Ginko Biloba1
Ginko Biloba1
Ginko Biloba1
Background: Vitiligo is a common hypopigmentation disorder with significant psychological impact if occurring
before adulthood. A pilot clinical trial to determine the feasibility of an RCT was conducted and is reported here.
Methods: 12 participants 12 to 35 years old were recruited to a prospective open-label pilot trial and treated with
60 mg of standardized G. biloba two times per day for 12 weeks. The criteria for feasibility included successful
recruitment, 75% or greater retention, effectiveness and lack of serious adverse reactions. Effectiveness was
assessed using the Vitiligo Area Scoring Index (VASI) and the Vitiligo European Task Force (VETF), which are
validated outcome measures evaluating the area and intensity of depigmentation of vitiligo lesions. Other
outcomes included photographs and adverse reactions. Safety was assessed by serum coagulation factors
(platelets, PTT, INR) at baseline and week 12.
Results: After 2 months of recruitment, the eligible upper age limit was raised from 18 to 35 years of age in order
to facilitate recruitment of the required sample size. Eleven participants completed the trial with 85% or greater
adherence to the protocol. The total VASI score improved by 0.5 (P = 0.021) from 5.0 to 4.5, range of scale 0 (no
depigmentation) to 100 (completely depigmented). The progression of vitiligo stopped in all participants; the total
VASI indicated an average repigmentation of vitiligo lesions of 15%. VETF total vitiligo lesion area decreased 0.4%
(P = 0.102) from 5.9 to 5.6 from baseline to week 12. VETF staging score improved by 0.7 (P = 0.101) from 6.6 to
5.8, and the VETF spreading score improved by 3.9 (P < 0.001)) from 2.7 to -1.2. There were no statistically
significant changes in platelet count, PTT, or INR.
Conclusions: The criteria for feasibility were met after increasing the maximum age limit of the successful
recruitment criterion; participant retention, safety and effectiveness criteria were also met. Ingestion of 60 mg of
Ginkgo biloba BID was associated with a significant improvement in total VASI vitiligo measures and VETF spread,
and a trend towards improvement on VETF measures of vitiligo lesion area and staging. Larger, randomized
double-blind clinical studies are warranted and appear feasible.
Trial Registration: Clinical registration number NCT00907062
along with vitiligo [12]. In addition, vitiligo sufferers often oxidative stress in macrophages and endothelial cells
display elevated levels of serum antibodies to melanocytic [22], scavenge superoxides [23], and protect against
antigens (tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related proteins 1 UVB-induced toxicity [24].
and 2) [11,12]. Second is the neuronal hypothesis which As stress or anxiety have been postulated to be
states that altered reactions of melanocytes to neuropep- involved to the mechanisms of vitiligo pathogenesis,
tides and catecholamines are responsible for melanocyte ginkgos anxiolytic effect may also contribute to its use in
destruction [12]. Several studies have found that dopamine the treatment of vitiligo. Several studies using animal
can induce apoptosis in human melanocytes [13,14]. The models report that ginkgo can significantly decrease the
neuronal hypothesis is further supported by the findings detrimental effects of learned helplessness [25], increase
that there is close contact between melanocytes and nerve intake of novel food in emotional hypophagia, and
endings in depigmented skin, an observation rarely seen in increase time spent in the open on the elevated plus
normal skin [12]. Degenerated and regenerated autono- maze. These effects are similar to those demonstrated for
mous nerve fibers and thickened basement membranes of anxiolytic drugs such as diazepam and buspirone [25]. In
Schwann cells can also be found within vitiligo lesions auditory perturbation stress the detrimental effects of
[12]. Third is the self-destruct hypothesis, where melano- stress indicated by increased errors and increases in
cytes self-destruct due to defects in protective mechanisms plasma concentrations of epinephrine, norepinephrine,
responsible for removing toxic melanin precursors [12]. and corticosterone were decreased by Ginkgo biloba
This is thought to lead to the accumulation of melanotoxic extract EGb 761 [25]. Marcilhac also showed that long
indole derivatives and free radicals [12]. Fourth is the bio- term administration of ginkgo extract EGb 761 resulted
chemical hypothesis which postulates an overproduction in decreased basal corticosterone secretion, corticotro-
of a tyrosine hydroxylase cofactor, hydrobiopterin, result- phin releasing hormone (CRH) and arginine vasopressin
ing in increased catecholamine synthesis [12]. This is (AVP) gene expression [26]. Under intense surgical
thought to result in increased reactive oxygen species that stress, CRH, ACTH, and corticosterone plasma concen-
are toxic to melanocytes [12]. This is supported by find- trations were elevated in control animals, but signifi-
ings of reduced catalase and higher concentrations of cantly less so in ginkgo treated animals [26]. Woelk
hydrogen peroxide in affected and unaffected skin of viti- postulates that these findings suggest that EGb 761
ligo sufferers [12,15]. modulates the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-
Conventional treatments for vitiligo include photoche- adrenocortical (HPA) axis [25].
