Unit Plan GR 8

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K&E Gr. 8 Social Studies: Unit 1 Renaissance Europe: Origins of a Western Worldview (Ch.

General Learning Outcome: 8.2 Exploring the origins of a Western Worldview Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the ways in
which the exchange of ideas and knowledge contributed to shaping the worldview of the western world.

Week 1 [Sept. 4-8]

Monday [8:17-8:58] Tuesday [8:17-8:58] Wednesday [8:17-8:58] Thursday [8:17-8:58] Friday [8:17-8:56]
- No School - 1)Class/Student/Teacher 1)Remind/Review 1)Begin the Introduction of 1)Read pgs 10-15.
Labour Day Introductions. Classroom Rules, the textbook pg.2-9 (read to Do Intro.-worksheet
2)Create classroom Rules, Expectations, & Student students and discuss) Practice: To Think About
Expectations, and Students Goals. 2)Students Read pg.3 questions and activity.
set Goals. 2)Icebreaker (Whats in a Word and last Due/Bonus marks (2%).
3)Icebreakers; 3)Discuss; local, national, paragraph)
(1) 1 lie & 2 truths and international news or 3)Students Read all of pg.4
(2) Little Known Fact events assignments (group 4)Do Introduction worksheet
work). Practice: Split Page
3)Introduce Unit 1: ch. 1-6. Vocabulary (use the 3
definitions for open book

Week 2 [Sept. 11-15]

Monday [8:17-8:58] Tuesday [8:17-8:58] Wednesday [8:17-8:58] Thursday [8:17-8:58] Friday [8:17-8:56]
1)Begin Ch.1: Times of 1)Read pages 20-23 1)Read pages 24-27 1)Read pages 28-31 1)Read pages 32-34.
Change. (pg16-37) 2) Continue working on 2) Begin worksheet 2)Continue and complete 2)Do worksheet Practice:
2)Video/Visual regarding completing worksheet Practice: Split Pg Voc. worksheet Practice: Split Pg The Feudal Hierarchy
Ch.1 topic/s Practice: THRILD using (2pgs) use glossary Voc. (2pgs) use glossary (2pgs)/Use tb-pgs 18-19/24-
3)Read pages 17-19 pages 18/27/&33 3)Continue working on 3)Check Practice: Split 27.
4)Go through the entire (Illustrations/pg2) completing and check Page Vocabulary work
chapter and point out 3)Encourage students to ask worksheets Practice: before handing in. Due (1%)
headings and subheadings questions (class discussion) THRILD
5)Worksheet Practice:
THRILD Do; topic,
headings, read first
paragraph (ws/pg1), and
illustrations 3questions
Week 3 [Sept.18-22]
Monday [8:17-8:58] Tuesday [8:17-8:58] Wednesday [8:17-8:58] Thursday [8:17-8:58] Friday [8:17-8:56]
1)Check worksheet 1)Do: complete worksheet 1)Review readings pgs 24-33 1)Review reading35-37 **PD Day**
Practice: The Feudal Practice: THRILD pages 2)Cont. worksheet Practice: 2)Worksheet Practice: A No Students
Hierarchy (2pgs) 3and4/Use pages 35&29. What Changed Medieval New Age (ws.pg1-
Due (1%) Due: (1%) Society? (2-3pg/tb-pg33) 5/tb.pg35-37)
2)Read page 35-37. 2)Do worksheet Practice: 3)Check worksheets
(Complete reading the ch.1) What Changed Medieval Due (1%)
Society? (1pg/tb.pg24-26),
cont. ws.

Week 4 [Sept. 25-29]

Monday [8:17-8:58] Tuesday [8:17-8:58] Wednesday [8:17-8:58] Thursday [8:17-8:58] Friday [8:17-8:56]
1)Review pages 35-37 1)Have students go through *Ch.1 Open Book Quiz (5%) *** 1)1st Current Events
2)Continue working on their Ch.1 checklist (I can/ 2)Check quiz answers. Ch.1 Closed Book Quiz (5%) Research Assignment
worksheet Practice: A New Read/Do) 3)Review Ch1. 2)Video/visual related to (Computer Lab).
Age (ws.pg1-5/tb.pg35-37) 2)Review Ch. 1 Ch.2 topic/s.
and complete.
Due (1%) SLOs:
Values & Attitudes;
Knowledge & Understanding;
Week 5 [Oct. 2-6]
Monday [8:17-8:58] Tuesday [8:17-8:58] Wednesday [8:17-8:58] Thursday [8:17-8:58] Friday [8:17-8:56]
1)Group presentations on 1 st
1)Review pgs40-41. 1)Continue working on 1)Read pgs.44-49 1)Read pgs.49-53.
Current Events; local, 2) Read pgs.42-43 worksheet The Expansion 2)Do 2nd worksheet The 2)Continue on the 2nd
national, and international. 3)Continue on worksheet of Trade pg3and4/using the Expansion of Trade: worksheet The Expansion
Due (5%) The Expansion of Trade attached Notesheet geography, mapping rules, of Trade: mapping rules, and
2)Begin Ch.2: The pg2/tb pg40-43. Activity (2pgs). and making maps assign. making maps
Expansion of Trade (pgs38- 2)Check work 3)Check work
57) 3)1st worksheet Practice: Due (1%)
3)Read pgs.38-43. The Expansion of Trade
4)Do worksheet The Due (1%)
Expansion of Trade pg1,
q1and2/use textbook pg.40
(have students try/attempt to
read but assist those who
need help reading and
answering questions

