SS 151. 3 u. development and maintenance of physical fitness. 3 u.
160 Sports in Society and Culture. The influence of social 213 Physiological Foundation of Coaching. Circulatory and
organizations and settings, social relationships and processes respiratory adjustment, metabolism, nutrition, drugs,
on the behavior of individuals and groups in sports. Prereq: conditioning, strength, and endurance training. Prereq:
none. 3 u. Anatomy and Physiology. 3 u.
161 Psychology in Sports. Psychological variables that influence 214 Sports Psychology. Analysis of psychological factors and
competitive athletics, social-psychological and social principles affecting performance behavior and emotions in
outcomes of such participation. Prereq: Psych 101. 3 u. sports. 3 u.
170 Methods of Physical Conditioning. Methods of cardiovascular 215 Motor Control. Anatomical and physiological aspects of the
endurance, muscular strength and endurance, speed and control of human movement. 3 u.
power training. Prereq: SS 140. 3 u.
216 Analysis of Human Movement. Kinesiological analysis of
181 Ergogenics in Human Movement Related Activities. The motor skills in physical education and sports. 3 u.
study of performance enhancing strategies and techniques in
sports and other human movement related activities. Prereq: 217 Applied Exercise Physiology. Utilization of the concept of
SS 141. 3 u. exercise physiology in fitness programming, training and
teaching in human movement science. 3 u.
191 Principles of Coaching. Theory and practice of basic coaching
of all types of sports at different levels and settings. Prereq: 221 Dance in Culture. Evolution of dance forms from primitive to
At least 2 basic activity courses and their corresponding contemporary societies with emphasis on the relationship of
advanced activity courses. 3 u. dance to other cultural developments and to education. 3 u.
197 BSS Internship. Field experience as member of the coaching/ 222 Dance Composition I. Analysis of the dance medium and
training staff in sports teams and research/support staff in the relationship of the aspects of time, space and force to
health; fitness and sports medicine centers. Prereq: SS. 3 u. the medium. Principles of form basic to dance composition.
Prereq: Fundamental Rhythms and Creative Dance. 3 u.
199 Research Methods. Prereq: SS. 3 u.
223 Dance Composition II. Composition forms and styles in dance.
200 Thesis. 3 u. Prereq: HMS 222. 3 u.
College of Human Kinetics 337
224 Dance Production I. Production problems of staging, lighting, 235 Contemporary Problems in Leisure. 3 u.
and costuming for the dance. 3 u.
241 Advanced Administration of Physical Education. Application
225 Dance Production II. Dance demonstration and concert. of administrative theory to physical education. Prereq: PEd
Prereq: HMS 224. 3 u. 94/equiv/COI. 3 u.
231 Leisure Education. Theories, approaches and strategies in 242 Current Trends in Physical Education. 3 u.
educating for leisure. 3 u.
243 Psychosocial Issues in Physical Education. Analysis of
232 Management of Leisure. Planning, organizing, executing, and psychological and sociological factors associated with the
evaluating recreational activities and programs in the leisure teaching and learning of physical activities. Prereq: COI. 3 u.
system. 3 u.
298 Seminar in Human Movement Science. May be taken more
233 Camping Administration. Organizational and administrative than once. 3 u.
aspects of camping, including site development, personnel,
safety, sanitation, programs, finance and public relations. 299 Research in Human Movement Science. 3 u.
Includes practicum. 3 u.
300 Thesis. 6 u.
234 Leisure for Special Groups. Techniques in programming and
adaptation of activities to meet the leisure needs of special
groups. 3 u.