motherapy (PUVA), phototherapy (UVB), vitamin D3 The anxiolytic effect of Ginkgo biloba has also been
analogues, topical corticosteroids, topical immunomodu- demonstrated in humans. Ginkgo biloba has been
lators, excimer laser, and surgery. These treatment reported to improve symptoms associated with dementia
options have limited success [1,11,12], and some present including anxiety [27]. Jezova showed that ginkgo extract
significant risks, including suspected increases in skin EGb 761 significantly attenuated a stress-induced rise in
cancer risk by PUVA, skin atrophy with corticosteroids, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and maintained nor-
and skin boils with UVB therapy [1,11,12]. The low ben- mal salivary cortisol, while the salivary cortisol increased
efit to risk ratios of these therapies and the high psycho- in the placebo group [28]. Hemmeter et al demonstrated
logical impact of vitiligo make the search for a safe and improved sleep efficiency and reduced awakenings with
effective alternative approach critical. ginkgo intake. In a 107 patient randomized, double blind,
A systematic review of natural health product (NHP) placebo controlled 4 week trial Woelk et al demonstrated
treatments for vitiligo [16] identified several approaches a dose dependent decrease on the Hamilton rating scale
showing positive results, including topical tocopherol for anxiety (HAMA), indicating an improvement in anxi-
[17], topical vitamin D3 [18,19], and oral l-phenylalanine ety [25]. While the mechanism of action of Gingko biloba
[20,21], and Ginkgo biloba [3]. However, the trials were in the treatment of vitiligo is unknown, ginkgos immu-
generally of poor quality and the products were often nomodulatory, antioxidant, and anxiolytic properties may
tested as adjuncts to UVA or UVB. One trial using only be of benefit to vitiligo sufferers. The ease of taking an
Ginkgo biloba monotherapy in adults showed promising oral pill, the relatively low cost, and the low frequency of
results but was of poor methodological quality. adverse reactions with G. biloba [29] make its use for
The specific mechanism of the action of Ginkgo biloba vitiligo tempting, but the poor quality of the study and
in vitiligo is unknown. Parsad points out that ginkgo is lack of replication of the findings make clinical conclu-
known to have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, sions difficult. Here we report on a pilot study using
and antioxidant properties [3], thus potentially impact- G. biloba for the treatment of vitiligo in Canadian adoles-
ing the oxidative stress mechanisms of vitiligo. Ginkgo cents and young adults in the GTA using a validated
and its constituents have been shown to attenuate outcome.