Week 6 [Oct.9-13]
Monday [8:17-8:58] Tuesday [8:17-8:58] Wednesday [8:17-8:58] Thursday [8:17-8:58] Friday [8:17-8:56]
- No School - **PD Day** 1)Have students go through *Ch.2 Open Book Quiz (5%) ***
Thanksgiving Day No Students their Ch.2 checklist (I can/ 2)Check quiz answers. Ch.2 Closed Book Quiz (5%)
Read/Do) 3)Review Ch2. 2)Video/visuals related to
2)Review Ch. 2 Ch.3 topic/s.

Values & Attitudes;
Knowledge & Understanding;
Week 7 [Oct. 16-20]
Monday [8:17-8:58] Tuesday [8:17-8:58] Wednesday [8:17-8:58] Thursday [8:17-8:58] Friday [8:17-8:56]
1)Begin Ch.3: The 1)Read pgs 65-70 1)Read/discuss hand-out on 1)Read pgs 75-77. 1)Check worksheet
Humanist Approach 2)Continue and complete Notes: To Think About, 2) Continue and complete Practice: The Humanist
(pgs58-77) worksheet Practice: Split and have a class discussion. worksheet Practice: The Approach (3pgs) Due (1%)
2)Read pgs 58-64, class Page Vocabulary 2)Read pgs70-74. Humanist Approach (pgs 2)Review content and
discussion, and answer Due (1%) 3) Do worksheet Practice: 1and2). assignments that have been
student questions. The Humanist Approach 3)Start the 3rd pg on topics covered.
3)Do worksheet Practice: (3pgs). Work on and notes/Using pgs
Split Page Vocabulary pgs.1and2/using tb- 65,67,69.
(2pgs)/use tb- pgs.64and62.

Week 8 [Oct. 23-27]

Monday [8:17-8:58] Tuesday [8:17-8:58] Wednesday [8:17-8:58] Thursday [8:17-8:58] Friday [8:17-8:56]
1)Do worksheet Practice: 1)Have students go through *Ch.3 Open Book Quiz (5%) *** nd
1)2 Current Events
The Art activity, provide their Ch.3 checklist (I can/ 2)Check quiz answers. Ch.3 Closed Book Quiz (5%) Research Assignment
students with art supplies, Read/Do) 3)Review Ch3. 2)Video/visuals related to (Computer Lab).
and have them create their 2)Review Ch.3 Ch.4 topic/s.
own picture frames and
artwork. SLOs:
Values & Attitudes;
Due (1%)
Knowledge & Understanding;
Week 9 [Oct. 30-Nov.3]
Monday [8:17-8:58] Tuesday [8:17-8:58] Wednesday [8:17-8:58] Thursday [8:17-8:58] Friday [8:17-8:56]
1)2 Current Events group
1)Review pgs 78-83. 1)Complete and check 1)Review section Science: 1)Read pgs 88-91
presentations Due (5%) 2)Read pgs84-87. worksheet Practice: Split A New Way of Seeing pgs 2)Have students practice
2)Begin Ch.4: The 3)Do worksheet Practice: Page Vocabulary 80-87. note-taking skills.
Exchange of Ideas (pg78- Split Page Vocabulary Due (1%). 2)Check answers and 3)Class discussion.
103). (2pgs). 2)Do worksheet Practice: complete worksheet
3)Read pgs 78-83. Graphic Organizer Practice: Graphic
4)Overview of chapter 4 and (1pg)/Using pgs 80-81,82- Organizer
what will be covered. 83, and 86-87. Due (1%).

Week 10 [Nov. 6-10]

Monday [8:17-8:58] Tuesday [8:17-8:58] Wednesday [8:17-8:58] Thursday [8:17-8:58] Friday [8:17-8:56]
1)Read pgs92-96. 1)Read pgs 97-100. 1)Read pgs 101-103. **PD Day** - No School -
2)Do page 1 of worksheet 2)Do page 2 of worksheet 2)Do page 3 of worksheet No Students Remembrance Day
Practice: Problem Solving Practice: Problem Solving Practice: Problem Solving
Past/Present (3pgs) Past/Present (3pgs) Past/Present (3pgs)
3)Complete and check work,
Due (1%).

