DST Questions
DST Questions
DST Questions
Define the following terms as they are used in data structures and algorithms.
(i) Pseudocode
(ii) Algorithm
(iii) ADT
(iv) Data abstraction
(v) Pointer [ 10 marks]
Question 2
Distinguish between the following, supporting your answers with skeleton program segments
Question 3
Given two 2 x 2 matrices, A and B, Write a program ( using procedures and functions) that accepts the two
matrices and find their product as matrix C. [ 30 marks]
Question 4
(a) Write an algorithm that performs a sequential search on an array of items.
(b) Write a procedure that counts the number of nodes in a linked list and print the number of nodes
[20 marks]
Question 5
Assuming the following declarations
N =99;
Numset = set of 1..n;
S : Numset;
(a) Write a procedure to build a set S of size determined by the user [ 10 marks]
(b) Search for an integer determined by the user in the set [ 10 marks]
Question 1
Define the following terms as they are used in data structures and algorithms.
(vi) Pseudocode
(vii) Algorithm
(viii) ADT
(ix) Data abstraction
(x) pointer
Question 1
(i) Define stack data structure
(ii) Describe the features/ characteristics of a stack data structure ( also look at the diagrammatic
interpretation of stacks)
Question 1
(c) Write an algorithm that performs a sequential search on an array of items.
(d) Write a procedure that counts the number of nodes in a linked list and print the number of nodes
Question 1
Student = Record
Stud_num : integer;
Stud_name: String;
Class : String;
Question 1
(i) Define recursion
(ii) Write a recursive function (fact) to calculate the factorial of a number 9n0 passed as a value
Question 1
(i) Obtain the preoder, inorder and postorder traversal of a give tree
(ii) Define graph data structure
(iii) Find the degree and indegree of a graph
(iv) Distinguish between connected and complete graph
Question 1
Write an algorithm to build a single linked list