Szczurko et al. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2011, 11:21 Page 3 of 9
Methods During the initial visit the presence of vitiligo was ver-
Study Design ified under Woods lamp. Inclusion and exclusion cri-
This prospective, open-label, non-randomized, feasibility teria were assessed, which excluded anyone who had
trial was conducted in a western suburb of the Greater treatment for vitiligo or used of Ginkgo biloba within
Toronto Area (GTA) from May to November 2009. The 2 months of study onset or during treatment. Partici-
primary objective was to determine feasibility and sam- pants background information, information for the Viti-
ple size estimates for a larger randomized controlled ligo European Task Force (VETF) form [31], Vitiligo
trial of ginkgo for vitiligo. The pre-determined criteria Area Scoring Index (VASI) [32], and pictures under
used to judge feasibility were: incandescent and Woods lamp were also collected dur-
ing the initial visit.
successful recruitment of 12 participants in A blood sample (6-8 ml) was obtained to determine
3 months coagulation status of participants, including complete
75% participants completing the trial blood count (CBC), partial thromboplastin time (PTT),
at least 25% of participants achieving a clinically and prothrombin time (INR).
significant 30% repigmentation At the end of the initial visit, participants were given a
lack of serious adverse reactions requiring hospita- 30 day supply of the supplement (Ginkgo plus by Seroyal,
lization or threatening the life of participants, as Health Canada Natural Product Number 80010368) con-
defined by the World Health Organization [30] taining 60 mg of Ginkgo biloba (standardized to 15 mg
ginkgoflavonglycosides and 4 mg terpene lactones per
pill) and instructed to take 1 oral capsule twice per day
Participants and Setting 10 minutes before breakfast and dinner for the duration
We planned to include a convenience sample of male or of the trial. No other treatments for vitiligo were per-
female participants, aged 12 to 18 years old, with vitiligo mitted, but all other medications and medical treatments
vulgaris of any duration as diagnosed by a doctor, and a were allowed and monitored via diaries. Participants
minimum VASI depigmentation score corresponding to were then scheduled for a follow up visit in 4, 8, and
a 3 cm 2 completely (100%) depigmented lesion, or a 12 weeks.
6 cm2 50% depigmented lesion. Sequential follow ups took place every 4 weeks, and
Participants were recruited from the GTA. Study included a diary and oral review of other medication
advertisements were made via magazines, posters, on- use, adverse reactions, and compliance via collection
line, and cultural centers, and via letters to dermatolo- and counting of Ginkgo biloba capsules returned. Pro-
gists and pediatricians in the western GTA. The study gression of vitiligo was monitored via the Vitiligo Area
was approved by the Health Sciences Research Ethics Scoring Index (VASI), via the measurement criteria
Board at the University of Toronto (REB), and the Nat- established by the VETF, and via photographs of vitiligi-
ural Health Products Directorate at Health Canada nous lesions under incandescent and Woods light. At
(NHPD). Informed consent was obtained from all the end of each follow up, participants were given a new
enrolled participants (or their guardians). For all adoles- 30 day supply of G. biloba. Orest Szczurko (OS) per-
cent participants, assent of the participants was sought formed the VASI and VETF assessments after training
in addition to parental consent. The conduct of the trial by Neil Shear (NS). OS was not blinded to treatment
complied with the Helsinki Declaration for studies in allocation. At the end of study at week 12, blood sam-
humans. pling was repeated.
The study took place at a private practice in central
Mississauga, a western suburb of the GTA. The study Withdrawal of subjects
was funded by the Interdisciplinary Network for Com- Participants were free to withdraw at any time during
plementary & Alternative Medicine Research (IN-CAM). the study. Upon indication of withdrawal, participants
The study product was provided free of charge by Ser- were asked about the reason for withdrawal, and about
oyal International Inc. who had no input in the design any adverse reactions. After withdrawing, participants
and conduct of the study nor the interpretation and were not contacted again unless they indicated their
publishing of the results. wish to receive results of the study by mail.
extent of depigmentation. Scores range from 0 (no alpha set at 0.05 and beta of 0.20, and assuming a base-
depigmentation) to 100 (complete depigmentation of the line VASI score of 20, a standard deviation of 7 [33],
entire body). The VASI takes into account the size and and a 30% improvement, we estimated 10 subjects were
the degree of depigmentation of vitiligo lesions. The required. Allowing for 2 dropouts, 12 participants were
VASI score is calculated by multiplying the sum of the deemed sufficient to demonstrate a large treatment
area of each lesion by the percent depigmentation of the effect if present, and demonstrate feasibility of recruit-
lesion. The area of each lesion is measured in percent of ment, retention, safety, and assessment of outcome mea-
total body surface using the rule of nines, where the sures to allow for a calculation of effect size for a larger
palm plus volar surface of all the digits = 1%. The inten- randomized clinical trial planned for the future. Scores
sity of depigmentation of each lesion is approximated on were compared using a paired t-test, where a p-value of
a 0-100 percent scale. < 0.05 was considered significant.