Week 11 [Nov. 13-17]

Monday [8:17-8:58] Tuesday [8:17-8:58] Wednesday [8:17-8:58] Thursday [8:17-8:58] Friday [8:17-8:56]
1)Have students go through *Ch.4 Open Book Quiz (5%) *** 1)Begin Ch.5: The Age of 1)3 Current Events
their Ch.4 checklist (I can/ 2)Check quiz answers. Ch.4 Closed Book Quiz (5%) Exploration (pgs 104-127). Research Assignment
Read/Do) 3)Review Ch4. 2)Video/visuals related to 2)Overview of the chapter. (Computer Lab).
2)Review Ch 4. Ch.5 topic/s. 3)Read pgs104-110.
4)Do worksheet Practice:
SLOs: Split Page Vocabulary (1pg)
Values & Attitudes;
Due (1%)
Knowledge & Understanding;
Week 12 [Nov. 20-24]
Monday [8:17-8:58] Tuesday [8:17-8:58] Wednesday [8:17-8:58] Thursday [8:17-8:58] Friday [8:17-8:56]
1)3rd Current Events group 1)Read pgs 110-115. 1)Read pgs 116-119 1)Read pgs120-123 1)Read pgs. 124-127.
presentations Due (5%) 2)Do worksheet Practice: 2)Do worksheet Practice: 2)Complete and check 2)Review Ch. 5
2)Complete worksheet Graphic Organizer-Why did Graphic Organizer-Money worksheet Practice: Graphic
Practice: Split Page people want to explore? and Religion (1pg) Organizer-Money and
Vocabulary (1pg) (1pg) religion
Due (1%). (gallery walk 2nd section) Due (1%)
Due (1%)

Week 13 [Nov .27-Dec.1]

Monday [8:17-8:58] Tuesday [8:17-8:58] Wednesday [8:17-8:58] Thursday [8:17-8:58] Friday [8:17-8:56]
*Ch.5 Open Book Quiz (5%) *** 1) Begin Ch. 6: O Brave 1)Read pages 130-131. **PD Day**
2)Check quiz answers. Ch.5 Closed Book Quiz (5%) New World (pgs 128-147) 2)Continue and complete No Students
3)Review Ch. 5 2)Video/visuals related to 2)Overview of the chapter worksheet Practice: Split
Ch. 6 topic/s. 3)Read pages 128-129. Page Vocabulary
4)Do worksheet Practice: Due (1%)
SLOs: Split Page Vocabulary (1pg)
Values & Attitudes;
Knowledge & Understanding;

Week 14 [Dec. 4-8]

Monday [8:17-8:58] Tuesday [8:17-8:58] Wednesday [8:17-8:58] Thursday [8:17-8:58] Friday [8:17-8:56]
1)Read pages 132-135 1)Read pages135-138. 1)Read pg 139-140. 1)Read pages 140-143. 1)Read pages 144-147.
2)Do worksheet Practice: 2)Continue and complete 2)Do worksheet Practice: 2)Continue and complete the 2)Do worksheet Practice:
Treaty of Tordesillas (3pgs) worksheet Practice: The Graphic Organizer- worksheet Practice: Graphic Imperialism (1pg) 4
complete pg1and2. Treaty of Tordesillas (3pgs) Explorers (1pg) Organizer-Explorers (1pg) sentences.
complete pg2and3. chart. Due (1%).
Due (1%) Due (1%)
Week 15 [Dec. 11-15]
Monday [8:17-8:58] Tuesday [8:17-8:58] Wednesday [8:17-8:58] Thursday [8:17-8:58] Friday [8:17-8:56]
1)Review Ch. 6 *Ch.6 Open Book Quiz (5%) *** th
1)4 Current Events 1)4th Current Events group
2)Check quiz answers. Ch.6 Closed Book Quiz (5%) Research Assignment presentations Due (5%).
3)Review Ch.6 (Computer Lab)
Values & Attitudes;
Knowledge & Understanding;

Week 16 [Dec. 18-22]

Monday [8:17-8:58] Tuesday [8:17-8:58] Wednesday [8:17-8:58] Thursday [8:17-8:58] Friday [8:17-8:56]

Assessment & Evaluation

Introduction: Bonus marks for the worksheet and class activity Total: 2%

Chapter 1: 5 Assignments (each 1%) 5% Open Book Quiz 5% Closed Book Quiz 5% Total: 15%
Chapter 2: 2 Assignments (each 1%) 2% Open Book Quiz 5% Closed Book Quiz 5% Total: 12%
Chapter 3: 3 Assignments (each 1%) 3% Open Book Quiz 5% Closed Book Quiz 5% Total: 13%
Chapter 4: 3 Assignments (each 1%) 3% Open Book Quiz 5% Closed Book Quiz 5% Total: 13%
Chapter 5: 3 Assignments (each 1%) 3% Open Book Quiz 5% Closed Book Quiz 5% Total: 13%
Chapter 6: 4 Assignments (each 1%) 4% Open Book Quiz 5% Closed Book Quiz 5% Total: 14%

1. Current Events: Local, National, & International group project (research and presentation) Due: Monday, Oct. 2/17 5%
2. Current Events: Local, National, & International group project (research and presentation) Due: Monday, Oct. 30/17 5%
3. Current Events: Local, National, & International group project (research and presentation) Due: Monday, Nov. 20/17 5%
4. Current Events: Local, National, & International group project (research and presentation) Due: Friday, Dec. 15/17 5%

Total Marks for Unit 1: 102%

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