Unit Plan GR 8
Unit Plan GR 8
Unit Plan GR 8
General Learning Outcome: 8.2 Exploring the origins of a Western Worldview Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the ways in
which the exchange of ideas and knowledge contributed to shaping the worldview of the western world.
Week 6 [Oct.9-13]
Monday [8:17-8:58] Tuesday [8:17-8:58] Wednesday [8:17-8:58] Thursday [8:17-8:58] Friday [8:17-8:56]
- No School - **PD Day** 1)Have students go through *Ch.2 Open Book Quiz (5%) ***
Thanksgiving Day No Students their Ch.2 checklist (I can/ 2)Check quiz answers. Ch.2 Closed Book Quiz (5%)
Read/Do) 3)Review Ch2. 2)Video/visuals related to
2)Review Ch. 2 Ch.3 topic/s.
Values & Attitudes;
Knowledge & Understanding;
Week 7 [Oct. 16-20]
Monday [8:17-8:58] Tuesday [8:17-8:58] Wednesday [8:17-8:58] Thursday [8:17-8:58] Friday [8:17-8:56]
1)Begin Ch.3: The 1)Read pgs 65-70 1)Read/discuss hand-out on 1)Read pgs 75-77. 1)Check worksheet
Humanist Approach 2)Continue and complete Notes: To Think About, 2) Continue and complete Practice: The Humanist
(pgs58-77) worksheet Practice: Split and have a class discussion. worksheet Practice: The Approach (3pgs) Due (1%)
2)Read pgs 58-64, class Page Vocabulary 2)Read pgs70-74. Humanist Approach (pgs 2)Review content and
discussion, and answer Due (1%) 3) Do worksheet Practice: 1and2). assignments that have been
student questions. The Humanist Approach 3)Start the 3rd pg on topics covered.
3)Do worksheet Practice: (3pgs). Work on and notes/Using pgs
Split Page Vocabulary pgs.1and2/using tb- 65,67,69.
(2pgs)/use tb- pgs.64and62.
Introduction: Bonus marks for the worksheet and class activity Total: 2%
Chapter 1: 5 Assignments (each 1%) 5% Open Book Quiz 5% Closed Book Quiz 5% Total: 15%
Chapter 2: 2 Assignments (each 1%) 2% Open Book Quiz 5% Closed Book Quiz 5% Total: 12%
Chapter 3: 3 Assignments (each 1%) 3% Open Book Quiz 5% Closed Book Quiz 5% Total: 13%
Chapter 4: 3 Assignments (each 1%) 3% Open Book Quiz 5% Closed Book Quiz 5% Total: 13%
Chapter 5: 3 Assignments (each 1%) 3% Open Book Quiz 5% Closed Book Quiz 5% Total: 13%
Chapter 6: 4 Assignments (each 1%) 4% Open Book Quiz 5% Closed Book Quiz 5% Total: 14%
1. Current Events: Local, National, & International group project (research and presentation) Due: Monday, Oct. 2/17 5%
2. Current Events: Local, National, & International group project (research and presentation) Due: Monday, Oct. 30/17 5%
3. Current Events: Local, National, & International group project (research and presentation) Due: Monday, Nov. 20/17 5%
4. Current Events: Local, National, & International group project (research and presentation) Due: Friday, Dec. 15/17 5%