Secondary outcome measures of vitiligo included
the VETF score, digital photographs under incandes- Results
cent and Woods light scored at baseline and final week Recruitment and follow up
12 follow up visit. The VETF is designed to evaluate the Initial recruitment of participants 12 to 18 years of age
area of vitiligo lesions, staging, and disease activity. The proved difficult. After two months of recruitment, the
VETF scoring form includes background information on upper age limit was increased to 35 years. Eight partici-
disease duration, disease activity, family vitiligo history, pants under 18 and four participants aged 18-35 were
and degree to which vitiligo impacts the participants recruited (eight female and four male). Eleven partici-
life. It also assesses Fitzpatricks skin type, presence of pants completed the 12 week study with a mean compli-
thyroid or other autoimmune diseases, and the presence ance rate of 87% (range 71%-97%), attended all follow
and number of halo nevus. The area of each lesion is up visits, and were included in the statistical analysis.
measured in percent of total body surface (where the One female participant dropped out after the first
palm plus volar surface of all the digits = 1%). The viti- 4 week follow-up, stating a loss of interest in the study.
ligo staging score is assessed from 0 to 3 (0 = normal Participant characteristics are in Table 1.
pigmentation, 1 = incomplete depigmentation, 2 = com-
plete depigmentation, 3 = complete depigmentation plus Efficacy
significant hair whitening) and summed for 5 body The status of vitiligo over the study period is displayed
regions. Thus the staging score range is from 0 to 15. in Table 2. The total VASI score showed a significant
Disease activity is assessed from -1 indicating regressive improvement of 0.5 (P = 0.021) from baseline (4.97) to
vitiligo to + 1 indicating progressive vitiligo for each of week 12 (4.47) (Table 2). The trunk, with a VASI score
5 body regions, thus giving a range from -5 to +5. The improvement of 0.2 (P = 0.105) and legs, with an
VETF and VASI were scored by one of the investigators improvement of 0.196 (P = .228) showed the greatest
(OS) after training by a practicing dermatologist, profes- responses.
sor and chief of dermatology at the University of The mean percent improvement in the VASI score
Toronto (NS). was 15%, with 2 participants improving greater than
All depigmented lesions were photographed with a 30% and one achieving a 27% improvement in total
Panasonic Lumix 9.1 MP digital camera next to a mm/cm VASI score. Three others showed improvements in
ruler. VASI from 11 to 18%. Of the eleven participants who
Adverse events were recorded by participants in a completed the trial, two experienced no change and one
diary, or orally communicated to one of the investiga- experienced a very small 0.4% improvement. Figure 1
tors (OS). At each follow up, the diary was collected charts the baseline and week 12 VASI scores.
and participants were asked: Since our last visit, did The VETF scores for area, staging, and disease activity
you experience any odd or unusual symptoms? In the are shown in Table 3. The VETF scores of total area of
event of an adverse event, patients were instructed to vitiligo lesions decreased from 5.91 to 5.56, a decrease
note and record the intensity, timing, and description of 0.36 (P = 0.102) on the VETF, translating to a 6%
of any adverse events. The World Health Organiza- decrease in lesion size. The VETF staging score also did
tions definition of adverse events was used [30], and not show significant improvement, but did show a trend
correlation with treatment was rated by the clinicians toward improvement in all body areas, with total staging
(OS and NS). change improving from 6.5 to 5.8, a change of 0.73 (P =
0.101), or 11%. The treatment had a significant impact
Sample Size Calculation and Statistical Analysis on arresting the spread of vitiligo, improving the total
The primary outcome measure was the difference in spreading score from 2.7 to -1.1, a 3.9 point difference
VASI scores between baseline and week 12. With an (P =< 0.001).
Szczurko et al. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2011, 11:21 Page 5 of 9
Table 1 Baseline Vitiligo European Task Force had started study treatment on July 20, July 27, and
characteristics of participants starting treatment June 11 2009 respectively. One had vitiligo on hands,
Sex the others did not. Two had vitiligo on the torso and all
Female 8 three had vitiligo on the lower body but only one on
Male 4 feet.
Mean Years of Age (range) 18 (12-29) In contrast, of the three participants who did not
Fitzpatricks phototypes improve significantly: two were female; they were aged
I 1 12, 16 and 22 with disease duration of 4, 6 and 9 years
II 0 and started study treatment on June 9, June 9, and July
III 0 16, 2009 respectively. Two had non progressive vitiligo,
IV 2 and one progressive. Two had Fitzpatricks skin type 5
V 9 and one type 4. All three had vitiligo on hands; two had
VI 0 vitiligo on upper extremities. All three had vitiligo on the
Duration of disease, mean years (range) 5.96 (2-17) torso area as well as the lower extremities and the feet.
Caucasian 2 Safety
South Asian 9 Serum coagulation parameters measured at baseline and
South American 1 week 12 (Table 4) demonstrated no significant changes.
Disease activity One case of watery diarrhea of mild intensity that
Progressive 7 developed 43 days after starting the Ginkgo biloba was
Non progressive 5 reported by a 13 year old male participant. The partici-
Previous repigmentation pant continued to take the Ginkgo biloba and the diar-
after treatment 11 rhea resolved within 24 hours without any treatment or
spontaneous 0 protocol deviations. The participant reported having a
no repigmentation 1 similar one day bout of watery diarrhea two months
Depigmentation on scars 5 before entering the study, when not taking any supple-
Stress at onset 2 ments. The participant, his parents, and the study coor-
Stress as precipitating factor 2 dinator agreed that the watery diarrhea episode was
Itch before lesions 3 likely unrelated to the Ginkgo biloba supplement. There
Vitiligo on genitals 3 were no other adverse events reported by participants.
Thyroid disease
Yes 1 Discussion
No 11 In this pilot trial, we did not demonstrate feasibility
Thyroid antibodies according to the four criteria of recruitment set-out a-
Yes 0 priori: 12 participants in 3 months, 75% retention, 25%
No 9 of participants achieving 30% repigmentation based on
unknown 3 the VASI, and lack of serious adverse reactions. The pri-
Family history of premature gray hair 4 mary challenge for achieving feasibility was the recruit-
Family history of vitiligo 3 ment of 12 participants aged 12 to 18 years old in the
Degree to which vitiligo affects everyday life (out of 10, 10 3.7 (1.84) specified time period. The initial recruitment was lim-
being the worst) (SD) ited to pediatric patients since 50% of vitiligo cases
History of autoimmune disease 0 appear before 20 years old, and vitiligo is known to have
Family history of thyroid or other autoimmune disease 1 significant psychological impact. It could be argued that
Halo Nevus 0 the adolescent years are some of the most psychologi-
n = 12, SD = standard deviation. cally fragile, where looks and social pressures have the
most impact, thus the adolescent population was tar-
There were no identifiable differences between the geted for this study as the need to treat their vitiligo
participants who improved the greatest, and those who was perceived to be the greatest. Although many people
did not improve at all. Of the three participants that inquired about the study, we had difficulty recruiting
improved the greatest: two had progressive vitiligo, the young participants specified in the inclusion criteria.
while one had non progressive; two were male, one was After two months of recruitment, the upper age limit
female; two had Fitzpatricks skin type 5 and one Fitzpa- was raised to 35 years old, and this resulted in achieve-
trick skin type 4. They were 13, 14 and 19 years old, ment of the required sample size. Eleven of 12 partici-
and had suffered with vitiligo for 10, 14 and 2 years and pants, or 92%, completed the trial.
Szczurko et al. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2011, 11:21 Page 6 of 9
Table 2 Vitiligo Area Scoring Index scores at baseline and week 12, n = 11
Area % area of vitiligo (SD) extent of depigmentation VASI score (SD)
(0,10,25,50,75,90,100) (SD)
hands (0-4%) baseline 1.08 (0.93) 37.27 (35.73) 0.51 (0.56)
week 12 1.08 (0.93) 35.91 (34.27) 0.50 (0.57)
change 0.00 p = 0 -1.36 p = 0.21 -0.01 p = 0.21
upper extremities (0-18%) baseline 1.10 (1.69) 34.55 (41.02) 0.70 (1.38)
week 12 1.10 (1.69) 30.91 (35.48) 0.63 (1.18)
change 0.00 p = 0 -3.64 p = 0.20 -0.07 p = 0.35
trunk (0-36%) baseline 2.87 (4.04) 69.64 (32.58) 1.66 (1.53)
week 12 2.85 (4.04) 58.64 (32.95) 1.43 (1.57)
change -0.02 p = 0.36 -11.00 p = 0.11 -0.22 p = 0.10
lower extremities (0-36%) baseline 2.12 (2.12) 57.73 (29.78) 1.32 (1.57)
week 12 2.12 (2.13) 50.00 (26.36) 1.13 (1.37)
change 0.00 p = 0.36 -7.73 p = 0.08 -0.20 p = 0.23
feet (0-6%) baseline 1.14 (1.41) 50.00 (41.17) 0.79 (1.26)
week 12 1.12 (1.40) 50.00 (41.17) 0.78 (1.26)
change -0.02 p = 0.36 0.00 p = 0 0.00 p = 0.36
total VASI (0-100%) baseline 4.97 (4.74)
week 12 4.47 (4.69)
change -0.51 p = 0.02
SD, standard deviation.
Although our findings are not conclusive, they do pro- Our findings are consistent with a previous report
vide preliminary evidence that ginkgo may have a role in showing effectiveness in treating vitiligo with Ginkgo
the management of vitiligo. Two participants achieved biloba [3]. In a double blind randomized trial conducted
greater than 30% improvement in VASI, with another in India, Parsad et al reported that 40 mg of Ginkgo
achieving 27%, and three more 11 to 18% improvement. biloba three times per day for 6 months arrested the
The percentage of improvement of VETF scores of the spread of vitiligo in 20 out of 25 participants in the
three most improved participants were 6,7, and 29% on active group, and induced marked (75% or greater)
area; 0,40, and 50% on staging; and 100, 150, and 133% repigmentation in 10 of those participants.
on spread (the spreading measure ranges from -5 when Several factors could account for the difference in the
the vitiligo is spreading to +5 when it is repigmenting magnitude of effect between the present study and the
thus allowing greater than 100% improvement). study by Parsad [3]. First, the duration of treatment in
our study was 12 weeks, compared with 6 months. Sec-
ondly, we were unable to utilize exactly the same Ginkgo
biloba extract used by Parsad, though both extracts were
standardized to the same type and amount of ginkgofla-
vonglycosides. Third, we utilized 60 mg of Ginkgo biloba
twice per day, while the Parsad used 40 mg three times
per day. While the daily dosage of the standardized
ginkgoflavonglycosides and Ginkgo biloba is the same,
there could be a benefit to taking the G. biloba in more
frequent doses. It is also possible that genetic differences
between the populations of the two studies had an
impact, although this is unlikely as 9 of the 12 recruited
participants in this study were of South Asian origin. As
our study was performed in Toronto and the other in
India, dietary and social differences between the two
Figure 1 Baseline and week 12 VASI scores. Graph of individual populations might have affected the results. The most
participants Vitiligo Area Scoring Index scores at baseline and end likely confounding factor, however, is sun exposure, as it
of study (week 12).
can stimulate the proliferation of melanocytes and affect
Szczurko et al. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2011, 11:21 Page 7 of 9
Table 3 The Vitiligo European Task Force scores at baseline and week 12, n = 11
area % area (SD) staging (0-3) (SD) spreading (-1 to 1) (SD)
head and neck (0-9%) baseline 0.79 (0.94) 1.55 (0.93) 0.73 (0.47)
week 12 0.73 (0.83) 1.27 (0.90) -0.36 (0.50)
change -0.06 p = 0.27 -0.27 p = 0.21 -1.09 p = 0.00
trunk (0-36%) baseline 1.33 (1.31) 1.55 (1.04) 0.82 (0.40)
week 12 1.30 (1.30) 1.45 (1.04) -0.45 (0.52)
change -0.03 p = 0.21 -0.09 p = 0.36 -1.27 p = 0.00
arms (0-18%) baseline 1.81 (2.17) 1.36 (0.81) 0.55 (0.52)
week 12 1.77 (2.06) 1.27 (0.79) -0.09 (0.54)
change -0.05 p = 0.36 -0.09 p = 0.36 -0.64 p = 0.00
legs (0-36%) baseline 1.99 (2.25) 2.09 (0.54) 0.64 (0.50)
week 12 1.76 (1.76) 1.82 (0.75) -0.27 (0.79)
change -0.23 p = 0.26 -0.27 p = 0.09 -0.91 p = 0.02
totals (0-100%) baseline 5.91 (4.53) 6.55 (1.92) 2.73 (1.35)
week 12 5.56 (4.27) 5.82 (1.94) -1.18 (1.25)
change -0.36 p = 0.10 -0.73 p = 0.10 -3.91 p = 0.00
SD, standard deviation.
the production of vitamin D, both of which can impact baseline and week 12 serum platelet count, PTT, and
vitiligo [1,34]. An attempt was made to compensate for INR levels were measured. There was an unexpected
this by starting the study in May, but some participants high proportion of participants with elevated PTT levels
were recruited late in the summer, and completed the at baseline (3 of 11). The PTT showed a decreasing trend
12 week study in November, thus experiencing substan- toward normalization by the end of the study. It is also
tial decreasing intensity of sun exposure over the last interesting that the mean platelet count increased by
few months of their treatment. week 12, moving opposite of the expected anticoagulant
Most studies of vitiligo treatment with phototherapy effect of ginkgo, while the INR remained the same. Our
set a 75% repigmentation rate as cosmetically accepta- results suggest that Ginkgo biloba did not have a negative
ble, and are able to achieve it in 12.5 to 75% of patients impact on these blood clotting parameters. The impact
after one year of treatment [35]. By comparison, other of Ginkgo biloba on serum coagulation was not the pri-
studies utilizing the VASI as the primary outcome mea- mary outcome of our study, thus the study was not pow-
sure have found a 43% improvement with narrow band ered to evaluate the significance of these results.
UVB therapy [32]. Thus a 15% improvement in VASI As one of the top selling herbal medicines in the United
after 3 months of treatment is much smaller than can States [41], and accounting for 1% of total prescriptions in
be achieved with other therapies over a longer duration. Germany [39], the use of Ginkgo biloba for vitiligo is
There were no adverse events attributed to the study appealing due to the ease of use of taking an oral readily
herb, and Ginkgo biloba did not adversely affect serum available over the counter product compared with fre-
platelet, PTT, or INR coagulation parameters. Given the quent and lengthy ultraviolet phototherapy sessions, and
inclusion of adolescent participants in this study, much the relatively inexpensive cost of the herbal supplement
care was taken to monitor adverse events experienced when compared to phototherapy [42]. Further, the rela-
due to the taking of Ginkgo biloba. The most concerning tively good safety profile of gingko [29] make it appealing
was the potential of Ginkgo biloba to reduce coagulation for self administration by vitiligo sufferers. However, it is
[36-40]. To ensure participant safety and to inform the recommended that any attempt to use ginkgo in the man-
impact of Ginkgo biloba on coagulation parameters, the agement of vitiligo should be carefully monitored by a
health care practitioner given that there are still many feasible and ginkgo is worth investigating further as a
questions about the correct dose, its true effectiveness, potential treatment of vitiligo. Given the limited useful-
interactions with other conditions or therapies, and possi- ness of current treatments and the frequency of treat-
ble adverse reactions. ment visits required for phototherapy, an over the
counter herb supplement is a welcome possibility for
Limitations vitiligo sufferers. Given that our small study found sta-
There are several limitations to our pilot study that war- tistically significant improvement on some secondary
rant discussion. The purpose of this study was to assess outcome measures, a larger methodologically rigorous
the feasibility of studying ginkgo for the management of double-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical
the vitiligo in a larger, blinded randomized controlled trial is recommended.
trial and as such this study was not designed to allow us
to draw any conclusions about its efficacy. The sample
size was small, thus our findings are preliminary and VASI: Vitiligo Area Scoring Index; VETF: Vitiligo European Task Force; GTA:
definite conclusions about the efficacy and safety of Greater Toronto Area; PUVA: psoralen with ultra violet light A; UVB: ultra
ginkgo cannot be made. Because the study was open violet light; NHP: natural health product; IN-CAM: Canadian Interdisciplinary
Network for Complementary & Alternative Medicine Research; CBC: complete
labeled, not controlled, and not randomized, it is quite blood count; PTT: partial thromboplastin time; INR: prothrombin time.
likely that some of the demonstrated benefit may be due
to a placebo effect. However, this is unlikely that all of Acknowledgements
We wish to thank the Canadian Interdisciplinary Network for Complementary &
the results we report can be accounted for by sponta- Alternative Medicine Research (IN-CAM) for funding the study.
neous repigmentation of vitiligo because these are gen- We wish to thank Dr. Antonella Morra for being the studys supervising
erally considered clinically insignificant and cosmetically physician.
We also wish to thank Seroyal International Inc. for providing the Ginkgo biloba
undetectable [34,43]. supplement free of charge to the study participants. Seroyal did not provide
Our primary outcome measure, the VASI, has a degree any other support and had no input over the design or implementation of the
of subjectivity associated with it. We attempted to trial, nor did they review this manuscript prior to publication.
strengthen the objectivity of the outcomes by using a Author details
trained assessor, and by verifying assessments using digital 1
Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto, Toronto, 130 Dundas
photographs. However, both the VASI and VETFI require St East, Suite 305, Mississauga, ON L5A 3V8, Canada. 2Department of
Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. 3Leslie
the assessor to approximate both the area of vitiligo lesions Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto, and Department of
and their intensity. Since the assessor was not blinded to Pharmacy and Child Health Evaluative Sciences, The Hospital for Sick
treatment in this open-label pilot study, it is possible that Children, Toronto, Canada. 4Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
bias was introduced in the outcome assessment.
The young age of the participants may also have Authors contributions
impacted the results, as younger vitiligo sufferers can OS conceived of the study, carried out the data collection and review, and
drafted the manuscript. HB conceived of the study, guided the design,
respond more quickly to treatment. It is possible that helped to resolve methodological concerns, and critically revised the
the relatively smaller lesion sizes and durations in our manuscript. AT & NS guided the design, helped to resolve methodological
participants could have resulted in over-estimating the concerns, and critically revised the manuscript. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript.
effectiveness of treatment [44]. The Ginkgo biloba
extract itself could have been a source of variability Competing interests
inherent in studying herbs, but care was taken to ensure The study was funded by the Interdisciplinary Network for Complementary &
Alternative Medicine Research (IN-CAM). The study product was provided free
that the herb brand chosen was standardized to ginkgo- of charge by Seroyal International Inc. who had no input in the design and
flavonglycosides and terpenoids, both being good mea- conduct of the study nor the interpretation and publishing of the results.
sures of Ginkgo biloba quality. Despite these limitations, The authors declare no competing interests.
we have estimates of effectiveness that can be used to Received: 1 September 2010 Accepted: 15 March 2011
estimate a sample size for a larger study. And the results Published: 15 March 2011
are compelling enough to proceed with a larger trial.
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